So from what I gather, having a pet fox is kind of like having a cross between a cat and an eternally teething, hyper-energetic puppy. Does that sound like an accurate assessment?
Totally their the cleverest animals in the wild, not sure who's the smartest, wolfs are real smart as well, of course dolphins and chimpanzees. But Ive heard some sick fox stories over the years. They have a bag of tricks other animals don't have, a lot of it is instinct though. Foxes will actually play dead and wait for a bird to land on them thinking their a carcass and then the fox will leap up and kill the bird. They also will double over their tracks to confuse hounds, travel across rivers to lose the scent. When the come around a bend in a road or trail, the fox will stop and listen and smell to see if it can detect anyone coming, so their able to see them first. Foxes can also run to speeds of 45 mph and jump 20ft on a downward incline catching mice.
More like a raccoon (still very intelligent by vertebrate standards) than a dolphin. Toothed whales may well be the second most intelligent animals in the world (after the various human species). Recent studies are showing that orca and dolphins may be comparably intelligent to adult humans (even chimps are only as intelligent as young children). Foxes do manage to be impressively intelligent for something with a brain the size of a tangerine though.
+RiftWalker Wow! That's an impressive collection there! How many of those did you collect from sassing perfect strangers on the internet who weren't talking to you? : )
this fox is completely healthy, and pretty well mannered. No signs of stress or anxiety, has all his teeth. And his coat is beautiful. There is no way this animal is being mistreated, so for everyone freaking out, CHILL. I worked with grey foxes for nearly 7 years, and still go to the local nature center to come visit. Foxes get super attached and show a great deal of affection.
Will you people get it through your skulls that Loki is not a wild animal. He was bought from a pet store that had bought him from a fur farm. Also the door Loki is scratching at does not lead outside, it is a room filled with Christmas decorations that if Broken could hurt Loki.
A_loyal_American , regardless if loki is a wild or tame animal i believe the point that is trying to be drivin home is that no non-domesticated species should be "used" as pets.
Rissa Roo, are your reading comprehension skills lacking? I said if it was wild or tame it doesnt matter. If you would ask 1000 random people if a fox is generally considered a domesticated species like a dog or cat the answer would be no. For the people who say that it has no hunting skills because it has been fed meals its whole life i would say that youd be surprised by what thousands of years of evolving to be a proficient predator in the wild would do to a tame fox. Lastly im sure if the fox could speak it would rather take its chances in the wild, than be someones locked up pet given the oppurtunity....BURN BITCH
JJ's Journey I know exactly what you said. When you said "i believe the point that is trying to be drivin home is that no non-domesticated species should be "used" as pets.", you were referring to those comments. So I said "But that doesn't apply to this video, therefore, it's irrelevant and it makes zero sense", because those comments claiming that the video is animal abuse are irrelevant. Oh yeah, about that little remark there at the end, that's reeeal mature. How old are you? You sound like you don't need to be using the Internet.
Rissa Roo, i never argued that what he was doing bu confining the animal to a house was animal abuse. I think its wrong and not in the best interest of the animal but not technically animal abuse. So why does my original comment not make any sense considering i never called it animal abuse!?
Amaya Williams so were Cats, Dogs, which were wolves. The little birds,we keep in cages or Horses and cows. Some animals adapt more faster to humans than other, espacially the very intelligent ones. Like foxes, pigs and rats.
My Fox Ivy can open the doors. We put French door knobs on the doors she is allowed to go through like the laundry room. They struggle with a regular knob. She likes lay in the big laundry basket like the cat.
Its amazing to me how unconventional animals like foxes can rationalize human concepts. To be able to figure out that a door can be opened and its not just a wall. Also know to touch the knob and what side of the door opens first. Crazy smart.
lazy gizmo You know....If they did think it was just a wall. what do you think would run through their minds when they saw it move? Would they learn to acknowledge it as a movable barrier, or just be in aw. I mean obviously we know it's the the former, but it's just a thing you made me think about
Huh? You really think animals are that stupid? If an animal can't figure out that some things that have been moved/opened, can be opened/moved again they wouldn't make it very far in the wild. People give animals too little credit, thinking these basic tasks are signs of intellect.
No what I'm saying is that they are 2 different things. To survive in the wild comes down to the senses and learned behavior of what is and isn't safe. Its way different than human concepts like looking into a mirror and figuring out its your reflection. Which has nothing to do with survival, that what I meant by smart.
lazy gizmo Water doesn't reflect? Its all just basic physics, if an animal witnesses another moving a rock to get into its home, the animal will know that rock can move. Same applies to a door. Now if this animal started using human inventions to better itself, like using a skateboard to roll around and save energy - i'd be impressed.
45% people commented : "this is cruelty! He should be freed to the wild!!" 45% people commented: "people pls read the f'kn description" 10% people commented: " are you watching family guy????"
I found out why he peed on the door and why he was so upset!! We had taken him out a couple of night prior to this video being made.. I went into the room yesterday to get some tools and I smelled a funny smell in the office... He had peed in his carrier that I put in there after his night out and didn't notice it. So he smelled the pee and probably thought it was another animal and he was marking that this house is his and wanted in there soo bad. I took out the carrier and cleaned it out and let him in it so I think we are good now :)
+Loki the Red Fox Poor guy. He was just trying to help warn you there was a nasty nasty intruder and you just did not understand. LOL Our recently departed cat (who we suspect was part bobcat) was very much the same. He would get SO UPSET when you did not understand what he wanted from you. He was ridiculously smart, and I'm sure he thought we were idiots when he couldn't get across to us what was upsetting him so badly.
+Loki the Red Fox I see. Silly boy believed that another fox had invaded his territory, and he had to lay down the law and confront the intruder. I'm surprised that he didn't realize it was his own urine. I thought foxes had sensitive enough noses to recognize the scent of their own markings.
+Loki the Red Fox Maybe he doesn't like Family Guy... Since it's blaring in the background almost as loud as he's whining. :T It's like Guantanamo Bay for the poor guy! And, I'm sorry... Maybe I should follow your channel more? Or maybe I'm missing something? But why the fuck are you keeping a fox hostage inside a small, boxed in area? (AKA a human domicile?) I hope you have some actual outdoor areas this fox can roam.
Man: You gonna stop? Fox: No! >:C Man: *sprays* Fox: *dolphin noises intensifies* (Oh look another 1 ↓) Man: Why you trying to get in the door? Fox: Well I smell another anim- Man: No I don't wanna hear it! Fox: YOU JUST SAID- *angered dolphin noises* (EDIT 2: Oh man I never knew I was that funny 0U0;;)
This guys sounds a little 'off'. There is never a reason to spray a cat, dog, fox...he writes as if he is a little light in the intellect department. He seems to follow this poor thing & harass it, when it wants to be left alone. That voice he speaks to it in, most likely irritates it. I cannot watch any more.
Tara Adams It's training. It's not harrassmemt or torture. I'm sure he knows a hell of a lot more about raising a fox then you do. Save your criticism for the trees you hug.
lmao at people thinking the Loki is whining, he's angry. Those noises he is making are not the same as a dog, so unless you work with foxes or studied them, back off. It's not "Crying to be free!" it's pissy and wants to get whatever is on the other side of the door.
Yeah, fox noises sound super cute no matter what mood they're in. this is what they sound like when fighting, which is what Loki is doing here.
Yeah, the noises are cute but watching them go at it is really scary! On another note, this is why tame foxes are so much harder to work with than tame wolves. Foxes are solitary and usually settle disputes like that with the loser leaving the territory, while wolves settle into a cohesive pack hierarchy. It's not anywhere in a fox's instincts to obey a superior so when you try to discipline them they react with aggression instead of submission
Read the description before making assumptions and avoid looking like a jerk on the internet. He has the fox because he rescued him from a fur farm. Loki was born and raised in captivity so he wont survive a week in the wilds. He wants in the room because he went pee and thought it was another animal so he wanted in the next room. So stop calling it animal cruelty and it was water he sprayed him with. I'm tired of reading all these stupid comments! Good day :)
No need to thank me :) Thank YOU for saving loki from the EVIL fur farm! I'm sure Loki is happy where he is because he has a nice owner like yourself, and a real FAMILY. People just don't understand these things. PEOPLE XD Am I right?
Sabrina Whitaker They really don't get it.... and everyone is a fox expert, and know exactly what Loki needs... I am in direct communication with about 10 sanctuary owners (all over the world) on a weekly basis that have from 3 to 24 foxes, they all follow Loki and say he is one of the happiest foxes they have seen...
Wow! That's incredible! I just hate the fact that you posted a video of Loki being angry and you actually disciplining him they're all like, "OH MEH GOD! ANIMAL ABUSE 911 HE JUST SPRAYED HIM WITH WATER HE'S MELTING! MELTING!!" Loki is really lucky :)
Angel:what are we making today? God: hmm.... Make it a dog... Angel:ok,so far so good. God:get a cat. Angel:okay...? God: mix them together. Angel:What?! God: *MIX THEM TOGETHER I SAID!!!!*
Acts like a cat Looks like a dog Sounds like a dolphin Actually a rodent We got a fox ( XD IT'S A RODENT BUT NO WORRIES WE STILL KEEP THEM AS PETS OKAY NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT WE LOVE THEM NO MATTER WHAT e.e)
Loki the Red Fox he is so very cute^^ i want a fox, but where i live there are a million hoops to jump through and a ton of money to spend just to get APPROVED to own one.
Loki the Red Fox sadly that is the case. doing some more looking into it, not only is it super costly to get the permit itself and all the hoops, i also would have to make arrangements for a couple of inspectors to come and make sure i have the ability to care for the fox "adequately" *unhappy now*
Centaur Lord When they get that picky about thing it is really not worth it because they might find something wrong to take the fox, that would be horrible
Your description bar is the best thing I've read by far on TH-cam. Thank you for taking care of this beautiful animal.. it makes me happy that people like you with empathy and a kind heart are here and still care 😊
If happens on many videos actualy i noticed. That the " X amount of people talking about X " comment are not to be found . Not sure why it happens. If you hade watched the video when it was brand new you would have seen all the negative comments for sure. :)
He is adorable. We have foxes in my backyard often and I always think how much it suc to be a fox in London. People are so cruel to them :( they are such beautiful animals!
Lizi Stardust there are foxholes in my garden in south london and its always nice to see the cubs in the spring... and then u see the adults a year later nd they are skinny and rotted with mange. v sad
The amount of hate in this video breaks my heart, and half of the people didn't read the description nor have they watched any other video of Loki. Loki has had a great life, Noel saved him from a cruel fate and has raised him as his own for years, for you people to say that he's horrible for what he's doing and that he should let the fox go free and outside(those who didn't realize that the door didn't go outside, morons) and live a good life as a fox in the wild would. Well foxes in the wild don't live good lives, they don't live that long while foxes in captivity live at least 3 years or more longer. He gets food and water where as in the wild he would search for them and if he didn't find them he would die. He gets shelter and protection from predators and the environment, he has lived a life many foxes I'm sure would've love to live. And the fact that even after his passing people are still spewing hate means that clearly they don't have a heart or soul. Loki had a great life no matter what many may say and Noel granted him that, why? Because he loves Loki and knows whats best for him, you people clearly don't. If Loki was taken from a wild fox family then it would be different, then i would say that he should put him back into the wild but he wasn't so he should stay in the house with Noel(with his family) and continue living a great life. Rest in peace Loki you were a great fox.
I do follow Juniperfoxx on instagram. The two foxes the owner has was from fur farms and they got rescued. I would love to rescue and own a fox if I get to legally own one or live in a state that I can legally keep and raise a rescued fox.
Tactic I have just recently been watching the Loki vidoes and agree with you and think that everything you said is right on. Loki, a awesome and great fox. RIP Loki.
I love that you have Loki, much better than being a coat! I have wild foxes around, and about 6 years back one of them was dying with mange. It came to my house, but I did not know how to cure it. The game service came and shot it, saying it would spread the disease. The poor thing had no fur just rough looking skin, and so skinny. The game officer said they are so wracked with pain they can no longer hunt. I still cry at the memory, I wanted so badly to help it, but the vets here would not take him, even if I caught him/her. Enjoy a long happy life Loki !! Kisses from Earthworshipper.
That is so sad. Especially since a week to a month of oral antibiotics and a weekly bath and it would be cured. They just didn't want to take the time since no money involved.
What a beautiful creature...I'm so glad you gave him a home and love him like you do. I have a family of wild foxes that live in my pasture. They have a safe place - from heat, cold, and the elements. I feed them, make sure they have clean water, and I have a security camera positioned where I can see them and ensure all of them are counted daily. Thankfully, I live in an area that is mostly farm and pasture lands but still has plenty of trees for shelter. They do know me well enough to chirp at me if they need something so I'm sure one day we will become better acquainted...
for the people that think this is child abuse don't have animals....this is worse than a lion choking a buffalo to death or a pack of wolves slowly and plainly killing caribou at least that is natural this is for thumbs up and likes on youtube slightly different...
Great! You providing the data & background on both Loki and key points about wild foxes. It's laughable to me how a visitor to a channel can make absurd and unsubstantiated claims & comments based on some personal or cultural relativism, not knowing even the fundamentals about the subject they are criticising. I think it's great that you are raising Loki, and showing us the behavior of these animals. Good job!
in reading your notes I must say you are definitely the model-pet owner of a fox. I agree with what you say about the behavior due to carrier smell. Thankyou for posting and looking forward to viewing more of your videos
jeniyah collins 4_life its a real argument too.. they were going back and fourth.. the fox was begging to get into the room... and the owner wasnt having it.. they were going at it for 6 minutes lol
We got a lot of fox "experts" in this comment section. Just saying, if you actually own a fox (and learn where to read the description) you'll understand that the door Loki is clawing at leads into this guy's office. Loki peed on a carrier that he was in (it is located in the office). He thought it was another animal in the house and was wanting to go in there. This guy has owned the fox for 5 years after adopting it from a fur factory when it was really young. It has no survival instincts whatsoever.
John C G a baby puppy? a baby is a young human, when used for animals it is a short way to say it's young so a baby puppy is redundant, we'd never say "congrats on your baby infant " right? *pats head* goood run along and play now baby infant you do good
"Fire"Fox: *DUDE PLEASE LET ME THROUGH THE DOOR MY INTERNET IS RIGHT THROUGH THERE PLEASE! the guy: dude i can't im trying to update you before hand, im playing among us.
I'm assuming having a pet red fox is somewhat like parenting a moody yet affectionate toddler.
... Who constantly keeps inhaling large amounts of caffeine XD
MJR Taurus And your toddler mainly lives outside
minus the affectionate part lmao
yandere chan dumb
So from what I gather, having a pet fox is kind of like having a cross between a cat and an eternally teething, hyper-energetic puppy. Does that sound like an accurate assessment?
pretty much. copuld add the inteliigence level of a dolphin to that as well
LNERfan theyre great problem solvers too. if they want something they usually end up with it
Totally their the cleverest animals in the wild, not sure who's the smartest, wolfs are real smart as well, of course dolphins and chimpanzees. But Ive heard some sick fox stories over the years. They have a bag of tricks other animals don't have, a lot of it is instinct though. Foxes will actually play dead and wait for a bird to land on them thinking their a carcass and then the fox will leap up and kill the bird. They also will double over their tracks to confuse hounds, travel across rivers to lose the scent. When the come around a bend in a road or trail, the fox will stop and listen and smell to see if it can detect anyone coming, so their able to see them first. Foxes can also run to speeds of 45 mph and jump 20ft on a downward incline catching mice.
More like a raccoon (still very intelligent by vertebrate standards) than a dolphin. Toothed whales may well be the second most intelligent animals in the world (after the various human species). Recent studies are showing that orca and dolphins may be comparably intelligent to adult humans (even chimps are only as intelligent as young children).
Foxes do manage to be impressively intelligent for something with a brain the size of a tangerine though.
+RiftWalker Wow! That's an impressive collection there! How many of those did you collect from sassing perfect strangers on the internet who weren't talking to you? : )
happy loki: *makes cute expressions and noises*
sad loki: *makes cute noises and faces*
angry loki: *makes cute noises*
any loki: *is cute*
Even fox angry noises sound adorable. :) Dog hardware, Cat software.
"Stop eating the door!-"
Loki: *makes a noise that sounds like a laugh*
Yeah it's so funny 😂😂😂😂
Lol i know, that is him angry though
Like a hyena
*gets squirted*
Loki: squeaky boots
Wkwkwkkw 😂😂😂😂😂
this fox is completely healthy, and pretty well mannered. No signs of stress or anxiety, has all his teeth. And his coat is beautiful. There is no way this animal is being mistreated, so for everyone freaking out, CHILL. I worked with grey foxes for nearly 7 years, and still go to the local nature center to come visit. Foxes get super attached and show a great deal of affection.
*thank you*
I love your name.
ScaryDayDreams what the most fierce thing a fox can kill
ikr u have 2 be strict with animals...
It's like a perfect mix between an cat and a dog.
Just what I was thinking !
That's what foxes supposed to be.
The Llamacorn ikr so cute X3
The Llamacorn yeah I know right because they will protect you like a dog and the enjoy climbing like cats
Firefox wants to be updated
Disc Burner omg dude😂😂😂😂
True yes xD
Disc Burner good one
I love how he’s arguing with the fox like it’s a small human child.
You act like there not living organisms that breath and have emotions that are sensitive and have the mentality as a human
@@yomama3280 bruh
@@Daniel-jj8uc lol i know i sound like a boomer :,)
Nope it's just funny
Lol still
Guy: I love you
oonSKI theMIGHT i live that
Lilli Nya lol I was waiting for that to come up
maybe he's mad because he lost the tesseract
I hate you cause this is so good XD
Savannah art same
well he managed to escape with it in an alternate timeline
XD I love you marry me.
Him: I am not letting you open that door!
Fox: I wanna see what's behind the door so let me see!
Him: NO!
This is the first time I've seen Loki but after finding out that he's already dead I immediately started crying
How did you know
He's not dead there was literally a vid of him posted yesterday
@@valkaerie8715 that video was from 2016, loki died in 2018
@@objectica6804 oof 😔
Yea when I saw a cow at the farm I went to everyday I was crying too hearing that he is now a mcdonalds burger. I still eat burgers
There's something about arguing with an animal like it's a human that I've always found hilarious.
Illuminati Well if you thing about it humans are animals too but yeah, it's funny
Tonio922 no humans are not animals we are something more complex
omar oyt We are animals dumbass, we are mammels, a species of mammels.
+Omar The Dumbass- Then you are an alien if you are not an animal.
Jay Townsend Neither
Will you people get it through your skulls that Loki is not a wild animal. He was bought from a pet store that had bought him from a fur farm. Also the door Loki is scratching at does not lead outside, it is a room filled with Christmas decorations that if Broken could hurt Loki.
A_loyal_American , regardless if loki is a wild or tame animal i believe the point that is trying to be drivin home is that no non-domesticated species should be "used" as pets.
JJ's Journey But that doesn't apply to this video, therefore, it's irrelevant and it makes zero sense.
Rissa Roo, are your reading comprehension skills lacking? I said if it was wild or tame it doesnt matter. If you would ask 1000 random people if a fox is generally considered a domesticated species like a dog or cat the answer would be no. For the people who say that it has no hunting skills because it has been fed meals its whole life i would say that youd be surprised by what thousands of years of evolving to be a proficient predator in the wild would do to a tame fox. Lastly im sure if the fox could speak it would rather take its chances in the wild, than be someones locked up pet given the oppurtunity....BURN BITCH
JJ's Journey I know exactly what you said. When you said "i believe the point that is trying to be drivin home is that no non-domesticated species should be "used" as pets.", you were referring to those comments. So I said "But that doesn't apply to this video, therefore, it's irrelevant and it makes zero sense", because those comments claiming that the video is animal abuse are irrelevant. Oh yeah, about that little remark there at the end, that's reeeal mature. How old are you? You sound like you don't need to be using the Internet.
Rissa Roo, i never argued that what he was doing bu confining the animal to a house was animal abuse. I think its wrong and not in the best interest of the animal but not technically animal abuse. So why does my original comment not make any sense considering i never called it animal abuse!?
What a whiny little baby, I love him.
:) :)
Right? I so much adore Loki, he is funny
He appears to be sulking like a dog, like he knows he's done something wrong.
Because they do that like dogs.
He is so C000000000000T :3 :3 :3 :3
Literally any video with an animal: *exists*
Animal "experts" with random "facts" they found on google: this is animal abuse
uM acTuALly tHe graPes thAt thE OwnEr gaVe ThE FoX CaUseS CaNCeR, AniMaL AbUsE!!!!!!!!!
@@ralseidafluffyboi7798 i KnoW RiGht!
Soon we won't even be able to pet ours animals
That is you now stop commenting it's annoying people like you eat up all my comment space
@@lucid8943 what
People need to chill with the abuse claims he looks mad cause he's like a baby throwing a tantrum. Not a fox trying to eat his owner alive.
Kanna Thicc nc username
That’s just the problem he is a fox not a pet he is suppose to be out in the wild not kept in a house
Amaya Williams so were Cats, Dogs, which were wolves. The little birds,we keep in cages or Horses and cows. Some animals adapt more faster to humans than other, espacially the very intelligent ones. Like foxes, pigs and rats.
Jenny Büning exactly why they are trying to domesticate foxes
Sims And more
You might be surprised. I guarantee you he would live better than you in the wild.
There's something wrong with your dolphin.
Oh no! The dolphin has now turned into fox! We must help this poor dolphin looking fox. 😂🙊
LMAO! Best comment ever!
Did you try turning it off and on again?
did you try doing a factory reset - do only if ^ does not work.
Firefox has encountered a unexpected problem with Windoors (Windows)
That was the best joke ever!
Why jack spawrow worst pirate i mean no becaus is no stupid and is genius
I wonder what will happen with Apple.
*que rimshot and Seinfeld Bassline
the fact that he knows or gets the gist of how to open the door is amazing...
My cat does the same thing. When he can reach the handle that is 😋 Loki is much bigger than him.
Loki DEFINITELY knows what doorknobs are all about. My dog exhibits the same behavior.
My Fox Ivy can open the doors. We put French door knobs on the doors she is allowed to go through like the laundry room. They struggle with a regular knob. She likes lay in the big laundry basket like the cat.
@@tonysarrio8940 That is the most adorable sight.
He's actually laughing
You just made my day
well thats a new perspective on the video. lol
I'm Stupid lmaooo
I'm Stupid ROFL
Wither Flash Oml what you said is so funny
what type of parrot is he
leah brennen XD
its a frog
leah brennen no it's a pinecone
Cheeseburger007 It's a Fly
medic fox Its a dog
he's adorable when he wines like a puppy or a dog
Ria Herman :)
cloud713713 I hope a fox never comes near you with that mouth
Ria Herman sooo kawaii
Ria Herman Omg so cute the Fox sounds like a dog
Foxes are related to dogs!
Fox is a cat and a dog, two in one!
Desew2 it’s a dog running on cat software.
Desew2 owo
Cool video it's funny
I'm am your biggest fan
For those who can't decide whether to get a dog or a cat! So why not get a pet that is both. FOXES: canine hardware with cat software! 😁😁😁
"Human: Why you trying to go into the door ?"
- few seconds later -
"NO!! I don't wanna hear it"
just like women
Elisa Dibugg Well this 'woman' sounds very manlike. Not judging or anything. (Hope you caught the sarcasm)
Should i be worried if i make the same noises when I'm angry
Honore Chaisson yes
No I do too XD
Mabey you are half fox
Hmm. Let's see... Yep you're turning into a Red Fox. I think the snout should come first.
Your fox sounds like a windex bottle and it's adorable
mostly foxes just whine and when they're calling out they scream instead of bark
Why do you find windex bottle sounds cute?
Loki’s just like a little kid. He’s cute, but he’s loud, a huge handful, and cries when he doesn’t get his way.
I still love foxes though.
Its amazing to me how unconventional animals like foxes can rationalize human concepts. To be able to figure out that a door can be opened and its not just a wall. Also know to touch the knob and what side of the door opens first. Crazy smart.
lazy gizmo You know....If they did think it was just a wall. what do you think would run through their minds when they saw it move? Would they learn to acknowledge it as a movable barrier, or just be in aw. I mean obviously we know it's the the former, but it's just a thing you made me think about
Huh? You really think animals are that stupid? If an animal can't figure out that some things that have been moved/opened, can be opened/moved again they wouldn't make it very far in the wild.
People give animals too little credit, thinking these basic tasks are signs of intellect.
No what I'm saying is that they are 2 different things. To survive in the wild comes down to the senses and learned behavior of what is and isn't safe.
Its way different than human concepts like looking into a mirror and figuring out its your reflection. Which has nothing to do with survival, that what I meant by smart.
lazy gizmo Water doesn't reflect?
Its all just basic physics, if an animal witnesses another moving a rock to get into its home, the animal will know that rock can move.
Same applies to a door.
Now if this animal started using human inventions to better itself, like using a skateboard to roll around and save energy - i'd be impressed.
It's not that difficult to figure out. Like most animals, after the first time they go through it, they know it's an exit.
Doesn't matter what animal it is. They all know how to play the victim lol
True af
45% people commented : "this is cruelty! He should be freed to the wild!!"
45% people commented: "people pls read the f'kn description"
10% people commented: " are you watching family guy????"
I just wanna know what is really behind that door?
I literally havent seen any of those comments xD
Nicht die Mama i believe its Christmas decorations ornaments
and then there is you lol
Shinoa Yuki
I love how Family Guy’s just casually playing in the background-🤣
I even know what episode it is 😂
Alan A “Ooohh..... *RIGHT.* “ X’D
holy frickin crap lois
@Костя Ковалик the characters voices, it play outloud, and references
I found out why he peed on the door and why he was so upset!! We had taken him out a couple of night prior to this video being made.. I went into the room yesterday to get some tools and I smelled a funny smell in the office... He had peed in his carrier that I put in there after his night out and didn't notice it. So he smelled the pee and probably thought it was another animal and he was marking that this house is his and wanted in there soo bad. I took out the carrier and cleaned it out and let him in it so I think we are good now :)
+Loki the Red Fox Poor guy. He was just trying to help warn you there was a nasty nasty intruder and you just did not understand. LOL
Our recently departed cat (who we suspect was part bobcat) was very much the same. He would get SO UPSET when you did not understand what he wanted from you. He was ridiculously smart, and I'm sure he thought we were idiots when he couldn't get across to us what was upsetting him so badly.
Sorry about the cat... It is the exact same thing with Loki. Exactly to the tee
+Loki the Red Fox I see. Silly boy believed that another fox had invaded his territory, and he had to lay down the law and confront the intruder. I'm surprised that he didn't realize it was his own urine. I thought foxes had sensitive enough noses to recognize the scent of their own markings.
you would think... thats was what I thought was going through his head... Don't really know
+Loki the Red Fox Maybe he doesn't like Family Guy... Since it's blaring in the background almost as loud as he's whining. :T
It's like Guantanamo Bay for the poor guy!
And, I'm sorry... Maybe I should follow your channel more? Or maybe I'm missing something?
But why the fuck are you keeping a fox hostage inside a small, boxed in area? (AKA a human domicile?)
I hope you have some actual outdoor areas this fox can roam.
Door: *Windows 10*
*Firefox wants to be in it*
But google is not letting it in
Redwolfys lmao
This had me dead XD
Swiper no swiping
dora no doring
effervescent you proud of that or something
Dominic vallejos u nawz nwaxi nwas me brotha
KarlTheJester lol
he wants christmas early. He wants to see if he got his firefox chan body pillow
Paper Airplane good one 😭😭😭
This video is from begginning of a year
Good one
Man: You gonna stop?
Fox: No! >:C
Man: *sprays*
Fox: *dolphin noises intensifies*
(Oh look another 1 ↓)
Man: Why you trying to get in the door?
Fox: Well I smell another anim-
Man: No I don't wanna hear it!
Fox: YOU JUST SAID- *angered dolphin noises*
(EDIT 2: Oh man I never knew I was that funny 0U0;;)
I laughed so hard at that! ^^
This guys sounds a little 'off'. There is never a reason to spray a cat, dog, fox...he writes as if he is a little light in the intellect department. He seems to follow this poor thing & harass it, when it wants to be left alone. That voice he speaks to it in, most likely irritates it. I cannot watch any more.
Tara Adams It's training. It's not harrassmemt or torture. I'm sure he knows a hell of a lot more about raising a fox then you do. Save your criticism for the trees you hug.
You're a moron, Tara.
Tara Adams tf
Your fox is hilarious. He definitely needs a movie deal or something.
Meralee Phillips right!!!!
He sounds so sad that he cant go in the door and it breaks my heart
Animal crossing productions it’s probably a good thing though there is Christmas decorations that can hurt him
lmao at people thinking the Loki is whining, he's angry. Those noises he is making are not the same as a dog, so unless you work with foxes or studied them, back off. It's not "Crying to be free!" it's pissy and wants to get whatever is on the other side of the door.
Sludge_Puppy so equivalent to a normal dog bark or growling?
Wolf Demon they are in the same family as wolves and dogs: Canidae, but they are of the genus Vulpes.
Furries droppin knowledge up in here
vickie g BACK UP meaun
Sludge_Puppy thanks for the tip
Loki: "Awww.... but I want to go in there and wreck everything! How can you say no to my cute little face?"
He's extremely well looked after - but he seems like a Handfull.
Like a high energy shy dog
I heard they smell horrible too
+John Doe and if he were to get cut with glass from the ornaments who would be responsible? Him! 😒😒
+Primarch Alpharius
Fuckin Heretic.
Him: "Why are you tryna get in the door?"
Babie: *Tries to explain-*
Him: "Why Are you trying to get in the door?"
Fox: Well-
Alissa Giunto b ha ha
When you try to explain your self about not doing your homework to a teacher
very lol
I feel sad that you have to have that level of explanation because of how much people whine.
It was a lot worse before the mile long description lol
Loki the Red Fox I love your vids
Your cat has a glitch, maybe it will be patched in the next update.
Charlotte Stupples It's a joke.
Hahahaha a lot of bug is happening need to repatch
It has bugs, maybe you should get the 20 dollar antivirus collar
Stephanie the Wolf and friends its a joke idiot
Stephanie the Wolf and friends he/she is trying to make a joke
Dude just let em go it needs to save Natuto
This comment is underrated
Necrozma Squad
Read ur comment again and see what’s wrong with it
@@flamed_bars7299 I was thinking the same thing...
George Harrison
Me too man
Never thought I'd hear someone ask to stop eating a door
Loki's very cute tho
That's a weird looking Armadillo, Mister.
It's obviously a bLOo fast hedgehog
What drugs are u on? I want sum!
Songs- my life weed
Kailey Katrina that kinda sounds like the woman who said that on Taylor Dean's video.. 😂
Aww his little pleads! So darn pitiful! I love it
They sound like pleads and are super adorable but that"Ah ah ah ah ah!" is the equivalent of a dog growling or a cat hissing
Hannah Burkhalter I figured it was more of a whine like a dog would if they wanna go potty or something. Interesting to know though!
Yeah, fox noises sound super cute no matter what mood they're in. this is what they sound like when fighting, which is what Loki is doing here.
Hannah Burkhalter wow that’s kind of scary
Yeah, the noises are cute but watching them go at it is really scary! On another note, this is why tame foxes are so much harder to work with than tame wolves. Foxes are solitary and usually settle disputes like that with the loser leaving the territory, while wolves settle into a cohesive pack hierarchy. It's not anywhere in a fox's instincts to obey a superior so when you try to discipline them they react with aggression instead of submission
4:30 starting engine
Sheppowed XD
Sounds like trying to start a engine with bad belts lol
Hhhh cute
4:31 The timing is better
Read the description before making assumptions and avoid looking like a jerk on the internet. He has the fox because he rescued him from a fur farm. Loki was born and raised in captivity so he wont survive a week in the wilds. He wants in the room because he went pee and thought it was another animal so he wanted in the next room. So stop calling it animal cruelty and it was water he sprayed him with. I'm tired of reading all these stupid comments! Good day :)
Thank you!!
No need to thank me :) Thank YOU for saving loki from the EVIL fur farm! I'm sure Loki is happy where he is because he has a nice owner like yourself, and a real FAMILY. People just don't understand these things. PEOPLE XD Am I right?
Sabrina Whitaker They really don't get it.... and everyone is a fox expert, and know exactly what Loki needs... I am in direct communication with about 10 sanctuary owners (all over the world) on a weekly basis that have from 3 to 24 foxes, they all follow Loki and say he is one of the happiest foxes they have seen...
Wow! That's incredible! I just hate the fact that you posted a video of Loki being angry and you actually disciplining him they're all like, "OH MEH GOD! ANIMAL ABUSE 911 HE JUST SPRAYED HIM WITH WATER HE'S MELTING! MELTING!!" Loki is really lucky :)
Sabrina Whitaker
That is all on them and they probably lost sleep over it lol Loki is happy and safe :)
He sounds like a squeaky toy
I love how he's asking the Fox why he was trying to break through the door and then telling him I don't want to hear it afterwards.
Just like a real parent! :'D
My *REAL* parents would understand
*angered dolphin noises*
M3RKSYNDICATE DeltaForce thats not funny your mean
DirtyBlasion u mean typical XD
And then says I love u...
Angel:what are we making today?
God: hmm.... Make it a dog...
Angel:ok,so far so good.
God:get a cat.
God: mix them together.
Acts like a cat
Looks like a dog
Sounds like a dolphin
Actually a rodent
We got a fox
Don't forget to add the whiny 4 year old
Xx Luna Eclispe Fox xX technically, its complicated. They have dog AND cat blood(pretty sure)... not really sure where you got RODENT from...
he's like a child being told no and throwing a tantrum "I WANT TO I WANT TO I WANT TO
Loki the Red Fox he is so very cute^^ i want a fox, but where i live there are a million hoops to jump through and a ton of money to spend just to get APPROVED to own one.
Centaur Lord
At that point it might not be worth it...
Loki the Red Fox sadly that is the case. doing some more looking into it, not only is it super costly to get the permit itself and all the hoops, i also would have to make arrangements for a couple of inspectors to come and make sure i have the ability to care for the fox "adequately" *unhappy now*
Centaur Lord
When they get that picky about thing it is really not worth it because they might find something wrong to take the fox, that would be horrible
Your description bar is the best thing I've read by far on TH-cam. Thank you for taking care of this beautiful animal.. it makes me happy that people like you with empathy and a kind heart are here and still care 😊
Loki is a angsty teen who just wants to be in his room.
"It's not a fase daaaaaaaad."
Thegirlgamer1987 aj You are now my internet friend 😂👏
Me:You have chosen: Angsty Teen
Fox: *dolphin noises intensifie*
Fox.exe has stopped working. not click power off.
He's like the real Loki , an angsty boy who never grew out his 'Phase'
BeautyStarz 11 - at 6 years old, he is a geriatric fox.
fase ._. B - o i
“Why are you trying to get in the door?”
*seconds later*
*“No I don’t want to hear it!”*
Parents in a nutshell
my mom
Plsss 💀
now i want to eat the door too
Patrick Ormerod same
narutogod gamer lmao I was thinking that
DaniYah Ben AzariYah :3
narutogod gamer fat
Patrick Ormerod why tf does he have 104 likes I never thought that fat get so much likes
Where're the "mad" comments? All I'm seeing is people like "tO aLl tHe MaD pPl..." but I haven't seen a single one.
If happens on many videos actualy i noticed. That the " X amount of people talking about X " comment are not to be found . Not sure why it happens. If you hade watched the video when it was brand new you would have seen all the negative comments for sure. :)
Sort by newest.
They hound his channel and send angry comments as soon as he uploads.
I guess because they actually care
Dat fox tho
I know what the fox Says eh eh eh eh eh eh
bobjefpie12 can't stop laughing
bobjefpie12 ha
Bobjefpie SB oh god
You’re so smart! Haha
Due Cretini Doc o_o
At 2:51 he looks SO defeated, aww..
He literally treats his fox like his own kid! It's the funniest thing in the world!
XTopXHatX so?
4:31 That laugh xD
Selena lol red fox wanna be a dolphin smh
he's whining not laughing
Selena ia
He's not whining he's agitated. It's effectively him saying "OPEN THE DOOR, OPEN IT!"
Selena that is funny
Man: why you trying to get into the door?
Man: I don’t want to hear it.
lol you need to use punctuation. I was confused for a sec, I thought the Fox was saying that he is dad
Natatude360 loll soz xDDDDD
Boba Fur at first I thought that s*** was a coyote
Boba Fur da f***
Fox: Cat's software running on dog's hardware
What kind of fish is that???
Dean Winchester I'm liking this one! XD dang near made me cry
Dean Winchester I just want to say, you're the coolest. Say hi to Sam for me. And remember, never sell your soul
Dean Winchester xD
Dean Winchester its a space girrafe are you blind?
Dean Winchester lolz
Guy:I love you!
Fox:if you love me open the DOOOOOOOOOOOOORR!!!!!
Daushawn Guthridge LOL
wat was that
Would’ve gotten a better comedy rating, if you didn’t put the music notes on the end.
FrankFurterPlayz I think the music notes was a funny add up.
He is adorable. We have foxes in my backyard often and I always think how much it suc to be a fox in London. People are so cruel to them :( they are such beautiful animals!
Lizi Stardust there are foxholes in my garden in south london and its always nice to see the cubs in the spring... and then u see the adults a year later nd they are skinny and rotted with mange. v sad
shinra corp agreed it's sad the ones I see are often sick looking too
Lizi Stardust the only things that thrive in london are the rats! (especially the ones that work in canary wharf....)
shinra corp and slugs! I've never seen such big ones until I moved here!
Koal Kottentail me too! Don't understand how anybody could not love them!
Loki: Eh eh eh
Me: Da hec!?!?
I heard food. I will put my tantrum on hold while there is food. Then back to the tantrum.
+Taurevanime I see you.
Taurevanime thats literally me
Omg his whimpering is just omg
Melissa-Elisabeth Yarbrough "omg"
Melissa-Elisabeth Yarbrough "just omg" 👏🤦♀️ please do not sound like a basic asf white girl.
Melissa-Elisabeth Yarbrough why do people get so much hate for saying 1 think that isn't even wrong wtf
TencoYT91 you need to get a life
TencoYT91 if you're getting offended over a simple comment that wasn't even offensive in the first place, you really need to get your life together
who heard family guy in the background lol
siaramint l. me
siaramint l. me too
I did
siaramint l. roght when you said that, i heard petter griffin talking! lol!
siaramint l me
Sir, i'm going to have to call the police on you
For squeaking your window too loudly.
The amount of hate in this video breaks my heart, and half of the people didn't read the description nor have they watched any other video of Loki. Loki has had a great life, Noel saved him from a cruel fate and has raised him as his own for years, for you people to say that he's horrible for what he's doing and that he should let the fox go free and outside(those who didn't realize that the door didn't go outside, morons) and live a good life as a fox in the wild would. Well foxes in the wild don't live good lives, they don't live that long while foxes in captivity live at least 3 years or more longer. He gets food and water where as in the wild he would search for them and if he didn't find them he would die. He gets shelter and protection from predators and the environment, he has lived a life many foxes I'm sure would've love to live. And the fact that even after his passing people are still spewing hate means that clearly they don't have a heart or soul. Loki had a great life no matter what many may say and Noel granted him that, why? Because he loves Loki and knows whats best for him, you people clearly don't. If Loki was taken from a wild fox family then it would be different, then i would say that he should put him back into the wild but he wasn't so he should stay in the house with Noel(with his family) and continue living a great life. Rest in peace Loki you were a great fox.
You made me cry.
I do follow Juniperfoxx on instagram. The two foxes the owner has was from fur farms and they got rescued. I would love to rescue and own a fox if I get to legally own one or live in a state that I can legally keep and raise a rescued fox.
Now im sad finding out he is dead
Tactic I have just recently been watching the Loki vidoes and agree with you and think that everything you said is right on. Loki, a awesome and great fox. RIP Loki.
OMG. So all the animals should be kept at home...
mission failed
Malaysia Doom qz
I'm actually upset this comment doesn't have more likes.
Malaysia Doom no that poor fox
You get a like for that because a game on Roblox when you reset it says "Mission failed. We'll get them next time". Its called Robot Simulator.
I love that you have Loki, much better than being a coat! I have wild foxes around, and about 6 years back one of them was dying with mange. It came to my house, but I did not know how to cure it. The game service came and shot it, saying it would spread the disease. The poor thing had no fur just rough looking skin, and so skinny. The game officer said they are so wracked with pain they can no longer hunt. I still cry at the memory, I wanted so badly to help it, but the vets here would not take him, even if I caught him/her. Enjoy a long happy life Loki !! Kisses from Earthworshipper.
Poor fox, may it rest in peace.
That is so sad. Especially since a week to a month of oral antibiotics and a weekly bath and it would be cured. They just didn't want to take the time since no money involved.
Earthworshipper Dumbass, letting a disease inside your home
@@HomoTube Yet you're patents adopted you👁
"Why are you trying to get to the door?"
Loki: "I wa-"
"No, I don't wanna hear it"
What a beautiful creature...I'm so glad you gave him a home and love him like you do.
I have a family of wild foxes that live in my pasture. They have a safe place - from heat, cold, and the elements. I feed them, make sure they have clean water, and I have a security camera positioned where I can see them and ensure all of them are counted daily.
Thankfully, I live in an area that is mostly farm and pasture lands but still has plenty of trees for shelter.
They do know me well enough to chirp at me if they need something so I'm sure one day we will become better acquainted...
sounds like a dream
For the people who think this is animal abuse. Don't have children.
Doubt they could even get a lover
Jack Griffin WOW! Brutal much?.
This is NOT animal abuse XD okay people get it through your thick skulls
for the people that think this is child abuse don't have animals....this is worse than a lion choking a buffalo to death or a pack of wolves slowly and plainly killing caribou at least that is natural this is for thumbs up and likes on youtube slightly different...
So CUTE!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
So this was all just a big misunderstanding?
Great! You providing the data & background on both Loki and key points about wild foxes. It's laughable to me how a visitor to a channel can make absurd and unsubstantiated claims & comments based on some personal or cultural relativism, not knowing even the fundamentals about the subject they are criticising.
I think it's great that you are raising Loki, and showing us the behavior of these animals. Good job!
I’d never be able to get mad at him,he’s too cute!Those sounds would make me melt into a puddle of cuteness
Me: Huh what's this?
; watches it ;
Feel that
Didn't know dolphins can breathe on land
Mahmoud YT-CH well they're mammals... hints why they come up for air..
Mahmoud YT-CH dolfins are mammals they need oxygen to live you idiot
owner: stop eating the door
loki: *maniacal laughter*
its a joke btw
DA AMAZIN' SPAH oh lord 😂
Actually the laugh reminded me of Risitas :D
-Why are you trying to get in the door?
Loki: Because I-
-i dont wanna hear it!
Loki: ಠಗಠ
What a cute sound foxes make :D
As a fox myself, I say this rapscallion needs to start behaving.
Also as a fox myself, I have to verily disagree, this rapscallion deserves tum rubs!
Bacon! He needs bacon!
I’m a kangaroo myself,i say your species reminds me of dingoes so imma kick you
Good foxy *pets*
Zacco hopefully he’s behaving better in Heaven. RIP Loki
Dude your dog sounds weird, you should take it to the vet.
dude thats a foooox
what you been smokin mannn
looks more like a cat to me
That's how Foxes sound like, fucknut.
Ewan Lehtola take a joke
that's a fox.......
He's a gorgeous fox. Not sure if I could cope with a pet fox myself, but he is adorable.
in reading your notes I must say you are definitely the model-pet owner of a fox. I agree with what you say about the behavior due to carrier smell. Thankyou for posting and looking forward to viewing more of your videos
Thank you very much :) I really try to take care of him as best as possible :) We just hit 500 videos :)
"1 - This is the door to my home office and storage. This is where I keep his carrier. This door is not to the outside world. "
I love how he's sitting here having an argument with a fox. This is really funny!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
jeniyah collins 4_life its a real argument too.. they were going back and fourth.. the fox was begging to get into the room... and the owner wasnt having it.. they were going at it for 6 minutes lol
Well I mean foxes are among the top 5-10 smartest species on the planet...
jeniyah collins 4_life why emojis there is no reason to put that crying faces
RADDeathTRAP where you get that yahoo?
Don't feel bad, most of the comments saying this is abuse are Gatcha Life Players.
Oh yes
More Like PETA followers
wait wha-
Firefox browser is alive!
yea xD
We got a lot of fox "experts" in this comment section. Just saying, if you actually own a fox (and learn where to read the description) you'll understand that the door Loki is clawing at leads into this guy's office. Loki peed on a carrier that he was in (it is located in the office). He thought it was another animal in the house and was wanting to go in there. This guy has owned the fox for 5 years after adopting it from a fur factory when it was really young. It has no survival instincts whatsoever.
please - domesticated cats and dogs have instincts. humans have instincts. why wouldnt a fox?
Tdog plays
So he couldn’t bring the poor animal to a sanctuary? Instead he keeps him in some cheap single floor home with no exercise
Sofia Luz Calvo If you have been watching this channel long, you would know Loki is very happy where he is. (:
So what ur saying is that he can’t distinguish his own pee from another abimals?
Strange, it sounds like a baby puppy.
John C G ehhh kinda, more like a weeping pidgeon with dog whines mixed in, oh and some like, cat yawns
John C G a baby puppy? a baby is a young human, when used for animals it is a short way to say it's young so a baby puppy is redundant, we'd never say "congrats on your baby infant " right? *pats head* goood run along and play now baby infant you do good
baby puppy
the guy: dude i can't im trying to update you before hand, im playing among us.
*clicks at the top of his lungs*
what is it
a fox