So you are one of the followers of the Osho movement, it's a Cult actually. I honestly believed you had potential but you are only presenting the Osho series and you don't believe in presenting diverse books and may have your purpose rather than keeping your listeners' needs at heart. So with respect, I am unsubscribing.
ግሩሜ ሳልነግረህ ማለፍ ማልፈልገው ነገር ቢኖር ⭐️ኦሾ ላይ አተኩረህ መስራትህ በተለይ በማናውቀው መልኩ ሀሳቦቹን ና ስለ ራሱ ስራዬ ብለህ በተለየ አትኩረትም አዋዝተህ ማቅረብህን ⭐️credit⭐️ ሳልሰጥ ማለፍ አልፈልግም። ኦሾ Best guidance ስለሆነ ከሱ ብዙ prove ምናረጋቸው ህይወቶች ስላሉ ይረዳናል
ኣሪፍ ምሽት ይኖረኛል.... i will listen at the evening
We need more osho videos
Girumeye please kalile giberan sralen
እንዴት ነህ ግሩም በጣም ነዉ የማከብርህ በምታቀርበዉ መሰናዶ i really enjoy it ....በጣም ነወ የመዝናናዉ ጠዋት ጠዋት ያንተን እየሰማሁ ነዉ ወደሰራ የምገባዉ አከብርሃለሁ በሰራህ.... በ አተራረከህ ከቻልክ የኦሾ መጨረሻም በደንብ ተንተነህ ኣቻውተን .....ስለ ሶሾ የማውቀው ነገር ህይወቱ በአወዛጋቢ ሁኔታ መጠናቀቁን ነው። የሚዲያ ምንጮች እንደሚሉት፣ አሟሟቱ በአሉታዊ መልኩ ተንጸባርቋል። (What I know about Sosho is that his life ended controversially. According to media sources, his demise was portrayed negatively.)
ግሩሜ ይህን ዘቡክ ኦፍ ኒርዳድ ሳላውቀው ሳላየው ናፈቀኝ
Teyakea neberegn😊
ግሩሜ እናመሠግናለን ።ሌላም ጨምርልን።
Best des yilal
ምርጥ ነው!!! የኦሾ ሀሳቦችን ቀጥልበት
The book of Mirdad
You deserve a prize for understanding the hint and as to where everything is going
ግሩሜ በርታልን
Please የአሾ ታሪክ ይቀጥል ❤❤❤
ግሩሜ እናመሰግናለን
Abezahew stbalm sma bro
Girum yalsnte tireka meteygat alechelem
Please grum eknat full episode
Thanks ❤
እረ እባክህ እባክህ ግሩሜ ....የኦሾ ትረካዎች ጣፍጠውናል ኦሾን ሌላ እየጠበኩህ ነው
THE BOOK OF MIRMAD⭐️ለማወቅ ጓጓው ስለዚህ መፅሐፍ ግሩሜ ምን ትላለህ
Thank you
You're welcome
እባክህ እኔም the book of mirdad ለማንበብ ፈለኵ የሆነ ነገር አትሠራልንም
ወንድም ግሩሜ የሚቻል ከሆነ ሼገር ሼልፍ የሰራኸውን እዚህ ብትጭንልን በቀላሉ ማግኘት እንችላለን አለያ ቶሎ ቶሎ ናልን
Please finish Mirdad
So you are one of the followers of the Osho movement, it's a Cult actually. I honestly believed you had potential but you are only presenting the Osho series and you don't believe in presenting diverse books and may have your purpose rather than keeping your listeners' needs at heart. So with respect, I am unsubscribing.