CTVP1.Autoprezentacja zespolu CazaleTVPologne.Otoprezantasyon ekip CazaleTVPologne la

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
  • CTVP1 to tez kanal informacyjny o dzialalnosci naszej dzieciecej polonijnej tv CazaleTVPologne/ CTVP/ w Cazale na Haiti.
    Zamieszczamy na nim nasze filmy cieszące sie popularnością internautów.
    Jest tu podany algorytm jak dotrzec do naszych wszystkich materialow archiwalnych.
    Nalezy wpisac w YOU TUBE slowo klucz czyli ; “CTVP1”.Jest tych materialow, ponad 800 pozycji, na kilkunastu naszych kanalach i zrealizowano je w latach 2014 - 2023.Te starsze realizowalo grupa wokontariuszy a od roku 2021 realizuja je nasz zespol CTVP.
    GLOWNYM naszym kanalem z nowosciami jest kanal CazaleTVPologne na Tou Tube.
    Wspieramy nim medialnie dzialalnosc szkoly polonijnej " Repairer of the Breaches School" w Cazale na Haiti oraz przedstawia mieszkancow Cazale o korzeniach polskich.
    Nasze najwazniejsze pozycje archiwalne, a jest ich ponad 500 sa na kanale TH-cam; cazale99
    Kontakt do nas ; e mail ; cazale99@gmail.com
    WhatsApp; informacja CTVP; +509 3872 1115
    WhatsApp; do Dzialu Technicznego CTVP; +509 3632 4950
    Zapraszamy serdecznie do ogladania oraz bedziemy wdzieczni za przekazanie informacji o nas innym internautom.
    Dziekujemy za wsparcie w tej tragicznej sytuacji na Haiti oraz dla Cazale.
    Christopher et Elizabeth Szybinski
    Derismont Messius Roobens, dyrektor szkoły polonijnej w Cazale
    e mail: emrb.cazale@gmail.com, WhatsApp ; +509 3713 3815
    God Bless Haiti
    Below a message from the director of the Polish community school in Cazale.
    Dear friends,
    The most complacent assessment of the raids carried out since April 19, 2023 at Source Matelas Cabaret, ( Our District) reports at least hundreds people murdered, several of whom were imprisoned in the houses to which the armed bandits had set fire and dozens of people injured by balls, ”wrote this entity led by Pierre Espérance RNDDH.
    Thousands fled to Cazale and Archaie to save their lives. Among them, are many many kids and women.
    Schools, hospitals, businesses are all closed.
    Words can hardly explain what is going one.
    Everyone’s home and public building are full of people seeking for a safe place to hide in Cazale.
    Our Polish building has already three vulnerable families with kids. Thanks to the permission of Dear Zofia. My personal home has 10 guests and very soon if nothing happens urgently, I am gonna have to use some of the school classrooms to put some people.
    Pray for a miracle to stop the gangs.
    Which is why we are going to move the Polish Friday’s class to the school room again.
    Now, food supplies, clothes, beds, shoes etc… are what is most needed.
    There are just so much to put in words, hope this give you a heads up of what it’s like now.
    The gangs are already threatened Cazale for having received the people here. I will forward their voice message via WhatsApp.
    Pray for peace.
    Derismont Mesius Roobens, April 2023
    CTVP1 is also an information channel about the activities of our children's Polish TV channel CazaleTVPologne
    /CTVP/ in Cazale, Haiti.
    Here is an algorithm on how to access all our archival materials.
    It is necessary to enter in YOU TUBE the key word that is; CTVP1. There are over 800 items of these materials on several of our channels and they were implemented in the years 2014 - 2023. The older ones were implemented by a group of volunteers and from 2021 they are implemented by our CTVP team.
    Our MAIN news channel is CazaleTVPologne on Tou Tube.
    We use it to support the activities of the "Repairer of the Breaches School of Cazale ", Haiti, and to present the residents of Cazale with Polish roots.
    Our most important archival items, and there are over 500 of them, are on the TH-cam channel; cazale99
    Contact us; e-mail; cazale99@gmail.com
    whatsapp; CTVP information; +509 3872 1115
    whatsapp; to the CTVP Technical Department; +509 3632 4950
    We cordially invite you to watch and we will be grateful if you share information about us with other Internet users.
    Thank you for your support in this tragic situation in Haiti and for Cazale, which has sheltered thousands of people who they escaped from gangsters who seized their belongings.
    Christopher & Elizabeth Szybinski
    Derismont Messius Roobens, direktè lekòl kominotè Polonè.
    Pope from Poland, St. John Paul II during his visit to Haiti in 1983 said;
    "Fòk bagay yo change" se sa Sen Jan Pòl II te di sou Ayiti an 1983 ”Konieczne są zmiany”, Things must change”, ”Il faut que quelque chose change".
    CTVP1 se tou nouvèl nou an sou fason pou jwenn aksè nan videyo nou yo sou You Tube.
    Isit la se algorithm pou jwenn aksè nan tout materyèl achiv nou yo.
    Li nesesè antre mo kle a sou YOU TUBE; CTVP 1. Gen plis pase 800 atik nan materyèl sa yo sou plizyè nan chanèl nou yo epi yo te aplike nan ane yo 2014 - 2023. Sa ki pi gran yo te aplike pa yon gwoup volontè, epi apati 2021 yo aplike pa ekip CTVP nou an.
    Fim nou yo sipòte aktivite "Repairer of the breaches school of Cazale "
    nan Cazale, Ayiti e prezante moun ki abite Cazale ak rasin Polonè.
    Nou pibliye nouvèl nou sou chanèl You Tube "CazaleTVPologne".

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