If we worshipped idols for 1,500 years until martin luther said "nuh uh heres what i think the bible says", like the prots like to argue, then all of the early Christians and Church Fathers and Saints would be damned... Good thing that we dont!
*PROTESTANT SHOCK: BILLY GRAHAM STATUE INSTALLED IN US CAPITOL BUILDING* _Crowd gathers to honor and praise the man._ Just because two things look similar, it does not mean they are the same. Worshiping an idol is very different from using a statue to remind you of someone. The recent installation of a statue of Billy Graham in the US Capitol building illustrates this point: no non-Catholic Christian is worshiping that statue, and no Catholic is worshiping a statue of St. Francis or Mary, either. Furthermore, despite external appearances, we know Exodus 20 is not a prohibition against making “any likeness of anything” in a strict sense because we clearly see God either commanding or praising the making of images and statues in multiple biblical texts (see Exodus 25:18; Numbers 21:8-9; I Kings 6:23-28, 9:3). PS: U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, a Republican from North Carolina, said “I hope when members of Congress walk by his statue, they reflect on the standards of faith, ethics and decency that he exemplified throughout his extraordinary life.” Gee, that sounds pretty Catholic to me.
Newsflash: The Roman Catholic Church is NOT the "one true Church" as most Catholics are going around..LYING AND DECEIVING people about! The evidence shows.. it's the complete OPPOSITE! The Catholic Church is NOT a Church..but an organization.. NOT "created by God"..as you so ignorantly claim...but by Satan Himself! In fact, the undeniable evidence shows.. "The Gates of Hell"..have CLEARLY prevailed against the Corrupt Roman Catholic Church--from it's very beginning..to the Present! That said, Jesus declared: "You will know them by their FRUIT"! Indeed, the Roman Catholic Church has produced..Century after Century...Decade after Decade...Year after Year...from the it's very beginning...to the Present---ROTTEN "FRUIT" ! Accordingly, The Roman Catholic Church or should I say Cult and False Religion..undeniably Lied and Deceived the public and the world..as it CONTINUES to do so..going back centuries with it's History of Corruption! Let's take a look at just some of the irrefutable evidence! Here are just some samples for starters-- Catholic Pope John XII..took part in Murdering, invoking Demons, and even having Sex with his own Biological Sisters! 😮 Indeed, Pope John XII's Sexual Sin and Adultery, ended up being his demise however, after a husband caught his wife in bed with Pope John XII and beat the Pope John XII so badly, that he died three days later from his injuries! Then there was Catholic Pope Boniface VIll ..He was accused of “Heresy, Simony, Embezzlement of crusade funds, Warmongering, Assassination, Idolatry, Blasphemies, Demon Worship, Fornication, and Sodomy" aka (Homosexuality)! 😮 Then there was Catholic Pope Benedict IX --during the time between his reigns, he started Thieving, Murdering and committing other 'unspeakable deeds' throughout the city. He became the Catholic Pope again in 1045, which only last a rough 2 months before someone paid him to leave! Then there was Catholic Pope Alexander VI ..Before becoming Pope, he was a member of Borgias, the Italian crime family, and his attitude did not change after becoming the Catholic Pope! During Catholic Alexander VI's time, multiple conspiracies and dishonesty surrounded him and his decisions! Pope Alexander VI is reported as being a "Conniving" Pope in Politics as well as well as having sex with every girl in sight! Consequently Pope Alexander VI fathered at least nine children, that we know of, and was famous for hosting a series of "Orgies" throughout his reign, with one being named ‘Joust of Whores.’ ! 😮 In fact, it even gets worse..considering the multiple reports..where Pope Alexander VI..engaged in INCEST sex with his own biological DAUGHTER, Lucrezia!😮 Then there was Catholic Pope Sergius III. Pope Sergius III didn’t just kill the Catholic Pope prior to him, but he also killed the Catholic Pope before that,😮 timing his arrival to reign perfectly! Pope Sergius lll then used his power to set up his son, Catholic Pope John XI, fathered by his 15-year-old prostitute mistress, to be the Catholic Pope..twenty years after him! Then there is Catholic Pope Innocent VIII! Pope Innocent VIII was NOT so innocent! He was the very first Catholic Pope in existence to openly confirm his ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN, which was around EIGHT KIDS at the time, with speculation of it growing! Before this Catholic Pope Innocent VIII's open admission, these "bastards" (illegitimate Children) were simply known as the Pope’s ‘nephews'! Pope Innocent VIII was also known to be a big supporter of witch hunting, blessing the act in 1484! Then there was Catholic Pope Julius II starting his reign in 1503, Pope Julius II was known for being domineering, hot-headed, and a manic at times! But by far Pope Julius II worst feature, was his severe case of Syphilis, which he contracted by having sex with countless prostitutes! Because of his Syphilis he got from being promiscuous, it was documented that on Good Friday, Pope Julius II's feet were so covered by sores, that no one was able to kiss them! Then there was Catholic Pope Paul IV, known as one of the worst Popes for being an Extreme Racist, especially with his horrific acts..of Anti-Semitism! Instead of being the moral symbol of the Roman Catholic Church, Racist Catholic Pope Paul IV instead. created a Jewish ghetto, in a section of the Roman city...forcing Jewish people to publicize themselves..by wearing yellow hats!😮 Pope Paul IV was such a hated Catholic Pope, that after his death, citizens celebrated by tearing down statues of him throughout the city! Undoubtedly, I have just scratched the surface, with the many examples of the Roman Catholic Church's Corruption throughout History! In fact, time limits me..but I could go on and on! Indeed, it's undeniably endless! In fact, the Corruption of the Roman Catholic Church which the "Gates of Hell" have clearly prevailed against it continues today..as we have aprox 330,000 children (and counting) that have been Raped and Sexually Assaulted by aprox 4,000 (and counting)--First Degree Felon Criminal Catholic Priests..all of which the Vatican and Roman Catholic Church unsuccessfully tried to cover up...until they got caught!😮 ALL IRREFUTABLE FACTS! Indeed, ONLY BRAINWASHED people or people who love Evil or people who have no independent critical thinking skills, would continue to stay in this man made organization..with undeniable overwhelming irrefutable evidence of having a long history of bad "Fruit" and Corruption!
But you Roman Catholics need your statues. That shows a lack of faith. If you really had true saving faith, you would not need any statues to prop up that faith which is a gift from God, not of works. It is the Holy Spirit who gives faith, and continues to give it the increase and sustains that faith. If your faith relies on having statues, then it is a false, counterfeit faith, like your false, counterfeit Christian church.
When I heard a Protestant say that they are against the carving of Jesus on a cross because of Exodus, I just knew that he was wrong of that interpretation. I cannot wait, if God only wills, to be a catholic.
These people don't realize the hypocrites they have become. They accuse Catholics of creating images and there they sit looking into a computer screen. Popping out the largest idol of today, the cell phone.
I'm a former Catholic, now a Protestant but love your channel. You're doing a great job of educating Protestants (mostly Baptists) about the true teachings of the Catholic church.
😂😂😂😂😂 In bible it's already mentioned in old Testament that God told to moses he has chosen a Artist/Sculptor to build arc of covenant. So whatever skills you have, is blessed by Our Lord Jesus.
Even though I was raised Protestant, the arguement that statues are idol worship is new to me and...extremely bizarre. We know statues are not God. We know it's not literally him. It merely *represents* him and gives us something physical to focus on, ground us in the moment. We are material beings (as per God's design), and having material means of worship is really helpful for us. Moreover, God COMMANDED that the Ark of the Covenant have STATUES of angels put on it. Of angels! Is God commanding idolatry?? Surely not. As well, don't Protestants have pictures of Martin Luther and other Reformation leaders? Do they have photographs of their families??? To be logically consistant, they would have to get rid of all of those.
Thing is - an empty cross doesn’t show Christ has risen. Scripture is clear Christ was removed from the cross and placed in the sepulchre. It is an empty tomb with burial cloths that is the proof of Christ risen. So it always confuses me when Protestants point to the empty cross as proof Christ risen when the Bible clearly details quite a few things happened after Joseph of arimathea and Nicodemus took Christs body down from the cross
It always confuses you because you don’t have the Holyghost and neither does Bryan Christ is not on the cross nor in a empty tomb. He is dwelling inside as The Holy Ghost. Which you all believe but don’t receive.
@@TriciaPerry-mz7tc nope if you think an empty cross = Christ risen then you don’t know your Bible. Evidence of Christ risen IS the empty tomb if you deny that then you deny clear Scripture. You perhaps should be careful making assumptions and judgements on others hearts presuming they don’t have the Holy Spirit because Christ was quite clear that He will judge you by the level you judge others. So I hope you are prepared on your judgement for Christ to judge you as you judge Catholics
Lately i have been praying to St. Norbert asking that he would intercede to God on my behalf for some very personal struggles I have been having lately. His intercessions have helped me a lot lately.
But there is only one intercessor between God and man ?? thats confusing For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 1Ti 2:5
@@kingsamuelofficial Asking others to pray for you to God isn't wrong. Salvation isn't just personal. Salavtion is familial. We have the 'great cloud of witnesses' as our new family in Chirst.
@@TriciaPerry-mz7tc The Saints aren't dead. They are more alive than we are right now. Don't you believe in eternal life for the righteous? The beings in hell right now are the ones that are truly dead. We are forbidden to contact those beings, but we are allowed to have a personal relationship with the Saints. "In fact, they can no longer die, because they are like the angels. And since they are sons of the resurrection, they are sons of God. Even Moses demonstrates that the dead are raised, in the passage about the burning bush. For he calls the Lord ‘the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all are alive.” (Luke 20:37-38)
@@MtCarmel1251 nope salvation is personal I know your church doesn’t do indulgence anymore so it’s a whole lot less community and financial based. You might be affected by the sin of my family but my choice to accept forgiveness of sins and pursue sanctification is wholly yours. Heaven yours to gain or to forfeit. Asking someone else to pray for you still requires you to receive with a willing heart what ever the Father has granted. Annnnnnnnd you can’t pray to dead people. I mean you shouldn’t pray to anyone but the Father but you definitely shouldn’t pray to dead people. Unless you think that Norbert is alive?? Do you?
I'm going to try out a new strategy by telling people that no, we don't worship statues but we worship a piece of bread during the Mass to steer the conversation towards the Eucharist. Any suggestions or thoughts on this method?
I would add a living piece of bread. The word Living will be where you’ll corner them in. Jesus in St John6 said that he is the living bread. Protestants redefine living here to symbolism. Except when they say that they believe in the living word of God. Here living means alive. And not when the living word said living in St John 6. How can one redefine words to make them mean something else than what they mean🤯? They claim that the Eucharist has no real flesh or blood in the chalice and neither does the Bible have a heart beat nor breathing yet you still believe that the word is living,literally. And if they still remain in their unbelief and doubt then just tell them that they then believe the Bible entirely is symbolic, their own life and the living God is also symbolic. They can’t have their cake and eat it too.
Once consecrated, that piece of bread becomes the Real Body of Christ. Jesus Christ in his very own words said it in Jn.6:29-69, But Protestants will NOT believe it...Even if it's in the Bible. 1Cor.11:23-29 also says it along with many other references. Yesterday's Jews and today's Protestants have abandoned Jesus Christ.
@CatholicTruthOfficial I agree. Context really matters with this especially discussing this with those in the protestant sphere who regard communion as a memorial. Now those who do believe in real presence whether physically or spiritually becomes a matter of faith in how it occurs. But to the calvinist/ baptist crowd. They do not believe in the concept at all, you just admitted you worship a cracker.
Ask them to explain the Eucharistic miracles that have been investigated and been proven to be the living heart tissue of Jesus like the Eucharist miracle at Buenos Aires.
Brian, I Just ❤your passion, you are so inspiring. Have learnt so much from the channel. I've been Protestant for 50 years & only since 2017 met a nun who taught me more in 2.5yrs than any preacher did in my whole life. Im now reading the 70 book Apocrypha and am gob smacked at the beauty and magnificence of the Ancient of Days and his Elect One. Listening to many of the Apostle stories and reading the Didache... Realizing that our tiny town has 19 non catholic denominations, none of whom agree with each other - each one his own pope. So many things have opened to me, but no one to talk too. Pray for my conversion & a way to join RCIA, its very far from here and another culture...
Awesome! So glad to hear it, and so glad God is leading you on a journey to the fullness of truth. We are also glad that we can help you on that journey. May God continue to bless and guide you.
I have a Crucifix right next to my bed remind to do the right thing, it also makes me feel not alone, sometimes I point it forward me if I feel scared. If I have nothing to do I will talk to Jesus if I see the crucifix.
When my friend's Mom got divorced she threw out all the pictures of her ex-husband "because they reminded me of him." Likewise, when the protestors got divorced from the Church, they threw out all the pictures of the Saints, of Mary and even in some cases of Jesus because they reminded them of a family they were a part of but were no longer.
@@talktalk147 You're badly informed and are compounding it by such blind-ignorant prejudice. Stop imitating satan, known as the accuser; You're doing his bidding.
Protestants think we worship Icons in The Eastern Orthodox Church too. Saint John Of Damascus In The Eastern Orthodox Church Helped Clear That Up when people in his day were scraping the paint off The Icons and used it in Baptisms And The Eucharist. He said, "No, the paint has no magic powers."
Yes Catholics do worship idols, I know they do, because I was a Catholic, During my Childhood years, my late devout Catholic mother use to make me light candles, place flowers, say prayers, before an image of the so-called Catholics virgin Mary.
@@clouddrifter650, were you talking to the actual statue? If you were talking to the actual statue, then you were doing it all wrong, lol! Lol! Lol! I'm Orthodox, As Orthodox, we would tell you you're doing it wrong!! As Orthodox, we don't even believe The Icon is the real person!! The Icon for us is only a depiction of that person. So, During Divine Liturgy, When we See An Icon Of Jesus, we Stand In Front Of It, Making The Sign Of The Cross, we don't believe that Icon Of Jesus is actually Jesus. If you attend a Divine Liturgy, and you think that Icon is really Jesus, you need to Read Saint John Of Damascus, because you're way off track if you think that!! And if your mom thought it was a real person, maybe she should go get a Catholic Catechism!! There's no way Authentic, Roman Catholics believe the images are actually the person or The God Head. I'm not even Roman Catholic!!
@@OrthodoxChristianBeliever I don't care what the Orthodox tell me. I only take notice of what the Bible tells me as in Exodus 20:4-6 .and Psalm 105 :1-8...Can you understand what you read? 🤭
, I Know What I Read!! Lol! We Believe Exodus 20:4-6 Also!! I'm sorry about your experience!! I'm just trying to help you out, because you have a very, unhealthy outlook caused by your upbringing!! I Could Tell you we Only Worship One God, we Confess That In The Prayer Of The Nicene Creed, we See That Written In The Scriptures, we See The Church Fathers Confessing One God. We're not polytheists, we don't believe in little gods. Our Iconography isn't made up of little gods. We're well Aware God Is A Jealous God Who doesn't Share Glory with anybody. Our iconography isn't given glory. If you, inside of your experience believe we're polytheists, we'd be contradicting ourselves by Confessing One God In The Prayer Of The Nicene Creed, "I Believe In One God, The Father Almighty...And In One, Lord, Jesus Christ, Begotten Of The Father...And In The Holy Spirit, The Giver Of Life..." So, what reason would we have to contradict ourselves? Common, nobody's telling you to worship images. That is only in your mind. And it's in your mind, because you have an uncomfortable, emotional reaction to tradition, which you're going to equate it with the pharisees. I know how Protestants think, I was a Protestant for twenty-two years!! I left Protestantism, because Protestants adulterate The Bible.
I am a catholic and I have never worshipped statues. To me a religious statue is like picture of my family. It always gives me beautiful memories. If you don’t confess and receive the communion, you are not a catholic.
Whatever the Catholic Church teaches on faith and moral is always correct. It can never be wrong because it is the Church founded by Christ and Jesus made His Church the pillar and foundation of the truth.
If the Catholic Church says it is good to pray to Mary and saints, it is ok to have their statues, it is good to pray for the dead etc, then, they are all correct because the Catholic Church is impossible to teach heresy. Her teaching is always correct.
See my faith in God is great! I don't doubt the Church (Catholic Church) founded by Christ and Its teachings because I have also great faith in Jesus and His Word which says the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church and He will never abandon His Church but will always be with His Church until the end of the world. Praise God!
If Jesus said He will never abandon His Church until the end of the world, He meant it! And it means the Church can't teach error because Jesus or the Holy Spirit is continuously unceasingly and always guarding and protecting His Church from error. If the Church taught error or heresy, it would mean Jesus left His Church even for a while then came back. lol. This is heresy because it is against the teaching of the Sacred Scripture which says Jesus will never abandon His Church even for a while or even for 1 second. Lol.
Who said Jesus founded Catholic? What does the Book of Acts say? Pope is the most influential person in politics and wrote history according to their views. Corrupted. It is blasphemy
@@talktalk147 Well, if you study thorougly the history of christianity and if you are not biased, you will discover and be convinced that the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ NOT the protestant or bible alone church which was created only by mere men in 16th century.
Doubt it. Just because something looks similar doesn't mean it's the same thing. For example, I live near many hindus, and they offer food and sacrifices to their Idols because they believe their Idols are their gods incarnated within the idol. Delta believe that the gods will bless that food and give it back to them for them to eat. That's the farthest thing from what Catholics believe.
And yet even Moses in Exodus was commanded to make the bronze serpent and the angels on top of the Ark of the Convent. The Iconoclasts seem to not even follow Exodus correctly🤣
can you enter a Holy church and find nothing but plain walls like a classroom or office? this is also the reason why Catholic churches represent God in movies.
I love the Catholic Church an I’m a semi blind artist an I’m glad God allows the CC use statues they help me draw our saints better and sometimes they help me focus on prayer better (I’m a 31 year old mildly autistic hard of hearing semi blind woman who relies on touch)
"Why do you have a cross with Jesus on it, Jesus is not on the cross anymore"! Everytime I hear this, I think on questioning if he or she has any photo of his or her childhood, and making the very question he or she did "why do you have photos of your childgood, you already grown up! You are not a child, take these photos out of your house"! 😂😂😂
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Right here Bud Your precious Catechism Come out of her bro II. The Relationship Between Tradition and Sacred Scripture One common source. . . 80 "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, then, are bound closely together, and communicate one with the other. For both of them, flowing out from the same divine well-spring, come together in some fashion to form one thing, and move towards the same goal."40 Each of them makes present and fruitful in the Church the mystery of Christ, who promised to remain with his own "always, to the close of the age".41 . . . two distinct modes of transmission 81 "Sacred Scripture is the speech of God as it is put down in writing under the breath of the Holy Spirit."42 "and [Holy] Tradition transmits in its entirety the Word of God which has been entrusted to the apostles by Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit. It transmits it to the successors of the apostles so that, enlightened by the Spirit of truth, they may faithfully preserve, expound and spread it abroad by their preaching."43 82 As a result the Church, to whom the transmission and interpretation of Revelation is entrusted, "does not derive her certainty about all revealed truths from the holy Scriptures alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honoured with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence."44 Apostolic Tradition and ecclesial traditions 83 The Tradition here in question comes from the apostles and hands on what they received from Jesus' teaching and example and what they learned from the Holy Spirit. the first generation of Christians did not yet have a written New Testament, and the New Testament itself demonstrates the process of living Tradition. Tradition is to be distinguished from the various theological, disciplinary, liturgical or devotional traditions, born in the local churches over time. These are the particular forms, adapted to different places and times, in which the great Tradition is expressed. In the light of Tradition, these traditions can be retained, modified or even abandoned under the guidance of the Church's Magisterium.
My girlfriend gets so angry when we fight about Jesus being on the cross; But I say to her, are you trying to forget the ultimate sacrifice was made? We remember the suffering he went through, do you choose to forget? Sometimes I wonder if they just can't face the cross with Jesus on it 🤔
As a kid they used to creep me out, having a dead tortured jc hanging of a cross was just plain weird, but I guess we needed to be reminded of the guilt of it all.
Hello! I'm planning on buying a russian grammar book in order to learn Russian, but I found this book to download freely on a website. This website is an academic website where people can upload their paper, articles, researchings, etc; and people can download them, some for free, other ones buying. I don't know if this russiam grammar book is legally their or if it is piracy. What should I do? I think it is ligal because I have a certain confidence this website is ok, but, at the same time, I'm not a hundred percent sure if they uploaded it legally! Should I give up from using this pdf?
I have a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe that I store in the back of my van. If I thought that this object was divine I certainly would not have it in my van. I would be upset if it got broke because I like the statue and I use it at events. It is just resin and paint.
The Catholic Church is the Biblical church Jesus established. Only the spiritually blind like Luther,Zwingli, Calvin and their thousands of offspring believe Jesus failed when he said “the powers of death shall not prevail against it.” Mat16:18.
Only people like you are blind and deceived about what church Jesus started. He didn’t start no farce catholic Religion. Satan is tricking you all. Where in the scriptures do it say Jesus said pray to Mary and to deceased people. False. Joseph and Mary would NEVER HAVE STEPPED foot in a covenant or mass. They were considered peasants and beneath the Catholic Church so we can dispense with this NOTORIOUS LIE
The prohibition is do not bow down and Worship graven images. As long as you dont bow and worship those Statutes there is no volation. It is just right and a matter of honoring remembering to place statues of persons who are exemplars of the church in every place of worship. But when it comes to worship God, we have to worship Him in spirit and the truth for God can not be represented by graven images..
I think the problem is, and I know this is where I'm confused, is all these saints and their little tokens and people pray to saint whatever for protection. And then when they see people bowing down to these statues in churches added to that all the saints you pray to. It's confusing- it definitely seems like you're praying to someone other than God.
When people pray to Saint Anthony to find something, for example, or if they pray to Saint Anne for a spouse, for example, they're not praying to the Saints themselves as if the saint is the end of all prayer. Rather, they understand that the saint will pray for them on their behalf to Jesus and will intercede for them. God is the end goal and result of all of our prayers.
People might bow in front of statues, but they are bowing to God in a state of humility. In a posture of prayer. They're not bowing to the statue itself. I hope that helps.
The Bible ENCOURAGES US (not discourage) to seek the intercession of others who are righteous. "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.". - James 5:16
Bowing is not always or not necessarily worship. It depends on the intention of a person who bows before a blessed statue. If his intention why he bows before the statue of a saint is to worship that saint or that statue, then, he truly commits idolatry. But if his intention is only to honor the saint that represents that statue, then, no idolatry is committed there. In short, worship is intention, not necessarily an action. God judges us first and foremost according to our intention of our action, not on our action itself. For example: A person dellik (reverse) someone and people already judged him to be going to prison and hell. But the court acquitted him because it was proven that he has psychological problem. And other factors as well which God considers before judging our action. "A person may think their own ways are right, but the LORD weighs the heart." - Prov 21:2
There is saying, "Do not judge a book by its cover." Because a person is not a book (joke). We must judge a book by its content and purpose .... not by its cover. God judges our action first by our intention, not by our action or word itself.
As to statues, unfortunately, we can't do anything to convince them. In the Old Testament, we find people kneeling down in front of other people all the time. We find God commending people making statues, and Joshua and elders knelt down in front of the Arch. All that doesn't convince them. Idolatry is placing something above God or regarding something as God, but they change the meaning of that word to fit everything they dislike within its definition.
Wonderful moving excellent precise presentation Brian but even though you speak the truth,how can other groups understand you for they cannot understand each other in their teachings and disagree with each other.Now because they disagree with each other and claim that they are preaching the truth how can that be if they disagree with each other about truth wooo weee what’s up with that?😳🤔🙄😯
For those who have ears, let them hear. There are many Protestants and other religions who are open to the truth, and they watch our videos. Many of them have come home to the Catholic Church, thanks be to god.
Long ago, bible was not readily available. Even if it was present, not too many people can read. How can you effectively teach the gospel? Make use of the artists-the painters and the sculptors. Today even these protestants who claim Catholics worship idols, make use of these images and statues to portray biblical stories.
And if we all worship, Mary? How then could we not worship the son. To reject the son would mean to reject the mother as well. John McArthur really boils my blood, he has slandered the Catholic Church, with anger. Why is it that Catholics don't go around prosecuting everyone? Because we know we're , right
When we pray in front of an image of Jesus , We are not praying to any other God but the true God That image or statue represents. The image is a visual aid of meditation and it helps To focus our mind rather than looking into an empty space Idol worship is when we give importance to anything else more than the true God
I have been laughed off by those other christian doctrine because of this...they lean on their own understanding to this issue...they even call me in most sarcastic way IDOL to mock my faith...but i wont take it seriously...leave it to God..because i see with my own eyes how God REALLY came to me...THE TRUTH...Jesus is real..
Saw a recent, today I think, "Rebutting Catholic Truth" video. Pretty weak but worth a response to set the record straight for those not in the know or won't do the work themselves.
I do have a Crucifix at home, but not the glass type. It's a glow in the dark, it's small.. I like it, because I won't worry knocking it down and accidentally break it..
Good fight ministries video came straight on autoplay after this video. While I have listened to them before about certain things such as about Holywood and I would agree with certain things they were totally bashing the Catholic Church and recent converts. Very disheartening.
I realize that statues serve as memorials and artistic representations but if consecrated by a priest, don't they also become secondary causes of supernatural grace, similar to the Eucharist, holy water, holy oil, relics, etc.?
@@CatholicTruthOfficial it would be funny if things blessed did always give out grace. I could go around touching people with my different deformed joints to zap people with grace 😂
@@CatholicTruthOfficial God is invisible and relying on pictures and statues is idolatry and YOU like many are Deceived and blind by Satan and have no idea what or who you are worshipping 😂
Personally, I think if we didn't make statues of Jesus specifically we would just go down the route Israel went after couple generations, idolatry of different gods. The gentiles of the time hard hundreds of statues of their gods at the time and they never seen Jesus or the father. It only takes about 2 generations(just look at kings and judges) before their kids are asking who the heck is this Jesus guy and what does he look like. Of course there are the miracles and signs of the apostles but after the apostles the wild spread of miracles might have died down especially if most convert over because of it. Look at our times, witchcraft and worship of self or even satan is starting to pick up as these kids are saying they don't believe in this Jesus guy from 2000 year ago. This just makes sense to my head.
One criticism of images of Jesus that has been made is in how Jesus looks. He often looks like a Northern European person, with blondish-brown hair and blue eyes. Considering Jesus never went to Europe and had no European ancestry, some feel it is a veiled form of racism to make Jesus look more European than Jesus really was. Perhaps this could be a topic for another video on Catholic Truth.
Jesus ordered St. Faustina to draw His picture according to her vision. And the product is the Divine Mercy. That's how Jesus looks according to St. Faustina's vision.
All cultures depict jesus, mary, and the Saints according to their own culture. In africa, Jesus is always black. In jamaica, he's a big buff dude with dreadlocks. According to their own culture including Europeans. Hope that helps.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial I remember St. Jacinta, one of the 3 seers of Our Lady of Fatima. The 3 visionaries not only saw Mary but Jesus also, and St. Joseph and angel too. One time, she was given a picture of Jesus. Jacinta exclaimed upon seeing Jesus' picture. She said, "It's so ugly! It doesn't look like our Lord at all! Never mind, I will still take it. It's still Jesus." Then, she kissed the picture of Jesus. Lol. What she meant is that picture of Jesus is so ugly when compared to her vision of Jesus.
When we become dependent on something external to ourselves, we are holding ourselves in the material world, keeping ourselves in separation. As Christ said in the Bible: "I am the gate." Idols are not just spiritual teachers or texts, idols can also include all things external to ourselves-a family member or other person, crystals, tarot cards, plant medicines, spiritual audio and videos, etc-as these are all external aids. And that is the key, idols are external and only helpful aids until we are able to drop all such external assistance and reside within-where all questions are answered. And this also applies to healing. While there are many wonderful healers, they cannot heal you (and they will tell you this); you can only heal yourself. Healers are only there to help facilitate a connection to God for you so that you can heal yourself. To put the responsibility on another to "heal" you, makes them an "idol," and gives your power away, and this holds you in separation. In Summary: it is important to understand that ALL external aids, no matter how helpful, must be considered as temporary and eventually must be let go-including any reliance on Christ-if one wishes to evolve spiritually.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Christ knew he was a gift of God of salvation to the people-to the world-NOT-as supposed and taught down the centuries-salvation from the punishment meted out by the wrath of God to "sinners"-BUT-to save people from the daily repetition of the same mistakes in wrong thinking-wrong thinking which created their misfortunes, poverties, sicknesses and miseries. Because Christ unconditionally loved the human race so deeply, he was prepared to teach and heal in defiance of the Jewish Priests. Christ was prepared to "die" on the cross to reveal the Truth and Reality about God as Creator, about Life, about Existence and about Love. THIS IS THE TRUTH BEHIND THE CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST AND ALL THE REST WE HAVE HEARD IS MAN-MADE CONJECTURE ARISING OUT OF HUMAN THINKING AND HUMAN MYTHS. Christ was a gift from God to humankind to rescue them from their own blind thinking and feelings-which are creating their own troubled lives, and to help them find the true Path of Life leading to the joy, abundance and perfect wholeness of the Kingdom of Heaven. These were the perceptions, the desires, the intentions, the goals and the thoughts which Christ bore within his mind and heart. This was the earthly mental-emotional framework clothing the spiritual wisdom hidden within the head and figure of Christ.
Because the minds of most believers have been filled with traditions, as solid and enduring as a rock, most believers will be fanatically and stubbornly adherent to cherished beliefs. Therefore, most believers stand in the same place as did the Jewish Religious Hierarchy, who crucified Christ. That being said, most believers fulfill Hosea 4:6 and Matthew 15:8-9.
As usual in true Catholic fashion you manipulate scripture and leave out the important verses, the neshura wasn't intended for worship but to look upon and have faith in God's promise of healing but just like the Catholics of today the Israelites began worshiping the image and it had to be destroyed, one big difference is God hasn't commanded any of the statues to be erected in the roman church for any reason
Historically Muslims accused Christians of idolatry by venerating saints. They destroyed icons in orthodox Catholic churches. Veneration is not worship. It means giving honor. Giving honor to saints was allowed by Jesus when he prayed his priestly prayer in John 17. He prayed his disciples would receive same glory as His Father had given him glory.
@@cslewis1404 Icons are two dimensional and do not have perspective. They are diagrams of theological relationships. They are made in a state of prayer. EO churches with icons look very different from western churches.
Hey, i just want to warn you that the icon you have of Saint Francis comes from monastery icons and they are made by hindus who pray over the icon. I recommend you get it blessed or destroy it. God bless!
First and foremost the commandment says. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image of any likeness that is in heaven above ( that includes God Himself, Jesus, Mary or any others concern) Thou shalt not bow down thyself before them,for I the God am a jealous God visiting the iniquities of the father's unto the third and forth generations. Please bear in mind that this is a very serious warning
In that case, kindly explain why God didn't object when Solomon made GRAVEN images of lions as decorations for his throne (1 Kings 10:18 - 20) ? Isn't a graven image of a lion a likeness of something here on earth?
Colin, we not only quoted that verse in this video, we put the verse up on the screen. Clearly you didn't watch the video since this was toward the beginning.
"I, the LORD, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. 3 You shall not have other gods besides me. So where in Catholic Teaching is Mary or any others worshiped as God no place game over 4 You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything in the sky above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the earth; 5 2 you shall not bow down before them or worship them. For I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God, inflicting punishment for their fathers' wickedness on the children of those who hate me, down to the third and fourth generation; So where in Catholic Teaching is
Christianity is a title given to the apostles by Athens (acts 11.26)In contrast. Apostolic conception is more than what you think about, inregard to your C church.Buildings /institutions.
With the video you've made on bikinis, I just wonder full body swimsuits are right or not, while yes they do cover up the entire body and not show all that much skin, they still are rather formfitting around the figure and probably still would invoke lustful feelings. I just can't help but feel that everyone loses no matter what is worn.
We talk about that in this video. th-cam.com/video/UnPg9lP4lr4/w-d-xo.html In short, they are just symbolic gestures. Similar to me kissing a picture of my wife when I'm away from her on business. Kissing, for example, a cross with Jesus on it is a symbolic gesture thanking Jesus for what he did on the cross for us or a gesture of love.
...pray TO your Father, who is UNSEEN. - Matthew 6:6 At that time you WON’T need to ask Me for anything. I tell you the truth, you will ask The Father DIRECTLY... - John 16:23
What a horrible butchering of Scripture. Do not cut up verses like that! “But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” Matthew 6:6 “Amen, amen, I say to you, you will weep and mourn, while the world rejoices; you will grieve, but your grief will become joy. When a woman is in labor, she is in anguish because her hour has arrived; but when she has given birth to a child, she no longer remembers the pain because of her joy that a child has been born into the world. So you also are now in anguish. But I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you. On that day you will not question me about anything. Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you. Until now you have not asked anything in my name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.” John 16:20-24
@@Ruudes1483 Alrighty then... But when you pray, go to your room, close the door, and pray TO your Father, who is UNSEEN. And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you. - Matthew 6:6 At that time you WON’T need to ask Me for anything. I tell you the truth, you will ask The Father DIRECTLY, and He will grant your request because you use My name. - John 16:23
@@Ruudes1483 it doesn’t matter. The scripture say pray TO GOD WHO IS IS HEAVEN not Mary and THESE DIABOLICAL people you all Think are in heaven Interceding for you. It’s a Lie Catholic Church don’t get the HOLYGHOST and lying to you people. Wake up quickly
@@TriciaPerry-mz7tc It’s not a woman’s place to teach or correct a man. “A woman must receive instruction silently and under complete control. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. Further, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and transgressed. But she will be saved through motherhood, provided women persevere in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.” 1 Timothy 2:11-15
What was going on when the Pachamama earth goddess was being paraded around St. Peter’s and prelates were bowing down on their knees before her in the Vatican gardens?
Ahh so you deny Scripture… You doubt Gods ability to work through inanimate objects… • Elishas bones (2 Kings 13:20-21) • Elijah mantle (2 Kings 2:14) • Our Lords hem (Luke 8:40-48) • St. Peters shadow (Acts 5:15-16) • St. Pauls handkerchief (Acts 19:11-12)
What? That makes no sense. A statue bleeding is a miracle because *statues aren't supposed to do that.* God uses physical things to showcase his supernatural power all the time. Turning water into wine, the multiplying of bread loaves and fish, he even made a donkey speak in the Old Testament.
@edwardneko1569 If God chose to use a statue in a miracle, where do you think this miracle comes from? what you have said is unbiblical The Bible does not agree with you. *Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that when Peter came, his shadow at the least, might overshadow any of them, and they might be delivered from their infirmities.9 Not a touch from a man, but a mere shadow should heal them. Did the miracle come from God, the man or the sun? You should check out the Miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It isn't a statue, but an image. It wasn't made by human hands. God produced an *image* as a miracle, A miracle one can still see today.
God is invisible. Make all the excuses you want, but if you rely on anything visible to prop up your faith, it is Idolatry. 2 Corinthians 5: 6-7 6Therefore we are always confident, although we know that while we are at home in the body, we are away from the Lord. 7For we walk by faith, not by sight.
Images are a reminder that God become Incarnate. If you deny the Incarnation then you deny the core principle of Christianity. Saints are people who are with God for all eternity.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Why do Catholics (as in this case) make claims they cannot possibly know the truth of, or are patently false? I asserted an opinion. You asserted a falsehood.
@@Spiritof76CatholicOh joy … another Catholic just spouting Catholic mythology as if it’s a plain fact. At least state “Catholics believe …” as a qualifier, otherwise you’re just begging the question. And who said anything of the having prevailed? Certainly not I.
You are wrong. Catholic worship Mary. Why do they request Mary to pray for them? St. Anthony's day people go to his idol. I asked them what did they dol. They said they prayed to st. Anthony. They keep statues of Mary and Jesus ( Not real though). They put all flowers and candles in front of Mary statue and lit candle. Is not it worshiping her? In Italy, priests carry out statue of Marry , isn't it worshiping Mary? in Asia, they go to pilgrim of Mary.
Requesting someone to pray for you is worship? No wonder you're confused. You don't even understand what intercessory prayer or worship is. Also statues are not idols. Maybe you should have watched the video first before engaging in a conversation that you don't seem to be informed on.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Yes, it is an idol. Praying is worshipping. Worship, on the other hand, is a more specific type of prayer that involves reverent devotion and adoration towards a higher power or deity. Worship often involves a sense of awe, reverence, and humility, and may involve rituals, ceremonies, or other forms of liturgical practices. Worship can be an expression of love, gratitude, and submission to a higher power
@@CatholicTruthOfficial I do not need to watch the video in full. When I first started watching, I noticed where the story was heading to. it goes against the biblical commandment to worship God alone (Exodus 20:3-5). Where did you find Apostles and early Church had Cross and statues and Rosary prayer? I did not find in the book of Acts.
Worship is when we give our deepest affections and highest praise to something. True worship of God is when we love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. It's when we prize God above everything else and put Him first in our hearts. As it says in Deuteronomy 6:4-5, “The Lord our God, the Lord is one
Praying can be worshiping, but it's not always. You don't seem to understand that there are different definitions and meanings for the word prayer, even in Scripture. It 'could' be worship, or it can mean to ask, or plead, or intercede. For example, like in a court of law, we used to say to a judge, "I pray thee to let my client have another day." It just means to ask or beseech. So, when we pray to God, it is out of love and worship, but when we "pray" to a saint or Mary, it's totally different, it's just asking. Intercessory prayer which is biblical. We are only asking them to pray 'for' us to Jesus, just like we would ask a loved one to pray for us. Even in the Hail Mary, it says, "pray for us sinners..." So prayer in this sense is only intercession, not worship. WORD ‘WORHSIP’ 4. Words change over time, but originally the word worship had a much broader definition in English. It was used anytime you wanted to attest to somebody's worth. So in other words, if someone was worthy of honor you could use the word worship. That's why in old court systems they would call the judge, "your worship." Obviously, they weren't worshipping him, but it was a title of honor. That's why the early Christians divided the word worship into two different words: adoration and veneration. The word veneration has taken the place of the word honor. Adoration is synonymous today with worship which is due to God Alone. Only God can be worshipped. Many other people from presidents, two dignitaries, two Saints, can all be honored to different degrees. But they can't be worshipped in the way that God is for only God is God.
The only way you can prove that those are merely objects to you and there is no divinity in them if you burn one on video or break one in two. But you wouldn’t. The thought of it sends shivers down your spine. You know why? Because it would be sacrilege to you. And that my friend is why God is careful to command not to make any graven images, much more to kneel and bow down to them in any way. This is what happens when we do. You say you don’t worship it but you have unknowingly made it an idol by kneeling down to in prayer or touching it to invoke a feeling of spiritual closeness to God even if you believe those weren’t your intentions. You wan’t to prove it. Make it a personal experiment. Prove to yourself what I told you is true. See how you feel when burn one.
I keep a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the back of my van to use at events. I like it and do not want it to get broke but if I thought that it was divine I certainly would not keep it in my van. It is just resin and paint.
That's not the only way to prove that they are merely object. Thanks for your opinion though. You sound like the Pharisees who said the only way to know if you are the Son of God is to come down off that cross. No, it's not the only way. Touching something doesn't make it an idol. Otherwise the phone or keyboard you are touching to write this is an idol. We also don't pray to them, bow down to them, or anything like that. Maybe you should have watched the video first and informed yourself first.
So why is Pope Francis walking around kissing Plaster baby Jesus?????? The Bible said YOU ARE NOT TO HAVE THEM at all. If you say Mary is in heaven and so is Jesus WHY DO YOU ALL HAVE pictures of what is in heaven and or STATUES. YOU need to get out of catholism.
1 Corinthians 15:49 "And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly." Icon and images of the saints and Especially Jesus is biblically sound..
Actually, it doesn't. Scripture warns against _worshiping_ false gods. Yet, God commands the creation of images of angels to cover the Ark of the Covenant and of a snake to save those bitten by snakes in the desert. Clearly, there is no absolute prohibition against the creation of statues. Just against worshiping them. Since the days of the apostles, the Catholic Church has consistently condemned the sin of idolatry. The early Church Fathers warned against this sin, and Church councils also dealt with the issue. What non-Catholics fail to recognize is the distinction between a) thinking a piece of stone or plaster is a god and b) desiring to visually remember Christ and the saints in heaven by making statues in their honor.
You need to get out of your man-made church (bible alone church) with unbiblical doctrines like faith alone, bible alone, osas etc and which was invented only by mere men and started only in 16th century.
Yes, they pray to Mary, which is unbiblical. There is no biblical basis to pray to Mary but very biblical to pray to God. Why would you want to pray to someone, when you have God to pray too, it is as though you do not think God is enough.
The Jews VENERATED the Ark of the Covenant. Christianity is the fulfilment of the Jewish religion. Our Lady (Mary) is the Ark of the NEW COVENANT. Catholic (and Orthodox Christians) VENERATE Mary, that's it! Also, Mary is all through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
So then all Christians since the apostles died are in hell rn for idol worship? You DO realize that the earliest prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, was from 250 AD? BEFORE THE BIBLE WAS EVEN COMPILED TOGETHER?? So far, the earliest known prayer to the Virgin Mary is known as “Beneath thy compassion” (Greek: Ὑπὸ τὴν σὴν εὐσπλαγχνίαν). The earliest text of this hymn was found in a Christmas liturgy of the third century. It is written in Greek and dates to approximately 250 A.D. In 1917, the John Rylands Library in Manchester acquired a large panel of Egyptian papyrus including the 18 cm by 9.4 cm fragment shown at left, containing the text of this prayer in Greek. C.H. Roberts published this document in 1938. His colleague E. Lobel, with whom he collaborated in editing the Oxyrhynchus papyri, basing his arguments on paleographic analysis, argued that the text could not possibly be older than the third century, and most probably was written between 250 and 300. This hymn thus precedes the “Hail Mary” in Christian prayer by several centuries. On the papyrus: .ΠΟ ΕΥCΠΑ ΚΑΤΑΦΕ ΘΕΟΤΟΚΕΤ ΙΚΕCΙΑCΜΗΠΑ ΕΙΔΗCΕΜΠΕΡΙCTAC AΛΛΕΚΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΥ …ΡΥCΑΙΗΜΑC MONH …HEΥΛΟΓ Full text: Ὑπὸ τὴν σὴν εὐσπλαγχνίαν καταφεύγομεν Θεοτὸκε· τὰς ἡμῶν ἱκεσίας μὴ παρ- ίδῃς ἐν περιστάσει ἀλλ᾽ ἐκ κινδύνου λύτρωσαι ἡμᾶς μόνη ἁγνὴ μόνη εὐλογημένη. In English: Beneath your compassion we take refuge, Theotokos! Our prayers, do not despise in necessities, but from danger deliver us, only pure, only blessed one. "your" bible was compiled together by a Pope, BTW.
Non-Catholics think that word 'Pray' only means worship, but 'Pray' has different definitions and applications, even in Scripture. It 'could' be worship, or it can mean to ask, or plead, or intercede. For example, like in a court of law, we used to say to a judge, "I pray thee to let my client have another day." It just means to ask or ask or beseech. So, when we pray to God, it is out of love and worship, but when we "pray" to a saint or Mary, it's totally different. We are only asking them to pray 'for' us to Jesus, just like we would ask a loved one to pray for us. Even in the Hail Mary it says, "pray for us sinners..." So prayer in this sense is only intercession.
We don't "pray" to Mary or the saints instead of God. We pray and worship God the Father through Jesus. However, there are different kinds of prayer. The Bible talks about intercessory prayer and praying for others, for example. Not all prayer is worship. That is the kind of prayer of the saints. On that note, one of the definitions of the word 'pray' means "to ask." So, when we "pray" to Mary or the Saints, we ask them to pray for us to _Jesus_ just as we ask friends and family to pray for us to Jesus. Then Jesus, the perfect mediator takes all of our prayers to God. He alone goes to God on our behalf. Intercessory prayer is biblical as is praying for one another in the body of Christ. They can bring our prayers to God (Jesus) Rev. 5:8 The Bible is clear that people within the body of Christ can pray for one another.
They know enough. Catholic and pope lie. They sold heavenly tickets my Catholic professor told. Catholic mislead people. Pope system is the most corrupted in the world.
@@talktalk147😂😂 sorry but that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Do you blindly believe everything you get told by someone rather than learning from the source? No wonder further education is a waste of money now when sheep like you don’t know how to go to primary sources and instead are like toddlers hanging on every word of a person
The entire Bible points to Christ .so I hope that your explanations should have sufficient related facts 😮 with Christ teachigs as we know that Christ is the Head of the Church.⁸.
I am a catholic and I have never worshipped statues. To me a religious statue is like picture of my family. It always gives me beautiful memories.
If we worshipped idols for 1,500 years until martin luther said "nuh uh heres what i think the bible says", like the prots like to argue, then all of the early Christians and Church Fathers and Saints would be damned... Good thing that we dont!
Martin Luther wasn’t iconoclast
Lutherans do have a statute of Jesus, the cruxfix of Jesus, angel and the frame of Martin Luther, and many
Or sad thing that they didn't follow God word
They accuse us of doing the same thing in Orthodox Churches!!
Saint Martin Luther was 100% correct when he turned his back on the Church that the devil founded.
_Crowd gathers to honor and praise the man._
Just because two things look similar, it does not mean they are the same. Worshiping an idol is very different from using a statue to remind you of someone. The recent installation of a statue of Billy Graham in the US Capitol building illustrates this point: no non-Catholic Christian is worshiping that statue, and no Catholic is worshiping a statue of St. Francis or Mary, either.
Furthermore, despite external appearances, we know Exodus 20 is not a prohibition against making “any likeness of anything” in a strict sense because we clearly see God either commanding or praising the making of images and statues in multiple biblical texts (see Exodus 25:18; Numbers 21:8-9; I Kings 6:23-28, 9:3).
PS: U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, a Republican from North Carolina, said “I hope when members of Congress walk by his statue, they reflect on the standards of faith, ethics and decency that he exemplified throughout his extraordinary life.”
Gee, that sounds pretty Catholic to me.
Newsflash: The Roman Catholic Church is NOT the "one true Church" as most Catholics are going around..LYING AND DECEIVING people about!
The evidence shows.. it's the complete OPPOSITE!
The Catholic Church is NOT a Church..but an organization.. NOT "created by God"..as you so ignorantly claim...but by Satan Himself!
In fact, the undeniable evidence shows.. "The Gates of Hell"..have CLEARLY prevailed against the Corrupt Roman Catholic Church--from it's very beginning..to the Present!
That said, Jesus declared:
"You will know them by their FRUIT"!
Indeed, the Roman Catholic Church has produced..Century after Century...Decade after Decade...Year after Year...from the it's very beginning...to the Present---ROTTEN "FRUIT" !
Accordingly, The Roman Catholic Church or should I say Cult and False Religion..undeniably Lied and Deceived the public and the world..as it CONTINUES to do so..going back centuries with it's History of Corruption!
Let's take a look at just some of the irrefutable evidence!
Here are just some samples for starters--
Catholic Pope John XII..took part in Murdering, invoking Demons, and even having Sex with his own Biological Sisters! 😮
Indeed, Pope John XII's Sexual Sin and Adultery, ended up being his demise however, after a husband caught his wife in bed with Pope John XII and beat the Pope John XII so badly, that he died three days later from his injuries!
Then there was Catholic Pope Boniface VIll ..He was accused of “Heresy, Simony, Embezzlement of crusade funds, Warmongering, Assassination, Idolatry, Blasphemies, Demon Worship, Fornication, and Sodomy" aka (Homosexuality)! 😮
Then there was Catholic Pope Benedict IX --during the time between his reigns, he started Thieving, Murdering and committing other 'unspeakable deeds' throughout the city.
He became the Catholic Pope again in 1045, which only last a rough 2 months before someone paid him to leave!
Then there was Catholic Pope Alexander VI ..Before becoming Pope, he was a member of Borgias, the Italian crime family, and his attitude did not change after becoming the Catholic Pope!
During Catholic Alexander VI's time, multiple conspiracies and dishonesty surrounded him and his decisions!
Pope Alexander VI is reported as being a "Conniving" Pope in Politics as well as well as having sex with every girl in sight!
Consequently Pope Alexander VI fathered at least nine children, that we know of, and was famous for hosting a series of "Orgies" throughout his reign, with one being named ‘Joust of Whores.’ ! 😮
In fact, it even gets worse..considering the multiple reports..where Pope Alexander VI..engaged in INCEST sex with his own biological DAUGHTER, Lucrezia!😮
Then there was Catholic Pope Sergius III.
Pope Sergius III didn’t just kill the Catholic Pope prior to him, but he also killed the Catholic Pope before that,😮 timing his arrival to reign perfectly!
Pope Sergius lll then used his power to set up his son, Catholic Pope John XI, fathered by his 15-year-old prostitute mistress, to be the Catholic Pope..twenty years after him!
Then there is Catholic Pope Innocent VIII! Pope Innocent VIII was NOT so innocent!
He was the very first Catholic Pope in existence to openly confirm his ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN, which was around EIGHT KIDS at the time, with speculation of it growing!
Before this Catholic Pope Innocent VIII's open admission, these "bastards" (illegitimate Children) were simply known as the Pope’s ‘nephews'!
Pope Innocent VIII was also known to be a big supporter of witch hunting, blessing the act in 1484!
Then there was Catholic Pope Julius II starting his reign in 1503, Pope Julius II was known for being domineering, hot-headed, and a manic at times!
But by far Pope Julius II worst feature, was his severe case of Syphilis, which he contracted by having sex with countless prostitutes!
Because of his Syphilis he got from being promiscuous, it was documented that on Good Friday, Pope Julius II's feet were so covered by sores, that no one was able to kiss them!
Then there was Catholic Pope Paul IV,
known as one of the worst Popes for being an Extreme Racist, especially with his horrific acts..of Anti-Semitism!
Instead of being the moral symbol of the Roman Catholic Church, Racist Catholic Pope Paul IV instead. created a Jewish ghetto, in a section of the Roman city...forcing Jewish people to publicize themselves..by wearing yellow hats!😮
Pope Paul IV was such a hated Catholic Pope, that after his death, citizens celebrated by tearing down statues of him throughout the city!
Undoubtedly, I have just scratched the surface, with the many examples of the Roman Catholic Church's Corruption throughout History!
In fact, time limits me..but I could go on and on!
Indeed, it's undeniably endless!
In fact, the Corruption of the Roman Catholic Church which the "Gates of Hell" have clearly prevailed against it continues today..as we have aprox 330,000 children (and counting) that have been Raped and Sexually Assaulted by aprox 4,000 (and counting)--First Degree Felon Criminal Catholic Priests..all of which the Vatican and Roman Catholic Church unsuccessfully tried to cover up...until they got caught!😮
Indeed, ONLY BRAINWASHED people or people who love Evil or people who have no independent critical thinking skills, would continue to stay in this man made organization..with undeniable overwhelming irrefutable evidence of having a long history of bad "Fruit" and Corruption!
There is also a Martin Luther King statue. Wasn't he a protestant pastor
@@mil-ns3rc And they call him "Doctor" in direct violation of the "call no man father" command.
He was a communist.
But you Roman Catholics need your statues. That shows a lack of faith. If you really had true saving faith, you would not need any statues to prop up that faith which is a gift from God, not of works. It is the Holy Spirit who gives faith, and continues to give it the increase and sustains that faith. If your faith relies on having statues, then it is a false, counterfeit faith, like your false, counterfeit Christian church.
When I heard a Protestant say that they are against the carving of Jesus on a cross because of Exodus, I just knew that he was wrong of that interpretation. I cannot wait, if God only wills, to be a catholic.
Welcome home!
You have the holy Catholic Church. You have 48,000 protestant CULTS. The Bible a Catholic book condemns protestant’s and protestant garbage
God isn't a Catholic, the devil is a Catholic....
These people don't realize the hypocrites they have become.
They accuse Catholics of creating images and there they sit looking into a computer screen.
Popping out the largest idol of today, the cell phone.
I'm a former Catholic, now a Protestant but love your channel. You're doing a great job of educating Protestants (mostly Baptists) about the true teachings of the Catholic church.
Brought my first icon. It's of St Irenaeus of Lyons
I am a sculptor and have been accused of working for the devil.
In bible it's already mentioned in old Testament that God told to moses he has chosen a Artist/Sculptor to build arc of covenant.
So whatever skills you have, is blessed by Our Lord Jesus.
Was not aware my ex-wife had hired you.
That's insane. I'm so sorry for that. What a ridiculous arguement.
A sculptor, that's cool!
Keep making them. The Holy Ghost doesn’t tell people to make this stuff. Y’all listen to the catholic Christ not the Christ of the word of God.
Even though I was raised Protestant, the arguement that statues are idol worship is new to me and...extremely bizarre. We know statues are not God. We know it's not literally him. It merely *represents* him and gives us something physical to focus on, ground us in the moment. We are material beings (as per God's design), and having material means of worship is really helpful for us.
Moreover, God COMMANDED that the Ark of the Covenant have STATUES of angels put on it. Of angels! Is God commanding idolatry?? Surely not.
As well, don't Protestants have pictures of Martin Luther and other Reformation leaders? Do they have photographs of their families??? To be logically consistant, they would have to get rid of all of those.
Well said! No thanks for the comment.
This is what st John of Damascus said. He said the wooden cross helps him remember Jesus.
Thing is - an empty cross doesn’t show Christ has risen.
Scripture is clear Christ was removed from the cross and placed in the sepulchre.
It is an empty tomb with burial cloths that is the proof of Christ risen.
So it always confuses me when Protestants point to the empty cross as proof Christ risen when the Bible clearly details quite a few things happened after Joseph of arimathea and Nicodemus took Christs body down from the cross
an empty cross is Just that empty🤔🤔I guess their waiting to put Christ on it and crucify him again
It always confuses you because you don’t have the Holyghost and neither does Bryan
Christ is not on the cross nor in a empty tomb. He is dwelling inside as The Holy Ghost. Which you all believe but don’t receive.
@@TriciaPerry-mz7tc nope if you think an empty cross = Christ risen then you don’t know your Bible.
Evidence of Christ risen IS the empty tomb if you deny that then you deny clear Scripture.
You perhaps should be careful making assumptions and judgements on others hearts presuming they don’t have the Holy Spirit because Christ was quite clear that He will judge you by the level you judge others.
So I hope you are prepared on your judgement for Christ to judge you as you judge Catholics
Lately i have been praying to St. Norbert asking that he would intercede to God on my behalf for some very personal struggles I have been having lately. His intercessions have helped me a lot lately.
But there is only one intercessor between God and man ?? thats confusing
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 1Ti 2:5
@@kingsamuelofficial they don’t have the Holyghost and live and love false RELIGION.
@@kingsamuelofficial Asking others to pray for you to God isn't wrong. Salvation isn't just personal. Salavtion is familial. We have the 'great cloud of witnesses' as our new family in Chirst.
@@TriciaPerry-mz7tc The Saints aren't dead. They are more alive than we are right now. Don't you believe in eternal life for the righteous? The beings in hell right now are the ones that are truly dead. We are forbidden to contact those beings, but we are allowed to have a personal relationship with the Saints.
"In fact, they can no longer die, because they are like the angels. And since they are sons of the resurrection, they are sons of God. Even Moses demonstrates that the dead are raised, in the passage about the burning bush. For he calls the Lord ‘the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all are alive.” (Luke 20:37-38)
@@MtCarmel1251 nope salvation is personal
I know your church doesn’t do indulgence anymore so it’s a whole lot less community and financial based. You might be affected by the sin of my family but my choice to accept forgiveness of sins and pursue sanctification is wholly yours. Heaven yours to gain or to forfeit.
Asking someone else to pray for you still requires you to receive with a willing heart what ever the Father has granted.
Annnnnnnnd you can’t pray to dead people.
I mean you shouldn’t pray to anyone but the Father but you definitely shouldn’t pray to dead people.
Unless you think that Norbert is alive?? Do you?
I'm going to try out a new strategy by telling people that no, we don't worship statues but we worship a piece of bread during the Mass to steer the conversation towards the Eucharist. Any suggestions or thoughts on this method?
I would add a living piece of bread.
The word Living will be where you’ll corner them in.
Jesus in St John6 said that he is the living bread. Protestants redefine living here to symbolism.
Except when they say that they believe in the living word of God.
Here living means alive.
And not when the living word said living in St John 6.
How can one redefine words to make them mean something else than what they mean🤯?
They claim that the Eucharist has no real flesh or blood in the chalice and neither does the Bible have a heart beat nor breathing yet you still believe that the word is living,literally.
And if they still remain in their unbelief and doubt then just tell them that they then believe the Bible entirely is symbolic, their own life and the living God is also symbolic.
They can’t have their cake and eat it too.
I would say we worship Jesus in the Eucharist
Once consecrated, that piece of bread becomes the Real Body of Christ. Jesus Christ in his very own words said it in Jn.6:29-69, But Protestants will NOT believe it...Even if it's in the Bible. 1Cor.11:23-29 also says it along with many other references. Yesterday's Jews and today's Protestants have abandoned Jesus Christ.
@CatholicTruthOfficial I agree. Context really matters with this especially discussing this with those in the protestant sphere who regard communion as a memorial. Now those who do believe in real presence whether physically or spiritually becomes a matter of faith in how it occurs. But to the calvinist/ baptist crowd. They do not believe in the concept at all, you just admitted you worship a cracker.
Ask them to explain the Eucharistic miracles that have been investigated and been proven to be the living heart tissue of Jesus like the Eucharist miracle at Buenos Aires.
Brian, I Just ❤your passion, you are so inspiring. Have learnt so much from the channel. I've been Protestant for 50 years & only since 2017 met a nun who taught me more in 2.5yrs than any preacher did in my whole life. Im now reading the 70 book Apocrypha and am gob smacked at the beauty and magnificence of the Ancient of Days and his Elect One. Listening to many of the Apostle stories and reading the Didache... Realizing that our tiny town has 19 non catholic denominations, none of whom agree with each other - each one his own pope. So many things have opened to me, but no one to talk too. Pray for my conversion & a way to join RCIA, its very far from here and another culture...
Awesome! So glad to hear it, and so glad God is leading you on a journey to the fullness of truth. We are also glad that we can help you on that journey. May God continue to bless and guide you.
I have a Crucifix right next to my bed remind to do the right thing, it also makes me feel not alone, sometimes I point it forward me if I feel scared. If I have nothing to do I will talk to Jesus if I see the crucifix.
When my friend's Mom got divorced she threw out all the pictures of her ex-husband "because they reminded me of him." Likewise, when the protestors got divorced from the Church, they threw out all the pictures of the Saints, of Mary and even in some cases of Jesus because they reminded them of a family they were a part of but were no longer.
Good analogy.
See, now people know who you are. That’s not analogy. Look at before Catholic what church was there.
There was no church before the Catholic church. That is the one started by Jesus.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial It is completely lie. Prove it. Pope misinterpreted it.
You're badly informed and are compounding it by such blind-ignorant prejudice.
Stop imitating satan, known as the accuser; You're doing his bidding.
Thank you brother. This spot on.
You're very welcome. Thanks for watching.
Protestants think we worship Icons in The Eastern Orthodox Church too. Saint John Of Damascus In The Eastern Orthodox Church Helped Clear That Up when people in his day were scraping the paint off The Icons and used it in Baptisms And The Eucharist. He said, "No, the paint has no magic powers."
Yes Catholics do worship idols, I know they do, because I was a Catholic, During my Childhood years, my late devout Catholic mother use to make me light candles, place flowers, say prayers, before an image of the so-called Catholics virgin Mary.
@@clouddrifter650, were you talking to the actual statue? If you were talking to the actual statue, then you were doing it all wrong, lol! Lol! Lol! I'm Orthodox, As Orthodox, we would tell you you're doing it wrong!! As Orthodox, we don't even believe The Icon is the real person!! The Icon for us is only a depiction of that person. So, During Divine Liturgy, When we See An Icon Of Jesus, we Stand In Front Of It, Making The Sign Of The Cross, we don't believe that Icon Of Jesus is actually Jesus. If you attend a Divine Liturgy, and you think that Icon is really Jesus, you need to Read Saint John Of Damascus, because you're way off track if you think that!! And if your mom thought it was a real person, maybe she should go get a Catholic Catechism!! There's no way Authentic, Roman Catholics believe the images are actually the person or The God Head. I'm not even Roman Catholic!!
@@OrthodoxChristianBeliever I don't care what the Orthodox tell me. I only take notice of what the Bible tells me as in Exodus 20:4-6 .and Psalm 105 :1-8...Can you understand what you read? 🤭
@@OrthodoxChristianBeliever There is no such thing as an Orthodox Christian, you're either an Orthodox, or a Christian.
, I Know What I Read!! Lol! We Believe Exodus 20:4-6 Also!! I'm sorry about your experience!! I'm just trying to help you out, because you have a very, unhealthy outlook caused by your upbringing!! I Could Tell you we Only Worship One God, we Confess That In The Prayer Of The Nicene Creed, we See That Written In The Scriptures, we See The Church Fathers Confessing One God. We're not polytheists, we don't believe in little gods. Our Iconography isn't made up of little gods. We're well Aware God Is A Jealous God Who doesn't Share Glory with anybody. Our iconography isn't given glory. If you, inside of your experience believe we're polytheists, we'd be contradicting ourselves by Confessing One God In The Prayer Of The Nicene Creed, "I Believe In One God, The Father Almighty...And In One, Lord, Jesus Christ, Begotten Of The Father...And In The Holy Spirit, The Giver Of Life..." So, what reason would we have to contradict ourselves? Common, nobody's telling you to worship images. That is only in your mind. And it's in your mind, because you have an uncomfortable, emotional reaction to tradition, which you're going to equate it with the pharisees. I know how Protestants think, I was a Protestant for twenty-two years!! I left Protestantism, because Protestants adulterate The Bible.
I am a catholic and I have never worshipped statues. To me a religious statue is like picture of my family. It always gives me beautiful memories.
If you don’t confess and receive the communion, you are not a catholic.
Prodys love to use Catholic images for their you tube videos, while simultaneously telling us not to use them.
Whatever the Catholic Church teaches on faith and moral is always correct. It can never be wrong because it is the Church founded by Christ and Jesus made His Church the pillar and foundation of the truth.
If the Catholic Church says it is good to pray to Mary and saints, it is ok to have their statues, it is good to pray for the dead etc, then, they are all correct because the Catholic Church is impossible to teach heresy. Her teaching is always correct.
See my faith in God is great! I don't doubt the Church (Catholic Church) founded by Christ and Its teachings because I have also great faith in Jesus and His Word which says the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church and He will never abandon His Church but will always be with His Church until the end of the world. Praise God!
If Jesus said He will never abandon His Church until the end of the world, He meant it! And it means the Church can't teach error because Jesus or the Holy Spirit is continuously unceasingly and always guarding and protecting His Church from error.
If the Church taught error or heresy, it would mean Jesus left His Church even for a while then came back. lol. This is heresy because it is against the teaching of the Sacred Scripture which says Jesus will never abandon His Church even for a while or even for 1 second. Lol.
Who said Jesus founded Catholic? What does the Book of Acts say? Pope is the most influential person in politics and wrote history according to their views. Corrupted. It is blasphemy
@@talktalk147 Well, if you study thorougly the history of christianity and if you are not biased, you will discover and be convinced that the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ NOT the protestant or bible alone church which was created only by mere men in 16th century.
Love your channel Brian, you explain things clearly and kindly. Grateful for you brother
Glad you enjoy it! God bless!
Excellent & straight to the point explanation, Bryan. Amen!!!
Some peoples i know went to Nepal, India and Srilanka and seen similar featurs of worship with Hinduism and Buddhism in Catholism and Orthodoxy
Doubt it. Just because something looks similar doesn't mean it's the same thing. For example, I live near many hindus, and they offer food and sacrifices to their Idols because they believe their Idols are their gods incarnated within the idol. Delta believe that the gods will bless that food and give it back to them for them to eat. That's the farthest thing from what Catholics believe.
In the Philippines, we call the iconoclasts as "Exodus Warriors".
And yet even Moses in Exodus was commanded to make the bronze serpent and the angels on top of the Ark of the Convent. The Iconoclasts seem to not even follow Exodus correctly🤣
Bryan you have a wonderful gift of teaching! I am new to your podcast! Thank you so much. God bless you!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
You are very welcome, and welcome to our channel!
can you enter a Holy church and find nothing but plain walls like a classroom or office?
this is also the reason why Catholic churches represent God in movies.
I love the Catholic Church an I’m a semi blind artist an I’m glad God allows the CC use statues they help me draw our saints better and sometimes they help me focus on prayer better (I’m a 31 year old mildly autistic hard of hearing semi blind woman who relies on touch)
Thank you for sharing! God bless you!
"Why do you have a cross with Jesus on it, Jesus is not on the cross anymore"! Everytime I hear this, I think on questioning if he or she has any photo of his or her childhood, and making the very question he or she did "why do you have photos of your childgood, you already grown up! You are not a child, take these photos out of your house"! 😂😂😂
Great video. Thank you.
You are welcome!
Thanks Bryan. Good testimony. Convincing.
Thanks for watching!
Its so sad that people hate catholic Church 😢. Everything in catholic Church is biblical if u understand properly
Not when you say tradition is equal to scripture..
@@kingsamuelofficial wat chritians did between 1st to 3rd century? Bible was compiled in 3rd century
Christianity started in 1st century
Freddy * compiled in the 4th century.
Where does the Catholic Church teach that scripture is equal to tradition? Can you quote the source?
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Right here Bud
Your precious Catechism Come out of her bro
II. The Relationship Between Tradition and Sacred Scripture
One common source. . .
80 "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, then, are bound closely together, and communicate one with the other. For both of them, flowing out from the same divine well-spring, come together in some fashion to form one thing, and move towards the same goal."40 Each of them makes present and fruitful in the Church the mystery of Christ, who promised to remain with his own "always, to the close of the age".41
. . . two distinct modes of transmission
81 "Sacred Scripture is the speech of God as it is put down in writing under the breath of the Holy Spirit."42
"and [Holy] Tradition transmits in its entirety the Word of God which has been entrusted to the apostles by Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit. It transmits it to the successors of the apostles so that, enlightened by the Spirit of truth, they may faithfully preserve, expound and spread it abroad by their preaching."43
82 As a result the Church, to whom the transmission and interpretation of Revelation is entrusted, "does not derive her certainty about all revealed truths from the holy Scriptures alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honoured with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence."44
Apostolic Tradition and ecclesial traditions
83 The Tradition here in question comes from the apostles and hands on what they received from Jesus' teaching and example and what they learned from the Holy Spirit. the first generation of Christians did not yet have a written New Testament, and the New Testament itself demonstrates the process of living Tradition.
Tradition is to be distinguished from the various theological, disciplinary, liturgical or devotional traditions, born in the local churches over time. These are the particular forms, adapted to different places and times, in which the great Tradition is expressed. In the light of Tradition, these traditions can be retained, modified or even abandoned under the guidance of the Church's Magisterium.
Viva Cristo rey 🇻🇦🇲🇽
My girlfriend gets so angry when we fight about Jesus being on the cross;
But I say to her, are you trying to forget the ultimate sacrifice was made? We remember the suffering he went through, do you choose to forget? Sometimes I wonder if they just can't face the cross with Jesus on it 🤔
But they love to quote Jn 3 :16 don't they try and do that with an empty cross
It is such a petty argument. You need to marry a good Catholic woman ;)
As a kid they used to creep me out, having a dead tortured jc hanging of a cross was just plain weird, but I guess we needed to be reminded of the guilt of it all.
Good video. Many thanks.
Hello! I'm planning on buying a russian grammar book in order to learn Russian, but I found this book to download freely on a website. This website is an academic website where people can upload their paper, articles, researchings, etc; and people can download them, some for free, other ones buying. I don't know if this russiam grammar book is legally their or if it is piracy. What should I do? I think it is ligal because I have a certain confidence this website is ok, but, at the same time, I'm not a hundred percent sure if they uploaded it legally! Should I give up from using this pdf?
I have a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe that I store in the back of my van. If I thought that this object was divine I certainly would not have it in my van. I would be upset if it got broke because I like the statue and I use it at events.
It is just resin and paint.
The Catholic Church is the Biblical church Jesus established. Only the spiritually blind like Luther,Zwingli, Calvin and their thousands of offspring believe Jesus failed when he said “the powers of death shall not prevail against it.” Mat16:18.
Only people like you are blind and deceived about what church Jesus started. He didn’t start no farce catholic Religion.
Satan is tricking you all. Where in the scriptures do it say Jesus said pray to Mary and to deceased people. False. Joseph and Mary would NEVER HAVE STEPPED foot in a covenant or mass. They were considered peasants and beneath the Catholic Church so we can dispense with this NOTORIOUS LIE
The prohibition is do not bow down and Worship graven images. As long as you dont bow and worship those Statutes there is no volation. It is just right and a matter of honoring remembering to place statues of persons who are exemplars of the church in every place of worship. But when it comes to worship God, we have to worship Him in spirit and the truth for God can not be represented by graven images..
God bless you Amen🙌
God bless you too!
If Protestants asked hindus about idolatry they will know that Catholicism cannot be compared
I think the problem is, and I know this is where I'm confused, is all these saints and their little tokens and people pray to saint whatever for protection. And then when they see people bowing down to these statues in churches added to that all the saints you pray to. It's confusing- it definitely seems like you're praying to someone other than God.
When people pray to Saint Anthony to find something, for example, or if they pray to Saint Anne for a spouse, for example, they're not praying to the Saints themselves as if the saint is the end of all prayer. Rather, they understand that the saint will pray for them on their behalf to Jesus and will intercede for them. God is the end goal and result of all of our prayers.
People might bow in front of statues, but they are bowing to God in a state of humility. In a posture of prayer. They're not bowing to the statue itself. I hope that helps.
The Bible ENCOURAGES US (not discourage) to seek the intercession of others who are righteous.
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.". - James 5:16
Bowing is not always or not necessarily worship. It depends on the intention of a person who bows before a blessed statue. If his intention why he bows before the statue of a saint is to worship that saint or that statue, then, he truly commits idolatry. But if his intention is only to honor the saint that represents that statue, then, no idolatry is committed there. In short, worship is intention, not necessarily an action. God judges us first and foremost according to our intention of our action, not on our action itself. For example: A person dellik (reverse) someone and people already judged him to be going to prison and hell. But the court acquitted him because it was proven that he has psychological problem. And other factors as well which God considers before judging our action.
"A person may think their own ways are right, but the LORD weighs the heart." - Prov 21:2
There is saying, "Do not judge a book by its cover." Because a person is not a book (joke). We must judge a book by its content and purpose .... not by its cover. God judges our action first by our intention, not by our action or word itself.
As to statues, unfortunately, we can't do anything to convince them. In the Old Testament, we find people kneeling down in front of other people all the time. We find God commending people making statues, and Joshua and elders knelt down in front of the Arch. All that doesn't convince them. Idolatry is placing something above God or regarding something as God, but they change the meaning of that word to fit everything they dislike within its definition.
But not statues of people.
Wonderful moving excellent precise presentation Brian but even though you speak the truth,how can other groups understand you for they cannot understand each other in their teachings and disagree with each other.Now because they disagree with each other and claim that they are preaching the truth how can that be if they disagree with each other about truth wooo weee what’s up with that?😳🤔🙄😯
For those who have ears, let them hear. There are many Protestants and other religions who are open to the truth, and they watch our videos. Many of them have come home to the Catholic Church, thanks be to god.
Very cool video
Thank you!
Long ago, bible was not readily available. Even if it was present, not too many people can read. How can you effectively teach the gospel? Make use of the artists-the painters and the sculptors.
Today even these protestants who claim Catholics worship idols, make use of these images and statues to portray biblical stories.
Why do people have photos of they can just remember people and events? The same reason Catholics have statues, as a reminder of someone we love.
And if we all worship, Mary? How then could we not worship the son. To reject the son would mean to reject the mother as well. John McArthur really boils my blood, he has slandered the Catholic Church, with anger. Why is it that Catholics don't go around prosecuting everyone? Because we know we're , right
When we pray in front of an image of Jesus ,
We are not praying to any other God but the true God That image or statue represents.
The image is a visual aid of meditation and it helps
To focus our mind rather than looking into an empty space
Idol worship is when we give importance to anything else more than the true God
The orthodox Church has icons do protestants say we worship icons?
I have been laughed off by those other christian doctrine because of this...they lean on their own understanding to this issue...they even call me in most sarcastic way IDOL to mock my faith...but i wont take it seriously...leave it to God..because i see with my own eyes how God REALLY came to me...THE TRUTH...Jesus is real..
Saw a recent, today I think, "Rebutting Catholic Truth" video. Pretty weak but worth a response to set the record straight for those not in the know or won't do the work themselves.
Do you have a link? Please email us. Bryan@catholictruth.org
@@CatholicTruthOfficial just sent it to your email.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial sent you an email with the link.
a cross without a bearer is a burden withoout a reliever
Brian did you accept Ward Radio's invitation yet?
Haven't seen it. Sorry.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial You won’t
I do have a Crucifix at home, but not the glass type. It's a glow in the dark, it's small..
I like it, because I won't worry knocking it down and accidentally break it..
Good fight ministries video came straight on autoplay after this video. While I have listened to them before about certain things such as about Holywood and I would agree with certain things they were totally bashing the Catholic Church and recent converts. Very disheartening.
as I understand it, the Vatican is in Rome, and Italians are not considered "White" so whats the deal with idol worship?
I realize that statues serve as memorials and artistic representations but if consecrated by a priest, don't they also become secondary causes of supernatural grace, similar to the Eucharist, holy water, holy oil, relics, etc.?
No, just because something is blessed does not make it a conduit of grace. There are many types of blessings and consecrations.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial it would be funny if things blessed did always give out grace.
I could go around touching people with my different deformed joints to zap people with grace 😂
@@CatholicTruthOfficial God is invisible and relying on pictures and statues is idolatry and YOU like many are
Deceived and blind by Satan and have no idea what or who you are worshipping
Hopefully the modernists don't start bushes on fire all over the place
Personally, I think if we didn't make statues of Jesus specifically we would just go down the route Israel went after couple generations, idolatry of different gods. The gentiles of the time hard hundreds of statues of their gods at the time and they never seen Jesus or the father. It only takes about 2 generations(just look at kings and judges) before their kids are asking who the heck is this Jesus guy and what does he look like. Of course there are the miracles and signs of the apostles but after the apostles the wild spread of miracles might have died down especially if most convert over because of it. Look at our times, witchcraft and worship of self or even satan is starting to pick up as these kids are saying they don't believe in this Jesus guy from 2000 year ago. This just makes sense to my head.
Only it man made it
One criticism of images of Jesus that has been made is in how Jesus looks. He often looks like a Northern European person, with blondish-brown hair and blue eyes. Considering Jesus never went to Europe and had no European ancestry, some feel it is a veiled form of racism to make Jesus look more European than Jesus really was. Perhaps this could be a topic for another video on Catholic Truth.
Jesus ordered St. Faustina to draw His picture according to her vision. And the product is the Divine Mercy. That's how Jesus looks according to St. Faustina's vision.
All cultures depict jesus, mary, and the Saints according to their own culture. In africa, Jesus is always black. In jamaica, he's a big buff dude with dreadlocks. According to their own culture including Europeans. Hope that helps.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial I agree with you on how Jesus looks to every culture. It is also the same with Mary.
the Original Divine Mercy image is the true image of Jesus.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial I remember St. Jacinta, one of the 3 seers of Our Lady of Fatima. The 3 visionaries not only saw Mary but Jesus also, and St. Joseph and angel too. One time, she was given a picture of Jesus. Jacinta exclaimed upon seeing Jesus' picture. She said, "It's so ugly! It doesn't look like our Lord at all! Never mind, I will still take it. It's still Jesus." Then, she kissed the picture of Jesus. Lol. What she meant is that picture of Jesus is so ugly when compared to her vision of Jesus.
When we become dependent on something external to ourselves, we are holding ourselves in the material world, keeping ourselves in separation. As Christ said in the Bible:
"I am the gate."
Idols are not just spiritual teachers or texts, idols can also include all things external to ourselves-a family member or other person, crystals, tarot cards, plant medicines, spiritual audio and videos, etc-as these are all external aids. And that is the key, idols are external and only helpful aids until we are able to drop all such external assistance and reside within-where all questions are answered.
And this also applies to healing. While there are many wonderful healers, they cannot heal you (and they will tell you this); you can only heal yourself. Healers are only there to help facilitate a connection to God for you so that you can heal yourself. To put the responsibility on another to "heal" you, makes them an "idol," and gives your power away, and this holds you in separation.
In Summary: it is important to understand that ALL external aids, no matter how helpful, must be considered as temporary and eventually must be let go-including any reliance on Christ-if one wishes to evolve spiritually.
Reliance on Jesus Christ is forever. If you don't have Christ, you don't have anything, including salvation.
Christ knew he was a gift of God of salvation to the people-to the world-NOT-as supposed and taught down the centuries-salvation from the punishment meted out by the wrath of God to "sinners"-BUT-to save people from the daily repetition of the same mistakes in wrong thinking-wrong thinking which created their misfortunes, poverties, sicknesses and miseries.
Because Christ unconditionally loved the human race so deeply, he was prepared to teach and heal in defiance of the Jewish Priests. Christ was prepared to "die" on the cross to reveal the Truth and Reality about God as Creator, about Life, about Existence and about Love.
Christ was a gift from God to humankind to rescue them from their own blind thinking and feelings-which are creating their own troubled lives, and to help them find the true Path of Life leading to the joy, abundance and perfect wholeness of the Kingdom of Heaven.
These were the perceptions, the desires, the intentions, the goals and the thoughts which Christ bore within his mind and heart. This was the earthly mental-emotional framework clothing the spiritual wisdom hidden within the head and figure of Christ.
Because the minds of most believers have been filled with traditions, as solid and enduring as a rock, most believers will be fanatically and stubbornly adherent to cherished beliefs. Therefore, most believers stand in the same place as did the Jewish Religious Hierarchy, who crucified Christ. That being said, most believers fulfill Hosea 4:6 and Matthew 15:8-9.
As usual in true Catholic fashion you manipulate scripture and leave out the important verses, the neshura wasn't intended for worship but to look upon and have faith in God's promise of healing but just like the Catholics of today the Israelites began worshiping the image and it had to be destroyed, one big difference is God hasn't commanded any of the statues to be erected in the roman church for any reason
Historically Muslims accused Christians of idolatry by venerating saints. They destroyed icons in orthodox Catholic churches. Veneration is not worship. It means giving honor.
Giving honor to saints was allowed by Jesus when he prayed his priestly prayer in John 17. He prayed his disciples would receive same glory as His Father had given him glory.
It's not quite like that. Statues should not be in churches but for another reason altogether. Eastern Orthodox Churches don't have statues.
Muslims deny the Incarnation. It's the root cause of their horrible behaviour.
@@physiocrat7143 statues and icons are the same.
Icons are two dimensional and do not have perspective. They are diagrams of theological relationships. They are made in a state of prayer. EO churches with icons look very different from western churches.
Hey, i just want to warn you that the icon you have of Saint Francis comes from monastery icons and they are made by hindus who pray over the icon. I recommend you get it blessed or destroy it. God bless!
How so you know? Many places make icons, no?
@@CatholicTruthOfficialThey have been exposed on TH-cam just look up "Monastery icons exposed".
It’s 2024 they need to come up with something else to acuse us of .,. It’s getting old already..
thanks Brian .
First and foremost the commandment says. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image of any likeness that is in heaven above ( that includes God Himself, Jesus, Mary or any others concern) Thou shalt not bow down thyself before them,for I the God am a jealous God visiting the iniquities of the father's unto the third and forth generations. Please bear in mind that this is a very serious warning
In that case, kindly explain why God didn't object when Solomon made GRAVEN images of lions as decorations for his throne (1 Kings 10:18 - 20) ? Isn't a graven image of a lion a likeness of something here on earth?
Colin, we not only quoted that verse in this video, we put the verse up on the screen. Clearly you didn't watch the video since this was toward the beginning.
"I, the LORD, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery.
You shall not have other gods besides me. So where in Catholic Teaching is Mary or any others worshiped as God no place game over
You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything in the sky above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the earth;
2 you shall not bow down before them or worship them. For I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God, inflicting punishment for their fathers' wickedness on the children of those who hate me, down to the third and fourth generation;
So where in Catholic Teaching is
This is one of the most annoying things to debunk
This and the "removing of the 2nd commandment" - similar topic tbf
Christianity is a title given to the apostles by Athens (acts 11.26)In contrast. Apostolic conception is more than what you think about, inregard to your C church.Buildings /institutions.
What does this have to do with the video?
With the video you've made on bikinis, I just wonder full body swimsuits are right or not, while yes they do cover up the entire body and not show all that much skin, they still are rather formfitting around the figure and probably still would invoke lustful feelings. I just can't help but feel that everyone loses no matter what is worn.
Friend, your statement sounds lack of trust in God.
Why does the pope kiss figurines?
We talk about that in this video. th-cam.com/video/UnPg9lP4lr4/w-d-xo.html
In short, they are just symbolic gestures. Similar to me kissing a picture of my wife when I'm away from her on business. Kissing, for example, a cross with Jesus on it is a symbolic gesture thanking Jesus for what he did on the cross for us or a gesture of love.
Its man made stautues
Man made statues for God in the Bible too. There were 2 BIG ones on the Ark of the Covenant.
...pray TO your Father, who is UNSEEN.
- Matthew 6:6
At that time you WON’T need to ask Me for anything.
I tell you the truth, you will ask The Father DIRECTLY...
- John 16:23
What a horrible butchering of Scripture. Do not cut up verses like that!
“But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.”
Matthew 6:6
“Amen, amen, I say to you, you will weep and mourn, while the world rejoices; you will grieve, but your grief will become joy. When a woman is in labor, she is in anguish because her hour has arrived; but when she has given birth to a child, she no longer remembers the pain because of her joy that a child has been born into the world. So you also are now in anguish. But I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you. On that day you will not question me about anything. Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you. Until now you have not asked anything in my name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.”
John 16:20-24
Alrighty then...
But when you pray, go to your room, close the door,
and pray TO your Father, who is UNSEEN.
And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you.
- Matthew 6:6
At that time you WON’T need to ask Me for anything.
I tell you the truth, you will ask The Father DIRECTLY,
and He will grant your request because you use My name.
- John 16:23
@@johnduncan7484 What translation are you using?
@@Ruudes1483 it doesn’t matter. The scripture say pray TO GOD WHO IS IS HEAVEN not Mary and THESE DIABOLICAL people you all Think are in heaven Interceding for you. It’s a Lie
Catholic Church don’t get the HOLYGHOST and lying to you people. Wake up quickly
@@TriciaPerry-mz7tc It’s not a woman’s place to teach or correct a man.
“A woman must receive instruction silently and under complete control. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. Further, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and transgressed. But she will be saved through motherhood, provided women persevere in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.”
1 Timothy 2:11-15
Psalm 115 is not a riddle
Of course not - and Catholics do NOT worship statues. As if!
Amen. Catholics love that Psalm.
And all the other Psalms too. :)
@@CatholicTruthOfficial protestants use that psalm as a riddle
What was going on when the Pachamama earth goddess was being paraded around St. Peter’s and prelates were bowing down on their knees before her in the Vatican gardens?
It wasn't Pachamama, it was an image of Mary and a cultural dance of the Amazon. So what.
If Catholics believed that statues were merely symbolic, they would not believe that the "miracles" of statues bleeding came from God.
Why? It's called a miracle meaning something supernatural is happening. God can use anything. Even spit and mud put in someone's eyes.
Ahh so you deny Scripture…
You doubt Gods ability to work through inanimate objects…
• Elishas bones (2 Kings 13:20-21)
• Elijah mantle (2 Kings 2:14)
• Our Lords hem (Luke 8:40-48)
• St. Peters shadow (Acts 5:15-16)
• St. Pauls handkerchief (Acts 19:11-12)
What? That makes no sense. A statue bleeding is a miracle because *statues aren't supposed to do that.* God uses physical things to showcase his supernatural power all the time. Turning water into wine, the multiplying of bread loaves and fish, he even made a donkey speak in the Old Testament.
If God chose to use a statue in a miracle, where do you think this miracle comes from? what you have said is unbiblical
The Bible does not agree with you.
*Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that when Peter came, his shadow at the least, might overshadow any of them, and they might be delivered from their infirmities.9
Not a touch from a man, but a mere shadow should heal them. Did the miracle come from God, the man or the sun?
You should check out the Miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It isn't a statue, but an image. It wasn't made by human hands. God produced an *image* as a miracle, A miracle one can still see today.
Irish, well said.
God is invisible. Make all the excuses you want, but if you rely on anything visible to prop up your faith, it is Idolatry. 2 Corinthians 5: 6-7 6Therefore we are always confident, although we know that while we are at home in the body, we are away from the Lord. 7For we walk by faith, not by sight.
No it’s not. Watch the video again and be open minded.
Of course God is invisible. We have taught that for 2000 years.
Images are a reminder that God become Incarnate. If you deny the Incarnation then you deny the core principle of Christianity.
Saints are people who are with God for all eternity.
@@jazzman1626 you don't understand the scriptures correctly or you misinterpret gravely the Scriptures because you don't have the Holy Spirit.
We also don't worship them here in "third world" countries 😂😂
We don't worship them here either.
Crucifix is okay but not statues
Kiss the crucifix during lent time….
Where does the Bible or the Church say one is ok but not the other?
Short version: “Stop noticing us doing the thing we say we are not doing”.
Actual version: You didn't watch the video.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Why do Catholics (as in this case) make claims they cannot possibly know the truth of, or are patently false?
I asserted an opinion. You asserted a falsehood.
Jesus established the Catholic Church. Only the spiritually blind believe the powers of death prevailed against the church He made.
@@Spiritof76CatholicOh joy … another Catholic just spouting Catholic mythology as if it’s a plain fact.
At least state “Catholics believe …” as a qualifier, otherwise you’re just begging the question.
And who said anything of the having prevailed? Certainly not I.
@@ZTAudio I will pray for you that Jesus opens your heart to see the truth and beauty He gave to the world in his Church.
You are wrong. Catholic worship Mary. Why do they request Mary to pray for them? St. Anthony's day people go to his idol. I asked them what did they dol. They said they prayed to st. Anthony. They keep statues of Mary and Jesus ( Not real though). They put all flowers and candles in front of Mary statue and lit candle. Is not it worshiping her? In Italy, priests carry out statue of Marry , isn't it worshiping Mary? in Asia, they go to pilgrim of Mary.
Requesting someone to pray for you is worship? No wonder you're confused. You don't even understand what intercessory prayer or worship is.
Also statues are not idols. Maybe you should have watched the video first before engaging in a conversation that you don't seem to be informed on.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Yes, it is an idol. Praying is worshipping. Worship, on the other hand, is a more specific type of prayer that involves reverent devotion and adoration towards a higher power or deity. Worship often involves a sense of awe, reverence, and humility, and may involve rituals, ceremonies, or other forms of liturgical practices. Worship can be an expression of love, gratitude, and submission to a higher power
@@CatholicTruthOfficial I do not need to watch the video in full. When I first started watching, I noticed where the story was heading to. it goes against the biblical commandment to worship God alone (Exodus 20:3-5). Where did you find Apostles and early Church had Cross and statues and Rosary prayer? I did not find in the book of Acts.
Worship is when we give our deepest affections and highest praise to something. True worship of God is when we love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. It's when we prize God above everything else and put Him first in our hearts. As it says in Deuteronomy 6:4-5, “The Lord our God, the Lord is one
Praying can be worshiping, but it's not always. You don't seem to understand that there are different definitions and meanings for the word prayer, even in Scripture. It 'could' be worship, or it can mean to ask, or plead, or intercede. For example, like in a court of law, we used to say to a judge, "I pray thee to let my client have another day." It just means to ask or beseech. So, when we pray to God, it is out of love and worship, but when we "pray" to a saint or Mary, it's totally different, it's just asking. Intercessory prayer which is biblical. We are only asking them to pray 'for' us to Jesus, just like we would ask a loved one to pray for us. Even in the Hail Mary, it says, "pray for us sinners..." So prayer in this sense is only intercession, not worship.
4. Words change over time, but originally the word worship had a much broader definition in English. It was used anytime you wanted to attest to somebody's worth. So in other words, if someone was worthy of honor you could use the word worship. That's why in old court systems they would call the judge, "your worship." Obviously, they weren't worshipping him, but it was a title of honor. That's why the early Christians divided the word worship into two different words: adoration and veneration. The word veneration has taken the place of the word honor. Adoration is synonymous today with worship which is due to God Alone. Only God can be worshipped. Many other people from presidents, two dignitaries, two Saints, can all be honored to different degrees. But they can't be worshipped in the way that God is for only God is God.
Protestants thinks that way hahahaha…
The only way you can prove that those are merely objects to you and there is no divinity in them if you burn one on video or break one in two. But you wouldn’t. The thought of it sends shivers down your spine. You know why? Because it would be sacrilege to you. And that my friend is why God is careful to command not to make any graven images, much more to kneel and bow down to them in any way. This is what happens when we do. You say you don’t worship it but you have unknowingly made it an idol by kneeling down to in prayer or touching it to invoke a feeling of spiritual closeness to God even if you believe those weren’t your intentions. You wan’t to prove it. Make it a personal experiment. Prove to yourself what I told you is true. See how you feel when burn one.
I keep a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the back of my van to use at events. I like it and do not want it to get broke but if I thought that it was divine I certainly would not keep it in my van. It is just resin and paint.
That's not the only way to prove that they are merely object. Thanks for your opinion though. You sound like the Pharisees who said the only way to know if you are the Son of God is to come down off that cross. No, it's not the only way.
Touching something doesn't make it an idol. Otherwise the phone or keyboard you are touching to write this is an idol. We also don't pray to them, bow down to them, or anything like that. Maybe you should have watched the video first and informed yourself first.
Yes we do... Hate when catholics deny this...
So why is Pope Francis walking around kissing Plaster baby Jesus??????
The Bible said YOU ARE NOT TO HAVE THEM at all. If you say Mary is in heaven and so is Jesus WHY DO YOU ALL HAVE pictures of what is in heaven and or STATUES.
YOU need to get out of catholism.
You might as well Burn the picture of your family albums, it is also present Idolatry.. lol
End of discussion..
1 Corinthians 15:49
"And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly."
Icon and images of the saints and Especially Jesus is biblically sound..
I won’t leave the only Church founded by Christ.
Actually, it doesn't.
Scripture warns against _worshiping_ false gods. Yet, God commands the creation of images of angels to cover the Ark of the Covenant and of a snake to save those bitten by snakes in the desert. Clearly, there is no absolute prohibition against the creation of statues. Just against worshiping them.
Since the days of the apostles, the Catholic Church has consistently condemned the sin of idolatry. The early Church Fathers warned against this sin, and Church councils also dealt with the issue.
What non-Catholics fail to recognize is the distinction between a) thinking a piece of stone or plaster is a god and b) desiring to visually remember Christ and the saints in heaven by making statues in their honor.
You need to get out of your man-made church (bible alone church) with unbiblical doctrines like faith alone, bible alone, osas etc and which was invented only by mere men and started only in 16th century.
Yes, they pray to Mary, which is unbiblical. There is no biblical basis to pray to Mary but very biblical to pray to God. Why would you want to pray to someone, when you have God to pray too, it is as though you do not think God is enough.
The Jews VENERATED the Ark of the Covenant. Christianity is the fulfilment of the Jewish religion. Our Lady (Mary) is the Ark of the NEW COVENANT. Catholic (and Orthodox Christians) VENERATE Mary, that's it! Also, Mary is all through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
So then all Christians since the apostles died are in hell rn for idol worship? You DO realize that the earliest prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, was from 250 AD? BEFORE THE BIBLE WAS EVEN COMPILED TOGETHER??
So far, the earliest known prayer to the Virgin Mary is known as “Beneath thy compassion” (Greek: Ὑπὸ τὴν σὴν εὐσπλαγχνίαν). The earliest text of this hymn was found in a Christmas liturgy of the third century. It is written in Greek and dates to approximately 250 A.D.
In 1917, the John Rylands Library in Manchester acquired a large panel of Egyptian papyrus including the 18 cm by 9.4 cm fragment shown at left, containing the text of this prayer in Greek.
C.H. Roberts published this document in 1938. His colleague E. Lobel, with whom he collaborated in editing the Oxyrhynchus papyri, basing his arguments on paleographic analysis, argued that the text could not possibly be older than the third century, and most probably was written between 250 and 300. This hymn thus precedes the “Hail Mary” in Christian prayer by several centuries.
On the papyrus:
Full text:
Ὑπὸ τὴν σὴν
Θεοτὸκε· τὰς ἡμῶν
ἱκεσίας μὴ παρ-
ίδῃς ἐν περιστάσει
ἀλλ᾽ ἐκ κινδύνου
λύτρωσαι ἡμᾶς
μόνη ἁγνὴ
μόνη εὐλογημένη.
In English:
Beneath your
we take refuge,
Theotokos! Our
prayers, do not despise
in necessities,
but from danger
deliver us,
only pure,
only blessed one.
"your" bible was compiled together by a Pope, BTW.
Prayer and worship are two different things.. I bet you ask your friend to pray for you. Am I right?
Non-Catholics think that word 'Pray' only means worship, but 'Pray' has different definitions and applications, even in Scripture. It 'could' be worship, or it can mean to ask, or plead, or intercede. For example, like in a court of law, we used to say to a judge, "I pray thee to let my client have another day." It just means to ask or ask or beseech. So, when we pray to God, it is out of love and worship, but when we "pray" to a saint or Mary, it's totally different. We are only asking them to pray 'for' us to Jesus, just like we would ask a loved one to pray for us. Even in the Hail Mary it says, "pray for us sinners..." So prayer in this sense is only intercession.
We don't "pray" to Mary or the saints instead of God. We pray and worship God the Father through Jesus. However, there are different kinds of prayer. The Bible talks about intercessory prayer and praying for others, for example. Not all prayer is worship. That is the kind of prayer of the saints. On that note, one of the definitions of the word 'pray' means "to ask."
So, when we "pray" to Mary or the Saints, we ask them to pray for us to _Jesus_ just as we ask friends and family to pray for us to Jesus. Then Jesus, the perfect mediator takes all of our prayers to God. He alone goes to God on our behalf. Intercessory prayer is biblical as is praying for one another in the body of Christ. They can bring our prayers to God (Jesus) Rev. 5:8
The Bible is clear that people within the body of Christ can pray for one another.
Lies and more lies🙏
It's not lies. Protestants just don't know better. They have been misled. Pray for them.
@@CatholicTruthOfficial when your laying at the base of a statue kissing its feet and praying to it, dont lie it's worship
Except that we don't pray to it. Hence the video that you didn't watch.
They know enough. Catholic and pope lie. They sold heavenly tickets my Catholic professor told. Catholic mislead people. Pope system is the most corrupted in the world.
@@talktalk147😂😂 sorry but that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
Do you blindly believe everything you get told by someone rather than learning from the source?
No wonder further education is a waste of money now when sheep like you don’t know how to go to primary sources and instead are like toddlers hanging on every word of a person
The entire Bible points to Christ .so I hope that your explanations should have sufficient related facts 😮 with Christ teachigs as we know that Christ is the Head of the Church.⁸.