The fact this Early Access game was "finished" on Ouya years ago is one thing. The fact they're selling it for SIXTEEN BUCKS is something altogether more gross.
Say what you will about Goat Simulator, at least it was fully devoted to making the most playable broken nonsense game it could. Score systems, weird little secrets and such... it had the mechanics of a "real" game, married to the control scheme and player character of a broken physics simulator. Goat Simulator is set in very dense world, with the hilarity coming in the juxtaposition between a seemingly proper gaming experience being ruined by an absolutely horrendous playable (goat) character. Amazing Frog meets it halfway, but is just... empty. Plus, Goat Simulator is only, $9.99 and, consistently releases free DLC. Why is this sixteen dollars??
I would very much agree. I liked goat sim for what it was because it was a simple open world game that functioned as an open world game with the control scheme and concept of a broken physics game.
The density was what struck me most about this. Goat Simulator was ridiculous, knew it was ridiculous, and tried to cram as much foolishness as possible into a small space. This game, on the other hand, is painfully slow, it takes so long to get a reward, and the reward is lacklustre.
Andy McAwesome Yeah, this will be my answer to anyone who says these games are easy to make. "Hurr, all you do is make a map, use crappy physics and put objects in it to run into. Hardly difficult". Oh yeah? Play Amazing Frog and tell me it's so easy, because this game is literally that.
DragonNexus And that`s why I dislike games like this and Goat Simulator from the beginning. They somewhat glorify the idea of "Buy physics, game done!" For some reason I get a little alarm ring going on lately when I read "physics" instead of excitement. It has become more likely to play a decent game around physics instead of good games with physics, if you know what I mean.
AcceptYourDeath I think there's humour and fun to be had with a game that's based around the dumb physics engines and their mis-uses. The thing is, it's not enough to just use the physica, dumb some objects in and call it a day. Take Surgeon Simulator, for example. They've put some work into making it an actual game considering it started off as something of a joke they did for a laugh. I just finished playing Octodad and the story mode was quite fun. They put some effort into how the physics work so it's never infuriating trying to grab or hold onto an object and it's not arduous interacting with things, like putting them down in a specific place or doing something with them when they're there. There's humour in these games because the developers put time and effort into activities to complete when you're playing and a reason for doing so. Not just "Here's a pit full of sand, have fun" while forgetting to give you the toys to play with in said sand pit.
Expression on this frog's face says everything you need to know about this game. The 1000 yard stare. The perpetual frown. He is empty inside, his soul is dead. Forced to forever roam the hell that is Swindon, with no goal or aspirations, every second an existential nightmare. This is the face of a frog who gazed into the abyss. If he could speak, he'd ask us to kill him, but he can't, he is a mute victim of suffering brought on by developers. ...
At least Goat Simulator had things to interact with. This is like a joke taking forever to get to the punchline... even then the punchline isn't worth the trouble
gigitrix This game is going to have music, UI and scores too, this is the first build of the game and it's not like you can just copy paste the code and voila, port.
I swear to god, if that's the sound a frog's feet makes while running around I am going to go on a vendetta to ensure no frogs on Earth are allowed to keep their feet. Seriously, that has to be THE MOST ANNOYING footstep sound in any game ever.
***** There is no excuse to that level of ignorance. If you are developing a game, you should at least know the rules of one of the world's most oldest and popular game in the history of humankind. Especially if you are putting it in your game.
I'm getting a gaming PC soon, should I get this game to use as a benchmark? My PC is made of two ultra graphing calculators and a rubber band putting them together.
This is a highly inaccurate representation of Swindon. No hypodermic needles in the park, no prostitutes on the street corners at all hours and nobody trying to stab you with a broken bottle. 0/10
Haha, Swindon sucks. Really horrible place. Why anyone would be proud of that hole is beyond me. 8:50 Assaulted in a car park. Yep, that seems about right. Credit for the attention to detail.
This game seems like more of a co-op title. Jim playing it solo looks kinda depressing, which is the complete opposite of how it looked on Game Grumps, which had both Arin and Danny playing it. I'd probably get it if it went on sale, other than that I'm not too keen in getting it.
i get that feeling too, i mean... like, if you got some friends and some beer around i'm sure it's fun as something to point at sadly i'm pretty much friendless so... yeah.
The reason it was entertaining on that is because the Game Grumps are a bunch of easily exciteable manchildren who play old games and bad games for a living. Make no mistake, this game is bad.
What I think is a reasonable ground rule, is that a game should be more fun then GTA 2, which rockstar will just give to you if you press a button. So it seems reasonable that anything you have to pay for in the free roaming cathegory is better then that.
I think this game looks like a bit of silly fun. There's some actual nice touches to it, like the vehicle damage and the frog putting it's flippers on walls when it get's close enough. Somebody on the developing end of the game really cares about it, and wants to see how far they can take it. It's not 16 dollars worth of fun. Maybe drop it down to 5 and I might pick it up, if only to screw around with it for a few hours. I'm genuinely interested in seeing where the game will go from here.
Neither supporting or denouncing this game, but when Game Grumps played this, the episode was hilarious. I agree that this doesn't look like $16 worth of entertainment, but maybe multiplayer is more fun?
Jakub Bogdanowicz Are you the dev? This game isn't worth 16 dollars. I already like this game, and do want to see where it goes, but there is no way I'd pay 16 dollars for something this unfocused.
Dub War was the best Dubstep night in America for years in NYC. Started at ROTHKO and ended its reign at Club Love, which had a world class sound system. Miss Dave Q, Joe Nice and everyone else.
that frog has OCD, when it was climbing the stairs it couldn't stop touching the wall. EDIT: scratch that, it can't get near a wall without touching it.
Interestingly, Steam recently updated their Early Access policy to directly forbid everything this release is doing. First, you can no longer change more money on Steam for a product that is cheaper on alternative storefronts Second, you can't release a game on Steam Early Access that would be considered a finished product or was otherwise a finish product on an alternative storefront. And third, you can no longer advertise upcoming features on the game page. Eager to see how fast Steam's response time is on cracking down on games that blatantly break their new rules.
They're not providing commentary over nothing and they played with each other I think. If you're not with friends this is boring but even with friends it could get pretty lame pretty fast.
The front license plate on the purple car definitely says "titays". Pretty advanced easter egg placed carefully in by the game's masterful devs, I'm sure.
Today i watched a documentary on Twitch Weekly. Someone there said, that makin games nowadays is so easy, even a kid could do it. I think we are facing the outcome of that.
Jim i know this would be a weird game to play as it is a mainly story based one but perhaps playing spec ops: the line could be a fun experiment on your channel If anything it will get some well deserved recognition for the game
Yeah, that game got barely any gaming press exposure and I'm sure that very few in Jim's audience have ever heard of it. Jim will be able to bring it the attention it deserves.
Makes you appreciate just how much work was put into "that" simulator game. It's like when Les Dawson played the piano as a skit - you could tell he could play well because he was so perfectly bad. This is... someone who's just bad at piano and takes the piss...
The thing is, I was actually laughing during this video and not entirely because of Jim's cynical (arguably overly cynical(Which was still funny)) attitude towards the game. I mean, the game hardly is worth that much money, especially if you are playing it by yourself. Although, I can honestly say that I played GTA4 with a few friends, and we played it just like this. We did stupid shit and had a blast. So the fun seems to be what you make it. It's obvious Jim doesn't think this game is worth a dam, and I could agree. But for the right group of people, I could see myself having a blast. Similarly to Gang Beasts.
It's bugging me how the stereo sound is based on the frog model and not the player. It keeps spinning around near the radio even looking at it from the same direction.
How does this look *worse* than the Ouya version? This is like Castle Miner Z basically being Minecraft with HD textures that only served to make it look horrible.
***** It makes the game look like Quake 2, which isn't a bad thing, I like late 90s style graphics and Quake 2 but damn it makes this game look pretty hideous :I
The amazing Frog is a game that always amazed me because its a colorful looking game with a goofy premise and set in a city, but at the same time feels extremely lifeless. Say what you will about Goat Simulator, but it at least felt alive, was much faster paced, at time legitimately funny, and can be played in single-player without feeling barren. I get the impression that Amazing Frog is intended to be played in multiplayer with friends, but I'm not sure ho much the fun will actually last even with friends.
Didn't the Ouya version have more stuff in it? I seem to remember getting score by falling over in heelarious ways, and at least a few more interactibles to mess around with. I mean, it was still shite, but I remember there being slightly more interesting shite.
You know, sometimes I wonder why people complain about indie games - but then I remember that for every Bastion or Hotline Miami, we get about thirty Amazing Frog!'s.
10/10 - would lick a frog again. Oh, wait... this is a game and not what I did that one time when the world turned purple and I thought I was a sandwich. Disclaimer: I have never actually licked a frog, but I may be a sandwich.
Say what you will about Goat Simulator, at least it was fully devoted to making the most playable broken nonsense game it could. Score systems, weird little secrets and such... it had the mechanics of a "real" game, married to the control scheme and player character of a broken physics simulator. Goat Simulator is set in very dense world, with the hilarity coming in the juxtaposition between a seemingly proper gaming experience being ruined by an absolutely horrendous playable (goat) character. Amazing Frog meets it halfway, but is just... empty.
Plus, Goat Simulator is only, $9.99 and, consistently releases free DLC. Why is this sixteen dollars??
I would very much agree. I liked goat sim for what it was because it was a simple open world game that functioned as an open world game with the control scheme and concept of a broken physics game.
The density was what struck me most about this. Goat Simulator was ridiculous, knew it was ridiculous, and tried to cram as much foolishness as possible into a small space. This game, on the other hand, is painfully slow, it takes so long to get a reward, and the reward is lacklustre.
Andy McAwesome Yeah, this will be my answer to anyone who says these games are easy to make. "Hurr, all you do is make a map, use crappy physics and put objects in it to run into. Hardly difficult". Oh yeah? Play Amazing Frog and tell me it's so easy, because this game is literally that.
DragonNexus And that`s why I dislike games like this and Goat Simulator from the beginning. They somewhat glorify the idea of "Buy physics, game done!"
For some reason I get a little alarm ring going on lately when I read "physics" instead of excitement. It has become more likely to play a decent game around physics instead of good games with physics, if you know what I mean.
AcceptYourDeath I think there's humour and fun to be had with a game that's based around the dumb physics engines and their mis-uses. The thing is, it's not enough to just use the physica, dumb some objects in and call it a day.
Take Surgeon Simulator, for example. They've put some work into making it an actual game considering it started off as something of a joke they did for a laugh. I just finished playing Octodad and the story mode was quite fun. They put some effort into how the physics work so it's never infuriating trying to grab or hold onto an object and it's not arduous interacting with things, like putting them down in a specific place or doing something with them when they're there.
There's humour in these games because the developers put time and effort into activities to complete when you're playing and a reason for doing so. Not just "Here's a pit full of sand, have fun" while forgetting to give you the toys to play with in said sand pit.
Wow! That frog is really pounding the pavement! Just pounding it!
Pounding it...
Pounding it.
Pounding it...
..pounding it
*Fucks handfuls of pogs.*
Pounding it...
Expression on this frog's face says everything you need to know about this game. The 1000 yard stare. The perpetual frown. He is empty inside, his soul is dead. Forced to forever roam the hell that is Swindon, with no goal or aspirations, every second an existential nightmare. This is the face of a frog who gazed into the abyss. If he could speak, he'd ask us to kill him, but he can't, he is a mute victim of suffering brought on by developers. ...
At least Goat Simulator had things to interact with. This is like a joke taking forever to get to the punchline... even then the punchline isn't worth the trouble
and then afterwards, it takes 5 minutes to explain the punchline, why you should be laughing, and that youre wrong for not laughing
Goat Sim had music,,, UI... scores...
gigitrix This game is going to have music, UI and scores too, this is the first build of the game and it's not like you can just copy paste the code and voila, port.
Jakub Bogdanowicz Sweet, then they should sell it once it's playable.
Nah, it's more like a man taking forever to get to the punchline of a joke and then forgetting what the punchline is.
I swear to god, if that's the sound a frog's feet makes while running around I am going to go on a vendetta to ensure no frogs on Earth are allowed to keep their feet. Seriously, that has to be THE MOST ANNOYING footstep sound in any game ever.
The chess pieces are positioned wrong, twice (4:08 and 17:12)! Says something about the devs.
***** The "Queen" always starts at the square the same color as she is (white on white, black on black).
***** Queen on her own color.
***** np :)
***** There is no excuse to that level of ignorance. If you are developing a game, you should at least know the rules of one of the world's most oldest and popular game in the history of humankind. Especially if you are putting it in your game.
Maybe You are right, not everyone, only those who intend to make a "not a piece of sh*t" videogame, which is not the case here.
As someone who unfortunately lived in Swindon for a year I can say this is sadly accurate.
I'm getting a gaming PC soon, should I get this game to use as a benchmark? My PC is made of two ultra graphing calculators and a rubber band putting them together.
so you mean you got yourself a Ouya?
Youri Neeven No, Xbox one.
Did you have government permission to own such advanced machine?
Well it seems that the SFX team had quite a bit of fun.
Nextgen programming: the frog brushes his hand along a wall when he's next to it. 10:30
This is a highly inaccurate representation of Swindon. No hypodermic needles in the park, no prostitutes on the street corners at all hours and nobody trying to stab you with a broken bottle. 0/10
The poor Frogs look so utterly miserable its like they want to tell us "Please get me out of here"
It's like GTA but with frogs. 10/10 - IGN
So this is what Goat Simulator would be like with all of the charm stripped from it... huh.
Haha, Swindon sucks. Really horrible place. Why anyone would be proud of that hole is beyond me.
8:50 Assaulted in a car park. Yep, that seems about right. Credit for the attention to detail.
10 years ago but did you forget that swindon is in the UK? lol
8:03 the license plate says "titays." Sums up the developers' sense of humor pretty well.
This game seems like more of a co-op title. Jim playing it solo looks kinda depressing, which is the complete opposite of how it looked on Game Grumps, which had both Arin and Danny playing it. I'd probably get it if it went on sale, other than that I'm not too keen in getting it.
i get that feeling too, i mean... like, if you got some friends and some beer around i'm sure it's fun as something to point at
sadly i'm pretty much friendless so... yeah.
eh, as i said, i'm not planning on getting it. it looks to be dull when not with alcohol and buddies
I cant be a frog and launch myself out of a cannon 150 meteres through a british city
The reason it was entertaining on that is because the Game Grumps are a bunch of easily exciteable manchildren who play old games and bad games for a living. Make no mistake, this game is bad.
I'm not a fan of game-grumps, but if they're like any other popular "lets play entertainer" out there, they might of been exaggerating a weee bit
What I think is a reasonable ground rule, is that a game should be more fun then GTA 2, which rockstar will just give to you if you press a button. So it seems reasonable that anything you have to pay for in the free roaming cathegory is better then that.
I can't breathe! I had to get up five times to stop from dying of laughter. Your deadpan commentary is priceless.
Replace the frog's face with Jim Sterling's face. 10/10 GAME OF THE YEAR. An emotional roller coaster about a man's fall from grace.
This looks like what Goat Simulator would be if it was Early Access.
I think this game looks like a bit of silly fun. There's some actual nice touches to it, like the vehicle damage and the frog putting it's flippers on walls when it get's close enough. Somebody on the developing end of the game really cares about it, and wants to see how far they can take it. It's not 16 dollars worth of fun. Maybe drop it down to 5 and I might pick it up, if only to screw around with it for a few hours. I'm genuinely interested in seeing where the game will go from here.
8:50 "i've just been assaulted in a car park"
So a very accurate portrayal of Swindon then :p
As Mathew "Film Brain" Buck would say: We're in Swindon, we're already fucked.
Sounds like Jim's slapping his junk on the keyboard.
that thought alone was more entertaining than the video I just watched.
The long stretches of silence really get across the full experience of this game.
@2m35s if you look at the fan blades' rotational direction, the fan actually isn't blowing, it sucks, like the game.
I can understand his anger, 16 bucks is WAY too little for this masterpiece!
i feel geniuenly Bad for the frog he looks so damn miserable all the time
I love those N64 styled stairs with their painted-on steps. Also nearest neighbor filtering on the ground texture for the real Mode 7 experience.
Verdict: There's a crown and you can fart. 10/10
Good god. That sound effect for the frog running sounds like they recorded it outside my roommate's bedroom.
How did I not know Jim had his own channel????
A poor lost shattered...
Has returned home =')
Neither supporting or denouncing this game, but when Game Grumps played this, the episode was hilarious. I agree that this doesn't look like $16 worth of entertainment, but maybe multiplayer is more fun?
This is pretty much what I was thinking. It looked like some fun when you were going for a high score.
And it has been massively expanded since those days
It's actually worth $16.
Jakub Bogdanowicz
Are you the dev? This game isn't worth 16 dollars. I already like this game, and do want to see where it goes, but there is no way I'd pay 16 dollars for something this unfocused.
the sound the frog makes when it walks
Dub War was the best Dubstep night in America for years in NYC. Started at ROTHKO and ended its reign at Club Love, which had a world class sound system. Miss Dave Q, Joe Nice and everyone else.
3 years later and it's still in Early Access. And the last version they released was 0.2.8...
I saw footage of this when it was an Ouya exclusive.
It seemed a lot more...whimsical, back then.
i'm sorry Jim, you're not giving the devs enough credit. i mean, anyone who has the idea of building a large wall around Swindon can't be all bad.
18:47 "I'll let that happen for a while" You killed me right here.
Close your eyes whilst the frog is walking around and the sound effects make it sound like Jim is doing something uncouth!
If I wasn't told this was being sold on Steam I would have thought this was a free online game.
that frog has OCD, when it was climbing the stairs it couldn't stop touching the wall.
EDIT: scratch that, it can't get near a wall without touching it.
This game was actually made by Naughty Dog. You know how they love wall touchin'
Frog riding frog made me chuckle but that random carpark assault was funny
Interestingly, Steam recently updated their Early Access policy to directly forbid everything this release is doing. First, you can no longer change more money on Steam for a product that is cheaper on alternative storefronts Second, you can't release a game on Steam Early Access that would be considered a finished product or was otherwise a finish product on an alternative storefront. And third, you can no longer advertise upcoming features on the game page.
Eager to see how fast Steam's response time is on cracking down on games that blatantly break their new rules.
getting chased by the frog was hilarious
I'm probably more interested in the soundtracks on the radio than the game itself, even after watching the Game Grumps have a riot with the physics
My brain cells have been depleted by that pigs and zombies sequence.
the game grumps made this seem like so much fun.... WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!
They're not providing commentary over nothing and they played with each other I think. If you're not with friends this is boring but even with friends it could get pretty lame pretty fast.
Aw, hell naw. He did not just call AMAZING FROG? garbage!
This is a much popular game than you expect even today. 7 years later.
The front license plate on the purple car definitely says "titays". Pretty advanced easter egg placed carefully in by the game's masterful devs, I'm sure.
And here I was, thinking Swindon was the dystopian vision of Swindon.
The illusion of impotence? That sounds more like a curse than a desirable state of affairs.
Suddenly while watching the words "Jonathan Holmes Simulator" came to mind. I miss the old podcasts.
It's like Goat Simulator, just with all the funny surgically removed.
Insurance Fraud Frog: The Video Game... without the adrenaline and the fun.
Thank you Jim for exploring the Deep-Steam ends of the Steam. I love watching your shit!
"We have a physics engine and we're not really sure what to do with it, THE GAME!"
4 years later
its still somehow in early access on steam
It’s still in early access today.
still in early access almost 10 years after it was posted
only 2 people working on this game, no idea why its in early access still
Can't believe the Ouya wasn't a huge success...
Prawn to king bish three. You're move Jim!
Horsey to King Prawn.
Drag Queen to castle thing
Today i watched a documentary on Twitch Weekly. Someone there said, that makin games nowadays is so easy, even a kid could do it. I think we are facing the outcome of that.
That game was exclusive to ouya. Good that we have this masterpiece now.
I can't tell is Jim is beating it in the background, or if this is the frogs feet making a noise.
An even lower budget version of goat simulator exists. I'm still attempting to process this.
Jim i know this would be a weird game to play as it is a mainly story based one but perhaps playing spec ops: the line could be a fun experiment on your channel
If anything it will get some well deserved recognition for the game
I'd watch him let's play that. I played it on the hardest difficulty, which made me angry a lot...
Yeah, that game got barely any gaming press exposure and I'm sure that very few in Jim's audience have ever heard of it. Jim will be able to bring it the attention it deserves.
he knows about it
I learned about it from Yahtzee. It's one of my favorite games for the story and experience, though it's gameplay is mediocre but fun.
That bloody walking sound, no chance of sleep tonight with that imbedded in my head.
tap tap tap tap tap tap tap.....
"King's Prawn to King's Prawn 4" - Best episode of Bottom. RIP Richie, may you shag all the birds from beyond the grave.
This looks like a game I could spend countless hours on, progressing through the game and having so much fun!
-Said No One Ever.
So... the amazing frog on ouya looked like a ton of fun. but this? It's like they took all the fun out so they can make it early access.
No, it didn't. It looked like what it looks like now....a pile of shite.
The panning on that stereo is driving me up the wall D:
The noise of the feet slappin the ground. Entrancing.
Makes you appreciate just how much work was put into "that" simulator game. It's like when Les Dawson played the piano as a skit - you could tell he could play well because he was so perfectly bad. This is... someone who's just bad at piano and takes the piss...
The thing is, I was actually laughing during this video and not entirely because of Jim's cynical (arguably overly cynical(Which was still funny)) attitude towards the game. I mean, the game hardly is worth that much money, especially if you are playing it by yourself. Although, I can honestly say that I played GTA4 with a few friends, and we played it just like this. We did stupid shit and had a blast. So the fun seems to be what you make it. It's obvious Jim doesn't think this game is worth a dam, and I could agree. But for the right group of people, I could see myself having a blast. Similarly to Gang Beasts.
It's bugging me how the stereo sound is based on the frog model and not the player. It keeps spinning around near the radio even looking at it from the same direction.
How does this look *worse* than the Ouya version? This is like Castle Miner Z basically being Minecraft with HD textures that only served to make it look horrible.
Also, did they take the score system out? IE the whole reason you'd want to bounce around, jump into the fans etc?
***** It makes the game look like Quake 2, which isn't a bad thing, I like late 90s style graphics and Quake 2 but damn it makes this game look pretty hideous :I
The walking sounds like someone constantly smashing his hand against his forehead
You know a game is good when the controller model was modeled after the OUYA controller.
That rocket looks like something right out of kerbal space program.
Honestly, if this game sold 2 times they probably earned enough to make a sequel. It look like something you can make in an afternoon in Unity.
The amazing Frog is a game that always amazed me because its a colorful looking game with a goofy premise and set in a city, but at the same time feels extremely lifeless. Say what you will about Goat Simulator, but it at least felt alive, was much faster paced, at time legitimately funny, and can be played in single-player without feeling barren. I get the impression that Amazing Frog is intended to be played in multiplayer with friends, but I'm not sure ho much the fun will actually last even with friends.
I think my sides have imploded from all of teh lols.
Didn't the Ouya version have more stuff in it? I seem to remember getting score by falling over in heelarious ways, and at least a few more interactibles to mess around with.
I mean, it was still shite, but I remember there being slightly more interesting shite.
11:14 It still says OUJA on the wall. Should change it to PC master race for awkwardness sake.
Empty lifeless streets, random assaults in car parks.
That's Swindon alright.
Lawl, this game was hilarious watching the Polaris crew play it, but seems ONLY fun with friends
You know, sometimes I wonder why people complain about indie games - but then I remember that for every Bastion or Hotline Miami, we get about thirty Amazing Frog!'s.
If I was Swindon borough council (as mentioned in the weapons research level), I'd sue.
At 19:11, the frog in the upper right corner had me bol.
It was like: "Dafuq is going on over there?"
10/10 - would lick a frog again.
Oh, wait... this is a game and not what I did that one time when the world turned purple and I thought I was a sandwich.
Disclaimer: I have never actually licked a frog, but I may be a sandwich.
The car's license plate says TITAYS!!!! :D
Wonder if they got permission to use the Swindon Borough Council logo at 02:43.
Same can be said about State Of Decay, was finished on Xbox but on Steam it was in Alpha...
From the trailers back in the day it looked like Saints Row's insurance fraud activity. At least that would have been gameplay...
if there was ever a reason to not like a game based solely on one sound....this is that game....that walk cycle noise will haunt me in my sleep.
That game would make a good tech demo, for 1994...
for everything else i'm seeing here, the car physics are pretty awesome.. :D
the footsteps just sound like someone slapping something...
just slapping it.... slapping it.... slapping it... slapping it... slapping it.... slapping it... slapping it... slapping it.... slapping it... slapping it... slapping it.... slapping it... slapping it... slapping it.... slapping it... slapping it...
Hey, if nothing else, this game did give us a fucking hilarious Game Grumps episode.
The ironie is, this game has still a better damage model and crash physics than Gran Turismo 6.