@@brandychau Moovit is the world's #1 urban mobility app. All local transit options in one app: buses, trains, subway, bikes, scooters, Uber, Lyft, and more. Plan, pay, and ride. Moovit is very convenient.
Moovit is the world's #1 urban mobility app. All local transit options in one app: buses, trains, subway, bikes, scooters, Uber, Lyft, and more. Plan, pay, and ride. There are more Apps choices at the Google Play store as well.
This isn't downtown, this is Cambie more close to VGH, the main hospital of BC. There's a bunch of coffee chosp around that area. A few hidden ones that might be more your type, more homey. Also go get the compass keychain
If your original Compass card was registered before you lost it, you can call Compass and ask them to transfer the lost card balance over to your new card (after it's registered to your account too). And another way to get to this area is to take the Canada Line SkyTrain to Vancouver City Hall station, instead of taking that bus. If you take a Millenium Line SkyTrain, you can take it downtown and then switch to Canada Line and take it back up to City Hall station. That should still be faster and more predictable than the bus.
That street U're walking was on Cambie across City Hall in City of Vancouver. If U're going to the North to use Cambie bridge, that's Down Town. Don't drive to DT work, v. expensive parking and lots of restrictions esp office hrs. Just take skytrain or Canada line back and forth DT to work will be good. That coffee shop U're there was on W. Broadway. Make sure U bring charger of your cell phone next time. People are using charger inside coffee which is v. common.
Couple of things. One don't buy a new car, by used, When your new driver, there's lots of chance that you might get an accent or someone might hit you and you don't know what to do, that's why best do you have a used car?. 2 if you guys worked out. Tom, better take the transit and stuff driving because parking is expensive. 3 she tried to do grooming a society job privately. That way you can make it extra money, you can promote with your portfolio so that people can bring their dogs or cats to you. Good luck!
Brandy I know you are a sweet boyfriend. But I think you can wait at home do other things while Mei Mei had interview. I don't think is necessary that you have to go with her everytime she has an interview. I feel is more efficient :) Unless you really have nothing to do and just want to kill time. And yes, buying a new car is expensive nowadays. If Mei Mei is a new driver, I don't suggest to buy a new car as new driver is really easy to scratch the car while parking. Just telling from my past experience, for new driver, is good to have a second hand car, when you gain a lot of experience, then you buy a new car will be much better. Wish you guys all the best.
Too far away for you to work there…. But good luck. And usually coffee shop will help you charge your phone if needed, don’t be afraid to ask next time.
Suggest you do some research about living in Victoria, BC, it is in Vancouver Island. City is very compact and bus is very easy transportation in town and outside Victoria. There are lots of dogs here. We are retired and just moved here in Langford, half hour bus from Victoria downtown. I do see hiring signs everywhere. When we go hiking every morning, we see more dogs than people. Job opportunities should be better than Vancouver. Also,Victoria is the warmest city in Canada. That is why we moved here from Toronto after 40 years. Good luck
美美should try apply pets department by government better benefits and yourself may look at under government department as liquid store they operate 3 shift stocking any openings very good holidays.if you may work night shift.you got free time for day 😊 good luck for 2of you
其實我真心建議你進修下,如果唔係只可以申請coffee shop 等工作,要有出頭天真係要進修,特別你嘅英文仍有很多進步空間.
生活很現實 但也許他們的生活費用只夠用目前的生活 暫時無力再做其他事~ 但確實無論如何好好充實自己
想當初我一段好多年(8年以上)的異地戀感情 ,因為對方要過去加拿大 而我努力買了房要接女友過來,她卻要我把房賣掉一同過去加拿大, 需要先花錢報課程 學簽 ,(因為我英文不好)
左思右想 都不知道如何是好下不了決定之下分手了!!
現在留在原本國家 做原本工作 沒了感情 ,持續繳著房貸 和 持續做小工作室事業,多餘的錢報名英文課進修自己!(英文費用比整個人過去加拿大省)
之後才知道 原來當時女友在讓我賣房 沒下這決定後沒多久(2周)就跟當地已移民成功的重新交往了 ... ...
回過頭 才發現當初的糾結很多餘,回過頭現在沒那麼有壓力的充實自己也很快樂,回過頭我房子還擁有著!
Brandy 你唔係好鍾意住Downtown嘅咩?唔係入不敷支都要住咩?點解嚟咗溫哥華就唔住?好好呀你幫美美咩背囊😂
保重 加油
從視頻所見, 這裡絕對不是 Downtown. 和UBC相距10公里, 名叫 Fairview 區, 屬於西區的邊緣中產區域, 毗鄰溫哥華東區. 沿途見到 Cambie street 甘比街夾14街, 一直向北行至 West Broadway 百老匯西街. 途經 Tropika (星馬印餐廳), Vancouver City Hall (溫哥華市政廳/ 你話好靚嗰座建築物) 等等. 附近也有多間抵食中餐, 例如廣州粥麵小廚和告羅士打茶餐廳
最簡單又準時便是天車接駁天車: 由 Lougheed Station 搭 (車程50分鐘)搭 Expo Line 世博線至 Downtown 總站 Waterfront Station, 再接駁(車程7分鐘)Canada Line 加拿大線至 Broadway City Hall Station 百老匯街市政廳站, 然後沿Cambie Street 向南步行幾條街就到, 全程最多70 分鐘.
Compass Card 最保險是實名登記咗 (上網或親臨 Downtown Waterfront Station TransLink Office 買咭兼實名登記和自動增值). 然後用個卡套入住, 掛在胸前, 防止遺失.唔見咗要盡快報失截停, 防止他人盗用.
感謝你既分享!果陣我地都係跟Google map既路線去,所以唔知有更快既路線🤣我會整下個compass card! 感謝你話我知!💖
@@brandychau Moovit is the world's #1 urban mobility app. All local transit options in one app: buses, trains, subway, bikes, scooters, Uber, Lyft, and more. Plan, pay, and ride. Moovit is very convenient.
@@brandychau有掛帶的咭套可以在Doillar Tree ( 平過 Dollarama) 購買, 或者考慮 TransLink Office at Waterfront 出售的電子鎖匙扣代替Ccompass card 用
Moovit is the world's #1 urban mobility app. All local transit options in one app: buses, trains, subway, bikes, scooters, Uber, Lyft, and more. Plan, pay, and ride. There are more Apps choices at the Google Play store as well.
Umi好辛苦😢見工見六個鐘😮?祝Mei Mei成功💪努力香港人👍
美美過去只系做幫狗冲涼, 上完嗰course 就自己升自己做 groomer, 😅 好似有啲奇怪.
5月嗰個都可以口頭搭應左先, 到時這邊請左簽埋約開埋工 到時再回絶嗰邊就行, 一日未簽約一日口頭講咩都得 公司都可以話5月會請到時反口都吹佢唔脹
This isn't downtown, this is Cambie more close to VGH, the main hospital of BC. There's a bunch of coffee chosp around that area. A few hidden ones that might be more your type, more homey. Also go get the compass keychain
If your original Compass card was registered before you lost it, you can call Compass and ask them to transfer the lost card balance over to your new card (after it's registered to your account too).
And another way to get to this area is to take the Canada Line SkyTrain to Vancouver City Hall station, instead of taking that bus. If you take a Millenium Line SkyTrain, you can take it downtown and then switch to Canada Line and take it back up to City Hall station. That should still be faster and more predictable than the bus.
Thank you for letting us know! We will do it these week!🥹🙏
Compass card可以上官網登記返卡個number,如果跌咗可以報失,啲錢可以轉返落新卡,登記咗仲可以睇返record。另外compass card有90分鐘免費轉乘,如果出去買嘢快閃,90分鐘內再入閘係唔計回程錢
快啲考返車牌先,去得遠可租evo, modo。
巴士上晝塞車塞得好犀利,搭Sky Train好啲
That street U're walking was on Cambie across City Hall in City of Vancouver. If U're going to the North to use Cambie bridge, that's Down Town. Don't drive to DT work, v. expensive parking and lots of restrictions esp office hrs. Just take skytrain or Canada line back and forth DT to work will be good. That coffee shop U're there was on W. Broadway. Make sure U bring charger of your cell phone next time. People are using charger inside coffee which is v. common.
Thank you for sharing!🤍
W. Broadway is not Down town it’s 溫哥華西區
@@rickylee5881 聽到抝晒頭,見到西12街,downtown???
Vancouver 睇黎好平靜好慢活,感覺多倫多比較多姿多彩⋯⋯
上次嗰份應該係請咗另一位, 美美係back up, 所以我估計佢先話5月, 如果佢請嗰個唔work out, 三個月內都仲有美美
5月先請美美是藉口,知美美點會等咁耐?, 唔洗食飯咩!玩你黃皮膚而已!又有免費勞工,何樂而不為!?
都好多可能性,可能有staff contract 至到5月,或者有staff resign做到5月? 不過都唔駛咁care,揾下其他先! 佢問你等唔等5月,你就話等! (咪等住先囉😆)
邊有咁多種族歧視? 佢歧視你黃種人,咁你都可以歧視佢係白人或黑人?! 真係唔洗咁玻璃心! 講到尾,老闆有權揀你,你都有權揀公司,係咪?
@@ctkcheng7772 我諗唔係歧視,應該有好多可能性,不過唔好等住一份,應繼續去apply and interview, 見得多,自己都會熟練好多,自信心都會大咗,𠵱到搵工係要有主動性,當俾機會自己見唔同嘅人,練膽量,練英文, 𠵱個係個過程!
Compass card可以register, 如果再唔見可以報失,拎翻入面啲錢,只損失按金👍🏻
Ohhh 原來係咁 感謝你話比我知!
美美,你做得好好,今次亦都係一個好好既經驗😊,其實你去邊間工作都好,grooming 係一個經驗累積既行業,只要自己不停咁學習,進修,將來一定可以成為出色既groomer❤ 現在你剛剛起步,所以每一到都會有學習既機會,Be Positive 😊
Vancouver 油價貴過其他地方ga。如果唔係日日需要揸,可以研究下share car 喎 , eg Evo car,仲有幾間揀。
在downtown工作,在外圍住,開車返工,不是一個好主意,因為downtown park車超貴,超塞車,要認真考慮一下
新牌喺溫哥華買二手車比較化算, 如果碰啱, 一萬加元以下都可找到揸得過的, 保險都平 D。
祝 你哋事事順利!
@@willycky9 盡量揀 10萬 km 以下的。 新車原廠保養都唔平。
@@willycky9 可能係, 所以要耐心揀。 我 2020年喺相熟車行買過一部 Benz C240, 99550 km, 3000 加元, 揸咗三年舊年 transmission 有問題要整 5000 加元, 我唔整, 將佢賣咗都係 3000 加元, 買番一架 Mazda 20萬 km, 7000 加元, 仲撻得著 😁
你地到的地方還末在正downtown, 算是在midtown Cambie 街一帶,靠近溫多華西區, 真的比較多有錢人和多名校。地理上要過左Cambie 橋才算是到downtown. 有機會可以去Granville Island 下吓,在你等美美的附近。 希望你們事事順利!
Yeah U both will like Granville Island. But U both have to take bus to go there cause no sky train station near Granville Island
美美,Brandy 加油,加拿大生活不容易,大家一齊努力。 💪
You were at the Vancouver City Hall, and Vancouver General Hospital area. All the most specialized surgeries in BC are done there. @@brandychau
繼續作戰‼️希望美美能順利找出心中理想的工作‼️ GOOD LUCK 👍🏻🙏🏻💪🏻
記得CLS👍支持Brandy & Umi💪💪💪☺️💕💕
我不想扫你们慶… 過去10 年我每月都帶我家一頭60 多磅的大狗到二间位於加州很好的白人区給犬儿冲涼及剪甲…. 我感覺這一行搵唔到食的… 每次我去到都發覺那些寵物美容師不斷換人…. 如果好搵…. 他们應不会不斷转工吧? 美美愈看愈多忧慮… 你們二人看來都很憔悴…. 不想你們走錯路… 浪費時間…. 燃燒生命!
Couple of things.
One don't buy a new car, by used, When your new driver, there's lots of chance that you might get an accent or someone might hit you and you don't know what to do, that's why best do you have a used car?.
2 if you guys worked out. Tom, better take the transit and stuff driving because parking is expensive.
3 she tried to do grooming a society job privately. That way you can make it extra money, you can promote with your portfolio so that people can bring their dogs or cats to you.
Good luck!
因為佢全隻狗用鉸剪groom 係難度比較高既剪法 所以係需要比較多時間🤣有人工出架
Brandy 瘦咗? 你哋記得要好好食飯啊!
去圖書館hea下 😅
其實一個願打一個願捱 冇人是慘的 一個咁廢既男人 連佢自己都搞唔掂自己既人 更唔好話照顧女友 美美仲可以覺得冇問題繼續同個冇用既人一齊 自己打兩份工 兩個日日走去coffee shop消費 完全冇準備又走去溫哥華 兩條友都唔掂…
Brandy I know you are a sweet boyfriend. But I think you can wait at home do other things while Mei Mei had interview. I don't think is necessary that you have to go with her everytime she has an interview. I feel is more efficient :) Unless you really have nothing to do and just want to kill time. And yes, buying a new car is expensive nowadays. If Mei Mei is a new driver, I don't suggest to buy a new car as new driver is really easy to scratch the car while parking. Just telling from my past experience, for new driver, is good to have a second hand car, when you gain a lot of experience, then you buy a new car will be much better. Wish you guys all the best.
Thank you for sharing to us!!💖💖
😂😂 咁就係愛 😓😂😂
Brandy and 美美 你倆好幸福 竟可遇到“lovetomo" 咁真誠嘅觀眾❤
No need drive to downtown too expensive.even I'm take skytrain to downtown
嘩 呢條片 你倆嘅互動 似乎好有問題 美美去見工 該係好大压力亦會好累 Brandy伴美美去 然後去飲咖啡休息 仲會投訴等好耐 又唔識返屋企 失掉車票等等 你今年幾多歲 美美完咗見工 Brandy嘅投訴仍繼續 而美美仲要向Brandy道歉要佢等咗好耐 呢個鏡頭好真實 亦顯示出你倆關係有好大問題 乜嘢世界 做男的 只會投訴得唔到最舒適嘅接待 而通常女方只會去供應 哎 Brandy請放下自私 要成長 做個有責任嘅伴侶 😊
美美趕住去見工差啲遲到,條友都仲要浪費時間拍片, 手機就黎冇電又未等到美美都仍然冒住隨時死機嘅危險繼續拍,合唔合常理?最難頂就係條友時常刻意表現得懶係關心美美(強調自己幫美美整IG, 幫美美拎重野,陪美美見工等等),但不經意嘅細節顯示嘅卻係另一回事。
@@ericlai7095 條友連拍片都懶過人,拍黎拍去都係佢哋兩個單調沉悶嘅日常生活,差唔多條條片都係見到兩條友喺條街度行,講黎講去都三谷屁,你話佢拍搵工拍左幾多次?拍行街食飯幾多次?求其搵次出街拎起電話是旦拍啲野就放上網呃view, 呃得一蚊得一蚊。一個打緊份最低工資兼職,另一個待業中,就已經計劃緊喺温哥華呢個生活昂貴但公共交通完備嘅地方買車,不切實際嘅程度令人咋舌,移民不是咁的!
有同感,其實睇過一開始幾條片已經開始麻麻地呢對年輕人。兩個後生係人生黃金時期走去加拿大所謂體驗生活,已經去左幾年仲係停留係做coffee shop呢D最低工資工作,英文仲未學得好(“compress” card, “十prise”),認真救命,個女既唔夠20歲就跟左個男朋友出走到甘遠,無名無份,都唔知將來會唔會結婚,感覺有點不知所謂。
佢肯定利用美美啦⋯⋯花語狡語…. 控制狂…甚麼多伴美美…進修下啦⋯⋯找份好工啦⋯⋯要美美同你捱…美美人工肯定比你高
祝福美美成功 Good Luck to you 💪🙏
買車是打算finance 嗎? 6.X % 有點難. 而家買車問銀行finance 隨時10.X%起跳
Hopefully Mei Mei get the job offer
@@brandychau AI ... didn't u double check ???
add oil!all the best!💪💪💪
Too far away for you to work there…. But good luck. And usually coffee shop will help you charge your phone if needed, don’t be afraid to ask next time.
Thank you for sharing!💖
預祝美美今日試工成功 你們會一天比一天順利!好欣賞你倆互相支持互相鼓勵 !繼續努力💪🏽
You can also consider joining a car share program like Modo or Evo. That way you have access to a car whenever you need one.
City hall, hospital 區, that’s not downtown….
The car insurance for new car & new driver is really expensive.
@9:16 前面的樓景哥面打後先系正式 downtown.
Good luck Umi and Brandy. 😊
I believe you can register your Compass card. If you registered it, you can report it lost
Thank you Liza for sharing!
支持美美! 一定成功
Good luck ❤❤❤
Wish you guys all the best
有啲無聊廣告 但我都睇曬 略盡綿力支持你們 加油年青朋友❤
由天光等到天黑 最佳男朋友 super sweet❤
Hi, 我欣賞你們的真愛,小小分享,如果初駕車的人,最好找(雁)殻比較強的!平安重要,特別downtown!好多住加拿大的人,他們同香港人一樣,都是好急地駕駛!祝平安快樂
Brandy, 下次去就從Lougheed skytrain station坐到Broadway station轉 99或9號巴士,唔駛十分鐘就到Ash附近, 就係片中見到既Cactus club,行上去就到。祝你同美美生活愉快
Suggest you do some research about living in Victoria, BC, it is in Vancouver Island. City is very compact and bus is very easy transportation in town and outside Victoria. There are lots of dogs here. We are retired and just moved here in Langford, half hour bus from Victoria downtown. I do see hiring signs everywhere.
When we go hiking every morning, we see more dogs than people. Job opportunities should be better than Vancouver. Also,Victoria is the warmest city in Canada. That is why we moved here from Toronto after 40 years. Good luck
Thank you for sharing!
oh yes, I can't believe Mei Mei is born in Japan. Please tell us more. I am really interest.
12:40 Mei Mei said the head groomer asked her which location she born in Japan? I guess the head groomer thought she is a Japanese...lol@@brandychau
@lovetomo Instead, it was Mei Mei asked the head groomer where did he/she born in Japan.
祝一切順利, 美美很快找到理想工作❤
美美should try apply pets department by government better benefits and yourself may look at under government department as liquid store they operate 3 shift stocking any openings very good holidays.if you may work night shift.you got free time for day 😊 good luck for 2of you
Thank you for sharing!💖
Add oil yumi
You can block the compass card if the card was registered
Vancouver可用Modo 共享汽車喇。
不要買韓國車 不及日本車 不要太過被韓國風洗腦
下段TH-cam會試下 感謝你既意見!
Brandy真係好男友,次次等咁耐 幫佢打氣!希望大家都早日有OFFER 啦~~
試工有冇人工㗎? 10年後你哋睇返啲片⋯會心微笑😌
There are companies that will pay you for the technical interview. So it depends.