sim, o Brasil é o que tem mais católicos, mas esses dados incluem também outras vertentes do cristianismo como o protestantismo, não só o catolicismo, e com isso os Estados Unidos ganha.
Contando em tudo o Brasil tem dados de 200 mi de cristão sendo que temos uma população de 215 mi de habitantes esses 15 mi inclui os ateus e ' de crenças africanas
@@isamontine2980 ¿Cristo dijo yo soy Dios? ¿Cristo dijo postrado ante mí: yo soy Dios? ¿Dijo el Espíritu Santo que Jesucristo es Dios? ¿Dijo el Padre que mi hijo Jesucristo es Dios? ¿Dijo la Virgen María que Jesucristo, mi hijo, es Dios? ¿Dijeron los discípulos de Jesucristo que su maestro, Jesucristo, es Dios? ¿Jesucristo declaró que Dios está dividido en tres partes: el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo? ¿Mencionó Jesucristo la divina Trinidad? ¿Declaró el Espíritu Santo que hay tres dioses en un solo dios? ¿Declaró el Padre que hay tres dioses en un solo Dios? ¿Mencionó la Virgen María que hay tres dioses en un solo dios? ¿Declararon los discípulos de Jesucristo que Dios consta de tres dioses en un solo dios? ¿Jesucristo comió cerdo? ¿La Virgen María comía cerdo? ¿Por qué los cristianos no circuncidan a sus hijos al nacer como lo hizo Jesucristo? ¿Jesucristo mencionó un templo llamado Iglesia? ¿Jesucristo ordenó la construcción de la iglesia? Cuando Jesucristo fue crucificado y luego resucitó de entre los muertos tres días después, ¿quién caminaba en el universo después de su muerte? ¿Dios muere? ¿Dios sufre? ¿Tiene Dios hambre? ¿Es Dios débil? ¿Tiene Dios miedo de sus enemigos? ¿Dijo Jesucristo que se sacrificaría por el pecado de Adán? ¿El pecado que cometió Adán se transmite a sus generaciones y descendientes? Si Jesucristo se redimió a sí mismo del pecado de Adán, ¿por qué dijo en el momento de su crucifixión: “Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has desamparado?” Si Dios descendió del cielo y tomó a la raza humana como Su cuerpo para redimirse por el pecado de Adán, ¿por qué, después de Su crucifixión y muerte, no regresó a Su origen original como Un Dios y comenzó a sentarse junto a Dios? , convirtiéndose en Dios, y el Espíritu Santo convirtiéndose también en un tercer Dios? ¿Por qué no existió la doctrina de la Trinidad desde el momento de la crucifixión de Jesucristo? ¿Por qué lo anunciaron en el Concilio de Nicea en el año 325? ¿Los cristianos que murieron antes del Concilio de Nicea entran al Reino o entran al Infierno? ¿A quién se le dio autoridad divina para declarar la existencia de tres dioses? ¿Por qué crees en las palabras del apóstol Pablo, quien era enemigo de los seguidores de Jesucristo, sabiendo que no se encontró cara a cara con Jesucristo? ¿Por qué crees que el apóstol Pablo es un santo, sabiendo que no tiene evidencia material de que conoció a Jesucristo? ¿A quién le dieron el Papa, los sacerdotes y los monjes plena autoridad para perdonar los pecados de los cristianos? ¿Quién escribió los cuatro evangelios? ¿Existe evidencia concluyente de que los escritores de los cuatro evangelios fueron discípulos de Jesucristo? ¿Por qué no se mencionaron los nombres de los cuatro escritores de los Evangelios en sus cuatro libros? ¿Dónde están las copias originales de los cuatro libros de los Evangelios? ¿De dónde sacaron la información para escribir sus cuatro evangelios? ¿Dónde están los libros originales de los que tomaron la información para escribir sus cuatro evangelios? ¿Por qué los cuatro evangelios se escribieron en griego antiguo mientras Jesucristo hablaba en arameo? ¿Quién sentó las bases de la doctrina cristiana? ¿Cuál es la evidencia concluyente de que las prácticas religiosas en la iglesia fueron introducidas por Jesucristo? ¿Presenciaron los discípulos de Cristo la crucifixión y muerte de Cristo en la cruz? ¿Por qué hay cuatro evangelios que son diferentes en términos de historia, números y tiempos? En el Evangelio de Mateo 19,28, Jesucristo dice: “Id, pues, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo”. La desgracia es que este texto no se encuentra en los libros originales ni en el idioma griego antiguo. Más bien, se colocó en el texto y es un texto falso que no tiene base en los textos históricos antiguos. Al final, quiero una respuesta clara a cada pregunta, y la respuesta es clara con evidencia.
Congratulations to my nation Brazil, we are second in the Christian Faith, I am proud to be a Protestant Christian, may GOD bless my Brazilian nation, we have corrupt politicians who say they are Christians, but they are not in fact, they are false, others are atheists and in that Corruption comes, the True Christian loves his country and treats his people well, may GOD bless Brazil!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Well said, I am a Christian from NZ and I am ashamed that I do not share the message of Jesus in my community and our churches don't. I pray that this changes in the near future. I am praying for courage to do this
@@petergrant1322I will be praying for you, so that you can proclaim the Gospel of Jesus, we cannot be ashamed, woe to us if we do not talk about Jesus to others!
A paz do Senhor Jesus Cristo meu irmão, verdade tudo que você falou, muito dos nosso políticos são falsos , são lobos vestido em pele de cordeiro para enganar nossos irmãos na fé com suas lábias , e também as outras pessoas, sou Cristã protestante brasileira, amo servir ao meu Senhor Jesus Cristo Yeshua Vivo e ao nosso Deus H'shem Elohim Criador. @@jhugo31
@@S.Srinivaswhat Modi support christan and I'm christan too all are trying to brain wash us I live in muslim majority area they are very bad while hindus are very good I vote bjp too
@@Bella.Mireina27 the point is not the amount of muslim in Indonesia BUT the Christianity followers in Indonesia are significant in number. You got it??
@@RonaldoSantamena For spreading Christianism. Surely our ancestors were in difficult times during the Spanish Colonization, yet there were things that these events brought us for who we are today. Eventually, we got our freedom.
Kristen is a Modern variant of Zombie Christians are people who were created by the brain but cannot think rationally about spiritual matters In other words, they really deserve to be called Zombies, Because they live by church doctrine even though they are aware that they can read the contents of the Bible themselves and understand it rationally and logically... The fact is that currently Christianity throughout the world has become extinct and a physically healthy human being would probably want to have their possessions extorted every Sunday just to pay tithes.Just to enrich a Church minister whose job is just making assumptions and rhetoric to fool the public.
Hallelujah! Greetings and love from Romania🇷🇴, brother! Welcome to Christianity! May The Almighty God bring back Christianity across all Syria and Middle East, like it was from the beginning Amin!☦️☦️☦️🙏🏻
Aleluias irmão Samuel , Glórias a Deus Elohim e a Cristo Jesus Yeshua Rei dos reis, que te resgatou das trevas para a Luz..Deus em seu Filho Jesus Cristo te abençoe meu irmão. Abraços de uma brasileira cristã que mora na Alemanha. 🇧🇷🇩🇪🕊👑❤️
Sou Brasileiro e Cristão, mas me pergunto, porque vivendo em país de maioria absoluta de cristão católico romanos ou protestantes ainda não conseguimos deixar de lado a violência diária Será que somos só cristãos de religião e não de alma ?
Опять непонятные данные фейковые. В России 66% населения православные христиане, а не 66 млн. 66% - это примерно 97 000 000 человек. Нигерия, населения 229млн человек. Даже если там 46% христиане, то это 105млн человек, но не как не 74млн. В общем как обычно фейковые данные.
Только здесь не православных считают, а христиан. В России тогда ещё больше должно быть. В США православных вообще не наблюдается, а христиан больше чем у нас❤
@@khusniddinismailov6860 ни в коем случае! Больше всего в России атеистов😂, если верят в Бога, то христиане, а муслимов немного приезжие и тех скоро будет меньше
Long live Christianity in Brazil and around the world, together we are stronger, continue to share the gospel, I hope to see you all in eternity with our heavenly father 🇧🇷🇮🇱🌏♥️
For anyone in need of a translation of this person's comment, "eternal lies in Brazil and around the planet we stole from nature, together we will remove human rights, we must continue to force everyone to be the same as us, I hope to see you all with our flying sugar daddy"
That's just sad. Who the fuck in Egypt decided "Ykw let's stop believing in our actually interesting gods and believe in the kinky drag queen and his powerful drag queen daddy, yeah that's a really good idea my fellow egyptians let's give up anything that makes us us 👍🤠"
Your name will be remembered as a major threat to Sylivia, the True Mythology, and may you learn your place when Sylivia comes to this planet to save us from the Corruptor.
3:24 I live in Nevşehir and there are 100,000 Christians here alone. I think there are many more Christians, especially in the Izmir region where there are seven churches. Also, many Christians have "Muslim" written on their ID cards. The reason for this, including mine, is that people who are born are registered as Muslims and they will not be able to get a free ID until 2027. People do not want to pay for a new ID because of the economy. and free IDs are waiting to be changed.
Bem vindo irmão, a família do nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo Yeshua nosso Redentor. Sou cristã desde que nasci, hoje tenho 51 anos ,e amo servir ao meu Senhor Jesus o Filho amado do nosso Pai Criador o DEUS VIVO, Pois através de Cristo Jesus que nos tornamos também filhos de Deus . Abraços do Brasil 🇧🇷🕊👑❤️
Eu oro a Deus irmão para ver muitos mulcumanos transformado pelo amor de Cristo Jesus, está escrito na Bíblia assim João 8: 32 conhecereis à verdade e averdade vos libertará! Eu moro aqui na Europa e conheço muitos mulcumanos lá no meu trabalho principalmente turcos, para alguns já falei do amor de Deus que é Cristo Jesus para eles. Desejo de todo meu coração que Jesus Cristo é o Espírito Santo façam a obra perfeita de Deus neles , que é a do conhecimento da verdade.🇧🇷🇩🇪🕊👑❤️
🇧🇷🇧🇷 Like it or not, there is just ONE and real GOD. His name is JESUS CHRIST. The world will soon confirm this. Lets see what " gods" will appear to the entire world to see it and operate things the world has never seen. All others religions outside Jesus Christ , are human creations and none of them are real in being divine. Their " gods" are not real . And that is why the devil ONLY fights JESUS CHRIST, the real God. He doesn't fight Buddha, Krishna or Allah because they are not real "gods".🇧🇷🇧🇷
This video is a mess. Bermuda for example shows 44000 people being Christian which accounts for 1% of the population? WRONG! Puerto Rico, 3 880 000 =89% of the population. WRONG AGAIN. Then, if the graphics are showing us the pop numbers and the respective % that's Christian then Vietnam is also wrong as there aren't 6 850 000 people living in Vietnam....please review this video or explain the numbers.
I doubt a lot of the figures this channel posts. Their death figures for "the WW2" seem really weird as well. I agree that the USSR lost the most people but that wasn't all Hitler's fault..... spending men and women like matches and just lighting another match up each time is different than using your people sparingly is. (look at the video the channel did on those deaths) Maybe this is Red Chinese propaganda. Or maybe, Russian disinformation, I don't know.
The numbers in yellow represent the total population of Christians and the percentage numbers refers to the percentage of Christians out of the country's total population.
من یک مسیحی افغان هستم همه مسیحیان افغانستان به کانادا آمریکا هند برزیل رفت من در افغانستان گیر ماندم ۳۳ هزار مسیحی در افغانستان است چهار میلیون مسیحی افغانستان ترک کرد از دولت برزیل تقاضا دارم به داد مسیحیان افغانستان برس برای من مسیحی بی سرپناه ویزای بشر دوستانه بدهد
I am also a convert to Christianity. but I am an Antitrinitarian Christian. One says I'm Catholic, the other says I'm Protestant. Is Christ Divided? No, I am very lucky to read the Bible. If I knew Christians, I would not like Christianity. What is beautiful is Christ Jesus and his Teaching. Praise be to God who has reconciled us to himself through the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen! ❤✝️🙏🏻
I'm from France. Proud to be ex-atheist and ex-new-age but Christian since 2014. Be blessed everybody and seek and find Jesus Christ !
@@lisatan6069 Go to the Tridentine Mass. Something Beautiful. Greetings from Poland
Amen!! 😊
يباركك الله وعائلته.🧔🏻♀️👶🏻🧕🏻🤣🤣
@@olek-wc6qgهل تحب الأب أم ابن ام الأم ؟😂😂
Im Palestinian Christian ☦️✝️✝️✝️
Godbless you in the name of Jesus Christ our savior❤
God bless Palestinian... Independence and safety and prosperity in Jesus name I ask!
I glad that God used you for his purpose to gospel your community. God bless you and your family. 🙏 ❤️
Are you born again?
You are awesome. Continue believing and God bless
*Brazil is #1, the largest Christian Catholic country in the world...*
sim, o Brasil é o que tem mais católicos, mas esses dados incluem também outras vertentes do cristianismo como o protestantismo, não só o catolicismo, e com isso os Estados Unidos ganha.
Contando em tudo o Brasil tem dados de 200 mi de cristão sendo que temos uma população de 215 mi de habitantes esses 15 mi inclui os ateus e ' de crenças africanas
But also the world number one country of practicing LGBTQ
LGBT are around less than 11% , which means that the rights of any human being exist here
Catholic from India
I am a Christian!!!From Canada, Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior Amen Amen Amen
My family want to visit East Canada, what’s best place to visit?
@@mikee8304 Nova Scotia,!!
@@Lena-h7dHow are Canadian girls bro?
@@Lena-h7d i am a christian
Top 1 ARMENIA 98%🙏🇦🇲😘
Are you born again?
Salam dari Azerbaijan 🎉
vetican city 100%
Syria 🇸🇾 jesus ✝️✝️
Los verdaderos cristianos!! Lastima que hay otra religión muy peligrosa para nosotros😡😭
@@miguelmartinez-sd2lp ¿Te refieres al Islam?
@@kagimex213 no vayas de bueno,cada vez más gente sabe como sois muchos de vosotros,mala gente
Si una creencia que la gente usa para protestar por el odio y la falta de respeto
¿Cristo dijo yo soy Dios?
¿Cristo dijo postrado ante mí: yo soy Dios?
¿Dijo el Espíritu Santo que Jesucristo es Dios?
¿Dijo el Padre que mi hijo Jesucristo es Dios?
¿Dijo la Virgen María que Jesucristo, mi hijo, es Dios?
¿Dijeron los discípulos de Jesucristo que su maestro, Jesucristo, es Dios?
¿Jesucristo declaró que Dios está dividido en tres partes: el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo?
¿Mencionó Jesucristo la divina Trinidad?
¿Declaró el Espíritu Santo que hay tres dioses en un solo dios?
¿Declaró el Padre que hay tres dioses en un solo Dios?
¿Mencionó la Virgen María que hay tres dioses en un solo dios?
¿Declararon los discípulos de Jesucristo que Dios consta de tres dioses en un solo dios?
¿Jesucristo comió cerdo?
¿La Virgen María comía cerdo?
¿Por qué los cristianos no circuncidan a sus hijos al nacer como lo hizo Jesucristo?
¿Jesucristo mencionó un templo llamado Iglesia?
¿Jesucristo ordenó la construcción de la iglesia?
Cuando Jesucristo fue crucificado y luego resucitó de entre los muertos tres días después, ¿quién caminaba en el universo después de su muerte?
¿Dios muere?
¿Dios sufre?
¿Tiene Dios hambre?
¿Es Dios débil?
¿Tiene Dios miedo de sus enemigos?
¿Dijo Jesucristo que se sacrificaría por el pecado de Adán?
¿El pecado que cometió Adán se transmite a sus generaciones y descendientes?
Si Jesucristo se redimió a sí mismo del pecado de Adán, ¿por qué dijo en el momento de su crucifixión: “Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has desamparado?”
Si Dios descendió del cielo y tomó a la raza humana como Su cuerpo para redimirse por el pecado de Adán, ¿por qué, después de Su crucifixión y muerte, no regresó a Su origen original como Un Dios y comenzó a sentarse junto a Dios? , convirtiéndose en Dios, y el Espíritu Santo convirtiéndose también en un tercer Dios?
¿Por qué no existió la doctrina de la Trinidad desde el momento de la crucifixión de Jesucristo? ¿Por qué lo anunciaron en el Concilio de Nicea en el año 325?
¿Los cristianos que murieron antes del Concilio de Nicea entran al Reino o entran al Infierno?
¿A quién se le dio autoridad divina para declarar la existencia de tres dioses?
¿Por qué crees en las palabras del apóstol Pablo, quien era enemigo de los seguidores de Jesucristo, sabiendo que no se encontró cara a cara con Jesucristo?
¿Por qué crees que el apóstol Pablo es un santo, sabiendo que no tiene evidencia material de que conoció a Jesucristo?
¿A quién le dieron el Papa, los sacerdotes y los monjes plena autoridad para perdonar los pecados de los cristianos?
¿Quién escribió los cuatro evangelios? ¿Existe evidencia concluyente de que los escritores de los cuatro evangelios fueron discípulos de Jesucristo?
¿Por qué no se mencionaron los nombres de los cuatro escritores de los Evangelios en sus cuatro libros?
¿Dónde están las copias originales de los cuatro libros de los Evangelios?
¿De dónde sacaron la información para escribir sus cuatro evangelios?
¿Dónde están los libros originales de los que tomaron la información para escribir sus cuatro evangelios?
¿Por qué los cuatro evangelios se escribieron en griego antiguo mientras Jesucristo hablaba en arameo?
¿Quién sentó las bases de la doctrina cristiana?
¿Cuál es la evidencia concluyente de que las prácticas religiosas en la iglesia fueron introducidas por Jesucristo?
¿Presenciaron los discípulos de Cristo la crucifixión y muerte de Cristo en la cruz?
¿Por qué hay cuatro evangelios que son diferentes en términos de historia, números y tiempos?
En el Evangelio de Mateo 19,28, Jesucristo dice: “Id, pues, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo”. La desgracia es que este texto no se encuentra en los libros originales ni en el idioma griego antiguo. Más bien, se colocó en el texto y es un texto falso que no tiene base en los textos históricos antiguos. Al final, quiero una respuesta clara a cada pregunta, y la respuesta es clara con evidencia.
Християнка съм от България.Бог да ви благослови братя и сестри във вярата!❤ 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬
I'm Christian from Malaysia ❤
God bless u ✝️ from 🇳🇮
hai...sama rumah
Hai, saya Kristen Katholik dari Indonesia
@@Anthony_HDK Hai jiran tetangga...
Shalom ☺️
Me too 😁
Proud to be a Christian from Pakistan
Are you Orthodox or Pentecost Christian?
@@userkfkf Thanks
@@userkfkf Are u from Israel?
@@shanigill3623 no, I am a Christian and live in Uzbekistan. The majority here profess Islam)
So blessed to be Catholic! With love and charity.❤
From the Philippines where Catholic traditions are alive and kicking!
Gracias a España que llevo el Cristianismo a tierras Asiaticas de Filipina
Congratulations to my nation Brazil, we are second in the Christian Faith, I am proud to be a Protestant Christian, may GOD bless my Brazilian nation, we have corrupt politicians who say they are Christians, but they are not in fact, they are false, others are atheists and in that Corruption comes, the True Christian loves his country and treats his people well, may GOD bless Brazil!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Well said,
I am a Christian from NZ and I am ashamed that I do not share the message of Jesus in my community and our churches don't.
I pray that this changes in the near future. I am praying for courage to do this
@@petergrant1322I will be praying for you, so that you can proclaim the Gospel of Jesus, we cannot be ashamed, woe to us if we do not talk about Jesus to others!
A paz do Senhor Jesus Cristo meu irmão, verdade tudo que você falou, muito dos nosso políticos são falsos , são lobos vestido em pele de cordeiro para enganar nossos irmãos na fé com suas lábias , e também as outras pessoas, sou Cristã protestante brasileira, amo servir ao meu Senhor Jesus Cristo Yeshua Vivo e ao nosso Deus H'shem Elohim Criador. @@jhugo31
12:27 Philippines 🇵🇭 it's very true I'm proud to be a catholic I'm from Philippines 🇵🇭
A humble Christian from Jamaica 🇯🇲 Jesus Christ is Lord.
i'am Christian from Indonesia 🇮🇩♥️✝️
The count in this video is not accurate at all, there are more than 40 million lions in Indonesia
Are you born again?
@@Laluce372% Christians in India? 😂😂😂 Are you kidding me?
At least it's 7-8 %
Here as a christian 🇱🇧✝️
Protégete bien hermano🇲🇽😘
I'm with you brother 🇵🇭✝️
God bless, Arab Christians we need to keep on growing y'all 😍😍😍🤩🤩
Thank you ❤️We finally got some respect
Fight brothers in faith
ارجوكم لا تكونوا مسيحيون نحتاج نمو الاسلام 😢😭
Singapore loves Jesus! Hallelujah!!!❤
Proud to be followers of Jesus Christ from Kukiland,India
How are you bro. I am Christian in India ap.modi,rss attacked they
Jai sree ram
Are you born again?
A rice bag 💰 convert..A churchristrian..a land grabber stooz of christian missionaries..Soon you will do gharwapsi.😮@@S.Srinivas
@@S.Srinivaswhat Modi support christan and I'm christan too all are trying to brain wash us I live in muslim majority area they are very bad while hindus are very good I vote bjp too
Glory to our soon coming King Jesus Christ.I'm a Christian from Zimbabwe 🇿🇼
I'm Christian from Nicaragua 🇳🇮✝️
I am Protestant Christian from Hong Kong
You mean Pentecostal Hindu..I was confused between Pentecost & Protestant Christian are they same or different?
@@ALPHA_JAY-01 no I am not Pentecostal I am Protestant Christian Pentecostal is other branch of Christianity
I am from Indonesia
Just said ur christian
@@Charleneclarke1982 I think Pentecostal falls underneath Protestantism.
From Catholics Indonesia 🇮🇩
Halo bang, saya dah tulis komen kek gitu duluan berjam-jam yang lalu, salve bang, emang sebenernya Abang dari keuskupan mana si?
Anjay ada mimin katolikku keren disini 😮🤩❤️✝️
Bang, padahal Kristiani di Indonesia sudah 31 juta, kok mereka selalu salah info sih 😅😅
@@argolawu6338 Indonesia is a still a muslim country
@@Bella.Mireina27 the point is not the amount of muslim in Indonesia BUT the Christianity followers in Indonesia are significant in number. You got it??
we are thankful that the spaniards came to the Philippines big respect
Thanks for what? To conquer your country ? TF
@@RonaldoSantamena For spreading Christianism. Surely our ancestors were in difficult times during the Spanish Colonization, yet there were things that these events brought us for who we are today. Eventually, we got our freedom.
@@leebaemiWe're not sure bro, we have problem with Chingnongs
Muslims are first there.
Hindus,Buddhist, and Animists actually, then Islam, then Christianity@@MT-ud6hx
Proud to be ex-Muslim from Azerbaijan, I accepted Christianity
Bir müslüman nasıl hristiyanlığa geçer? Yazıklar olsun!🇹🇷☪️🇹🇷☪️🇹🇷☪️🇹🇷☪️🇹🇷☪️🇹🇷☪️🇹🇷☪️🇹🇷☪️🇹🇷☪️
Kristen is a Modern variant of Zombie
Christians are people who were created by the brain but cannot think rationally about spiritual matters
In other words, they really deserve to be called Zombies, Because they live by church doctrine even though they are aware that they can read the contents of the Bible themselves and understand it rationally and logically...
The fact is that currently Christianity throughout the world has become extinct and a physically healthy human being would probably want to have their possessions extorted every Sunday just to pay tithes.Just to enrich a Church minister whose job is just making assumptions and rhetoric to fool the public.
@@yusufkuscu1453Shut up, I stand with Israel
@@umforever4218 Shut up!
Que orgulho do meu país: Brasil - Louvado seja Deus e nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo!
Iso paygambar
@@Muhammadjon749He is son God
@@Muhammadjon749Cadija and maome is Ebionism
Don't you know how to read? interpret text?
''Praise be to God" and our Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus is a prophet, he is the son of God as well as
Orgulho do meu país somos 200 mi de cristão ✝️ ❤🇧🇷
Proud to be a Christian ✝️ from India 🇮🇳❤
Am also Christian from bharat
Hindus and christians are very friendly in our country, but problem is with Muslims
@soulkiller519 INDIA get ✝️ Christianity from St.Thomas the Apostle and spreaded by St.Fransis Xavier and European Missionaries. 🇮🇳❤🇻🇦
Convert और लालची bride 🤣🤣🤣
Proud to God show me you true.
God bless we my brother and sister from Brazil🔰
Proud to be christian from philippines
I am form 👉 INDIA 🙏 Praise the lord...❤ Jesus Christ ❤. Save everyone in this entire universe
I'M PROUD to be a Christian from India
Pride is a sin.
i also
Thomas the apostle
@@vijinlalvijin8314 what's so funny, 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮 worshipper?! 🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄
I am From Ethiopia orthodox Cristian Happy Esters for all Orthodox Cristian 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
እንካን አደረሰህ ወንድሜ ሀገራችንን ሰላም ያድርግልን🙏
@@Abenezer653 god bless you ♥︎
Proud to be a Christian from Griffin, Georgia 🇺🇸 USA! ❤
16th place to Poland.
Not bad for quite small country.
Praise God.
Hahaha I'm am Philippines and I am love of Jesus Christ of Christianity in 😊❤
Ex-Muslim from Syria. Now Im a proud follower of the Lord Jesus Chris. Hallelujah ✝️
Hallelujah! Greetings and love from Romania🇷🇴, brother! Welcome to Christianity! May The Almighty God bring back Christianity across all Syria and Middle East, like it was from the beginning Amin!☦️☦️☦️🙏🏻
Aleluias irmão Samuel , Glórias a Deus Elohim e a Cristo Jesus Yeshua Rei dos reis, que te resgatou das trevas para a Luz..Deus em seu Filho Jesus Cristo te abençoe meu irmão. Abraços de uma brasileira cristã que mora na Alemanha. 🇧🇷🇩🇪🕊👑❤️
Welcome to the Christianity brother in Jesus name amen🙏
Greetings to my brothers and sisters around the world from Ukraine!
I am joined also. I am from Ukraine too.
i proud to be a christian, from indonesia .. 🇮🇩
Proud Christian from America. Jesus is King!
The Country of Freedom has no place for you oppressors.
We are Orthodox ❤️☦️❤️ from ERITREA🇪🇷 and we love Orthodox people👑👏👏
Привет из России 🤗🇷🇺
Love you, from Orthodox Romania🇷🇴☦️🇪🇷
Greetings from 🇵🇭 I'm catholic
¡Viva México! ¡Viva la santa iglesia Católica única esposa de Cristo!
Viva la iglesia que tiene un papa comunista y edificios en formato de cabeza de serpiente!
@IzabellaMartins-hb1mvwhat do you think the church is then?
@IzabellaMartins-hb1mv We are the church. The church is composed of believers in God.
Sou Brasileiro e Cristão, mas me pergunto, porque vivendo em país de maioria absoluta de cristão católico romanos ou protestantes ainda não conseguimos deixar de lado a violência diária
Será que somos só cristãos de religião e não de alma ?
@@messiascastrodasilva734 protestantes não são cristãos corretos. eles são hereges. e eles têm a audácia de questionar a verdadeira igreja
NC USA here
All thanks and praise to my lord Jesus Christ, forever my king
Catholic love ❤✝️✝️ from Indonesian 🇮🇩❤✝️
Indonesia urutan brp bang yg beragama katholik
@@alsad5882 7 juta bang posisi 3
@@Markuttttttbang mayoritas katolik Kristen di indo ada bera pa juta orang?
@@Markutttttt 10 juta bang Katholik Indonesia
Aint those two the same damn thin
Опять непонятные данные фейковые. В России 66% населения православные христиане, а не 66 млн. 66% - это примерно 97 000 000 человек.
Нигерия, населения 229млн человек. Даже если там 46% христиане, то это 105млн человек, но не как не 74млн. В общем как обычно фейковые данные.
Только здесь не православных считают, а христиан. В России тогда ещё больше должно быть. В США православных вообще не наблюдается, а христиан больше чем у нас❤
Россия это мусульманская страна ☝️
@@khusniddinismailov6860 ни в коем случае! Больше всего в России атеистов😂, если верят в Бога, то христиане, а муслимов немного приезжие и тех скоро будет меньше
France 41 million= 51% of... the 67 million french.
Ini data anggaran kasar saja bro
Long live Christianity in Brazil and around the world, together we are stronger, continue to share the gospel, I hope to see you all in eternity with our heavenly father 🇧🇷🇮🇱🌏♥️
For anyone in need of a translation of this person's comment, "eternal lies in Brazil and around the planet we stole from nature, together we will remove human rights, we must continue to force everyone to be the same as us, I hope to see you all with our flying sugar daddy"
Albania have 1 Milion christian is true I am from Albania
Los has contado a todos?;😂😂😂
I'm a proud Chistian and South African, and I am so glad to see so many people in South Africa believing in Jesus, Amen❤🇿🇦🙏
I'm christian 🇧🇷✝️💪
Sou do Brasil e sou católico.
Viva Cristo Rei e a Virgem Maria!
Never forget brothers and sisters.. Jesus is everything you need! With love from Serbia ❤
Amém irmão, com amor do Brasil 🇧🇷, mas atualmente estou morando na Alemanha 🇩🇪🕊👑❤️
Christian Indonesian here🇮🇩👋⛪
Catholic from Vietnam 🇻🇳
Proud to be a Christian 🇵🇱✝️🥰
proud to bé Christian orthodox🇬🇷🇬🇷☦️☦️💪💪🎉🎉
I am proud to be a muslim
Cristão brasileiro. Louvado seja Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo!
Thank God♥️ Christian countries are the well developed, well educated, best happiness index & people elected leaders in the world👍👍
I am Protestant from 🇪🇹. USA is again a country with most Protestant population.
Brasil love you✝️☦️
Who cares about protestant catholic it's Jesus Christ in your heart or not. Put emphasis on the creator not the name people made up
✨ Hallelujah Praise the LORD ✝️👑☝🏻🙏🏻
Egypt has around 20 millions Christian , I am Christian Egyptian 😊
Are you born again?
That's just sad. Who the fuck in Egypt decided "Ykw let's stop believing in our actually interesting gods and believe in the kinky drag queen and his powerful drag queen daddy, yeah that's a really good idea my fellow egyptians let's give up anything that makes us us 👍🤠"
لماذا اسأت اسلام 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬
@@johnmcateer4049 why you keep spamming with asking this dumb question, everywhere? Do you have a mental problem???
Proud to be a Protestant Christian, proud of my Country. And may Christianity live forever as the largest Religion in the world! ❤️🇺🇸✝️
Amen and Amen
Amen 🙏
Your name will be remembered as a major threat to Sylivia, the True Mythology, and may you learn your place when Sylivia comes to this planet to save us from the Corruptor.
But please study ☦️Orthodoxy☦️, if you want to see real Christianity! Protestantism has absolutely nothing to do with real Christians!
Proud to be indian Christian..🇮🇳 12:56
Ex muslim from🇲🇾 ,i accept christiany to
Illegal in Malaysia
@@Hasanaljadid 😢
I live in the United States 🇺🇸 😊😊and I am a huge fan of God and Jesus
Proud Christian ❤❤❤
love Lord Jesus 👇👇👇
I'm Christian from uk 🇬🇧
3:24 I live in Nevşehir and there are 100,000 Christians here alone. I think there are many more Christians, especially in the Izmir region where there are seven churches. Also, many Christians have "Muslim" written on their ID cards. The reason for this, including mine, is that people who are born are registered as Muslims and they will not be able to get a free ID until 2027. People do not want to pay for a new ID because of the economy. and free IDs are waiting to be changed.
Cristians in Turkey? How?
Guatemala 🇬🇹 ✝️ It is the only Hispanic🇪🇸 country that has more Protestants than Catholics.
No Brasil está bem parecido.
Nguyễn Văn Trọng tôi có gì nói với tôi chúa lai tôi không biết giỡn đùa với ai nghe hiểu những trường hợp khẩn cấp có tôi
I'm a Christian from Thailand ❤✝️ ❤
I am ex muslim in Malaysia.. it was so hard but we are so proud n getting stronger.. 💪🙏
Слава Господу Иисусу Христу!!!✝️❤
You are wrong about Greece.There are Christians about 99%.
Hello everyone, I am a Roman Catholic Christian from Indonesia ❤❤❤
Request Catholic population by country please ❤😊
@@armanmir9501 salam toleransi lah bang
@@donijaya dari keuskupan mana bang?
@@donijaya oh ok, saya dari KAS
@@Anthony_HDKKatolik Indonesia 8 juta
Brothers and sisters who are called Christians in Christ; God's peace be upon you.
I am a proud Christian from Ethiopia.
Proud to be ex-muslim from Turkey, İ accepted Eastern Orthodox Christianity🙏☦️
Bem vindo irmão, a família do nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo Yeshua nosso Redentor. Sou cristã desde que nasci, hoje tenho 51 anos ,e amo servir ao meu Senhor Jesus o Filho amado do nosso Pai Criador o DEUS VIVO, Pois através de Cristo Jesus que nos tornamos também filhos de Deus . Abraços do Brasil 🇧🇷🕊👑❤️
Eu oro a Deus irmão para ver muitos mulcumanos transformado pelo amor de Cristo Jesus, está escrito na Bíblia assim João 8: 32 conhecereis à verdade e averdade vos libertará! Eu moro aqui na Europa e conheço muitos mulcumanos lá no meu trabalho principalmente turcos, para alguns já falei do amor de Deus que é Cristo Jesus para eles. Desejo de todo meu coração que Jesus Cristo é o Espírito Santo façam a obra perfeita de Deus neles , que é a do conhecimento da verdade.🇧🇷🇩🇪🕊👑❤️
Second coming of Jesus Christ I,m from NorthEast India. I Love all christian
Hate non christians ?..Are you Naga .. kuki or else ..A tribal culturally.
Those percentages aren't correct. I wonder if these statistics are mistakes too.
The percentages are related to the country population, not the world population.
@@MissCheeseEstill wrong
Bro I’m from India 🇮🇳 there are many more Christians in India but many of them are counted as Hindus including me😢
I am proud to be an Australian Syrian Christian, thank to God in the name of our lord Jesus Christ 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤👍👍👍⛪
Первая страна которая приняла хрестианство как государственую религию - Армения 🇦🇲
From The United States proud to be a Christian.
I am Russian orthodox christian ❤️🇷🇺☦️
🇧🇷🇧🇷 Like it or not, there is just ONE and real GOD. His name is JESUS CHRIST. The world will soon confirm this. Lets see what " gods" will appear to the entire world to see it and operate things the world has never seen. All others religions outside Jesus Christ , are human creations and none of them are real in being divine. Their " gods" are not real . And that is why the devil ONLY fights JESUS CHRIST, the real God. He doesn't fight Buddha, Krishna or Allah because they are not real "gods".🇧🇷🇧🇷
Proudly Christian from India✝️🇮🇳
I'm Christian ,Lord Jesus Christ is Almighty God.
United States top🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
God bless US🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸.
@@AsenImchen-y8j 😂😂😂
Hallelujah. Christianity not about religion, but the relationship between human and God. Jesus come to saved the world
Iam catholic ❤ from Meghalaya
The best video 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
This video is a mess. Bermuda for example shows 44000 people being Christian which accounts for 1% of the population? WRONG! Puerto Rico, 3 880 000 =89% of the population. WRONG AGAIN. Then, if the graphics are showing us the pop numbers and the respective % that's Christian then Vietnam is also wrong as there aren't 6 850 000 people living in Vietnam....please review this video or explain the numbers.
bro, the population of Vietnam is 98 million
I doubt a lot of the figures this channel posts. Their death figures for "the WW2" seem really weird as well. I agree that the USSR lost the most people but that wasn't all Hitler's fault..... spending men and women like matches and just lighting another match up each time is different than using your people sparingly is. (look at the video the channel did on those deaths) Maybe this is Red Chinese propaganda. Or maybe, Russian disinformation, I don't know.
The numbers in yellow represent the total population of Christians and the percentage numbers refers to the percentage of Christians out of the country's total population.
Ethiopia 🇪🇹 🇪🇹 >65 million Orthodox Tewahedo Christians ❤❤❤
România Orthodox bro 🫶💪
Pleasing to see many more African countries are more deeply Christian than I thought!
I'm Christian Indonesian ✝️ 🇮🇩 ❤
Indonesian Christian here 💪 🇮🇩✝️
Proud to be a Coptic orthodox Christian from Egypt ❤🇪🇬☦❤
10:28 Wrong.
In Guatemala, we are 95% of total Christians [17,450,000].
[With Catholic; Evangelical; and other denom].
Este video lo ha hecho un musulman
@@miguelmartinez-sd2lphe belong from United Stats and you don not tell a lie and not hate from muslims👉watch the channel discription
I am Christian from Mumbai, India
Lies, you lie!
@@Muhammadyogi87 means
@@Muhammadyogi87blud is jealous
Japan: 1.92 million (1.1%)
This figure is often quoted but is inaccurate. The most reliable number is said to be 1 million, 0.79% of the population
Catholic here 👆🇧🇷🇻🇦
من یک مسیحی افغان هستم همه مسیحیان افغانستان به کانادا آمریکا هند برزیل رفت من در افغانستان گیر ماندم ۳۳ هزار مسیحی در افغانستان است چهار میلیون مسیحی افغانستان ترک کرد از دولت برزیل تقاضا دارم به داد مسیحیان افغانستان برس برای من مسیحی بی سرپناه ویزای بشر دوستانه بدهد
I am also a convert to Christianity. but I am an Antitrinitarian Christian. One says I'm Catholic, the other says I'm Protestant. Is Christ Divided? No, I am very lucky to read the Bible. If I knew Christians, I would not like Christianity. What is beautiful is Christ Jesus and his Teaching. Praise be to God who has reconciled us to himself through the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen! ❤✝️🙏🏻
If you don’t believe in the Holy Trinity, then you’re not a Christian
You can't be Christian if you don't accept Triune God
I am from Ukraine. God's blessings for all! Jesus come! Praise Jesus!
Respect for Cristians brothers from Montenegro.