If their children, instead of paring off, mated in a matrix, with each male reproducing with every female (and vise versa), after a few generations there would be huge matrix of combinations. There would, of course, be a lot of genetic problems, but there would also be a large number of viable offspring. If the problematic people didn't reproduce, there would eventually be large, genetically diverse and stable population.
exactly what i was thinking all the siblings from the first pair cant just pair of but combine every witch way then from there kids pair up the best of ones and separate the ones showing bad traits
@@pikfan-b9r Eugenics, basically selective breeding, but instead of with Animals or Plants, it is people. The most important thing is when genetic issues that affect human life are detected is that the individual dies without more offspring.
@@vic5015 yea, but it does try and help any recessive genes from bunching up, at least in the first few generations. You don't want entire lines die off so early.
Yes and they could eliminate the defective ones. They could brainwash their children to think their was nothing wrong with it as long as it is done within x months/years of their birth (x depends on your choice).
As a practical matter, the answer is no. You need a minimum number of people to maintain enough genetic diversity to avoid long-term problems (something called "the founder effect" or a "genetic bottleneck" in Biology). I've read that that minimum number has been estimated at around 50,000 individuals. One of the reasons scientists are so worried about the cheetah population is that, not only are their numbers low, the species shows indications of exactly this sort of a troubling lack of genetic diversity.
Paradoxically, the answer to indreeding is redundant breeding. That was the case with small prehistoric isolated tribes. They knew no contraception, had many babies, and many of them died from inbreeding burth defects. But the ones who randomly had good genetic combination, survived.
Yes but the tribes still had more than 2. If I'm correct they'd have like 20-50 which allowed quiet a bit of diversity before they completely isolated... Which honestly I might be wrong about, not too sure on it.
I remember hearing about a town in Italy, Stoccareddo, where almost everyone has the same last name, Bau, and most likely everyone is related. Almost everyone has red hair. They also eat extremely high fat foods and high sugar foods but have a very low occurrence of heart disease and diabetes. A majority of the population lives well into their 90s and 100s.
If almost everyone has the same last name, it kind of defeats the purpose of having last names at all. You'd have to come up with a lot of different first names to differentiate everyone.
As far as small gene pools are concerned, cheetahs are thought to be one of the smallest. DNA studies show that they may have about 70,000 years ago cheetahs been reduced to maybe as few as 4 animals. They are so genetically identical that all cheetahs are virtually brothers and sisters.
Never knew that, that's pretty interesting. I find that almost more interesting than the human stuff, though we had a pretty huge bottlekneck at one point as well, though not NEARLY to the same scale. That's interesting as heck, thanks for sharing.
So basically it'll depend on how genetically gifted the two last people on earth are? If both have an incredibly tiny portion of negative genetic mutations, there would be a higher probability of things working out. If both were genetically perfect (is this even possible?), Then I can imagine things working out with quite a high probability.
I think so. But then again, evolution is driven on variety. If they have quite similar genes, then a disease could probably wipe them out in a snap. A group might survive, and they might be immune to that disease. But they might also be more succeptible to other diseases. Basically, it will require a looot of chance
Hmm, THAT was the first thing, thinking starting been teach christian old testament ... AND been told not to make child with sister/brother ... I was just 14 or less.
I'm reminded of the "Dark Eden" trilogy by Chris Beckett. The setting is a world populated by the descendants of two stranded astronauts - the technology level is essentially stone age, but a few artefacts of the original astronauts are still kept as holy relics, various genetic defects are rife ("batface"/cleft palate and "clawfoot"/club foot in particular), and an interesting culture has arisen.
similar concept but with a wider genepool is The Worthing Saga by OSC, the idea of settling astronauts starting a colony by themselves and falling into lore.
In one of his non-fiction articles, Isaac Asimov wrote that a colony ship should have at least 1,000 people to ensure enough genetic diversity. It's possible that with genetic screening, that number could be reduced safely, but that's not helpful to the protagonists of this video who are attempting to repopulate the earth, or at least their neighborhood. (What might be helpful is the fact that our written works seem to remain available to them, and the kids could research how to get medical science back on track. With an emphasis on genetic research, they might be able to assist in the odds of their own children surviving and repopulating the planet. They'll still have some kids who think it's funny to throw aerosol cans into the campfire.
This dilemma forgets to include issues regarding the risks of childbirth. Without functioning hospitals, and no nurses or midwives to assist them (presumably just the husband, a baby delivery guide, and whatever pain relievers they could scrounge up), the woman could have a much higher risk of maternal and/or infant mortality. Obviously it's doable, our ancestors were able to have kids without modern healthcare. But each time she tries to give birth, she's potentially gambling her life or the infant's life. For comparison, in England and Wales in 1895, the maternal death rate was roughly 650,000; globally in 2017, it was a little under 294,000. In ancient Rome circa 200 BCE, the infant mortality rate was 30%; globally in 2017 it was 2.9%.
Not to mention issues related to postpartum depression. If the female were to keep popping out babies back to back, it would take a serious toll on her mental health. There's plenty of case examples of women who went crazy and even killed people because of the severity.
I can tell you of a bird that was reduced to just one female. The Chatams Islands Robin. In the late 1970's it became critical. By the time it was attempted to try to save the bird there were two females but then one died without offspring leaving just "Old Blue" and a handful (single figures) of males. But the old girl with help did it and produced offspring. Today there are maybe 300 birds all directly descended from "Old Blue".
@@darknessindawn Well, except that given their short lives, the offspring by 2 generations out, were all sharing a large amount of similar DNA as she was the only mother. Same effect as this, just on a slightly larger scale. 1 female and 4 males in this example.
i love that the writers came up with an interesting story rather than just listing facts they found off wikipedia. big props to everyone that worked on this video :)
If I were in that boat, I'd be scouring the empty earth for some stored seed. There could be a single Eve, but many Adams that way. Frozen ova are also a thing, which would greatly improve the odds, if they could be found. That said, teaching myself how to perform the necessary procedures would be a challenge.
@Fred brandon Or, bc they are connected to the power grid, Skynet would simply enter into the the system through the power source, take over the cpu, and immediately order a shutdown. Easy peazy. This is murderous AI 101, guy, c'mon... 🙂🙂🌲🌲
@@NocturnalCoder The liquid nitrogen will take at least a little while to boil off. During that time, you might be able to get some backup power running, assuming the facility doesn't already have backup power.
No it isn’t. They left out one key variable. The last woman on earth wouldn’t touch the last man on earth unless he was a Chad. Otherwise they would roam the empty planet as besties. Not even joking.
In the case of Adam and Eve, it is assumed that they were created "perfect" and didn't have any negative genetics. It took several millennia in a fallen world for genetic mutations to manifest in humans to the point where they are today.
My advice for these two is start traveling as quickly as possible and find those survivors, don't assume they're the only ones left! If that fails, have those kids start learning genetic manipulation right freaking now. You've got to start saving genetic samples from the dead and maybe in a few generations you'll have figured out how to artificially inseminate using unrelated DNA.
Were you afraid to mention the possibility of the parents having children with their children? Would that have possible good implications or only harmful to the genepool?
The greatest challenge for two people in this hypothetical scenario would be the fact that there are no experts they could contact on any given topic from agriculture, mechanics, electronics and most of all medicine. Any kind of emergency (child birth complications, natural disasters, heart attack, nuclear meltdown) would be catastrophic.
@@Akhimed Mom and Dad need a daughter and son, dad reproduces with daughter, mother reproduces with son. Now you have 4 kids, 2 of which are 75% Dad and 25% Mom, and 2 of which are 25% Dad and 75% Mom. Then you can continue to split further and further off from the tree.
This was a very informative "what if" scenario. I do wonder why you didn't take into account how hard pregnancy and birth can be on the body. Without doctors/nurses/midwives, what are the odds Ellie would've been able to survive having so many children?
@@mistrsportak9940tak, Jesus created you with the ability to rebel against him. But in the Great Day of Judgment, it will go much better for you if you have repented, believed in, and followed what he said to do in his Holy Bible.
there are plenty of women alive today that have given birth to more than fifteen children. bad diet and over zealous medical intervention can drastically reduce your ability to bare children.
@@82acresfarm I agree that plenty of women can give birth to multiple children just fine, but I just didn't understand why he didn't even mention the hardship on the body, or the odds that either Ellie or the child might not survive the ordeal. Those factors would also be important to repopulating the planet.
"Evolution actually wants us to be attracted to people who are genetically different from us" To an extent, that's true. But studies have shown babies prefer their own kind, and couples tend to look alike, as well.
You need to turn this into a story-based series! I'd watch a whole season of episodes detailing the generations of Ellie & Aiden's successors and how the plan goes.
@@raffimolero64 oral for three thousand years written down for almost 3 thousand years. The jews only started writing down their oral history more completely in Babylon while captured.
Idk where I heard this, but someone told me in order for 2 people to be able to repopulate, one of the sons would have to have a kid with the mom and the father would have to have one with one of the daughters. So that way instead of everyone being 50% mom 50% dad, you would have 2 different families. One that is 75% dad 25% mom and one that is 75% mom 25% dad, this apparently would allow for more mutation in the blood line very early in the repopulation process...
Humans they were living longer than 200 years or even more based on historical discovery, so 28 children is nothing if married at age on 25, and you live 300 years old thats mean 1 kid every 11 years
@@magicsoft4u what? Dude, modern humans with superior hygiene standards and access to modern medicine are only just starting to live past 100. People Erin Roman times could live into their 70s, but even then, they were beginning to risk natural death from ageing. Why do you believe anyone could live into 300? Not only that, but the older a woman gets, the more risky pregnancy tends to be, for her and the baby - so even by your calculations of her living to 300, she’s not going to be having 28 viable offspring in that time.
@@magicsoft4ubut don't say Adam and even existed . All religions got it wrong because theyre man made and people got it wrong, this is as simple as that😂
Adam and Eve technically aren't really humans... Adam lived 900 years, I don't know how long Eve lived, but they probably aren't really humans if they are living that long.
I think you guys missed an important thing. Spermbanks. If they find one before they could spoil without refrigeration. And somehow get power running with some gasoline generators. Could they refrigerate enough for generations to come?
it wouldn't last long enough considering it is just 1 woman and i'd say the last guy would want to have his own offspring coming first before they use the spermbank samples and even then they'd have to way almost a full year to for each time she gets pregnant. After a few years most of the sample will be too old to be usable and even if you can use just enough to have 3-5 babies from 3-5 different donors, all the kids will still be half-siblings(def better than full but still). Best choice would be to select samples from different races and donors with different hair colors to diversity the overall gene pool.
Ellie should just become a genetic scientist and check for the DNA of their offspring and those with "problematic" gene poles are paired together with those with more favorable gene poles. With this method she could breed out most of the problematic genes while endorsing the favorite ones.
@@cl8804 claiming whether a genetic trait is good or bad is not racism, claiming that someone is inferior or superior because of their genetics is racism
Wouldn’t travelling across the world through different environments and climates, different diets etc., encourage more genetic mutation and therefore diversity? At least over time. Just a thought
Genetic mutation is not really something you can push for. There is a small chance with each kid for a mutation. And if the mutation is beneficial, like better sun resistance, the kid will be stronger and more reproductive. But if that kid is born in the colder regions it will be less beneficial. So it is all just luck and chance, and will take tens of thousands of years to have a real influence on the gene pool
The best way to increase their chances would be to do away with the idea of monogamy. For instance, ideally each of their ten sons would have at least one child with each of their eighteen daughters, with each successive generation similarly mixing and matching to minimize the compounding effects of inbreeding as much as possible.
That's actually shinking the genepool even more then having one sibling with one. Who's to say they didn't do polyamory? After all there were 18 daughters and 10 sons.
Maternal and infant mortality would be a huge hurdle. Things that would be considered minor complications with pregnancy or labor could become life threatening and lower the gene pool further.
The remaining hospitals would not be staffed with professionals, but the video stresses that these two people like to read so they would at least know about germ theory, hygiene, and nutrition, which means that infant mortality would not be as bad as in the past. There would also be lots of books on engineering and medicine so technological society could be restored relatively quickly along with taboos against artificial intelligence (thou shalt not make a machine in the image of a human mind).
I had no idea you could make an entire "scientific" video based off of fiction and what-ifs. Truly enlightening watching this fantasy play out in the pre-ordained manner of these creators. Thank you for sharing your insights into how you view science, genetics, and mutation. A valuable gift to be passed down for many years, never to stray from its initial beginnings or original genes. Sci-fi is such a broad and dynamic genre, kudos for finding your niche and staking your claim and never moving a meter from its genesis.
the best thing to do at that point is to just live your best life with no stress. marvel as nature takes back the concrete jungles, live in the penthouse of the tallest building and watch the sun set on a new chapter of earth's life.
What if we assume that our two survivors had best the possible genetic makeup. No deadly or disabling genes and resistance to all deadly diseases. How long could humanity hang on with only these two?
Basically what I got from this is that if someone ended up in this situation, then you basically have as many kids as possible like you're constantly trying to play the lottery
@@manidhingra5192 first of all how do you imagine electricity keeps going if there is no technicians and engeneers? Second, people dont need electricity to survive
If it's enough solace, they would do much worse by themselves, at least when it comes to having healthy children. But yeah, it sounds like a dystopian reality for the most part.
You have completely left out how big a role epigenetics plays in this. The way that we treat each other turns on and off the genes that we have and literally gives us diseases or takes them away.
😅😅 That's what he would have said....if he could actually speak. No Charles could speak, but reportedly had a speech impediment due to his tongue reportedly hanging out and him drooling. Grossly misaligned jaw it seems. And he was slow. Not sure if it was Charles' parents or further up the tree, where an uncle married his niece.
What needs to be mentioned, is that the two characters in this hypothetical scenario most likely have some bad genes that their ancestors have passed down over time. Whereas Adam and Eve would not have had any genetic deficiencies to pass down. This means incestuous relations in the beginning of time should amount to ZERO bad genes. All their offspring, would ideally have no issues.
What needs to be mentioned is no matter how "perfect" the parent's DNA would be, there is always the possibility of mutations, deletions etc in the DNA Chain, so NO, there wouldn't be ZERO bad genes.
Yes, but at some point (probably pretty quickly) you would encounter the "inbreeding" problem. This obviously assumes that the two people can pro-create in the first place. So I guess the short and quick answer is "yes" but you would potentially have a population of people with at least some sort of growth defects since they would all be from the same parents basically.
No, actually if the breed a lot ( let's say each of the 10 male kids has 2 kids with each of the 18 females leading to around 360 kids) no imagine even as high as 95% of them die before they are old enough to breed around 18 kids still survived(considering they survived they have a lower chance to have a recessive genes as the ones that did most likely died, you know natural selection doing it's thing) let's say they weren't super unlucky to all be of the same gender so they can still breed ( I am gonna assume 12 males 6 females in case they are a little unlucky) if they all once again breed a lot ( each males has 2 kids with each female so around 144 kids) now let's say this time a lower portion of them die because as I already mentioned their parents were less likely to have bad genes ( let's say only 50% die, lol I just realised most of them would have to see hundreds of deaths) so around 72 survive long enough to breed. Let's say they aren't super super unlucky and all 72 are not the same gender( the chances of that happening are too low) I am assuming around 30 females 42 males ( so once again lot of breeding and you end up with around 2520 children out of which around 1260 make it to breeding age) At this point, they should breed (over 420,000 kids)and then spread out into 4 to 5 groups so that when they all adapt to different surroundings the groups slowly become more distant allowing for genetic diversity So, yeah they can do it as long as they breed alot and aren't super unlucky.
@@vatsalsrivastav5195 your argument falls apart at the first hurdle “lets say each of the 10 kids has 2 kids with each of the 18 females” you just said there was 10 kids in total and then you added 18 girls
@@UCt7z4WN-yMyGqDvczlTFXiQ "10 male kids" is what I meant to say, that was typing error. The reason I specifically took 10 male kids and 18 female kids is because that is the situation in the video
From 2 people, 7B people? That interbreeding problem would occur so early in our history, then. The defects can greatly reduce our population. That's why the Adam and Eve story isn't true.
This was actually WAY MORE interesting than I even expected! It’s a really crazy extreme view into the nature of biological evolution and how “Nature always finds a way!” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"Nature always finds a way!" is some fairytale saying from a movie or book it has absolutely nothing to do with reality! Unfortunately it has become a meme along with loads of other nonsense.
Life, or nature, does always find a way apparently, yes. Most species dont, though : they go extinct and are ultimately "replaced" by others. In such scenario, that's what would happen to humans too.
An important difference between this scenario and the Hapsburgs is that in a survival situation the individuals that lack fitness don't survive long term. The Hapsburgs (and all inbreeding rich and powerful) were able to survive despite their genetic problems and so those problems were able to concentrate.
Also! You gotta remember, there’d be explosions at nuclear power plants, buildings would end up collapsing, certain factories would explode, beer fermentation barrels would explode with no one controlling anything
Sad thing is most likely there were way more survivors in this story but no one has a way to communicate over mass distances. It's like how in the walking dead you can only communicate and establish relationships with those you meet along the way.
I've always thought I would do what the guy in Last Man on Earth did and go on a road trip to paint "ALIVE IN [INSERT HOMETOWN HERE]" on as many billboards as you can find. Kinda keeps you stuck to your landmass but it's better than nothing
Also, the internet can last for up to a year after humans disappear, so post a video or message of you being alive on as many different social media sites as you can, and watch/look at those on a few different devices to make them the only thing popping up to trending (since, you know, it's the only thing at all being posted on those websites)
I believe if it was a disease, the government would make it their mission the last dying days to tell everyone where to head. I ideally it would be three locations, one for America, one for Asia/Europe/Africa, one for Australia. All could get to by just walking. They would make sure these locations have everything to reboot humanity.
As soon as they mentioned that Carl killed Asher, I realized this was based off the Adam and Eve story. All the characters have the same story and names that start with the same letter.
I mean this was kinda obvious right from the start and they mentioned Adam and that girl themselfes as a sidenote as well, but yeah- this moment sealed the fact they wanted to explore the topic and slightly suggest the insanity of some antient text, *cough, cough.*
@@km077Yet a billion years no body can verify, and proven falsehood in the 'verification' of the pretend ancestor (Lucy) between Man and Ape/monkey (which still exist btw because evolution apparently favours them as well for some reason even though we are clearly quite different despite a few similarities) and a fairy tale bang that happened from *NOTHING* because nothing made it and nothing is somehow a substance, the universe's laws being consistent (even the changes being consistent) and going against the claim to these long years, our morality and understanding of soul and spirit that we see across every culture along with supernatural phenomenon showing clear indication of one superior to us even, if we get it wrong, that made us, telling us that we have a Creator with a consistency in His craft versus the 'nothing began all and everything' jargon we see today makes sense. *Cough cough. There are so many things like fossil layering and perfectly preserved bone structures than we can explain and verify Today, my friend. I think we might both need lozenges.
"Thankfully, they lived in Los Angeles, California" Don't need to watch the rest of the video to figure out the human race is doomed in Aiden and Ellie's hands.
One thing left out when talking about the garden of Eden is that Adam and Eve and their offspring lived very long lives. It wasn't until the great flood that mankinds life was drastically cut short. So if people lived near a millenium then it would be more probable then with people who, if lucky, could only live a century.
This was actually something I was thinking about making a post-apocalypse, and I decided rather than deal with a huge mess, just make it so rather than 2 people surving, it's more like 20, I still haven't decided exactly
2 questions, 1. Would the outcome be better or worse if the breeding was cross generational? 2. How many generations on could we tell that there was a bottleneck like this?
Someone here already explained that in order to maximize your chances you want to be extremely polygamous. In particular, each male should have one child with each female. So: 1. Yes 2. It will be extremely obvious for thousands of years.
@@earlysda That's not the conclusion they came to. Midocondrial eve is believed to have lived 100,000 to 200,000 thousand years ago. And Y chromosone Adam lived between 200,000 and 300,000 thouysand years ago. It also showed that these were definitly not the first humans, nor where they prought into life imediatly from dust as the bible claims.
@@somerandom3247some, you aren't aware of the latest research. That's OK. . DNA research didn't disprove the Holy Bible, no matter how much you wish it to be so. . The facts of the matter are, Jesus Christ spoke the sun, moon, and stars, and this world and everything in it into existence in 6 days, and rested the 7th. The only thing he didn't speak into existence was humans, as he formed them from the dust of the earth. That's why when we die, we go back to dust of the earth. . But the day will come when that same Jesus will come surrounded by millions of angels to judge the world, and all the dead will be raised to receive judgment for how they've lived these lives he has so lovingly created for us. How will it be with your soul on that grand and awesome day, some?
So are we gonna talk about the irony of the names in this? Aiden (Adam) Ellie (Eve) Carl (Cane) Asher (Able) and Sebastian (Seth) On top of this, they line up in timeline too, Carl (Cane) is born first, then comes Asher (Able), then Carl (Cane) kills Asher (Able) and Sebastian (Seth) is born
I hypothesize that two people could repopulate the earth assuming each generation had many, many children through polygamy rather than monogamy. After only six generations there would be millions of people on Earth. The issue would be, after that many generations, all people might look very different from their 200 year old ancestors, wondering why they great-great-great-(x6)-grandparents look so weird.
@@haziblathif491 it’s not genetics. It’s simple math. If 2 people have 10 kids. Then each of them have 10 kids then you’re at 100 kids. If each one of them had 10 kids then you’re at 1000. If each one of them have 10 kids then you’re at 10,000. If each one of them have 10 then you’re at 100,000. If each of them have 10 then you’re at 1 million. If each of them have 10 kids. That’s 10 million people after 6 generations
@@toptiertech7291 Yea, see, that's interbreeding. Over generations, it would cause accumulation of bad mutations and reduce population growth. Meaning, you won't be able to reach even 100K citizens.
Wow! How interesting! I had wondered what would happen if there was only one couple left. And how repopulating the world would work. Thank you for sharing this.
you would have to manage the breeding, so each women has a child with every man, and not just several children with 1 man. that way any diversity you do have is spread out, then when genetic defects turn up, you ah, make sure that child will never breed.
If it's just humans who were dead and all building still standing then it would be possible to find sperms and eggs in hospitals and donors Bank thus spreading the genetics Edit; they could look into genetic mutation and of course collect sperms and eggs. They would have to do a lot of experiments with inbreeding.
@Jason Boyd If the power is out there is a small chance some samples in colder regions may still be good or maybe the generators kept them good for a time.
Besides inbreeding, another problem with small, homogenous populations is lack of resistance to new diseases. This happened frequently when isolated indigenous groups were exposed to European viruses.
Yeah, but in this scenario all the diseases died out too with no hosts to keep them alive. Only the diseases these two had, which obviously haven’t bothered them too much, have survived
Actually the effects of inbreeding wouldn’t really be too bad unless it was continuous inbreeding. A Single generation are so shouldn’t hurt Unless the parents have a known genetic issuers or are closely related I read an article that said third cousin. Marriages actually produce children healthier than the general population If you interested I can post the article
Yes , yes it would be very very bad . There would be zero delineation from the source dna , over a few generations it would just get worse and worse . Have a look at the older royal family’s for examples. Most geneticist say around 5000 people is needed to keep the species alive
One of the main problems with the “Adam and Eve” explanation. It took a lot of magic to make it happen, especially with their 3 sons and no known daughter.
they had daughters but women aren't significant to mention in biblical genealogies since ancient Levantine societies are patriarchal. and plus they were other people outside the garden hence Cain's wife and the people that Lamech (a hunter) conquers and kills. Adam and Eve were the only two people made in the garden, everything else outside must have already exist according to the writers in 1500 BCE.
@@someonenotimportant4680 wrong Adam and Eve had thier children outside the garden, Cains wife was not one of thier children, hence ppl were created outside the garden hence the many other races of people in the Americas and Asian
To be honest, if I was the last man on Earth, I'd just live my life and not concern myself with the continuance of the human race. Seems better to end it than go through all the trials and tribulations.
Seriously. Even if there was a woman to go with me, there's a high chance I'd just leave her behind, depending on who she happens to be. Its a litmus test I use for dating new women (would I leave this girl behind if we were the last 2 people on earth). If the answer is anything other than "no" then don't waste my time 😂
What he forgot to mention is that Adam and Eve’s genes were perfect and those defects in recessive genes were “added” with time, through many generations. Kinda like what happens when kids play a game of telephone.
Eye color is actually a polygenetic trait. So, the whole brown/blue eyed thing isn't quite the way it is. It's more complex. Otherwise, a pretty interesting video.
The fact that they're able to deliver babies without hospital resources is the most impressive part of this example 👀. By hospital resources, I'm also including the expertise from said hospitals. Edit: Getting annoyed with people saying "Well we did that for 1000s of years and people still do that around the world" My genuine question to you would then be "Can you deliver a baby right now without any of the hospital resources provided by modern medicine?" I'd argue that most people either won't be able to comfortably say yes or will say no (myself included). Lets take in this example that the two people left on earth are of prime procreation age (18-30). What are the chances that one or both of them could say yes? Even those who probably live and breathe this stuff would struggle. If there are only 2 people left to procreate the Earth, our global infrastructure would cease to function. You would have no electricity, water or gas. That's assuming you managed to survive long enough to get pregnant and go into labor. If you do somehow get to that point, what will you do if the baby isn't coming out headfirst? What if the baby isn't breathing? What if the mother has a complication and requires medical assistance? There are too many factors in child birth to reliably say that any random 2 people on this earth would be able to deliver THAT many children in the video.
First the poor Ellie would have to survive childbirth / labor, hoping the guy who survived has good skills as a doctor and will not make her pregnant every year or she will die before she can make enough babies to worry about inbreeding.
If their children, instead of paring off, mated in a matrix, with each male reproducing with every female (and vise versa), after a few generations there would be huge matrix of combinations. There would, of course, be a lot of genetic problems, but there would also be a large number of viable offspring. If the problematic people didn't reproduce, there would eventually be large, genetically diverse and stable population.
exactly what i was thinking all the siblings from the first pair cant just pair of but combine every witch way then from there kids pair up the best of ones and separate the ones showing bad traits
@@pikfan-b9r Eugenics, basically selective breeding, but instead of with Animals or Plants, it is people. The most important thing is when genetic issues that affect human life are detected is that the individual dies without more offspring.
But they would still be closely related, so the chances of genetic diseases from such inbreeding is *very* high.
@@vic5015 yea, but it does try and help any recessive genes from bunching up, at least in the first few generations. You don't want entire lines die off so early.
Yes and they could eliminate the defective ones. They could brainwash their children to think their was nothing wrong with it as long as it is done within x months/years of their birth (x depends on your choice).
I've always wanted to know the answer to this question for at least 10 years. Excited to hear your response!
Sameee!!! Me tooo
Yo same as well. Always wonder about the inbreeding one
Edit: ay i got more than 1 like
I was wondering the same thing too.
@@TrinhNguyen-sh4fj hey correct me if I'm wrong, but by any chance is your name "Linh"(username sounds familiar haha)
“carl accidentally killed Asher while fighting over toys”
cain and abel flashbacks
yeah the story he used was just the one from the bible but the names are different, which tbh is kinda funny lol
What happened between Caine and Abel was no accident
@@mixtapemania6769 that's not the point
That whole part was a Cain, Abel, and Seth reference
I'm pretty sure it's no coincidence that the names begin with the same letters!
Elie, Aden, Carl, Asher, Sebastian all start with the same letters as Eve, Adam, Cain, Abel and Seth
Nice detail
Ohhh and that's why Carl (Cain) killed Asher (Abel), makes sense
Ya it’s called the Bible and 2 people actually populated the planet in a few thousand years 😂
@@PeePeePooPoo69-c5pthey just won’t admit the bible
@@EDLM11 , it's just science fiction. We are a product of evolution
Sooo carl is inmortal?
As a practical matter, the answer is no. You need a minimum number of people to maintain enough genetic diversity to avoid long-term problems (something called "the founder effect" or a "genetic bottleneck" in Biology). I've read that that minimum number has been estimated at around 50,000 individuals. One of the reasons scientists are so worried about the cheetah population is that, not only are their numbers low, the species shows indications of exactly this sort of a troubling lack of genetic diversity.
In this video he said you only need 98 people to repopulate the earth
What about spermbanks?
@@foxtubelp6359 probably would already have gone bad by time they got there, without people electric wouldn't last to long
@SnoopyDoo Ashkenazi Jews have similar problems even many generations later.
No you don’t. Amish people don’t practice good reproductive habits though
Paradoxically, the answer to indreeding is redundant breeding. That was the case with small prehistoric isolated tribes. They knew no contraception, had many babies, and many of them died from inbreeding burth defects. But the ones who randomly had good genetic combination, survived.
Basically you out breed the inbreeding problems
Yes but the tribes still had more than 2. If I'm correct they'd have like 20-50 which allowed quiet a bit of diversity before they completely isolated...
Which honestly I might be wrong about, not too sure on it.
@@cameoshadowness7757 it still works in theory. Just the numbers are lower
@@trainman5675 oh ye...
Yes, basically natural selection for genes. You breed out the defective genes. Sounds pretty inhumane, but it's an apocalypse after all.
I remember hearing about a town in Italy, Stoccareddo, where almost everyone has the same last name, Bau, and most likely everyone is related. Almost everyone has red hair. They also eat extremely high fat foods and high sugar foods but have a very low occurrence of heart disease and diabetes. A majority of the population lives well into their 90s and 100s.
Good RNG I guess lol
If almost everyone has the same last name, it kind of defeats the purpose of having last names at all. You'd have to come up with a lot of different first names to differentiate everyone.
@@greywolf7577 South Korea has entered the chat
@@greywolf7577 The Kims in Korea
Watch blazing saddles. The whole town had the same name
“Accidentally killed him over playing with toys” bro really thought we wouldn’t notice the Cain and Able reference
As far as small gene pools are concerned, cheetahs are thought to be one of the smallest. DNA studies show that they may have about 70,000 years ago cheetahs been reduced to maybe as few as 4 animals. They are so genetically identical that all cheetahs are virtually brothers and sisters.
likely due to the Toba super-eruption. That caused a serious genetic bottleneck all over.
Easy for a 6,000-10,000 y/o earth
I never knew that about cheetah’s.
Never knew that, that's pretty interesting. I find that almost more interesting than the human stuff, though we had a pretty huge bottlekneck at one point as well, though not NEARLY to the same scale. That's interesting as heck, thanks for sharing.
So basically it'll depend on how genetically gifted the two last people on earth are? If both have an incredibly tiny portion of negative genetic mutations, there would be a higher probability of things working out. If both were genetically perfect (is this even possible?), Then I can imagine things working out with quite a high probability.
I think so. But then again, evolution is driven on variety. If they have quite similar genes, then a disease could probably wipe them out in a snap. A group might survive, and they might be immune to that disease. But they might also be more succeptible to other diseases.
Basically, it will require a looot of chance
Huh, Genetically Perfect?
You know, that could make the Adam and Eve tale viable.
2 people living many millenia apart, maybe.
@@dilkush_21 never gonna give you up
It would help with the first 2 generations, but after that not too much
Deadass props to the writing team. You guys always got some crazy creative stories I wouldn’t think of in a million years.
Hmm, THAT was the first thing, thinking starting been teach christian old testament ... AND been told not to make child with sister/brother ... I was just 14 or less.
why do u people always have to use foul language !!!!!!!!!!!
You have no imagination then
That scenario was discussed many times before. So its not a new idea.
I'm reminded of the "Dark Eden" trilogy by Chris Beckett. The setting is a world populated by the descendants of two stranded astronauts - the technology level is essentially stone age, but a few artefacts of the original astronauts are still kept as holy relics, various genetic defects are rife ("batface"/cleft palate and "clawfoot"/club foot in particular), and an interesting culture has arisen.
Now that you mention it, that sounds very similar to what happened with Ishigami Village in Dr. Stone
@@justyourfriendlyneighborho903 Ishigami village had more than two people
similar concept but with a wider genepool is The Worthing Saga by OSC, the idea of settling astronauts starting a colony by themselves and falling into lore.
In one of his non-fiction articles, Isaac Asimov wrote that a colony ship should have at least 1,000 people to ensure enough genetic diversity. It's possible that with genetic screening, that number could be reduced safely, but that's not helpful to the protagonists of this video who are attempting to repopulate the earth, or at least their neighborhood. (What might be helpful is the fact that our written works seem to remain available to them, and the kids could research how to get medical science back on track. With an emphasis on genetic research, they might be able to assist in the odds of their own children surviving and repopulating the planet. They'll still have some kids who think it's funny to throw aerosol cans into the campfire.
@justyourfriendlyneighborho903 it does, but also Dr Stone is aimed at primary school children. It's only aiming for realism occasionally.
I've always wanted to know the answer to this question
@Kazumaf Why does everyone assume all verified people are bots now? you clearly haven’t look at his videos.
@Kazumaf Well does it have a “Who Is TimeBucks Video”?
@Kazumaf you need 100,000 subscribers to get a verified account badge. Even then, what does this video have to do with any of that?
7th reply and 222nd like :)
nice app
This dilemma forgets to include issues regarding the risks of childbirth. Without functioning hospitals, and no nurses or midwives to assist them (presumably just the husband, a baby delivery guide, and whatever pain relievers they could scrounge up), the woman could have a much higher risk of maternal and/or infant mortality. Obviously it's doable, our ancestors were able to have kids without modern healthcare. But each time she tries to give birth, she's potentially gambling her life or the infant's life. For comparison, in England and Wales in 1895, the maternal death rate was roughly 650,000; globally in 2017, it was a little under 294,000. In ancient Rome circa 200 BCE, the infant mortality rate was 30%; globally in 2017 it was 2.9%.
Not to mention issues related to postpartum depression. If the female were to keep popping out babies back to back, it would take a serious toll on her mental health. There's plenty of case examples of women who went crazy and even killed people because of the severity.
this is the case for any pregnancy/birth. not being completely dependent on big pharma is not a bad thing
i was thinking the same thing
@@LonelyStranger93 With a much longer life span it’s doable.
@@bwuddybunni5033 we're healthier and have longer life expectancy thanks in part to modern medicine
Finally the question we’ve all asked but never really thought much of. I love this channel ❤️
At least we should do the necessary training. ;-)
kids never live past the age of 18
they become adults
Hint Genesis
Do not assume everyone’s asked this
And they love you back 😘
I love how that brief aside about one of the children murdering each other just plays out in 5 seconds and is quickly glossed over.
I can tell you of a bird that was reduced to just one female. The Chatams Islands Robin. In the late 1970's it became critical. By the time it was attempted to try to save the bird there were two females but then one died without offspring leaving just "Old Blue" and a handful (single figures) of males. But the old girl with help did it and produced offspring. Today there are maybe 300 birds all directly descended from "Old Blue".
Thanks for the real-life example.
But their were number of males tho, means diverse gene pool .....
@@darknessindawn Well, except that given their short lives, the offspring by 2 generations out, were all sharing a large amount of similar DNA as she was the only mother. Same effect as this, just on a slightly larger scale. 1 female and 4 males in this example.
Thanks for the info! thats pretty cool. Scary they almost got wiped out
Isn't this the plot of Rio?
i love that the writers came up with an interesting story rather than just listing facts they found off wikipedia. big props to everyone that worked on this video :)
It was very inspired by the Bible, they changed the names about.
It’s a real story, god created Adam and Eve!
@@DKMetcaIf Sir, did you watch the video?
@@DKMetcaIf bro living in fairy tale
@@Quwucuqin wow you’re so cool! (That’s sarcasm by the way)
Summary: yes but earth is now Alabama
@@musha2752 😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😂
Broooo wtf
I think you mean Israel.
Ahh heaven ❤️🔥
Didnt even realise 13 minutes had passed. Great cider man👍
Finally! The question we all must know
How are you planning to take over the world without plan B?
@@Kokichus exactly (and NO, I'm not agreeing with you)
I will form plan C where we will form a puppy army to maintain total control of the planet !
@@Kokichus I see what you did there.
Snu snu milk is the best kind of milk
If I were in that boat, I'd be scouring the empty earth for some stored seed. There could be a single Eve, but many Adams that way. Frozen ova are also a thing, which would greatly improve the odds, if they could be found. That said, teaching myself how to perform the necessary procedures would be a challenge.
Skynet turned off all the freezers.
Now what?
@@MrRezRising Why did they connect "skynet" to the freezers?
@Fred brandon Or, bc they are connected to the power grid, Skynet would simply enter into the the system through the power source, take over the cpu, and immediately order a shutdown. Easy peazy.
This is murderous AI 101, guy, c'mon... 🙂🙂🌲🌲
the electricity is gone tho
@@NocturnalCoder The liquid nitrogen will take at least a little while to boil off. During that time, you might be able to get some backup power running, assuming the facility doesn't already have backup power.
this video is so accurate that actually scared me.
How do you know it’s accurate? That verification badge melted your brain
oml n0ted are u saying this video is more accurate than your aim 👀🤯
@@realsonofcar noted
im sure you accidentally flick your mouse into this video
No it isn’t. They left out one key variable. The last woman on earth wouldn’t touch the last man on earth unless he was a Chad. Otherwise they would roam the empty planet as besties. Not even joking.
In the case of Adam and Eve, it is assumed that they were created "perfect" and didn't have any negative genetics. It took several millennia in a fallen world for genetic mutations to manifest in humans to the point where they are today.
Yea the bible is b.s
@@shawno66 yess
After the first sin of disobedience the DNA of their got ability to harmful mutate
My advice for these two is start traveling as quickly as possible and find those survivors, don't assume they're the only ones left! If that fails, have those kids start learning genetic manipulation right freaking now. You've got to start saving genetic samples from the dead and maybe in a few generations you'll have figured out how to artificially inseminate using unrelated DNA.
It’s a set scenario that they are the last people.
@@yellomonky4272 They wouldn't know that though.
They are average 18-20 year old kids. How tf would they know about artificial insemination
@@ghostunamused3344 plenty of libraries still around and medical journals.
Were you afraid to mention the possibility of the parents having children with their children? Would that have possible good implications or only harmful to the genepool?
Probably because its a highly disturbing subject. And yes there would be massive genetic defects.
you hadd to ask this huh?
I mean, since a child has part of their parents genes, it might not help much
Anything closer than three generation or 80 years apart is probably not a good idea for healthy offspring at all.
11:06 "...she being the academic one and he being good with his hands." 💀
They have been lucky from the start as being the only two people on the fast expanse of Earth and still, both living close enough together to meet up.
The greatest challenge for two people in this hypothetical scenario would be the fact that there are no experts they could contact on any given topic from agriculture, mechanics, electronics and most of all medicine. Any kind of emergency (child birth complications, natural disasters, heart attack, nuclear meltdown) would be catastrophic.
Just find a library and hope the answers are there
@• ♡ Pxearl Leaf ♡ • siblings yes
@Spider Mom, Your Mom? parents, mmmm not so much
@@Akhimed Mom and Dad need a daughter and son, dad reproduces with daughter, mother reproduces with son. Now you have 4 kids, 2 of which are 75% Dad and 25% Mom, and 2 of which are 25% Dad and 75% Mom. Then you can continue to split further and further off from the tree.
@@VaporeonEnjoyer1 my- but- ok nvm
I see what you did there. 5:30.
Aiden = Adam. Ellie = Eve.
Carl = Cain. Asher = Abel. Sebastian = Seth.
I got C & A, I missed Adam & Eve 🤪
And Cain killed Abel)
There was a load of references)
Wow, I didn't catch that!
Yes, it was very obtuse
Yes, very nicely disguised.....to not scare off the non-believers!
This was a very informative "what if" scenario. I do wonder why you didn't take into account how hard pregnancy and birth can be on the body. Without doctors/nurses/midwives, what are the odds Ellie would've been able to survive having so many children?
Adam and Eve were created perfect.
But these are survivors of an apocalypse, not creations of a crazy old guy in the stratosphere@@earlysda
@@mistrsportak9940tak, Jesus created you with the ability to rebel against him. But in the Great Day of Judgment, it will go much better for you if you have repented, believed in, and followed what he said to do in his Holy Bible.
there are plenty of women alive today that have given birth to more than fifteen children. bad diet and over zealous medical intervention can drastically reduce your ability to bare children.
@@82acresfarm I agree that plenty of women can give birth to multiple children just fine, but I just didn't understand why he didn't even mention the hardship on the body, or the odds that either Ellie or the child might not survive the ordeal. Those factors would also be important to repopulating the planet.
"Evolution actually wants us to be attracted to people who are genetically different from us"
To an extent, that's true. But studies have shown babies prefer their own kind, and couples tend to look alike, as well.
You need to turn this into a story-based series! I'd watch a whole season of episodes detailing the generations of Ellie & Aiden's successors and how the plan goes.
I hope it includes fungus feet and cow burning!
there was one, but it was written some two thousand years ago.
@@raffimolero64 oral for three thousand years written down for almost 3 thousand years. The jews only started writing down their oral history more completely in Babylon while captured.
@@raffimolero64 adam and eve
Hey I've seen this one it's a classic
Plot Twist: Aiden was the one that created the AI because he wanted to be with Ellie and the best way to do it was to eliminate his competition.
That sounds like a great plot twist for a movie😂
Idk where I heard this, but someone told me in order for 2 people to be able to repopulate, one of the sons would have to have a kid with the mom and the father would have to have one with one of the daughters. So that way instead of everyone being 50% mom 50% dad, you would have 2 different families. One that is 75% dad 25% mom and one that is 75% mom 25% dad, this apparently would allow for more mutation in the blood line very early in the repopulation process...
Would you do it?
Oh Heck no
But that would be more cursed
It happened in the past already
@@Mahlak_Mriuani_Anatman hold up
Wow that was brilliant!! what a lot of research and graphics you have done - thank you.
I think the most incredible aspect of this story is that Ellie survived giving birth to 28 children.
Humans they were living longer than 200 years or even more based on historical discovery, so 28 children is nothing
if married at age on 25, and you live 300 years old thats mean 1 kid every 11 years
@@magicsoft4u source for the first claim? also death during childbirth is very common especially without the luxuries of modern medicine
@@magicsoft4u what? Dude, modern humans with superior hygiene standards and access to modern medicine are only just starting to live past 100. People Erin Roman times could live into their 70s, but even then, they were beginning to risk natural death from ageing. Why do you believe anyone could live into 300? Not only that, but the older a woman gets, the more risky pregnancy tends to be, for her and the baby - so even by your calculations of her living to 300, she’s not going to be having 28 viable offspring in that time.
@@magicsoft4ubut don't say Adam and even existed . All religions got it wrong because theyre man made and people got it wrong, this is as simple as that😂
Of course they can if we are talking about repopulating abominations of SCP instead of humans.
Ah yes, SK-Class dominance shift by SCP-3288
Adam and Eve technically aren't really humans... Adam lived 900 years, I don't know how long Eve lived, but they probably aren't really humans if they are living that long.
@@1mol831 my theory is that they evolved into humans . They prolly looked like apes or something .
@@hunter424 adam and eve never existed because that's not how life works in the slightest
SCP-871 (self-Replacing Cake) would give them an infinite source of food .
I think you guys missed an important thing. Spermbanks. If they find one before they could spoil without refrigeration. And somehow get power running with some gasoline generators. Could they refrigerate enough for generations to come?
it wouldn't last long enough considering it is just 1 woman and i'd say the last guy would want to have his own offspring coming first before they use the spermbank samples and even then they'd have to way almost a full year to for each time she gets pregnant. After a few years most of the sample will be too old to be usable and even if you can use just enough to have 3-5 babies from 3-5 different donors, all the kids will still be half-siblings(def better than full but still).
Best choice would be to select samples from different races and donors with different hair colors to diversity the overall gene pool.
They would still be half siblings
@@icynok and you would have to have born girls so the they can repopulate
@@sarvathavicharsheel7487 True but half-siblings are still way better than full.
Ellie should just become a genetic scientist and check for the DNA of their offspring and those with "problematic" gene poles are paired together with those with more favorable gene poles. With this method she could breed out most of the problematic genes while endorsing the favorite ones.
sounds racist
@@cl8804 Which is a good thing.
Yes. Inbreeding works, even producing superior off spring, as long as culling is done ruthlessly.
@@cl8804 claiming whether a genetic trait is good or bad is not racism, claiming that someone is inferior or superior because of their genetics is racism
Cant do that in the apocolypse
Wouldn’t travelling across the world through different environments and climates, different diets etc., encourage more genetic mutation and therefore diversity? At least over time. Just a thought
Yeah my thought too
Yeah but that would take generations
Which they don't have time for in the first place
Ya even if they did have the time it would only change a tiny amount of there dna
Genetic mutation is not really something you can push for. There is a small chance with each kid for a mutation. And if the mutation is beneficial, like better sun resistance, the kid will be stronger and more reproductive. But if that kid is born in the colder regions it will be less beneficial. So it is all just luck and chance, and will take tens of thousands of years to have a real influence on the gene pool
@@thommyneter168 you can push for it looking at dominant or recessive genes
The best way to increase their chances would be to do away with the idea of monogamy. For instance, ideally each of their ten sons would have at least one child with each of their eighteen daughters, with each successive generation similarly mixing and matching to minimize the compounding effects of inbreeding as much as possible.
That's actually shinking the genepool even more then having one sibling with one. Who's to say they didn't do polyamory? After all there were 18 daughters and 10 sons.
gender birth rate for humans as a whole is pretty much 50/50, so 1/8 m/f ratio looks like trouble
Maternal and infant mortality would be a huge hurdle. Things that would be considered minor complications with pregnancy or labor could become life threatening and lower the gene pool further.
The remaining hospitals would not be staffed with professionals, but the video stresses that these two people like to read so they would at least know about germ theory, hygiene, and nutrition, which means that infant mortality would not be as bad as in the past. There would also be lots of books on engineering and medicine so technological society could be restored relatively quickly along with taboos against artificial intelligence (thou shalt not make a machine in the image of a human mind).
I had no idea you could make an entire "scientific" video based off of fiction and what-ifs. Truly enlightening watching this fantasy play out in the pre-ordained manner of these creators. Thank you for sharing your insights into how you view science, genetics, and mutation. A valuable gift to be passed down for many years, never to stray from its initial beginnings or original genes. Sci-fi is such a broad and dynamic genre, kudos for finding your niche and staking your claim and never moving a meter from its genesis.
I'm surprised Ellie made it to 93 with all that stress. Plus being the only mother. Plus giving birth that many times.
it is a clever reference to the bible, at least in case of 'Aiden'. 'Ellie's' age is simply somewhere close to that.
It's normal here in Wakanda.
the best thing to do at that point is to just live your best life with no stress. marvel as nature takes back the concrete jungles, live in the penthouse of the tallest building and watch the sun set on a new chapter of earth's life.
I disagree with you idea of being a furry
@@theinternetcritic2229 wut
Hush furry
@@tamarajackson8813 a true legend amongst men
Agreed :-)
What if we assume that our two survivors had best the possible genetic makeup. No deadly or disabling genes and resistance to all deadly diseases. How long could humanity hang on with only these two?
As long as the asteroid doesn't decided to smash earth
A little over 6,000 years so far... or if you're thinking post-diluvian... 4,000 years so far.
@@TheNewGreenIsBlue yeah, oc 😂
@@TheNewGreenIsBlue There were eight post-diluvian.
not so long still
Basically what I got from this is that if someone ended up in this situation, then you basically have as many kids as possible like you're constantly trying to play the lottery
"You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, that you didn't stop to think if you should."
what if he is gay
Just close your eyes and think its a dude
Good point
point to be noted
He's gonna have to fake it so he makes it
I love how quickly this turned into a biology lesson
Proving again that christianity revolves around a made up fairytale that could not work in real life
This couldn't have just been on my recommendation now for no reason☠️
“carl accidentally killed asher when fighting over toys”
let me guess, carl was jealous that asher had better toys
Oh, you noticed that too? :)
Ellie and Adin as well lol
@@Jsquared2 aiden*
"Where is your brother?"
a perfect parallel to Cain & Abel, since Aiden & Ellie are Adam & Eve.
Ellie should've visited the nearest cryobank. Those robots can't have possibly targeted those before vanishing :)
that's what I was thinking
Without power, everything stored in these cryobanks would have been destroyed quickly.
@@redwings19798 was it specified that all power has gone away? how did those two survive at all then?
@@manidhingra5192 are you asking how people could survive without electricity? Wait til you hear about the world prior to about 100 years ago
@@manidhingra5192 first of all how do you imagine electricity keeps going if there is no technicians and engeneers? Second, people dont need electricity to survive
Yeah, wouldn't want to have to know how this would really play out. Imagine matchmaking your kids and grandkids to "butter the muffin" with each other
If it's enough solace, they would do much worse by themselves, at least when it comes to having healthy children.
But yeah, it sounds like a dystopian reality for the most part.
@Descenter Grade Armor nah, one of the sons killed the other. End of story
@Descenter Grade Armor their eldest son literally murdered his younger brother
@Descenter Grade Armor
The general theory is we'd look horribly defective compared to them. We just don't realize it.
If you think about it, Eve was basically a female clone of Adam since God used Adam’s DNA to create her.
You have completely left out how big a role epigenetics plays in this. The way that we treat each other turns on and off the genes that we have and literally gives us diseases or takes them away.
Charles the second of spain: "Mummy says it’s a strong chin for a strong boy!"
😅😅 That's what he would have said....if he could actually speak.
No Charles could speak, but reportedly had a speech impediment due to his tongue reportedly hanging out and him drooling. Grossly misaligned jaw it seems. And he was slow. Not sure if it was Charles' parents or further up the tree, where an uncle married his niece.
"Then Carl killed Asher while fighting over toys." I'm sorry, run that by me again real quick.
Cain and Abel
@@watcherwlc53 and some claim they fought over their mother
That subtle biblical shade lol
What needs to be mentioned, is that the two characters in this hypothetical scenario most likely have some bad genes that their ancestors have passed down over time. Whereas Adam and Eve would not have had any genetic deficiencies to pass down. This means incestuous relations in the beginning of time should amount to ZERO bad genes. All their offspring, would ideally have no issues.
What needs to be mentioned is no matter how "perfect" the parent's DNA would be, there is always the possibility of mutations, deletions etc in the DNA Chain, so NO, there wouldn't be ZERO bad genes.
Adam and Eve were not perfect especially since they gave the world's people sin.
Adam and eve were made up.
@@tylerwickwire1522 Plus, Adam and Eve wouldn't have had Bellybuttons, yet everybody does, so there's yet another nail in that story's coffin.
@@tylerwickwire1522 Who said they were perfect? We're discussing their genes, not their morality or decisions.
6:20 i come home after having biology class and this is what im greeted with...
Yes, but at some point (probably pretty quickly) you would encounter the "inbreeding" problem. This obviously assumes that the two people can pro-create in the first place. So I guess the short and quick answer is "yes" but you would potentially have a population of people with at least some sort of growth defects since they would all be from the same parents basically.
No, actually if the breed a lot ( let's say each of the 10 male kids has 2 kids with each of the 18 females leading to around 360 kids) no imagine even as high as 95% of them die before they are old enough to breed around 18 kids still survived(considering they survived they have a lower chance to have a recessive genes as the ones that did most likely died, you know natural selection doing it's thing)
let's say they weren't super unlucky to all be of the same gender so they can still breed ( I am gonna assume 12 males 6 females in case they are a little unlucky) if they all once again breed a lot ( each males has 2 kids with each female so around 144 kids) now let's say this time a lower portion of them die because as I already mentioned their parents were less likely to have bad genes ( let's say only 50% die, lol I just realised most of them would have to see hundreds of deaths) so around 72 survive long enough to breed.
Let's say they aren't super super unlucky and all 72 are not the same gender( the chances of that happening are too low) I am assuming around 30 females 42 males ( so once again lot of breeding and you end up with around 2520 children out of which around 1260 make it to breeding age)
At this point, they should breed (over 420,000 kids)and then spread out into 4 to 5 groups so that when they all adapt to different surroundings the groups slowly become more distant allowing for genetic diversity
So, yeah they can do it as long as they breed alot and aren't super unlucky.
@@vatsalsrivastav5195 your argument falls apart at the first hurdle “lets say each of the 10 kids has 2 kids with each of the 18 females” you just said there was 10 kids in total and then you added 18 girls
@@UCt7z4WN-yMyGqDvczlTFXiQ "10 male kids" is what I meant to say, that was typing error. The reason I specifically took 10 male kids and 18 female kids is because that is the situation in the video
From 2 people, 7B people? That interbreeding problem would occur so early in our history, then. The defects can greatly reduce our population. That's why the Adam and Eve story isn't true.
I enjoyed the subtle nod in the naming conventions of Aiden and Ellie and their accident prone sons Carl, Asher, and Sebastian
“Thankfully, they lived in Los Angeles, California.” - A sentence that has never been uttered before
They were so preoccupied with whether they could they didn't stop to think whether they should
This was actually WAY MORE interesting than I even expected! It’s a really crazy extreme view into the nature of biological evolution and how “Nature always finds a way!” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"Life uhhh finds a way!"
"Nature always finds a way!" is some fairytale saying from a movie or book it has absolutely nothing to do with reality! Unfortunately it has become a meme along with loads of other nonsense.
Life, or nature, does always find a way apparently, yes. Most species dont, though : they go extinct and are ultimately "replaced" by others. In such scenario, that's what would happen to humans too.
It was actually thanks to God that we are here. But whatevs I guess.
did bro just rate the video 5 stars?
An important difference between this scenario and the Hapsburgs is that in a survival situation the individuals that lack fitness don't survive long term. The Hapsburgs (and all inbreeding rich and powerful) were able to survive despite their genetic problems and so those problems were able to concentrate.
Might be an advantage if those who lack fitness don't live long enough to get kids.
@@EmKatona Haben, haben, haben, Habsburg.
@@elmercy4968 “get” kids?
@@ShintogaDeathAngel Get a car, get a life, get a kid.
Carl is Cain. Asher is Able. Sebastion is Seth. I see the Adam and Eve connections you're making.
Duh! 🤣
I mean, I think that was clear from the offset with "Aiden" and "Ellie" to be fair.
*abel not able
@@brock0789 prob autocorrect
Carl killed asher
“That poor kid just put some broken glass in his mouth” caught me WAY off guard 😭😭😭😭
Also! You gotta remember, there’d be explosions at nuclear power plants, buildings would end up collapsing, certain factories would explode, beer fermentation barrels would explode with no one controlling anything
I think it'd be meltdowns more than nuclear explosions, but you're right, those would be a serious problem.
Sad thing is most likely there were way more survivors in this story but no one has a way to communicate over mass distances. It's like how in the walking dead you can only communicate and establish relationships with those you meet along the way.
I've always thought I would do what the guy in Last Man on Earth did and go on a road trip to paint "ALIVE IN [INSERT HOMETOWN HERE]" on as many billboards as you can find. Kinda keeps you stuck to your landmass but it's better than nothing
@@quinnlevy8996 True lol
Also, the internet can last for up to a year after humans disappear, so post a video or message of you being alive on as many different social media sites as you can, and watch/look at those on a few different devices to make them the only thing popping up to trending (since, you know, it's the only thing at all being posted on those websites)
@@quinnlevy8996 How would you have access to the amount of devices you would need in order to trend?
I believe if it was a disease, the government would make it their mission the last dying days to tell everyone where to head. I ideally it would be three locations, one for America, one for Asia/Europe/Africa, one for Australia.
All could get to by just walking. They would make sure these locations have everything to reboot humanity.
8:13 "Heart the size of a peppercorn."
That *HAD* to be an exaggeration.
Ikr I hate how doctors, anthropologists etc from olden times used poetic licence in their scientific descriptions
Imagine having kids with your parents or siblings in order to repopulate only to realise a 10th standard biology class was real
As soon as they mentioned that Carl killed Asher, I realized this was based off the Adam and Eve story. All the characters have the same story and names that start with the same letter.
I mean this was kinda obvious right from the start and they mentioned Adam and that girl themselfes as a sidenote as well, but yeah- this moment sealed the fact they wanted to explore the topic and slightly suggest the insanity of some antient text, *cough, cough.*
@@km077Yet a billion years no body can verify, and proven falsehood in the 'verification' of the pretend ancestor (Lucy) between Man and Ape/monkey (which still exist btw because evolution apparently favours them as well for some reason even though we are clearly quite different despite a few similarities) and a fairy tale bang that happened from *NOTHING* because nothing made it and nothing is somehow a substance, the universe's laws being consistent (even the changes being consistent) and going against the claim to these long years, our morality and understanding of soul and spirit that we see across every culture along with supernatural phenomenon showing clear indication of one superior to us even, if we get it wrong, that made us, telling us that we have a Creator with a consistency in His craft versus the 'nothing began all and everything' jargon we see today makes sense.
*Cough cough.
There are so many things like fossil layering and perfectly preserved bone structures than we can explain and verify Today, my friend.
I think we might both need lozenges.
"Thankfully, they lived in Los Angeles, California"
Don't need to watch the rest of the video to figure out the human race is doomed in Aiden and Ellie's hands.
It could work, for maybe one generation or so. After every generation after that, you had better be ready to start listening to banjo music.
I got that joke
@Nala studios Where the skies are so blue
One thing left out when talking about the garden of Eden is that Adam and Eve and their offspring lived very long lives. It wasn't until the great flood that mankinds life was drastically cut short. So if people lived near a millenium then it would be more probable then with people who, if lucky, could only live a century.
That never happened bro…
This was actually something I was thinking about making a post-apocalypse, and I decided rather than deal with a huge mess, just make it so rather than 2 people surving, it's more like 20, I still haven't decided exactly
2 questions,
1. Would the outcome be better or worse if the breeding was cross generational?
2. How many generations on could we tell that there was a bottleneck like this?
Someone here already explained that in order to maximize your chances you want to be extremely polygamous. In particular, each male should have one child with each female. So:
1. Yes
2. It will be extremely obvious for thousands of years.
@@ImperativeGames Gotta love it when people answer an "or" question with "yes"...
They've already done searches on the DNA, and came to the conclusion that they got back to 2 people, less than 100,000 years ago.
That's not the conclusion they came to.
Midocondrial eve is believed to have lived 100,000 to 200,000 thousand years ago.
And Y chromosone Adam lived between 200,000 and 300,000 thouysand years ago.
It also showed that these were definitly not the first humans, nor where they prought into life imediatly from dust as the bible claims.
@@somerandom3247some, you aren't aware of the latest research. That's OK.
DNA research didn't disprove the Holy Bible, no matter how much you wish it to be so.
The facts of the matter are, Jesus Christ spoke the sun, moon, and stars, and this world and everything in it into existence in 6 days, and rested the 7th. The only thing he didn't speak into existence was humans, as he formed them from the dust of the earth. That's why when we die, we go back to dust of the earth.
But the day will come when that same Jesus will come surrounded by millions of angels to judge the world, and all the dead will be raised to receive judgment for how they've lived these lives he has so lovingly created for us.
How will it be with your soul on that grand and awesome day, some?
So are we gonna talk about the irony of the names in this? Aiden (Adam) Ellie (Eve) Carl (Cane) Asher (Able) and Sebastian (Seth)
On top of this, they line up in timeline too, Carl (Cane) is born first, then comes Asher (Able), then Carl (Cane) kills Asher (Able) and Sebastian (Seth) is born
I don't knowany of them except Adam and Eve
this wouldn't be irony but deliberate referencing.
Imagine yourself in this situation but with your sibling.....Thanks.
your unwelcome.
I hypothesize that two people could repopulate the earth assuming each generation had many, many children through polygamy rather than monogamy. After only six generations there would be millions of people on Earth. The issue would be, after that many generations, all people might look very different from their 200 year old ancestors, wondering why they great-great-great-(x6)-grandparents look so weird.
Not possible. After six generations, there would be millions? Are you even a population geneticist or some random dude with internet?
@@haziblathif491 it’s not genetics. It’s simple math. If 2 people have 10 kids. Then each of them have 10 kids then you’re at 100 kids. If each one of them had 10 kids then you’re at 1000. If each one of them have 10 kids then you’re at 10,000. If each one of them have 10 then you’re at 100,000. If each of them have 10 then you’re at 1 million. If each of them have 10 kids. That’s 10 million people after 6 generations
@@toptiertech7291 Yea, see, that's interbreeding. Over generations, it would cause accumulation of bad mutations and reduce population growth. Meaning, you won't be able to reach even 100K citizens.
@@haziblathif491 they have no Idea of what they talking about, Bible brainwashed them
@@BoredVLADz They're not talking about the biblical story, but the case in which 2 people are left on earth.
Wow! How interesting! I had wondered what would happen if there was only one couple left. And how repopulating the world would work. Thank you for sharing this.
you would have to manage the breeding, so each women has a child with every man, and not just several children with 1 man. that way any diversity you do have is spread out, then when genetic defects turn up, you ah, make sure that child will never breed.
I love those subtle bible references you made through the characters' names
The odds of the last 2 people on earth meeting up is wild
If it's just humans who were dead and all building still standing then it would be possible to find sperms and eggs in hospitals and donors Bank thus spreading the genetics
Edit; they could look into genetic mutation and of course collect sperms and eggs. They would have to do a lot of experiments with inbreeding.
I just post the same thing LOL
@Jason Boyd If the power is out there is a small chance some samples in colder regions may still be good or maybe the generators kept them good for a time.
@@sophiawilson8696 🤔😁
@Jason Boyd well if they went to Las Vegas the power most likely would still be running as the Hoover Dam would be continuously powering the city.
@@Bingoflamingothetrue they say hoover dam would continue to to work for 50 to 100 years
The Sweet Home Alabama meter is very high on this video
Besides inbreeding, another problem with small, homogenous populations is lack of resistance to new diseases. This happened frequently when isolated indigenous groups were exposed to European viruses.
Sentinel island
Yeah, but in this scenario all the diseases died out too with no hosts to keep them alive. Only the diseases these two had, which obviously haven’t bothered them too much, have survived
@@owenpook2262 What about all of the animal transmitted diseases which is most of them?
That has nothing to do with it.
And when Mongols invaded Europe.
Boy: you are my world I wish it would be just us
Universe: your wish is my command
Planet: wipes out 8 billion but leaves 2 people
Actually the effects of inbreeding wouldn’t really be too bad unless it was continuous inbreeding. A Single generation are so shouldn’t hurt Unless the parents have a known genetic issuers or are closely related
I read an article that said third cousin. Marriages actually produce children healthier than the general population
If you interested I can post the article
sweet home alabama
Plz post it
Yes , yes it would be very very bad . There would be zero delineation from the source dna , over a few generations it would just get worse and worse . Have a look at the older royal family’s for examples. Most geneticist say around 5000 people is needed to keep the species alive
@@probablysomeoneimportant5755 OK give me a second I have it saved on my other phone so I have to switch
@@KrittR lol if you have Facebook I definitely recommend checking out the group " it ain't sweet it ain't home but it sure is Alabama"
Now I understand why your animation rocks back and forth so much.
i don't get it, why?
@@Sidharth_V_Jain Have you ever heard the phrase, "If the van is rockin' don't come knockin'"?
One of the main problems with the “Adam and Eve” explanation. It took a lot of magic to make it happen, especially with their 3 sons and no known daughter.
they had daughters but women aren't significant to mention in biblical genealogies since ancient Levantine societies are patriarchal. and plus they were other people outside the garden hence Cain's wife and the people that Lamech (a hunter) conquers and kills. Adam and Eve were the only two people made in the garden, everything else outside must have already exist according to the writers in 1500 BCE.
@@williamreynolds9461 You guys don't understand the Bible that's why
@@williamreynolds9461 she was mentioned for reasons other than geology.. I mean she did eat the 🍎
@@anim8dideas849 there weren't people outside of the garden before the fall. Adam and Eve had their children outside of the Garden.
@@someonenotimportant4680 wrong Adam and Eve had thier children outside the garden, Cains wife was not one of thier children, hence ppl were created outside the garden hence the many other races of people in the Americas and Asian
You know this could be a good concept for a series
To be honest, if I was the last man on Earth, I'd just live my life and not concern myself with the continuance of the human race. Seems better to end it than go through all the trials and tribulations.
Seriously. Even if there was a woman to go with me, there's a high chance I'd just leave her behind, depending on who she happens to be. Its a litmus test I use for dating new women (would I leave this girl behind if we were the last 2 people on earth). If the answer is anything other than "no" then don't waste my time 😂
Same. Why to put the planet in danger again?
well I’m sure humanity was doomed even if you all actually tried to save it instead so good call on you for giving up anyway😂😂😂
Eventually you’d produce an entire generation dedicated to the phrase “Roll Tide Roll”.
See this why i love this channel
They answer All the questions
What he forgot to mention is that Adam and Eve’s genes were perfect and those defects in recessive genes were “added” with time, through many generations. Kinda like what happens when kids play a game of telephone.
Also the gene pool was further narrowed when only Noah and his family survived
Eye color is actually a polygenetic trait. So, the whole brown/blue eyed thing isn't quite the way it is. It's more complex. Otherwise, a pretty interesting video.
Yeah. Both me and baby daddy have brown eyes. Our little girl has blue eyes and our little boy has green
True. My father had brown eyes and my mother had blue eyes and I have blue eyes.
My dad has grey eyes and my mom has brown eyes and all my siblings have different eye colors: blue, green, brown, hazel.
The fact that they're able to deliver babies without hospital resources is the most impressive part of this example 👀. By hospital resources, I'm also including the expertise from said hospitals.
Edit: Getting annoyed with people saying "Well we did that for 1000s of years and people still do that around the world"
My genuine question to you would then be "Can you deliver a baby right now without any of the hospital resources provided by modern medicine?"
I'd argue that most people either won't be able to comfortably say yes or will say no (myself included). Lets take in this example that the two people left on earth are of prime procreation age (18-30). What are the chances that one or both of them could say yes? Even those who probably live and breathe this stuff would struggle.
If there are only 2 people left to procreate the Earth, our global infrastructure would cease to function. You would have no electricity, water or gas. That's assuming you managed to survive long enough to get pregnant and go into labor.
If you do somehow get to that point, what will you do if the baby isn't coming out headfirst? What if the baby isn't breathing? What if the mother has a complication and requires medical assistance? There are too many factors in child birth to reliably say that any random 2 people on this earth would be able to deliver THAT many children in the video.
That was literally almost every birth up until the 1700s
@@4633-c1t And how many mothers or children died as a result compared to today?
@@YSLRD "At least half the world" yeah I don't think so buddy
@@D1str1ct not enough to keep the humans from expanding
@@notwelcome2452 Thats because we were already flourishing. If this was at the very start with 2 people. No.
First the poor Ellie would have to survive childbirth / labor, hoping the guy who survived has good skills as a doctor and will not make her pregnant every year or she will die before she can make enough babies to worry about inbreeding.
So you're saying my wife is the mailman kid?
She has blue eyes but only her mom has blue eyes...