Titanfall Man & Machine Tribute Song: • TITANFALL SONG - Man A... Angry Joe & Other Joe battle each other with Titans in this review of Respawn Entertainments newest FPS, Titanfall!
There's a certain irony too it, that Activision brilliantly capitalized on the interest in Futuristic shooters with wall running and mechs, and now after several iterations Titanfall 2 seems to have little new to offer. I actually did enjoy the beta, and titan combat did have more depth that it seemed at first, but I think attrition was Titanfall, the replacement is tedious, pilot vs pilot lacks the kind of asymmetrical gameplay that keeps things interesting and fun (too much camping and sniping).
alex duffy I did, it was rather tedious. It had it's charm, but it's not a mode I would play too much of. The AI spawning in one place wasn't very interesting, and it felt more random than anything. Like whoever you kill could have nothing or they could have $800 or more, idk I just didn't like that mechanic.
6:57 Soldier 1: We got a friendly pilot coming though! Soldier 2: What's so special about them? Soldier 1: Trust me they're on a whole other level. Just watch 'em. "pilot misses all his shots"
"We got a friendly pilot coming though!" "What's so special about 'em?" "Trust me they're on a whole other level. Just watch 'em." I love all the little details like that that this game has :)
meanwhile at cod studios... "sir? you know them guys we fired?" "the ones with original ideas?" "yes, they made a game" "so?" "people are saying it is good" "....." CALL OF DUTY, ADVANCED WARFARE PRE ORDER NOW FOR SOMETHING, IDK I DONT MAKE THE GAME I JUST GET PAID TO GIVE IT 10/10
Couldn't agree more. Joe tells things how they are, not how everyone else say they are. Plus, he has the Badass Seal of Approval and Epic Fail-stuff (or whatever he calls it). Those two proves that even if a game doesn't get top score, it can still be a great game. Or a really shitty game, even if it somehow avoids the lowest score possible. I wish more reviewers could do that. Sure, there are those who give badgets or awards, but those are mostly tied directly to the score. Got top score? Here's your gold award. 8/10? Automaticl silver award. So lame.
holy shit, how is it possible, he asked for a single player campagin, and what are we getting in titanfall 2, a single player campagin, can it be, a actually game company that listens to feedback and tries to imrpove, man, i'm actually impressed, though that's not much of a accomplishment, i'm a easily impressed guy, but none the less, i'm impressed
not only are we getting a campaign(that honestly really intrigues me over the stuff I've been pelted with from COD and Battlefield) we're getting new movement mechanics, more guns it seems, gravity grenades, honestly I'm really looking forward to titanfall 2
My version Random guy: It's been an honour Me: what happens if I try and shoot robots in where their dick would be? Oh, right, some guy is dead. Can I teabag his corpse?
SlyBiffrons the game still holds up.. offcourse call of dookie is the better one now but thinking this game is gonne come back just makes me wanne get back at this marvelous game!
I always play single player 1st in every game i play. I just don't see why some people would buy something like COD and literally just jump straight into Multiplayer and never play the Single player :O Strange to me.
+Marijan Kobaš warframe isn't the same as most shooters though like COD ect. It has story lines and isn't really a pvp game. The pvp is terrible. It all about pve. COD is mindless killing multi player. So to skip the only real story mode is strange to me.
Glampkoo I also love Somecallmejohnny. Even though his reviews sound & feel alot more scripted & constructed, the opinions & viewpoints are just as genuine. Same could be said about Caddicarus, my personal favourite reviewer at this point (or at least incredibly neck & neck with Somecallmejohnny).
I remember my dad taking me to buy Titanfall 1 at Walmart for my xb360 and brought the game to school so my brothers couldn't get home first to play it before me. The amount of joy I felt the first time I played it. And then played Titanfall 2 on my PS4 and loved it even more. Wish Respawn would just make a Titanfall 3 already.
I find TH-cam are really good at mixing your interests, popular trends and video content quite well to give you relative adverts. I must really like apples... I mean Apple.inc
You know what I love about you, Joe? While everyone else plays a "good" game, as in hyped as fuck, and then review it, they just hype it up some more with a 10 minutes video in the "HOLY FUCK THIS GAME IS AWESOME" ridiculous style. Meanwhile you mention the good things about said game, and then actually go into detail about the issues and what's wrong with the game that every other reviewer skipped because "HOLY FUCK THIS GAME IS AWESOME". Keep on being awesome, Joe. Show them how it's done.
This is, by far, the BEST review I've seen for this game. I've been commenting on TH-cam for days now about the lack of customization and the fact that the Campaign sucks and people have been giving me shit nonstop. It's great to see that there's still someone around that doesn't let the hype get in the way of their honest opinions. I mean, Adam Sessler, one of the most well respected gaming personalities out there, giving this game a flawless score is just embarrassing and makes me question his morality and skill as a journalist.
I almost think he's been getting paid by MS since E3 LOL! Dude damages control, almost as much as Albert does! It's sad, a lot of people look at these guys to be honest. Sessler said that this was a evolution to multi-player shooters. Why? Because he can actually kill things with the smart pistol? Titanfall was just overhyped! No customization, barely anything at all. The game is called Titanfall,but only has three Titans? Yes they do represent the 3 archetypes of fast, tanky, and assault mechs, I'll give em that. But couldn't they have made them look a little different on each team? You're telling me these guys are shopping for Titans at the same store, during a war? TitanFall NEEDED a single player campaign, to draw us into the universe and introduce us to the lore. Would have been much better. As it stands after playing it, I don't know shit about it's lore. Just some war in the future....and well, that's about it!
Joe, i have no words to say about this review that are negative, Every detail was spot on and I AM GLAD someone had the balls to say it, everyone is praising this game 10/10 this 10/10 that, but you tell it like it is, to me this is not a perfect score game far from it. Its fun yes, very fun, but the lack of SP and not caring for the online campaign was spot on. I think the score you gave it was fair and a little on the generous side. I was getting sick of all these morons acting like its the perfect game...its not.
well maybe a word from somebody who hasnt enjoyed the shooter genre for a long time. with bfbc2 and shootmania being the last 2 shooters i enjoyed i didnt see the hype at the beginning of it. if you wanna play mechs, there are 2 damn good mech games out there right now. mechwarriors online and hawken. the shooter genre needs a revolution, it slowly get stale
Arcralf really ? what makes this game so special i might ask ? this is a slightly above average shooter. but not disagreeing to you since there actually hasnt been a lot of good and innovative shooters sadly. this game setting the standard is quite depressing to be honest. just ask yourself when we had a good story in a shooter. and dont say bioshock infinite. the shooter part of it was god awful(dont get me wrong, great game, the shooting is just bad)
Didn't realize that a big company like IGN can be so insecure about their own reviews and have to attack others for "misquoting"... "Misquoting" in general is so minor.
you guys can thank a man by the name of Jason West. He started Medal of Honor but left EA when they challenged his creative rights. He started Infinity Ward and made Call of Duty. Then when they tried to take it from him like EA did he left and started Respawn and created Titan Fall. The man is a FPS genius.
he left because he retired or whatever. but he was a major FPS innovator. Titan Fall was his brain child. I'm sure they will milk it like COD. But if he has stopped making games, the industry has lost a major innovator.
WOW! Finally a real review for this game, this is why i love you Joe. Seeing it get 9's and 10's pisses me off when the game has hardly no content whatsoever, with the next game in the series a few more modes and a single player campaign would be awesome.
Sigh...i remember when single player was the focus...seems like eons ago. Multi-player was an add-on, something to give you something a little extra...i guess CoD games changed that
Did you forget about all the great single player games that have came out recently? Skyrim, Bioshock Infinite, The new Tomb Raider, AC4, The Last of Us, etc. A ton more games seem like they focus on their single player more than their multiplayer. This is even true for COD or BF. I honestly was quite happy when Titanfall decided to be completely mutliplayer simply because not many games have done that.
DarkspineHero228 Yes. Definitely the first one. I will always love the first one out of all later games because of the Single Player campaign. Not to mention the later multiplayer expansion, United Offensive, which was, IMO, the best multiplayer from any CoD.
There were always multiplayer focused games just like single player ones. Just because Titanfall is multiplayer focused that doesn't mean there is some strange shift in the gaming community. It just means its a multiplayer game.
edge less No, they said honest, not incompetent and stupid. He shouldn't be trusted to review anything because he's too busy blaming the game for his own stupidity and lack of skill.
Paul Dennett yeah I can agree on that but he's honest about the game with no sp campaign , no competitive mode , it rips off other games and it doesn't deserve a 9 or 10 or even worth 60 dollars
+cad80 24 you've probably never played lol I got the deluxe edition for 5 dollars and too plus all map packs free and it's better than most of my other games tbh
+The Illuminati rigth man i seriously like it more than any of the other multiplayer focused games out right now. I wouldnt if we payed 60 but for 5....idk why anyone bought cod or battlefront
7/10 is exactly how i would rate it. Just got it via EA Access on the Xbox One and it's definitely more fun than the latest CoD's for me. For Titanfall 2 they need to make a true SP campaign though and truly expand the lore. Because this IP has tons of potential
Titanfall is one of my all time favourites, however the campaign is bad (but really its obvious they didnt want to do a campaign) and there are a small amount of weapons and customisations. Other than that it all feels so smooth and fun. I still play it every now and again.
In my honest opinion, Titanfall is one of the best shooters ever. The movement system is SO FUCKING COOL. I love chaining wall runs and climbs in order to then jump on an enemy titan and destroy him. I really hope they make a good sequel, with a good single player campaign, more modes, weapons, and titans.
Titanfall is one of the best shooters, ever imo. It falls short in terms of unlockables, but everything else is kinda shitting on current FPS franchises.
Great Critique Joe, I kind of wish they followed the Halo model for making games with a great co-op /single player campaign, theater mode and ranked matchmaking for online play.
Espicly for people like me that have crap internet. Atleast I can play Halo offline but Halo 4 took the best feature out that's been there since ODST firefight was F'ing fun and they took it out although Halo 4 felt more like the first one in combat.
Smooth Trooper Don't worry, you're not missing anything in Halo 4 by not being able to play online. The multiplayer is complete shite, and Spartan Ops is worthless.
Smooth Trooper if your internet is that bad its time to upgrade its 2014, inless you live some where that you caint get good hi speed then sucks to be you.
DailyGamingVideos I'm with Smooth Trooper. Some people just can't get internet. It should be known that games first had a story and multiplayer was indeed a luxury. Some of us would even take a story or campaign that would use internet but that didn't provide.We don't need to upgrade (sometimes that's worse), companies need to stop doing the stupid things that will lose money.
DailyGamingVideos Can't rual area all I got is sat net although across from my subdivision there is high speed going past it but we can't get it god I so want to move.
It sounds like reviewers of the game really want it to be a system seller, even though it is not the best. A 10/10 for crashes, no private games, limited game play, etc? I'm glad Joe is honest as hell.
Opethian Joe said he saw ships fighting and wanted to be able to join that badass fight. Not to mention the story being 4 GODDAMN HOURS. Kinda two hours, but you get it, I guess.
bliglum ... not really. Everyone thinks this, but I don't see how. They all said the endings were the same, but no, they're vastly different. One destroyed all synthetics, the other merged synthetics and humans. Just because you *SPOILER ALERT* die in all the endings, doesn't mean they were half-assed. Plus, not to mention the various ways people live/die.
Is that a new fucking fad in the game industry? Send what could be considered a late-development beta to stores and have paying customers find the flaws, essentially having a polar opposite to the concept if beta testers?
As nice as it is to argue about Mass Effect 3 ending's being a complete lackluster to the entire series, we're just beating a dead horse. By now the horse is jellified goo.
It really feels to me like Titanfall was a game released solely to gain the first month or two's profit. This game was not built to be played for 6 months or a year, it was built to be purchased and forgotten about quickly.
Ya true but I can't remember the last time they ever made a first person shooting with mechs and other shit but ya everything Joe said is true I think it should have gotten a 6 but maybe they will hear the community and give free DLC's considering they gave us a bare bones game.
Great review Angry Joe! :D Titanfall is one of my all time favorite games. What score would you guys give the game? I would give it a 9/10 easy and I think Titanfall 2 will take it to the next level in a couple of years.
Just gotta say it one more time Joe LOVE THIS REVIEW ! Was on the fence and no review told me what i wanted to know but you just did ! that's why YOU'RE THE BEST WITH REVIEWS !
If I had to guess, Respawn spent most of their time and effort making sure the core gameplay was great and balanced and things like modes and customization got left by the wayside. Titanfall is one of the most fun multiplayer experiences I've had in a long time, so I don't mind the issues such as light loadout options as much as you Joe. And I'm playing on the One where they haven't been many connection troubles. Hopefully with a few content updates down the road, or especially in a sequel, both the gameplay and content will be more in line with what one might expect.
The thing with that is they could've released this when there was more content OR gave free content down the road. Since they didn't do either, Joe has to fault them rightfully so.
Very honest and fair review! I can't wait for your inFAMOUS review. Also, are you reviewing Metal Gear Solid 5? ... And possibly the other games you missed while your channel was on standby?
Mr.2ndAmmendment I personally found them to be amazing. Try them out if you're into superhero-type games, with a sandbox-mission style type of gameplay. The story is also very good with two different ways to play it (Good and bad). Try them out, you can get both of them as a collection for cheap. The games are only on the PS3 though.
I'm with you Joe all the way. Perfect insight into the game industry from you, that's why I like your videos. Keep it up man ;) thx for the quality and effort you put into making them ;)
Yeah, agreed! They gave one of the largest gaming disappointments and series crushers, Metroid Other M an 8/10 and gave Steel Diver, a fun 3DS launch title a 2/10. If the game sucks, it is high on their list, and if it is innovative and new and fresh, ucks to them. They gave Black Ops an 8/10 and MW3 a 9/10 even though Black Ops was far more innovative and had more to offer than MW3.
Dude, you're probably the only one who scored this game on the complete package. Thank you for a clear and concise review without pushing the campaign off to the side. Thats why I actually value your opinion, you don't half-ass your reviews!
This game screams of just not enough, Not enough story, and not enough customization if you ask me Give me a mech, and do not let me change almost anything about it? idk personally I think that was a golden missed opportunity to truly make your titan YOUR titan
Finally someone being honest about this game. Of all the reviews i watched, most of the score would be around 8 or 9/10 or 5/5 and never mentioning clearly of how is the game differ from any other fps. Turn out to be it is all round the same with a few upgrades. Thanks joe. It is very rare to see an honest reviewer to give an average score to this game when most of the professional reviewer did not dare to mention or failed to see even the basic thing.
Andrew Bastian I'm fully aware of that. I'm not saying it's gonna be a single player. Tell me what so different about titanfall than any other fps? Most people gonna say it have parkour which create verticality and yeay we got a titan. That's it? Just any other fps with a few upgrades. I'm not against it. The reviewer proven to me that it is not as unique as the hype surrounding this game
Andrew Bastian if you're gonna end up doing a half-assed campaign, why not just multiplayer only? cause they wanted to make sure it felt like it cost 60$? Just make it 40,50 bucks and lose the campaign
it makes me happy that the like/dislike ratio of this is still 95%+ regardless of the 7/10 score. it shows that the xbox guys can admit that their 'prophecized messiah' of the xbox one was (to put it simply) not as good as we all thought it would be. it shows maturity.
Not only that, it shows that there ARE some true people who are willing to take the critisizm unlike the shithead Call of Duty players who *FLAME* on everyone who hates the game.
Um, I wouldn't go that far. A 7/10 is still a good score. Joe even starts off praising the hell out of the game. So their "messiah" is still a messiah in their eyes. Now if Joe had given this a negative review and a low score, then that would be the true test. However, I feel the dislike bar would very different if this game was given a low scre.
Ricky Williams youre right, 7/10 is still a respectable score, i never said it was bad. what i did say is that the hype surrounding this game was along the lines of "this will save the xbox one sales". this is the first truly honost review of the game ive seen, the rest are all 9s or 10s (and in one case 8.9... dafuq ign?) which makes all the fanboys happy, however i can imagine that those 13 year old fanboys would come here, take the score as an insult to their beloved game and spam the dislike button and scream in the comments, of which i havent seen either.
FINALLY AN HONEST RATING! this is why im subscribed to you joe. I love you man. The game looks amazing, but yea "Believe the hype" and the Dubstep music in the commercials is clearly a marketing ploy for the current trends.. As for not saying whats in the season pass, wouldnt be surprised if they were just testing the waters to see how many brainless consumers they reeled in... 7/10 is completely fair and reasonable. These people giving it a 10/10 believed the hype and lost the free thinking function in their brains.
***** you're right I dont have a xbox one, I do think you're a fanboy thou.. I played the game on pc, I think its fun as hell dude and looks just amazing.. but the features in the game dont suggest a perfect 10/10, I wouldnt even say its "next gen".. I'm also not a big fan of marketing ploys.
Want a game that's worth it's price? Team Fortress 2. 60+ maps, 12 game modes, hundreds of cosmetic items, 100+ weapons, great art style, funny characters, amazing and well balanced gameplay, and what's the cost? $0.00 Yep, free. If you have a decent PC, or even an okay laptop, get TF2. If you are willing to pay a small amount of money (as little as $0.49!) you get access to item trading, more backpack space, and the ability to craft cosmetic items. Plus, whenever the game is updated, you can try all the content for free. Yep. No DLC bullshit. All new game modes, weapons, and cosmetics can be tried or acquired for free (maps and game modes are always free, cosmetics and weapons within a few days or so). So yeah, you can get a $60 "next-gen" multiplayer shooter, or get a free last-gen shooter that is simply awesome.
but they removed t because they felt that it added nothing to the game to have single-player, and lets face it we haven't seen many good military first person shooters recently
Kiva Allotey-Reidpath well then youd expect that theyd add more to the multiplayer. but no, if theyre going to remove singleplayer all together, then they need to justify that decision
Single player wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't required to unlock mechs in the multiplayer if it was interesting or had a more developed storyline then it would be less a chore and more of a feature. I want either a good single player or one that i don't need to play to enjoy multiplayer.
from the looks of things they really learned from titanfall maybe theyre actually improving it from the looks of things it seems like theyve listened to fan feedback
Not every game needs single player, perfect example, Team Fortress, Counter Strike, the ORIGINAL Battlefield games, like 2142. Honestly Titanfall is pretty damn fun so far, I think I got my moneys worth, despite Origin's bullshit.
Team fortress free to play, Counter strike dirt cheap even when it was first released, original battlefield 30 bux when it was released. Titan fall premium price 60 dollars for 15 maps with tack on single player mode. If their single player mode is so barebone then it would makes sense if the multiplayer should have more maps and modes but no...
The consumers keep getting dumber every generation, and companies realize that. They will keep selling half assed games, with little to no replay value; not just release the game, but sell it as micro-transactions, because they know idiots will pay for it. Great example: Call of Duty.
andy Tran TF2 was not free to play when I bought it, but even so, the point is the game doesn't need singleplayer. And if anything, blame EA, they are money grabbing machines, and I have no doubt if Respawn went with Bethesda or 2K as a publisher they'd have charge less.
Thank you for supporting single player campaigns. I love stories and I like having a good campaign I can play alone since I really don't have have a gaming group I regularly play with anymore. After a few disappointing games, I have been worried that single player is being left aside for multiplayer, as the latter is the only way to guarantee sales near launch instead of waiting for the game to go on sale. "Mano y Mano" means "hand to hand". Longetivity... I know, these are small things and it's tough to just talk so much without mistakes. I just like busting chops.
There are other games out there you could try if you prefer single-player. There are a lot of good games out there already plus upcoming games being released later this year.
TS 197 Any in specific I shouldn't miss? I am playing FarCry 3 and have Metro Last Light and Deus Ex in my list right now. And Planescape Torment. Anyway, I'm still hurting from Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3. Bastion was fantastic and even the not well know The Fall had a great story despite weak gameplay.
TS 197 Sleeping dogs looked cool, though I am going to look into it more. Fallout 3 wasn't great, but New Vegas was a lot of fun. I'm concerned about Inquisition after DA2 and ME3. I'll see.
I agree 100% with everything Joe said, all those reviews that came out couple of hours after the game was released is complete bullshit rating it 10/10, 5/5, 100% best game ever!!?? IMO Titanfall doesn't deserve anywhere near a full score. If your coming from COD yeah you'll be like OMFG this game is epic good! But as a player coming from Battlefield 4 that's used to 64 player maps, Frost Bite 3 engine, deep progression etc etc this game wont have that same effect.
I just love it because even with Battlefield's 64 players and huge maps, it runs like shit. This game has never dropped below 60 FPS. And has no major bugs. Hows your killcam and TDM sound doing?
Michael Papas Dude he wasn't ripping on COD he is just saying that COD doesn't run the frostbite 3 or have massive maps. That's all he was saying, you don't need to rush to its defense. the man was stating simple facts.
***** Ummm he Wasn't ripping on Call of Duty. He was stating his facts. I didn't read one iota of anti-COD or insults being thrown. So I see no reason for you to insult him.
Yeah, he wasn't ripping on CoD. I know that. But he's using Battlefield as a basis to rate if its a good game, rather than the games mechanics. gameplay. ect ect.
respawn entertainment can watch this and learn something from joe. i personally think joe is one of the best and most honest reviews to date, which is why i subscribed awhile back.
Jayster games one guy who play the game enought to give an honest review of it! with all its pros and cons! YOU sir are probably a drone writing hatefull comments here! thats all i am going to say! goodbye
Titanfall had loads of potential, and lived up to expectations for most people. It looks fun and innovative. However, there's a few things highlighted in this video that i don;t understand. Blacklight had fantastic customisation, so why didn't Respawn think to incorporate it0 into Titanfall? Battlefield 4 has loads of weapons and attachments, so why didn't Respawn think to get even more creative with weapons and give more options for people's load out? Why did they think only 3 titans would be enough. I'd expect this from a company that is fairly new to big AAA FPS games. But from a group of people that originated from a company that has made FPS games for years, I was quite shocked. It seems like common sense for people of their experience in this genre. Nevertheless, the game looks really cool, and I kinda wish it was a Playstation exclusive instead! Even as someone that will probably never get a chance to play a Titanfall game, I'd love to see what plans they have for a sequel. As someone who loves video games, whether they are on Playstation, Xbox or PC, I can't wait to see what's next for Titanfall
DaTechnoDood LevelX I forgot about that when I wrote that comment. See, when I think of the word exclusive, I don't expect a game to then come out on another platform. Apparently, Microsoft don't understand how exclusives work anymore
+Mladen Vasilev hey i got news from titan fall 2 aka BO3,aparently the titans were "too OP",yeah OP my ass,so instead of "nerfing" them they instead they choose the short way and removed them from the game
+Mladen Vasilev B03 looks NOTHING like Titanfall. And it's an insult to be to compared to Titanfall. Titanfall was overhype garbage, the game died after a month. At least each Cod game can last 6 months before people starting quitting. Not even xbox fans play titanfall anyone and I doubt titanfall is even in the T30 most played game on x1 and sure as hell is non-existent on twitch. Destiny is actually 10x better than titanfall, titanfall had to make it's dlc free lol
+Mladen Vasilev So aside from the wall running, name one way that BO3 is a rip off of Titanfall... Can't do it? Yeah, I didn't think so. Fucking lame kid. Just lame.
i was glad when i saw they half-assed the campaign. the less budget spent on the "campaign", the better. this is an MMOFPS. i didnt even TOUCH the campaign in BF4, and got halfway through the campaign in BF3 before getting bored and giving up.. to play the MP. likewise, i didnt play the campaign in any cod after MW2, whats the fucking point when the MP is so much better? titanfall is the same. i wish there was no campaign and that they just spent 100% on making the classic mode as good as possible. and it seems like they nearly did. the MP is great.
They shouldn't have even included a campaign if they were going to half-ass it. They already took a risk by not having a singleplayer campaign, but they should have gone all the way. Either have a good/decent campaign or none.
bahaeldin dmour random bans? really are you sure it isn't for bad behaviour as they don't tollerate assholery at SOE You can (rightfully) get banned for being an ass on their twitter page, forums, facebook pages and even youtube page.
Pre-Alpha Tech Test is boring as hell. Once again, fans are going to overhype a game and be let down by the final product. Have fun wasting your money.
I loved the idea of the developers skipping the single player campaign so they could spend more time developing multiplayer, but my problem with titanfall is the multiplayer has less content than most modern shooters. Almost no game modes, perks, weapons, customization. Seriously, the older halo games come with more multiplayer content and still have a single player campaign. I doubt I will buy another modern shooter at full price for a long time. Not that I was disappointed by Titanfall, it's worth playing and met my expectations, but nothing stands out as revolutionary.
remember when people were calling Titanfall a CoD game with mechs?
now people are calling CoD a Titanfall game without mechs.
There's a certain irony too it, that Activision brilliantly capitalized on the interest in Futuristic shooters with wall running and mechs, and now after several iterations Titanfall 2 seems to have little new to offer.
I actually did enjoy the beta, and titan combat did have more depth that it seemed at first, but I think attrition was Titanfall, the replacement is tedious, pilot vs pilot lacks the kind of asymmetrical gameplay that keeps things interesting and fun (too much camping and sniping).
have you played bounty hunt?
alex duffy I did, it was rather tedious. It had it's charm, but it's not a mode I would play too much of. The AI spawning in one place wasn't very interesting, and it felt more random than anything. Like whoever you kill could have nothing or they could have $800 or more, idk I just didn't like that mechanic.
well good news its been confirmed that attrtion is coming back for titanfall 2 plus itll have a campaign
punch3870 ikr
Soldier 1: We got a friendly pilot coming though!
Soldier 2: What's so special about them?
Soldier 1: Trust me they're on a whole other level. Just watch 'em.
"pilot misses all his shots"
joshua chang Immediately gets killed by a smart pistol.
Soldier one: See? A whole other level.
Soldier two: A level below us?
John Doe I love that part XD
John Doe that’s angry joe’s fault, he smears the pilot image. Made for great comedy though
Be absolutely honest here. Ever since Titanfall came out, Call of Duty has been trying to copy it.
+StewiebossFTW That awkward moment when you realize one of the COD creators worked on Titanfall
+Die - Hearts that awkward moment where you realize they made the same game
it does not matter it was gonna be shit anyway
+StewiebossFTW, Respawn Entertainment = Infinity Ward basically...
That cod creator made everything that's wrong in titanfall
"We got a friendly pilot coming though!"
"What's so special about 'em?"
"Trust me they're on a whole other level. Just watch 'em."
I love all the little details like that that this game has :)
oh, I love listening to the grunts xD. And when you call and enter your titan, they salute you! :D
IronSoulElf hellz yeah
It's funny because today I heard that exact thing and got shotgun blasted right in front of the group.
xXSlender BornXx XD
well....he was on a whole other level.....
It's a $60 demo of what's to come. A rushed title to sell Xbox One's. I look forward to part 2.
That's pretty much all games.
Jason Swift
It didn't use to be though .__.
Jason Swift If you think thats pretty much all games, you havent played enough good games
Jan Nissen MGS:Ground Zero would make you think it was
Jan Nissen I bet I played more games than you.
"its been an honor serving with you"
meanwhile at cod studios...
"sir? you know them guys we fired?"
"the ones with original ideas?"
"yes, they made a game"
"people are saying it is good"
You are aware that there is not a single thing original about titanfall right?
Joshua Willis a quote from borderlands
"but, jetpacks tho,"
Kevin Dudgeon Advanced Warfare is superior to Titanfall.
0816 M3RC..................
Kevin Dudgeon They both have multiplayer but that is all that Titanfall has.
the grunts are supposed to give a background type war to keep the feel of battle to keep you fueled up
I hated the grunts
And kill points
I love it when there's games where they have battles with a mix of AI and players. It makes it feel a sense of scale.
just another person 777 makes you feel like kingsman blasting in with a wingman and a shotgun
This is why you're one of my favorite critics, Joe. Willing to ignore the hype and present your points logically and without bias.
Couldn't agree more. Joe tells things how they are, not how everyone else say they are. Plus, he has the Badass Seal of Approval and Epic Fail-stuff (or whatever he calls it). Those two proves that even if a game doesn't get top score, it can still be a great game. Or a really shitty game, even if it somehow avoids the lowest score possible. I wish more reviewers could do that. Sure, there are those who give badgets or awards, but those are mostly tied directly to the score. Got top score? Here's your gold award. 8/10? Automaticl silver award. So lame.
No, he's biased because this is still his opinion.
never expected to see you here tommy
holy shit, how is it possible, he asked for a single player campagin, and what are we getting in titanfall 2, a single player campagin, can it be, a actually game company that listens to feedback and tries to imrpove, man, i'm actually impressed, though that's not much of a accomplishment, i'm a easily impressed guy, but none the less, i'm impressed
and also it's coming to PS4
not only are we getting a campaign(that honestly really intrigues me over the stuff I've been pelted with from COD and Battlefield)
we're getting new movement mechanics, more guns it seems, gravity grenades, honestly I'm really looking forward to titanfall 2
+Zyad48 me too and ps4!!!
DNAcid and yeah, it's more than just xbox and PC :)
Random Dude: It's been an honour working with you...I remember the times we had....
My version
Random guy: It's been an honour
Me: what happens if I try and shoot robots in where their dick would be? Oh, right, some guy is dead. Can I teabag his corpse?
most hated words of Joe : 4 hours!
This is hilarious in hindsight. The Season Pass is now free.
LOL . I got everything on PC for $15. This game is worth $100, thats how fun this game has become. Best multiplayer FPS ever !
SlyBiffrons I was SO pissed when i saw that the other day
SlyBiffrons the game still holds up.. offcourse call of dookie is the better one now but thinking this game is gonne come back just makes me wanne get back at this marvelous game!
Lion G I'm reluctant to actually buy the full game. 40 gigs? Seriously?
Ahh cmon the gameplay is awesome and its fresh and 40gb aint shit..
I always play single player 1st in every game i play.
I just don't see why some people would buy something like COD and literally just jump straight into Multiplayer and never play the Single player :O Strange to me.
Because multiplayer has hundreds of hours worth of content and isnt cliche and predictable like cod's 6 hour rail shooter single player experiences.
+Silly Catfish How many COD campaigns have you played?
Because COD campaign isn't as great as it used to be. The multiplayer, is fun to some, but in my opinion, not as great either.
+DKGaming Well Warframe is cool with no single player.
+Marijan Kobaš warframe isn't the same as most shooters though like COD ect. It has story lines and isn't really a pvp game. The pvp is terrible. It all about pve. COD is mindless killing multi player. So to skip the only real story mode is strange to me.
AngryJoe, one of the realest Game reviewers alive.
and totalbiscuit. Come on at least he's honest on his review.
Glampkoo I do not always agree with totalbiscuit but he is not a sellout atleast like IGN and Machinima
I also love Somecallmejohnny. Even though his reviews sound & feel alot more scripted & constructed, the opinions & viewpoints are just as genuine. Same could be said about Caddicarus, my personal favourite reviewer at this point (or at least incredibly neck & neck with Somecallmejohnny).
Glampkoo He's honest, but whines way too much for my tastes. Some of his videos are still good though.
ProJared's pretty great aswell, lol.
I remember my dad taking me to buy Titanfall 1 at Walmart for my xb360 and brought the game to school so my brothers couldn't get home first to play it before me. The amount of joy I felt the first time I played it. And then played Titanfall 2 on my PS4 and loved it even more. Wish Respawn would just make a Titanfall 3 already.
I feel you, however apex legends is technically Titanfall 3, but battle Royale and 30 years later (I think). But IDC I DO WANT TITANFALL 3 (4)
I got a Titanfall 2 ad before the video. Coincidense? Probably.
I got an Xbox ad lol.
+Marvel fan I got a Samsung S7 ad
preorder or is it already out?
I got a night court ad, huh
I find TH-cam are really good at mixing your interests, popular trends and video content quite well to give you relative adverts. I must really like apples... I mean Apple.inc
what titanfall has is amazing
it just lacks content
Ne the doc is free and more modes and maps were added
This game got fixed and is alot of fun.
+Dylan Howkins True, but thats where Tf2 comes in!
Joe predicted the future with hardline and Star Wars battlefront!
+stan “gAme0nn3wb” man EA is just too predictable.
You know what I love about you, Joe? While everyone else plays a "good" game, as in hyped as fuck, and then review it, they just hype it up some more with a 10 minutes video in the "HOLY FUCK THIS GAME IS AWESOME" ridiculous style. Meanwhile you mention the good things about said game, and then actually go into detail about the issues and what's wrong with the game that every other reviewer skipped because "HOLY FUCK THIS GAME IS AWESOME". Keep on being awesome, Joe. Show them how it's done.
Damn bro can't believe that you've been a fan of angry joe for 8 years og mate
Based on the trailers for Titanfall 2 so far, I think Joe will really like it considering it's improved on the fronts where he felt it was lacking.
ikr, I think titanfall 2 is going to be game of year!
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I know I'm excited for it.
Ender Kingdom yeah, I'm hoping this is the first game to correct EA's huge mistakes these few years!
You're already wrong though, that was Plant vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2.
Ender Kingdom ehhhhh, is it really, I've played it it's not that innovative of fun in my perspective, no h8
This is, by far, the BEST review I've seen for this game. I've been commenting on TH-cam for days now about the lack of customization and the fact that the Campaign sucks and people have been giving me shit nonstop. It's great to see that there's still someone around that doesn't let the hype get in the way of their honest opinions. I mean, Adam Sessler, one of the most well respected gaming personalities out there, giving this game a flawless score is just embarrassing and makes me question his morality and skill as a journalist.
I almost think he's been getting paid by MS since E3 LOL! Dude damages control, almost as much as Albert does! It's sad, a lot of people look at these guys to be honest. Sessler said that this was a evolution to multi-player shooters. Why? Because he can actually kill things with the smart pistol? Titanfall was just overhyped! No customization, barely anything at all. The game is called Titanfall,but only has three Titans? Yes they do represent the 3 archetypes of fast, tanky, and assault mechs, I'll give em that. But couldn't they have made them look a little different on each team? You're telling me these guys are shopping for Titans at the same store, during a war? TitanFall NEEDED a single player campaign, to draw us into the universe and introduce us to the lore. Would have been much better. As it stands after playing it, I don't know shit about it's lore. Just some war in the future....and well, that's about it!
Joe, i have no words to say about this review that are negative, Every detail was spot on and I AM GLAD someone had the balls to say it, everyone is praising this game 10/10 this 10/10 that, but you tell it like it is, to me this is not a perfect score game far from it. Its fun yes, very fun, but the lack of SP and not caring for the online campaign was spot on. I think the score you gave it was fair and a little on the generous side. I was getting sick of all these morons acting like its the perfect game...its not.
well maybe a word from somebody who hasnt enjoyed the shooter genre for a long time. with bfbc2 and shootmania being the last 2 shooters i enjoyed i didnt see the hype at the beginning of it. if you wanna play mechs, there are 2 damn good mech games out there right now. mechwarriors online and hawken. the shooter genre needs a revolution, it slowly get stale
While it may not be the perfect game, it's easily one of this decade's best FPS, IMO. Also, it's only gonna get better.
you just shut up
Arcralf really ? what makes this game so special i might ask ? this is a slightly above average shooter. but not disagreeing to you since there actually hasnt been a lot of good and innovative shooters sadly. this game setting the standard is quite depressing to be honest. just ask yourself when we had a good story in a shooter. and dont say bioshock infinite. the shooter part of it was god awful(dont get me wrong, great game, the shooting is just bad)
all the people giving it 10/10 are probably being bribed by Microsoft, thats how they do shit nowdays anyway
Didn't realize that a big company like IGN can be so insecure about their own reviews and have to attack others for "misquoting"...
"Misquoting" in general is so minor.
not to mention right in the screen shot he was raving over it says . . . . .8.9. Joe shows the score right in the video . . .
you guys can thank a man by the name of Jason West. He started Medal of Honor but left EA when they challenged his creative rights. He started Infinity Ward and made Call of Duty. Then when they tried to take it from him like EA did he left and started Respawn and created Titan Fall. The man is a FPS genius.
Jason West left Respawn before the game came out
he left because he retired or whatever. but he was a major FPS innovator. Titan Fall was his brain child. I'm sure they will milk it like COD. But if he has stopped making games, the industry has lost a major innovator.
Um no. The dudes from COD left infinity ward and and joined EA...
WOW! Finally a real review for this game, this is why i love you Joe.
Seeing it get 9's and 10's pisses me off when the game has hardly no content whatsoever, with the next game in the series a few more modes and a single player campaign would be awesome.
This man would then later change his mind.
Sigh...i remember when single player was the focus...seems like eons ago. Multi-player was an add-on, something to give you something a little extra...i guess CoD games changed that
Well, CoD 6 (never played WaW) and beyond, the older CoD games had a pretty good single-player campaigns (especially the first one).
Did you forget about all the great single player games that have came out recently? Skyrim, Bioshock Infinite, The new Tomb Raider, AC4, The Last of Us, etc. A ton more games seem like they focus on their single player more than their multiplayer. This is even true for COD or BF. I honestly was quite happy when Titanfall decided to be completely mutliplayer simply because not many games have done that.
I'm still playing Skyrim, Bioshock was meh, ill try the last of us
DarkspineHero228 Yes. Definitely the first one. I will always love the first one out of all later games because of the Single Player campaign. Not to mention the later multiplayer expansion, United Offensive, which was, IMO, the best multiplayer from any CoD.
There were always multiplayer focused games just like single player ones. Just because Titanfall is multiplayer focused that doesn't mean there is some strange shift in the gaming community. It just means its a multiplayer game.
Thank you AJ for not dickriding this game just because OMFG TITANS SO KEWL!!!! Most honest game reviewer there is.
edge less
No, they said honest, not incompetent and stupid. He shouldn't be trusted to review anything because he's too busy blaming the game for his own stupidity and lack of skill.
Paul Dennett yeah I can agree on that but he's honest about the game with no sp campaign , no competitive mode , it rips off other games and it doesn't deserve a 9 or 10 or even worth 60 dollars
Got titanfall deluxe edition for 5 bucks on xbox one...
Yeah me too lol. Im loving it man its a great game for five bucks haha
+cad80 24 you've probably never played lol I got the deluxe edition for 5 dollars and too plus all map packs free and it's better than most of my other games tbh
+The Illuminati rigth man i seriously like it more than any of the other multiplayer focused games out right now. I wouldnt if we payed 60 but for 5....idk why anyone bought cod or battlefront
Me too Im suprised how fast this game went to deep sale... fullgame plus dlcs for 5$
wtf u mean xbox
7/10 is exactly how i would rate it. Just got it via EA Access on the Xbox One and it's definitely more fun than the latest CoD's for me. For Titanfall 2 they need to make a true SP campaign though and truly expand the lore. Because this IP has tons of potential
+MrGixxer17 what the fuck are you doing?
+General Naruto giving an opinion.
I'm talking about EA Access.
+MrGixxer17 well, a full SP campaign is going to be added so that wish is furfilled :)
Glad to see you on top of these Angry Reviews again Joe!
Keep up the awesome content! :D
Titanfall is one of my all time favourites, however the campaign is bad (but really its obvious they didnt want to do a campaign) and there are a small amount of weapons and customisations. Other than that it all feels so smooth and fun. I still play it every now and again.
Yeah i just started playing yesterday love the game the freerunning the shooting its intense
+Steven Calhoun do people still play online in xbox 1
+Mr.kniFe14 yeah
+WillDuckett Titanfall 2 will have a single player campaign. Huzzah!
+WillDuckett play f.e.a.r
In my honest opinion, Titanfall is one of the best shooters ever. The movement system is SO FUCKING COOL. I love chaining wall runs and climbs in order to then jump on an enemy titan and destroy him. I really hope they make a good sequel, with a good single player campaign, more modes, weapons, and titans.
Maybe Titanfall 2 will be but Titanfall falls short in my opinion
it was a good game but only for a few hours worth of play. the wow factor quickly ran out after a few games.
and now days people compare all the multiplayer games to CoD even though CoD is as basic as shooters can be
Titanfall is one of the best shooters, ever imo.
It falls short in terms of unlockables, but everything else is kinda shitting on current FPS franchises.
And now is like $30 and whit 3 free DLC
+ElAndres+ Really? I got it for $12.
***** Daaam nigga!
***** Got deluxe edition for $10 on amazon :D.
So far, it is more enjoyable than CSGO :D.
Think he means the part where you buy guns and equipment as the rounds go on.
Great Critique Joe, I kind of wish they followed the Halo model for making games with a great co-op /single player campaign, theater mode and ranked matchmaking for online play.
:-D I love your vids!!!
"It's been an honour serving with you"...... "I don't even know who you are" BOOOOOOM!
I like to think of Titanfall as a PoC. They wanted to test Mech + infantry on the public, it worked, and now they're expanding upon said concept.
i mean... yeah but i think if they did do that the price would be at most 40 bucks
Ign= Idiotic Gaming Network
***** Or realistic gwaphics.
Bradley Newson
Or a better frame rate as that is the focus of this generation.
albinomonkey27 Or a story line that makes you cry with good voice acting
Bradley Newson
Or a storyline whatsoever.
Bradley Newson "gwaphics" i'd rate this comment at 2.6849875692087662/10 could have been polished a little bit more.
-IGN "still better than you"
Notice how nobody talks about this game anymore lol
***** What?...
Notice how nobody's talking about destiny anymore lol.
Sergio Meza what are you talking about, destiny news still clogs the gamer-news websites. it's sort of annoying.
Notice how nobody talks about Battlefield 4 anymore.
BrickBuster2552 I don't know where you got Battlefield 4 from, but it is still talked about, so... yeah...
I will forever call them Red Joe and Blue Joe from now on.
every review you guys make, represents exactly what I think about whatever it is you are reviewing, keep it up ¡
great review Joe! it's good to see someone telling the truth and not just hyping this game to death with perfect scores.
i dont think 8/10 is perfect.
I remember when multi-player was a luxury instead of a requirement. Ah the good old days...
Espicly for people like me that have crap internet. Atleast I can play Halo offline but Halo 4 took the best feature out that's been there since ODST firefight was F'ing fun and they took it out although Halo 4 felt more like the first one in combat.
Smooth Trooper Don't worry, you're not missing anything in Halo 4 by not being able to play online. The multiplayer is complete shite, and Spartan Ops is worthless.
Smooth Trooper if your internet is that bad its time to upgrade its 2014, inless you live some where that you caint get good hi speed then sucks to be you.
I'm with Smooth Trooper. Some people just can't get internet. It should be known that games first had a story and multiplayer was indeed a luxury. Some of us would even take a story or campaign that would use internet but that didn't provide.We don't need to upgrade (sometimes that's worse), companies need to stop doing the stupid things that will lose money.
DailyGamingVideos Can't rual area all I got is sat net although across from my subdivision there is high speed going past it but we can't get it god I so want to move.
It sounds like reviewers of the game really want it to be a system seller, even though it is not the best. A 10/10 for crashes, no private games, limited game play, etc? I'm glad Joe is honest as hell.
The gameplay is in no way limited, and a game like Battlefield is for all intents and purposes a two mode game so I fail to see argument there.
Opethian Joe said he saw ships fighting and wanted to be able to join that badass fight. Not to mention the story being 4 GODDAMN HOURS. Kinda two hours, but you get it, I guess.
And the lack of content.
The season pass is free now.
Really that's awesome
Darthmookie 2 Well on Origin it is anyways.
+[CS] Antidote And on 360
+[CS] Antidote You had to buy it and now it's free?
+[CS] Antidote well they have to keep people somehow since cod aw just copied it
"It's a work in progress."
That's the problem Joe, allot of games are being released before they are finished products.
***** Mass Effect 3 was finished... they didn't plan on releasing a new ending IIRC. They did it cuz of the backlash from fans
Jake D And there was backlash from fans because it was a half-assed ending ; ).
bliglum ... not really. Everyone thinks this, but I don't see how. They all said the endings were the same, but no, they're vastly different. One destroyed all synthetics, the other merged synthetics and humans. Just because you *SPOILER ALERT* die in all the endings, doesn't mean they were half-assed. Plus, not to mention the various ways people live/die.
Is that a new fucking fad in the game industry? Send what could be considered a late-development beta to stores and have paying customers find the flaws, essentially having a polar opposite to the concept if beta testers?
As nice as it is to argue about Mass Effect 3 ending's being a complete lackluster to the entire series, we're just beating a dead horse. By now the horse is jellified goo.
It really feels to me like Titanfall was a game released solely to gain the first month or two's profit. This game was not built to be played for 6 months or a year, it was built to be purchased and forgotten about quickly.
They will add more in DLC's
Glademan75 That is exactly the problem. A game should be able to stand on its own. Not have to rely on DLC to make it better.
Ya true but I can't remember the last time they ever made a first person shooting with mechs and other shit but ya everything Joe said is true I think it should have gotten a 6 but maybe they will hear the community and give free DLC's considering they gave us a bare bones game.
Glademan75 They already said ages ago they would give 50% of the DLC's for free dude. Do you live under a rock?
Glademan75 They already said ages ago they would give 50% of the DLC's for free dude. Do you live under a rock?
Great review Angry Joe! :D Titanfall is one of my all time favorite games. What score would you guys give the game? I would give it a 9/10 easy and I think Titanfall 2 will take it to the next level in a couple of years.
7/10 like Joe said
a 9 ???I would have gave it a 7 or 8 but hey it's your opinion
Hello star wars hq im a huge fan of ur channel. Battlefront battlefront battlefront
Robby Awesome. Glad you like it! Not often I run into another Robby btw! :)
"trust me, they're on a whole nother level, watch em"
Proceeds to miss every shot
Respect Joe. The only honest review I've seen. I have titanfall.....was bored after a couple of hours
Just gotta say it one more time Joe LOVE THIS REVIEW !
Was on the fence and no review told me what i wanted to know but you just did !
If I had to guess, Respawn spent most of their time and effort making sure the core gameplay was great and balanced and things like modes and customization got left by the wayside. Titanfall is one of the most fun multiplayer experiences I've had in a long time, so I don't mind the issues such as light loadout options as much as you Joe. And I'm playing on the One where they haven't been many connection troubles.
Hopefully with a few content updates down the road, or especially in a sequel, both the gameplay and content will be more in line with what one might expect.
The thing with that is they could've released this when there was more content OR gave free content down the road. Since they didn't do either, Joe has to fault them rightfully so.
Well, for the looks of it you're going to have to pay even more for that extra content.
“Pilot, you are out numbered 3 to 1”
Me: *then it is and even fight*
Very honest and fair review! I can't wait for your inFAMOUS review. Also, are you reviewing Metal Gear Solid 5? ... And possibly the other games you missed while your channel was on standby?
Is inFAMOUS good? Never have played it.
It's like prototype, but better.
Is prototype good? Never played it.
It's a hit and miss... Personally, I liked the game but some disliked it. Just watch some gameplay vids to know if it's good or not.
Mr.2ndAmmendment I personally found them to be amazing. Try them out if you're into superhero-type games, with a sandbox-mission style type of gameplay. The story is also very good with two different ways to play it (Good and bad). Try them out, you can get both of them as a collection for cheap. The games are only on the PS3 though.
I'm with you Joe all the way. Perfect insight into the game industry from you, that's why I like your videos. Keep it up man ;) thx for the quality and effort you put into making them ;)
IGN is a joke when it comes to games reviews.
I disagree,and agree a bit. Their review of eg. The Last of Us was incredibly well done. Colin Moriarty is a good reviewer.
Crash Clank colin moriarty should affiliate himself with a different company then.
IGN pays to well. What was it that you edited by the way?
Yeah, agreed! They gave one of the largest gaming disappointments and series crushers, Metroid Other M an 8/10 and gave Steel Diver, a fun 3DS launch title a 2/10. If the game sucks, it is high on their list, and if it is innovative and new and fresh, ucks to them. They gave Black Ops an 8/10 and MW3 a 9/10 even though Black Ops was far more innovative and had more to offer than MW3.
They gave sonic 06 a 9/10 wtf?
"Trust me, they're on a whole other level!"
*Pilot continues on to miss every shot*
You can always count on Joe to give it to you straight.
I mean the review not the game nerds.
Dude, you're probably the only one who scored this game on the complete package. Thank you for a clear and concise review without pushing the campaign off to the side. Thats why I actually value your opinion, you don't half-ass your reviews!
This game screams of just not enough, Not enough story, and not enough customization if you ask me
Give me a mech, and do not let me change almost anything about it? idk personally I think that was a golden missed opportunity
to truly make your titan YOUR titan
One of my favorite things was hearing “warning, you are outnumbered...” either 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 and just fighting anyway.
Finally someone being honest about this game. Of all the reviews i watched, most of the score would be around 8 or 9/10 or 5/5 and never mentioning clearly of how is the game differ from any other fps. Turn out to be it is all round the same with a few upgrades. Thanks joe. It is very rare to see an honest reviewer to give an average score to this game when most of the professional reviewer did not dare to mention or failed to see even the basic thing.
Andrew Bastian I'm fully aware of that. I'm not saying it's gonna be a single player. Tell me what so different about titanfall than any other fps? Most people gonna say it have parkour which create verticality and yeay we got a titan. That's it? Just any other fps with a few upgrades. I'm not against it. The reviewer proven to me that it is not as unique as the hype surrounding this game
Andrew Bastian if you're gonna end up doing a half-assed campaign, why not just multiplayer only? cause they wanted to make sure it felt like it cost 60$? Just make it 40,50 bucks and lose the campaign
Finally I found an honest and well thought through review. Joe knows what he's talking about unlike some big gaming websites.
it makes me happy that the like/dislike ratio of this is still 95%+ regardless of the 7/10 score. it shows that the xbox guys can admit that their 'prophecized messiah' of the xbox one was (to put it simply) not as good as we all thought it would be. it shows maturity.
Not only that, it shows that there ARE some true people who are willing to take the critisizm unlike the shithead Call of Duty players who *FLAME* on everyone who hates the game.
Um, I wouldn't go that far. A 7/10 is still a good score. Joe even starts off praising the hell out of the game. So their "messiah" is still a messiah in their eyes. Now if Joe had given this a negative review and a low score, then that would be the true test. However, I feel the dislike bar would very different if this game was given a low scre.
Ricky Williams youre right, 7/10 is still a respectable score, i never said it was bad. what i did say is that the hype surrounding this game was along the lines of "this will save the xbox one sales". this is the first truly honost review of the game ive seen, the rest are all 9s or 10s (and in one case 8.9... dafuq ign?) which makes all the fanboys happy, however i can imagine that those 13 year old fanboys would come here, take the score as an insult to their beloved game and spam the dislike button and scream in the comments, of which i havent seen either.
Titanfall 2 comes out this year! Hope it's better.
It will be
+Dauntless Soul I got the vanguard edition with that helmet, $250, better be good.
Mayonnaise Eater it was wayyy better
Like damn, its Amazing
Ohhh it’s better alright.
Nope it isn't.
By far the best and most accurate review of this game.
FINALLY AN HONEST RATING! this is why im subscribed to you joe. I love you man.
The game looks amazing, but yea "Believe the hype" and the Dubstep music in the commercials is clearly a marketing ploy for the current trends..
As for not saying whats in the season pass, wouldnt be surprised if they were just testing the waters to see how many brainless consumers they reeled in... 7/10 is completely fair and reasonable. These people giving it a 10/10 believed the hype and lost the free thinking function in their brains.
***** you're right I dont have a xbox one, I do think you're a fanboy thou.. I played the game on pc, I think its fun as hell dude and looks just amazing.. but the features in the game dont suggest a perfect 10/10, I wouldnt even say its "next gen"..
I'm also not a big fan of marketing ploys.
This is what I like about Joe he doesn't hold back on his opinions
And here we are now, with the fall of Titanfall from hackers and neglect of the devs.
That ign guy getting butthurt over a 0.1 decimal. Unbelievable.
9.9 it's ok
Want a game that's worth it's price? Team Fortress 2. 60+ maps, 12 game modes, hundreds of cosmetic items, 100+ weapons, great art style, funny characters, amazing and well balanced gameplay, and what's the cost? $0.00 Yep, free. If you have a decent PC, or even an okay laptop, get TF2. If you are willing to pay a small amount of money (as little as $0.49!) you get access to item trading, more backpack space, and the ability to craft cosmetic items. Plus, whenever the game is updated, you can try all the content for free. Yep. No DLC bullshit. All new game modes, weapons, and cosmetics can be tried or acquired for free (maps and game modes are always free, cosmetics and weapons within a few days or so). So yeah, you can get a $60 "next-gen" multiplayer shooter, or get a free last-gen shooter that is simply awesome.
Hundreds of cosmetic items? Lol thats way too low lol
CS GO is another good example. $15 and it's the most popular FPS on steam.
THIS! I tried the beta for tittyfall and there's no way in hell it should've been 60$, hell even TF2 has an offline and lan mode to boot!
Telling the Truth, AngryJoe Style :P
We all love mechs, but we love honesty even more.
Thanks Joe!
Let's be real though, that intro was pretty goddamn slick
I love the friendship you two have, it's so refreshing
Finally! Someone giving this game an honest review and score. Thank you Joe.
First, local multiplayer is slowly killed off. Now singleplayer campaigns.
This is so sad. These gaming trends are absolutely horrible.
but they removed t because they felt that it added nothing to the game to have single-player, and lets face it we haven't seen many good military first person shooters recently
Kiva Allotey-Reidpath well then youd expect that theyd add more to the multiplayer. but no, if theyre going to remove singleplayer all together, then they need to justify that decision
Single player wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't required to unlock mechs in the multiplayer if it was interesting or had a more developed storyline then it would be less a chore and more of a feature.
I want either a good single player or one that i don't need to play to enjoy multiplayer.
looks like titanfall 2 is gearing up to be what this game shouldve been
We can only hope my friend
from the looks of things they really learned from titanfall maybe theyre actually improving it from the looks of things it seems like theyve listened to fan feedback
It is
Not every game needs single player, perfect example, Team Fortress, Counter Strike, the ORIGINAL Battlefield games, like 2142.
Honestly Titanfall is pretty damn fun so far, I think I got my moneys worth, despite Origin's bullshit.
Team fortress free to play, Counter strike dirt cheap even when it was first released, original battlefield 30 bux when it was released. Titan fall premium price 60 dollars for 15 maps with tack on single player mode. If their single player mode is so barebone then it would makes sense if the multiplayer should have more maps and modes but no...
You see... those games you listed were actually *good*
The consumers keep getting dumber every generation, and companies realize that. They will keep selling half assed games, with little to no replay value; not just release the game, but sell it as micro-transactions, because they know idiots will pay for it.
Great example:
Call of Duty.
Battlefield 1942, Veitnam, 2142, Battlefiled 2 all had Singleplayer in the form of BotMatch, they also had Co-Op botmatch
andy Tran TF2 was not free to play when I bought it, but even so, the point is the game doesn't need singleplayer.
And if anything, blame EA, they are money grabbing machines, and I have no doubt if Respawn went with Bethesda or 2K as a publisher they'd have charge less.
Joe you the best game reviewer ever and it's only for one reason...you tell us the truth. You tell us all the good and all the bad...not just one side
Yeah, unlike biased IGN and GameSpot (who probably get payed to give certain scores, so they are not honest)
Fantasy Fangs
Thank you for supporting single player campaigns. I love stories and I like having a good campaign I can play alone since I really don't have have a gaming group I regularly play with anymore. After a few disappointing games, I have been worried that single player is being left aside for multiplayer, as the latter is the only way to guarantee sales near launch instead of waiting for the game to go on sale.
"Mano y Mano" means "hand to hand". Longetivity... I know, these are small things and it's tough to just talk so much without mistakes. I just like busting chops.
There are other games out there you could try if you prefer single-player. There are a lot of good games out there already plus upcoming games being released later this year.
TS 197
Any in specific I shouldn't miss? I am playing FarCry 3 and have Metro Last Light and Deus Ex in my list right now. And Planescape Torment.
Anyway, I'm still hurting from Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3. Bastion was fantastic and even the not well know The Fall had a great story despite weak gameplay.
TS 197
Sleeping dogs looked cool, though I am going to look into it more. Fallout 3 wasn't great, but New Vegas was a lot of fun.
I'm concerned about Inquisition after DA2 and ME3. I'll see.
DownwithMarx it's mano a mano. Not mano y mano, that means hand and hand.
LovecraftianEntity01 Ah, ok. The point still stands.
I know it's not perfect but Google translate says that's "hand IN hand".
Joe deserves way more subscribers, you can easily tell he puts a ton of effort into editing and scripting for the reviews.
That's why i trust Joe's reviews, honesty at its finest.
To not waste your life away, strongly suggest to start at 2:56
Thank you!
Yea thanks man.
Literally the dumbest shit I have ever seen. lmao
I agree 100% with everything Joe said, all those reviews that came out couple of hours after the game was released is complete bullshit rating it 10/10, 5/5, 100% best game ever!!?? IMO Titanfall doesn't deserve anywhere near a full score. If your coming from COD yeah you'll be like OMFG this game is epic good! But as a player coming from Battlefield 4 that's used to 64 player maps, Frost Bite 3 engine, deep progression etc etc this game wont have that same effect.
I just love it because even with Battlefield's 64 players and huge maps, it runs like shit. This game has never dropped below 60 FPS. And has no major bugs.
Hows your killcam and TDM sound doing?
Yeah, I don't agree with none of those scores. It's a lot of bullcrap. I was expecting 8/10's or 7/10's and maybe a 9/10.
Michael Papas Dude he wasn't ripping on COD he is just saying that COD doesn't run the frostbite 3 or have massive maps. That's all he was saying, you don't need to rush to its defense. the man was stating simple facts.
***** Ummm he Wasn't ripping on Call of Duty. He was stating his facts. I didn't read one iota of anti-COD or insults being thrown. So I see no reason for you to insult him.
Yeah, he wasn't ripping on CoD. I know that. But he's using Battlefield as a basis to rate if its a good game, rather than the games mechanics. gameplay. ect ect.
still better than destiny......
THANK YOU! i thought I was the only one who thought that...
you are
bananaboy482 Still better than COD
the darkness has consumed you
I think the Smart Pistol will become the new Noob Tube :P
Finally someone that doesnt get blinded my the hype!
Fuck.. I spelled "By" Wrong...
BakuTex you can always edit it XD
You can edit comments.......
There's always the edit button...
Check out totalbiscuit too.
8:30 I'm really glad Joe is addressing the crazy high ratings, plus i agree with his final verdict as opposed to Polaris' verdict
I never used burn cards because I suffer from the mindset of "I might need them later"
respawn entertainment can watch this and learn something from joe. i personally think joe is one of the best and most honest reviews to date, which is why i subscribed awhile back.
.....this is just one guy and what are you some drone?
Jayster games
one guy who play the game enought to give an honest review of it! with all its pros and cons!
YOU sir are probably a drone writing hatefull comments here! thats all i am going to say! goodbye
hahahhaha......how many reviews of titanfall have you seen?
write down in THIS comment as a replay 4 FULL user reviews
REAL reviews
Question: has anyone who played this, whenever they took down a titan with an infantry, had the Attack on Titan theme song play in their head?
No, I think music from Shadow of the Colossus.
Titanfall had loads of potential, and lived up to expectations for most people. It looks fun and innovative. However, there's a few things highlighted in this video that i don;t understand. Blacklight had fantastic customisation, so why didn't Respawn think to incorporate it0 into Titanfall? Battlefield 4 has loads of weapons and attachments, so why didn't Respawn think to get even more creative with weapons and give more options for people's load out? Why did they think only 3 titans would be enough.
I'd expect this from a company that is fairly new to big AAA FPS games. But from a group of people that originated from a company that has made FPS games for years, I was quite shocked. It seems like common sense for people of their experience in this genre.
Nevertheless, the game looks really cool, and I kinda wish it was a Playstation exclusive instead! Even as someone that will probably never get a chance to play a Titanfall game, I'd love to see what plans they have for a sequel. As someone who loves video games, whether they are on Playstation, Xbox or PC, I can't wait to see what's next for Titanfall
Titanfall isn't an exclusive. It's on PC. Yes, that counts.
DaTechnoDood LevelX I forgot about that when I wrote that comment. See, when I think of the word exclusive, I don't expect a game to then come out on another platform. Apparently, Microsoft don't understand how exclusives work anymore
nhf1CoCa Dead Rising 3 and Ryse aren't exclusives anymore either
DaTechnoDood LevelX i know
I wouldn`t be that mad, if the game wasnt full priced or atleast had some form of a singleplayer campaign.
Titanfall 2 was announced ! They just renamed it to Black Ops 3... Fucking rip-off...
+Mladen Vasilev, Black Ops 3 in development since 2012... When Titanfall wasn't announced...
+KrazyCrazualGamer that doesn't mean they couldn't have added in the Titan fall jet pack feature later on in development
+Mladen Vasilev hey i got news from titan fall 2 aka BO3,aparently the titans were "too OP",yeah OP my ass,so instead of "nerfing" them they instead they choose the short way and removed them from the game
+Mladen Vasilev B03 looks NOTHING like Titanfall. And it's an insult to be to compared to Titanfall. Titanfall was overhype garbage, the game died after a month. At least each Cod game can last 6 months before people starting quitting. Not even xbox fans play titanfall anyone and I doubt titanfall is even in the T30 most played game on x1 and sure as hell is non-existent on twitch. Destiny is actually 10x better than titanfall, titanfall had to make it's dlc free lol
+Mladen Vasilev So aside from the wall running, name one way that BO3 is a rip off of Titanfall... Can't do it? Yeah, I didn't think so. Fucking lame kid. Just lame.
i was glad when i saw they half-assed the campaign.
the less budget spent on the "campaign", the better. this is an MMOFPS. i didnt even TOUCH the campaign in BF4, and got halfway through the campaign in BF3 before getting bored and giving up.. to play the MP.
likewise, i didnt play the campaign in any cod after MW2, whats the fucking point when the MP is so much better?
titanfall is the same. i wish there was no campaign and that they just spent 100% on making the classic mode as good as possible. and it seems like they nearly did. the MP is great.
this isn't an MMOFPS, planetside 2 is an MMOFPS, this is not
the MP is great, some would even say it's amazing but it lacks content and features, which is why its a 7/10, which is still a good score
They shouldn't have even included a campaign if they were going to half-ass it. They already took a risk by not having a singleplayer campaign, but they should have gone all the way. Either have a good/decent campaign or none.
Ben James MMOFPS is an FPS that is online only, the same way that World of tanks is an MMO.
I understand your point, but being GLAD that they half-assed the campaign? Really?
Joe should seriously make a new PlanetSide 2 review. Everything is way better now.
Glitches fixed,bugs and crashes.
yes please
don't forget about the random bans
bahaeldin dmour
random bans? really are you sure it isn't for bad behaviour as they don't tollerate assholery at SOE
You can (rightfully) get banned for being an ass on their twitter page, forums, facebook pages and even youtube page.
I don't care what people say; the intros are awesome.
Then you are very easy to please.
Joe dont worry titanfall 2 is here and ITS FREAKING AWESOME
It's not even here. It got ANNOUNCED the other day, and... I'm not feeling any hype at all.
+Sam Geuvenen After the massice let down the original titanfall did with me, i feel barely any hype, i will be watching it from a dafe distance though
+Gabriel Silverio I might get it a week after it comes out when the non-IGN reviews start coming out, but no less than that.
Dave The Wave I'll see jim sterling's review on this, depending on the score i might get it
Pre-Alpha Tech Test is boring as hell. Once again, fans are going to overhype a game and be let down by the final product. Have fun wasting your money.
What you need angry joe is some Infamous Second Son.
This is Angry Joe back to his best.
I look at this as a multiplayer game, not a campaign game. That was their major focus in the first place.
if they did not put equal energy into the campaign.... why bother to make one?
I loved the idea of the developers skipping the single player campaign so they could spend more time developing multiplayer, but my problem with titanfall is the multiplayer has less content than most modern shooters. Almost no game modes, perks, weapons, customization. Seriously, the older halo games come with more multiplayer content and still have a single player campaign. I doubt I will buy another modern shooter at full price for a long time. Not that I was disappointed by Titanfall, it's worth playing and met my expectations, but nothing stands out as revolutionary.
then charging 60 for it is not fair, it´s not a full game, don´t charge full price for it
***** Agreed.
***** just you wait until they want you to start buying more DLCs than the sims has expansions!
Still have a lot of fun playing this game.
how are you playing this game when the servers are fucking ghost town??
Why is this called a joke when I play it? I play it. With others. And I have fun.
+Travis Linton do people still play online in xbox 1
+Mr.kniFe14 Yep, but some modes are a ghost town
I can still find games on xbox 360 😂