Not me.... I haven't had time to sit down and reflect... But you my friend Nick in my opinion have gotten far in your spiritual growth... Which is commending... It is very inspiring for us out here...😊
No,. Not at all. Last year I head cancer ( I am still here Nick) and it turned my life as I knew it, complete up side down. I still try to figure out things, life etc.
Dear Nick for the last 2 weeks i have been isolated, in bed with covid and this has increased my depression. I was coming from just 1 month of grief after the loss of my best friend and added to my health situation with 2 new diagnoses, all of this was too much for me. Despite practicing zen Buddhism, and belonging to an online sangha, I have absolutely no desire for anything at this moment. And that's when I remembered your gentle way, your always affectionate voice, and I decided to listen again to all the topics I've heard in the past. I wanted to tell you that at this very difficult time in my life I find great comfort in your words. Thank you so much for this wonderful work and for sharing your experiences and compassion with us 🙏🏼
“You cannot connect the dots looking forward; You can connect them only looking backwards; so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something-- you gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.” Thank you so much for sharing this, Nick. Because of you calmness and wisdom, it seems that you can be a consultant for anyone. I really like YOU.❤️
This is exactly where I find myself in life right now. At a crossroad, unsure of where to go next. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this guidance Ven. Nick ☺️🙏🏻
you ever try that future authoring program from Jordan Peterson ? It sounded similar to what Anthony Robbins talked about in Awaken the Giant.... it might be useful to find a quite place, and just start writing ... that chicken soup for the soul guy said to write down 30 things each, what do you want to BE, to do, and to have,,,so that is 90 things... Robbins pushes more by saying why do you want ___? You want how it will make you feel.... yea, my boat has ONE oar.... I want a camper van to go explore and go on adventures, but I procrastinate on final wire terminations...and waste my time here and FB, I know I am not going to live forever.... all right, I change that now and today...thanks !
It’s so easy to criticise ourselves and so hard to be compassionate to ourselves, sometimes we just need to be still and listen to our heart. Love and light always❤️🙏🏻
This is my first time listening to you 5/9/2024 @ 11:39 am EST. This how I feel at this moment..I sought a new position, and was interviewed. I wasn't selected for that position. I am definitely taking your words to assist me in this moment. Thank you for caring enough for others on this journey to share. God Bless you.😊
Thank you Nick. This was really helpful and very timely. You made me realise that I am only 55 years old and have (hopefully) much life to live and lots to learn and do. I often forget and expect myself to have sorted everything out by now! Thank you for this reminder to trust, to live in the present moment and to be kind and compassionate to myself. You are able to offer a great balance between personal experience and insight and being relevant to many people. Thank you! X
Janet I am happy you are clear about your life NOW! I am a female 53 yrs old and God knows all my life in California I feel stuck, as I got older it got worse and harder, and now so worried about age factor, who wants me, as a single woman, not have a clear path 😒
I’m realising that they is no time limit on having it all figured out and you learn until the end . What’s important is to live each day the best you can and kind to yourself … so true what Nick said and I’m taking it on board every day if I can .
Hey Nick! Your posts just always get me thinking deeper, each and every time. Thank you for your insight and wisdom, and helping me to find the path! 🙏
Nick, this was the perfect message. I needed to hear that I should do what I can "right now," what I can control. It was exactly what I needed. Thank you!
I’ve been clueless all my life. Afraid, confused, obsessed, struggling, suffering. Currently I’m also a CBT psychologist in training and your video called What I wish my therapist had told me just almost made me cry. There is so much I need to figure out. Thank you for sharing your wisdom 🙏
Thank you. Apart from my personal life, I’ve just started to feel almost recentment towards CBT lately. Since I started to work with patients, actually. I went through five years of university program that was very tough to get into, and since it was a medical program, the fokus was solely on what the scientific evidence shows (read: CBT). I’m just so disillusioned by the whole thing, coming to work with people who suffer in different ways. I’m interested in your thoughts. Do you not post videos currently? Have you read the book Already free? Kindly Sanna
damn, I'm 47 years, I think,.... when will I ever be a better person, for myself and others. I struggle. I'm overwhelmed and anxious, how long will I be unsure. I am not proud of myself. great video. thank you for giving your time and sharing.
Hi Nick. I'm going through a really difficult time right now. I'm trying very hard to stay focussed on the present and being kind to myself but it's not easy. It sounds really silly but I just wanted to tell someone about it and you always seem so calm and kind and warm. I really hope you have a nice day.
Binerexis - dear heart, just a word from an old lady. I had some childhood trauma that I thought I had taken care of resurface when I hit retirement and old age, I was shocked and devastated. I have had to do a lot of grieving as all the hurt in the past was in my face, in my soul. My heart had been so broken, but the business and duty of daily living Kept me from the inner work I needed to do, The thought of not wanting to live through the grieving process occurred to me. But I made it. Still growing through it but it gets better every day. You are here and listening, you will make it too. ❤️ I feel like Buddhist teachings and the mantra’s sung have sent me a life line. Wish you all the best deeply.
@@csflower interesting, need to make time to do the inner work ? Is this a solo journey, like Jesus in the Desert ? I'm not sure counselors really help...
@@DanTheManIOM I have this found book to be very helpful -“The Joy of Living - unlocking the Secret of & Science & Happiness” by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche with a forward by Daniel Goldman. Copyright 2002 It has been a powerful study for me. I have lots of time to do the inner work now and it’s bearing very positive fruit. I can honestly say I no longer suffer from PTSD. A few emotions may surface but that old paranoia that use to great me upon waking, that I just got use too, no longer greats me! I have indeed had a strange long life with many success. Brokenness happens when trauma happens and false conditions and factors have produced false perceptions that were simply ingrained as the result of some really traumatic experiences. I shared my life story with a counselor once, Sharing in a rather matter of fact way, his reply was - you have been through a Holocaust - yes you are Jewish. - you have paid your dues. I thought that was strange, but circumstances did not make it possible for further visits with him. We humans are unique creations with amazing possibilities. To quote the author: “All mental activity, in other words, evolves from the combined activity of bare perception and long-term neuronal association”. Damaged people can damage other people. Yet it is still possible to stop the damage, heal the damage and forgive and know the anger about it all and the stupidity for not understanding sooner has little influence. I didn’t know facing my inner “demons” was going to be so hard. Like the old saying- no pain no gain! Walking through the valley of the shadow of death turned out to be the only way to teach a mountain top of sunshine and fresh air or wholeness and well-being. I will probably always be an intense person border-line bi-polar, but at least I don’t bore myself! Mr. Dan, thanks for your reply. A book came out in the1980’s - “I’m Ok, Your Ok.” For the times it was a helpful read. Stay well and have a lovely life. I am so tickled to find Buddhist teaching in my old age😊✌🏻.
Thank you very much venerable for your contribution🙏.. Whatever we are living now is our own creation. No one is responsible for it... Patience is very important at every aspect of life.. Each coin has two sides likewise there will be up & down in our lives.. Sometimes things would work as per our expectations sometimes not.. Patience, efforts & mindfulness helps us to work towards our goal.. "This too will pass soon", this type of positive thought will motivate us to work for our goals.. We crave for immediate result for our action & that puts us in grief....Every act has it's own time to give fruits...Having company of right people & right surrounding help us to remain stable & positive... Lots of Metta to all.
Each talk recharges me. On my Spiritual journey after retirement your advice is right on with me. I loved connecting the the dots that brought me here today. Thank you. 🙏
When I hear your life story it is so much like many different, seemingly unrelated directions but now look at you! You get to help and support such a wide variety of people, you connect with SO MANY.
Thank you, Ven. Nick. As a new gestalt therapist, I have shared your channel with my clients who are looking for grounding and peace. I am not surprised learning your life includes dance, gestalt, and Buddhism. I can only imagine how powerful a session with you could be. Thank you for your insights and teachings. They have been so valuable for me.
Thank you Venerable Nick for this powerful message. You are truly a bright light in this world. Welcome back to Los Angeles. Sending blessings to you always!
Hello Ven. Nick. I really enjoy your videos. As a retired psychiatric nurse, i think we may have some things in common. Please keep making these videos. You have no idea how much they help.
I recently started exploring Buddhism by reading books and watching your videos. I feel like it gives me more insight into life and my mental healt. Thank you for sharing your knowledge Nick. Greetings from Europe.
I discovered your channel recently and has become part of my daily morning you speak, with knowledge and compassion and enjoy and appreciate how you blend and reflect back on your life experiences prior to becoming a Buddhist monk. Blessings and love, all the way from Canada.
What a great talk, once again, you are so serene and your guidance is so gentle and compassionate towards your audience. Thank you for your time, effort and wisdom. Bless You, Love and Light from Europe 💞
Thank you for this presentation and the wisdom of doing what is in front of you to do. Here is an excerpt from the writings of Marshall Vian Summers on this topic: "Whatever you establish in your life is only as strong as the foundation underneath it, and that is why the foundation is the most important part. Once your foundation in life becomes strong, then great things can be added to it and built upon it, and these things will stand. They will then be able to weather and endure the tribulations of life and the winds of change as well. Building a foundation is essential, and this is where we must start... In living in the world, there are Four Pillars of Life. These are all part of your foundation building: the pillars of relationships, health, work and spiritual development. These are the cornerstones of your foundation in life...These areas represent the arenas in which Knowledge is experienced, expressed and contributed." (Living the Way of Knowledge, MVS)
Thank you so much for sharing that. Reminder of being present to the present moment is so important, not just to me but to all. And being caught in the hamster wheel of chasing your dreams can make you miss so much of the life in present moment. It is nice to be reminded that future will take care of itself as long as we take care of the present. Thank you again
I am impressed of all the different activities you did in your life until now!!! Thank you for sharing with the community. Peace and love to everybody from Marseilles🌻
OMGoodness! I happened on you Ven. Nick. Another miracle with the right people coming....and right on time. Thank you so much for what you are doing here. I have been binge watching your videos.
I discovered your channel in the middle of the pandemic and working in healthcare, it really helped me feel grounded, humble and fortunate to be alive, to be able to experience inspiration in your wonderful words and deeds. Thank you
I totally relate (I think ;). I was a HS biology teacher, an education director of an orchestra, I had an MS in clinical psych and worked as a behavior specialist with individuals on the autism spectrum. I was in a doctoral program doing research. In these positions, I felt like I was putting in such sincere efforts but was not being rewarded in the traditional sense. I felt like I was swimming upstream. I have acted "on the side" since age 11. When I didn't get a well-earned promotion in my last position as a behavior specialist, I decided to stop trying so hard, listen to the universe, and just have fun doing what I enjoyed before my journey on the planet was through so that each day could be one I CHOSE to live. So i quit and started a life of poverty as an actor (or what I think of as being a storyteller :). I have never been happier b/c even though there are hardships, I feel like I'm not swimming upstream anymore. I still have a giving nature...I just serve as a volunteer mentor, I babysit b/c I love being with children, and I choose to act in stories that I feel add value to the world community. And I just got my first National tour so I must be doing something right in the universe, lol! I enjoy your talks :)
Hearing that you weren't a great test-taker in the past really helps me, oddly enough. I haven't been in school for seven years now, but it reminds me that while the two of us are different people inherently, we can still share similarities, and it's still going to be okay.
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and your great wisdom and knowledge. You're an excellent teacher. I've learned so much from this lesson. It answered a lot of questions that I been personally struggling with. Thank you Nick for your understanding and knowledge. You're a true blessing.
Dear Ven. Nick 🙏⚘ Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Your words are always very helpful. May you continue guiding all of us with your wise teachings. Lot of Blessing, Sato 🙏🌿
I have loved LA all my life - crazy busy with many cars and freeways with so many places to go. I lived there when the subway opened up. First riders - lol! Retired now can’t afford to live there and senior apartments all full so I moved to Simi Valley. Ventura our fav city to visit now with gas so expansive makes a car culture which So Cali is, sadly difficult. Plus a different political climate has changed the city vibes somewhat. But I will always love California and it’s friendly people. Love all your teachings - thank you. You are a jewel. I practice Zen “flavored” Jewish Dharma. 😃 Kol Tov
When you spoke about the difficulty you had with all that psychological jumbo-jumbo, I had to chuckle. I made a “D” in basic psychology test because “they” try to trip you up with terminology which has really nothing to do with patient care directly. I came out of that test totally confused and discouraged……I empathize.
When you say Come back into the present moment, that is honestly the key to life. The future is honestly just a theory. We are not all guaranteed tomorrow. Take care of yourself in this present moment. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Thank you, Nick. 🥰
This video came Right On Time. I'm in the process of letting go, giving away so many things. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed, stuck and clutter. Getting ready to buy a vehicle convert it to a camper then hit the road. For years "I want to travel" and now I am not making anymore excuses. I love being in nature, I love being by myself and love helping and uplifting people. I just want to be free and I feel like the more I let go the more I get to my freedom. Thank you so much. Blessings and Love to you and all❤️ 🙏🏾❤️
Have you been able to put the puzzle pieces of your life together?
trying, but they have legs and keep moving 🦵🦵🦵
@@el_amigo_reptiliano haha. i love that :)
Not me.... I haven't had time to sit down and reflect... But you my friend Nick in my opinion have gotten far in your spiritual growth... Which is commending... It is very inspiring for us out here...😊
No,. Not at all. Last year I head cancer ( I am still here Nick) and it turned my life as I knew it, complete up side down. I still try to figure out things, life etc.
Dear Nick for the last 2 weeks i have been isolated, in bed with covid and this has increased my depression. I was coming from just 1 month of grief after the loss of my best friend and added to my health situation with 2 new diagnoses, all of this was too much for me.
Despite practicing zen Buddhism, and belonging to an online sangha, I have absolutely no desire for anything at this moment. And that's when I remembered your gentle way, your always affectionate voice, and I decided to listen again to all the topics I've heard in the past.
I wanted to tell you that at this very difficult time in my life I find great comfort in your words.
Thank you so much for this wonderful work and for sharing your experiences and compassion with us 🙏🏼
“You cannot connect the dots looking forward; You can connect them only looking backwards; so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something-- you gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”
Thank you so much for sharing this, Nick. Because of you calmness and wisdom, it seems that you can be a consultant for anyone. I really like YOU.❤️
Thank you so much my friend 😊😊
Don-t lik in the rearview mirror when you're driving, you're not going that way 😂
I’m 66. At this present moment I have cancer ! I’m learning to live as a 66 yo with cancer by being kind, caring and compassionate to myself . 🙏🙏🙏
Its the road less travelled, but wortwhile. Congratulation 🎉
I hope you are ok today. Sending my best wishes to you from switzerland 💫🧡
This is exactly where I find myself in life right now. At a crossroad, unsure of where to go next. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this guidance Ven. Nick ☺️🙏🏻
Thank you so much Mel. I’m glad it’s helpful 😊
you ever try that future authoring program from Jordan Peterson ? It sounded similar to what Anthony Robbins talked about in Awaken the Giant.... it might be useful to find a quite place, and just start writing ... that chicken soup for the soul guy said to write down 30 things each, what do you want to BE, to do, and to have,,,so that is 90 things... Robbins pushes more by saying why do you want ___? You want how it will make you feel.... yea, my boat has ONE oar.... I want a camper van to go explore and go on adventures, but I procrastinate on final wire terminations...and waste my time here and FB, I know I am not going to live forever.... all right, I change that now and today...thanks !
It’s so easy to criticise ourselves and so hard to be compassionate to ourselves, sometimes we just need to be still and listen to our heart. Love and light always❤️🙏🏻
Yessss! 😊😊😊❤️
I feel calm only listening to how you speak no matter what you’re speaking about.
Aww thank you so much naoko 😊😊
This is my first time listening to you 5/9/2024 @ 11:39 am EST. This how I feel at this moment..I sought a new position, and was interviewed. I wasn't selected for that position. I am definitely taking your words to assist me in this moment. Thank you for caring enough for others on this journey to share. God Bless you.😊
Welcome to the channel my friend 😊
Thank you Nick. This was really helpful and very timely. You made me realise that I am only 55 years old and have (hopefully) much life to live and lots to learn and do. I often forget and expect myself to have sorted everything out by now! Thank you for this reminder to trust, to live in the present moment and to be kind and compassionate to myself. You are able to offer a great balance between personal experience and insight and being relevant to many people. Thank you! X
Thank you so much Janet! 😊😊
Janet I am happy you are clear about your life NOW! I am a female 53 yrs old and God knows all my life in California I feel stuck, as I got older it got worse and harder, and now so worried about age factor, who wants me, as a single woman, not have a clear path 😒
I’m realising that they is no time limit on having it all figured out and you learn until the end . What’s important is to live each day the best you can and kind to yourself … so true what Nick said and I’m taking it on board every day if I can .
Hey Nick! Your posts just always get me thinking deeper, each and every time. Thank you for your insight and wisdom, and helping me to find the path! 🙏
It’s my pleasure! Thank you so much Catherine 😊😊
sadhu sadhu sadhu 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🇦🇺
Blessings to all monastics in Cali 🇺🇸
Sending metta to you Ven Nick
Sadhu sadhu thank you so much 😊
Nick, this was the perfect message. I needed to hear that I should do what I can "right now," what I can control. It was exactly what I needed. Thank you!
Wonderful my friend 😊
Yes, so totally agree. We need to be kinder to ourselves, so we May help others.
I’ve been clueless all my life. Afraid, confused, obsessed, struggling, suffering.
Currently I’m also a CBT psychologist in training and your video called What I wish my therapist had told me just almost made me cry.
There is so much I need to figure out. Thank you for sharing your wisdom 🙏
It’s ok my friend. Just take the time to sort it all out 😊
Thank you. Apart from my personal life, I’ve just started to feel almost recentment towards CBT lately. Since I started to work with patients, actually. I went through five years of university program that was very tough to get into, and since it was a medical program, the fokus was solely on what the scientific evidence shows (read: CBT). I’m just so disillusioned by the whole thing, coming to work with people who suffer in different ways.
I’m interested in your thoughts. Do you not post videos currently? Have you read the book Already free?
An old Native American saying , * Where ever you go you will always be at the Centre of the universe ! Sawatdee karp. Thanks Nick.
Sadhu sadhu 😊😊
damn, I'm 47 years, I think,.... when will I ever be a better person, for myself and others. I struggle. I'm overwhelmed and anxious, how long will I be unsure. I am not proud of myself.
great video. thank you for giving your time and sharing.
You’re welcome my friend. Just take time to do your best each day 😊
Ever since I found your videos I can not stop watching. I feel so seen, heard, guided, understood and above all calmed down by your words.
Wonderful my friend 😊😊 thank you
Venerable Nick, this speaks to my life right now. Thank-you for the encouragement and guidance.
You’re welcome! Glad it was helpful 😊
Hi Nick. I'm going through a really difficult time right now. I'm trying very hard to stay focussed on the present and being kind to myself but it's not easy. It sounds really silly but I just wanted to tell someone about it and you always seem so calm and kind and warm. I really hope you have a nice day.
Yes please hang in there my friend and do your best to be kind to yourself 😊
Binerexis - dear heart, just a word from an old lady. I had some childhood trauma that I thought I had taken care of resurface when I hit retirement and old age, I was shocked and devastated. I have had to do a lot of grieving as all the hurt in the past was in my face, in my soul. My heart had been so broken, but the business and duty of daily living Kept me from the inner work I needed to do, The thought of not wanting to live through the grieving process occurred to me. But I made it. Still growing through it but it gets better every day. You are here and listening, you will make it too. ❤️ I feel like Buddhist teachings and the mantra’s sung have sent me a life line. Wish you all the best deeply.
@@csflower interesting, need to make time to do the inner work ? Is this a solo journey, like Jesus in the Desert ? I'm not sure counselors really help...
@@DanTheManIOM I have this found book to be very helpful -“The Joy of Living - unlocking the Secret of & Science & Happiness” by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche with a forward by Daniel Goldman. Copyright 2002
It has been a powerful study for me. I have lots of time to do the inner work now and it’s bearing very positive fruit. I can honestly say I no longer suffer from PTSD. A few emotions may surface but that old paranoia that use to great me upon waking, that I just got use too, no longer greats me!
I have indeed had a strange long life with many success.
Brokenness happens when trauma happens and false conditions and factors have produced false perceptions that were simply ingrained as the result of some really traumatic experiences.
I shared my life story with a counselor once, Sharing in a rather matter of fact way, his reply was - you have been through a Holocaust - yes you are Jewish. - you have paid your dues. I thought that was strange, but circumstances did not make it possible for further visits with him.
We humans are unique creations with amazing possibilities. To quote the author: “All mental activity, in other words, evolves from the combined activity of bare perception and long-term neuronal association”.
Damaged people can damage other people. Yet it is still possible to stop the damage, heal the damage and forgive and know the anger about it all and the stupidity for not understanding sooner has little influence. I didn’t know facing my inner “demons” was going to be so hard. Like the old saying- no pain no gain!
Walking through the valley of the shadow of death turned out to be the only way to teach a mountain top of sunshine and fresh air or wholeness and well-being. I will probably always be an intense person border-line bi-polar, but at least I don’t bore myself! Mr. Dan, thanks for your reply.
A book came out in the1980’s - “I’m Ok, Your Ok.” For the times it was a helpful read. Stay well and have a lovely life. I am so tickled to find Buddhist teaching in my old age😊✌🏻.
Damaged people can damage other people. So very profound.
Thank you very much venerable for your contribution🙏.. Whatever we are living now is our own creation. No one is responsible for it... Patience is very important at every aspect of life.. Each coin has two sides likewise there will be up & down in our lives.. Sometimes things would work as per our expectations sometimes not.. Patience, efforts & mindfulness helps us to work towards our goal.. "This too will pass soon", this type of positive thought will motivate us to work for our goals.. We crave for immediate result for our action & that puts us in grief....Every act has it's own time to give fruits...Having company of right people & right surrounding help us to remain stable & positive... Lots of Metta to all.
Beautifully stated as always. Thank you so much shruti 😊😊
Each talk recharges me.
On my Spiritual journey after retirement your advice is right on with me. I loved connecting the the dots that brought me here today.
Thank you. 🙏
I’m glad to hear that it’s helpful. Thank you Tim 😊
No pieces, no puzzles, just life. Blessings
When I hear your life story it is so much like many different, seemingly unrelated directions but now look at you! You get to help and support such a wide variety of people, you connect with SO MANY.
What makes you creditable and believable is because you have had such vast life experiences. I appreciate that; you are a renaissance type person.
One door opens, another door closes… but the hallways are SO long!!!🤣‼️thank you for this video and all the other ones you share❣️
Thank you, Ven. Nick. As a new gestalt therapist, I have shared your channel with my clients who are looking for grounding and peace. I am not surprised learning your life includes dance, gestalt, and Buddhism. I can only imagine how powerful a session with you could be.
Thank you for your insights and teachings. They have been so valuable for me.
Oh wow! That’s so wonderful that you’re a gestalt therapists. And thank you for your support 😊😊❤️
THANK YEW!!! Praise the Buddha !!!
Sadhu sadhu! Thank you so much 😊
I stop everything to listen to you. So much wisdom. Thank you Nick.
Aww thank you so much Susanna 😊
Nick, you were born to be a leader of lost people.
You have the brightest and most obvious sensibilities.
You are good for US.
Aww thank you so much 😊
The present moment ... yes, that resonates with me. Everything will work out. Thank you Nick.
Thank you Venerable Nick for this powerful message. You are truly a bright light in this world. Welcome back to Los Angeles. Sending blessings to you always!
Thank you so much 😊
Be kind and compassionate to yourself. THANK YOU SO MUCH 😊😊
You are so welcome!
it's not likely we will cross paths, but your compassion has helped me a great deal. thank you venerable nick.
Thank you so much 😊
Hello Ven. Nick. I really enjoy your videos. As a retired psychiatric nurse, i think we may have some things in common. Please keep making these videos. You have no idea how much they help.
Aww thank you so much my friend 😊 keep up the great work on your end as well.
I always feel better after listening to you. Thank you
Thank you so much. I’m glad it’s helpful 😊
As always great to hear from you Nick.
Thank you so much Tom 😀
Thank you sooooooo much from the bottom of my heart 💖
It’s my pleasure! Thank you so much 😊
I love Nick’s/ the monk wisdom
Thank you so much 😊
I can't grateful enough for your helpful advice 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so much for shedding some light and giving some clarity on this path of life that Im on 🙏
You are so welcome. Thank you so much 😊
You are truly an inspiration ✨
I recently started exploring Buddhism by reading books and watching your videos. I feel like it gives me more insight into life and my mental healt. Thank you for sharing your knowledge Nick. Greetings from Europe.
Thank you so much my friend. I’m glad it’s helpful 😊😊
Thank you Venerable Nick for these words of wisdom!
You’re welcome Christopher 😊😊
Your words are so true!! Thank you for sharing! ❤
Thank you so much 😊
I thank you for your Truthfulness.
This video is exactly amazing. Your review is lovely voice. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much 😊
I discovered your channel recently and has become part of my daily morning you speak, with knowledge and compassion and enjoy and appreciate how you blend and reflect back on your life experiences prior to becoming a Buddhist monk. Blessings and love, all the way from Canada.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and wise words. The most difficult is being kind and compassionate to yourself without feeling guilty 😊
It’s my pleasure. Thank you so much 😊
Thanks for a great pre sunrise coffee Nick..
Now....meditation time 👍😁👍
Beautiful my friend 😊
What a great talk, once again, you are so serene and your guidance is so gentle and compassionate towards your audience. Thank you for your time, effort and wisdom. Bless You, Love and Light from Europe 💞
Aww thank you so much my friend 😊
Thank you for this reminder! 🙏🏾
You’re welcome ☺️
I love you Nick!! We live and learn. Stay curious. Zen
Wonderful tips and great speech ! Thank you very much!
Thank you so much 😊
So good to be watching again thank you nick from South Africa 🇿🇦
Tank you for so much wisdom 🙏🏽😊
You’re welcome ☺️
What a beautiful life trajectory
Thank you so much 😊
I needed to hear this thank you 🙏❤
Wonderful my friend 😀
Thank you for this presentation and the wisdom of doing what is in front of you to do.
Here is an excerpt from the writings of Marshall Vian Summers on this topic: "Whatever you establish in your life is only as strong as the foundation underneath it, and that is why the foundation is the most important part. Once your foundation in life becomes strong, then great things can be added to it and built upon it, and these things will stand. They will then be able to weather and endure the tribulations of life and the winds of change as well. Building a foundation is essential, and this is where we must start...
In living in the world, there are Four Pillars of Life. These are all part of your foundation building: the pillars of relationships, health, work and spiritual development. These are the cornerstones of your foundation in life...These areas represent the arenas in which Knowledge is experienced, expressed and contributed." (Living the Way of Knowledge, MVS)
Beautifully written. Thank you so much for sharing 😊
Thank you Janice
Thank you so much for sharing that. Reminder of being present to the present moment is so important, not just to me but to all. And being caught in the hamster wheel of chasing your dreams can make you miss so much of the life in present moment. It is nice to be reminded that future will take care of itself as long as we take care of the present. Thank you again
You’re welcome my friend 😊 thank you
I am impressed of all the different activities you did in your life until now!!! Thank you for sharing with the community. Peace and love to everybody from Marseilles🌻
Thank you so much Maria 😊😊
Thank you
It is normal
Do the best you can!
Don’t let the stuck get in the way and not helpful
You’re welcome ☺️
OMGoodness! I happened on you Ven. Nick. Another miracle with the right people coming....and right on time. Thank you so much for what you are doing here. I have been binge watching your videos.
Thank you so much! I’m glad its helpful 😊😊😊
Thank you. Just thank you
You’re welcome my friend 😊
this popped up at the exact time i needed it. of course, everything you said really resonated & i needed to hear every single bit of it. thank you!!!
Venerable Nick your videos helps me in thinking clearly and with a lot of peace 🙏💐 Thanks to you
Aww thank you so much 😊 glad it’s helpful
Thank you Nick
Have a great day
You are very compassionate, thank you
Thank you for sharing your life experience. God bless you with a peaceful life 🙏❤❤
Thank you❣️I have not been back in LA for 40 years, maybe one day I will..
Enjoy LA Nick!
You’re welcome my friend 😊
I discovered your channel in the middle of the pandemic and working in healthcare, it really helped me feel grounded, humble and fortunate to be alive, to be able to experience inspiration in your wonderful words and deeds. Thank you
Thank you so much 😊
Luang Pe Nick, May you be happy, free and blessed. Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu 🙏🙏🙏
Sadhu sadhu thank you so much and sending my blessings to you as well 😊😊😊
I totally relate (I think ;). I was a HS biology teacher, an education director of an orchestra, I had an MS in clinical psych and worked as a behavior specialist with individuals on the autism spectrum. I was in a doctoral program doing research. In these positions, I felt like I was putting in such sincere efforts but was not being rewarded in the traditional sense. I felt like I was swimming upstream. I have acted "on the side" since age 11. When I didn't get a well-earned promotion in my last position as a behavior specialist, I decided to stop trying so hard, listen to the universe, and just have fun doing what I enjoyed before my journey on the planet was through so that each day could be one I CHOSE to live. So i quit and started a life of poverty as an actor (or what I think of as being a storyteller :). I have never been happier b/c even though there are hardships, I feel like I'm not swimming upstream anymore. I still have a giving nature...I just serve as a volunteer mentor, I babysit b/c I love being with children, and I choose to act in stories that I feel add value to the world community. And I just got my first National tour so I must be doing something right in the universe, lol! I enjoy your talks :)
Thank you so much my friend and we are grateful for your sharing 😊😊
What a journey! We're here to love and learn...🎑be kind, make a difference and pass it on.
Thank you so much Gabrielle 😊😊
@@NickKeomahavongOfficial ...and thank YOU! ☸️
Hearing that you weren't a great test-taker in the past really helps me, oddly enough. I haven't been in school for seven years now, but it reminds me that while the two of us are different people inherently, we can still share similarities, and it's still going to be okay.
😊😊 glad it resonates with you
Nick, your messages always come in at a perfect time
I’m glad to hear 😊😊
Rất vui được nghe 🙏🙏🙏 *Nụ cười của bạn là quý giá và là chìa khóa của một cuộc sống hạnh phúc , chúc các bạn nghe luôn vui vẻ, cả đời bình an*
Thank you venerable Nic. For your kindness, may God bless you and your work.
Thank you so much 😊
Power of now🙏🏻
Thank you ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and your great wisdom and knowledge. You're an excellent teacher. I've learned so much from this lesson. It answered a lot of questions that I been personally struggling with. Thank you Nick for your understanding and knowledge. You're a true blessing.
Thank you so much Kimberly 😊😊
Thank you brother is a great advice....Namo Buddhaya....🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so much for your insight and compassion. Much needed and deeply appreciated. ❤️
You’re welcome ☺️
TY Nick as always. Some days our "dots" seem like the game Twister. Lol.
Yes definitely 🤣🤣
Dear Ven. Nick 🙏⚘ Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Your words are always very helpful. May you continue guiding all of us with your wise teachings.
Lot of Blessing,
Sato 🙏🌿
Sadhu sadhu thank you so much Catalina 😊
Your honesty is inspiring. ❤🙂
Thanks for your video. You speaks clearly your voice is clear.
Thank you so much 😊
I have loved LA all my life - crazy busy with many cars and freeways with so many places to go. I lived there when the subway opened up. First riders - lol! Retired now can’t afford to live there and senior apartments all full so I moved to Simi Valley.
Ventura our fav city to visit now with gas so expansive makes a car culture which So Cali is, sadly difficult. Plus a different political climate has changed the city vibes somewhat. But I will always love California and it’s friendly people. Love all your teachings - thank you. You are a jewel. I practice Zen “flavored” Jewish Dharma. 😃 Kol Tov
Thank you so much my friend! Thank you for sharing your California stories. I love it 😊
As always
In gratitude for your love.. support and divine messages. They ALWAYS speak to my life❤️
Sadhu sadhu thank you so much Eileen 😊😊 glad it’s helpful
When you spoke about the difficulty you had with all that psychological jumbo-jumbo, I had to chuckle. I made a “D” in basic psychology test because “they” try to trip you up with terminology which has really nothing to do with patient care directly. I came out of that test totally confused and discouraged……I empathize.
Thankyou Nick. After listening to you, my eyes are open, I was meant to hear this. ❤
Thank you so much Sheila. Glad it resonates with you 😊
Thank you. This is exactly what I needed to learn.
Wonderful! Thank you so much
You’re welcome ☺️
thank you so much! I hope you are happy, safe, and healthy as well 😊
Thank you so much my friend 😊
You're a multi talented being!! Be in the flow and go with it. ❤
Thank you so much Beverly! I love that...just go with the flow :)
This came perfect timing I was just feeling this last night
I’m glad it’s helpful Cameron 😊😊
Thank you for speaking on your personal experience. I am very happy that I listened to this message 🙏😀🙏
You’re welcome ☺️ thank you
Thank you so much for this. You are wise and generous.
Thank you so much my friend 😀
This is just what I needed to hear today, thank you.
Beautiful! I’m glad it helped 😊
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu...Good to see you back home Nick. Keep spreading words of dhamma.
Thank you so much 😊
When you say Come back into the present moment, that is honestly the key to life. The future is honestly just a theory. We are not all guaranteed tomorrow. Take care of yourself in this present moment. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Thank you, Nick. 🥰
You’re welcome janelle 😊😊 thank you
Thank you Nick, thank you for all your work and suffering, because you are a blessing❤
Aww thank you so much Lorenzo 😊😊
I love you, Nick. Your words of wisdom are soothing, hopeful, promising, and real. Keep sharing your light.
Thank you so much for your kindness 😊😊
This video came Right On Time. I'm in the process of letting go, giving away so many things. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed, stuck and clutter. Getting ready to buy a vehicle convert it to a camper then hit the road. For years "I want to travel" and now I am not making anymore excuses. I love being in nature, I love being by myself and love helping and uplifting people. I just want to be free and I feel like the more I let go the more I get to my freedom. Thank you so much. Blessings and Love to you and all❤️ 🙏🏾❤️
Wonderful my friend. Good luck on your journey and please keep us updated 😊
@@NickKeomahavongOfficial Will do 👍🏾😘