I know that the transmission range sensor has 12 pin, but I saw someones with 11 pin. According with the datasheet, the last 3 pins at the left row are to send the signal to PCM of the position of the handle: Parking, Reverse, Drive, 2nd and 1st. So, does it affect for the efficient transmission performance if I use a Transmission range sensor with 12 pins insted 11 pins or vice versa? I mean a transmission for f150 1997-2003
Hey I need to do this repair. I assume I need my wife with the truck in neutral while I do the repair. Both rear tires will be double chocked and she will hold the brakes which I fully serviced along with rotors and fluid 10k miles ago. Does the vehicle need to be running during the repair? I'm also adding a transmission pan with a drain bolt in it, new fluid of the same capacity that comes out and a new filter. I did my transfer case motor today and still no 4x4. Nothing even happened to the truck. Just started flashing 4x4 and 4x4 high 3 times with a p0708 code. I did the transmission input and output sensors too. Fuses good too.
Im not a mechanic and I only own manuals. Maybe its common sense but put on the parking brake before you remove this, your car will roll. Like i said maybe I'm dumb but just trying to prevent fellow dumb people from getting hurt
Gracias Bro,me ayudaste mucho
El mecánico me quería cobrar 1100 dólares
Pero yo mismo cambie el sensor y solo me costó 50 dólares
Muchas gracias
How you know was that sensor????what’s bad on the transmission
It wasn’t marking the gears on the dashboard
I know that the transmission range sensor has 12 pin, but I saw someones with 11 pin. According with the datasheet, the last 3 pins at the left row are to send the signal to PCM of the position of the handle: Parking, Reverse, Drive, 2nd and 1st.
So, does it affect for the efficient transmission performance if I use a Transmission range sensor with 12 pins insted 11 pins or vice versa?
I mean a transmission for f150 1997-2003
How do you which part you need
great vid bub very good !
Put the gear shift in neutral when sliding the new sensor on and the thing basically lines itself up
Hey I need to do this repair. I assume I need my wife with the truck in neutral while I do the repair. Both rear tires will be double chocked and she will hold the brakes which I fully serviced along with rotors and fluid 10k miles ago. Does the vehicle need to be running during the repair? I'm also adding a transmission pan with a drain bolt in it, new fluid of the same capacity that comes out and a new filter. I did my transfer case motor today and still no 4x4. Nothing even happened to the truck. Just started flashing 4x4 and 4x4 high 3 times with a p0708 code. I did the transmission input and output sensors too. Fuses good too.
Cual fue el problema por el cual cambiaste ese sensor porque la mia se apaga cuando le pongo en (D)
Im not a mechanic and I only own manuals. Maybe its common sense but put on the parking brake before you remove this, your car will roll. Like i said maybe I'm dumb but just trying to prevent fellow dumb people from getting hurt
Thank you
Your putting on backwards
I’m getting sea sick 🤢
This guys is to young. Does not know what he’s doing. I’d be nervous having him work on my car.