I actually suspect Reinhart is still something of a low metal destroyer, which is causing his stats to be inflated enough that they are afraid of buffing him too much. That being said with everyone online saying he is bad will push him towards a lower play rate and require a change.
Yep all you need to do is destroy his shield so he cannot engage. The problem with lower ranks is that supports never shoot it. If only 2 people shoot at his shield it's not going to break fast enough.
Yeah I agree with you both 100%, all I'm saying is OW has clearly taken all ranks into account, and I don't know of many people with serious low metal exposure that can say that this isn't the case. I'm just assuming because yeah, at higher skills him being bad seems like a no brainer, but they haven't said they are going to do something about it.@@bradmiles1984
@@bradmiles1984 if you've seen any streamer spectating low/metal ranks it's quite clear that most of these players don't even know what a braincell is, much less have one
I am pretty sure he is the only tank who does not have some ability to simultaneously shield (or similar defense) and damage at the same time. He should be able to Firestrike and shield at the same time, even if Firestrike needs to be rebalanced for it.
PLAY 👏 WHO 👏 YOU 👏 WANT 👏 IN 👏 QP 👏. Don't let the sweaty prevent you from learning a character in QP. If they were that pressed about winning they need to take it to Ranked. Thats what it's there for. QP is not meant to be sweaty.
Fr fr fr. I'm bad, but I'm a sweat. And that means buckling down and learning a character. I'm here to improve not to win an individual game. Let's be real, I'm GOING to get counter picked and I'm gonna learn to deal with it.
@@TheRealOGnicktrue how you supposed to play who you want when the enemy is hard countering you. Used to be you could just gg go next now you have to either suffer through the whole match playing someone you don’t like or play respawn simulator
For the new DPS players if you don't know who to target I would suggest spending time playing tank. Not because it's great (it's not) or because we need more tank players (we do) but because from my time playing as a tank main I've learned to see who is making the most impact on the enemy team. As tank you are the engager and being the big man in front you see everything that is going on. I learned that and took it to my other roles so that when I dps or support I can see the mercy no one is shooting at who has 15k healing and 1 death. I can see the tracer who is 20-5 going on the hard flanks and destroying our backline. When you see that as dps and adjust for it then it saves your team and makes the fights easier. Tanking is where you learn that fastest as long you aren't tunnel visioning on the fights. TLDR: Flex all roles so you can learn them and tank specifically. When you know how they play you can see that in game and adjust.
I've actually recently realized that I'm dog water at tank. Even if I'm using my favorite tanks to play as I can't seem to get any value. I'm enjoying DPS and Support way more.
Playing tank only makes my blood pressure go up. Not only because I heavily rely on my team to secure kills, take the space I’m gaining, but also for being hard countered every game no matter the tank. And I use everything besides Hammond and doom. Even after winning I can feel my eyes pulsing due to stress, it’s definitely not a fun role
@@egirlcafemanager7119to be fair it's your job as tank to take space, not the DPS. My biggest complaint about my team is everyone wants to stay on point. So often I push up alone while they spam "fall back" and "group up with me" like they're still playing OW1.
That is because tank is currently very hard to play and even harder to learn , any mistake a tank does is instantly punished and most often mean death, then with the tank dead the rest of the team falls and you as the tank are blamed even though you probably didn't that badly. No one wants to put extra effort to play or learn a character/role only to do the same or less then other roles.
especially in this season, enjoying playing tank means enjoying things that aren't ovbious like outmanuvering an enemy and taking space, or movement/position on doom/ball etc. It kinda sucks since its outside the usual dopamine rush of playing the game, but the nature of the role is being forced to change as time goes on.
One thing I gotta give props to with KarQ, is that he is so reasonable and suggests things that just feel right. His takes on Reinhardt just are all just healthy on paper and calculated on how it effects the game. He isn’t even a Rein main but I trust his judgment 10x more than someone like, Flats My idea for Reins would shake up his gameplay, with his primary swinging having a AoE where he hits the ground, it would fundamentally work the same but can have a slow traveling line that doesn’t go FAR but does like 25-40 damage if you are over the “tremors”, the hammer swings would likely be lowered since if you swing and hit someone, you’d do swing damage + tremor damage. And then Charge, give a lil bit of DR like 25% and make it a resource. Starting a charge shoots flames back and will burn enemies, and you can use it more as an escape/gap closer more rather than just pinning.
It is true that, for you to understand how to play against your counters, you can't counterswap the enemy that is currently counterswapping. However, I think that this specific season is just impossible to NOT counterswap. The only characters that are fine are Junker Queen (generally they'll mirror it, Zarya really is annoying but you can play around it) and Sigma, as he's always been like this, the least counterable tank in the roster. If you are playing Winston, they'll play Roadhog/Junker Queen, and if it's the latter one, then you can't do shit. You can say I can try to ignore her, but it's borderline impossible, as the other player will keep chasing me the whole game, and if I'm too annoying to their dps, they'll just play Reaper and Bastion/Cass, and therefore it's impossible to play Winston. If you are playing Dva, they'll swap to Zarya, and if that isn't enough, they'll pick Moira, Brig, Echo, Sombra or Mei. My DM becomes literally useless, so I'm obligated to switch. I don't even have to talk about 5-counter Doomfist. I might not even play Winston anymore because if I do, I'm fucked for the rest of the game. They WILL always have a Reaper, Zenyatta and some other dps that's annoying as shit. So even if I switch, I can't win, I fully depend on my teammates now, because the enemy team won't switch even if I do. I always pick Ram in these situations because I can block only for 4-6s and take as little damage as possible, but if my team is unable to shoot the Reaper, I'll just be clocked out of the game until it ends. I'm perma discorded, trying to play corners, if I get hooked by the Hog, I'm instantly dead, if I get knifed by the JQ, I'm instantly dead because my team isn't mirroring Zen and I'm just at a massive disadvantage.
Giving Rein DR when charging would be one good buff, but I think more thematically they should give him a smaller than his normal barrier (just Rein sized, not his full wall) with 100-150 hp when charging. He already charges shield arm forward so it could work, and it gives some counter play vs just adding DR.
That comment about being harder to hard carry feels so true. I thought it was just because of all the other higher players also being brought down in rank, but even in games where I made few mistakes, it felt like I wasn't nearly as impactful this season
The only Rein I saw recently in comp (high gold low plat) was one where my friends and I did some Sym shenanigans on Eichenwalde for the funny but it worked out really well for that Rein's playstyle and it seemed like he was having the time of his life
The most annoying thing when fighting a Zarya is my team either doesn't track bubbles and lets her full reset, or when she's high charge, they're so scared of popping bubbles, especially 2nd bubble, like just FOCUS HER shes already high charge just kill her.
One thing to note is that win rate percentage is an incredibly misleading statistic. People in higher ranks will not be playing rein because he is not very strong in current meta, save for a few hard rein mains who will win games more consistently on the basis of skill rather than the hero’s innate strength. This leaves the bulk of the rein playerbase in lower ranks, where games are won much more easily on the backs of roles not doing what they are supposed to (cc’ing rein, healing teammates, focussing shield and/or rein himself) so he will take games more easily. Win rate percentage is one of the most meaningless stats ever
Exactly, but I understand the devs not wanting to buff him since he dominates the lower ranks already. I do wish they would atleast give him something..
@ 16:00 zar issue in metal ranks would be more about the fact people dont know when to burn and when to ignore as a blanket strategy isnt always the best option
21:00 every time I play winston after I get 1-2 team fight wins the entire other team will try to counterpick me. I take it as a compliment. I love still winning those games. That does require me having DPS that take advantage of the tunnel vision of the other team so it isn't a sure fire bet but if I am drawing the attention of 5 people, the other 4 on my team USUALLY figure it out. I have found that I do better when I don't swap as I am not as good on the other tank options. Previous plat/diamond player, haven't had time for comp this season.
Learning to play with your team when they are doing stupid things, was a hard lesson to learn (it just feels wrong), but as frustrating as it can be it is the right move WAY more often than not. Grin and bear it you might win.
Kinda unrelated but the other day i was in a game and me and my dps were the only ones alive on point, along with the enemy kiri and THEIR dps being alive with us. gotta say it was insanely funny and felt like it was a dog fight with me and the kiri deploying our boys and letting em duke it out while we both spectate 😭 😭
The weird dichotomy of Rein is that in swing range he is incredibly lethal this patch. If the enemy support line lacks CC and I have at least one high output support its def possible for me to get crazy value just running at their backline. I don’t care if its Ana nade, Moira biotic orb, Bap shift + lamp, or any of the other survivability tools. 4 swings is 400 damage and no support in this game has enough self-preservation buttons to tank that anymore. The big problem with Rein is that he has an identity crisis atm. He has worse mobility and only marginally more finishing potential than the dive tanks (exception is Ball unless you are cracked). He completely lacks the ability to do damage while protecting himself like the other brawl tanks can. His ranged poke is trash and his peeling ability is generally pretty terrible. His concept of being a defensive brawl tank that protects others at the cost of himself doesn’t work great when his teammates want to stand in places that prevent him from doing any damage. He still slaps at flashpoint though. Especially New Junk City.
I think what makes it hard is that rein is such a simple tank to understand that the metal ranks are instantly able to synergize. Which is harder to do on dva or zarya. Atleast in the metal ranks.
Yeah fundamentally I think as long as Rein has a high health shield he will suffer from that. Buffing him for high ranks will break him for low ranks. This is the same problem Moira has. It's frustrating to see this idea that every hero should be equally viable at all ranks. Different metas for different skill levels if perfectly fine. All that matters is that no character is OP at any rank.
@@Chr0n0s38 Or you know, Blizzard could stop making their design philosophy for a new hero be *hmm, i wonder how many ways we can make this hero fuck over Rein*
@@charchadonto I don't think Blizzard is actively trying to do that at all. I think that fundamentally a character who is built around a giant shield that prevents him from doing anything else just won't compete well. With only one tank, there's just limits on what he can do.
I think "don't swap" when enemy counters you as a tank is a bit too simplistic. I'd rather say, "don't swap right away" or somesuch. You need practice into your counters, but at some point it's just not fun playing Winton into something like Hog/Mauga + Reaper/Bast + Sombra/Cass + Moira/Ana + Kiriko or somesuch. But if it's just a Hog and a Reaper, let's say, then you still can have lots of value and lots of fun.
What if Rein could build overhealth while holding shield? Can make it build overtime naturally or even a "minigame" of sorts. Shield breaking could give him brief speed or damage reduction. I love rein's playstyle as is, but he does need some more tailored love where just buffing his stats will lead to him dominating especially in lower ranks like patches in the past.
I have been thinking about gap closers for rein as well and how his compares with other tanks. I feel like overloading his charge would remove the identity as a "simple" tank that is relatively easy for beginners while also making it too similar to other options in the roaster. My idea for a gap closer would be something like a speed buff that triggers every time his shield is lowered for longer than "x" amount of seconds. Whenever he puts his shield back up, the buff is gone. I feel it would give rein a way to not rely so much on lucio for movement the same way that pharra relied on mercy in order to be somewhat playable.
As a long time rein I’ve been wanting one of two things either bring back my shield health so I can main tank as I used to OR do what was suggested and give rein some dr in some shape or form when he charges either flat dr, extra health, or a thematic forward facing shield. Also idk what should be done or can be done but we gotta make firestrike feel better in terms of value the value I can get from peaking hard cover to throw one strike out feels like it gives the other team more value than it does my own team as I’m just the big ol ult battery showing my face
While being too flexible limits you a bit on how good you can be at any single hero, I think that even 1 tricks should at least be somewhat competent at the heroes that counter them. Let's say you are a Dva 1 trick, if you know how to play heroes with a favorable matchup against you like Zarya, you will know how they are strong against you. If you know how they are strong against you, then you can use that knowledge to find ways to mitigate it. Zarya's beam goes through matrix and it melts if she's high charge, so what you can do is use micro missiles to force a bubble, as soon as the first bubble goes up, you stop shooting at her to deny charge. And when that bubble expires, you get your team to HARD COMMIT on her, since she will most likely die with only 1 bubble and won't get to de-mech you at
The issue there is Zarya (and Orisa) are team problems, every other tank can win or lose a fight against the other tank, but with Zarya (and Orisa) the entire team needs to be on the same page, if 2 people hard commit to killing Zarya and 3 people just don’t shoot her or her bubbles at all, Zarya will never die and get a ton of charge, Orisa is similar since for the most part it takes a lot of effort to actually kill the horse I’ve found that Dva into Zarya isn’t hard because of the beam going through DM, but because nobody is ever on the same page, even with comms
Rein has slowly become a novelty. He get worse with not just every new tank but every new HERO. Sojourn? just slides away from reins threat range. Trying to land a pin or shatter? life grip, kiri teleport or suzu, and illari knockback would beg to differ. Ramattra, Junker Queen, and Mauga? already explained by KarQ. It will only get worse with each new hero being designed for the new age of overwatch, Rein is old school and unless he's brought up to speed via a solid rework, he will continue to suffer.
WRT the flash point question, the problem with staying with your team and “winning” the team fight, if the point is on the other side of the map and you wipe their team, they will beat you to the point because of closer spawns. Winning that fight is literally a disadvantage. There needs to be a way to teleport to your spawn from a captured point. No way you should be disadvantaged by winning.
They should do a QP Hacked where everyone on the server dies after the point is captured with respawn timers set to 3s or something. Could be fun, especially depending on how they do it.
I’ve always liked the idea of a small speed boost after charge, maybe for 2 or 3 seconds just so he doesn’t have to pray to god his Lucio is with him for 100% of the match
I agree with the some heroes can play more on their own part. It’s not necessary to play with your team as if you’re joined at the hip but I’d say play with your team in mind. Doing stuff that they can work with and follow up on.
Give Rein a brig shield while he is charging. It basically only guards him from what he is charging at, but even then it could be melted. Hell, make it just 150-200 instead of 250.
Should we give rein a charge buff? In my opinion, he should get a damage reduction for charge at like 20% and 1 second after slam. It will give reins more ability to be aggressive without exploding. Or just make him immune to cc during charge like mauga to confirm some kills. Because cassidy is a problem for Rein, Doom, and Ball. The grenade needs to be a little bit longer on cooldown since it starts it when clicked. If they did grenade cooldown on explosion, it would solve the mass hinder problem.
Give rein a vertical jump-jet ability tied to the same “fuel tank” as your charge so the cooldowns are tied together. he has to choose between going all in offensively or fighting for high ground control. THEN give him a chargeable (for higher burst dmg) downward swing that only cleaves vertically and accelerates his falling speed in the air.
Just give charge the mauga treatment, gives dmg reduction and cc immunity during it. It makes no sense rein's charge is like it is yet mauga gets a charge that is so much more effective.
I like to play a lot of tank and honestly unless the entire enemy team be rolling me I usually don't swap. I tend to see it as a challenge and it feels so damn good when I go on to win a match after never swapping off the hero I walked out the doors with from the start.
I think rein could do with a slight damage reduction while charging? Nothing crazy but like 10 maybe 15%? Also, what if fire strike was horizontal to hit a line of targets since it’s no better than a swing now?
To make Rein fun they just need to make his charge better (decent damage resist + more damage if partially hit) and they need to rework his hammer. Either give him more damage, a faster swing speed or some sort of debuff like reduced speed when hit by Rein hammer or make his hammer ignore some of the damage reduction of armour so he isn't bullied by other tanks and beefy dps
That tank swap question; lately i've been trying to rank up my tank. as soon as i do well, the whole enemy team swaps to Zarya, mei/sombra/torb/reaper with zen/mercy and a kiri and i just feel like i can't do anything. what am i supposed to do in that situation? it just feels hopeless. no matter what i change to they swap to make my tank life horrible (typically play JQ, Winston, Doom).
In solo queue qp don’t ever touch that bubble unless your bastion, mauga, or perhaps reaper or soldier. Point is if you can’t melt zarya on your own after popping her bubble then don’t bother charging her. She isn’t good enough to get charge anyway unless your team is shitting the bed with chip damage, then ur done for.
Could you offer more insight on the flashpoint question? I play a lot of ball with sombra, and the health packs in between are so much better than on point. I find that teams always stagger and get lost (im in silver) so i prioritize ganking solo players, while monitoring my team to make sure THEY dont get ganked. My sombra is basically the person in the question. I am biased bc of mobility, but it seems silly to rotate to point when it doesnt unlock for like 15 seconds, and playing there lowers our kill potential. Should i be looking for stragglers to gank on point before it opens up, to clear the important space? Would it be worth leaving my rotating team to die?
The Flashpoint one is just weird to me. I don't know why people continue to fight instead of disengaging when it's already been capped. I do stay and help most of the time but it does feel pointless to do so tbh.
I am part of the problem when it comes to tank counter swapping. I'm a ramatra and sigma main. I also play orisa and Zaria. And I just counterswap between these four depending on who I'm fighting. It's just doesn't feel worth it playing into hard counters (ram into orisa) because my team can't handle that extra pressure (I'm clawing my way through silver 4 ATM, placed silver 5)
Rein is arguably held hostage by Lucio when you get down to it. While yes he feels bad right now and Lucio is meta, Rein will never not be meta without speed
Am I the only one enjoying tank? I love it because... 1. I love being the pace setter. 2. I'll gladly eat enemy cooldowns, I mean who else, my kiriko or genji? It's my job. AND I'll still kill you. 3. Gold-Plat++ tanks know they can kill any non-tanks in the game 1v1. JQ/Ball/Winston/Dva play amazing.
That's what's so weird. I still like playing the tanks I enjoy. But every time I go in I die or my DPS die before we can even have a fight. Maybe it was just a few bad games in a row, but I still love playing tank.
I think the way I explained it to my friends is that tank feels more like playing tank now and not big dps. BUT, it's super easy to get caught out for small mistakes and die. It's really weird that you feel like you have responsibilities of a tank but not the survivability. I'm not really suggesting that all tanks are like this, but I think it's why Dive tanks feel better right now. Dive tanks never really had that survivability before anyways.
Rein has a huge hit box and very little in terms of damage compared to other tanks, shields are practically useless now due to how much damage most characters do, especially when it comes to rein as his shield makes him unable to do anything else and it takes ages to recharge, he also has no damage reduction and no effective form of movement, im pretty sure he is the only tank that doesnt have any, his only moment ability is his charge which makes him actually more vulnerable than if he were not to use it and has a long cool down, and yes his charge can pin but more times than not it wont kill due to health buffs and even if u manage to pin a character who would die they often get saved due to an invincibility move. And all his counter picks have recently been buffed and are often in meta, He is just terrible right now and hope he gets fixed.
Rein needs damage mit on charge and either a slightly lower cd for fire strike or one more cant kill anyone but trace and thata if youre hands are being guided by the over watch gods
I gave up on actually duo q on console the Smurf epidemic is so real now I constantly look for Smurfs to balance my games out so if they are gonna have a gm level player in diamond so am I
😂 i get plats, gms and diamonds in my games often even if bronze to gold. 90% of the time on the other team. Had a few times the other team just decided to throw upon seeing the smurf. They tried to keep going but hard to win 5 on 1 when we purposely freeze, stun etc into oblivion. Rarely i find they get on my team and anytime they do, often they try to 1 vs 5 the other team, never stay with the group in any fashion and play fairly awful for whatever reason. 😂
Said it before I'll say it again: Rein's charge needs to allow him to put up his shield while doing it, just remove the pin and replace with a knockback/knock up and like 50dmg. For all the idiots who will inevitably say that would be broken, they already gave that to Mauga, so shut.
@@i_fuze_hostages6 rising uppercut was also iconic, yet it was still replaced with a block to make a dps into a tank and that tank is still doing better than Rein. If Rein players want Rein to be viable they have to either accept change or just stop complaining.
“DPS is overwhelming” Picks some of the highest mechanical characters in the game. I don’t care if they are Overpowered you can’t just pick those characters up. Soldier and McCree are the easiest in the game to learn first. No weird gimmicks, just shoot, movement and a secondary explosive.
Ill never understand why people want to "respect the mirror" in ranked games. is the point of ranked not to try to win? I feel like throwing a game to respect the mirror is just annoying, why I find a lot of rein mains annoying in ranked games.
As soon as i see a Zarya as a DVA i nope out of that match up and switch to Zarya or Sigma same if I see a DVA i switch to Zarya. When tanking Zarya main :D
I hear what u guys say about counter swapping on tank and how it's not a big deal but it just is. While ur playing Dva into Zarya, flying around and avoiding her ur entire team is getting beamed into oblivion and the same thing applies for any tank player not fighting the other teams tank. Unless u can kill the enemy team faster then their tank can kill ur team then ur fighting a losing battle and need to switch.
What i think would really help rein is an absorption ability like sigma has. I know its a bit over done, and would need balanced, but an ability that allows for absorption of projectiles and bullets that get transfered into more shield health for rein would at least allow him to have better ability to push forward into the enemy team without having his shield immediately shredded. Rein cant do much without getting close, and with how flimsy his shield is rn its near impossible to play to any of his strengths unless the enemy team just doesn't know how to respond.
Ive had the idea of giving his shield the abilty to be invincible for a short amount of time and give that dmg back as overhealth same concept but fits his design
I personally thought it would be cool if he could have his shield deployed while charging. But top500 players told me that would be mega broken. So it probably has to have some sort of cool down.
I think damage reduction or gaining armor during charge would be a better solution. It would make charge less risky and give him a way to survive when his shield breaks.
KarQ, pls get some new background music to vary the vids 😭, the same like 25s banjo riff is so annoying once you pay attention to it. There's so much non copyright lofi or Vaporwave
Why not just give rein some tweaks. Up first strike and give his charge cc immunity and some dmg reductions like mauga. I am for mei as the next tank though. She's so good at controlling space and staying alive she'd fit tank better then dps.
Idk man, the tank counter swap thing is ridiculous right now, if I'm a Reinhardt playing into an Orisa, I have to work a lot harder than they do, so you just swap to a Zarya and I cap the point for free, because i swapped. That's bad game design in my opinion.
Win rate for Rein doesn’t tell the whole story. You have to take usage rate into account as well. Hardcore Rein players will stick with him no matter what AND make him work with experience while more casual players will switch to other tanks.
Hot take. They should Rerelease all characters in their most broken state for a hacked event might make the game more fun. Who do you think the most broken character was (don’t say brig)
Bruh on Q2 dont tellthem to play heroes they don't want because their easy . Tell them to watch t500 vods and guides on their favorite hero. Thats a bs answer you gave them bro
People saying "i need to know 3-4 tanks is bad to play" is so stupid and annoying. its outting yourself as bad. You can queen into a zarya, sig into a dive. But in a role of 10 characters means you should know a minimum of a quarter of them,more like half
He can work at low ranks when the other team doesn't know what to do but soon as you face people with half a brain rein gets destroyed even cloudy who is the biggest Rein OTP admits it.
@@bradmiles1984 99% are not top 500,they just keep yapping without trying to play into reins strengths.thats why they loose,in reality a rein should always win against teams without pharahmercy,he has a lot going for him that just needs a little creativity to abuse but no one sees that🥲
@@DankPit He just needs some changes. Problem is alot of tanks didn't get the reworks they needed for it to work well in OW2. The new tanks are just more complete so the OG tank Rein just can't compete. Update his pin and firestrike then he'll be playable again.
It sounds like rein players are used to rein being meta and are upset he’s merely average. I’m a wrecking ball main so maybe I have no sympathy for hearing complaints that blizz is ignoring your hero
Ball has been a high tier tank a few different times since OW2 came out. Rein has been garbage for ages. Ball mains complain way too much. You all said ball would be useless in season 9, and look at that, he's okay. Ball players whine about balance every single patch istg. Edit: I just checked, and flats and karQ both agree that ball is A tier on the current patch. They both put rein in the bottom tier. This is what I mean. All you do is complain about ball being bad when he's an above average tank. Maybe you're just shit at the game. You chose to play a high skill hero. So get good maybe.
Great Jayne quote: "one person doing something stupid is feeding. 6 people doing something stupid is a strategy"
God I miss Jayne... I hope he's okay, I know he's been through some shit
Not enough people for any strategies now. Theres only 5 people hoping not to die and trade for 1+ a fight.
@@TheMysteriouswatcherWhat happened to him? He just disappeared.
I remember him saying two instead of 6 but both work :)
He was dealing with some mental issues and he decides to quit the interent @@Dingle.Donger
Mauga new ability: Cardiac arrest lmao
I actually suspect Reinhart is still something of a low metal destroyer, which is causing his stats to be inflated enough that they are afraid of buffing him too much. That being said with everyone online saying he is bad will push him towards a lower play rate and require a change.
He's only a destroyer if the other team is god awful. If they have at least 2 working brain cells collectively then rein gets destroyed.
Yep all you need to do is destroy his shield so he cannot engage. The problem with lower ranks is that supports never shoot it. If only 2 people shoot at his shield it's not going to break fast enough.
@@Oguh608 The one thing LW is lowkey great at is breaking shields highest shield break out of the support line suprisingly.
Yeah I agree with you both 100%, all I'm saying is OW has clearly taken all ranks into account, and I don't know of many people with serious low metal exposure that can say that this isn't the case. I'm just assuming because yeah, at higher skills him being bad seems like a no brainer, but they haven't said they are going to do something about it.@@bradmiles1984
@@bradmiles1984 if you've seen any streamer spectating low/metal ranks it's quite clear that most of these players don't even know what a braincell is, much less have one
I think its kinda nuts the reins shield is probably the worst one when it comes to usefulness and hes meant to be the shield guy
I am pretty sure he is the only tank who does not have some ability to simultaneously shield (or similar defense) and damage at the same time. He should be able to Firestrike and shield at the same time, even if Firestrike needs to be rebalanced for it.
Ironically, the old rectangle man has fallen behind all the new kids who have new things that he never had, and he's left behind lmfao
How is that ironic?
@@havelstone4366because rein himself is an old man being overshadowed by the next generation.
@awesome-dp1oo that doesnt really make it ironic just a funny coincidence
PLAY 👏 WHO 👏 YOU 👏 WANT 👏 IN 👏 QP 👏. Don't let the sweaty prevent you from learning a character in QP. If they were that pressed about winning they need to take it to Ranked. Thats what it's there for. QP is not meant to be sweaty.
Agreed but problem is the devs disagree. Leave penalty is fucking stupid
Fr fr fr. I'm bad, but I'm a sweat. And that means buckling down and learning a character. I'm here to improve not to win an individual game. Let's be real, I'm GOING to get counter picked and I'm gonna learn to deal with it.
@@TheRealOGnicktrue how you supposed to play who you want when the enemy is hard countering you. Used to be you could just gg go next now you have to either suffer through the whole match playing someone you don’t like or play respawn simulator
@@MyCommentsRMaturelolhard to learn character mechanics when you can’t use mechanics because you need to tip-toe around counters the whole game
Facts that the only way you can learn a new character
For the new DPS players if you don't know who to target I would suggest spending time playing tank. Not because it's great (it's not) or because we need more tank players (we do) but because from my time playing as a tank main I've learned to see who is making the most impact on the enemy team. As tank you are the engager and being the big man in front you see everything that is going on. I learned that and took it to my other roles so that when I dps or support I can see the mercy no one is shooting at who has 15k healing and 1 death. I can see the tracer who is 20-5 going on the hard flanks and destroying our backline. When you see that as dps and adjust for it then it saves your team and makes the fights easier. Tanking is where you learn that fastest as long you aren't tunnel visioning on the fights.
TLDR: Flex all roles so you can learn them and tank specifically. When you know how they play you can see that in game and adjust.
Ngl this is actually facts
I've actually recently realized that I'm dog water at tank. Even if I'm using my favorite tanks to play as I can't seem to get any value. I'm enjoying DPS and Support way more.
Playing tank only makes my blood pressure go up. Not only because I heavily rely on my team to secure kills, take the space I’m gaining, but also for being hard countered every game no matter the tank. And I use everything besides Hammond and doom.
Even after winning I can feel my eyes pulsing due to stress, it’s definitely not a fun role
@@egirlcafemanager7119to be fair it's your job as tank to take space, not the DPS. My biggest complaint about my team is everyone wants to stay on point. So often I push up alone while they spam "fall back" and "group up with me" like they're still playing OW1.
That is because tank is currently very hard to play and even harder to learn , any mistake a tank does is instantly punished and most often mean death, then with the tank dead the rest of the team falls and you as the tank are blamed even though you probably didn't that badly. No one wants to put extra effort to play or learn a character/role only to do the same or less then other roles.
@@egirlcafemanager7119 Fr I have never ever raged at a game in my life but playing reinhardt made me throw my mouse across the room
especially in this season, enjoying playing tank means enjoying things that aren't ovbious like outmanuvering an enemy and taking space, or movement/position on doom/ball etc. It kinda sucks since its outside the usual dopamine rush of playing the game, but the nature of the role is being forced to change as time goes on.
One thing I gotta give props to with KarQ, is that he is so reasonable and suggests things that just feel right. His takes on Reinhardt just are all just healthy on paper and calculated on how it effects the game. He isn’t even a Rein main but I trust his judgment 10x more than someone like, Flats
My idea for Reins would shake up his gameplay, with his primary swinging having a AoE where he hits the ground, it would fundamentally work the same but can have a slow traveling line that doesn’t go FAR but does like 25-40 damage if you are over the “tremors”, the hammer swings would likely be lowered since if you swing and hit someone, you’d do swing damage + tremor damage. And then Charge, give a lil bit of DR like 25% and make it a resource. Starting a charge shoots flames back and will burn enemies, and you can use it more as an escape/gap closer more rather than just pinning.
It is true that, for you to understand how to play against your counters, you can't counterswap the enemy that is currently counterswapping. However, I think that this specific season is just impossible to NOT counterswap. The only characters that are fine are Junker Queen (generally they'll mirror it, Zarya really is annoying but you can play around it) and Sigma, as he's always been like this, the least counterable tank in the roster.
If you are playing Winston, they'll play Roadhog/Junker Queen, and if it's the latter one, then you can't do shit. You can say I can try to ignore her, but it's borderline impossible, as the other player will keep chasing me the whole game, and if I'm too annoying to their dps, they'll just play Reaper and Bastion/Cass, and therefore it's impossible to play Winston.
If you are playing Dva, they'll swap to Zarya, and if that isn't enough, they'll pick Moira, Brig, Echo, Sombra or Mei. My DM becomes literally useless, so I'm obligated to switch. I don't even have to talk about 5-counter Doomfist.
I might not even play Winston anymore because if I do, I'm fucked for the rest of the game. They WILL always have a Reaper, Zenyatta and some other dps that's annoying as shit. So even if I switch, I can't win, I fully depend on my teammates now, because the enemy team won't switch even if I do. I always pick Ram in these situations because I can block only for 4-6s and take as little damage as possible, but if my team is unable to shoot the Reaper, I'll just be clocked out of the game until it ends. I'm perma discorded, trying to play corners, if I get hooked by the Hog, I'm instantly dead, if I get knifed by the JQ, I'm instantly dead because my team isn't mirroring Zen and I'm just at a massive disadvantage.
Giving Rein DR when charging would be one good buff, but I think more thematically they should give him a smaller than his normal barrier (just Rein sized, not his full wall) with 100-150 hp when charging. He already charges shield arm forward so it could work, and it gives some counter play vs just adding DR.
I always worded it as "It's better to be in the wrong place with your team than the right place by yourself"
That comment about being harder to hard carry feels so true. I thought it was just because of all the other higher players also being brought down in rank, but even in games where I made few mistakes, it felt like I wasn't nearly as impactful this season
The only Rein I saw recently in comp (high gold low plat) was one where my friends and I did some Sym shenanigans on Eichenwalde for the funny but it worked out really well for that Rein's playstyle and it seemed like he was having the time of his life
The most annoying thing when fighting a Zarya is my team either doesn't track bubbles and lets her full reset, or when she's high charge, they're so scared of popping bubbles, especially 2nd bubble, like just FOCUS HER shes already high charge just kill her.
Give Rein some overhealth when he charges that stays for a bit so he can actually engage and swang n bang.
It still makes me chuckle every time you call it Cardiac Arrest. Mauga casts Cardiac Arrest, it's super effective (teammate death noise).
One thing to note is that win rate percentage is an incredibly misleading statistic. People in higher ranks will not be playing rein because he is not very strong in current meta, save for a few hard rein mains who will win games more consistently on the basis of skill rather than the hero’s innate strength. This leaves the bulk of the rein playerbase in lower ranks, where games are won much more easily on the backs of roles not doing what they are supposed to (cc’ing rein, healing teammates, focussing shield and/or rein himself) so he will take games more easily. Win rate percentage is one of the most meaningless stats ever
Exactly, but I understand the devs not wanting to buff him since he dominates the lower ranks already. I do wish they would atleast give him something..
@ 16:00 zar issue in metal ranks would be more about the fact people dont know when to burn and when to ignore as a blanket strategy isnt always the best option
21:00 every time I play winston after I get 1-2 team fight wins the entire other team will try to counterpick me. I take it as a compliment. I love still winning those games. That does require me having DPS that take advantage of the tunnel vision of the other team so it isn't a sure fire bet but if I am drawing the attention of 5 people, the other 4 on my team USUALLY figure it out. I have found that I do better when I don't swap as I am not as good on the other tank options. Previous plat/diamond player, haven't had time for comp this season.
They should just put rein in the throne on eichenwald at this point. Same fate.
i've been playing open queue with a friend and god, him on zarya or any other tank instantly makes playing rein from a delusion to actual fun
Learning to play with your team when they are doing stupid things, was a hard lesson to learn (it just feels wrong), but as frustrating as it can be it is the right move WAY more often than not. Grin and bear it you might win.
Kinda unrelated but the other day i was in a game and me and my dps were the only ones alive on point, along with the enemy kiri and THEIR dps being alive with us. gotta say it was insanely funny and felt like it was a dog fight with me and the kiri deploying our boys and letting em duke it out while we both spectate 😭 😭
The weird dichotomy of Rein is that in swing range he is incredibly lethal this patch. If the enemy support line lacks CC and I have at least one high output support its def possible for me to get crazy value just running at their backline. I don’t care if its Ana nade, Moira biotic orb, Bap shift + lamp, or any of the other survivability tools. 4 swings is 400 damage and no support in this game has enough self-preservation buttons to tank that anymore.
The big problem with Rein is that he has an identity crisis atm. He has worse mobility and only marginally more finishing potential than the dive tanks (exception is Ball unless you are cracked). He completely lacks the ability to do damage while protecting himself like the other brawl tanks can. His ranged poke is trash and his peeling ability is generally pretty terrible. His concept of being a defensive brawl tank that protects others at the cost of himself doesn’t work great when his teammates want to stand in places that prevent him from doing any damage.
He still slaps at flashpoint though. Especially New Junk City.
I love you karq but that meme from the interview that was you and flats “they hate us cuz they ain’t us” had me literally dying lol
I think what makes it hard is that rein is such a simple tank to understand that the metal ranks are instantly able to synergize. Which is harder to do on dva or zarya. Atleast in the metal ranks.
Yeah fundamentally I think as long as Rein has a high health shield he will suffer from that. Buffing him for high ranks will break him for low ranks. This is the same problem Moira has.
It's frustrating to see this idea that every hero should be equally viable at all ranks. Different metas for different skill levels if perfectly fine. All that matters is that no character is OP at any rank.
@@Chr0n0s38 Or you know, Blizzard could stop making their design philosophy for a new hero be *hmm, i wonder how many ways we can make this hero fuck over Rein*
@@charchadonto I don't think Blizzard is actively trying to do that at all. I think that fundamentally a character who is built around a giant shield that prevents him from doing anything else just won't compete well. With only one tank, there's just limits on what he can do.
I think "don't swap" when enemy counters you as a tank is a bit too simplistic. I'd rather say, "don't swap right away" or somesuch. You need practice into your counters, but at some point it's just not fun playing Winton into something like Hog/Mauga + Reaper/Bast + Sombra/Cass + Moira/Ana + Kiriko or somesuch. But if it's just a Hog and a Reaper, let's say, then you still can have lots of value and lots of fun.
Just a slight correction, mauga is not invulnerable, just semi unstoppable(can be stopped in mirror match) if im correct.
What if Rein could build overhealth while holding shield? Can make it build overtime naturally or even a "minigame" of sorts. Shield breaking could give him brief speed or damage reduction. I love rein's playstyle as is, but he does need some more tailored love where just buffing his stats will lead to him dominating especially in lower ranks like patches in the past.
“Pumped by bap in the back”
I have been thinking about gap closers for rein as well and how his compares with other tanks. I feel like overloading his charge would remove the identity as a "simple" tank that is relatively easy for beginners while also making it too similar to other options in the roaster. My idea for a gap closer would be something like a speed buff that triggers every time his shield is lowered for longer than "x" amount of seconds. Whenever he puts his shield back up, the buff is gone. I feel it would give rein a way to not rely so much on lucio for movement the same way that pharra relied on mercy in order to be somewhat playable.
As a long time rein I’ve been wanting one of two things either bring back my shield health so I can main tank as I used to OR do what was suggested and give rein some dr in some shape or form when he charges either flat dr, extra health, or a thematic forward facing shield. Also idk what should be done or can be done but we gotta make firestrike feel better in terms of value the value I can get from peaking hard cover to throw one strike out feels like it gives the other team more value than it does my own team as I’m just the big ol ult battery showing my face
While being too flexible limits you a bit on how good you can be at any single hero, I think that even 1 tricks should at least be somewhat competent at the heroes that counter them.
Let's say you are a Dva 1 trick, if you know how to play heroes with a favorable matchup against you like Zarya, you will know how they are strong against you.
If you know how they are strong against you, then you can use that knowledge to find ways to mitigate it.
Zarya's beam goes through matrix and it melts if she's high charge, so what you can do is use micro missiles to force a bubble, as soon as the first bubble goes up, you stop shooting at her to deny charge.
And when that bubble expires, you get your team to HARD COMMIT on her, since she will most likely die with only 1 bubble and won't get to de-mech you at
The issue there is Zarya (and Orisa) are team problems, every other tank can win or lose a fight against the other tank, but with Zarya (and Orisa) the entire team needs to be on the same page, if 2 people hard commit to killing Zarya and 3 people just don’t shoot her or her bubbles at all, Zarya will never die and get a ton of charge, Orisa is similar since for the most part it takes a lot of effort to actually kill the horse
I’ve found that Dva into Zarya isn’t hard because of the beam going through DM, but because nobody is ever on the same page, even with comms
I reckon you can beat any tank if you command the mystical power of getting "your team to hard commit".
KarQ, I love you, but please play tank for an entire day, and you will see how annoying counter swapping is
Rein has slowly become a novelty. He get worse with not just every new tank but every new HERO. Sojourn? just slides away from reins threat range. Trying to land a pin or shatter? life grip, kiri teleport or suzu, and illari knockback would beg to differ. Ramattra, Junker Queen, and Mauga? already explained by KarQ. It will only get worse with each new hero being designed for the new age of overwatch, Rein is old school and unless he's brought up to speed via a solid rework, he will continue to suffer.
WRT the flash point question, the problem with staying with your team and “winning” the team fight, if the point is on the other side of the map and you wipe their team, they will beat you to the point because of closer spawns. Winning that fight is literally a disadvantage. There needs to be a way to teleport to your spawn from a captured point. No way you should be disadvantaged by winning.
They should do a QP Hacked where everyone on the server dies after the point is captured with respawn timers set to 3s or something. Could be fun, especially depending on how they do it.
@@Chr0n0s38 cooking
I’ve always liked the idea of a small speed boost after charge, maybe for 2 or 3 seconds just so he doesn’t have to pray to god his Lucio is with him for 100% of the match
I agree with the some heroes can play more on their own part. It’s not necessary to play with your team as if you’re joined at the hip but I’d say play with your team in mind. Doing stuff that they can work with and follow up on.
Give Rein a brig shield while he is charging. It basically only guards him from what he is charging at, but even then it could be melted. Hell, make it just 150-200 instead of 250.
I loved the last question because that is exactly what I do. I love playing different heroes and their respectively different play styles.
Should we give rein a charge buff? In my opinion, he should get a damage reduction for charge at like 20% and 1 second after slam. It will give reins more ability to be aggressive without exploding. Or just make him immune to cc during charge like mauga to confirm some kills. Because cassidy is a problem for Rein, Doom, and Ball. The grenade needs to be a little bit longer on cooldown since it starts it when clicked. If they did grenade cooldown on explosion, it would solve the mass hinder problem.
Give rein a vertical jump-jet ability tied to the same “fuel tank” as your charge so the cooldowns are tied together. he has to choose between going all in offensively or fighting for high ground control. THEN give him a chargeable (for higher burst dmg) downward swing that only cleaves vertically and accelerates his falling speed in the air.
Just give charge the mauga treatment, gives dmg reduction and cc immunity during it. It makes no sense rein's charge is like it is yet mauga gets a charge that is so much more effective.
I like to play a lot of tank and honestly unless the entire enemy team be rolling me I usually don't swap. I tend to see it as a challenge and it feels so damn good when I go on to win a match after never swapping off the hero I walked out the doors with from the start.
I think rein could do with a slight damage reduction while charging? Nothing crazy but like 10 maybe 15%? Also, what if fire strike was horizontal to hit a line of targets since it’s no better than a swing now?
What if it empowered his next regular swing to also shoot a fire strike so there’s burst potential?
To make Rein fun they just need to make his charge better (decent damage resist + more damage if partially hit) and they need to rework his hammer. Either give him more damage, a faster swing speed or some sort of debuff like reduced speed when hit by Rein hammer or make his hammer ignore some of the damage reduction of armour so he isn't bullied by other tanks and beefy dps
You can turn on dark mode in reddit setting just on the top right.
No one cares
@@TheNumbers97 my eyes do
I only play tank when I’ve had a shitty day at work and want to feel more pain 😂
I picked up Rein last night for a match and got absolutely obliterated by a hyper aggressive Orisa
That tank swap question; lately i've been trying to rank up my tank. as soon as i do well, the whole enemy team swaps to Zarya, mei/sombra/torb/reaper with zen/mercy and a kiri and i just feel like i can't do anything. what am i supposed to do in that situation? it just feels hopeless. no matter what i change to they swap to make my tank life horrible (typically play JQ, Winston, Doom).
In solo queue qp don’t ever touch that bubble unless your bastion, mauga, or perhaps reaper or soldier. Point is if you can’t melt zarya on your own after popping her bubble then don’t bother charging her. She isn’t good enough to get charge anyway unless your team is shitting the bed with chip damage, then ur done for.
Could you offer more insight on the flashpoint question? I play a lot of ball with sombra, and the health packs in between are so much better than on point. I find that teams always stagger and get lost (im in silver) so i prioritize ganking solo players, while monitoring my team to make sure THEY dont get ganked. My sombra is basically the person in the question. I am biased bc of mobility, but it seems silly to rotate to point when it doesnt unlock for like 15 seconds, and playing there lowers our kill potential. Should i be looking for stragglers to gank on point before it opens up, to clear the important space? Would it be worth leaving my rotating team to die?
The Flashpoint one is just weird to me. I don't know why people continue to fight instead of disengaging when it's already been capped. I do stay and help most of the time but it does feel pointless to do so tbh.
I am part of the problem when it comes to tank counter swapping. I'm a ramatra and sigma main. I also play orisa and Zaria. And I just counterswap between these four depending on who I'm fighting. It's just doesn't feel worth it playing into hard counters (ram into orisa) because my team can't handle that extra pressure (I'm clawing my way through silver 4 ATM, placed silver 5)
Rein is arguably held hostage by Lucio when you get down to it. While yes he feels bad right now and Lucio is meta, Rein will never not be meta without speed
Rein and junk are literally throw picks rn haha
Am I the only one enjoying tank? I love it because...
1. I love being the pace setter.
2. I'll gladly eat enemy cooldowns, I mean who else, my kiriko or genji? It's my job. AND I'll still kill you.
3. Gold-Plat++ tanks know they can kill any non-tanks in the game 1v1. JQ/Ball/Winston/Dva play amazing.
That's what's so weird. I still like playing the tanks I enjoy. But every time I go in I die or my DPS die before we can even have a fight. Maybe it was just a few bad games in a row, but I still love playing tank.
Nahhh, i LOVE playing tank too❤
I think the way I explained it to my friends is that tank feels more like playing tank now and not big dps. BUT, it's super easy to get caught out for small mistakes and die. It's really weird that you feel like you have responsibilities of a tank but not the survivability. I'm not really suggesting that all tanks are like this, but I think it's why Dive tanks feel better right now. Dive tanks never really had that survivability before anyways.
Tank is fun until the enemy team decides that you’re done having fun
It's fun until you see sombra, bastion, and the other tank just constantly counterswapping every death
Rein has a huge hit box and very little in terms of damage compared to other tanks, shields are practically useless now due to how much damage most characters do, especially when it comes to rein as his shield makes him unable to do anything else and it takes ages to recharge, he also has no damage reduction and no effective form of movement, im pretty sure he is the only tank that doesnt have any, his only moment ability is his charge which makes him actually more vulnerable than if he were not to use it and has a long cool down, and yes his charge can pin but more times than not it wont kill due to health buffs and even if u manage to pin a character who would die they often get saved due to an invincibility move. And all his counter picks have recently been buffed and are often in meta, He is just terrible right now and hope he gets fixed.
Rein needs damage mit on charge and either a slightly lower cd for fire strike or one more cant kill anyone but trace and thata if youre hands are being guided by the over watch gods
A simple damage reduction when charging would greatly improve Rein
Rein should just have 300 extra hp from where he’s at now. Rein should be a juggernaut style tank.
Wrong. Mauga has a better matchup into orisa not vice versa
Guys I'm new to overwatch how do I get to "qp" I only have unranked, ranked, and arcade 🤔 is qp in the practice range area?
qp is quick play, the 'main' unranked game mode
I gave up on actually duo q on console the Smurf epidemic is so real now I constantly look for Smurfs to balance my games out so if they are gonna have a gm level player in diamond so am I
😂 i get plats, gms and diamonds in my games often even if bronze to gold. 90% of the time on the other team. Had a few times the other team just decided to throw upon seeing the smurf. They tried to keep going but hard to win 5 on 1 when we purposely freeze, stun etc into oblivion.
Rarely i find they get on my team and anytime they do, often they try to 1 vs 5 the other team, never stay with the group in any fashion and play fairly awful for whatever reason. 😂
You read the same post last week lol the 3rd one
Said it before I'll say it again: Rein's charge needs to allow him to put up his shield while doing it, just remove the pin and replace with a knockback/knock up and like 50dmg. For all the idiots who will inevitably say that would be broken, they already gave that to Mauga, so shut.
Nah the pin is too iconic
@@i_fuze_hostages6 rising uppercut was also iconic, yet it was still replaced with a block to make a dps into a tank and that tank is still doing better than Rein. If Rein players want Rein to be viable they have to either accept change or just stop complaining.
“DPS is overwhelming”
Picks some of the highest mechanical characters in the game. I don’t care if they are Overpowered you can’t just pick those characters up. Soldier and McCree are the easiest in the game to learn first. No weird gimmicks, just shoot, movement and a secondary explosive.
Short answer: Yes
That sweater goes hard
Give rein wall climb and save my boy!
Ill never understand why people want to "respect the mirror" in ranked games. is the point of ranked not to try to win? I feel like throwing a game to respect the mirror is just annoying, why I find a lot of rein mains annoying in ranked games.
Rein needs major help. Forgotten OW1 hero 😢
As soon as i see a Zarya as a DVA i nope out of that match up and switch to Zarya or Sigma same if I see a DVA i switch to Zarya. When tanking Zarya main :D
I don’t think rein has ever been bad per say but he’s definitely seen better days he’s never really a bad pick most of the time though
Rein is viable below Master. He's dead weight any higher because people can just kite him easily.
@@Oguh608I’m in gm and I run him a ton pretty successfully
I hear what u guys say about counter swapping on tank and how it's not a big deal but it just is. While ur playing Dva into Zarya, flying around and avoiding her ur entire team is getting beamed into oblivion and the same thing applies for any tank player not fighting the other teams tank. Unless u can kill the enemy team faster then their tank can kill ur team then ur fighting a losing battle and need to switch.
What i think would really help rein is an absorption ability like sigma has. I know its a bit over done, and would need balanced, but an ability that allows for absorption of projectiles and bullets that get transfered into more shield health for rein would at least allow him to have better ability to push forward into the enemy team without having his shield immediately shredded. Rein cant do much without getting close, and with how flimsy his shield is rn its near impossible to play to any of his strengths unless the enemy team just doesn't know how to respond.
Ive had the idea of giving his shield the abilty to be invincible for a short amount of time and give that dmg back as overhealth same concept but fits his design
I personally thought it would be cool if he could have his shield deployed while charging. But top500 players told me that would be mega broken. So it probably has to have some sort of cool down.
I think damage reduction or gaining armor during charge would be a better solution. It would make charge less risky and give him a way to survive when his shield breaks.
Homie needs to fire his editor for this one tbh
Q2: i watch the best players on my favorite hero( Ball) and i haven't looked back since. I didn't play an easier tank
bro said he was a support player and got overwhelmed PLAYING DPS?!?!? how do u manage support but not dps lol
Maybe the pressure of having to aim better than on most supports or something bothered him. Not sure 🤔
Honestly just let rein raise shield while charging
i like your sweater
Thanks >:)
Youre overthinking this shit, hes just old tech
If Rein is meta, im not playing the game
KarQ, pls get some new background music to vary the vids 😭, the same like 25s banjo riff is so annoying once you pay attention to it. There's so much non copyright lofi or Vaporwave
smash bros music >>>>>>>>>
Just remove rein and add mei to the tank role, simple.
Why not just give rein some tweaks. Up first strike and give his charge cc immunity and some dmg reductions like mauga. I am for mei as the next tank though. She's so good at controlling space and staying alive she'd fit tank better then dps.
teh dps heroes
Bro go dark mode PLEASEEEE
Idk man, the tank counter swap thing is ridiculous right now, if I'm a Reinhardt playing into an Orisa, I have to work a lot harder than they do, so you just swap to a Zarya and I cap the point for free, because i swapped. That's bad game design in my opinion.
Rein is so ass, he feels so clunky and slow compared to every other tank
Win rate for Rein doesn’t tell the whole story. You have to take usage rate into account as well. Hardcore Rein players will stick with him no matter what AND make him work with experience while more casual players will switch to other tanks.
Lmao no. Noob
Hot take. They should Rerelease all characters in their most broken state for a hacked event might make the game more fun. Who do you think the most broken character was (don’t say brig)
Either JQ or Mauga
Rein players now feel what Doom and Ball players have felt for a while. “Stop complaining and just get good at the hero.”
Bruh on Q2 dont tellthem to play heroes they don't want because their easy . Tell them to watch t500 vods and guides on their favorite hero. Thats a bs answer you gave them bro
People saying "i need to know 3-4 tanks is bad to play" is so stupid and annoying. its outting yourself as bad. You can queen into a zarya, sig into a dive. But in a role of 10 characters means you should know a minimum of a quarter of them,more like half
Bogur has said it before know 1 tank of each categery 1 rush/brawl, 1 dive, and 1 poke tank so something like Ram, Dva, Sig.
@@bradmiles1984 so his suggestion is to dumb tanks down more and make the role somehow even less fun lol
Rein is fantastic, i love playing him and i WONT switch no matter what.REIN SUPREMACY
He can work at low ranks when the other team doesn't know what to do but soon as you face people with half a brain rein gets destroyed even cloudy who is the biggest Rein OTP admits it.
@@bradmiles1984 99% are not top 500,they just keep yapping without trying to play into reins strengths.thats why they loose,in reality a rein should always win against teams without pharahmercy,he has a lot going for him that just needs a little creativity to abuse but no one sees that🥲
@@bradmiles1984yeah it’s just the way it is right now. He hasn’t changed everything else has
@@DankPit He just needs some changes. Problem is alot of tanks didn't get the reworks they needed for it to work well in OW2. The new tanks are just more complete so the OG tank Rein just can't compete. Update his pin and firestrike then he'll be playable again.
@@bradmiles1984 he is fine the way he is,a lot of players dont play into his advantages and thats why they lose
I hard disagree support can hard carry just as easy as DPS.
It sounds like rein players are used to rein being meta and are upset he’s merely average.
I’m a wrecking ball main so maybe I have no sympathy for hearing complaints that blizz is ignoring your hero
Rein META????????? Bro how long have you not played the game rein literally hasn’t been a meta tank since 2019
saying rein is average is a funny joke
Ball has been a high tier tank a few different times since OW2 came out. Rein has been garbage for ages. Ball mains complain way too much. You all said ball would be useless in season 9, and look at that, he's okay. Ball players whine about balance every single patch istg.
Edit: I just checked, and flats and karQ both agree that ball is A tier on the current patch. They both put rein in the bottom tier. This is what I mean. All you do is complain about ball being bad when he's an above average tank. Maybe you're just shit at the game. You chose to play a high skill hero. So get good maybe.
Eww, more Nathan content.
your daddy
@@PuttBlug69 Who are you?