Thanks, Kas. And yes, we for sure need to game together. If we ever are headed to the same con I'd totally be down for rooming with you assuming you don't have violent night terrors or anything like that. And I'm for sure down for some Cosmic Encounter!
Love it man! Never heard of the last one! Thanks! Haha
Thanks! It's a really unique dexterity game that's a ton of fun.
Spoil Me Not! was a lot of fun and still on my wishlist since you taught it to me! Maybe I should pick it up for Thanksgiving with the In-laws! ;)
Nothing shows gratitude and thanksgiving like a cut-throat card game!
i love you man, you always make the best videos! We need to game sometime Daniel! You can teach me Cosmic Encounter!
Thanks, Kas. And yes, we for sure need to game together. If we ever are headed to the same con I'd totally be down for rooming with you assuming you don't have violent night terrors or anything like that. And I'm for sure down for some Cosmic Encounter!
That last game look fun...
It's really fun, if you're into that sort of dexterity game. I like that you know pretty much if you're going to like it just by looking at it.
Lot of gambling and witchcraft in this list... What would your mother think?
She was here last week and kept asking to play Medium!