I'll tell you what I left with a lot less tears in me and a knowing I had to ask out my now girlfriend after hearing the lines "you can't start a fire worrying about your little world falling apart", coincidentally as she was off playing volleyball and heard dancing in the dark play on the speakers a court over and thought of me. Thank you Bruce. I first heard born to run on the radio and loved it. I have been hooked ever since my family was lost on a road trip and I tried to check out the rest of the album and I only had enough bandwidth to listen to thunderroad which I then had on repeat as the night sky speckled around me, It's been an incredible journey ever since.
And he speaks politically for the insightful, intelligent and caring population of America. Don’t ever tell him to stay out of politics if he has a political statement to make. He’s been writing brilliant statements about the USA forever. Too bad people in politics cannot speak it like Bruce Springsteen.
As an American he has a right to his opinion but should have no more weight than yours or mine...maybe less since as an uber-rich, he has no idea of life in real world lane!
@@gaylandervin1923 *He was NOT "born" into his wealth! He has earned every bit of it by working very hard for over 50 YEARS. He knows very well what the average person's experience is, because he's LIVED it, and he has NOT forgotten about it. *Have you noticed that he DOESN'T live in a multi-million dollar mansion in the most exclusive part of Hollywood? He is very much in-touch with reality, and that's part of what makes him so relatable to his MANY loyal fans, of which I am one. *WHY does politics have to "infect" every topic these days?? This negativity has gotten way OUT of control! SMH. 😔 🙄
@@gaylandervin1923 Yes, that's right. It IS okay (and actually healthy, too!) to have different opinions; it's just important to remember to be respectful of one another, in spite of any differences. Sadly, in these stressful times, too many people have forgotten about the importance of respect for others, which is why our country is SO divided at this point. But, it DOESN'T have to be this way. The freedom that we enjoy in our country is what so many other people HOPE for, which is why many people leave their own countries to come here. ALL of us, together, need to do what we can in order to "agree to disagree", with respect, every now and then. Thank you! 👍
Worldwide tour but not to the mother of Democracy, Not to Athens.......GREECE though.....Come on guys.... make it happen. I can't afford the other venues.....😔
@@jamsid33 I hope that he enjoys what he has worked so hard for, for OVER 50 years. He's earned EVERY bit of his wealth. And, remember, he also GIVES BACK to the less fortunate. He has NOT forgotten about those in need, as so many others have. Please don't put him down for what he has achieved by his own hard work. He WORKED for it; it was NOT "given" to him for nothing. *I, on the other hand, am NOT a billionaire, because I haven't put in the work over many years in order to try to earn it. (But, that doesn't mean that I couldn't use some extra $$!! 😄) Have a good day.
انا ابوس ايدك بس صعدو تعليقي خل يشوفو الناس نحن مسنا الضر وين الامه الاسلاميه بكيت متنا من القهر لمن اشكي انا اختك من يمن والله ماتكلمت الا من جوع وم الحال انا وكامل اسرتي تشردنا من بيوتنا بَسَبَبَ الَحَرَبَ نَحَنَ فَيَ حَالَهَ لَايَعَلَمَ بَهَا الَا الَلَهَ حَسَبَنَا الَلَهَ وًّنَعَمَ الَوكيَلَ فَيَ مَنَ اوًّصَلَنَا الَى هَاذا الَحَالَ 💔💔وًّالَلَهَ الَعَظَيَمَ مَا كتَبَتَ هَذا الَمَنَاشَدَهَ غَيَرَ مَنَ الَضَيَقَ وّالَفَقَر يَاعَالَمَ حَسَوّا فَيَنَا ارَجَوّكمَ وّالَلَهَ الَعَظَيَمَ رَبَ الَعَرَشَ الَعَظَيَمَ انَه الَاكلَ مَا فَيَ عَنَدَيَ بَالَبَيَتَ وًّالَلَهَ يَا اخَوّانَيَ انَهَ اخَوًّنَيَ بَقَعَدَوًّ بَالَيَوًّمَيَنَ مَافَى اكلَ وًّالَلَهَ وًّضَعَنَا كثَيَرَ صَعَبَ نَحَنَ 7 نَفَرَ دَاخَلَ الَبَيَتَ وًّابَيَ مَتَوًّفَيَ وًّلَا يَوًّجَدَ مَنَ يَعَوًّلَ عَلَيَنَا وًّسَاكنَيَنَ فَيَ بَيَتَ اجَارَ لَانَسَتَطَيَعَ دَفَعَ الَاجاخي اول كلامي انا اقسم بالله على كتاب الله اني لااكذب عليك ولا انصب ولا احتال اني بنت يمنيه نازحين انا واسرتي بيننا ایت الشهرب 20 الف يمني والان علينا 60 الف حق 3 شهور وصاحب البيت من الناس الي ماترحم والله يا اخي انه يجي كل يوم يبهدلنا ويتكلم علينا ويريد من البيت للشارع لانناماقدرنا ندفعله الأجار شافونا الجيران نبكي ورجعو تكلموهم ورجعو یبکو ایموتو من الجوع ما احد رحمهم وعطلة ردها لقمت عیش والان لوما احدنا ساعدنا في إيكيلو دقيق اقسم بالله انموت من الجوع فيا اخي انا دخيله على الله ثم عليك واريد منك المساعده لوجه الله انشدك بالله تحب الخير واتساعدني ولو ب 500 تراسلي واتساب على هذا الرقم 00967715637689 وتطلب اسم وترسلي ولاتتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير🎉😢😢😢😮😮🎉😢😢😮😮😮🎉🎉😢😢😮😮😮😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢🎉😢🎉😢🎉😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢🎉😢
Thanks Bruce for inveigling yourself in damn near every screen that meets my eyes. STOP THE ENDLESS SELF PROMOTION FOR PERSONAL PROFIT AND SELF AGGRANDIZEMENT! Give it a rest. Touring playing a single set of greatest hits because you’re not dead yet isn’t a reason to tour. Lying about a theme to the show to hide the cash grab doesn’t fool us. We’re from the Inkwell. You were once too. No one rocks out in corrective shoes and an ESCAPED MENTAL PATIENT HAIRCUT. And I’m not buying the lie your emotional support scarecrow was sick since 2018 and that’s why she did not bother showing up to work your shows except when it suited her on Broadway. Backstreets closed the day you stopped being honest with us. Price gouging Greed$teen . Now back to your regularly scheduled ass kissing. Oooo Bruce God!
He delivers tremendous value in his shows. But that value doesn't carry over to the political world. A lot of artists are like that though - it's not their strongpoint.
He's only three years younger than the jury convicted FELON tRUMP. The jury convicted sexual abuser, tRUMP, wasn't 'into' politics until a decade ago (although he was previously a vocal and financial supporter of various Dem. candidates). At his age, if the genius, world-beloved artist wants to be involved in politics, he damned well won't care that you disapprove. Thankfully,, he's not a crook. And that's MR. Springsteen to you.
Unfortunately I’m not. When he came to Boston when I clicked some of the seats, they were up to $7,000. I do think his shows are worth $500 but the way the tickets work many were over $1,500. I’ve seen him 5 times and it’s worth a lot but not that much.
@@seanshortall3983 Yes, I understand your point here, but he himself doesn't set the prices of the tickets. Thanks to ticket master, these events are gigantic money-makers. There needs to be some type of regulation because these prices are just way too expensive for most people to afford.
Great musician and great person
All the best for Mrs Springsteen
Bruce is awesome! He’s the Boss and always will be!
I'll tell you what I left with a lot less tears in me and a knowing I had to ask out my now girlfriend after hearing the lines "you can't start a fire worrying about your little world falling apart", coincidentally as she was off playing volleyball and heard dancing in the dark play on the speakers a court over and thought of me. Thank you Bruce. I first heard born to run on the radio and loved it. I have been hooked ever since my family was lost on a road trip and I tried to check out the rest of the album and I only had enough bandwidth to listen to thunderroad which I then had on repeat as the night sky speckled around me, It's been an incredible journey ever since.
Can’t wait to see this on Sunday night and then “Road Diary” next Friday!❤❤❤
Is a legend!
What a decent guy Bruce is. A legend.
Fell in love with him when I was 15 years old… 1975 … and he didn’t like being called The Boss at all back then!!
Bruce Springsteen, além de ser talentoso, é também extremamente apaixonante! 🔥🔥❤️❤️✨💯🌟🎸🤟
He is AMAZING ❤ can't wait to see it
Well done E-Street and Bruce, I hope Mrs. Springsteen gets better soon keep your head up!
she cant its a chronic condition they just have to live with it
Was totally enthralled listening to Bruce explain to George his thought process while writing Tougher Than The Rest..
Love you Bruuuce ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
He should publish a book of set lists.
Setlist fm is your friend for all concert listings.
Seriously - I mean there are TWO books of setlists for They Might Be Giants. Why not one for Bruce?
Yeah from this tour. GET A. Xerox machine.
Eu gosto muito dás músicas do Bruce sou super fã 👏👏👏👏🇧🇷
And he speaks politically for the insightful, intelligent and caring population of America. Don’t ever tell him to stay out of politics if he has a political statement to make. He’s been writing brilliant statements about the USA forever. Too bad people in politics cannot speak it like Bruce Springsteen.
As an American he has a right to his opinion but should have no more weight than yours or mine...maybe less since as an uber-rich, he has no idea of life in real world lane!
*He was NOT "born" into his wealth!
He has earned every bit of it by working very hard for over 50 YEARS.
He knows very well what the average person's experience is, because he's LIVED it, and he has NOT forgotten about it.
*Have you noticed that he DOESN'T live in a multi-million dollar mansion in the most exclusive part of Hollywood?
He is very much in-touch with reality, and that's part of what makes him so relatable to his MANY loyal fans, of which I am one.
*WHY does politics have to "infect" every topic these days??
This negativity has gotten way OUT of control! SMH. 😔 🙄
@@delfino4401 it's OK to have a different opinion.
Yes, that's right. It IS okay (and actually healthy, too!) to have different opinions; it's just important to remember to be respectful of one another, in spite of any differences.
Sadly, in these stressful times, too many people have forgotten about the importance of respect for others, which is why our country is SO divided at this point.
But, it DOESN'T have to be this way.
The freedom that we enjoy in our country is what so many other people HOPE for, which is why many people leave their own countries to come here. ALL of us, together, need to do what we can in order to "agree to disagree", with respect, every now and then.
Thank you! 👍
Salaam Good Morning America 💚💖🌏💖💚
Ich habe oft etwas geschrieben über Ihn er ist ein fabelhafter Mensch ❤❤❤
Sieg Bruce! Bruce über Alles! Bruce macht frei!
Well, and there you have two of the cutest guys in the world in my estimation
Bruce very down to earth from a starving musician. 🤘✌️
Where can we watch this in full ?
lol though the exception is that the E Street band is nothing without Bruce Springsteen
They’re all only in it for the money - YOUR MONEY
Worldwide tour but not to the mother of Democracy, Not to Athens.......GREECE though.....Come on guys.... make it happen. I can't afford the other venues.....😔
Greece the cradle of rock
Bruce, how is it being a billionaire?
I hope that he enjoys what he has worked so hard for, for OVER 50 years. He's earned EVERY bit of his wealth. And, remember, he also GIVES BACK to the less fortunate.
He has NOT forgotten about those in need, as so many others have. Please don't put him down for what he has achieved by his own hard work. He WORKED for it; it was NOT "given" to him for nothing.
*I, on the other hand, am NOT a billionaire, because I haven't put in the work over many years in order to try to earn it. (But, that doesn't mean that I couldn't use some extra $$!! 😄) Have a good day.
انا ابوس ايدك بس صعدو تعليقي خل يشوفو الناس نحن مسنا الضر وين الامه الاسلاميه بكيت متنا من القهر لمن اشكي انا اختك من يمن والله ماتكلمت الا من جوع وم الحال انا وكامل اسرتي تشردنا من بيوتنا بَسَبَبَ الَحَرَبَ نَحَنَ فَيَ حَالَهَ لَايَعَلَمَ بَهَا الَا الَلَهَ حَسَبَنَا الَلَهَ وًّنَعَمَ الَوكيَلَ فَيَ مَنَ اوًّصَلَنَا الَى هَاذا الَحَالَ 💔💔وًّالَلَهَ الَعَظَيَمَ مَا كتَبَتَ هَذا الَمَنَاشَدَهَ غَيَرَ مَنَ الَضَيَقَ وّالَفَقَر يَاعَالَمَ حَسَوّا فَيَنَا ارَجَوّكمَ وّالَلَهَ الَعَظَيَمَ رَبَ الَعَرَشَ الَعَظَيَمَ انَه الَاكلَ مَا فَيَ عَنَدَيَ بَالَبَيَتَ وًّالَلَهَ يَا اخَوّانَيَ انَهَ اخَوًّنَيَ بَقَعَدَوًّ بَالَيَوًّمَيَنَ مَافَى اكلَ وًّالَلَهَ وًّضَعَنَا كثَيَرَ صَعَبَ نَحَنَ 7 نَفَرَ دَاخَلَ الَبَيَتَ وًّابَيَ مَتَوًّفَيَ وًّلَا يَوًّجَدَ مَنَ يَعَوًّلَ عَلَيَنَا وًّسَاكنَيَنَ فَيَ بَيَتَ اجَارَ لَانَسَتَطَيَعَ دَفَعَ الَاجاخي اول كلامي انا اقسم بالله على كتاب الله اني لااكذب عليك ولا انصب ولا احتال اني بنت يمنيه نازحين انا واسرتي بيننا ایت الشهرب 20 الف يمني والان علينا 60 الف حق 3 شهور وصاحب البيت من الناس الي ماترحم والله يا اخي انه يجي كل يوم يبهدلنا ويتكلم علينا ويريد من البيت للشارع لانناماقدرنا ندفعله الأجار شافونا الجيران نبكي ورجعو تكلموهم ورجعو یبکو ایموتو من الجوع ما احد رحمهم وعطلة ردها لقمت عیش والان لوما احدنا ساعدنا في إيكيلو دقيق اقسم بالله انموت من الجوع فيا اخي انا دخيله على الله ثم عليك واريد منك المساعده لوجه الله انشدك بالله تحب الخير واتساعدني ولو ب 500 تراسلي واتساب على هذا الرقم 00967715637689 وتطلب اسم وترسلي ولاتتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير🎉😢😢😢😮😮🎉😢😢😮😮😮🎉🎉😢😢😮😮😮😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢😢🎉😢🎉😢🎉😢😢😢🎉😢😢😢🎉😢
Thanks Bruce for inveigling yourself in damn near every screen that meets my eyes. STOP THE ENDLESS SELF PROMOTION FOR PERSONAL PROFIT AND SELF AGGRANDIZEMENT! Give it a rest.
Touring playing a single set of greatest hits because you’re not dead yet isn’t a reason to tour. Lying about a theme to the show to hide the cash grab doesn’t fool us. We’re from the Inkwell. You were once too.
No one rocks out in corrective shoes and an ESCAPED MENTAL PATIENT HAIRCUT.
And I’m not buying the lie your emotional support scarecrow was sick since 2018 and that’s why she did not bother showing up to work your shows except when it suited her on Broadway. Backstreets closed the day you stopped being honest with us. Price gouging Greed$teen . Now back to your regularly scheduled ass kissing. Oooo Bruce God!
Man what’s with the quality of this video and audio? Crapola
Seger is better
Bruce Springsteen SUCKS!
Sucks what?
Stay out of politics, Bruce.
He delivers tremendous value in his shows. But that value doesn't carry over to the political world. A lot of artists are like that though - it's not their strongpoint.
Why? Like everyone, he has the right to voice his opinion (he always did).
And like every sane person - he's against the orange turd.
Stay off TH-cam, dolt. If he was a Republican, you wouldn’t have a problem with it, would you?
@@ReturnOfTheJ.D.Says the MAGA hat wearing dullard who believes the election was stolen. Run along now. Educated adults are talking.
He's only three years younger than the jury convicted FELON tRUMP. The jury convicted sexual abuser, tRUMP, wasn't 'into' politics until a decade ago (although he was previously a vocal and financial supporter of various Dem. candidates). At his age, if the genius, world-beloved artist wants to be involved in politics, he damned well won't care that you disapprove. Thankfully,, he's not a crook. And that's MR. Springsteen to you.
$7,000 tickets thanks to ticket master
Exaggerate much?
Unfortunately I’m not. When he came to Boston when I clicked some of the seats, they were up to $7,000. I do think his shows are worth $500 but the way the tickets work many were over $1,500. I’ve seen him 5 times and it’s worth a lot but not that much.
Yes, I understand your point here, but he himself doesn't set the prices of the tickets.
Thanks to ticket master, these events are gigantic money-makers. There needs to be some type of regulation because these prices are just way too expensive for most people to afford.
He approved it.
Springsteen is and always has been VASTLY overrated. Especially as an American.
lol so explain to me why he is overrrated, I'm waiting?
For starters, he sucks