So you need another circuit to cut-off when discharging? How crude. No diode across the coil - dangerous The transistor is marginal ; Ic max might be too close to relays inrush current. No way to adjust the voltage trigger point.
So you need another circuit to cut-off when discharging? How crude. No diode across the coil - dangerous The transistor is marginal ; Ic max might be too close to relays inrush current. No way to adjust the voltage trigger point.
So you need another circuit to cut-off when discharging? How crude. No diode across the coil - dangerous The transistor is marginal ; Ic max might be too close to relays inrush current. No way to adjust the voltage trigger point.
So you need another circuit to cut-off when discharging? How crude. No diode across the coil - dangerous The transistor is marginal ; Ic max might be too close to relays inrush current. No way to adjust the voltage trigger point.
So you need another circuit to cut-off when discharging? How crude.
No diode across the coil - dangerous
The transistor is marginal ; Ic max might be too close to relays inrush current.
No way to adjust the voltage trigger point.
Mantap berbagai ilmu durasi yang sangat singkat 👍
So you need another circuit to cut-off when discharging? How crude.
No diode across the coil - dangerous
The transistor is marginal ; Ic max might be too close to relays inrush current.
No way to adjust the voltage trigger point.
So you need another circuit to cut-off when discharging? How crude.
No diode across the coil - dangerous
The transistor is marginal ; Ic max might be too close to relays inrush current.
No way to adjust the voltage trigger point.
Good ❤
Thanks ✌
So you need another circuit to cut-off when discharging? How crude.
No diode across the coil - dangerous
The transistor is marginal ; Ic max might be too close to relays inrush current.
No way to adjust the voltage trigger point.