@@XPlayzVarietyBuddy, this isn’t a primary school place. Not to mention they weren’t even being toxic to anyone by saying “Fuck you” or “Fuck off”, so stop worrying.
Very important note: if you feel like using an m4 but you are also afraid of its lack of damage, use the m4 lmg and convert it back to regular m4. It still has that extra bit of damage
@@Sahil_Deshmukhthe m4lmg has decent base range and bsa as well as good damage with a trash iron sight so i would recommend: *30rnd mag* for speed and ads or *40rnd mag* for more shots but less speed, *Mip Ultralight Barrel* for ads and movement speed, *No Stock* for ads and movement speed, *Tactical Supressor* for stealth or *Owc Light Compensator* for less recoil, *Red Dot* for better aim or *Granulated Grip Tape* if you can handle the ironsight. I dont like the sights so i use a red dot and since i can handle the recoil and the bsa dosent affect me much, i use the silencer.
Excellent comparison. As a (former) Grau Leaderbord Player (Mythic) I experienced loosing some gunfights in recent months I wasn't used to. Changing the approach fixed this issue. So I fully agree with your assessment. Thanks for the excellent video 😎👍
@S級01 Elevates player Klo became world champion 2024 with a special fast Grau built. He played without suppressor and used a red laser for better hip fire.
he's confusing himself he compared drh to uss9 and that's why ranked it lower, like wtf??? he said he would've ranked ffar higher if bp50 didnt existed..... which means he would consider it better than drh but since bp50 exists its automatically worse than drh, bullshit i loved this guy but his stats are getting worse and worse
I feel you, man, I cannot stress dis enough, bp50 took all the fun out of the rank games, and, sorry, NO, it's not a skill issue, that gun at this level is just insane and stupid unfair. I know how to crosshair placement, I'm a passive AR style, slow and steady, pre aim and a lot of prefire, lot of right predicrion usong the minimap awareness, but STILL got literally onetapped by BP50s. They will 100% nerf it, and then we will be suffering the USS9 meta, but this gun is the worst meta period I've ever witnessed. And yeah, worse than the cbrs and MX9, and bois, I NEEDED to put a type25 in me loadouts for when it was meta very long ago. BP50 is worse than ANYTHING as for right now.
I love using the ffar 1 more than the bp50. Also for the loadout I don’t recommend using the stanag 44 mag since it has slow reload. Use the salvo 44 mag for fast reload
Honestly, seeing how kLo won with his team while running the grau, it's crazy that there's such little difference between competitive-non restricted weapons, like type 19 and grau, and then there's such a huge gap between these guns and the bp50/hvk large cal
I feel like you should have discussed about Maddox's echo fire mod. It kind of has the same niche as the swordfish, you need excellent burst control. But it can be pretty deadly in the right hands
@@Mythicpleddauntless is such a good counter if you’re using a high fire rate gun with quick fix. Sometimes you don’t even need quick fix. If you kill then fast enough, that dauntless will save your life! Such a good perk. Makes Sensor trips useless! No slows!
Bro is starting a world war with the Grau 5.56 at 29/31 😭🙏 There is problem on this gun no one is mentioning - none of the barrel attachments has an effect on bullet accuracy, even after Type19 got its buff on bullet accuracy, and the BP50 came out. *Players' recommended gunsmith goes like this:* 1. Tactical Suppressor (slience effect only) 2. 26.4 Archangel (+45% range, no effect on bullet spread) 3. no stock (-14% ADS time, +14% ADS bullet spread) 4. 50 round mag 5. Sniper elite rear grip (-11.6% ADS bullet spread) The bullet accuracy can only be improved by the grips and laser, so its bullet accuracy is lower than other meta ARs. Unlike BP50, its fire rate cannot compensate the disadvantage of bullet accuracy. Its long range ability is slightly lower than Type19 (its most direct competitor), as Type19 has a multiplier of 1.1x on the lower hand, while Grau 5.56 does not. Type19 has a higher probability for a 4 shot up to 37m, covering like 97% of the gunfights. The no stock attachment would increase the bullet spread by 14% (while the value of no stock on other ARs range from 9% to 12%). It's huge, considering it has a maximum bullet spread value of 20 at base. Even if we put a rear grip we would still face a 2.4% increment, the final maximum value of 20.3 indicates that it cannot keep up with long range combat in a more stable way. *The recommended gunsmith for it includes a tactical suppressor to stop its bullet accuracy from being spoiled further, if a monolithic suppressor is used then the maximum value is increased to 21.7, which is very close to that of a full SMG build (22.3). At that point the chances for winning a fight over 30m is just too low because of the low accuracy of the gun itself.* My opinion: Grau 5.56 is friendly to new players but its ceiling is definitely not as high as those meta guns (eg. Type19/BP50/Oden). If the long barrels (20.8 Nexus and 26.4 Archangel) do have buffs on bullet accuracy and the bullet accuracy debuff on the no stock is lowered, then the Grau 5.56 would claim a higher potential (back to meta but not the best choice because there are things called BP50 and MG42, but at least it would be a tie with Type19. If the lower hand multiplier is increased too then it has a higher chance to beat the Type19 as Grau 5.56 actually has a better maximum range: 25.5 - 39.1 - 59.5 vs 17.9 - 37.3 - 52.2) BTW I don't think Grau 5.56 deseres to be at this low, if a right gunsmith is used then Grau 5.56 can still be deadly at long ranges, however with the recommended gunsmith it would still not be top 10. Maybe at 13-15 ish would be fine?
Can confirm on the range. The Grau is the only mythic I own.(got it when it first dropped because of the 50% off CP sale ) It is incredibly diverse, and that is its strength. I can beat SMGs in MP and AK117 in Br with it.
I love the free 2 play ranking!! I don't plan on spending money but most of the ranking videos don't regard the terrible iron sight when grading. I'm glad to see some great loadouts with red dot sights.
big brain move would be not downloading base skins for krig and similar on-your-face ironsight-ed guns and seeing the first of the category ironsights instead :: I didn't think about it before this video, I was playing with Krig a lot but wasn't feeling bad about it and I only have free epics of it
15:48 instead of the firm grip tape, use the field agent foregrip instead. It significantly reduces horizontal recoil and makes vertices recoil less at the cost of ADS movement speed. You already have the increased ADS movement speed from the agile stock so it balances itself out and makes the Peacekeeper so much more versatile
@@Lodestar12345 i only play legendary ranked MP. Grau is a formidable gun in the right hands. Doesn't warrant 29th spot which is absurd. With proper movement and good aim, it absolutely shreds.
@@Aokijjithat applies to every gun Here do me a favour and compare grau to other ars and youll see why 29th place is absolutely reserved If you are lazy to do that here ill lay it down: The Grau has a consistent range of 23 meters with 4 tap, but beyond that point, it becomes inconsistent as it drops below 50% due to needing 2/4 chest shots. Its mobility is poor within that 23-meter range, as other SMGs have the same range but much better mobility. The Grau has a relatively mediocre time-to-kill (TTK) with 246ms in the first range and 328ms in the second range, which is considered poor TTK. The only advantage of the Grau is its relatively easy recoil and large magazine of 60 rounds. Additionally, the bullet spread accuracy (BSA) is poor, making performance at range even worse, so you can push it to around 27.03 meters.
@@Aokijji "With proper movement and good aim, it absolutely shreds." Umm, that applies to every single gun in the game that's not the NA-45. The difference between guns in this game is realistically super small, but it is true that the Grau is inferior to most ARs.
I’m global 88 on the leader board for LK24. If you have the serpent skin, don’t use the red dot and put Fmj on it. You can wall bang everything. The gun is slow and takes some getting use to but it’s super accurate. Also add long shot perk to the hvk.
Icr was the first ever gun I got gold on, I was hyped like crazy, I couldn’t stop flexing to my friend who played the game since release but somehow doesn’t even have gold on any gun
Kith i think to make the as val a little good is putting a ranger foregrip it reduces lots of recoil making it actually abit useful in mid range or some long range gun fights
He literally said IT ISNT WORST but that its unrankable because it cant be ranked amongst other ars as its simply its own thing so 31st place is a throwaway placement
I have the mythic krig skin, and i was wondering what attachment i should use instead of the iron sight since i dont really need it with the skin? Also, u are my fav codm creator. No lame intro, no unnecessary effects or cuts, just pure informative and straight to the point vids 👍
If I was you: •Agency Suppressor •5.3 Extended Barrel(Aggressive player) or 6.1 Heavy reinforced(Balanced) •Underbarrel= B0 Foregrip(Good)/ Field Agent Foregrip for less recoil •Large extended Mag B •Firm Grip tape
@shyysteebleedem ots9 is literaly switchblade but waaaaaaaay better so i dont know who tf lied you there( double the range, better strafe, same ads speed, better sprint, faster fire rate) But yeah ots9 and type 25 are very alike as both have the same range/ttk profile (21/24 meters consistent 210ms ttk) except that ots9 has smg mobility and smg hipfire which makes it miles ahead. This is why ots9 is one of best smgs cuz its best out of those pure ~70ms smgs
@@SuperGRI I MAINed both for several seasons. And I own both the Mythic and legendary. *For the short answer* : In conclusion, the guns have similar “specs” on paper, however it comes down to how you BUILD it, because again, SX9(Switchblade) has easier recoil control, higher magazine size, IS HITSCAN, has identical RANGE and fire rate to Ots9 *Long rant* : I’ve played thousands of SnD matches with BOTH guns since they’ve come out. I have more than 10,000 kills with both SMGs. Who tf are YOU? Double 2x the range? Where????? 🤡 The Ots9 isn’t even HIT SCAN, you literally NEED to build bullet SPD on it for it to be effective beyond 20meters, Meanwhile the Switchblade IS HIT SCAN and can easily beam ppl mid range IF you needed to challenge them. -they are similar, but Switchblade is better in opinion BOTH with Fire intervals of 70ms, Fire rate for Switchblade(84) and Ots9(85) (no significant difference to affect gameplay) Max Range for switchblade:50 and for Ots9:51 Again, NO significant difference Recoil Pattern? Switchblade wins again The Sx9 recoil is up and slightly to the right, while the Ots9 Recoil is “up slightly to RIGHT and back to the left” The Switchblade(Sx9) can beam ppl mid range easily because it’s 61 accuracy and 49 control offering 89mobility and little to no aim shake. (The Ots can have the same stats but worst Ads strafe if you build it for accuracy and smaller mag size) Other then sprint to fire delay(which can be negated with simple slide cancels) -the Switchblade is superior in terms of upper body part multipliers 1.3x for head 1.2 for BOTH shoulders (Ots9 only 1.2x head and 1.2x LEFT shoulder/1.1x RIGHT shoulder) = not as consistent upper body damage Whereas the lower arms/hands is 0.9/1.05x for Switchblade in contrast to Ots9 1.1/1.1x, And a flat 0.9x legs for both guns. This means Ots9 has an overall “wider” damage profile “IF you’re not as accurate” LANDING upper body shots. Whereas the Switchblade is more rewarding IF you land those upper body shots. Last but not least the ads movement SPD and sprint to fire delays are nearly the SAME, the Sprint speed isn’t nearly that great to outright say “this gun is better”
Hello, the only thing that caught my attention in the video is your precision. It really looks flawless. Could you please make a sensitivity video with a hand camera about this? Because I want to see how you use your hand on the tablet
I win use oden in br and its insane like i am just cooking whole br lobby with this one😂 Also M4 In br is also crazy and the black gold total skin make it even better❤
Which gun and how to survive more in game can you make a video of it telling how to think and make decisions which will save your kill streak and less death 😅
For the last 2 seasons I been using all fast ARs like SMGs😂😂, using SMGs too much has ruined me, I just be rushing. I tried rushing with an AK and it took forever to ADS I was like a sitting duck, after I got diamond for the the AK I have never used it ever since except for BR
Controversial opinion: the Peacekeeper has always been the best gun in the game. If you get used to the recoil pattern it’s just a combination of the BP50, USS9, and ASM10
honetly the swordfish maddox & THE CR 56 amax are hella underated. You can use the swordfish in close range if you use a red dot . For the maddox it already has a 40 round in its based mag so just use a fast reload. for the amax you can use it like an smg or a full ar style for smg build intruder stock and no stock is important for smg style and for ar build cutom long and cusom stock important asswell but hey im a garena player so what do you expet about my rant 💀
It's the horizontal aim shake, the actual recoil pattern is smooth. The mythic/legendary skins eliminate the horizontal shake so they are more comfy to use
For me, The ADS time, Reloading speed and the recoil doesn’t matter, For me, what matters is the precision and damage, So a heavy gun and a burst gun is a good thing for me, Like the Icr and swordfish. (I use pre aiming and pre shooting all the time)
I tried the Drifter Grau, and its like the better version of the PDW imo like the dropoff damage isnt big enough and still can 5 Shot up to 35m which is not bad and infinitely 6 Shot. 1:19 no, the range is def good enough to be a flex SMG, BSA is way better than CBR4, same BSA pretty much as the PDW. the Mobility like overall mobility (except the strfe speed) is better than most SMGs. Strafe speed is good enough tho at 3.9m/s (Use Skulker for better performance). Heres the Drifter build. Mono Suppressor Drifter barrel ofc No Stock OWC laser tac (No the granulated slows you down a bit and Laser has ADS speed advantage) 50 rd Mags
@Realufxx he literally is the only trustable youtuber rn because everyone else is speaking from their ass Even though i disagree with zi on a lot of methodologies and ideas on stat analysis he is the only active stat analyst rn on youtube and hence kith is the only trustable youtuber rn
@Realufxx i mean ttk is literally 4ms diff at that range and fennec at least has better mobility so if for some reason you use those guns at that unrealistic range it could beat it And no comp isnt trustable at all cuz they dont always use good guns, meanwhile stats are objective and constantly correct(aka facts) so if you are a stat analyst like me or zi youll rely on them ofc
Hate to see all the og weapons getting power crept by a literal fish gun
tactical tuna 😋
Swordfish lol
Grau 5.56 is not an OG weapon though.
its really good if you know how to use it
DR H@@whydoesthethebrainignoreth6273
My biggest flex this season is that I used LAG 53 to grind top 5k, somehow ended up in leaderboards for it.
LAG 53 is lowkey underrated not a bad AR
Mine was the ots9, i suddenly entered leaderboard while grinding
But i prefer oden than lag 53
@@itzraiders04 Yh fr
@@obmis_arraid21 ots9 is very underrated
legends will know...
relaunched ahh video
Re-upload 😊
this video used to be private 🗿
relaunched ahh video
0:00 Bro wasted no time 😂
Edit: 107 likes in 15 hours??? Dayum thnx people
why do ppl care so much on how many likes they get in a comment
@@Nigarunapamura kids
R u getting paid?
Look Guys I found it funny and thought of sharing it to people.
That doesn't mean that am getting paid. Then why would these ppl like my Comment?
Both of you commented on this channel multiple times, but got 0 likes
After mastering the AS VAL recoil pattern, it's so fucking fun to use.
It's ttk is amazing
@@XPlayzVarietyBuddy, this isn’t a primary school place. Not to mention they weren’t even being toxic to anyone by saying “Fuck you” or “Fuck off”, so stop worrying.
I like the as val as well
I like to put the FMJ ammo on and use it as a sniper/hyperaggressive marksman rifle.
Very important note: if you feel like using an m4 but you are also afraid of its lack of damage, use the m4 lmg and convert it back to regular m4. It still has that extra bit of damage
Wait what
Yoo what??
But the ads time ain't gonna feel like the m4's
Can you give a Loadout?
@@Sahil_Deshmukhthe m4lmg has decent base range and bsa as well as good damage with a trash iron sight so i would recommend:
*30rnd mag* for speed and ads or *40rnd mag* for more shots but less speed, *Mip Ultralight Barrel* for ads and movement speed, *No Stock* for ads and movement speed, *Tactical Supressor* for stealth or *Owc Light Compensator* for less recoil, *Red Dot* for better aim or *Granulated Grip Tape* if you can handle the ironsight.
I dont like the sights so i use a red dot and since i can handle the recoil and the bsa dosent affect me much, i use the silencer.
Excellent comparison. As a (former) Grau Leaderbord Player (Mythic) I experienced loosing some gunfights in recent months I wasn't used to. Changing the approach fixed this issue. So I fully agree with your assessment. Thanks for the excellent video 😎👍
all we need to know. have a great day 🙏🏼
Very creative video.
Is there any good aggressive build for the Grau? Or is using other smgs better?
@S級01 Elevates player Klo became world champion 2024 with a special fast Grau built. He played without suppressor and used a red laser for better hip fire.
@ ah I kno that built. Thx for reminding me. :)
I like that this guy does not spend 8 minutes making an introduction to stretch a video. That 20 minutes was purely content
he spent 0 seconds on introduction 😭
Aint no way the fr 5.56 got ranked higher than the grau☠️
His ranking is totally chaos. Imagine drh is worse than krig and groza 😂
It’s just opinion
This is just his opinion, plus he said the 60 round mag for Maddox, you can use the 58 round mag and be faster
he's confusing himself
he compared drh to uss9 and that's why ranked it lower, like wtf???
he said he would've ranked ffar higher if bp50 didnt existed..... which means he would consider it better than drh but since bp50 exists its automatically worse than drh, bullshit
i loved this guy but his stats are getting worse and worse
Grau should be in top 10
I'll probably never put the bp50 in my loadouts, i hate that gun
Fr same thing with mg42 and mow thermite
I'm having trouble using it so I just stay away.
@@Oni_Codm never used the mow. Tried mg42 but it was weird in MP. I only used it back when it was ground loot for BR. It was crazy back in release.
@Randomguy1d yeah there both op
I feel you, man, I cannot stress dis enough, bp50 took all the fun out of the rank games, and, sorry, NO, it's not a skill issue, that gun at this level is just insane and stupid unfair. I know how to crosshair placement, I'm a passive AR style, slow and steady, pre aim and a lot of prefire, lot of right predicrion usong the minimap awareness, but STILL got literally onetapped by BP50s. They will 100% nerf it, and then we will be suffering the USS9 meta, but this gun is the worst meta period I've ever witnessed. And yeah, worse than the cbrs and MX9, and bois, I NEEDED to put a type25 in me loadouts for when it was meta very long ago. BP50 is worse than ANYTHING as for right now.
As someone who's first main gun is the BK, this brings me joy. Legitimately a solid rifle when built properly
Seeing DRH at 14 was painful 😭😭😭 that shi dominated over Cod for like 3 years
I like how he’s using somewhat regular camos not mythic ones with give you some advantages
I love using the ffar 1 more than the bp50. Also for the loadout I don’t recommend using the stanag 44 mag since it has slow reload. Use the salvo 44 mag for fast reload
ads time Would be slow
@ use the serpent wrap
@@MiguelLarios-h4m Its still slow On ads time
Love these comparisons
Great video kith. Good use of stats facts.
great to see you here always!
Real Day 1s remember how OP the AK117 was for a few seasons.
Then the HBR 😱
Yeah the hbr was crazy fun to play. I sometimes still play it for its unique ironsight
Yeah man. Still a fan of AK117 since I played S1.
M16 is my gun of all time in MP , awesome AR
Grau on 29th place is dirty💀 hbr is worse than grau
Lmao it's not
Hbr better lmao
Fr Grau better
Tell me u a noob without telling me
@@Oni_Codm liar
Honestly, seeing how kLo won with his team while running the grau, it's crazy that there's such little difference between competitive-non restricted weapons, like type 19 and grau, and then there's such a huge gap between these guns and the bp50/hvk large cal
Seeing the gray so low broke my heart tbh 💔I had no idea it was that bad
The difference is so low that it wouldn't matter if you have the skills
@@BapBapMistthe difference has a lot
I feel like you should have discussed about Maddox's echo fire mod. It kind of has the same niche as the swordfish, you need excellent burst control. But it can be pretty deadly in the right hands
im doing video about it tomorrow!
This video is pure effort! No trash memes added just purely explanation! 💪
Please make best weapons for BR videos also. Nobody else is as reliable as you for weapon recommendations and builds ❤❤❤
In search and destroy, the man o war is a beast with thermite and wounded extra. I love that thang.
Until the opponent uses dauntless😂
@@mohammed8108i use that perk
Love to see thermite mow kids crying
@@Mythicpleddauntless is such a good counter if you’re using a high fire rate gun with quick fix.
Sometimes you don’t even need quick fix. If you kill then fast enough, that dauntless will save your life! Such a good perk.
Makes Sensor trips useless! No slows!
@shyysteebleedem i use cold blooded because i hate stuff like shock rc and kms drones
Bro is starting a world war with the Grau 5.56 at 29/31 😭🙏
There is problem on this gun no one is mentioning - none of the barrel attachments has an effect on bullet accuracy, even after Type19 got its buff on bullet accuracy, and the BP50 came out.
*Players' recommended gunsmith goes like this:*
1. Tactical Suppressor (slience effect only)
2. 26.4 Archangel (+45% range, no effect on bullet spread)
3. no stock (-14% ADS time, +14% ADS bullet spread)
4. 50 round mag
5. Sniper elite rear grip (-11.6% ADS bullet spread)
The bullet accuracy can only be improved by the grips and laser, so its bullet accuracy is lower than other meta ARs. Unlike BP50, its fire rate cannot compensate the disadvantage of bullet accuracy. Its long range ability is slightly lower than Type19 (its most direct competitor), as Type19 has a multiplier of 1.1x on the lower hand, while Grau 5.56 does not. Type19 has a higher probability for a 4 shot up to 37m, covering like 97% of the gunfights.
The no stock attachment would increase the bullet spread by 14% (while the value of no stock on other ARs range from 9% to 12%). It's huge, considering it has a maximum bullet spread value of 20 at base. Even if we put a rear grip we would still face a 2.4% increment, the final maximum value of 20.3 indicates that it cannot keep up with long range combat in a more stable way. *The recommended gunsmith for it includes a tactical suppressor to stop its bullet accuracy from being spoiled further, if a monolithic suppressor is used then the maximum value is increased to 21.7, which is very close to that of a full SMG build (22.3). At that point the chances for winning a fight over 30m is just too low because of the low accuracy of the gun itself.*
My opinion: Grau 5.56 is friendly to new players but its ceiling is definitely not as high as those meta guns (eg. Type19/BP50/Oden). If the long barrels (20.8 Nexus and 26.4 Archangel) do have buffs on bullet accuracy and the bullet accuracy debuff on the no stock is lowered, then the Grau 5.56 would claim a higher potential (back to meta but not the best choice because there are things called BP50 and MG42, but at least it would be a tie with Type19. If the lower hand multiplier is increased too then it has a higher chance to beat the Type19 as Grau 5.56 actually has a better maximum range: 25.5 - 39.1 - 59.5 vs 17.9 - 37.3 - 52.2)
BTW I don't think Grau 5.56 deseres to be at this low, if a right gunsmith is used then Grau 5.56 can still be deadly at long ranges, however with the recommended gunsmith it would still not be top 10. Maybe at 13-15 ish would be fine?
Can confirm on the range. The Grau is the only mythic I own.(got it when it first dropped because of the 50% off CP sale ) It is incredibly diverse, and that is its strength. I can beat SMGs in MP and AK117 in Br with it.
2:43 fun fact, this is my first AR I have ever used and it is the best and my favourite
fun fact: nobody asked
I love the free 2 play ranking!! I don't plan on spending money but most of the ranking videos don't regard the terrible iron sight when grading. I'm glad to see some great loadouts with red dot sights.
Thanks for making this video. It helped me a lot to win matches, but please also add which gun is best for small, medium, and big maps. Thank you.
big brain move would be not downloading base skins for krig and similar on-your-face ironsight-ed guns and seeing the first of the category ironsights instead
:: I didn't think about it before this video, I was playing with Krig a lot but wasn't feeling bad about it and I only have free epics of it
15:48 instead of the firm grip tape, use the field agent foregrip instead. It significantly reduces horizontal recoil and makes vertices recoil less at the cost of ADS movement speed. You already have the increased ADS movement speed from the agile stock so it balances itself out and makes the Peacekeeper so much more versatile
Kn 44 is crazy good tbh everyone should use it
real, doing a 3 tap at 40m sounds crazy but kn44 is the gun that can do it
@798_rei even in close range it is crazy if the person has the right movement and aim and knows how to use it
For the Grau to be overrated how come I never see anyone using it except for myself 😂
Same, i literally shred opponents with the grau.
Because literally every AR is viable in pubs and even ranked.
@@Lodestar12345 i only play legendary ranked MP. Grau is a formidable gun in the right hands. Doesn't warrant 29th spot which is absurd. With proper movement and good aim, it absolutely shreds.
@@Aokijjithat applies to every gun
Here do me a favour and compare grau to other ars and youll see why 29th place is absolutely reserved
If you are lazy to do that here ill lay it down: The Grau has a consistent range of 23 meters with 4 tap, but beyond that point, it becomes inconsistent as it drops below 50% due to needing 2/4 chest shots. Its mobility is poor within that 23-meter range, as other SMGs have the same range but much better mobility. The Grau has a relatively mediocre time-to-kill (TTK) with 246ms in the first range and 328ms in the second range, which is considered poor TTK. The only advantage of the Grau is its relatively easy recoil and large magazine of 60 rounds. Additionally, the bullet spread accuracy (BSA) is poor, making performance at range even worse, so you can push it to around 27.03 meters.
"With proper movement and good aim, it absolutely shreds."
Umm, that applies to every single gun in the game that's not the NA-45. The difference between guns in this game is realistically super small, but it is true that the Grau is inferior to most ARs.
Hoping to one day see you tackle marksman rifles.
I’m global 88 on the leader board for LK24. If you have the serpent skin, don’t use the red dot and put Fmj on it. You can wall bang everything. The gun is slow and takes some getting use to but it’s super accurate. Also add long shot perk to the hvk.
Nice to see BK57 getting some love, that thing is meta AR but I see nobody use it
The icr and the as val raised me
I just started giving the peacekeeper a chance and im loving it thanks soo much
Icr was the first ever gun I got gold on, I was hyped like crazy, I couldn’t stop flexing to my friend who played the game since release but somehow doesn’t even have gold on any gun
Same. My first ever gold and diamond was ICR
@ my first diamond is m4… now i barely use it
I was searching codm pro players tips and dont know why youtube didn’t suggest your video😶
The best weapon explanation, can recommend to friends. Good job!
When I stopped playing, Grau was always in the top 5 of every list. What happened?
Toplist of my meta shotguns
16:18 for this amethyst skin, the red dot is honestly not needed, that iron sight eatsss
Can't believe how goated the type 25 was when the game came out... and now here we are with the gun at #30... used to be my top favoruites
Fr dude. My first ever epic was of type 25.
my best achievement this season is hitting legendary without using a meta gun
5:37 um just use the mag that has 58 bullets and faster reload…the 2 bullets doesn’t make that much of a difference. That’s what I run on my setup
scrolling through comments and not seeing someone talking about Peacekeeper MK2 is a bliss, Love that AR a lot, first gun to get Gold Camo.
Kith i think to make the as val a little good is putting a ranger foregrip it reduces lots of recoil making it actually abit useful in mid range or some long range gun fights
crazy the gun you said is da worst @ the beginning of the vid is the gun I shred every one in ranked with :)
Bro likes to be hated by everyone
What a bot. Even bots stay off the thermite bro. But you do you.
@@theunscripteduniverse-p2t I make money off the game… you’re a bot for free
He literally said IT ISNT WORST but that its unrankable because it cant be ranked amongst other ars as its simply its own thing so 31st place is a throwaway placement
@@SuperGRI we can't be expecting a mow user to understand basic can we now? That's expecting roo much from em
I have the mythic krig skin, and i was wondering what attachment i should use instead of the iron sight since i dont really need it with the skin? Also, u are my fav codm creator. No lame intro, no unnecessary effects or cuts, just pure informative and straight to the point vids 👍
Firm Grip Tape
Firm grip
If I was you:
•Agency Suppressor
•5.3 Extended Barrel(Aggressive player) or 6.1 Heavy reinforced(Balanced)
•Underbarrel= B0 Foregrip(Good)/ Field Agent Foregrip for less recoil
•Large extended Mag B
•Firm Grip tape
can u do a vid about your new Hud? plus I love your vids dude keep it up!
Only complaint is lack of info ICR-1 IFS MAG has bullet penetration rounds so you don't need the FMJ perk.
Pro tip for Maddox: Use Fast Mag
Love this video brother do every gun type
so sad my beloved M13 is not even at top 15 no more 😭😭
Bro absolutely violated the type 25
Its just a very very very shitty ots9
@@SuperGRInah Ots9 is similar to Switchblade but worst.
Type25 is a weird gun tbh. Nothing like Ots9 lol
@@shyysteebleedem he meant based on range
@shyysteebleedem ots9 is literaly switchblade but waaaaaaaay better so i dont know who tf lied you there( double the range, better strafe, same ads speed, better sprint, faster fire rate)
But yeah ots9 and type 25 are very alike as both have the same range/ttk profile (21/24 meters consistent 210ms ttk) except that ots9 has smg mobility and smg hipfire which makes it miles ahead. This is why ots9 is one of best smgs cuz its best out of those pure ~70ms smgs
@@SuperGRI I MAINed both for several seasons. And I own both the Mythic and legendary.
*For the short answer* :
In conclusion, the guns have similar “specs” on paper, however it comes down to how you BUILD it, because again, SX9(Switchblade) has easier recoil control, higher magazine size, IS HITSCAN, has identical RANGE and fire rate to Ots9
*Long rant* :
I’ve played thousands of SnD matches with BOTH guns since they’ve come out.
I have more than 10,000 kills with both SMGs. Who tf are YOU? Double 2x the range? Where????? 🤡
The Ots9 isn’t even HIT SCAN, you literally NEED to build bullet SPD on it for it to be effective beyond 20meters,
Meanwhile the Switchblade IS HIT SCAN and can easily beam ppl mid range IF you needed to challenge them.
-they are similar, but Switchblade is better in opinion
BOTH with Fire intervals of 70ms, Fire rate for Switchblade(84) and Ots9(85) (no significant difference to affect gameplay)
Max Range for switchblade:50 and for Ots9:51
Again, NO significant difference
Recoil Pattern? Switchblade wins again
The Sx9 recoil is up and slightly to the right, while the Ots9 Recoil is “up slightly to RIGHT and back to the left”
The Switchblade(Sx9) can beam ppl mid range easily because it’s 61 accuracy and 49 control offering 89mobility and little to no aim shake.
(The Ots can have the same stats but worst Ads strafe if you build it for accuracy and smaller mag size)
Other then sprint to fire delay(which can be negated with simple slide cancels)
-the Switchblade is superior in terms of upper body part multipliers 1.3x for head 1.2 for BOTH shoulders
(Ots9 only 1.2x head and 1.2x LEFT shoulder/1.1x RIGHT shoulder) = not as consistent upper body damage
Whereas the lower arms/hands is 0.9/1.05x for Switchblade in contrast to Ots9 1.1/1.1x,
And a flat 0.9x legs for both guns.
This means Ots9 has an overall “wider” damage profile “IF you’re not as accurate” LANDING upper body shots.
Whereas the Switchblade is more rewarding IF you land those upper body shots.
Last but not least the ads movement SPD and sprint to fire delays are nearly the SAME, the Sprint speed isn’t nearly that great to outright say “this gun is better”
I freaking knew it that the mow thermite will be the first
Hello, the only thing that caught my attention in the video is your precision. It really looks flawless. Could you please make a sensitivity video with a hand camera about this? Because I want to see how you use your hand on the tablet
will do that soon!
@Kith thank i love you
I win use oden in br and its insane like i am just cooking whole br lobby with this one😂
Also M4 In br is also crazy and the black gold total skin make it even better❤
99% of the time when I am using my auto sniper Oden I am in the leaderboard if not first place
Bp50 gets you mvp sitting in the same few camping spots, starting to hate ranked
Legends will know, forever will know.
Which gun and how to survive more in game can you make a video of it telling how to think and make decisions which will save your kill streak and less death 😅
And one more thing I can't use type 63 correctly as two and three finger player 😅 so I don't know what layout I put hip fire or ads etc.
Nope man o war with thermit mag? Dude i never use in my whole life a gun with thermit mag
honestly, im happy seeing bk57 up high
The AK47 is so underrated. The 5.45 mag shreds.
Day 8 of asking kith to use, rate and rank every mythic
Then give him the money to buy the mythics.
Its a good idea but almost impossible
He already has the mythics and besides iferg did a similar video but was 2 years ago and I am asking kith because I love his ranking videos
He doesn't have all the mythics and he isn't ifreg
How would you know, he a codm TH-camr
qq9 + lcar-9 my goat
Wait icr got a new mag signature? I recently came back to cod a few days ago good to know🎉
quick question, wont the bp50 get nerfed hard in the following seasons? doesnt they always nerf top guns every season?
For the last 2 seasons I been using all fast ARs like SMGs😂😂, using SMGs too much has ruined me, I just be rushing. I tried rushing with an AK and it took forever to ADS I was like a sitting duck, after I got diamond for the the AK I have never used it ever since except for BR
Controversial opinion: the Peacekeeper has always been the best gun in the game. If you get used to the recoil pattern it’s just a combination of the BP50, USS9, and ASM10
Didn't even need to see no 1 we already know from the beginning
honetly the swordfish maddox & THE CR 56 amax are hella underated. You can use the swordfish in close range if you use a red dot . For the maddox it already
has a 40 round in its based mag so just use a fast reload. for the amax you can use it like an smg or a full ar style for smg build intruder
stock and no stock is important for smg style and for ar build cutom long and cusom stock important asswell but hey im a garena player so what do you expet about my rant
@@N1N3_9-MLR I swear cr56 is the most underrated br gun
Hey kith there is a video idea --can 2 people get ace at the same round in snd
One get 5 other get 4
Yes. You kill all 5 and the anime team kills 4 but you die by the bomb if the 4k guy planted. Henceforth both get an ace
For me type 19 has horrible recoil i dont know how, but...
It's the horizontal aim shake, the actual recoil pattern is smooth. The mythic/legendary skins eliminate the horizontal shake so they are more comfy to use
Hey kith how about making a video about the best gun to use in each gamemode in rank?
For me, The ADS time, Reloading speed and the recoil doesn’t matter, For me, what matters is the precision and damage, So a heavy gun and a burst gun is a good thing for me, Like the Icr and swordfish. (I use pre aiming and pre shooting all the time)
I tried the Drifter Grau, and its like the better version of the PDW imo like the dropoff damage isnt big enough and still can 5 Shot up to 35m which is not bad and infinitely 6 Shot.
1:19 no, the range is def good enough to be a flex SMG, BSA is way better than CBR4, same BSA pretty much as the PDW. the Mobility like overall mobility (except the strfe speed) is better than most SMGs. Strafe speed is good enough tho at 3.9m/s (Use Skulker for better performance). Heres the Drifter build.
Mono Suppressor
Drifter barrel ofc
No Stock
OWC laser tac (No the granulated slows you down a bit and Laser has ADS speed advantage)
50 rd Mags
Swordfish: "am I a joke to you?"
Kith really the advantage of deactivating is noticeable in battle? In my opinion it confuses me quite a bit
Drh I ranked so low when others say it's top 5
When you think about it drh is a niche gun, and uss doesnt make that situation any better
Because kith is dumb
@Realufxx he literally is the only trustable youtuber rn because everyone else is speaking from their ass
Even though i disagree with zi on a lot of methodologies and ideas on stat analysis he is the only active stat analyst rn on youtube and hence kith is the only trustable youtuber rn
@@SuperGRI”fennec melts grau at 30m”isn’t really trustable.
Just watch more comp,stats sometimes ain’t the reality
@Realufxx i mean ttk is literally 4ms diff at that range and fennec at least has better mobility so if for some reason you use those guns at that unrealistic range it could beat it
And no comp isnt trustable at all cuz they dont always use good guns, meanwhile stats are objective and constantly correct(aka facts) so if you are a stat analyst like me or zi youll rely on them ofc
According to kith, if bk57, ak117, krig are better than drh then tell me why drh is banned from pro scene but these guns are not.
It was broken when the OTM mags got buffed. Then it got nerfed. Things don't tend to get unbanned in comp
Because pro scene can exploit the DRH, you can't, because you're not T1
Hvk is my favorite gun and it shreds any gun in any range.
@Kith try making the videos like XclusiveAce, they are more easy to follow and overall it will make the comparation more effective
Kith there's no way you just did 2 videos
Grau is anyday more effective than cr56, m4 and Maddox
Nice video bro .. do SMG as well .. will wait for that..
You should make a video about the ISO, it got overbuffed and it’s op rn
They should remove the 0.9x Leg multiplier and it would be good
Groza over DRH is actually wild in every sense
Violated? You mean well rated?
Bro groza is a literal death machine
M16 is simply the Metakiller...
Cormac417 here
Pls do top 10 smg video.
Kith, where is the BP load out? How did i miss it? 🤯
Thx for helping me choose my ar but btw can u do this but with lmg or smgs?
Baseline: everything would be better if the bp50 didn't exist
BP50 is trash lol
Bro really hates the Grau 😂
As a swordfish user, i gotta switch my weapon