Living for 300 years... damn, I would go to college and study again and again, learning a lot of different skills that I haven’t tried yet and improved the ones I have tried so far. As a multipotentialite I just love the idea of exploring more then one field. I don’t know if this is an INFJ thing or not, I just love learning new things.
Being a master of many things is called being a polymath. I wonder how many INFJ's would fall into this category already, and how many more again if given the chance?
Now that there aren't many comments I will post something: I really really like you, I feel like you're 50% the guy of my dreams and 50% the guy I wish I could be. I know you're straight, I do not want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything is just that as an INFJ myself is hard for me to see a beautiful guy who's actually real and smart and fascinating, bc yeah there are millions of guys who seem beautiful but they have a poor soul, and well I feel like you get me man, like my emotions are a minefield, and you're a guy dancing in it, I mean you hit those spots that it's like you feel similar to me. I really admire you, and I really hope I didn't said something wrong, I'm not good at expressing myself.
In the book, “12 rules for life: an antidote to chaos” by Jordan Peterson, one of the rules is, treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping/taking care of. It reminded me a bit of what you were talking about in the beginning of this video!
I just wanted to say about some simple things that made my life easier more content, made me feeling SO MUCH better with myself. I just realized that what you eat and the way you treat your body has a big impact on your brain as well. So the simple things like exercising, doing yoga, being vegan, drinking water, having passions, interacting with animals, people, meditating, saying hello to strangers, holding a door for someone, saying a complement to someone, writing poetry, going for a walk in nature, reading a great book, dressing well are the cure to me. Whenever I am depressed I just forget about These things and I do nothing and I feel even worse.
Radosna aa that's just beautiful. Sometimes we see spirituality as somewhere out there in the cosmos or as an escape from the world, but the reality is that it is right here and now in the present moment. You seem like a deeply spiritual and beautiful individual.
As an INFJ, I think living 300 years in this current time sounds Terrible lol. Too much pain in the world that I can’t fix. Now, I did try an experiment at work where I am the one that approaches and starts the conversation. You know what? now those same people are coming up to me over and over. They come to me for advice and just to talk An infj dream come true lol. We as INFJ’s HAVE to learn to love ourselves for the lights that we are. We have the ability to pull people out of despair with our intuition and knowledge. I realize that I have a lot more wisdom than most people around me and that my job is to comfort and educate people with my Infj incredible thoughts lol. I make fun but it is true. I love myself for my light and dark side now. Once you accept yourself, your light burns even brighter and people are attracted to you like moths to a flame. Then comes the confidence and the appreciation for our purpose in the world. take care- I love your videos, you are very helpful. - kim
Thanks for this Kim, it's giving me hope & some reassurance in my hunches & my progress. I've been working on opening up more & for the most part it's gone well. I've always had confidence issues & now I'm really addressing it & learning to love myself.
Kim...if we had 300 years..i Promise you the world would not be this way for long...i am an old soldier..i would take another deep breath & talk you, and every other INFJ i could recruit, into joining us to Force it to change..Literally clean house..& once that fracas was done, they would be able to govern themselves Sensibly...& we could go back to our caves & get on with evolving into..who knows what we could become?
I know this is an old video, but I love the thought experiment about living 300 years. I often wish I could live multiple lifetimes, because I don’t feel like I have enough time to experience everything I would like to in this short lifetime. I think, if I knew I had more time, I would feel more free. I could dedicate a chunk of time to raising a family and still have time to explore myself more. Also, I LOVE the little song you made for the outro. I wish I could have it for a ringtone.
Oliwia Because he is so genuine and it resonates. I love it when someone actually gets me. It's so rare. What percentage of people have this personality type?
I am writing a 300th comment under this video which is kind of cool. If I had a chance to live 300 years I would aquire several professions and much more skills than I have now. I would travel and take good care of my body so it could be in a good shape by my 300th birthday))
That's what I've been thinking about last year and came to the realization that you ultimately only have yourself. so this year I've have been focusing a lot on my "inner-self"; trying to figure it out, heal it (I've been stuck in a phase of darkness for a long time), and just make peace with it, and I haven't felt this peaceful in a long time even though I lost a couple of really close friendships I had but surprisingly, I feel like that is what made me face myself and come to the place I am in now. I really appreciate the way you shoot your videos, the angle and how you sit close to the camera really makes me feel like im having a real, deep conversation with you, and your gaze pierces through the screen and makes me really focused lol. I'm a new subscriber that discovered this channel a couple of weeks ago and its safe to say you are currently the most anticipated youtuber in my feed. ^^
300 years is still not enough time to learn all the things I’d want to learn. I’d probably spend the majority of those years bouncing around to different schools around the world (somehow I’m wealthy in this scenario apparently) - basically if being a professional student is a job in hypothetical-300-year-life-span-utopia, I’m game. And I’d write more music. I mean, I don’t need three centuries to do this, but that’s how it feels most of the time. Also: More videos. More guitar outros. More cardigans. Por favor.
Well and the comments are so long again. That's definitely an INFJ thing. Sooo goood to read them all. I feel great to be a part of this awesome community. I love you guys.
Funny you say that because when I'm having a disagreement with a boyfriend over text, I send paragraphs!! I know they hate it, but I have something inside me saying I have to be thorough because so much is misinterpreted in text messages.
I don’t know if this comment will get seen since this video is already a month old, but I’ll put it out there anyway. Don’t remember the name, but this video reminds me of a short story I read in school basically about the thought experiments you talk about. In the story everyone is immortal essentially except death can still be caused. For example, the body stops aging and there is no ‘natural’ death, but one can still die in an accident or by suicide (hope I explained); so there are two types of people... people who know they have practically an infinite amount of time so they are very proactive and are constantly doing things because there’s so much time to do things.. and then the others who since they know they have so much time are quite ‘lazy’ and really chill and don’t actually get to doing things. I hope someone comments the name because it was really interesting !
How can I live with myself ?----- I decided to not be so hard on myself and accept who I am faults and all. Learn from my mistakes, I discovered people are more fragile that I thought, even tough people. Live for 300 years, just think of all the changes in the world you would have to keep up with, as long as I was happy and my mind was sharp,it would be an interesting journey, I would try to grow and adapt with it. That's my key words for the future, grow, adapt and never stop learning.
The fact that I find your thoughts so relatable creeps me out, but also kind of makes me really happy. If I come across the way you do, I am definitely not doing as bad, as I often think I am. Catch a sincere compliment.
Wow 300 years would be a blessing, so much more time to learn and share with others. I'm thinking about how many more books I could read. Thank you for this video!! I'm going to go dream about living another 272years now lol. Also, I saw a lot of guitars, it would be really nice to hear some more of your music :)
Yes, Mr. Frank James, yes. When I think of living for 300 years I feel like all my goals and dreams are accomplishable. It makes me feel like I can take my time. I don't need to rush. And I don't. Even with only 70 or 80 years... it's still a long time. A lot can be done in 100 years (apx). And to be at peace with myself I do exactly what you mentioned in the video. I make the best effort that I can to understand myself. It's important for me that I do that because only then can I do what I CAN actually do instead of feeling bad or dreaming about things that could be done by anyone. Glad to know you're doing better. Peace.
I’m subscribed for life bro. It’s spine chilling how much I relate to you. I have just started to awaken in my spiritual journey but I awoke in the pits of hell. Yes Las Vegas is really not the best place for spiritual enlightenment . I feel alienated in this world and with these illusions that humans have created. I do not want to take part in this matrix of suffering and false promises. All I seek is understanding and love even if it’s just from myself. Finding your channel has given me hope that there are still other souls like me. It is just incredible that there is so much more than meets the eye. I have gathered an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Everything fascinates me now It feels as if I am a new born starting a clean slate again. I too shal inspire others to stay in the path of light. We are and have always been the creators of our own realities. Everything is just an illusion. We are spiritual beings living in a physical world. I do not fear death anymore because I know that it will set me free from this mortal life. I will finally be free from these shackles and chains that confine me with in this finite world. In the meantime I shall spread love and hope to the other versions of myself that coexist with in this realm. We were all destined for love and it is inevitable. Even before our birth we knew that we were condemned to love. The more we deny this truth the more we shall suffer. There is no use in denying yourself because even if you do not accept this truth in this life you will have the opportunity to accept it in the next. Everything happens for a reason. Everything is happening, has happened and will happen. There is no past present or future there just is. For those of you struggling out there know that love is the only path to unlocking the kingdom is that lies within. When you realize this you will start to awaken and you will see that the rest just happens. Yes it just happens, whatever it is that you are looking for just falls in place. All eyes on you. Go out there shine.
It's so interesting and I think the same recently. You maybe says me : Ok, yes it's normal we think the same because we function the same INFJ. It's so true, we live only with ourselves, that's why I think it's important to love ourselves and understand ourselves how we functions. For this really tank to you and all the things you share which helped and help me so much. I recently told to a coworker : I think I need 3 lifes, if I want to do what I want to do. If we considere 1 life = 100 years. We arrive to theses 300 years. _1 life to learn so much things, knowledges... _1 life to create and share : drawing, painting, writing, sharing about all I leran during the 100 years before, in particular about about MBTI and cognitives functions, how all our behaviors are linked to this. _1 life to change the world, make the world better, even if I already started to do this during the 100 years before by sharing my knowledges to improve people and word. Concretize/Materialise the ideas. Make the abstract real. In other termes : to be philosophe (writing), psychologist, (learning) and artist (create). Even if the 3 are linked together in myself.
From an Abraham Hicks perspective, our inner being is pure, positive, vibrational energy that never dies and is having a temporary human experience. Abraham's teachings have kept me from falling off the deep end and have fueled the loving collective consciousness I experience when I raise my vibration. Thank you Frank for these thought provoking videos and the song!
I wish you all were sitting in my living room and we could talk back and forth for hours! I'm reading this mind blowing book that is shifting my thinking seismically, but I can't put it into words. And it talks about and around this subject--living with yourself. "Bonds That Make Us Free" by C. Terry Warner. He talks about our perceptions of others, self deception, conscious, the Light from others and how we really only exist in an I-You mentality. We lose I without You and how we view You shapes how we feel about I. And I'm probably butchering his work. The audio version is an excellent listen, but this is one I also want to read to wrap my head around it better. How do I live with myself? Love people purely. Not counterfeit love with agendas. But purely. See people truly. Not with bias, condemnation, fear. Respond to their light fearlessly.
Clear conscience............................not many worry about their conscience. Like you seem to, I think about mine often. I agree with Kim below that 300 years would be a nightmare! More time to see how terrible the world is becoming, how people are more and more detached from one another. I'm in my early 40's and I don't know many genuine people. Next question - What am I doing to make sure I can live with myself? I try not to judge and like everyone until they give me a reason not to. I am very strong with my convictions, however I do feel that I spite myself when sticking to some of them. When it comes to romantic relationships, I have become someone who needs to put my feelings out there when it's near the end. It's very hard for me to do but I see it this way........Communication is failing everywhere. I want to be sure, at the end of the day, this person knows exactly how I feel. My fear is that the relationship ends & I find out later, after it's too late, that they had no idea I felt that way & we probably could've worked it out. If it ends after I say how I feel, I can move on knowing I did everything I could and no matter what, it simply never would've worked.....and my CONSCIENCE IS CLEAR. :) Unfortunately, I've also found that I say exactly how I feel when it's bad and I slam the door so hard, it falls off. I can't let someone who treated me with no respect (during, at the end, whenever) walk away without them knowing how I really feel. Especially since INFJ's are very loyal, caring, empathetic, understanding, you can really start to feel taken advantage of. First time was about 2 years ago with an emotionally abusive narcissistic ex. He needed to hear the ugly truth from my point of view. And I never regretted it.
In learning to live with myself I've started exploring spiritual and metaphysical stuff. Regarding today's topic, I came across a Kryon channeling just recently where he said that we lightworkers (the basic essence of an INFJ) have gone thru many, many lifetimes where we have been harassed, persecuted, tortured, and/or killed for daring to be who we are. He insists that this is why we are so tied in knots just trying to be ourselves now. Hmmmm. I've often been conflicted in just doing the simplest things, and we eventually conclude that he have to learn to just power thru them. I'm hoping you'll figure out an easier way and tell us what it is. : - )
Jeff Wilson Oh yeah I'm subbed to them too. And AbraAbra. Over 200 channels I'm so scatterbrained and so many interests....OR am I just avoiding what society says I should be doing. Screw society. They already screwed me.
@Jeff Wilson You just gave me an awakening... when people ask me for advice I often tell them to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I guess I am a lightworker and did not know it.
Hey ! I'm a french infj who follow you since somedays. I understand you a lot. I have a lot of problem with myself at the moment ... I came to the same conclusions as you about coming out of its shell, and I have changed a lot. I have worn to change and i am so happy in my new life more "open". but it has hurt a lot of my friends and my family that I stop being shy, closed and fearful. so i have a hard time finding a balance between what other people want me to be and what i want to be. I'm a little lost and your videos help me. it surprises me a lot that someone looks like me so much. And to ask to the 300 years questions (if it's well that what you asked 😅) I think.. m.. i would décide to expreimend new kind of life each 10 years. Biker, politician, hippie... As that i would never be Boring and try to help all of communities ! Excuse my poor english 😂
It feels as if so many people I talk to wish they could live forever, but when they find out I wouldn't want to live forever, they get concerned. I don't know if it's just my INFJ-ness, but everything is a lot and not enough at the same time. All the time. Of course I have lots to do and see in this life, lots of things to discover about myself and others, but the urgency and brevity of an average human life is kind of what gives it meaning. I think the meaning of life is to create your own meaning. I have yet to really face the ''is that all there is?'' dilemma that a lot of people seem to face, but I'm only 27. I've put myself through enough hell with my own mental illness that I feel pretty resilient at this point. Suffering happens, and it's awful. It sucks. And then it goes away for a while(hopefully). But maybe there is a whole wealth of suffering and pain that I have yet to experience and live through. And a whole wealth of joy and fulfillment. We'll see. At least it won't last 300 years.
F J, so glad you are feeling better. Now to answer your question, what I would do if I lived to be 300 years. Just my thoughts so bear with the randomness. I would pursue my passions and dreams, not listen to the naysayers, people that discourage me in the past. Throughout the years, I was drawn to the arts, especially music. Scored high on my entrance exams in college for music, so that is what i would pursue. (Should have said yes to the guys that asked me if I could sing and join their band. Because I can sing.) Along with music, I enjoyed art history, fashion... the art of materials composition, textures...learn how to weave materials... the beauty of the design. I enjoy making things with my hands. Another thing, I did not know I had this gift of writing, until others pointed it out to me, a few years back.(not my English professor though, she was a tyrant lol) And in the back of my mind, I always wanted to write a best seller novel or mystery; oftentimes I get unusual and interesting dreams, then wake up and unfortunately forget them, never jotting them down for future reference. Learn more than one language besides English. Travel through out the world, experience how other people live. Improve my self-esteem by getting over stage fright and learn how to speak in front of an entire crowd of people, without freezing-up. Flashback of being tongued-tied in high school with presentation reports.(Cringing) Tell people how I really feel and stop being nice to undeserving people, being a peacemaker is hard work and draining and many times unappreciative. Continue to be true to myself and stop trying to live for others that do not deserve my precious time nor energy. Be more keenly aware of my finances, make sure others do not undermine my financial gains by making me feel guilty about it and taking advantage of my kindness for weakness. Buy a cottage with a private garden for meditation, peace and tranquility for self preservation. Take care of myself physically and mentally because, INFJs often forget about placing ourselves first. Be authentic, love life and enjoy what God has given me, even though others might try to influence me with their negativity. Just be me by basically staying positive because that is the way I am.
"Yourself is all you'll ever have." Exactly what I have often thought about! Nowadays I'm fine with living with myself all my life even though it was harder a couple of years ago. I've gone through different kind of events, but after all they have taught that I can survive them very well. My three good friends are two INFPs and one INTP, and they have been kind towards me and understood me quite well, which has helped me a lot. There is also my teacher, whose personality type I don't know but who I suspect to be an INFJ because she has understood me better than anyone else ever. At least I hope she is because I have never met another INFJ in real life and I would so much like to. I've also understood that I wouldn't be myself without others. Without other people my INFJness wouldn’t matter at all. Living 300 years, this is an interesting issue. If the human were a species that lived for that time, we would been used to it and probably our education systems etc. would have been designed in a way that... yeah, we probably would all have a long career at work or have many jobs in our lives instead. We would think 300 years is normal and the thought of living just 80 would make us feel bad. But, in this world, if I suddenly got to know that I would live for 300 years, I'd definitely try to do my best to make the world a better place.
I spend as much time outside walking as I can. I write out my feelings everyday. Take care of my body. Surround myself with positive messages. Listen to good music. I have three people I adore and tell them often. This is how I live with myself. thanks for your videos.
If I knew I’d live for 300 years, I wouldn’t worry so much about what I haven’t done yet, like finding someone to love or having an herb shop of my own... certain milestones that I want to reach but I’m afraid are passing me by. I wish I knew people in my real life who had conversations like this.
I appreciate your editing in this video 👌🏼 the sidebar was a mind trip lol. Also, I see you hiding behind that outro. You are talented -play more guitar for us please! ✌🏼
If I had 300 years to live I would apply myself as much as I do now. I tend to be a master applier. I learn new things and apply them as quickly as I can until they are integrated and then I learn some more. I work very hard but it’s play to me so I cannot imagine sitting back and wasting extra time. I think the pressure might come off a little bit knowing that I have more time to accomplish the things that I’m trying to accomplish. But as far as what I’m doing to live with myself. I’ve given myself over to the Ascension process which is the awakening process into higher consciousness and I’m in complete acceptance of it so I am at peace living with me. I don’t want to be anybody else but me. Thanks for the chance to share that thought. ❤️🤗😘
In order to live with myself, I try to deal with my greatest flaws. I know I can't fix all of my shortcomings, but I feel like I can only live with myself if I do my best to overcome what I consider to be the worst parts of me -- the things I do that go against what I believe is right.
Living with myself, I try to put myself first since it is the only inescapable thing. This reminds me of solipsism, "the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist," because we can escape all else, other beings and things, except our selves. I sometimes feel trapped thinking so grandly inside my head, while it seems others can only think so minimally about life and existence. I get through knowing that only I know my reality and I am in control of everything. What I cannot control was never in my control, so I never feels as though I am at a loss when something out of my grasp happens to me or people around me. An average lifespan of 300 years is interesting. I am hopeful that the idea or steps that we currently take throughout our life would change (going to school, then college, then career). Since we would be sticking around for so long, I hope that people stop trying to control the lives of other people, including telling others what to do or how to do things. I've come to take things for what they are. Both the past and the future are beyond ourselves. We are who and what we are in the current moment, and that's all. We have memories of the past and hopes for the future, but those simply exist in our heads. For 300 years, I would continue to live in the moment, take things as they are, and try to keep my thinking to a minimum.
300 years wouldn't be enough. One thing I'd do is continue volunteering. I enjoy helping people & being part of the community. We may be the only one with ourselves for life, but it would be great to have, at least one person who is with us for as long as possible. Not necessarily romantically. Someone who is caring, supportive & especially understanding. I've yet to meet someone who truly gets me. Playing it safe & being complacent might seem like the easy choice. But if we're to really have joy & peace, we need to take a leap of faith sometimes. The outcome could be negative. That's often what helps us get to where we need to be.
Love this! All of it. This is something I think about a *lot*. Gonna start calling my “other” self “Bertha” and tell her what to do with authority. LOL
Super glad I tripped onto this channel, because FJ shares his epiphanies like me. That’s what I miss about a relationship, having someone to listen to my ramblings. Of course, that may have also ended my relationships 😆
'How can I live with myself?' Wait a minute. There are two in this question.. 'I' and 'myself' Who are you then? The ego (the mind made image that you see yourself as), or the silent watcher of all that is? 'You don't have a life, you ARE life!'
I have lived like I only have 300 years, I think. Or only 10 years. I risked going back to school as an adult, risked leaving the town my support system lived in, risked going to work on a yacht as a personal assistant to a dude who fancied himself like Lord Dampnut. I risked a lot while being fully broke as an AmeriCorps member for two years, and then left a pretty good paying job to go back into AmeriCorps again, for three more years. I took a risk by raising a teen who wasn't my child. I recently took a risk by joining a band, learning my instrument as we perform. So many experiences, so many things to learn, and I'm not done seeking them. If you meet the buddha in the road, kill him.
Your mind is dazzling; I am absolutely enamored of your content. You are absolutely intriguing, and solidly engrossing. Thank you, for being you, and for sharing ❤💯
I honestly think of it like i'm taking care of a small child that i love more than anything in the world. I tell myself that it is okay and the worst that could happen is rejection. I console myself, learn, take risks, whatever else it may be. I feel like it's taking me longer to lose my fear of life in general because of childhood abuse ans trauma but i'm getting there. If i could live 300 years, i would start travelling. By foot, car, whatever. I also wouldn't try to save time in anyway possible. I would hand dye, make, and hand wash my clothes, i would walk the 40 minutes to the grocery store, i would build a house, i would fix my own car instead of going to the mechanic, i would definitely not be working 70 hours a week. Having 300 years would make me feel like money and success wouldn't matter as much as it does now. I would have time to do everything i want to do without worrying about "social time limits."
I think if I had 300 years, I'd be way more cautious and guarded at my current age. I base that on the fact that as I age (and realize that my life is more than half over), I have become more open, adventurous and comfortable with being uncomfortable. I can't imagine having to be around for another 250 - I might start to open up around 200 or so. Now, I'm trying to enjoy every day, remove the negative things and people from my life and trying to find the one person with whom I can share the remainder of my life. The latter seems to be an exercise in futility lately...but I haven't given up.
I really enjoy your videos. You share such interesting insights. I think that self improvement is key. And in my opinion, the majority of people don't do that. You need to REALLY know yourself to be able to live with yourself for the rest of your life. That's what I'm trying to do and your videos help with that in a way that you have no idea. So, thank you for that, my friend. And I would be thrilled to be able to live 300 years. It would give me so much time to know more and do good. Okay, I'll stop here.
If I lived for 300 years, I would certainly take more risks, but I definitely don't want to live that long. Really enjoy your videos, and looking forward to the podcast you mentioned doing, in another video...
I love how in so many of your videos you express the exact same thoughts that I've been getting over time. It feels almost nostalgic hearing them. Very grateful for you to post videos 😊
You're a natural at this. I've just watched all of your vlog posts. Subscribed. (P.S. I love that you describe life with real vocabulary and don't sink to profanity. It's refreshing, humble, and uplifting.)
What a wonderful channel. You are changing lives. Keep making them for the next 300 years. Or just the next year. Whatever! Just don't delete them. They need to be available forever. Isn't that kind of beautiful? How am I living with myself. The only thing I have found that's given me souhnd guidance is the approach of feeling. Life is about experiencing feeling. Of course you, sir, would understand that. But it has to be all the feels. Happiness, sadness, love, hate, etc, because they all heighten one another. The tricky part is the balance. I tend to take some to an extreme, and when things don't work favorably, it can be hard to recover. But for better or worse, trhats how I'm living with myself. Blech.
Just found your channel today Frank. Can I just say that it’s already one of my favorite INFJ Vlogs ever? I found myself laughing out loud several times today listening to your videos at work, shaking my head in agreement hearing you say or express the exact same things that I have at one time or another. We infj’s are the most expressive, engaging, quirky people I know. Glad I found your tribe. :) Peace and blessings.✨
I've been thinking about this all my existance. I've always said when you rest your head on your pillow at night, at the end of a long day.. all you have are yourself and your thoughts. Being an INFJ is so painful at days, others it's great. The very ability to reflect on such in depth thoughts is a tricky thing. Balance is key and it always seems like I'm always seeking it. Yeah.. word vomit. Lol
Also, 300 years would be fantastic in reguard to having time and the ability to gain knowledge. To be able too experience other cultures and pursue all the night and little things existance has to offer. But that's also 300 years worth of being with yourself and your thoughts. Learning who you are and developing yourself. That could absolutely suck ass some days when ya are stuck in an emotional introverted slump.. perhaps our brains would process time differently and what for some people are a crap few days could be a crap few months or even years. Just a thought.
I think loving someone despite your fears for the imagined future because you love them so much now is the biggest risk i have taken in order to live with myself. Diving head first into the unknown despite fear is its own kind of faith even when you feel you don't have much of it. I think I would focus more on quality of life if I had to live one for 300 years. The problem for me in trying to imagine it is that right now I'm imaging it with this life to compare it to and I wouldn't have that perspective, in that situation it would be considered normal.
I am 18 years of age and already life all my life basically alone, I was never able to fit in, and thats why I only have few friends. I've been thinking about 1) for the last few days and I want to thank you for this video :)
You just make me want more to make my channel. Everyday. Because you, essentially, correspond and coincide with me, as you do with a lot of us, and we have much stuff to say. To ourselves, to the others we don't know yet and to you, too. I love how you post many days, and I'm not ever deprived of you (haha). What you speak plugs itself in me, too, so you're there in that way. I'm like a fish out of water while just waiting to make my TH-cam channel and collecting stimuli towards it.
😳 I feel this whole video on a super personal level! Thanks for being your awesome, wonderful self FJ! Your videos have been really helpful and inspirational for me 👏👏👏
I think it's a matter of perspective. When I was young I thought 30 was old. When I got to that age, it wasn't. The years have passed and there is a part of the soul which doesn't age. The body, the mind, space, possessions, places, everything slips away. I believe that if we lived 300 or so years we would come to the end knowing we still have the desire for more. The hard part for me is being present now and doing what I'm meant to do in whatever time I have left.
I have a hard time looking within. I instead try to focus on the pain of others, the act of trying to help others distracts me from my own issues. Lately I've been forcing myself to be a little selfish and focus on myself and my own inner demons and it's literally been the hardest, most rewarding thing I've ever done. I've learned alot about myself and how being an INFJ is very difficult in this society. But I'm finally accepting who I am and embracing it
How do I live with myself? I learn to observe myself, be kind and supportive. Meditate, go to therapy, read books, go for lonely hikes where none can see me... Take psychedelics, dive deep. My relationship with myself used to be very complicated as I have witnessed and experiences all kinds of violence. Some more, some less. I had never thought I would get that far in freeing myself from the "shoulds" and "musts" 300 years... i started thinking how economy would work, how Paretto rules would apply... In case people get more self-aware and kind to each other, I guess, it could be wonderful. I'd love to have 3x more time. Thanks for your videos. Your cool and attractive, and I like your art :)
To answer the 300 year life span question- honestly the idea excites and terrifies me. On one hand, I’m a jack of all trades type of person when it comes to skills and knowledge. So the prospect of having even more time to perfect and excel in everything I’m passionate about is tantalizing. On the other hand, 300 years is a lot of time on your hands to deal with internal wounds...if I haven’t solved the depression problem in the first few on earth would I figure it out centuries later? Maybe that’s all the time you need to arrive to an answer? But if it’s’s a does one cope? Would one become more self aware...or be dragged deeper into suffering...
I did all of these tests years ago, I am perfect. But mind you, some of those tests are starting to get rigged to make people doubt their sense of self (stop testing yourselves). If I had 300 years to live I would try to build a life for myself that is dignified and moral, I would provide my children with all I could, protect them and be as peaceful as I possibly can. I would try to live traces for the next time so I don't spend my youth lost. I would try to see the natural beauty in every moment and remind myself that early exits bring you bad luck next time around. I would avoid entropy and exchange with people that are not like myself so that I remain pure, whole and true to myself, but then I would also like to spend a lot of time with those very few who came from the same spiritual home like myself. Stay calm, you are not neurotic, the world has just gone a little weird, that is all.
Honestly we only have today but if I knew I was going to live for 300 years for sure I would be more daring. Like I would go parachuting, I would ride motorcycles and I would sail around the world. As it is though I live an exciting, amazing life. For the most part though I don't like the idea of waiting around before I start my life. I am very much a carpe diem kind of girl and am already daring for the most part. Oh and your awesome. There is a reason you have so many subscribers. Your guitar and voice are also awesome ;)
I have a friend who copes by envisioning herself as the star of her own movie. It allows her to gain some perspective, and it cushions some of the blows of reality too. If I had 300 years as my lifespan, I would feel less pressure. I wouldn’t worry about getting my novel published so much. As it is, I’m worried about dying before I finish it! 😂 Thanks for showing us your depressed side as well as your happy side. We all are multifaceted.
You have no idea how refreshing it is to listen to someone who thinks like I do :) You can't escape yourself, but's its great learning about who you really are - I wouldn't trade myself for anyone else for anything. As for living 300 years - it might be good for folks like us, but I'd not want to live in a world where the Mark Zuckerbergs live for that long - can you imagine what kind of power they'd have over us? No thanks. There's a reason our lifespans are the way they are, imo. It's a good thing I believe in reincarnation, lol. I never feel like this is my "one and only" in this world, more like a chapter in a book which is infinitely long.
Love the 300 hundred years thought!! I feel like it would allow me to Relax enough to just accept things the way they are and just live ...and I feel like then I would have the energy to actually Try and Do something!?!! IDK
Congrats on getting 10K (awesome and introspective) subscribers Frank! Woo hoo! It seems like less than a month ago you were at 6K, so your channel is clearly growing rapidly. Either you are doing something right or we're all a hot mess (I think a little of both are true). I love the question you asked us to ponder. I would like to think that I would take more risks if the average life expectancy was 300 years (assuming that the vast majority are good healthy years of high vitality....if I am half deaf, visually impaired and/or immobilized most of that time I would be risk averse). Also what is the social climate for being over 90 in that world? Is that thought of the way we think of being 30? The answer to that could impact how I proceed with all of those extra years.
The control someone else's life example.. I do that sometimes but by imagining myself as a computer game character that i'm controlling outside of myself.. or i'll try to shift the centre of the world from me to someone around me, so that i'm experiencing life from their view point where I'm just another person along with everyone else
If I died today, I'd be very happy who I was and if I live 300 more, I'll be very happy to see that much of the future. It is so neat to see you of the past and you of the now and I hope I get to see you of the future.
What if the length of time we have is actually longer than what we perceive? Maybe 70 years could be more like 300 if we didn’t cram it full of stuff we don’t actually like doing and replace it with stuff we enjoy They say time slows when you’re in the moment Just a thought! Oh and I’d spend all my time doing nothing and not feel guilty about it; the thought that says “I shouldn’t be doing that” is what makes me feel like shit 😃✌️
A poem that I have carried with me since my teen years: ONLY A PERSON WHO RISKS IS FREE by Author Unknown To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. To reach for another is to risk involvement. To expose your ideas, your dreams, before a crowd is to risk their loss. To love is to risk not being loved in return. To live is to risk dying. To believe is to risk despair. To try is to risk failure. But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The people who risk nothing, do nothing, have nothing, are nothing. They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live. Chained by their attitudes they are slaves; they have forfeited their freedom. Only a person who risks is free.
There is so much in this video that i thought i was alone about and I never thought i would hear it explained from another person. Thank you so much! :D Anyway, if i had 300 years to live, i would start making plans for stuff to do in that time; like a bucket list fx. With only about 70 - 80 years to live in, it feels like everyone is rushing way too much with their education. When you then have kids and a job, it takes up almost all of your time, and its sad that we have to spend such a big percentage of our life doing work. So with 300 years i would earn some money, and then enjoy the rest of my life acting out my bucket list.
Now that you put me in time frame I am wondering... but I think I would be the same, I live without a thought about end of my life, life should be lived and loved, like it won't end... Stay good 😃🍀🎶💖🍀🐱🌞❤️🌼
But if you think about it we are eternal, that's what makes this life on earth magical. We are spirit experimenting itself in human form and if you recognize this you understand how cool it is to be alive.
The thought of living for 300 years is absolutely horrific. I am in the process of finishing a course that I started, medical reception. Only got 2 sections to complete and I'm done. I'm enrolled to do another course, individual support, starting the end of September. Increasing my chance of finding a job, showing that I am putting an effort in increasing my skill set would look good to prospective employers. Started doing a spring clean, which I suspect would take a long time, been holding on to too much unnecessary stuff. From there, not exactly sure, got a few ideas bubbling away.
What am I doing to make sure I can live with myself for the rest of my life? That is a super difficult question. I tend to torture myself over minuscule things that nobody but me remembers. So I guess I am still learning to let go of my own mistakes and leave them where they belong. I guess that is the answer to your question. I am still learning. It helps that I know that. No one is perfect and mistakes happen, so long as we can learn from them and fail forward, we can live with ourselves, or more specifically I can live with myself. As for your second question, I think that if everyone lived for 300 years there wouldn't be a sort of novelty to it and we would basically live the same way we do now. However, if I am the only one that can live that long or part of a minority that can, It would be something to be treasured. I suppose I would amass a huge library within that time. I would read everything I could put my hands on. I have always thought being a biologist or chemist would be very interesting and I think I would do that. Many scientists spend their entire lives trying to discover something and I would have three lifetimes in which to figure out whatever I was researching. Reality is that I would probably end up as the experiment and spend at least one or two of those centuries as a captive. I suppose it would be better for everyone to have the longer life and not just a few because there will still be exceptional people that will want to create, heal, and discover. P.S. I am glad you are feeling better. Thank you for showing us the real you and not just a face you put on for the camera. 'You've made this day a special day, by just your being you. There's no person in the whole world like you; and I like you just the way you are.'
Your like totally the most shiney beautiful perfect ball of light I've seeeeennnnnnn 😍😍😍 totally addicted too your energy thank you for helping me realise I'm not an alien after all!!! Xx
I risked it, for the sake of a better life and love. I regret it immensely. Not because it went wrong, but because I didn't realize what I had and then I lost it.
Living for 300 years... damn, I would go to college and study again and again, learning a lot of different skills that I haven’t tried yet and improved the ones I have tried so far. As a multipotentialite I just love the idea of exploring more then one field. I don’t know if this is an INFJ thing or not, I just love learning new things.
Yeah, I've always thought if I won the lottery and never had to work again, what I'd do is just be a perpetual student and rack up a bunch of degrees.
Being a master of many things is called being a polymath. I wonder how many INFJ's would fall into this category already, and how many more again if given the chance?
Beth Conroy I like that word, polymath.
Frank James ah yes, if money wasn’t an issue. I actually managed to ignore that detail somehow 😅
I would do this as well. I think being a life long learner is very much a part of the INFJ personality.
Now that there aren't many comments I will post something:
I really really like you, I feel like you're 50% the guy of my dreams and 50% the guy I wish I could be. I know you're straight, I do not want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything is just that as an INFJ myself is hard for me to see a beautiful guy who's actually real and smart and fascinating, bc yeah there are millions of guys who seem beautiful but they have a poor soul, and well I feel like you get me man, like my emotions are a minefield, and you're a guy dancing in it, I mean you hit those spots that it's like you feel similar to me. I really admire you, and I really hope I didn't said something wrong, I'm not good at expressing myself.
Goluboi Del Rey I really admire how you worded this and I don’t believe you’ve said anything wrong. :)
no worries, you've expressed yourself well! I understand what you mean. :)
Nothing wrong with what you said! I am humbled by your kind words, thank you for expressing yourself!'s hard not to fall..when your deepest feelings are being affirmed with every word! And those eyes! Lol😍😉
Goluboi Del Rey you were so sweet in saying that. I actually admire and appreciate it, as a viewer of Frank James and of what you said about yourself.
In the book, “12 rules for life: an antidote to chaos” by Jordan Peterson, one of the rules is, treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping/taking care of. It reminded me a bit of what you were talking about in the beginning of this video!
Everyone should read this book!
I just wanted to say about some simple things that made my life easier more content, made me feeling SO MUCH better with myself. I just realized that what you eat and the way you treat your body has a big impact on your brain as well. So the simple things like exercising, doing yoga, being vegan, drinking water, having passions, interacting with animals, people, meditating, saying hello to strangers, holding a door for someone, saying a complement to someone, writing poetry, going for a walk in nature, reading a great book, dressing well are the cure to me. Whenever I am depressed I just forget about These things and I do nothing and I feel even worse.
Radosna aa Yeah my first thought was... 300 years? I better start doing some push-ups and deep-breathing exercises. Lol.
Radosna aa that's just beautiful. Sometimes we see spirituality as somewhere out there in the cosmos or as an escape from the world, but the reality is that it is right here and now in the present moment. You seem like a deeply spiritual and beautiful individual.
Beth Conroy Thank you so much for this comment. It is so uplifting.
I feel I know Frank for a long time. It’s like seeing an old friend 🙏
As an INFJ, I think living 300 years in this current time sounds Terrible lol. Too much pain in the world that I can’t fix. Now, I did try an experiment at work where I am the one that approaches and starts the conversation. You know what? now those same people are coming up to me over and over. They come to me for advice and just to talk An infj dream come true lol. We as INFJ’s HAVE to learn to love ourselves for the lights that we are. We have the ability to pull people out of despair with our intuition and knowledge. I realize that I have a lot more wisdom than most people around me and that my job is to comfort and educate people with my Infj incredible thoughts lol. I make fun but it is true. I love myself for my light and dark side now. Once you accept yourself, your light burns even brighter and people are attracted to you like moths to a flame. Then comes the confidence and the appreciation for our purpose in the world. take care- I love your videos, you are very helpful. - kim
Kim Smart This comment is so uplifting. Thank you.
Kim Smart I’m too much of a skeptic to even want to do that. Good for u though
Thanks for this Kim, it's giving me hope & some reassurance in my hunches & my progress. I've been working on opening up more & for the most part it's gone well. I've always had confidence issues & now I'm really addressing it & learning to love myself.
Kim...if we had 300 years..i Promise you the world would not be this way for long...i am an old soldier..i would take another deep breath & talk you, and every other INFJ i could recruit, into joining us to Force it to change..Literally clean house..& once that fracas was done, they would be able to govern themselves Sensibly...& we could go back to our caves & get on with evolving into..who knows what we could become?
100% gurl, I feel useful when I give advice and they respond back with approval or agreement.
I know this is an old video, but I love the thought experiment about living 300 years. I often wish I could live multiple lifetimes, because I don’t feel like I have enough time to experience everything I would like to in this short lifetime. I think, if I knew I had more time, I would feel more free. I could dedicate a chunk of time to raising a family and still have time to explore myself more. Also, I LOVE the little song you made for the outro. I wish I could have it for a ringtone.
You're genuinely my favourite TH-camr (I watch a lot of youtubers..) :-)
Oliwia Because he is so genuine and it resonates. I love it when someone actually gets me. It's so rare. What percentage of people have this personality type?
Same here
I am writing a 300th comment under this video which is kind of cool. If I had a chance to live 300 years I would aquire several professions and much more skills than I have now. I would travel and take good care of my body so it could be in a good shape by my 300th birthday))
That's what I've been thinking about last year and came to the realization that you ultimately only have yourself. so this year I've have been focusing a lot on my "inner-self"; trying to figure it out, heal it (I've been stuck in a phase of darkness for a long time), and just make peace with it, and I haven't felt this peaceful in a long time even though I lost a couple of really close friendships I had but surprisingly, I feel like that is what made me face myself and come to the place I am in now.
I really appreciate the way you shoot your videos, the angle and how you sit close to the camera really makes me feel like im having a real, deep conversation with you, and your gaze pierces through the screen and makes me really focused lol.
I'm a new subscriber that discovered this channel a couple of weeks ago and its safe to say you are currently the most anticipated youtuber in my feed. ^^
300 years is still not enough time to learn all the things I’d want to learn. I’d probably spend the majority of those years bouncing around to different schools around the world (somehow I’m wealthy in this scenario apparently) - basically if being a professional student is a job in hypothetical-300-year-life-span-utopia, I’m game.
And I’d write more music. I mean, I don’t need three centuries to do this, but that’s how it feels most of the time.
Also: More videos. More guitar outros. More cardigans. Por favor.
Well and the comments are so long again. That's definitely an INFJ thing. Sooo goood to read them all. I feel great to be a part of this awesome community. I love you guys.
Funny you say that because when I'm having a disagreement with a boyfriend over text, I send paragraphs!! I know they hate it, but I have something inside me saying I have to be thorough because so much is misinterpreted in text messages.
Yeah I totally relate to because I used to do the same, but I quited social media(except TH-cam)so I talk with people in the real life.
Love you too gurl! Is it normal to be late to everything? Even commenting 2 years later..? 😆
The government would change the retirement age to 270 years.
Ha ha, I love it
I don’t know if this comment will get seen since this video is already a month old, but I’ll put it out there anyway. Don’t remember the name, but this video reminds me of a short story I read in school basically about the thought experiments you talk about. In the story everyone is immortal essentially except death can still be caused. For example, the body stops aging and there is no ‘natural’ death, but one can still die in an accident or by suicide (hope I explained); so there are two types of people... people who know they have practically an infinite amount of time so they are very proactive and are constantly doing things because there’s so much time to do things.. and then the others who since they know they have so much time are quite ‘lazy’ and really chill and don’t actually get to doing things. I hope someone comments the name because it was really interesting !
How can I live with myself ?----- I decided to not be so hard on myself and accept who I am faults and all. Learn from my mistakes, I discovered people are more fragile that I thought, even tough people.
Live for 300 years, just think of all the changes in the world you would have to keep up with, as long as I was happy and my mind was sharp,it would be an interesting journey, I would try to grow and adapt with it.
That's my key words for the future, grow, adapt and never stop learning.
The Guitar At The End Was Awesome 😂. Exactly How I Feel When I Hit The Wrong Note On The Saxophone. You're A Great Guy. Keep Up The Good Work Bro.
Wow...I guess with 300 years I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more..
Great video! Glad you're feeling better.😊
I was raised on Mr. Rodgers and he made me feel special. Basically, you're my grown up version of Mr. Rodgers.
The fact that I find your thoughts so relatable creeps me out, but also kind of makes me really happy. If I come across the way you do, I am definitely not doing as bad, as I often think I am. Catch a sincere compliment.
I feel anxiety and guilt over stuff I did 20 years ago. 300 years worth of accumulated awkward memories would be horrific!
Lol... on the flip side , you could be an Olympic athlete at 82 yrs old .. it would be like being 27 now
Think of it ... the prime of your life physically would last nearly 100 years - - -20’s and 30’s
Wow 300 years would be a blessing, so much more time to learn and share with others. I'm thinking about how many more books I could read. Thank you for this video!! I'm going to go dream about living another 272years now lol. Also, I saw a lot of guitars, it would be really nice to hear some more of your music :)
Yes, Mr. Frank James, yes. When I think of living for 300 years I feel like all my goals and dreams are accomplishable. It makes me feel like I can take my time. I don't need to rush. And I don't. Even with only 70 or 80 years... it's still a long time. A lot can be done in 100 years (apx). And to be at peace with myself I do exactly what you mentioned in the video. I make the best effort that I can to understand myself. It's important for me that I do that because only then can I do what I CAN actually do instead of feeling bad or dreaming about things that could be done by anyone.
Glad to know you're doing better. Peace.
I’m subscribed for life bro. It’s spine chilling how much I relate to you. I have just started to awaken in my spiritual journey but I awoke in the pits of hell. Yes Las Vegas is really not the best place for spiritual enlightenment . I feel alienated in this world and with these illusions that humans have created. I do not want to take part in this matrix of suffering and false promises. All I seek is understanding and love even if it’s just from myself. Finding your channel has given me hope that there are still other souls like me. It is just incredible that there is so much more than meets the eye. I have gathered an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Everything fascinates me now It feels as if I am a new born starting a clean slate again. I too shal inspire others to stay in the path of light. We are and have always been the creators of our own realities. Everything is just an illusion. We are spiritual beings living in a physical world. I do not fear death anymore because I know that it will set me free from this mortal life. I will finally be free from these shackles and chains that confine me with in this finite world. In the meantime I shall spread love and hope to the other versions of myself that coexist with in this realm. We were all destined for love and it is inevitable. Even before our birth we knew that we were condemned to love. The more we deny this truth the more we shall suffer. There is no use in denying yourself because even if you do not accept this truth in this life you will have the opportunity to accept it in the next. Everything happens for a reason. Everything is happening, has happened and will happen. There is no past present or future there just is. For those of you struggling out there know that love is the only path to unlocking the kingdom is that lies within. When you realize this you will start to awaken and you will see that the rest just happens. Yes it just happens, whatever it is that you are looking for just falls in place. All eyes on you. Go out there shine.
It's so interesting and I think the same recently. You maybe says me : Ok, yes it's normal we think the same because we function the same INFJ.
It's so true, we live only with ourselves, that's why I think it's important to love ourselves and understand ourselves how we functions.
For this really tank to you and all the things you share which helped and help me so much.
I recently told to a coworker : I think I need 3 lifes, if I want to do what I want to do.
If we considere 1 life = 100 years. We arrive to theses 300 years.
_1 life to learn so much things, knowledges...
_1 life to create and share : drawing, painting, writing, sharing about all I leran during the 100 years before, in particular about about MBTI and cognitives functions, how all our behaviors are linked to this.
_1 life to change the world, make the world better, even if I already started to do this during the 100 years before by sharing my knowledges to improve people and word. Concretize/Materialise the ideas. Make the abstract real.
In other termes : to be philosophe (writing), psychologist, (learning) and artist (create). Even if the 3 are linked together in myself.
From an Abraham Hicks perspective, our inner being is pure, positive, vibrational energy that never dies and is having a temporary human experience. Abraham's teachings have kept me from falling off the deep end and have fueled the loving collective consciousness I experience when I raise my vibration. Thank you Frank for these thought provoking videos and the song!
I wish you all were sitting in my living room and we could talk back and forth for hours! I'm reading this mind blowing book that is shifting my thinking seismically, but I can't put it into words. And it talks about and around this subject--living with yourself. "Bonds That Make Us Free" by C. Terry Warner. He talks about our perceptions of others, self deception, conscious, the Light from others and how we really only exist in an I-You mentality. We lose I without You and how we view You shapes how we feel about I. And I'm probably butchering his work. The audio version is an excellent listen, but this is one I also want to read to wrap my head around it better. How do I live with myself? Love people purely. Not counterfeit love with agendas. But purely. See people truly. Not with bias, condemnation, fear. Respond to their light fearlessly.
where ever you're at, there you are
Love that. Beautifully said.
Becky Wilson no matter where you go, there you are. I say .
Clear conscience............................not many worry about their conscience. Like you seem to, I think about mine often.
I agree with Kim below that 300 years would be a nightmare! More time to see how terrible the world is becoming, how people are more and more detached from one another. I'm in my early 40's and I don't know many genuine people.
Next question - What am I doing to make sure I can live with myself? I try not to judge and like everyone until they give me a reason not to. I am very strong with my convictions, however I do feel that I spite myself when sticking to some of them. When it comes to romantic relationships, I have become someone who needs to put my feelings out there when it's near the end. It's very hard for me to do but I see it this way........Communication is failing everywhere. I want to be sure, at the end of the day, this person knows exactly how I feel. My fear is that the relationship ends & I find out later, after it's too late, that they had no idea I felt that way & we probably could've worked it out. If it ends after I say how I feel, I can move on knowing I did everything I could and no matter what, it simply never would've worked.....and my CONSCIENCE IS CLEAR. :) Unfortunately, I've also found that I say exactly how I feel when it's bad and I slam the door so hard, it falls off. I can't let someone who treated me with no respect (during, at the end, whenever) walk away without them knowing how I really feel. Especially since INFJ's are very loyal, caring, empathetic, understanding, you can really start to feel taken advantage of. First time was about 2 years ago with an emotionally abusive narcissistic ex. He needed to hear the ugly truth from my point of view. And I never regretted it.
In learning to live with myself I've started exploring spiritual and metaphysical stuff. Regarding today's topic, I came across a Kryon channeling just recently where he said that we lightworkers (the basic essence of an INFJ) have gone thru many, many lifetimes where we have been harassed, persecuted, tortured, and/or killed for daring to be who we are. He insists that this is why we are so tied in knots just trying to be ourselves now. Hmmmm. I've often been conflicted in just doing the simplest things, and we eventually conclude that he have to learn to just power thru them. I'm hoping you'll figure out an easier way and tell us what it is. : - )
Jeff Wilson Oh yeah I'm subbed to them too. And AbraAbra. Over 200 channels I'm so scatterbrained and so many interests....OR am I just avoiding what society says I should be doing. Screw society. They already screwed me.
@Jeff Wilson
You just gave me an awakening... when people ask me for advice I often tell them to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I guess I am a lightworker and did not know it.
Hey ! I'm a french infj who follow you since somedays. I understand you a lot.
I have a lot of problem with myself at the moment ... I came to the same conclusions as you about coming out of its shell, and I have changed a lot. I have worn to change and i am so happy in my new life more "open".
but it has hurt a lot of my friends and my family that I stop being shy, closed and fearful.
so i have a hard time finding a balance between what other people want me to be and what i want to be. I'm a little lost and your videos help me. it surprises me a lot that someone looks like me so much.
And to ask to the 300 years questions (if it's well that what you asked 😅)
I think.. m.. i would décide to expreimend new kind of life each 10 years. Biker, politician, hippie...
As that i would never be Boring and try to help all of communities !
Excuse my poor english 😂
I love your talk so much. Your voice, your honesty - love it
It feels as if so many people I talk to wish they could live forever, but when they find out I wouldn't want to live forever, they get concerned. I don't know if it's just my INFJ-ness, but everything is a lot and not enough at the same time. All the time. Of course I have lots to do and see in this life, lots of things to discover about myself and others, but the urgency and brevity of an average human life is kind of what gives it meaning. I think the meaning of life is to create your own meaning. I have yet to really face the ''is that all there is?'' dilemma that a lot of people seem to face, but I'm only 27. I've put myself through enough hell with my own mental illness that I feel pretty resilient at this point. Suffering happens, and it's awful. It sucks. And then it goes away for a while(hopefully). But maybe there is a whole wealth of suffering and pain that I have yet to experience and live through. And a whole wealth of joy and fulfillment. We'll see. At least it won't last 300 years.
F J, so glad you are feeling better. Now to answer your question, what I would do if I lived to be 300 years. Just my thoughts so bear with the randomness. I would pursue my passions and dreams, not listen to the naysayers, people that discourage me in the past. Throughout the years, I was drawn to the arts, especially music. Scored high on my entrance exams in college for music, so that is what i would pursue. (Should have said yes to the guys that asked me if I could sing and join their band. Because I can sing.) Along with music, I enjoyed art history, fashion... the art of materials composition, textures...learn how to weave materials... the beauty of the design. I enjoy making things with my hands. Another thing, I did not know I had this gift of writing, until others pointed it out to me, a few years back.(not my English professor though, she was a tyrant lol) And in the back of my mind, I always wanted to write a best seller novel or mystery; oftentimes I get unusual and interesting dreams, then wake up and unfortunately forget them, never jotting them down for future reference. Learn more than one language besides English. Travel through out the world, experience how other people live. Improve my self-esteem by getting over stage fright and learn how to speak in front of an entire crowd of people, without freezing-up. Flashback of being tongued-tied in high school with presentation reports.(Cringing) Tell people how I really feel and stop being nice to undeserving people, being a peacemaker is hard work and draining and many times unappreciative. Continue to be true to myself and stop trying to live for others that do not deserve my precious time nor energy. Be more keenly aware of my finances, make sure others do not undermine my financial gains by making me feel guilty about it and taking advantage of my kindness for weakness. Buy a cottage with a private garden for meditation, peace and tranquility for self preservation. Take care of myself physically and mentally because, INFJs often forget about placing ourselves first. Be authentic, love life and enjoy what God has given me, even though others might try to influence me with their negativity. Just be me by basically staying positive because that is the way I am.
"Yourself is all you'll ever have." Exactly what I have often thought about! Nowadays I'm fine with living with myself all my life even though it was harder a couple of years ago. I've gone through different kind of events, but after all they have taught that I can survive them very well. My three good friends are two INFPs and one INTP, and they have been kind towards me and understood me quite well, which has helped me a lot. There is also my teacher, whose personality type I don't know but who I suspect to be an INFJ because she has understood me better than anyone else ever. At least I hope she is because I have never met another INFJ in real life and I would so much like to. I've also understood that I wouldn't be myself without others. Without other people my INFJness wouldn’t matter at all.
Living 300 years, this is an interesting issue. If the human were a species that lived for that time, we would been used to it and probably our education systems etc. would have been designed in a way that... yeah, we probably would all have a long career at work or have many jobs in our lives instead. We would think 300 years is normal and the thought of living just 80 would make us feel bad. But, in this world, if I suddenly got to know that I would live for 300 years, I'd definitely try to do my best to make the world a better place.
You are such a deep thinker FJ... Keep "deep diving" and you will find an "everlasting wisdom" beyond your wildest dreams💟😊💟
I spend as much time outside walking as I can. I write out my feelings everyday. Take care of my body. Surround myself with positive messages. Listen to good music. I have three people I adore and tell them often. This is how I live with myself. thanks for your videos.
If I knew I’d live for 300 years, I wouldn’t worry so much about what I haven’t done yet, like finding someone to love or having an herb shop of my own... certain milestones that I want to reach but I’m afraid are passing me by.
I wish I knew people in my real life who had conversations like this.
Oh, I see. You're my spirit animal.
I appreciate your editing in this video 👌🏼 the sidebar was a mind trip lol. Also, I see you hiding behind that outro. You are talented -play more guitar for us please! ✌🏼
If I had 300 years to live I would apply myself as much as I do now. I tend to be a master applier. I learn new things and apply them as quickly as I can until they are integrated and then I learn some more. I work very hard but it’s play to me so I cannot imagine sitting back and wasting extra time. I think the pressure might come off a little bit knowing that I have more time to accomplish the things that I’m trying to accomplish. But as far as what I’m doing to live with myself. I’ve given myself over to the Ascension process which is the awakening process into higher consciousness and I’m in complete acceptance of it so I am at peace living with me. I don’t want to be anybody else but me. Thanks for the chance to share that thought. ❤️🤗😘
Be yourself and be proud of it... You are saving & supporting so many people with your life experiences
In order to live with myself, I try to deal with my greatest flaws. I know I can't fix all of my shortcomings, but I feel like I can only live with myself if I do my best to overcome what I consider to be the worst parts of me -- the things I do that go against what I believe is right.
I hate exercise too but I started doing yoga and it really helped me get into the mindset of moving everyday.
Living with myself, I try to put myself first since it is the only inescapable thing. This reminds me of solipsism, "the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist," because we can escape all else, other beings and things, except our selves. I sometimes feel trapped thinking so grandly inside my head, while it seems others can only think so minimally about life and existence. I get through knowing that only I know my reality and I am in control of everything. What I cannot control was never in my control, so I never feels as though I am at a loss when something out of my grasp happens to me or people around me.
An average lifespan of 300 years is interesting. I am hopeful that the idea or steps that we currently take throughout our life would change (going to school, then college, then career). Since we would be sticking around for so long, I hope that people stop trying to control the lives of other people, including telling others what to do or how to do things. I've come to take things for what they are. Both the past and the future are beyond ourselves. We are who and what we are in the current moment, and that's all. We have memories of the past and hopes for the future, but those simply exist in our heads. For 300 years, I would continue to live in the moment, take things as they are, and try to keep my thinking to a minimum.
"How do you live with yourself" was one of Sam Kinison's catchphrases. He said that in the cover "Wild Thing". It was hilarious! 😂😂
One day at a time, with positive mantras, and self love.
300 years wouldn't be enough. One thing I'd do is continue volunteering. I enjoy helping people & being part of the community.
We may be the only one with ourselves for life, but it would be great to have, at least one person who is with us for as long as possible. Not necessarily romantically. Someone who is caring, supportive & especially understanding. I've yet to meet someone who truly gets me.
Playing it safe & being complacent might seem like the easy choice. But if we're to really have joy & peace, we need to take a leap of faith sometimes. The outcome could be negative. That's often what helps us get to where we need to be.
Love this! All of it. This is something I think about a *lot*. Gonna start calling my “other” self “Bertha” and tell her what to do with authority. LOL
Super glad I tripped onto this channel, because FJ shares his epiphanies like me. That’s what I miss about a relationship, having someone to listen to my ramblings. Of course, that may have also ended my relationships 😆
'How can I live with myself?'
Wait a minute. There are two in this question..
'I' and 'myself'
Who are you then? The ego (the mind made image that you see yourself as), or the silent watcher of all that is?
'You don't have a life, you ARE life!'
Yes, we are life itself.
Kevin Groves wow! Yes we are life. I never thought of it that way.
nailed it
i see you have also read the power of now
“Sometimes, I am all I ever have in this world. Most times, I am all I’ll ever need.”
Not sure who said that, but it resonates with me as an INFJ. 👌🏻
I have lived like I only have 300 years, I think. Or only 10 years.
I risked going back to school as an adult, risked leaving the town my support system lived in, risked going to work on a yacht as a personal assistant to a dude who fancied himself like Lord Dampnut. I risked a lot while being fully broke as an AmeriCorps member for two years, and then left a pretty good paying job to go back into AmeriCorps again, for three more years. I took a risk by raising a teen who wasn't my child. I recently took a risk by joining a band, learning my instrument as we perform. So many experiences, so many things to learn, and I'm not done seeking them.
If you meet the buddha in the road, kill him.
Your mind is dazzling; I am absolutely enamored of your content. You are absolutely intriguing, and solidly engrossing. Thank you, for being you, and for sharing ❤💯
I honestly think of it like i'm taking care of a small child that i love more than anything in the world. I tell myself that it is okay and the worst that could happen is rejection. I console myself, learn, take risks, whatever else it may be. I feel like it's taking me longer to lose my fear of life in general because of childhood abuse ans trauma but i'm getting there.
If i could live 300 years, i would start travelling. By foot, car, whatever. I also wouldn't try to save time in anyway possible. I would hand dye, make, and hand wash my clothes, i would walk the 40 minutes to the grocery store, i would build a house, i would fix my own car instead of going to the mechanic, i would definitely not be working 70 hours a week. Having 300 years would make me feel like money and success wouldn't matter as much as it does now. I would have time to do everything i want to do without worrying about "social time limits."
I think if I had 300 years, I'd be way more cautious and guarded at my current age. I base that on the fact that as I age (and realize that my life is more than half over), I have become more open, adventurous and comfortable with being uncomfortable. I can't imagine having to be around for another 250 - I might start to open up around 200 or so. Now, I'm trying to enjoy every day, remove the negative things and people from my life and trying to find the one person with whom I can share the remainder of my life. The latter seems to be an exercise in futility lately...but I haven't given up.
I really enjoy your videos. You share such interesting insights. I think that self improvement is key. And in my opinion, the majority of people don't do that. You need to REALLY know yourself to be able to live with yourself for the rest of your life. That's what I'm trying to do and your videos help with that in a way that you have no idea. So, thank you for that, my friend. And I would be thrilled to be able to live 300 years. It would give me so much time to know more and do good. Okay, I'll stop here.
If I lived for 300 years, I would certainly take more risks, but I definitely don't want to live that long. Really enjoy your videos, and looking forward to the podcast you mentioned doing, in another video...
I love how in so many of your videos you express the exact same thoughts that I've been getting over time. It feels almost nostalgic hearing them. Very grateful for you to post videos 😊
You're a natural at this. I've just watched all of your vlog posts. Subscribed. (P.S. I love that you describe life with real vocabulary and don't sink to profanity. It's refreshing, humble, and uplifting.)
What a wonderful channel. You are changing lives. Keep making them for the next 300 years. Or just the next year. Whatever! Just don't delete them. They need to be available forever. Isn't that kind of beautiful?
How am I living with myself. The only thing I have found that's given me souhnd guidance is the approach of feeling. Life is about experiencing feeling. Of course you, sir, would understand that. But it has to be all the feels. Happiness, sadness, love, hate, etc, because they all heighten one another. The tricky part is the balance. I tend to take some to an extreme, and when things don't work favorably, it can be hard to recover. But for better or worse, trhats how I'm living with myself. Blech.
Just found your channel today Frank. Can I just say that it’s already one of my favorite INFJ Vlogs ever? I found myself laughing out loud several times today listening to your videos at work, shaking my head in agreement hearing you say or express the exact same things that I have at one time or another. We infj’s are the most expressive, engaging, quirky people I know. Glad I found your tribe. :)
Peace and blessings.✨
I've been thinking about this all my existance. I've always said when you rest your head on your pillow at night, at the end of a long day.. all you have are yourself and your thoughts. Being an INFJ is so painful at days, others it's great. The very ability to reflect on such in depth thoughts is a tricky thing. Balance is key and it always seems like I'm always seeking it. Yeah.. word vomit. Lol
Also, 300 years would be fantastic in reguard to having time and the ability to gain knowledge. To be able too experience other cultures and pursue all the night and little things existance has to offer. But that's also 300 years worth of being with yourself and your thoughts. Learning who you are and developing yourself. That could absolutely suck ass some days when ya are stuck in an emotional introverted slump.. perhaps our brains would process time differently and what for some people are a crap few days could be a crap few months or even years. Just a thought.
I think loving someone despite your fears for the imagined future because you love them so much now is the biggest risk i have taken in order to live with myself. Diving head first into the unknown despite fear is its own kind of faith even when you feel you don't have much of it.
I think I would focus more on quality of life if I had to live one for 300 years. The problem for me in trying to imagine it is that right now I'm imaging it with this life to compare it to and I wouldn't have that perspective, in that situation it would be considered normal.
I am 18 years of age and already life all my life basically alone, I was never able to fit in, and thats why I only have few friends. I've been thinking about 1) for the last few days and I want to thank you for this video :)
Man, I love you. You are inspiring. Thank you for your eye opening insights.
You just make me want more to make my channel. Everyday. Because you, essentially, correspond and coincide with me, as you do with a lot of us, and we have much stuff to say. To ourselves, to the others we don't know yet and to you, too. I love how you post many days, and I'm not ever deprived of you (haha). What you speak plugs itself in me, too, so you're there in that way. I'm like a fish out of water while just waiting to make my TH-cam channel and collecting stimuli towards it.
😳 I feel this whole video on a super personal level! Thanks for being your awesome, wonderful self FJ! Your videos have been really helpful and inspirational for me 👏👏👏
I think it's a matter of perspective. When I was young I thought 30 was old. When I got to that age, it wasn't. The years have passed and there is a part of the soul which doesn't age. The body, the mind, space, possessions, places, everything slips away. I believe that if we lived 300 or so years we would come to the end knowing we still have the desire for more. The hard part for me is being present now and doing what I'm meant to do in whatever time I have left.
I have a hard time looking within. I instead try to focus on the pain of others, the act of trying to help others distracts me from my own issues. Lately I've been forcing myself to be a little selfish and focus on myself and my own inner demons and it's literally been the hardest, most rewarding thing I've ever done. I've learned alot about myself and how being an INFJ is very difficult in this society. But I'm finally accepting who I am and embracing it
How do I live with myself? I learn to observe myself, be kind and supportive. Meditate, go to therapy, read books, go for lonely hikes where none can see me... Take psychedelics, dive deep. My relationship with myself used to be very complicated as I have witnessed and experiences all kinds of violence. Some more, some less. I had never thought I would get that far in freeing myself from the "shoulds" and "musts"
300 years... i started thinking how economy would work, how Paretto rules would apply... In case people get more self-aware and kind to each other, I guess, it could be wonderful. I'd love to have 3x more time.
Thanks for your videos. Your cool and attractive, and I like your art :)
Enjoyable, thank you for being transparent :)
You rock man, your videos really help me to think differently and make me wanna try to understand myself more, keep em coming bro!
To answer the 300 year life span question- honestly the idea excites and terrifies me. On one hand, I’m a jack of all trades type of person when it comes to skills and knowledge. So the prospect of having even more time to perfect and excel in everything I’m passionate about is tantalizing. On the other hand, 300 years is a lot of time on your hands to deal with internal wounds...if I haven’t solved the depression problem in the first few on earth would I figure it out centuries later? Maybe that’s all the time you need to arrive to an answer? But if it’s’s a does one cope? Would one become more self aware...or be dragged deeper into suffering...
I did all of these tests years ago, I am perfect. But mind you, some of those tests are starting to get rigged to make people doubt their sense of self (stop testing yourselves). If I had 300 years to live I would try to build a life for myself that is dignified and moral, I would provide my children with all I could, protect them and be as peaceful as I possibly can. I would try to live traces for the next time so I don't spend my youth lost. I would try to see the natural beauty in every moment and remind myself that early exits bring you bad luck next time around. I would avoid entropy and exchange with people that are not like myself so that I remain pure, whole and true to myself, but then I would also like to spend a lot of time with those very few who came from the same spiritual home like myself. Stay calm, you are not neurotic, the world has just gone a little weird, that is all.
Honestly we only have today but if I knew I was going to live for 300 years for sure I would be more daring. Like I would go parachuting, I would ride motorcycles and I would sail around the world. As it is though I live an exciting, amazing life. For the most part though I don't like the idea of waiting around before I start my life. I am very much a carpe diem kind of girl and am already daring for the most part. Oh and your awesome. There is a reason you have so many subscribers. Your guitar and voice are also awesome ;)
I have a friend who copes by envisioning herself as the star of her own movie. It allows her to gain some perspective, and it cushions some of the blows of reality too.
If I had 300 years as my lifespan, I would feel less pressure. I wouldn’t worry about getting my novel published so much. As it is, I’m worried about dying before I finish it! 😂
Thanks for showing us your depressed side as well as your happy side. We all are multifaceted.
You have no idea how refreshing it is to listen to someone who thinks like I do :) You can't escape yourself, but's its great learning about who you really are - I wouldn't trade myself for anyone else for anything. As for living 300 years - it might be good for folks like us, but I'd not want to live in a world where the Mark Zuckerbergs live for that long - can you imagine what kind of power they'd have over us? No thanks. There's a reason our lifespans are the way they are, imo. It's a good thing I believe in reincarnation, lol. I never feel like this is my "one and only" in this world, more like a chapter in a book which is infinitely long.
Love the 300 hundred years thought!! I feel like it would allow me to Relax enough to just accept things the way they are and just live ...and I feel like then I would have the energy to actually Try and Do something!?!! IDK
Congrats on getting 10K (awesome and introspective) subscribers Frank! Woo hoo! It seems like less than a month ago you were at 6K, so your channel is clearly growing rapidly. Either you are doing something right or we're all a hot mess (I think a little of both are true).
I love the question you asked us to ponder. I would like to think that I would take more risks if the average life expectancy was 300 years (assuming that the vast majority are good healthy years of high vitality....if I am half deaf, visually impaired and/or immobilized most of that time I would be risk averse).
Also what is the social climate for being over 90 in that world? Is that thought of the way we think of being 30? The answer to that could impact how I proceed with all of those extra years.
The control someone else's life example.. I do that sometimes but by imagining myself as a computer game character that i'm controlling outside of myself.. or i'll try to shift the centre of the world from me to someone around me, so that i'm experiencing life from their view point where I'm just another person along with everyone else
If I died today, I'd be very happy who I was and if I live 300 more, I'll be very happy to see that much of the future. It is so neat to see you of the past and you of the now and I hope I get to see you of the future.
What if the length of time we have is actually longer than what we perceive?
Maybe 70 years could be more like 300 if we didn’t cram it full of stuff we don’t actually like doing and replace it with stuff we enjoy
They say time slows when you’re in the moment
Just a thought!
Oh and I’d spend all my time doing nothing and not feel guilty about it; the thought that says “I shouldn’t be doing that” is what makes me feel like shit
A poem that I have carried with me since my teen years:
by Author Unknown
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach for another is to risk involvement.
To expose your ideas, your dreams,
before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To believe is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken, because the
greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The people who risk nothing, do nothing,
have nothing, are nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow,
but they cannot learn, feel, change,
grow, love, live.
Chained by their attitudes they are slaves;
they have forfeited their freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.
There is so much in this video that i thought i was alone about and I never thought i would hear it explained from another person. Thank you so much! :D
Anyway, if i had 300 years to live, i would start making plans for stuff to do in that time; like a bucket list fx. With only about 70 - 80 years to live in, it feels like everyone is rushing way too much with their education. When you then have kids and a job, it takes up almost all of your time, and its sad that we have to spend such a big percentage of our life doing work. So with 300 years i would earn some money, and then enjoy the rest of my life acting out my bucket list.
300years too much to live,I think I will improve myself and choice the best way to live with myself and others
I love your channel, always a days worth of deep subjects to ponder. Keep em coming & glad to see your in a better place today.
Thanks, Sue!
I am bingewatching your videos and have never felt this understood
loved the guitar outro...please do more.
Now that you put me in time frame I am wondering... but I think I would be the same, I live without a thought about end of my life, life should be lived and loved, like it won't end... Stay good 😃🍀🎶💖🍀🐱🌞❤️🌼
But if you think about it we are eternal, that's what makes this life on earth magical. We are spirit experimenting itself in human form and if you recognize this you understand how cool it is to be alive.
You stole my heart with that rift
Keep up the great work I love your videos they resonate with me greatly!!
Thank you ❤️
The thought of living for 300 years is absolutely horrific.
I am in the process of finishing a course that I started, medical reception. Only got 2 sections to complete and I'm done. I'm enrolled to do another course, individual support, starting the end of September. Increasing my chance of finding a job, showing that I am putting an effort in increasing my skill set would look good to prospective employers.
Started doing a spring clean, which I suspect would take a long time, been holding on to too much unnecessary stuff.
From there, not exactly sure, got a few ideas bubbling away.
What am I doing to make sure I can live with myself for the rest of my life? That is a super difficult question. I tend to torture myself over minuscule things that nobody but me remembers. So I guess I am still learning to let go of my own mistakes and leave them where they belong. I guess that is the answer to your question. I am still learning. It helps that I know that. No one is perfect and mistakes happen, so long as we can learn from them and fail forward, we can live with ourselves, or more specifically I can live with myself. As for your second question, I think that if everyone lived for 300 years there wouldn't be a sort of novelty to it and we would basically live the same way we do now. However, if I am the only one that can live that long or part of a minority that can, It would be something to be treasured. I suppose I would amass a huge library within that time. I would read everything I could put my hands on. I have always thought being a biologist or chemist would be very interesting and I think I would do that. Many scientists spend their entire lives trying to discover something and I would have three lifetimes in which to figure out whatever I was researching. Reality is that I would probably end up as the experiment and spend at least one or two of those centuries as a captive. I suppose it would be better for everyone to have the longer life and not just a few because there will still be exceptional people that will want to create, heal, and discover. P.S. I am glad you are feeling better. Thank you for showing us the real you and not just a face you put on for the camera. 'You've made this day a special day, by just your being you. There's no person in the whole world like you; and I like you just the way you are.'
Franky James, Im such a fan, you make me like, the way I am.✌🏽
Your like totally the most shiney beautiful perfect ball of light I've seeeeennnnnnn 😍😍😍 totally addicted too your energy thank you for helping me realise I'm not an alien after all!!! Xx
Just found you. Thank you. I’m proud of me and I’m proud of you too! I know this is a year later. I mean it . Hope you are good!
Omg 30 years were enough for me. Doing these 37 years again but old stresses me out.
I risked it, for the sake of a better life and love. I regret it immensely. Not because it went wrong, but because I didn't realize what I had and then I lost it.