It’s like having a toddler that can bite your face off 2 years later randomly got a notification someone commented on this. I don’t remember doing this lmao
10% dog 10% cat 20% child dying 60% cute* Everyone says foxes sounds like dolphins, but imo it sounds more like a baby/child crying/dying (no I haven't killed a child)
I am very glad you are responsible enough to care for Loki. Most people can't do that, and you make him very happy and loved. :) He does make things interesting.
THANK YOU for educating the public. Loki is cute but as you explain, he is constantly on the go, gets into everything, will damage doors, walls, refrigerators (with pizza) and anything else. Almost limitless curiosity & energy that only stops for occasional, short naps. Loki is very fortunate & in good hands. Again, thank you for showing that having a fox is a constant commitment, one that probably never allows for TV breaks & is not for everyone.
Thank you for making this video. As cute as Loki is, the responsibility needed is huge and we only saw a small part of it. After working with toddlers for years I knew what was gonna happen with that pizza when you opened the fridge😉
Really sad to see a fox instide all the time. If the owner loves it as he says, he should have rented a space with a garden to let it enjoy nature. It is an unfortunate wild animal deprived of its habitat. Very depressing...
Well, Loki as a Fox can deside if he likes it ouside himself. I think he should get an opion. Even one hour early in the morning or late at night when temperatures are lower outside can do wonders - Loki can smell all the beautifull odeurs of plants and flowers, enjoy looking and birds and digging the ground. According to statistic from Ocotber to April temperatures are comfortable in Florida: 75F° -66F°-...72F°. I hope that he will enlarge his universe soon, coming in direct contact with nature:) Good luck to Loki!
Searay Agustin thats a part of what I was saying. see she did have a point about foxes needong a space to run around but her argument was sloppy and she diden't acualy know where they lived not to mention the demestication program that started 80 YEARS AGO!!! but thats not even the main problem the broblem is when she was told where they live and why the fox can't go out side she neglantly insisted the fox could go outside
Well, according to the US official statistics it is not like in an oven in Florida all year round. There are periods of lesser heat, comparable to summer time in the Northern States, where foxes habitat is. So it is a matter of accepting the fact, that inhaling smells of fresh wind is more attractive to fox that odours of soap and other cleaning detergents inside the tidy place. I feel sorry for the fox, because even prisoners have a chance for a walk in fresh air. But this poor chap is doomed to sit inside his entire existence, deprived of joy meeting nature he belongs to.
I love your fox, he is the cutest thing in the world and him trying to bury himself in the couch was adorable I'm glad that you can have a fox and enjoy his company
Thank you. Raising a fox is not like adopting a NORMAL dog or cat. OR, a child - no matter how adorable.. Like a child, (or pet), this is a lifelong commitment. If you do not have the temperament, the patience, the dedication to adopt a child with ADHD, Down's Syndrome, Asperger's Syndrome, etc., you do not have the fortitude to raise a wild animal. Captive-bred Loki is living the best life possible for a "domesticated" fox and we all enjoy watching him. But, his Daddy's life and household revolve around Loki who does give back to his Daddy all the love he can - being a wild animal. But, this ain't cheap. In time or money. So............ for those of you who can't do what Loki's Daddy is doing but still say "I want a fox," think about what you can REALLY do for the animals, either wild or domesticated, who need you - donation of time or money. Sorry. Rant over. I've just seen too much "I want" over "they need" and I go off the deep end. I'll shut up now...............
Pls, your advice is worthwhile & I'm sure you had more information to provide. There is much worry among the responsibility. I've indicated this wisdom & warnings could apply to many dog breeds that people consider but then become overwhelmed or disappointed & tragically abandon.
Don Sexton: YES!!! For example, my daughter is owned by a Shiba Inu. Cutest dog in the world & I love her to death but, if you think that you are getting a dog with a temperament of a lab or a poodle, forget about it. IF you do your research, you will be informed that Shiba Inus aren't a good fit for novice dog owners but so many people think "hey, I've had dogs before" and go for the "cute factor." Hence, the Shiba Inu rescue sites with babies in need before they reach the age of two. What Loki's Daddy is doing is fantastic - rescue from a pet store who (for profit) rescued from a "fur trader" but it is the "I want" factor that concerns me. Just because "you want" and that you can afford, doesn't mean that "you should."
sickof stupidppl Shiba Inu is among my favorite breeds along with Akita. Aren't they mellow, dignified, & as energetic as you want but adaptable? Was "Hachiko" any influence on your choice? I can't remember if he was a Shiba or Akita, even though I actually saw the memorial at Shibuya. My sister has an Akita, he's massive but extremely gentle. When I visit, Roman's always willing for roaming with me.
Hachiko was an Akita (one of only 30 purebred Akitas at the time) but I believe that a Shiba puppy was used at the beginning of the movie with Richard Gere. My daughter has never seen the movie so it had no influence on her choice. I don't know much about Akitas but my daughter did her RESEARCH on Shiba Inus and found that Bentley (my grand-dogger) would fit her personality and life-style. Mellow? When she wants to be. (Ever hear a Shiba Scream?) Dignified? Much like a cat. (Can have a F-U personality.) Energetic? An off-leash Shiba is the precursor to a "Lost Dog" poster. Like Loki, any animal has to be respected for the animal that it is - not what you want it to be. Excuse me, did I say RESEARCH loud enough for everybody?
sickof stupidppl My direct experience with an Akita was with Roman, but I did not live with him all the time although those character qualities I indicated applied to him. I had a distant friend in Japan that had a Shiba pup, but I did not get to see it mature. Yes, the RESEARCH is available via the www so people are fortunate for that.
That is a perfect description of Loki and a fox overall, he has gotten me to where I had to stitch myself up.. it was putting on the harness he got me with his back teeth and I had a nice gash on my hand. He did not do it out of anger he was trying to get my hand off of him, which worked by the way lol :) :)
Oh yeah I forgot he would get violent. You said he was doing a bit better with the outside however didn't you? Sorry haven't watched videos in a few weeks but have you tried harnesses that clip on? Seems easier than sliding it over his head. Still wish ya luck with not getting hurt too bad while doing this. Also Loki is the most adorable creature I've ever seen. Just saying.
Can I just ask all of you with hateful comments to knock it off!!!????!!! Loki is a rescue! If not for Noel, Loki would be a peice of clothing! Loki never was, and isn't wild. He's never lived like a normal fox. Yes, he still has his natural instincts, but this is nothing compared to any other fox you could have as a pet. And why would you want as a pet, yes they are adorable and I love them too, but they aren't domesticated. Again: LOKI IS A RESCUE! So no, he is mot suffering, no he can't be released, no it's not torture, yes he is happy. Loki is in a fine condition and loves his owner!
Just dont use carpet what is so difficult ,when u has animal u cant have also expensive furniture .sometimes even castrated dogs can mark if u dont spray the furniture or carpet
Platinumoneybags That´s not what I meant. I meant that he doesn´t respond in any way. Cats are also almost impossible to train but they react to the tuning of your voice. Just like birds.
Yeah, kinda annoys me that there is no clear leader in their house. As a predator, they always answer to the stronger ones (or die trying to become said stronger one). But here it's being treated as a vegetable instead of what it really is
Foxes are solitary not pack animals like wolves. It's always fascinating how people will give advice even when it's obvious they know damn near nothing about the subject they choose to expound on. Seems to me that Loki is a hell of a lot better off with this gentleman than as the fur coat he was bred to be.
All I saw was him either being a bad fox owner or doing dumb things for publicity. You'd think he's keep his keys/phone stashed, and not do things like put pizza on the counter edge! Using words like no and stop so many times without enforcing it also doesn't help. That latter part depends on the fox itself, some are somewhat trainable, others aren't.
Even for a dog (which I imagine are much more compliant) he's an abominable trainer. Animals learn by associating actions with consequences, and stern words aren't consequences.
Jess Vagnar shows what you know bitch, Fox's only learn from positive reinforcement NOT violent physical discipline, do some research before you advocate, "teaching a fox a lesson".
***** He can "train" his fox however he chooses, I have no problem with that. The consequences are on him. I do, however, have a problem with him presenting himself as an example of how to train an animal, because now his bad example is going to wind up screwing over other peoples' homes and pets.
Loki the Red Fox loki is so adorable!!!! fox are my favorite animals, they are so cool and sly and hilarious! of course I have chickens and I could never be able to own a fox! This looks like a handful! good luck!
My 7 year old daughter looooooves Loki! Her favorite animal since she was an infant. She has a stuffed animal she named "Foxy"💛🐺 Thanks for posing. Really brought joy and laugher to her little heart!😊👍🏽
thank you for showing us what you go through on owning a fox... fun at times but one needs to have a lot of patience huh?... it's not easy .Thank you once again 😃
Social Justice Warrior You're so sweet,all animals at one time were wildlife until humans wanted either company or protection or to hunt with. I've had several snakes over the past 30 years. I have a painted turtle now that I rescued. I grew up in the country and have had geese for pets and also two raccoons from birth, unfortunately their Momma was killed by a car. I had one for 8years the other for 11. The vet. would stop by about once a week to see my Pop he'd also give them shots and vaccinate them. They both loved everyone and they only went in a giant cage at night to protect them. I took them to school several times and let them walk around our class rooms. I forgot I also had a crow that my uncle caught in a muskrat trap. It had a broken wing, after about 9 months or so he could fly again after eating good and having his wing doctored up. Humans dominant over every other animal and mammal. I actually saw people crying in front of a slaughtering market, hundreds were protesting violently and some were trying to feed and water the animals on the trucks coming in. I guess they wanted to fatten them up for slaughtering. It's funny how some people protest anything they don't agree with.
Thanks for posting a video like this. I see far too many people on message boards and comment sections wanting a pet fox because they've been told it's like "a mix of a cat and dog" and only see videos of the animal exhibiting "cute" behavior. In fact, I've actually met a couple people on message boards who OWN/'d a fox that they bought on impulse... Never ends well, and I feel sorry for both the fox and human involved. The exotic pet community needs a lot more videos showcasing the hardships and dedication owning an animal like a fox requires... Your channel is great!
Thank you and what you said EXACTLY describes the experiences that I have seen and heard of. Everyone shows the best part of their cute fox and the miss direction of it is a cat-dog, which it is but that is only 30% of the thinking of the fox. A lot of research and time has to be put into owning one of these little mongrels.... Please share this video on what ever messagfe board needs it.. this is why I made it :)
cybryana02 But Loki is not a child... he's a fox. How can you "discipline" an animal that's wild by nature? Certain traits are a result of their animal instincts, that won't ever change. Besides I'm sure he understands that, which is why he just says "no" to Loki. I think Loki is still trained to an extent, to be able to actually live in a house.
You and Loki deserve all the new subs, I can only hope it stays as positive in the comments as it has been :) I am glad you included the clip of Loki in the towels, that has to be my fav video out of them all!
Thank you :) :) Yea.. it has been really good recently lol He loves that part of the bathroom, I had to put in the towels... thank you for watching and glad Loki can make you smile :) :)
I just found one on the road hit, I thought she was dead but then she lifted up her head, so I stopped and put my coat over her and put her in the car, it looked serious and her left eye was red and eye lid cut. My vet is helping me because where I live in the countryside there are no rescue places, so since I have some good knowledge of wild animals I am taking care of her. I thought she was going to die, but everyday she's getting better although blind in one eye. I'm so glad that I passed by that road otherwise she certainly would have died. We have allot of foxes and boar around here and I actually feed a bigger fox by a creek and I have filmed him with my trailcam.. This one I found hit on the road is probably about 6 months. 🦊I can pet her, seems very calm and eats from a spoon, I am giving her baby food for now until she heals. Love your channel 👍👍
Go Pro Rottweilers Very nice of you too save her life!!! Put her back as soon as you can so she can remain wild or your life will look like the guy in this video......
He saved Loki (name of the fox) from a fur farm that had been breeding them in captivity for an extremely long time, therefore Loki had a very slim chance of surviving in the wild. And being kept in captivity is better than slowly dying in the wild or being turned into a fur coat. Foxes actually live longer in captivity than in the wild anyway but yes, one can argue that's just how nature goes. But in this situation, I think taking Loki in was the right thing to do.
It is understandable that at first the fox would have not survived I have seen urban foxes dumped in the wild many times and starve to death but it is also possible for foxes to learn hunt from people so that they can be released again because all foxes are natural killers and dogs are just as capable of doing the same thing once they learn how to hunt they will live feral if they get lost because they know how to
ReaperGrim Loki comes from a family kept in captivity for over 9 generations (according to the uploader) so I think it's safe to say that he wouldn't have a chance. Even wild foxes have a very slim chance of survival in the wild, with a lot of them not surviving more than a year, so how long do you think Loki (an animal which is from a breed kept in captivity for 9 generations) would last?
Laughing all the way through this video, but I'm not the one dealing with poop and peep. Watching Loki with the bowl now I realize he's digging for cached food, he was sure that bowl had some.
The first few minutes I watched this video, I was also like "Oh my god, I want a fox! It's so cute!". ... I still think so BUT you really have to take MUCH responsibility and patience to raise one. Not to mention the money you have so save to make a comfortable home for a fox. Foxes are wild and playful individual animals which can be cute of course, but in the video you can see what kind of mess a fox can do which is actually bad for the animal (like chewing and try swallowing the roll of tape) In my mind, I'd love to own a fox, but in reality, I'd be very insecure to do so...
IgirisuChan when it comes to things being chewed and swallowed (and no i do not own a fox, i kinda want to but these are just ideas im pitching) you could try keeping things in cabinets or above jumping reach. as for the animal being able to get a door ir cabinet open, there are an array of childproofing devices out there that can be used for keeping door and cabinets from being easily opened. by using some of these, the risk of nonedibles becoming edibles becomes greatly reduced as the fox would have less access to nonedible items. as for things like food being stolen, well, just put the food farther back on the counter or closer to your person so the fox cant take it nearly as easily.
After watching this, I dont think you could get a poodle to mind you. You do not have any authority in your voice, or body language, not repetitive, or firm, simple commands. You know that Fox would bite the hand that feeds it in a heartbeat.
I am even more concerned about the fact that this fox doesn't have a proper space to play or maybe a garden to be outside from time to time?i feel sorry for the fox
Jessie Garner seems that nobody here understands that Animal Sanctuaries exist , places for rescued animals, where they are taken care , can have space to run and meet others from their species...This does not mean to "set him free " but i think it would have been a less selfish choice from the owner.
+Jessie Garner Actually I'm fine with domesticated foxes, but it's true they are outdoor animals. The fox needs to have an outdoor enclosure. if you don't live on a couple acre property where you could provide a fenced in area for the fox, you probably shouldn't own a fox.
true, animals dont understand english. They use tones to differentiate what your saying. if you say good and bad in the same tone it will consider it the same thing and do what it wants.
Not only tones, but also body language and physical touching. This guy doesn't seem aggressive enough to keep the fox in check, and a fox needs a lot of discipline.
Loki should probably live outside in a fenced enclosure so he doesn't eat anything dangerous around the house, and I think he can be clicker trained! would probably help you out a lot
I have a male and female Grey Fox living by my home and they visit most every day. For 5 years I have enjoyed studying and photographing them and their babies. One year they had 8 cubs! What a joy to experience. Yes, they will ''mark'' (pee) all over, marking their territory. These are always walking off with a pair of flip-flops that I keep at the front door, plus they leave a squirt on them to let me know who took them:) Foxes love the outdoors. As much as I enjoy them and wish I had one as a pet, I know that they need the outdoors (Just like elephants and other animals at the circus and zoos) I'm sure you are very good to your fox, but I cannot imagine keeping one in a home, especially as small as yours and with no 4 legged companion. Depressed after watching this video. At your link you state, ''Adult Foxes are solitary animals, and live alone except during mating season.'' NOT always true. Having studied them, rather then reading from links...Foxes are usually monogamous. They are solitary when they hunt. The pair that lives by me have been together ever since I gained their trust 5 years ago. They use the same den every year. When the pups/kits get around 6 months old, they head out to start their own family. Rarely have I seen cubs from one year come back to visit the parents, but I have seen it. One time as I watched, I noticed the fox wag its tail like a dog, as it greeted the parents and its new cubs. It was the only time I have seen one wag its tail. Does Loki get to go outside much? Have you ever tried taking it for a walk in the woods, using a harness? Humans and pets love nature. I also live in Florida and there should be some woods near your city. Can Loki eat mice, crickets or other ''live things'' that wild Red Foxes enjoy or is Loki's diet messed up from generations of captivity? I was thinking that it might enjoy the chase. As I type this, there are 5 of them laying in my to come and go as they please.
From one fox owner to another, you need to stop following him around yelling. He seems stressed and bored. More toys, outdoor enclosure and in general more enrichment. You're sending him a lot of mixed signals.
i agree as well, he needs at least durable designated toys that are okay for him to use in place of the bowl/plunger/cell phone and maybe a blanket of his own instead of the couch cover.
Dannii Danger out of interest is this a true representation of what it's like to own a fox then? are they constantly this naughty, peeing everywhere? this fox seems well loved but unhappy by his body language
I am not a fox owner, so certainly not claiming to have any more knowledge than someone who has experience with foxes. I did just want to point out that the description box says this is a compilation of Loki 'misbehaving' over the last year and a half. So perhaps not a representation of his life all the time, he specifically chose these clips to show the parts that aren't as fun for people who want a fox and don't understand how they are different than a cat or a dog.
For those saying that Loki is miserable and he should be released in the wild really don't know what they are talking about. this guy had Loki for 6 years so he knows what He's doing, it's like telling a construction worker who had 20 years experience that he has no idea what he's doing because you read a life hack on how to fix a hole in your wall.
In general he seems well adapted to "domestic(ish)" life. Most wild animals do not recondition well to a life of inhibition and confinement... Much better for a wild critter to live happily in a small home than for them to be in a zoo without any bond with their gawkers.
Most of the comments are just hatin in this guy for having a fox lmao but all I did was read the description and said “oh”. I was about to hate on it too, but was like naaaaa. The fox is pretty lit.
lol dude you think you own a fox sorry but a fox owns you. It is quite clear he is the dominant in that house. He shat on your video game cause he can and you cant do anything about it. lol
I Swear I'm Not a Troll , I don't know what it is that's so appealing about "owning" or "taming" clearly wild animals, though I suspect ego/vanity rests at the bottom of situations like this. "I regularly dominate this wild animal. I am awesome." I could be incorrect, but I don't think I am. I'm STILL laughing at the initial comment. I actually heard the statement in my head, which made it even more hilarious. Lavender Jack...Swooping On Down.
Broadie Thornton because not everyone wants a dog or a cat, some like snakes, spiders, frogs... foxes, a monkey. People like different pets its a matter of their opinion. Now the people who own tigers and lions thats a different story they just like showing off how rich they are unless its a domesticated animal then its okay but they should have atleast a acre of land to be okay in my book
I look at it like they're animals and the reality is their lives would be shittier in the wild 9 times out of 10. Domesticating the first cats and dogs probably wasn't too pretty either but we all turn a blind eye to that because "out of sight, out of mind".
I hate when people say this. Animals has an innate nature to survive in their natural habitat! It's how they were built. Even if he's never been in the wild before, he has the INSTINCT to adjust and adapt to being in the wild because that's what they were built and made to do! People use any excuse outside of terminal illness to have an animal captive. He belongs in the wild!
This comment indicates that you do not know anything about animal behavior. Read Jen's comment. Have you never wondered why animals need mothers in the first place? It is not just because they are too little to hunt, as many animals are not carnivorous, yet they still undergo a rearing process. This is partly because many animals have to be taught to find food/hunt. Instinct does not tell them what is poisonous for instance. I think you are misunderstanding the concept of instinct, and how it works in various animals. And then there is the fact that instinct does not always have the upper hand. Look at humans, where our social constructs, our reasoning ability, etc., overpower our instincts every day. The entire concept of something like marriage is completely contrary to instinct. But I'm getting off the point. Have you not considered the fact that re-introduction programs take time, and that animals who were raised in captivity are rarely just released into the wild to fend for themselves? Given the prevalence of programming on channels like Discovery, Natgeo, etc., this is probably common knowledge, or at least should be for someone who thinks they know enough to berate others about this particular topic. My point is that the fact that these are structured programs, as opposed to an affair that you knock out in an hour by backing up a cage up to the local woods, as there are many things that must usually come before that. Given your assessment, all of the countless years of experience in the field, as well as academically, learning about things like biology, ecology, zoology, amongst the thousands of individuals in these fields, must be incorrect, and it must be a load off their minds to learn that none of that is necessary. Just throw the animals in the wild. Instinct will take care of them. /sarcasm. And look, it is nothing personal against you. The reason that I get annoyed at opinions like yours is because there are people who will assume you know what you are talking about, and will act on your advice; advice which is just generally wrong. So people need to stop and think about how they might be hurting animals by giving false information, because there are people who will act on it.
I like the fox, but don't like the captor! The habitat that this captor is providing for the fox is a nightmare! The inadequate nutrition and improper enrichment that is being endured by this fox is saddening :(
Fox is a wild creature by nature, everything that you see in this video is a natural behavior for this kind of animal. Calling it "brain damage" is simply stupid, this material only shows how much intelligent they actually are. You clearly know nothing, so stop writing nonsense.
Instead of assuming I was calling the animal itself brain damaged, how about you take it as me making the best analogy I could at the moment. Y'know, instead of the name calling you try not to be offended? Heck, you haven't even met me, it's weird how you somehow know that I "clearly know nothing"
All these self righteous comments about this fox and how "he looks sad" and needs to be in a reserve 😒. He's a rescue fox 🦊. None of you know what that means. Shut up and get over yourselves. He doesn't look sad, he looks like a house pet (that whines when he's told no... 😂 Like most pets) Let him live.
L Hasty Yeah so the solution is to stop the demand for pelts, LOL. Not to adopt a fox and attempt keeping it as a pet. Seems like a nightmare honestly. Even though he is CUTE AS ALL HELL! 💋
There is a big difference between a tame wild animal like this fox and domestic animals that evolved through selection of hundreds of generations. Search web.
My goodness. There are droppings and urine all over that apartment. I wonder what kind of veterinarian precautions you need to have in place to own an animal like this. Loki: Pizza? Hmmmm, Loki’s pizza. Yummy
"I do not recommend a fox as a pet" -every fox owner ever. Me:perfect
He just do not recommend in case cause foxes are a mess and u hv to be rlly 1000% responsible they may look normal in the vid but irl its a pain
Is dangerous
@@Lobbita 55555d
It’s like having a toddler that can bite your face off
2 years later randomly got a notification someone commented on this. I don’t remember doing this lmao
Will Bennet Adorable
My toddler tries to bite my face off all of the time :)
MoonDancer thats more slick and weird and curious
MoonDancer you have a wired toddler
So basically it just roams around looking for the next thing to destroy
Cuz it's not trained or domesticate like he makes it out to seem
Delmo Boneta it’s untrained but it is domesticated it’s part of a study of domesticated Foxes from Russia
My life
I guess its just like living with a fluffy sharp toothed child who will dig holes into your couch while hiding your most prized possessions.
I love how he "laughs" at you when he steals your stuff. He knows exactly what he's doing...
"Sorry I'm late, my fox stole my car keys."
best excuse ever!
sorry im late. he proceeded to bite them in half and eat them... now i just aim his mouth at the keyhole and push. works like a charm xD
Boss: “and my ex-wife stole my house but I’m still here”
UnderTheMoonlight lololol
That thing is like a dog with the mind of a cat
and they don't have any control over it, it's like it runs the house.
You are so right.
393Dan ya! Exactly. Well said.
***** I don't understand, Loki is fox, not dog.
***** Does it go Meow instead of Woof Woof?
"Loki, NO!"
*Maniacal smile* whatcha gonna do about it hoommmaannn ?
Fox is a:
25% dog
25% cat
25% little child
25% cute
Only 25% cute?? Something doesn't quite add up xD
100% cute
@@tekuzi1568 better
@Ashlynn H isn't child = brat?
10% dog
10% cat
20% child dying
60% cute*
Everyone says foxes sounds like dolphins, but imo it sounds more like a baby/child crying/dying (no I haven't killed a child)
You should have called Dora, she knows what to do.
RoCoMu MuRoCo lol
RoCoMu MuRoCo bruh
RoCoMu MuRoCo She only knows after asking you 20 times if you know where it is
his name is probably swiper
I love foxes, but I wouldn't have one, I don't have the patience for that.
And I think he's doing a good job at showing those sides of having a fox to people who just want an exotic pet...
Dogs are the same
@@Noname-ni8qm not at all
@@Noname-ni8qm Depends.
It's like a medium sized dog that acts like a vindictive hyperactive cat.
"You can play with the bowl , just DON'T EAT IT."
-Every fox owner , ever.
I love how foxes can make noises that sound like laughter especially when Loki had the car keys
lmao does anyone else think loki sounds like scrat, the little prehistoric squirrel from ice age?? XD
Yes!! He sounds just like him!
Precious Felton"who did that"! "who did that"
Not only sounds like, looks like as well;
Precious Felton Im like number 420 *BLAZE IT DUDES*
I know he must be a pain in the ass but dammit I can't help it!! He's so cute!
It looks like a dog/cat mix
It acts like a cat/dog mix
It sounds like a baby dolphin
The cuteness though.
As much as I love foxes as an animal, I would never be able to handle to do what you guys do with Loki.
:) :)
Can you do a video on fennec foxes please?
this made me laugh so hard
In most states it is illegal to own fennec foxes. Some states only require a permit that costs around $25 per year.
not where I live
how loki responds to no:
•giving you the death stare
*shits on your sofa and proceeds to laugh*
Worth it
I am very glad you are responsible enough to care for Loki. Most people can't do that, and you make him very happy and loved. :) He does make things interesting.
Thank you... and yes my life is 80% more interesting with him in my life :)
THANK YOU for educating the public. Loki is cute but as you explain, he is constantly on the go, gets into everything, will damage doors, walls, refrigerators (with pizza) and anything else. Almost limitless curiosity & energy that only stops for occasional, short naps. Loki is very fortunate & in good hands. Again, thank you for showing that having a fox is a constant commitment, one that probably never allows for TV breaks & is not for everyone.
Loki is like a defiant teenager
Or a teething toddler
That's one big fox to be a toddler
same thing
Or a wild fox?
he definately needs a ton of toys to play with
too much nooooo!! toys toys he needs
*what does the fox say?*
Loki: EH EH EH EH!!!
The Fox is like “MAN I CANT DO NOTHIN” lol
I know right thats what im saying jeez let him be a fox lol
Gorgeous animal. Naughty, but so cute.
Thank you for making this video. As cute as Loki is, the responsibility needed is huge and we only saw a small part of it.
After working with toddlers for years I knew what was gonna happen with that pizza when you opened the fridge😉
Going to get me a slice jumps and grabs pizza
Foxes are far more better than children
Title should be: Red fox outsmarting his owner.
Swiper no swiping
Colton Whittier AW MAN
Reggie Hayes BEAT ME TO IT
swiper no swipy swiper no swipy! AWWW MAAAAAAAN
Really sad to see a fox instide all the time. If the owner loves it as he says, he should have rented a space with a garden to let it enjoy nature. It is an unfortunate wild animal deprived of its habitat. Very depressing...
We live in florida, it is 96+ degrees F. 11 months out of the year
Well, Loki as a Fox can deside if he likes it ouside himself. I think he should get an opion. Even one hour early in the morning or late at night when temperatures are lower outside can do wonders - Loki can smell all the beautifull odeurs of plants and flowers, enjoy looking and birds and digging the ground. According to statistic from Ocotber to April temperatures are comfortable in Florida: 75F° -66F°-...72F°. I hope that he will enlarge his universe soon, coming in direct contact with nature:) Good luck to Loki!
and here we have another person defending the rights of animals even though she dosen't understand the animals at all
Searay Agustin thats a part of what I was saying. see she did have a point about foxes needong a space to run around but her argument was sloppy and she diden't acualy know where they lived not to mention the demestication program that started 80 YEARS AGO!!! but thats not even the main problem the broblem is when she was told where they live and why the fox can't go out side she neglantly insisted the fox could go outside
Well, according to the US official statistics it is not like in an oven in Florida all year round. There are periods of lesser heat, comparable to summer time in the Northern States, where foxes habitat is. So it is a matter of accepting the fact, that inhaling smells of fresh wind is more attractive to fox that odours of soap and other cleaning detergents inside the tidy place. I feel sorry for the fox, because even prisoners have a chance for a walk in fresh air. But this poor chap is doomed to sit inside his entire existence, deprived of joy meeting nature he belongs to.
I love your fox, he is the cutest thing in the world and him trying to bury himself in the couch was adorable I'm glad that you can have a fox and enjoy his company
"I just fixed that!"
*Fox slowly smiles*
Thank you. Raising a fox is not like adopting a NORMAL dog or cat. OR, a child - no matter how adorable.. Like a child, (or pet), this is a lifelong commitment. If you do not have the temperament, the patience, the dedication to adopt a child with ADHD, Down's Syndrome, Asperger's Syndrome, etc., you do not have the fortitude to raise a wild animal. Captive-bred Loki is living the best life possible for a "domesticated" fox and we all enjoy watching him. But, his Daddy's life and household revolve around Loki who does give back to his Daddy all the love he can - being a wild animal. But, this ain't cheap. In time or money. So............ for those of you who can't do what Loki's Daddy is doing but still say "I want a fox," think about what you can REALLY do for the animals, either wild or domesticated, who need you - donation of time or money. Sorry. Rant over. I've just seen too much "I want" over "they need" and I go off the deep end. I'll shut up now...............
Pls, your advice is worthwhile & I'm sure you had more information to provide. There is much worry among the responsibility. I've indicated this wisdom & warnings could apply to many dog breeds that people consider but then become overwhelmed or disappointed & tragically abandon.
Don Sexton: YES!!! For example, my daughter is owned by a Shiba Inu. Cutest dog in the world & I love her to death but, if you think that you are getting a dog with a temperament of a lab or a poodle, forget about it. IF you do your research, you will be informed that Shiba Inus aren't a good fit for novice dog owners but so many people think "hey, I've had dogs before" and go for the "cute factor." Hence, the Shiba Inu rescue sites with babies in need before they reach the age of two. What Loki's Daddy is doing is fantastic - rescue from a pet store who (for profit) rescued from a "fur trader" but it is the "I want" factor that concerns me. Just because "you want" and that you can afford, doesn't mean that "you should."
sickof stupidppl Shiba Inu is among my favorite breeds along with Akita. Aren't they mellow, dignified, & as energetic as you want but adaptable? Was "Hachiko" any influence on your choice? I can't remember if he was a Shiba or Akita, even though I actually saw the memorial at Shibuya. My sister has an Akita, he's massive but extremely gentle. When I visit, Roman's always willing for roaming with me.
Hachiko was an Akita (one of only 30 purebred Akitas at the time) but I believe that a Shiba puppy was used at the beginning of the movie with Richard Gere. My daughter has never seen the movie so it had no influence on her choice. I don't know much about Akitas but my daughter did her RESEARCH on Shiba Inus and found that Bentley (my grand-dogger) would fit her personality and life-style. Mellow? When she wants to be. (Ever hear a Shiba Scream?) Dignified? Much like a cat. (Can have a F-U personality.) Energetic? An off-leash Shiba is the precursor to a "Lost Dog" poster. Like Loki, any animal has to be respected for the animal that it is - not what you want it to be. Excuse me, did I say RESEARCH loud enough for everybody?
sickof stupidppl My direct experience with an Akita was with Roman, but I did not live with him all the time although those character qualities I indicated applied to him. I had a distant friend in Japan that had a Shiba pup, but I did not get to see it mature. Yes, the RESEARCH is available via the www so people are fortunate for that.
So it's like having a hyperactive toddler that can dig holes, and jump really high and are hard to find, got it.
And he can bite hard.
Foxes can but Loki is trained. He doesn't hurt his owner
Noel mentioned having to get stitches before. Loki is careful when he wants to be, but when he's upset...
That is a perfect description of Loki and a fox overall, he has gotten me to where I had to stitch myself up.. it was putting on the harness he got me with his back teeth and I had a nice gash on my hand. He did not do it out of anger he was trying to get my hand off of him, which worked by the way lol :) :)
Oh yeah I forgot he would get violent. You said he was doing a bit better with the outside however didn't you? Sorry haven't watched videos in a few weeks but have you tried harnesses that clip on? Seems easier than sliding it over his head. Still wish ya luck with not getting hurt too bad while doing this.
Also Loki is the most adorable creature I've ever seen.
Just saying.
i love foxes but how could you do anything ever. like your life will revolve around that little dog cat
sounds just like having a human child🙄
@@johnhines4081 ya know what that's a fair assessment
I wanted a fox as a pet, but I'm good on that now lol.
I could think of worse fates.
Seems more like an outdoor pet to me, You'd have to fox-proof your yard though.
Absolutely facinating. Really, this is amazing. Keep up your good work, and huge kudos to you for your patience and understanding with Loki!
Loki: Happy Father's Day!
Loki: You like it? It's your plunger!
"Dad": Thanks?
"Dad": What are you doing?
Loki: Beating your high score!
"Dad": Loki.. Its five o' clock in the morning..
"Dad": LOKI YOUR ONLY 2!!!!
"Dad": NO!
Oni Slayer sorry😥...........
+Foxlover 360 well now I know you're like 12 lul, especially with a name like that smmfh
*you know I can still see you right*?
*Mmmm no you cant cause I can't see you*
So cute x
A fox + carpet would probably be an impossible combination..
No you do not get the bowl!! Next scene: has the bowl.
Can I just ask all of you with hateful comments to knock it off!!!????!!! Loki is a rescue! If not for Noel, Loki would be a peice of clothing! Loki never was, and isn't wild. He's never lived like a normal fox. Yes, he still has his natural instincts, but this is nothing compared to any other fox you could have as a pet. And why would you want as a pet, yes they are adorable and I love them too, but they aren't domesticated. Again: LOKI IS A RESCUE! So no, he is mot suffering, no he can't be released, no it's not torture, yes he is happy. Loki is in a fine condition and loves his owner!
LOL I've watched 4 minutes and I have a feeling the rest of this video is 9 more minutes of "no no no, Loki! Don't. Eat. That." Haha.
8 minutes in and so far you're not wrong
This is a misbehaving clip video for the last year and a half so you are going to hear the word "no" a lot in this episode
Foxes live underground so they will dig up your carpet. If you want a fox build them a burrow in your garden.
Just dont use carpet what is so difficult ,when u has animal u cant have also expensive furniture .sometimes even castrated dogs can mark if u dont spray the furniture or carpet
As someone who once wanted a fox, thanks for making this
I feel like Loki doesn't give a damn what you say. Seems like he doesn't respond in any way :D
Platinumoneybags That´s not what I meant. I meant that he doesn´t respond in any way. Cats are also almost impossible to train but they react to the tuning of your voice. Just like birds.
Yeah, kinda annoys me that there is no clear leader in their house. As a predator, they always answer to the stronger ones (or die trying to become said stronger one). But here it's being treated as a vegetable instead of what it really is
Foxes are solitary not pack animals like wolves. It's always fascinating how people will give advice even when it's obvious they know damn near nothing about the subject they choose to expound on. Seems to me that Loki is a hell of a lot better off with this gentleman than as the fur coat he was bred to be.
David Turner Does anyone know how to build that thing where it had like 7 kennels together
I mean domesticated foxes are specifically bred for this, not as pelts. Now, there ARE foxes who are bred for pelts, not saying there isn't.
Seems basically like a cat and a dog put together
Does he have toys and stuff?
vincent trigg really?
cats and dog will play and cuddle with you. Dogs and cats learn right from wrong.
vincent trigg you guessed perfectly they are kind of the cat dog mix, same pool as hyenas and badgers
Sure he has toys, the apartment
Smart fox🦊wanting a full Christmas bowl of clean water even washed giving specific cues to a human
Congrats on 25k man!! I've been subbed since you had around 4-5k you've came a long way! 💪🏾
Thank you, we have grown really quick :) Thank you for the support!! :)
No way putter I love your vids man
All I saw was him either being a bad fox owner or doing dumb things for publicity. You'd think he's keep his keys/phone stashed, and not do things like put pizza on the counter edge! Using words like no and stop so many times without enforcing it also doesn't help. That latter part depends on the fox itself, some are somewhat trainable, others aren't.
Even for a dog (which I imagine are much more compliant) he's an abominable trainer. Animals learn by associating actions with consequences, and stern words aren't consequences.
lol God forbid someone raises a pet in the way they enjoy and not how you demand it must be..
***** Amen, that's what I said about Dahmers dog, but no one listened.
Jess Vagnar shows what you know bitch, Fox's only learn from positive reinforcement NOT violent physical discipline, do some research before you advocate, "teaching a fox a lesson".
***** He can "train" his fox however he chooses, I have no problem with that. The consequences are on him.
I do, however, have a problem with him presenting himself as an example of how to train an animal, because now his bad example is going to wind up screwing over other peoples' homes and pets.
Beautiful fox ! But this looks like a realy hard piece of life together. You must be heavenly patient people.
SchattendragonflyPL you have to have so much patience!!!
Loki the Red Fox did it ever bite you
Loki the Red Fox loki is so adorable!!!! fox are my favorite animals, they are so cool and sly and hilarious! of course I have chickens and I could never be able to own a fox! This looks like a handful! good luck!
yeah, chasing around the fox that wants to be left alone and harassing it
My 7 year old daughter looooooves Loki! Her favorite animal since she was an infant. She has a stuffed animal she named "Foxy"💛🐺 Thanks for posing. Really brought joy and laugher to her little heart!😊👍🏽
thank you for showing us what you go through on owning a fox... fun at times but one needs to have a lot of patience huh?... it's not easy .Thank you once again 😃
I need to let everyone know what it is really like, it is not all fun and giggles :) :)
yeah true... and am glad you did let us know... and I don't think I would be able to handle a fox, as cute as he is ..... it's hard work! 😊
I'm so happy he has you, if he is from a fur farm he would never have survived in the wild. People should read your FAQ before commenting.
thanks for that comment
Sovereignless Soul junk rat main
Social Justice Warrior
Social Justice Warrior You're so sweet,all animals at one time were wildlife until humans wanted either company or protection or to hunt with. I've had several snakes over the past 30 years. I have a painted turtle now that I rescued. I grew up in the country and have had geese for pets and also two raccoons from birth, unfortunately their Momma was killed by a car. I had one for 8years the other for 11. The vet. would stop by about once a week to see my Pop he'd also give them shots and vaccinate them. They both loved everyone and they only went in a giant cage at night to protect them. I took them to school several times and let them walk around our class rooms. I forgot I also had a crow that my uncle caught in a muskrat trap. It had a broken wing, after about 9 months or so he could fly again after eating good and having his wing doctored up. Humans dominant over every other animal and mammal. I actually saw people crying in front of a slaughtering market, hundreds were protesting violently and some were trying to feed and water the animals on the trucks coming in. I guess they wanted to fatten them up for slaughtering. It's funny how some people protest anything they don't agree with.
Sovereignless Soul
But.. that takes effort and some level of reading comprehension skill!! 😭
Thanks for posting a video like this. I see far too many people on message boards and comment sections wanting a pet fox because they've been told it's like "a mix of a cat and dog" and only see videos of the animal exhibiting "cute" behavior. In fact, I've actually met a couple people on message boards who OWN/'d a fox that they bought on impulse... Never ends well, and I feel sorry for both the fox and human involved.
The exotic pet community needs a lot more videos showcasing the hardships and dedication owning an animal like a fox requires... Your channel is great!
Thank you and what you said EXACTLY describes the experiences that I have seen and heard of. Everyone shows the best part of their cute fox and the miss direction of it is a cat-dog, which it is but that is only 30% of the thinking of the fox. A lot of research and time has to be put into owning one of these little mongrels.... Please share this video on what ever messagfe board needs it.. this is why I made it :)
They should definitely get a 🦊 or a 🐈.
Loki scrambling away with the plunger sent me. I'm laughing
Me: *Sees this video in recommendations*
Title: "So you want to own a fox"
Me: I guess I do now
*Shits on arcade*
Nahh nevermind.
3:26 His face be like "I win, stupid human!"
Loki is such a beautiful foxy, but I think I'll stick to watching foxes on YT, thanks. really, thanks for all the daily doses of Loki. ;) :D
Thank you :) :) Yea... let me handle all of the chaos lol :) :)
He went to the bathroom on your couch than laughed at you
The ultimate power move
that should answer their question
I feel like Loki only annoys him cuz he thinks it's funny evertime he says "no".
WatchTheBestStuff Hd I feel like he's annoying loki lol
It's like a two year old with a parent that just says no but let's him do whatever anyways...who's the parent? Lol
+flamingpie herman that is what I thought. A father with a kid with no discipline, he just say "no" but, don't teach or discipline the fox.
solosage I literally said the same thing
cybryana02 But Loki is not a child... he's a fox. How can you "discipline" an animal that's wild by nature?
Certain traits are a result of their animal instincts, that won't ever change. Besides I'm sure he understands that, which is why he just says "no" to Loki. I think Loki is still trained to an extent, to be able to actually live in a house.
"Swiper no swiping!"
Yea it looks like a full time job owning one
unless you have an area outside for them
But it looks fun af
You and Loki deserve all the new subs, I can only hope it stays as positive in the comments as it has been :) I am glad you included the clip of Loki in the towels, that has to be my fav video out of them all!
Thank you :) :) Yea.. it has been really good recently lol He loves that part of the bathroom, I had to put in the towels... thank you for watching and glad Loki can make you smile :) :)
Just changed my mind about owning a fox lol. A lovely headache.
Like having a combo of a cat and dog in one. I can see why Native Americans used foxes as pranksters in stories.
I just found one on the road hit, I thought she was dead but then she lifted up her head, so I stopped and put my coat over her and put her in the car, it looked serious and her left eye was red and eye lid cut. My vet is helping me because where I live in the countryside there are no rescue places, so since I have some good knowledge of wild animals I am taking care of her. I thought she was going to die, but everyday she's getting better although blind in one eye. I'm so glad that I passed by that road otherwise she certainly would have died. We have allot of foxes and boar around here and I actually feed a bigger fox by a creek and I have filmed him with my trailcam.. This one I found hit on the road is probably about 6 months. 🦊I can pet
her, seems very calm and eats from a spoon, I am giving her baby food for now until she heals. Love your channel 👍👍
Go Pro Rottweilers Very nice of you too save her life!!! Put her back as soon as you can so she can remain wild or your life will look like the guy in this video......
@@kathytegler6913 I already let her free in the forest by my home, I miss her so very much, but she was ready to be freed❤️🦊
That is just amazing! :) 🦊
Living with that dude constantly saying "no" would be more annoying than dealing with the fox...
NO doubt! ;) Grrrrr.
So agree! Lol
Totally, it's painful to watch, tuning out now. ..
True. Like the fox doesn't understand. He might hear the anger, but the fox's instincts are to dig and bite and chew. Leave him with the wild foxes
Shut up J Williams.
All this video really showed was how the fox hadn't taken to living in a small house, it isn't trained and foxes should just remain in the wild
ReaperGrim do you know anything about the history of this fox?
nope is there something particularly game changing I should know
He saved Loki (name of the fox) from a fur farm that had been breeding them in captivity for an extremely long time, therefore Loki had a very slim chance of surviving in the wild. And being kept in captivity is better than slowly dying in the wild or being turned into a fur coat.
Foxes actually live longer in captivity than in the wild anyway but yes, one can argue that's just how nature goes. But in this situation, I think taking Loki in was the right thing to do.
It is understandable that at first the fox would have not survived I have seen urban foxes dumped in the wild many times and starve to death but it is also possible for foxes to learn hunt from people so that they can be released again because all foxes are natural killers and dogs are just as capable of doing the same thing once they learn how to hunt they will live feral if they get lost because they know how to
Loki comes from a family kept in captivity for over 9 generations (according to the uploader) so I think it's safe to say that he wouldn't have a chance.
Even wild foxes have a very slim chance of survival in the wild, with a lot of them not surviving more than a year, so how long do you think Loki (an animal which is from a breed kept in captivity for 9 generations) would last?
Laughing all the way through this video, but I'm not the one dealing with poop and peep. Watching Loki with the bowl now I realize he's digging for cached food, he was sure that bowl had some.
He is really fun to watch :) :) There is food in here somewhere lol :) :)
You really risk your fingers every day Lmaoooo
The first few minutes I watched this video, I was also like "Oh my god, I want a fox! It's so cute!". ... I still think so BUT you really have to take MUCH responsibility and patience to raise one. Not to mention the money you have so save to make a comfortable home for a fox.
Foxes are wild and playful individual animals which can be cute of course, but in the video you can see what kind of mess a fox can do which is actually bad for the animal (like chewing and try swallowing the roll of tape)
In my mind, I'd love to own a fox, but in reality, I'd be very insecure to do so...
IgirisuChan If you want a fox, buy a domesticated fox. This is a wild fox
IgirisuChan just treat Abby fox like an actual dog, become the dominant individual
IgirisuChan when it comes to things being chewed and swallowed (and no i do not own a fox, i kinda want to but these are just ideas im pitching) you could try keeping things in cabinets or above jumping reach. as for the animal being able to get a door ir cabinet open, there are an array of childproofing devices out there that can be used for keeping door and cabinets from being easily opened. by using some of these, the risk of nonedibles becoming edibles becomes greatly reduced as the fox would have less access to nonedible items. as for things like food being stolen, well, just put the food farther back on the counter or closer to your person so the fox cant take it nearly as easily.
After watching this, I dont think you could get a poodle to mind you. You do not have any authority in your voice, or body language, not repetitive, or firm, simple commands. You know that Fox would bite the hand that feeds it in a heartbeat.
Frances Fox you are so right
I am even more concerned about the fact that this fox doesn't have a proper space to play or maybe a garden to be outside from time to time?i feel sorry for the fox
Valentina Moro They saved this fox because it could not be set free. Would you rather it have died and have no need for space at all?
Jessie Garner seems that nobody here understands that Animal Sanctuaries exist , places for rescued animals, where they are taken care , can have space to run and meet others from their species...This does not mean to "set him free " but i think it would have been a less selfish choice from the owner.
+Jessie Garner Actually I'm fine with domesticated foxes, but it's true they are outdoor animals. The fox needs to have an outdoor enclosure. if you don't live on a couple acre property where you could provide a fenced in area for the fox, you probably shouldn't own a fox.
The reason Loki acts this way is because your tone too discipline is the same tone for rewarding? He has ZERO boundaries......
whitefang1905 ikr he's a dweeb that was lucky to get a wild animal as a pet
true, animals dont understand english. They use tones to differentiate what your saying. if you say good and bad in the same tone it will consider it the same thing and do what it wants.
Not only tones, but also body language and physical touching. This guy doesn't seem aggressive enough to keep the fox in check, and a fox needs a lot of discipline.
Babs Boogie It’s domesticated.
Loki should probably live outside in a fenced enclosure so he doesn't eat anything dangerous around the house, and I think he can be clicker trained! would probably help you out a lot
Loki is the Viking God of mischief, awsome name dude
And he's totally living up to his name lol
He's not necessary the "viking" god. He's the norse god of mischief.
Astrid The Amazing Loki is Thor's annoying ass brother.
I have a male and female Grey Fox living by my home and they visit most every day. For 5 years I have enjoyed studying and photographing them and their babies. One year they had 8 cubs! What a joy to experience. Yes, they will ''mark'' (pee) all over, marking their territory. These are always walking off with a pair of flip-flops that I keep at the front door, plus they leave a squirt on them to let me know who took them:) Foxes love the outdoors. As much as I enjoy them and wish I had one as a pet, I know that they need the outdoors (Just like elephants and other animals at the circus and zoos) I'm sure you are very good to your fox, but I cannot imagine keeping one in a home, especially as small as yours and with no 4 legged companion. Depressed after watching this video. At your link you state, ''Adult Foxes are solitary animals, and live alone except during mating season.'' NOT always true. Having studied them, rather then reading from links...Foxes are usually monogamous. They are solitary when they hunt. The pair that lives by me have been together ever since I gained their trust 5 years ago. They use the same den every year. When the pups/kits get around 6 months old, they head out to start their own family. Rarely have I seen cubs from one year come back to visit the parents, but I have seen it. One time as I watched, I noticed the fox wag its tail like a dog, as it greeted the parents and its new cubs. It was the only time I have seen one wag its tail. Does Loki get to go outside much? Have you ever tried taking it for a walk in the woods, using a harness? Humans and pets love nature. I also live in Florida and there should be some woods near your city. Can Loki eat mice, crickets or other ''live things'' that wild Red Foxes enjoy or is Loki's diet messed up from generations of captivity? I was thinking that it might enjoy the chase.
As I type this, there are 5 of them laying in my to come and go as they please.
wayne lynch are u related to drew lynch and bro DDDDDAAAAAMMMMMBBBB thats a big paragraph
as i pressed read more, i braced my mind for impact.
Damn bruh. You trying to practice making harry potter books ain’t it?
wayne lynch If wildlife love the great outdoors so much, then why do fuckface spiders keep coming in my house? Huh? Why?
John McMahon ikr
From one fox owner to another, you need to stop following him around yelling. He seems stressed and bored. More toys, outdoor enclosure and in general more enrichment. You're sending him a lot of mixed signals.
Dannii Danger. Agreed
i agree as well, he needs at least durable designated toys that are okay for him to use in place of the bowl/plunger/cell phone and maybe a blanket of his own instead of the couch cover.
Dannii Danger out of interest is this a true representation of what it's like to own a fox then? are they constantly this naughty, peeing everywhere?
this fox seems well loved but unhappy by his body language
I am not a fox owner, so certainly not claiming to have any more knowledge than someone who has experience with foxes. I did just want to point out that the description box says this is a compilation of Loki 'misbehaving' over the last year and a half. So perhaps not a representation of his life all the time, he specifically chose these clips to show the parts that aren't as fun for people who want a fox and don't understand how they are different than a cat or a dog.
I would recommend an outdoor enclosure a big one digging proof and climb proof. If you wanna have a fox, you need money.
Brilliant, insatiable curiosity and hilarious! You must have the patience of a saint! LMAO
For those saying that Loki is miserable and he should be released in the wild really don't know what they are talking about. this guy had Loki for 6 years so he knows what He's doing, it's like telling a construction worker who had 20 years experience that he has no idea what he's doing because you read a life hack on how to fix a hole in your wall.
In general he seems well adapted to "domestic(ish)" life.
Most wild animals do not recondition well to a life of inhibition and confinement...
Much better for a wild critter to live happily in a small home than for them to be in a zoo without any bond with their gawkers.
That's true. What he should do is put the thing down for good
soooo the moral of episode 1 is that foxes do what they want I'm guessing?
yes lol... but this is only showing a lot of bad sadly... a fox has its ups/downs
thats a weird cat homie
but it tastes like candy 🦊
Most of the comments are just hatin in this guy for having a fox lmao but all I did was read the description and said “oh”. I was about to hate on it too, but was like naaaaa. The fox is pretty lit.
*fixes couch* ahhh all better *loki walks in* *destroyes the couch* Loki the savage
Kong da savage fox should be named shiva the destroyer
He just wants to be outside and being inside all day is driving him insane...
David Razberry I'm sure he takes him out
Marissa Leos I hope so, but he still seems dissatisfied.
they act like this outside aswell , foxes are just naturally ADD
What else did he tell you?
David Razberry he actually hates going outside
Fox soup anyone..... that’s all I’d be thinking after the arcade episode! Man you have a special gift dealing with all that noise!
lol dude you think you own a fox sorry but a fox owns you. It is quite clear he is the dominant in that house. He shat on your video game cause he can and you cant do anything about it. lol
js preston I feel like a prick for it, but your comment caused me to burst into laughter.
Lavender Jack...Swooping On Down.
ikr I woulda kicked his little ass for pulling a stunt like that.
I Swear I'm Not a Troll , I don't know what it is that's so appealing about "owning" or "taming" clearly wild animals, though I suspect ego/vanity rests at the bottom of situations like this.
"I regularly dominate this wild animal. I am awesome."
I could be incorrect, but I don't think I am.
I'm STILL laughing at the initial comment. I actually heard the statement in my head, which made it even more hilarious.
Lavender Jack...Swooping On Down.
Broadie Thornton because not everyone wants a dog or a cat, some like snakes, spiders, frogs... foxes, a monkey. People like different pets its a matter of their opinion. Now the people who own tigers and lions thats a different story they just like showing off how rich they are unless its a domesticated animal then its okay but they should have atleast a acre of land to be okay in my book
I look at it like they're animals and the reality is their lives would be shittier in the wild 9 times out of 10. Domesticating the first cats and dogs probably wasn't too pretty either but we all turn a blind eye to that because "out of sight, out of mind".
don't think an apartment is the best place for a fox. foxes needs way more space than that.....but that is a beautiful animal, amazing
It's like having a very, very mobile toddler.
With teeth.
1:30 Loki sounded like a baby crying 😂 (6:26 as well) why does Loki keep sounding like a crying baby??? 😂
Don't you people ever learn? There's a reason he is keeping him in captivity, and it's only what's best for him.
I hate when people say this. Animals has an innate nature to survive in their natural habitat! It's how they were built. Even if he's never been in the wild before, he has the INSTINCT to adjust and adapt to being in the wild because that's what they were built and made to do! People use any excuse outside of terminal illness to have an animal captive. He belongs in the wild!
This comment indicates that you do not know anything about animal behavior. Read Jen's comment. Have you never wondered why animals need mothers in the first place? It is not just because they are too little to hunt, as many animals are not carnivorous, yet they still undergo a rearing process. This is partly because many animals have to be taught to find food/hunt. Instinct does not tell them what is poisonous for instance. I think you are misunderstanding the concept of instinct, and how it works in various animals. And then there is the fact that instinct does not always have the upper hand. Look at humans, where our social constructs, our reasoning ability, etc., overpower our instincts every day. The entire concept of something like marriage is completely contrary to instinct. But I'm getting off the point. Have you not considered the fact that re-introduction programs take time, and that animals who were raised in captivity are rarely just released into the wild to fend for themselves? Given the prevalence of programming on channels like Discovery, Natgeo, etc., this is probably common knowledge, or at least should be for someone who thinks they know enough to berate others about this particular topic. My point is that the fact that these are structured programs, as opposed to an affair that you knock out in an hour by backing up a cage up to the local woods, as there are many things that must usually come before that. Given your assessment, all of the countless years of experience in the field, as well as academically, learning about things like biology, ecology, zoology, amongst the thousands of individuals in these fields, must be incorrect, and it must be a load off their minds to learn that none of that is necessary. Just throw the animals in the wild. Instinct will take care of them. /sarcasm. And look, it is nothing personal against you. The reason that I get annoyed at opinions like yours is because there are people who will assume you know what you are talking about, and will act on your advice; advice which is just generally wrong. So people need to stop and think about how they might be hurting animals by giving false information, because there are people who will act on it.
CuriousBellsprout in
CuriousBellsprout o
I like the fox, but don't like the captor! The habitat that this captor is providing for the fox is a nightmare! The inadequate nutrition and improper enrichment that is being endured by this fox is saddening :(
I guess having an outdoor enclosure, like Asriel has, makes it a bit easier. No need to foxproof the entire house.
So it's like having a cross between a brain damaged cat and a brain damaged dog?
Colin McGreevy 😂😂
Fox is a wild creature by nature, everything that you see in this video is a natural behavior for this kind of animal. Calling it "brain damage" is simply stupid, this material only shows how much intelligent they actually are. You clearly know nothing, so stop writing nonsense.
Instead of assuming I was calling the animal itself brain damaged, how about you take it as me making the best analogy I could at the moment. Y'know, instead of the name calling you try not to be offended? Heck, you haven't even met me, it's weird how you somehow know that I "clearly know nothing"
@Alnairth its called a sense of humor, now go find one
Colin McGreevy +jonbeingjon lol ok bruh whatever you say ;P
All these self righteous comments about this fox and how "he looks sad" and needs to be in a reserve 😒.
He's a rescue fox 🦊. None of you know what that means.
Shut up and get over yourselves.
He doesn't look sad, he looks like a house pet (that whines when he's told no... 😂 Like most pets)
Let him live.
It's a wild animal. Do you keep every animal you rescue?
@@andrewburnett2581 From an early age most young animals can't survive in the wild after a certain age...
@@andrewburnett2581 it was rescued off a fur farm and it didn't have the ability to survive in the wild since it was with humans from its birth.
Do you get to cuddle with him at all?
lps Lucy's World if fed yes
XD okay
lps Lucy's World lol get a girlfriend
uhhhh im in 4th grade.... :T
No hes not a cuddly fox -_- they say so in the FAQ
Loki: **chew chew chew chew**
Person: nu!!
Loki: WHYYY??
Echo The Horse yass
So now one must ask what exactly makes all this trouble worthwhile?
QuartuvLarry Loki is a fur farm rescue. So the alternative was that he would've been killed for his pelt and little else.
what is really worthwhile in life?
L Hasty Yeah so the solution is to stop the demand for pelts, LOL. Not to adopt a fox and attempt keeping it as a pet. Seems like a nightmare honestly. Even though he is CUTE AS ALL HELL! 💋
you have to remember these are domestic fox, not wild. They are captive bred
There is a big difference between a tame wild animal like this fox and domestic animals that evolved through selection of hundreds of generations. Search web.
My goodness. There are droppings and urine all over that apartment. I wonder what kind of veterinarian precautions you need to have in place to own an animal like this. Loki: Pizza? Hmmmm, Loki’s pizza. Yummy