Trading options can seem like a great way to get rich quick in the stock market, but expertise is a solid factor for exploiting the full potential of the market. It took me a while to figure out it takes lot more than knowing how to identify points on the stock charts.
@Joe Robert I’m staying off that market completely for now. If we’re about to have a bullish run for real, then I’ll be waiting to get my money out and hopefully some profits when my trade hit and surpass my entry point.
Dunno if anyone gives a damn but last night I hacked my friends Instagram password using Instablaster. You can find it by Googling for instablaster account hack if you wanna try it yourself
Solid gold. The third leg on the stool. The Hallelujiah moment! Tx so much for sharing. Tip: Always "blind test" a new idea before you pour money into it.
KISS principle, one of my favorite techniques rocking the market are the divergences, jet another weapon in the arsenal - double macd divs, thanks for sharing, keep up the good work!
editing of video made the video easy to understand and looked very cool, I bet u spend a lot of time creating this, u got a new subscriber, can't wait for more videos :)
Another great video as always, after 10 months of constant research on trading and one thing I can guarantee anyone is having a tutor instructing you can go a long way in making you gain consistent profits.
Part 1 menit 00:07 MACD mengubah dua tren berikut indikator moving averages (12 EMA & 26 EMA) menjadi isolator momentum dengan mengurangkan moving average yang lebih panjang dengan yang lebih pendek. menit 00:15 Rata-rata eksponensial (Exponential Averages) digunakan karena mereka merespon lebih cepat terhadap perubahan harga, karena lebih banyak bobot ditempatkan pada harga terbaru dibandingkan dengan harga sebelumnya. menit 00:26 Catatan: Anda dapat menggunakan jangka waktu berapa pun yang Anda inginkan saat menghitung berbagai Rata-Rata Pergerakan Eksponensial (Exponential Moving Averages) meskipun rata-rata pergerakan periode 12, 26 & 9 paling sering digunakan. menit 00:38 Hai guys selamat datang kembali di episode lain, Dalam video ini kita akan membahas strategi perdagangan indikator MACD kami secara mendalam dan bagaimana kami menggunakannya dalam kombinasi dengan aksi harga. Jika ingin menonton lebih banyak video silahkan pencet tombol like, subscribe dan nyalakan lonceng notifikasinya agar kalian tahu persis saat ada konten baru yang keluar. menit 00:58 Poin yang sangat penting sebelum kita mulai. semua yang kita bahas dalam video ini dapat digunakan untuk perdagangan mata uang, perdagangan saham, dan kripto karena aksi harga (Action Price) relatif konsisten di berbagai aset sehingga kita akan membahasnya secara mendalam dalam video ini. menit 1:15 Indikator MACD dapat digunakan untuk scalping, day trading dan strategi swing trading. Untuk memahami bagaimana MACD dapat digunakan dalam perdagangan, Anda harus terlebih dahulu mengetahui cara kerjanya, grafik ini menunjukkan hubungan antara dua garis Moving Averages dan MACD untuk British Pounds Dolar Amerika Serikat. Bagian atas chart berisi harga satu jam untuk pasangan mata uang serta Rata-Rata Pergerakan Eksponensial (Exponential Moving Averages)12 & 26, Bagian bawah berisi garis MACD, garis sinyal , histogram, dan level 0. Tiga hal menonjol dari chart ini. menit 1:51 Pertama, Anda dapat melihat bahwa dua Moving Averages saling menjauh, kenaikan garis MACD adalah false. menit 1:57 Kedua, Anda dapat melihat bahwa ketika dua Moving Averages bersilangan, ada persilangan level 0 yang sesuai dengan garis MACD. menit 2:06 Ketiga, ketika garis sinyal dan garis MACD rata-rata bersilangan, ada persilangan level 0 yang sesuai dengan histogram MACD. menit 2:15 Apa yang saya pribadi suka tentang strategi perdagangan MACD adalah indikatornya memiliki filter bawaan untuk sinyal perdagangan, filter ini mudah diterapkan ke grafik apa pun. menit 2:24 Jika MACD berada di bawah garis 0, jangan membuka posisi buy saat MACD berada di bawah garis 0. menit 2:30 Sebaliknya, jika indikator MACD berada di atas garis 0, jangan buka posisi sell. menit 2:38 Jadi, bagaimana indikator ini bekerja? menit 2:40 ketika indikator MACD diplot pada grafik, aspek terpenting adalah interaksi antara dua garis serta posisinya relatif terhadap garis 0. menit 2:49 Ketika garis MACD berada di atas garis 0, ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pergerakan periode yang lebih pendek berada di atas rata-rata pergerakan periode yang lebih panjang, yang pada gilirannya menunjukkan bahwa pasar sedang bullish. menit 3:01 Ketika garis MACD turun di bawah garis 0, rata-rata pergerakan periode yang lebih pendek lebih kecil dari rata-rata pergerakan periode yang lebih panjang, menunjukkan bahwa permintaan lebih bearish daripada sebelumnya. menit 3:11 Jika garis cepat berada di atas garis lambat, histogram MACD positif dan diplot di atas garis 0, menunjukkan bias bullish. menit 3:19 Sebaliknya, jika fast line berada di bawah slow line, MACD Histogram bertanda negatif dan diplot di bawah garis 0, mengindikasikan momentum bearish. menit 3:30 Secara umum indikator MACD digunakan dalam salah satu dari tiga cara, crossover, kondisi Overbought/Oversold atau divergensi, MACD dipandang sebagai indikator yang efektif terutama di pasar yang sedang tren. menit 3:42 Persimpangan MACD terjadi ketika garis MACD dan garis sinyal memotong, sering menunjukkan perubahan momentum atau tren pasar, sinyal jual dihasilkan ketika MACD melintasi di bawah garis sinyal, dan sinyal beli dihasilkan ketika MACD melintasi di atas garis sinyal. menit 4:02 Selain itu, lokasi persilangan ini dalam kaitannya dengan garis 0 sangat membantu dalam menentukan titik beli dan jual. Sinyal bullish lebih signifikan. menit 4:10 Ketika persilangan garis MACD di atas garis sinyal terjadi di bawah garis 0. Konfirmasi terjadi ketika kedua garis bersilangan di atas garis 0. menit 4:24 Berikut adalah beberapa contoh strategi perdagangan crossover MACD. menit 4:36 Sama seperti crossover Moving Averages, menggunakan MACD dengan cara ini menjadikannya indikator lagging, yang berarti menggunakan data aksi harga sebelumnya. menit 4:44 Crossover MACD adalah alat yang hebat untuk digunakan di pasar yang sedang tren. Tetapi berisiko untuk berdagang dengan harapan bahwa persilangan akan terjadi karena pasar yang sedang tren rentan terhadap periode volatilitas tinggi. Baik MACD dan Moving Averages dimaksudkan untuk membuat Anda tetap berada di sisi kanan pasar. menit 5:01 Di sisi panjang selama tren naik dan di sisi pendek atau keluar dari pasar sama sekali selama tren turun, artinya Anda membeli dan menjual terlambat, sementara Anda dapat memasuki perdagangan setelah awal tren dan keluar sebelum tren berakhir . Saya akan menggunakan indikator ini sebagai penyangga untuk mengurangi risiko, bukan sebagai sinyal utama. menit 5:19 Harga tetap adalah indikator pamungkas dengan indikator momentum hanya memanipulasi data harga. menit 5:24 Gunakan Price Action untuk membantu pengambilan keputusan saat menggunakan MACD. menit 5:31 Bisakah MACD digunakan untuk level overbought dan oversold? menit 5:36 Sebagai seorang pedagang yang dapat mengidentifikasi kondisi pasar overbough dan oversold dapat membantu Anda menentukan kapan harus masuk atau keluar dari perdagangan, posisi apa yang harus diambil dan kapan pembalikan tren mungkin akan segera terjadi, wawasan ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengelola risiko dan membuat keputusan perdagangan yang lebih tepat. menit 5:52 Dan kondisi overbought mungkin terjadi ketika harga telah mengalami pergerakan ke atas yang signifikan, di beberapa titik Anda berharap bahwa harga akan turun dan kembali ke level yang lebih normal.
Part 2 menit 6:02 Demikian juga ketika harga telah melihat pergerakan ke bawah yang diperpanjang, kondisi oversold mungkin ada, di beberapa titik harga mungkin diharapkan naik ke level normal. menit 6:12 Keamanan atau indeks mungkin overbought ketika Anda melihat MACD naik secara signifikan, menit 6:18 Selama periode ini rata-rata pergerakan yang lebih pendek yang digunakan dalam perhitungan MACD meningkat lebih cepat daripada rata-rata pergerakan yang lebih panjang. menit 6:25 Ini merupakan indikasi bahwa harga terlalu berlebihan dan pada titik tertentu dapat berbalik arah. menit 6:30 Sebagai Osilator pusat, MACD tidak memiliki rentang grafik yang ditetapkan karena ini tidak mampu memberikan pembacaan overbought dan oversold yang tepat. menit 6:41 Tidak seperti indikator berosilasi lainnya seperti RSI, tidak ada kondisi overbought atau oversold yang ditentukan sebelumnya. menit 6:49 Level MACD tinggi dan rendah relatif mengurangi keamanan atau indeks yang Anda periksa, Anda mungkin perlu mempelajari perilaku MACD dari waktu ke waktu sebelum Anda dapat menentukan kapan harga overbought atau oversold. Menit 7:00 Saat menggunakan MACD untuk mengidentifikasi periode ketika keamanan atau indeks overbought atau oversold, Sinyal beli terbaik datang ketika garis MACD dan garis sinyal berada di bawah garis 0 karena keamanan atau indeks mungkin oversold. menit 7:14 Sinyal jual dihasilkan ketika garis berada di atas 0 di mana mereka mungkin menunjukkan kondisi jenuh beli, melihat perilaku MACD selama periode waktu yang diperpanjang, Anda mungkin dapat melihat pola di mana MACD mungkin muncul menit 7:26 Atau jatuh ke level yang relatif sama, di mana harga akan turun atau naik masing-masing dan dengan garis MACD. menit 7:37 Penggunaan populer ketiga dari MACD adalah untuk mengidentifikasi saat-saat ketika menyimpang dari harga. menit 7:43 Divergensi MACD dibahas di sebagian besar buku perdagangan dan sering disebut sebagai alasan pembalikan tren atau mengapa tren bisa berbalik. menit 7:52 Di belakang, divergensi tampak hebat. Banyak contoh dapat ditemukan di mana pembalikan didahului oleh divergensi MACD. menit 7:58 Divergensi terjadi ketika tren harga tidak sesuai dengan tren indikator dengan kata lain, indikator tren ke satu arah sementara harga bergerak ke arah lain, atau tidak bergerak ke arah yang sama. Menit 8:11 Divergensi MACD cenderung mendahului pembalikan tren harga saat ini. Menit 8:15 Divergensi bullish terjadi ketika harga membuat posisi terendah ayunan yang lebih rendah, sedangkan indikator membuat posisi terendah yang lebih tinggi. menit 8:20 Ini dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan bahwa momentum penjualan sedang melambat dan tren turun lebih rentan terhadap pembalikan. Menit 8:31 Sekarang bagaimana menggunakan strategi MACD Divergence secara efektif. Di bagian ini Anda akan belajar untuk menerapkan indikator MACD Divergence jauh lebih efektif, ini adalah salah satu strategi perdagangan yang paling kuat untuk digunakan menit 8:46 Anda dapat menggunakan Histogram MACD untuk mencari divergensi. Tetapi juga garis MACD di garis sinyal. menit 8:52 Sinyal terkuat muncul ketika ada divergensi ganda pada histogram dan sinyal di garis MACD. menit 8:59 Ini cara favorit saya menggunakan MACD, dan cara yang paling efektif. menit 9:05 Perdagangan MACD Divergence jika dilakukan dengan benar dapat memberi Anda keunggulan nyata di pasar, ini bisa menjadi indikator awal yang kuat dari pembalikan tren, bila dikombinasikan dengan aksi harga. Menit 9:15 Berikut adalah beberapa contoh divergensi ganda. menit 10:07 Sekarang mengenai kerangka waktu, kerangka waktu apa yang terbaik untuk menghasilkan keuntungan paling banyak untuk perdagangan? menit 10:14 Jawabannya adalah, ini sepenuhnya tergantung pada Anda, preferensi pribadi dan rencana perdagangan Anda. menit 10:20 Namun, sinyal 1 jam lebih signifikan daripada sinyal 5 menit, sama seperti sinyal 4 jam membawa bobot lebih dari sinyal 15 menit. menit 10:28 Salah satu teknik umum adalah melacak perilaku MACD setiap 4 jam. Namun alih-alih masuk atau keluar dari perdagangan berdasarkan sinyal 4 jam, Anda bisa merujuk ke grafik mingguan untuk melihat di mana MACD berada. menit 10:42 Misalnya, jika Anda menerima sinyal beli dari MACD 4 jam dan Anda melihat bahwa pada grafik mingguan MACD berada dalam kondisi bullish, Anda mungkin ingin memasuki posisi buy. menit 10:52 Namun jika MACD mingguan berada dalam kondisi jenuh beli, Anda mungkin ingin mengabaikan sinyal beli dari MACD 4 jam.
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Sir, you are doing very good job, your videos are very concise and easily understood. We need you to give a very good one also on ORDER BLOCKS, and how to identify them differently from confusing ones that may be mistakenly taken for order blocks. Also, video on how to identify prominent key levels. But we prefer that of ORDER BLOKS first. Thanks a lot.
Super vidéo. Mais permettez-moi de parler de quelque chose d'important, je vois que beaucoup de jeunes et moins jeunes font des erreurs que je pense qu'ils ne devraient pas faire. Je crois que tout le monde, jeune ou vieux, devrait avoir un plan d'investissement qui fera passer son rendement financier de trois chiffres à six chiffres. L'investissement peut être votre plan de retraite ou votre plan futur, selon ce que vous voulez, mais le plus important est que vous ayez un investissement qui soit rentable.
@Jawad Investir dans le marché des crypto-monnaies forex vous avez besoin d'un professionnel pour vous guider pour éviter les pertes car les signaux ne sont pas vraiment faciles à lire c'est pourquoi vous devez investir avec un expert pour faire un meilleur profit
@@martinezmartinz Mme Ann Mylander Coffey est la meilleure experte que je puisse recommander, j'ai fait de bons profits en investissant avec elle et en parlant d'elle
The problem with all instances of trends and entry and exit points are shown on completed time frames, while a real trade decision has to be made without knowing where the chart will take you.
I'm try to figure out and understand between 12 -26 and 21-50 ema which one is better I heard a lots people talking about 21-50 is the best including myself I using 21 50 it work good
Likewise I think. When they use 100%, Absolute, Ultimate, Easiest, Simplest, Best... I immediately know that they don't live from trading, but they live by making videos about trading. Very soon, they will make another video with another indicator saying 100% too.
Another great video. I really appreciate the way you produce these and think it was a great, original idea of yours to have the practice session/reprise at the ends accompanied by the lounge music! Clever!! :) NoAxe
Save yourself the bother. MACD is an ancient indicator known to the whole market. You cannot make money with it. Or any other strategy you might see on TH-cam. I'm surprised these videos are allowed, they must cost people a fortune.
Trend on 4H chart is the best trend guide for majority of forex traders( if one keeps trades for 2-5 days. By the time trader realizes that trend on daily chart is up, market has already gone up about 3-5 days & if you ask supercomputer for the mathematical odds, computer tells you that odds are negative right from the start. Another reason is that trend on 1H chart can flip on A dime & your money is gone.Trend based on the last 5-10,four hourly candles has enough players behind it so that it would not flip on A dime, so trader has decent chance to make something without buying overpriced merchandise. Entry is on 15M price action. Seek your wisdom?
He does say you should use it with other charts and not rely on it alone, I use it with CCI (100/-100) and RSI (20/80), and also Bollinger bands on the candle chart, great success...
@@UberMick how does CCI Work. I see it moving in a funny way which I dnt understand. He doesn't even explain how he sets the macd lines. My macd comes with only one line not two like his!
Sir, IF support/resistance levels on 2 different time frames are the same level (example daily & 4H or 4H & 1H charts) does it mean that such S/R level is more likely to hold? Institutions work with daily & 4H charts--so these levels should carry more weights.For price action at S/R level which chart is better--15 minute OR 5 minute. Sir,Thank you.
What is the simple ma(ossicalotor) and ma(signal) on macd setup? Will this setting change in this strategy? Other question: Can we use this strategy with heikin ashi candle?
Could you clarify what you meant when you said you shouldn't look for buy signals below the 0 line yet you still say to go long when the crossover happens below the same line
Pls know that this is a very good video indeed, very impactful. However please help overcome a challenge here. How can I setup MACD histogram on ndrpid exactly the way it is seen in this video? I have not seen anyone who did that. Please help. I will greatly appreciate your video(very good one like this) on Order block trading strategy Thanks
SIR, When swing trading forex with support/resistance what is reliable time chart to use for S/R levels--is it 4 hour OR 1 hour chart? I think that 1H ,30M, S/R levels are going to get easily violated if trading is against trend on 4H/Daily chart. Of course entry be made based on 15 M chart price action BUT ENTRY HAS TO BE IN THE HIGHER TIME FRAME DIRECTION--seek your wisdom
I find that for intraday forex trend trading most important relevant (Guide)trend direction is ON 15 minute, 1h and 4h charts only-- For intraday trading weekly & monthly trends do not matter much(too far removed from intraday field of activity) & can be ignored. For simplicity sake if 15 minute ,1h & 4h trends are in the same direction, you have a trade set up in the same direction (one could fine tune entry 0n 5 minute charts). In general if daily candle be in the same direction for any trade it is better but not A must.--Sir, what do you have to say?Any modifications?
Great video. I believe there is an error at around 2:29 when you suggest "Do not open any long positions when the MACD below the Zero line" and do not open any short positions when the MACD above the zero line..... please confirm
So if your using divergence you don't wait for the macd\signal lines to cross the zero line for confirmation/buying (like explained at 2:23) but earlier when the macd\signal lines cross?
Hi guys, I'm new to trading and still on demo account but I've been watching oil these past few days and I've noticed that even with indicators, it's still so unpredictable. So I was wondering if anyone in the comments who's got much more experience than I, to give me some advice please if possible? It would be greatly appreciated!
@@winartowinarto3074 I played with it until i found numbers that had it giving signals about the same time as Stochastics or RSI would. Then i promptly played with those too, lol. I run with 21, 3, 5 now and i run with a 5 RSI crosses 13 RSI rather then overbought, oversold as in trending markets RSI frequently says overdone and the market keeps right on going. Of course, i don't use the indicators as entries anymore.... i enter on SR or MA rejection with candle rejection, candle close in my direction...Key MAs are EMA 9, SMA 20, SMA 50, SMA 100, SMA 200. The market will always have trouble at these spots. Often M15 plus TF is sitting at a SR level. Higher TF being harder to break. I am in trades before indicators say trade...and use indicators mainly now for strength of move indicators. But i changed MACD to 8 21 5. play with it.
When MACD cross it is too late to trade. I will tell you my strategy of using MACD. Look at MACD, notice when the it rolled over or bottom out, that is when price switch. That is where you want to enter, not when it crosses. Or, anticipate that it about to roll over then short a bit higher then the current price. Or anticipate that it about the bottom out then long a bit lower then the current price. You might ask how a person anticipates the roll over or bottom out. Easy, basic eight grade algebra one math. You can find this out by using the principle of the slope of the line y = b * x + c, where b is the slope of the line. If you use Think or Swim (TOS) platform from Ameritrade, you can program the slope of the line (b). I programed this math equation as an indicator in TOS. As the value of this indicator approaches zero, I enter the trade. This indicator will improve the winning rate to 90%. You are welcome. Consider this is a service that I contribute to the public.
i also noticed MACD and signal line cross in a different place when on 1 hr chart and different on a 4 hr chart...whats with that? shouldn't it be the same?
First you said to compare on 1 hr chart, cool! the end you say to compare on 4 hr and 1 week chart...and it all looks different now and i am very confused,...
How are we supposed to not enter a short if we’re above the zero line yet only honor crossovers underneath the zero line for bearish scenarios at the same time???
When MACD cross it is too late to trade. I will tell you my strategy of using MACD. Look at MACD, notice when the it rolled over or bottom out, that is when price switch. That is where you want to enter, not when it crosses. Or, anticipate that it about to roll over then short a bit higher then the current price. Or anticipate that it about the bottom out then long a bit lower then the current price. You might ask how a person anticipates the roll over or bottom out. Easy, basic eight grade algebra one math. You can find this out by using the principle of the slope of the line y = b * x + c, where b is the slope of the line. If you use Think or Swim (TOS) platform from Ameritrade, you can program the slope of the line (b). I programed this math equation as an indicator in TOS. As the value of this indicator approaches zero, I enter the trade. This indicator will improve the winning rate to 90%. You are welcome. Consider this is a service that I contribute to the public.
Trading options can seem like a great way to get rich quick in the stock market, but expertise is a solid factor for exploiting the full potential of the market. It took me a while to figure out it takes lot more than knowing how to identify points on the stock charts.
We all have different trading goals and experience levels, so it’s important to look at your stock trading background.
@Joe Robert I’m staying off that market completely for now. If we’re about to have a bullish run for real, then I’ll be waiting to get my money out and hopefully some profits when my trade hit and surpass my entry point.
The bear market took me off guard, I’m currently waiting on a lot of trades.
@Sean Roger Such profitable don’t come easily, it definitely requires some hectic work.
Anyone who intend on achieving financial freedom and early retirement should take good advantage of the stock market and the crypto market.
Same here, My portfolio has been going down the drain while I try trading,l just don't know what I do wrong
Wow I'm just shock you mentioned and recommended Expert Mrs Mary,I thought I'm the only trading with her
@@zulaihatadam9165 You don't need to be shock because I'm also a huge beneficiary of expert
I stumbled upon one of her clients testimonies and decided to try her out...I'm Expecting my third cashout in 2days
I just got into using MACD for the divergence. I did not know about double divergences! Thanks for this great video.
Dunno if anyone gives a damn but last night I hacked my friends Instagram password using Instablaster. You can find it by Googling for instablaster account hack if you wanna try it yourself
From my point of view, this is the best visual explanation of the MACD indicator, very visual, simple and very intelligible!) Well done!)
Solid gold. The third leg on the stool. The Hallelujiah moment!
Tx so much for sharing.
Tip: Always "blind test" a new idea before you pour money into it.
All you need as a beginner to make good profit from cryptocurrency is a professional trader who will trade on your behalf else you may make losses.
@lite john How can someone know a professional trader that is trustworthy when legit ones are hard to find this days.
@lite john How much can she make for you in every trade she does.😏
@lite john Wow this is really helpful for my situation!! Thanks guys I will try her.
@lite john Wow I'm just shock you mentioned and recommended Expert Mrs Jennifer Watson
KISS principle, one of my favorite techniques rocking the market are the divergences, jet another weapon in the arsenal - double macd divs, thanks for sharing, keep up the good work!
Thank you for your feedback!
Thanks for your feedback....... for more guldance from me contacts me on Whatsapp
Teach me
MACD is my favourite indicator. It works very well for divergence, especially on higher time frames
Which timeframe is great for divergence?
editing of video made the video easy to understand and looked very cool, I bet u spend a lot of time creating this, u got a new subscriber, can't wait for more videos :)
Thanks a ton!
Thanks for your feedback....... for more guldance from me contacts me on Whatsapp
+1 415-237-7236
@@TraderDNA Nice video👍👍.
what is the EMA settings for swing trade ?? Same 12 , 26 ?
Another great video as always, after 10 months of constant research on trading and one thing I can guarantee anyone is having a tutor instructing you can go a long way in making you gain consistent profits.
Trading may be infuriating to anyone without constant supervision especially if you are a beginner.
You have to master multiple strategies to be an independent trader.
Theo Herro I am also inexperienced can you tutor me or is there a way I can join your team?
I am still under supervision of the experienced CONS. Edwin Earl and I depend on his trading pattern to make me profits
I work with this strategy from many days
Part 1
menit 00:07
MACD mengubah dua tren berikut indikator moving averages (12 EMA & 26 EMA) menjadi isolator momentum dengan mengurangkan moving average yang lebih panjang dengan yang lebih pendek.
menit 00:15
Rata-rata eksponensial (Exponential Averages) digunakan karena mereka merespon lebih cepat terhadap perubahan harga, karena lebih banyak bobot ditempatkan pada harga terbaru dibandingkan dengan harga sebelumnya.
menit 00:26
Catatan: Anda dapat menggunakan jangka waktu berapa pun yang Anda inginkan saat menghitung berbagai Rata-Rata Pergerakan Eksponensial (Exponential Moving Averages) meskipun rata-rata pergerakan periode 12, 26 & 9 paling sering digunakan.
menit 00:38
Hai guys selamat datang kembali di episode lain,
Dalam video ini kita akan membahas strategi perdagangan indikator MACD kami secara mendalam dan bagaimana kami menggunakannya dalam kombinasi dengan aksi harga.
Jika ingin menonton lebih banyak video silahkan pencet tombol like, subscribe dan nyalakan lonceng notifikasinya agar kalian tahu persis saat ada konten baru yang keluar.
menit 00:58
Poin yang sangat penting sebelum kita mulai. semua yang kita bahas dalam video ini dapat digunakan untuk perdagangan mata uang, perdagangan saham, dan kripto karena aksi harga (Action Price) relatif konsisten di berbagai aset sehingga kita akan membahasnya secara mendalam dalam video ini.
menit 1:15
Indikator MACD dapat digunakan untuk scalping, day trading dan strategi swing trading. Untuk memahami bagaimana MACD dapat digunakan dalam perdagangan, Anda harus terlebih dahulu mengetahui cara kerjanya, grafik ini menunjukkan hubungan antara dua garis Moving Averages dan MACD untuk British Pounds Dolar Amerika Serikat. Bagian atas chart berisi harga satu jam untuk pasangan mata uang serta Rata-Rata Pergerakan Eksponensial (Exponential Moving Averages)12 & 26, Bagian bawah berisi garis MACD, garis sinyal , histogram, dan level 0. Tiga hal menonjol dari chart ini.
menit 1:51
Pertama, Anda dapat melihat bahwa dua Moving Averages saling menjauh, kenaikan garis MACD adalah false.
menit 1:57
Kedua, Anda dapat melihat bahwa ketika dua Moving Averages bersilangan, ada persilangan level 0 yang sesuai dengan garis MACD.
menit 2:06
Ketiga, ketika garis sinyal dan garis MACD rata-rata bersilangan, ada persilangan level 0 yang sesuai dengan histogram MACD.
menit 2:15
Apa yang saya pribadi suka tentang strategi perdagangan MACD adalah indikatornya memiliki filter bawaan untuk sinyal perdagangan, filter ini mudah diterapkan ke grafik apa pun.
menit 2:24
Jika MACD berada di bawah garis 0, jangan membuka posisi buy saat MACD berada di bawah garis 0.
menit 2:30
Sebaliknya, jika indikator MACD berada di atas garis 0, jangan buka posisi sell.
menit 2:38
Jadi, bagaimana indikator ini bekerja?
menit 2:40
ketika indikator MACD diplot pada grafik, aspek terpenting adalah interaksi antara dua garis serta posisinya relatif terhadap garis 0.
menit 2:49
Ketika garis MACD berada di atas garis 0, ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pergerakan periode yang lebih pendek berada di atas rata-rata pergerakan periode yang lebih panjang, yang pada gilirannya menunjukkan bahwa pasar sedang bullish.
menit 3:01
Ketika garis MACD turun di bawah garis 0, rata-rata pergerakan periode yang lebih pendek lebih kecil dari rata-rata pergerakan periode yang lebih panjang, menunjukkan bahwa permintaan lebih bearish daripada sebelumnya.
menit 3:11
Jika garis cepat berada di atas garis lambat, histogram MACD positif dan diplot di atas garis 0, menunjukkan bias bullish.
menit 3:19
Sebaliknya, jika fast line berada di bawah slow line, MACD Histogram bertanda negatif dan diplot di bawah garis 0, mengindikasikan momentum bearish.
menit 3:30
Secara umum indikator MACD digunakan dalam salah satu dari tiga cara, crossover, kondisi Overbought/Oversold atau divergensi, MACD dipandang sebagai indikator yang efektif terutama di pasar yang sedang tren.
menit 3:42
Persimpangan MACD terjadi ketika garis MACD dan garis sinyal memotong, sering menunjukkan perubahan momentum atau tren pasar, sinyal jual dihasilkan ketika MACD melintasi di bawah garis sinyal, dan sinyal beli dihasilkan ketika MACD melintasi di atas garis sinyal.
menit 4:02
Selain itu, lokasi persilangan ini dalam kaitannya dengan garis 0 sangat membantu dalam menentukan titik beli dan jual. Sinyal bullish lebih signifikan.
menit 4:10
Ketika persilangan garis MACD di atas garis sinyal terjadi di bawah garis 0. Konfirmasi terjadi ketika kedua garis bersilangan di atas garis 0.
menit 4:24
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh strategi perdagangan crossover MACD.
menit 4:36
Sama seperti crossover Moving Averages, menggunakan MACD dengan cara ini menjadikannya indikator lagging, yang berarti menggunakan data aksi harga sebelumnya.
menit 4:44
Crossover MACD adalah alat yang hebat untuk digunakan di pasar yang sedang tren. Tetapi berisiko untuk berdagang dengan harapan bahwa persilangan akan terjadi karena pasar yang sedang tren rentan terhadap periode volatilitas tinggi. Baik MACD dan Moving Averages dimaksudkan untuk membuat Anda tetap berada di sisi kanan pasar.
menit 5:01
Di sisi panjang selama tren naik dan di sisi pendek atau keluar dari pasar sama sekali selama tren turun, artinya Anda membeli dan menjual terlambat, sementara Anda dapat memasuki perdagangan setelah awal tren dan keluar sebelum tren berakhir . Saya akan menggunakan indikator ini sebagai penyangga untuk mengurangi risiko, bukan sebagai sinyal utama.
menit 5:19
Harga tetap adalah indikator pamungkas dengan indikator momentum hanya memanipulasi data harga.
menit 5:24
Gunakan Price Action untuk membantu pengambilan keputusan saat menggunakan MACD.
menit 5:31
Bisakah MACD digunakan untuk level overbought dan oversold?
menit 5:36
Sebagai seorang pedagang yang dapat mengidentifikasi kondisi pasar overbough dan oversold dapat membantu Anda menentukan kapan harus masuk atau keluar dari perdagangan, posisi apa yang harus diambil dan kapan pembalikan tren mungkin akan segera terjadi, wawasan ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengelola risiko dan membuat keputusan perdagangan yang lebih tepat.
menit 5:52
Dan kondisi overbought mungkin terjadi ketika harga telah mengalami pergerakan ke atas yang signifikan, di beberapa titik Anda berharap bahwa harga akan turun dan kembali ke level yang lebih normal.
Part 2
menit 6:02
Demikian juga ketika harga telah melihat pergerakan ke bawah yang diperpanjang, kondisi oversold mungkin ada, di beberapa titik harga mungkin diharapkan naik ke level normal.
menit 6:12
Keamanan atau indeks mungkin overbought ketika Anda melihat MACD naik secara signifikan,
menit 6:18
Selama periode ini rata-rata pergerakan yang lebih pendek yang digunakan dalam perhitungan MACD meningkat lebih cepat daripada rata-rata pergerakan yang lebih panjang.
menit 6:25
Ini merupakan indikasi bahwa harga terlalu berlebihan dan pada titik tertentu dapat berbalik arah.
menit 6:30
Sebagai Osilator pusat, MACD tidak memiliki rentang grafik yang ditetapkan karena ini tidak mampu memberikan pembacaan overbought dan oversold yang tepat.
menit 6:41
Tidak seperti indikator berosilasi lainnya seperti RSI, tidak ada kondisi overbought atau oversold yang ditentukan sebelumnya.
menit 6:49
Level MACD tinggi dan rendah relatif mengurangi keamanan atau indeks yang Anda periksa, Anda mungkin perlu mempelajari perilaku MACD dari waktu ke waktu sebelum Anda dapat menentukan kapan harga overbought atau oversold.
Menit 7:00
Saat menggunakan MACD untuk mengidentifikasi periode ketika keamanan atau indeks overbought atau oversold, Sinyal beli terbaik datang ketika garis MACD dan garis sinyal berada di bawah garis 0 karena keamanan atau indeks mungkin oversold.
menit 7:14
Sinyal jual dihasilkan ketika garis berada di atas 0 di mana mereka mungkin menunjukkan kondisi jenuh beli, melihat perilaku MACD selama periode waktu yang diperpanjang, Anda mungkin dapat melihat pola di mana MACD mungkin muncul
menit 7:26
Atau jatuh ke level yang relatif sama, di mana harga akan turun atau naik masing-masing dan dengan garis MACD.
menit 7:37
Penggunaan populer ketiga dari MACD adalah untuk mengidentifikasi saat-saat ketika menyimpang dari harga.
menit 7:43
Divergensi MACD dibahas di sebagian besar buku perdagangan dan sering disebut sebagai alasan pembalikan tren atau mengapa tren bisa berbalik.
menit 7:52
Di belakang, divergensi tampak hebat. Banyak contoh dapat ditemukan di mana pembalikan didahului oleh divergensi MACD.
menit 7:58
Divergensi terjadi ketika tren harga tidak sesuai dengan tren indikator dengan kata lain, indikator tren ke satu arah sementara harga bergerak ke arah lain, atau tidak bergerak ke arah yang sama.
Menit 8:11
Divergensi MACD cenderung mendahului pembalikan tren harga saat ini.
Menit 8:15
Divergensi bullish terjadi ketika harga membuat posisi terendah ayunan yang lebih rendah, sedangkan indikator membuat posisi terendah yang lebih tinggi.
menit 8:20
Ini dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan bahwa momentum penjualan sedang melambat dan tren turun lebih rentan terhadap pembalikan.
Menit 8:31
Sekarang bagaimana menggunakan strategi MACD Divergence secara efektif. Di bagian ini Anda akan belajar untuk menerapkan indikator MACD Divergence jauh lebih efektif, ini adalah salah satu strategi perdagangan yang paling kuat untuk digunakan
menit 8:46
Anda dapat menggunakan Histogram MACD untuk mencari divergensi. Tetapi juga garis MACD di garis sinyal.
menit 8:52
Sinyal terkuat muncul ketika ada divergensi ganda pada histogram dan sinyal di garis MACD.
menit 8:59
Ini cara favorit saya menggunakan MACD, dan cara yang paling efektif.
menit 9:05
Perdagangan MACD Divergence jika dilakukan dengan benar dapat memberi Anda keunggulan nyata di pasar, ini bisa menjadi indikator awal yang kuat dari pembalikan tren, bila dikombinasikan dengan aksi harga.
Menit 9:15
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh divergensi ganda.
menit 10:07
Sekarang mengenai kerangka waktu, kerangka waktu apa yang terbaik untuk menghasilkan keuntungan paling banyak untuk perdagangan?
menit 10:14
Jawabannya adalah, ini sepenuhnya tergantung pada Anda, preferensi pribadi dan rencana perdagangan Anda.
menit 10:20
Namun, sinyal 1 jam lebih signifikan daripada sinyal 5 menit, sama seperti sinyal 4 jam membawa bobot lebih dari sinyal 15 menit.
menit 10:28
Salah satu teknik umum adalah melacak perilaku MACD setiap 4 jam. Namun alih-alih masuk atau keluar dari perdagangan berdasarkan sinyal 4 jam, Anda bisa merujuk ke grafik mingguan untuk melihat di mana MACD berada.
menit 10:42
Misalnya, jika Anda menerima sinyal beli dari MACD 4 jam dan Anda melihat bahwa pada grafik mingguan MACD berada dalam kondisi bullish, Anda mungkin ingin memasuki posisi buy.
menit 10:52
Namun jika MACD mingguan berada dalam kondisi jenuh beli, Anda mungkin ingin mengabaikan sinyal beli dari MACD 4 jam.
Short and precise video as usual but help and take through how to identify and draw SR zones
For clear entry and exit, try MACD with trendline indicator. high low + low high = buy, lowlow + highlow = sell signal.
Is it repaint indicator
How to use that indicator
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greetings from Philippines 🇵🇭
Wow god bless you
Super vidéo. Mais permettez-moi de parler de quelque chose d'important, je vois que beaucoup de jeunes et moins jeunes font des erreurs que je pense qu'ils ne devraient pas faire. Je crois que tout le monde, jeune ou vieux, devrait avoir un plan d'investissement qui fera passer son rendement financier de trois chiffres à six chiffres. L'investissement peut être votre plan de retraite ou votre plan futur, selon ce que vous voulez, mais le plus important est que vous ayez un investissement qui soit rentable.
@Jawad Investir dans le marché des crypto-monnaies forex vous avez besoin d'un professionnel pour vous guider pour éviter les pertes car les signaux ne sont pas vraiment faciles à lire c'est pourquoi vous devez investir avec un expert pour faire un meilleur profit
@@choneyilhamo7164 Quel est l'expert que vous recommandez et comment puis-je le contacter ?
@@martinezmartinz Mme Ann Mylander Coffey est la meilleure experte que je puisse recommander, j'ai fait de bons profits en investissant avec elle et en parlant d'elle
tu peux lui écrire
*Ann coffey trade*
100% Full knowledge in this Video
Great tutorial. Thank you for taking your time to make it , it is much appreciated.
The problem with all instances of trends and entry and exit points are shown on completed time frames, while a real trade decision has to be made without knowing where the chart will take you.
Wow! This was truly enlightening. Feeling an edge with that double divergence!
Reach channel directly
Plus + one • four • eight • zero • four • four • seven • one • zero • zero • three ••
At last I found this channel effective, so I subscribed 😀.
I'm try to figure out and understand between 12 -26 and 21-50 ema which one is better I heard a lots people talking about 21-50 is the best including myself I using 21 50 it work good
a lot of knowledge is important in Forex
When I saw it saying 100% accuracy, it got obvious that this is a fake claim.
Likewise I think.
When they use 100%, Absolute, Ultimate, Easiest, Simplest, Best... I immediately know that they don't live from trading, but they live by making videos about trading.
Very soon, they will make another video with another indicator saying 100% too.
Haha hahahahaha🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mr. trader dna, you are the best. Thank you for your sharing.
this information is gold and worth a thousand bucks! you earned my subbed! thank you! :)
Awesome, thank you!
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+1 415-237-7236
Another great video. I really appreciate the way you produce these and think it was a great, original idea of yours to have the practice session/reprise at the ends accompanied by the lounge music! Clever!! :)
This is wonderfully helpful. I will only have to watch it 25 more times to fully understand it! 😂
Save yourself the bother. MACD is an ancient indicator known to the whole market. You cannot make money with it. Or any other strategy you might see on TH-cam. I'm surprised these videos are allowed, they must cost people a fortune.
@@twoshedsjackson6478 I like MACD a lot, but any single study can't compare to price action and news.
You can get false signals on lower time frame unless you are short term traders. have a higher time frame for better confirmation of divergence.
did u xplain why there is a significant offset between the ema crosses on the chart and on the macd?
Trend on 4H chart is the best trend guide for majority of forex traders( if one keeps trades for 2-5 days. By the time trader realizes that trend on daily chart is up, market has already gone up about 3-5 days & if you ask supercomputer for the mathematical odds, computer tells you that odds are negative right from the start. Another reason is that trend on 1H chart can flip on A dime & your money is gone.Trend based on the last 5-10,four hourly candles has enough players behind it so that it would not flip on A dime, so trader has decent chance to make something without buying overpriced merchandise. Entry is on 15M price action. Seek your wisdom?
Unfortunately many of you are thanking him before using the macd😂😂You will be shocked!
What make you say that ? MACD delay ?
Thank you @Morgan Babu
He does say you should use it with other charts and not rely on it alone, I use it with CCI (100/-100) and RSI (20/80), and also Bollinger bands on the candle chart, great success...
@@UberMick how does CCI Work. I see it moving in a funny way which I dnt understand. He doesn't even explain how he sets the macd lines. My macd comes with only one line not two like his!
@@morganbabu3105 you could try google macd with histogram. you be able to get it for mt4...
Please make the slope lines and other curves of bright colours and bit thicker.
its only acvcurate when you use it at major support and resistance areas
Sir, IF support/resistance levels on 2 different time frames are the same level (example daily & 4H or 4H & 1H charts) does it mean that such S/R level is more likely to hold? Institutions work with daily & 4H charts--so these levels should carry more weights.For price action at S/R level which chart is better--15 minute OR 5 minute. Sir,Thank you.
11.26 when the macd is below the zero line do not open any long trades. No if it were below and crossed up then go long.
Very helpful thank you, I have watched a lot of videos on MACD but this is by far the best one
Thanks Brent Ritchie, We wish you the greatest success....
What is the simple ma(ossicalotor) and ma(signal) on macd setup? Will this setting change in this strategy?
Other question: Can we use this strategy with heikin ashi candle?
Trader DNA ...I Share my experience MACD Indicator is very confusing..i dont use this now day trading but its help overbought & sold condition
Really working combination with price action
I must appreciate your effort brother…
always giving a new and a great idea and the way u teach makes more easier thank you so much. so much love from Manipur
Yar ye double div ban nahi pata, pata nahi isny kahan sy signal line macd k aoper sy pakry hen
Could you clarify what you meant when you said you shouldn't look for buy signals below the 0 line yet you still say to go long when the crossover happens below the same line
I learned something about divergence. Sweet!
Pls know that this is a very good video indeed, very impactful. However please help overcome a challenge here. How can I setup MACD histogram on ndrpid exactly the way it is seen in this video? I have not seen anyone who did that. Please help.
I will greatly appreciate your video(very good one like this) on Order block trading strategy
SIR, When swing trading forex with support/resistance what is reliable time chart to use for S/R levels--is it 4 hour OR 1 hour chart? I think that 1H ,30M, S/R levels are going to get easily violated if trading is against trend on 4H/Daily chart. Of course entry be made based on 15 M chart price action BUT ENTRY HAS TO BE IN THE HIGHER TIME FRAME DIRECTION--seek your wisdom
I find that for intraday forex trend trading most important relevant (Guide)trend direction is ON 15 minute, 1h and 4h charts only-- For intraday trading weekly & monthly trends do not matter much(too far removed from intraday field of activity) & can be ignored. For simplicity sake if 15 minute ,1h & 4h trends are in the same direction, you have a trade set up in the same direction (one could fine tune entry 0n 5 minute charts). In general if daily candle be in the same direction for any trade it is better but not A must.--Sir, what do you have to say?Any modifications?
Great video. I believe there is an error at around 2:29 when you suggest "Do not open any long positions when the MACD below the Zero line" and do not open any short positions when the MACD above the zero line..... please confirm
I noticed that too. I think is a mistake
Please make complete video on Price Action or a series of Price Action. Thanks Great knowledgeable Vedio.👍👍👍
Great content 👍 keep making lot of good stuffs like this. Thanks for your efforts!!!
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Thanks for your feedback....... for more guldance from me contacts me on Whatsapp
+1 415-237-7236
Thanks I am not clear yet about the using MACD , could u please explain .
So if your using divergence you don't wait for the macd\signal lines to cross the zero line for confirmation/buying (like explained at 2:23) but earlier when the macd\signal lines cross?
HI. Any indicators or systems to generate alerts when a Double Divergence is formed?
Hi guys, I'm new to trading and still on demo account but I've been watching oil these past few days and I've noticed that even with indicators, it's still so unpredictable. So I was wondering if anyone in the comments who's got much more experience than I, to give me some advice please if possible? It would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for this education,,,actualy this is work...power full
Moving average video was very good we can easily find trend. Thanks you sir
Reach channel directly
Plus + one • four • eight • zero • four • four • seven • one • zero • zero • three ••
Love this lesson. Thank you so much
Thank you for your feedback, for more
information and how to be successful in trading 📊📉📈
What is the period of the two moving average of the main chart?
When MACD crossed it is tooooooo late. This is why 9 out of 10 people loose money in trading.
Ohh yeah i love this video.. i apply this strategy and it's work 🥰
Learnt something new. Thanks
Nice informative video ,thank you
If used incorrectly. This indicator can kill you. I changed the numbers it uses. For me, that made it work a lot better.
What number your settinf MACD bro ?
@@winartowinarto3074 I played with it until i found numbers that had it giving signals about the same time as Stochastics or RSI would. Then i promptly played with those too, lol. I run with 21, 3, 5 now and i run with a 5 RSI crosses 13 RSI rather then overbought, oversold as in trending markets RSI frequently says overdone and the market keeps right on going. Of course, i don't use the indicators as entries anymore.... i enter on SR or MA rejection with candle rejection, candle close in my direction...Key MAs are EMA 9, SMA 20, SMA 50, SMA 100, SMA 200. The market will always have trouble at these spots. Often M15 plus TF is sitting at a SR level. Higher TF being harder to break. I am in trades before indicators say trade...and use indicators mainly now for strength of move indicators. But i changed MACD to 8 21 5. play with it.
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@@kathylien2015 you just a scam bot
Knowledge is power.. Thank you
Use appropriate filters for indicators either ma or ema
If you have a divergence above zero line, macd going to 0, it will time to open a short, and opposite, so ???
Can you provide us a high quality class, like this one, but this time using OBV?
Best regards, from Brazil!
Lovely explanation
🙏 Thank you Vijayalakshmi MM, We wish you the greatest success....
Serendipity! Thanx!!!
MACD Double Divergence superb. And last 4H and W1 just hard to understand...
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+1 415-237-7236
Thank you very much. It is a very good video on MACD. I wish I could praise your efforts properly. 🙏
When MACD cross it is too late to trade. I will tell you my strategy of using MACD. Look at MACD, notice when the it rolled over or bottom out, that is when price switch. That is where you want to enter, not when it crosses. Or, anticipate that it about to roll over then short a bit higher then the current price. Or anticipate that it about the bottom out then long a bit lower then the current price. You might ask how a person anticipates the roll over or bottom out. Easy, basic eight grade algebra one math. You can find this out by using the principle of the slope of the line y = b * x + c, where b is the slope of the line. If you use Think or Swim (TOS) platform from Ameritrade, you can program the slope of the line (b). I programed this math equation as an indicator in TOS. As the value of this indicator approaches zero, I enter the trade. This indicator will improve the winning rate to 90%. You are welcome. Consider this is a service that I contribute to the public.
Thanks for the great video! Helpful!
do all of your trading strategies work for futures as well?
This video also one of the best
thank you for this MACD strategy teaching I love so much. but you promise free downloading I could not can you help me?
Thanks for the good actionable explanation. 🙏🙏🙏
i also noticed MACD and signal line cross in a different place when on 1 hr chart and different on a 4 hr chart...whats with that? shouldn't it be the same?
What is the setting of MACD
I noticed that most of your examples use Currency Pairs , does the MACD work just as good with Stocks and ETF's ? BTW Great Presentation ! Thank you
Hi trader dna to setup double line macd..
Well presented
Great mentor 😊
Just great‼️ 🙏👍💝
12 EMA
26 EMA
God bless you po
Amazing Man
great great videos they are informative and beautifully presented.
Thanks for your feedback....... for more guldance from me contacts me on Whatsapp
+1 415-237-7236
way too fast for me
First you said to compare on 1 hr chart, cool! the end you say to compare on 4 hr and 1 week chart...and it all looks different now and i am very confused,...
Zendex Before Pubg
He is a Trader but Now He is a Gamer
How are we supposed to not enter a short if we’re above the zero line yet only honor crossovers underneath the zero line for bearish scenarios at the same time???
Do we need to use 12 and 26 moving average along with MACD?
8ema is key for price movement. Put it on chart along with 12 & 26 and observe the out come.
very informative thank you
Very informative video! Also try over-laying the stochastics 12-3-3 on the MACD Histogram.
Interesting! Why 12 3 3 ?
What time frame ?
This is the best videos I’ve come across so much information. Do you have a course?
F•o•r~ g•u•••i•d•e~ c•o•n•t•a•c•t~ m•e o•n~ w•h•a•t•s•a•p•p 👇
When MACD cross it is too late to trade. I will tell you my strategy of using MACD. Look at MACD, notice when the it rolled over or bottom out, that is when price switch. That is where you want to enter, not when it crosses. Or, anticipate that it about to roll over then short a bit higher then the current price. Or anticipate that it about the bottom out then long a bit lower then the current price. You might ask how a person anticipates the roll over or bottom out. Easy, basic eight grade algebra one math. You can find this out by using the principle of the slope of the line y = b * x + c, where b is the slope of the line. If you use Think or Swim (TOS) platform from Ameritrade, you can program the slope of the line (b). I programed this math equation as an indicator in TOS. As the value of this indicator approaches zero, I enter the trade. This indicator will improve the winning rate to 90%. You are welcome. Consider this is a service that I contribute to the public.
Thank you very much