List of questions with timestamps: 02:05 - How can realization occur in the mind, if the mind is actually false? 06:51 - If I am pure consciousness, why do unwanted situations appear to me? 15:43 - Is it true that the "ego" consciousness sets the wheel of karma in motion? 20:28 - How can we make the leap from the individual to the universal consciousness? 40:33 - How is bliss the same as existence and consciousness? 50:00 - If Brahman through Maya becomes God, why surrender to God? 57:15 - How can I turn intellectual realization into a living reality? 01:07:27 - Can science lead us to the ultimate truth? 01:19:07 - The path of Raja Yoga allows us to "turn off" the world and see the ultimate reality. Is this superior to the path of Jnana Yoga?
I am Rajat from west Bengal can anyone please give me the mail address of maharaj ji, I am going through a taugh time...I have some doubts in my mind I want swami ji advise pls help me...
Please don't forget to 'like' Swami's videos. It helps spread his work which brings so much enrichment to so many lives. He has become an important part of my life and practice and I am so glad I found him. I would love that others , who are so inclined, to have the same opportunity.
He has a wide range of knowledge n mastery in explaining Bramha Vidya-having deep n profound knowledge developing our interest.I hv benefitted a lot by listening his lectures.
These talks can,must make all human societies on this planet think and reconsider how to AVoid Holaucasts ,mass murders,wars just by the madness of a few decision makers of various countries... During my schoo and college days I was thinking that we will have better refined societies in the coming years . Sad,what a tragedy that our valuable resources ARE drained towards destructive activities in spite of a chance available to use for social welfare and conservation of the devine provisions gifted to us by the Almighty..Sad,Sad..
Swamiji,I bow down to you.I am a follower of Sri Aurobindo,He is my Guru,my Master .I try to follow His teaching and guidance in my life.Swamiji your talks have helped me immensely in understanding Him better. Pranam st your holy feet Anjana
The brilliance with which Brahma shines through His own preachings using a physical instrument in the form of a human body known worldwide as Swami Sarvapriyananda is a stunning glimpse of His infinite nature. Swami is a rare phenomenon in public speaking.
The very best interpretation I hv ever listened. Even a layman can understand Vedanta thru the brilliant answers given by Swamiji. Koti koti namaskaram.
Swamiji is a charming speaker and a teacher. His words flow naturally and appease the mind of an ignorant like me. Hence, I cannot stop listening. Thank you Swamiji and the Vedanty Society, NY.
Great Conversation (distinct from talks or lectures). You are conversing with the listeners in coherent and powerful manner I have ever heard! You are artistically driving home the complex nature of existence- Consciousness! I "thank" you, Swamiji!
Interesting that Nikola Tesla had an interest in this, hardly surprising too however. He was a genius who probably through his work understood the ultimate reality. The gap between particle physics and spirituality is maybe now quite small.
If space or the concept of distance is an infinite progression of magnitude , pure consciousness makes this concept possible in mind . In thinking this, any point is infinity and the point also , the individual somehow an expression of both. Mostly for me , limitation defines indefinite progressions of all potentiality. How does this happen don't ask me not my pay grade. This man is the closest I have ever had the privilege to hear who gets the connection between infinity and phenomenal expression .
Deep gratitude to Swamiji! Whenever I listen to him he addresses something that turns a light bulb on a particular barrier or solidify a concept that I am mulling over. He is absolutely correct that these questions are helpful to many of us. My heart is filled with gratitude for him and Ishwara for his grace on me that Inam able to avail of these teachings. Many many Pranams 🙏🙏🙏
Swami, the master - immensely knowledgeable, he is one uncluttered mind there is available to the seekers to understand the real purpose of life and light up the path of spiritual quest. I feel blessed.
Question for Swamiji: I am emerging from a period of depression and anxiety, and Advaita Vedanta has shaken me deep inside in a way that I never expected. It has accelerated my recovery in a profound and ongoing way. How can I be certain that this philosophy is not something my mind is currently attracted to simply because of its emotional effect? I have believed myself to be on the right track to the truth many times during my life, and initially it always feels like this: so fresh and novel, so compelling, so profound, everything makes sense! But gradually, the luster wears off and my mind no longer feels the same thrill, and over time my worldview continues to evolve, adding or taking away from what I thought I understood. I caught a glimpse of something when I listened to your lecture on infinite existence, and it has not left me yet... but how can I be sure it will not eventually leave, like all the other insights I believed were true at the time, when its emotional function has been fulfilled?
Test it yourself: if it is making you a kinder person, it's working. If it makes you soft at heart, it's working. If it makes you compassionate, it's working. If it makes you a better human, it's working. If its reduced your negative traits like anger, jealousy, feeling to take revenge,its working. It it brings smoothness in your actions, it's you wont throw your shoes, but keep them properly in their place...
I once attended a lecture by Swami Sarvapriyananda, in which he told the story of a young monk of the Ramakrishna Order, who was suddenly stricken by an incurable disease, and within a few days he died at the hospital. But the core of the lecture was that the doctor who attended the monk was devastated by the suffering and death of such a young person, but the monk consoled him, saying that everything was fine, because the meaning of his life had already been fulfilled to discover devotion to God through Sri Ramakrishna, Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda, and that the doctor was very impressed to see that concrete manifestation of the miracle of faith. I cannot find the video of this lecture. Could anyone here tell me in which video I could find this story? Some friends and I have created a channel to subtitle Swami's videos into Portuguese, and I would love to be able to subtitle this one too. Thank you.
Swami Vivekananda Ji is inspiring humanity day and night to know that they are one with the Divine, rather they are divine in essence, witness pure conciousness themselves, limitless satchitananda swarupas, Ahaham Brahmasmis, through dedicated young luminaries, specially like the humble zealful Sri Swami Sarvapriyananda Maharaj. Thanks to Vedanta Society New York. The beauty of Swami Sarvapriyananda Ji Maharaj is that he is passionately established firmly in non dual Advaita Vedanta. he takes every bodies views into account /quotes the present scientific studies on conciousness.East and West including Buddhists. Jai Jai Sri RamaKrishna Jai Sri Sharada Maa Jai Sri Swami Vivekananda Jai Jai Sri Sri Buddha. Jai Jai Sri Raman In Advaita Vedanta, Mans ever ever demanding hunger for bliss/ananda/permanent Happiness is met with.
True religious knowledge and understanding will fix all the "mental problems" of the world, being a correct training of mental function...(the mind)...
Amazing clarity swami, thank you , I have 3 broad questions 1. With indoctrination of Mainly Bhakti Yoga, I am battling with the following: 1.1. Where Brahman (chit) is known to be all pervasive , all knowing ,without desire, and impersonal, how & why 1.1.1. Has brahman (via a seed of desire?) created this material universe? & 1.1.2 Has brahman created personalities of avatars eg krishna? 1.2. Is desire, enjoyment , personality then not all within brahman? ie these elements of creation have to form part and parcel of the creator's make up? 1.3. What is the overall motivation of Brahman to create such a complex formula of realising bliss/Chit, in the first place, there has to be some sort of Pastime motivation of our creator?
Swamiji is so patient and compassionate in answering questions some of which smack of intellectual arrogance and myopia . As Sankaracharya has repeatedly stressed in his various Prakarana works to help folks like ourselves who are aspirants of Vedanta, intellectual reasoning alone is not enough to realize Brahman. There needs to be an abiding faith in the authenticity of Sruthi Vakya ( upanishadic teaching) as the Pramana. Without the latter, mere reasoning will reach a circular dead end.
I agree that, as sadhakas, we must approach the shrutis with shraddha, meaning that when we encounter an assertion in the shrutis that seems to defy logic or a long-held belief of ours, then we must be willing to entertain the possibility that either our logic is flawed or that we are not understanding the assertion in question the way the shruti intended it to be understood. I submit that Sri Shankaracharya was perhaps cautioning us about the perils of avichara and durvichara and encouraging us to engage in shraddha-based vichara. For instance, if the shruti were to say, “Fire cannot harm you!”, then accepting this literally as the truth and jumping into an inferno, expecting to be unscathed, is utter foolishness, not shraddha-based vichara. The latter may lead a sadhaka to the understanding that the “you” in that assertion was, perhaps, referring to their svarupa as Satchitananda Atma and not to them as an embodied individual. I prefer to operate under the assumption that the shrutis come with a warning label which says, “Irreparable damage my result if handled carelessly or improperly”.
Nyaya dharshan and tarka shastra ( Indian system of Logic)has immense due place and never been ignored in pursuit of absolute truth and highest knowledge .However, it has limitations and relativity principle adduced...while shruthis (Vedas) itself is a distinct, standalone pramana (means of knowledge) because it's teaches and points to the absolute reality (Brahman - infinite ) in its purest sense which is impossible to understand from any other pramana that runs and operate through limited sphere of human mind, logic, perception..Hence, basic shraddha towards shruthi is a must for any sadhak or adhikari (qualified student) to begin with and plunge into path of self knowledge (brahma vidya)...Realized masters had time and again extolled this fact....
Heartfelt gratitude and Pranam to Swamiji and thanks to everyone from the core of my heart by whose efforts this enlightening session could have been organised 🙏🙏
Namaskar Revered Swamiji. A pool, a pond, a lake all have water but the quality differs because of the duration for which the water is stagnated. Otherwise, water becomes clear because of the stillness. As vividly revealed in this session, Purity of the Mind is the pre-requisite (in Advaitic terms, the Sadhana chathustaya) for realisation. Most of the confusion and doubts are cleared or never rise in One who is an eligible (Adhikari) seeker of Truth. Purity and Advaita can be represented as "Unbiased" in trivial terms. Great privilege to have such an wonderful Master. It is reminds the first verse of Avadhoota Gita.
Thank you for another excellent session Swami. As to the question about the spiritual dead end looking for proof of one impersonal consciousness, I once asked Francis Lucille the same question. He said live as if it was true and see how your life goes. That helped me Xxx
Since the universe/multiverse is infinite and eternal, how can we, who are temporary men, declare that universe is unreal? Universe existed before us and will continue to exist, after we are gone. Our life and thoughts are momentary. Please shed some illumination on this. 🙏🏼
If given an opportunity to ASK SWAMIJI a QUESTION, I'd love to ask this ❤️ "If I am the same consciousness that is witnessing all the minds out there simultaneously, then why am I right now aware of only my mind alone and not the others's ? I think this is where people get stuck feeling like an individual (duality like that of sankhya) even after reasoning out that they are the witness that is beyond the body and mind. Even if the mind is conditioned, it shouldn't affect what the witness is seeing or able to see right ?" "Swami in one of the answers told us that there cannot be pieces of the consciousness since it is not something physical. Well, the mind is subtle too but we seem to have individual minds 😅". Could somebody tell me how to post my question to swami ji 🙏🏻 Would be very grateful and happy. To whoever is reading this, wishing you a beautiful day 😊✨
Namaskar Swami Sarvapriyanandaji 🙏🏻 I stay in Aurangabad- Maharashtra-India. I’ve taken Mantradiksha in Shri Ramkrishna order. Maharaj, your lectures are always helpful. Please keep blessing us with the same.🙏🏻
My respectful pranams to you my brother maharaj. Your genuine thoughtful spiritual knowledge helps me a lot to keep my mind and thoughts in a higher realm. Again pranams. Stay safe and take care of your health..
Pranam Swamiji Can u pl give a talk on Jivatma When pure consciousness leaves body how Jivatma which is subtle body travels as it is jad in absence of consciousness light
🙏☯️🙏🏾🕉🔔📢🦋🥂. I hear you. Loud and clear. Removing blindness and deafness everywhere. More power to you. I thought of writing and yuan harari came along. I thought I should talk. And you came along. And doing a far better job.
Wonderful explanation Swami ji🙏🙏🙏But one thing is not very clear to me.. does consciousness & awareness are same? Because if I am impersonal consciousness than why my awareness is confined within my individual standpoint only.
Namaste swamiji. Thank you for clearing my doubts. And how to ask questions to swamiji? My question is Can you give lecture on Dhakshinaamurthy stotram? Thank you very much.
On Consciousness... am just conscious of my body/mind and each of the Jivas on the planet are just conscious of their own individual bodies/minds.. so to say, am not conscious of my neighbour.. so is this not the individual consciousness of each Jivas vs the Universal Consciousness/Brahman which is conscious of all that exists. all the individual Jiva's/bodies/minds
The path of Raja Yoga allows us to "turn off" the world and see the ultimate reality. Is this superior to the path of Jnana Yoga?... Realization is the key aspect of any of the four Yogas (Jnana/Bhakthi/Karma or Raja Yoga).. once that realization happens, then one can enter into Samadhi at any point in time or ALL of the time... through practice..over a period of time... Yes, of course, a nice and calm place and time, shall be more beneficial for the beginners...and for a prolonged practice of Samadhi... and then every experience (of ALL the time) can be turned into a joyous experience by means of Realization and Higher nature....with or without the mind acting/being engaged...and as well with or without the body being engaged...
Brahman seems to be quite mischievous. He has trapped us all (or at least the most of us )in his world of Maya while He remains free and is watching us for His own amusement.
List of questions with timestamps:
02:05 - How can realization occur in the mind, if the mind is actually false?
06:51 - If I am pure consciousness, why do unwanted situations appear to me?
15:43 - Is it true that the "ego" consciousness sets the wheel of karma in motion?
20:28 - How can we make the leap from the individual to the universal consciousness?
40:33 - How is bliss the same as existence and consciousness?
50:00 - If Brahman through Maya becomes God, why surrender to God?
57:15 - How can I turn intellectual realization into a living reality?
01:07:27 - Can science lead us to the ultimate truth?
01:19:07 - The path of Raja Yoga allows us to "turn off" the world and see the ultimate reality. Is this superior to the path of Jnana Yoga?
Not I am pure consciousness
This is pure consciousness...
Thank you. How/where can I write and ask my question so it can be considered by swamiji. Can you please help?
I am Rajat from west Bengal can anyone please give me the mail address of maharaj ji, I am going through a taugh time...I have some doubts in my mind I want swami ji advise pls help me...
Please don't forget to 'like' Swami's videos. It helps spread his work which brings so much enrichment to so many lives. He has become an important part of my life and practice and I am so glad I found him. I would love that others , who are so inclined, to have the same opportunity.
He has a wide range of knowledge n mastery in explaining Bramha Vidya-having deep n profound knowledge developing our interest.I hv benefitted a lot by listening his lectures.
Yes bro I have liked all vedios of swami ji 🙏
@@ganeshshukla1284 *videos
These talks can,must make all human societies on this planet think and reconsider how to AVoid Holaucasts ,mass murders,wars just by the madness of a few decision makers of various countries...
During my schoo and college days
I was thinking that we will have better refined societies in the coming years .
Sad,what a tragedy that our valuable resources ARE drained towards destructive activities in spite of a chance available to use for social welfare and conservation of the devine provisions gifted to us by the Almighty..Sad,Sad..
Swamiji,I bow down to you.I am a follower of Sri Aurobindo,He is my Guru,my Master .I try to follow His teaching and guidance in my life.Swamiji your talks have helped me immensely in understanding Him better.
Pranam st your holy feet
Super Star in the Spiritual World ! Rock and Roll Swamiji
this was masterful. swamiji has answered so many of my questions. namaste
The questions asked were really mind blowing and the *ANSWERS*so brilliant, lucid, easy.
Swami's wisdom has sharpened to a razor during the pandemic.
Yes hahaha. He will be humble enough to thank the Supreme Truth for pouring Brahmavidhya inside his mind.
I am so thankful for Swami Sarvapriyananda...he is truly a masterful teacher.
The brilliance with which Brahma shines through His own preachings using a physical instrument in the form of a human body known worldwide as Swami Sarvapriyananda is a stunning glimpse of His infinite nature. Swami is a rare phenomenon in public speaking.
@@santoshbhattacharjee4197 sir,that is where the leela of Ma kalicomes!!
The very best interpretation I hv ever listened. Even a layman can understand Vedanta thru the brilliant answers given by Swamiji. Koti koti namaskaram.
So high...
You really are jagatguru. You can transmit knowledge so easily without any harmful ways of radical nondualists. Om peace peace peace.
Swamiji is a charming speaker and a teacher. His words flow naturally and appease the mind of an ignorant like me. Hence, I cannot stop listening. Thank you Swamiji and the Vedanty Society, NY.
Great Conversation (distinct from talks or lectures). You are conversing with the listeners in coherent and powerful manner I have ever heard! You are artistically driving home the complex nature of existence- Consciousness! I "thank" you, Swamiji!
The answer to Kalvin, Tvm, is applicable to so many of us. Pranam Swamigy 🙏🌳🐢
Interesting that Nikola Tesla had an interest in this, hardly surprising too however. He was a genius who probably through his work understood the ultimate reality. The gap between particle physics and spirituality is maybe now quite small.
If space or the concept of distance is an infinite progression of magnitude , pure consciousness makes this concept possible in mind . In thinking this, any point is infinity and the point also , the individual somehow an expression of both. Mostly for me , limitation defines indefinite progressions of all potentiality. How does this happen don't ask me not my pay grade. This man is the closest I have ever had the privilege to hear who gets the connection between infinity and phenomenal expression .
This Swami & his name are made for each other, perfect name for one who is liked by everyone
Very good, deep, intellectual replies by Swamiji
All the gems of questions were answered by Swamiji meticulously as usual. Pranam Guruji.
This is like medicine for the ears! He is so lovable!!!! 🙏🏼
Such good explanations! Thank you!
I have never experienced such absolute clarity of thoughts and ability to express
The clarity in perfect digestive forms .
ThNk you so much
'Basics' keep becoming vivid and clear from speeches & discussions of Swamiji...time and again.
I am intensely grateful to him 🙏
Deep gratitude to Swamiji! Whenever I listen to him he addresses something that turns a light bulb on a particular barrier or solidify a concept that I am mulling over. He is absolutely correct that these questions are helpful to many of us. My heart is filled with gratitude for him and Ishwara for his grace on me that Inam able to avail of these teachings. Many many Pranams 🙏🙏🙏
Splendid explanation, assuring and enriching.
We feel immensely grateful and BLESSED.
Swamiji is so sharp and enlightening
Pronam Maharaj...🙏🏽. We are really blessed. Joy Shri Ramakrishna...
Great talk Swami as always, amazing wisdom and clarity. Thank you.
Swami, the master - immensely knowledgeable, he is one uncluttered mind there is available to the seekers to understand the real purpose of life and light up the path of spiritual quest. I feel blessed.
Maya is that which takes us into Liberation......."one can only use what he has to get that which he doesn't"
Crystal clear Vedantic presentation.
It is possible 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Question for Swamiji:
I am emerging from a period of depression and anxiety, and Advaita Vedanta has shaken me deep inside in a way that I never expected. It has accelerated my recovery in a profound and ongoing way. How can I be certain that this philosophy is not something my mind is currently attracted to simply because of its emotional effect? I have believed myself to be on the right track to the truth many times during my life, and initially it always feels like this: so fresh and novel, so compelling, so profound, everything makes sense! But gradually, the luster wears off and my mind no longer feels the same thrill, and over time my worldview continues to evolve, adding or taking away from what I thought I understood. I caught a glimpse of something when I listened to your lecture on infinite existence, and it has not left me yet... but how can I be sure it will not eventually leave, like all the other insights I believed were true at the time, when its emotional function has been fulfilled?
There is a story of two birds. May be you can refer that. Swamiji has a video on that
Test it yourself: if it is making you a kinder person, it's working. If it makes you soft at heart, it's working. If it makes you compassionate, it's working. If it makes you a better human, it's working. If its reduced your negative traits like anger, jealousy, feeling to take revenge,its working. It it brings smoothness in your actions, it's you wont throw your shoes, but keep them properly in their place...
His name definitely fits him 💞
Loveliest explanation presentation.
So profound and hard to digest by just listening. Thanks for uploading these videos.
Om namo narayana, Guruji🎉🎉🎉
Thanks Swami Sarvapriyananda 🙏
I once attended a lecture by Swami Sarvapriyananda, in which he told the story of a young monk of the Ramakrishna Order, who was suddenly stricken by an incurable disease, and within a few days he died at the hospital. But the core of the lecture was that the doctor who attended the monk was devastated by the suffering and death of such a young person, but the monk consoled him, saying that everything was fine, because the meaning of his life had already been fulfilled to discover devotion to God through Sri Ramakrishna, Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda, and that the doctor was very impressed to see that concrete manifestation of the miracle of faith. I cannot find the video of this lecture. Could anyone here tell me in which video I could find this story? Some friends and I have created a channel to subtitle Swami's videos into Portuguese, and I would love to be able to subtitle this one too. Thank you.
Pronam Swamiji 🙏, Joy Thakur.
You are an amazing combination of knowledge, humility and exceptional communication skills. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with work
Pranam, as clear explanations as always and soothing voice !
Pranam swamiji*
I can only offer my gratitude for wisdom from Swamiji. Pronaam and good health to him.
Questions are getting very deep. I like that!!
Very intelligent swamiji🙏
Humble pranam to Swamiji
Jai Sri Ramakrishna 🌺🙏🇮🇳
Swami Vivekananda Ji is inspiring humanity day and night to know that
they are one with the Divine,
rather they are divine in essence,
witness pure conciousness themselves,
limitless satchitananda swarupas,
Ahaham Brahmasmis,
through dedicated young luminaries,
specially like the humble zealful
Sri Swami Sarvapriyananda Maharaj.
Thanks to Vedanta Society New York.
The beauty of Swami Sarvapriyananda Ji Maharaj is that he is passionately established firmly in non dual Advaita Vedanta.
he takes every bodies views into account /quotes the present scientific studies on conciousness.East and West including Buddhists.
Jai Jai Sri RamaKrishna
Jai Sri Sharada Maa
Jai Sri Swami Vivekananda
Jai Jai Sri Sri Buddha.
Jai Jai Sri Raman
In Advaita Vedanta, Mans ever ever demanding hunger for bliss/ananda/permanent Happiness is met with.
Pranams swamiji!this session has thrown so much light & cleared many of the doubts.immensely grateful 🙏
"Whatever the experiencer feels or thinks is all in the consciousness, and is not real." (Nisargadatta Maharaj)
I love nisargatdatta
Or rather it is conciousness with name and form
Day & Night on the sun!! Such a genius example!
1:19:09 saving for personal reference. Thank you Swami and members of the Vedanta Society.
Thank you so much swami ji 🙏🏻
True religious knowledge and understanding will fix all the "mental problems" of the world, being a correct training of mental function...(the mind)...
Amazing clarity swami, thank you , I have 3 broad questions
1. With indoctrination of Mainly Bhakti Yoga, I am battling with the following:
1.1. Where Brahman (chit) is known to be all pervasive , all knowing ,without desire, and impersonal, how & why
1.1.1. Has brahman (via a seed of desire?) created this material universe? &
1.1.2 Has brahman created personalities of avatars eg krishna?
1.2. Is desire, enjoyment , personality then not all within brahman? ie these elements of creation have to form part and parcel of the creator's make up?
1.3. What is the overall motivation of Brahman to create such a complex formula of realising bliss/Chit, in the first place, there has to be some sort of Pastime motivation of our creator?
You have to watch his other videos for these answers. He has explained the concept of Brahman in his lectures available on TH-cam.
Excellent questions
Very insightful
Thank you swami ji
Pronam Thakur Maa swamiji
Swamiji is so patient and compassionate in answering questions some of which smack of intellectual arrogance and myopia . As Sankaracharya has repeatedly stressed in his various Prakarana works to help folks like ourselves who are aspirants of Vedanta, intellectual reasoning alone is not enough to realize Brahman. There needs to be an abiding faith in the authenticity of Sruthi Vakya ( upanishadic teaching) as the Pramana. Without the latter, mere reasoning will reach a circular dead end.
I agree that, as sadhakas, we must approach the shrutis with shraddha, meaning that when we encounter an assertion in the shrutis that seems to defy logic or a long-held belief of ours, then we must be willing to entertain the possibility that either our logic is flawed or that we are not understanding the assertion in question the way the shruti intended it to be understood. I submit that Sri Shankaracharya was perhaps cautioning us about the perils of avichara and durvichara and encouraging us to engage in shraddha-based vichara. For instance, if the shruti were to say, “Fire cannot harm you!”, then accepting this literally as the truth and jumping into an inferno, expecting to be unscathed, is utter foolishness, not shraddha-based vichara. The latter may lead a sadhaka to the understanding that the “you” in that assertion was, perhaps, referring to their svarupa as Satchitananda Atma and not to them as an embodied individual. I prefer to operate under the assumption that the shrutis come with a warning label which says, “Irreparable damage my result if handled carelessly or improperly”.
Nyaya dharshan and tarka shastra ( Indian system of Logic)has immense due place and never been ignored in pursuit of absolute truth and highest knowledge .However, it has limitations and relativity principle adduced...while shruthis (Vedas) itself is a distinct, standalone pramana (means of knowledge) because it's teaches and points to the absolute reality (Brahman - infinite ) in its purest sense which is impossible to understand from any other pramana that runs and operate through limited sphere of human mind, logic, perception..Hence, basic shraddha towards shruthi is a must for any sadhak or adhikari (qualified student) to begin with and plunge into path of self knowledge (brahma vidya)...Realized masters had time and again extolled this fact....
Very clear elucidation of very complex concepts. Simply brilliant. Sincere pranams.
Heartfelt gratitude and Pranam to Swamiji and thanks to everyone from the core of my heart by whose efforts this enlightening session could have been organised 🙏🙏
Beautiful session it will help all spiritual seekers Swamiji 👍🙏
Wow, todays questions seem very interesting.
Gratitude to swamiji.🌷
Namaskar Revered Swamiji. A pool, a pond, a lake all have water but the quality differs because of the duration for which the water is stagnated. Otherwise, water becomes clear because of the stillness. As vividly revealed in this session, Purity of the Mind is the pre-requisite (in Advaitic terms, the Sadhana chathustaya) for realisation. Most of the confusion and doubts are cleared or never rise in One who is an eligible (Adhikari) seeker of Truth. Purity and Advaita can be represented as "Unbiased" in trivial terms. Great privilege to have such an wonderful Master. It is reminds the first verse of Avadhoota Gita.
Thank you so much Swamiji for enlightening us🙏☀️
2nd question was best❤❤❤
Thank you for another excellent session Swami. As to the question about the spiritual dead end looking for proof of one impersonal consciousness, I once asked Francis Lucille the same question. He said live as if it was true and see how your life goes. That helped me Xxx
I am also on the same dead end individual awareness or consciousness situation...hope we will overcome...all the best...
Strong mind,very critical analysis
Strong convictions
Vedanta made understandble,lucid,simple,such exponents are Rare,
LOVE you all SHIVAH rev4.7
Since the universe/multiverse is infinite and eternal, how can we, who are temporary men, declare that universe is unreal? Universe existed before us and will continue to exist, after we are gone. Our life and thoughts are momentary. Please shed some illumination on this.
You have to listen to his other videos to understand this. You current understanding of who we are is not correct.
Biswarup maharaj still remains the best teacher making the most difficult subjects interesting.🙏🏻
If given an opportunity to ASK SWAMIJI a QUESTION, I'd love to ask this ❤️ "If I am the same consciousness that is witnessing all the minds out there simultaneously, then why am I right now aware of only my mind alone and not the others's ? I think this is where people get stuck feeling like an individual (duality like that of sankhya) even after reasoning out that they are the witness that is beyond the body and mind. Even if the mind is conditioned, it shouldn't affect what the witness is seeing or able to see right ?" "Swami in one of the answers told us that there cannot be pieces of the consciousness since it is not something physical. Well, the mind is subtle too but we seem to have individual minds 😅".
Could somebody tell me how to post my question to swami ji 🙏🏻 Would be very grateful and happy. To whoever is reading this, wishing you a beautiful day 😊✨
Namaskar Swami Sarvapriyanandaji 🙏🏻
I stay in Aurangabad- Maharashtra-India.
I’ve taken Mantradiksha
in Shri Ramkrishna order.
Maharaj, your lectures are always helpful.
Please keep blessing us with the same.🙏🏻
Pranams Swamiji 🙏. Swamiji's explanation is to the point, with clarity.🙏.
My respectful pranams to you my brother maharaj. Your genuine thoughtful spiritual knowledge helps me a lot to keep my mind and thoughts in a higher realm. Again pranams. Stay safe and take care of your health..
Wonderful as always. Thank you Swamiji.
Pranam Swmiji. Thanks for the session . All my questions are answered through others questions.
Blessed to listen to your words 🙏🙏🙏
Gurudev deoghar aane ka kasht kre..... Apke darshan k liye wait kr rhe h
Hari Om Swamiji... My humble Pranams at thy Lotus feet 🙏
Interesting session.Thank you Swami ji🙏
Lovely talk, funny few Qs were rather the same SUCH a Lovely 😍❤ reminder that we R GOD ❤
Pranam swamiji... U have been a guiding light...
Pranam 🙏 and Thank you Swamiji for this interesting session of questions and answers.
Blessed to listen swamiji's lecture it is a pleasure 🙏
Pranam Swamiji
Can u pl give a talk on Jivatma
When pure consciousness leaves body how Jivatma which is subtle body travels as it is jad in absence of consciousness light
🙏☯️🙏🏾🕉🔔📢🦋🥂. I hear you. Loud and clear. Removing blindness and deafness everywhere. More power to you. I thought of writing and yuan harari came along. I thought I should talk. And you came along. And doing a far better job.
Thank you Swamaji 😊 💓 You are saving my sanity.
Thank you swami Ji for transforming my life🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Where is Swamiji ? Is he alright ? No new video since a long time.
I saw his live a few days back. I was a little concerned too.
Wonderful explanation Swami ji🙏🙏🙏But one thing is not very clear to me.. does consciousness & awareness are same? Because if I am impersonal consciousness than why my awareness is confined within my individual standpoint only.
3 realisation in mind
Namaste swamiji.
Thank you for clearing my doubts.
And how to ask questions to swamiji? My question is
Can you give lecture on Dhakshinaamurthy stotram?
Thank you very much.
On Consciousness... am just conscious of my body/mind and each of the Jivas on the planet are just conscious of their own individual bodies/minds.. so to say, am not conscious of my neighbour.. so is this not the individual consciousness of each Jivas vs the Universal Consciousness/Brahman which is conscious of all that exists. all the individual Jiva's/bodies/minds
Very very deep and helpful. Gratitude🌹🌷.
Could anyone please let me know how to send questions for Aak Swami sessions? I could not find this information on the Vedanta NY website.
Could you please provide me link to ask questions to swamiji, i don't know where to put questions
The path of Raja Yoga allows us to "turn off" the world and see the ultimate reality. Is this superior to the path of Jnana Yoga?... Realization is the key aspect of any of the four Yogas (Jnana/Bhakthi/Karma or Raja Yoga).. once that realization happens, then one can enter into Samadhi at any point in time or ALL of the time... through practice..over a period of time... Yes, of course, a nice and calm place and time, shall be more beneficial for the beginners...and for a prolonged practice of Samadhi... and then every experience (of ALL the time) can be turned into a joyous experience by means of Realization and Higher nature....with or without the mind acting/being engaged...and as well with or without the body being engaged...
You are a part of the screen that is the difficult problem
Brahman seems to be quite mischievous. He has trapped us all (or at least the most of us )in his world of Maya while He remains free and is watching us for His own amusement.
You said shri Adi shankaracharya does not recommended Samadhi. How did he die. I read he took samadhi. Please enlighten