Feel it cutting into me, the doubting painful knife Feel it deepening the rift, finally hit just right Couldn’t take the love I had, so weak and burning low But it grew into a weapon only hurting me, this I know …is nonfiction So good with numbers, science, math I like But I’m terrible at English so I despise This part of me that wants a simple “right or wrong” And I feel that everything I choose will always be false And today This homework About me A blank sheet Accomplished Content with This life I will now live ‘Til I think why are we just sometimes no always Saying how we’re sad and Saying how we’re lonely? Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be? Can you even read his mind? See that kid’s lost fantasy? Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black? Hey, who could it be? Hey, someone tell me! Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet? Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck? Did we really choose it right saying we’re okay this way? Hey, just tell me how It’s not like I care now Counting days like numbers, they all pass their prime And again hypnotically swimming through time Behind the power and guards I put up I hide Knowing they had long died From problems My resolve Just can’t solve That homework Accomplished Content with This life I will now live ‘Til I think and he speaks That demon inside us Saying “let me just leave” Saying “someone kill me!” Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be? Can you even read his mind? See that kid’s lost fantasy? Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black? Hey, who could it be? Hey, someone tell me! Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet? Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck? Did we really choose it right saying we’re okay this way? Hey just tell me how Hey just tell me how! Can you even say the formula of area now? Can you even scream the dreams you swore would never go out? Who was the one who let my hopes just curl up die? Hey, who could it be? No, it’s gotta be… Just open up your eyes, why don’t you grow up and see? But what the hell is “growing up” and tell me when will I be? Can a single person out there just explain it to me? Hey, just tell me how It’s not like I care now!
ロストワンの号哭 Lostone的號哭 作詞:Neru 作曲:Neru 編曲:Neru 唄:鏡音リン 翻譯:ekoloid 刃渡(はわた)り 数(すう)センチ(せんち)の不信(ふしん) 感(かん)が 刀長數公分的不信任感 hawata ri suu senchi no fu shin kan ga 挙(あ)げ句(く)の果(は)て 静脈(じょうみゃく)を刺(さ)しちゃって 最終的最終刺向靜脈 agekuno hate jyou myaku wo sa shi chatte 病弱(びょうじゃく)な愛(あい)が 飛(と)び 出(だ)すもんで 虛弱的愛飛奔而出 byoujaku na ai ga to bi dasu mon de レスポール(れすぽーる)さえも 凶器(きょうき)に 変(か)えてしまいました 就連Lespaul也變成了凶器 resupo-ru sae mo kyoki ni kaete shi maimashita ノーフィクション(のーふぃくしょん) Nofiction no - fiku shon 数学(すうがく)と理科(りか)は好(す)きですが 雖然喜歡數學與理科 suu gakuto rika wa siki desuga 国語(こくご)がどうもダメで 嫌(きら)いでした 國文卻實在不行而感到討厭 kokugoga dou mo dame de kirai deshita 正(ただ)しいのがどれか 悩(なや)んでいりゃ 煩惱著何謂正確答案 tadashiino gadoreka nayan deirya どれも不正解(ふせいかい) というオチ(おち)でした 最後卻沒有所謂正解 doremo fusei kai to iu ochi de shita 本日(ほんじつ)の宿題(しゅくだい)は 無個性(むこせい)な僕(ぼく)のこと 今天的作業是 毫無個性的我 hon jitsuno shuku dai wa mukosei na boku no koto 過不足(かふそく) 無(な)い 不自由(ふじゆう) 無(な)い 沒有過多或不足 沒有不自由 最近生活著 kafusokunai fujiyuu nai 最近(さいきん)に 生(い)きていて 最近生活著 saikin ni iki teite でもどうして 僕達(ぼくたち)は 時々(ときどき)に いや 毎日(まいにち) 但是為什麼 我們 有時卻 demodoushite bokutachi wa tokitoki ni iyamainichi 悲(かな)しいって 言(い)うんだ 淋(さび)しいって 言(い)うんだ 整天說著好哀傷 整天說著好寂寞 kanashiitte iunda sabishii tte iunda 黒板(こくばん)のこの漢字(かんじ)が読(よ)めますか 會讀黑板上的這個漢字嗎 kokuban no kono kanji ga yome masuka あの子(こ)の心象(しんしょう)は読(よ)めますか 能解讀那個孩子心情嗎 anokono shishou wa yome masuka その心(こころ)を黒(くろ)く染(そ)めたのは 將那顆心染黑的 sonokokoro wo kuroku some tanowa おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ 到底是誰啊 到底是誰啊 oidare nandayo oi dare nandayo そろばんでこの式(しき)が解(と)けますか 能夠解開算盤上的式子嗎 sorobande kono shiki ga toke masuka あの子(こ)の首(くび)の輪(わ)も解(と)けますか 也能解開那個孩子頸上的項圈嗎 anokono kubi no wamo toke masuka 僕達(ぼくたち)このまんまでいいんですか 我們就維持原狀可以嗎 bokutachi kono manma de iin desuka おいどうすんだよ もうどうだっていいや 該怎麼辦才好呀 已經怎麼樣都無所謂啊 oi dousundayo mou dou datte iiya いつまで 経(た)ったって 僕達(ぼくたち)は 經過了多久的我們 itsumadeta tta tte boku tachi wa ぞんざいな催眠(さいみん)に酔(よ)っていて 沉醉於粗劣的催眠 zon zaina sai min ni yo tte ite どうしようもないくらいの驕傲(きょうごう)を 處於毫無辦法的這份驕傲 dou shiyou mo nai kurai no kyou gou wo ずっと 匿(かく)っていたんだ 會一直 隱藏著 zutto kaku tte itanda 昨日(さくじつ)の宿題(しゅくだい)は 相変(あいか)わらず解(と)けないや 昨天的作業 一如既往 解不開啊 sakujitsuno shu ku dai wa ai kawarazu tokenaiya 過不足(かふそく)無(な)い 不自由(ふじゆう) 無(な)い 最近(さいきん)に 生(い)きてい て 沒有過多或不足 沒有不自由 最近生活著 kafusokunai fujiyuu nai sai kin ni iki teite でもどうして 僕達(ぼくたち)の胸元(むなもと)の塊(かたまり)は 但是為什麼 我們胸口內心的部分 demodou shite boku tachi no muna moto no katamariwa 消(き)えたいって言(い)うんだ 死(し)にたいって言(い)うんだ 說著好想消失 說著好想去死 kietai tte iun da shinitai tte iunda 黒板(こくばん)のこの漢字(かんじ)が読(よ)めますか 會讀黑板上的這個漢字嗎 kokuban no kono kanji ga yome masuka あの子(こ)の心象(しんしょう)は読(よ)めますか 能解讀那個孩子心情嗎 anokono shishou wa yome masuka その心(こころ)を黒(くろ)く 染(そ)めたのは 將那顆心染黑的 sono kokoro wo kuroku some tanowa おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ 到底是誰啊 到底是誰啊 oidare nandayo oi dare nandayo そろばんでこの式(しき)が解(と)けますか 能夠解開算盤上的式子嗎 sorobande kono shiki ga toke masuka あの子(こ)の首(くび)の輪(わ)も解(と)けますか 也能解開那個孩子頸上的項圈嗎 anokono kubi no wamo toke masuka 僕達(ぼくたち) このまんまでいいんですか 我們就維持原狀可以嗎 bokutachi kono manma de iin desuka おいどうすんだよ おいどうすんだよ 該怎麼辦啊 該怎麼辦啊 oi dousundayo oi dousun dayo 面積(めんせき) 比(ひ)の公式(こうしき) 言(い)えますか 說的出面積比的公式嗎 menseki hi no koushiki ie masuka 子供(こども)の時(とき)の夢(ゆめ)は言(い)えますか 說的出小時候的夢想嗎 kodomono toki no yume wa iemasuka その夢(ゆめ)すら 溝(どぶ)に 捨(す)てたのは 連夢想都丟棄在水溝的 sonoyume sura dobuni sutetanowa おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ もう 知(し)ってんだろ 到底是誰啊 早就知道了吧 oidare nandayo mou shi tten daro いつになりゃ 大人(おとな)になれますか 何時才可以成為大人 itsuninarya otona ni nare masuka そもそも 大人(おとな)とは 一体全体(いったいぜんたい) 何(なん)ですか 首先大人到底是什麼樣呢 somosomootona towa ittai zentai nan desuka どなたに 伺(うかが)えばいいんですか 該怎麼開口詢問才好 donanani ukaga eba iin desuka おいどうすんだよ もうどうだっていいや 該怎麼辦才好呀 已經怎麼樣都無所謂啊 oi dousundayo mou dou datte iiya
Letra original: Hawatari suu senchi no fushinkan ga Ageku no hate joumyaku o sash ichatte Byoujaku na ai ga tobidasu mon de Les paul sae mo kyouki ni kaete shimaimashita No fiction Suugaku to rika wa suki desu ga Kokugo ga doumo dame de kirai deshita Tadashii no ga dore ka nayande irya Doremo fu seikai to iu ochi deshita Honjitsu no shukudai wa mu koseina boku no koto Kafusoku nai fujiyuunai saikin ni ikite ite Demo doushite bokutachi wa tokidoki ni iya mainichi Kanashi itte iunda sabishii tte iunda Kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka Ano ko no shinshou wa yomemasu ka Sono kokoro wo kuroku someta no wa Oi dare nanda yo oi dare nanda yo Soroban de kono shiki ga tokemasu ka Ano ko no kubi no wa mo tokemasu ka Bokutachi kono manma de ii ndesu ka Oi dou sunda yo mou dou datte ii ya Itsu made tattatte bokutachi wa Zonzai na saimin ni yotte ite Doushiyou mo nai kurai no kyougou wo Zutto kakumatte itanda Kinou no shukudai wa aikawarazu tokenai ya Kafusoku nai fujiyuu nai saikin ni ikite ite Demo doushite bokutachi no munamoto no katamari wa Kietai tte iunda shinitai tte iunda Kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka Ano ko no shinshou wa yomemasu ka Sono kokoro wo kuroku someta no wa Oi dare nanda yo oi dare nanda yo Soroban de kono shiki ga tokemasu ka Ano ko no kubi no wa mo tokemasu ka Bokutachi kono manma de iindesu ka Oi dousunda yo oi dousunda yo Menseki hi no koushiki iemasu ka Kodomo no toki no yume wa iemasu ka Sono yume sura dobu ni suteta no wa Oi dare nanda yo mou shittendaro Itsu ni narya otona ni naremasu ka Somosomo otona to wa ittai zentai nan desu ka Donata ni ukagaeba iindesu ka Oi dou sunda yo mou dou datte ii ya
Very suddenly and sharply we all have a time When distrust rises up piercing a vein like a knife, So a weak and frail love flies out to be born, Destroying, shaking, breaking with the shattering strike of a chord. It's not a dream I'm good at maths and science, so I like them fine But I'm bad at my own language, so I hate that kind. But worrying, struggling to find out what's right, I just feel like they'll both turn out to be wrong, after all Today's homework It consists of, What it's like [to be], About [me], I've no dreams Personality, But I'm fine, I'm Still living But there's something That's missing Why'd we, sometimes, No - always Say we feel like crying? Say we feel so lonely? Hey so, Can you read the letters written down on the board? Can you read the thoughts that kid has when he's left all alone? Hey, who dyed his heart darker, darker 'til it turned black? Hey, can you tell me who? Hey, come on, tell me who! Can you solve all the equations that the teacher has left? Can you loosen up the rope that's tied around that kid's neck? Always staying just the same, hey, is that really okay? Hey, what should I do? What's the point? It's no use! And time keeps passing, the clock hand spins, We follow blindly, still taken in, So helpless, hopeless we hid behind A pride. It's a broken dream now. As always, I'm struggling - That homework's Beyond me. I've no dreams, Personality, But I'm fine, I'm Still living So why does The demon That lies deep Inside us Say we want to hide now? Say we want to die now? Hey so, Can you read the letters written down on the board? Can you read the thoughts that kid has when he's left all alone? Hey, who dyed his heart darker, darker 'til it turned black? Hey, can you tell me who? Hey, come on, tell me who! Can you solve all the equations that the teacher has left? Can you loosen up the rope that's tied around that kid's neck? Always staying just the same, hey, is that really okay? Hey, what should I do? What's the point? It's no use! So, can you recite the area-ratio formula So, can you recite your dreams back from that time you were small? Who's the one, who stole and threw all of your dreams down the drain? Hey, come on, tell me who? I know, I know who!
Just what time are you going to think about growing up? Come one, hey, just what the hell is [growing up] to someone so young? Hey, somebody tell me, tell me, where should I go? Hey, hey, what should I do? I'm lost, it's no use!
Jubyphonic version: Feel it cutting into me, the doubting painful knife Feel it deepening the rift, finally hit just right Couldn’t take the love I had, so weak and burning low But it grew into a weapon only hurting me, this I know …is nonfiction So good with numbers, science, math I like But I’m terrible at English so I despise This part of me that wants a simple “right or wrong” And I feel that everything I choose will always be false And today This homework About me A blank sheet Accomplished Content with This life I will now live ‘Til I think why are we just sometimes no always Saying how we’re sad and Saying how we’re lonely? Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be? Can you even read his mind? See that kid’s lost fantasy? Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black? Hey, who could it be? Hey, someone tell me! Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet? Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck? Did we really choose it right saying we’re okay this way? Hey, just tell me how It’s not like I care now Counting days like numbers, they all pass their prime And again hypnotically swimming through time Behind the power and guards I put up I hide Knowing they had long died From problems My resolve Just can’t solve That homework Accomplished Content with This life I will now live ‘Til I think and he speaks That demon inside us Saying “let me just leave” Saying “someone kill me!” Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be? Can you even read his mind? See that kid’s lost fantasy? Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black? Hey, who could it be? Hey, someone tell me! Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet? Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck? Did we really choose it right saying we’re okay this way? Hey just tell me how Hey just tell me how! Can you even say the formula of area now? Can you even scream the dreams you swore would never go out? Who was the one who let my hopes just curl up die? Hey, who could it be? No, it’s gotta be… Just open up your eyes, why don’t you grow up and see? But what the hell is “growing up” and tell me when will I be? Can a single person out there just explain it to me? Hey, just tell me how It’s not like I care now!
thisss is so fantastic!! i love the way you made this sound on piano it's perfect! could you at some point do the world's lifespan and the last day by suzumu???
I was looking the comments for the lyrics but eh so hEre *LYRICS:* Feel it cutting into me, the doubting painful knife Feel it deepening the rift, finally hit just right Couldn’t take the love I had, so weak and burning low But it grew into a weapon only hurting me, this I know …is nonfiction So good with numbers, science, math I like But I’m terrible at English so I despise This part of me that wants a simple “right or wrong” And I feel that everything I choose will always be false And today This homework About me A blank sheet Accomplished Content with This life I will now live ‘Til I think why are we just sometimes no always Saying how we’re sad and Saying how we’re lonely? Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be? Can you even read his mind? See that kid’s lost fantasy? Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black? Hey, who could it be? Hey, someone tell me! Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet? Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck? Did we really choose it right saying we’re okay this way? Hey, just tell me how It’s not like I care now Counting days like numbers, they all pass their prime And again hypnotically swimming through time Behind the power and guards I put up I hide Knowing they had long died From problems My resolve Just can’t solve That homework Accomplished Content with This life I will now live ‘Til I think and he speaks That demon inside us Saying “let me just leave” Saying “someone kill me!” Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be? Can you even read his mind? See that kid’s lost fantasy? Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black? Hey, who could it be? Hey, someone tell me! Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet? Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck? Did we really choose it right saying we’re okay this way? Hey just tell me how Hey just tell me how! Can you even say the formula of area now? Can you even scream the dreams you swore would never go out? Who was the one who let my hopes just curl up die? Hey, who could it be? No, it’s gotta be… Just open up your eyes, why don’t you grow up and see? But what the hell is “growing up” and tell me when will I be? Can a single person out there just explain it to me? Hey, just tell me how It’s not like I care now! *CREDITS TO JUBYPHONIC FOR THE LYRICS*
Lyrics: Hawatari suu senchi no fushinkan ga Ageku no hate joumyaku o sash ichatte Byoujaku na ai ga tobidasu mon de Les paul sae mo kyouki ni kaete shimaimashita No fiction Suugaku to rika wa suki desu ga Kokugo ga doumo dame de kirai deshita Tadashii no ga dore ka nayande irya Doremo fu seikai to iu ochi deshita Honjitsu no shukudai wa mu koseina boku no koto Kafusoku nai fujiyuunai saikin ni ikite ite Demo doushite bokutachi wa tokidoki ni iya mainichi Kanashi itte iunda sabishii tte iunda Kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka Ano ko no shinshou wa yomemasu ka Sono kokoro wo kuroku someta no wa Oi dare nanda yo oi dare nanda yo Soroban de kono shiki ga tokemasu ka Ano ko no kubi no wa mo tokemasu ka Bokutachi kono manma de ii ndesu ka Oi dou sunda yo mou dou datte ii ya Itsu made tattatte bokutachi wa Zonzai na saimin ni yotte ite Doushiyou mo nai kurai no kyougou wo Zutto kakumatte itanda Kinou no shukudai wa aikawarazu tokenai ya Kafusoku nai fujiyuu nai saikin ni ikite ite Demo doushite bokutachi no munamoto no katamari wa Kietai tte iunda shinitai tte iunda Kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka Ano ko no shinshou wa yomemasu ka Sono kokoro wo kuroku someta no wa Oi dare nanda yo oi dare nanda yo Soroban de kono shiki ga tokemasu ka Ano ko no kubi no wa mo tokemasu ka Bokutachi kono manma de iindesu ka Oi dousunda yo oi dousunda yo Menseki hi no koushiki iemasu ka Kodomo no toki no yume wa iemasu ka Sono yume sura dobu ni suteta no wa Oi dare nanda yo mou shittendaro Itsu ni narya otona ni naremasu ka Somosomo otona to wa ittai zentai nan desu ka Donata ni ukagaeba iindesu ka Oi dou sunda yo mou dou datte ii ya
Hi, my name is Sheena and I was wondering if I could use your midi file of "The Lost One Weeping" for a remix. I would definitely credit you and link back to your channel but if not, I totally understand.
+SheenaTheReaper nice seeing you here :3. I was thinking the same thing. I don't think you know who I am, so I will introduce myself. I'm the guy, who, shortly after finishing my insanity remix, found your. I almost died.
Не доверяет мне вокруг никто, И боль такая, словно в сердце нож. Любовь прекрасна, а на деле - ложь. И ждет лишь часа своего смертельный клинок. Как всегда. В гуманитарных я совсем профан, Зато люблю страстно математику. Увы, но миру на меня плевать, И было бы проще слиться с серой толпой. Я снова Безлико Сижу на Уроках Ни много- Ни мало- Жизнь мимо проходит. Зачем же Тогда нам Дарованы Эти души? Почему тоскливо? Почему одиноко? Ты сможешь слово на доске прочитать? Мечты ребенка сможешь ли разгадать? Живое сердце кто облёк в черный цвет? Кто только посмел?! Узнать бы ответ! Ты сможешь это уравненье решить? И чадо прекратить веревкой душить? А вдруг, живем мы так, как жить не должны? Скажи, как мне быть? Скажи, что мне делать?! За годом год незаметно летит... К закату мы под гипнозом спешим... Назад взглянуть и опомниться не даёт... Чертова гордость! Рассеянный, Потерянный, Забуду об уроках. Ни много- Ни мало- Жизнь мимо проходит. Почему опять В голове звучит Чей-то голос настойчивый И умоляет... С собой покончить! Ты сможешь слово на доске прочитать? Мечты ребенка сможешь ли разгадать? Живое сердце кто облёк в черный цвет? Кто только посмел?! Узнать бы ответ! Ты сможешь это уравненье решить? И чадо прекратить веревкой душить? А вдруг, живем мы так, как жить не должны? Скажи, как мне быть? Что делать, скажи?! Ты помнишь все законы физики, но Мечты былые позабыты давно. В корзину с мусором кто выбросил их? Кто только посмел?! Ты знаешь ответ! Когда же взрослым станет глупый птенец? Когда поймет, что значит - жить, наконец?! Куда за помощью бежать мне теперь? Скажи, как мне быть? Скажи, что мне делать?!
I subscribed you because of this video. It's truly amazing! I don't even know what to say about it... this great song, and your great cover, it's... wow... I'm... I'm kinda loving you right now :D
وجيب المودق عن الميتاء الساكن بدار جونة طخواء رسداقه يعزف وكي ينزاح اوتار قيتاري باتت اشبه بسلاح no fiction لقنت اليوم دونما الانذار و سؤال ما الصواب حولي كالاسوار اجوابه امضي ام انوي الانكار ابحيرتي سوف ابقى دون قرار الواجب هو عني ما حلمي ما الداعي لحياتي لبلائي لابالي انا راضي بتعاسة بدراسة بملامة بلا فائدة انا في ريبة و وسط فوضى اداوم نجوى حيرتي في قلبي لعنة اندامتي قارعة ابواب الوحدة و لما اراها تختفي وراء كذبة قل لي بلا اضمار كيف لي ان اختار احساب ميل منحنى المماس يجدي اتقاطع دوال المحورين ينجي ما وراء لحن ماساتي و ماذا اجني اوراقي بيضاء تخلو من اجابات حياتي تمضي في رهن ادهمام اسجاع ياسي شناق استفهام شحوب وجهي وليد الالام اني... في سجن الخيبة لنعود لبداية بيضاء كنهاية و بلا قرار هذا الجواب هو كافي انا راضي مالغاية مالحاجة لحياة هي فارغة و الان الهيد فيني ضريحي ادوام نجوى حيرتي في قلبي لعنة اندامتي قارعة ابواب الوحدة و لما اراها تختفي وراء كذبة قل لي بلا اضمار كيف لي ان اختار احساب ميل منحنى المماس يجدي اتقاطع دوال المحورين ينجي ما وراء لحن ماساتي و ماذا اجني قل لي مالجواب قل لي مالجواب ان اكمل حكايتي بدون الايقاع ان ابدا الكتابة بدون اوجاع هل كانت الندامة مرسام الايفاع من يملك الجواب اسير بك استبلغ بايلامي كمال الايمان و متى سامضي بي الى غاياتي دون ايهان هل كانت الاجابة لهذا النسيان اوراقي بيضاء تخلو من اجابات
if it's not too much trouble, could you try making a synthesia of Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain? I've been blown away by many of your covers and I'd like to see something like that. It's just a question though, no pressure :)
Feel it cutting into me, the doubting painful knife Feel it deepening the rift, finally hit just right Couldn't take the love I had So weak and burning low But it grew into a weapon only hurting me This I know is nonfiction So good with numbers, science, math I like But I'm terrible at English so I despise This part of me that wants a simple "right or wrong" And I feel that everything I choose will always be false And today, this homework about me A blank sheet Accomplished Content with this life I will now live 'til I think why are we just sometimes no always Saying how we're sad and saying how we're lonely? Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be? Can you even read his mind? See that kid's lost fantasy? Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black? Hey, who could it be? Hey, someone tell me! Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet? Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck? Did we really choose it right saying we're okay this way? Hey, just tell me how It's not like I care now Counting days like numbers, they all pass their prime And again hypnotically swimming through time Behind the power and guards I put up, I hide knowing they had long died From problems, my resolve Just can't solve that homework Accomplished Content with this life I will now live 'til I think and he speaks That demon inside us Saying "Let me just leave" Saying "Someone kill me!" Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be? Can you even read his mind? See that kid's lost fantasy? Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black? Hey, who could it be? Hey, someone tell me! Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet? Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck? Did we really choose it right saying we're okay this way? Hey just tell me how Hey just tell me how! Can you even say the formula of area now? Can you even scream the dreams you swore would never go out? Who was the one who let my hopes just curl up and die? Hey, who could it be? No, it's gotta be Just open up your eyes Why don't you grow up and see? But what the hell is "growing up" and tell me when will I be? Can a single person out there just explain it to me? Hey, just tell me how It's not like I care now!
im back :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
We’re glad
I can literally hear this song inside my head
MegaSyahidan same
MegaSyahidan same tho
MegaSyahidan itsh rlly catchy
MegaSyahidan same
Yeah yo
The original song sounds like a normal song meanwhile this sounds like a straight up boss theme
Secret boss:The Lost One
*Plays the same keys on a piano*
Piano: *Sounds off key because I'm doing it wrong*
Me: wOw I'm DoInG a GrEaT jOb
*-sigh-** I'm stupid*
youre doing great, good lad :-DD
Don't worry, I'm stupid too.
Hi stupid, I'm Crissy
懐かしくて泣けて来そうです…♪( ´▽`)
I'm not you're fan anymore, I'm your air conditioner.
((I know overused comment))
Chuthulhoop 20 AYYYYYYYYYYYY
Echo 12 yeah, well im the whole damn tempurature system :)
I've never seen this before wha-?
I'm not a good meme lord, christ. EXECUTE ME PLEASE, THANKS.
Cringe Meister Yes i shall... With the power of... DANCE!!! *Starts dancing to the song* YOU SHALL NOT SURVIVE!!!
Keithixix 197 I don't know whether to laugh or be afraid
Feel it cutting into me, the doubting painful knife
Feel it deepening the rift, finally hit just right
Couldn’t take the love I had, so weak and burning low
But it grew into a weapon only hurting me, this I know
…is nonfiction
So good with numbers, science, math I like
But I’m terrible at English so I despise
This part of me that wants a simple “right or wrong”
And I feel that everything I choose will always be false
And today
This homework
About me
A blank sheet
Content with
This life I will now live
‘Til I think why are we
just sometimes no always
Saying how we’re sad and
Saying how we’re lonely?
Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be?
Can you even read his mind? See that kid’s lost fantasy?
Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black?
Hey, who could it be?
Hey, someone tell me!
Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet?
Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck?
Did we really choose it right saying we’re okay this way?
Hey, just tell me how
It’s not like I care now
Counting days like numbers, they all pass their prime
And again hypnotically swimming through time
Behind the power and guards I put up
I hide
Knowing they had long died
From problems
My resolve
Just can’t solve
That homework
Content with
This life I will now live
‘Til I think and he speaks
That demon inside us
Saying “let me just leave”
Saying “someone kill me!”
Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be?
Can you even read his mind? See that kid’s lost fantasy?
Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black?
Hey, who could it be?
Hey, someone tell me!
Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet?
Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck?
Did we really choose it right saying we’re okay this way?
Hey just tell me how
Hey just tell me how!
Can you even say the formula of area now?
Can you even scream the dreams you swore would never go out?
Who was the one who let my hopes just curl up die?
Hey, who could it be?
No, it’s gotta be…
Just open up your eyes, why don’t you grow up and see?
But what the hell is “growing up” and tell me when will I be?
Can a single person out there just explain it to me?
Hey, just tell me how
It’s not like I care now!
Commoners Coffee juby
I already knew the English lyrics, but thanks anyways xd
First of all Japanese is better in my opinion and secondly the other English lyrics by neru sounds better.
Edit: I found the name
yes thank you
Jubyphonic is QUEEN
My favourite song
Teme-chan Would you like another arranged song?
Maybe not this time, but thanks
***** Can you do "Streaming Heart"?
my favorite too *.*
+High Powered Keyz he should
@@メロンパン-d6m ピアノがぶっ壊れてまうw
i've found out this one is easier to play than another video..
Sakura Winter really!?
@Adorabiee :O
Sarah Allycia I think the speed is what makes it more difficult
@Sarah Allycia wait, really???
刃渡(はわた)り 数(すう)センチ(せんち)の不信(ふしん) 感(かん)が
hawata ri suu senchi no fu shin kan ga
挙(あ)げ句(く)の果(は)て 静脈(じょうみゃく)を刺(さ)しちゃって
agekuno hate jyou myaku wo sa shi chatte
病弱(びょうじゃく)な愛(あい)が 飛(と)び 出(だ)すもんで
byoujaku na ai ga to bi dasu mon de
レスポール(れすぽーる)さえも 凶器(きょうき)に 変(か)えてしまいました
resupo-ru sae mo kyoki ni kaete shi maimashita
no - fiku shon
suu gakuto rika wa siki desuga
国語(こくご)がどうもダメで 嫌(きら)いでした
kokugoga dou mo dame de kirai deshita
正(ただ)しいのがどれか 悩(なや)んでいりゃ
tadashiino gadoreka nayan deirya
どれも不正解(ふせいかい) というオチ(おち)でした
doremo fusei kai to iu ochi de shita
本日(ほんじつ)の宿題(しゅくだい)は 無個性(むこせい)な僕(ぼく)のこと
今天的作業是 毫無個性的我
hon jitsuno shuku dai wa mukosei na boku no koto
過不足(かふそく) 無(な)い 不自由(ふじゆう) 無(な)い
沒有過多或不足 沒有不自由 最近生活著
kafusokunai fujiyuu nai
最近(さいきん)に 生(い)きていて
saikin ni iki teite
でもどうして 僕達(ぼくたち)は 時々(ときどき)に いや 毎日(まいにち)
但是為什麼 我們 有時卻
demodoushite bokutachi wa tokitoki ni iyamainichi
悲(かな)しいって 言(い)うんだ 淋(さび)しいって 言(い)うんだ
整天說著好哀傷 整天說著好寂寞
kanashiitte iunda sabishii tte iunda
kokuban no kono kanji ga yome masuka
anokono shishou wa yome masuka
sonokokoro wo kuroku some tanowa
おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ
到底是誰啊 到底是誰啊
oidare nandayo oi dare nandayo
sorobande kono shiki ga toke masuka
anokono kubi no wamo toke masuka
bokutachi kono manma de iin desuka
おいどうすんだよ もうどうだっていいや
該怎麼辦才好呀 已經怎麼樣都無所謂啊
oi dousundayo mou dou datte iiya
いつまで 経(た)ったって 僕達(ぼくたち)は
itsumadeta tta tte boku tachi wa
zon zaina sai min ni yo tte ite
dou shiyou mo nai kurai no kyou gou wo
ずっと 匿(かく)っていたんだ
會一直 隱藏著
zutto kaku tte itanda
昨日(さくじつ)の宿題(しゅくだい)は 相変(あいか)わらず解(と)けないや
昨天的作業 一如既往 解不開啊
sakujitsuno shu ku dai wa ai kawarazu tokenaiya
過不足(かふそく)無(な)い 不自由(ふじゆう) 無(な)い 最近(さいきん)に 生(い)きてい
沒有過多或不足 沒有不自由 最近生活著
kafusokunai fujiyuu nai sai kin ni iki teite
でもどうして 僕達(ぼくたち)の胸元(むなもと)の塊(かたまり)は
但是為什麼 我們胸口內心的部分
demodou shite boku tachi no muna moto no katamariwa
消(き)えたいって言(い)うんだ 死(し)にたいって言(い)うんだ
說著好想消失 說著好想去死
kietai tte iun da shinitai tte iunda
kokuban no kono kanji ga yome masuka
anokono shishou wa yome masuka
その心(こころ)を黒(くろ)く 染(そ)めたのは
sono kokoro wo kuroku some tanowa
おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ
到底是誰啊 到底是誰啊
oidare nandayo oi dare nandayo
sorobande kono shiki ga toke masuka
anokono kubi no wamo toke masuka
僕達(ぼくたち) このまんまでいいんですか
bokutachi kono manma de iin desuka
おいどうすんだよ おいどうすんだよ
該怎麼辦啊 該怎麼辦啊
oi dousundayo oi dousun dayo
面積(めんせき) 比(ひ)の公式(こうしき) 言(い)えますか
menseki hi no koushiki ie masuka
kodomono toki no yume wa iemasuka
その夢(ゆめ)すら 溝(どぶ)に 捨(す)てたのは
sonoyume sura dobuni sutetanowa
おい 誰(だれ)なんだよ もう 知(し)ってんだろ
到底是誰啊 早就知道了吧
oidare nandayo mou shi tten daro
いつになりゃ 大人(おとな)になれますか
itsuninarya otona ni nare masuka
そもそも 大人(おとな)とは 一体全体(いったいぜんたい) 何(なん)ですか
somosomootona towa ittai zentai nan desuka
どなたに 伺(うかが)えばいいんですか
donanani ukaga eba iin desuka
おいどうすんだよ もうどうだっていいや
該怎麼辦才好呀 已經怎麼樣都無所謂啊
oi dousundayo mou dou datte iiya
御认真中文为止。谢谢 日本人啊
(''∇^d) ナイス☆!!(  ̄0 ̄)ノ オツカレィ‼
0:06 I instantly imagine Rin destroying a guitar
Me too ;w;
omg same
poor gutair
Letra original:
Hawatari suu senchi no fushinkan ga
Ageku no hate joumyaku o sash ichatte
Byoujaku na ai ga tobidasu mon de
Les paul sae mo kyouki ni kaete shimaimashita
No fiction
Suugaku to rika wa suki desu ga
Kokugo ga doumo dame de kirai deshita
Tadashii no ga dore ka nayande irya
Doremo fu seikai to iu ochi deshita
Honjitsu no shukudai wa mu koseina boku no koto
Kafusoku nai fujiyuunai saikin ni ikite ite
Demo doushite bokutachi wa tokidoki ni iya mainichi
Kanashi itte iunda sabishii tte iunda
Kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka
Ano ko no shinshou wa yomemasu ka
Sono kokoro wo kuroku someta no wa
Oi dare nanda yo oi dare nanda yo
Soroban de kono shiki ga tokemasu ka
Ano ko no kubi no wa mo tokemasu ka
Bokutachi kono manma de ii ndesu ka
Oi dou sunda yo mou dou datte ii ya
Itsu made tattatte bokutachi wa
Zonzai na saimin ni yotte ite
Doushiyou mo nai kurai no kyougou wo
Zutto kakumatte itanda
Kinou no shukudai wa aikawarazu tokenai ya
Kafusoku nai fujiyuu nai saikin ni ikite ite
Demo doushite bokutachi no munamoto no katamari wa
Kietai tte iunda shinitai tte iunda
Kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka
Ano ko no shinshou wa yomemasu ka
Sono kokoro wo kuroku someta no wa
Oi dare nanda yo oi dare nanda yo
Soroban de kono shiki ga tokemasu ka
Ano ko no kubi no wa mo tokemasu ka
Bokutachi kono manma de iindesu ka
Oi dousunda yo oi dousunda yo
Menseki hi no koushiki iemasu ka
Kodomo no toki no yume wa iemasu ka
Sono yume sura dobu ni suteta no wa
Oi dare nanda yo mou shittendaro
Itsu ni narya otona ni naremasu ka
Somosomo otona to wa ittai zentai nan desu ka
Donata ni ukagaeba iindesu ka
Oi dou sunda yo mou dou datte ii ya
Fala português?
@@flowerdoce BR tbm? ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
Xiiiiim QwQ
Br aqui :D
저는 어릴때부터 악기에 대해 흥미가 넘쳐났습니다. 무엇보다도 사람의 마음을 움직일 수 있는 대표적 수단이라고 생각하였고, 그로 인해 한 사람의 인생도 바뀔 수 있다고 생각하였습니다. 항상 마음을 녹여주는 따뜻한 연주에 감사드립니다.
ふじなが 天才じゃんその友達
( 'ω')/ ハイ!
Thank you! Not only you did a great job at getting the melody right but you EVEN GAVE US THE GOD DAMN SHEET MUSIC!!! THANKS!!!!!
my dream is to play this on the piano XDDD that would be awesome if i can actually do the whole thing fluently
Im learning it XD
its not that hard, the rhythem are fairly simple
jkm8 *S A M E* I would wanna play this at my middle schools talent show and impress everyone
it's impossible it requires more than two hands, based on the colors of the notes
My friend is in a college for music and yet he can't play it
@@azurememory doubt that
I swear to god I could still hear the lyrics playing like a record in my head.
the white and yellow part remind me project diva xD
Good Job :)
+Anime Zhang ... Then there's me thinking of IA ×Lily fanfiction... O.o
Very suddenly and sharply we all have a time
When distrust rises up piercing a vein like a knife,
So a weak and frail love flies out to be born,
Destroying, shaking, breaking with the shattering strike of a chord.
It's not a dream
I'm good at maths and science, so I like them fine
But I'm bad at my own language, so I hate that kind.
But worrying, struggling to find out what's right,
I just feel like they'll both turn out to be wrong, after all
Today's homework
It consists of,
What it's like [to be],
About [me],
I've no dreams
But I'm fine, I'm
Still living
But there's something
That's missing
Why'd we, sometimes,
No - always
Say we feel like crying?
Say we feel so lonely?
Hey so,
Can you read the letters written down on the board?
Can you read the thoughts that kid has when he's left all alone?
Hey, who dyed his heart darker, darker 'til it turned black?
Hey, can you tell me who?
Hey, come on, tell me who!
Can you solve all the equations that the teacher has left?
Can you loosen up the rope that's tied around that kid's neck?
Always staying just the same, hey, is that really okay?
Hey, what should I do?
What's the point? It's no use!
And time keeps passing, the clock hand spins,
We follow blindly, still taken in,
So helpless, hopeless we hid behind
A pride.
It's a broken dream now.
As always,
I'm struggling -
That homework's
Beyond me.
I've no dreams,
But I'm fine, I'm
Still living
So why does
The demon
That lies deep
Inside us
Say we want to hide now?
Say we want to die now?
Hey so,
Can you read the letters written down on the board?
Can you read the thoughts that kid has when he's left all alone?
Hey, who dyed his heart darker, darker 'til it turned black?
Hey, can you tell me who?
Hey, come on, tell me who!
Can you solve all the equations that the teacher has left?
Can you loosen up the rope that's tied around that kid's neck?
Always staying just the same, hey, is that really okay?
Hey, what should I do?
What's the point? It's no use!
So, can you recite the area-ratio formula
So, can you recite your dreams back from that time you were small?
Who's the one, who stole and threw all of your dreams down the drain?
Hey, come on, tell me who?
I know, I know who!
Just what time are you going to think about growing up?
Come one, hey, just what the hell is [growing up] to someone so young?
Hey, somebody tell me, tell me, where should I go?
Hey, hey, what should I do?
I'm lost, it's no use!
ロストワンの号哭/Neru feat.
鏡音リン 歌詞です(日本語歌詞)
過不足ない 不自由ない
おい誰なんだよ おい誰なんだよ
過不足ない 不自由ない
おい誰なんだよ おい誰なんだよ
おいどうすんだよ おいどうすんだよ
おい誰なんだよ もう知ってんだろ
I think this is the best adaptation, it's not extremely hard but neither so easy
I love it
thank you for including sheet music, many other channels would show something like this but never show sheet music for it
i litterary listened to the song so much times that now i hear the lyrics inside my head
Congrats on 1 million views aregan!
tyy xd
00:31 don't mind me..
This is beautiful! This is so well done! Nice Job aregan!
Jubyphonic version:
Feel it cutting into me, the doubting painful knife
Feel it deepening the rift, finally hit just right
Couldn’t take the love I had, so weak and burning low
But it grew into a weapon only hurting me, this I know
…is nonfiction
So good with numbers, science, math I like
But I’m terrible at English so I despise
This part of me that wants a simple “right or wrong”
And I feel that everything I choose will always be false
And today
This homework
About me
A blank sheet
Content with
This life I will now live
‘Til I think why are we
just sometimes no always
Saying how we’re sad and
Saying how we’re lonely?
Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be?
Can you even read his mind? See that kid’s lost fantasy?
Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black?
Hey, who could it be?
Hey, someone tell me!
Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet?
Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck?
Did we really choose it right saying we’re okay this way?
Hey, just tell me how
It’s not like I care now
Counting days like numbers, they all pass their prime
And again hypnotically swimming through time
Behind the power and guards I put up
I hide
Knowing they had long died
From problems
My resolve
Just can’t solve
That homework
Content with
This life I will now live
‘Til I think and he speaks
That demon inside us
Saying “let me just leave”
Saying “someone kill me!”
Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be?
Can you even read his mind? See that kid’s lost fantasy?
Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black?
Hey, who could it be?
Hey, someone tell me!
Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet?
Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck?
Did we really choose it right saying we’re okay this way?
Hey just tell me how
Hey just tell me how!
Can you even say the formula of area now?
Can you even scream the dreams you swore would never go out?
Who was the one who let my hopes just curl up die?
Hey, who could it be?
No, it’s gotta be…
Just open up your eyes, why don’t you grow up and see?
But what the hell is “growing up” and tell me when will I be?
Can a single person out there just explain it to me?
Hey, just tell me how
It’s not like I care now!
great piano cover it's been a while since I heard this song
本日の 宿題は 無個性な 僕のこと
過不足無い 不自由ない 最近に 生きていて
でもどうして 僕たち は 時々に いや毎日
悲しいって言うんだ 寂しいって言うんだ
昨日の 宿題は 相変わらず 解けないや
過不足無い 不自由ない 最近に 生きていて
でもどうして 僕たちの 胸元の 塊は
消えたいって言うんだ 死にたいって言うんだ
thisss is so fantastic!! i love the way you made this sound on piano it's perfect! could you at some point do the world's lifespan and the last day by suzumu???
Can't get over how good this is 👌🏻😩🔥
The guitar was epic enough.....WHY DID IT JUST GET EXTRA EPIC
You sir just got a new subscriber! This is awesome!
K。 (
Yes this a masterpiece worthy of the gods. You get infinet ice-cream cones
Tomas Herrera Kaito would be happy about that lol
Where is the ice cream only cones lol
You played this beautifully. so well done...You're my favorite pianist now. How...HOW THE HELL DID YOU MAKE THIS?!
I've decided to simplify it because 1. small hands 2. I don't have 3 hands XD
Great job tho, aregan, I really love this!
This makes me so emotional... I LOVE THIS!!
I was looking the comments for the lyrics but eh so hEre
Feel it cutting into me, the doubting painful knife
Feel it deepening the rift, finally hit just right
Couldn’t take the love I had, so weak and burning low
But it grew into a weapon only hurting me, this I know
…is nonfiction
So good with numbers, science, math I like
But I’m terrible at English so I despise
This part of me that wants a simple “right or wrong”
And I feel that everything I choose will always be false
And today
This homework
About me
A blank sheet
Content with
This life I will now live
‘Til I think why are we
just sometimes no always
Saying how we’re sad and
Saying how we’re lonely?
Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be?
Can you even read his mind? See that kid’s lost fantasy?
Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black?
Hey, who could it be?
Hey, someone tell me!
Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet?
Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck?
Did we really choose it right saying we’re okay this way?
Hey, just tell me how
It’s not like I care now
Counting days like numbers, they all pass their prime
And again hypnotically swimming through time
Behind the power and guards I put up
I hide
Knowing they had long died
From problems
My resolve
Just can’t solve
That homework
Content with
This life I will now live
‘Til I think and he speaks
That demon inside us
Saying “let me just leave”
Saying “someone kill me!”
Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be?
Can you even read his mind? See that kid’s lost fantasy?
Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black?
Hey, who could it be?
Hey, someone tell me!
Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet?
Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck?
Did we really choose it right saying we’re okay this way?
Hey just tell me how
Hey just tell me how!
Can you even say the formula of area now?
Can you even scream the dreams you swore would never go out?
Who was the one who let my hopes just curl up die?
Hey, who could it be?
No, it’s gotta be…
Just open up your eyes, why don’t you grow up and see?
But what the hell is “growing up” and tell me when will I be?
Can a single person out there just explain it to me?
Hey, just tell me how
It’s not like I care now!
何? 私わじゃあ寝せのくそ。
natsuki tagai 恐らく打ちミスかと
Hawatari suu senchi no fushinkan ga
Ageku no hate joumyaku o sash ichatte
Byoujaku na ai ga tobidasu mon de
Les paul sae mo kyouki ni kaete shimaimashita
No fiction
Suugaku to rika wa suki desu ga
Kokugo ga doumo dame de kirai deshita
Tadashii no ga dore ka nayande irya
Doremo fu seikai to iu ochi deshita
Honjitsu no shukudai wa mu koseina boku no koto
Kafusoku nai fujiyuunai saikin ni ikite ite
Demo doushite bokutachi wa tokidoki ni iya mainichi
Kanashi itte iunda sabishii tte iunda
Kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka
Ano ko no shinshou wa yomemasu ka
Sono kokoro wo kuroku someta no wa
Oi dare nanda yo oi dare nanda yo
Soroban de kono shiki ga tokemasu ka
Ano ko no kubi no wa mo tokemasu ka
Bokutachi kono manma de ii ndesu ka
Oi dou sunda yo mou dou datte ii ya
Itsu made tattatte bokutachi wa
Zonzai na saimin ni yotte ite
Doushiyou mo nai kurai no kyougou wo
Zutto kakumatte itanda
Kinou no shukudai wa aikawarazu tokenai ya
Kafusoku nai fujiyuu nai saikin ni ikite ite
Demo doushite bokutachi no munamoto no katamari wa
Kietai tte iunda shinitai tte iunda
Kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka
Ano ko no shinshou wa yomemasu ka
Sono kokoro wo kuroku someta no wa
Oi dare nanda yo oi dare nanda yo
Soroban de kono shiki ga tokemasu ka
Ano ko no kubi no wa mo tokemasu ka
Bokutachi kono manma de iindesu ka
Oi dousunda yo oi dousunda yo
Menseki hi no koushiki iemasu ka
Kodomo no toki no yume wa iemasu ka
Sono yume sura dobu ni suteta no wa
Oi dare nanda yo mou shittendaro
Itsu ni narya otona ni naremasu ka
Somosomo otona to wa ittai zentai nan desu ka
Donata ni ukagaeba iindesu ka
Oi dou sunda yo mou dou datte ii ya
Incredibly accurate
This sounds great! I like how it sounds at .75 speed as well
가사가 저절로 내 귀에 들려온다..~
Hi, my name is Sheena and I was wondering if I could use your midi file of "The Lost One Weeping" for a remix. I would definitely credit you and link back to your channel but if not, I totally understand.
You might want to comment on one of their more recent videos
+Yuno Gasai join us
omfg xD
+SheenaTheReaper nice seeing you here :3.
I was thinking the same thing.
I don't think you know who I am, so I will introduce myself. I'm the guy, who, shortly after finishing my insanity remix, found your. I almost died.
Не доверяет мне вокруг никто,
И боль такая, словно в сердце нож.
Любовь прекрасна, а на деле - ложь.
И ждет лишь часа своего
смертельный клинок.
Как всегда.
В гуманитарных я совсем профан,
Зато люблю страстно математику.
Увы, но миру на меня плевать,
И было бы проще слиться с серой толпой.
Я снова
Сижу на
Ни много-
Ни мало-
Жизнь мимо проходит.
Зачем же
Тогда нам
Эти души?
Почему тоскливо?
Почему одиноко?
Ты сможешь слово на доске прочитать?
Мечты ребенка сможешь ли разгадать?
Живое сердце кто облёк в черный цвет?
Кто только посмел?!
Узнать бы ответ!
Ты сможешь это уравненье решить?
И чадо прекратить веревкой душить?
А вдруг, живем мы так,
как жить не должны?
Скажи, как мне быть?
Скажи, что мне делать?!
За годом год незаметно летит...
К закату мы под гипнозом спешим...
Назад взглянуть и опомниться не даёт...
Чертова гордость!
Забуду об уроках.
Ни много-
Ни мало-
Жизнь мимо проходит.
Почему опять
В голове звучит
Чей-то голос настойчивый
И умоляет...
С собой покончить!
Ты сможешь слово на доске прочитать?
Мечты ребенка сможешь ли разгадать?
Живое сердце кто облёк в черный цвет?
Кто только посмел?!
Узнать бы ответ!
Ты сможешь это уравненье решить?
И чадо прекратить веревкой душить?
А вдруг, живем мы так,
как жить не должны?
Скажи, как мне быть?
Что делать, скажи?!
Ты помнишь все законы физики, но
Мечты былые позабыты давно.
В корзину с мусором кто выбросил их?
Кто только посмел?!
Ты знаешь ответ!
Когда же взрослым станет глупый птенец?
Когда поймет, что значит
- жить, наконец?!
Куда за помощью бежать мне теперь?
Скажи, как мне быть?
Скажи, что мне делать?!
This should be called "The Lost Piano's Weeping"
かくまっていたんだ の所好き
Thank you so much for the midi :D Now I have a chance to learn it :3
I subscribed you because of this video. It's truly amazing! I don't even know what to say about it... this great song, and your great cover, it's... wow... I'm... I'm kinda loving you right now :D
right I.am a big fan
Cool I love this song!
Woa.. So beautiful!!
洩矢僚 君達は片手に指一つしかないんですか?って感じですね
This song is basically what's happening in my life right now.
Wooooow!!! Suuuuuuper!!!
naild it bro nailed it
Well, welcome home insomia-chan, looks like we aren't sleeping tonight.
Umas das melhores músicas!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
My TH-cam kinda died for a minute so I left my phone to let it load and the beginning made me fall out of my chair XD
this is great though!!
best part sounds like a soldier song
the song that summarizes every students pain
i like this
holly crap this is amazing
this song always hits me hard.*Cries*
I've been hurting my hands trying to play the first 30 seconds of this song xD
I’ve learnt the main riff but oh god I can’t do the next part
Exelente, está muy bien hecho
وجيب المودق عن الميتاء
الساكن بدار جونة طخواء
رسداقه يعزف وكي ينزاح
اوتار قيتاري باتت اشبه بسلاح
no fiction
لقنت اليوم دونما الانذار
و سؤال ما الصواب حولي كالاسوار
اجوابه امضي ام انوي الانكار
ابحيرتي سوف ابقى دون قرار
الواجب هو عني ما حلمي ما الداعي لحياتي لبلائي لابالي انا راضي
بتعاسة بدراسة بملامة بلا فائدة
انا في ريبة و وسط فوضى
اداوم نجوى حيرتي في قلبي لعنة
اندامتي قارعة ابواب الوحدة
و لما اراها تختفي وراء كذبة
قل لي بلا اضمار
كيف لي ان اختار
احساب ميل منحنى المماس يجدي
اتقاطع دوال المحورين ينجي
ما وراء لحن ماساتي و ماذا اجني
اوراقي بيضاء
تخلو من اجابات
حياتي تمضي في رهن ادهمام
اسجاع ياسي شناق استفهام
شحوب وجهي وليد الالام
اني... في سجن الخيبة
لنعود لبداية بيضاء كنهاية
و بلا قرار هذا الجواب هو كافي انا راضي
مالغاية مالحاجة لحياة هي فارغة
و الان الهيد فيني ضريحي
ادوام نجوى حيرتي في قلبي لعنة
اندامتي قارعة ابواب الوحدة
و لما اراها تختفي وراء كذبة
قل لي بلا اضمار
كيف لي ان اختار
احساب ميل منحنى المماس يجدي
اتقاطع دوال المحورين ينجي
ما وراء لحن ماساتي و ماذا اجني
قل لي مالجواب
قل لي مالجواب
ان اكمل حكايتي بدون الايقاع
ان ابدا الكتابة بدون اوجاع
هل كانت الندامة مرسام الايفاع
من يملك الجواب اسير بك
استبلغ بايلامي كمال الايمان
و متى سامضي بي الى غاياتي دون ايهان
هل كانت الاجابة لهذا النسيان
اوراقي بيضاء
تخلو من اجابات
Nice midi!
if it's not too much trouble, could you try making a synthesia of Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain? I've been blown away by many of your covers and I'd like to see something like that.
It's just a question though, no pressure :)
Hope Neru will write another great song.
Feel it cutting into me, the doubting painful knife
Feel it deepening the rift, finally hit just right
Couldn't take the love I had
So weak and burning low
But it grew into a weapon only hurting me
This I know is nonfiction
So good with numbers, science, math I like
But I'm terrible at English so I despise
This part of me that wants a simple "right or wrong"
And I feel that everything I choose will always be false
And today, this homework about me
A blank sheet
Content with this life I will now live 'til I think why are we just sometimes no always
Saying how we're sad and saying how we're lonely?
Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be?
Can you even read his mind?
See that kid's lost fantasy?
Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black?
Hey, who could it be?
Hey, someone tell me!
Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet?
Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck?
Did we really choose it right saying we're okay this way?
Hey, just tell me how
It's not like I care now
Counting days like numbers, they all pass their prime
And again hypnotically swimming through time
Behind the power and guards I put up, I hide knowing they had long died
From problems, my resolve
Just can't solve that homework
Content with this life I will now live 'til I think and he speaks
That demon inside us
Saying "Let me just leave"
Saying "Someone kill me!"
Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be?
Can you even read his mind?
See that kid's lost fantasy?
Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black?
Hey, who could it be?
Hey, someone tell me!
Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet?
Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck?
Did we really choose it right saying we're okay this way?
Hey just tell me how
Hey just tell me how!
Can you even say the formula of area now?
Can you even scream the dreams you swore would never go out?
Who was the one who let my hopes just curl up and die?
Hey, who could it be?
No, it's gotta be
Just open up your eyes
Why don't you grow up and see?
But what the hell is "growing up" and tell me when will I be?
Can a single person out there just explain it to me?
Hey, just tell me how
It's not like I care now!