Some people just spend way too much time inside while ruminating about the past when not trying to push themselves out the door again while believing they are going to be facing demons out there. When it may be instead there inner demons which could be making them feel afraid that blind them to all that is wonderful and beautiful only slower - one day at a time. One day at a time when their is nothing al all wrong with their physical ways of seeing sights at all.
I love this! The passing leap is the best!
Such beautifully-toned bodies, pre-steroid era. The men look positively gorgeous in their tights.
That last trick was like double double but not quite, what was it?
What was Willy’s last trick?
Some people just spend way too much time inside while ruminating about the past when not trying to push themselves out the door again while believing they are going to be facing demons out there. When it may be instead there inner demons which could be making them feel afraid that blind them to all that is wonderful and beautiful only slower - one day at a time. One day at a time when their is nothing al all wrong with their physical ways of seeing sights at all.
It's public domain.