Does the Druid charm last for a specific duration or is it like other lower charm spells where it can break early? I know my 125 Dru can charm up to 123 or so for 6 mins w a spell, Dire Charm obviously is the game changer but I THINK thats an AA but could be wrong, at least Ench might have that spell. Anywho just wondering how it was in classic. Great content.
Man, that loot sound!
Does the Druid charm last for a specific duration or is it like other lower charm spells where it can break early? I know my 125 Dru can charm up to 123 or so for 6 mins w a spell, Dire Charm obviously is the game changer but I THINK thats an AA but could be wrong, at least Ench might have that spell. Anywho just wondering how it was in classic. Great content.
Thank you. Call of Karana breaks randomly. It tends to last longer if you debuff the pet first with Glamour of Tunare.