Watchman Nee is not for the superficial Christian or the feint at heart .moreover, he's not for the antinomian Christian. Nee's emphasis was the cross and the crucified life. Hank I heartily agree with you watchman new was a great man, I believe he was a true Apostle of God, what an insightful brother... Love him!!
I found watchman nee to be very truthful where I have had a little bit of a hard time is in their desire to be the recovered church as they put it. I think anything that is not pointing to Christ is pointless even when we have a good intentions the church should always point to Jesus christ not to itself! Christ is the one with no error and we are transform into his likeness as we look at him. Sometimes we try to make it really really really hard but we only need to focus and look him! He is the focus we all have to look at him!!! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...
How many Christians today understand what is he talking about. "It is about wasting ourselves on Christ. It seems a waste until you recognize who Christ is. Once you recognize who Christ is it is no longer a waste. It is good, it is glory, fragrance unto God.
Thankyou for poasting this eternalmatter . I ise to hear this brother on the radio 20 years ago. I am amazed at how the Lord transformed this brothers view of the lord recovery. Glory be to the triune God . This is a testimony to the prayers of the Body with the Head in his Love for this brother.
I never expected that I was inspired by the message in English , even though I grew up and have read almost all of his books . I have been influenced by his inspiring words and started to study and read scriptures in English 30 years ago.
Watchman Nee was in my humble opinion was a true Apostle , a great man who I have gleaned much from ... Any one who suggests other wise doesn't know what they're talking about .. This man was truely used of God .. A great man who never made a dime on any of his writings. His manuscripts were published posthumously ... What a wonderful brother. I appreciated his writings especially The Normal Christian life... This great Apostle was poured out before the Lord.I love this great brother , I've learned so much from him.. I would highly recommend , and exhort all believers to read his writings ..He truely taught the way of the Lord.
Absolutely. The Lord has changed our life by speaking through watchmen Nee. To finally believe that it’s the life of Jesus Christ not our life. So powerful with gifting miracles signs and wonders and a peace and joy that surpasses understanding. Thank you Jesus!
I was a Benny Hinn follower until I read "Christianity in Crisis" by Hank Haanegraff. My eyes were opened and then I read RC Sproul "Chosen by God" which was brutally eye opening. I thank God for Hank Haanegraff
In 1998 we read your book Christianity in Crises. Years after that I heard that you had gone off track and was very disappointed, this is the first time I decided to listen to you again. I am delighted with what I hear from your mouth. Truth without love is legalism, love without truth is sentimentalism. As a bird needs two wings to fly so we need truth and love. If you see Christians deviating from truth you don't avoid them, you start intensely interceding.
I appreciate Watchman Nee and the continuation of the ministry by Witness Lee, These two brothers have dispensed so much riches of Christ for the Body of Christ!
i really appreciate the brother speaking about this, without thinking about the possibility to loose his job as a pastor, when everyone just start a meeting without a need for a pastor because they could all function in the meeting. Praise the Lord
Thank you brother Hank for those heavenly words, I believe the heavens where connected to you went you were speaking, thank you for open our eyes about brother Née and Lee a lamp stand in this darkness time
YES! The more our eyes are opened to HIS infinite worth the more "the things of earth will grow strangely dim" Nothing is worth keeping to gain Christ!"
May the blessed Lord give the blessing. May He teach us to study the mystery of his word in the spirit of worship, waiting for God's own teaching. The Lord bless you beloved. Alexandru.
Thank you heavenly father for this message😃Everything here on earth is doesn't really matter it is short term but the unseen is eternal and that really matters the most in the end.😊
Thanks a lot Hank for your share. I was deeply moved and encouraged what you share, enjoy the sweetness and the glory of the Lord Jesus that makes us look very sweet of cross and become our christian living. praise the Lord also for brother Nee and Brother lee, through them we see more about the unsearchable richest of christ and made us more love our Lord Jesus
How lovely are the feet of those who announce the good news! I appreciate the Lord and what the Lord has done to make known what is the mystery of His economy through those who have wasted themselves on Him and desire to be the same.
Anne, do you by any chance know of any Watchman Nee centered groups that fellowship online? I am finally looking for people that follow and read the writings of Nee.
Mike Green Where do you live Mike? My email address is If you want any fellowship or correspondence, just let me know. I am in fellowship with the church in Charlotte.
Steve Rau Yes, thanks Steve for asking. I live in Portland Oregon. My email address is I have been praying about meeting some fellow believers and having an opportunity to fellowship online. Do you have an online fellowship group or something like that? That's so weird because I have been thinking about North Carolina of all places. Although I have never actually been there.
"It's not what we do for Christ, it's what we are" 14:00- 14:38 - 'viz, there is nothing we can 'do' that He has not already done. the convenience of "Forgetfulness' seems to far transcend the "folly" of Truth that is Of and In Resurrection Life. ver·i·ty a true principle or belief, especially one of fundamental importance: "the eternal verities"truth: "irrefutable, objective verity". Be The Change; Trust The Process. "Be Holy as My Heavenly Father Is Holy".
Not knowing Iraneus said that, I came to a more biblical conclusion: God became man so that man may become LIKE God. (But not God). This is becoz we are made in His image and the Fall marred the image. Redemption and sanctification will bring us back to His original image in us - so that we are conformed to the Image of His Son.
Wasn't that Satan's temptation to Eve, "you will become LIKE God..." (Gen. 3:5)? This is versus what the New Testament describes. The Christ with whom we are regenerated was designated the Son of God in power out of the resurrection of the dead (Rom. 1:4). A MAN was designated GOD in resurrection. This is the God-Man we receive into our spirit when we believe. We are born of God (Jn. 3:6; Jn. 1:13). We are partakers of Christ (Heb. 3:14), partakers of the Holy Spirit (Heb. 6:4), partakers of His holiness (Heb. 12:10), and the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4). As such, we are many members of the Christ ((1 Cor. 12:12, 27); we are the Body of Christ. Through this partaking, we are redeemed, and sanctified. And we are conformed to the image of God's Son because we are filled with Him (Eph. 1:23; 3:19). So we become God in HIs life and nature, but never in His Godhead. He is eternally the Head, but we are the Body. Saul was persecuting the believers, and Jesus said, "Why are you persecuting ME?" "I am Jesus, whom you persecute (Act. 9:4-5)."
1 Corinthians 3:6-7 I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth. So neither is he who plants anything nor he who waters, but God who causes the growth.
*Some pers markers...* 7:28 caterpillar to butterfly 8:38 Mary "wasted" a years worth of wages on Jesus. 9:20 God sometimes prefers us in prison and chains. Only when we are trully weak can we enter Gods strength.
It is Actually profound but no other way to Release the Christ of Which in us . infallible truth. I my self defeated so many times in my Christian Life but i Red about "Normal Christian Life" in that Chapter There is BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST . It was Touched me and Entire Life . That Blood spoke to my consciousness All the Time.. Glory to God that is only Hope left me Live in the World.
Discman 45 I really like to read Nee, because in his writings he is saying what I've been wanting to hear someone say for two years now based on experience. It is in that I can totally relate to what he is saying; there is a fine line between spiritual pride cloaked with a false humility and a Confidence that comes from being crucified with Christ - if one is still exhibiting the former their might still need to be the results of the latter; but Nee also writes much on Spiritual Authority - from that book, "He who senses his incompetency is the one to whom God gives authority". And we can be sure Nee would never want to have to ask, "were you baptized by Nee or by Christ", were you Baptized by Hanegraaff or by Christ". I don't know anyone who has even heard of watchman nee let alone follows him.. but that's okay. His story reminds me of Paul at some level. Oh yeah, and in the preface to The Spiritual Man he also mentions something about talking about the material in the book and being presumptuous with it (not those exact words), but he does more or less give a warning, I think it is in the second preface. The thing about all his writings and anyone else's is just having it as head knowledge (really can lead to spiritual pride) meaningless; it's the Reality of Having the Experience and relating it back to Scripture that brings confidence to others of that Reality and/or translates to sort of a Blessed Assurance in knowing others can relate to what only we in ourselves can Know to be True vs. those who think it is true because the bible says so.
In Philippians 3:3 the apostle mentioned "confidence in the flesh." "Confidence" in the original text is "belief." He said that he himself did not "believe in the flesh." The greatest work of the flesh is self-confidence! Since one thinks he is able, he does not need to trust in the Holy Spirit. Christ crucified is the wisdom of God, but a believer trusts in his own wisdom. He can read the Bible, preach the Bible, hear the Word, and believe in the Word; however, all of these are done through the power of his own mind, and he does not think that he absolutely must ask for the Holy Spirit to teach him. Many people believe they have received all the truth, even though what they have is something which they have received from others and from their own searching and what they have is more of man than of God! Furthermore, they do not have a teachable heart that is willing to wait on God and to let Him reveal His truth in His light. Watchman Nee, The Collected Works of Watchman, vol. 12: The Spiritual Man (1) (Anaheim, CA: Living Stream Ministry, 1992), p. 108.
Hank is exceedingly gifted in memorization. Saying that, I do not agree with everything he says. He does not speak out against the Roman Catholic Church.
Verity 1. The quality or state of being true, or real; consonance of a statement, proposition, or other thing, with fact; truth; reality. 2. That which is true; a true assertion or tenet; a truth; a reality; John 3:33 32 He testifies to what He has Seen and Heard, yet no one accepts His testimony. 33 Whoever accepts His Testimony has certified that God is Truthful. 34 For the One whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit. alēthḗs (an adjective, derived from 1 /A "not" and 2990 /lanthánō, "unnoticed, concealed") - true, as it accords with fact (reality), i.e. attested because tested - literally, "what can't be hidden." See 225 (alētheia). [227 /alēthḗs ("what can't be hidden") stresses 'undeniable reality' when something is fully tested, i.e. it will ultimately be shown to be FACT
I have read a few books of Watchman Nee and he is profound in his writings and analogies. I have a friend who spent the 60’s and 70’s attending the church movement that (as he would agree) Watchman Nee (used by God) built, but Witness Lee inevitably destroyed after 1973 I believe. The church movement was never the same after that, at least in America.
I have seen, with many others, Witness Lee weep over the death of his co-worker brother Watchman Nee. Watchman Nee said of Witness Lee that he (Witness Lee) has the gift of causing people to fall in love with the Lord! Witness built up the church upon the work of Watchman Nee! No destruction there my dear brother!
China the next Christendom per secular historians, Current History, Sept. 2007.The blood of the Chinese martyrs is the seed of the Church. AS Hebrews 8..1-5 says: the tabernacle and temple follows Heaven's model(Rev.11:19). Therefore we should follow these worship procedures and principles with the presence of the Holy Spirit. A new Testament parallel has been worked out so that every one can receive grace and mercy to contend in the world. Is this the One worship that transcends all other worships?
Not a one is questionable! Nee was a man of deepness- I believe it is a lack of understanding on your part, traditions, your doctrines, your concepts that partially hold you back from seeing!
Witness Lee deviated from truth grocely, not even believing in the Trinity, he went into mysticism, very sad. Only God qualifies to be God because He does not have a date of birth, He is the self existent, eternal God from whom everything else came and is sustained. He alone is YHWH and we will worship Him forever and ever for to Him alone pertains the glory and honour and power and wisdom. Rev. 4:11.
@@michaelsmith1094 I would say after reading some of Lee, that he slipped into Modalism and became overly critical of any church that was not like his fellowship. This doesn’t just come from my reading but from a eyewitness that spent 30 years in Lee’s fellowship.
Religion is fine, but not writen by saints, or controlled by it. No one know what Jesus said or did, some "disciples" may have written later, but purety gets lost fast.
Wide Open "All scripture is God breathed..." do you believe that Jesus died for our sins and resurrected from the dead on the 3rd day? and do you believe God created the whole universe, the earth and us... if you believe that then dont you believe God could keep all His words in a book for us to know and love Him? social media has brain washed people into thinking God is history His is no longer living or in control. but those who love Him know that we serve a living God and do not put our hope and understanding on the present or things of this world but we put our hope and our love in Him... God bless
Cults have begun by using only the Bible. So your point is no point at all. Every book we pick up must be read as the author intended it lest we twist it for personal gain.
Watchman seems cultic and has inspired many cults I remember a church that carried a lot I his books it was super proud people and later folded up due to pastoral failure and it had the author frequently speak there of his writings I don endorse any I it now nor Lee ...what a place ...Brainwash people or what
hank is wrong wrong wrong. he's been hoodwinked. I have had real students, real people in my department (and other departments) from this group. They were all very very very depressed. Their church is all about *pressure* to conform. ALL students from this movement were secretly depressed. They were hiding it. Hiding it extremely well. But they were all depressed; they said so in private. ONE committed suicide.
I would wonder, was that depression coming from Watchman Nee’s teachings or from Witness Lee who took up the mantle and inevitably deviated from Biblical Orthodoxy?
Watchman Nee is not for the superficial Christian or the feint at heart .moreover, he's not for the antinomian Christian. Nee's emphasis was the cross and the crucified life. Hank I heartily agree with you watchman new was a great man, I believe he was a true Apostle of God, what an insightful brother... Love him!!
Leo Sinsheimer agreed he is very deep, but also very profound. I have to repeat digesting his work to grasp it all
I found watchman nee to be very truthful where I have had a little bit of a hard time is in their desire to be the recovered church as they put it. I think anything that is not pointing to Christ is pointless even when we have a good intentions the church should always point to Jesus christ not to itself! Christ is the one with no error and we are transform into his likeness as we look at him. Sometimes we try to make it really really really hard but we only need to focus and look him! He is the focus we all have to look at him!!! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...
How many Christians today understand what is he talking about. "It is about wasting ourselves on Christ. It seems a waste until you recognize who Christ is. Once you recognize who Christ is it is no longer a waste. It is good, it is glory, fragrance unto God.
Thankyou for poasting this eternalmatter . I ise to hear this brother on the radio 20 years ago. I am amazed at how the Lord transformed this brothers view of the lord recovery. Glory be to the triune God . This is a testimony to the prayers of the Body with the Head in his Love for this brother.
What a pattern we believers have in the legacy of Mary, Watchman Nee, and so many others in Christian church history. Thank you for sharing.
I never expected that I was inspired by the message in English , even though I grew up and have read almost all of his books . I have been influenced by his inspiring words and started to study and read scriptures in English 30 years ago.
This just screams authenticity and sincerity. Only recently began listening to these sermons but it echoes with my spirit
Praise The Lord! We are for the Lord's Recovery.
Hank's message touched me profoundly . I am very thankful for this inspiring word.
Peter. I am Michael from the Church in Spokane, Are you and your wife still in Russia? You came with Scott F. to my home.
I love how I was spirit led to this, and I thank you so much. In Jesus name ...
Watchman Nee was in my humble opinion was a true Apostle , a great man who I have gleaned much from ... Any one who suggests other wise doesn't know what they're talking about .. This man was truely used of God .. A great man who never made a dime on any of his writings. His manuscripts were published posthumously ... What a wonderful brother. I appreciated his writings especially The Normal Christian life... This great Apostle was poured out before the Lord.I love this great brother , I've learned so much from him.. I would highly recommend , and exhort all believers to read his writings ..He truely taught the way of the Lord.
There are no more (new) apostles a profit yes.
Absolutely. The Lord has changed our life by speaking through watchmen Nee. To finally believe that it’s the life of Jesus Christ not our life. So powerful with gifting miracles signs and wonders and a peace and joy that surpasses understanding. Thank you Jesus!
I was a Benny Hinn follower until I read "Christianity in Crisis" by Hank Haanegraff. My eyes were opened and then I read RC Sproul "Chosen by God" which was brutally eye opening. I thank God for Hank Haanegraff
Thanks to God. Benni Hinn is a servant to the Devil.
In 1998 we read your book Christianity in Crises. Years after that I heard that you had gone off track and was very disappointed, this is the first time I decided to listen to you again. I am delighted with what I hear from your mouth.
Truth without love is legalism, love without truth is sentimentalism. As a bird needs two wings to fly so we need truth and love. If you see Christians deviating from truth you don't avoid them, you start intensely interceding.
Thank you for this very inspiring message, also for bringing and exposing Watchman Nee's work globally.
I appreciate Watchman Nee and the continuation of the ministry by Witness Lee, These two brothers have dispensed so much riches of Christ for the Body of Christ!
i really appreciate the brother speaking about this, without thinking about the possibility to loose his job as a pastor, when everyone just start a meeting without a need for a pastor because they could all function in the meeting. Praise the Lord
Thank you brother Hank for those heavenly words, I believe the heavens where connected to you went you were speaking, thank you for open our eyes about brother Née and Lee a lamp stand in this darkness time
YES! The more our eyes are opened to HIS infinite worth the more "the things of earth will grow strangely dim" Nothing is worth keeping to gain Christ!"
david jones well put
Amen eternity matters
Jesus is absolutely worthy of our heart's treasury and our life to be "wasted" on Him.
May the blessed Lord give the blessing. May He teach us to study the mystery of his word in the spirit of worship, waiting for God's own teaching. The Lord bless you beloved.
Thank you heavenly father for this message😃Everything here on earth is doesn't really matter it is short term but the unseen is eternal and that really matters the most in the end.😊
Amen and thank you for sharing.
Lord may we give our all for Your return.
amazing and Amen praise the Lord.
Thanks a lot Hank for your share. I was deeply moved and encouraged what you share, enjoy the sweetness and the glory of the Lord Jesus that makes us look very sweet of cross and become our christian living. praise the Lord also for brother Nee and Brother lee, through them we see more about the unsearchable richest of christ and made us more love our Lord Jesus
Yohanes,Ah, the Church life. The Lord be with your spirit.
Keep lifting up our eyes to our Jehovah, O.. Lord Jesus!
Amen.. Praise the Lord!
How lovely are the feet of those who announce the good news! I appreciate the Lord and what the Lord has done to make known what is the mystery of His economy through those who have wasted themselves on Him and desire to be the same.
Anne, do you by any chance know of any Watchman Nee centered groups that fellowship online? I am finally looking for people that follow and read the writings of Nee.
Mike Green try church in anahiem. or emanna for onine
Mike Green
Where do you live Mike? My email address is If you want any fellowship or correspondence, just let me know. I am in fellowship with the church in Charlotte.
Steve Rau Yes, thanks Steve for asking. I live in Portland Oregon. My email address is I have been praying about meeting some fellow believers and having an opportunity to fellowship online. Do you have an online fellowship group or something like that? That's so weird because I have been thinking about North Carolina of all places. Although I have never actually been there.
Discman 45 brother there were alot of christians in the whole world. .try the church in anaheim,brothers and sisters are waiting for you there.
Thank you Lord. Oh Lord Jesus!
Amen, the Lord is victorious
It is not important that "what we do for Christ", it matters that "what we are to Christ".
Watchman Nee cited that JESUS CHRIST who build His own Church and he will use us through the Holy Spirit.
Wow! Amen! Lord! We love the world peace!
Amen. May I see more the person and heart of Christ, that I "waste" more my time for and with Him.
May it be so
this man is so deep...
Amen.. Sy skrywe het my lewe verander
what a revelation! thank The Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen and Amen
Amen.. more gospel video
"It's not what we do for Christ, it's what we are" 14:00- 14:38 - 'viz, there is nothing we can 'do' that He has not already done. the convenience of "Forgetfulness' seems to far transcend the "folly" of Truth that is Of and In Resurrection Life. ver·i·ty a true principle or belief, especially one of fundamental importance: "the eternal verities"truth:
"irrefutable, objective verity". Be The Change; Trust The Process. "Be Holy as My Heavenly Father Is Holy".
Not knowing Iraneus said that, I came to a more biblical conclusion: God became man so that man may become LIKE God. (But not God). This is becoz we are made in His image and the Fall marred the image. Redemption and sanctification will bring us back to His original image in us - so that we are conformed to the Image of His Son.
Wasn't that Satan's temptation to Eve, "you will become LIKE God..." (Gen. 3:5)? This is versus what the New Testament describes. The Christ with whom we are regenerated was designated the Son of God in power out of the resurrection of the dead (Rom. 1:4). A MAN was designated GOD in resurrection. This is the God-Man we receive into our spirit when we believe. We are born of God (Jn. 3:6; Jn. 1:13). We are partakers of Christ (Heb. 3:14), partakers of the Holy Spirit (Heb. 6:4), partakers of His holiness (Heb. 12:10), and the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4). As such, we are many members of the Christ ((1 Cor. 12:12, 27); we are the Body of Christ. Through this partaking, we are redeemed, and sanctified. And we are conformed to the image of God's Son because we are filled with Him (Eph. 1:23; 3:19). So we become God in HIs life and nature, but never in His Godhead. He is eternally the Head, but we are the Body. Saul was persecuting the believers, and Jesus said, "Why are you persecuting ME?" "I am Jesus, whom you persecute (Act. 9:4-5)."
1 Corinthians 3:6-7 I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth. So neither is he who plants anything nor he who waters, but God who causes the growth.
God can grow in the young people, just water the seed . John chapter 5.
It is very seldom that we see the people under 28 to know the Written and perfect Word of God.
*Some pers markers...*
7:28 caterpillar to butterfly
8:38 Mary "wasted" a years worth of wages on Jesus.
9:20 God sometimes prefers us in prison and chains. Only when we are trully weak can we enter Gods strength.
Thank you
It is Actually profound but no other way to Release the Christ of Which in us . infallible truth. I my self defeated so many times in my Christian Life but i Red about "Normal Christian Life" in that Chapter There is BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST . It was Touched me and Entire Life . That Blood spoke to my consciousness All the Time.. Glory to God that is only Hope left me Live in the World.
"near heaven moment???" I like Walter Martins vid on the local church...
Jump rope stairs, Why?
the irony is that a lot of people i know who are reading Nee come across with this weird spiritual pride.
It's called confidence in Christ. There is a lot of opposition to Nee in the church and I for one am sick of it.
Discman 45 I really like to read Nee, because in his writings he is saying what I've been wanting to hear someone say for two years now based on experience. It is in that I can totally relate to what he is saying; there is a fine line between spiritual pride cloaked with a false humility and a Confidence that comes from being crucified with Christ - if one is still exhibiting the former their might still need to be the results of the latter; but Nee also writes much on Spiritual Authority - from that book, "He who senses his incompetency is the one to whom God gives authority". And we can be sure Nee would never want to have to ask, "were you baptized by Nee or by Christ", were you Baptized by Hanegraaff or by Christ". I don't know anyone who has even heard of watchman nee let alone follows him.. but that's okay. His story reminds me of Paul at some level. Oh yeah, and in the preface to The Spiritual Man he also mentions something about talking about the material in the book and being presumptuous with it (not those exact words), but he does more or less give a warning, I think it is in the second preface. The thing about all his writings and anyone else's is just having it as head knowledge (really can lead to spiritual pride) meaningless; it's the Reality of Having the Experience and relating it back to Scripture that brings confidence to others of that Reality and/or translates to sort of a Blessed Assurance in knowing others can relate to what only we in ourselves can Know to be True vs. those who think it is true because the bible says so.
In Philippians 3:3 the apostle mentioned "confidence in the flesh." "Confidence" in the original text is "belief." He said that he himself did not "believe in the flesh." The greatest work of the flesh is self-confidence! Since one thinks he is able, he does not need to trust in the Holy Spirit. Christ crucified is the wisdom of God, but a believer trusts in his own wisdom. He can read the Bible, preach the Bible, hear the Word, and believe in the Word; however, all of these are done through the power of his own mind, and he does not think that he absolutely must ask for the Holy Spirit to teach him. Many people believe they have received all the truth, even though what they have is something which they have received from others and from their own searching and what they have is more of man than of God! Furthermore, they do not have a teachable heart that is willing to wait on God and to let Him reveal His truth in His light. Watchman Nee, The Collected Works of Watchman, vol. 12: The Spiritual Man (1) (Anaheim, CA: Living Stream Ministry, 1992), p. 108.
Kevin Lee Poracan I have been looking for Christians like you.
Amen brother
Why did he bring a bible didn't even open it?
Hank is exceedingly gifted in memorization. Saying that, I do not agree with everything he says. He does not speak out against the Roman Catholic Church.
King James It's a prop.
King James : great question
@@mavericklewis4392 Here is salvation taught aright
Did you not notice how much scripture he can quote without needing to read it !
Wow... I appreciate Christ in him. I also want to study the truth and become rich.
Verity 1. The quality or state of being true, or real; consonance of a statement, proposition, or other thing, with fact;
truth; reality. 2. That which is true; a true assertion or tenet; a truth; a reality; John 3:33 32 He testifies to what He has Seen and Heard, yet no one accepts His testimony. 33 Whoever accepts His Testimony has certified that God is Truthful. 34 For the One whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit. alēthḗs (an adjective, derived from 1 /A "not" and 2990 /lanthánō, "unnoticed, concealed") - true, as it accords with fact (reality), i.e. attested because tested - literally, "what can't be hidden." See 225 (alētheia). [227 /alēthḗs ("what can't be hidden") stresses 'undeniable reality' when something is fully tested, i.e. it will ultimately be shown to be FACT
I have read a few books of Watchman Nee and he is profound in his writings and analogies. I have a friend who spent the 60’s and 70’s attending the church movement that (as he would agree) Watchman Nee (used by God) built, but Witness Lee inevitably destroyed after 1973 I believe. The church movement was never the same after that, at least in America.
I have seen, with many others, Witness Lee weep over the death of his co-worker brother Watchman Nee. Watchman Nee said of Witness Lee that he (Witness Lee) has the gift of causing people to fall in love with the Lord! Witness built up the church upon the work of Watchman Nee! No destruction there my dear brother!
Your misinformed!
China the next Christendom per secular historians, Current History, Sept. 2007.The blood of the Chinese martyrs is the seed of the Church.
AS Hebrews 8..1-5 says: the tabernacle and temple follows Heaven's model(Rev.11:19). Therefore we should follow these worship procedures and principles with the presence of the Holy Spirit. A new Testament parallel has been worked out so that every one can receive grace and mercy to contend in the world. Is this the One worship that transcends all other worships?
There are more Christians in China than the population of the United States! It has been that way for a long time...
There are a lot of people who read many other authors who come across with a "weird spiritual pride".
im not sure about all Nees writings alot seems good others questionable
Not a one is questionable! Nee was a man of deepness- I believe it is a lack of understanding on your part, traditions, your doctrines, your concepts that partially hold you back from seeing!
I'm amazed at the number of religious people that make a living without working.
Your meaning I presumed must be the Pastors from the Mega Churches???
Witness Lee deviated from truth grocely, not even believing in the Trinity, he went into mysticism, very sad.
Only God qualifies to be God because He does not have a date of birth, He is the self existent, eternal God from whom everything else came and is sustained. He alone is YHWH and we will worship Him forever and ever for to Him alone pertains the glory and honour and power and wisdom. Rev. 4:11.
Lize, why do you say that Lee went into mysticism? I am not being quarrelsome I am just interested on staying on the path of Life.
@@michaelsmith1094 I would say after reading some of Lee, that he slipped into Modalism and became overly critical of any church that was not like his fellowship. This doesn’t just come from my reading but from a eyewitness that spent 30 years in Lee’s fellowship.
Religion is fine, but not writen by saints, or controlled by it. No one know what Jesus said or did, some "disciples" may have written later, but purety gets lost fast.
Wide Open "All scripture is God breathed..." do you believe that Jesus died for our sins and resurrected from the dead on the 3rd day? and do you believe God created the whole universe, the earth and us... if you believe that then dont you believe God could keep all His words in a book for us to know and love Him? social media has brain washed people into thinking God is history His is no longer living or in control. but those who love Him know that we serve a living God and do not put our hope and understanding on the present or things of this world but we put our hope and our love in Him... God bless
No i dont.
The so called Bible Answer Man is now the Greek Orthodox Tradition Answer Man.
Watchman Nees books have inspired cults and some are controversial and seem presumptuous
Cults have begun by using only the Bible. So your point is no point at all. Every book we pick up must be read as the author intended it lest we twist it for personal gain.
Not the books but the corupted heart.
You're blinded by divisive traditions.
Watchman seems cultic and has inspired many cults I remember a church that carried a lot I his books it was super proud people and later folded up due to pastoral failure and it had the author frequently speak there of his writings I don endorse any I it now nor Lee ...what a place ...Brainwash people or what
Well if anyone sued you for 11million of course you would come back on your words
hank is wrong wrong wrong. he's been hoodwinked.
I have had real students, real people in my department (and other departments) from this group. They were all very very very depressed. Their church is all about *pressure* to conform.
ALL students from this movement were secretly depressed. They were hiding it. Hiding it extremely well. But they were all depressed; they said so in private.
ONE committed suicide.
Tim I also became very depressed in the Church life, but I have come back. The saints have changed and grown and the oneness is real.
I would wonder, was that depression coming from Watchman Nee’s teachings or from Witness Lee who took up the mantle and inevitably deviated from Biblical Orthodoxy?
If you were to listen to John Macarthur's preaching "there is no compromise" in believing the gospel. Not as what the mega churches do.
There is something weird about glorifying suffering.
Larz Gustafsson paul did
Wow... I appreciate Christ in him. I also want to study the truth and become rich.