CSE is a discipline if you follow 4 years of study you will definitely get a good thing. CSE r core knowledge theke onk kisu expand kora jai. I must say cse is the golden era to study ❤️
Sir, but eventually with revolution of AI, every available jobs will be subjugated by CSE. Besides CSE offers the advantage of working remotely for international corporations in addition to local firms which isn't possible for most specializations.
Sir i'm passionate in Cars. That's reason I want to complete BSc in automobile engineering after hsc. i am now studying in automobile at vocational education in Sylhet. Technical.
CSE পড়ে যে সফটওয়্যার ইন্জিনিয়ারিংয়েই ক্যারিয়ার গড়তে হবে সেটা কোনো কথা না। CSE পড়ে অনেক দিকে ক্যারিয়ার গড়া সম্ভব। যেমন, বর্তমান পৃথিবীতে সাইবার সিকিউরিটি, নেটওয়ার্ক ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ইত্যাদির মতো অনেক ভালো ক্যারিয়ার অপশন আছে। মোটকথা, CSE পড়ে শুধু সফটওয়্যার ইন্জিনিয়ারিং না আরও অনেক ভালো ক্যারিয়ার আছে।
Sir i am completing my alevels by this year and i have been learning data science as a side note (Through resources and courses out there on online ). My question is should i go for cse or bsc in data science? Theres few university to apply on in bd or should i apply outside?
I would highly recommend data science. And if you get the opportunity to study abroad that’s even better. A data scientist has wider opportunities compared to an engineer these days.
Your understanding of the degree is very poor. Your idea of AI writing codes and the opinion that arts and social sciences are 'better' for careers show how little you know about the reality of the industry and the global demand for tech. Oversaturation of grads doesn’t mean the degree is bad, lol. It highlights the need for better skills, not less value. Please research more before making catchy clickbaits.
Sir I'm really confused about what I should choose CSE or EEE ..i think i won't be able to perform well in coding because I don't feel passionate about it .., looking through computer day to night, continuously solving problems... my whole life would be miserable....but sometimes i think if I could get into sim company, bkash,or software development companies,or free lancing,i could earn money ..i could get high salary jobs..but competition is so much tougher than I'm thinking I'm starting to doubt my self ... because i will be alone in my entire journey...... where as i am confident abou EEE i think i will better in this particular subject cause i like to solve circuits,motors,logic gates...etc..and I'm good at networking with others..and i feel that i can complete EEE course....with less effort....where as i will face many challenges and struggles if i choose Cse...my life will be miserable......I just wanna enjoy life..lead a simple lifestyle... support my family......i want to stay in Bangladesh...and want a get a decent salary job after graduation...i.. won't want to study further ....what is your opinion??what should I choose Cse or EEE
Sir, I love coding but there are other subjects that come with studying CSE like Physics, Math, Chemistry, Social Science. So i am not sure if i can do better while studying CSE. Should i study CSE or study in Zoology then later start taking freelancing courses?
If you answer my question it will be a very big solution for my life..please answer my question🙏🙏 I am already lost myself.I waste 6 lakhs money in two years in my major course CSE at Iub..I am trying so hard as you cannot think, every day-night just I am practicing but no result has came.I retake 4 times DS but I failed everytime..I belong from a very middle class family.I was dremt so much that after graduate I clamied a good job but now at this stage I think that cse is not for me..Now in this stage I am too much late and I m just finished from my inside..sometimes my mind say me to commiting death.. I love my parents but I havnot done anything for them.My father has no savings.He spent everything for me but me😅..I just finished sir,I just already finished..I want to live sir and I want to do something for my parents,but sir... I am already finished from my inner side. Life became meaningless for me
First of all, I think that nothing is more important than your life. So never ever think that you need to finish your life. That will be the worst for your parents. Considering that you are not doing well in CSE, I recommend that you transfer your credit to something easier like BBA degree. It also sounds like you need help from the university. So I would definitely recommend you to seek more help from the university counsellors. Independent university is a good university so I'm sure that they have good support mechanisms for students who are not doing well. Get some counselling from university academic counsellors. I really hope you can overcome this situation be brave and strong and do not think about finishing your life. Wish you all the good luck. Take care.
First of all, I think that nothing is more important than your life. So never ever think that you need to finish your life. That will be the worst for your parents. Considering that you are not doing well in CSE, I recommend that you transfer your credit to something easier like BBA degree. It also sounds like you need help from the university. So I would definitely recommend you to seek more help from the university counsellors. Independent university is a good university so I'm sure that they have good support mechanisms for students who are not doing well. Get some counselling from university academic counsellors. I really hope you can overcome this situation be brave and strong and do not think about finishing your life. Wish you all the good luck. Take care.
It’s a wrong question. You have to ask yourself that what you prefer to study? If you like medical science then go for GEB, if you like sitting in front of computer for long time and coding, then go for CSE. Both are prospective fields and have job opportunities.
Both are good subjects and have potential for future job opportunities. You need to decide where is your interest. To my opinion Chemical engineers have more job opportunities in BD compared to ME.
Sir, I’ve been following you since I my admission journey in Brac. I’ve completed a year in cse but I’m not really enjoying it as coding for hours is not my kinda thing.I would rather love to study biotech. Now about switching many people were suggesting as salary aspects of biotech and how I should continue to do cse for better future . Now I’m so confused . I need your opinion here.
Go for CSE. This will cover a range of different subjects within the computer science domain. SE has a very micro focus on Software development only (as far as I understand).
I need some advice. I want to read cse because i want a okay paying job, doesn't have to be lavish and potentially work from home. I will put in effort to become better despite not being passionate. Should i go ahead?
ভাইয়া টুরিজম & হসপিটালিটি সাবজেক্ট টা কেমন হবে??৷ আমি সায়েন্সের স্টুডেন্ট,, আমি এখন চাচ্ছি ভিন্ন একটা ক্যারিয়ার সিলেক্ট করতে,,। কেমন হবে এই বিষয়টা,, বলতে পারেব একটু?
Learn Python, SQL and get graduate with anything. You stil can be an IT guy. Study Information system if you are not interested in CSC. it is like backdoor CSC let you work in CSC without CSC/programming heavy subjects. If you are dumb, you can be scrum master too (j/k)
First of all bd te tech engineering porar kono mane nai .Tech based porte chaile go for abroad oikhane high technology use kore poray .If you have skill and good knowledge about ai tools then you can achieve success as a tech engineer.
Sir from mu childhood i wanna study cse & so now after completing HSC i am planning to admit in Green University to pursue my CSE career. Will it be a good choice & if i worked hard can i moved to foreign in future to complete my msc & if versity really matter's or skills.
দাদা,আমি আমেরিকানদের মতোন ভালোভাবে fluently ইংরেজিতে কথা বলতে চাই.কিন্তু,আমি পারি না.কারন আমি বাংলা মিডিয়ামে পড়ালেখা করছি.বতমানে College এ পড়ি..আমি অনেক চেষ্টা করেছি+youtube এ এর উপর প্রচুর ভিডিও দেখেছি.তবে কোনো কাজে আসছে না..plz,দাদা আমায় আপনি ভালো suggestion দিন.
Im just a average student not so good not so bad i mean na try korle pari..... Amr 2025 e ashe kon subject ta choice korle valo hobe in future Any suggestions 😅
I have videos on all the engineering courses (almost). Watch them and decide your future career goals. CSE sounds very trendy but it involves hard work. You can work comparatively less hard and complete engineering degree in other areas. So you need to make a choice.
#helppostforjunior,,, আমি ইলেকট্রনিকস নিয়ে ডিপ্লোমা ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং কম্পলিট করেছি,,এখন BSC করতে চাইতেছি,,,,যদি সাবজেক্ট চেঞ্জ করে CSE নিয়ে পড়াশোনা করি সেটা আমার জন্য উপযুক্ত হবে কি না সিনিয়র ভাইদের কাছে জানতে চাই,,দয়া করে মতামত জানাবেন
আমি Daffodil cse তে আছি । programming শিখছি নিজে নিজে বাট আমার মধ্যে অনেক ভয় কাজ করে এত competition.. মধ্যবিত্ত ঘরের ছেলে যে ভাবেই হোক একটা job manage করতে হবে। আমি কি সেখত্রে EEE নিব কিনা? অনেক হীনমন্যতা আছি😭😢 🥹
Thanks for your honest opinion. I don’t think you should be influenced by someone’s opinion. You are already studying CSE, so continue studying that. Don’t think about changing your track.
ভাই কি cse তেই আছেন। আমিও একই পরিস্থিতিতে আছি কোথাও ভর্তি হই নাই। ভাবতেছি cse নিয়ে diu তে হবো।আবার মনে হয় এত্ত কম্পিটিশন মধ্যবিত্ত পরিবারের ছেলে কোনটা ঠিক হয় বুঝতেছি না! Please As a younger brother, he gave some guidelines😫😭
Sir, please help me. My goal is to go aboard. My family pressure me to study CSE but I like life Science(like microbiology, biotechnology etc.) Where should I go?? I'm in deep trouble. Help me sir😢
Listen to your soul, tell your family where you can grow well! And, yes do some research on subject related career at first. You will find many good opportunities outside with subjects like Microbiology, Biotechnology. Tell your family about this then the family will not ask to take cse anymore!
If I give an answer to this, that will be based on my gut feeling. My gut feeling is CKRUET is better option but I would recommend you to speaking with existing students to get more concrete view.
Sir i have a request to make a similar video about civil engineering. My parents really want me to do my honours in this subject but i am really scared and fearing that i might not be good enough to meet their expectations😢😢 Also which varsity will you prefer for civil engineering? UIU or Daffodil? Thanks in advance ❤
Don't listen to your parents and don't follow your peers . Know yours strengths and limitations , learn about the coursework , syllabus and job opportunities and career pathline of all the undergraduate courses available then make and informed decision .
I think IPE has more potential in abroad compared to CSE. IPE students can be employable to a variety of industries in engineering. CSE is good but limited to coding, software, cybersecurity only.
This is purely based on your preference. Do you like coding or doing research in a lab wearing lab coat. DU is well reputable than JU. But the subject choice depends on you.
science theke business related kono subject porle ( jemon marketing or digital marketing) ki osubidha hote pare and decision ta ki worth it?? please reply
Very prospective. Bangladesh is going through a startup revolution. So it will be very useful degree as you’ll gain theoretical knowledge about becoming an entrepreneur.
আপনি রোবটিক্সকে সিএসই থেকে আলাদা করে দেখছেন কিভাবে? রোবটিক্স তো শুধু আরুডুইনো লাগালেই হবে না প্রোগ্রামিংও করতে হবে সো একজন সিএসই স্টুডেন্ট সিএসই তে পড়েও রোবটিক্স এ ভালো ভূমিকা রাখতে পারে।
@@IbrahiMeuweed আরে ভাই আমি কখন বললাম যে CSE মাদার সাব্জেক্ট। বোকার মতো কথা বললেন তো এটা, রোবটিক্স তো কখনোই সিএসই দিয়ে শুধু পসিবল না। ইনফ্যাক্ট যে কোন রিয়েল লাইফ প্রব্লেম সলভ করতে গেলে বিভিন্ন সেক্টর একসাথেই লাগে। যাই হোক আমি রোবটিক্স নিয়ে কাজ করছি তাই এ বিষয়ে যথেষ্ট ধারণা আছে বলেই বলেছি যে রোবটিক্স কে সিএসই এর বাইরে ভাবার কোনো অবকাশ নেই।
Sir, first of all I am grateful to you for your relevant content. i am studying in CSE at a private university in BANGLADESH. If any one ask me about choosing CSE, i would say i am a person who love to know and talk about technology. But i have less practical skills about Computer related staffs like Programming. But i love to know the process of making. So, my dream is to talk towards thousand of people about technology inventions. I want to deal with the problem of projects. I want to be a integral part between technology and strategical business. So was that a bad decision of choosing computer science in my bachelor? If, it isn't then what should be the path to reach my destination where i want to be.! Further Thank you sir.
Sorry for a late response. I’d recommend you gathering practical knowledge about business world through short courses or other forms of education. I’ve seen many science graduates undertaking mba degree later in their careers. So think about that too.
I want to pursue my Master's/Ph.D in Astronomy/Astrophysics/Cosmology (mainly natural science). But I also want to explore the engineering field. Can I switch to natural science after doing undergrad in CSE? Plus are there any research opportunities as an undergrad CSE student in private universities?
you just said my words brother. lol. I come from a Management and Marketing educational background and working in the IT industry for a really long time already.
Good to know that you have a focused plan. If we consider countries like UK, they need more engineers in the areas of constructions, industrial production and maybe electrical. But not more computer engineers. What they need more are people from the medical side. So maybe you can also think about biomedical engineering
আপনার সিভিল ইন্জিনিয়ারিংএ এর ভিডিও দেখলাম বাট দেশে ত hsc pass এর পর বিএসসি করে জব পাওয়া মুশকিল, পেলেও ১২ বা ১৬ হাজার এর মতো।আমি কি নিয়ে পড়ব বুঝছি না।বাংলাদেশের সাপেহ্ম্যে কোন ইন্জিনিয়ারিং বেস্ট জানাবেন স্যার
I think as a whole Bangladesh needs all sorts of engineering graduates. Not just CSE or EEE or Civil. But let me ask you which area attracts you? Do you like to sit in front of computer or like to go outside and construct roads and buildings? Or May be Chemical Engineering? It should start from your passion. Chemical engineering is a very demanding field these days.
I also like CSE. But I have heard from many students that they become overwhelmed after taking CSE. So this video is not demotivating people about taking CSE but just making them aware of the consequences.
@@DrSayemHossain yes, Bangladesh University of health science and more private universities teach this sub....but I don't know much about the present and future of this subject. Will you give a review on this topic? please!!!....
Bhaiya architecture niye video cai...ami architecture niye onek interested but buztesi na eta adeo koto ta helpful hobe and eta pore aboard e jawar possibility koto tukun... Etar upor career kemon hote pare 😐 and amr Choice brac University so ekhane cse naki architecture konta better hobe ami onek confused... Ei related kono Video dile onek helpful hoto
Yes good university certainly matters as it can create the industry links and pathways towards better careers. But it also depends on individual students on they can build their networks while they are studying.
Sir.!!Ekth question chilo please reply mee..!! Can you tell me IUB pharmacy jnno kemon department erpr alumni ami chacchilam IUB te pharmacy porte so jodi bolten ektu help hoito
I heard good things about IUB as a whole. To get very specific insight about their course there are few things you can do - check their faculty list and their educational qualifications, speak with existing students, speak with alumni and also check their success stories.
CSE is a discipline if you follow 4 years of study you will definitely get a good thing. CSE r core knowledge theke onk kisu expand kora jai. I must say cse is the golden era to study ❤️
lol not in bangladesh
@@s.tahsin.r2288 Bangladesh e konta best vaiya?
Medical sector
@@shihab-mg3upBD te তেল mara best.
@@s.tahsin.r2288 Harsh truth
Good content
In current time CSE is just like a trend.
Thanks and agree with you.
Fantastic content Sayem bhai, very thoughtful!
Thanks very much for your nice words!
Sir, but eventually with revolution of AI, every available jobs will be subjugated by CSE. Besides CSE offers the advantage of working remotely for international corporations in addition to local firms which isn't possible for most specializations.
AI can’t entirely replace humans. So there will always be jobs available for CSE graduates.
Sir i'm passionate in Cars. That's reason I want to complete BSc in automobile engineering after hsc. i am now studying in automobile at vocational education in Sylhet. Technical.
Computer science and quantum physics সম্পর্কে জ্ঞান অর্জন করতে চাইলে কোন সাবজেক্ট এ পড়া উচিত।। আমি ক্লাস নাইনে পড়ি।।
CSE will be better for you.
@@DrSayemHossain CSE না IIT বা ICT কোন Subject সিলেক্ট করাটা ঠিক হবে???
CSE পড়ে যে সফটওয়্যার ইন্জিনিয়ারিংয়েই ক্যারিয়ার গড়তে হবে সেটা কোনো কথা না। CSE পড়ে অনেক দিকে ক্যারিয়ার গড়া সম্ভব। যেমন, বর্তমান পৃথিবীতে সাইবার সিকিউরিটি, নেটওয়ার্ক ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ইত্যাদির মতো অনেক ভালো ক্যারিয়ার অপশন আছে। মোটকথা, CSE পড়ে শুধু সফটওয়্যার ইন্জিনিয়ারিং না আরও অনেক ভালো ক্যারিয়ার আছে।
100% agree.
Sir i am completing my alevels by this year and i have been learning data science as a side note (Through resources and courses out there on online ). My question is should i go for cse or bsc in data science? Theres few university to apply on in bd or should i apply outside?
I would highly recommend data science. And if you get the opportunity to study abroad that’s even better. A data scientist has wider opportunities compared to an engineer these days.
I got admitted in CSE in spring 2024 at brac university. What do I do now?
Continue studying CSE. I am not asking anyone to stop studying CSE. If you like it then definitely continue studying. Good luck!
Sir NSU BBA(MIS)+MBA(supply chain management) is worth it in 2025 over CSE???
Noted:i Don't have passion about coding
Plz reply sir
Civil Engineering or CSE which is better for future...?
Which is better for getting a job in abroad?
I think maybe cse
Your understanding of the degree is very poor. Your idea of AI writing codes and the opinion that arts and social sciences are 'better' for careers show how little you know about the reality of the industry and the global demand for tech. Oversaturation of grads doesn’t mean the degree is bad, lol. It highlights the need for better skills, not less value. Please research more before making catchy clickbaits.
Sir , cse or textile which one better in your personal opinion for this time....
Sir I'm really confused about what I should choose CSE or EEE ..i think i won't be able to perform well in coding because I don't feel passionate about it .., looking through computer day to night, continuously solving problems... my whole life would be miserable....but sometimes i think if I could get into sim company, bkash,or software development companies,or free lancing,i could earn money ..i could get high salary jobs..but competition is so much tougher than I'm thinking I'm starting to doubt my self ... because i will be alone in my entire journey...... where as i am confident abou EEE i think i will better in this particular subject cause i like to solve circuits,motors,logic gates...etc..and I'm good at networking with others..and i feel that i can complete EEE course....with less effort....where as i will face many challenges and struggles if i choose Cse...my life will be miserable......I just wanna enjoy life..lead a simple lifestyle... support my family......i want to stay in Bangladesh...and want a get a decent salary job after graduation...i.. won't want to study further ....what is your opinion??what should I choose Cse or EEE
vaia one video on journalism , im currently studiyng mass communication and journalism in RU . is it a good choice in 2024
Sir, I love coding but there are other subjects that come with studying CSE like Physics, Math, Chemistry, Social Science. So i am not sure if i can do better while studying CSE. Should i study CSE or study in Zoology then later start taking freelancing courses?
If you answer my question it will be a very big solution for my life..please answer my question🙏🙏
I am already lost myself.I waste 6 lakhs money in two years in my major course CSE at Iub..I am trying so hard as you cannot think, every day-night just I am practicing but no result has came.I retake 4 times DS but I failed everytime..I belong from a very middle class family.I was dremt so much that after graduate I clamied a good job but now at this stage I think that cse is not for me..Now in this stage I am too much late and I m just finished from my inside..sometimes my mind say me to commiting death.. I love my parents but I havnot done anything for them.My father has no savings.He spent everything for me but me😅..I just finished sir,I just already finished..I want to live sir and I want to do something for my parents,but sir...
I am already finished from my inner side. Life became meaningless for me
First of all, I think that nothing is more important than your life. So never ever think that you need to finish your life. That will be the worst for your parents.
Considering that you are not doing well in CSE, I recommend that you transfer your credit to something easier like BBA degree. It also sounds like you need help from the university. So I would definitely recommend you to seek more help from the university counsellors. Independent university is a good university so I'm sure that they have good support mechanisms for students who are not doing well. Get some counselling from university academic counsellors. I really hope you can overcome this situation be brave and strong and do not think about finishing your life. Wish you all the good luck. Take care.
First of all, I think that nothing is more important than your life. So never ever think that you need to finish your life. That will be the worst for your parents.
Considering that you are not doing well in CSE, I recommend that you transfer your credit to something easier like BBA degree. It also sounds like you need help from the university. So I would definitely recommend you to seek more help from the university counsellors. Independent university is a good university so I'm sure that they have good support mechanisms for students who are not doing well. Get some counselling from university academic counsellors. I really hope you can overcome this situation be brave and strong and do not think about finishing your life. Wish you all the good luck. Take care.
Which degree you prefer right now?
1. CSE
2. GEB
It’s a wrong question. You have to ask yourself that what you prefer to study? If you like medical science then go for GEB, if you like sitting in front of computer for long time and coding, then go for CSE. Both are prospective fields and have job opportunities.
Mechanical Engineering or
Chemical Engineering?
Which subject is best
Both are good subjects and have potential for future job opportunities. You need to decide where is your interest. To my opinion Chemical engineers have more job opportunities in BD compared to ME.
Sir, I’ve been following you since I my admission journey in Brac. I’ve completed a year in cse but I’m not really enjoying it as coding for hours is not my kinda thing.I would rather love to study biotech. Now about switching many people were suggesting as salary aspects of biotech and how I should continue to do cse for better future . Now I’m so confused . I need your opinion here.
"Sir, could you please give me a suggestion on whether I should choose CSE or SE? I am confused because my ultimate aim is to go abroad."😊😊
Go for CSE. This will cover a range of different subjects within the computer science domain. SE has a very micro focus on Software development only (as far as I understand).
@@DrSayemHossain "I can't believe you replied to my comment. I'm thankful for this."💖💖
CSE or software engineering (major in data science) which is better?
SE major in Data Science is much better in my opinion.
I need some advice. I want to read cse because i want a okay paying job, doesn't have to be lavish and potentially work from home. I will put in effort to become better despite not being passionate. Should i go ahead?
Yes you should.
@@DrSayemHossain thanks for the advice 👍
Sir I've a question ❓
1) Aust CSE vs UIU CSE which one is better in your sense???
Personal opinion, its always upto you, you have to gain knowledge and skills by your ownself.
Aust better
aust ee chance paoa tough, you gotta gain at least 400 rank for cse
I’d rank AUST higher compared to UIU. Aust is more engineering focused university.
Aust undoubtedly
ভাইয়া টুরিজম & হসপিটালিটি সাবজেক্ট টা কেমন হবে??৷ আমি সায়েন্সের স্টুডেন্ট,, আমি এখন চাচ্ছি ভিন্ন একটা ক্যারিয়ার সিলেক্ট করতে,,। কেমন হবে এই বিষয়টা,, বলতে পারেব একটু?
BSC in Data Science
Is a good choice?
CSE(Major in Data science)
I need your advice.
CSE major in Data science would be a better choice. There’s still not enough data science jobs in Bangladesh so studying CSE will broaden your scope.
Learn Python, SQL and get graduate with anything. You stil can be an IT guy. Study Information system if you are not interested in CSC. it is like backdoor CSC let you work in CSC without CSC/programming heavy subjects. If you are dumb, you can be scrum master too (j/k)
Good advice.
Sir one video on LAW subject please ❤❤❤
And Real estate subject 🎉
Thanks in advance sir .
I have a video on law already. Check in the video list. Real estate review coming soon.
First of all bd te tech engineering porar kono mane nai .Tech based porte chaile go for abroad oikhane high technology use kore poray .If you have skill and good knowledge about ai tools then you can achieve success as a tech engineer.
Sir from mu childhood i wanna study cse & so now after completing HSC i am planning to admit in Green University to pursue my CSE career. Will it be a good choice & if i worked hard can i moved to foreign in future to complete my msc & if versity really matter's or skills.
Since you are passionate about it since childhood, then you should definitely study CSE. Uni doesnt matter that much. Be a self-learned coder.
দাদা,আমি আমেরিকানদের মতোন ভালোভাবে fluently ইংরেজিতে কথা বলতে চাই.কিন্তু,আমি পারি না.কারন আমি বাংলা মিডিয়ামে পড়ালেখা করছি.বতমানে College এ পড়ি..আমি অনেক চেষ্টা করেছি+youtube এ এর উপর প্রচুর ভিডিও দেখেছি.তবে কোনো কাজে আসছে না..plz,দাদা আমায় আপনি ভালো suggestion দিন.
dada onek english movie ar documentary dekhun, english paper porun. aste aste improve korben.
Mechanical এর জন্য কোন বেসরকারি university valo হবে ?
AUST; No doubt!!
Sir RUET cse Department কি ভালো হবে? আমি এই বছর RUET cse তে ভর্তি হবো। এছাড়া আমি চাইলেই cuet cse তে পারবো। what should I do?
Ruet is definitely a good choice. Where are you from? If you are from Rajshahi then studying in home location is an advantage.
CSE পড়ে প্রশাসন ক্যডারে BCS দেওয়া যায় কি???
Civil engineering ar jonno mid budget university ar modde kon kon university bhalo
Microbiology kmn?
Sir,, SUST EEE,IPE,CEE & CHEPS er moddhe konta valo hbe,job & salary er dik theke
In the context of Bangladesh, EEE and IPE is standout to my opinion
Sorry to bother you again,apni ChE niye ekta video korsilen & onk opportunities er kotha bolsilen,,so Why ChE is not standout for you.Thank you sir.
Im just a average student not so good not so bad i mean na try korle pari.....
Amr 2025 e ashe kon subject ta choice korle valo hobe in future
Any suggestions 😅
BBA is an easy choice for those who doesn’t want to study hard. It’s relatively easy compared to other courses.
I don't know what is right for me so I want your advice should I choose CSE ?
You can study CSE if you are passionate about programming, coding and have the enthusiasm to sit in front of computer for long hours.
একটা বুঝাই বলেন কোন সাবজেক্ট টা নেয়া উচিত হবে সকল ইন্জিনিয়ারিং সাবজেক্ট এর মধ্যে? অনেক উপকৃত হতাম।❤
I have videos on all the engineering courses (almost). Watch them and decide your future career goals. CSE sounds very trendy but it involves hard work. You can work comparatively less hard and complete engineering degree in other areas. So you need to make a choice.
Im confused either i should study Cse or bba
#helppostforjunior,,, আমি ইলেকট্রনিকস নিয়ে ডিপ্লোমা ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং কম্পলিট করেছি,,এখন BSC করতে চাইতেছি,,,,যদি সাবজেক্ট চেঞ্জ করে CSE নিয়ে পড়াশোনা করি সেটা আমার জন্য উপযুক্ত হবে কি না সিনিয়র ভাইদের কাছে জানতে চাই,,দয়া করে মতামত জানাবেন
Bro akhon ki bsc kortaso?
Textile Engineering or English wich one is best? Bangladesh er job prospect a?
আমি Daffodil cse তে আছি । programming শিখছি নিজে নিজে বাট আমার মধ্যে অনেক ভয় কাজ করে এত competition.. মধ্যবিত্ত ঘরের ছেলে যে ভাবেই হোক একটা job manage করতে হবে। আমি কি সেখত্রে EEE নিব কিনা?
অনেক হীনমন্যতা আছি😭😢 🥹
Thanks for your honest opinion. I don’t think you should be influenced by someone’s opinion. You are already studying CSE, so continue studying that. Don’t think about changing your track.
ভাই কি cse তেই আছেন। আমিও একই পরিস্থিতিতে আছি কোথাও ভর্তি হই নাই। ভাবতেছি cse নিয়ে diu তে হবো।আবার মনে হয় এত্ত কম্পিটিশন মধ্যবিত্ত পরিবারের ছেলে কোনটা ঠিক হয় বুঝতেছি না! Please As a younger brother, he gave some guidelines😫😭
Sir, please help me.
My goal is to go aboard.
My family pressure me to study CSE but I like life Science(like microbiology, biotechnology etc.)
Where should I go??
I'm in deep trouble.
Help me sir😢
same situation ,bro
Listen to your soul, tell your family where you can grow well! And, yes do some research on subject related career at first. You will find many good opportunities outside with subjects like Microbiology, Biotechnology. Tell your family about this then the family will not ask to take cse anymore!
Sir cse porte gele hsc te ki requirements thakte hobe plz aktu bolben
At first you a need a krishna❤..
Math, Physics with good marks.
Important Discussion, thanks for the in depth analysis
You’re welcome!
Sir, I have a question is it better decision to choose dual major in Accounting and finance and i am interest in CA
Thank you
Du cse, Mist cse,Cuet,Kuet,Ruet cse
Which is better?
DU cse
Which one should one choose?
If I give an answer to this, that will be based on my gut feeling. My gut feeling is CKRUET is better option but I would recommend you to speaking with existing students to get more concrete view.
Please drop a vdo on statistics.
Sir,can you please mention the name of the universities in bd where CSE is actually teaching with essential equips?!
I think Brac University, NSU and a aiub at the top and they have all the necessary equipment and facilities for students.
@@DrSayemHossain Sir,is there any public university?like Buet or ckruet or anyother?pls kindly do answer
স্যার, ফার্মেসি কে ক্যারিয়ার হিসাবে নিতে চাচ্ছি. Ewu, uap কোন ভার্সিটি ভালো হবে ?
Go for EWU. This has better reputation compared to UAP.
Sir i have a request to make a similar video about civil engineering. My parents really want me to do my honours in this subject but i am really scared and fearing that i might not be good enough to meet their expectations😢😢
Also which varsity will you prefer for civil engineering? UIU or Daffodil?
Thanks in advance ❤
if you have gpa 5.00 in ssc/hsc..go for DIU...discount paba
Don't listen to your parents and don't follow your peers . Know yours strengths and limitations , learn about the coursework , syllabus and job opportunities and career pathline of all the undergraduate courses available then make and informed decision .
I have a video on civil and mechanical. Did you watch it? I Will do a video on civil specifically. I think DIU is a better choice.
Sir thank you so much for replying. I didn't watch the video yet but as you mentioned about it I'll definitely watch it ♥️👍
@@Codesage-r1k thanks for suggesting brother
Sir,, BBA te ki varsity matter kore?
Ami Daffodil a BBA korte cacchi?
Eta ki valo hobe?
DIU is a good university. University matters only to some extent but more depends on how anyone can develop while studying at university.
Sir sobai je bole cse nie porle kisu na korte parle outsourcing tao onk dhoroner outsourcing korte parba aijonno cse pora uchit ai somporke kisu bolen
You can learn outsourcing by simply doing few courses. You do not need to study 4 year CSE degree for that.
Sir,Which is better for CSE??
AIUB 🤷♂️
Budget problem na hole AIUB...ar jdi mid budget tahole UIU...
Sir bolechilo DIU
@@AyeshaLina-y6q DIU cse vlo...but AIUB best hbe or UIU.....apni arektu ghataghati koren...
Jotoi valo hok.. UiU grading system onk hard
Aiub / Diu best for average student
sir aust ipe or nsu /uiu cse
abroad jawar khetre ki ipe choose korle difficult hoite pare!
I think IPE has more potential in abroad compared to CSE. IPE students can be employable to a variety of industries in engineering. CSE is good but limited to coding, software, cybersecurity only.
How is BUBT for CSC, EEE ( for Middle bajet)
And please make video on BUBT
Thanks BUBT is good choice for a middle budget uni.
Sir, give some information about ACCA in Bangladesh. Like how to apply, deman in Bangladesh, job sector, course duration and cost etc.
Sir what do you think about Manarat international university for cse?
aeita ki savar e??
স্যার, EEE নিয়ে এরকম কন্টেন্ট চাই ।।
EEE is a great subject only if you are willing to go abroad . There is no / very little job prospect in Bangladesh for EEE
Will do.
So why all recomand EEE is greater than CSE?@@adnanferdousleo9528
@@adnanferdousleo9528 Totally agree with you.
Thank you so much, sir.
You are most welcome.
Please provide the video regarding the future of data analytics or data science.
You are in luck! I made a video on data science already. Check my videos list 😊
Sir ju ar cse better naki du ar biochemistry konta best
This is purely based on your preference. Do you like coding or doing research in a lab wearing lab coat. DU is well reputable than JU. But the subject choice depends on you.
Sir ami ei year a admission dibo but private university te sciencer kon subject better
Sir which varsity should I go for cse ? NSU or UIU ?
If you can afford then go to NSU. You may also consider BRACU.
@@DrSayemHossain ok sir, thank you
science theke business related kono subject porle ( jemon marketing or digital marketing) ki osubidha hote pare and decision ta ki worth it?? please reply
I think science students comparatively do well in business subjects as they have better math and analytical skills.
CSE line e na pore Data science pora better onek. Kono private universities or DU Applied statistics and data science neoya onek valo.
Sir RU te 163 th position
ACCE sub nile kmn hobe??
Surely go for RU ACCE.
ACCE is one of the finest subject in RU🙂
CSE pore Germany te subidha kamon pawa jabe??
Very good opportunities in Germany as it’s a highly industrialised economy
স্যার, innovation and entrepreneurship এই সাবজেক্ট সম্পর্কে জানতে চাই,,,, এই সাবজেক্ট এর ফিউচার কেমন?
Very prospective. Bangladesh is going through a startup revolution. So it will be very useful degree as you’ll gain theoretical knowledge about becoming an entrepreneur.
আপনি রোবটিক্সকে সিএসই থেকে আলাদা করে দেখছেন কিভাবে? রোবটিক্স তো শুধু আরুডুইনো লাগালেই হবে না প্রোগ্রামিংও করতে হবে সো একজন সিএসই স্টুডেন্ট সিএসই তে পড়েও রোবটিক্স এ ভালো ভূমিকা রাখতে পারে।
Jina, robotics e mechanical engineering o lage. Cse ke sobai mother subject vabe, eta just ekta subject not a mother subject of all ITE.
Jai hok
Robotics is quite connected with cse
Ejonnoi sust cse eta develop kore
@@IbrahiMeuweed আরে ভাই আমি কখন বললাম যে CSE মাদার সাব্জেক্ট। বোকার মতো কথা বললেন তো এটা, রোবটিক্স তো কখনোই সিএসই দিয়ে শুধু পসিবল না।
ইনফ্যাক্ট যে কোন রিয়েল লাইফ প্রব্লেম সলভ করতে গেলে বিভিন্ন সেক্টর একসাথেই লাগে।
যাই হোক আমি রোবটিক্স নিয়ে কাজ করছি তাই এ বিষয়ে যথেষ্ট ধারণা আছে বলেই বলেছি যে রোবটিক্স কে সিএসই এর বাইরে ভাবার কোনো অবকাশ নেই।
Sir, first of all I am grateful to you for your relevant content. i am studying in CSE at a private university in BANGLADESH. If any one ask me about choosing CSE, i would say i am a person who love to know and talk about technology. But i have less practical skills about Computer related staffs like Programming. But i love to know the process of making. So, my dream is to talk towards thousand of people about technology inventions. I want to deal with the problem of projects. I want to be a integral part between technology and strategical business. So was that a bad decision of choosing computer science in my bachelor? If, it isn't then what should be the path to reach my destination where i want to be.! Further Thank you sir.
Sorry for a late response. I’d recommend you gathering practical knowledge about business world through short courses or other forms of education. I’ve seen many science graduates undertaking mba degree later in their careers. So think about that too.
HSC commerce background student can study cse
Sir, Computing and Information Systems (CIS) eta kamon?
Very good course to my opinion.
I want to pursue my Master's/Ph.D in Astronomy/Astrophysics/Cosmology (mainly natural science). But I also want to explore the engineering field.
Can I switch to natural science after doing undergrad in CSE?
Plus are there any research opportunities as an undergrad CSE student in private universities?
you just said my words brother. lol. I come from a Management and Marketing educational background and working in the IT industry for a really long time already.
Vai bidesh study korbo and okhnei job korbo...london a rki... bachelor okhne korbo...to cse swe or eee which is better option..plz help..
Good to know that you have a focused plan. If we consider countries like UK, they need more engineers in the areas of constructions, industrial production and maybe electrical. But not more computer engineers. What they need more are people from the medical side. So maybe you can also think about biomedical engineering
আপনার সিভিল ইন্জিনিয়ারিংএ এর ভিডিও দেখলাম বাট দেশে ত hsc pass এর পর বিএসসি করে জব পাওয়া মুশকিল, পেলেও ১২ বা ১৬ হাজার এর মতো।আমি কি নিয়ে পড়ব বুঝছি না।বাংলাদেশের সাপেহ্ম্যে কোন ইন্জিনিয়ারিং বেস্ট জানাবেন স্যার
I think as a whole Bangladesh needs all sorts of engineering graduates. Not just CSE or EEE or Civil. But let me ask you which area attracts you? Do you like to sit in front of computer or like to go outside and construct roads and buildings? Or May be Chemical Engineering? It should start from your passion. Chemical engineering is a very demanding field these days.
cse or pharmacy??
future career better kontar?
Pharmacist or Programer, what do you want to become? Both have jobs in future.
@@DrSayemHossainbuet eer cse curriculum ki upto dated??
Would you please Make a video about Mechanical engineering?
but sir apni toh EEE theke CSE ke choose kora besi pochondo korben bolsen ekta video te
I also like CSE. But I have heard from many students that they become overwhelmed after taking CSE. So this video is not demotivating people about taking CSE but just making them aware of the consequences.
Sir coding e passion nai so mbstu TE nite chacchi
Will it be good for me?
Naki pore afsos kortr hobe
If you do not like coding then I dont think you'll regret.
Sir BBA or CSE ??
based on job opportunity?
Both have job opportunities. Do you want to be a coder or a businessman?
Sir, Brac architecture vs Aust architecture, Which is better in your sense?
Aust anyday
Sir how we can publish good research paper in undergrad? and how to start research?
I will make a video on this topic.
bachelor in radiology and imaging technology
Ei subject er review den plzz🙏🏼
That's a very interesting course choice. Do you know which university is teaching this course in bangladesh?
@@DrSayemHossain yes, Bangladesh University of health science and more private universities teach this sub....but I don't know much about the present and future of this subject. Will you give a review on this topic? please!!!....
Bhaiya architecture niye video cai...ami architecture niye onek interested but buztesi na eta adeo koto ta helpful hobe and eta pore aboard e jawar possibility koto tukun... Etar upor career kemon hote pare 😐 and amr Choice brac University so ekhane cse naki architecture konta better hobe ami onek confused... Ei related kono Video dile onek helpful hoto
Coming soon. It’s on my list.
@@DrSayemHossainভাইয়া ব্র্যাক এর EEE department এর স্টুডেন্ট আমি । EEE নিয়ে একটা ভিডিও করবেন ?
@@DrSayemHossain bhaiya jehutu summer e admission dibo so ektu tara tari dile bhalo hoi arki 🤕
microbiology naki biochemistry? please bhaiya aitah niya kesu bln 😊
I think both are good course. Personally I'd choose Microbiology as there will be extensive research opportunities in this field.
Is it good to study economics in bracu?
Yea that will be very good choice. BRACU is very good for economics.
Sound ta arektu baranu dorkar silo.
However, suto thekei cse porar issa. Ekhono ase
Thanks for your feedback. If you always had plans to study CSE then you should definitely study CSE.
Vaiya cse er job pabar khetre ki varsity matter kore? Private gulor moddhe?
Yes good university certainly matters as it can create the industry links and pathways towards better careers. But it also depends on individual students on they can build their networks while they are studying.
Sir,bba er jonno kunta best?
please tell me..
Sir.!!Ekth question chilo please reply mee..!! Can you tell me IUB pharmacy jnno kemon department erpr alumni ami chacchilam IUB te pharmacy porte so jodi bolten ektu help hoito
I heard good things about IUB as a whole. To get very specific insight about their course there are few things you can do - check their faculty list and their educational qualifications, speak with existing students, speak with alumni and also check their success stories.
Sir CSE or EEE please help me😢
CSE if you like coding and sitting in computer for long hours. EEE if you like to go to travel, work with Electronics etc.
Asalamalikum sir...kew jodi wrong major choose kore and pore change na krte pare and subject ta sesh kora lage taile oi student tar ki kora uchit
Just continue kora uchit if there’s no option.
EEE এর কেমন ডিমান্ড?
Always good demand of eee.
@DrSayemHossain Thank you sir
Great and informative vedio.CSE is like a trend know
Thanks for your feedback.
Sir, kindly enlighten us about the future of architecture in Bangladesh as well as in abroad. Does it have a career in demand in the future?
It’s in my list of videos to do. Thanks.
CSE is my choice. Buget 3 lakh low categorie versity te pora ki thik hobe? Like Dhaka international university.
Same pls inbox