A funny thing I notice with a lot of younger reactors is they use the term 'CGI' to refer to any special effects. This was before CGI when everything had to be done practically with miniatures, matte paintings, film compositing, and real stunts; it was true movie magic. Looking up behind the scenes stuff on these older movies is really amazing.
I wish they would go back to this a bit. CGI is certainly useful. But I find practical effects just look better. Especially when done by masters. They have a certain impact that you can see and "feel" even on film that CGI lacks. And they age better. Even to this day, the city destroying explosions in Independence Day still look fantastic cus they actually made miniatures of the cities and actually blew them up.
So fun fact, the opening to this was done because Spielberg wanted to direct a James Bond movie and they said no. So he made the opening to Temple of Doom James Bond style.
The opening musical number is a tribute to Busby Berkeley musicals ,of which Spielberg was a big fan. After the success of star wars, Spielberg and George Lucas went on vacation together in Hawaii. Spielberg was asked by Lucas what he wanted to do next, and Spielberg said he'd love to make a James Bond movie. Lucas said "i got something better," and told him about his archeologist/swashbuckling hero that would later become Indiana Jones, who first showed up obviously in Raiders of the Lost Ark I never heard about the Doom/Bond connection, but it makes sense. The Brocoli's had a long standing tradition (broken with the last film) of only hiring UK Directors to helm the Bond movies. I'm sure they'd let Spielberg direct one now. I'D love to see it.
Willie was written as the anti-Marion. Also, Lucas and Spielberg went ended long-term relationships before writing this movie, so that's partly why things got so dark. An important scene that got deleted is Indy getting the fruit platter for Willie and running into Capt. Blumbertt and the pair discussed how wrong the dinner feast was for Indians to be eating. The Kali sacrifice scene in this movie and the microwave scene in _Gremlins_ are why the MPAA created the PG-13 rating as a mid-point between films too graphic for a PG rating but not explicit enough for an R. The first movie to be rated PG-13 would be the original _Red Dawn_ later in 1984.
Here in the UK we have a different rating system, but when the film was originally released it was heavily edited to get a PG rating, and that's how it stayed until the uncut version was released on DVD/Blu-ray in 2012 it was then given a new rating of 12, but following a cinema re-releases in 2013 and 2021 it was given a new rating of 12A and it's been at that rating ever since.
The raft is a single long shot falling from the airplane. How many shots they took, who knows. When it fell from the cliff it is edited, probably cause it keep flipping off the side.
@@putinscat1208 There is a wide shot of the cliff as the raft goes over the edge. That was a special effects shot with a miniature and a painted background. They did the raft sequence in pieces.
Personally, I hate it. It always takes me out of the moment. Somebody's falling to their death-let's add a 70 year-old industry joke that's so well known, everyone's 'in' on it now.
@@dan_hitchman007It's always shocking to me how Temple of Doom isn't considered by FAR the best one lol. Raiders is good, but Last Crusade is mediocre, it's like a Marvel movie.
This is a prequel. The man that meets them at the airport is Dan Aykroyd. The big guard that is killed in the rock crusher is the same actor that took the propeller to the face in Raiders. The club at the opening is Club Obi-Wan. And the show Mythbusters proved that using the raft is absolutely possible.
I love that younger generations can watch these movies and enjoy them. I was 12 when this one came out, " showing my age." Fun times! Same reactions as you LoL . 😆
7:05 Fun fact: The sound effect used for the engines failing are the same ones they used in "The Empire Strikes Back" for when the Millennium Falcons hyperspace engines failed.
I was struck by your mini-rant regarding every Indy film having a damsel in distress, and then you said, every time he goes to risk his life he kisses the girl. Are you suggesting that IF you found yourself (as here) in a situation facing death, and from which you could not personally escape, and a man were with you and was preparing to risk his life to save not just himself but you as well, you would not kiss him? Not even as Princess Leia said in Star Wars as Luke prepared to swing across the gap with her in his arms, 'For Luck'?
It’s technically possible to survive a fall like that. I mean, people jump out of planes and their chutes don't open and the hit the ground and miraculously survive. it’s rare, but it happens. I will also point out the Indy and and them were not as high as that. So their chances are a little better. But it’s still pretty improbable.
The third one is technically my favorite because I love Sean Connery and the interaction between him and his father is great with the idle banter throughout
“No ticket” Sean Connery is actually only 12 years older than Harrison Ford. I joke that Indy’s mom was the school marm and Henry Jones Sr. Was the class pimp. 😂 It was probably perfectly legal back then. 😆
Everyone always complains about Willie. I liked Willie. For the past 40 years (at least) just about every female lead has been a Strong Two-Fisted Broad. Like all of them. Willie was great. Not EVERY female lead has to be like Princess Leia or Rey or Ripley or Sarah Connor or the 10,000 others. The chick is always a tough, independent , super-competent, emasculating "grrl boss". Willie was a breath of fresh air - for once there was a different type of woman.
Not every woman is a strong independent badass despite what Hollywood tries to pretend nowadays. Hell, there are men that are just as incompetent. It's called a character, and it's there to serve a purpose, in this case the damsel and the comic relief, and that's ok. Besides, you know there are women out there JUST like Willie, even if some people don't want to admit it.
Really love that you're enjoying this Alyce! Mythbusters tested the life raft as parachute scene and wile it's highly unlikely to get it right, it just might work. I think you'll love the next one: Last Crusade, Sean Connery joins in the fun
Funny how lots of younger people completely suspend disbelief when watching Transformer or Marvel movies thats filled with tons of fake graphics. But in older films where work actually had to be done with making practical effects which look way more real, they nitpick it to death. I just dont understand the logic
My favorite scenes using the Indiana Jones musical theme… 1. Indy and Shorty giving each other their hats. 2. Indy coming to after Shorty gets the blade out of the voodoo doll. 3. Indy and company returning to the village.
7:42 If I remember correctly, based on the Mythbusters, the inflatable raft safely falling from the airplane is possible, but highly unlikely. (It was too difficult to control its descent in a way that would keep the flat part facing the ground.)
A lot of the scenes in Temple of Doom were originally planned for Raiders of the Lost Ark. The Mine Car chase, Using the Gong as a bulletproof shield scenes were supposed to be in Raiders.
Fun fact the huge swole red bearded bad guy Indiana jones fights in the mines is the same guy who played the huge bald German soldier who fights Indiana next to the plane he’s the fight coordinator
Easter Egg: During the dance number, when Kathleen Kennedy’s name appears, she’s one of the dancers in the middle with a blonde wig. She, along with George Lucas and Steven Spielberg were at the airport as Indy & co. board their plane, with Dan Aykroyd greeting them.
THe raft out of the plane is at least feasible because if you look: even if its just a weighted prop that boat drop is all one shot. From out the plane door to hitting the snow.
The boots are the Alden 405. Commonly called the Alden Indy (well, they are now). They're quite comfortable, but not super durable. They're really just casual, semi-dressy boots.
Although the second film in the series, Temple of Doom actually takes place before Raiders. Temple of Doom - 1935 Raiders of the Lost Ark - 1936 The Last Crusade - 1938 Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - 1957 The Dial Of Destiny - Late 1960s. Fun Facts: Pankot Palace was achieved through a mixture of matte paintings & also a set built at Elstree Studios; the sets occupied 8 out of the 9 sound stages. In fact somewhere in the region of 80% of the film was shot on soundstages. During the fight in the room, Harrison Ford ruptured a disc & despite being an horrific pain, he managed to keep shooting. Pat Roach (the Nazi minced by the plane in Raiders) reappears as the Thugee guard who gets crushed. Also, Dan Ackroyd has a cameo…..he greets Indy at the airport!!
Although her managed to finish the movies the day after this he couldn't move. The fight scene on the conveyor belt wasn't him when filmed from a distance
Love that this sequel feels sooo different! It doesn't copy the first movie, but extend the Indiana Jones universe with a much grosser and darker approach. For me the bravest yet most ingenious way to continue the series! Love it!
15:10 One time in which a translation creates a joke, instead of losing a joke with the translation. In Spanish, a typical garlic soup is "sopa de Ajos" which, in this case, becomes "sopa de Ojos" (yup, only 1 letter difference) meaning eye soup.
16:13 Because you are experiencing them from a different cultural context than people did in 1984. Scenes like that have become tropes and clichés since 1984 and nobody takes them seriously anymore. It's the main way movies from the 1980s are showing their age.
So, this movie predates CGI by more than 10 years, all the effects are practical, miniatures, matte painting, green screens, but no computer generated images. Correction, The Abyss used cgi effects 5 years after Temple of Doom.
Technically, they did have CGI, but it was very rudimentary, and was only really used as a novelty for a single effect in a movie. The stained glass window in young Sherlock Holmes and the morphing scene in Willow are good examples of this. It wasn’t until Jurassic Park that we really got CGI.
@@jkhristian I went down a memory lane rabbit hole after I edited my comment for The Abyss, I was going back and forth between T2 and Jurassic Park for first cgi movie. Blending of cgi with practical in T2 versus complete dinosaurs in JP.
Tron in 1982 was the first film to make extensive use of CGI as a backdrop for live actors. And of course its plot was one where you'd want the effects to look "computery". But even there a lot of it was done with older techniques.
The scream you mentioned is called the Wilhelm scream, and it features in almost every George Lucas movie. It has been around since 1951. Steven Spielberg eventually married the actress who played Willie, Kate Capshaw.
Speaking as someone who actually really likes watching opening credits in films, I always find it funny to hear reactors make comments about them being "really long". They're usually only about two to three minutes long, but I suppose we've collectively gotten used to seeing them at the end of the film instead of at the start. At any rate it usually gives me a chuckle, if only for the "get to the fireworks factory" energy. Temple of Doom is definitely regarded as the black sheep of the original Indy trilogy, receiving a lot more criticism compared to Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade. Many take issue with the darker tone and increased gore, Willie being a considerable downgrade compared to Marion, and the "questionable" depiction of India, and these are criticisms I definitely get. At the same time, I can definitely appreciate it for having some of the best action scenes in the entire series, the delightful interactions between Indy and Short Round, the excellent score, the cool villain, and just for how batshit insane the film can get. It's definitely the weakest of the original trilogy, but I still have a lot of fun with it. On the plus side, the next film is arguably the best film in the series, and I cannot wait to see your reaction to it
The first three films are the good ones. Few people name Temple of Doom their favourite though. Many would name Last Crusade. For me its Raiders then Last Crusade then Temple of Doom. But all are worthy. Temple of Doom loses points with most people for how annoying Willie Scott is.
The 1st and 3rd movies are really good and the woman in the 3rd is vastly different from the previous films, she won't annoyingly scream at everything :)
you know, i have seen this movie so many times on cable, and i don't recall ever seeing this opening, maybe i have and it's one of the few things i forgot, but could have just missed it every time too
7:43 I often wondered why there was a "fuel dump" trigger on an airplane. Someone told me it for emergency landings to prevent explosions...WELLLLLL if the fuel was dumped on THIS airplane, why was there such a big explosion (not shown in reaction) when it crashed into the side of the mountain.
Willie Scott is meant to be a comedic character. She is completely useless for comedic effect, though I'd argue she's actually a very competent person when put in situations where her skills are useful (she's a Kansas farmgirl who managed to escape poverty for a life of glitz, glamour and globe-trotting during the Great Depression). The reason she's written this way is because this is a prequel and the movie needs to leave you with no questions as to why Willie isn't even mentioned in Raiders of the Lost Ark. That absolutely nobody in the history of Indy fandom has ever seriously asked "Why did Willie and Indy break up?" is a testament to how well written her character actually is. The real question is what happened to Short Round!?! He's clearly the greatest sidekick in cinema history, why didn't Indy keep him around? Is he off at school getting an education? Did he get adopted by a Chinese family? Did he die? So many questions!
Indie brought him back with him to the states. Eventually he went to boarding school but occasionally joined indie on more adventures. Eventually he became an archaeologist of his own had his own adventures.
You know what, I've seen this movie like... 30 times at least, never once noticed that the snake moved till you pointed it out. Maybe I thought it was the camera that moved.
This went from my favorite as a kid (before Last Crusade came out), because this was the movie we had and watched the hell out, and it was terrifying when you’re a kid Shorty’s age, to my least favorite for many decades, until Crystal Skull came out, and now has actually swung back to being actually kinda my favorite again. Yeah, Willie’s the weakest leading lady as a character, but her being an incompetent female stereotype makes it easy to readily laugh at her and her misery (which is kinda expected given she’s just an entertainer and came along inadvertently). It’s a caricature depiction of past Indian culture, but honestly, so are the series’s depictions of rain forest tribal cultures, of the Nazis, the Egyptians, Shanghai, and even ‘30s American culture. Not saying that excuses it, but it’s all very per the depictions of pulp adventure stories from the period, of all cultures, in that none of them are depicted with any greater historical accuracy either. I’ve decided this one actually has the best set pieces, the most grandiose. The action really is almost non-stop chaos from the very opening scenes. Shorty is a great and really enjoyable character. Of the films I’ve seen (4), this is the most wild ride of the pulp action adventure style, and quite enjoyable in its absurdity.
I watched this as a Christmas Day big movie with my mum and dad on tv. My mum was nearly going to fall out of her armchair seat watching the spike chamber bit. Great film Great memories.😊
I hope you do all 5 films this is definitely my favorite series. I know that 4 and 5 don't get as much love for obvious reasons but if you take them for what they are they're still pretty fun and enjoyable.
This is my favourite, gets a lot of flack, to dark, child abuse etcetera. But Molar Ram traumatised me when this came out. Very memorable. As for the damsel in distress, the original 3 movies were a Homage to a particular era of cinema. They were deliberately hitting all the tropes. Yes they totally did this in Resident Evil 4 and remake.
Willie had another scene where she goes and gets help, and thats why you see the military show up at the end. Too bad it wasn't left for her sake as it was kinda a cool little scene.
@@Alyska Hey there, I made a comment in the comment section. Is it actually you who replied to my comment saying that you want to talk on telegram? If not, then I think there's someone pretending to be you saying "look up above can we discuss?" A lot of people here in the comment section have this same reply, not just me.
Fun fact about the bridge That’s a real bridge that they had to make for the film and Steven Spielberg was sacred to death and could only about 10 steps out on it before having to go back on land trying to figure out how’s he’s gonna film on it. Then Harrison Ford was the only one on set that sprinted across the bridge without grabbing the sides in 1 take on his first try. He really is Indiana Jones
Btw the dropped boat while unlikely is possible, also skiers have fell over 50Ft from lifts without getting hurt with snow as a pad. The cliff is more suspect.
7:36 "I need to confirm: that's not possible, is it?" Consider it confirmed. Mythbusters tried this several times with crash-test dummies dropped in an inflated raft. They not only hit with lethal force (the dummies were equipped with impact sensors to measure how hard they hit) but the dummies also broke apart on impact. Sad to say, Indy and his companions would have all died or suffered so many broken bones that they would just lie there and die shortly after impact. Google Mythbusters Temple of Doom and you can watch their tests yourself.
Alyska I'm so excited that your reacting to these awesome Indiana Jones movies the next movie is the last crusade then the crystal skull then dial of destiny I'm so excited to see you react the the crystal skull I think you will enjoy it
Wow, this came out almost 40 years ago lol. No wonder I'll be 44 this year. Nice reaction Alyska. I like this one for sure, Short Round aka Ke Huy Quan played Data in The Goonies. Kate Capshaw played herself at being annoying in this lol. The mine chasing scene reminded me of Resident Evil 4. I liked how they went out of chronological order from the first film. Please watch the third one. Harrison knows how to fly a helicopter and has his own.
A funny thing I notice with a lot of younger reactors is they use the term 'CGI' to refer to any special effects. This was before CGI when everything had to be done practically with miniatures, matte paintings, film compositing, and real stunts; it was true movie magic. Looking up behind the scenes stuff on these older movies is really amazing.
Thank you! This is a real peeve of mine!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I wish they would go back to this a bit. CGI is certainly useful. But I find practical effects just look better. Especially when done by masters. They have a certain impact that you can see and "feel" even on film that CGI lacks. And they age better. Even to this day, the city destroying explosions in Independence Day still look fantastic cus they actually made miniatures of the cities and actually blew them up.
Christopher Nolan is the current master of practical effects.
"Need to crash a plane into a hangar? Okay, I'll buy a plane and a hangar".
No, this was _not_ before CGI...
So fun fact, the opening to this was done because Spielberg wanted to direct a James Bond movie and they said no. So he made the opening to Temple of Doom James Bond style.
The opening musical number is a tribute to Busby Berkeley musicals ,of which Spielberg was a big fan.
After the success of star wars, Spielberg and George Lucas went on vacation together in Hawaii. Spielberg was asked by Lucas what he wanted to do next, and Spielberg said he'd love to make a James Bond movie. Lucas said "i got something better," and told him about his archeologist/swashbuckling hero that would later become Indiana Jones, who first showed up obviously in Raiders of the Lost Ark
I never heard about the Doom/Bond connection, but it makes sense. The Brocoli's had a long standing tradition (broken with the last film) of only hiring UK Directors to helm the Bond movies. I'm sure they'd let Spielberg direct one now. I'D love to see it.
He actually wanted to do a musical, which he eventually did with *West Side Story*
Anything Goes is a song by Indiana legend Cole Porter.
Nope, he wanted to make James Bond.@@JedHead77
@@JedHead77 And he shouldn't have bothered...
Willie was written as the anti-Marion. Also, Lucas and Spielberg went ended long-term relationships before writing this movie, so that's partly why things got so dark.
An important scene that got deleted is Indy getting the fruit platter for Willie and running into Capt. Blumbertt and the pair discussed how wrong the dinner feast was for Indians to be eating.
The Kali sacrifice scene in this movie and the microwave scene in _Gremlins_ are why the MPAA created the PG-13 rating as a mid-point between films too graphic for a PG rating but not explicit enough for an R. The first movie to be rated PG-13 would be the original _Red Dawn_ later in 1984.
Here in the UK we have a different rating system, but when the film was originally released it was heavily edited to get a PG rating, and that's how it stayed until the uncut version was released on DVD/Blu-ray in 2012 it was then given a new rating of 12, but following a cinema re-releases in 2013 and 2021 it was given a new rating of 12A and it's been at that rating ever since.
Mythbusters proved the inflated boat COULD work.
The raft is a single long shot falling from the airplane. How many shots they took, who knows. When it fell from the cliff it is edited, probably cause it keep flipping off the side.
@@putinscat1208The cliff you are talking about was a matte painting with a composited miniature.
@@dan_hitchman007 The raft went over a real cliff into a real river.
@@putinscat1208 There is a wide shot of the cliff as the raft goes over the edge. That was a special effects shot with a miniature and a painted background. They did the raft sequence in pieces.
@@dan_hitchman007 They can drop a raft from a plane, but can't send one over a cliff?
The "Wilhelm Scream" I love hearing that whenever it pops up in movies. Always makes me giggle
Personally, I hate it. It always takes me out of the moment. Somebody's falling to their death-let's add a 70 year-old industry joke that's so well known, everyone's 'in' on it now.
Snow does cushion falls very well--look at skiers. With no forward momentum, however, absolutely no way they would have survived unscathed.
The third Indiana Jones movie, Last Crusade, is the most fun of the series, and maybe the best overall film.
Raiders is the best of the series bar none. You can debate if Temple or Crusade is number two or not.
@@dan_hitchman007It's always shocking to me how Temple of Doom isn't considered by FAR the best one lol. Raiders is good, but Last Crusade is mediocre, it's like a Marvel movie.
This is a prequel.
The man that meets them at the airport is Dan Aykroyd.
The big guard that is killed in the rock crusher is the same actor that took the propeller to the face in Raiders.
The club at the opening is Club Obi-Wan.
And the show Mythbusters proved that using the raft is absolutely possible.
Thanks for the spoilers.
@@putinscat1208 what spoilers.. if you saw the movie and dont know its your fault
@@putinscat1208 There's not a single spoiler in there.
I guess I did spoil the Mythbusters episode!!!!
If you haven’t seen the movie don’t begin with a reaction video..
I love that younger generations can watch these movies and enjoy them. I was 12 when this one came out, " showing my age." Fun times! Same reactions as you LoL . 😆
Ke Huy Quan, short round, was also in the Goonies as Data and in the second season of Loki as Ouroboros.
Did you notice the name of the club when they were in Shanghai. It’s called club Obi Wan. A nod to Steven Spielberg’s friend George Lucas.
7:05 Fun fact: The sound effect used for the engines failing are the same ones they used in "The Empire Strikes Back" for when the Millennium Falcons hyperspace engines failed.
The events of Temple of Doom are before Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Mythbusters confirmed that the raft scene is very much in fact survivable in those conditions, the river fall....not so much
I was struck by your mini-rant regarding every Indy film having a damsel in distress, and then you said, every time he goes to risk his life he kisses the girl. Are you suggesting that IF you found yourself (as here) in a situation facing death, and from which you could not personally escape, and a man were with you and was preparing to risk his life to save not just himself but you as well, you would not kiss him? Not even as Princess Leia said in Star Wars as Luke prepared to swing across the gap with her in his arms, 'For Luck'?
It’s technically possible to survive a fall like that. I mean, people jump out of planes and their chutes don't open and the hit the ground and miraculously survive. it’s rare, but it happens. I will also point out the Indy and and them were not as high as that. So their chances are a little better. But it’s still pretty improbable.
The third one is technically my favorite because I love Sean Connery and the interaction between him and his father is great with the idle banter throughout
“No ticket” Sean Connery is actually only 12 years older than Harrison Ford. I joke that Indy’s mom was the school marm and Henry Jones Sr. Was the class pimp. 😂 It was probably perfectly legal back then. 😆
Everyone always complains about Willie. I liked Willie. For the past 40 years (at least) just about every female lead has been a Strong Two-Fisted Broad. Like all of them. Willie was great. Not EVERY female lead has to be like Princess Leia or Rey or Ripley or Sarah Connor or the 10,000 others. The chick is always a tough, independent , super-competent, emasculating "grrl boss". Willie was a breath of fresh air - for once there was a different type of woman.
It's same actor that played the big German in Raiders of the lost ark.
Pat Roaches, a wrestler from Birmingham.
Roles plural. Roach singular.
Not every woman is a strong independent badass despite what Hollywood tries to pretend nowadays. Hell, there are men that are just as incompetent. It's called a character, and it's there to serve a purpose, in this case the damsel and the comic relief, and that's ok. Besides, you know there are women out there JUST like Willie, even if some people don't want to admit it.
You'd think Kathleen Kennedy would know this since she "worked" on these films.
The Thugee jump scare scene (when Shorty and Willie are caught off guard) always gets them and Alyska was no exception. 😂
Really love that you're enjoying this Alyce! Mythbusters tested the life raft as parachute scene and wile it's highly unlikely to get it right, it just might work. I think you'll love the next one: Last Crusade, Sean Connery joins in the fun
Funny how lots of younger people completely suspend disbelief when watching Transformer or Marvel movies thats filled with tons of fake graphics. But in older films where work actually had to be done with making practical effects which look way more real, they nitpick it to death. I just dont understand the logic
My favorite scenes using the Indiana Jones musical theme…
1. Indy and Shorty giving each other their hats.
2. Indy coming to after Shorty gets the blade out of the voodoo doll.
3. Indy and company returning to the village.
The kid is Ke Huy Quan.
He played O.B in the Loki series.
More importantly, he won an Academy Award for "Everything Everywhere All At Once."
I love Willie Scott's faint, she rolled her eyes. 😄😄
Love your laugh. Love how you look at the camera when something ridiculous happens
You are amazing
7:42 If I remember correctly, based on the Mythbusters, the inflatable raft safely falling from the airplane is possible, but highly unlikely. (It was too difficult to control its descent in a way that would keep the flat part facing the ground.)
My favorite line in this movie "We... Are going... To DIE!!! >:("
Always loved the delivery of that one too 😂❤
his face expression is priceless 😟😟
I absolutely love watching Alyska’s movie reactions. Wish she would do more, she’s one of the best. And she’s hilarious and adorable to boot.
Fun Fact inside Indiana's Movie world timeline this Adventure happened 1 year Before Raiders of The Lost Ark
A lot of the scenes in Temple of Doom were originally planned for Raiders of the Lost Ark. The Mine Car chase, Using the Gong as a bulletproof shield scenes were supposed to be in Raiders.
Fun fact the huge swole red bearded bad guy Indiana jones fights in the mines is the same guy who played the huge bald German soldier who fights Indiana next to the plane he’s the fight coordinator
Easter Egg: During the dance number, when Kathleen Kennedy’s name appears, she’s one of the dancers in the middle with a blonde wig.
She, along with George Lucas and Steven Spielberg were at the airport as Indy & co. board their plane, with Dan Aykroyd greeting them.
THe raft out of the plane is at least feasible because if you look: even if its just a weighted prop that boat drop is all one shot. From out the plane door to hitting the snow.
If you like the first two, I'm sure you're going to enjoy the third one as well. The chemistry between Harrison Ford and Sean Connery is fantastic.
Great reaction, don't worry, the damsel is very different in the last crusade, my personal favourite of the trilogy.
The boots are the Alden 405. Commonly called the Alden Indy (well, they are now). They're quite comfortable, but not super durable. They're really just casual, semi-dressy boots.
Although the second film in the series, Temple of Doom actually takes place before Raiders.
Temple of Doom - 1935
Raiders of the Lost Ark - 1936
The Last Crusade - 1938
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - 1957
The Dial Of Destiny - Late 1960s.
Fun Facts: Pankot Palace was achieved through a mixture of matte paintings & also a set built at Elstree Studios; the sets occupied 8 out of the 9 sound stages. In fact somewhere in the region of 80% of the film was shot on soundstages.
During the fight in the room, Harrison Ford ruptured a disc & despite being an horrific pain, he managed to keep shooting.
Pat Roach (the Nazi minced by the plane in Raiders) reappears as the Thugee guard who gets crushed. Also, Dan Ackroyd has a cameo…..he greets Indy at the airport!!
Dial of Destiny was confirmed to be August, 1969. 😊
Although her managed to finish the movies the day after this he couldn't move. The fight scene on the conveyor belt wasn't him when filmed from a distance
Love that this sequel feels sooo different! It doesn't copy the first movie, but extend the Indiana Jones universe with a much grosser and darker approach. For me the bravest yet most ingenious way to continue the series! Love it!
15:10 One time in which a translation creates a joke, instead of losing a joke with the translation. In Spanish, a typical garlic soup is "sopa de Ajos" which, in this case, becomes "sopa de Ojos" (yup, only 1 letter difference) meaning eye soup.
16:13 Because you are experiencing them from a different cultural context than people did in 1984. Scenes like that have become tropes and clichés since 1984 and nobody takes them seriously anymore. It's the main way movies from the 1980s are showing their age.
So, this movie predates CGI by more than 10 years, all the effects are practical, miniatures, matte painting, green screens, but no computer generated images. Correction, The Abyss used cgi effects 5 years after Temple of Doom.
Technically, they did have CGI, but it was very rudimentary, and was only really used as a novelty for a single effect in a movie. The stained glass window in young Sherlock Holmes and the morphing scene in Willow are good examples of this. It wasn’t until Jurassic Park that we really got CGI.
@@jkhristian I went down a memory lane rabbit hole after I edited my comment for The Abyss, I was going back and forth between T2 and Jurassic Park for first cgi movie. Blending of cgi with practical in T2 versus complete dinosaurs in JP.
Tron in 1982 was the first film to make extensive use of CGI as a backdrop for live actors. And of course its plot was one where you'd want the effects to look "computery".
But even there a lot of it was done with older techniques.
This is my favorite of the Indiana Jones trilogy! That annoying Willie was no Marion that's for sure.
I've loved this film since I was a kid. Great reaction! 👍🏿
You’re definitely in for a ride of a lifetime. Indiana Jones is everybody’s favourite movie franchise of all time.
Mine is Back to the future😊
No, it's not. Majority of people would answer Star Wars as numbers and statistics tell us.
The scream you mentioned is called the Wilhelm scream, and it features in almost every George Lucas movie. It has been around since 1951. Steven Spielberg eventually married the actress who played Willie, Kate Capshaw.
5:29 yep... this is the tone for Willy the entire movie lol
38:53 "You will taste man-flesh"!
The darkest of all the trilogy. This one is my favorite Indy movie. Hope you enjoy it Alyska!
This movie has a lot of easter eggs and references to a movie from 1939 called Gunga Din.
Roy Chiao played Grace Chang's love interest in Spring Song(1960).
The next one is my fav.
When I saw Alyska was going to watch this, I knew I had to see her reactions to various things! 🤣🤣🤣
Speaking as someone who actually really likes watching opening credits in films, I always find it funny to hear reactors make comments about them being "really long". They're usually only about two to three minutes long, but I suppose we've collectively gotten used to seeing them at the end of the film instead of at the start. At any rate it usually gives me a chuckle, if only for the "get to the fireworks factory" energy.
Temple of Doom is definitely regarded as the black sheep of the original Indy trilogy, receiving a lot more criticism compared to Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade. Many take issue with the darker tone and increased gore, Willie being a considerable downgrade compared to Marion, and the "questionable" depiction of India, and these are criticisms I definitely get. At the same time, I can definitely appreciate it for having some of the best action scenes in the entire series, the delightful interactions between Indy and Short Round, the excellent score, the cool villain, and just for how batshit insane the film can get. It's definitely the weakest of the original trilogy, but I still have a lot of fun with it. On the plus side, the next film is arguably the best film in the series, and I cannot wait to see your reaction to it
The first three films are the good ones. Few people name Temple of Doom their favourite though. Many would name Last Crusade. For me its Raiders then Last Crusade then Temple of Doom. But all are worthy. Temple of Doom loses points with most people for how annoying Willie Scott is.
The 1st and 3rd movies are really good and the woman in the 3rd is vastly different from the previous films, she won't annoyingly scream at everything :)
you know, i have seen this movie so many times on cable, and i don't recall ever seeing this opening, maybe i have and it's one of the few things i forgot, but could have just missed it every time too
I think that Omega copying Hunter in the premiere episode of The Bad Batch may have been a tribute to Shorty copying Indy at 9:27.
Good subtle stuff.
7:43 I often wondered why there was a "fuel dump" trigger on an airplane. Someone told me it for emergency landings to prevent explosions...WELLLLLL if the fuel was dumped on THIS airplane, why was there such a big explosion (not shown in reaction) when it crashed into the side of the mountain.
Cinematic effect
After seeing this movie countless times, Alyce somehow made the intro scene feel twice as chaotic.😂
Thanks for the reaction! Glad you're enjoying what you've seen of the Indiana Jones franchise so far!
What insect species was Willie holding in her hands in the bug room?
It looked like a form of praying mantis.
I love this reaction. Thank you for sharing the fun times! 🤌
Alyska giggling after very wilhelm scream is perfect.
Willie Scott is meant to be a comedic character. She is completely useless for comedic effect, though I'd argue she's actually a very competent person when put in situations where her skills are useful (she's a Kansas farmgirl who managed to escape poverty for a life of glitz, glamour and globe-trotting during the Great Depression). The reason she's written this way is because this is a prequel and the movie needs to leave you with no questions as to why Willie isn't even mentioned in Raiders of the Lost Ark. That absolutely nobody in the history of Indy fandom has ever seriously asked "Why did Willie and Indy break up?" is a testament to how well written her character actually is.
The real question is what happened to Short Round!?! He's clearly the greatest sidekick in cinema history, why didn't Indy keep him around? Is he off at school getting an education? Did he get adopted by a Chinese family? Did he die? So many questions!
Indie brought him back with him to the states. Eventually he went to boarding school but occasionally joined indie on more adventures. Eventually he became an archaeologist of his own had his own adventures.
25:54 you may not recognize him but that’s actor Pat Roche who also played that one I’ll see if I got torn up by Acappella on an airplane.
You know what, I've seen this movie like... 30 times at least, never once noticed that the snake moved till you pointed it out. Maybe I thought it was the camera that moved.
My mother always called this one "the screaming blond movie" 😆
This went from my favorite as a kid (before Last Crusade came out), because this was the movie we had and watched the hell out, and it was terrifying when you’re a kid Shorty’s age, to my least favorite for many decades, until Crystal Skull came out, and now has actually swung back to being actually kinda my favorite again.
Yeah, Willie’s the weakest leading lady as a character, but her being an incompetent female stereotype makes it easy to readily laugh at her and her misery (which is kinda expected given she’s just an entertainer and came along inadvertently). It’s a caricature depiction of past Indian culture, but honestly, so are the series’s depictions of rain forest tribal cultures, of the Nazis, the Egyptians, Shanghai, and even ‘30s American culture. Not saying that excuses it, but it’s all very per the depictions of pulp adventure stories from the period, of all cultures, in that none of them are depicted with any greater historical accuracy either.
I’ve decided this one actually has the best set pieces, the most grandiose. The action really is almost non-stop chaos from the very opening scenes. Shorty is a great and really enjoyable character. Of the films I’ve seen (4), this is the most wild ride of the pulp action adventure style, and quite enjoyable in its absurdity.
36:52 lol their was no cgi, people actually had to build sets and used practical special effects, camera angles, and illusions.
I watched this as a Christmas Day big movie with my mum and dad on tv. My mum was nearly going to fall out of her armchair seat watching the spike chamber bit. Great film Great memories.😊
Older films don't have the longest intros.
Newer people have the shortest attention-spans.
12:56 well this is a prequel so it would make sense that he would still be afraid of snakes.
I saw this in Elgin with my brother. I also think it was the only film I had seen with an intermission.
We also so Supergirl lol
Great reaction You are amazing!! I love all of the Indiana Jones movies, even the more cheesy ones!! Best wishes and much love always!! 😍❤
I hope you do all 5 films this is definitely my favorite series. I know that 4 and 5 don't get as much love for obvious reasons but if you take them for what they are they're still pretty fun and enjoyable.
Just stick with the first three.
Fair enough, even though i enjoyed them the hate is justified.@@dan_hitchman007
"This is the wrong one." LOL! Nice :)
There were no CGI back then.
It's all practical effects and scaled models, like Star Wars.
This is my favourite, gets a lot of flack, to dark, child abuse etcetera. But Molar Ram traumatised me when this came out. Very memorable.
As for the damsel in distress, the original 3 movies were a Homage to a particular era of cinema. They were deliberately hitting all the tropes.
Yes they totally did this in Resident Evil 4 and remake.
13:50 Aaw! To young, cougar 🤣
24:23 "They" made You - as in ♀s? Who is "They"?
I hope you give the 4th and 5th ones a shot too. They're different but with have a lot of magic to them that means I'd always recommend seeing them.
That opening was definitely Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. Who would've thought Short Round would win an Oscar before Harrison Ford?
Willie had another scene where she goes and gets help, and thats why you see the military show up at the end. Too bad it wasn't left for her sake as it was kinda a cool little scene.
Never knew that. How far would they be from help though? How long were they on that bridge if help had to be sourced...? 😂
Love the video Alyska stay motivated Dream big 1 mill on the way
Hell yes! - and Last Crusade is the best
I can’t wait to watch it!
Hey there, I made a comment in the comment section. Is it actually you who replied to my comment saying that you want to talk on telegram? If not, then I think there's someone pretending to be you saying "look up above can we discuss?" A lot of people here in the comment section have this same reply, not just me.
@@eddyhernandez6906that is not her talking about speaking on Telegram. Disregard any comments like that!
Fun fact about the bridge
That’s a real bridge that they had to make for the film and Steven Spielberg was sacred to death and could only about 10 steps out on it before having to go back on land trying to figure out how’s he’s gonna film on it. Then Harrison Ford was the only one on set that sprinted across the bridge without grabbing the sides in 1 take on his first try. He really is Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.... please.
Hold on to your potatoes.
Btw the dropped boat while unlikely is possible, also skiers have fell over 50Ft from lifts without getting hurt with snow as a pad. The cliff is more suspect.
People have hit the ground after a double parachute failure and survived. One guy had a GoPro on and wasn't injured.
One of the best Indy movies.
Alyska, when Short Round comes to pick up Indy and Willie in the car, did you notice the *name* of the nightclub? 🤓
7:36 "I need to confirm: that's not possible, is it?"
Consider it confirmed.
Mythbusters tried this several times with crash-test dummies dropped in an inflated raft.
They not only hit with lethal force (the dummies were equipped with impact sensors to measure how hard they hit) but the dummies also broke apart on impact.
Sad to say, Indy and his companions would have all died or suffered so many broken bones that they would just lie there and die shortly after impact.
Google Mythbusters Temple of Doom and you can watch their tests yourself.
I love how much this one made you laugh. :)
This film was banned in India due to certain scenes portraying negative stereotypes about Indian culture (the dining scene in particular).
That woman is Mrs. Spielberg.
Temple of Doom is the absolute greatest Jones film ever made.
Indiana Jones and the Heaviest Sleepers Ever...love it...
Alyska I'm so excited that your reacting to these awesome Indiana Jones movies the next movie is the last crusade then the crystal skull then dial of destiny I'm so excited to see you react the the crystal skull I think you will enjoy it
My favorite Indiana Jones film.
Wow, this came out almost 40 years ago lol. No wonder I'll be 44 this year. Nice reaction Alyska. I like this one for sure, Short Round aka Ke Huy Quan played Data in The Goonies. Kate Capshaw played herself at being annoying in this lol. The mine chasing scene reminded me of Resident Evil 4. I liked how they went out of chronological order from the first film. Please watch the third one. Harrison knows how to fly a helicopter and has his own.