Bravo, Julie Castle! Thank you for this presentation and your great work with not only the Vicktory dogs, but everything you do for animals through Best Friends.
Great presentation. I am a monthly contributor to Best Friends, and will continue to be for as long as I live. It is people like Julie and her husband that inspire me to support groups like Best Friends!
Years ago I supported this organization, Best Friends. They are a well-funded group and do a lot of good. When the Vick dogs' lives were at stake I wrote the judge hearing this trial. I explained to him that this breed is fiercely loyal and faithful to their persons. They are muscular and strong. Like ANY dog, they are not born to aggression. As puppies, evil people like Vick and so many others destroy the humane trust of these helpless creatures by abuse, chaining them to impossibly heavy weights and putting food/water out of reach, electrocution and other means too horrid to mention. Thankfully this judge gave these dogs a chance. Many organizations were willing to rehab them. These are the true heroes, along with the dogs for never giving up.
Thank you Julie and all of Best Friends. And where is Michael Vick today? Still playing football and earning big bucks! He was supporting the care of the dogs; not sure if he still is. We sponsored Georgia before her adoption and death. We sponsored Lucas, and will always support BF. Never missed an episode of Dogtown (please bring is back). Please support this incredible organization.
Thank God for Best Friends Animal Society and all the other organizations who helped save all of the wonderful and innocent and helpless dogs abused by Michael Vick!!!! Thank God for Julie Castle and others making it their mission to help make people aware of what happened here and what happens every day and what we can all do to stop the cruelty! Please share this!
Bless The Best Friends Animal Society and the dedication and vision for creating bridges across animal rescue organizations. I am a guardian supporter and humble each day when I think of the work they are doing. This image is of Sandie a rescued Nova Scotia Retriever mix who became one of the loves of our lives.
Thank you Best Friends for the work that you do and thank you Julie Castle for the highly informative talk. I have followed the Vicktory Dogs since their horrific story broke the news. I have been a supporter of Best Friends since their beginning and keep up with the news via their magazine. I highly encourage everyone to support
Ignorance happens everywhere. Fortunately, so does compassion and caring. I'm still optimistic - I like to think in the end, information and dedication will triumph over stupidity and cruelty. Just sayin'..Way to go Julie and BFS..Y'all got our support. And our financial backing.
Thank you for the update about the Vickory dogs, I watched Dog town , I am sorry to hear that Georgia has passed away, I been trying to follow these dogs since I saw them on National Geographic Channel after there rescue, thanks for showing the dogs again, Great speech,
I saw this best friends when they rescued the dogs, It was on National Geographic channel, I saw Georgia, a few pups afraid of dogs, Best friends did a great job, I still have this show on my tivo, You have to see it for yourself, unbelievable,
Out neighbors have had 2 Pit Bulls over the past years and there could not be two sweeter, calm, loving dogs. We need to remember, just as we all are, this breed is a product of their environment. To assume a dogs personality, based on breed is ignorant.
Love never fails. Animals react to what humans teach them. Animals are only aggressive ehdn they sense danger,hunger or are hurt. We compare humans to animals and is very unfair. Humans have shown the worrst cruelty not only to ourselves but to animals . Be kind to all and iy vomes back to you. Blessings.
Should be a very simple equation. You abuse a dog/animal, you get abused by having everything taken from you. You kill a dog/animal you get the death penalty. Simple, easy and good for America, and good for society. Continue the outrage, continue the conversation, pass the law!
I agree. The same punishment should apply whether the victim is animal or human. You are being punished for the crime, not who the victim is. Murder is murder
I applaud their work! Unfortunately there will always be those people who carry the fight to have many breeds banned, not just the Pitbulls. I am an animal lover of all breeds and do believe that education is the best way to change old ways. I have had German Shepherds, at one time these were on a hit list. I have had Dobermans, these also were on a hit list. I have had a Rottie X, these were also on the hit lists of dogs that should be banned and or killed. These were the best dogs I have ever had, child friendly, dog friendly and people in general friendly. I still had people cross the street upon my approaching them on the sidewalks.You never hear about the Chihuahua's that caused a bite that required stitches or the Cocker Spaniels, or the... and on it goes. Education. Education. Education. I thank you Julie and your husband for fighting for the rights of those who can not speak! I do hope that many others join this fight against animal cruelty of all types!!! Victoria, BC Canada
Lesley K Luscombe Yes, they were! They were both at one time or another at the top of the biter and dangerous breed list.... just like labs, chihuahuas, and many others! You are just spewing your information to keep the hype going.
I worked with an animal non-kill shelter in Arizona and I ended up with 12 pit bulls because they were considered the 'dangerous' breed. Guess what? I never got bitten by a pit but by my brother in-law's German Shepard, who had his own passport as a German National. So much for 'superior' breeding.
Thank you and my bet is that the "national organization" was HSUS as PETA still lobbies for BSL but then their real agenda is to end people having pet companions.
Happens all the time, people without the means to keep these dogs securely. Note here a 7mos puppy jumped a 6ft fence, broke out of a crate. Case in point:
Yes, the pit bulls I've been around are wonderful dogs; they are bred to fight by humans. Maybe it's time to place people like Vick into the ring instead of prison to see what it's like to be brutally murdered. I could not watch this entire video because of how painful it is to hear and look at the condition of these poor creatures.
Lesley you have no idea what you're talking about. Pit bulls are wonderful dogs and if they are trained correctly they are loving and wonderful pets. Yes they can be more aggressive than other breeds, but that's where proper training and love come into play. Some peoplw havw the tendency to be more aggressive than others, should those people be eliminated?
It's really important to understand the science behind dog breeds. Emotional arguments don't really help the issue. I support Best Friends, but I do NOT agree with their advocacy of pits. The issue needs to be dealt with truthfully. Artificial selection is a thing. Herding dogs herd, fighting dogs have high prey drive, or as BF says, "are reactive". We need facts and science to show how breed affects behavior. There are statistics and evidence. Dogs that are "reactive" are dogs that are difficult and should only be taken in by people who understand how to work with them and how to keep their neighbors' children and companion animals safe. This whole "pits are great!" message is misinforming people about the risks of high prey drive breeds of dogs. Pits are the most popular, but there are other breeds that should be considered risky. I have been bitten, had two cats killed by, helplessly watched a small dog torn apart, helped my neighbor gather his setter's intestines after being attacked by two pits who escaped their yard, comforted my sister when a former student was mutilated and killed by pit bulls. I am just one person and this is anecdotal evidence. But the statistics support that my experience is more common than pit advocates would like you to believe. This is IMPORTANT! We deserve safe neighborhoods where we can walk our small dogs without the fear of having our companion animals being bitten and shaken until their spines are snapped. Is this fair? Too much to ask? How do we deal with this problem? We need to reduce the number of unwanted dogs, especially breeds that can cause real harm. Anecdotes about successful pit adoptions are heartwarming and truly wonderful. No one would argue that. But we should also discuss the failures and the harm that these dogs can cause. How many more have to die? Dogs are not just dogs. Breeds matter.
The statistics show that Chihuahuas are the most prone to bite. And anybody who thinks their dog is less dangerous because the dog is small, is a huge part of the problem. You tout anecdotal evidence, so I will do the same. A Chihuahua bit my son in the face when he was little. Yet, my high-prey drive dogs, a Shepard mix rescue, a huge doberman, a Malinois mix, have never been anything but tolerant with my kids. The only dog I have ever been forced to give away was a pointer/lab mix that NEVER showed aggression until my daughter started to crawl, and the dog lunged and growled at her. You want to have safety in walking your small dog, but small dogs are more likely to be untrained, more likely to be given concessions on safety, and more likely to bite! I suspect you are biased based on the size of your dog. Yet, the fact is, your small dog is more likely to bite, and most of the people who have small dogs don't take biting seriously. Small dog people think they are harmless because of size. But bite a good chunk out of a small kid's face and it still scars the child.
@@amyjkr I think the point being made is that a small dog being walked can still trigger the prey response without provocation in larger, dog aggressive unsocialized dogs with potentially lethal results. A Chihuahua may cause scarring but will not pose a serious threat to most other animals including people. Pitties and other larger breeds, as much as I love them, can be dangerous if poorly bred/trained. I say this as the mom of a small dog that nearly died from a larger dog attack (not on the dangerous list) that was clearly being cared for by a woman that had no idea how to train or handle her dog in public spaces. I don't blame the dog and didn't report it because I didn't want the dog put down, but I do blame irresponsible people for the tragedies that happen.
@@amyjkr I would have no problem walking into a football field full of pit bulls but I would be wary of doing the same with a football field full of Chihuahuas...truth
Lesley K Luscombe you just invalidated every thing you said by posting this. Oh, well.... now everyone knows your bat$hit crazy. Go troll elsewhere, troll. LOL
Woman no one has to keep their comments to themselves. You and I may not like what's being said but neither of us have the right to tell him/her to keep their comment to themselves. Being able to speak your mind freely without fear of reprisal is one of the things that made America so great. Political correctness in all it's forms needs to be abolished so people are free to speak their mind again.
Lesley K Luscombe But at least Cindy shows her face and it's beautiful! You, on the other hand, hide your face behind a photo-shopped Ninja costume. Why?
It's too bad that the WHOLE story of these rescue dogs isn't being told. Best Friends acts as if they were the sole rescue who helped these dogs (with little or no reference to the many other groups who worked and rehabilitated these dogs, including the rescue called BadRap in Oakland whose co-founder Tim Racer was one of the people who assessed the conditions of these dogs before they went anywhere).....I would just like to see this person give credit where it is due and not try to lead people to believe that Best Friends did this all on their own.....smh.....
+NotSoDivineMsM Has Badrap stopped using pain to train? Every picture I saw of their dogs had them in torture devices. Too bad Racer thought that was the way to subdue an animal.
She keeps saying "Best Friends Society & OTHER RESCUE GROUPS." She's not trying to steal credit from anyone. Giving credit to the rescue groups isn't the point anyway. The point is giving credit to these dogs who rarely get the credit they deserve but instead get demonized which they don't deserve
I will call him the horror campaign manager. i will not call him by his name because I do not want his publicist to find it when his name is googled. Due to his choice of lying about his involvement initially, his apparent lack of remorse, his publicist's attempt to blot & wipe away the "anti" campaign ("hoodwinking" the HSUS person), I believe his talent and ability were effected drastically to the negative and his salary decreases. He has not achieved the stats that he had at Atlanta, I'm sure that Philly drew the short straw but was probably compensated "behind the scenes", and now the Jets are tolerating him, even when, PUBLICLY, he admits that he hadn't prepared for a game a couple of weeks ago-(aw!). It's too late, for me, for any public admissions by him. I do not want to give him any energy, positive or negative. I walk off my anger, I watch, listen and observe for dog fight signs where I go, I pray that no- kill shelter staff, rescuers, humane owners of all dogs and cats are safe and not get tired of caring and the rest-hope they see the "Light of Life". Thank you.
I just learned today that the city I am moving to has a pittbul ban even on anything that looks like a pitt how would you know so judgmental. I feel like a leper everywhere I go .. i Have a job and i am an engineer and yet I can never find housing. better live out of an RV
Which city repeals are happening every day fight for change - Libby,Chateauguay, Lakewood, euclid, Mansfield Prince George and montreal are some of the recent repeals - Educate the uninformed masses Delaware became the 21st state to outlaw BSL
Lesley K Luscombe the dead are dead.. but not as many by pit bulls as you would like everyone to believe...considering you clump 25 breeds into the pit bull category...we know your facts alright.. more like myths!
mary Olson Exactly, Mary. They redid the supposed list of dog bites and investigated to be a farce, but all the haters go to that site like it's the almighty word.
Lesley K Luscombe and to think that if humans were banned there would be a HELL of a lot less violence :)
These dogs are very unpredictable. So many family pits have attacked their children and yet some many take up for them. Its sickening to hear of another child or a true family pet killed by them.
They're really not unpredictable. You just don't know very much about this breed. The most dangerous dog I've ever known was a golden retriever who sought out and attacked small children - almost took a little boy's ear off. He was the sweetest dog with adults. He needed to be in a household with no small children, obviously. But THAT was unpredictable. Pit bulls are just as predictable as any other breed of dog. Sensationalism has doomed this breed, unfortunately.
Lesley K Luscombe your cults stats are bogus.. you counted a death by a frying counted dogs that were not pit some respect for the dead alright..stop lying...
Sarah C. Totally on point. If the haters would learn even an iota about dog behavior and the play people have into it, THEN they may understand. Yes, even the poor children that are bitten are the sacrifice of the parents not doing their job. You NEVER leave children unattended. The poor boy in Utah recently? Really...? The family adopts a dog from the shelter they know nothing about and don't take the time to work with the dog in their home. Two weeks is not long enough to learn about a dog's behavior. Ignorance.
Lesley K Luscombe 12 dead? You realize that lightening has killed more people this year then a breed of animal, so have cows, and horses. Should we ban cows and horses? Jesus Christ, you don't respect the dead by pushing for the banning and murder of a group of animals, no matter their individual case. Furthermore, 12 people dead from dogs, just from a single type? That's not a huge number, that's not even a medium number, that's a minuscule number that is not even worth repeating. I guarantee other dog breeds have done the same amount, if not more.
"intrinsic value" intrinsic |inˈtrinzik adjective belonging naturally; essential: there is nothing natural about man made animals, especially highly social animals like dogs, that have been bred to kill its own kind. there is nothing natural about an animal that humans worked to eliminate the quality of self preservation, or in julie's own words, "a lot of the females teeth had been pulled so when they were forcibly bred, with the males, they wouldn't harm them." julie, did best friends rehabilitate vicktory dogs DENZEL and TUG? or didn't best friends treat them with love and affection? an undeniable fact that you are leaving out julie, is that some of those PUPPIES from the north carolina bust had to be separated at just a couple of months of age because they viciously attacked their litter mates. that national group is the HSUS and they took quite a beating from a nation of crazed pit bull fanatics. the beating was so bad, they jumped ship and are now in the pocket of pit bull advocates.
Lesley K Luscombe you aren't even from the US .. everyone see's alright.. what would I be butt hurt about? State Action: No state has breed discriminatory legislation on the state level. Nineteen have banned breed discriminatory law statewide including Utah, South Dakota, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Nevada, Connecticut, Maine, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Minnesota, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Colorado, California and South Carolina. The Maryland legislature has just overturned a court decision that found pit bulls inherently dangerous. Cities: Only 3% of cities in the US have breed discriminatory laws. A census of the total number of cities in the US varies by its definition and the source. does not define the term city. However, the list on the site includes cities of all sizes with no numerical cutoff. The total number of cities listed in a city census ranges from 18,433 to 19,429. Taking the lowest number, 600 cities represents 3% of all American cities. The corollary is that 97% of all American cities do not regulate pit bulls. Hardly a ringing endorsement of BSL. Countries: Eighty five percent of countries do not regulate dogs by breed. Thirty countries have banned pit bulls. The consensus is that there are approximately 192 countries in the world. Thus 85% of the countries in the world do not regulate pit bulls. Public Safety: It is also well settled that BDL does not promote overall public safety. In virtually every case where overall dog bites have been analyzed after BDL has been passed, overall dog bite counts have gone up.
Lesley K Luscombe What article did you read that said his intestines were hanging out??? That article I read said his injuries were not life threatening.
I just looked at the "Craven Desires" blog and oh goodness, that's a big hot mess full of crap and delightful entertainment. No one with a single brain cell and a smattering of sense would EVER take that site as anything other than pure silly entertainment. Oh, I'm sorry, you took it SERIOUSLY? Then again, there is that whole brain cell/sense requirement. Sorry you fell short. Folks, give this a read and tell me if it's not the most unbelievably entertaining rant ever? I hope this blogger gets on a therapeutic level of his/her meds soon or we're all at risk....
Dog fighting is still going on full steam, people backyard breeding pitbulls like rabbits, poorly bred dogs, selling them as "guard dogs" for your family, ignorantly bred dogs, not bred for reliable character but selected for aggression, not to be family dogs like other breeds ie UNpredictable dogs. Your whining manipulative voice doesn't stand up to the fact that ordinary people are trying to adopt pits and failing disastrously. People don't have adequate containment for pits, who escape and terrorize whole neighborhoods, mauling & tearing the faces off children, & killing other dogs. Dog professionals may be able to train, read, & contain pits, but ordinary people are over their heads. (there are numerous instances of rescue people who have been killed & attacked) Pit bulls are being bred in numbers beyond the numbers of homes that can insure public safety. It is a breed type that is bred to kill. BSL slows down the fad of this demanding and stress related dog.
Leslie!!!! Come out from behind that "Animal Liberation Mask" you wear and face a true member who takes her's off. I believe you are off balanced and better beware of the negative remarks you make from stupidity. You walk a tight rope dear.
I wish everyone would just please ignore Lesley. She's a troller! Souping you all up into a frenzy! She's digging herself into her own hole with every post! ;) We smarter and wiser folks know who we are.... leave her in her own delusional muck and stop engaging her!
Proud mum of a rescue pittie that no one wanted. Loyal and loving. Love my rescues
Bravo, Julie Castle! Thank you for this presentation and your great work with not only the Vicktory dogs, but everything you do for animals through Best Friends.
Great presentation. I am a monthly contributor to Best Friends, and will continue to be for as long as I live. It is people like Julie and her husband that inspire me to support groups like Best Friends!
Best Friends does amazing work. Thank you for all you do every single day for the animals.
What an amazing presentation. Thank you Julie Castle for your eloquence and Best Friends for your vision for all animals!
Years ago I supported this organization, Best Friends. They are a well-funded group and do a lot of good. When the Vick dogs' lives were at stake I wrote the judge hearing this trial. I explained to him that this breed is fiercely loyal and faithful to their persons. They are muscular and strong. Like ANY dog, they are not born to aggression. As puppies, evil people like Vick and so many others destroy the humane trust of these helpless creatures by abuse, chaining them to impossibly heavy weights and putting food/water out of reach, electrocution and other means too horrid to mention. Thankfully this judge gave these dogs a chance. Many organizations were willing to rehab them. These are the true heroes, along with the dogs for never giving up.
Thank you Julie and all of Best Friends. And where is Michael Vick today? Still playing football and earning big bucks! He was supporting the care of the dogs; not sure if he still is. We sponsored Georgia before her adoption and death. We sponsored Lucas, and will always support BF. Never missed an episode of Dogtown (please bring is back). Please support this incredible organization.
Thank God for Best Friends Animal Society and all the other organizations who helped save all of the wonderful and innocent and helpless dogs abused by Michael Vick!!!! Thank God for Julie Castle and others making it their mission to help make people aware of what happened here and what happens every day and what we can all do to stop the cruelty! Please share this!
Beautifully said, Julie!! Thank you for everything you do.
Bless The Best Friends Animal Society and the dedication and vision for creating bridges across animal rescue organizations. I am a guardian supporter and humble each day when I think of the work they are doing. This image is of Sandie a rescued Nova Scotia Retriever mix who became one of the loves of our lives.
Thank you Best Friends for the work that you do and thank you Julie Castle for the highly informative talk. I have followed the Vicktory Dogs since their horrific story broke the news. I have been a supporter of Best Friends since their beginning and keep up with the news via their magazine. I highly encourage everyone to support
Best Friends is the best!!!
Thank-you Best Friends....
Ignorance happens everywhere. Fortunately, so does compassion and caring. I'm still optimistic - I like to think in the end, information and dedication will triumph over stupidity and cruelty. Just sayin'..Way to go Julie and BFS..Y'all got our support. And our financial backing.
Thank you for the update about the Vickory dogs, I watched Dog town , I am sorry to hear that Georgia has passed away, I been trying to follow these dogs since I saw them on National Geographic Channel after there rescue, thanks for showing the dogs again, Great speech,
Just came back from Best Friends, an amazing organization and property.
Worth a visit and do join.
I saw this best friends when they rescued the dogs, It was on National Geographic channel, I saw Georgia, a few pups afraid of dogs, Best friends did a great job, I still have this show on my tivo, You have to see it for yourself, unbelievable,
Thank you for this Julie
We need to change people‘s minds on Rottweilers also . I love you guys for all you do for Pitbulls ❤️❤️❤️.
Out neighbors have had 2 Pit Bulls over the past years and there could not be two sweeter, calm, loving dogs. We need to remember, just as we all are, this breed is a product of their environment. To assume a dogs personality, based on breed is ignorant.
Pit bulls are, hands down, the best dogs. THE. BEST. DOGS.
Love never fails. Animals react to what humans teach them. Animals are only aggressive ehdn they sense danger,hunger or are hurt. We compare humans to animals and is very unfair. Humans have shown the worrst cruelty not only to ourselves but to animals . Be kind to all and iy vomes back to you. Blessings.
I am behind you. I have a rescue french mastiff red nose brindle pitbull.
Great speech.
Should be a very simple equation. You abuse a dog/animal, you get abused by having everything taken from you. You kill a dog/animal you get the death penalty. Simple, easy and good for America, and good for society. Continue the outrage, continue the conversation, pass the law!
Exactly Mark! But what can be done for those that talk stupid, like Lesley K Luscombe and Sandy Louise Hickman-Holliday? I know. How about a muzzle?
I agree. The same punishment should apply whether the victim is animal or human. You are being punished for the crime, not who the victim is. Murder is murder
I applaud their work! Unfortunately there will always be those people who carry the fight to have many breeds banned, not just the Pitbulls. I am an animal lover of all breeds and do believe that education is the best way to change old ways. I have had German Shepherds, at one time these were on a hit list. I have had Dobermans, these also were on a hit list. I have had a Rottie X, these were also on the hit lists of dogs that should be banned and or killed. These were the best dogs I have ever had, child friendly, dog friendly and people in general friendly. I still had people cross the street upon my approaching them on the sidewalks.You never hear about the Chihuahua's that caused a bite that required stitches or the Cocker Spaniels, or the... and on it goes. Education. Education. Education. I thank you Julie and your husband for fighting for the rights of those who can not speak! I do hope that many others join this fight against animal cruelty of all types!!!
Victoria, BC
Lesley K Luscombe
Yes, they were! They were both at one time or another at the top of the biter and dangerous breed list.... just like labs, chihuahuas, and many others! You are just spewing your information to keep the hype going.
Lesley K Luscombe you are whacked! I have tears in my eyes, I'm laughing so hard!
Used to be Lhasa Apso, then Chows, Pincers, Rotweilers and the last two with Pit Bulls are not allowed in many places that I've lived.
I worked with an animal non-kill shelter in Arizona and I ended up with 12 pit bulls because they were considered the 'dangerous' breed. Guess what? I never got bitten by a pit but by my brother in-law's German Shepard, who had his own passport as a German National. So much for 'superior' breeding.
Thank you and my bet is that the "national organization" was HSUS as PETA still lobbies for BSL but then their real agenda is to end people having pet companions.
Happens all the time, people without the means to keep these dogs securely. Note here a 7mos puppy jumped a 6ft fence, broke out of a crate. Case in point:
Yes, the pit bulls I've been around are wonderful dogs; they are bred to fight by humans. Maybe it's time to place people like Vick into the ring instead of prison to see what it's like to be brutally murdered. I could not watch this entire video because of how painful it is to hear and look at the condition of these poor creatures.
That's so true, Dawn. Thanks for the support.
Lesley you have no idea what you're talking about. Pit bulls are wonderful dogs and if they are trained correctly they are loving and wonderful pets. Yes they can be more aggressive than other breeds, but that's where proper training and love come into play. Some peoplw havw the tendency to be more aggressive than others, should those people be eliminated?
It's really important to understand the science behind dog breeds. Emotional arguments don't really help the issue. I support Best Friends, but I do NOT agree with their advocacy of pits. The issue needs to be dealt with truthfully.
Artificial selection is a thing. Herding dogs herd, fighting dogs have high prey drive, or as BF says, "are reactive". We need facts and science to show how breed affects behavior. There are statistics and evidence. Dogs that are "reactive" are dogs that are difficult and should only be taken in by people who understand how to work with them and how to keep their neighbors' children and companion animals safe. This whole "pits are great!" message is misinforming people about the risks of high prey drive breeds of dogs. Pits are the most popular, but there are other breeds that should be considered risky.
I have been bitten, had two cats killed by, helplessly watched a small dog torn apart, helped my neighbor gather his setter's intestines after being attacked by two pits who escaped their yard, comforted my sister when a former student was mutilated and killed by pit bulls. I am just one person and this is anecdotal evidence. But the statistics support that my experience is more common than pit advocates would like you to believe.
This is IMPORTANT! We deserve safe neighborhoods where we can walk our small dogs without the fear of having our companion animals being bitten and shaken until their spines are snapped. Is this fair? Too much to ask?
How do we deal with this problem? We need to reduce the number of unwanted dogs, especially breeds that can cause real harm. Anecdotes about successful pit adoptions are heartwarming and truly wonderful. No one would argue that. But we should also discuss the failures and the harm that these dogs can cause. How many more have to die? Dogs are not just dogs. Breeds matter.
The statistics show that Chihuahuas are the most prone to bite. And anybody who thinks their dog is less dangerous because the dog is small, is a huge part of the problem. You tout anecdotal evidence, so I will do the same. A Chihuahua bit my son in the face when he was little. Yet, my high-prey drive dogs, a Shepard mix rescue, a huge doberman, a Malinois mix, have never been anything but tolerant with my kids. The only dog I have ever been forced to give away was a pointer/lab mix that NEVER showed aggression until my daughter started to crawl, and the dog lunged and growled at her.
You want to have safety in walking your small dog, but small dogs are more likely to be untrained, more likely to be given concessions on safety, and more likely to bite! I suspect you are biased based on the size of your dog. Yet, the fact is, your small dog is more likely to bite, and most of the people who have small dogs don't take biting seriously. Small dog people think they are harmless because of size. But bite a good chunk out of a small kid's face and it still scars the child.
@@amyjkr I think the point being made is that a small dog being walked can still trigger the prey response without provocation in larger, dog aggressive unsocialized dogs with potentially lethal results. A Chihuahua may cause scarring but will not pose a serious threat to most other animals including people. Pitties and other larger breeds, as much as I love them, can be dangerous if poorly bred/trained.
I say this as the mom of a small dog that nearly died from a larger dog attack (not on the dangerous list) that was clearly being cared for by a woman that had no idea how to train or handle her dog in public spaces. I don't blame the dog and didn't report it because I didn't want the dog put down, but I do blame irresponsible people for the tragedies that happen.
@@amyjkr I would have no problem walking into a football field full of pit bulls but I would be wary of doing the same with a football field full of Chihuahuas...truth
Lesley K Luscombe you just invalidated every thing you said by posting this. Oh, well.... now everyone knows your bat$hit crazy. Go troll elsewhere, troll. LOL
Cindy, don't sweat it. Everyone on this string knows Lesley is a fruitcake.
Woman no one has to keep their comments to themselves. You and I may not like what's being said but neither of us have the right to tell him/her to keep their comment to themselves. Being able to speak your mind freely without fear of reprisal is one of the things that made America so great. Political correctness in all it's forms needs to be abolished so people are free to speak their mind again.
Sandy Louise Hickman-Holliday
I agree on rights but did you know that even rights can be abused?
Lesley K Luscombe But at least Cindy shows her face and it's beautiful! You, on the other hand, hide your face behind a photo-shopped Ninja costume. Why?
wonderful message, but lord, you need to pick up the pace of your presentation. snooze-worthy.
Sadly, your statement is true
You can watch it sped up. I watched it at 1.5x speed lol
It's too bad that the WHOLE story of these rescue dogs isn't being told. Best Friends acts as if they were the sole rescue who helped these dogs (with little or no reference to the many other groups who worked and rehabilitated these dogs, including the rescue called BadRap in Oakland whose co-founder Tim Racer was one of the people who assessed the conditions of these dogs before they went anywhere).....I would just like to see this person give credit where it is due and not try to lead people to believe that Best Friends did this all on their own.....smh.....
+NotSoDivineMsM Has Badrap stopped using pain to train? Every picture I saw of their dogs had them in torture devices. Too bad Racer thought that was the way to subdue an animal.
I have taken a screen shot of this comment, Melissa. I hope you can provide PROOF of those photos. Have a nice weekend......:)
Pain to train - Cite please
She keeps saying "Best Friends Society & OTHER RESCUE GROUPS." She's not trying to steal credit from anyone. Giving credit to the rescue groups isn't the point anyway. The point is giving credit to these dogs who rarely get the credit they deserve but instead get demonized which they don't deserve
I will call him the horror campaign manager. i will not call him by his name because I do not want his publicist to find it when his name is googled. Due to his choice of lying about his involvement initially, his apparent lack of remorse, his publicist's attempt to blot & wipe away the "anti" campaign ("hoodwinking" the HSUS person), I believe his talent and ability were effected drastically to the negative and his salary decreases. He has not achieved the stats that he had at Atlanta, I'm sure that Philly drew the short straw but was probably compensated "behind the scenes", and now the Jets are tolerating him, even when, PUBLICLY, he admits that he hadn't prepared for a game a couple of weeks ago-(aw!). It's too late, for me, for any public admissions by him. I do not want to give him any energy, positive or negative. I walk off my anger, I watch, listen and observe for dog fight signs where I go, I pray that no- kill shelter staff, rescuers, humane owners of all dogs and cats are safe and not get tired of caring and the rest-hope they see the "Light of Life". Thank you.
I just learned today that the city I am moving to has a pittbul ban even on anything that looks like a pitt how would you know so judgmental. I feel like a leper everywhere I go .. i Have a job and i am an engineer and yet I can never find housing. better live out of an RV
Which city repeals are happening every day fight for change - Libby,Chateauguay, Lakewood, euclid, Mansfield Prince George and montreal are some of the recent repeals - Educate the uninformed masses Delaware became the 21st state to outlaw BSL
Lesley...know your facts before you type complete ignorance.
Lesley K Luscombe the dead are dead.. but not as many by pit bulls as you would like everyone to believe...considering you clump 25 breeds into the pit bull category...we know your facts alright.. more like myths!
mary Olson
Exactly, Mary. They redid the supposed list of dog bites and investigated to be a farce, but all the haters go to that site like it's the almighty word.
Lesley K Luscombe and to think that if humans were banned there would be a HELL of a lot less violence :)
These dogs are very unpredictable. So many family pits have attacked their children and yet some many take up for them. Its sickening to hear of another child or a true family pet killed by them.
Then don't get one , problem solved .
They're really not unpredictable. You just don't know very much about this breed. The most dangerous dog I've ever known was a golden retriever who sought out and attacked small children - almost took a little boy's ear off. He was the sweetest dog with adults. He needed to be in a household with no small children, obviously. But THAT was unpredictable. Pit bulls are just as predictable as any other breed of dog. Sensationalism has doomed this breed, unfortunately.
Lesley K Luscombe your cults stats are bogus.. you counted a death by a frying counted dogs that were not pit some respect for the dead alright..stop lying...
Sarah C.
Totally on point. If the haters would learn even an iota about dog behavior and the play people have into it, THEN they may understand. Yes, even the poor children that are bitten are the sacrifice of the parents not doing their job. You NEVER leave children unattended. The poor boy in Utah recently? Really...? The family adopts a dog from the shelter they know nothing about and don't take the time to work with the dog in their home. Two weeks is not long enough to learn about a dog's behavior. Ignorance.
Lesley K Luscombe 12 dead? You realize that lightening has killed more people this year then a breed of animal, so have cows, and horses. Should we ban cows and horses? Jesus Christ, you don't respect the dead by pushing for the banning and murder of a group of animals, no matter their individual case. Furthermore, 12 people dead from dogs, just from a single type? That's not a huge number, that's not even a medium number, that's a minuscule number that is not even worth repeating. I guarantee other dog breeds have done the same amount, if not more.
"intrinsic value"
intrinsic |inˈtrinzik
belonging naturally; essential:
there is nothing natural about man made animals, especially highly social animals like dogs, that have been bred to kill its own kind. there is nothing natural about an animal that humans worked to eliminate the quality of self preservation, or in julie's own words, "a lot of the females teeth had been pulled so when they were forcibly bred, with the males, they wouldn't harm them."
julie, did best friends rehabilitate vicktory dogs DENZEL and TUG? or didn't best friends treat them with love and affection?
an undeniable fact that you are leaving out julie, is that some of those PUPPIES from the north carolina bust had to be separated at just a couple of months of age because they viciously attacked their litter mates. that national group is the HSUS and they took quite a beating from a nation of crazed pit bull fanatics. the beating was so bad, they jumped ship and are now in the pocket of pit bull advocates.
craven desires is as big a joke as DBO..
Lesley K Luscombe you aren't even from the US .. everyone see's alright.. what would I be butt hurt about?
State Action: No state has breed discriminatory legislation on the state level. Nineteen have banned breed discriminatory law statewide including Utah, South Dakota, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Nevada, Connecticut, Maine, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Minnesota, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Colorado, California and South Carolina. The Maryland legislature has just overturned a court decision that found pit bulls inherently dangerous.
Cities: Only 3% of cities in the US have breed discriminatory laws. A census of the total number of cities in the US varies by its definition and the source. does not define the term city. However, the list on the site includes cities of all sizes with no numerical cutoff. The total number of cities listed in a city census ranges from 18,433 to 19,429. Taking the lowest number, 600 cities represents 3% of all American cities. The corollary is that 97% of all American cities do not regulate pit bulls. Hardly a ringing endorsement of BSL.
Countries: Eighty five percent of countries do not regulate dogs by breed. Thirty countries have banned pit bulls. The consensus is that there are approximately 192 countries in the world. Thus 85% of the countries in the world do not regulate pit bulls.
Public Safety: It is also well settled that BDL does not promote overall public safety. In virtually every case where overall dog bites have been analyzed after BDL has been passed, overall dog bite counts have gone up.
Lesley K Luscombe
What article did you read that said his intestines were hanging out??? That article I read said his injuries were not life threatening.
I just looked at the "Craven Desires" blog and oh goodness, that's a big hot mess full of crap and delightful entertainment. No one with a single brain cell and a smattering of sense would EVER take that site as anything other than pure silly entertainment. Oh, I'm sorry, you took it SERIOUSLY? Then again, there is that whole brain cell/sense requirement. Sorry you fell short. Folks, give this a read and tell me if it's not the most unbelievably entertaining rant ever? I hope this blogger gets on a therapeutic level of his/her meds soon or we're all at risk....
Sarah C. thanks for reading! be sure to check out the TRUTH about pit bulls.
Dog fighting is still going on full steam, people backyard breeding pitbulls like rabbits, poorly bred dogs, selling them as "guard dogs" for your family, ignorantly bred dogs, not bred for reliable character but selected for aggression, not to be family dogs like other breeds ie UNpredictable dogs. Your whining manipulative voice doesn't stand up to the fact that ordinary people are trying to adopt pits and failing disastrously. People don't have adequate containment for pits, who escape and terrorize whole neighborhoods, mauling & tearing the faces off children, & killing other dogs. Dog professionals may be able to train, read, & contain pits, but ordinary people are over their heads. (there are numerous instances of rescue people who have been killed & attacked) Pit bulls are being bred in numbers beyond the numbers of homes that can insure public safety. It is a breed type that is bred to kill. BSL slows down the fad of this demanding and stress related dog.
Leslie!!!! Come out from behind that "Animal Liberation Mask" you wear and face a true member who takes her's off. I believe you are off balanced and better beware of the negative remarks you make from stupidity. You walk a tight rope dear.
I wish everyone would just please ignore Lesley. She's a troller! Souping you all up into a frenzy! She's digging herself into her own hole with every post! ;) We smarter and wiser folks know who we are.... leave her in her own delusional muck and stop engaging her!