Little do you know about Radhanath Noswami, he was responsible for the murder of his god brother and covering up other murders and child molestation/pedophilia, scamming, drug running and gun dealing in NV in the 80's, to learn more of this devious man please, for your own sake read Killing For Krishna, Radhanath needs to be exposed as the fake sadhu he really is.
There’s no point. He stating the most obvious stuff a 5 year old can speak on. Just go to a Vipassana course instead, you’ll learn more on your own that this so called “guru”
Just focus on your inner self. Attend a Vipassana course instead of listening to this so-called “guru”. He’s got no wisdom compared to the river of wisdom inside you
everything in sanatan dharma is based on science . Be it puranas , itihaas , epics everyone of them has a very deep meaning , there are no gods in sanatan dharma .
I heard Swamiji's discourse many years ago when he visited Singapore, he is truly exceptional, and can hold your attention throughout his talk. Not many speakers can do this. He reminds me of Swami Chinmayananda, who was also a most gifted and inspiring teacher. But that is another story. Swami Radhanath talks very clearly, very methodically, anyone can understand him easily..
F.I.S.H Paragraph 1. This universe in which we are temporarily residing and everything within it was made by the God of all gods. This God has five main qualities: Beauty, Power, Wealth, Renunciation and Knowledge. As children of God, we also possess these same qualities, but in finite quantity. Whereas we all have a relatively small amount of wealth (even if it is just the shirt on our back), God has infinite wealth - He/She owns EVERYTHING. Just as we all have some beauty, God has infinite beauty. This is unimaginable to the feeble minds of we human beings. Because God is unlimited in every way, God has unlimited names and is beyond the dualities of this material sphere. None of God’s holy names is any more “powerful” than any other. God is neither young/old, male/female, large/small, Christian/Muslim, etc. God is, by definition, a person but not limited by our anthropomorphic imaginings. To read the remaining thirty-nine paragraphs of “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, which the God of all gods has graciously given to His Prophet on Earth, email: with the acronym “FISH” in the subject field.
Reverend Eslam what is this? this seems neither a spoof nor serious? looks like an atheist trying to form a religion that makes sense in his world or something? i am curious
Reverend Eslam i am a guy. no madam i am curious, but also horribly lazy if it comes to reading. i could ask for it just to be nice, but that would be a lie.
Swami wonderfully explained how the missing link to real happiness and love is missing becasue of ignorance of true knowledge from the wisdom literatures. Superb talk!
Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Radhanath Swami is one of today’s most beloved and respected spiritual teachers. A Bhakti Yoga practitioner for 40 years, he is a guide, community builder, philanthropist, and acclaimed author. He has been featured as a guest speaker in universities such as Harvard, Princeton and Stanford, and in corporations such as Apple, HSBC, and Microsoft. He has also addressed the House of Commons in 2011 and met with President Obama to discuss inter-faith dialogue in 2012.
And it indicates how people need guidance of great saints like Radhanath Swami Maharaj. Let's help the whole world to come in association with His Holiness.
Very nice to see how people are resonating with spirituality when we observe them take active participation in the discourses given by great saints like Radhanath Swami Maharaj. This is certainly good symptoms of how the yuga dharma will be flourishing in this age of hypocrisy and quarrel. Only by introducing people to the Lord can we change the facet of it.
the universal message we are all interconnected thru the love of the divine. lets not discriminate thru religion. reconnect and not divide whose form of worship is better. let the hawk of faith be strong. so lets change for the better. wow. manificently beautiful. lets reconnect to the essence of our being. what a great beautiful and simple message
Simple & Profound..............if The leaders Of society & People in general wants to have meaningful & peaceful life of love & Harmony among each other (including nature) these are General basic Guidelines..........I know Radhanath swami for many years he is real well wisher.......thanks
Feeling Blessed, thank you Swami. "...deeper than the eyes could see like the roots of the red wood trees"....."deep inner fulfilment". "Hunger of the heart is love...the fulfilment is to love and to be loved". Keep watering the roots of the tree...connect to the essence of who we really are!
*HEAD WORLOCK FOR SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) in ISKCON Four gurukul Alumni that remember the Satanic rituals that they were forced to endure: The two girls were called the "chosen ones" they were forced to take a knife and sever the heads of little babies that were used for the sacrifices. They told me that Radhanath would then grind up the body of the baby and all were forced to eat the body. They also remember the summoning of evil spirits and the sex orgys. They remember these other personalities being there: Malati dd, Rameshwar das, Bhavananda. (side note) ( In the 70's Malati left her husband and the movement and joined with Prithu Putra Swami who returned to his satanic ways, i have newspaper articles showing that Malati was the artist for his Satanic books) He was later arrested for Ritually killing a singer and cutting up the body, putting it into a stew and feeding the homeless, she was with him during that period) These devotees also remember the other children (25 of them committed suicide) but, when they approach these other devotees to try and discuss the matter, the others will either go into denial, go into a panic attack or verbally attack them. One of the victims told THE MOTHER, i can not discuss this or try to remember this or i will commit suicide. Many live only by self medicating with drugs and alcohol. Many never want anything to do with ISKCON again and most are so messed up that they deny that Krishna really exists. Then still others were raised in Satanic families who joined the movement to try and help bring it down. So the children of those types have been implanted into the society to continue the original destruction. Radhanath was the High Priest (Head Warlock) at all these rituals, as i was told by them.
Beautiful lessons for life, to live and to let others live in an harmonious way. One has to have great wisdom and self realization to live a life of compassion. Science and technology can't explain this. This is very much needed in this present society which is full of greed and arrogance.
Radhanath Swami beautifully explained about the how time is waiting to devour us in an unguarded moment. So to protect ourselves, swim deeper to safety (i.e) reach out to our atma and then the paramatma inside it for safety. Thanks so much swamiji for giving that memorable example.
I wonder if he was thinking like that when he was supporting the pedophile, drug dealing Keith Ham and still does support him, you're glorifying of this murderous (He was the one who orchestrated Sulochanas murder) demon is misguided.
Very true! And unless we preach to wider audience, it is going to be very difficult for people to understand the importance and urgency of attaining spiritual knowledge and leading a life with morale, character and values. Unless one is truly spiritual, hardly can he understand the importance of this rare human life.
Radhanath Swami -- Great Efforts by You to improve the Humanity in GOOD WAY . Human POWER (Political, Spiritual, Science , Technology..) should be used to create better World. TR, Deva.
Radhanath swami walks the talk. His book "The Journey Home" is the tip of the iceberg which reveals his humble spiritual nature and unlimited service attitude.
love without action is still allowing bad deeds to continue unstopped/unchallenged, and we are still to blame for the bad deeds by our inaction, our obedience, compliance with wrong doers. No amount of love can change the world without putting that love into action! Remembering Natural laws, the eternal rights and absolute universal wrongs and right as free will is required to choose, and forgetting the false notions of 'authority''government''economy' the 'systems' etc, these are constructs of the mind. Reprogram the mind so the deceptions causing such destruction and suffering will no longer materialize. Starts in the mind and heart and then can be expressed as action.
competitiveness and love coexisting? really?? That is a paradox. No competitive behavior is ever, can never come from the 'foundation of love'. I feel his good intentions, but the distortion of truth is deafening.
Missy West Everything has to be under balance. Too much competitiveness is not good either. It destroys the inner peace of mind. I also agree completely that love without action is not sustainable. That's why Bhakti yoga means devotional service (action with love and devotion), which combines both love and action. If you read Gita, you will understand that. Action without love is full of selfishness and greed (referred to as Raja guna in gita), while love without action will make people idle and often lead to bad deeds (Tama guna). The proper balance between these two extremes should be the goal of material life (Satva guna) and going beyond all these three gunas (quality) is the liberation (Moksha or Nirvana), which is the ultimate spiritual purpose of life.
"Action without love is full of selfishness and greed", this is very true. I guess this is why it still seems to be a mixed message to me. I can't see a positive outcome of competitiveness. Thank you for your explanation :)
We are selecting options always according to information previously made available by environment. Causal stream of our one life is unknowingly complex but nonetheless causal. Isolate any tiny bit of it and you will at least be able to glimpse reasons for why happened what happened. Its not because you were any "free-er" than a plant, just much more complex. Ponder more about it and try not to hide behind ego's need to be in charge. It just creates suffering. Responsibility is just a crutch.
A pesar de décadas de avance en la ciencia y la tecnología, nos enfrentamos alguna manera los problemas cada vez más complejos de resolver - individuales y colectivos - incluso en las naciones más ricas: problemas de identidad, las altas tasas de divorcio, violencia inesperada, alta deserción escolar, el embarazo adolescente, crisis ambiental, la escasez de energía, las tasas de desempleo, inestabilidad económica, el aumento de los costes sanitarios, etc ¿Por qué y dónde está la desconexión? El modelo Védica de la conciencia que se describe en los antiguos textos sánscritos de la India proporciona una visión radicalmente nuevas sobre la causa raíz de estos problemas - y sus soluciones - de la manera más inesperada. En esta charla, Radhanath Swami explorará el funcionamiento interno de la conciencia sobre la base de este modelo y discutir su aplicación en el contexto de hoy en día. Bio de altavoz: Radhanath Swami es un renombrado erudito védico, un respetado profesor de bhakti-yoga y autor. Como un joven adolescente estadounidense contra-cultural, que dejó una prometedora carrera hace detrás de 40 años y autostop todo el camino a través del mundo en busca de un sentido profundo de la vida. Convencido de su mundo viaja que los problemas fundamentales de la sociedad son simplemente causados por debilidades humanas básicas sin distinción de raza, nacionalidad, sexo o condición económica, dedicó su vida a la exploración de soluciones a los problemas del mundo a través del avance de la conciencia humana. Él reside actualmente en Nueva York y viaja con frecuencia presentaciones y talleres en universidades, centros de empresas, la comunidad, el yoga y centros culturales
Thank you for this being the first comment! While reading the description to this video I noticed it said "Fresh new insights on consciousness based on thousands of years old Sanskrit texts." This contradiction in terms further showed me that bullshit was afoot.
Real Peace is inside of every human being on the face of this earth. If you see outside of your being, everything is Illusion and wastage of your time. . Peace is inside of you and I CAN HELP YOU TO FIND IT INSIDE OF YOU.
Yes really, read, listened, viewed. Known Iskcon for 25 years,.. If you as most people see it differently, no problem, it's kali yuga after all, part of the plan. If you're interested, check out 'Prabhupada poisoned' as this was one of the last things Prabhupada said himself.
Akhilesh Shirbhate @ - why under science and technology? not surprised by your question. This is what happens when a country's education system and language are replaced by a foreign language and education system. To answer your question - one sentence - Everything came from high philosophies of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism). Rest is history (true history not the distorted one fed to people like you by your colonial masters)
Everyone is a child of God. God loves all of his children. If I wish to love God, I must learn to love those whom he loves. - Radhanath Swami
So true! And when we recognize this fact, can we really be peaceful and happy.
Words from a murderous psychopathic narcissistic.
There's pure compassion in his eyes...its not mere his oratory skills...its divinity that he speaks.
Little do you know about Radhanath Noswami, he was responsible for the murder of his god brother and covering up other murders and child molestation/pedophilia, scamming, drug running and gun dealing in NV in the 80's, to learn more of this devious man please, for your own sake read Killing For Krishna, Radhanath needs to be exposed as the fake sadhu he really is.
This is the best talk I have heard in a long time. So Inspiring and positive, we need more people like this in this crazy world. Thank you!
Where r u swamiji...I long to hv the Darshan of ur holy feet in this lifetime...listening to u (shravan) stabilizes my mind n soul
There’s no point. He stating the most obvious stuff a 5 year old can speak on. Just go to a Vipassana course instead, you’ll learn more on your own that this so called “guru”
Just focus on your inner self. Attend a Vipassana course instead of listening to this so-called “guru”. He’s got no wisdom compared to the river of wisdom inside you
Krishna consciousness is not a religion it far beyond that. It a science.
everything in sanatan dharma is based on science . Be it puranas , itihaas , epics everyone of them has a very deep meaning , there are no gods in sanatan dharma .
I am enamoured by your teachings .
Life is simple if we foĺlow the laws of nature and immerse ourselves into it.
I heard Swamiji's discourse many years ago when he visited Singapore, he is truly exceptional, and can hold your attention throughout his talk. Not many speakers can do this. He reminds me of Swami Chinmayananda, who was also a most gifted and inspiring teacher. But that is another story. Swami Radhanath talks very clearly, very methodically, anyone can understand him easily..
F.I.S.H Paragraph 1. This universe in which we are temporarily residing and everything within it was made by the God of all gods. This God has five main qualities: Beauty, Power, Wealth, Renunciation and Knowledge. As children of God, we also possess these same qualities, but in finite quantity. Whereas we all have a relatively small amount of wealth (even if it is just the shirt on our back), God has infinite wealth - He/She owns EVERYTHING. Just as we all have some beauty, God has infinite beauty. This is unimaginable to the feeble minds of we human beings. Because God is unlimited in every way, God has unlimited names and is beyond the dualities of this material sphere. None of God’s holy names is any more “powerful” than any other. God is neither young/old, male/female, large/small, Christian/Muslim, etc. God is, by definition, a person but not limited by our anthropomorphic imaginings.
To read the remaining thirty-nine paragraphs of “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, which the God of all gods has graciously given to His Prophet on Earth, email:
with the acronym “FISH” in the subject field.
Reverend Eslam what is this? this seems neither a spoof nor serious?
looks like an atheist trying to form a religion that makes sense in his world or something?
i am curious
Eryan724 If you're curious then I suggest you satisfy your curiosity by requesting a copy of "FISH" Madam.
Reverend Eslam i am a guy. no madam
i am curious, but also horribly lazy if it comes to reading. i could ask for it just to be nice, but that would be a lie.
Swami wonderfully explained how the missing link to real happiness and love is missing becasue of ignorance of true knowledge from the wisdom literatures. Superb talk!
Absolutely! And once this connection is re-established, one gets complete peace because in that state, he is at his original constitutional position!
Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Radhanath Swami is one of today’s most beloved and respected spiritual teachers. A Bhakti Yoga practitioner for 40 years, he is a guide, community builder, philanthropist, and acclaimed author. He has been featured as a guest speaker in universities such as Harvard, Princeton and Stanford, and in corporations such as Apple, HSBC, and Microsoft. He has also addressed the House of Commons in 2011 and met with President Obama to discuss inter-faith dialogue in 2012.
And it indicates how people need guidance of great saints like Radhanath Swami Maharaj. Let's help the whole world to come in association with His Holiness.
Very nice to see how people are resonating with spirituality when we observe them take active participation in the discourses given by great saints like Radhanath Swami Maharaj. This is certainly good symptoms of how the yuga dharma will be flourishing in this age of hypocrisy and quarrel. Only by introducing people to the Lord can we change the facet of it.
one of the finest orator i have ever heard
Hare Krishna!
hari bol
Beautiful speech. So much knowledge and wisdom.
Harekrishn aap ko shastang dandavat pranaam. Harekrishn.
thought provoking and has a depth I have been searching for, thank you!
The title for this video should really be "Fulfillment of the heart!"
the universal message we are all interconnected thru the love of the divine. lets not discriminate thru religion. reconnect and not divide whose form of worship is better. let the hawk of faith be strong. so lets change for the better. wow. manificently beautiful. lets reconnect to the essence of our being. what a great beautiful and simple message
Harekrishn prabhuji aap humesha sukhi or swasth rahe HAREKRISHN
Hare krishna
Thank you very much maharaj🙏🙏
Every word comes from your mouth is just nectar, filled with sweetness of wisdom.🙏🙏
Radhanath Swami is an extraordinary human being, one of a kind.
@Talks at Google every company should do the same! Love Google Enterprise for raising peoples awareness at work!
Thank you
Simple & Profound..............if The leaders Of society & People in general wants to have meaningful & peaceful life of love & Harmony among each other (including nature) these are General basic Guidelines..........I know Radhanath swami for many years he is real well wisher.......thanks
The speech was as simple and as powerful as Google befitting to be spoken before the audience of Google. Great Talk.
Feeling Blessed, thank you Swami. "...deeper than the eyes could see like the roots of the red wood trees"....."deep inner fulfilment". "Hunger of the heart is love...the fulfilment is to love and to be loved". Keep watering the roots of the tree...connect to the essence of who we really are!
Well said😀
*HEAD WORLOCK FOR SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) in ISKCON
Four gurukul Alumni that remember the Satanic rituals that they were forced to endure: The two girls were called the "chosen ones" they were forced to take a knife and sever the heads of little babies that were used for the sacrifices. They told me that Radhanath would then grind up the body of the baby and all were forced to eat the body. They also remember the summoning of evil spirits and the sex orgys. They remember these other personalities being there: Malati dd, Rameshwar das, Bhavananda. (side note) ( In the 70's Malati left her husband and the movement and joined with Prithu Putra Swami who returned to his satanic ways, i have newspaper articles showing that Malati was the artist for his Satanic books) He was later arrested for Ritually killing a singer and cutting up the body, putting it into a stew and feeding the homeless, she was with him during that period)
These devotees also remember the other children (25 of them committed suicide) but, when they approach these other devotees to try and discuss the matter, the others will either go into denial, go into a panic attack or verbally attack them. One of the victims told THE MOTHER, i can not discuss this or try to remember this or i will commit suicide. Many live only by self medicating with drugs and alcohol. Many never want anything to do with ISKCON again and most are so messed up that they deny that Krishna really exists. Then still others were raised in Satanic families who joined the movement to try and help bring it down. So the children of those types have been implanted into the society to continue the original destruction. Radhanath was the High Priest (Head Warlock) at all these rituals, as i was told by them.
Truly inspirational, I wonder if the leaders of Google listened to this?
Thanks to Radhanath swami for such a brilliant presentation.
Great speech .. thanks to Radhanath maharaj and google team ..
Beautiful lessons for life, to live and to let others live in an harmonious way. One has to have great wisdom and self realization to live a life of compassion. Science and technology can't explain this. This is very much needed in this present society which is full of greed and arrogance.
He really is a wonderful speaker and a great soul, all glories to Radhanath Swami.
Shri Shri Shri radhanath swasmi maharaj ji ki jay.
Deep but practical, conviction of speaker moves heart, not bookish knowledge
Such an enlightened being!
Such a humble man.. .. God bless him
Radhanath Swami beautifully explained about the how time is waiting to devour us in an unguarded moment. So to protect ourselves, swim deeper to safety (i.e) reach out to our atma and then the paramatma inside it for safety. Thanks so much swamiji for giving that memorable example.
I wonder if he was thinking like that when he was supporting the pedophile, drug dealing Keith Ham and still does support him, you're glorifying of this murderous (He was the one who orchestrated Sulochanas murder) demon is misguided.
Hare Krishna Dandavat.pranam swamiji
This is where ultimate truth and peace lies!
HH Radhanath maharaj does his Guru proud and Lord Sri Krishna.. as well. All glories to Srila Prabhupada,🙏
This is deep and simultaneously simple to understand! Thx! What a great spiritual orator!
Golden words with dimond explaination for fullfilment ones life structure.what a great naration gift to us .
Spiritual knowledge is the need of the hour...
Very true! And unless we preach to wider audience, it is going to be very difficult for people to understand the importance and urgency of attaining spiritual knowledge and leading a life with morale, character and values. Unless one is truly spiritual, hardly can he understand the importance of this rare human life.
This man is a breath of fresh air on planet earth
Really, then you know nothing about his dark murderous path?
this is the best talk i have heard so far. thanks for posting
Very lovely and heart warming. Alot of things he said were really impressive and touched my heart. Thank you very much.
He's inspirational
So inspiring ❤
Beautiful practical analogies for a happier life.
Awesome to hear instructive words from radhanath swami thank you
excellent oratory skills & wisdom
Precious lessons from a wise and saintly man _/\_
Very true!
thank you your holiness i needed that & i very much appreciate you!
Thanks Maharaj , Very good talk by our Guru Maharaj
Too good video of Radhanatha Swami
Thank u for the precious teaching
Radhanath Swami -- Great Efforts by You to improve the Humanity in GOOD WAY .
Human POWER (Political, Spiritual, Science , Technology..) should be used to create better World.
Great orator
Yes indeed. People want to hear him more and more because of his purity of thoughts.
Great speech
He connects with the people online or in person. Great
Very good comment Swamiji, about pollution
Guruji 🙏 paranam
Sit and meditate. Answers to all the problems would roll out for the prosperity and peace of this great world.
What a beautiful message...
Radhanath swami walks the talk. His book "The Journey Home" is the tip of the iceberg which reveals his humble spiritual nature and unlimited service attitude.
Very nice speech
wonderful to hear instructive words from radhanath swami thank you very very much.
Heart touching words.
Truly inspirational, wonder if the CEO's of Google listened to this?
Bernard Boshoff 66
Great Message!!!
Beautiful talk!
Great Content 👍
Thank you Marahaj you saved my day ;) Radhe Radhe
He can save our life too 😀❤️
Thank you swami:)
Put In the work .
Very inspiratonal. Thank you for sharing.
Yes indeed!
Wow! that is really wonderful - Jai Guru maharaj!
Very inspiring..Jai guru Dev..
Wow our maharaj sing in google company - HARE KRISHNA
Hare Krishna 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Hare Krsna, nice lecture open our cpnsciousness, we are not this body, we are soul
OMG i see . now i know who u r God bless u
Wonderful and inspiring presentation
wow.. this is an awesome. never heard something like this before.
The super-intelligent super-consciousness everywhere is God. He is within us and we are within him.
love without action is still allowing bad deeds to continue unstopped/unchallenged, and we are still to blame for the bad deeds by our inaction, our obedience, compliance with wrong doers. No amount of love can change the world without putting that love into action!
Remembering Natural laws, the eternal rights and absolute universal wrongs and right as free will is required to choose, and forgetting the false notions of 'authority''government''economy' the 'systems' etc, these are constructs of the mind. Reprogram the mind so the deceptions causing such destruction and suffering will no longer materialize. Starts in the mind and heart and then can be expressed as action.
competitiveness and love coexisting? really?? That is a paradox. No competitive behavior is ever, can never come from the 'foundation of love'.
I feel his good intentions, but the distortion of truth is deafening.
Missy West
Everything has to be under balance. Too much competitiveness is not good either. It destroys the inner peace of mind. I also agree completely that love without action is not sustainable. That's why Bhakti yoga means devotional service (action with love and devotion), which combines both love and action. If you read Gita, you will understand that. Action without love is full of selfishness and greed (referred to as Raja guna in gita), while love without action will make people idle and often lead to bad deeds (Tama guna). The proper balance between these two extremes should be the goal of material life (Satva guna) and going beyond all these three gunas (quality) is the liberation (Moksha or Nirvana), which is the ultimate spiritual purpose of life.
"Action without love is full of selfishness and greed", this is very true. I guess this is why it still seems to be a mixed message to me. I can't see a positive outcome of competitiveness.
Thank you for your explanation :)
Missy West agreed
Missy West "disobedience," rather than obedience...
My blessings to the people who disliked these holy words of wisdom🙏
We are selecting options always according to information previously made available by environment. Causal stream of our one life is unknowingly complex but nonetheless causal. Isolate any tiny bit of it and you will at least be able to glimpse reasons for why happened what happened. Its not because you were any "free-er" than a plant, just much more complex. Ponder more about it and try not to hide behind ego's need to be in charge. It just creates suffering. Responsibility is just a crutch.
A pesar de décadas de avance en la ciencia y la tecnología, nos enfrentamos alguna manera los problemas cada vez más complejos de resolver - individuales y colectivos - incluso en las naciones más ricas: problemas de identidad, las altas tasas de divorcio, violencia inesperada, alta deserción escolar, el embarazo adolescente, crisis ambiental, la escasez de energía, las tasas de desempleo, inestabilidad económica, el aumento de los costes sanitarios, etc ¿Por qué y dónde está la desconexión?
El modelo Védica de la conciencia que se describe en los antiguos textos sánscritos de la India proporciona una visión radicalmente nuevas sobre la causa raíz de estos problemas - y sus soluciones - de la manera más inesperada. En esta charla, Radhanath Swami explorará el funcionamiento interno de la conciencia sobre la base de este modelo y discutir su aplicación en el contexto de hoy en día.
Bio de altavoz:
Radhanath Swami es un renombrado erudito védico, un respetado profesor de bhakti-yoga y autor. Como un joven adolescente estadounidense contra-cultural, que dejó una prometedora carrera hace detrás de 40 años y autostop todo el camino a través del mundo en busca de un sentido profundo de la vida. Convencido de su mundo viaja que los problemas fundamentales de la sociedad son simplemente causados por debilidades humanas básicas sin distinción de raza, nacionalidad, sexo o condición económica, dedicó su vida a la exploración de soluciones a los problemas del mundo a través del avance de la conciencia humana. Él reside actualmente en Nueva York y viaja con frecuencia presentaciones y talleres en universidades, centros de empresas, la comunidad, el yoga y centros culturales
Thank you for this being the first comment! While reading the description to this video I noticed it said "Fresh new insights on consciousness based on thousands of years old Sanskrit texts." This contradiction in terms further showed me that bullshit was afoot.
may be as it talks abut science of Consciousness
I could see that in the master !
Thank you BOTH > thank you Google > thank you Radanath Swami > NAMASTE everyone > i love you all.
as always, very nice.
Real Peace is inside of every human being on the face of this earth. If you see outside of your being, everything is Illusion and wastage of your time. . Peace is inside of you and I CAN HELP YOU TO FIND IT INSIDE OF YOU.
Please interact with the orator for further solutions to the problems highlighted. Definitely it will work..
Cant Help...Ignorance is not Bliss...May u remain in darkness...
Rajendra Kamath
Yes really, read, listened, viewed. Known Iskcon for 25 years,.. If you as most people see it differently, no problem, it's kali yuga after all, part of the plan. If you're interested, check out 'Prabhupada poisoned' as this was one of the last things Prabhupada said himself.
that's a good way of escaping responsibility:-) Friend, didn't you choose to watch this and stop watching and then commenting? I choose to reply!
Akhilesh Shirbhate @ - why under science and technology? not surprised by your question. This is what happens when a country's education system and language are replaced by a foreign language and education system.
To answer your question - one sentence - Everything came from high philosophies of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism). Rest is history (true history not the distorted one fed to people like you by your colonial masters)