It seems “the mystery of God” is being revealed. That is the last mystery to be revealed. Although not totally revealed, it seems part of mystery has been.
In 1985, as a backslidden child of Elohim. After being saved for ten years, but not reading His Word, l hit rock bottom as far as my life was concerned. I remember the exact spot l was at when l said, "Oh God! If you are real, can you take all this HATE out of my heart. I hated my father, men and myself." He took all the hate out of my heart and l saw color for the first time in years! I didn't know l didn't see color. But the next morning after l ask Him if He was real, l open the door and saw the most beautiful blue sky and beautiful green trees. It was as if scales were taken off my eyes. AS GOD IS MY WITNESS!!!
Darkness filters our Light. The more you sanctify and consecrate yourself for the Lord, the more ever clearer you’ll see even the spiritual world. God bless in the name of the angel of the Lord!
The angels of the Lord is him showing himself through his creation many times throughout the Bible, unique how God is with us to knowing the God the father
This has been one of the most profound studies for me personally, and it all started here with you, brother and the Ruach. I'm so grateful every day that Yahuah sent me here when I was searching.
One God and one mediator between God and men Jesus Christ - mediator Savior High priest and prophet and king and apostle and peace and freedom and Shepherd and lamb and minister and liberty and ..
I just want to say thank you. Thank you for listening to our Heavenly Father and having this channel. I accepted Jesus into my life about 20 years ago... I knew He was the Messiah... But everything else felt off, like there was more. About 3-4 months ago, I decided to do a fast for up to 10 days. I hoped to be delivered from smoking and wanted to be closer and have a deeper relationship with Him. On day 9, I had a temper tantrum and cried with my face on the floor for 4 hours begging Him to talk to me. I said " I don't care if I lose everything, I just want you. How do I know you, or you know me?" I ended the night sad and feeling hopeless. The next day I found your channel. I started with your study on Enoch and have moved forward from there. I'm so thankful for YHWH hearing my prayers and revealing the truth, Yeshua, to me. It's as easy as 123. I have not been completely delivered from smoking, so some prayers would be much appreciated. Thank you, again.
Thank you for sharing sister! I came to Torah just a few months ago too. I am also struggling to get rid of tobacco in my life. Although i no longer smoke a pack a day(I'm down to 7 cigs per day),i really want to quit completely. Whom ever is reading this,please pray for Victoria and I,so we can get rid of this nasty habit! You are all in my prayers brothers and sisters. Until we meet at home in the presence of the Most High! Shalom!
I was addicted to pornography and how i was delivered of that was I wrestled and struggled until i stopped and i have never looked back again HalleluYaH when we wrestle its like Jacob wrestling with the angel of Yah and then he said I won’t let go until you bless me and his name became Israel, this is how we to become Israel by the blood of the Lamb and our testimony - we cleave to Him the One who gives us eternal life HalleluYaH Ps the struggle only begins when you decide to actually STOP YOU ARE THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT for he who destroys the temple Yah will destroy them.... Ask yourself would you set fire to the temple of Elohim ? We are spiritual stones being built up into a spiritual house - we are the New Jerusalem - the bride of Mashiach I pray this helps you in your conviction to STOP AND LET THE WRESTLING BEGIN - CLEAVE TO OUR KING 🕊🙏🏾🙌🏾💙💜♥️
When my eyes were opened to the Torah, this was one of the things that catapulted my understanding. It was like a veil being lifted. In a moment Yah showed me that it was Yeshua talking to Moses on the mountain, it was Yeshua's finger that carved out the 10 Commandments, it was Yeshua who walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. When I realized that, how could I not try my best to keep the Torah... the Word made flesh. Shalom!
If you think that the Messiah is the word in John 1 1, it can't be because only the father is the creator, Isaiah 44 24. See John 17 3 if you don't know that only the father is Elohim.
@@jaycee9752 Nobody knows the exact way to say His Name. Yah will show us how to say it. Like when children say “mama” or “dada”... we do not get upset if they say it wrong we’re just happy that they are trying.
His Ruach is the color of Sapphire stone: for the Commandments of YHWH are in Him. Praise be to YHWH, praise be for His Word! YHWH, you encourage your servant. The least of your flock rejoices in your tender mercies and loving kindness. What is sweeter than honey, and more valuable than all the treasures of this world? Only you my Elohim! I wait on you, remember I am but a vapor. Keep me in all your ways: for you are Sovereign over all creation. Reign over your servant, I pray you. Amein
Amain! Me too, Father! We tend to forget YHUH is sovereign, wanting to box him into the limited scripture we have. He said he is the God of love, lights, mercy, salvation, and things our minds cannot even comprehend. Then we, as dull fallen humans, take that beautiful pattern and judge one another on how His name is expressed, what His scriptures mean, when to keep his moedim... Just like the pharisees. I wonder if Jesus/Yahoshua/Yeshua/Ioesus/Yahawashi knew his children would turn to dissolving the commandments of steadfast love and redemptive grace into the practice of intolerance and law keeping. In the end, every soul is judged for its own fitness for the Kingdom of YHUH.
@@midnightprayerwarrior2897 know you not love or the scriptures that shoul be your first love? Love is also right judgment and faithfulness. Lean not on your own understanding, as it is of the flesh and enmity with Elohim. Everyone says the spirit leads me, but it is their own spirit leading them astray, in the wisdom and understanding of men which is of the flesh. One who corrects not, dispises that soul, and their own soul: for mercy without judgment is empty and faithless. It's not even mercy without right judgment, for it is a deception of mercy, counterfeit, and of the evil one, "who does as thou wills". (Get behind me satan.) Those are the weightier matters of the law and all of it should be kept for it is written. Love is correction and lawful living, including mercy, judgment and faith. The lawless dispise their own soul, their fellow mans soul, and their Elohim: that is true doctrine, it is of all salvation, and their is no way to sugar coat it. This is why Elohim through Mosses said, "choose life". Be not begiled by the grand delusion: for these things are all written and true. The one who truly seeks will find them, and also find He who is their salvation. They, His words, are the life of all who have salvation, and the Word made it very clear, rebels will not enter in. Remember right judgment is next to mercy: for they together are part of faithfulness in love. Mercy is to live, loving-kindness is restoration and blessing. Do you want just life in His Kingdom, or do you also want the fulness of blessings? Be blessed, choose life and remember not to let offence take root: for offence dispises true correction, and in so doing, offence dispises love itself. Give thanks.
Wow the Holy Spirit truly speaks to the churches the same thing and the same time. How many of us have been pointed by God to study the identity of the angel of the Lord in the past week? All praise and glory to the Lord! Amen.
Yep, Understood that shortly after I was called out in August 2014. Yeshua was always the mouth piece and intercessor for The Most High. So glad you addressed that. 🙏❤️
@@saralakatos1360 the Angel of the LORD speaks as God (in first person), speaks OF God, and does things only God can do; accept worship and sacrifice, promise to bless Abraham, said "I am the God of Bethel" to Jacob, Jacob blessed Joseph's children in the name of the Angel - all of this is blasphemy if this Angel(Messenger) isn't also YHWH. Jude 1:5 ESV makes it super clear who the Angel of YHWH is, our Lord and Savior Yeshua the Messiah. God bless you
HalleluYah!!! This knowledge of Yahusha, the Angel of Elohym, the Word from the beginning, how can it be denied not to follow the Torah, the Shabbat, and his Quodesh name???? Praise Yah!!
I have been seeing this for some months now (after a lifetime in "Christianity" and nearly 3 years living a Torah Observant lifestyle) but wow this study was amazing! Thank you for sharing this, Praise Yahuah!
“In the beginning was the Word...” it’s such a blessing! I’m so happy that you were able to put this all together to share this beautiful knowledge! All glory to the Most High!
I finally understand who visited me September 2019 .More and More knowledge is being revealed. I’m shocked, mazed.and I have been attacked not by anything I’ve said, but by how His presence changed me I am nobody and would be considered least of them a simple person who kept seeking lost in sin and sickness. That night I was rescued and restored,then I was healed . My personal prayer time is intense , there have been struggles,relationships don’t just happen but every time I knock He opens the door. Fasting is very important.Thank you again sharing this .
Love you brother. Shalom to you and yours and to the Kodesh family! Have always read those passages as Yahusha ha'Meshiach himself. More confirmation!! Appreciate you and your heart for Him! 🔥🤎👑
Studies on the relationship between the Father, Yahusha, and the Ruach ha'Qodesh are always so rewarding. I firmly believe that the Word (Yahusha) executes the will of the Father and that both the Father and Son share the same Spirit. I think it's fascinating how Yahuah used the Word as his messenger previous to Yahusha living on earth among us and now, since Yahusha isn't able to be here with us physically at this time, the Ruach ha'Qodesh comes in the name of the Son as his messenger to us. "Even the RUACH EMETH; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him: but ye know him; for he dwells with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: _I will come to you_ . Yet a little while, and the world sees me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that _I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you_ . He that has my commandments, and guards them, he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will _manifest myself to him_ ."YAHUCHANON (JOHN) 14:17-21 את CEPHER Yahusha, the Word, is in the bosom of the Father. We are in the bosom of Yahusha, and Yahusha is in us as the Ruach ha'Qodesh (the Comforter, "I in you"). Since we cannot bear the presence of the Father, he sends the Word. When the Word can no longer be present with us, he sends us the Comforter (the Spirit of Truth from Elohiym) that we may have to guide us in our work(s). "I have glorified you on the earth: I have finished the work which you gave me to do. And now, O Father, glorify me with your own self with the glory which I had with you before the world was." YAHUCHANON (JOHN) 17:4-5 את CEPHER It seems like when we are finished with _our_ work, we will be glorified with the glory which Adam had before.
@@brenosantana1458 I posted this in another video, but I'll post it here as well because I think it appropriately addresses your concern. If the Father is to be _the_ Most High, he cannot enter his creation as he is because then he becomes sub- or beneath himself, which is not possible and paradoxical. So, before the creation of the foundation of the world, he creates a manifestion of himself... an extension of himself (His Right Hand, if you prefer) who is subject to his will and, in fact, has the same mind or Spirit. He is independent in will, but follows the will of the Father because he shares the same Spirit with the Father. So think of it this way: imagine you create a game... A game for your PC or whatever. You exist beyond, above and outside of this creation of yours and in order to play or enter this creation, you must create a character or an avatar for yourself. This character does nothing outside of your will. It is an extension of your spirit and subject only to your direct control because it is your spirit (your mind, your consciousness) that drives both you and this character. This avatar _is_ 100% you, but you are greater than he because you are outside this game and he is subject to your command. He is the means by which your spirit, or essence, can physically interact with your creation in the world you've created, while not becoming subordinate to that creation by entering it. So, likewise, the _only begotten_ Son of the Father is the means by which the Spirit of the Supreme El of all things can physically interact with His creation without becoming subject to its bounds... Because this is impossible for the Most High... He couldn't be the Most High if he became subordinate in any way to his creation. So, you are correct when you quote Isaiah 44:24, but Yahusha and the Father, together, are Elohiym and thus unified in mind. They have the same Spirit. The Father _must_ interact with His creation through the Son in order to maintain supremacy over creation. Because of this, the Son is allowed to be the creator of the world because the Son is the Hand that executes the will of the Father. The Son is also the only way our Most High Elohiym can become subject to the world and sacrifice Himself for the sins of all humanity while still being supreme above all creation. This is why the Father must be greater than the Son, but the Son is still Elohiym. They are uniform in Spirit as Elohiym. This is also why "Whosoever denies the Son, the same has not the Father: but he that acknowledges the Son has the Father also." (1 John 2:23)... because if you deny the Son, you are denying the Spirit they both share. Denying the Son is blaspheming the Spirit.
@@brenosantana1458 Yeshua is throughout the Bible, in every book, In Genesis, He walked with Adam in the cool of the day, He showed His Glory in the Burning Bush with Moses, in the wilderness he was the pillar of fire by night and the pillar in the cloud by day, etc. The way they interpreted it they said “angel of the Lord“ this is in fact Yeshua. When three angels came to Abraham, one of them was the Lord Yeshua. Who did Jacob wrestle with? Yeshua; Who was the fourth man in the fire in book of Daniel?Yeshua
Christ B4 he was born. When God said this is my son that's whom I believe in now. Over a hundred times Christ Jesus say in his own words that God is his father an God is our father.
That's amazing....I've only recently been saved Dec 26 2021. I am really hungry to learn His word and I would just like to say I appreciate you and your ora, I've watched a few other channels and never really felt a genuine love and honesty until I came across you. So I want to convey my gratitude towards you.
My son, hearken unto me, and learn knowledge, and mark my words with thy heart. I will show forth doctrine in weight, and declare his knowledge exactly. The works of YHWH are done in judgment from the beginning: and from the time he made them he disposed the parts thereof. He garnished his works for ever, and in his hand are the chief of them unto all generations: they neither labor, nor are weary, nor cease from their works. None of them hindereth another, and they shall never disobey his Word. After this YHWH looked upon the earth, and filled it with his blessings. With all manner of living things hath he covered the face thereof; and they shall return into it again. Ecclesiasticus 16:24-30
Dear Adam, thank you for this ministry. Words cannot express how useful this is for the Church of Jesus Christ. Ive been watching your videos for a while, have learnt so much and my faith grew. My understanding too. I only want to give more praise to God knowing how perfect His ways are, how He created and planned everything for us. You have grown so much too and your videos are perfect and still you manage to surprise me with a new one coming. This is amazing, beautiful time we are appointed to live. Thank you in the name of Yahua and Yeshua haMashiah.
Definitely a very interesting study to say the least:-) It does make sense. The Angel(messenger/word) not an Angel. Lots of great points. Thanks for sharing !!! May The Lord continue to bless you !!!!
Thank you brother Adam... What a wonderful study to ponder on. Yahuah bless you and your family as well always. Praise and glory to Yahuah and Yahusha for bringing this to your heart.
Outstanding OooHRaaaH Brother Shalom be upon you.!!! All Praise and Glory to Yahuah Father Abba through Yahusha Hamashiach guided by the Rauch HaQodesh.!!!!!!!
This is a fantastic analysis, brother! I stumbled onto the concept of the Angel of the LORD, and when I started to dig, its changed my whole perspective of who Jesus is and why he said the things he said. Glory be to the Father, His Word, and His Spirit. Also, I agree with what you said about the Targums. They've just confirmed so many concepts my friends and I have been discussing in relation to Jesus in the OT. Really amazing. Keep up the good work! God Bless
I love all the holiness and divine teaching that you are spreading to's like that we found the's like that the voice is speaking to for the long time that I suffer from lies of this conspiracy theory...but now some of my questions are you bro.
This is so enlightening. It makes sense that Yahusha would be the one interacting with humans all along because as He said, "Yahusha saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: NO MAN cometh unto the Father, but by me" - John 14:6
The word angel describes a function, not a being's level of hierarchy as far as I know. Michael Heiser believed this. Perhaps I should research further but I'm not sure why Strongs says it means "angel" at times. So the term angel means angel on occasions? The common definition is thus: "ággelos - properly, a messenger or delegate - either human (Mt 11:10; Lk 7:24, 9:52; Gal 4:14; Js 2:25) or heavenly (a celestial angel); someone sent (by God) to proclaim His message." And the case of the book of Malachi, it means my messenger. So why would it be illogical to say Yeshua was an angel because He's "higher" than that. BTW, Seraphim and Cherubim are never called angels in the Canonized 66 books . This is because they're throne room guardians and not messengers. This is something Heiser mentioned as well.
thank you for this instruction. It confirms who held me and said be still and know that I AM. Then the spirit taught me through the word, that it is living and breathing and could hear as I studied the breath of life come forth from the word.
Also in Judges 13:17:18 Then Manoha inquired of the angle of the Lord, "What is your name, So that we may honor you when your word comes true"? 18 He replied, "Why do you ask my name? it is beyond understanding " then in Revelation 19 :12 His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on him that no one understood except himself. the understanding of his name is beyond knowledge, This was great, There is no other, like the Son of the living God, who is,.The Angel of the Lord,. thank you, May The living God bless you and all that is your, with great reward, throughout eternity of the eternitys. Even so come Lord Jesus,
This is so incredible. Just last nicht I came across verses in John stating: oh 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. So I wondered about Enoch and Moses... and about Moses and Elia in Yahushas presence with John, Peter and James witnessing. Its what made me wonder if Jesus was not present there with the Prophets or among them all along. Luk 9:29 And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering. Luk 9:30 And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias: Luk 9:31 Who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem. Luk 9:32 But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: and when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him. Luk 9:33 And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said. Luk 9:34 While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud. Luk 9:35 And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him. Luk 9:36 And when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone. And they kept it close, and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen. Oh the connection is so much deeper than what we can imagine. You have just given many peaces to the puzzle of understanding!
Exodus 3:13 And Moses said to the Elohim, Behold, I shall come to the sons of Israel and say to them, the Elohe of your fathers has sent me to you; and they will say to me, What is His name? What shall I say to them? 14 And Elohim said to Moses, EHYAH ASHER EHYAH (I AM THAT I AM); and He said, You shall say this to the sons of Israel, EHYAH (I AM) has sent me to you. 15 And Elohim said to Moses again, You shall say this to the sons of Israel, YAHWEH, the Elohe of your fathers, the Elohe of Abraham, the Elohe of Isaac, and the Elohe of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is how I should be remembered from generation to generation5. (Deut 6:13, Ex 20:7) .
Amen brother Adam!!! I have received the same message as the Ruach revealed to me; and was with Abraham in the order of Melchizedek. Glory to the Most High!!!
Awesome video brother! I now have a clearer view and better understanding of Yahusha ha’ Mashiach. I’ve been praying for just such a thing. What a great moment this is! HalleluYah!
LOGOS is VERY IMPORTANT. Truly the study of semantics and language are very very important. We have all learned this through our studies of these words. Praise to the most high Elohim YAHUAH. Much shalom.~♡
Isaiah 44:24 Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer who formed you from the womb: “I am the LORD, who has made all things, WHO ALONE stretched out the heavens, who by Myself spread out the earth, John 7:16 Therefore Jesus answered them and said, "My teaching is not of Myself, but of the One having sent Me. Deut 18:18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. I will put My WORDS in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. John 17:6 I have revealed Your name to those You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours; You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your WORD.
Shalom Adam thank you for this study as always l have learned something new as a Seventh Day Adventist these lessons are safe to study Gods Blessings upon you Sherron
It has always been the Son that reveals and expresses the Father. I have known and believed this for some time but have never heard it spoken by another. That which is inside of the Father no one knows but that which proceeds from the Father is revealed by the Son. "All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him." Thank you for sharing this.
This is what I have thought for some time now... Is. 43 being very interesting when looking into this. Not sure why people try to say this a trinitarian doctrine...All it says is that Yeshua (who preexisted) was/is the Word (messenger) of YHWH. Yeshua himself said he only says what his Father tells him to say....I.E. the messenger of YHWH. But he does speak with the power and authority of YHWH (his Father) after all, like Joseph to Pharaoh, all power and authority was given to Yeshua...only in the Throne is the Father more powerful. Because He gave His son, His messenger, all authority and power...for a set period of time until what He said was to be accomplished IS accomplished. At that point Yeshua relinquishes the power and authority given to him. We see this example in Moses and Aaron too. And lets not forget that Yeshua sent the Holy Spirit in his name (authority) just like his Father sent Yeshua in His own name and authority. We need to be more mindful of the Holy Spirit...
Praise YAH that this has been revealed to you Adam And are Sharing to many. Felt very alone when my friends who shared this revelation as well have gone home
Oh yeah here is my response to King James St. John 8:58 since some people think this scripture is one of the scriptures that proves the Trinity, since it sounds like the great almighty speaking. But if you continue to read the messiah himself already debunks this at St. John 9:37 And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is HE that talketh with thee. That is one of the scriptures of the messiah telling us he basically speaks for the father, but there is also another one but of course I can't find it right now. LOL Thanks for the great study Adam, and have a blessed night! Anyhow that was one of the scriptures I was referring to earlier in my comment, but couldn't find it. I am sure you probably already know what I am talking about. LOL PRAISE YAHUAH FOREVER!!!!!!!
I want to say that it is so easy to say Yahuas love for us predominates his will always love us. But we must fall on our face. To say he expects so little But we must love our Captain. Our love is his Word! Yes you are the Elohim!. Avraham our Father will bless us if we accept that blessing. TY PV I bless you and send protection over you❤
Book of the Words of Gad the Seer Chapter One: 1. In the thirty first year of Sovereign Dawid in Yarushalem which is the thirty eight year of the reign of Dawid, 𐤃𐤁𐤓 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (the Word of Yahuah) was upon Gad the Seer in the month of Ziv, near the stream of Qidron, saying: 2. “Thus says 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah): 'Go thou, gird up thy loins like a man, and stand in the middle of the stream, and cry in a great voice: 'Tarry and hasten, tarry and hasten, tarry and hasten, for there is yet a vision for the son of Yashai.' 3. And during the cry thy face should turn to the east, east of the city, and spread forth thy hands toward Shamiym.” 4. And I did according to what I had been commanded. 5. And it came to pass when I finished calling that cry, I opened mine eyes and saw a yoke of oxen, led by a donkey and a camel, coming up from the stream of Qidron, the donkey on the right side of the yoke and the camel on the left. 6. And a great voice was going before them like the roll of thunder, crying in a bitter voice, saying, 7. “Seer, seer, seer, these are four mixtures that confuse the people of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah). 8. For the impure and the pure have been mixed, and purity had been put under the hand of impurity; a mixture from Seir to rule over them, 9. to increase power over a righteous doer and thus to betray, 10. to destroy set-apartness, to crown wickedness, to set up matters of impurity in the guise of purity.” 11. And after the voice came a great shock that shook over the impurity and blew away the donkey and the camel into the Moon with a stormy wind. 12. And the Moon was opened and looked like a bow, a semi-circle, and both her heads reached the ground. 13. And lo, the Sun came out of Shamiym in the shape of a Man, with a crown on His head, carrying over His right shoulder, a Lamb, rejected and despised. 14. And on the crown on His head three shepherds are seen, shackled with twelve shackles 15. and these shackles were of gold coated with silver. And the voice of the Lamb was heard, great and dreadful like the voice of a Lion roaring over His prey: “Woe unto Me! Woe unto Me! Woe unto Me! My image has been diminished, My refuge has been lost, My lot and destiny has turned Me over to My spoilers, and I was defiled until evening by the touch of impurity.” 16. And it came to pass when the voice of the Lamb was over, and lo, a Man dressed in linen came with three branches of vine and twelve palms in His hand. 17. And He took the Lamb from the hand of the Sun and put the crown on Its head, and the vine-branches and palms on His heart. 18. And the Man, dressed in linen, cried like a Rams Horn, saying: “What hast thou here, impurity, and Who hast thou here, impurity, 19. that thou hast hewed thee a place in impurity, and in My covenant that I have set with the vine-branches and palms?” 20. And I heard the Lamb’s Shepherd saying: “There is a place for the pure, not for the impure, with Me, for I am a Qadosh Alohim, and I do not want the impure, only the pure. 21. Though both are creations of My hands, and My eyes are equally open on both. 22. But there is an advantage to the abundance of purity over the abundance of impurity just like the advantage of a man over a shadow. 23. For the shadow does not come except by man, and only by the existence of the man is the shadow given to the tired and exhausted; to pure and impure, this matter is even so. 24. For all gates of intelligence are turned around since the death of the eight branches of the vine. 25. As is found in Words of Righteousness in the True Book, but because of the wanderings of the sheep and their rest and divisions, 26. intelligence is stopped up until I do greatly in keeping Favour.” 27. I saw that impurity was driven from the Moon and was given to the hand of consuming wrath, ground finely to dust, and scattered by the daily wind. 28. And the Yom burneth as a furnace to transfer impurity and to erase the transgressions. 29. And the Lamb was put on the Moon for ever and ever. 30.And the Lamb took of the pure, that had been mixed with the impure, and brought it as a Shalom offering sacrifice on the altar before 𐤀𐤋 𐤔𐤃𐤉 𐤒𐤍𐤀 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 𐤑𐤁𐤀𐤅𐤕 (El Shaddai Jealous Yahuah of Hosts). 31. And I heard the sound of the song of the Lamb, saying: 32. “I shall give thanks unto Thee, 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah), for though Thou wast angry with Me, Thou relented. 33. For 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah) is My strength and song, and He is become My redeemer. 34. I will sing unto 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah), for He is highly exalted; the horse (Hesus) and his rider hath He thrown into the Sea of Reeds. 35. Rise up, intelligence; rise up, power; rise up, sovereignty; 36. rise up, majesty and esteem; rise up to help 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah). 37. For Alohim has Delievered one who had strayed and obliterated the impurity from the Earth. 38. He fought My fight and brought into the light My righteousness by His help. 39. My help cometh from Shaddai Who made Shamiym and Aretz. 40. Ahmein, Who is like unto Thee, esteemed in Set-apartness, but not in impurity? 41. For Thou art great over all; raised over all, Thou spoke and acted. 42. For Thou declared the end from the beginning, and Thou sealed everything with Thy Words and turned My heart and tormented Me. 43. For Thy Seal is on Me, My Master, and these are three branches of vine and twelve palms that are on My heart. 44. Thou gave Me grandeur, Thou erased vanity to fear man, and Thou gave Me a pure heart for ever. 45. For that I will praise Thee at all times, and thank Thee among the nations, for Thou hast redeemed Me greatly for My Soverign and did favor to (Dawid) Beloved Mashiach and His seed for ever and ever.” 46. And I heard a voice crying from Shamiym, saying 47. “Thou art My Son, Thou art My Firstborn, Thou art My First-fruit. 48. Have I not brought Thee from the crossing wholeheartedly to be My daily delight? (Proverbs 8:30-31) 49. But Thou hast thrown My presents away and dressed up the impure with the pure, and that is why all these things have happened to Thee. 50. And Who is like unto Thee among all creatures on earth? For in Thy shadow existed all these and by Thy wounds they were healed. 51. For that, consider well that which is before Thee. 52. And because Thou hast fulfilled the Words of the Shepherd all the days Thou hast been in the Sun and Thou did not leave them, therefore all this honor shall occur to Thee.” 53. And I, Gad son of Ahimelech of the Yabez family of the tribe of Yahudah son of Yishra’el, was amazed by the scene and could not control my ruach. 54. And the One dressed in linen came down to me and touched me, saying “Write these Words and seal with the seal of Truth for 𐤀𐤄𐤉𐤄 𐤀𐤔𐤓 𐤀𐤄𐤉𐤄 (AHYH that AHYH/I Am that-which I Am) is My Name, and with My Name thou shalt barak all the house of Yishra’el, for they are of a True Seed. 55. Thou shalt go, for yet a little while, before thou art gathered quietly to thy fathers, and at the end of days thou shalt see with thy own eyes all these things, not as a vision, but in fact. 56. For in those days they shall not be called Ya’aqob but Yishra’el, for in their remnant no iniquity is found for they belong entirely to 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah). 57. And these Words will be unto thee a restorer of Existence and Ruach. And this shall be the token unto thee: when thou enterest the town, thou wilt find My servant Dawid while he is reading these Words from the Book of Covenant: 58. 'And yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break My Covenant with them; for I am 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah) their 𐤀𐤋𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤊𐤌 (Alohim).' 59. And thou shalt tell him about the scene thou hast just seen and when he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart.” 60. And it came to pass, when I came to the house of Dawid, the man of Alohim, I found him as the One dressed in linen had said, and I told him of all my visions. 61. Then Dawid spoke unto 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah) the words of this song, saying: “I love Thee, 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah) my strength.” 62.And to me he said: “Baruk art thou to 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah) that disclosed His secret to thy ears.” 63. And I lifted up my voice, saying: “Baruk art thou to 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah) that did not remove His covenant from thee, for He is True, and His Word is True, and His Seal is True.”
IC@$ I can send you a link to a hard copy, there are a few books with the name Gad on them, some quite blasphemous, but I know of one version. Sadly it has some commentary and doctrine that is false. If you would like the PDF I use of the book, I can email it to you. It is password protected, but I intend to make a version that is not, and restores His Name. My email is, otherwise I will send a link after Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom everyone.
What an Excellent video. Thank you brother man! Please, if you haven't already, Begin to back up your vids on another platform. When this one deletes your channel, others Seeking Him won't be left empty, nor will you be out the 607 vids you've posted here. Love and Blessings to you and yours!
Here is the article:
Sir, why the recommendation of "JBU" rather than "O"? I do not doubt you have a good solid reason....
Onkelos is the same writer in the Talmud who says Messiah is burning in hell in the midst of feces.
Parable of the Vineyard Thnx
Big brother, this is a key! A cypher of the upmost importance.
... seriously?
5 thousand years...
It took us this long to get this?
It seems “the mystery of God” is being revealed. That is the last mystery to be revealed. Although not totally revealed, it seems part of mystery has been.
In 1985, as a backslidden child of Elohim. After being saved for ten years, but not reading His Word, l hit rock bottom as far as my life was concerned. I remember the exact spot l was at when l said, "Oh God! If you are real, can you take all this HATE out of my heart. I hated my father, men and myself." He took all the hate out of my heart and l saw color for the first time in years! I didn't know l didn't see color. But the next morning after l ask Him if He was real, l open the door and saw the most beautiful blue sky and beautiful green trees. It was as if scales were taken off my eyes. AS GOD IS MY WITNESS!!!
I can relate to not seeing color before. I burst into tears realizing how green NC is.
What version of the Bible are you using?
Praise God:)
Darkness filters our Light. The more you sanctify and consecrate yourself for the Lord, the more ever clearer you’ll see even the spiritual world. God bless in the name of the angel of the Lord!
The angels of the Lord is him showing himself through his creation many times throughout the Bible, unique how God is with us to knowing the God the father
This has been one of the most profound studies for me personally, and it all started here with you, brother and the Ruach. I'm so grateful every day that Yahuah sent me here when I was searching.
Same here. Well said!
John 3-16
John 17-3
Male and female - Eph 4-4 one flesh and one spirit
Fruit of spirit is -
John 6-63
Word , spirit , life ,
John 1-1
One God and one mediator between God and men
Jesus Christ - mediator
High priest and prophet and king and apostle and peace and freedom and Shepherd and lamb and minister and liberty and ..
Eph 4-5 one Lord
4-6 one God
PS 110-1
One God
One Lord
I just want to say thank you. Thank you for listening to our Heavenly Father and having this channel. I accepted Jesus into my life about 20 years ago... I knew He was the Messiah... But everything else felt off, like there was more. About 3-4 months ago, I decided to do a fast for up to 10 days. I hoped to be delivered from smoking and wanted to be closer and have a deeper relationship with Him. On day 9, I had a temper tantrum and cried with my face on the floor for 4 hours begging Him to talk to me. I said " I don't care if I lose everything, I just want you. How do I know you, or you know me?" I ended the night sad and feeling hopeless. The next day I found your channel. I started with your study on Enoch and have moved forward from there. I'm so thankful for YHWH hearing my prayers and revealing the truth, Yeshua, to me. It's as easy as 123. I have not been completely delivered from smoking, so some prayers would be much appreciated. Thank you, again.
Thank you for sharing sister!
I came to Torah just a few months ago too. I am also struggling to get rid of tobacco in my life. Although i no longer smoke a pack a day(I'm down to 7 cigs per day),i really want to quit completely.
Whom ever is reading this,please pray for Victoria and I,so we can get rid of this nasty habit!
You are all in my prayers brothers and sisters.
Until we meet at home in the presence of the Most High!
I was addicted to pornography and how i was delivered of that was I wrestled and struggled until i stopped and i have never looked back again HalleluYaH when we wrestle its like Jacob wrestling with the angel of Yah and then he said I won’t let go until you bless me and his name became Israel, this is how we to become Israel by the blood of the Lamb and our testimony - we cleave to Him the One who gives us eternal life HalleluYaH
Ps the struggle only begins when you decide to actually STOP
for he who destroys the temple Yah will destroy them....
Ask yourself would you set fire to the temple of Elohim ?
We are spiritual stones being built up into a spiritual house - we are the New Jerusalem - the bride of Mashiach
I pray this helps you in your conviction to STOP AND LET THE WRESTLING BEGIN - CLEAVE TO OUR KING 🕊🙏🏾🙌🏾💙💜♥️
Prayers Victoria 🙏
When my eyes were opened to the Torah, this was one of the things that catapulted my understanding. It was like a veil being lifted. In a moment Yah showed me that it was Yeshua talking to Moses on the mountain, it was Yeshua's finger that carved out the 10 Commandments, it was Yeshua who walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. When I realized that, how could I not try my best to keep the Torah... the Word made flesh. Shalom!
His name is not Yeshua, it is Yahusha. meaning that Elohim is redeemer or saviour
If you think that the Messiah is the word in John 1 1, it can't be because only the father is the creator, Isaiah 44 24. See John 17 3 if you don't know that only the father is Elohim.
@@brenosantana1458 Read your Bible. Yeshua said that He is the Word John 1:1
@@jaycee9752 Nobody knows the exact way to say His Name. Yah will show us how to say it. Like when children say “mama” or “dada”... we do not get upset if they say it wrong we’re just happy that they are trying.
@@EL-nt2zn Why do you think this?
His Ruach is the color of Sapphire stone: for the Commandments of YHWH are in Him. Praise be to YHWH, praise be for His Word! YHWH, you encourage your servant. The least of your flock rejoices in your tender mercies and loving kindness. What is sweeter than honey, and more valuable than all the treasures of this world? Only you my Elohim! I wait on you, remember I am but a vapor. Keep me in all your ways: for you are Sovereign over all creation. Reign over your servant, I pray you. Amein
YHWH, thank you!
Amain! Me too, Father!
We tend to forget YHUH is sovereign, wanting to box him into the limited scripture we have. He said he is the God of love, lights, mercy, salvation, and things our minds cannot even comprehend. Then we, as dull fallen humans, take that beautiful pattern and judge one another on how His name is expressed, what His scriptures mean, when to keep his moedim...
Just like the pharisees. I wonder if Jesus/Yahoshua/Yeshua/Ioesus/Yahawashi knew his children would turn to dissolving the commandments of steadfast love and redemptive grace into the practice of intolerance and law keeping.
In the end, every soul is judged for its own fitness for the Kingdom of YHUH.
@@midnightprayerwarrior2897 know you not love or the scriptures that shoul be your first love? Love is also right judgment and faithfulness. Lean not on your own understanding, as it is of the flesh and enmity with Elohim. Everyone says the spirit leads me, but it is their own spirit leading them astray, in the wisdom and understanding of men which is of the flesh. One who corrects not, dispises that soul, and their own soul: for mercy without judgment is empty and faithless. It's not even mercy without right judgment, for it is a deception of mercy, counterfeit, and of the evil one, "who does as thou wills". (Get behind me satan.) Those are the weightier matters of the law and all of it should be kept for it is written. Love is correction and lawful living, including mercy, judgment and faith. The lawless dispise their own soul, their fellow mans soul, and their Elohim: that is true doctrine, it is of all salvation, and their is no way to sugar coat it. This is why Elohim through Mosses said, "choose life". Be not begiled by the grand delusion: for these things are all written and true. The one who truly seeks will find them, and also find He who is their salvation. They, His words, are the life of all who have salvation, and the Word made it very clear, rebels will not enter in. Remember right judgment is next to mercy: for they together are part of faithfulness in love. Mercy is to live, loving-kindness is restoration and blessing. Do you want just life in His Kingdom, or do you also want the fulness of blessings? Be blessed, choose life and remember not to let offence take root: for offence dispises true correction, and in so doing, offence dispises love itself. Give thanks.
Wow the Holy Spirit truly speaks to the churches the same thing and the same time. How many of us have been pointed by God to study the identity of the angel of the Lord in the past week?
All praise and glory to the Lord! Amen.
Yep, Understood that shortly after I was called out in August 2014. Yeshua was always the mouth piece and intercessor for The Most High. So glad you addressed that. 🙏❤️
Always the mediator
The Angel of YHWH has been a favorite study of mine for a long time. Excited to hear Adam’s take on this.
Is it jesus? Was Jesus the firsborn angel of God?
@@saralakatos1360 three persons being...The Father Son and Holy Spirit are one being....Yes Jesus is the Angel of the Lord
@@saralakatos1360 the Angel of the LORD speaks as God (in first person), speaks OF God, and does things only God can do; accept worship and sacrifice, promise to bless Abraham, said "I am the God of Bethel" to Jacob, Jacob blessed Joseph's children in the name of the Angel - all of this is blasphemy if this Angel(Messenger) isn't also YHWH. Jude 1:5 ESV makes it super clear who the Angel of YHWH is, our Lord and Savior Yeshua the Messiah. God bless you
HalleluYah!!! This knowledge of Yahusha, the Angel of Elohym, the Word from the beginning, how can it be denied not to follow the Torah, the Shabbat, and his Quodesh name???? Praise Yah!!
I have been seeing this for some months now (after a lifetime in "Christianity" and nearly 3 years living a Torah Observant lifestyle) but wow this study was amazing! Thank you for sharing this, Praise Yahuah!
“In the beginning was the Word...” it’s such a blessing! I’m so happy that you were able to put this all together to share this beautiful knowledge! All glory to the Most High!
AMEIN and AMEIN!!!!! Our KING has been with us from the beginning!! Praise the Most High!!!
Loved this! All glory and honour and power and praise to the Most High Elohim!
I finally understand who visited me September 2019 .More and More knowledge is being revealed. I’m shocked, mazed.and I have been attacked not by anything I’ve said, but by how His presence changed me I am nobody and would be considered least of them a simple person who kept seeking lost in sin and sickness. That night I was rescued and restored,then I was healed . My personal prayer time is intense , there have been struggles,relationships don’t just happen but every time I knock He opens the door. Fasting is very important.Thank you again sharing this .
The Malach of Yahuah is the arm of Yahuah.
WHO has believed our report? and to whom is the arm of Yahuah revealed? YESHA'YAHU (ISAIAH) 53:1 את CEPHER
Love you brother. Shalom to you and yours and to the Kodesh family! Have always read those passages as Yahusha ha'Meshiach himself. More confirmation!! Appreciate you and your heart for Him! 🔥🤎👑
Studies on the relationship between the Father, Yahusha, and the Ruach ha'Qodesh are always so rewarding. I firmly believe that the Word (Yahusha) executes the will of the Father and that both the Father and Son share the same Spirit. I think it's fascinating how Yahuah used the Word as his messenger previous to Yahusha living on earth among us and now, since Yahusha isn't able to be here with us physically at this time, the Ruach ha'Qodesh comes in the name of the Son as his messenger to us.
"Even the RUACH EMETH; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him: but ye know him; for he dwells with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: _I will come to you_ . Yet a little while, and the world sees me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that _I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you_ . He that has my commandments, and guards them, he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will _manifest myself to him_ ."YAHUCHANON (JOHN) 14:17-21 את CEPHER
Yahusha, the Word, is in the bosom of the Father. We are in the bosom of Yahusha, and Yahusha is in us as the Ruach ha'Qodesh (the Comforter, "I in you").
Since we cannot bear the presence of the Father, he sends the Word. When the Word can no longer be present with us, he sends us the Comforter (the Spirit of Truth from Elohiym) that we may have to guide us in our work(s).
"I have glorified you on the earth: I have finished the work which you gave me to do. And now, O Father, glorify me with your own self with the glory which I had with you before the world was." YAHUCHANON (JOHN) 17:4-5 את CEPHER
It seems like when we are finished with _our_ work, we will be glorified with the glory which Adam had before.
If you understand that the word means Jesus in John 1 1, can't be because only the father is the creator, Isaiah 44 24.
@@brenosantana1458 I posted this in another video, but I'll post it here as well because I think it appropriately addresses your concern.
If the Father is to be _the_ Most High, he cannot enter his creation as he is because then he becomes sub- or beneath himself, which is not possible and paradoxical. So, before the creation of the foundation of the world, he creates a manifestion of himself... an extension of himself (His Right Hand, if you prefer) who is subject to his will and, in fact, has the same mind or Spirit. He is independent in will, but follows the will of the Father because he shares the same Spirit with the Father.
So think of it this way: imagine you create a game... A game for your PC or whatever. You exist beyond, above and outside of this creation of yours and in order to play or enter this creation, you must create a character or an avatar for yourself. This character does nothing outside of your will. It is an extension of your spirit and subject only to your direct control because it is your spirit (your mind, your consciousness) that drives both you and this character. This avatar _is_ 100% you, but you are greater than he because you are outside this game and he is subject to your command. He is the means by which your spirit, or essence, can physically interact with your creation in the world you've created, while not becoming subordinate to that creation by entering it.
So, likewise, the _only begotten_ Son of the Father is the means by which the Spirit of the Supreme El of all things can physically interact with His creation without becoming subject to its bounds... Because this is impossible for the Most High... He couldn't be the Most High if he became subordinate in any way to his creation.
So, you are correct when you quote Isaiah 44:24, but Yahusha and the Father, together, are Elohiym and thus unified in mind. They have the same Spirit. The Father _must_ interact with His creation through the Son in order to maintain supremacy over creation. Because of this, the Son is allowed to be the creator of the world because the Son is the Hand that executes the will of the Father. The Son is also the only way our Most High Elohiym can become subject to the world and sacrifice Himself for the sins of all humanity while still being supreme above all creation.
This is why the Father must be greater than the Son, but the Son is still Elohiym. They are uniform in Spirit as Elohiym. This is also why "Whosoever denies the Son, the same has not the Father: but he that acknowledges the Son has the Father also." (1 John 2:23)... because if you deny the Son, you are denying the Spirit they both share. Denying the Son is blaspheming the Spirit.
@@NathanKopilec The father is in all places.
@@NathanKopilec Mark 13 32, not the same mind.
Also see Isaiah 45 6. Isaiah 44 24 means that the father alone created.
Yeshua is the Angel of the Lord.
I just read that real quick and that makes sense to me
The son of man is a man.
@@brenosantana1458 Bingo!
@@EL-nt2zn Being a man, he is not the angel, but he was sent.
@@brenosantana1458 Yeshua is throughout the Bible, in every book, In Genesis, He walked with Adam in the cool of the day, He showed His Glory in the Burning Bush with Moses, in the wilderness he was the pillar of fire by night and the pillar in the cloud by day, etc. The way they interpreted it they said “angel of the Lord“ this is in fact Yeshua. When three angels came to Abraham, one of them was the Lord Yeshua. Who did Jacob wrestle with? Yeshua; Who was the fourth man in the fire in book of Daniel?Yeshua
Christ B4 he was born. When God said this is my son that's whom I believe in now. Over a hundred times Christ Jesus say in his own words that God is his father an God is our father.
Praise Yahuah for He had given me this same revelation as well as Messiah Yahusha IS the Ruach Ha'qodesh of Yahuah!
That's amazing....I've only recently been saved Dec 26 2021. I am really hungry to learn His word and I would just like to say I appreciate you and your ora, I've watched a few other channels and never really felt a genuine love and honesty until I came across you. So I want to convey my gratitude towards you.
Worship the LORD in Spirit and Truth. Glory to Yah Jesus Christ.
My son, hearken unto me, and learn knowledge, and mark my words with thy heart. I will show forth doctrine in weight, and declare his knowledge exactly. The works of YHWH are done in judgment from the beginning: and from the time he made them he disposed the parts thereof. He garnished his works for ever, and in his hand are the chief of them unto all generations: they neither labor, nor are weary, nor cease from their works. None of them hindereth another, and they shall never disobey his Word. After this YHWH looked upon the earth, and filled it with his blessings. With all manner of living things hath he covered the face thereof; and they shall return into it again.
Ecclesiasticus 16:24-30
I have listened to this study many times, definitely one of my favorites
You have helped my whole family!
Shalom Adam thank you again for beautiful refreshing streaming of the life giving water 💦❤️😊💯
Amzing presentation---I enjoy your sharing as always.....Shalom
Dear Adam, thank you for this ministry. Words cannot express how useful this is for the Church of Jesus Christ. Ive been watching your videos for a while, have learnt so much and my faith grew. My understanding too. I only want to give more praise to God knowing how perfect His ways are, how He created and planned everything for us. You have grown so much too and your videos are perfect and still you manage to surprise me with a new one coming. This is amazing, beautiful time we are appointed to live. Thank you in the name of Yahua and Yeshua haMashiah.
John 17 3
Definitely a very interesting study to say the least:-) It does make sense. The Angel(messenger/word) not an Angel. Lots of great points. Thanks for sharing !!! May The Lord continue to bless you !!!!
If you seen me you have seen the father , Yah Jesus Christ said.
He who has the Son has the Father
@@erik7386 Amen
Phenomenal study... Amazing and Timely Revelation! Thank you. Shalom.
Thank you brother Adam... What a wonderful study to ponder on. Yahuah bless you and your family as well always. Praise and glory to Yahuah and Yahusha for bringing this to your heart.
Your teaching are amazing and greatly appreciated. Shabbat Shalom
Thank you for this message!! You are inspired and are a blessing to those of us seeking more truth and understanding.
Outstanding OooHRaaaH Brother
Shalom be upon you.!!!
All Praise and Glory to Yahuah Father Abba through Yahusha Hamashiach guided by the Rauch HaQodesh.!!!!!!!
Adam, Thank-you for helping me to clarify all things that the RUK HA’QADUSH unveiled to me in the last couple years. Praise & Glorify YAHUAH!
This is a fantastic analysis, brother! I stumbled onto the concept of the Angel of the LORD, and when I started to dig, its changed my whole perspective of who Jesus is and why he said the things he said. Glory be to the Father, His Word, and His Spirit. Also, I agree with what you said about the Targums. They've just confirmed so many concepts my friends and I have been discussing in relation to Jesus in the OT. Really amazing. Keep up the good work! God Bless
I love all the holiness and divine teaching that you are spreading to's like that we found the's like that the voice is speaking to for the long time that I suffer from lies of this conspiracy theory...but now some of my questions are you bro.
This is so enlightening. It makes sense that Yahusha would be the one interacting with humans all along because as He said, "Yahusha saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: NO MAN cometh unto the Father, but by me" - John 14:6
HallaluYaHUaH. From the beginning YaHUsHa has been there, with all of us, brings tears of joy and such Yahmazing overwhelming fire through my soul.
The word angel describes a function, not a being's level of hierarchy as far as I know. Michael Heiser believed this. Perhaps I should research further but I'm not sure why Strongs says it means "angel" at times. So the term angel means angel on occasions? The common definition is thus: "ággelos - properly, a messenger or delegate - either human (Mt 11:10; Lk 7:24, 9:52; Gal 4:14; Js 2:25) or heavenly (a celestial angel); someone sent (by God) to proclaim His message." And the case of the book of Malachi, it means my messenger. So why would it be illogical to say Yeshua was an angel because He's "higher" than that. BTW, Seraphim and Cherubim are never called angels in the Canonized 66 books . This is because they're throne room guardians and not messengers. This is something Heiser mentioned as well.
Excellent ! Thanks brother Adam
A true blessing!
Praise Yahuah! Shalom!
This study was so enlightening!
Thank you for the confirmation. Praise Yah!
Yah revealed this major hinge of truth to me when I first stepped into Torah Pursuance . It was definitely an landing strip light bulb for me! 💡
thank you for this instruction. It confirms who held me and said be still and know that I AM. Then the spirit taught me through the word, that it is living and breathing and could hear as I studied the breath of life come forth from the word.
Excellent study! Shalom & Birekoth ach!
Brother Adam ...I liked this video ...excellent scriptures day we will meet ..and have a meal together...shalom my beloved brother...
I agree! Can't wait to meet all of you!
Praise YAHUAH TSEVA'OTH for waking me up!
Praise Yahuah for waking up! :)
Shabbat Shalom Adam, Thank you For All The Studies and Most of Calling YHWY by His Name Yahuah
Revisiting this again 3 years later... thanks, Adam :)
I'm enjoying this second go around, new mind, Ruach Hakodesh same since the beginning, thank you brothers, soon.........-Yahusha
Also in Judges 13:17:18 Then Manoha inquired of the angle of the Lord, "What is your name, So that we may honor you when your word comes true"? 18 He replied, "Why do you ask my name? it is beyond understanding " then in Revelation 19 :12 His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on him that no one understood except himself. the understanding of his name is beyond knowledge, This was great, There is no other, like the Son of the living God, who is,.The Angel of the Lord,. thank you, May The living God bless you and all that is your, with great reward, throughout eternity of the eternitys. Even so come Lord Jesus,
This is so incredible. Just last nicht I came across verses in John stating:
oh 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
So I wondered about Enoch and Moses... and about Moses and Elia in Yahushas presence with John, Peter and James witnessing.
Its what made me wonder if Jesus was not present there with the Prophets or among them all along.
Luk 9:29 And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.
Luk 9:30 And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias:
Luk 9:31 Who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem.
Luk 9:32 But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: and when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him.
Luk 9:33 And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said.
Luk 9:34 While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud.
Luk 9:35 And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.
Luk 9:36 And when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone. And they kept it close, and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen.
Oh the connection is so much deeper than what we can imagine.
You have just given many peaces to the puzzle of understanding!
Love you Adam... Keep up the Truth work!!!!
I saw this angel. 1/26/2017. Changed my life.
Adam you are a good teacher. Yahuah bless you and your work. AMEN.
Thank you for the blessings Adam. I pray they return to you ten fold! Shalom
So insightful. Thank you for your work on these videos! Shalom and blessings
Exodus 3:13 And Moses said to the Elohim,
Behold, I shall come to the sons of
Israel and say to them, the Elohe of
your fathers has sent me to you; and
they will say to me, What is His name?
What shall I say to them?
14 And Elohim said to Moses,
I AM); and He said, You shall say this
to the sons of Israel, EHYAH (I AM)
has sent me to you.
15 And Elohim said to Moses again,
You shall say this to the sons of Israel,
YAHWEH, the Elohe of your fathers,
the Elohe of Abraham, the Elohe of
Isaac, and the Elohe of Jacob, has sent
me to you. This is My name forever,
and this is how I should be
remembered from generation to
generation5. (Deut 6:13, Ex 20:7)
Amen brother Adam!!! I have received the same message as the Ruach revealed to me; and was with Abraham in the order of Melchizedek. Glory to the Most High!!!
Awesome video brother! I now have a clearer view and better understanding of Yahusha ha’ Mashiach. I’ve been praying for just such a thing. What a great moment this is! HalleluYah!
Love is teaching at Adam, I truly learned a lot. Thank you
Truly the study of semantics and language are very very important. We have all learned this through our studies of these words.
Praise to the most high Elohim YAHUAH.
Much shalom.~♡
Amen! I agree with you on this Adam. Will be checking out the Targum for sure! Blessings and shalom all of my brothers and sisters 🙏
Most Excellent study Adam.Thank you brother.
HalaluYaHUaH great study Achy 🤓 Adam
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to sharing research and truth with us, your doing a good job thank you. YAH BLESS YOU Adam
Isaiah 44:24
Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer who formed you from the womb: “I am the LORD, who has made all things, WHO ALONE stretched out the heavens, who by Myself spread out the earth,
John 7:16
Therefore Jesus answered them and said, "My teaching is not of Myself, but of the One having sent Me.
Deut 18:18
I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. I will put My WORDS in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him.
John 17:6
I have revealed Your name to those You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours; You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your WORD.
Baruch Haba Bashem YAHUAH!!!
Yesssuuhhhh Brother this is what studying to show your self approved looks like ❤️🙏🏾‼️
I have been thinking about this for the last week..very greatful!
Yeah this was awesome! That's right! Thanks brother!
Shalom Adam thank you for this study as always l have learned something new as a Seventh Day Adventist these lessons are safe to study Gods Blessings upon you Sherron
Great Bible study.
It has always been the Son that reveals and expresses the Father. I have known and believed this for some time but have never heard it spoken by another. That which is inside of the Father no one knows but that which proceeds from the Father is revealed by the Son.
"All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him."
Thank you for sharing this.
This is what I have thought for some time now... Is. 43 being very interesting when looking into this.
Not sure why people try to say this a trinitarian doctrine...All it says is that Yeshua (who preexisted) was/is the Word (messenger) of YHWH. Yeshua himself said he only says what his Father tells him to say....I.E. the messenger of YHWH. But he does speak with the power and authority of YHWH (his Father) after all, like Joseph to Pharaoh, all power and authority was given to Yeshua...only in the Throne is the Father more powerful. Because He gave His son, His messenger, all authority and power...for a set period of time until what He said was to be accomplished IS accomplished. At that point Yeshua relinquishes the power and authority given to him. We see this example in Moses and Aaron too. And lets not forget that Yeshua sent the Holy Spirit in his name (authority) just like his Father sent Yeshua in His own name and authority. We need to be more mindful of the Holy Spirit...
Astonishing, brother! Praise YAH
Beautifully done sir
God bless you for digging out this truth
Great video Adam! I have subscribed
Thanks Adam from Philippines here...hope to receive some copy of that studies...I really want have it.if you will allow me.
Praise YAH that this has been revealed to you Adam And are Sharing to many.
Felt very alone when my friends who shared this revelation as well have gone home
Oh yeah here is my response to King James St. John 8:58 since some people think this scripture is one of the scriptures that proves the Trinity, since it sounds like the great almighty speaking. But if you continue to read the messiah himself already debunks this at St. John 9:37 And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is HE that talketh with thee. That is one of the scriptures of the messiah telling us he basically speaks for the father, but there is also another one but of course I can't find it right now. LOL Thanks for the great study Adam, and have a blessed night! Anyhow that was one of the scriptures I was referring to earlier in my comment, but couldn't find it. I am sure you probably already know what I am talking about. LOL PRAISE YAHUAH FOREVER!!!!!!!
❤☝️YAHUAH IS AWEsome!!
I want to say that it is so easy to say Yahuas love for us predominates his will always love us. But we must fall on our face. To say he expects so little
But we must love our Captain. Our love is his Word!
Yes you are the Elohim!. Avraham our Father will bless us if we accept that blessing. TY PV I bless you and send protection over you❤
The angels do the work of Our Yahua
Praise YAH in the name of Yahusha
awesome you hit it on the nail thank you
Exodus 23:20-23, to me that is the greatest evidence of your thoughts on this, and I believe Acts7:30-35 is the witness as well.
I agree. I've always believed that. YaHusHa, THE angel of YaHUaH. 👑 🕎❤️
Shabbat Shalom Happy Sabbath Day 💖 All Praises And Glory And Honor Love Too The Most High Yashuha Elohim Thank You Amein
Wow I love this,, soooo beautiful thank you 😊 and May Yahuah continue to bless you! I’m so thankful to have found your channel!!!! ❤️
Thank you 🙏 Thank you lord Jesus for making this channel open my understanding of You. The Most High God❤🙏Shalom.
Book of the Words of Gad the Seer
Chapter One:
1. In the thirty first year of Sovereign Dawid in Yarushalem which is the thirty eight year of the reign of Dawid, 𐤃𐤁𐤓 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (the Word of Yahuah) was upon Gad the Seer in the month of Ziv, near the stream of Qidron, saying: 2. “Thus says 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah): 'Go thou, gird up thy loins like a man, and stand in the middle of the stream, and cry in a great voice: 'Tarry and hasten, tarry and hasten, tarry and hasten, for there is yet a vision for the son of Yashai.' 3. And during the cry thy face should turn to the east, east of the city, and spread forth thy hands toward Shamiym.”
4. And I did according to what I had been commanded. 5. And it came to pass when I finished calling that cry, I opened mine eyes and saw a yoke of oxen, led by a donkey and a camel, coming up from the stream of Qidron, the donkey on the right side of the yoke and the camel on the left.
6. And a great voice was going before them like the roll of thunder, crying in a bitter voice, saying, 7. “Seer, seer, seer, these are four mixtures that confuse the people of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah). 8. For the impure and the pure have been mixed, and purity had been put under the hand of impurity; a mixture from Seir to rule over them, 9. to increase power over a righteous doer and thus to betray, 10. to destroy set-apartness, to crown wickedness, to set up matters of impurity in the guise of purity.”
11. And after the voice came a great shock that shook over the impurity and blew away the donkey and the camel into the Moon with a stormy wind. 12. And the Moon was opened and looked like a bow, a semi-circle, and both her heads reached the ground. 13. And lo, the Sun came out of Shamiym in the shape of a Man, with a crown on His head, carrying over His right shoulder, a Lamb, rejected and despised. 14. And on the crown on His head three shepherds are seen, shackled with twelve shackles 15. and these shackles were of gold coated with silver. And the voice of the Lamb was heard, great and dreadful like the voice of a Lion roaring over His prey: “Woe unto Me! Woe unto Me! Woe unto Me! My image has been diminished, My refuge has been lost, My lot and destiny has turned Me over to My spoilers, and I was defiled until evening by the touch of impurity.” 16. And it came to pass when the voice of the Lamb was over, and lo, a Man dressed in linen came with three branches of vine and twelve palms in His hand. 17. And He took the Lamb from the hand of the Sun and put the crown on Its head, and the vine-branches and palms on His heart. 18. And the Man, dressed in linen, cried like a Rams Horn, saying: “What hast thou here, impurity, and Who hast thou here, impurity, 19. that thou hast hewed thee a place in impurity, and in My covenant that I have set with the vine-branches and palms?” 20. And I heard the Lamb’s Shepherd saying: “There is a place for the pure, not for the impure, with Me, for I am a Qadosh Alohim, and I do not want the impure, only the pure. 21. Though both are creations of My hands, and My eyes are equally open on both. 22. But there is an advantage to the abundance of purity over the abundance of impurity just like the advantage of a man over a shadow. 23. For the shadow does not come except by man, and only by the existence of the man is the shadow given to the tired and exhausted; to pure and impure, this matter is even so.
24. For all gates of intelligence are turned around since the death of the eight branches of the vine. 25. As is found in Words of Righteousness in the True Book, but because of the wanderings of the sheep and their rest and divisions, 26. intelligence is stopped up until I do greatly in keeping Favour.”
27. I saw that impurity was driven from the Moon and was given to the hand of consuming wrath, ground finely to dust, and scattered by the daily wind. 28. And the Yom burneth as a furnace to transfer impurity and to erase the transgressions. 29. And the Lamb was put on the Moon for ever and ever. 30.And the Lamb took of the pure, that had been mixed with the impure, and brought it as a Shalom offering sacrifice on the altar before 𐤀𐤋 𐤔𐤃𐤉 𐤒𐤍𐤀 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 𐤑𐤁𐤀𐤅𐤕 (El Shaddai Jealous Yahuah of Hosts).
31. And I heard the sound of the song of the Lamb, saying: 32. “I shall give thanks unto Thee, 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah), for though Thou wast angry with Me, Thou relented. 33. For 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah) is My strength and song, and He is become My redeemer. 34. I will sing unto 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah), for He is highly exalted; the horse (Hesus) and his rider hath He thrown into the Sea of Reeds. 35. Rise up, intelligence; rise up, power; rise up, sovereignty; 36. rise up, majesty and esteem; rise up to help 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah). 37. For Alohim has Delievered one who had strayed and obliterated the impurity from the Earth. 38. He fought My fight and brought into the light My righteousness by His help. 39. My help cometh from Shaddai Who made Shamiym and Aretz. 40. Ahmein, Who is like unto Thee, esteemed in Set-apartness, but not in impurity? 41. For Thou art great over all; raised over all, Thou spoke and acted. 42. For Thou declared the end from the beginning, and Thou sealed everything with Thy Words and turned My heart and tormented Me. 43. For Thy Seal is on Me, My Master, and these are three branches of vine and twelve palms that are on My heart. 44. Thou gave Me grandeur, Thou erased vanity to fear man, and Thou gave Me a pure heart for ever. 45. For that I will praise Thee at all times, and thank Thee among the nations, for Thou hast redeemed Me greatly for My Soverign and did favor to (Dawid) Beloved Mashiach and His seed for ever and ever.”
46. And I heard a voice crying from Shamiym, saying 47. “Thou art My Son, Thou art My Firstborn, Thou art My First-fruit. 48. Have I not brought Thee from the crossing wholeheartedly to be My daily delight? (Proverbs 8:30-31) 49. But Thou hast thrown My presents away and dressed up the impure with the pure, and that is why all these things have happened to Thee. 50. And Who is like unto Thee among all creatures on earth? For in Thy shadow existed all these and by Thy wounds they were healed. 51. For that, consider well that which is before Thee. 52. And because Thou hast fulfilled the Words of the Shepherd all the days Thou hast been in the Sun and Thou did not leave them, therefore all this honor shall occur to Thee.”
53. And I, Gad son of Ahimelech of the Yabez family of the tribe of Yahudah son of Yishra’el, was amazed by the scene and could not control my ruach. 54. And the One dressed in linen came down to me and touched me, saying “Write these Words and seal with the seal of Truth for 𐤀𐤄𐤉𐤄 𐤀𐤔𐤓 𐤀𐤄𐤉𐤄 (AHYH that AHYH/I Am that-which I Am) is My Name, and with My Name thou shalt barak all the house of Yishra’el, for they are of a True Seed. 55. Thou shalt go, for yet a little while, before thou art gathered quietly to thy fathers, and at the end of days thou shalt see with thy own eyes all these things, not as a vision, but in fact. 56. For in those days they shall not be called Ya’aqob but Yishra’el, for in their remnant no iniquity is found for they belong entirely to 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah). 57. And these Words will be unto thee a restorer of Existence and Ruach. And this shall be the token unto thee: when thou enterest the town, thou wilt find My servant Dawid while he is reading these Words from the Book of Covenant: 58. 'And yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break My Covenant with them; for I am 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah) their 𐤀𐤋𐤅𐤄𐤉𐤊𐤌 (Alohim).' 59. And thou shalt tell him about the scene thou hast just seen and when he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart.”
60. And it came to pass, when I came to the house of Dawid, the man of Alohim, I found him as the One dressed in linen had said, and I told him of all my visions. 61. Then Dawid spoke unto 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah) the words of this song, saying: “I love Thee, 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah) my strength.” 62.And to me he said: “Baruk art thou to 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah) that disclosed His secret to thy ears.”
63. And I lifted up my voice, saying: “Baruk art thou to 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah) that did not remove His covenant from thee, for He is True, and His Word is True, and His Seal is True.”
Where can I find this book brother
IC@$ I can send you a link to a hard copy, there are a few books with the name Gad on them, some quite blasphemous, but I know of one version. Sadly it has some commentary and doctrine that is false.
If you would like the PDF I use of the book, I can email it to you. It is password protected, but I intend to make a version that is not, and restores His Name.
My email is, otherwise I will send a link after Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom everyone.
When you said "goosebumps moments" I LITERALLY had goosebumps! 👀🕊
What an Excellent video. Thank you brother man! Please, if you haven't already, Begin to back up your vids on another platform. When this one deletes your channel, others Seeking Him won't be left empty, nor will you be out the 607 vids you've posted here. Love and Blessings to you and yours!