My sister had leukemia in her late teens 14 years ago, she received a bone marrow transplant and was cured. Unfortunately it came back last year. She received another bone marrow transplant but all the leukemia was not killed by the chemo she received. It came back more aggressive than ever and after putting up a hell of a battle, she passed away yesterday. Science needs to find a cure for this terrible disease. Until then, if you're up to it, register as a bone marrow doner.... you could be saving the life of someone's child/sibling.
I’m here to learn because I teach preschool and one of my 2 year old students has been diagnosed with Leukemia. So heartbreaking. Pray for us and our class.
I was 9 and my sister was 3 when she got leukaemia. After coming from the doctor with my mom, I told my father jokingly about it as if it was a cold or something special. I saw her bald and she went through treatment for 3 years. She had the transplant from my father without any luck; and, so, the last resort was to go in France and have a special treatment there. After a few days after she arrived in there the transplant wasn't needed anymore. She was good to come back home. My mom keeps calling this a miracle and so do I.
SamThe RandomG1rl Health wise, perfect. I heard she is failing her fixture exams to get into high school though so I am gonna call her tomorrow. Thank you!
oh man, that sucks i hope your mother will survive and will have enough money for treatment especially since the virus came around, good luck to your mother bro.
Exaxtly same case here. It was a few days after we finished finals exams when we learned that a girl, who we shared the same class, passed away. It was so sudden cause she never had any symptoms whatsoever. We all miss her so much..
This really opened my eyes. I lost my mother to acute myaliod leakiuma on the 10th of July 2019 she was 51... So young watching her slowly go downhill absolutely broke my heart watching your mother take her last breath is something I wish upon no one. I pray you all live good and healthy lives God bless you all
My grandma passed this February from a UTI that evolved into kidney stones that evolved into ripping the kidneys that evolved into septis which evolved into a spetis shock. . I'm surprised that she went through all of that. she was only 57 and a scary fact to know is that my great grandma's kids aka my grandparents all passed before 60yrs old. . I miss her very much😢
And some of you may be asking why I sent this comment when the video is about leukemia, its because I know how it is to loose someone and I'm hoping everyone can live long happy lives with their family, losing someone is NO JOKE its very painful especially if it's a loved one. God please bless everyone that's going through a hard time☝🙏
I’m 19 years old just graduated high school last year I’ve been i’ve been diagnosed with leukemia in January 2022, till this day I’m doing chemotherapy treatments. For those have leukemia or cancer in general we are all in this together and fight !!!💪🏻
4:09 When the narrator said *"Leukemia may be a frightening disease but there is strength and hope in numbers"* I just teared up.. Through hemoglobin test she got the result that her white blood cells are very high, today she went for bone marrow test and the results will be out tomorrow. Our family is devastated and in shock, I hope everything is for the best
My son got an osteosarcoma on his tibia just below the kneecap. Doctor at Bos Child Hosp operated, removing the bone in a section just below the growth plate. He came home and grew new hair, looked great, but then got AML leukemia. and died of a heart attack months later. It's been life changing for my family. Never the same. He was 13 when he got it and 15 when he died. Our only consolation is in the Messiah, who is coming back for His church-- all those who believe in Him and His work on the cross-- pray today to receive Him. God bless.
Bardus equus let him be. I am not a religious person, by any means, but just let this person believe in what brings them happyness. It is really easy to be ignorant, just as you are, but if you think about it, why shouldn't everyone believe in what they want? Being in a religion doesn't mean that they don't support science and modern medicine. There is no reason to judge someone based just on their beliefs. So what? They want to believe in the moral principles that christianity sets. So be it. I don't care. As long as someone doesn't try to force me into their religion, I don't see a problem. It is really sad, how someone cannot even mention Christianity without being attacked in this forum of ignorance. This takes place under almost every video and I am well aware of the fact that I am participating, though I am trying to make people understand that religion is not something you should hate someone for. Think about it. This person shared something personal and what do you do? Attack one of the things that keep them closer to their son. For most people, the thought that someone is just a piece of compost after they die is a bit unsettling.
Thank you, Octom. Very well put. We buried our son in a pine casket, which breaks down very quickly. And lets the worms inside to eat their happy way. It matters not. King David's body saw corruption, the scriptures say, as do ours today, yet David will reign again as a co-regent with the Messiah in the millennial reign. Everyone will die. Well, not everyone. The great opus of the Christian heritage is the resurrection of Messiah, Jesus, and His ascension on high. No fact of history has been more thoroughly recorded. There are some who will ascend like Jesus in glorified bodies. I think you will find as we go through the coming days of testing more of a reason to believe in Him.
Octom *''but just let this person believe in what brings them happyness.''* Sure, let's just ignore the fact that he came with the intent to preach his wishful thoughts and doomsday scenarios. This is about the sole fact that mentioning his doctrine was unnecessary, it is equivalent to me going to a Christians family funeral and stating: *''I wish you guys luck, I feel bad for this horrible tragedy. Even though he **_doesn't exist anymore_** (because I'm Atheistic) I still wish you guys the best of luck.''* Don't try to justify the high moral ground with the crappy freedom of religion, he isn't significant in anyway and should be treated the same way any zealot waltz in with their doctrine, disapproval and subjection to bad social skills. *''It is really easy to be ignorant, just as you are''* That's nice, but just a empty epithet. *''why shouldn't everyone believe in what they want?''* When did I implicit that they shouldn't? I'm the one whom accepts the constitution and find it absolutely important in U.S society. But I'm not the one preaching, stigmatizing and stagnating technological development. *''Being in a religion doesn't mean that they don't support science and modern medicine.''* When did I imply this? Please quote. *'' There is no reason to judge someone based just on their beliefs''* What? So you shouldn't judge people who actively base their thoughts and inputs around their ideology, the ones who actively participate in their doctrine, share and ramble? This certainly tells a lot about a person, about who that person is. Joseph Stalin was a dictator, should I not judge him? Or should I not judge the Islamics for massacring and stigmatizing jews with propaganda? Just like the Nazi's did for their beliefs. You speak a lot of crap you left-winged progressive. *''As long as someone doesn't try to force me into their religion, I don't see a problem''* I love how you implicit that indoctrination of a doctrine is the *ONLY* problem a doctrine has to offer. As if they are all peaceful and not death cults. Your projections are nothing short of risible. *''It is really sad, how someone cannot even mention Christianity''* Considering the mass hypocrisy most doctrines do, stigmatizing other doctrines, stagnating them or attacking or persecuting non-believers such as in Afghanistan, Iraq, and some parts in South Africa in present days. *'' This takes place under almost every video and I am well aware of the fact that I am participating''* Self-refuting, Self-hating hypocrisy, and ecological fallacy. *'' people understand that religion is not something you should hate someone for.''* Guess I shouldn't hate ISIS then. Or the other millions that support them. Or what about turkey? Don't even get me started. *''Think about it. This person shared something personal and what do you do? Attack one of the things that keep them closer to their son. For most people, the thought that someone is just a piece of compost after they die is a bit unsettling.''* Quote from stilus *''Our only consolation is in the Messiah, who is coming back for His church-- all those who believe in Him and His work on the cross-- pray today to receive Him. God bless.''* Sounds more like Jehova-witness preach rambling than guilt-trip attention baiting. This was his intent, to preach and have people sympathize with him. It was completely random and unnecessary, no need to preach. This is the problem, with your cognitive dissonance and your projections, you clearly won't understand this. So I'm done with you both.
Sometimes, like when watching this video, I am struck by how complicated and powerful modern medicine is. "We will fight this cancer by destroying all your bones' stem cells, which we will then fix by giving you new stem cells from a donor, which we will find by using a global database of volunteers. And this system exists because we're just that good." If you go back even 20 or 30 years, this level of medical understanding and capability probably looks like magic.
medical science is fascinating, but even more fascinating is how regulated everything in our insides are. Imagine a body cell dividing, there is a mechanism for it to know when to stop dividing. If it becomes cancerous, it has a mechanism to kill itself before it gives rise to more cells. It also tries its best to alert cellular checkpoints that it has a hiding cancer inside it and the NK cells should kill it. When all that fails, that is when we have a cancer.
My story is not as bad as others but I was diagnosed when I was 10 (2019) and only this February overcame the disease. It was a terrifying Experian experience but luckily and with the help and treatment of the NHS at Alder Hey Children’s hospital, I survived but it was one heck of a ride and I would NEVER wish it upon someone. To people who are fighting and families members of them, good luck. I am cheering you on!
My aunt has leukemia i think she got it because of drinking its not like a beer once a week but she drink daily, she's taking her medicine and i hope she will get better soon she is very nice even tho she's drunk or not but she is far away from me so i miss her and she is cesarean doctor said and everybody knows you have to have year gap before doing cesarean again but she got pregnant and she is cesarean again with only month gap so it gone wrong but her baby is safe but she has to confined to a hospital and she has to get an operation, its been a really though year for her i wish she really got better soon she is strong so she can do it ,i know you don't even care but i will be so glad if you pray for her even tho you didn't even know her let god,jesus,good spirit help her to get out of this situation *HAVE A NICE DAY/NIGHT* (sorry for my english) (don't be confuse if my comment only have 1 like i like my own comment cause no one like my comment its ok you dont have to like this comment your prayer is the more important)
I'm still under treatment for acute leukemia of the B cells and watching this was very difficult, but I was able to finish it and this made me realise that I'm really healing, also with the trauma. So thank you. Also it's very important to raise awarness.
I think my father has a type of chronic leukemia. It means we can never cure it and it could come back any moment. But we can heal him ! He only had it once, it was a terrible and scary journey, but fortunately he did not have to get chemotherapy but another type of treatment, and after about a year, it worked ! He is now fully back to normal and being monitored every once in a while. Leukemia IS scary, but there is hope and sometimes it is not as bad as you think. Keep fighting ❤️
My grandfather was diagnosed today with leukemia due to exposure to agent orange and other herbicides in Vietnam, it’s a shame he has already lost so much of himself to that war
My dream is to be a donor! When I get to 18, the first thing I wanna do is donate things that I don’t really need. I just don’t know if I will be able to donate blood or bone marrow because I have chronic anemia, but I will donate whatever I can, and save lives
you can sign up for blood-donation. They will test your blood-iron-level every time before letting you donate. I'm not sure about it, but if you can't donate whole blood they may let you donate plasma
A girl my parents knew got leukemia at the age of 18 during her first year of college. She wasn't declared cancer free until she was 27. I was in middle school when this happened and up until then I had never heard of cancer happening in young people :( Of course, now I know it can happen to anyone...
There was this kid I met at school. We weren’t really friends but we saw each other after 2nd period because we both had 3rd period in the C building. One day, we were both waiting for our teachers to come so we came to talk. Every day he would wait outside my classroom, and we would walk together. He ended up telling me that he had Leukemia. After 2 weeks, he stopped coming. I thought that he left the school or something so I didn’t worry, I tried texting him and he didn’t answer. That day during 3rd period, there was an announcement that he died. I really hope they can find a way to cure this. I also hope that people that have Leukemia recover soon.
I know a kid who had leukemia but he passed away. He didn't die from the cancer itself but from a weak heart from having and fighting it. His name was Rylan and he would've been 13 this year. We miss you SMILIN RYLAN! 🙏 Childhood Cancer only gets 4% of of donation money, so please donate as much as you can and also spread the word. The more donations, the more kids survive.
I would say LOL about nervousness from drilling sounds but it might seem inconsiderate because you said you had “ALL,” which I'm assuming means all types of cancer.
Thanks for such a clear introduction to leukemias! I teach hematology and have struggled to find a video that's short enough yet informative enough and has photos for the more visual students to provide a scaffold for my students prior to diving into the details. I think I've found one now! Thanks!
My grandma has leukaemia at the moment. They are very sick. They started with blood cancer but that has evolved into leukaemia. My grandma is having breathing difficulties and are on oxygen. The doctor says that there is nothing they can do about it. No cure. I was shocked and mentally unwell when I heard about this. The doctor says they only have a few more hours or a day to live. I’m mentally in pain because of this. But I want to have faith. My grandma is very week and unconscious. I just hope everything bees okay. There’s so much stress and pain as we grow up. I just want to wish everyone the best, if your reading this. Stay safe everyone!❤️
what i said will probably pop up in your head in the future, you overthink what i said, and then you finally got what i was trying to say. **COUGH**J.F.K. **COUGH** Mahatma Gandhi
My wife and I lost our just turned 2 year old son 7 months ago to Aml. He had MLL gene rearrangement or subtype KMT2A or 11q23. He had a translocation between chromosomes 6 and 11, t(6;11). He received cytarabine, daunorubicin, etoposide, gemtuzumab ozagamicin then mitoxNtrone and cytarabine. He relapsed after the second chemo which signified refractory Aml which had a poor prognosis. Decitabine with mylotarg was then used. He died shortly after from within 4 months of treatment. Some side effects he had were bloody nausea and diahrea. Horrible bloody mouth sores. He was in pain all over. His right eye was covered by a leukemia pool that ended up bleeding.He had a lot of liquid in his lungs which they thought was pnemonia. He ultimately died from a brain bleed within 24 hours caused we think by the chemo.
I'm sorry to hear that. Leukemia really sucks, I got it myself, luckily I was saved by a bone marrow transplantation. But good news is that Leukemia treatment has come really far, even just since this video came out. Stay strong!
Very informative. Especially concerning why this is more likely to show up in children. We had a god daughter who got a Wilm's tumor as a infant, a type of childhood cancer we learned about under exigent circumstances.
I have been struggling to understand what exactly leukemia is and what it does to the individual who has it since my boyfriend has been diagnosed with AML, and this really helped to enlighten me with what's going on. Thank you so much for making this video!
I had leukemia when I was 3 years old and I forever thank the person who donated, without the help of them, my supportive mother and the nurses/doctor/ staff, I probably wouldn't be here ❤
@@cr34t_ @cr34t all went well? And at the moment, I am 21 years old(: I go yearly to get checked up.( I didnt go the last to years to get checked up, but will this year) I dont really feel it, I believe I live a normal like although I do have some gut issues, certain things make my stomach weak and queasy, but doctors said it was normal to have those but overall,I feel okay. Atm I'm not worried about it, but infertility is another thing. But physically and mentally, I feel and am told by the doctors I'm okay. I hope you're feeling and doing sooo much better ❤ your strong and you got this 🖤
@@jenniiiie Thank you! Great to hear that your doing well overall. Right before I got my transplant I reacted to some immunotherapy (blinotumomap) and it sent me to the intensive care unit where I slept for 36 hours. I still feel that, but I'm doing much better and we're hopping to get me back up and walking with physical training and a tendon extension. The chemo part was definetly a bumpy ride even for cancer, but the transplantation went really well and the docs are super happy with my recovery. Overall, just feels good to be alive lol.
I have a related cancer, causing excessive platelets. Thankfully unless I’m one of the few who progress to acute myeloid leukemia then I’ll probably live abnormal life. Definitely makes me feel for the leukemia patients though.
Lost my dad to leukemia a few weeks ago. Truly a horrible and merciless disease. It just takes and takes and takes. Hopefully some day we’ll be able to wipe it off the face of the earth.
Stay strong! Leukemia also affected me head on last year. I was luckily able to win, but not all do. If you want to help others with leukemia, you should consider or at least look into becoming a stem cell donor. I needed a stem cell transplantation and a donor ended up saving my life, I'm forever grateful to that stranger.
Nomado i think it's just a blood plasma thing, no surgery, it's just blood. Edit: i just did a little bit of research, there's apparently different ways to donate blood marrow, some of them are just about collecting stem cells from the blood through a long process, others are a little bit more invasive as they're about taking bone marrow directly from the hip, they go for just a few minutes, but they have a longer recovery time.
Nomado Yes, you undergo surgery. Marrow is taken out of your pelvis. I am on the donor list and my name came up as a match. I had to go in for further testing along with others who matched until they could find the best candidate. The techs explained the procedure and you have to sign a waiver that you know the risks involved. It's not an easy surgery and it takes time to heal. Turns out they had a better match and I was not chosen.
During year 5 and 6 I went to a school which had a memorial for a girl (not trying to reveal my school, so I'll call her Kate.) For an example of what we could do for a geography assignment, I passed by her plaque. Kate didn't even finish kindergarten, and leukaemia caught up to her.
I like ted videos. Beautiful representation and animation. And lastly, they are trying to end the video in a nice quote. They are restoring the faith in humanity. 👍
Stand strong and have faith. I was diagnosed with AML three years ago. My daughter donated her stemcells to save me from this. But it's still a difficult time. Just never give up and keep up the fight.
Please register for the Be the Match if you can! I am alive today because someone donated their bone marrow to me. Chemo wouldn’t cure my leukemia, but the transplant did. You could be the reason someone survives cancer. ❤️
My grandmother was diagnosed with lukemia around the same time my mother found out she was pregnant with me and my twin. She won the battle in 2022 and then died in 2023. She was one tough cookie for winning against Lukemia, in fact she was tough for even being faced with such an opponent in the first place. I hope all other cancer patients can have a similar experience and finally hear the words “Your body is now cancer-free” and return safely to their families knowing the threat is gone.
Hi! Thank you for the subtitles, it's hard to find videos (about science) for those who don't understand English. And Thank You For the accurate translation from 'Drug' to 'Farmaco'!
My daughter got diagnosed at 6 months. She lived in chemo for over a year inside hospital… was hard as parent see it… now she is in maintenance part and end soon fortunately she is out and starts to live a normal live again. For those parents out there is hard but sometime the best way to win is to keep in the fight…
Roman geigns we love you😎😍 Leukemia, also spelled leukaemia, is a group of cancers that usually begin in the bone marrow and result in high numbers of abnormal white blood cells.[8] These white blood cells are not fully developed and are called blasts or leukemia cells.[2] Symptoms may include bleeding and bruising problems, feeling tired, fever, and an increased risk of infections.[2] These symptoms occur due to a lack of normal blood cells.[2] Diagnosis is typically made by blood tests or bone marrow biopsy.[2]
When I was 8 I lost my mother to terminal leukaemia.When I was 16, I was diagnosed with a cancer-like brain tumour (Germinoma). The last lot of chemotherapy I had was a stem cell transplant, luckily before I had any treatment at all, as a precaution, I went through a stem cell harvest, so I didn't need a donor. The chemotherapy I had before the stem cell transplant damn near killed me, not only did I lose my hair, my lips peeled like crazy, the skin on my chest flaked off, I eventually re-grew new finger and toe nails out from my old ones, which was one of the weirdest things I've felt. I would not wish that on my worst enemy, but I have some really great doctors, who instilled a lot of confidence in me that it was beatable, and I believe my mindset through the whole thing was a huge factor in my recovery. So yeah that's a quick rundown of my story, there's a whooole lot more to it though. If you made it this far, thank you 🙏🏻
Kairi Uang it’s awesome if someone donates and it’s so nice to help people but it’s not really painful if the doctors use Anaisthetics you don’t feel anything after and at the time
I was around 2-3 years when I got ALL(Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia )...... I just wanna say Thanks to my superhero who saved my life by donating his stem cell... I am turning 17 now..... Thanks to him
My mom died of leukemia, and I wanted to know more about it, but could never understand the information I was presented. This video helped me understand leukemia!! Thank you, TED-Ed!
Im 33 yrs old & have just been diagnosed w/ CML 3 mos ago.. thankfully, there is already oral medicine called tki's & no need for chemotherapy. However these medicines are atrociously priced! As if I'm buying a real estate at the center of London or Manhattan! These pharmaceutical companies should have mercy on patients..
My brother was diagnosed in June of 2006 at the age of 17. I was just going into my freshman year of highschool when we found out. I remember the look on my parents faces when they broke they news to me. I had never seen them scared like that before. Maybe it was my young naivety, but deep down I knew I had to be the one to shoulder the burden and give them hope. Doctors told us the best course was radiation and chemo along with a bone marrow transplant. They needed people to test to see if they could be a potential match for him. My parents asked if I would do it and told me if I didn't they would understand. I told them it wasn't even an option, I was all in. Turns out I was the perfect match and donated about 2L of bone marrow in December of 2006. After the transplant and going through remission, my brother came out on the other side of it. He will be 35 this year. My heart goes out to everyone struggling with this. It's a hard road that I never thought my family would have to take, but I wouldn't change a single decision I made.
I'm currently fighting Pre B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and might actually win, I have an appointment after having a bone marrow biopsy and Spinal tap to check if the Kymriah Treatment had worked. I have been praying for 6 months due to the fact my cancer refracted three times due to its aggressiveness.
Good. What kills a person is not disease but the spirit of life. Keep up the enthusiasm in life. So that you will still live in someone's heart even though you are gone.
Crazy how the blood of the umbilical cord of a baby can be donated to those who have Leukemia, and yet it is usually just discarded. Also, it's less difficult to do than a bone marrow transplant I think...
1:54 wait, so does that mean that mutations must occur simultaneously in order to produce cancer? I though if it was just one cell that screwed up and didn’t auto destruct it was enough, but she said “whilst other cancers require more mutations”... what why?
AuzzPanda mutations accumulate. They cm be harmless and do nothing to the cell. When a mutation affects a gene related to the celular division, that's when cancer occurs. It can occur in a cell or a group of cells. Immune system can be effective or not.
I don't really know what she meant by the second part. All I can tell you is what I have studied. When a driver gene is affected, cancer occurs. It doesn't matter how many divisions that cell has been through
my father died from leukemia, he was 68 at that time and was too weak to get a cemo. It didnt take him too long to suffer, just 4 month after the first diagnosis, he passed away. i was the last person he saw.
I had leukemia in 2020 during covid. My treatment was horrible and the tablets completely changed me and I could not walk or even get out of bed as I felt so ill. I am still having treatment now and feeling so much better but I still feel ill where I take horrible tablets once a month. I am due to finish treatment in September 2023.
Stay strong! I got diagnosed with ALL in march 2021, so I know how tough chemo can be. Chemo also put me in a wheelchair. Treatment can be tough, but you can get through it. Honestly chemo is probably worse than a lot of torture methods. Hope you feel better soon!
My sister had leukaemia , she been dead over 20 years . Still miss her tho and anytime I think of her I cry and I try my best not to think of her most of the time . May Allah in his mercy help cure this horrible fatal sickness, Ameen Ya Rabbil Ameen 🙏🏼
I once asked about signing up to donate bone marrow, until I was told that I would have to pay my own money for part of the procedure, if mine was ever needed. I will voluntarily weaken myself via donations, but getting myself into lasting debt just so some medical corporation can get even richer; that is where I draw the line.
My sister had leukemia in her late teens 14 years ago, she received a bone marrow transplant and was cured. Unfortunately it came back last year. She received another bone marrow transplant but all the leukemia was not killed by the chemo she received. It came back more aggressive than ever and after putting up a hell of a battle, she passed away yesterday. Science needs to find a cure for this terrible disease. Until then, if you're up to it, register as a bone marrow doner.... you could be saving the life of someone's child/sibling.
God , will have your sister rest in peace. Be strong and have her eternally burn in your memory . May god give you and your family strength.
Joe McCall Be strong dear,and try to be positive! I know your sister is in heaven!!😇☺️😊😌
I'm sorry for your loss
I'm so sorry for your loss
I love the image of the donor as a superhero. That was a nice touch
Jason Wilkins ya
They are paid in 100 thousands for their stem cells.
i was watching that scene when i scroll to see your comment >o
@@preethirani2565 really? I doubt my donor was.
I registered to be a bone marrow donor on a whim once, never really understanding the need of those who need bone marrow. I'm glad I did now.
Great!! Your effort may be saving lives
👍👍 good for you
Thanks for doing this. I just looked up the process and I am going to register as well
I signed up a few years ago. Every so often I wonder if someone will need me someday.
My wife died of leukemia at 5:31am, on May 9th, 2016, at the Medical University of South Carolina, in Charleston. I miss her so very much.
bjmccann1 please take care, and live on courageously, for she is now in a better place without the pain and suffering :)
Dude, I'm so sorry. I know this is a little late and you might have moved on by now, but just know you and your wife have my prayers.
Hope you are feeling much better now,must have been really hard :/
I’m sorry, BE STRONG 💪🏾. RIP to your wife 🙏🏾
stay strong :'(
I’m here to learn because I teach preschool and one of my 2 year old students has been diagnosed with Leukemia. So heartbreaking. Pray for us and our class.
I was wondering how is your student is doing with the Leukemia, do you know if the treatment is going fine?
I'm so sorry for that student
Hope he/she is doing better. Any update??
Hope he/she is doing better. Any update??
so sad. :( do they happened to be named abbie by any chance?
I was 9 and my sister was 3 when she got leukaemia. After coming from the doctor with my mom, I told my father jokingly about it as if it was a cold or something special. I saw her bald and she went through treatment for 3 years. She had the transplant from my father without any luck; and, so, the last resort was to go in France and have a special treatment there. After a few days after she arrived in there the transplant wasn't needed anymore. She was good to come back home. My mom keeps calling this a miracle and so do I.
+Ioan Katalin What a happy story for your sister's survival! How is she doing now?
SamThe RandomG1rl Health wise, perfect. I heard she is failing her fixture exams to get into high school though so I am gonna call her tomorrow. Thank you!
How is she now?
Kira Zaki underground
Ioan Katalin I am so happy for your sister we must thank GOD for Wat he has done for her AMEN!
"Leukemia maybe a disease, but there is hope and strength in numbers". This line put a smile on my face. Keep fighting, don't lose hope!
My mom was diagnosed with leukemia 3 days ago, I am unable to stop crying. She is literally the healthiest person I know.
oh man, that sucks i hope your mother will survive and will have enough money for treatment especially since the virus came around, good luck to your mother bro.
@@aprilvismanos3016 that’s so sweet, thank you❤️ she’s doing well by now.
Update to anyone who wants to know: my mom is alive and healthier than ever!
@@mxriaz_ omg I'm so hsppy for you!!😭😭❤️❤️ Keep going!!
Google exaggerates medical symptoms, better consult a doctor asap.
My school had a young girl who had leukemia. She passed away the day after we found out. Her locker has 14 roses every day.
Exaxtly same case here. It was a few days after we finished finals exams when we learned that a girl, who we shared the same class, passed away. It was so sudden cause she never had any symptoms whatsoever. We all miss her so much..
@@bayek_thedingus2034 F 😞 May her soul rest in peace
Rest in peace for that girl, and bless her.
This really opened my eyes. I lost my mother to acute myaliod leakiuma on the 10th of July 2019 she was 51... So young watching her slowly go downhill absolutely broke my heart watching your mother take her last breath is something I wish upon no one. I pray you all live good and healthy lives God bless you all
I cried reading your comment, I'm sure you miss her so much!
My grandma passed this February from a UTI that evolved into kidney stones that evolved into ripping the kidneys that evolved into septis which evolved into a spetis shock. . I'm surprised that she went through all of that. she was only 57 and a scary fact to know is that my great grandma's kids aka my grandparents all passed before 60yrs old. . I miss her very much😢
And some of you may be asking why I sent this comment when the video is about leukemia, its because I know how it is to loose someone and I'm hoping everyone can live long happy lives with their family, losing someone is NO JOKE its very painful especially if it's a loved one. God please bless everyone that's going through a hard time☝🙏
Lost my best friend to leukemia. It's been 8 years and I still miss him like crazy.
4 years later for me, 12 years later for you. I hope your doing better now
I’m 19 years old just graduated high school last year I’ve been i’ve been diagnosed with leukemia in January 2022, till this day I’m doing chemotherapy treatments. For those have leukemia or cancer in general we are all in this together and fight !!!💪🏻
hope you’re doing okay, i’m proud of you:)
Keep the positive attitude and keep fighting!!! You’ve got this!
u got this bro, keep fighting🙏🏿
@@therealchen yes i am, so far I have done 6 cycles and got 2 more left and I’m done 🙌🏼
stay strong!! we’re in this together 👊🏻👊🏻
4:09 When the narrator said *"Leukemia may be a frightening disease but there is strength and hope in numbers"* I just teared up..
Through hemoglobin test she got the result that her white blood cells are very high, today she went for bone marrow test and the results will be out tomorrow.
Our family is devastated and in shock, I hope everything is for the best
Updates please? Is everything okay?
My son got an osteosarcoma on his tibia just below the kneecap. Doctor at Bos Child Hosp operated, removing the bone in a section just below the growth plate. He came home and grew new hair, looked great, but then got AML leukemia. and died of a heart attack months later. It's been life changing for my family. Never the same. He was 13 when he got it and 15 when he died. Our only consolation is in the Messiah, who is coming back for His church-- all those who believe in Him and His work on the cross-- pray today to receive Him. God bless.
That was nice until you brought religion.
tough nuts
Bardus equus let him be. I am not a religious person, by any means, but just let this person believe in what brings them happyness. It is really easy to be ignorant, just as you are, but if you think about it, why shouldn't everyone believe in what they want? Being in a religion doesn't mean that they don't support science and modern medicine. There is no reason to judge someone based just on their beliefs. So what? They want to believe in the moral principles that christianity sets. So be it. I don't care. As long as someone doesn't try to force me into their religion, I don't see a problem.
It is really sad, how someone cannot even mention Christianity without being attacked in this forum of ignorance. This takes place under almost every video and I am well aware of the fact that I am participating, though I am trying to make people understand that religion is not something you should hate someone for.
Think about it. This person shared something personal and what do you do? Attack one of the things that keep them closer to their son. For most people, the thought that someone is just a piece of compost after they die is a bit unsettling.
Thank you, Octom. Very well put. We buried our son in a pine casket, which breaks down very quickly. And lets the worms inside to eat their happy way. It matters not. King David's body saw corruption, the scriptures say, as do ours today, yet David will reign again as a co-regent with the Messiah in the millennial reign. Everyone will die. Well, not everyone. The great opus of the Christian heritage is the resurrection of Messiah, Jesus, and His ascension on high. No fact of history has been more thoroughly recorded. There are some who will ascend like Jesus in glorified bodies. I think you will find as we go through the coming days of testing more of a reason to believe in Him.
*''but just let this person believe in what brings them happyness.''*
Sure, let's just ignore the fact that he came with the intent to preach his wishful thoughts and doomsday scenarios. This is about the sole fact that mentioning his doctrine was unnecessary, it is equivalent to me going to a Christians family funeral and stating: *''I wish you guys luck, I feel bad for this horrible tragedy. Even though he **_doesn't exist anymore_** (because I'm Atheistic) I still wish you guys the best of luck.''* Don't try to justify the high moral ground with the crappy freedom of religion, he isn't significant in anyway and should be treated the same way any zealot waltz in with their doctrine, disapproval and subjection to bad social skills.
*''It is really easy to be ignorant, just as you are''*
That's nice, but just a empty epithet.
*''why shouldn't everyone believe in what they want?''*
When did I implicit that they shouldn't? I'm the one whom accepts the constitution and find it absolutely important in U.S society. But I'm not the one preaching, stigmatizing and stagnating technological development.
*''Being in a religion doesn't mean that they don't support science and modern medicine.''*
When did I imply this? Please quote.
*'' There is no reason to judge someone based just on their beliefs''*
What? So you shouldn't judge people who actively base their thoughts and inputs around their ideology, the ones who actively participate in their doctrine, share and ramble? This certainly tells a lot about a person, about who that person is. Joseph Stalin was a dictator, should I not judge him? Or should I not judge the Islamics for massacring and stigmatizing jews with propaganda? Just like the Nazi's did for their beliefs. You speak a lot of crap you left-winged progressive.
*''As long as someone doesn't try to force me into their religion, I don't see a problem''*
I love how you implicit that indoctrination of a doctrine is the *ONLY* problem a doctrine has to offer. As if they are all peaceful and not death cults. Your projections are nothing short of risible.
*''It is really sad, how someone cannot even mention Christianity''*
Considering the mass hypocrisy most doctrines do, stigmatizing other doctrines, stagnating them or attacking or persecuting non-believers such as in Afghanistan, Iraq, and some parts in South Africa in present days.
*'' This takes place under almost every video and I am well aware of the fact that I am participating''*
Self-refuting, Self-hating hypocrisy, and ecological fallacy.
*'' people understand that religion is not something you should hate someone for.''*
Guess I shouldn't hate ISIS then. Or the other millions that support them. Or what about turkey? Don't even get me started.
*''Think about it. This person shared something personal and what do you do? Attack one of the things that keep them closer to their son. For most people, the thought that someone is just a piece of compost after they die is a bit unsettling.''*
Quote from stilus
*''Our only consolation is in the Messiah, who is coming back for His church-- all those who believe in Him and His work on the cross-- pray today to receive Him. God bless.''*
Sounds more like Jehova-witness preach rambling than guilt-trip attention baiting. This was his intent, to preach and have people sympathize with him. It was completely random and unnecessary, no need to preach. This is the problem, with your cognitive dissonance and your projections, you clearly won't understand this. So I'm done with you both.
Sometimes, like when watching this video, I am struck by how complicated and powerful modern medicine is. "We will fight this cancer by destroying all your bones' stem cells, which we will then fix by giving you new stem cells from a donor, which we will find by using a global database of volunteers. And this system exists because we're just that good." If you go back even 20 or 30 years, this level of medical understanding and capability probably looks like magic.
medical science is fascinating, but even more fascinating is how regulated everything in our insides are. Imagine a body cell dividing, there is a mechanism for it to know when to stop dividing. If it becomes cancerous, it has a mechanism to kill itself before it gives rise to more cells. It also tries its best to alert cellular checkpoints that it has a hiding cancer inside it and the NK cells should kill it. When all that fails, that is when we have a cancer.
My dad survived Leukemia and he is doing fine now!
That is amazing, I am very glad for you.
Good for you
Read this late,but anyways amazing news! Hope he's still doing well now :)
Glad to hear
good news! what treatment does your dad use? I heard there's new treatment called BESREMi!
i've got diagnosed with leukemia in december 2021 and i'm still fighting. all i want to say is stay strong! You got this!!!
keep up the great work!!! i’m rooting for you:)
Stay strong u can do it
I’m sad you got diagnosed with it
I am a cll patient struggling since one year. Please explain me the diet that is beneficial for me to live longer.
Watching this because I was diagnosed yesterday.. I just wanted to get to know what my opponent is like.. I won't lose to you leukemia!!! ☝️
i will pray for your health
I'll be cheering for you GOOO YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
yo wassup any updates?
Poor guy pray for you!!!! Never lose hope, just think everything is going fine and the treatments will win!!!
Did you survive?
my friend is in remission from leukemia. So far so good.
Thank you. He's doing well.
That is so generous!
He is! It's almost as if he didn't have it at all. He is in remission!
Awkward Potato That is wonderful. ;)
Bless your friend? My greatgrandmother died of cancer.... but it was along time ago.. still bless him/her!
My best friend died of leukemia when she was 21 and I love and miss her so much
My story is not as bad as others but I was diagnosed when I was 10 (2019) and only this February overcame the disease. It was a terrifying Experian experience but luckily and with the help and treatment of the NHS at Alder Hey Children’s hospital, I survived but it was one heck of a ride and I would NEVER wish it upon someone. To people who are fighting and families members of them, good luck. I am cheering you on!
@_that_one_human_01 what day did you get better. . ?
I am a leukemia fighter since one year. Please help me to give tips about diets that is beneficial for longer living
My aunt has leukemia i think she got it because of drinking its not like a beer once a week but she drink daily, she's taking her medicine and i hope she will get better soon she is very nice even tho she's drunk or not but she is far away from me so i miss her and she is cesarean doctor said and everybody knows you have to have year gap before doing cesarean again but she got pregnant and she is cesarean again with only month gap so it gone wrong but her baby is safe but she has to confined to a hospital and she has to get an operation, its been a really though year for her i wish she really got better soon she is strong so she can do it ,i know you don't even care but i will be so glad if you pray for her even tho you didn't even know her let god,jesus,good spirit help her to get out of this situation
(sorry for my english)
(don't be confuse if my comment only have 1 like i like my own comment cause no one like my comment its ok you dont have to like this comment your prayer is the more important)
Info Girl I read this late :( ,how is she doing now?
I'm still under treatment for acute leukemia of the B cells and watching this was very difficult, but I was able to finish it and this made me realise that I'm really healing, also with the trauma. So thank you.
Also it's very important to raise awarness.
How’s it going?
my father has had leukaemia ever since i was a baby, I'm 18 now and he is still alive, but i worry about when his illness will catch up with him.
My brother fought this disease for 2 years. I hope you're at peace now that you're not suffering anymore. I miss you
I think my father has a type of chronic leukemia. It means we can never cure it and it could come back any moment. But we can heal him ! He only had it once, it was a terrible and scary journey, but fortunately he did not have to get chemotherapy but another type of treatment, and after about a year, it worked ! He is now fully back to normal and being monitored every once in a while. Leukemia IS scary, but there is hope and sometimes it is not as bad as you think. Keep fighting ❤️
My grandfather was diagnosed today with leukemia due to exposure to agent orange and other herbicides in Vietnam, it’s a shame he has already lost so much of himself to that war
I got leukemia when I was 5 now I’m 16 and fully “cured” but i still fear that one day it’ll return
@@ariana-wu9td Ask google
Stay strong, you are a warrior and you can fight through anything if you've already fought through cancer❤️
Let’s come back to this post 20 years from now and celebrate. You got this 💪
My dream is to be a donor! When I get to 18, the first thing I wanna do is donate things that I don’t really need. I just don’t know if I will be able to donate blood or bone marrow because I have chronic anemia, but I will donate whatever I can, and save lives
you're an amazing person already, Julia. you might be saving lives when you do, proud of you,
you can sign up for blood-donation. They will test your blood-iron-level every time before letting you donate. I'm not sure about it, but if you can't donate whole blood they may let you donate plasma
A girl my parents knew got leukemia at the age of 18 during her first year of college. She wasn't declared cancer free until she was 27. I was in middle school when this happened and up until then I had never heard of cancer happening in young people :( Of course, now I know it can happen to anyone...
Get well soon Joe.
There was this kid I met at school. We weren’t really friends but we saw each other after 2nd period because we both had 3rd period in the C building. One day, we were both waiting for our teachers to come so we came to talk. Every day he would wait outside my classroom, and we would walk together. He ended up telling me that he had Leukemia. After 2 weeks, he stopped coming. I thought that he left the school or something so I didn’t worry, I tried texting him and he didn’t answer. That day during 3rd period, there was an announcement that he died. I really hope they can find a way to cure this. I also hope that people that have Leukemia recover soon.
I’m very sorry my uncle has leukemia and I hope that you are ok now stay safe
I know a kid who had leukemia but he passed away. He didn't die from the cancer itself but from a weak heart from having and fighting it. His name was Rylan and he would've been 13 this year. We miss you SMILIN RYLAN! 🙏 Childhood Cancer only gets 4% of of donation money, so please donate as much as you can and also spread the word. The more donations, the more kids survive.
I’m sorry for your loss. I would donate if I could.
4:16 "there is strength and hope in numbers " naruto taught me that
You misspelled "weeb cancer".
I had ALL and had a bone marrow transplant. I'm doing fine, but drilling noises make me nervous.
The sound of drilling makes me nervous. Like, you know if you go into a haunted house and you get really anxious?
That's what it feels like.
I hope you keep healthy!
living tr4sh
Thank you!!
leukemia is blood cancer.i know that :P
I would say LOL about nervousness from drilling sounds but it might seem inconsiderate because you said you had “ALL,” which I'm assuming means all types of cancer.
Love this video!! You covered absolutely everything
Thanks for such a clear introduction to leukemias! I teach hematology and have struggled to find a video that's short enough yet informative enough and has photos for the more visual students to provide a scaffold for my students prior to diving into the details. I think I've found one now! Thanks!
My grandma has leukaemia at the moment. They are very sick. They started with blood cancer but that has evolved into leukaemia. My grandma is having breathing difficulties and are on oxygen. The doctor says that there is nothing they can do about it. No cure. I was shocked and mentally unwell when I heard about this. The doctor says they only have a few more hours or a day to live. I’m mentally in pain because of this. But I want to have faith. My grandma is very week and unconscious. I just hope everything bees okay. There’s so much stress and pain as we grow up. I just want to wish everyone the best, if your reading this. Stay safe everyone!❤️
sounds like a job for himiko toga
@@aprilvismanos3016 ?
what i said will probably pop up in your head in the future, you overthink what i said, and then you finally got what i was trying to say.
**COUGH** Mahatma Gandhi
I got leukemia about a year ago and was recently diagnosed with 0 cancer cells, and am only now realizing how lucky I am to be alive
My wife and I lost our just turned 2 year old son 7 months ago to Aml. He had MLL gene rearrangement or subtype KMT2A or 11q23. He had a translocation between chromosomes 6 and 11, t(6;11). He received cytarabine, daunorubicin, etoposide, gemtuzumab ozagamicin then mitoxNtrone and cytarabine. He relapsed after the second chemo which signified refractory Aml which had a poor prognosis. Decitabine with mylotarg was then used. He died shortly after from within 4 months of treatment. Some side effects he had were bloody nausea and diahrea. Horrible bloody mouth sores. He was in pain all over. His right eye was covered by a leukemia pool that ended up bleeding.He had a lot of liquid in his lungs which they thought was pnemonia. He ultimately died from a brain bleed within 24 hours caused we think by the chemo.
I'm sorry you have no condolences its to smart to understand
My older brother died from Leukemia in 2009. I still miss him to this day
I'm sorry to hear that. Leukemia really sucks, I got it myself, luckily I was saved by a bone marrow transplantation. But good news is that Leukemia treatment has come really far, even just since this video came out. Stay strong!
Thanks for the Ed, Ted
Very informative. Especially concerning why this is more likely to show up in children. We had a god daughter who got a Wilm's tumor as a infant, a type of childhood cancer we learned about under exigent circumstances.
I have been struggling to understand what exactly leukemia is and what it does to the individual who has it since my boyfriend has been diagnosed with AML, and this really helped to enlighten me with what's going on. Thank you so much for making this video!
Did he survive
Man hope joe gets better
I had leukemia when I was 3 years old and I forever thank the person who donated, without the help of them, my supportive mother and the nurses/doctor/ staff, I probably wouldn't be here ❤
I got a bone marrow transplant last year (at the age of 16). Can I ask, how old are you now and do you feel that you had it?
@@cr34t_ @cr34t all went well? And at the moment, I am 21 years old(: I go yearly to get checked up.( I didnt go the last to years to get checked up, but will this year) I dont really feel it, I believe I live a normal like although I do have some gut issues, certain things make my stomach weak and queasy, but doctors said it was normal to have those but overall,I feel okay. Atm I'm not worried about it, but infertility is another thing. But physically and mentally, I feel and am told by the doctors I'm okay.
I hope you're feeling and doing sooo much better ❤ your strong and you got this 🖤
@@jenniiiie Thank you! Great to hear that your doing well overall. Right before I got my transplant I reacted to some immunotherapy (blinotumomap) and it sent me to the intensive care unit where I slept for 36 hours. I still feel that, but I'm doing much better and we're hopping to get me back up and walking with physical training and a tendon extension. The chemo part was definetly a bumpy ride even for cancer, but the transplantation went really well and the docs are super happy with my recovery. Overall, just feels good to be alive lol.
I have a related cancer, causing excessive platelets. Thankfully unless I’m one of the few who progress to acute myeloid leukemia then I’ll probably live abnormal life. Definitely makes me feel for the leukemia patients though.
Lost my dad to leukemia a few weeks ago. Truly a horrible and merciless disease. It just takes and takes and takes. Hopefully some day we’ll be able to wipe it off the face of the earth.
very sorry for your loss. i hope you have the right support around you during this difficult time. stay strong 💛
Stay strong! Leukemia also affected me head on last year. I was luckily able to win, but not all do. If you want to help others with leukemia, you should consider or at least look into becoming a stem cell donor. I needed a stem cell transplantation and a donor ended up saving my life, I'm forever grateful to that stranger.
TED-Ed Does bone marrow donors go under surgery to donate bone marrow? How painful is the procedure of donating one's bone marrow?
Nomado i think it's just a blood plasma thing, no surgery, it's just blood.
Edit: i just did a little bit of research, there's apparently different ways to donate blood marrow, some of them are just about collecting stem cells from the blood through a long process, others are a little bit more invasive as they're about taking bone marrow directly from the hip, they go for just a few minutes, but they have a longer recovery time.
Exactly what I wanted to ask...
Also wondering about this..
I thing what we need to ask is how to become one. Is there a site your something.
Nomado Yes, you undergo surgery. Marrow is taken out of your pelvis.
I am on the donor list and my name came up as a match. I had to go in for further testing along with others who matched until they could find the best candidate.
The techs explained the procedure and you have to sign a waiver that you know the risks involved. It's not an easy surgery and it takes time to heal.
Turns out they had a better match and I was not chosen.
During year 5 and 6 I went to a school which had a memorial for a girl (not trying to reveal my school, so I'll call her Kate.) For an example of what we could do for a geography assignment, I passed by her plaque. Kate didn't even finish kindergarten, and leukaemia caught up to her.
My brother had this Cancer but he was a lucky survivor and I thank God a lot for it
I like ted videos. Beautiful representation and animation. And lastly, they are trying to end the video in a nice quote. They are restoring the faith in humanity. 👍
BEAUTIFUL video as always! 🙌🏻
Stand strong and have faith. I was diagnosed with AML three years ago. My daughter donated her stemcells to save me from this. But it's still a difficult time. Just never give up and keep up the fight.
Please register for the Be the Match if you can! I am alive today because someone donated their bone marrow to me. Chemo wouldn’t cure my leukemia, but the transplant did. You could be the reason someone survives cancer. ❤️
My grandmother was diagnosed with lukemia around the same time my mother found out she was pregnant with me and my twin. She won the battle in 2022 and then died in 2023. She was one tough cookie for winning against Lukemia, in fact she was tough for even being faced with such an opponent in the first place. I hope all other cancer patients can have a similar experience and finally hear the words “Your body is now cancer-free” and return safely to their families knowing the threat is gone.
Thank you for the subtitles, it's hard to find videos (about science) for those who don't understand English.
And Thank You For the accurate translation from 'Drug' to 'Farmaco'!
My daughter got diagnosed at 6 months. She lived in chemo for over a year inside hospital… was hard as parent see it… now she is in maintenance part and end soon fortunately she is out and starts to live a normal live again. For those parents out there is hard but sometime the best way to win is to keep in the fight…
My brother fight this over 6 years, he passed away on dec 1 2022 when the cancer came back active and more aggressive.
Roman geigns we love you😎😍 Leukemia, also spelled leukaemia, is a group of cancers that usually begin in the bone marrow and result in high numbers of abnormal white blood cells.[8] These white blood cells are not fully developed and are called blasts or leukemia cells.[2] Symptoms may include bleeding and bruising problems, feeling tired, fever, and an increased risk of infections.[2] These symptoms occur due to a lack of normal blood cells.[2] Diagnosis is typically made by blood tests or bone marrow biopsy.[2]
When I was 8 I lost my mother to terminal leukaemia.When I was 16, I was diagnosed with a cancer-like brain tumour (Germinoma). The last lot of chemotherapy I had was a stem cell transplant, luckily before I had any treatment at all, as a precaution, I went through a stem cell harvest, so I didn't need a donor. The chemotherapy I had before the stem cell transplant damn near killed me, not only did I lose my hair, my lips peeled like crazy, the skin on my chest flaked off, I eventually re-grew new finger and toe nails out from my old ones, which was one of the weirdest things I've felt. I would not wish that on my worst enemy, but I have some really great doctors, who instilled a lot of confidence in me that it was beatable, and I believe my mindset through the whole thing was a huge factor in my recovery.
So yeah that's a quick rundown of my story, there's a whooole lot more to it though. If you made it this far, thank you 🙏🏻
Question: Why not just extract/grow/modify healthy steam cell from patient and re-inject it back to the bone marrow?
it's always hard to be a donor cause it can cause a lot of pain but someone who is willing enough to do it must be brave and kind👼
Kairi Uang it’s awesome if someone donates and it’s so nice to help people but it’s not really painful if the doctors use Anaisthetics you don’t feel anything after and at the time
I was around 2-3 years when I got ALL(Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia )......
I just wanna say Thanks to my superhero who saved my life by donating his stem cell...
I am turning 17 now..... Thanks to him
Good to hear such fascinating stories.
My mom died of leukemia, and I wanted to know more about it, but could never understand the information I was presented. This video helped me understand leukemia!! Thank you, TED-Ed!
you had an awesome cartoon series
My grandpa survived leukemia at 5 and he was born in the 50s or 60s...
This was very comprehensive. Thank you!
My brother who is 7 is still going through treatment from leukemia
Thank you for the education about leukaemia.
Im 33 yrs old & have just been diagnosed w/ CML 3 mos ago.. thankfully, there is already oral medicine called tki's & no need for chemotherapy. However these medicines are atrociously priced! As if I'm buying a real estate at the center of London or Manhattan! These pharmaceutical companies should have mercy on patients..
Jeez that last sentence is just so powerful
Can you do the difference between lukemia and lymphoma
Lymphoma is cancer in your lymph nodes. Leukemia is cancer in your blood.
I heard one of my friends' brother passed away from leukemia. Best of luck to anyone going through it.
Please PRAY for all those who suffering from any sickness and leukemia 🙏🙏🙏
My brother was diagnosed in June of 2006 at the age of 17. I was just going into my freshman year of highschool when we found out. I remember the look on my parents faces when they broke they news to me. I had never seen them scared like that before. Maybe it was my young naivety, but deep down I knew I had to be the one to shoulder the burden and give them hope. Doctors told us the best course was radiation and chemo along with a bone marrow transplant. They needed people to test to see if they could be a potential match for him. My parents asked if I would do it and told me if I didn't they would understand. I told them it wasn't even an option, I was all in. Turns out I was the perfect match and donated about 2L of bone marrow in December of 2006. After the transplant and going through remission, my brother came out on the other side of it. He will be 35 this year. My heart goes out to everyone struggling with this. It's a hard road that I never thought my family would have to take, but I wouldn't change a single decision I made.
I'm currently fighting Pre B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and might actually win, I have an appointment after having a bone marrow biopsy and Spinal tap to check if the Kymriah Treatment had worked. I have been praying for 6 months due to the fact my cancer refracted three times due to its aggressiveness.
Your animation is just amazing
Good. What kills a person is not disease but the spirit of life. Keep up the enthusiasm in life. So that you will still live in someone's heart even though you are gone.
Who is after roman's lukemia
Me lol
@@mannyruiz496 What's so funny about that?? This is a serious issue, not something to laugh about!
Crazy how the blood of the umbilical cord of a baby can be donated to those who have Leukemia, and yet it is usually just discarded. Also, it's less difficult to do than a bone marrow transplant I think...
1:54 wait, so does that mean that mutations must occur simultaneously in order to produce cancer? I though if it was just one cell that screwed up and didn’t auto destruct it was enough, but she said “whilst other cancers require more mutations”... what why?
AuzzPanda mutations accumulate. They cm be harmless and do nothing to the cell. When a mutation affects a gene related to the celular division, that's when cancer occurs. It can occur in a cell or a group of cells. Immune system can be effective or not.
I don't really know what she meant by the second part. All I can tell you is what I have studied. When a driver gene is affected, cancer occurs. It doesn't matter how many divisions that cell has been through
Wish all the best and health for all cancer fighters in this world 💔
my father died from leukemia, he was 68 at that time and was too weak to get a cemo. It didnt take him too long to suffer, just 4 month after the first diagnosis, he passed away. i was the last person he saw.
Damn. I’m so sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.
i would become a donor, but does it depend on how healthy your bones are? i have very brittle bones, sadly
Lucky leukemia is one of those cancers that is easier to treat. Usually patients have a bone marrow transplant from a family member or something
Sooooo informative... I wish I knew about Ted-Ed durin ma college days 🙂 I was doin biotechnology engineering back then, anyways m jobless now 😖
A friend of mine got leukemia when she was in fourth grade, it was very scary, but luckily, she survived
pray for roman everyone
I had leukemia in 2020 during covid. My treatment was horrible and the tablets completely changed me and I could not walk or even get out of bed as I felt so ill. I am still having treatment now and feeling so much better but I still feel ill where I take horrible tablets once a month. I am due to finish treatment in September 2023.
Stay strong! I got diagnosed with ALL in march 2021, so I know how tough chemo can be. Chemo also put me in a wheelchair. Treatment can be tough, but you can get through it. Honestly chemo is probably worse than a lot of torture methods. Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you for this informative and inspiring video.
Who's here from Roman Reigns' announcement?
yeah, ws pretty shocking :(
AminePredator Right here. ✋️
Roman reigns I pray that you get better
My friend’s best friend died from leukemia today
i love how the animations literally depicted the red blood cell carrying the oxygen molecules
My sister had leukaemia , she been dead over 20 years . Still miss her tho and anytime I think of her I cry and I try my best not to think of her most of the time . May Allah in his mercy help cure this horrible fatal sickness, Ameen Ya Rabbil Ameen 🙏🏼
The animation is sooo good
Keep up with this videos, so informative and simple :)
I once asked about signing up to donate bone marrow, until I was told that I would have to pay my own money for part of the procedure, if mine was ever needed. I will voluntarily weaken myself via donations, but getting myself into lasting debt just so some medical corporation can get even richer; that is where I draw the line.
Fantastic video. Thanks!