The issue I see is that super fakes prove these bags aren’t worth it. When’s the last time you heard of someone buying a fake Mercedes-Benz? Never, because it would cost too much money to make a fake Mercedes Benz car. But someone can make super fakes for $300 or $400 and sell them for $2000, doesn’t that prove that the bag should not be sold for $15,000 or $20,000? If a bag was truly worth $15,000, then no one would be able to make an exact replica and sell it for $2000.
This is my moral dilemma with superfakes too. My mom has given me a few fake LV bags and I had the chance to see the real version of one of them recently, and... there's no difference. Unless you go over both bags with a magnifying glass and know exactly what to look for, they are the same damn bag. They look the same, feel the same, even smell the same. LV needs to explain to me why the bag my mom paid $150 for is the same quality and craftsmanship as the bag they're selling for $3k. Hell, the fake even had better monogram alignment! I have a small collection of real LVs and ngl, I feel cheated. I still love the brand, and there are a couple new releases that I reeeeally want and am saving up for. As a rule I don't want to support the counterfeit industry, but now I have a nagging little voice in my head telling me to just get the rep versions instead and save myself $5k.
I wanted to buy a multicolor Pochette but being the bag is 20+ years old; I could not justify paying 1300 for it. And how can I guarantee that I’m not being sold a super fake? It’s not like I could walk into an LV store and purchase it. I spent my 150 for a 1:1 and I am absolutely in love with it.
The issue I have is that brands like Chanel are no longer asking people to pay for the quality of their items like back in the day. I get that there is the issue of exclusivity, but there is nothing you can say to me to make me pay Eur 8000 simply to be associated with a name. Like really, who are you?!?! Give me a high quality non-designer bag any day of the week! Quite frankly, if I really fall in love with any particular Chanel design, I would go to the *esluxscom* market because I do not see the value that Chanel or many of these luxury fashion houses offer. The fact that many authenticators do not authenticate more recent bags is proof of this in my eyes.
Hi ! Was there a time when LV Mono Vernis Perle Read PM Monogram.does not have a date code? My aunt and I were trying to authenticate an old Vernis white bag. The bag size, the monogram design is on point. even the stitches ,the color of the thread, the color of the inner lining. the lock,the hardware,the stamp,the zipper even the LV near the handle does not overlap.The only thing we noticed is that there was no date code. Accdg to my aunt that bag was given t her by her aunt in 2009 .But that *esluxs* was gifted to her aunt in 1998. There is only a slight discoloration but it looks fantastic.
*esluxs* shopping etiquette. Explaining what the general rules are, how to approach an SA, how to dress, how stores may differ. Something like a step-by-step for newbies (like me) who feel out of their depth. The thing I worry about an the awkward moment when I've spent 20mins drooling over a bag just to turn and leave empty-handed. Idk what to say! Maybe that sounds dumb but I'm so awkward, I don't want to come off as rude or uncomfortable, it's not their fault I'm an anxious mess.
Loved the video! I have a Small *esluxs* in black calf leather, and absolutely love it. Not necessarily the most practical because of the narrow opening, but you can fit so much in there!
I live close to the Mexico border. I always go for *esluxs* , their quality is great. Some of them are made with leather and really hard to tell the difference from real or not. Either way, it’s your choice. No judgement from me
Yes indeed… however the original is the original. For instance in France perfume formulas can’t be patented so there are plenty of great replicas with perfect quality (equivalent to super fakes in perfume)… and still most people keep buying the original. The prices are also very high and the ratio from replica to original is 1:10.
I saw on facebook someone wanting to make obviously fake bags a new trend. like you know when they have "supreme" or something blatantly misspelled? I love that. like just embracing if your bag is a fake and flexing that. basically the opposite of a superfake. a proud fake.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *esluxscom* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
The reality is: if you are rich and famous, your *esluxscom* will be seen as real. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your genuine bag is likely to be considered fake.
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her bags are *esluxscom* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money
I’ve seen a handful of Birkin dupe videos & this one looks super close to the real one. (The leather doesn’t look too grainy/vainy) I brought a dupe Birkin a while back but was afraid what the luxury community would say if I made a video on it lol. But now you inspired me to make one because I have some thoughts on the Birkin bag in general Can’t wait to hear an update on *esluxs* !
I know people personally who have so much genuine luxury brands yet they live in their mama house. I own my own home, drive a lexus and i do buy real mid luxury bags but anything over $1000 im getting a *esluxs* and keeping money in my pocket.
There’s no special cows that LV, YSL, Gucci etc… own for material so fakes and the real bags actually have the same material only difference is the fakes aren’t made in the luxury factory’s!!!! The material is actually the same! That’s why fakes are almost identical
Fakes definitely make buying preloved more difficult if you're not an expert on the brand yourself. You want a good deal but have no idea if you can trust the seller. It definitely puts all the "regular people" with massive designer bag collections in a differrent light.
One celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *esluxscom* . This is nothing new or strange. And many times we see celebrities posing in magazines, and the photos for promotions and advertisements are given by brands or borrowed by themselves.
The reality is: if you are rich and famous, your *esluxscom* will be seen as real. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your genuine bag is likely to be considered fake.
It is really not worth to beg a luxury store to spend our money at! I’ve been there and no way I’m doing that again just for a BAG! *esluxs* are so easily accessible now compare to years before. Sometimes consumers have the money to spend on a bag but a lot of us start to realised it’s not worth dropping so much on these bags anymore when they keep increasing their prices but not the quality. It doesn’t make sense like you said! I agree with everything you said because I will buy super replicas for all of that reasons. At the end of the day, we only have ourselves to justify to, don’t care what others say Great video!
The issue I have is that brands like Chanel are no longer asking people to pay for the quality of their items like back in the day. I get that there is the issue of exclusivity, but there is nothing you can say to me to make me pay Eur 8000 simply to be associated with a name. Like really, who are you?!?! Give me a high quality non-designer bag any day of the week! Quite frankly, if I really fall in love with any particular Chanel design, I would go to the *esluxscom* market because I do not see the value that Chanel or many of these luxury fashion houses offer. The fact that many authenticators do not authenticate more recent bags is proof of this in my eyes.
People who are for buying super fakes, then complain about designer prices contradict theirselves. You don’t want to support or invest money into designer bags due to high prices, but you’re also contributing to promoting their products by sporting their logo even if the bag is fake. You’re still walking around advertising the brand & the more brand recognition = more potential sales
True but for them it's about instant gratification, they don't want to save up for a bag they want it NOW. They don't think about the future sales generated for the company, they think about the instant "oh well at least I'm not giving them my money". But I agree, they are behaving very hypocritically and don't even know it. Much better to just buy a non-brand or a bag you can actually afford
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her bags are *esluxs* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *esluxs* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Some leather bags are really well made. One of my bags, *preluxz* , couldn’t be determined whether it was a fake bag after basic inspection. I think it is ridiculous.
kay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the *yutulu* book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations
It’s weird that in one breath people will say a designer bag is not worth it but in the next order a super fake that looks just like it. If the designer label didn’t carry all the weight, they wouldn’t want the super fake to begin with. They’d just buy some other cute bag that could stand on its own merits. The fact that they want an exact copy shows that deep down, they do admire and desire that luxury item, imo.
What's so hard to understand? We know we are being duped into the prestige game but we are smart enough to know when enough is enough. In fact, I dont REALLY want a dupe (I'm just saying I do here for arguments sake). I want a beautiful bag in top quality and workmanship that costs what a bag like that should cost (and I have many)
Exactly. There is no point in buying a fake unless you want the status of people thinking you have the real thing. I see people saying people buy knock off appliances and perfume. It’s totally different because those are for personal consumption that no one can see. Bags are on display
What I don't get is why women give each other such a hard time about authentic, fake or superfake bags. Men are walking around with fake Rolexes and sneakers but they don't catch as much flack. In fact, no one even bats an eyelid. And the watch and sneaker counterfeit game has been going on for decades. No one seems to care. But women decide to judge each other on handbags. That's shallow in my book. My opinion is this. What someone else wears is no one else's business. How they spend their money is no one else's business. You can rage and judge all you want, at the end of the day, everyone is going about their business. Your judgment has zero effect on the quality of their lives unless you're walking up to them and telling them that their bag is fake. And at that point, they've got every right to tell you to mind your own business. So why are you making yourself mad over something you can't control? Seems like an exercise in futility to me.
@@jifeak what I said applies to all luxury fakes, not just women’s handbags. But, who is ‘raging’, lol? I just said ‘imo’, obviously yours differs, that’s okay.
I want to buy a superfake on purpose but not for 2200$ the idea that fakers can still take so much premium and be 1/10 of the real thing is the best justification. Who is at fault? Hermes is at.fault. they are super unfriendly, dont allow you to buy a bag and take an enormous premium on the item. They are paving the way for copycats
I have no sympathy for Hermes. I feel bad for indie brands that get their designs copied, but Hermes absolutely brings counterfeiting on themselves. They create the hype then give the middle finger to honest customers by making the real thing obscenely expensive and prohibitively difficult to purchase. It's no surprise at all that people are resorting to buying fakes now instead of begging Hermes to take their money for bags that, as the superfakes are proving, are not even all that special.
I get CONSTANT spam replica comments on my youtube and it's getting out of hand. I went down town Atlanta and almost every single bag i saw was fake. A few looked authentic, but most were all fake LV.
I live in New York for years you could go to China Town and buy fakes it was not a secret. Tourists loved to go there and buy fakes they new and didn't care. So the fake market has always been here and like everything except certain luxury brands they have made their products better. If luxury brands are so upset then shey should rethink their ridiculous prices none of the things including hermes is worth the astronomical prices. The only one getting rich are the brand owners and share holders. I can remember watching a video, about china rich and the person said that some of the biggest brands are manufactured in china in the same factories as the cheaper clothing. The owner of one of the factories was a very rich woman and she admitted this little fact. Most people simply assume that all French and Italian luxury goods are made in those countries. That is not true they simply ship everyting to china have it made then when it is finished they simply put made in tags into the garments. Also, many of the Italian factories are now owned by the chinese.
Made in just means where it is finished. 90% of it could have been made in China while only the buttons and zippers were put on in France or Italy. But the made in tag says France or Italy, SMH.
The fact these bags can be faked and sold at a fraction of the price just shows how much the luxury brands are ripping people off. Yes quality and materials might not be the same but some dupes are pretty good. I’ve wasted so much money on designer bags and, as a 50 year old, could have bought another house or many *esluxs* with what I’ve spent. My advice is to only buy if you can afford it plus other important things and don’t necessarily turn your nose up at a dupe!
I cant even afford a YSL wristlet and love to watch luxury content and still buying a fake feels so wrong to me. I rather owning my Tory Burch than pretending to be someone I’m not w a fake Gucci from the NY streets
I still love my LV reverse monogram *hotdups* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
I think people have to acknowledge instead of buying fakes, why not look for local artisans around your area, there are so many reputable artisans that creates their own designs for a fraction of the price. I honestly think that if you’re into buying “fakes” you’re basically wearing a costume, so instead of fakes buy a unique item from a local designer instead.
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in LYXBAG other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
One question: What about inspired bags? Bags that are legaly produced, that have some differences from the original bag, but are very similar? I have a Kelly inspired bag (without the sangles) and a Chanel classic flap (without the logo) and I wonder if it is elegant to have a bag that is inspired...
I have a few “inspired” bags. I’m way more interested in a real leather sleek design than I am in having a logo. Many of the Hermès designs are simple (but also beautiful), and hence have been duped to death by some decent leather makers.
What do you think of Giuseppe zanotti sneakers? Ik they ‘went out of fashion’, ‘fell off’ but I think the kriss mid looks really good especially with the gold zips and logo
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the *topluxs* as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Love *yutulux* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other TH-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
I'm about to order a leather backpack and matching travel bag at Bally of Switzerland. What are your thoughts on this brand? I am not a monogram person, so Bally to me seems to be more about the quality in their leather and design.
@@epifanny Thank you. I just ordered the Clifford Backpack in Brown Deer Leather. Have you seen it? I wish I can link you to it, but YT doesn't allow it.
This *preluxs* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation hand-pink-waving.
I have all authentic bags but I’m at the point where I really don’t mind the good superfakes!! I think the fact that all the fashion houses are marking up their bag 2000% is also wrong - especially seeing the quality isn’t there - I’m all for the fake bags!! Leave people alone to buy what they want!! Another side note - I have a real Gucci Dionysus bag and when I wear it out I get compliments. I always say it’s fake!! Just as a joke and you know what my friends say? Oh no it’s not! No way!! And when I ask them why they say - oh you drive a BMW M4 so there’s no way it’s fake?! Do you see how silly people are? Based on the car I drive my items can’t be fake?! Think about that!! 🤔
Exactly. My husband and I have a good income, drive pretty decent cars, live in the burbs, etc. Due to that alone some (not all) of our family assume we've made it. So when I was at a family event rocking my superfake lv, a cousin stated they would be afraid to carry my bag around and that they don't have time to be all dainty with an expensive bag. I was like this is a fake, a really good one, not from the boutique. She was like I couldn't tell, stating she thought my husband purchased it for me. Which to be honest he or I could do so, but sometimes I'm like either I can save money for something else in the future (home/appliance/car repair, school/sports fees for the kids, vacation), or buy a good quality brand bag for less (Coach, MJ, TB) and my husband gives me the rest of the money to put in my bag.. F that!!! There are certain bags I'm willing to pay full price for and there are others I'm just not pulling the trigger on. So if a good superfake is available and its that serious for me to get the bag, I'm doing so. To be honest I never had a problem either way with what people do with their money. Who cares. Its how they rock the look they are going for anyway!!
@@Only1LikeM3 I wanted to write something very similar to this - but I didn’t and I’m glad you did!! You’re on point with everything you said!! I better hurry up and get some fakes soon lol! For example- the YSL Kate bag - super fake looks good, same with the LV on the Go, most of the Chanel bags, the Dior saddle bag etc. I think I don’t see a problem because I know if I wanted the real authentic bag - I can buy it. Maybe people get a different feeling when they know they can’t afford the real deal. Last year I bought a Chanel classic flap and after paying 10K I realized I don’t care - moving forward if the bag is real or fake. Truth be told - after spending that money- 6 months later I was sick to my stomach! I’d rather save the money for my daughter or renovate my kitchen in 5 years or take a trip around the world!! It’s gotten too expensive and my threshold for a bag - something that’s literally a catch all that people do not care about - isn’t worth anything close to 10K. I bought an Louis Vuitton Alma bb in 2020 for $1780 Canadian. The bag is now $2430 and I would never ever ever purchase that bag for that price. That’s just me though!! Point is - if you want a replica bag get one. If you prefer the real deal get one too!! There’s articles about rich people now turning to fakes!! I’m not rich!! Why am I contributing to making LVMH rich?? Make it make sense!!
@@LifeisapartydresslikeitI just got a Chanel nano 31 and it looks legit, I feel like I just saved $5K ... it's incredible how talented the Chinese are.
I watched an hour long video on a fake and why she does not mind it and likes it, etc. So, in the comments, I said that you can legally purchase a counterfeit, but you can't sell them. You have to destroy it. The person that did the video a super deep dive never looked at the legality of it because we call it replicas, 1 to 1, instead of counterfeit goods.
@Jaz Z exactly so customs can take them, and your out money, it's why all the sellers are international. I spoke to a seller in Dubai she said 80 percent of her sales are US. I just wanted an inspired bag, they don't make those,lol
It sounds like folks have figured out how to keep their money for themselves instead of making rich folks richer just for selling the same item through a boutique. Smart . Now that’s freedom *esluxs*
The way you present it! You really focused on introducing this package. I don't think there is any other TH-camr who shows off bags in as much detail as you do niceshopx
Regardless of the *yutulux* bag or any other factors, I ardently hold that without proper expertise, one would fail to distinguish variations in the sack's appearance or metal parts.
No matter if it's the *yutulux* or any other, my steadfast belief stands that only practitioners can perceive dissimilarities in the sack looks or the metal constituents.
I have one LYXBAG bag I got in 2019, it's the LV white catogram speedy. It's counter quality and it has a nice honey patina now, so the leather is real. I think whatever makes you happy go for it. I've seen LV with plastic leather and blood red glaze...
Thank you for talking about the return policy. I recently bought a felicie on the website and when it showed up at my door it was BEAT TO H*LL. Someone clearly used and abused it before returning. It had a huge crease down the side, the corners were bulging from being over stuffed, and the glazing was chipping *esluxscom*
I use my *topluxs* as a work bag and have had no issues at all. It’s a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadn’t lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and don’t carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interior.
I was recently in London and at a Chanel store…the staff were literally telling people to wait outside as they were ‘too busy’ probably about 2/3 people in store…I walked away one lady was so desperate to buy she stood outside for a good 10/15 minutes…would rather not give my money to designer brands who are very much over pricing their bags… the fakes are so close to the real thing that it makes me wander how the brands can charge 5/10k for these bags when super fakes are going for $300 to $500 maybe $600 at a push I have authentic bags which were all bought years ago before thaws insane price increases… I bought an authentic LV multi pouchette in empriente and fake for comparison…compared them and could not believe how close the fake was to the authentic if anything I preferred the fake I don’t like the thought of carrying a fake… but my god these prices are a joke for the real thing
The quality and workmanship of HQDUPS's high-end imitation bags are very satisfactory. The soft and delicate leather shows that the materials are quite good. The texture of the metal accessories also makes the bag look very high-end. The fine processing of details makes this bag look no less inferior to the original.
I think resellers along with Hermes trying to be bougie caused this! So it’s backfiring on them! The mini Kelly is like £8k from Hermes, but resellers are charging almost £30k for it! and it’s such a tiny bag to me it’s not worth buying the real one and I would totally buy the super fake of that bag!
I agree that the 30k for the mini Kelly is pushing people to buy the fakes and I think that’s why the mini Kelly is everywhere on IG. It’s insane for such a little bag 😂
Love *topluxs* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other TH-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Why are you bothered if someone is wearing or buying fakes and why would you bother with if they are making more money than you, buy what you like and leave others to do same, you literally judging them 😂
Something interesting I found about fashionphile’s point about fake appliances is that appliances are like one of the most faked things and people unwitting buy them a lot. Cisco is the most faked brand of all time, not a fashion brand, and those can also be quite hard to tell the difference. Plenty of people have fully functioning fake appliances in their homes
Who cares what someone has or doesn’t have. It doesn’t make you any better than anybody else. Real or fake. It’s nobody’s business unless you’re paying their bills. I think some people are just butt hurt by the fact that they spent $5,000 on a handbag and anyone can get *esluxs* that looks identical for a few hundred bucks or less. Stop worrying about stuff that doesn’t matter.
I always assume they inherited it, received it as a gift (from wealthy family/ friends) or received an inheritance where they can buy nice things for themselves. I personally don’t carry luxury bags because I don’t like the attention it gets from people who assume that I am “poor” or that I shouldn’t have it. Growing up we always shopped second hand but my dad always bought new converse for his friends kids who lived in Australia. My mom always got mad at him since we’d be upset that we never got “nice” things the way he gifted things to his friends & their kids. He’d always tell my mom- I don’t want them growing up spoiled. Even up to high school my dad would only give me $1/day and say “use it wisely.” Lol I may not have a career, and look like I’m floating through life with no vision but I invest. My parents own a substantial amount of property/ islands thanks to grandparents etc who invested. So, never assume how someone got something- often it’s inherited (monetary/gifts). I personally stay away from buying those bag’s because I don’t want people trying to figure out if I have money, and how much of it. Usually they know I’m doing financially well once they figure out how I live (house, recreational activities etc). The best sign of “having it” is hiding it.
I find it disturbing that your dad was willing to buy new stuff for someone else’s kids but not his own. I understand not wanting your child to grow up spoiled, but it still doesn’t justify it. As a mother I couldn’t fathom doing more for someone else’s child than I did for my own.
@@frincisluis4006 Totally understand, but in the end we reap the benefits of inheriting because he instilled in us to be frugal and be mindful of people around us and their needs. Every parent is different with their child. They bought us things from Payless lol. I’m thankful he raised us that way, especially in the Silicon Valley. On weekends he’d take us to feed the homeless. His thing was he wanted us to be grounded and levelheaded, and not think that because we could now buy whatever we want or accessed luxury things- doesn’t mean we should. He was more concerned about our character than too busy consuming. Americans have a huge need to consume, and he didn’t want us to be influenced in that way.
@@epifanny I never said that. I was just sharing my story and replying to the woman’s video content. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with buying luxury items- if you can have it- do it! And many people who do buy it aren’t showing off. My response was simply sharing that most people may inherit stuff in regards to the lady’s statement of “if we have the same job, how can they afford that luxury piece..” Did you watch her video?
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch cost $800 and was made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. 🤦🏻♀ The other one is a $40 one *yutulu* Backpack Replica - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym 😅
Super fakes have to pass the counter test. You have to be able to be in the boutique put the fake on the counter and have it pass for real. Ever detail should be on point. An actual super fake usually runs anywhere from $1,000-5000. There are also ones like you showed in the pic that look real to those who don’t know the small details and those are usually $500ish, I’d say any that cost less than $500 aren’t going to be good at all. I have a friend who has several superfakes and I couldn’t find one difference.
No matter if it's the lvguci or any other, my steadfast belief stands that only practitioners can perceive dissimilarities in the sack's looks or the metal constituents.
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don’t want to spend so much money on it now, I have been *yutulu* buying the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
I’m worried fakes are going to get so advanced in a few years it’s going to kill my bag passion too!! It’s shocking even in these comments how “normal” it is seeming to buy a fake. I really can not accept it! If one is against spending $10000 for a Chanel bag …I get it but please don’t buy a fake! Support a smaller business who makes well crafted original bags or buy authentic preloved
Really love *rrcopys* 's wallet. The fabric is fine. Gold touches add a nice touch. Perfect for when you don't need tote size. I got some compliments when I went to church
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don’t want to spend so much money on it now, I have been *preluxs* buying the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durabilit.
Great collection! I bought my first bag, a lvguci , when I was 25. I use that bag a lot, haha. Also, I love your collection! I have a clutch with the DE print and love that little chain. Haha
Sweetheart there is no difference between the CC’s buckle on the *esluxs* and real one. You’re seeing things that aren’t there. If a professional came in and told you the CC was a real, you’d probably agree.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable *amzrepe* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
I was stunned! Such legendary stories happen right before people's eyes! I'm sure you can easily afford all *gtdupe* items, but these prices are what most of us can actually afford. Great find!!!
But the truth is who is going to scrutinize your bag like this. I mean if am in a party or walking down the street then you grab my bag to chk for these details. I judge the real and the fake by looking at who is carrying the *preluxz* . If they dress the part then it must be real. What can I say.
I’m so suspect of any “used” bag now! Have been, since the market was seen by the scammers as a fantastic place to make money. The search for the used luxury bag has ended for me. I have plenty.
Fashionphile has some nerve!!! They sell bags that are not authorized by Hermes! They take people's word for it that their preowned bags are authentic. How on earth can Fashionphile claim to know how to authenticate another brand's product without consulting that brand!. They need to stay in their lane and make their money and let others do what they do. I am against even Fashionphile doing what they do. The only place to get an authentic bag is at the authentic store. buying bags from fashionphile is not guaranteed authentic unless you take it to the Hermes spa.
They have trained experts who are reviewing the bags, they’re not just taking someone’s word for it. Resellers exist in many industries and I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all. Some people feel more comfortable only purchasing from the brand directly and that’s totally fine! I’m personally glad resellers with authentication experts exist.
The issue I see is that super fakes prove these bags aren’t worth it. When’s the last time you heard of someone buying a fake Mercedes-Benz? Never, because it would cost too much money to make a fake Mercedes Benz car. But someone can make super fakes for $300 or $400 and sell them for $2000, doesn’t that prove that the bag should not be sold for $15,000 or $20,000? If a bag was truly worth $15,000, then no one would be able to make an exact replica and sell it for $2000.
Thanks, I totally agree
@@LustigerBub me too. It's their obvious come uppance but of course the people who fell for the emperors new clothes are upset
Good point
This is my moral dilemma with superfakes too. My mom has given me a few fake LV bags and I had the chance to see the real version of one of them recently, and... there's no difference. Unless you go over both bags with a magnifying glass and know exactly what to look for, they are the same damn bag. They look the same, feel the same, even smell the same. LV needs to explain to me why the bag my mom paid $150 for is the same quality and craftsmanship as the bag they're selling for $3k. Hell, the fake even had better monogram alignment!
I have a small collection of real LVs and ngl, I feel cheated. I still love the brand, and there are a couple new releases that I reeeeally want and am saving up for. As a rule I don't want to support the counterfeit industry, but now I have a nagging little voice in my head telling me to just get the rep versions instead and save myself $5k.
Your closet is simple a dream! Not just the LYXBAG bags but the ready to wear that you have is absolutely stunning.
I like your style about it very much. In addition to *preluxz* , you have opened up new ideas for me in this field, hahahaha
I wanted to buy a multicolor Pochette but being the bag is 20+ years old; I could not justify paying 1300 for it. And how can I guarantee that I’m not being sold a super fake? It’s not like I could walk into an LV store and purchase it. I spent my 150 for a 1:1 and I am absolutely in love with it.
The issue I have is that brands like Chanel are no longer asking people to pay for the quality of their items like back in the day. I get that there is the issue of exclusivity, but there is nothing you can say to me to make me pay Eur 8000 simply to be associated with a name. Like really, who are you?!?! Give me a high quality non-designer bag any day of the week! Quite frankly, if I really fall in love with any particular Chanel design, I would go to the *esluxscom* market because I do not see the value that Chanel or many of these luxury fashion houses offer. The fact that many authenticators do not authenticate more recent bags is proof of this in my eyes.
Hi ! Was there a time when LV Mono Vernis Perle Read PM Monogram.does not have a date code? My aunt and I were trying to authenticate an old Vernis white bag. The bag size, the monogram design is on point. even the stitches ,the color of the thread, the color of the inner lining. the lock,the hardware,the stamp,the zipper even the LV near the handle does not overlap.The only thing we noticed is that there was no date code. Accdg to my aunt that bag was given t her by her aunt in 2009 .But that *esluxs* was gifted to her aunt in 1998. There is only a slight discoloration but it looks fantastic.
*esluxs* shopping etiquette. Explaining what the general rules are, how to approach an SA, how to dress, how stores may differ. Something like a step-by-step for newbies (like me) who feel out of their depth. The thing I worry about an the awkward moment when I've spent 20mins drooling over a bag just to turn and leave empty-handed. Idk what to say! Maybe that sounds dumb but I'm so awkward, I don't want to come off as rude or uncomfortable, it's not their fault I'm an anxious mess.
Loved the video! I have a Small *esluxs* in black calf leather, and absolutely love it. Not necessarily the most practical because of the narrow opening, but you can fit so much in there!
I live close to the Mexico border. I always go for *esluxs* , their quality is great. Some of them are made with leather and really hard to tell the difference from real or not. Either way, it’s your choice. No judgement from me
Yes indeed… however the original is the original. For instance in France perfume formulas can’t be patented so there are plenty of great replicas with perfect quality (equivalent to super fakes in perfume)… and still most people keep buying the original. The prices are also very high and the ratio from replica to original is 1:10.
Please I need a dupe for Gucci Bloom Acqua di Fiori, discounted and I'm so sad 😢
I saw on facebook someone wanting to make obviously fake bags a new trend. like you know when they have "supreme" or something blatantly misspelled? I love that. like just embracing if your bag is a fake and flexing that. basically the opposite of a superfake. a proud fake.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *esluxscom* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
The reality is: if you are rich and famous, your *esluxscom* will be seen as real. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your genuine bag is likely to be considered fake.
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her bags are *esluxscom* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money
I’ve seen a handful of Birkin dupe videos & this one looks super close to the real one. (The leather doesn’t look too grainy/vainy) I brought a dupe Birkin a while back but was afraid what the luxury community would say if I made a video on it lol. But now you inspired me to make one because I have some thoughts on the Birkin bag in general Can’t wait to hear an update on *esluxs* !
I know people personally who have so much genuine luxury brands yet they live in their mama house. I own my own home, drive a lexus and i do buy real mid luxury bags but anything over $1000 im getting a *esluxs* and keeping money in my pocket.
Such GREAT comparisons! Allllll soooo lovely! Especially the *amzrepe* tote. Their styles are so chic, sleek, elegant and understated!
There’s no special cows that LV, YSL, Gucci etc… own for material so fakes and the real bags actually have the same material only difference is the fakes aren’t made in the luxury factory’s!!!! The material is actually the same! That’s why fakes are almost identical
Fakes definitely make buying preloved more difficult if you're not an expert on the brand yourself. You want a good deal but have no idea if you can trust the seller.
It definitely puts all the "regular people" with massive designer bag collections in a differrent light.
One celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *esluxscom* . This is nothing new or strange. And many times we see celebrities posing in magazines, and the photos for promotions and advertisements are given by brands or borrowed by themselves.
That *esluxscom* looks waterproof like a collab was done with "Melissa" not an insult either! Its very cute!
The reality is: if you are rich and famous, your *esluxscom* will be seen as real. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your genuine bag is likely to be considered fake.
Depends on seller and the factory where it came from. My *esluxs* is just like hers and i only paid $100 for it from a seller in hong kong.
It is really not worth to beg a luxury store to spend our money at! I’ve been there and no way I’m doing that again just for a BAG! *esluxs* are so easily accessible now compare to years before. Sometimes consumers have the money to spend on a bag but a lot of us start to realised it’s not worth dropping so much on these bags anymore when they keep increasing their prices but not the quality. It doesn’t make sense like you said! I agree with everything you said because I will buy super replicas for all of that reasons. At the end of the day, we only have ourselves to justify to, don’t care what others say Great video!
A superfake is so good that no one can tell them apart, even experts, unless they take the bag apart.
Where can buy a fake that is so good?
@@tamarfischer283China, but you have to know a guy.
Can you provide the link for the seller of that bag?Thanks,I have no qualms about buying *esluxscom* .
What is your prblm ??if ppl who don’t have loads of money enjoy *esluxscom* on smaller budget ??
The issue I have is that brands like Chanel are no longer asking people to pay for the quality of their items like back in the day. I get that there is the issue of exclusivity, but there is nothing you can say to me to make me pay Eur 8000 simply to be associated with a name. Like really, who are you?!?! Give me a high quality non-designer bag any day of the week! Quite frankly, if I really fall in love with any particular Chanel design, I would go to the *esluxscom* market because I do not see the value that Chanel or many of these luxury fashion houses offer. The fact that many authenticators do not authenticate more recent bags is proof of this in my eyes.
the LYXBAGS would be super cute during the fall with a nude or tan or even tonal outfit! i’m thinking a tan wool coat with that bag!!
People who are for buying super fakes, then complain about designer prices contradict theirselves. You don’t want to support or invest money into designer bags due to high prices, but you’re also contributing to promoting their products by sporting their logo even if the bag is fake. You’re still walking around advertising the brand & the more brand recognition = more potential sales
True but for them it's about instant gratification, they don't want to save up for a bag they want it NOW. They don't think about the future sales generated for the company, they think about the instant "oh well at least I'm not giving them my money". But I agree, they are behaving very hypocritically and don't even know it. Much better to just buy a non-brand or a bag you can actually afford
Why? I dont mind if people buy from Hermes? I just dont want to be one of them
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her bags are *esluxs* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *esluxs* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Some leather bags are really well made. One of my bags, *preluxz* , couldn’t be determined whether it was a fake bag after basic inspection. I think it is ridiculous.
the HIDUPZ would be super cute during the fall with a nude or tan or even tonal outfit! i’m thinking a tan wool coat with that bag!!
Your closet is simple a dream! Not just the *preluxs* bags but the ready to wear that you have is absolutely stunning.
kay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the *yutulu* book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations
It’s weird that in one breath people will say a designer bag is not worth it but in the next order a super fake that looks just like it. If the designer label didn’t carry all the weight, they wouldn’t want the super fake to begin with. They’d just buy some other cute bag that could stand on its own merits. The fact that they want an exact copy shows that deep down, they do admire and desire that luxury item, imo.
What's so hard to understand? We know we are being duped into the prestige game but we are smart enough to know when enough is enough. In fact, I dont REALLY want a dupe (I'm just saying I do here for arguments sake). I want a beautiful bag in top quality and workmanship that costs what a bag like that should cost (and I have many)
Exactly. There is no point in buying a fake unless you want the status of people thinking you have the real thing. I see people saying people buy knock off appliances and perfume. It’s totally different because those are for personal consumption that no one can see. Bags are on display
What I don't get is why women give each other such a hard time about authentic, fake or superfake bags. Men are walking around with fake Rolexes and sneakers but they don't catch as much flack. In fact, no one even bats an eyelid. And the watch and sneaker counterfeit game has been going on for decades. No one seems to care. But women decide to judge each other on handbags. That's shallow in my book.
My opinion is this. What someone else wears is no one else's business. How they spend their money is no one else's business. You can rage and judge all you want, at the end of the day, everyone is going about their business. Your judgment has zero effect on the quality of their lives unless you're walking up to them and telling them that their bag is fake. And at that point, they've got every right to tell you to mind your own business. So why are you making yourself mad over something you can't control? Seems like an exercise in futility to me.
@@jifeak what I said applies to all luxury fakes, not just women’s handbags. But, who is ‘raging’, lol? I just said ‘imo’, obviously yours differs, that’s okay.
@@mwedzi Your statement focused on bags only, so I replied accordingly
I want to buy a superfake on purpose but not for 2200$ the idea that fakers can still take so much premium and be 1/10 of the real thing is the best justification. Who is at fault? Hermes is at.fault. they are super unfriendly, dont allow you to buy a bag and take an enormous premium on the item. They are paving the way for copycats
@kaufmankendrick5797 what IS the quality like? Because if it isnt great I prefer a great bag without the logos to these
@aishanobis2220 are they nice. I saw a bag I like there but am not interested in wasting 200$ on utter junk
I have no sympathy for Hermes. I feel bad for indie brands that get their designs copied, but Hermes absolutely brings counterfeiting on themselves. They create the hype then give the middle finger to honest customers by making the real thing obscenely expensive and prohibitively difficult to purchase. It's no surprise at all that people are resorting to buying fakes now instead of begging Hermes to take their money for bags that, as the superfakes are proving, are not even all that special.
I think the price makes sense considering that they are made by hand and take hours and hours of labour.
@@holysaby aren't the superfakes made by hand?
I get CONSTANT spam replica comments on my youtube and it's getting out of hand. I went down town Atlanta and almost every single bag i saw was fake. A few looked authentic, but most were all fake LV.
I appreciate you being honest about not being able to buy ALL of the bags ALL of the time, like some influencers pretend to.
Gorgeous *esluxscom* , and precious almost exactly the same, slightly color difference
The exquisite production process reveals not just a bag, but a fashionable feast for the LYXBAG .
This *preluxz* bag reminds me of a Fendi bag I bought. Most of thThis
I live in New York for years you could go to China Town and buy fakes it was not a secret. Tourists loved to go there and buy fakes they new and didn't care. So the fake market has always been here and like everything except certain luxury brands they have made their products better. If luxury brands are so upset then shey should rethink their ridiculous prices none of the things
including hermes is worth the astronomical prices. The only one getting rich are the brand owners and share holders.
I can remember watching a video, about china rich and the person said that some of the biggest brands are manufactured in china in the same factories as the cheaper clothing. The owner
of one of the factories was a very rich woman and she admitted this little fact. Most people simply assume that all French and Italian luxury goods are made in those countries. That is not
true they simply ship everyting to china have it made then when it is finished they simply put made in tags into the garments. Also, many of the Italian factories are now owned
by the chinese.
Made in just means where it is finished. 90% of it could have been made in China while only the buttons and zippers were put on in France or Italy. But the made in tag says France or Italy, SMH.
The fact these bags can be faked and sold at a fraction of the price just shows how much the luxury brands are ripping people off. Yes quality and materials might not be the same but some dupes are pretty good. I’ve wasted so much money on designer bags and, as a 50 year old, could have bought another house or many *esluxs* with what I’ve spent. My advice is to only buy if you can afford it plus other important things and don’t necessarily turn your nose up at a dupe!
the *amzrepe* would be super cute during the fall with a nude or tan or even tonal outfit! i’m thinking a tan wool coat with that bag!!
I cant even afford a YSL wristlet and love to watch luxury content and still buying a fake feels so wrong to me. I rather owning my Tory Burch than pretending to be someone I’m not w a fake Gucci from the NY streets
We all pretend to be someone we're not. It is the ultimate human game
But Tory Burch has atrocious quality.
Tory Burch isn’t cheap though.
@earlinecopp my expensive pair of shoes is 1300. So the most I spend on a leather or suede bag will be 1800. I’m done after that
On what occasion would you wear these bags? I love your collection. Like I love my niceshopx
When people are saying COPYMAXS’s bag is a better option,I very much agree!
well if hermes actually let you buy their bags… their own fault lol i hope it gets worse
he variety of textures in the COPYMAXS pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
I still love my LV reverse monogram *hotdups* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
I think people have to acknowledge instead of buying fakes, why not look for local artisans around your area, there are so many reputable artisans that creates their own designs for a fraction of the price. I honestly think that if you’re into buying “fakes” you’re basically wearing a costume, so instead of fakes buy a unique item from a local designer instead.
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in LYXBAG other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
One question: What about inspired bags?
Bags that are legaly produced, that have some differences from the original bag, but are very similar?
I have a Kelly inspired bag (without the sangles) and a Chanel classic flap (without the logo) and I wonder if it is elegant to have a bag that is inspired...
I personally have no problem with those types of bags! At the end of the day, most of these designer brands have really simple silhouettes.
@@KateSwan Thank you, I value your opinion!
I have a few “inspired” bags. I’m way more interested in a real leather sleek design than I am in having a logo. Many of the Hermès designs are simple (but also beautiful), and hence have been duped to death by some decent leather makers.
What do you think of Giuseppe zanotti sneakers? Ik they ‘went out of fashion’, ‘fell off’ but I think the kriss mid looks really good especially with the gold zips and logo
En el momento en que vi el bolso *esluxs* supe que tenía que tenerlo.
And YES, The *yutulux* Tote! I have in Candy Pink and I've been rocking my "Barbie" bag all summer. Yay!
*yutulux* bag collection is so iconic! Love that Cinnamoroll made his debut
I don’t miss a day a week *yutulu*This show..😂😂😂😂
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the *topluxs* as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Love *yutulux* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other TH-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
I'm about to order a leather backpack and matching travel bag at Bally of Switzerland. What are your thoughts on this brand? I am not a monogram person, so Bally to me seems to be more about the quality in their leather and design.
Bally is a very good brand, go for it.
Bally has awesome quality, it's still value for money... quiet luxury 😅
@@epifanny Thank you. I just ordered the Clifford Backpack in Brown Deer Leather. Have you seen it? I wish I can link you to it, but YT doesn't allow it.
I hear they have amazing quality!
This *preluxs* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation hand-pink-waving.
I have all authentic bags but I’m at the point where I really don’t mind the good superfakes!! I think the fact that all the fashion houses are marking up their bag 2000% is also wrong - especially seeing the quality isn’t there - I’m all for the fake bags!! Leave people alone to buy what they want!! Another side note - I have a real Gucci Dionysus bag and when I wear it out I get compliments. I always say it’s fake!! Just as a joke and you know what my friends say? Oh no it’s not! No way!! And when I ask them why they say - oh you drive a BMW M4 so there’s no way it’s fake?! Do you see how silly people are? Based on the car I drive my items can’t be fake?! Think about that!! 🤔
Exactly. My husband and I have a good income, drive pretty decent cars, live in the burbs, etc. Due to that alone some (not all) of our family assume we've made it. So when I was at a family event rocking my superfake lv, a cousin stated they would be afraid to carry my bag around and that they don't have time to be all dainty with an expensive bag. I was like this is a fake, a really good one, not from the boutique. She was like I couldn't tell, stating she thought my husband purchased it for me. Which to be honest he or I could do so, but sometimes I'm like either I can save money for something else in the future (home/appliance/car repair, school/sports fees for the kids, vacation), or buy a good quality brand bag for less (Coach, MJ, TB) and my husband gives me the rest of the money to put in my bag.. F that!!! There are certain bags I'm willing to pay full price for and there are others I'm just not pulling the trigger on. So if a good superfake is available and its that serious for me to get the bag, I'm doing so. To be honest I never had a problem either way with what people do with their money. Who cares. Its how they rock the look they are going for anyway!!
All mine are real too but they’re getting ridiculous with the price increases. Enough is enough.
@@Only1LikeM3 I wanted to write something very similar to this - but I didn’t and I’m glad you did!! You’re on point with everything you said!! I better hurry up and get some fakes soon lol! For example- the YSL Kate bag - super fake looks good, same with the LV on the Go, most of the Chanel bags, the Dior saddle bag etc. I think I don’t see a problem because I know if I wanted the real authentic bag - I can buy it. Maybe people get a different feeling when they know they can’t afford the real deal. Last year I bought a Chanel classic flap and after paying 10K I realized I don’t care - moving forward if the bag is real or fake. Truth be told - after spending that money- 6 months later I was sick to my stomach! I’d rather save the money for my daughter or renovate my kitchen in 5 years or take a trip around the world!! It’s gotten too expensive and my threshold for a bag - something that’s literally a catch all that people do not care about - isn’t worth anything close to 10K. I bought an Louis Vuitton Alma bb in 2020 for $1780 Canadian. The bag is now $2430 and I would never ever ever purchase that bag for that price. That’s just me though!! Point is - if you want a replica bag get one. If you prefer the real deal get one too!! There’s articles about rich people now turning to fakes!! I’m not rich!! Why am I contributing to making LVMH rich?? Make it make sense!!
Love thiss..every summer I pull out my little black *esluxs* clutch and this summer I'm coming out with new heels so that will be my summer wear
@@LifeisapartydresslikeitI just got a Chanel nano 31 and it looks legit, I feel like I just saved $5K ... it's incredible how talented the Chinese are.
The variety of textures in the *yutulux* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
he variety of textures in the *preluxscom* tpack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone
I watched an hour long video on a fake and why she does not mind it and likes it, etc. So, in the comments, I said that you can legally purchase a counterfeit, but you can't sell them. You have to destroy it. The person that did the video a super deep dive never looked at the legality of it because we call it replicas, 1 to 1, instead of counterfeit goods.
Also if you live in the US it is considered mail fraud to transport a counterfeit
@Jaz Z exactly so customs can take them, and your out money, it's why all the sellers are international. I spoke to a seller in Dubai she said 80 percent of her sales are US. I just wanted an inspired bag, they don't make those,lol
It sounds like folks have figured out how to keep their money for themselves instead of making rich folks richer just for selling the same item through a boutique. Smart . Now that’s freedom *esluxs*
If the super fakes are that indistinguishable sounds like they are a better choice than the real thing because the real aren’t worth it.
Backpack *esluxs* also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym
The *rrcopys* wallet looks fancier than advertised, which is why it gets 5 stars. I really like the color and the way it's made.
I got a *topluxs* ,Korean made, Jimmy Choo. It is 20 years old and still looks great.
The way you present it! You really focused on introducing this package. I don't think there is any other TH-camr who shows off bags in as much detail as you do niceshopx
Regardless of the *yutulux* bag or any other factors, I ardently hold that without proper expertise, one would fail to distinguish variations in the sack's appearance or metal parts.
No matter if it's the *yutulux* or any other, my steadfast belief stands that only practitioners can perceive dissimilarities in the sack looks or the metal constituents.
I love you so much! I recently just found your *topluxs* and I’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life.
I have one LYXBAG bag I got in 2019, it's the LV white catogram speedy. It's counter quality and it has a nice honey patina now, so the leather is real. I think whatever makes you happy go for it. I've seen LV with plastic leather and blood red glaze...
I got a lvguci ,Korean made, Jimmy Choo. It is 20 years old and still looks great.
Thankyouuu for uploading ❤ love the video
Thank you for talking about the return policy. I recently bought a felicie on the website and when it showed up at my door it was BEAT TO H*LL. Someone clearly used and abused it before returning. It had a huge crease down the side, the corners were bulging from being over stuffed, and the glazing was chipping *esluxscom*
To me, the understated Gucci is more classic. I've always loved their soho range and I also love the tabby cat family on the display HIDUPZ
I use my *topluxs* as a work bag and have had no issues at all. It’s a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadn’t lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and don’t carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interior.
*rrcopys* bag collection and subscribers have grown. And somehow she remained grounded, relatable, authentic. That’s why I’m still here
Thank you dear for taking us along. Can't wait what the *amzrepe* queen picked up at Fendi
I was recently in London and at a Chanel store…the staff were literally telling people to wait outside as they were ‘too busy’ probably about 2/3 people in store…I walked away one lady was so desperate to buy she stood outside for a good 10/15 minutes…would rather not give my money to designer brands who are very much over pricing their bags… the fakes are so close to the real thing that it makes me wander how the brands can charge 5/10k for these bags when super fakes are going for $300 to $500 maybe $600 at a push
I have authentic bags which were all bought years ago before thaws insane price increases… I bought an authentic LV multi pouchette in empriente and fake for comparison…compared them and could not believe how close the fake was to the authentic if anything I preferred the fake I don’t like the thought of carrying a fake… but my god these prices are a joke for the real thing
The quality and workmanship of HQDUPS's high-end imitation bags are very satisfactory. The soft and delicate leather shows that the materials are quite good. The texture of the metal accessories also makes the bag look very high-end. The fine processing of details makes this bag look no less inferior to the original.
I think resellers along with Hermes trying to be bougie caused this! So it’s backfiring on them! The mini Kelly is like £8k from Hermes, but resellers are charging almost £30k for it! and it’s such a tiny bag to me it’s not worth buying the real one and I would totally buy the super fake of that bag!
I agree that the 30k for the mini Kelly is pushing people to buy the fakes and I think that’s why the mini Kelly is everywhere on IG. It’s insane for such a little bag 😂
Thank you dear for taking us along. Can't wait what the *amzrepe* queen picked up Fend
Love *topluxs* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other TH-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Why are you bothered if someone is wearing or buying fakes and why would you bother with if they are making more money than you, buy what you like and leave others to do same, you literally judging them 😂
he variety of textures in the *yutulux* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
el momento en que vi el bolso COPYMAXS , supe que tenía que tenerlo.
His *yutulux* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation.
he variety of textures in the lvguci pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens hidupz
I was in Turkey recently and had a empriente multi pouchette with me. They show me a H Q L U X Y bag and it looked just like it.
*rrcopys* looks regal and sophisticated! Many compliments! Great work, you can add this to your collection
Something interesting I found about fashionphile’s point about fake appliances is that appliances are like one of the most faked things and people unwitting buy them a lot. Cisco is the most faked brand of all time, not a fashion brand, and those can also be quite hard to tell the difference. Plenty of people have fully functioning fake appliances in their homes
Wow, that is insane!!
Who cares what someone has or doesn’t have. It doesn’t make you any better than anybody else. Real or fake. It’s nobody’s business unless you’re paying their bills. I think some people are just butt hurt by the fact that they spent $5,000 on a handbag and anyone can get *esluxs* that looks identical for a few hundred bucks or less. Stop worrying about stuff that doesn’t matter.
I always assume they inherited it, received it as a gift (from wealthy family/ friends) or received an inheritance where they can buy nice things for themselves.
I personally don’t carry luxury bags because I don’t like the attention it gets from people who assume that I am “poor” or that I shouldn’t have it. Growing up we always shopped second hand but my dad always bought new converse for his friends kids who lived in Australia.
My mom always got mad at him since we’d be upset that we never got “nice” things the way he gifted things to his friends & their kids. He’d always tell my mom- I don’t want them growing up spoiled.
Even up to high school my dad would only give me $1/day and say “use it wisely.”
Lol I may not have a career, and look like I’m floating through life with no vision but I invest. My parents own a substantial amount of property/ islands thanks to grandparents etc who invested. So, never assume how someone got something- often it’s inherited (monetary/gifts).
I personally stay away from buying those bag’s because I don’t want people trying to figure out if I have money, and how much of it. Usually they know I’m doing financially well once they figure out how I live (house, recreational activities etc). The best sign of “having it” is hiding it.
I find it disturbing that your dad was willing to buy new stuff for someone else’s kids but not his own. I understand not wanting your child to grow up spoiled, but it still doesn’t justify it. As a mother I couldn’t fathom doing more for someone else’s child than I did for my own.
@@frincisluis4006agree... Don't even understand why they would bring this into the conversation
Not everyone that owns luxury items is trying to prove something
@@frincisluis4006 Totally understand, but in the end we reap the benefits of inheriting because he instilled in us to be frugal and be mindful of people around us and their needs. Every parent is different with their child. They bought us things from Payless lol. I’m thankful he raised us that way, especially in the Silicon Valley. On weekends he’d take us to feed the homeless. His thing was he wanted us to be grounded and levelheaded, and not think that because we could now buy whatever we want or accessed luxury things- doesn’t mean we should. He was more concerned about our character than too busy consuming. Americans have a huge need to consume, and he didn’t want us to be influenced in that way.
@@epifanny I never said that. I was just sharing my story and replying to the woman’s video content. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with buying luxury items- if you can have it- do it!
And many people who do buy it aren’t showing off. My response was simply sharing that most people may inherit stuff in regards to the lady’s statement of “if we have the same job, how can they afford that luxury piece..”
Did you watch her video?
Even if you don’t know the bag just looking a “Kelly bag” for this price would be suspicious
First time COPYMAXS kuch different colors ka LV bag dekha..very elegant....good choice
If someone looked at my bag so closely I would still buy fakes... Huni already did that and I would still hold my fake LV with my head up *rrcopys*
I’m also scared of the sf getting so good they get past bbbb
*yutulux* bag collection and subscribers have grown. And somehow she remained grounded, relatable, authentic. That’s why I’m still here
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch cost $800 and was made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. 🤦🏻♀ The other one is a $40 one *yutulu* Backpack Replica - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym 😅
Super fakes have to pass the counter test. You have to be able to be in the boutique put the fake on the counter and have it pass for real. Ever detail should be on point. An actual super fake usually runs anywhere from $1,000-5000. There are also ones like you showed in the pic that look real to those who don’t know the small details and those are usually $500ish, I’d say any that cost less than $500 aren’t going to be good at all. I have a friend who has several superfakes and I couldn’t find one difference.
I find it amazing the bag companies aren’t doing more to help people authenticate using codes and chips. They should be protecting their consumers.
No matter if it's the lvguci or any other, my steadfast belief stands that only practitioners can perceive dissimilarities in the sack's looks or the metal constituents.
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don’t want to spend so much money on it now, I have been *yutulu* buying the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
I’m worried fakes are going to get so advanced in a few years it’s going to kill my bag passion too!! It’s shocking even in these comments how “normal” it is seeming to buy a fake. I really can not accept it! If one is against spending $10000 for a Chanel bag …I get it but please don’t buy a fake! Support a smaller business who makes well crafted original bags or buy authentic preloved
Somehow, *yutulux* the classic Chanel flap bag is a must for me.
Oh wait, you report them? I just delete them, I didn't know that, I am new to you tube only been making videos for 3 months.
Really love *rrcopys* 's wallet. The fabric is fine. Gold touches add a nice touch. Perfect for when you don't need tote size. I got some compliments when I went to church
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don’t want to spend so much money on it now, I have been *preluxs* buying the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durabilit.
The concern is that when you see ‘deals’ on sites like VC I am no longer convinced they are not super fakes
I absolutely agree!
Great collection! I bought my first bag, a lvguci , when I was 25. I use that bag a lot, haha. Also, I love your collection! I have a clutch with the DE print and love that little chain. Haha
I’ve never heard of offer Up!
Sweetheart there is no difference between the CC’s buckle on the *esluxs* and real one. You’re seeing things that aren’t there. If a professional came in and told you the CC was a real, you’d probably agree.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable *amzrepe* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
*rrcopys* bags are well made. Very comfortable on the shoulder. There are quite a lot of things that can be placed! wonderful! Love it so much
I was stunned! Such legendary stories happen right before people's eyes! I'm sure you can easily afford all *gtdupe* items, but these prices are what most of us can actually afford. Great find!!!
But the truth is who is going to scrutinize your bag like this. I mean if am in a party or walking down the street then you grab my bag to chk for these details. I judge the real and the fake by looking at who is carrying the *preluxz* . If they dress the part then it must be real. What can I say.
Most people buy fake bags because they like the authentic design but like the price of the fake H Q D U P S.
I’m so suspect of any “used” bag now! Have been, since the market was seen by the scammers as a fantastic place to make money. The search for the used luxury bag has ended for me. I have plenty.
Well, I’ve always been scratching my head about LYXBAGobsession with school bags and their practicality, but this video is adorable! Congratulations.
Report the scammer and get your money back
I think super fakes are referred to as replicas
*preluxz* Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
Fashionphile has some nerve!!! They sell bags that are not authorized by Hermes! They take people's word for it that their preowned bags are authentic. How on earth can Fashionphile claim to know how to authenticate another brand's product without consulting that brand!. They need to stay in their lane and make their money and let others do what they do. I am against even Fashionphile doing what they do. The only place to get an authentic bag is at the authentic store. buying bags from fashionphile is not guaranteed authentic unless you take it to the Hermes spa.
They have trained experts who are reviewing the bags, they’re not just taking someone’s word for it. Resellers exist in many industries and I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all. Some people feel more comfortable only purchasing from the brand directly and that’s totally fine! I’m personally glad resellers with authentication experts exist.