Man, Im a romanian myself. Not gonna lie, seeing all these beautiful comments at your amazingly kind and awesome video, really brought some tears in my eyes. Thank you, all of you.
Lots of love to România from Bosnia. Was there a couple of times. One of my favourite european countries. I loved the cultural differences and similarities.
@@Alexandra..09 Haha, they like to pretend it at times, I believe jokingly, but geographically, historically and culturally they are one of us, part of the european VIP lounge called the Balkans 😂😁😎
@@Shoo7er09 In Europe, after the mediterranean countries Romania is next as best cuisine, in the world stands around 10-20 place, so is one of the best, countries like Italy and France invested a lot in promoting their cuisines, when actually the Greek cuisine is the best in world but is not as much known and promoted.
@@cosmindvd I'm a Romanian myself, since I said let's not blow our own trumpets. The best food in the world is the Romanian food for me. Greek food....I would move to Greece not only for the food, but for everything else. 🙌
@@Renato-rh8er Daca ai studia putin Inainte sa-ti pui poalele in cap ca un demn roman frustrat, ai sti ca absolut toate bucatariile din lumea asta sunt imprumutate intr-o masura, absolut toate. Asa functioneaza lumea, oamenii se inspira unii de la altii si apoi adapteaza la propriile gusturi. Asa se face ca sarmalele nu sunt nici turcesti, ci arabesti ca mai toata bucataria turceasca, care este de inspiratie arabeasca adaptata la gusturile si cultura turceasca. Si nu-i vad pe turci sa fie prea frustrati din cauza asta, cum fac romanii. La fel este valabil si cu celelalte bucatarii ale lumii. Singurii care pot avea pretentia de "original" sunt cele mai vechi civilizatii ale lumii. Cand ai adaptat si integrat cu succes ceva la propria ta cultura, acel ceva devine al tau. Sarmalele de exemplu, in modul in care sunt preparate ele in Romania, sunt romanesti! Punct. In aceiasi masura in care kpopul este korean si aduce faima Koreei, desi este copiat dupa jpop si adaptat la stilul korean. Vindeca-te de frustrarea de a fi roman, sau renunta la cetatenie!
I am Slovak from Slovakia and I was in Romania two times. I like this country so much. I remember how pure it was in 1988 and I know the dramatic history with Caucescu. Now it is unbelievable how kindly people are living there. The beautiful nature of Carpatian mountains. Brasov, Sibiu are so nice.
I am Greek and Romania is one of my favorite countries to visit. Such lovely people, culture and nature. Ireland and Italy are the other countries I love. Have fun ❤
@Alexandra we are pretty similar as people 🙂 I think Romanians don't appreciate Romania as much as they could and it is not promoted much as a destination. I don't know anyone who has been there and doesn't love it!
I just got back from a month in Romania and cannot wait to go back! The people, the scenery and the food (omg!) I believe I need to find a way to move there as a base camp to travel! Mici! Papanasi! Sarmale! Ciorba!
Noi nu denigrăm țara ! Ci mentalitatea, corupția în toate domeniile și modul cum e cârmuită de o mână de tâlhari care ne-o vând străinilor bucățică cu bucățică !
@@Silwianis777 Da! Asta pt că unii din noi suntem conștienți de faptul că e o țară de toată jena. Ei sunt doar în vizită și nu au apucat să vadă culorile adevărate ale acestei țări. Evident că ei apreciază orice cat timp nu s-au lovit de fanatismul religios , sexismul , homofobia și prostia românului. Ei merg în niște locații cunoscute , merg și bagă cate ceva de mâncare și fac alte lucruri distractive. Ei nu cunosc cu adevărat acest popor de re#uși.
@@CătălinaMaria1896 , nu cred ca este locul ptr asemenea comentarii! Este rusinos cand strainii ne fac reclama, iar noi antireclama. Este urat sa jignesti un popor intreg din cauza frustrarilor personale. Sincer, chiar nu inteleg ce inseamna fanatism religios in crestinism? Te-a bagat cineva fortat in vreo biserica? Ti-a pus vreo bomba in fata casei? Homofobie? Ai vazut vreo persoana lgbt alergata pe strada? Inteleg ca faci parte din aceasta miscare "progresista", va respectam alegerea, dar atat! Nu suntem de acord cu propaganda , atata tot. In rest, fiecare cu treaba lui. Iar cand faci "prost" un popor intreg, e clar ca ai grave frustrari personale. Eu zic sa terminam cu astfel de comentarii si sa ne bucuram de oamenii care ne viziteaza tara.
Maybe in future you will visit Moldova (not Republic of Moldova), specially Bucovina or Neamt county. You won't regret it! The monasteries are truly masterpieces, unique in the world, food is flawless and landscapes are dreamy
@@777-ICXC_NIKA We went to Brasov during our castle tour :) Maramureș looks beautiful! A place we need to add to our bucket list indeed. Thank you for the recommendations
By far THE most underrated country in Europe (yes, there's also Slovenia, but by comparison Slovenia is really small, whereas Romania is huge and has such a big variety of landscape and things to do). Glad you went back... I can't wait to go back myself. And, yes, the food is AMAZING
Bucharest, Romania is definitely a tourist destination. The people are so welcoming to the tourists to their country. The luscious foods and the divine deserts would make the trip worth it. The dancing fountains at night made Sammy’s Birthday one she will always remember.
Sorry, I corrected my error. This is why I watch travel videos because I want to expand my knowledge of the world. Today, with TH-cam videos, there is no excuse for being ignorant!
@@bodvargregersen5161 no worries at all but hate when many people saying Budapest instead of Bucharest , the real name its actually "Bucuresti "in Romanian ^^ but in english its called Bucharest
What a great video! We were there in Bucharest last week! We watched your previous Romania videos while planning our vacation. We absolutely fell in love with Romania and Bucharest! Have Fun!
Hi Chris , we’re in U.K. and bout to book Bucharest or Tirana Albania but can’t make our minds up . Do you give Bucharest the big thumbs up , we’re early 50s love walking a city eating beers cocktails and looking at buildings and really enjoying the culture cheers
@Watford fc 🐝 I can't comment on Albania, but Bucharest is definitely 2 thumbs up! We are also early 50s and love walking around new cities and drinking beers and cocktails... you won't be disappointed with Bucharest!
@@chrissmith7881 Thankyou mate Bucharest it is , the wife just said she wants to visit Romania 🇷🇴 and Bucharest so I’ll get it all booked . Cheers for the great reply
@Watford fc 🐝 there are a ton of great bars and restaurants... we loved a little pizza place that's off the beaten path called Calderon 18, the food is great and the waiter, Christian, was awesome! Also close to that is Hop Hooligans Brewery, and not far is the best beer we had was Zăganu Brewery! Have Fun!
@@chrissmith7881 why would you want to go in albania?! That's a very dangerous country, worse even than Colombia...It's weird, unless you want to lose a kidney!
I am Romanian Living in the USA. I WISH I COULD FIND THESE SWEETS IN America!Nice video!Hope you visit again my country and record more of it!Thanks for sharing!God bless you!
Yes, Romania has the best deserts I"ve ever had in my whole life from the over 20+ countries I visited so far. It's a beautiful country with amazing hospitality and breath taking nature and very old villages untouched by the modern life, which is so rare to find these days. A true jewel!
Bucharest sucks because it's in the southern plains of Romania. The beauty of Romania lies in Transylvania, the heart of the country surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains. Please visit Brasov, Sibiu, Sighisoara, Cluj, Neamt - amazing old cities with amazing natural landscapes around. Avoid southern plains of Romania, nothing to see there. Cheers! :)
As a Romanian proudly living in Bucharest I can honestly say you guys did it justice with your vlog. It’s such an underrated city. I am so glad you enjoyed it and had such a good experience!
This is the true face of Romania! Not the completely destroyed image which other communities created! These how the people are. I‘m happy to see these kind of people who are posting such kind of videos to promote the reality.
@@SammyandTommy The King Charles The Third of UK is here in Transylvania in a visit of 7 days to rest in the beautiful region , Transylvania, of Romania
@@SammyandTommy Next time you visit Bucharest, you'll eat free în my location on your Birthday...and of course ALL MY DEAR ROMANIANS AS WEL... 😁😘😍💪🤘 We love people from all over the world and especially these days when we can warm people's hearts with Joy and happiness... Looking forward to welcome you all at Caffee Royal Dorobanți 😘🙏 The social media pager are just being done...but don't worry... Soon you'll a lot going on... Much love from România... ❤
One more Greek here (me) .. got and still am in love with Romania. So much, that I bought land and home next to Danube river in a small village living 6 years there so far, under my permanent residency ID Romania gave me after 5 years of stay. With my remote job based on a Bucharest company I have nothing more to ask in my life other that all Romania gave me as a mother country now for me. I spend 10ys in Sydney in a misery life like slave without doing the job I knew for a big nothing.... Just they used me for visa money. In Romania they accept me as their child. I am hard worker with ethical values and they recognized that . Romania gave me a new life. Greece not.. Of I course I love Greece as my birth country but just for... holidays.. In a war time (as I am living on the borders) I will fight for Romania as equal with the locals. Thank you Romania. !
As a romanian born and raised in Bucharest i will like to thank you for the video and also for the sweets and kind words about our country. I knew all the places you guys been but I watched with interest and i’m more than happy that you liked.
@Furian Dark guys,don’t be so excited about Romania,and Romanian people,Furian Dark just explained that to you how Romanians really are.Furian Dark is an authentic guy so listen to him!
Sighisoara is a gem. You should definitely check this town out. It is a fortified town and it will seem that you traveled back in time hundreds of years.
I was in Sighisoara last year. I am Romanian born but have lived abroad for 26 years. It is a beautiful town but very small, not very good food choices and very very unfriendly and miserable people. I absolutely love Brasov but i should have gone to Sibiu instead of Sighisoara. I am going again in August and i will be spending time in Bucuresti, Brasov, Mamaia and maybe somewhere along the Danube
@@cfshadysnation2691 i will stay in mamaia but i have a car so i will go to vama veche, neptun, olimp, eforie, pretty much everywhere. Also Constanta has a few museums i want to see
Thank you for showing just how beautiful my country, Romania is. You can understand a country and its people only after you visit and explore it. Love and hugs!!!!
Thank you for this wonderful presentation. I am Romanian, I live in Bucharest and am very happy that people like you promote in such a lovely way our cities and country!
You two are just adorable. Happy belated birthday, Sammy. Watching this video made me smile, made me proud to be a Romanian, and it also made me sad. I left Romania in 1985; that was before the revolution. Seeing how prosperous some of the people became, actually makes me cry thinking: we had always been a hard working, creative, talented, kind and friendly people. Unfortunately for such a long time, all that wealth of character, had been suppressed. So happy to see that things have changed so much for them. Makes me a bit homesick. I gotta renew that passport, LOL. Thank you Sammy and Tommy for bringing this beautiful image of my country, to the world. Have fun, stay safe, be happy. BTW, I was holding my breath till you tried the Amandina. It's difficult to choose, but if I had to, AMANDINA is hands down The Queen. See what you did? Now I have to make it. I promise I'll share 😇 -- Nah😏
Happy to see you promote our country... as a romanian, I've seen most of everything there is to see in romania, and yet, I am still fascinated by my country... I cannot get tired of romania... I live and work in usa, but come the holliday, I always return to my homeland to visit... it never gets old...
Bogdane bine spus,la fel si eu...dar cred ca este timpul sa ne intoarcem " pe bune",se intorc altii si se bucura de frumusetile,bunatatile si traditiile Romaniei... Sant sigur ce trece prin sufletul fiecarui roman plecat din tara,eu cred ca nimeni nu a plecat sa "petreaca" sa aiba fun...anii trec nemilos si pierdem sau rarim contactul cu cei dragi,cu este frumos.Mult succes si sanatate la toti .
As a Romanian, I am very glad that you visited and promoted our country, there are many rumors about us, but we are good people with honest souls. Our country is a GEM! ❤ 🇷🇴
I’m from Romania! It’s so nice to see this kind of videos, cause while growing up I was told other countries think of us as thieves and that they don’t like us. So seeing stuff like this really makes me feel better 😊
I’m living in Bucharest for 20 years now, never been to Lingurițe Dulci, will definitely check them out. That look in her eyes when taking that first bite of Amandina, that’s what it’s all about. I still have the same reaction when I have a good one! So happy you enjoyed Bucharest!
E relativ decent deschis. Nu am fost dar la Scovergaria Micai am mancat de multe ori, au niste scovergi cu varza calita si carnati pe care le servesc ca o shaorma, super bune. Iarna aduceau dovleac proaspat si faceau placinta de dovleac, inca e preferata mea si de cate ori ajung in zona cumpar placinta cu dovleac 😊
I am glad you guys enjoyed Romania! I am a romanian who has lived in US for 7 years, then went to live in France for 2 years and finally went back to live in Romania. Wow...I was so in awe with how much Romania has changed in those 9 years i've been away! A totally different country than what I left behind back in 2011! The hospitality industry is very good. People in hospitality are so accomodating and welcoming and food at restaurants is also very good and you have so many options! The atmosphere in places like oldtwon is fantastic. The beaurocracy has been significantly reduced (with many things now being done online, waaay better than France!) and the healthcare system, while still a bit lagging, is lightyears better than what it used to be. I've returned to USA, I've americanized too much to be happy elsewhere. Maybe I could have have seen myself stay there permanently if I were to find a rewarding job. Nonetheless, for those who want to go and visit Romania, I strongly recommend it! It is indeed a very nice place nowadays! I liked it more than most other european countries.
I have long ago friends from Romania, Ildiko we lost contact Ildiko lived USA , 25 years ago?????SanFrancisko and hes son studied there After she moved Florida?? Her sister place ???????? I really miss her and her family ❤❤❤❤❤❤
We really appreciate your effort in promoting our country. As a proud romanian, I'm saying a big "Thank you!" and hope you visit us some other times as well. Toate cele bune! :)))
Thank you for promoting Romania/ Bucharest in a such positive way. Yes, Romanian people are known for their hospitality and more and more I miss this kind of interaction between people. I left Romania 24 years for TO, Canada 🇨🇦, but I miss my home country a great deal. Two weeks ago I had almost the same itinerary as you in Bucharest - Cismigiu, Scovergaria Mica, Old Town and the surroundings 😍🤗 Didn’t know about the roof top bar and the burger place though - next time I will pay them a visit😀You are awesome guys❤️😍👍
The desert that reminded him of his childhood is called "alba ca zäpada", meaning "snow white", and I can confirm... that is a good childhood desert...
I am very happy that some people visit and bring up lots of staff about Romania, yes is a beatiful country that nobody will leave if there was an good goverment. Nobody wants to be far way from the family, special for this time of the year.
hey guys, we just found out your Channel and we can't stop watching your vlogs 🤩 this one was so helpful as we are planning to visit Bucharest on a few weeks ! greetings from your new subs from the Dolomites 💛
the way you guys pronounce the Romanian names is both hilarious and very sweet at the same time- love you both! Romanian people really appreciate when foreigners are making a bit of an effort to say a few words in Romanian. 😊
So happy I found your video. I am from Romania and every time I come back home I want to try something new in Bucharest. I will definitely try Lingurite Dulci. Alba ca Zapada was my favorite dessert my mom made when I was a kid ❤️. Thank you for such a wonderful representation of my home town
I can't tell you how impressed I am by this video. Before seeing it, I'd watched a video of Bucharest by a European who hadn't bothered to learn the history of Romania, and concentrated far too much on the swanky hotel where he was staying. It was shallow and cheap. Your respect of and interest in the surrounding culture, and attention to the people of the residents of Bucharest (those lovely faces!) was especially appreciated.
I'm Romanian, but obviously I don't see things as a turist, but hey, it's a pleasure to see such positive comments about my home town(to be honest, I was born there but only lived 7 years) and my country. Well, there are things to improve for sure in Bucharest first of all... I hope in few years we will grow up fast. Happy birthday, Sammy! ❤
I am from Sibiu and I live in UK for almost 9 years, i am cooking Romanian recipes and my partner is English I tell you the truth, she is absolutely delighted with our recipes, luckily we’ve got a couple of shops with Romanian products
Of course they are delighted while they've illiterate in "cuisine" traditional clothes, no folklore... Just fish and chips , bad weather, rocky beaches... Here for 13 years... Cheers
Wonderful video, thank you so much! I spent many years in Bucharest as a student and working and now I just want to go back and stay forever! I'm only 2h train trip away in another Romanian city but my heart is in Bucharest ❤❤❤
Same here. Except that, I'm 10 hrs away from Bucharest, but my heart is still there. Maybe someday I'll get a job there and move back to where all my friends and family are.
What a beautiful country to be. My mother's uncle was from Rumania and on 1991 I was very close to, as I was in Tchekoslpvaquia, but nobody encoraje me to go alone to Rumania due to historical períod it was living. A beautiful country I dream about going to visit. ❤
Hi guys! Next time you should definitely take a visit to the largest wellness center in Europe (Therme) and last but not least to the village museum (UNESCO heritage) Spent quality time in Bucharest! 😊 ta-da !
Great video guys, I left my country many years ago, I am going back as much as I can, but I cherish every moment when a tourist from other country presents the Romanian people, culture and traditions first hand, unspoiled and straight from their heart ❤. Thank you!
you came back! eeeeeee this makes me emotional for some reason. hope you have a lovely time! happy birthday, sam! ps: cozonac goes well with red wine (adult holiday snack)
Thank you so much for visiting my country and talking nicely about it. it means the world to us! You actually made me miss my country. Now i want to book a flight and go "home" !
Hi, I'm Romanian and I live in the UK and now you've made me miss home and the delicious food, thank you for appreciating the good parts of the country, there's a lot to see but you've seen a part of them. To as many trips as possible! ❤
Nice video! And more, how beautiful Bucharest looks in the filmed images! P.S. Attention, the guy at the beginning of the video who plays the guitar, does not sing Romanian! I can't figure out what language it is, probably a Turkish language unknown here, but please not to be confused with the Romanian language!
@@LaszloVondracsek Sir,i don't want to debate,it was my opinion having a ukrainean grandmother and spending many vacations as a kid in her village in the Danube Delta where they are mostly i thot my humble opinion would help,i'm sorry if i upset you...
That little church is 300 years old ( once a monastery), the name of it Stavropoleos is greek and it roughly means "The city of the Cross" also Hanul Lui Manuc (Manuc's Inn) is a bit over 200 years old ;)
I am in Bucharest now! (I am Australian) It is my 4th time! My favourite country BY FAR! *I have been to 90
So nice to hear you come here so often and its your favorite! We are really happy to see foreigners
Thks! You r the best!
@Furian Dark oameni spălați pe creieraș de stilul americanoid
Come to Brașov too ! You will not regret! 😊
Romania is like the hidden gem of the EU. Love this country!
So true!
that why i d love to keep it hidden and be a place for the "connnoisseurs" only...sorry!
Thank you! :)
Man, Im a romanian myself. Not gonna lie, seeing all these beautiful comments at your amazingly kind and awesome video, really brought some tears in my eyes. Thank you, all of you.
da chiar e impresionant si eu m-am emotionat
nu pot sa cred cati straini spun ca e tara lor preferata😮
Me too😥❤️🙏😂🤣🙏❤️
Yep! Feeling the same.
Lots of love to România from Bosnia. Was there a couple of times. One of my favourite european countries. I loved the cultural differences and similarities.
Really appreciate all the love 🥰 We loved Bosnia as well and wish we were visiting again!
Romania is not a balkan country 😜😜😜😜😜
@@Alexandra..09 Haha, they like to pretend it at times, I believe jokingly, but geographically, historically and culturally they are one of us, part of the european VIP lounge called the Balkans 😂😁😎
@@yolson2376 Geographically parts of it are, but culturally we are definitely balkan. No shame in it lol
@@serbanbuzduga378 no only the south is Balkan… go in Transylvania and tell me that’s a Balkan place… I‘lol laugh in your face 😂
Romania actually has one of the best cuisines in Europe and the world but it is very underrated. Thanks for promoting our beautiful country.
It's great 👌👌, but let's not blow our own trumpet
@@Shoo7er09 In Europe, after the mediterranean countries Romania is next as best cuisine, in the world stands around 10-20 place, so is one of the best, countries like Italy and France invested a lot in promoting their cuisines, when actually the Greek cuisine is the best in world but is not as much known and promoted.
@@cosmindvd I'm a Romanian myself, since I said let's not blow our own trumpets. The best food in the world is the Romanian food for me. Greek food....I would move to Greece not only for the food, but for everything else. 🙌
ce cuisine avem? totul e imprumutat din afara sau reinterpretat
@@Renato-rh8er Daca ai studia putin
Inainte sa-ti pui poalele in cap ca un demn roman frustrat, ai sti ca absolut toate bucatariile din lumea asta sunt imprumutate intr-o masura, absolut toate. Asa functioneaza lumea, oamenii se inspira unii de la altii si apoi adapteaza la propriile gusturi. Asa se face ca sarmalele nu sunt nici turcesti, ci arabesti ca mai toata bucataria turceasca, care este de inspiratie arabeasca adaptata la gusturile si cultura turceasca. Si nu-i vad pe turci sa fie prea frustrati din cauza asta, cum fac romanii. La fel este valabil si cu celelalte bucatarii ale lumii. Singurii care pot avea pretentia de "original" sunt cele mai vechi civilizatii ale lumii. Cand ai adaptat si integrat cu succes ceva la propria ta cultura, acel ceva devine al tau. Sarmalele de exemplu, in modul in care sunt preparate ele in Romania, sunt romanesti! Punct. In aceiasi masura in care kpopul este korean si aduce faima Koreei, desi este copiat dupa jpop si adaptat la stilul korean. Vindeca-te de frustrarea de a fi roman, sau renunta la cetatenie!
I am Slovak from Slovakia and I was in Romania two times. I like this country so much. I remember how pure it was in 1988 and I know the dramatic history with Caucescu. Now it is unbelievable how kindly people are living there. The beautiful nature of Carpatian mountains. Brasov, Sibiu are so nice.
I am Greek and Romania is one of my favorite countries to visit. Such lovely people, culture and nature. Ireland and Italy are the other countries I love. Have fun ❤
Romanians would say the same about Greece, literally everyone goes in summer in Greece, it’s like a second home for summer for us. 😅
γεια από τη Ρουμανία. Κρίμα που δεν έχω χρόνο να συνεχίσω να μαθαίνω ελληνικά.
@Alexandra we are pretty similar as people 🙂 I think Romanians don't appreciate Romania as much as they could and it is not promoted much as a destination. I don't know anyone who has been there and doesn't love it!
@RedGuard128 Γειά σου 🙂 it's OK. Take care ❤️
Romanians and Greeks = brothers
As a Romanian, this video made me so happy, unexpectedly. Thank you for appreciating our culture!
Aha MHH🫢🫣🤣😂🙏🙏🙏🙏true and true
Yas same❤
I just got back from a month in Romania and cannot wait to go back! The people, the scenery and the food (omg!) I believe I need to find a way to move there as a base camp to travel! Mici! Papanasi! Sarmale! Ciorba!
You are my man !! Big fan of mici !
Yeah. We love sarmale 😂
Thank you for remembering me.I will buy papanasi when I'll wake up.Enjoy the travels
Now you understand how hard it is for us Romanian living and working abroad...we miss our country so much!
Very good video! Thank you for promoting my adopted country❤
Greetings from an Argentinian
Our pleasure! Thank you for watching!
thank you for living in romania
How much I love this city...Greetings from Serbia
We do too! Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much for promoting our country, ROMANIA !!! You are welcome evrery time here !
Pe când noi Romanii o denigram !!!! În fel și chip ...!!((((
Noi nu denigrăm țara ! Ci mentalitatea, corupția în toate domeniile și modul cum e cârmuită de o mână de tâlhari care ne-o vând străinilor bucățică cu bucățică !
De ce ar trebui sa promoveze o țară plină de distruși?
@@Silwianis777 Da! Asta pt că unii din noi suntem conștienți de faptul că e o țară de toată jena. Ei sunt doar în vizită și nu au apucat să vadă culorile adevărate ale acestei țări. Evident că ei apreciază orice cat timp nu s-au lovit de fanatismul religios , sexismul , homofobia și prostia românului. Ei merg în niște locații cunoscute , merg și bagă cate ceva de mâncare și fac alte lucruri distractive. Ei nu cunosc cu adevărat acest popor de re#uși.
@@CătălinaMaria1896 , nu cred ca este locul ptr asemenea comentarii! Este rusinos cand strainii ne fac reclama, iar noi antireclama. Este urat sa jignesti un popor intreg din cauza frustrarilor personale. Sincer, chiar nu inteleg ce inseamna fanatism religios in crestinism? Te-a bagat cineva fortat in vreo biserica? Ti-a pus vreo bomba in fata casei? Homofobie? Ai vazut vreo persoana lgbt alergata pe strada? Inteleg ca faci parte din aceasta miscare "progresista", va respectam alegerea, dar atat! Nu suntem de acord cu propaganda , atata tot. In rest, fiecare cu treaba lui. Iar cand faci "prost" un popor intreg, e clar ca ai grave frustrari personale. Eu zic sa terminam cu astfel de comentarii si sa ne bucuram de oamenii care ne viziteaza tara.
Romania is such an underrated country, more people should visit! We loved our stay in Bucharest and visiting the surroundings. Great Vlog :)
Maybe in future you will visit Moldova (not Republic of Moldova), specially Bucovina or Neamt county. You won't regret it! The monasteries are truly masterpieces, unique in the world, food is flawless and landscapes are dreamy
@florinprisecaru4809 Thank you for the suggestion, we have to look it up :)
@@sylvieanddanny Neamț County definitely worth a visit
@@777-ICXC_NIKA We went to Brasov during our castle tour :) Maramureș looks beautiful! A place we need to add to our bucket list indeed. Thank you for the recommendations
@@777-ICXC_NIKAin your opinion, maybe, not everyone have the same opinion as you 😂😂😂
By far THE most underrated country in Europe (yes, there's also Slovenia, but by comparison Slovenia is really small, whereas Romania is huge and has such a big variety of landscape and things to do). Glad you went back... I can't wait to go back myself. And, yes, the food is AMAZING
Bucharest, Romania is definitely a tourist destination. The people are so welcoming to the tourists to their country. The luscious foods and the divine deserts would make the trip worth it. The dancing fountains at night made Sammy’s Birthday one she will always remember.
Budacrest ?
Sorry, I corrected my error. This is why I watch travel videos because I want to expand my knowledge of the world. Today, with TH-cam videos, there is no excuse for being ignorant!
@@bodvargregersen5161 no worries at all but hate when many people saying Budapest instead of Bucharest , the real name its actually "Bucuresti "in Romanian ^^ but in english its called Bucharest
it's not a tourist destination .. stay home and don't pollute
The fountains are quite pretty.When you have your family with you,it's even more magical.Keep enjoying the top notch things of Romania
Romania is so underated country. Trăiască România
@furiandark1599 Dureros, dar adevarat
What a great video! We were there in Bucharest last week! We watched your previous Romania videos while planning our vacation. We absolutely fell in love with Romania and Bucharest! Have Fun!
Hi Chris , we’re in U.K. and bout to book Bucharest or Tirana Albania but can’t make our minds up . Do you give Bucharest the big thumbs up , we’re early 50s love walking a city eating beers cocktails and looking at buildings and really enjoying the culture cheers
@Watford fc 🐝 I can't comment on Albania, but Bucharest is definitely 2 thumbs up! We are also early 50s and love walking around new cities and drinking beers and cocktails... you won't be disappointed with Bucharest!
@@chrissmith7881 Thankyou mate Bucharest it is , the wife just said she wants to visit Romania 🇷🇴 and Bucharest so I’ll get it all booked . Cheers for the great reply
@Watford fc 🐝 there are a ton of great bars and restaurants... we loved a little pizza place that's off the beaten path called Calderon 18, the food is great and the waiter, Christian, was awesome! Also close to that is Hop Hooligans Brewery, and not far is the best beer we had was Zăganu Brewery! Have Fun!
@@chrissmith7881 why would you want to go in albania?! That's a very dangerous country, worse even than Colombia...It's weird, unless you want to lose a kidney!
I am Romanian Living in the USA. I WISH I COULD FIND THESE SWEETS IN America!Nice video!Hope you visit again my country and record more of it!Thanks for sharing!God bless you!
Most beautifull town in this part of Europe. Lots of love from Serbia
Thanks, i love your music, i'm roumanian and i like so much, sarbske music
Serbs are our brothers! God bless. Serbs anytime welcome to Romania.
Hvala brate
I've wanted to go to Romania for a while but I didn't know it was literally cake heaven!!
Trust me it is, cakes an eclairs heaven, the best ones are French Revolution, Love You Choux, Chocolat, Grace Couture, best ones in Bucharest.
Please de not hesitate!! People are amazing
you should try also SAVARINA , AMANDINA , and COZONAC
YES, Romania has the best deserts and cakes in the world!
Just go for it ...
Yes, Romania has the best deserts I"ve ever had in my whole life from the over 20+ countries I visited so far. It's a beautiful country with amazing hospitality and breath taking nature and very old villages untouched by the modern life, which is so rare to find these days. A true jewel!
You are right and with the new highways to be finished before 2030, tourism will explode! Infrastructure is Romania's negative point.
Papanasi.Alba ca zapada.Muntii padurea neagra.Good deserts
Beautiful country, love from Gibraltar
Bucharest sucks because it's in the southern plains of Romania. The beauty of Romania lies in Transylvania, the heart of the country surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains. Please visit Brasov, Sibiu, Sighisoara, Cluj, Neamt - amazing old cities with amazing natural landscapes around. Avoid southern plains of Romania, nothing to see there. Cheers! :)
love back :)
It depends, but on the hindsight you suck! Bucharest is a cultural gemstone.
Gibraltar is also an amazing place where I can't wait to come back....
Thank you for this video. I am a Romanian in South Africa. I missed my city Bucharest (Bucureşti). Safe travels. ❤
Proud to be Romanian.
Greetings from Miami to everyone who is reading this comment.
Great video 🎉
As a Romanian proudly living in Bucharest I can honestly say you guys did it justice with your vlog. It’s such an underrated city. I am so glad you enjoyed it and had such a good experience!
Thanks so much! Way underrated in all aspects! We love it there 😍
Hi, am kenyan I would like to go to romania nice country
Romania actually has one of the best cuisines in Europe ! Thank you for appreciating our culture! :)
It really does and I feel like its soo underrated!
I’m Romanian but never been to Bucharest, loved to see you guys enjoyed it and yes, hospitality is a huge thing in Romania. Enjoy your time ❤️
Thank you, we are loving our time being back!
You should go 😂😅
@@777-ICXC_NIKA if you're a peasant with no taste.
ia trenu si fugi ))
@@trayantt vara asta 🤩
Thank you so much guys for visiting my country and for all your beautiful words about it . I am glad you' ve enjoyed !
Our pleasure! Thanks for the awesome support 🤗
This is the true face of Romania! Not the completely destroyed image which other communities created! These how the people are. I‘m happy to see these kind of people who are posting such kind of videos to promote the reality.
I haven't commented on your channel in a bit, but I am now going to Romania! Thank you!
Love Romania! Happy to see you are back! What a fun birthday!
We are very excited to be back! Perfect way to spend a birthday 😃
@@SammyandTommy The King Charles The Third of UK is here in Transylvania in a visit of 7 days to rest in the beautiful region , Transylvania, of Romania
@@SammyandTommy Next time you visit Bucharest, you'll eat free în my location on your Birthday...and of course ALL MY DEAR ROMANIANS AS WEL... 😁😘😍💪🤘
We love people from all over the world and especially these days when we can warm people's hearts with Joy and happiness...
Looking forward to welcome you all at Caffee Royal Dorobanți
The social media pager are just being done...but don't worry...
Soon you'll a lot going on...
Much love from România...
One more Greek here (me) .. got and still am in love with Romania. So much, that I bought land and home next to Danube river in a small village living 6 years there so far, under my permanent residency ID Romania gave me after 5 years of stay. With my remote job based on a Bucharest company I have nothing more to ask in my life other that all Romania gave me as a mother country now for me. I spend 10ys in Sydney in a misery life like slave without doing the job I knew for a big nothing.... Just they used me for visa money. In Romania they accept me as their child. I am hard worker with ethical values and they recognized that . Romania gave me a new life. Greece not.. Of I course I love Greece as my birth country but just for... holidays.. In a war time (as I am living on the borders) I will fight for Romania as equal with the locals. Thank you Romania. !
You are a brother to all Romania. I am glad that you found a place to call your home.
8:22 ce cozonac fain si ce oameni de treaba acolo, romani de calitate!
You guys are so kind, gracious, fun-loving, big-hearted, and positive. Lots of love from New Zealand 🇳🇿🇳🇿❤️❤️
As a romanian born and raised in Bucharest i will like to thank you for the video and also for the sweets and kind words about our country.
I knew all the places you guys been but I watched with interest and i’m more than happy that you liked.
I am going to Romania next month and I am so excited! Thanks for the video 👌🏽
Romania is spectacular! And extremely underrated! Thank you for promoting my birth country! ❤
next time visit Oradea and Baile Felix, it's gorgeous and won the award for the most beautiful Art Nouveau city in Europe 🥰
So happy to see this many people love Romania. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for promoting Romania! 🥹❤️
Such a beautiful place to celebrate your birthday Sambo !
💞💞 thanks daddio!
Bucharest is a great city! Thanks! Great content!
Romania is amazing. The most welcoming people ever. Was unbelievable
It really is 😍 The people are so friendly! Thanks for watching
@Furian Dark guys,don’t be so excited about Romania,and Romanian people,Furian Dark just explained that to you how Romanians really are.Furian Dark is an authentic guy so listen to him!
@furiandark1599nough with your incessant commenting, angry one. Go drink some water and relax.
Sighisoara is a gem. You should definitely check this town out. It is a fortified town and it will seem that you traveled back in time hundreds of years.
I was in Sighisoara last year. I am Romanian born but have lived abroad for 26 years. It is a beautiful town but very small, not very good food choices and very very unfriendly and miserable people. I absolutely love Brasov but i should have gone to Sibiu instead of Sighisoara. I am going again in August and i will be spending time in Bucuresti, Brasov, Mamaia and maybe somewhere along the Danube
@@sertyuhgnot mamaia 💀💀💀
@@sertyuhg go for vama veche instead of mamaia
@@cfshadysnation2691 i will stay in mamaia but i have a car so i will go to vama veche, neptun, olimp, eforie, pretty much everywhere. Also Constanta has a few museums i want to see
Thank you for showing just how beautiful my country, Romania is.
You can understand a country and its people only after you visit and explore it. Love and hugs!!!!
It was our pleasure and couldn't agree more with you! Thanks for the support 🤗
Va multumim oameni frumosi pentru cuvintele frumoase la adresa Romaniei ! Toata stima !
Thank you for this wonderful presentation. I am Romanian, I live in Bucharest and am very happy that people like you promote in such a lovely way our cities and country!
Our pleasure! Thanks for the awesome feedback and comments :)
Sammy, you add more beauty to my country! :) Happy Birthday! Hope you guys will have great moments there.
Thanks for making my day 🥰 We are really loving our time so far!
Romania easily became one of my favourite countries to visit. I will be making my return soon in the future!
You two are just adorable. Happy belated birthday, Sammy.
Watching this video made me smile, made me proud to be a Romanian, and it also made me sad. I left Romania in 1985; that was before the revolution. Seeing how prosperous some of the people became, actually makes me cry thinking: we had always been a hard working, creative, talented, kind and friendly people. Unfortunately for such a long time, all that wealth of character, had been suppressed. So happy to see that things have changed so much for them. Makes me a bit homesick. I gotta renew that passport, LOL.
Thank you Sammy and Tommy for bringing this beautiful image of my country, to the world. Have fun, stay safe, be happy.
BTW, I was holding my breath till you tried the Amandina. It's difficult to choose, but if I had to, AMANDINA is hands down The Queen. See what you did? Now I have to make it. I promise I'll share 😇 -- Nah😏
Happy to see you promote our country... as a romanian, I've seen most of everything there is to see in romania, and yet, I am still fascinated by my country... I cannot get tired of romania... I live and work in usa, but come the holliday, I always return to my homeland to visit... it never gets old...
Bogdane bine spus,la fel si eu...dar cred ca este timpul sa ne intoarcem " pe bune",se intorc altii si se bucura de frumusetile,bunatatile si traditiile Romaniei...
Sant sigur ce trece prin sufletul fiecarui roman plecat din tara,eu cred ca nimeni nu a plecat sa "petreaca" sa aiba fun...anii trec nemilos si pierdem sau rarim contactul cu cei dragi,cu este frumos.Mult succes si sanatate la toti .
I had no idea that Lingurite Dulci sweets shop even exists...and i'm from Bucharest :):) thank you for this tip
E relativ recent deschis. Nu am mancat de acolo dar de la prima lor locatie da, Scovergaria Micai. Daca ajungi in zona chiar iti recomand.
Our Bucharest! ❤️
Thank you for your awesome energy and for promoting our country!
Happy birthday, Sammy! ❤️🎉🎉🎉🎂
Happy birtday Sammy!
❤🎉 Great Words
As a Romanian, I am very glad that you visited and promoted our country, there are many rumors about us, but we are good people with honest souls. Our country is a GEM! ❤ 🇷🇴
I’m from Romania! It’s so nice to see this kind of videos, cause while growing up I was told other countries think of us as thieves and that they don’t like us. So seeing stuff like this really makes me feel better 😊
All nations have their thieves and corruption. Maybe Romania is a bit over the median but that's all
I’m living in Bucharest for 20 years now, never been to Lingurițe Dulci, will definitely check them out. That look in her eyes when taking that first bite of Amandina, that’s what it’s all about. I still have the same reaction when I have a good one!
So happy you enjoyed Bucharest!
E relativ decent deschis. Nu am fost dar la Scovergaria Micai am mancat de multe ori, au niste scovergi cu varza calita si carnati pe care le servesc ca o shaorma, super bune. Iarna aduceau dovleac proaspat si faceau placinta de dovleac, inca e preferata mea si de cate ori ajung in zona cumpar placinta cu dovleac 😊
I am glad you guys enjoyed Romania! I am a romanian who has lived in US for 7 years, then went to live in France for 2 years and finally went back to live in Romania. Wow...I was so in awe with how much Romania has changed in those 9 years i've been away! A totally different country than what I left behind back in 2011! The hospitality industry is very good. People in hospitality are so accomodating and welcoming and food at restaurants is also very good and you have so many options! The atmosphere in places like oldtwon is fantastic. The beaurocracy has been significantly reduced (with many things now being done online, waaay better than France!) and the healthcare system, while still a bit lagging, is lightyears better than what it used to be. I've returned to USA, I've americanized too much to be happy elsewhere. Maybe I could have have seen myself stay there permanently if I were to find a rewarding job. Nonetheless, for those who want to go and visit Romania, I strongly recommend it! It is indeed a very nice place nowadays! I liked it more than most other european countries.
I have long ago friends from Romania, Ildiko we lost contact
Ildiko lived USA , 25 years ago?????SanFrancisko and hes son studied there
After she moved Florida?? Her sister place ????????
I really miss her and her family ❤❤❤❤❤❤
We really appreciate your effort in promoting our country. As a proud romanian, I'm saying a big "Thank you!" and hope you visit us some other times as well. Toate cele bune! :)))
I am so happy you found our people friendly and hospitable. It is the thing I miss the most of my home country ❤
They are seriously the best!
Romania is beautiful, and its people are great, I love to travel there! Greetings from Belgrade!
I'm so happy you guys went to a cake shop!! ❤ I feel like tourists always overlook them and we have a huge cake shop culture in Romania.
Thank you for promoting Romania/ Bucharest in a such positive way. Yes, Romanian people are known for their hospitality and more and more I miss this kind of interaction between people. I left Romania 24 years for TO, Canada 🇨🇦, but I miss my home country a great deal. Two weeks ago I had almost the same itinerary as you in Bucharest - Cismigiu, Scovergaria Mica, Old Town and the surroundings 😍🤗 Didn’t know about the roof top bar and the burger place though - next time I will pay them a visit😀You are awesome guys❤️😍👍
Cea mai grea operatie pentru Roman e sa-i dezlipesti limba de curul strainului. Cine-au indragit strainii mincai-ar inima ciinii!
Romania looks so fun, I want to go!
The desert that reminded him of his childhood is called "alba ca zäpada", meaning "snow white", and I can confirm... that is a good childhood desert...
Cofetarii români sunt foarte creativi si muncitori!
Thank you for promoting ROMANIA! Happy Birthday Sammy!
Being Romanian I’m happy to see that you guys enjoyed our beautiful country. 🤍 proud of 🇷🇴
I am very happy that some people visit and bring up lots of staff about Romania, yes is a beatiful country that nobody will leave if there was an good goverment. Nobody wants to be far way from the family, special for this time of the year.
❤️💛💙 Love it !!!! Thank you for promoting Romania 😘🫶🏻
Thank you for promoting my underrated country...awesome
hey guys, we just found out your Channel and we can't stop watching your vlogs 🤩
this one was so helpful as we are planning to visit Bucharest on a few weeks !
greetings from your new subs from the Dolomites 💛
Aw thank you guys!! That’s so sweet, we hope you guys love Romania as much as we did! 🩷
the desserts she had are something everyone on this planet should taste at some point in life haha
I'm Romanian 🇷🇴 and I love my country! It's nice seeing other people enjoying their time here and feeling good :)))
Sa aveți o zi buna😊😊!
the way you guys pronounce the Romanian names is both hilarious and very sweet at the same time- love you both! Romanian people really appreciate when foreigners are making a bit of an effort to say a few words in Romanian. 😊
Romanian here,
I hope you had a wonderful experience and a warm welcome in our country! ❤
Thanks for the great welcome :)
Beautiful! Thank you for an accurate representation of our rich in culture, hospitality, authentic country!! 👯♀️🥰🕊️🙏🏼✨❣️
Awesome! Haha you two are so adorable! Happy birthday Sammy, wishing you many more years of love and adventure!
Thank you friends :)
So happy I found your video. I am from Romania and every time I come back home I want to try something new in Bucharest. I will definitely try Lingurite Dulci. Alba ca Zapada was my favorite dessert my mom made when I was a kid ❤️. Thank you for such a wonderful representation of my home town
hello friends greetings from new york I loved the video of this beautiful city the structures are from the time of the romans
Hello friend 👋 So happy to hear you liked it! Thanks for the awesome feedback!
🙄Not so old, and anyway the romans never conquered or controlled the city area.
😂Romes... That's good
I can't tell you how impressed I am by this video. Before seeing it, I'd watched a video of Bucharest by a European who hadn't bothered to learn the history of Romania, and concentrated far too much on the swanky hotel where he was staying. It was shallow and cheap. Your respect of and interest in the surrounding culture, and attention to the people of the residents of Bucharest (those lovely faces!) was especially appreciated.
I'm Romanian, but obviously I don't see things as a turist, but hey, it's a pleasure to see such positive comments about my home town(to be honest, I was born there but only lived 7 years) and my country. Well, there are things to improve for sure in Bucharest first of all... I hope in few years we will grow up fast.
Happy birthday, Sammy! ❤
I am from Sibiu and I live in UK for almost 9 years, i am cooking Romanian recipes and my partner is English
I tell you the truth, she is absolutely delighted with our recipes, luckily we’ve got a couple of shops with Romanian products
Of course they are delighted while they've illiterate in "cuisine" traditional clothes, no folklore... Just fish and chips , bad weather, rocky beaches... Here for 13 years... Cheers
Wonderful video, thank you so much! I spent many years in Bucharest as a student and working and now I just want to go back and stay forever! I'm only 2h train trip away in another Romanian city but my heart is in Bucharest ❤❤❤
Haha, no way! Same here! I'm gonna move to Bucharest in two months I hope. Where do you live?
Same here. Except that, I'm 10 hrs away from Bucharest, but my heart is still there. Maybe someday I'll get a job there and move back to where all my friends and family are.
What a beautiful country to be. My mother's uncle was from Rumania and on 1991 I was very close to, as I was in Tchekoslpvaquia, but nobody encoraje me to go alone to Rumania due to historical períod it was living. A beautiful country I dream about going to visit. ❤
Thank you for your visit❤ Bine ați venit în România, ședere plăcută și sperăm să mai veniți. Wellcome to România, hope you will come again & again❤
@furiandark1599 Nu avem nevoie de oameni ca tine, romanii nostri sunt oameni primitori si ospitalieri, nu primitivi frustrati, asa , cum esti tu.
@furiandark1599 In plus, oamenii acestia sunt turisti, daca asa primesti un oaspete, atunci faci o imagine de rahat tarii tale.
Wow, it's a beautiful city!
Hi guys! Next time you should definitely take a visit to the largest wellness center in Europe (Therme) and last but not least to the village museum (UNESCO heritage)
Spent quality time in Bucharest! 😊 ta-da !
And padurea hoia baciu😂
as a romanian i enjoied the video, I hope you enjoied your stay in the country im from😊
Great video guys, I left my country many years ago, I am going back as much as I can, but I cherish every moment when a tourist from other country presents the Romanian people, culture and traditions first hand, unspoiled and straight from their heart ❤. Thank you!
Love You, Sammy and Tommy. Romania and Usa are friends forever.❤❤❤
Love from Romania ❤
Thank you!
This video made me proud I chose to move in Bucharest. Thank you, guys. You are amazing❤🎉
you came back! eeeeeee
this makes me emotional for some reason. hope you have a lovely time! happy birthday, sam!
ps: cozonac goes well with red wine (adult holiday snack)
Of course! We are so stoked to be back 😃 Sounds like a great pairing 🍷 Thanks for the tip!
What a beautiful place.
Romania is different It can't be explained in words !
Thank you so much for visiting my country and talking nicely about it. it means the world to us! You actually made me miss my country. Now i want to book a flight and go "home" !
Hi, I'm Romanian and I live in the UK and now you've made me miss home and the delicious food, thank you for appreciating the good parts of the country, there's a lot to see but you've seen a part of them. To as many trips as possible! ❤
Nice video! And more, how beautiful Bucharest looks in the filmed images!
P.S. Attention, the guy at the beginning of the video who plays the guitar, does not sing Romanian! I can't figure out what language it is, probably a Turkish language unknown here, but please not to be confused with the Romanian language!
was ukrainean
@@draculakickyourass Ukrainian? I don't think so, he doesn't seem to have a Slavic figure...
@@draculakickyourass Don't think so...
@@LaszloVondracsek Sir,i don't want to debate,it was my opinion having a ukrainean grandmother and spending many vacations as a kid in her village in the Danube Delta where they are mostly i thot my humble opinion would help,i'm sorry if i upset you...
@@draculakickyourass I'm not upset, absolutely not at all, everyone has his opinion, I wrote mine, you wrote yours. It's OK!
That little church is 300 years old ( once a monastery), the name of it Stavropoleos is greek and it roughly means "The city of the Cross" also Hanul Lui Manuc (Manuc's Inn) is a bit over 200 years old ;)
I loved the back church in Brasov, it was humongous!
you are a beautiful woman with a good soul, I am from Bucharest and thank you for the nice words about our city Bucharest, I hug you!