Gotta admit Dee is the kind of guy you would enjoy sitting next to you on a cross country flight from NYC to LA. You certainly wouldn't fall asleep out of boredom.
Another great interview! You guys always manage to keep it fresh and interesting with your topics. Just like Michael, my first KISS moment was the Paul Lynde Halloween special. I was 6 years old and was fascinated and a little scared at the same time. I couldn't take my eyes of them. I will never forget that moment.
I have a whole new appreciation for Dee. He's just a fan speaking his truth. Great show guys and great to see how this show has progressed. A 3 Sides of the Coin FAN-Mike Mathieu
Let me tell you, I have a whole new respect for Dee Snider after this. His opinions are well thought out, he's open to other points of view, and well spoken. Thanks for getting him on the show....I really enjoyed it!
That AC/DC comparison was terrible. The drummer Chris Slade was in the band in the early 90's and the rhythm guitarist Steve Young toured with the band in the late 80's when Malcolm was in rehab. They aren't new members and aren't imitating anyone. Besides, who cares how they walk to the mic? If you think that's imitation how is what Kiss is doing not? AC/DC are known for their performance style and aren't gonna change it this late in the day. A better comparison would be if someone replaced Angus and wore the uniform and did his whole schtick. That's what Tommy's been doing for years. He looks like Ace, moves like Ace and even plays Ace's solo's note for note. How is that not imitation.
+Grungo Funguy you know something, if you are going to call out Mark maybe you should have the balls to stand up and use your real name. Otherwise you are history.
WOW! GREAT SHOW AND GREAT GUEST! I have always enjoyed Dee both as a musician and as a radio personality and also as actor (He was definitely pretty creepy in Strangeland!!!) One thing I have noticed throughout the years is what a fan of Rock and Heavy Metal He is. So I do understand His feelings about Ace and Peter and classic KISS even though I personally do not feel that way Myself. Throughout the years ALOT of our favorite bands have had lineup changes some for the good and some not. As much as I love the classic lineup I also love the new KISS lineup and I am so grateful that KISS and so many others are still around to play terrific rock and roll for all of Us and share with a new generation of Kids the power of Rock music and the magic of large stage shows that We all loved growing up. Thanks so much for another awesome show!!!!! Looking forward to the next episode already!!!😊 - Andy
great show nice interview with Dee Snider i am a longtime Twisted Sister fan and love all the other shows i have heard with fellow muscians telling there life stories great stuff Mike Mark and Tommy look forward to more great shows in the future!
I agree with Dee on his statement "hate the man, not the band" statement. But for some of us, music is somewhat emotional. I can't stand any band who uses their fame to encourage me to vote for a candidate. I instantly have a bad taste in my mouth for anything they do, or have done. So, I understand why Dee felt the way he did. Paul did personally attack him. Seeing it that way, I am a little surprised at Paul. He's usually smarter than that.
+Frank Patek Oh, I'll cut Paul some slack. After awhile, you get tired of addressing it and snap sometimes. I'm sure others would have done the same thing.
Paul has such a petty ego it’s ridiculous He fights w nobody’s online as well, not what I think a legend should worry themselves with. I can’t imagine Paul McCartney having to defend the Beatles with nobodies or other rock stars ,it’s lame as hell
Great episode guys. I was so pleasantly surprised to see Dee was your guest. Very relevant considering the hoopla and he's a really big star. Way to go! For what it is worth, I agree with Dee's perspective on all this. Even though you guys seem to disagree, this episode is a shining example of how to have a respectful disagreement. We all love Kiss, so things we like and dislike can be said without venom or personal attacking each other. And I loved Leader of the Pack. The video has an awesome little clip where the band gets off the motorcycles and they all do the zip-up move in unison after peeing on the side of the road. I always thought that was classic!! Again, great episode and thanks for keeping my favorite band alive.
Much respect for Dee for being open minded on the subject and willing to concede certain points. I agree with Dee's assessment on Tommy Thayer, but I do understand why others may feel differently. I get both sides of the argument. I think you guys opened Dee's eyes on the different types of KISS fans, which is often overlooked when people bash any lineup not the original. Great episode!
I totally agree with Dee about the two Kiss members wearing the original make ups and customs. I like Mark but he is way off the mark on this topic saying these two are not imitators... I mean I'm not passing a judgement on what the reasons are behind the decision but what are they doing if not impersonating Ace and Peter?
+Phard11 I disagree because to me it's the persons behind the make up that give the character life. Besides the make up and the costume are only a part of it, it's also about the voice, the moves, body language, personality and the playing, which I think are more important things.
+Geo Musicman Wow...someone who can RESPECTFULLY disagree with me. I can get on board with that. Thanks, Geo. Anyway, I don't agree, but that's ok. I understand your point of view.
Geo Martin I believe that it is more of a Tribute in a way to Ace and Peters charachters. An example of straight out copying the cat man charachter, if you listen to Eric’s playing the Old material, if you listen to Love shows from the 90’s into the early 2000’s, he used to improvise drum patterns and fills throughout a lot of songs, just listen to how he used to play Parasite. I believe he was told to play more like the studio versions, which I totally agree with, Peters playing may not be top notch, but what he later down it’s perfect for what it is and deserves to be presented live as we all remember it. Eric does his own flare behind the kit and flips his sticks a lot when he plays, so he is being himself while he plays the cat. Tommy on the other hand is playing the spaceman, but at the same time, the body movements he does, are the movements of Ace Frehley, and the Charachter that Ace Created, so that is the one Issue I take with Tommy. He landed the Gig he always wanted and already had at one point in time, so what better person to have it than him. But when I hear he signs autographs saying “The Real Spaceman”? That’s total disrespect. Ace is being imitated, in my opinion, fanboy Tommy Thayer will always just be a hired gun, none of his current songwriting will ever be significant in the catalogue for the fact he can’t be an original charachter, it’s a curse that he dresses like Ace. Bruce Kulick and Vinnie got to be themselves. Unless u are a fan of the band, if you grow up Decades from now, unless u do your homework before listening, if you buy sonic boom and monster you’d just think they were follow ups to Psycho Circus and they were Ace and Peter records. The 3 side guys will never bash the current lineup because they are in with the band personally, it’s like the People who do Star Wars podcasts that have connections with Disney, they all Swear that Star Wars the last Jedi was the best movie since Empire Strikes back, when in reality it was a SJW art project, total rubbish, but since it had the Star Wars Name attatched to it, it still draws fans no matter what. Kind of like when Kiss put the makeup back on, you knew it was never coming off again. Love the show, I just wish u would speak what a lot of fans think. Paul’s Voice is done, they did lip synch in Japan, Ace doesn’t take his own career serious, but if he had good management he could pack clubs on his own, although even Genes solo shows were not sold out so that’s not a good comparison. You guys are ace Fans, but do make Bias statements, normally leaning more towards sounding like Paul and Gene at times. And you never Criticize Paul and Gene for letting Tom and Eric wear the Makeup, when they took advantage of 2 addicts when they were at their lowest and got their lawyers to make a bad deal for their clients and bought the rights to something Iconic that Peter and Ace created themselves. Now it’s a Cover band in Reality. Motley Crue without Vince in the 90’s was still Called Motley Crue, not nearly as Sucessfull. The Only reason Kiss still works is due to the work the 4 original guys put in in the 70’s. The Setlists prove that. Yes Ace and Peter screwed themselves personally, but Greed is a major thing that Ruined the Kiss Reunion, we should have gotten a real kiss reunion CD, not the false advertisement that was put out in the record stores. It’s my life should have been the single too. Just as good as Rock and roll all night
I don't see any reason why Ace would dislike you guys. You are clearly big fans. As fans, we say what we like and dislike. I wish he would call Michael to hep him promote himself though. Mike would do an awesome job.
+Jackie Flash And we love Ace! Its just some fans believe we should not be honest and lie. The fact that something we say is negative makes them believe Ace hates us.
Great episode so far Tommy, Mike and Mark. Got through your entire dialog with Dee and had to pause the episode so i could write this comment (before i forgot). i think the biggest thing i wanted to know about/hear from Dee (and i think many TSOC fans were dying to know/hear as well) was if Dee thought/thinks Vinnie Vincent saved KISS. Maybe if he comes on the show again, you guys can ask him. Anyways. i'm going to get back to the show so i can find out what this week's homework assignment is. Thanks as always, gentlemen, for the show you guys create.
My favorite Twisted Sister-record: You Can't Stop Rock 'n' Roll. Killer album! (But my favorite TS-song is The Fire Still Burns from Come Out and Play.)
Another great show. Snider was funny, thoughtful, and open to opposing viewpoints. I was always a marginal TS fan at best (You Can't Stop Rock and Roll is a great album, IMHO), but I have always liked Dee. This episode just made me like him even more. If only more of us could be open to someone else's viewpoint without turning it into name-calling, the world (esp. social media) would be a much better place. Wait...who am I kidding?!? We are talking about KISS fans here! lol
+Brad D Exactly! I didn't know what to expect but Dee was very nice. Off topic - JFK's hit... and he was deliberately publicly whacked like a guy who owed Vito Genovese 10Gs... The strongest theory I have ever read/heard, backed by the most evidence, is that a plot to assassinate Castro, at least a year in the making, was switched to killing JFK and blaming Castro, igniting a national fervor to 'take back' Cuba. This would nullify ultra-pain-in-the-ass Bobby, too. Nice.... Rogue CIA/FBI, internationally leased 'mechanics', US mobsters, rogue Army Intel, were likely directed by a think tank starring the Dulles brothers and Texas oil barons, particularly the Hunts. The Mayor of Dallas, Nov. '63, was the brother of a major CIA player who Kennedy personally fired. Roughly 40% of the Dallas PD were actual KKK/John Birchers. By far the most damning documents and testimony comes from the Bethesda autopsy. It is here that the US government's involvement is baldly obvious. Horrifyingly so. David Lifton's "Best Evidence", an entire book devoted to the autopsy is very hard to read. Soul frightening. A full blown coup d'etat. Lastly, poor eager naive LHO was being groomed for something big for years. Exciting stuff for a kid in his early 20s. Turned out it was patsy for the killing of a sitting POTUS. PS Dig them two cats just sittin' on the curb, enjoying the sun, some 30 seconds after the shooting... The one in the darker clothing is Umbrella Man. Less than 60 seconds before this shot, his umbrella was open on a blazing sunny day, lining up with the Stemmons Freeway sign to give the shooters behind the fence a signal and a frame. The one in the light jacket less than 10 minutes later is seen by an honest Dallas Detective driving a tan Rambler station wagon that stops by the Depository and LHO gets in and they drive away.
You are a true believer, Tommy! LOL! Again, this theory, like many others, has been circulating for some time. What I see here is a lot of random persons and events strung together to give the appearance of a coherent narrative. The anti-Castro/Bircher/Texas oil is appealing because it is a laundry list of shady characters, many of whom had no use for JFK or RFK. Still, the assertions raise as many questions as they answer...way more than I have time to go into here before we get accused of hogging discussion with non-KISS related content! I will conclude by saying this...just because there are many people who want you dead does not therefore mean they were all involved in making it happen. One of these days I am going to get to Minneapolis and we are going to hash all this stuff out again over beer and bratwurst. I'll buy!
Great interview, love the fact that Snider came out and gave his opinion on all this. He was really generous and truthful. Usually I'm always behind Paul, but his reply on the Jericho podcast was pretty weak, when you don't have an argument you start using those words. Paul's intelligent enough to have explained it, but he probably felt he didn't want to waste his time on this, and that's his right. Kudos to 3 Sides of getting Dee at the right moment.
WOW? Just seeing this so I'm wat behind. Dee, you're wrong about Twisted Sister not being a band that a fan doesn't know all the band. I am a huge fan. I know all your names, I bought all the TS albums, tapes, CD's. I even have the Teenage Survival Guide and I'm 56. I got an autograph from you outside a Widowmaker show (thanks for that b.t.w.) My friends and I followed your career all our youth. Thank You. You guys are loved.
Cmon Dee. I can't believe Dee is back tracking cuz of Mark and Tommy's views. Stick to your guns Dee! Tommy mimics Ace, he is a poser and rip off. Really disappointed in Marks views. Its sacrilegious to like these imposters. There's only one KISS, and that's the original members and most of us realize. They can't be replaced like any other members of any other band. KISS were Superheros to us. Tommy and Eric are Super-zeros. I'm with Dee and Eddie . Who the hell wants to "experience" (per Tommy S) KISS circa 2015? The hardcore KISS fans don't, which prove that Mike, Mark, and Tommy are not die-hards. If you like posers, you are one. p.s You guys probably think someone can dress up and play Dee Snider too.
As a huge KISS fan, I always wondered why Paul used to do that? He trashed Motley, Twisted Sister and others! Just never could understand, it's rock! Just have fun and kick some ASS! I wonder is it was just out of wanting to promote KISS and remove everyones eyes from the new Bands of that day?
Regarding the two fingers, I seem to remember reading , in 1976 or so, Gene Simmons saying he was copying Dr. Strange, not Spider-man. Fan of classic KISS '74-'78..
Mike is right about the new fans coming in. I got into KISS when I was 8 because of Crazy Night's. I loved Forever on Hot In The Shade. I was 12 when Revenge came out and I hung up the poster that was in RIP magazine. I was 13 when I started listening to the 70's stuff. I love it, but the Bruce Kulick era is MY KISS
Thanks for making the main point by using AC/DC. Brian Johnson is not wearing a Bon Scott mask and Malcom's nephew is not wearing a Malcom Young mask. To the original hard core fans It's not what they do it's what they are wearing. People now going for the experience. Right. Casual concert goers who don't care.
What about Paul and Gene barely letting Eric and Tommy talk on group interviews ...they may have even been quiet completely on interviews for 7 years at one point. 😮
mark.. the reason kiss/ ace deuce controversy exists is the reunion video- the second coming video.. ace argues with gene about the arrangement.. and gene kind of realizes the song has evolved since ace left. it almost seems that ace coming back brought deuce, parasite, she, and let and go rock and roll back to the original sound. those are songs that the band has kept since the original reunion (notice i still call them a band, even though some people wont, with tommy). gene and paul are still great songwriters.. paul recently released a song called mistake that was a demo from 75 that is amazing. get me.. im not cutting them down. i love gene and paul. and i loved eric carr when he came. (believe me, anyone who knows me, and anyone who has heard me play knows that is an understatement).. and i loved eric singer when he played with gary moore and badlands, and lita ford, and sabbath. (although the gary moore stuff is the stuff that kicks, for me).. and i really loved a ton load of the crap bruce (though i like the boss, im talkin bout kulick).. specially asylum.. bruce..i thank you for that. when it came out i was like.. they are fuckin back!!!!! BACK!!!!!! but . TOM>. tom.. it has to be hard.. cause there are personal relationships there that exists above and beyond fandom.. you are not ace and realize it.. there are tons of black and blue fans who are wanting a new album.. jamie wont do it without ya. so that might be my point. i love ya guys,,. but this aint your deal.. this is aces deal.. make him deal with his own deal.. and deal with your own. and make gene and paul reize dealing with ace is thier deal... and maybe he (ACE) makes five million a year.. and you only make one hundred thou... but.. be you.. and let him be him.. hope i didnt sound (print) crazy. i really appreciate all of you guys and all of your efforts. if you ever ever ever ever ever need a third or fourth or fifth voice for your show i hope you would let it be me, as i have watched.... at least listened to, ninety percent of the podcasts. or need someone to explain drumparts.. or whatever you need i will do it.. or the historyy of kiss drumparts i can do it.. at least as i undrstand it.. ..ty.. ty. ty...dave
+David Williams final note.. i am a dee snider... and the dee impression (not to belittle gene or paul) of gene shows why... im a blue collar drummer in a blue collar town.. i appreciate your attitude, at least, at the very least, you have shown that you understand..once again, thank you, dee.]
Great show guys. Never cared for Twisted Sister's music...and for me, their "image" was about as a big a turn off as Poison's was.... image was probably the first thing that drew me to Kiss as a youngster...and it's STILL a cool image. BUT I DID gain bit of respect for Dee listening to him. He came off as fairly intelligent, and able to take criticism. His stories of Gene were CLASSIC.I still feel that anybody who draws the line at "old" Kiss vs new is severely misusing their time.On a side note, as one of the biggest Van Halen fans on earth... I have to agree with Dee. The initial reunion tour, I think Dave had something to prove, and actually TRIED with good forward to today, and he's back to his "Diamond Dave " shtick...and he clearly can no longer cut the cheese, musically. And "Fuck your girlfriend" jokes are just plain creepy when coming from a dude with a turkey neck.
It was a very inciteful show, we saw the real Dee Snider not only respecting himself but everyone else. I always assumed he didn't like Paul/Gene because of Ace bad mouthing them to him, but that clearly isn't the case (I'd assume he would know what Ace plays at least) One thing that should be looked back on is Dee is only being asked the questions and he answers them, much like KISS do - so don't blame Dee, blame the media for repeatedly asking and sharing the q&a's.
Probably the best episode I have seen to date on Three Sides.I was not a huge Twisted Sister fan, but watching Dee over the years on other interviews, I do like his professionalism. My opinion only....... but I really cannot understand this whole argument about the original members versus the new in makeup. The characters and the person are not one in the same. Ace played the Spaceman in the original lineup and Tommy plays it now. Ace was awesome and Tommy is awesome. I love the originals and I would have loved them to stay together forever, but I would have stopped watching KISS when Ace and Peter couldn't pull it off anymore which happened long ago. I actually haven't returned this past year as Paul seems to struggle to do it anymore.
well he was in a tribute band look at judas priest tim ripper owens hell they made a movie about it I bet any one had a chance to play in a tribute band then get a chance to join that band would jump at it
You’re geeking out on The nuances of kisses moves with Dee Snider and missing the point. It doesn’t matter if they copy every single thing ,it’s like having members of Beatle mania joining the real Beatles and calling it the Beatles. And why does Ace get a pass to play deuce,I’ll use AC/DC as an example,Brian sings songs that Bon sang but they don’t do it’s a long way to the top & when asked why ,they have respect that some songs are too close to Bon so they don’t do it. You have so many songs neglected from the 80s and Revenge a kiss fans favorite why do Beth Or shock me ? Its so identifiable personal to those members and you’re as I mentioned neglecting a catalog that most fans would prefer to hear anyway. Fkn so sick of kiss apologist.
Both Ace and Peter have mentioned, it stopped Beeing a rock band and went corporate bussiness thing instead! I agree other band members other make Up but its a calculated money thing! In My opinion THE bands best years/albums 75-77
These guys have every right to have their own opinion, but I don't understand how anyone could say that Eric and Tommy are not imitators? Don't get me wrong, I love them both, but they are IMITATING them. They dress like them, they sing their songs, they try their best to act like them, that is LITERALLY the definition of imitating. I believe they are imitating them, that is my opinion, again, I still love them.
My wish has always been that Ace would have been more in control in 1979. He was right when he wanted the band to keep going in the heavier direction. Had he not been so messed up maybe the rest of the band (G&P) would have taken his advise, I feel that they would have stayed on top through the majority of the 1980's. You guys hit it on the head when you said that it's only the original fans that care about the make up issue, for the better part. I have always felt that they should have had their own persona. From a marketing point of view KISS was not going to make it with new personas. I wonder what would have happened if Led Zeppelin would have lost Jimmy Page, could another guitarist have pulled it off, better yet could that person have worn Jimmy's stage clothes, I doubt it. I think that the original make up is so iconic that the old fans can't get around forgetting about Ace & Peter. Maybe it's that some fans feel more "personally" about the guy under the make up. So when did it happen that the fans only care about the music & show and not the players, I guess nowadays people aren't that attached to the players? I have to give props to Dee for coming on the show, you guys just proved once again that you can disagree and have a great conversation. I will always prefer KISS from 1974-1979 but I did like Revenge too...........for me it's the music, as a musician that comes first. The music KISS first made will always be the best; before 1979. To be honest, I think that I would have become a much better drummer had I not played along with KISS when I started in 1976......I would have been fine with learning guitar playing along with Ace. Great fun guys!
Everyone has their own opinion about THE band and rightfully so! But Beeing cast out! For not agreeing with the bands status nowadays and their camp is hillarious!
Bottom line for me.... respect all past and present band members in bands like Kiss, Maiden and AC/DC (to name but a few) or else we don't have the bands we love to listen to or go to see. Respect to all. Love your band and stand up for rock and metal.
In the 1970's Kiss ruled with at least 9 great albums. In the 1980's Kiss only had one great album, while Twisted Sister had 4 great albums. In 1985 Twisted Sister was selling more albums and more concert tickets than Kiss at the time. I love Paul Stanley, I like Kiss better than Twisted Sister (based on 1970's Kiss material), but I don't agree on Dee Snyder being a wannabe at all, Twisted Sister totally rocks !
I got old Kiss & Twisted Sister t-shirts and my old bedroom at my moms house still has my favorite album covers tacked to the walls, which includes Kiss & Twisted Sister, so whatever with the bullshit, I'm not taking sides, I'm just gonna keep listening to the music I loved !
Last question... Favorite TS album, Under the blade (under the blade, day of the rocker, I'll never grow up, what you don't know, bad boys of rock n' roll)... favorite album !
Oh yea, and tear it loose. Great album, gotta listen to it this weekend sometime. Yup, another great conversation guys, thanks, see ya on the next show, peace.
You Can't imitate the move ACE makes Moving Backwards With That Slow Studer Step Almost looks like it's going to fall down at times this Be from Alcohol It's iconic he should have patent the move Only Ace really can move this way
Again another awesome interview....dee was respectful and the kiss army idiots that wanna create trouble...sit down and chill. dee is awesome, go buy a twisted cd and's all rock and roll and "YOU CAN'T STOP ROCK AND ROLL".!!!
Hey guys.. kind of off topic but thought you should know.. there's a local radio station here in Boston (actually a sports radio station) that just had Ace on for an interview. It was pretty priceless stuff!! Lots of funny moments. Here's the link if you or any Kiss fans want to check it out:
Kiss is selling nostalgia. Eric singer, playing in Eric Carrs creatures suit, but in Peter Criss makeup says it all. If they would at least admit that. However they hide behind the bullshit line that kiss is a believe, not the people in it. Pauls voice sucks now and has for several years. they are ripping off the fans. kiss fan since 76
Brett played Jonesboro Arkansas at the BBQ festival and they had small table's with stuff for sale and then you see the autographed stuff and the price just explodes really, then they had a small crumpled piece of paper that said Meet Brett $200.00 and honestly i didn't see anyone paying for that privilege and they were selling it as only a few spots left..BS
I Get the Original only in make up point of view. When they did the solo albums it was not Demon,Starchild,Spaceman,catman - it was Ace ,Peter ,gene,Paul and their last names on the cover. So i get it and its valid. BUT ,I think by keeping those characters they are honoring the original 4 .I would be insulted if they didnt use them because it would be taking away Ace and Petes contribution .When they didnt do Beth for a while i thought it was negating Peters contribution. To me Kiss is more about a point of view ,and a spirit .. But i think Ace and Pete grew out of it and went their own way .I dont think their heart was in the vision for KISS and their solo projects showed it.Even Paul and Gene constantly say"the demo is better" but they changed songs they liked to fit the KISS MODE and i think Pete and Ace had something to say and didnt wanted molding into t kiss but their personal statements delivered their way . I get the orignal 4,and i gew up on that but i think also the current KISS is worthy of rrespect with Tommy and Eric because they contribute and keep those characters alive
Thumbs 👍 up from me!! AEROSMITH ALERT ⚠️ in the 7th minute!! 'Would you look at the time ⏲️ '!! Blue Kool-Aid Drinker. Peace ✌️ out from the Southern Tip of Vancouver Island 🏝, B.C. Canada ⛱️ 🇨🇦.
I have watch the show a few times, and im really kind of wondering if you guys have anything good to say about KISS? Its kind of far and few between from what I see and hear. I guess im not real sure where you guys are coming from. I know you 3 collect, and thats cool, but why all of the bashing for a band that you all claim to love? Just confused is all, I first found the band when Dressed to kill hit the shelves, And all though I will bleed Ace, Paul, Gene, and Peter, I also have a VERY deep respect for all.
+Michael Brandvold Dont get me wrong Michael, I respect 3 sides, and its entertaining, But it just seems like I hear more negative than positive, Maybe its just me, and maybe I hear and take things wrong. But Ace and Peter seem to take a beating more than complements. Again, maybe im wrong, but thats just the vibe I seem to get. It just seems like there is more judging them on bad things than there is on the good things. We all know that there are some bad sides of KISS, as there are with every band. but lets talk a little more on the positive side of the band. Hell, I may be one of the few that thinks Music from the Elder was BAD ASS! It showed the talent of the band to change it up.
I love 3 sides of the coin Michael, and im in no way trying to bash, I just feel like there is more negative than positive is all. The interview with Dee, I respect him, and loved the band, but you cant tell me that Paul said what he did out of no where, something was said by the twisted sister camp in order for Paul to go off like that. I wished it never happened, because us old school rock fans live off of these bands! They are a release for us! It just sucks to see the feuding.
I wasn't a TS fan until I seen them open for Iron Maiden on the Slavery Tour. When they played Your gonna burn in hell , it was scary and bad ass. Seen Kiss on the Dynasty tour they were good but Ace is the only one that stood out as great talent, he must have ben fairly sober.
People need to blame Paul n gene for dressing them up in Ace n peters makeup Paul n gene should give them a chance to have there own characters they make them wear it because casual fans may not know the difference they as a band should hang it up Paul's voice is gone
I like Paul Stanley, but I just didn't like the way Paul handled this whole situation by attacking Dee. Is it free speech? Yes, of course, it is. In the same way, some of you mentioned how you love Neil Peart, but were extremely annoyed, in so many words, about how his statements regarding how Rush was not about the merchandise, etc...
1. It's Margaret Hamilton (Wizard Of Oz, Maxwell House) on the Paul Lynde special--not Witchiepoo. 2. Say what you will about the midrangey production on 'Stay Hungry', but A.J. Pero's drums make that album RULE. And while the 2004 re-recording 'Still Hungry' is much thicker, more compressed & certainly louder(not to mention transposed to lower keys to accommodate Dee's range), it does A.J's amazingly distinctive double-mic'ed drum sound NO favors whatsoever. 3. Fuck Dee Snider, fuck Paul Stanley & fuck Mike, Tommy & Mark. Fuck ME. While you're at it, fuck a meatloaf! ;) You ALL make my life more enjoyable, so thanks, as usual, guys!
i do have to say, I agree with with what someone already said here, I cannot believe that mark doesn't think tommy is impersonating ace. I thought that was a given, and the debate amongst kiss fans is weather that is okay or not. I have never heard of anyone questioning if tommy is impersonating ace or not. Even Paul and Gene them selves say tommy is the spaceman so of course he is playing the spaceman! Is mark watching the same Tommy Thayer I am? and BTW, I am a huge ace and peter fan, but I am also a kiss fan and have no problem with tommy and eric as the cat and spaceman. besides the foot shuffle, tommy is absolutely impersonating ace, and that is okay! Kiss can do what they want! (but cmon kiss admits themselves that tommy thayer is playing the spaceman! just sayin....)
+Human Steve People focus on any similarity they can to say it is a imitation. The problem is people are afraid to admit to themselves that it is ok for other people to like something you don't like and that you can't do anything about it. You are afraid to let go of your past, your childhood and move on with life. It is just awkward speaking to people who insist on living in the past.
+Human Steve First my name is Mike NOT Mikey... second I read it all and I am just pointing out the stupidity of this discussion. Now go spew somewhere that cares what you say.
+Jay Harden Sorry Jay did you think you had freedom of speech? LOL how foolish of you. It is my channel and I allow what I like to exist, I never ever said it was going to fair. So now unless you want to join the other troll is the trash I suggest you drop it as well.
+Jay Harden I didn't dismiss him because he disagreed with me. It was for a completely different reason. But you know everything right? You are aware of everything. It had NOTHING to do with his feedback what so ever. If it did, I would have removed him much earlier, but I didn't. It is great hearing from fans who know why things happened, LOL.
Dee Snider is being nice here....listen to Eddies is disrespectful for those two guys to play Ace and Peter....I'm a hardcore Kiss fan but I've been done since this crud went down...
+Nat Funk There are few options... 1. I can refund your money spent listening to the show. 2. You can send us money to purchase gear. 3. Stop listening.
+Nat Funk since we don't make and money from the show and we do it entirely for free... you get exactly what we produce. It works just fine for us and tens of thousands of others.
I got something for Dee, he makes a comment about AC/DC guys doing the same stick as old members "well they are just doing what they were told" Well isn't KISS doing the same with Tommy and Eric? Why is he ok with AC/DC doing it, but not KISS? Cause of makeup? really?
Worst episode ever. Jump all over Dee for 35 minutes, and tell him how the new KISS does not copy the originals stage moves. They are wearing Peter and Aces make-up. That was his point to begin with. You missed that point all together.
+matt long Ace and Peter sold the rights to their make up. Would you buy thr rights and not use them? Clearly Ace and Peter have no issue,or they would not have sold them.
Profound comment from Dee: "a great reunion show makes you feel young, a bad one makes you feel old"
Gotta admit Dee is the kind of guy you would enjoy sitting next to you on a cross country flight from NYC to LA. You certainly wouldn't fall asleep out of boredom.
Sounds like Hell.
Another great interview! You guys always manage to keep it fresh and interesting with your topics. Just like Michael, my first KISS moment was the Paul Lynde Halloween special. I was 6 years old and was fascinated and a little scared at the same time. I couldn't take my eyes of them. I will never forget that moment.
I have a whole new appreciation for Dee. He's just a fan speaking his truth. Great show guys and great to see how this show has progressed. A 3 Sides of the Coin FAN-Mike Mathieu
Agree 100% with Dee about Eric being his "own cat". Tommy on the other hand I still see as an Ace impersonator.
Cool show. Dee is a good guy. Thanks for having him on.
Let me tell you, I have a whole new respect for Dee Snider after this. His opinions are well thought out, he's open to other points of view, and well spoken. Thanks for getting him on the show....I really enjoyed it!
I must admit I was a Huge Paul Stanley fan up untill the last 5+ years - I must admit Dee is right on about Paul
Lemmy was one of the few real rockers. He was the real deal.
Another Great show & gave me a new appreciation for Dee the person. Always liked Twisted Sister & they haven't been to Australia in long time..
great show guys. Dee was a great guest. I also liked the small talk at the start where you all talked Motorhead etc. Well done.
Imagine giving a shit about what Eddie Trunk thinks.
That AC/DC comparison was terrible. The drummer Chris Slade was in the band in the early 90's and the rhythm guitarist Steve Young toured with the band in the late 80's when Malcolm was in rehab. They aren't new members and aren't imitating anyone. Besides, who cares how they walk to the mic? If you think that's imitation how is what Kiss is doing not? AC/DC are known for their performance style and aren't gonna change it this late in the day. A better comparison would be if someone replaced Angus and wore the uniform and did his whole schtick. That's what Tommy's been doing for years. He looks like Ace, moves like Ace and even plays Ace's solo's note for note. How is that not imitation.
Just get Ace on the show. How hard can it be?
+Vader 97 Hard times getting him on this show!
Vader 97 yes
Marc is such a typical Jersey kiss con type of fan. Just swallow what Gene dishes out. I used to love kiss but they are embarrassingly bad now.
+Grungo Funguy you know something, if you are going to call out Mark maybe you should have the balls to stand up and use your real name. Otherwise you are history.
You can't stop rock 'n' roll is an awesome metal album, it was great tunes ! As for Kiss, no one can replace ACE. For me anyway :)
Lemmy died December 28, 2015 shortly after you mentioned him. R.I.P.
WOW! GREAT SHOW AND GREAT GUEST! I have always enjoyed Dee both as a musician and as a radio personality and also as actor (He was definitely pretty creepy in Strangeland!!!) One thing I have noticed throughout the years is what a fan of Rock and Heavy Metal He is. So I do understand His feelings about Ace and Peter and classic KISS even though I personally do not feel that way Myself. Throughout the years ALOT of our favorite bands have had lineup changes some for the good and some not. As much as I love the classic lineup I also love the new KISS lineup and I am so grateful that KISS and so many others are still around to play terrific rock and roll for all of Us and share with a new generation of Kids the power of Rock music and the magic of large stage shows that We all loved growing up. Thanks so much for another awesome show!!!!! Looking forward to the next episode already!!!😊 - Andy
great show nice interview with Dee Snider i am a longtime Twisted Sister fan and love all the other shows i have heard with fellow muscians telling there life stories great stuff Mike Mark and Tommy look forward to more great shows in the future!
I agree with Dee on his statement "hate the man, not the band" statement. But for some of us, music is somewhat emotional. I can't stand any band who uses their fame to encourage me to vote for a candidate. I instantly have a bad taste in my mouth for anything they do, or have done.
So, I understand why Dee felt the way he did. Paul did personally attack him. Seeing it that way, I am a little surprised at Paul. He's usually smarter than that.
+Frank Patek I agree
+Frank Patek Oh, I'll cut Paul some slack. After awhile, you get tired of addressing it and snap sometimes. I'm sure others would have done the same thing.
Paul has such a petty ego it’s ridiculous
He fights w nobody’s online as well, not what I think a legend should worry themselves with.
I can’t imagine Paul McCartney having to defend the Beatles with nobodies or other rock stars ,it’s lame as hell
I agree with Dee, it was a cheap shot by Paul. he didn't need to include the whole band in this
+Abe Froman Dee was including the whole band when talking about KISS. Difference without distinction.
but what did Eddie, JJ, Mark, and AJ do to be called Buffoons by Paul?
+Abe Froman I'm not condoning it, but collateral damage. Paul felt as though the whole band was being attacked and he lashed out.
+Abe Froman You have to consider Paul had his therapist on call, from the old days, even made him a manager at one point.
another great interview cheers from denmark..;)
Great episode guys. I was so pleasantly surprised to see Dee was your guest. Very relevant considering the hoopla and he's a really big star. Way to go! For what it is worth, I agree with Dee's perspective on all this. Even though you guys seem to disagree, this episode is a shining example of how to have a respectful disagreement. We all love Kiss, so things we like and dislike can be said without venom or personal attacking each other. And I loved Leader of the Pack. The video has an awesome little clip where the band gets off the motorcycles and they all do the zip-up move in unison after peeing on the side of the road. I always thought that was classic!! Again, great episode and thanks for keeping my favorite band alive.
Why didn't Dee buy the 8th KISS album?
By then I think he wanted to do his own thing with T.S.
I only watch the episodes where my name is brought up.....
+Izzy Presley ...Uh..Don't you have a sausage calling your name somewhere?
there is always food with my name on it calling me somewhere....
Much respect for Dee for being open minded on the subject and willing to concede certain points. I agree with Dee's assessment on Tommy Thayer, but I do understand why others may feel differently. I get both sides of the argument. I think you guys opened Dee's eyes on the different types of KISS fans, which is often overlooked when people bash any lineup not the original. Great episode!
Dee is a great guest and you can see why he is such a great front man and driving force.
I totally agree with Dee about the two Kiss members wearing the original make ups and customs. I like Mark but he is way off the mark on this topic saying these two are not imitators... I mean I'm not passing a judgement on what the reasons are behind the decision but what are they doing if not impersonating Ace and Peter?
+Geo Musicman Characters...not people. This is not identity theft.
+Phard11 I disagree because to me it's the persons behind the make up that give the character life. Besides the make up and the costume are only a part of it, it's also about the voice, the moves, body language, personality and the playing, which I think are more important things.
+Geo Musicman Wow...someone who can RESPECTFULLY disagree with me. I can get on board with that. Thanks, Geo. Anyway, I don't agree, but that's ok. I understand your point of view.
+Phard11 Yeah we're cool man.
Geo Martin I believe that it is more of a Tribute in a way to Ace and Peters charachters. An example of straight out copying the cat man charachter, if you listen to Eric’s playing the Old material, if you listen to Love shows from the 90’s into the early 2000’s, he used to improvise drum patterns and fills throughout a lot of songs, just listen to how he used to play Parasite. I believe he was told to play more like the studio versions, which I totally agree with, Peters playing may not be top notch, but what he later down it’s perfect for what it is and deserves to be presented live as we all remember it. Eric does his own flare behind the kit and flips his sticks a lot when he plays, so he is being himself while he plays the cat. Tommy on the other hand is playing the spaceman, but at the same time, the body movements he does, are the movements of Ace Frehley, and the Charachter that Ace Created, so that is the one Issue I take with Tommy. He landed the Gig he always wanted and already had at one point in time, so what better person to have it than him. But when I hear he signs autographs saying “The Real Spaceman”? That’s total disrespect. Ace is being imitated, in my opinion, fanboy Tommy Thayer will always just be a hired gun, none of his current songwriting will ever be significant in the catalogue for the fact he can’t be an original charachter, it’s a curse that he dresses like Ace. Bruce Kulick and Vinnie got to be themselves. Unless u are a fan of the band, if you grow up Decades from now, unless u do your homework before listening, if you buy sonic boom and monster you’d just think they were follow ups to Psycho Circus and they were Ace and Peter records. The 3 side guys will never bash the current lineup because they are in with the band personally, it’s like the People who do Star Wars podcasts that have connections with Disney, they all Swear that Star Wars the last Jedi was the best movie since Empire Strikes back, when in reality it was a SJW art project, total rubbish, but since it had the Star Wars Name attatched to it, it still draws fans no matter what. Kind of like when Kiss put the makeup back on, you knew it was never coming off again. Love the show, I just wish u would speak what a lot of fans think. Paul’s Voice is done, they did lip synch in Japan, Ace doesn’t take his own career serious, but if he had good management he could pack clubs on his own, although even Genes solo shows were not sold out so that’s not a good comparison. You guys are ace Fans, but do make Bias statements, normally leaning more towards sounding like Paul and Gene at times. And you never Criticize Paul and Gene for letting Tom and Eric wear the Makeup, when they took advantage of 2 addicts when they were at their lowest and got their lawyers to make a bad deal for their clients and bought the rights to something Iconic that Peter and Ace created themselves. Now it’s a Cover band in Reality. Motley Crue without Vince in the 90’s was still Called Motley Crue, not nearly as Sucessfull. The Only reason Kiss still works is due to the work the 4 original guys put in in the 70’s. The Setlists prove that. Yes Ace and Peter screwed themselves personally, but Greed is a major thing that Ruined the Kiss Reunion, we should have gotten a real kiss reunion CD, not the false advertisement that was put out in the record stores. It’s my life should have been the single too. Just as good as Rock and roll all night
I don't see any reason why Ace would dislike you guys. You are clearly big fans. As fans, we say what we like and dislike. I wish he would call Michael to hep him promote himself though. Mike would do an awesome job.
+Jackie Flash He doesn't dislike us, only some of his crazy fans do. But their heads have been in the sand for a long time now.
I know. Not all of us. :) I'm a huge Ace fan and love 3 sides!!!
+Jackie Flash And we love Ace! Its just some fans believe we should not be honest and lie. The fact that something we say is negative makes them believe Ace hates us.
Great episode so far Tommy, Mike and Mark. Got through your entire dialog with Dee and had to pause the episode so i could write this comment (before i forgot). i think the biggest thing i wanted to know about/hear from Dee (and i think many TSOC fans were dying to know/hear as well) was if Dee thought/thinks Vinnie Vincent saved KISS. Maybe if he comes on the show again, you guys can ask him. Anyways. i'm going to get back to the show so i can find out what this week's homework assignment is.
Thanks as always, gentlemen, for the show you guys create.
+Matt Cald Shit! We forgot to ask him
1:03 Dee's brilliant impression of Gene Simmons is priceless!
My favorite Twisted Sister-record: You Can't Stop Rock 'n' Roll. Killer album!
(But my favorite TS-song is The Fire Still Burns from Come Out and Play.)
I really dig this and even know other people who would like to come on your show
Another great show. Snider was funny, thoughtful, and open to opposing viewpoints. I was always a marginal TS fan at best (You Can't Stop Rock and Roll is a great album, IMHO), but I have always liked Dee. This episode just made me like him even more. If only more of us could be open to someone else's viewpoint without turning it into name-calling, the world (esp. social media) would be a much better place.
Wait...who am I kidding?!? We are talking about KISS fans here! lol
+Brad D Exactly! I didn't know what to expect but Dee was very nice. Off topic - JFK's hit... and he was deliberately publicly whacked like a guy who owed Vito Genovese 10Gs...
The strongest theory I have ever read/heard, backed by the most evidence, is that a plot to assassinate Castro, at least a year in the making, was switched to killing JFK and blaming Castro, igniting a national fervor to 'take back' Cuba.
This would nullify ultra-pain-in-the-ass Bobby, too. Nice....
Rogue CIA/FBI, internationally leased 'mechanics', US mobsters, rogue Army Intel, were likely directed by a think tank starring the Dulles brothers and Texas oil barons, particularly the Hunts.
The Mayor of Dallas, Nov. '63, was the brother of a major CIA player who Kennedy personally fired.
Roughly 40% of the Dallas PD were actual KKK/John Birchers.
By far the most damning documents and testimony comes from the Bethesda autopsy. It is here that the US government's involvement is baldly obvious. Horrifyingly so. David Lifton's "Best Evidence", an entire book devoted to the autopsy is very hard to read. Soul frightening. A full blown coup d'etat.
Lastly, poor eager naive LHO was being groomed for something big for years. Exciting stuff for a kid in his early 20s. Turned out it was patsy for the killing of a sitting POTUS.
PS Dig them two cats just sittin' on the curb, enjoying the sun, some 30 seconds after the shooting... The one in the darker clothing is Umbrella Man. Less than 60 seconds before this shot, his umbrella was open on a blazing sunny day, lining up with the Stemmons Freeway sign to give the shooters behind the fence a signal and a frame. The one in the light jacket less than 10 minutes later is seen by an honest Dallas Detective driving a tan Rambler station wagon that stops by the Depository and LHO gets in and they drive away.
You are a true believer, Tommy! LOL! Again, this theory, like many others, has been circulating for some time. What I see here is a lot of random persons and events strung together to give the appearance of a coherent narrative. The anti-Castro/Bircher/Texas oil is appealing because it is a laundry list of shady characters, many of whom had no use for JFK or RFK. Still, the assertions raise as many questions as they answer...way more than I have time to go into here before we get accused of hogging discussion with non-KISS related content! I will conclude by saying this...just because there are many people who want you dead does not therefore mean they were all involved in making it happen. One of these days I am going to get to Minneapolis and we are going to hash all this stuff out again over beer and bratwurst. I'll buy!
Great interview, love the fact that Snider came out and gave his opinion on all this. He was really generous and truthful. Usually I'm always behind Paul, but his reply on the Jericho podcast was pretty weak, when you don't have an argument you start using those words. Paul's intelligent enough to have explained it, but he probably felt he didn't want to waste his time on this, and that's his right.
Kudos to 3 Sides of getting Dee at the right moment.
WOW? Just seeing this so I'm wat behind. Dee, you're wrong about Twisted Sister not being a band that a fan doesn't know all the band. I am a huge fan. I know all your names, I bought all the TS albums, tapes, CD's. I even have the Teenage Survival Guide and I'm 56. I got an autograph from you outside a Widowmaker show (thanks for that b.t.w.) My friends and I followed your career all our youth. Thank You. You guys are loved.
Cmon Dee. I can't believe Dee is back tracking cuz of Mark and Tommy's views. Stick to your guns Dee! Tommy mimics Ace, he is a poser and rip off. Really disappointed in Marks views. Its sacrilegious to like these imposters. There's only one KISS, and that's the original members and most of us realize. They can't be replaced like any other members of any other band. KISS were Superheros to us. Tommy and Eric are Super-zeros. I'm with Dee and Eddie . Who the hell wants to "experience" (per Tommy S) KISS circa 2015? The hardcore KISS fans don't, which prove that Mike, Mark, and Tommy are not die-hards. If you like posers, you are one. p.s You guys probably think someone can dress up and play Dee Snider too.
+Ken Cree That would be interesting to see. Who would you pick to take Dee's place?
As a huge KISS fan, I always wondered why Paul used to do that? He trashed Motley, Twisted Sister and others! Just never could understand, it's rock! Just have fun and kick some ASS! I wonder is it was just out of wanting to promote KISS and remove everyones eyes from the new Bands of that day?
Dee is one of the greatest !!! I have followed TWISTED SISTER since 1983 "I Am I'm Me"
Regarding the two fingers, I seem to remember reading , in 1976 or so, Gene Simmons saying he was copying Dr. Strange, not Spider-man. Fan of classic KISS '74-'78..
Mike is right about the new fans coming in. I got into KISS when I was 8 because of Crazy Night's. I loved Forever on Hot In The Shade. I was 12 when Revenge came out and I hung up the poster that was in RIP magazine. I was 13 when I started listening to the 70's stuff. I love it, but the Bruce Kulick era is MY KISS
Thanks for making the main point by using AC/DC. Brian Johnson is not wearing a Bon Scott mask and Malcom's nephew is not wearing a Malcom Young mask. To the original hard core fans It's not what they do it's what they are wearing. People now going for the experience. Right. Casual concert goers who don't care.
This is cool! Next time, he needs to be on longer!!
Mark zucchini your wrong Tommy does imitate ace and eric does the same.
No they don't, now get lost.
Michael Brandvold yes they do
Under the Blade / You Can't Stop Rock'N'Roll is a toss up. Honorable mention: Twisted Forever, one of the best tribute albums ever recorded.
What about Paul and Gene barely letting Eric and Tommy talk on group interviews ...they may have even been quiet completely on interviews for 7 years at one point. 😮
10 percent???? I strongly disagree.
always loved dee one cool man
mark.. the reason kiss/ ace deuce controversy exists is the reunion video- the second coming video.. ace argues with gene about the arrangement.. and gene kind of realizes the song has evolved since ace left. it almost seems that ace coming back brought deuce, parasite, she, and let and go rock and roll back to the original sound. those are songs that the band has kept since the original reunion (notice i still call them a band, even though some people wont, with tommy). gene and paul are still great songwriters.. paul recently released a song called mistake that was a demo from 75 that is amazing. get me.. im not cutting them down. i love gene and paul. and i loved eric carr when he came. (believe me, anyone who knows me, and anyone who has heard me play knows that is an understatement).. and i loved eric singer when he played with gary moore and badlands, and lita ford, and sabbath. (although the gary moore stuff is the stuff that kicks, for me).. and i really loved a ton load of the crap bruce (though i like the boss, im talkin bout kulick).. specially asylum.. bruce..i thank you for that. when it came out i was like.. they are fuckin back!!!!! BACK!!!!!! but . TOM>. tom.. it has to be hard.. cause there are personal relationships there that exists above and beyond fandom.. you are not ace and realize it.. there are tons of black and blue fans who are wanting a new album.. jamie wont do it without ya. so that might be my point. i love ya guys,,. but this aint your deal.. this is aces deal.. make him deal with his own deal.. and deal with your own. and make gene and paul reize dealing with ace is thier deal... and maybe he (ACE) makes five million a year.. and you only make one hundred thou... but.. be you.. and let him be him.. hope i didnt sound (print) crazy. i really appreciate all of you guys and all of your efforts. if you ever ever ever ever ever need a third or fourth or fifth voice for your show i hope you would let it be me, as i have watched.... at least listened to, ninety percent of the podcasts. or need someone to explain drumparts.. or whatever you need i will do it.. or the historyy of kiss drumparts i can do it.. at least as i undrstand it..
..ty.. ty. ty...dave
+David Williams final note.. i am a dee snider... and the dee impression (not to belittle gene or paul) of gene shows why... im a blue collar drummer in a blue collar town.. i appreciate your attitude, at least, at the very least, you have shown that you understand..once again, thank you, dee.]
Paul treats a lot of people on Twitter the same way. He can be a dismissive asshole. All this time, still can't take criticism.
Great show guys. Never cared for Twisted Sister's music...and for me, their "image" was about as a big a turn off as Poison's was.... image was probably the first thing that drew me to Kiss as a youngster...and it's STILL a cool image. BUT I DID gain bit of respect for Dee listening to him. He came off as fairly intelligent, and able to take criticism. His stories of Gene were CLASSIC.I still feel that anybody who draws the line at "old" Kiss vs new is severely misusing their time.On a side note, as one of the biggest Van Halen fans on earth... I have to agree with Dee. The initial reunion tour, I think Dave had something to prove, and actually TRIED with good forward to today, and he's back to his "Diamond Dave " shtick...and he clearly can no longer cut the cheese, musically. And "Fuck your girlfriend" jokes are just plain creepy when coming from a dude with a turkey neck.
It was a very inciteful show, we saw the real Dee Snider not only respecting himself but everyone else. I always assumed he didn't like Paul/Gene because of Ace bad mouthing them to him, but that clearly isn't the case (I'd assume he would know what Ace plays at least)
One thing that should be looked back on is Dee is only being asked the questions and he answers them, much like KISS do - so don't blame Dee, blame the media for repeatedly asking and sharing the q&a's.
Dee has a right to voice his opinion. Paul's reaction was very petty. And that's coming from a huge Paul Stanley-fan.
+Wouter T agreed, i lose more respect for kiss every year i used to put most issue on Gene but Paul isn't who i thought either
Probably the best episode I have seen to date on Three Sides.I was not a huge Twisted Sister fan, but watching Dee over the years on other interviews, I do like his professionalism. My opinion only....... but I really cannot understand this whole argument about the original members versus the new in makeup. The characters and the person are not one in the same. Ace played the Spaceman in the original lineup and Tommy plays it now. Ace was awesome and Tommy is awesome. I love the originals and I would have loved them to stay together forever, but I would have stopped watching KISS when Ace and Peter couldn't pull it off anymore which happened long ago. I actually haven't returned this past year as Paul seems to struggle to do it anymore.
well he was in a tribute band look at judas priest tim ripper owens hell they made a movie about it I bet any one had a chance to play in a tribute band then get a chance to join that band would jump at it
Night Flight. Awesome show I think I saw WASP the first time on there.
You’re geeking out on The nuances of kisses moves with Dee Snider and missing the point.
It doesn’t matter if they copy every single thing ,it’s like having members of Beatle mania joining the real Beatles and calling it the Beatles.
And why does Ace get a pass to play deuce,I’ll use AC/DC as an example,Brian sings songs that Bon sang but they don’t do it’s a long way to the top & when asked why ,they have respect that some songs are too close to Bon so they don’t do it.
You have so many songs neglected from the 80s and Revenge a kiss fans favorite why do Beth Or shock me ? Its so identifiable personal to those members and you’re as I mentioned neglecting a catalog that most fans would prefer to hear anyway.
Fkn so sick of kiss apologist.
Both Ace and Peter have mentioned, it stopped Beeing a rock band and went corporate bussiness thing instead! I agree other band members other make Up but its a calculated money thing! In My opinion THE bands best years/albums 75-77
These guys have every right to have their own opinion, but I don't understand how anyone could say that Eric and Tommy are not imitators? Don't get me wrong, I love them both, but they are IMITATING them. They dress like them, they sing their songs, they try their best to act like them, that is LITERALLY the definition of imitating. I believe they are imitating them, that is my opinion, again, I still love them.
My wish has always been that Ace would have been more in control in 1979. He was right when he wanted the band to keep going in the heavier direction. Had he not been so messed up maybe the rest of the band (G&P) would have taken his advise, I feel that they would have stayed on top through the majority of the 1980's. You guys hit it on the head when you said that it's only the original fans that care about the make up issue, for the better part. I have always felt that they should have had their own persona. From a marketing point of view KISS was not going to make it with new personas. I wonder what would have happened if Led Zeppelin would have lost Jimmy Page, could another guitarist have pulled it off, better yet could that person have worn Jimmy's stage clothes, I doubt it. I think that the original make up is so iconic that the old fans can't get around forgetting about Ace & Peter. Maybe it's that some fans feel more "personally" about the guy under the make up. So when did it happen that the fans only care about the music & show and not the players, I guess nowadays people aren't that attached to the players? I have to give props to Dee for coming on the show, you guys just proved once again that you can disagree and have a great conversation. I will always prefer KISS from 1974-1979 but I did like Revenge too...........for me it's the music, as a musician that comes first. The music KISS first made will always be the best; before 1979. To be honest, I think that I would have become a much better drummer had I not played along with KISS when I started in 1976......I would have been fine with learning guitar playing along with Ace. Great fun guys!
Everyone has their own opinion about THE band and rightfully so! But Beeing cast out! For not agreeing with the bands status nowadays and their camp is hillarious!
Great interview! Dee was a class act and gentleman.
i liked dee in the movie strangeland
Dee is cool as ever. I'm impressed.
Dee Snider pure class act
Bottom line for me.... respect all past and present band members in bands like Kiss, Maiden and AC/DC (to name but a few) or else we don't have the bands we love to listen to or go to see. Respect to all. Love your band and stand up for rock and metal.
In the 1970's Kiss ruled with at least 9 great albums. In the 1980's Kiss only had one great album, while Twisted Sister had 4 great albums. In 1985 Twisted Sister was selling more albums and more concert tickets than Kiss at the time. I love Paul Stanley, I like Kiss better than Twisted Sister (based on 1970's Kiss material), but I don't agree on Dee Snyder being a wannabe at all, Twisted Sister totally rocks !
I got old Kiss & Twisted Sister t-shirts and my old bedroom at my moms house still has my favorite album covers tacked to the walls, which includes Kiss & Twisted Sister, so whatever with the bullshit, I'm not taking sides, I'm just gonna keep listening to the music I loved !
Last question... Favorite TS album, Under the blade (under the blade, day of the rocker, I'll never grow up, what you don't know, bad boys of rock n' roll)... favorite album !
Oh yea, and tear it loose. Great album, gotta listen to it this weekend sometime. Yup, another great conversation guys, thanks, see ya on the next show, peace.
Last question, yes great pasta must marinate over night, and yes, it is called sauce ! Okay, bye, lol...
You Can't imitate the move ACE makes Moving Backwards With That Slow Studer Step Almost looks like it's going to fall down at times this Be from Alcohol It's iconic he should have patent the move Only Ace really can move this way
Again another awesome interview....dee was respectful and the kiss army idiots that wanna create trouble...sit down and chill. dee is awesome, go buy a twisted cd and's all rock and roll and "YOU CAN'T STOP ROCK AND ROLL".!!!
Hey guys.. kind of off topic but thought you should know.. there's a local radio station here in Boston (actually a sports radio station) that just had Ace on for an interview. It was pretty priceless stuff!! Lots of funny moments. Here's the link if you or any Kiss fans want to check it out:
+Vedder10VS Thank you
Dee sniders cool! and you guys rock too!;-)
Kiss is selling nostalgia. Eric singer, playing in Eric Carrs creatures suit, but in Peter Criss makeup says it all. If they would at least admit that. However they hide behind the bullshit line that kiss is a believe, not the people in it. Pauls voice sucks now and has for several years. they are ripping off the fans. kiss fan since 76
Brandvold means Fire Violence in Danish
kiss was never unkool
Brett played Jonesboro Arkansas at the BBQ festival and they had small table's with stuff for sale and then you see the autographed stuff and the price just explodes really, then they had a small crumpled piece of paper that said Meet Brett $200.00 and honestly i didn't see anyone paying for that privilege and they were selling it as only a few spots left..BS
Paul gets all sensitive on social media the way he responds to some fans and haters..seesh!
I Get the Original only in make up point of view. When they did the solo albums it was not Demon,Starchild,Spaceman,catman - it was Ace ,Peter ,gene,Paul and their last names on the cover.
So i get it and its valid. BUT ,I think by keeping those characters they are honoring the original 4 .I would be insulted if they didnt use them because it would be taking away Ace and Petes contribution .When they didnt do Beth for a while i thought it was negating Peters contribution.
To me Kiss is more about a point of view ,and a spirit .. But i think Ace and Pete grew out of it and went their own way .I dont think their heart was in the vision for KISS and their solo projects showed it.Even Paul and Gene constantly say"the demo is better" but they changed songs they liked to fit the KISS MODE
and i think Pete and Ace had something to say and didnt wanted molding into t kiss but their personal statements delivered their way .
I get the orignal 4,and i gew up on that but i think also the current KISS is worthy of rrespect with Tommy and Eric because they contribute and keep those characters alive
Thumbs 👍 up from me!! AEROSMITH ALERT ⚠️ in the 7th minute!! 'Would you look at the time ⏲️ '!! Blue Kool-Aid Drinker. Peace ✌️ out from the Southern Tip of Vancouver Island 🏝, B.C. Canada ⛱️ 🇨🇦.
I have watch the show a few times, and im really kind of wondering if you guys have anything good to say about KISS? Its kind of far and few between from what I see and hear. I guess im not real sure where you guys are coming from. I know you 3 collect, and thats cool, but why all of the bashing for a band that you all claim to love? Just confused is all, I first found the band when Dressed to kill hit the shelves, And all though I will bleed Ace, Paul, Gene, and Peter, I also have a VERY deep respect for all.
+Scott Wright exactly what is all the bashing that we do?
+Michael Brandvold Dont get me wrong Michael, I respect 3 sides, and its entertaining, But it just seems like I hear more negative than positive, Maybe its just me, and maybe I hear and take things wrong. But Ace and Peter seem to take a beating more than complements. Again, maybe im wrong, but thats just the vibe I seem to get. It just seems like there is more judging them on bad things than there is on the good things. We all know that there are some bad sides of KISS, as there are with every band. but lets talk a little more on the positive side of the band. Hell, I may be one of the few that thinks Music from the Elder was BAD ASS! It showed the talent of the band to change it up.
I love 3 sides of the coin Michael, and im in no way trying to bash, I just feel like there is more negative than positive is all. The interview with Dee, I respect him, and loved the band, but you cant tell me that Paul said what he did out of no where, something was said by the twisted sister camp in order for Paul to go off like that. I wished it never happened, because us old school rock fans live off of these bands! They are a release for us! It just sucks to see the feuding.
I wasn't a TS fan until I seen them open for Iron Maiden on the Slavery Tour. When they played Your gonna burn in hell , it was scary and bad ass. Seen Kiss on the Dynasty tour they were good but Ace is the only one that stood out as great talent, he must have ben fairly sober.
JJ Said Jerry Garcia sucks & I'll never forgive him for that
When kiss went with disco, I said fuckem iwouldnt walk down my driveway to watch them play on on a flat bed trailer for free
best ts album stay hungry what hapend to this band? realy? they got harder and good
People need to blame Paul n gene for dressing them up in Ace n peters makeup Paul n gene should give them a chance to have there own characters they make them wear it because casual fans may not know the difference they as a band should hang it up Paul's voice is gone
Like it!
I like Paul Stanley, but I just didn't like the way Paul handled this whole situation by attacking Dee. Is it free speech? Yes, of course, it is. In the same way, some of you mentioned how you love Neil Peart, but were extremely annoyed, in so many words, about how his statements regarding how Rush was not about the merchandise, etc...
1. It's Margaret Hamilton (Wizard Of Oz, Maxwell House) on the Paul Lynde special--not Witchiepoo.
2. Say what you will about the midrangey production on 'Stay Hungry', but A.J. Pero's drums make that album RULE. And while the 2004 re-recording 'Still Hungry' is much thicker, more compressed & certainly louder(not to mention transposed to lower keys to accommodate Dee's range), it does A.J's amazingly distinctive double-mic'ed drum sound NO favors whatsoever.
3. Fuck Dee Snider, fuck Paul Stanley & fuck Mike, Tommy & Mark. Fuck ME. While you're at it, fuck a meatloaf! ;) You ALL make my life more enjoyable, so thanks, as usual, guys!
+fidoflint LOL
Ily dad!
+Josie Sommers Hi honey!
R.i.P. AJ
Sorry, I'm not into men.
i do have to say, I agree with with what someone already said here, I cannot believe that mark doesn't think tommy is impersonating ace. I thought that was a given, and the debate amongst kiss fans is weather that is okay or not. I have never heard of anyone questioning if tommy is impersonating ace or not. Even Paul and Gene them selves say tommy is the spaceman so of course he is playing the spaceman! Is mark watching the same Tommy Thayer I am? and BTW, I am a huge ace and peter fan, but I am also a kiss fan and have no problem with tommy and eric as the cat and spaceman. besides the foot shuffle, tommy is absolutely impersonating ace, and that is okay! Kiss can do what they want! (but cmon kiss admits themselves that tommy thayer is playing the spaceman! just sayin....)
+Human Steve People focus on any similarity they can to say it is a imitation. The problem is people are afraid to admit to themselves that it is ok for other people to like something you don't like and that you can't do anything about it. You are afraid to let go of your past, your childhood and move on with life. It is just awkward speaking to people who insist on living in the past.
+Human Steve First my name is Mike NOT Mikey... second I read it all and I am just pointing out the stupidity of this discussion. Now go spew somewhere that cares what you say.
+Jay Harden Sorry Jay did you think you had freedom of speech? LOL how foolish of you. It is my channel and I allow what I like to exist, I never ever said it was going to fair. So now unless you want to join the other troll is the trash I suggest you drop it as well.
+Jay Harden I didn't dismiss him because he disagreed with me. It was for a completely different reason. But you know everything right? You are aware of everything. It had NOTHING to do with his feedback what so ever. If it did, I would have removed him much earlier, but I didn't. It is great hearing from fans who know why things happened, LOL.
guys! stop fighting! Wish i didn't make a comment.... 3 Sides 4eva!!!
You Might Be Surprised How Many KISS Fans Today Are 18 to 30 - +++ you Might Be Getting A Ass Whopping BAD lmao
Dee Snider is being nice here....listen to Eddies is disrespectful for those two guys to play Ace and Peter....I'm a hardcore Kiss fan but I've been done since this crud went down...
\m/ Dee
I see you guys have bought the worst microphones money can buy. Makes it hard to watch, man.
+Nat Funk There are few options... 1. I can refund your money spent listening to the show. 2. You can send us money to purchase gear. 3. Stop listening.
+Michael Brandvold or I can just do whatever the fuck I want, which is trying to get you to produce a better show via sarcastic comments.
+Nat Funk since we don't make and money from the show and we do it entirely for free... you get exactly what we produce. It works just fine for us and tens of thousands of others.
+Michael Brandvold I stand by every word I said.
+Nat Funk as you should and I stand by every word I said.
Paul is not the kind of person to bash you unless you took the first shot. One thing about Paul, is he never forgets!
Please someone...shut Mark up. He is what he calls other fans...his opinion is the only correct one.
GENE ACE PETER & PAUL is ,or was KISS . The end.
+97warlock ismyname That was KISS and KISS is now Gene, Paul, Eric and Tommy.
+Michael Brandvold Enjoy . Have at it. Its the slower,more laid back,more tame , more fatigued KISS
+97warlock ismyname The end was when tom thayer joined
+97warlock ismyname no its not
+Michael Brandvold. do you think Paul would apologize to dee eventually?
I got something for Dee, he makes a comment about AC/DC guys doing the same stick as old members "well they are just doing what they were told" Well isn't KISS doing the same with Tommy and Eric? Why is he ok with AC/DC doing it, but not KISS? Cause of makeup? really?
Dee Snider doesn't seem to like anyone. I've never seen so many interviews with one guy hating so many people lol
Worst episode ever. Jump all over Dee for 35 minutes, and tell him how the new KISS does not copy the originals stage moves. They are wearing Peter and Aces make-up. That was his point to begin with. You missed that point all together.
+matt long Ace and Peter sold the rights to their make up. Would you buy thr rights and not use them? Clearly Ace and Peter have no issue,or they would not have sold them.