So instead of a buffer tube+recoil spring it uses a gas piston instead of gas impingement and a recoil spring around the piston. Weird! I can see why it both intrigued people and didn't catch on.
Probably was because of part interchangeability issues and because it looks front heavy... BUT... it does seem like a feasible way to finally bullpup an AR too!
see that was my thoughts until I did a little digging and apparently its even weirder. Its not actually a piston system like a 416, instead it has a gas key like a regular AR15, its just really long and partially sleeves around the gas tube
@themonolithian If you take a look at your palm, you can see a slight indentation as you close it into a fist. That little bump is meant to dig in and hook into your palm, making it a more stable and firm grip on the rifle as you fire it. I really like this rifle very much.
So instead of a buffer tube+recoil spring it uses a gas piston instead of gas impingement and a recoil spring around the piston. Weird! I can see why it both intrigued people and didn't catch on.
Probably was because of part interchangeability issues and because it looks front heavy... BUT... it does seem like a feasible way to finally bullpup an AR too!
see that was my thoughts until I did a little digging and apparently its even weirder. Its not actually a piston system like a 416, instead it has a gas key like a regular AR15, its just really long and partially sleeves around the gas tube
I mean if you wanna get technical about it even AR15's aren't actually direct impingement. The piston is just in the bolt carrier and mini
@@imagifyer Right, the gas flows down the tube and into the carrier. The sleeve does not act as a piston.
Ahhhh THAT's where the "buffer spring" is... literally a forward thinking approach.
Why does the pistol grip have that weird bump
@themonolithian If you take a look at your palm, you can see a slight indentation as you close it into a fist. That little bump is meant to dig in and hook into your palm, making it a more stable and firm grip on the rifle as you fire it. I really like this rifle very much.
Get out of here Stalker