Praise God Sandra Kennedy's really got an anointing on her head I could listen to her all day I can feel she speaks God's word she's a true Christian pastor
🙌🙌🙌Yes, Blessed be God. Your programs are indeed wonderful. I thank God that you are on you tube. While l belong to a church and l do not forsake our assembly together, l am thankful to have teachers and preachers of the Word Anointed by God for the Body of Christ. You are such a blessing. Blessed be God forever more!
Well needed confirmation😌 Thank you Lord! Thank you for giving us the uncompromissed truth, not to impress us, but to impact the Kingdom of God for His purposes.
Satan produces counterfeits that look so close to the truth and many end up being deceived. Sin seems pleasurable, but that lasts for a short time and is usually a trap. Thank God for His Spirit who leads us into all truth. With God's power, we are able to discern and overcome.
Pastor Sandra, you are one amazing woman of God! Gods called me late in life, I was 49 on my born-again day! After having my education in medical being taught evolution and experiencing a very bad experience being raised as Catholic, the Lord certainly opened up my eyes, for I once lost but now, Im found, was blind and now I see!! You have taught me so much about healing, just recently! It’s a process! I’m still under construction! But I’m certainly not where I used to be, and the power of God totally amazes me! I would like to start donating to your ministry. God has placed you on my heart! God bless you and your congregation! I’m in Dallas, and consider Gateway and Robert Morris my home church. But since COVID-19 has hit, everything is online! Please repost this with a stronger volume. I had to use my earbuds and I still could barely hear it, and it’s such an important message. I love you, sister!!
There are certain Pastor I come to such as you I was just saying that I was confused from everything that I was listening to and then I came to this word. I know I can always count on you. God bless.
Thank you so much I needed this message didn’t even know it I listen to a lot of preachers thinking that’s what I’m supposed to do can’t read very well so that hinders me a lot but I listened and I learned and I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will change some things and start listening more to God instead of just trying to find a pastor
Jesus taught me strong decerment this year (2020) & he started me in your revelations videos. Jesus knew I would have to use discernment, when your friend said that same sex marriage in the church was an abomination. Had I let anger instead of discernment take hold of me, Jesus WOULDN'T have been able to reveal my dreams ( I saw the new city of Jerusalem in the air & flowers can talk & sing I was on some mountain) & revelations that he gave me back in 1998 & 2012. Not only would I have missed that, Jesus finally revealed my purpose to me right when I was thinking maybe I misunderstood Daddy & Jesus. I started to think that maybe I don't have a purpose because I'm not good enough that maybe they don't need me. Jesus revealed to me that I'm to reveal revelations that he gives me to people of faith & non faith. Revelations is tricky because their not all wonderful & what people want to hear. Jesus's revelations can turn your stomach upside down. ANYWAY another can of worms. Onto another lighter note. Jesus also told me to pick up the bible this year so that he can teach me how to decipher it & how to decern it. The bible is a double edge sword because Satan has MANIPULATED man to change it. . Talk about a nightmare when I first picked the bible up & learned that there were so many bibles & that the people that published the Satanic bible also published the NIV. . . I also have learned that churches across America are inviting the EVIL holy spirit into the churches in Jesus's name (it's called the Kundalini spirit). You can look up & research the Kundalini spirit in American churches. I know 2 people that are very close to me that have been victims to a church that was an occult & used Jesus's name. . . Jesus revealed to me that the different churches in the bible are different parts of ourselves. I use to think that I needed help to understand the bible or that I needed to go to bible school or befriend a pastor that would actually accept me for me to figure it out what Jesus's purpose was for me. I always thought my purpose was in the church but all they have ever really done in reality is Judge me & tell me basically that Jesus wouldn't use someone like me. When I was 18 & my sister came to me telling me that God needed me. I attempted to go to church & back then the churches told me that I was going to hell because I'm gay. Jesus & I overcome that because I thought to myself how can my heart be bigger than Gods, there's no way! All the Christians used to try to make me feel better through out the years by saying, it's okay, a sin is a sin & we all sin. I use to agree with them until Jesus revealed to me this year that I am not doing anything evil by loving my wife otherwise he would not have married us. Our life revolves around Jesus. I know that if Jesus thought that my marriage with my wife was evil he would not have answered our prayers in the 1st place. Our life revolves around Jesus but I'm far from perfect & would never claim to be but I know that Jesus's love surpasses all my imperfections because I ask for forgiveness & than pray that I can be overcome my shortcomings. Jesus has been renewing my mind over & over & over now for 22 years . This year I prayed for leaps & bounds in our (my wife & I) relationship with Jesus & who you call God or the father, I actually call him Daddy. I never really had a dad here . Daddy & Jesus have been, is, & will continue to be the fondation not only for our marriage but also for our purposes for him. I don't just talk to Jusus on Sundays, I need him every day, from moment to moment. I used to pray maybe once a week at times. This year I'm praying so much that by the time we get into the car in the morning for work I'm on my 4th prayer. . . Jesus is my air. So as you can see you are one of the very few pastors I actually listen to now in these days. Jesus has also revealed his return is soon to me & my wife. I know the rapture is near. I also know that Jesus is not religious & that the devil made up religions to confuse & manipulate man all in Jesus's name. The devil has been in the churches since they stuck him to a cross. Matter of fact the Pharisees were BELIEVED to be closest to God but they stuck Jesus to a cross. The law (Roman empire) & the church ( Pharisees) killed Jesus. So when the circumstances of disease came around & stopped people from attending churches , I was okay because my relationship with Jesus wasn't dependent on if I go to a physical church or not. I have my personal relationship with Jesus no matter what the "WORLD" shuts down. I will go as far to say this. If my wife & I wanted to go to a physical church we would come to yours but I have the feeling that we wouldn't be welcomed & I'm grateful that Jesus's doesn't feel that way. I'm grateful he's judging me & not the religious bigots ( Pharisees) of this "World". Those same religious bigots are part of the reason we have so many Atheists. Most Atheists have the kindness & heart of Jesus & don't even know how much closer to him they are than their religious counterparts. I'm not saying you're a bigot, maybe you would welcome us with open arms but we (Atheists too) don't get our Hope's up anymore with churches, pastors, or people because them same things they told you, they have been telling me too. That's the devil using people to come through & Gods way of saying do you trust me or them "the world"? Any way I'm sorry about the rant. I have never really talked like this before with a pastor. May Jesus continue to bless you & love you & use you the way only Jesus can. In Jesus Christ name out of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem Amen. . . I gotta be specific these days ❤💜💜❤✝️🛐💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
I was once a regular pioneer with Jehovah's Witnesses, and I left that toxic organization (Watchtower, the so-called Jehovah's Witnesses). But I have not stopped believing in the bible. Then Jesus went on to say to the Jews who had believed him: if you remain in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John chapter 8: verse 31-32 .
@@anupamaestherprasad4006 I was once a regular pioneer with Jehovah's Witnesses, and I left that organization. Toxic organizations like the watchtower can do great harm to people of good faith. but I have not stopped believing in the bible. If you want, you are invited to subscribe to my channel Biblical studies in Spanish, English, French, German and Italian.
@@anupamaestherprasad4006 I was once a regular pioneer with Jehovah's Witnesses, and I left that organization. Toxic organizations like the watchtower can do great harm to people of good faith. but I have not stopped believing in the bible. If you want, you are invited to subscribe to my channel Biblical studies in Spanish, English, French, German and Italian.
I am not the enemy! I was sent to warn you! I am nobody -never said different! I was raised up w/ woman teachers & pastor! filled w/ spirit as a young girl before Kennedy death! been spoken over many times as I grew! I never question your calling nor want your job! nor ever asked for money! never received any for the Lords work! but blessings a strong mind strong body & most important strong spirit! gave much fed the poor when I could brought many to stay in empty bedroom ! raised up my children & not my own! plus grand children now great grand children w/out pay! or help! most of family gone now & friends! many churches died out! we all got older! Im past retirement age but still work w/handicap, run country home by self! read reread over & over & over Word wrote out looked up words -love my Strongs' & my Ungers' Bible dictionary! you know I only pointed you to the true Prophets of God -they will not get up & go to your house to look you in eye! they do not fit your criteria Moses was brought up in Egypt learn their way [like us, we are in Babylon a confused state! under Papal office of sun worship -changed God set order!] learning of his heritage stepped down off high place & chose to suffer w/God's people! & look at John the Baptist -He wore same clothes came out of city & lived by river! cried make your Way straight! [God's Way -law 10 big ones! keep 7th day Holy] they were just 1st & last! the rest sent word to churches -we have to study deeply & see what spirit is saying! Moses had to go into wilderness -a dry place -away from pulpit! your church order can not save you nor Pope nor his way of disorder from Gods'! you better wake up! you are being tested whether you Love the Truth or the super natural! Satan works there fooling even elect! WAKE UP! search the script to follow! -old path! He does not say He will split open the eastern sky! but says as the lightening lights up sky from east to west! so shall the son of man! light up sky w/His Glory coming down on bride! He says He comes in the volume of book w/out observation He comes in His Fathers name Word of God! the prepared place -written Word -pearly gates! we have to lay our life down like Isaac -His Seed will be called like Christ out side of city! -church order -gives false light -twisted a form of holiness but no power! only in belief of His Word! -creator! He is the Word that gave us the Law & prophets [I don't have to be one but believe their Word] if you heard right a few weeks your event -test will show whether you love the Truth or you love your super natural displays! you don't have to believe me -believe them! know the Lord is trying to wake you up! -He wakes me up thinking about you! He gave me a love for you to pray for your heart your ears eyes! He wants to be known! by His bride! you can not do it alone! when 1st church of God started they had to pray come together w/ one mind spirit & body! you can say what you will about you tub -but yet put your on there! so people would see [what great thing you have been given!] He said He would gather us together in the air! [no air in sky, above Mts] Mt is a raised up place =Christ head of that place! MIND! we have to have His mind formed in us! raises us up right in His image -transforms us! by His spirit! w/in you -us! we have to prove each thing to know whether it is Him or Satan trying to keep us diverted away from His Truth -Word of God! wake up & lead Gods people He put you in charge over to teach His Word not Papal office He is the enemy of God -changed law bringing confusion! & disorder! leave city! church order teaching twisted Truth! only unchanged orders will do you any good! God help us all! I hope you heed His call He is gonna Do a quick thing! He prayed not to take us out of world but that we would be a Light -His light to the world! it's till we all come to knowledge of the Truth -Him Word in you our hope of Glory! He comes as Day star! as a thief in night! unaware! in our hearts! burst destroys what is not founded on Him! look like Him! He wants His image sown in earth! destroys the wicked not walking in light using His name calling self His but does not what He said! -stubbornness -same as witchcraft! Wake up lady -fast pray read His Word! no more just a form of holier than thou! but know the TRUTH -WORD OF GOD -& HIS TESTAMONY -FOLLOW HIM! God is looking at your heart! trying your regens -Do you Love Him Truth? teach the Truth! love Him not super natural! enemy uses! He is in still small voice w/in
Had a hard time hearing this. Had sound all the way up. Can you please record the next one louder if possible. Thank you for all you do! God bless~ Gianna
This is so good .Pastor Kennedy. Right on point . The truth
Praise God Sandra Kennedy's really got an anointing on her head I could listen to her all day I can feel she speaks God's word she's a true Christian pastor
I needed to hear this!
Thank you beautiful teacher of truth❤️
The Lord recommended pastor Sandra to me. Every word she speaks is absolutely correct.
I love your sermons
🙌🙌🙌Yes, Blessed be God. Your programs are indeed wonderful. I thank God that you are on you tube. While l belong to a church and l do not forsake our assembly together, l am thankful to have teachers and preachers of the Word Anointed by God for the Body of Christ. You are such a blessing. Blessed be God forever more!
Well needed confirmation😌 Thank you Lord! Thank you for giving us the uncompromissed truth, not to impress us, but to impact the Kingdom of God for His purposes.
Thank you!
New strength, energy, knee, back, foot....Praise God! Thank You Lord!
Satan produces counterfeits that look so close to the truth and many end up being deceived. Sin seems pleasurable, but that lasts for a short time and is usually a trap. Thank God for His Spirit who leads us into all truth. With God's power, we are able to discern and overcome.
Pastor Sandra, you are one amazing woman of God! Gods called me late in life, I was 49 on my born-again day! After having my education in medical being taught evolution and experiencing a very bad experience being raised as Catholic, the Lord certainly opened up my eyes, for I once lost but now, Im found, was blind and now I see!! You have taught me so much about healing, just recently! It’s a process! I’m still under construction! But I’m certainly not where I used to be, and the power of God totally amazes me! I would like to start donating to your ministry. God has placed you on my heart! God bless you and your congregation! I’m in Dallas, and consider Gateway and Robert Morris my home church. But since COVID-19 has hit, everything is online! Please repost this with a stronger volume. I had to use my earbuds and I still could barely hear it, and it’s such an important message. I love you, sister!!
Thank you for blessing me with your testimony!
Thank you, Sandra. Another wise word for this hour. The anointing came all the way to my living room!
There are certain Pastor I come to such as you I was just saying that I was confused from everything that I was listening to and then I came to this word. I know I can always count on you. God bless.
Thank you so much I needed this message didn’t even know it I listen to a lot of preachers thinking that’s what I’m supposed to do can’t read very well so that hinders me a lot but I listened and I learned and I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will change some things and start listening more to God instead of just trying to find a pastor
Jesus taught me strong decerment this year (2020) & he started me in your revelations videos. Jesus knew I would have to use discernment, when your friend said that same sex marriage in the church was an abomination. Had I let anger instead of discernment take hold of me, Jesus WOULDN'T have been able to reveal my dreams ( I saw the new city of Jerusalem in the air & flowers can talk & sing I was on some mountain) & revelations that he gave me back in 1998 & 2012. Not only would I have missed that, Jesus finally revealed my purpose to me right when I was thinking maybe I misunderstood Daddy & Jesus. I started to think that maybe I don't have a purpose because I'm not good enough that maybe they don't need me. Jesus revealed to me that I'm to reveal revelations that he gives me to people of faith & non faith. Revelations is tricky because their not all wonderful & what people want to hear. Jesus's revelations can turn your stomach upside down. ANYWAY another can of worms. Onto another lighter note.
Jesus also told me to pick up the bible this year so that he can teach me how to decipher it & how to decern it. The bible is a double edge sword because Satan has MANIPULATED man to change it. . Talk about a nightmare when I first picked the bible up & learned that there were so many bibles & that the people that published the Satanic bible also published the NIV. . . I also have learned that churches across America are inviting the EVIL holy spirit into the churches in Jesus's name (it's called the Kundalini spirit). You can look up & research the Kundalini spirit in American churches. I know 2 people that are very close to me that have been victims to a church that was an occult & used Jesus's name. . . Jesus revealed to me that the different churches in the bible are different parts of ourselves. I use to think that I needed help to understand the bible or that I needed to go to bible school or befriend a pastor that would actually accept me for me to figure it out what Jesus's purpose was for me. I always thought my purpose was in the church but all they have ever really done in reality is Judge me & tell me basically that Jesus wouldn't use someone like me. When I was 18 & my sister came to me telling me that God needed me. I attempted to go to church & back then the churches told me that I was going to hell because I'm gay. Jesus & I overcome that because I thought to myself how can my heart be bigger than Gods, there's no way! All the Christians used to try to make me feel better through out the years by saying, it's okay, a sin is a sin & we all sin. I use to agree with them until Jesus revealed to me this year that I am not doing anything evil by loving my wife otherwise he would not have married us. Our life revolves around Jesus. I know that if Jesus thought that my marriage with my wife was evil he would not have answered our prayers in the 1st place. Our life revolves around Jesus but I'm far from perfect & would never claim to be but I know that Jesus's love surpasses all my imperfections because I ask for forgiveness & than pray that I can be overcome my shortcomings. Jesus has been renewing my mind over & over & over now for 22 years . This year I prayed for leaps & bounds in our (my wife & I) relationship with Jesus & who you call God or the father, I actually call him Daddy. I never really had a dad here . Daddy & Jesus have been, is, & will continue to be the fondation not only for our marriage but also for our purposes for him. I don't just talk to Jusus on Sundays, I need him every day, from moment to moment. I used to pray maybe once a week at times. This year I'm praying so much that by the time we get into the car in the morning for work I'm on my 4th prayer. . . Jesus is my air. So as you can see you are one of the very few pastors I actually listen to now in these days. Jesus has also revealed his return is soon to me & my wife. I know the rapture is near. I also know that Jesus is not religious & that the devil made up religions to confuse & manipulate man all in Jesus's name. The devil has been in the churches since they stuck him to a cross. Matter of fact the Pharisees were BELIEVED to be closest to God but they stuck Jesus to a cross. The law (Roman empire) & the church ( Pharisees) killed Jesus. So when the circumstances of disease came around & stopped people from attending churches , I was okay because my relationship with Jesus wasn't dependent on if I go to a physical church or not. I have my personal relationship with Jesus no matter what the "WORLD" shuts down. I will go as far to say this. If my wife & I wanted to go to a physical church we would come to yours but I have the feeling that we wouldn't be welcomed & I'm grateful that Jesus's doesn't feel that way. I'm grateful he's judging me & not the religious bigots ( Pharisees) of this "World". Those same religious bigots are part of the reason we have so many Atheists. Most Atheists have the kindness & heart of Jesus & don't even know how much closer to him they are than their religious counterparts. I'm not saying you're a bigot, maybe you would welcome us with open arms but we (Atheists too) don't get our Hope's up anymore with churches, pastors, or people because them same things they told you, they have been telling me too. That's the devil using people to come through & Gods way of saying do you trust me or them "the world"? Any way I'm sorry about the rant. I have never really talked like this before with a pastor. May Jesus continue to bless you & love you & use you the way only Jesus can. In Jesus Christ name out of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem Amen. . . I gotta be specific these days ❤💜💜❤✝️🛐💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
I was once a regular pioneer with Jehovah's Witnesses, and I left that toxic organization (Watchtower, the so-called Jehovah's Witnesses). But I have not stopped believing in the bible.
Then Jesus went on to say to the Jews who had believed him: if you remain in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John chapter 8: verse 31-32 .
Me too 😊.
I was once a regular pioneer with Jehovah's Witnesses, and I left that organization. Toxic organizations like the watchtower can do great harm to people of good faith. but I have not stopped believing in the bible.
If you want, you are invited to subscribe to my channel Biblical studies in Spanish, English, French, German and Italian.
I was once a regular pioneer with Jehovah's Witnesses, and I left that organization. Toxic organizations like the watchtower can do great harm to people of good faith. but I have not stopped believing in the bible.
If you want, you are invited to subscribe to my channel Biblical studies in Spanish, English, French, German and Italian.
Isn't our Heavenly Father God of the living and not of the dead? Thank you Pastor Kennedy.
I am not the enemy!
I was sent to warn you!
I am nobody -never said different!
I was raised up w/ woman teachers & pastor!
filled w/ spirit as a young girl before Kennedy death!
been spoken over many times as I grew!
I never question your calling nor want your job!
nor ever asked for money! never received any for the Lords work!
but blessings a strong mind strong body & most important strong spirit!
gave much fed the poor when I could brought many to stay in empty bedroom !
raised up my children & not my own! plus grand children now great grand children
w/out pay! or help! most of family gone now & friends! many churches died out!
we all got older! Im past retirement age but still work w/handicap,
run country home by self! read reread over & over & over Word
wrote out looked up words -love my Strongs' & my Ungers' Bible dictionary!
you know I only pointed you to the true Prophets of God -they will not get up
& go to your house to look you in eye! they do not fit your criteria
Moses was brought up in Egypt learn their way [like us, we are in Babylon
a confused state! under Papal office of sun worship -changed God set order!]
learning of his heritage stepped down off high place & chose to suffer w/God's people!
& look at John the Baptist -He wore same clothes came out of city & lived by river!
cried make your Way straight! [God's Way -law 10 big ones! keep 7th day Holy]
they were just 1st & last! the rest sent word to churches -we have to study deeply
& see what spirit is saying! Moses had to go into wilderness -a dry place -away from pulpit!
your church order can not save you nor Pope nor his way of disorder from Gods'!
you better wake up! you are being tested whether you Love the Truth or the super natural!
Satan works there fooling even elect! WAKE UP! search the script to follow! -old path!
He does not say He will split open the eastern sky!
but says as the lightening lights up sky from east to west!
so shall the son of man! light up sky w/His Glory coming down on bride!
He says He comes in the volume of book w/out observation
He comes in His Fathers name Word of God!
the prepared place -written Word -pearly gates!
we have to lay our life down like Isaac -His Seed will be called
like Christ out side of city! -church order -gives false light -twisted
a form of holiness but no power! only in belief of His Word! -creator!
He is the Word that gave us the Law & prophets
[I don't have to be one but believe their Word]
if you heard right a few weeks your event -test will show whether you love the Truth
or you love your super natural displays! you don't have to believe me -believe them!
know the Lord is trying to wake you up! -He wakes me up thinking about you!
He gave me a love for you to pray for your heart your ears eyes!
He wants to be known! by His bride! you can not do it alone!
when 1st church of God started they had to pray come together w/ one mind spirit & body!
you can say what you will about you tub -but yet put your on there! so people would see
[what great thing you have been given!] He said He would gather us together in the air!
[no air in sky, above Mts] Mt is a raised up place =Christ head of that place! MIND!
we have to have His mind formed in us! raises us up right in His image -transforms us!
by His spirit! w/in you -us! we have to prove each thing to know whether it is Him or Satan trying to keep us diverted away from His Truth -Word of God!
wake up & lead Gods people He put you in charge over to teach His Word not Papal office
He is the enemy of God -changed law bringing confusion! & disorder!
leave city! church order teaching twisted Truth! only unchanged orders will do you any good!
God help us all! I hope you heed His call He is gonna Do a quick thing!
He prayed not to take us out of world but that we would be a Light -His light to the world!
it's till we all come to knowledge of the Truth -Him Word in you our hope of Glory!
He comes as Day star! as a thief in night! unaware! in our hearts!
burst destroys what is not founded on Him! look like Him! He wants His image sown in earth!
destroys the wicked not walking in light using His name calling self His
but does not what He said! -stubbornness -same as witchcraft!
Wake up lady -fast pray read His Word! no more just a form of holier than thou!
God is looking at your heart! trying your regens -Do you Love Him Truth?
teach the Truth! love Him not super natural! enemy uses! He is in still small voice w/in
Had a hard time hearing this. Had sound all the way up. Can you please record the next one louder if possible. Thank you for all you do! God bless~ Gianna