We all get *stressed* talking about race because society has *made* it such a sensitive topic. Let's *turn it around* as a society, and make it okay for everyone to talk about, just like how it's okay to talk about *desserts* _(turn it around, the word _*_"stressed"_*_ that is...)_.
***** Yes, there's a lot of history that has happened that people have to move on from, which is why it will take a long time, but I do see it happening :) There's nothing wrong with connecting with other cultures, our ethnicity doesn't determine the culture we relate to so always just be yourself and do what you feel comfortable with doing :)
Sarah Pruitt I'm sorry to hear that... I guess it depends in what manner they talk about it. I think just because there are so many negative connotations associated with talking about race which is what gets people stressed talking about it.
personally, as a Caucasian, I feel incredibly conscious talking about race because if I say something about another ones race, one may think I'm racist, in which I'm not. I am friends with people who are from all over the world, India, Napal, Israel, china, Mexico, etc. each person differs. do not automatically assume someone is _ because they are a certain race
Not gonna lie, I sometimes do get nervous or uncomfortable talking about race because everyone’s so quick to call you a racist if you say one thing wrong.
I don’t feel guilty cause I personally didn’t do anything. I definitely feel bad abt what my ancestors have done. I’m not a bad person/ haven’t done anything wrong therefore I shouldn’t live feeling guilty for nothing.
Talib Akil Bey I don’t ‘carty’ the suns of no-one expect myself . I am a new generation of my family and regret what past members of my family MAY have done but I would never do those things and believe in equality. So no I do not feel guilty because I have not done anything.
It's not about that. It's the built up resentment people of color feel everyday that comes from living in a society where race is an everyday problem. White people don't realise it but most white people do participate in subtle forms of racism or is racist by association because a lot of white people are friends with or related to someone that's racist. And Whites lash out whenever people of color try to fix issues of racism so like affirmative action the moment universities try to give people a head-start at a good education something they've been denied for generations, White people are usually the first to lash out and often the majority that lashes out. Or what's probably the most frustrating to us is that white people even the good white liberals allies like to deny racism is an issue. Whenever POC try to tell white people about their lived experiences about racism our white friends don't want to discuss, don't want to talk about it and pretend racism isn't a real problem. And cause of that white people don't help POC even when we're your friends to dismantle institutional racism or stop the day to day little racist things they do on a daily basis that contributes to the problem. Like whenever we bring up an issue of racism being experienced by us or someone we know they say to us "We don't see color." Instead of dealing with the racism. White people don't try to help in the fight against racism normally you guys pretend like it's not a problem and go through your lives blissful that you don't have to think about race everyday while we don't have that choice.
As a white person, I get so scared to speak up about racism because if I say the SLIGHTEST thing that's incorrect or misinformed, I'm racist and horrible. If I talk about racism, I'm stealing the voices from POC. But if I don't speak up about it, I'm racist and I don't care. It's a very, VERY easy to tilt balance. At the same time, whenever I hear someone say anything racist, I really want to speak up and counter them. If I ever say anything that ends up sounding racist, I'm very, VERY sorry. But please don't scream at me for it. I have a LOT of anxiety and if someone screams at me for being wrong I'll feel much less inclined to even speak about it again.
+Emry Langston for POC talking about it is race baiting and they are the ones to be punished with physical harm and emotional harm. You have it easy compared, can you imagine the anxiety for them when they try to speak of a problem that can physically hurt them or take their life? Once you start having empathy this fear of being called racist will not matter
Johnny Giddings the people in the video WERE normal humans just because the girl said she grew in a white suburb area doesn't mean every white person in the video is a stereotypical white person
+Cassidy Evans I think that this is a very important point, I get uncomfortable when I talk about race because people can be so quick to judge me because I'm white, one wrong word and I can be labled a racist. It is the same type of racial discrimination that people of color go through.
without even watching, I can guess that they are stressed, but mostly because they are afraid to be viewed as racist, which is the automatic response we are given when we discuss this topic.
+Milena Gary his point is that the media demonises whites so much so that they are intimidated into accepting white privilege and also agreeing with everything minorities say. Who controls the media is a different subject. There is no other explanation into why whites stay quiet.
cindy Queen I understand why you say that. Now, I am an ally for the black lives matter movement. I have always supported POC all my life. I have grown up in a very multicultural neighbourhood and have always appreciated the things POC has done for my country (Australia). If someone calls me racist, I stop my actions. I know that a lot of white people don't. I get it. But I am trying to say that it is hard to talk about race when I don't know how it affects people since I don't know myself. The reason I said what I said was because I have seen in the past that some POC call some white people racist because we don't talk about it. You see, we don't understand, so we don't talk about it.
flayuhat I will say what I said the cindy: I understand why you say that. Now, I am an ally for the black lives matter movement. I have always supported POC all my life. I have grown up in a very multicultural neighbourhood and have always appreciated the things POC has done for my country (Australia). If someone calls me racist, I stop my actions. I know that a lot of white people don't. I get it. But I am trying to say that it is hard to talk about race when I don't know how it affects people since I don't know myself. The reason I said what I said was because I have seen in the past that some POC call some white people racist because we don't talk about it. You see, we don't understand, so we don't talk about it.
Maggie Holles I don't think you understand why I said that. I was saying that Cindy is an example of people constantly telling whites that they're racist.
You should not feel guilty for being white! The crimes of our ancestors are not our fault. Just like mongol people should not feel bad for the crimes of Genghis khan or the Chinese Dynasties. Just like Middle Eastern people shouldn't feel guilty for the crimes of the Persian empire etc etc. Also, the first thing anyone sees about anyone is their differences from you. However, race is an important discussion and there in American especially there's a major race issue and white people are separated. There just shouldn't be a blame game.
+Allan Reford You still benefit from those ancestors and if you are not trying to get rid of that benefit to make everyone equal you are agreeing with those ancestors and their work to keep you there.
+HeirOfGlee yes white people do have benefit from their ancestors. But simply taking away ones benefit is not easy as it sounds as it is basically stoned into the government, society and people's mindset.
HeirOfGlee The goal is to bring less privileged people to your level. Not to not benefit from it. It also doesn't make us guilty. I live in Scotland and 96% of the population is white and 0.7% is Black, We don't have race issues here. We have a very liberal Government. Out first minister is female...
+Will Broussard I think she knows that but I'm pretty sure that she was referring to the face that the white people in the video are never the minority and how they will never have to think I about being in the minority
honestly im so glad i wasnt born in america even as a white guy because race is still such a big issue for you guys. I know we're not perfect in the UK but its not so bad that we need this sort of thing. people are just people
+Aizen Sama Are you talking about all Muslims? If so, I am a Muslim and that is totally wrong. It's also very ironic to see you be like "Jeez America get over yourselves people are people" then turn around and say "yeah but Muslims are the worst" (not what you literally said) :/
What pisses me off is when you try to be a part of a conversation like this and you're singled out because you "don't understand " like yeah I get I'm white by my step father is nigerian and I get a lot of crap from that plus my entire community is Hispanic and black so I'm always singled out in a crowd. Ppl shouldn't be so ignorant in their assumptions of others.
As a white person, I feel uncomfortable talking about race because I feel like I need to dodge my words. If I say something wrong, then I'll be accused of being racist. Contrary to what was said in the video, a lot of people (on the internet at least) feel that we must remain silent- that what we have to say is automatically invalid. I think participating in these conversations is really important, and listening to what people of color have to say. I just don't want to be put on the spot, or have to dodge my words so I don't accidentally offend anyone.
Honestly, it does makes me uncomfortable talking about race. I feel like im going to say something wrongly, and someone will get really offended or really angry at me. Sometimes at my school, i'll make a simple joke, nothing to do with color and people will say to me "it's because im black isn't it" or "are you joking about colored people??" .-.
which is why i think schools should teach about racism. a lot of people say racist things without intending to, which is not their fault, but it's still hurtful. we all should be more open about these issues and be taught what is and isn't wrong (e.g. racist jokes are _not_ funny), and white people would not be scared of making a mistake unintentionally. but also i think as people of colour we shouldn't immediately get mad if someone says something offensively without meaning to. we should guide and teach what makes us offended so others will be careful to avoid it. the problem is when i say i'm offended or point out a white person 'saying something wrong', the response is often that i'm 'too sensitive' or 'can't take a joke'. what i'm saying is white people should try to listen to the perspectives of poc, but poc should also try not to be too angry at white people saying something insensitive unintentionally. this way we'd all be less awkward talking about racial issues
Lovelene2105 Le Blanc I actually was not using the word color specifically talking about black people. I said color meaning people of all races. Black, white, asian, hispanic. I also saod the word colored in the sentence "are you joking about colored people?" Because that is what people say to ME, not in my own words.
“White people aren’t allowed to talk about race!” “WHY ARE YOU SO UNCOMFORTABLE TALKING ABOUT RACE!” Maybe, just maybe, they’re afraid anything they say will be called “racist,” even if they’re apologizing as much as possible.
The only reason why I don't like even thinking or talking about race is because somehow it's always made to be "my fault" or that I'm personally responsible for how the world is because of my skin tone. It's hard to feel passionate about helping minorities when they all seem to have this bias and hate torwards white people. And it's even more sad how we're made to feel like we deserve that kind of abuse. Like honestly, the way things are heading now makes me not even care at all about minorities and their issues. Why should I respect them when they don't respect me?
I think that's "white guilt" you're experiencing. No one is actually directly blaming you for anything, they are just talking about other groups of people who are systematically oppressing everyone and you automatically feel like they are coming for you. My bf and I used to have this awkwardness, i'll tell you what i told her---no one blames you for slavery, no one blames you for police brutality and no one blames you for being white. But if we can't have these open conversations about race, how do we move forward?
bambii we can move forward by not talking about it in a way that makes every white person look like they are a member of KKK, but racefeed just dont understand that
+AMS97PS3 well obviously money talks to a certain degree, but I'm talking about them being on the same level and there are some white people who will let you know that
I wish more conversations like this would be possible. The people of color featured in this video seemed genuinely interested to hear what the white people had to say, and vice verse. I appreciate that it was a friendly conversation. I find that a lot of the times, when I talk about race with people of color, there's a lot of defensiveness there, like an automatic assumption that I am either ignorant, stupid, or just straight up racist. And that's just not the case. I appreciate when that one girl said, "It can't just be a conversation within people of color." I think that's very very true and important, and a lot of people lose sight of that. But any social change requires ALL parties to be involved, and when you reject everything that white people have to say about race and disinvite them from the conversation, that actually creates a very frustrating, hateful, and counterproductive tone that only solidifies the outdated concept of "us and them". Even being a white ally, you so often feel like the enemy because of it. Cause yeah, white people have done a lot of really horrible things, and there are still horrible, racist white people alive today, but ultimately, this is a society we were all BORN into, that was created by people who died hundreds of years ago, and now, like any change or evolution, it's taking a lot of time and effort to undo the mess left behind by our ancestors. But that isn't anyone's fault. Similarly, yes, we could all be more educated about the history of racism, but again, we're born into a system where those things just aren't taught. A lot of people are ignorant, not by choice but because the conversation was never opened to them at a time when they could be more receptive. Like, realistically, how many non-Jewish people would ACTUALLY crack open a book to learn about the Holocaust if it wasn't taught in schools? If history books didn't call it one of the worst genocides in history? It's a broken system, and we need understanding and compassion from all sides in order to fix it.
I always feel bad because I want to talk about race even though I'm white and I'm always afraid I will said something offensive without even noticing but I want to engage because I have never been in their position and I want to understand.
I get tense when I go to Walmart & have to shop next to old white people. They probably get tense too. So maybe we’re all just tense around people who look different than us..racial bias 🤷♀️
I never even thought about race until it was shoved in my face that it was something I should feel guilty about. Growing up I've had friends of different ethnicities and it was never a race thing. Why should race be a part of the conversation at all?
I'm white and the concept of race DOES stress me out. I stress out because I know that people who are not white totally milk the race card, and try to hold you personally acccountable for things committed by people you never knew, centuries before you were born.
No. Not really. “Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does the hating. It's just plain wrong.” - Muhammad Ali
It's not really an age reason, it's mostly context. If a black person talks to a white person about things that they experienced or felt as a black person they most likely will listen to everything and be empathetic. Sometimes they may disagree, but that's really all it'd go to. Disagreement isn't uncomfortable unless someone in the conversation is forced to walk on eggshells because of the emotional stability of someone in the disagreement (I have experienced this a lot with a family member). If a black person talks to a white person about things they experienced or felt against white people then they will feel uncomfortable and rightfully so. Most of this can be solved if people had self-awareness and had a shoe on the other foot mentality. With most people you'll never have to experience this. BTW this happens most with a white person to another white person, but since it's the same viewpoint the actual race of the messenger doesn't matter. Hope this helped.
thats so interesting. because at some point as kids, we are unaware of the social context of race. its just a defining character. Like "that girl has dark skin" or something. Then we get older and realize the ranking of these skin colors in society, but even preteens and younger teenagers seem more comfortable with the subject.
Honestly as a white female whose grown up in a multicultural community, I always feel nervous when speaking of race because keywords can always define who you are as a 'white', like I could become extremely racist or become extremely racist. There's always a fine line you have to stay on when speaking of race.
+spacemanmima I'm a person of color. I still also feel this way sometimes because I am also white. I always feel like I have to cautious when it comes to certain words because one wrong word, you get marked as a racist even if you apologize. I mean, as a feminist I can even say we get overly sensitive when it comes to certain topics.
+spacemanmima I agree. I also grew up in a multicultural community, and it was one of the first things I learnt as a child, that even though my best friend was from Korea, I should not talk about race, or that she was of East Asian decent. That to talk about it was to invite awkwardness, and discomfort on all sides. Also, I thought it was interesting that Josh said he doesn't think of himself as doing something as a "white male", as was described by the gentleman of Caribbean decent (sorry I'd use his name, but I didn't catch it). Maybe it is the fact that grew up in/work in a very diverse community (I live on the side of my city that is considered "poorer" and is very racially diverse), but I do describe myself as a "white female" and even when I walk into a shop or am out and about, I often feel other people (be it other white people, or people of colour) see me as a "white girl" first before anything else. So I don't think just because I am white that race doesn't effect me, maybe it effects me differently, but it effects me. And it definitely effects me when I am out with my half-Asian, half-White nephews, or when I'm out with my friends who are people of colour. In fact, I have been in establishments with friends who are people of colour, and have been treated very badly or ignored, while they are treated well. So I'd say race effects everyone. It's definitely an issue we need to face, and to talk about.
+spacemanmima I hate this expectation that white people are not allowed to talk about race and have to be careful, as an asian i think white people should be free to speak however they want without the fear of being called a racist. My white friends mess with me all the time, we're friends so we're open.
I feel like this isn't that complicated of a question. Are white people stressed when talking about race? Of course we are. It's such a dangerous topic for us because we have to walk on eggshells with everything we say knowing that the most innocent statement can be taken and misconstrued as some sort of evidence of our incredibly evil and racist minds. It really sucks because I'd like to think that we can work together and make the world a better place and based on individualism but its tough to do that for a number of reasons. For the white people (although in my experience there are few white groups of people that are ideologically homogeneous) it can often feel like we're going to be looked at as demons in human skin no matter what we do for the actions of people in the past (most of which who were long dead before we were born) and that even if we agree with the black identity movement we're Still racist and benefiting from the white privilege that exists somewhere in the ether that we can do nothing about. It also seems at least to me that there is a double standard for white people and people of color. People of color can say anything up to and including, "white people should be exterminated." and nothing will happen to them because of it many will even agree and discuss it openly. But if a white person says negative about black people for instance, they'll get torn apart, social and societal ridicule and it will be a permanent black mark on them. And that nonsense about people of color cannot be racist. It just doesn't make much sense.
Me Being A Black Person Born And Raised In America It Makes Perfect Sense To Me You Should Re-Read Your Own Comment.. & Ask Yourself Why?, Because Your Not That Far Off From The Answer, Its Just White People Are Goin To Have To Figure This Out On Their Own.
Tara Harris I don’t see any hidden message or answer in there? If we really want to solve inequality we need respect ,not trying to complain about someone stating their opinion
White allies need to stand up to their problematic relatives and friends, don’t just let bigotry go unchecked simply because “he’s just from a different generation” some of these relatives are raising children who will grow up to adopt their same ways of thinking on race
Jorden Ruffin that was true many years ago...but now the majority of white people (the majority of _people_) are not racist. Buzzfeed, however, is racist.
People of colour are very easy aggravate in discussions of race simply because white people tend to see things as less problematic than they are but as a black girl I think its unfair to do that because if I don't think or understand things they way white people do they should have to understand or think the way I do as long as we respect each others experiences
why do you think it's unfair for us to get frustrated and upset when white people minimalize and deny our personal racial experiences? the whole point of a discussion is to understand the hurt and confusion between the two sides, not simply "agree to disagree" in order to remain respectful.
You have a point, but eventually we want them to take full consideration of our point of view and respect it just as much, not just remain in their understanding alone.
This is a faulty experiment for several reasons. One, why didn’t you hook everyone up to the meter? Why just the two white people? In order for it to be fair, you have to compare. It’s just made this way to make white people seem racist or uncomfortable about race. Second, they could very well have social anxiety or be socially anxious when talking. When I’m in a group or meeting, I’m perfectly calm until I have to speak, then my heart rate quickens and I have trouble breathing, etc. Doing this is just separating instead of bringing people together. Racism still exists because we won’t let it go away. Stop shaming white people for being white.
So how do you make racism "go away" when it is in the very foundation of the majority of the world. Where it affects poc mortality, education, jobs etc Stop talking like we live in an ideal world. How do you propose to make racism just "go away" then?
Maryan ali Sorry but honey this is 2018, slavery has been gone and you’re fine now. Stop acting like you’re still drinking from different fountains or going to worse schools.
richiehoezier i think your comment clearly shows how a lot of people simply do not think nor care about other people's struggles. You don't know how it feels to experience racism in everyday life and so you don't have the right to judge people who struggle with that all the time. How can you feel entitled to tell them not to complain?
While what you say may be true for some people, Morgan Freeman is actually the one that said he doesn't participate in "black pride month" because he believes the best way for racism to go away is to stop talking about it. You can look it up, I'm not lying. I'm not discrediting the past. It's our history. It's important that we learn from it, but people today don't face the same issues that their ancestors did. All I'm saying is that whatever bBuzzfeed is trying to prove with this video doesn't have any ground because it's a faulty experiment.
Of course they are. Apparently whites aren't allowed to talk about racism or race so we just don't want to have that conversation, which only makes us seem worse. It's damned if we do. And damned if we don't.
@@reyes100k4 White people don't be racist to black people Black people don't be racist to white people Oops! I'm not aloud to say that. Of course black people can't be racist according to most people 🙄
Reading these comments as I white male in america that believes all humans should be treated the same, I am sorry about how some other people that look like me act. But just know that everyone is different. But it is still horrible what some people go through when they are a part of any minority. (I sound like a total jerk in this)
Im white and grew up around hispanic people my whole life but still get scared talking about race because I don't want people calling me racist if I use the term black instead of african american or something like that.
Honestly black people really don’t care lol. The media just blows things up. Most don’t have a huge preference between black or African-American either
I personally think this is one of the best buzzfeed content I've seen and I've seen many buzzfeed videos... This is a beautiful video of opening up on the issue of race..
race isn't a real issue, it's a government fabrication to divert the masses. That's why buzzfeed is useless. Race wouldn't be an issue if we stopped talking about it.
divided people means less trouble for the government... imagine how much change could happen if everyone were to unite against a ruling body... oh and iarcheese race is an issue for a lot of people because discrimination exists and race is another way to discriminate... it happens everywhere all the time if you want proof have one of these conversations with people who are of different races and 30+ years old... they will tell you stories from life experience which is the best source of information in regards to these issues IMO.
is there a possibility that there is a stereotype on white people due to generalizations drawn from historical context that white people are racist (i.e. slavery duh)? Would this be the same thing as muslims being assigned to a certain stereotype because of ISIS (obviously the severity varies completely)? Then philosophically speaking, is being treated this way because of what members of the same race have done justified? Are people being punished for the actions of others in their race?
585lolip i think its a lot of white people being called racist just because we dont have the overwhelming anxiety that people of color think they need to or are supposed to feel... idk
yeah I feel the same way, But that could be cause i am from Slovakia and the BIG majority of people here are white. And I mean a big majority. I see a non-white person like once a half a year in my city, no joke. Obviously it's a bit different in the capital, but still nothing compared to the US.
It's really more in the media than it is in every day life, in some places at least. Remember that America is 50 different states and every single state has cities that are completely different than the other.
this is hands down one of my favorite buzz feed videos regarding race. I'm so glad that minorities finally get to express things we have felt our whole lives and make a difference. more discussions like this need to be had. ASAP.
2 of my friends that are of colour feel like they have to be "white" to feel good about themselves this made me sooo sad and angry that they felt like this because of society. I'm only 16 'white' and now feel so ashamed that people feel this way when infact they are beautiful just the way they are.
Gina Godwin they r in a majority white country in the west. It is not white privelage it is majority privelage. If they are chinese for example if they went to china they would feel more included and represented in the reflection of society because chinese would be the majority an therefor have a higher percantage of representation
I wish people would get past race. It is something that can be appreciated. People don't realize how beautiful they are in their own skin. It can be a tool for hate, but I was taught to love the spirit. So glad there are so many people that actually think in the world.
I don't know if I like this video. Even as a white person who grew up in a community with a lot of blacks and Hispanics, as well as helped in an ESL school with a variety of ethnic groups, I always found it hard to talk about races, both to whites and other races. Not because I personally felt uncomfortable sharing my opinion, but because I felt like it was already assumed that I had an opinion of some sort. Like, a negative opinion, as if I'm automatically racist just by simply glancing someone's way, therefore leading me to be overly cautious about the subject. I feel like if I even say that someone is "black" then I am being racist, when in reality, I couldn't give a crap what "color" you are. If you're white, black, yellow, green, purple, I really don't care; if you're a nice person, then I like you. I even like you by default, until you do something to make me dislike you. Please interview more than two white people, and make them from a variety of backgrounds.
I would love to hear other non- American points of view in the comments! Judged by the people and opinions by buzzfeed, and trips to the USA, I feel like the USA is very raced obsessed both socially and systematically, compared to other countries, such as Australia ( where I reside in )
+The Grey Gazelle I reside in France and I can tell you that people talk about race here often, maybe not as much as in the US but pretty close. The difference is that here it's viewed more in a Immigrants vs Nationals kind of way where french culture clashes with the culture of people from or raised in an arab/ african environment. Since the US was created by immigrants the approach to the subject is discussed with a different perspective I believe..
+Carla Pia Silva yes the USA does have a different perspective. Since Friday the 13th, do you feel that there is greater tension and judgement? I would love to hear more of your perspective
+The Grey Gazelle Well I can tell you that you see a LOT more policemen in the streets and military in crowded places. I am lucky enough to not have witnessed any discrimination either in real life or social media from my friends and acquaintances, more like they share supportive articles and videos saying that indeed muslims have nothing to do with the atrocities of Friday the 13th. However the reality of some is not as nice. Firstly, last Sunday there were regional elections and the FN (National Front) which is the party with most hatred towards immigrants has risen drastically since the incident and new elections are coming this Sunday.. Muslims in Paris get stares and insulting words from some extremist french people who are overall scared but don't have the capacity to understand that muslims does not equate terrorists.
+Carla Pia Silva Europe is more about xenophobia rather then racism. Europeans are xenophobic against eachother, against nationalities, independent of race.
+Carla Pia Silva Wow. Sad to hear about that political party. But I guess as history has shown, people turn to the bad in time of uncertainty, in hope for a solution, whatever the cost. I hope they don't gain anymore votes! Great to hear about the support toward Muslims though! Something Australia needs more of. It's important in times like this that people should all support each other. Have a nice day from Australia! ( where I'm currently in bed as it is midnight)
@@myreek_ eh it's okay. Everyone has different insecurities and I'm learning not to hate myself for being white.... But rather to grow in loving God and loving other people. God bless you mahn 🌺
@@yaqarianfanashira The fact that you hate yourself for being white really says something about society. No one should hate themselves for their skin color. But alot of people have been trying to make white people guilty for their skin which is a terrible thing to do.
Everyone please, instead of just fighting for white people, or just fighting for people who aren’t white, can we please just argue that everyone should be equal? We all want the same thing out of this, EQUALITY so can we please just have it? If we keep this argument one side against the other, it will only divide us more; but if we fight it together, then we aren’t arguing anymore. We’re working together to reach a common goal, a common cause.
We are human, we will always divide ourselves. We are always bickering over differences and conflicting over various things. Equality is out the window due to us always dividing ourselves. To be equal is to unite oursleves, but pride and wrath will prevent us from doing so. But we can always improve for the better, to fight off bad when it strikes. We can always strive to reach the highest point, then climb some more.
The only reason I get stressed out being near someone not my race is because I might do something or say something that may make people think I'm a racist. I just want to not have to be stressed out ☹️
Mitchthekidd and go ahead whit yo white as lil comments trynn cooy off Eva word I say you ain’t even from da hood go back to to California and get out dc
Praxxx you are actually stupid. You can clearly tell they knew were being tested. I don’t know why you have to call me an idiot. It’s clear you are full of hate so I’m not even gonna bother with you.
I'm a white girl and I get really stressed talking about race because I know I don't have really any experience with racism, so I don't want to speak over people and I get concerned about when I should speak up and when I should just shut up.
xx April M honestly people of colour would love to listen to your opinion about race and it's really important honestly don't be scared and talk about it the only way we can all come together is if we all talk ad your opinion is needed
I am white teen in Philadelphia. My neighborhood is very diverse and race has always been something my parents made me aware of that it is important to respect everyone no matter their race or ethnicity. I think growing up in a city where lots of cultures and races are represented has allowed me to be more comfortable with race and try to understand other perspectives.
"white privilege " is such a weird term to me because my whiteness has never led me anywhere privileged. I was very very bullied for being white in the community I grew up in.
you getting bullied doesn't even compare to the amount of oppression poc face everyday.... are you followed around stores and watched like a hawk because employees assume you will steal something? no? thats white privilege. are you able to succeed in something without someone saying "wow, you did good for a white girl!". no? thats white privilege. just because you aren't rich or because people were mean to you in school doesn't mean you aren't privileged and it definitely doesn't mean you faced any sort of oppression.
Actually, all those things that you assumed don't happen to me, do. I haven't moved communities within the, like, week that I've written this. But for some people it seems to be less about equality and more about your own oppression. I'm upset that anyone is treated poorly for being a different color. I'm upset that there are people who feel like their own oppression tops anyone elses. Have fun with that "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha" complex of yours.
I'm called racist for acknowledging race. Friend: *Which guy do you like?* Me: *Carlos* Friend: *Which one?* Me: *The black one* Friend: *OMG that's so racist*
i'm sorry that happened in my life I have not met any black ppl that would be upset at just saying the black one or pointing that out like it's okay. I only think its a problem if you know my name but you still say that black girl like girl/guy you know my name. Also if I knew your name I would just say hey insert name and that would be the end like no need to say black,white,asian,native american,mexican,etc.
yeah, i'm half black and whenever one of my white friends refer to someone we don't know or something as "the black one" my friends of colour say it's racist. it's not. it's not that deep.
so I should feel guilty because im white? isnt that kinda still feeding into the problem? it wasnt my choice to be born the skin color I am nor instantly have the label of racist or white privilege. we as a human race give each other lables. its time to change and make progress instead of continuing a cycle that will never change unless we stop shaming others and stop using lables to define who a person is.
+Ashly Bryan you shouldn't, race does not define who you are. If you feel guilty is up to you, but I think you shouldn't, 'cause it is not your fault as long as you don't discriminate others. But I think is kind of important to keep in mind, that opening to debate (a peaceful debate) and to dialogue is the first step to comunication and to stop using lables that make people feel uncomfortable.
+Adrianna the thing i dont get is yes everyone is different, i get that. but the thing that is off is why was he felt guilty though as long as he didnt do anything wrong or said anything wrong he shouldn't have.
+Ashly Bryan It's not about guilt. It's about acknowledging reality, acknowledging history and all the ways in which history has a very profound affect on the way systems of inequality still exist to this very day. Should you feel guilty for being white? No. But because you are white you should try to have empathy for the realities of systemic racism and try to take every opportunity you can to educate yourself about the issues at hand. That's not about guilt but striving to be aware and informed.
I think this is an important video because it shows that even though whites don’t have as much to add to the conversation they still need to be there and listen to all that’s being said and put in their two cents when they have something. I also loved that they touched on the subject of everytime your doing something you think how this represents your race because I feel the same way and I feel that’s a burden that every race and minority carries except whites
I wish white America could understand the panic we feel when we see police EVEN THOUGH we are perfectly within the law. or the distress in walking around a shop and having your own shop attendant. or being self conscious of what music you listen to. or seeing a old white lady and smiling from ear to ear so you don't seem intimidating. I could literally carry on all day.
It depends where you live. I mean, if the cops aren't white you don't have anything to worry about right? For instance, i got into legal trouble in high school and almost everyone involved was a minority of some sort. It was a latina cop who arrested me, a female judge who gave me my sentence, then i had a Lebanese lawyer and a latina probation officer. The judge i had to see after probation was a black male. This is because i live in a city that may be more diverse and progressive than other places in U.S.
Yessss. I have walked into stores not even dressed sketchy. I was wearing doc martens, leggings and a grey sweater yet the owner of the store followed me around. You shouldnt have to fear for your life when you get pulled over. You shouldnt have to fear that you wont get a job simply because of race. You shouldnt have to fear not being able to marry the person of your dreams simply because you are black.You shouldnt have to fear being wrongly accused of a crime. You shouldn't have so much fear in an every day life
I spent middle/high school being the only white family on my block. I tried to talk to my neighbors but only one 60-something woman ever talked to me. Everyone acted like I was mentally judging them when honestly I just wanted to someone to hang out with. That's what bothers me the most about a lot of this, society acts like white people are the only racist people out there and we're not. Yes, we can be racist but so can other races. No one should feel bad for being born a certain ethnicity, no one.
+October-Lynn Todd Not to be rude, but our generation has a very misconstrued definition of what "racism" is. Racism and prejudice are two separate things. Racism is a more institutionalized thing and has to do with privilege, money, and power. For example, in this country, since white people own the country, make the rules, have power over the jobs, etc, white people IN THIS COUNTRY are the only ones with the ability to be racist. Don't misunderstand me though, EVERYONE can be prejudice (which is the word most people should be using, not racist). In fact, it is my opinion that all people are prejudice. You are, and me, and the other person that replied to this thread and so on...it all has to do with our up bringing and experiences. One example is, due to the fact that no people of color would associate with you when you were younger, you may (not saying you do) think that those people are mean and hateful. It might now be your opinion that most, if not all people of color, are mean and "racist" to white people and therefore you choose not to deal with them. Mind you, this is just an example. As for me, I find that I have grown to be VERY prejudice of white people, because white people, in my experience, never see that there is an issue. They walk around like everything is okay with the world and say a lot of thoughtless and/or hurtful things to people of color, then wonder where the apprehension comes from. I realize that this is not good of me to think about others and I am working to change it, but I thought I might further explain to you at least one person's point of view. But at the end of the day, you are right, no one should feel bad about being born a certain ethnicity/color/race/sexual orientation of otherwise, but I have to say, it isn't going to change world wide, only we can effect it in our innermost circles.
The reason white people are scared to talk about race or racism is because we are scared that we will be called racist to speak our opinion. I honestly think that talking about race shouldn't be a bad thing, being any race should be celebrated! 😄
Here's the thing, I am a white female living in Canada who does understand that, in a general aspect of my country, my race is the majority. But, first of all, I live in Toronto which is considered the most multicultural city in the world and, second of all, the area of Toronto I live in has little to no white people. So I am the minority in my community. Growing up I was bullied, left out, cornered, beat up, etc. solely because I was white. I am constantly reminded that I am the only white person in all of my classes plus I have to listen to all the students complain about how racist white people are and if I ever come in to give my opinion I am called racist or told that I don't know what racism feels like. Every time I leave my house and someone looks at me my first thought is "is it because I'm white?" I too have been discriminated because of my race so I feel that the comfort level of talking about race will come from the way you've grown up. I do agree that because I live in Canada and am white I am given what people call "privileges" but that doesn't mean that I am immune to discrimination. But I also don't deny that if you are not white and you live in North America you have a higher chance of experiencing racism and I do agree that it seriously needs to change.
Its honestly sad it needs to be that way. But it does seem oftentimes many whites just don't care because race based unfairness just doesn't happen to them and they can't conceive what it feels like to be treated as the "other." Makes ms glad I wasn't born fifty years ago.
I'm white and these comments are making me feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Like I'm starting to not wanting to be white if this is how we're perceived by other races-_-
I think what the white guy said is right in that it is important for white people to be a listener when they are in a conversation about race with people of colour, however it is still VERY important for them to speak up about race issues especially talking to other white people. It is hard to hear but it is still true that white people generally don't listen to people of colour as much, and don't value their opinions as much as those of their own colour.
Well isn’t that a big and ignorant accusation. You should be careful about the things you say when making such a large assumption about such a large group. Guess what... not every white person is a privileged jerk. To claim that just because someone is white they don’t listen, or rather ignore the voices of those who aren’t white is naive.
+ChillsandThrills I think because all white people have racism imbedded in them from birth and it's a lifelong process to correct that and we're always learning and trying to be better. Plus with all the awful things happening to POC at the hands of white people even in 2015 and the inequality how can I not feel guilty? No white person on the planet is 100% perfect and non problematic no matter how much they claim to not be racist
+ChillsandThrills Because I know that in the past it was white people who pointed at people of other ethnicities and said they were somehow less human than them. Because I can't say I was discriminated against because of the colour of our skin, I don't have the same level of understanding/experience, so when the topic comes up I feel guilty for this happening and for not being able to relate. I don't want my friends to turn round and go "You wouldn't understand" when I try and speak about racism and how much it pisses me off
+Kayla Lynn all white people imbedded with racism at birth? Are u sure?Did scientists finally found out that people has things hard-wired to them at birth? Why only the white population? When did they announce it? :) I would really like to know. Holds up sarcasm sign
It doesn't matter how open minded and accepting your family is or if you have relatives that are POC, racism is everywhere. It's in the media, it's in our textbooks and in music and tv there is no escaping it. The world caters to white people, you are born privileged and will be a participant in racism without even realizing it. Racism isn't just "I hate POC" it's "I got a job even though I was less qualified than a black man who also applied" and "I can walk past a police officer and feel safe." Stop sticking your head in the sand and refusing to acknowledge that there is a major structural inequality going on and that you benefit from it every day of your life.
everyone in my class is so immature that you will bring up the word white or black like, "that's a black marker" or "that's a white piece of paper" and they will scream at you, "racist!".
You notice how you said " black " Hispanic, Asian....mmm so it's ok to get all ethnicities title correct but when it comes to Negros you have to say black...smh I wonder why.
I have a question. My mum is chilean, but she is blond, really fair and light eyes, and my dad is japanese, also really fair, so naturally I am really really really fair, like porcelain fair, dark brown thin hair, and big wide eyes with freckles. In the US classification, would I be considered 'of colour', or are you considered 'of colour' only if you are of a darker to medium skin tone, or is it used when you look like really representative of your race? This is a real question I am trying to understand the racial classifications used in the US. thank you
+miaumiaumiau miau By appearance, you would be white. But when we talk about people of color, we don't always mean your skin color. We also mean minority groups as well because some people get harrassed by their heritage.
Growing up mixed (Black and White) I was always aware of race and racial problems. Like being followed around in a grocery store. When I was younger I was a Hijabi, so when my friend asked me to show her how to tie a scarf I gladly complied, but didn't expect to hear one of my (white, male) classmates to loudly exclaim, "You look like a terrorist!" at my friend. (I'm not Muslim now). Or being told I'm "not black" or to "stop acting black" because despite that telling people I'm mixed they want to only see my skin (I'm pretty light skin)Watching this is refreshing, because while I know that not all white people are racist, it's good to see some people sitting down and talking about racial issues in a mature and calm manner. And I think racism can go both ways. While a good percentage of white people are racist, you can't assume every white person you meet is racist. Just as how you can't assume every black person is up to no good. I've seen racism from a lot of corners, and honestly, I'm sick and tired and ready for it to just end.
Bubble simmerxo I felt as if it hindered my ability to respect myself. I thought "Why should I have to cover my hair?" While the reason I originally did it because it made me feel older because I wore it at a age when I wasn't obligated to. I think my personal style, or my body shouldn't affect the way I practice a religion. I feel like the answer is a bit more convoluted than this, but I'm not sure how to articulate it.
@@mwan245 I think that only pertains to the older russian generation that lived during communism. They didn't live in a diverse community which is why they're racist. I don't like when people generalize ethnicities saying "they always..." this or that. I know Russians that get married to black people.
@@finnwraith196 it doesn't have to be a Black Country go walking down the wrong Street in any major city in America and you're bound to be attacked just for being white fact
Racism- prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. This is the actual definition.
some white people don't feel comfortable talking about racism because we are afraid if we speak our minds that we might come of racist but I can feel people of color pain and the suffering but if I join in a conversation about racism I'm afraid I will come of racist just because of what I say should not be considered racist
Misty Thornton if you don’t say anything racist, then you won’t be considered racist, but some of y’all get big pressed when talking about race, leading some white people to say something racist
Angel wrong, very wrong. We don’t like talking about it because we are often blamed for what ancestors have done in the past when most italians, french, and other nationalities of whites ancestors didnt even own slaves. So we dont like talking about it because we don’t like being blamed for something WE do not approve of. See ?
Caucasians don't face discrimination. Maybe someone can be rude to you or be like "I hate white people" but is not a thing when people run from you or keep their distance. If you don't seem to understand please look up white privileged.
***** actually asians make 8% less than the average white male/female. We have privilege but not as much as the average white male/female. To my knowledge, Asians are the only race in the entire history of the U.S. that have ever been specifically banned from immigrating. Also I have heard cases of asians having a higher gpa, sat, and act scores than a white person and still not get in because they are asian.
CaptainSwan Sailor no because the feminists will probably have a mental breakdown and say "your sexually assaulting me" when the guys say I don't like sexism but it goes both ways
I generally feel a bit awkward because I'm afraid I'll mess it up somehow, but only if a non-white person is present. Correction: I don't feel uncomfortable around latinos. Since I'm spanish, I feel pretty close to them. Also, this whole paranoia goes away whenever I get to spend a large amount of time with a non-white non-latino.
i only would get tense because i don't want to be seen as racist. i feel white people can be see as racial biased and oblivious to race problems or as being racists unless proven otherwise through that conversation.
+Ammy that's fair. that's definitely a stereotype i used to hold about white people until i learned better. i grew up in a predominantly asian neighborhood, so i never got to interact with many caucasians. but it's unfair for any person to be generalized like that
IKR!!! I think it's so stupid! Whenever I say something about color, not even in a mean way, I am told I'm racist! And this is kinda random, but me and my friend were looking at dolls at a store and I saw this really cute African American doll, then my friend said: "that's so racist!" And I said "how?" And she replied " they put bigger lips on the black doll than the white doll." And I thought: um, that's because most African americans r that way, I think it would be a lot more racist for them to change to the doll to look more white. Cuz then it's like they're r saying white features r better than black features.
In turn, I also get tense talking about race with white people
nigguh plz
I understand that one, but once it gets going I'm going
Me too. From past experiences they were completely one sided and ignorant. It really stressed me out
+Koala not all white people are ignorant. Its a stereotype.
We all get *stressed* talking about race because society has *made* it such a sensitive topic.
Let's *turn it around* as a society, and make it okay for everyone to talk about, just like how it's okay to talk about *desserts* _(turn it around, the word _*_"stressed"_*_ that is...)_.
Sarah Liljestrand I was very late to this video unfortunately. At least you've replied to it now, haha XD
***** Haha awww thanks for taking the time to find me Sannee! :)
***** Yes, there's a lot of history that has happened that people have to move on from, which is why it will take a long time, but I do see it happening :) There's nothing wrong with connecting with other cultures, our ethnicity doesn't determine the culture we relate to so always just be yourself and do what you feel comfortable with doing :)
i am mixed and i get so sad and embarrassed when people bring up my skin color but I don't know why
Sarah Pruitt I'm sorry to hear that... I guess it depends in what manner they talk about it. I think just because there are so many negative connotations associated with talking about race which is what gets people stressed talking about it.
personally, as a Caucasian, I feel incredibly conscious talking about race because if I say something about another ones race, one may think I'm racist, in which I'm not. I am friends with people who are from all over the world, India, Napal, Israel, china, Mexico, etc. each person differs. do not automatically assume someone is _ because they are a certain race
same and I agree
well said...I agree
+katelynfe You can have you're own opinion but a lot of of people (like myself) are very sensitive of it and just get very passionate about it.
You can still be racist if you have poC friends
I agree, but the point is that other races aren't necessarily from other countries. It's an interesting implication...
Not gonna lie, I sometimes do get nervous or uncomfortable talking about race because everyone’s so quick to call you a racist if you say one thing wrong.
bubblegum621 ya thats true even for the simplest of things lol. Ppl r just overly sensitive and ignorant
bubblegum621 you carty the sins of your foreparents that why! You should feel guilty
I don’t feel guilty cause I personally didn’t do anything. I definitely feel bad abt what my ancestors have done. I’m not a bad person/ haven’t done anything wrong therefore I shouldn’t live feeling guilty for nothing.
Talib Akil Bey I don’t ‘carty’ the suns of no-one expect myself . I am a new generation of my family and regret what past members of my family MAY have done but I would never do those things and believe in equality. So no I do not feel guilty because I have not done anything.
It's not about that. It's the built up resentment people of color feel everyday that comes from living in a society where race is an everyday problem. White people don't realise it but most white people do participate in subtle forms of racism or is racist by association because a lot of white people are friends with or related to someone that's racist. And Whites lash out whenever people of color try to fix issues of racism so like affirmative action the moment universities try to give people a head-start at a good education something they've been denied for generations, White people are usually the first to lash out and often the majority that lashes out. Or what's probably the most frustrating to us is that white people even the good white liberals allies like to deny racism is an issue.
Whenever POC try to tell white people about their lived experiences about racism our white friends don't want to discuss, don't want to talk about it and pretend racism isn't a real problem. And cause of that white people don't help POC even when we're your friends to dismantle institutional racism or stop the day to day little racist things they do on a daily basis that contributes to the problem. Like whenever we bring up an issue of racism being experienced by us or someone we know they say to us "We don't see color." Instead of dealing with the racism. White people don't try to help in the fight against racism normally you guys pretend like it's not a problem and go through your lives blissful that you don't have to think about race everyday while we don't have that choice.
As a white person, I get so scared to speak up about racism because if I say the SLIGHTEST thing that's incorrect or misinformed, I'm racist and horrible. If I talk about racism, I'm stealing the voices from POC. But if I don't speak up about it, I'm racist and I don't care. It's a very, VERY easy to tilt balance.
At the same time, whenever I hear someone say anything racist, I really want to speak up and counter them.
If I ever say anything that ends up sounding racist, I'm very, VERY sorry. But please don't scream at me for it. I have a LOT of anxiety and if someone screams at me for being wrong I'll feel much less inclined to even speak about it again.
+Emry Langston for POC talking about it is race baiting and they are the ones to be punished with physical harm and emotional harm. You have it easy compared, can you imagine the anxiety for them when they try to speak of a problem that can physically hurt them or take their life?
Once you start having empathy this fear of being called racist will not matter
+HeirOfGlee Physical and emotional harm? Where exactly do you live that this happens? What do you speak up about that has put you in this situation?
+HeirOfGlee I probably can't even express my political opinion in my school without getting called a racist.
If I have to explain it it automatically means youll never get it
Must be hard being dehumanized and wanted to be treated equal in society....oh wait.
Why did they pick the whitiest white white white whiter white people ever?
+Johnny Giddings the point was to pick white people who never talk about race
+Johnny Giddings Sure lets get black people to talk about white race
I meant why not pick normal white people, not hyper stereotypical white people?
man from ends Or.. like normal humans.
Johnny Giddings the people in the video WERE normal humans
just because the girl said she grew in a white suburb area doesn't mean every white person in the video is a stereotypical white person
I feel like they were tense because it's so easy to pin the term "racist" on a white person, because of past events.....
+Cassidy Evans And the guy just seemed very nervous.. Which is normal, in my opinion.
+Cassidy Evans I think that this is a very important point, I get uncomfortable when I talk about race because people can be so quick to judge me because I'm white, one wrong word and I can be labled a racist. It is the same type of racial discrimination that people of color go through.
It's really not though
I agree
Blatantly they are not talking about past events. They have not referred to that once in this video?
without even watching, I can guess that they are stressed, but mostly because they are afraid to be viewed as racist, which is the automatic response we are given when we discuss this topic.
excellent point. Standing up for your white race is racism (i.e. HATING another race). That makes sense.
+Milena Gary his point is that the media demonises whites so much so that they are intimidated into accepting white privilege and also agreeing with everything minorities say. Who controls the media is a different subject. There is no other explanation into why whites stay quiet.
+Milena Gary How is that theory not valid even in context of the video?
+Milena Gary "I'm glad you don't have to think about it because it's a huge burden" but yeah they were super nice gtfo
We get stressed because we get told we are racist constantly. That's why.
+Maggie Holles Because most of you are racist, Becky!
+cindy Queen Exhibit A.....
cindy Queen I understand why you say that. Now, I am an ally for the black lives matter movement. I have always supported POC all my life. I have grown up in a very multicultural neighbourhood and have always appreciated the things POC has done for my country (Australia). If someone calls me racist, I stop my actions. I know that a lot of white people don't. I get it. But I am trying to say that it is hard to talk about race when I don't know how it affects people since I don't know myself. The reason I said what I said was because I have seen in the past that some POC call some white people racist because we don't talk about it. You see, we don't understand, so we don't talk about it.
flayuhat I will say what I said the cindy: I understand why you say that. Now, I am an ally for the black lives matter movement. I have always supported POC all my life. I have grown up in a very multicultural neighbourhood and have always appreciated the things POC has done for my country (Australia). If someone calls me racist, I stop my actions. I know that a lot of white people don't. I get it. But I am trying to say that it is hard to talk about race when I don't know how it affects people since I don't know myself. The reason I said what I said was because I have seen in the past that some POC call some white people racist because we don't talk about it. You see, we don't understand, so we don't talk about it.
Maggie Holles I don't think you understand why I said that. I was saying that Cindy is an example of people constantly telling whites that they're racist.
You should not feel guilty for being white! The crimes of our ancestors are not our fault. Just like mongol people should not feel bad for the crimes of Genghis khan or the Chinese Dynasties. Just like Middle Eastern people shouldn't feel guilty for the crimes of the Persian empire etc etc. Also, the first thing anyone sees about anyone is their differences from you. However, race is an important discussion and there in American especially there's a major race issue and white people are separated. There just shouldn't be a blame game.
+Allan Reford YOU ARE SO RIGHT.
+Allan Reford You still benefit from those ancestors and if you are not trying to get rid of that benefit to make everyone equal you are agreeing with those ancestors and their work to keep you there.
+HeirOfGlee yes white people do have benefit from their ancestors. But simply taking away ones benefit is not easy as it sounds as it is basically stoned into the government, society and people's mindset.
+The Grey Gazelle what benefits do white people have?
HeirOfGlee The goal is to bring less privileged people to your level. Not to not benefit from it. It also doesn't make us guilty. I live in Scotland and 96% of the population is white and 0.7% is Black, We don't have race issues here. We have a very liberal Government. Out first minister is female...
Mhm, must be nice to never have to think about race or being a minority.
Asian people are the majority though (I'm guessing fro your profile)
Hehe, nah I think white people face racism as well,
+Will Broussard I think she knows that but I'm pretty sure that she was referring to the face that the white people in the video are never the minority and how they will never have to think I about being in the minority
That's a line by propaganda. look up precious puritan's
I know right
Sits backs and grabs my popcorn while reading these comments
honestly im so glad i wasnt born in america even as a white guy because race is still such a big issue for you guys. I know we're not perfect in the UK but its not so bad that we need this sort of thing. people are just people
+Schmichael Owen
Don't be such an Islamophobe!! How dare you criticise a religion who stones women for adultery and beheads people who are gay. :)))
+James Anderson I second that, maybe that's why i watch most of this channels videos and think they're absolutely pathetic.
+Schmichael Owen you watch too much Alex jones. Americans are like sheep if CNN told your family to jump off a cliff you would probably do it.
I have black friends in the UK that say the race relations aren't so great there.
+Aizen Sama Are you talking about all Muslims? If so, I am a Muslim and that is totally wrong. It's also very ironic to see you be like "Jeez America get over yourselves people are people" then turn around and say "yeah but Muslims are the worst" (not what you literally said)
What pisses me off is when you try to be a part of a conversation like this and you're singled out because you "don't understand " like yeah I get I'm white by my step father is nigerian and I get a lot of crap from that plus my entire community is Hispanic and black so I'm always singled out in a crowd. Ppl shouldn't be so ignorant in their assumptions of others.
As a white person, I feel uncomfortable talking about race because I feel like I need to dodge my words. If I say something wrong, then I'll be accused of being racist. Contrary to what was said in the video, a lot of people (on the internet at least) feel that we must remain silent- that what we have to say is automatically invalid. I think participating in these conversations is really important, and listening to what people of color have to say. I just don't want to be put on the spot, or have to dodge my words so I don't accidentally offend anyone.
Well education and caring about other peoples perspective is the key to not saying something that could potentially offend.
racism is ingrained and systematic,
You should be morning concerned about having subconscious racism then being called racist.
Honestly, it does makes me uncomfortable talking about race. I feel like im going to say something wrongly, and someone will get really offended or really angry at me. Sometimes at my school, i'll make a simple joke, nothing to do with color and people will say to me "it's because im black isn't it" or "are you joking about colored people??" .-.
which is why i think schools should teach about racism. a lot of people say racist things without intending to, which is not their fault, but it's still hurtful. we all should be more open about these issues and be taught what is and isn't wrong (e.g. racist jokes are _not_ funny), and white people would not be scared of making a mistake unintentionally.
but also i think as people of colour we shouldn't immediately get mad if someone says something offensively without meaning to. we should guide and teach what makes us offended so others will be careful to avoid it. the problem is when i say i'm offended or point out a white person 'saying something wrong', the response is often that i'm 'too sensitive' or 'can't take a joke'.
what i'm saying is white people should try to listen to the perspectives of poc, but poc should also try not to be too angry at white people saying something insensitive unintentionally. this way we'd all be less awkward talking about racial issues
bts I 100% agree with that. I think it's an amazing idea to teach about this topic in schools!
You know what I don’t understand? Why the word “colored” is still being used for us. 🤔
Lovelene2105 Le Blanc I actually was not using the word color specifically talking about black people. I said color meaning people of all races. Black, white, asian, hispanic. I also saod the word colored in the sentence "are you joking about colored people?" Because that is what people say to ME, not in my own words.
almond Hershey Ah, sorry about that. I have to admit I didnt really look into it that much. Now I realise. But that is what I meant
“White people aren’t allowed to talk about race!”
Maybe, just maybe, they’re afraid anything they say will be called “racist,” even if they’re apologizing as much as possible.
They should've done this with a group of people who don't know each other.
Oh i dunno... maybe we get tense because we're afraid of being branded a racist by just existing and having our own experiences?
The only reason why I don't like even thinking or talking about race is because somehow it's always made to be "my fault" or that I'm personally responsible for how the world is because of my skin tone. It's hard to feel passionate about helping minorities when they all seem to have this bias and hate torwards white people. And it's even more sad how we're made to feel like we deserve that kind of abuse.
Like honestly, the way things are heading now makes me not even care at all about minorities and their issues. Why should I respect them when they don't respect me?
I think that's "white guilt" you're experiencing. No one is actually directly blaming you for anything, they are just talking about other groups of people who are systematically oppressing everyone and you automatically feel like they are coming for you. My bf and I used to have this awkwardness, i'll tell you what i told her---no one blames you for slavery, no one blames you for police brutality and no one blames you for being white. But if we can't have these open conversations about race, how do we move forward?
bambii we can move forward by not talking about it in a way that makes every white person look like they are a member of KKK, but racefeed just dont understand that
It doesn't matter what race you are the only way you have "privilege" is money
This is probably the best post in this comment section.
no. if you are a person of color, it doesn't matter how much money you have, you will never be on the same level as someone white
+AMS97PS3 well obviously money talks to a certain degree, but I'm talking about them being on the same level and there are some white people who will let you know that
+Tashianna Bostick triggered
Okay what about if you live in a town in the deep south and are surrounded by the Ku Klux Klan in everyday life?
I get mildly stressed because people are really easy to offend so I'm afraid of offending whomever I'm talking to, or being a "typical white person"
I wish more conversations like this would be possible. The people of color featured in this video seemed genuinely interested to hear what the white people had to say, and vice verse. I appreciate that it was a friendly conversation. I find that a lot of the times, when I talk about race with people of color, there's a lot of defensiveness there, like an automatic assumption that I am either ignorant, stupid, or just straight up racist. And that's just not the case. I appreciate when that one girl said, "It can't just be a conversation within people of color." I think that's very very true and important, and a lot of people lose sight of that. But any social change requires ALL parties to be involved, and when you reject everything that white people have to say about race and disinvite them from the conversation, that actually creates a very frustrating, hateful, and counterproductive tone that only solidifies the outdated concept of "us and them". Even being a white ally, you so often feel like the enemy because of it. Cause yeah, white people have done a lot of really horrible things, and there are still horrible, racist white people alive today, but ultimately, this is a society we were all BORN into, that was created by people who died hundreds of years ago, and now, like any change or evolution, it's taking a lot of time and effort to undo the mess left behind by our ancestors. But that isn't anyone's fault. Similarly, yes, we could all be more educated about the history of racism, but again, we're born into a system where those things just aren't taught. A lot of people are ignorant, not by choice but because the conversation was never opened to them at a time when they could be more receptive. Like, realistically, how many non-Jewish people would ACTUALLY crack open a book to learn about the Holocaust if it wasn't taught in schools? If history books didn't call it one of the worst genocides in history? It's a broken system, and we need understanding and compassion from all sides in order to fix it.
Talking about race kinda stresses everyone out because it is such a touchy subject
I always feel bad because I want to talk about race even though I'm white and I'm always afraid I will said something offensive without even noticing but I want to engage because I have never been in their position and I want to understand.
Sarah Smith aww you can only understand when you ask. You understand even more when you mess up, and learn from your mistakes.
Proud Curly Haired African American aw thank you.
I mean yeah,they get tense if they slightly slip up they'll get called racist
the more diverse your friend group is, the more you'll talk about race i feel.
+蕾 so true. When you grow up in a homogenize community, no one care about race.
***** Being able to recognize racial diversity is not the same thing as being racist.
I get tense when I go to Walmart & have to shop next to old white people. They probably get tense too. So maybe we’re all just tense around people who look different than us..racial bias 🤷♀️
*I get tense when I’m around people*
@@iexist1738 Well thats just social anxiety 😂 Dont worry i am the same way
I get tense from being around people in general LOL
I never even thought about race until it was shoved in my face that it was something I should feel guilty about. Growing up I've had friends of different ethnicities and it was never a race thing. Why should race be a part of the conversation at all?
Anita Greene no you don't need to talk about it you don't have to care
I'm white and the concept of race DOES stress me out. I stress out because I know that people who are not white totally milk the race card, and try to hold you personally acccountable for things committed by people you never knew, centuries before you were born.
why you judging by skin color? lol the hypocrites in these comments are real
No. Not really.
“Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does the hating. It's just plain wrong.” - Muhammad Ali
Xander Zeno LMAO. Well, that wasn't the best person to quote.
I'd be interested to see this done with kids or teens. At what age do white people become uncomfortable talking about race?
It's not really an age reason, it's mostly context. If a black person talks to a white person about things that they experienced or felt as a black person they most likely will listen to everything and be empathetic. Sometimes they may disagree, but that's really all it'd go to. Disagreement isn't uncomfortable unless someone in the conversation is forced to walk on eggshells because of the emotional stability of someone in the disagreement (I have experienced this a lot with a family member). If a black person talks to a white person about things they experienced or felt against white people then they will feel uncomfortable and rightfully so. Most of this can be solved if people had self-awareness and had a shoe on the other foot mentality. With most people you'll never have to experience this. BTW this happens most with a white person to another white person, but since it's the same viewpoint the actual race of the messenger doesn't matter. Hope this helped.
thats so interesting. because at some point as kids, we are unaware of the social context of race. its just a defining character. Like "that girl has dark skin" or something. Then we get older and realize the ranking of these skin colors in society, but even preteens and younger teenagers seem more comfortable with the subject.
Maybe they get stressed because everything they say could get twisted
And that's EXACTLY why they are tense.
Honestly as a white female whose grown up in a multicultural community, I always feel nervous when speaking of race because keywords can always define who you are as a 'white', like I could become extremely racist or become extremely racist. There's always a fine line you have to stay on when speaking of race.
+spacemanmima I'm a person of color. I still also feel this way sometimes because I am also white. I always feel like I have to cautious when it comes to certain words because one wrong word, you get marked as a racist even if you apologize. I mean, as a feminist I can even say we get overly sensitive when it comes to certain topics.
+spacemanmima I agree. I also grew up in a multicultural community, and it was one of the first things I learnt as a child, that even though my best friend was from Korea, I should not talk about race, or that she was of East Asian decent. That to talk about it was to invite awkwardness, and discomfort on all sides.
Also, I thought it was interesting that Josh said he doesn't think of himself as doing something as a "white male", as was described by the gentleman of Caribbean decent (sorry I'd use his name, but I didn't catch it). Maybe it is the fact that grew up in/work in a very diverse community (I live on the side of my city that is considered "poorer" and is very racially diverse), but I do describe myself as a "white female" and even when I walk into a shop or am out and about, I often feel other people (be it other white people, or people of colour) see me as a "white girl" first before anything else. So I don't think just because I am white that race doesn't effect me, maybe it effects me differently, but it effects me. And it definitely effects me when I am out with my half-Asian, half-White nephews, or when I'm out with my friends who are people of colour. In fact, I have been in establishments with friends who are people of colour, and have been treated very badly or ignored, while they are treated well. So I'd say race effects everyone. It's definitely an issue we need to face, and to talk about.
+spacemanmima I hate this expectation that white people are not allowed to talk about race and have to be careful, as an asian i think white people should be free to speak however they want without the fear of being called a racist. My white friends mess with me all the time, we're friends so we're open.
I’d probably get stressed if I knew my stress levels were being recorded
Tom same
Tom But they were calm when they were recorded in a conversation with white people
I feel like this isn't that complicated of a question. Are white people stressed when talking about race? Of course we are. It's such a dangerous topic for us because we have to walk on eggshells with everything we say knowing that the most innocent statement can be taken and misconstrued as some sort of evidence of our incredibly evil and racist minds.
It really sucks because I'd like to think that we can work together and make the world a better place and based on individualism but its tough to do that for a number of reasons.
For the white people (although in my experience there are few white groups of people that are ideologically homogeneous) it can often feel like we're going to be looked at as demons in human skin no matter what we do for the actions of people in the past (most of which who were long dead before we were born) and that even if we agree with the black identity movement we're Still racist and benefiting from the white privilege that exists somewhere in the ether that we can do nothing about. It also seems at least to me that there is a double standard for white people and people of color. People of color can say anything up to and including, "white people should be exterminated." and nothing will happen to them because of it many will even agree and discuss it openly. But if a white person says negative about black people for instance, they'll get torn apart, social and societal ridicule and it will be a permanent black mark on them. And that nonsense about people of color cannot be racist.
It just doesn't make much sense.
Me Being A Black Person Born And Raised In America It Makes Perfect Sense To Me You Should Re-Read Your Own Comment.. & Ask Yourself Why?, Because Your Not That Far Off From The Answer, Its Just White People Are Goin To Have To Figure This Out On Their Own.
@@taraharris5349 The way you type is highly annoying.
@@AnonningAnon But It Caught Your Attention Though, Didn't It.
@@taraharris5349 Sure, but I still haven't read it and I won't be reading it.
Tara Harris I don’t see any hidden message or answer in there?
If we really want to solve inequality we need respect ,not trying to complain about someone stating their opinion
"I think it's important coming from a white male perspective to be doing more listening than talking."
This answer was outstanding. Give him an award!
I was quoting the man in the video…
I get anxiety while talking to anybody about anything.
White allies need to stand up to their problematic relatives and friends, don’t just let bigotry go unchecked simply because “he’s just from a different generation” some of these relatives are raising children who will grow up to adopt their same ways of thinking on race
Normally people with problematic friends are also problematic though. I decent human wouldn’t surround themselves with racist bigots
Every single race has people that are racist. It's not just white people. It's not just black people. It's not just Mexican people etc.
Smile4 Clifford Prejudice.
Never seen such an amazing comment. I agree with you.
Of course we get stressed, we get called racist for every little thing.
Average Alien white people are racist asf.
Jorden Ruffin
that was true many years ago...but now the majority of white people (the majority of _people_) are not racist. Buzzfeed, however, is racist.
People of colour are very easy aggravate in discussions of race simply because white people tend to see things as less problematic than they are but as a black girl I think its unfair to do that because if I don't think or understand things they way white people do they should have to understand or think the way I do as long as we respect each others experiences
why do you think it's unfair for us to get frustrated and upset when white people minimalize and deny our personal racial experiences? the whole point of a discussion is to understand the hurt and confusion between the two sides, not simply "agree to disagree" in order to remain respectful.
Ki Woah exactly
You have a point, but eventually we want them to take full consideration of our point of view and respect it just as much, not just remain in their understanding alone.
This is a faulty experiment for several reasons. One, why didn’t you hook everyone up to the meter? Why just the two white people? In order for it to be fair, you have to compare. It’s just made this way to make white people seem racist or uncomfortable about race. Second, they could very well have social anxiety or be socially anxious when talking. When I’m in a group or meeting, I’m perfectly calm until I have to speak, then my heart rate quickens and I have trouble breathing, etc. Doing this is just separating instead of bringing people together. Racism still exists because we won’t let it go away. Stop shaming white people for being white.
So how do you make racism "go away" when it is in the very foundation of the majority of the world. Where it affects poc mortality, education, jobs etc Stop talking like we live in an ideal world. How do you propose to make racism just "go away" then?
This is a really good point
Maryan ali Sorry but honey this is 2018, slavery has been gone and you’re fine now. Stop acting like you’re still drinking from different fountains or going to worse schools.
richiehoezier i think your comment clearly shows how a lot of people simply do not think nor care about other people's struggles. You don't know how it feels to experience racism in everyday life and so you don't have the right to judge people who struggle with that all the time. How can you feel entitled to tell them not to complain?
While what you say may be true for some people, Morgan Freeman is actually the one that said he doesn't participate in "black pride month" because he believes the best way for racism to go away is to stop talking about it. You can look it up, I'm not lying. I'm not discrediting the past. It's our history. It's important that we learn from it, but people today don't face the same issues that their ancestors did. All I'm saying is that whatever bBuzzfeed is trying to prove with this video doesn't have any ground because it's a faulty experiment.
Of course they are.
Apparently whites aren't allowed to talk about racism or race so we just don't want to have that conversation, which only makes us seem worse. It's damned if we do. And damned if we don't.
@Coraleigh May-Dewitt there should be a war blacks vs whites and that sit
White people don't be racist to black people
Black people don't be racist to white people
Oops! I'm not aloud to say that. Of course black people can't be racist according to most people 🙄
Why Americans care so much about race is beyond me
It seems to be part of their culture.
Because blood is important.
@XXXPANDOGOD XXX Because the most important possession you have in the word; is your own race.
Because America is one of the few countries that tries to fix racism.
@@stza16 That's why America is stupid and will fall. You can not fix something which is natural.
Reading these comments as I white male in america that believes all humans should be treated the same, I am sorry about how some other people that look like me act. But just know that everyone is different. But it is still horrible what some people go through when they are a part of any minority. (I sound like a total jerk in this)
Im black. Ive been waiting for this comment.
+BuzzfeedYellow Next you guys should do "Do Straight People Get Stressed Talking about Gays?"
+MEH Animations I agree
idk how well that would work our, I don't think people are really stressed when talking about that. maybe straight men....
I would wanna see this,I think it would mostly be straight men that get more worried
Nah straight women get nervous also, don't let the kum ba ya fool you.
Uhh don’t most people get stressed when talking race
may may yeah
may may I know I do
I don't I am black
Im white and grew up around hispanic people my whole life but still get scared talking about race because I don't want people calling me racist if I use the term black instead of african american or something like that.
I’m Hispanic and I get scared even talking to poc bc I might say something wrong
Honestly black people really don’t care lol. The media just blows things up. Most don’t have a huge preference between black or African-American either
I'm proud of being an American of European descent. It's ok to be white!
A P Respect
“I don’t have the right to talk about it” hm sounds interesting I wonder why they didn’t show the stress meter there
I don't why Americans are always having such as big deal with races...
Eli B I think it's because we are trying to learn how to stop the bad and racist parts of history from repeating themselves
Could be because its the most diverse place on earth
That's what I want to know
I personally think this is one of the best buzzfeed content I've seen and I've seen many buzzfeed videos...
This is a beautiful video of opening up on the issue of race..
race isn't a real issue, it's a government fabrication to divert the masses. That's why buzzfeed is useless. Race wouldn't be an issue if we stopped talking about it.
I'm really curious to know why the government would want to divert the masses by making race an issue ??
divided people means less trouble for the government... imagine how much change could happen if everyone were to unite against a ruling body...
oh and iarcheese race is an issue for a lot of people because discrimination exists and race is another way to discriminate... it happens everywhere all the time if you want proof have one of these conversations with people who are of different races and 30+ years old... they will tell you stories from life experience which is the best source of information in regards to these issues IMO.
is there a possibility that there is a stereotype on white people due to generalizations drawn from historical context that white people are racist (i.e. slavery duh)? Would this be the same thing as muslims being assigned to a certain stereotype because of ISIS (obviously the severity varies completely)? Then philosophically speaking, is being treated this way because of what members of the same race have done justified? Are people being punished for the actions of others in their race?
585lolip i think its a lot of white people being called racist just because we dont have the overwhelming anxiety that people of color think they need to or are supposed to feel... idk
White ppl are racist.So racist that they don't even recognize they're own racism.
I always feel kinda weird watching these race videos from america, cause it seems like such a huge problem in the US compared to where im from.
Rebecca Elisabeth where are you from?
yeah I feel the same way, But that could be cause i am from Slovakia and the BIG majority of people here are white. And I mean a big majority. I see a non-white person like once a half a year in my city, no joke. Obviously it's a bit different in the capital, but still nothing compared to the US.
It's really more in the media than it is in every day life, in some places at least. Remember that America is 50 different states and every single state has cities that are completely different than the other.
There is just more minorities here to complain about things (to the point of noticing it)
I'm from Denmark. :)
this is hands down one of my favorite buzz feed videos regarding race. I'm so glad that minorities finally get to express things we have felt our whole lives and make a difference. more discussions like this need to be had. ASAP.
2 of my friends that are of colour feel like they have to be "white" to feel good about themselves this made me sooo sad and angry that they felt like this because of society. I'm only 16 'white' and now feel so ashamed that people feel this way when infact they are beautiful just the way they are.
Gina Godwin they r in a majority white country in the west. It is not white privelage it is majority privelage. If they are chinese for example if they went to china they would feel more included and represented in the reflection of society because chinese would be the majority an therefor have a higher percantage of representation
I wish people would get past race. It is something that can be appreciated. People don't realize how beautiful they are in their own skin. It can be a tool for hate, but I was taught to love the spirit. So glad there are so many people that actually think in the world.
@@vanillabean7832 no. We are all related but not brothers and sisters. I have no sisters. But 1 brother
It’s never going to end
I wonder if Irish people still feel sad about the Irish potato famine?
Nah we make jokes about that
Go back to jk films
Go back to jk news. Where you belong
Ask em how it affects their lives today
I don't know if I like this video. Even as a white person who grew up in a community with a lot of blacks and Hispanics, as well as helped in an ESL school with a variety of ethnic groups, I always found it hard to talk about races, both to whites and other races. Not because I personally felt uncomfortable sharing my opinion, but because I felt like it was already assumed that I had an opinion of some sort. Like, a negative opinion, as if I'm automatically racist just by simply glancing someone's way, therefore leading me to be overly cautious about the subject. I feel like if I even say that someone is "black" then I am being racist, when in reality, I couldn't give a crap what "color" you are. If you're white, black, yellow, green, purple, I really don't care; if you're a nice person, then I like you. I even like you by default, until you do something to make me dislike you. Please interview more than two white people, and make them from a variety of backgrounds.
I would love to hear other non- American points of view in the comments! Judged by the people and opinions by buzzfeed, and trips to the USA, I feel like the USA is very raced obsessed both socially and systematically, compared to other countries, such as Australia ( where I reside in )
+The Grey Gazelle I reside in France and I can tell you that people talk about race here often, maybe not as much as in the US but pretty close. The difference is that here it's viewed more in a Immigrants vs Nationals kind of way where french culture clashes with the culture of people from or raised in an arab/ african environment. Since the US was created by immigrants the approach to the subject is discussed with a different perspective I believe..
+Carla Pia Silva yes the USA does have a different perspective. Since Friday the 13th, do you feel that there is greater tension and judgement? I would love to hear more of your perspective
+The Grey Gazelle Well I can tell you that you see a LOT more policemen in the streets and military in crowded places. I am lucky enough to not have witnessed any discrimination either in real life or social media from my friends and acquaintances, more like they share supportive articles and videos saying that indeed muslims have nothing to do with the atrocities of Friday the 13th. However the reality of some is not as nice. Firstly, last Sunday there were regional elections and the FN (National Front) which is the party with most hatred towards immigrants has risen drastically since the incident and new elections are coming this Sunday.. Muslims in Paris get stares and insulting words from some extremist french people who are overall scared but don't have the capacity to understand that muslims does not equate terrorists.
+Carla Pia Silva Europe is more about xenophobia rather then racism. Europeans are xenophobic against eachother, against nationalities, independent of race.
+Carla Pia Silva Wow. Sad to hear about that political party. But I guess as history has shown, people turn to the bad in time of uncertainty, in hope for a solution, whatever the cost. I hope they don't gain anymore votes! Great to hear about the support toward Muslims though! Something Australia needs more of. It's important in times like this that people should all support each other. Have a nice day from Australia! ( where I'm currently in bed as it is midnight)
As a white person, I think about my race very often. I think about if I'm being too white, or if I will be labeled racist just by existing.
michwhiskers I’m sooo sorry that you feel that way to be honest 💯.
@@myreek_ eh it's okay. Everyone has different insecurities and I'm learning not to hate myself for being white.... But rather to grow in loving God and loving other people. God bless you mahn 🌺
Nightmare Nightmare who is we?
@@yaqarianfanashira The fact that you hate yourself for being white really says something about society. No one should hate themselves for their skin color. But alot of people have been trying to make white people guilty for their skin which is a terrible thing to do.
@Nightmare Nightmare You don't speak for all of us.
There is no such thing as reverse racism, there is only racism. Anyone CAN be racist
Everyone please, instead of just fighting for white people, or just fighting for people who aren’t white, can we please just argue that everyone should be equal? We all want the same thing out of this, EQUALITY so can we please just have it? If we keep this argument one side against the other, it will only divide us more; but if we fight it together, then we aren’t arguing anymore. We’re working together to reach a common goal, a common cause.
We are human, we will always divide ourselves. We are always bickering over differences and conflicting over various things. Equality is out the window due to us always dividing ourselves. To be equal is to unite oursleves, but pride and wrath will prevent us from doing so. But we can always improve for the better, to fight off bad when it strikes. We can always strive to reach the highest point, then climb some more.
The only reason I get stressed out being near someone not my race is because I might do something or say something that may make people think I'm a racist. I just want to not have to be stressed out ☹️
I would be stressed too if the whole show was about my stress levels as I answer each question
Mitchthekidd I would be less stressed if yo whit as shut tf up damn periodt
Mitchthekidd and go ahead whit yo white as lil comments trynn cooy off Eva word I say you ain’t even from da hood go back to to California and get out dc
Yo idiot, they didn’t even know they were being tested.
Listen for once
Praxxx you are actually stupid. You can clearly tell they knew were being tested. I don’t know why you have to call me an idiot. It’s clear you are full of hate so I’m not even gonna bother with you.
I'm a white girl and I get really stressed talking about race because I know I don't have really any experience with racism, so I don't want to speak over people and I get concerned about when I should speak up and when I should just shut up.
xx April M honestly people of colour would love to listen to your opinion about race and it's really important honestly don't be scared and talk about it the only way we can all come together is if we all talk ad your opinion is needed
I am white teen in Philadelphia. My neighborhood is very diverse and race has always been something my parents made me aware of that it is important to respect everyone no matter their race or ethnicity. I think growing up in a city where lots of cultures and races are represented has allowed me to be more comfortable with race and try to understand other perspectives.
"white privilege " is such a weird term to me because my whiteness has never led me anywhere privileged. I was very very bullied for being white in the community I grew up in.
you getting bullied doesn't even compare to the amount of oppression poc face everyday.... are you followed around stores and watched like a hawk because employees assume you will steal something? no? thats white privilege. are you able to succeed in something without someone saying "wow, you did good for a white girl!". no? thats white privilege. just because you aren't rich or because people were mean to you in school doesn't mean you aren't privileged and it definitely doesn't mean you faced any sort of oppression.
Actually, all those things that you assumed don't happen to me, do. I haven't moved communities within the, like, week that I've written this. But for some people it seems to be less about equality and more about your own oppression. I'm upset that anyone is treated poorly for being a different color. I'm upset that there are people who feel like their own oppression tops anyone elses. Have fun with that "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha" complex of yours.
Kristian Brodrick are you from South Africa?
We need to stop labelling people based on the colour of their skin because it creates diversity. We need to think of the person as just a person.
I'm called racist for acknowledging race.
Friend: *Which guy do you like?*
Me: *Carlos*
Friend: *Which one?*
Me: *The black one*
Friend: *OMG that's so racist*
So out of all the different characteristics and ways to describe a person, you chose their skin color?
Wajiha yeah and there's nothing wrong about that!
If it was a white guy between black people it would be okay to call him "the white one"
i'm sorry that happened in my life I have not met any black ppl that would be upset at just saying the black one or pointing that out like it's okay. I only think its a problem if you know my name but you still say that black girl like girl/guy you know my name. Also if I knew your name I would just say hey insert name and that would be the end like no need to say black,white,asian,native american,mexican,etc.
yeah, i'm half black and whenever one of my white friends refer to someone we don't know or something as "the black one" my friends of colour say it's racist. it's not. it's not that deep.
Wajiha its a physical characteristic, its not different than saying the one with curly hair or the tall one.
so I should feel guilty because im white? isnt that kinda still feeding into the problem? it wasnt my choice to be born the skin color I am nor instantly have the label of racist or white privilege. we as a human race give each other lables. its time to change and make progress instead of continuing a cycle that will never change unless we stop shaming others and stop using lables to define who a person is.
+Ashly Bryan you shouldn't, race does not define who you are. If you feel guilty is up to you, but I think you shouldn't, 'cause it is not your fault as long as you don't discriminate others. But I think is kind of important to keep in mind, that opening to debate (a peaceful debate) and to dialogue is the first step to comunication and to stop using lables that make people feel uncomfortable.
+Ashly Bryan Question is, why do you feel guilty in the first place?
i dont, i said should i be.
+Adrianna the thing i dont get is yes everyone is different, i get that. but the thing that is off is why was he felt guilty though as long as he didnt do anything wrong or said anything wrong he shouldn't have.
+Ashly Bryan It's not about guilt. It's about acknowledging reality, acknowledging history and all the ways in which history has a very profound affect on the way systems of inequality still exist to this very day. Should you feel guilty for being white? No. But because you are white you should try to have empathy for the realities of systemic racism and try to take every opportunity you can to educate yourself about the issues at hand. That's not about guilt but striving to be aware and informed.
I think this is an important video because it shows that even though whites don’t have as much to add to the conversation they still need to be there and listen to all that’s being said and put in their two cents when they have something. I also loved that they touched on the subject of everytime your doing something you think how this represents your race because I feel the same way and I feel that’s a burden that every race and minority carries except whites
I wish white America could understand the panic we feel when we see police EVEN THOUGH we are perfectly within the law.
or the distress in walking around a shop and having your own shop attendant.
or being self conscious of what music you listen to.
or seeing a old white lady and smiling from ear to ear so you don't seem intimidating.
I could literally carry on all day.
It depends where you live. I mean, if the cops aren't white you don't have anything to worry about right? For instance, i got into legal trouble in high school and almost everyone involved was a minority of some sort. It was a latina cop who arrested me, a female judge who gave me my sentence, then i had a Lebanese lawyer and a latina probation officer. The judge i had to see after probation was a black male. This is because i live in a city that may be more diverse and progressive than other places in U.S.
1up Where I live, majority of the cops are Latino actually but I live near the Mexican border. The system does need a clean up tho.
***** sorry way too long of a response to read.
Yessss. I have walked into stores not even dressed sketchy. I was wearing doc martens, leggings and a grey sweater yet the owner of the store followed me around. You shouldnt have to fear for your life when you get pulled over. You shouldnt have to fear that you wont get a job simply because of race. You shouldnt have to fear not being able to marry the person of your dreams simply because you are black.You shouldnt have to fear being wrongly accused of a crime. You shouldn't have so much fear in an every day life
This!! 💯✔ (I go into a state of panic whenever the cops are behind me even though I almost never speed and I obey the laws of the road.)
Buzzfeed needs to stop.
Kathryn Stone no you need to stop with you profile pic
I spent middle/high school being the only white family on my block. I tried to talk to my neighbors but only one 60-something woman ever talked to me. Everyone acted like I was mentally judging them when honestly I just wanted to someone to hang out with. That's what bothers me the most about a lot of this, society acts like white people are the only racist people out there and we're not. Yes, we can be racist but so can other races. No one should feel bad for being born a certain ethnicity, no one.
+October-Lynn Todd Not to be rude, but our generation has a very misconstrued definition of what "racism" is. Racism and prejudice are two separate things. Racism is a more institutionalized thing and has to do with privilege, money, and power. For example, in this country, since white people own the country, make the rules, have power over the jobs, etc, white people IN THIS COUNTRY are the only ones with the ability to be racist. Don't misunderstand me though, EVERYONE can be prejudice (which is the word most people should be using, not racist). In fact, it is my opinion that all people are prejudice. You are, and me, and the other person that replied to this thread and so on...it all has to do with our up bringing and experiences.
One example is, due to the fact that no people of color would associate with you when you were younger, you may (not saying you do) think that those people are mean and hateful. It might now be your opinion that most, if not all people of color, are mean and "racist" to white people and therefore you choose not to deal with them. Mind you, this is just an example. As for me, I find that I have grown to be VERY prejudice of white people, because white people, in my experience, never see that there is an issue. They walk around like everything is okay with the world and say a lot of thoughtless and/or hurtful things to people of color, then wonder where the apprehension comes from. I realize that this is not good of me to think about others and I am working to change it, but I thought I might further explain to you at least one person's point of view.
But at the end of the day, you are right, no one should feel bad about being born a certain ethnicity/color/race/sexual orientation of otherwise, but I have to say, it isn't going to change world wide, only we can effect it in our innermost circles.
The reason white people are scared to talk about race or racism is because we are scared that we will be called racist to speak our opinion. I honestly think that talking about race shouldn't be a bad thing, being any race should be celebrated! 😄
Here's the thing, I am a white female living in Canada who does understand that, in a general aspect of my country, my race is the majority. But, first of all, I live in Toronto which is considered the most multicultural city in the world and, second of all, the area of Toronto I live in has little to no white people. So I am the minority in my community. Growing up I was bullied, left out, cornered, beat up, etc. solely because I was white. I am constantly reminded that I am the only white person in all of my classes plus I have to listen to all the students complain about how racist white people are and if I ever come in to give my opinion I am called racist or told that I don't know what racism feels like. Every time I leave my house and someone looks at me my first thought is "is it because I'm white?" I too have been discriminated because of my race so I feel that the comfort level of talking about race will come from the way you've grown up. I do agree that because I live in Canada and am white I am given what people call "privileges" but that doesn't mean that I am immune to discrimination. But I also don't deny that if you are not white and you live in North America you have a higher chance of experiencing racism and I do agree that it seriously needs to change.
+Katheryne Noire that's interesting because you actually have an idea of how poc feel all the time
+yixing park true
Its honestly sad it needs to be that way. But it does seem oftentimes many whites just don't care because race based unfairness just doesn't happen to them and they can't conceive what it feels like to be treated as the "other." Makes ms glad I wasn't born fifty years ago.
I'm white and these comments are making me feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Like I'm starting to not wanting to be white if this is how we're perceived by other races-_-
I think what the white guy said is right in that it is important for white people to be a listener when they are in a conversation about race with people of colour, however it is still VERY important for them to speak up about race issues especially talking to other white people. It is hard to hear but it is still true that white people generally don't listen to people of colour as much, and don't value their opinions as much as those of their own colour.
Well isn’t that a big and ignorant accusation. You should be careful about the things you say when making such a large assumption about such a large group. Guess what... not every white person is a privileged jerk. To claim that just because someone is white they don’t listen, or rather ignore the voices of those who aren’t white is naive.
How does white guilt apply to white people who aren't racist?
+ChillsandThrills I think because all white people have racism imbedded in them from birth and it's a lifelong process to correct that and we're always learning and trying to be better. Plus with all the awful things happening to POC at the hands of white people even in 2015 and the inequality how can I not feel guilty? No white person on the planet is 100% perfect and non problematic no matter how much they claim to not be racist
+Kayla Lynn white people DONT have racism imbedded into them lmao. I grew up in a very accepting family. With people of color as family members.
+ChillsandThrills Because I know that in the past it was white people who pointed at people of other ethnicities and said they were somehow less human than them. Because I can't say I was discriminated against because of the colour of our skin, I don't have the same level of understanding/experience, so when the topic comes up I feel guilty for this happening and for not being able to relate. I don't want my friends to turn round and go "You wouldn't understand" when I try and speak about racism and how much it pisses me off
+Kayla Lynn all white people imbedded with racism at birth? Are u sure?Did scientists finally found out that people has things hard-wired to them at birth? Why only the white population? When did they announce it? :) I would really like to know. Holds up sarcasm sign
It doesn't matter how open minded and accepting your family is or if you have relatives that are POC, racism is everywhere. It's in the media, it's in our textbooks and in music and tv there is no escaping it. The world caters to white people, you are born privileged and will be a participant in racism without even realizing it. Racism isn't just "I hate POC" it's "I got a job even though I was less qualified than a black man who also applied" and "I can walk past a police officer and feel safe." Stop sticking your head in the sand and refusing to acknowledge that there is a major structural inequality going on and that you benefit from it every day of your life.
everyone in my class is so immature that you will bring up the word white or black like, "that's a black marker" or "that's a white piece of paper" and they will scream at you, "racist!".
How come is ok for blacks,Hispanics, Asians etc to care about race. But racist for whites to
100k subscribers without any vids Challenge it is unless it’s negative or neutral
Go look at history and ask yourself that question again.
@@yoooo790 go look at history and contrast what we give you you and take from you!
Exactly..white people arent allowed opinions these days
You notice how you said " black " Hispanic, Asian....mmm so it's ok to get all ethnicities title correct but when it comes to Negros you have to say black...smh I wonder why.
They get stressed because they always get accused of being racist when they talk about it
I have a question.
My mum is chilean, but she is blond, really fair and light eyes, and my dad is japanese, also really fair, so naturally I am really really really fair, like porcelain fair, dark brown thin hair, and big wide eyes with freckles. In the US classification, would I be considered 'of colour', or are you considered 'of colour' only if you are of a darker to medium skin tone, or is it used when you look like really representative of your race? This is a real question I am trying to understand the racial classifications used in the US.
thank you
+miaumiaumiau miau By appearance, you would be white. But when we talk about people of color, we don't always mean your skin color. We also mean minority groups as well because some people get harrassed by their heritage.
alexis viciedo Ok, so it is used as an insult?
+miaumiaumiau miau In what way?
Like how you said people get harassed?
my dads 45% native American with the rest german. my mother is irish, German, swiss, and russian.
*Nah we don't get stressed if we get yelled at for anything we say about race*
*Perfectly fine*
@THE KGB well structured. Completely true, guess I agree.
In the end we all bleed red. So, I don’t care.
Growing up mixed (Black and White) I was always aware of race and racial problems. Like being followed around in a grocery store. When I was younger I was a Hijabi, so when my friend asked me to show her how to tie a scarf I gladly complied, but didn't expect to hear one of my (white, male) classmates to loudly exclaim, "You look like a terrorist!" at my friend. (I'm not Muslim now). Or being told I'm "not black" or to "stop acting black" because despite that telling people I'm mixed they want to only see my skin (I'm pretty light skin)Watching this is refreshing, because while I know that not all white people are racist, it's good to see some people sitting down and talking about racial issues in a mature and calm manner. And I think racism can go both ways. While a good percentage of white people are racist, you can't assume every white person you meet is racist. Just as how you can't assume every black person is up to no good. I've seen racism from a lot of corners, and honestly, I'm sick and tired and ready for it to just end.
why did you stop being a hijabi
Bubble simmerxo I felt as if it hindered my ability to respect myself. I thought "Why should I have to cover my hair?" While the reason I originally did it because it made me feel older because I wore it at a age when I wasn't obligated to. I think my personal style, or my body shouldn't affect the way I practice a religion. I feel like the answer is a bit more convoluted than this, but I'm not sure how to articulate it.
I’m Russian and Bhutanese I deal with extreme racism daily. Black people and Asian people suffer racism on a day to day basis in Russia.
JonMwan G i know they are all nba players lmao
@@mwan245 That's the basic reason, they get shoot by white police officers often.
@@sedmer8857 White people Suffer from racism in black countries m.th-cam.com/video/b9kvG851ZJA/w-d-xo.html
@@mwan245 I think that only pertains to the older russian generation that lived during communism. They didn't live in a diverse community which is why they're racist.
I don't like when people generalize ethnicities saying "they always..." this or that. I know Russians that get married to black people.
@@finnwraith196 it doesn't have to be a Black Country go walking down the wrong Street in any major city in America and you're bound to be attacked just for being white fact
Racism- prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
This is the actual definition.
Moni Bever Therefore anyone can be racist bit according to Buzzfeed or so Boldly it is only white people.
some white people don't feel comfortable talking about racism because we are afraid if we speak our minds that we might come of racist but I can feel people of color pain and the suffering but if I join in a conversation about racism I'm afraid I will come of racist just because of what I say should not be considered racist
Misty Thornton that’s literally the perfect answer like for real
Amanda Jonson -thanks
Misty Thornton if you don’t say anything racist, then you won’t be considered racist, but some of y’all get big pressed when talking about race, leading some white people to say something racist
Angel wrong, very wrong.
We don’t like talking about it because we are often blamed for what ancestors have done in the past when most italians, french, and other nationalities of whites ancestors didnt even own slaves. So we dont like talking about it because we don’t like being blamed for something WE do not approve of. See ?
Deqauvis Markins I get what your saying
Caucasian is a race too, and there are some people that discriminate on it...
Caucasians don't face discrimination. Maybe someone can be rude to you or be like "I hate white people" but is not a thing when people run from you or keep their distance. If you don't seem to understand please look up white privileged.
***** actually asians make 8% less than the average white male/female. We have privilege but not as much as the average white male/female. To my knowledge, Asians are the only race in the entire history of the U.S. that have ever been specifically banned from immigrating. Also I have heard cases of asians having a higher gpa, sat, and act scores than a white person and still not get in because they are asian.
+Mayti Maldonado people are bullied and bashed for just BEING white. People think ALL white people are the same
i wanna see a version of this but with male and females talking about sexism
CaptainSwan Sailor no because the feminists will probably have a mental breakdown and say "your sexually assaulting me" when the guys say I don't like sexism but it goes both ways
+Blake Pavey learn the meaning of feminism before talking. thank you.
It's because we're scared to offend.
I generally feel a bit awkward because I'm afraid I'll mess it up somehow, but only if a non-white person is present.
Correction: I don't feel uncomfortable around latinos. Since I'm spanish, I feel pretty close to them. Also, this whole paranoia goes away whenever I get to spend a large amount of time with a non-white non-latino.
champimuros Bless your honesty.
Wouldnt people be stressed just from speaking?
no duh we are gonna feel stressed talking about race because everyone jumps on us if we even say the words black people, mexicans, ect.
i only would get tense because i don't want to be seen as racist. i feel white people can be see as racial biased and oblivious to race problems or as being racists unless proven otherwise through that conversation.
+Ammy that's fair. that's definitely a stereotype i used to hold about white people until i learned better. i grew up in a predominantly asian neighborhood, so i never got to interact with many caucasians. but it's unfair for any person to be generalized like that
i get anxiety just watching this
We don't talk about it cuz if we do even in innocent ways, we're called racists every time.
IKR!!! I think it's so stupid! Whenever I say something about color, not even in a mean way, I am told I'm racist! And this is kinda random, but me and my friend were looking at dolls at a store and I saw this really cute African American doll, then my friend said: "that's so racist!" And I said "how?" And she replied " they put bigger lips on the black doll than the white doll." And I thought: um, that's because most African americans r that way, I think it would be a lot more racist for them to change to the doll to look more white. Cuz then it's like they're r saying white features r better than black features.
It's ok to be white. Everyone has struggles.
very true, everyone has a struggle! I hope you have a good day!
Did they ever say it wasn’t?
"It's ok to be white" is a half-meme designed to troll BLM supporters.
Archie Archius it’s actually just a sign for people who have white guilt
How so?