A message from God: You shouldn’t promote nor advocate spanking. Spanking is the same thing as hitting, beating, striking, smacking, swatting and slapping. There’s a difference between discipline and punishment. You could have gotten in jail for spanking. Spanking is the sin of murder according to Exodus 21:20, the sin of pedophilia according to Leviticus 19:14 and Matthew 18:6, the sin of violence according to Matthew 26:52, the sin of idolatry (worship of Greek god Pan), the sin of abuse and the sin of pornography. When people advocate spanking, it means they are violent child abusers and have violated 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-4. God’s Word does NOT actually command people to spank. It’s a sin to call kids “good”, “bad”, “naughty”, “clever”, etc. That’s the sin of verbal abuse and the sin of pedophilia. Kids are not bad nor naughty. Kids go through phases that are normal and can be growed out of it. Kids are a blessings from God. Babies, toddlers and kids are too young to make decisions for themselves, have no knowledge between good and evil according to Deuteronomy 1:39, have no sin inside of them, belong to the Kingdom of God according to Matthew 19:14 and are unaccountable according to Ezekiel 18:20. People do not become sinners until they reach the age when they become accountable. The COVID pandemic is a setup planned by the Illuminati in order to bring in a one world government - 6.0 edition and the AntiChrist. Cussing is a sin according to Ephesians 4:29 and Colossians 3:8. Tattoos are an abomination before God according to Leviticus 19:28. Disney is full of all forms of child abuse including spanking - both in love and in anger - either with a hand or an object, the cry it out technique, grounding aka confining to house, bribery, screaming/yelling/raising voices and pedophilia, Satanism, witchcraft, magic, sorcery, enchantments, homosexuality, pride, idolatry, pro-vaccine propaganda, pro-GMO propaganda, Atheism, made up creatures called dinosaurs, cavemen and cavewomen, heliocentricism aka outer space and other stuff that’s an abomination before God. Homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:28-32. Jesus is coming back and he’s calling you to repent! Baptist is a man-made denomination owned by the wicked Catholic Vatican and the Illuminati. There are no denominations in the Kingdom of Heaven. Turn away from spanking both in love and in anger, turn away from tattoo wearing, turn away from the denominational system and turn away from all sin, turn away from homosexuality, turn away from Disney, turn away from verbal abuse, repent and receive Christ as your Lord and Savior before judgement falls on your head! www.chick.com/products/tract?stk=71 www.chick.com/products/tract?stk=273 aolff.org/myth-of-biblical-spanking/#more-309 beastwatchnews.com/covid-vaccine-is-the-mark-of-the-beast-let-me-show-why-how-and-what-it-means www.amazon.com/Christlike-Parenting-Taking-Pain-Out/dp/1882723465/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Christlike+parenting&qid=1632778409&sr=8-1 www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Q251Z65/ref=x_gr_w_bb_glide_sout?ie=UTF8&tag=x_gr_w_bb_glide_sout-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B07Q251Z65&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2 www.amazon.com/Whats-Parent-Do-Problems-Christlike/dp/1573452289/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=What%E2%80%99s+a+parent+to+do+Glenn&qid=1632778464&s=books&sr=1-2 www.eyeopeningtruth.com/covid-19-satanic-ritual truthinreality.com/2019/06/25/the-disney-occult-deception/ fightingmonarch.com/2019/11/20/illuminati-masonic-satanic-handsigns/ bibleflatearth.com aolff.org/the-rod-or-shebet-an-in-depth-study/ mustbeaftermidnight.wordpress.com/2011/02/17/naar-in-proverbs-what-kind-of-child-are-parents-to-strike/ aolff.org/myth-of-biblical-spanking/#more-309 gracethrufaith.com/topical-studies/tough-questions-answered/spare-the-rod-and-spoil-the-child/ www.nurturtinggodsway.com biblegems.com/SPANKINFO.HTM Pornography is not good for you. Catholicism is not Christianity and not Biblical. Catholicism will send you to Hell. Catholicism is full of pagan rituals (Sunday Worship, Mass, penance - a false type of repentance, man-made sacraments like so-called communion with sun shaped wafers from Ancient Egypt and alcoholic wine, baby baptisms, the wrong way of baptism - pouring water on the head over a basin, gestures like the sign on the cross on the chest, ashes on the forehead, unholy 40 day fasting, popes forbidding to marry, commanding to abstain from kosher meats on Fridays, spanking - which actually came from Ancient Greece, rosary, vain repetitious prayers like the Hail Mary prayer), idolatry (Mary worship, saint worship, pope worship, priest worship and angel worship), all forms of child abuse including spanking - both in love and in anger - either with a hand or an object like a spoon or a spatula, the cry it out technique, grounding aka confining to house, screaming/yelling/raising voices, bribery, threats, insults, put downs like “because I said so” and “don’t but papa/mama me”, electric shock, forced exercise, washing mouths out with soap, putting hot sauce in the mouth, force to stand or pose in uncomfortable positions for a long time, withholding food or potty breaks, put outside in cold weather for a period of time, forcing to smash, A thru F grading system, pedophilia, etc., animal abuse including zoophilia, homosexuality, antisemitism and witchcraft (prayers to dead). The wicked Catholic Vatican also owns the man-made denominational system and the Illuminati (most crypto-Jewish false prophets who advocate all forms of child abuse including spanking and the cry it out technique are in the Illuminati), and they created man-made religions like Communism, Nazism, Islam, Atheism, Heliocentrism aka Outer Space, Humanism, Newtonianism, New Age, and Atheism.
Tasty ornaments!
A message from God: You shouldn’t promote nor advocate spanking. Spanking is the same thing as hitting, beating, striking, smacking, swatting and slapping. There’s a difference between discipline and punishment. You could have gotten in jail for spanking. Spanking is the sin of murder according to Exodus 21:20, the sin of pedophilia according to Leviticus 19:14 and Matthew 18:6, the sin of violence according to Matthew 26:52, the sin of idolatry (worship of Greek god Pan), the sin of abuse and the sin of pornography. When people advocate spanking, it means they are violent child abusers and have violated 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-4. God’s Word does NOT actually command people to spank. It’s a sin to call kids “good”, “bad”, “naughty”, “clever”, etc. That’s the sin of verbal abuse and the sin of pedophilia. Kids are not bad nor naughty. Kids go through phases that are normal and can be growed out of it. Kids are a blessings from God. Babies, toddlers and kids are too young to make decisions for themselves, have no knowledge between good and evil according to Deuteronomy 1:39, have no sin inside of them, belong to the Kingdom of God according to Matthew 19:14 and are unaccountable according to Ezekiel 18:20. People do not become sinners until they reach the age when they become accountable. The COVID pandemic is a setup planned by the Illuminati in order to bring in a one world government - 6.0 edition and the AntiChrist. Cussing is a sin according to Ephesians 4:29 and Colossians 3:8. Tattoos are an abomination before God according to Leviticus 19:28. Disney is full of all forms of child abuse including spanking - both in love and in anger - either with a hand or an object, the cry it out technique, grounding aka confining to house, bribery, screaming/yelling/raising voices and pedophilia, Satanism, witchcraft, magic, sorcery, enchantments, homosexuality, pride, idolatry, pro-vaccine propaganda, pro-GMO propaganda, Atheism, made up creatures called dinosaurs, cavemen and cavewomen, heliocentricism aka outer space and other stuff that’s an abomination before God. Homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:28-32. Jesus is coming back and he’s calling you to repent! Baptist is a man-made denomination owned by the wicked Catholic Vatican and the Illuminati. There are no denominations in the Kingdom of Heaven. Turn away from spanking both in love and in anger, turn away from tattoo wearing, turn away from the denominational system and turn away from all sin, turn away from homosexuality, turn away from Disney, turn away from verbal abuse, repent and receive Christ as your Lord and Savior before judgement falls on your head!
www.amazon.com/Whats-Parent-Do-Problems-Christlike/dp/1573452289/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=What%E2%80%99s+a+parent+to+do+Glenn&qid=1632778464&s=books&sr=1-2 www.eyeopeningtruth.com/covid-19-satanic-ritual
Pornography is not good for you. Catholicism is not Christianity and not Biblical. Catholicism will send you to Hell. Catholicism is full of pagan rituals (Sunday Worship, Mass, penance - a false type of repentance, man-made sacraments like so-called communion with sun shaped wafers from Ancient Egypt and alcoholic wine, baby baptisms, the wrong way of baptism - pouring water on the head over a basin, gestures like the sign on the cross on the chest, ashes on the forehead, unholy 40 day fasting, popes forbidding to marry, commanding to abstain from kosher meats on Fridays, spanking - which actually came from Ancient Greece, rosary, vain repetitious prayers like the Hail Mary prayer), idolatry (Mary worship, saint worship, pope worship, priest worship and angel worship), all forms of child abuse including spanking - both in love and in anger - either with a hand or an object like a spoon or a spatula, the cry it out technique, grounding aka confining to house, screaming/yelling/raising voices, bribery, threats, insults, put downs like “because I said so” and “don’t but papa/mama me”, electric shock, forced exercise, washing mouths out with soap, putting hot sauce in the mouth, force to stand or pose in uncomfortable positions for a long time, withholding food or potty breaks, put outside in cold weather for a period of time, forcing to smash, A thru F grading system, pedophilia, etc., animal abuse including zoophilia, homosexuality, antisemitism and witchcraft (prayers to dead). The wicked Catholic Vatican also owns the man-made denominational system and the Illuminati (most crypto-Jewish false prophets who advocate all forms of child abuse including spanking and the cry it out technique are in the Illuminati), and they created man-made religions like Communism, Nazism, Islam, Atheism, Heliocentrism aka Outer Space, Humanism, Newtonianism, New Age, and Atheism.