Aww! The boy with cats! 😍 Brenda you are incredible, if I was put in that position I'd shut myself in a cupboard and cry. What an inspiration you are! Xxx
Trust me, I felt like it many times! When I was all medicated up and couldn't see straight, the boy would read comments to me. They really did help. Thank you so much!!
oh i am so sorry. I have been there in the past. you dont know me but my door and home is open for you all in Kentucky. Hope things get better soon for you. Love your channel. Been watching since day one.
I agree. While listening to the part where she explained how she'd have to move around a lot I was saddened. I kept thinking - wish she & her family were closer to me. I have room for them (+a big hot water tank - LOL).
Nick Allen me too, she could live with me and her son could live with my son and his age kids lol of course Brenda and I would have to hide the cats from my landlord...which could be a barrel of laughs!
A few years back, my beloved Pearl went missing. We did everything, like you do, and no luck. Vanished. Then, a month later, there Pearl was meowing at the back door to come inside! It was an answered prayer! The next week, there were signs on phone poles around the neighborhood with Pearl's picture on them. It was a message asking information for "Princess'. Seems the little old lady across the back alley had thought Pearl was adorable (she had a little mustache, so cute). So, she took her inside. Gave Pearl real tuna, and got her new toys. And didn't let Pearl out of her house. The first chance Pearl got, she flew out the back door and came back home. And Pearl never, ever, EVER went more than 3 feet from our back door again. LOL Sharing this story with you because hopefully it will be encouraging. Maybe right now, your baby is like my Pearl -- laying on a new cushion eating like royalty, and being pampered. It's possible!
I am so very very sorry about Heathen. It breaks my heart as well, hopefully he has found a home somewhere. So proud of you and how you have handled everything. Praying for your new home, and hopefully your new better health :))) nice to see the boy, tell him he is handsome :))) And he is so sweet with the cats, too. Though I only donate a tiny amount to you, I know it adds up and I am grateful that others are helping you as well. Thank you for the update, hopefully you will be in a home for Christmas, but it is okay if you are not because it needs to be the right place and sometimes it takes time to find that. Blessings to you Brenda, Tally, Atty, The Boy and for Heathen too. May God guide him back to,your loving home and keep him safe and healthy in the meantime. In case don't communicate before then lovely lady, Merry Christmas, wherever you are :))
My New Me I have a feeling he is feeling and healthy, sometimes folks don’t know a cat has a home and brings them in, I had it happen to me...imagine the surprise to find my cat living the life 2 blocks away, with a neighbor who didn’t want to give him back...
Your son with the cats. My heart. I’m so glad that you’re safe and feeling better. Wonderful that you’ve encountered such good people who’ve been so helpful. That includes your son. As a mom of two boys myself, I can only hope that mine grow up to be as caring and kind.
Sending love and hugs to you, your boy and cats from Australia. What an amazing son you have raised Brenda! Good luck and we all look forward to your next update.
I so admire you and your ability to look adversity in the face and not back down! You just make a new plan. I pray for you and your son and wish I lived in a place big enough to have you come and live with me.
Love your video... I would like to make a SUGGESTION, go and apply for housing allowance in your town, it supplements your income, you won't have to pay so much for rent, also, go and apply for social security supplemental income..SSI that will have pay rent, buy food etc..You can get SSI for anything really even depression. Get paper work from your dr.and take it to the Social security office..and apply for it.. You have nothing to lose, everything to gain..
Bless the hotel staff! There really are good people in this world. And speaking of good people, you have raised a magnificent young man. So glad you, the boy and your cats are safe. Much love to you.
You sound great Brenda! Watched all the video very easily...every new twist and turn in your story was both sad at some points and inspiring and uplifting at others. Girl, you've GOT this! It will all come together for you... so happy to know you are continuing your channel and will keep us updated! Oh, and so nice to put a "face" to the name ("The Boy") Quite a man you have raised there. :) Your fan in NW Illinois, Suzanne
I am so glad you have a safe place to stay, along with the kitties. It sounds like the motel staff love you! I hope you continue to recover from your procedure and find a place of your own soon. You are doing amazingly well in the face of so much change and stress. Best of luck to you!
Hi Brenda , so good to see you ( and the boy ) . I know things have been difficult for you and I'm so sorry. It's not easy moving let alone being forced to move on someone else's timeline. Sucks. I'm glad to see you in a place with your cats and semi happy. Once you find a place with the boy and the cats, you will be much happier. It's gonna happen and your gonna be ok and you already know it. I will keep praying for you and keeping you and your family in my prayers. Take good care. Be well and be safe !
You are a natural story teller, a stunning gift to have. Have you ever written a novel or short story? I believe you would be picked up and published in a nano second! Please consider it....... I am glad your health is improving, but sad Heathen still has not been found. I wager he is shacked up with a new mistress and is enjoying all the spoils. I wish you lived closer (I am in Australia), I would open up my home to both you and boy...and your precious babies and you would be welcomed to stay until you got stronger and more independent. For now please accept the blessings I send to both you and that lovely lovely boy/son. What a treasure he is......god bless you....
This one goes to the boy: God is watching all your love for your mother. Much better times are coming🙏 To you -dearest youtube lady: Im in owe of your hopeful and positive outlook. Praying for you!
Brenda, I can't tell you how good it is to see your doing well. I have been praying for yall and I've been praying for Heathen to return. I just said another prayer for him since learning that he is still not back. I care for cat colonies. I go out and feed them daily, well I used to but I found a group that took them on with me. Meaning they have trapped and spayed/neutered all of them and released them back to the same area and we now take turns feeding them. So I feed 3-4 days a week. I have another colony as well. Both colonies have about 10 cats a piece. Maybe more. My point is I've always worried about them in the cold and I make little houses I insulate that cost next to nothing to build. The cats sometimes use them but they are very resourceful in finding warm, safe places to sleep. Also the cats in my colony take turns, at least it seems, scaring me by going missing for days sometimes weeks, one once went missing for a month or so. My family and me also had a cat when I was growing up that would go on adventures for weeks at a time. It used to scare us so much. She was spayed so it was not that. Normally it's the males that go for longer periods. I believe she must have had another family she would go visit with. Or a friend she would go and play with. Your son could take a Rubbermaid tub and tape the lid on. Then turn it upside down and cut a hole in it for an entrance, just big enough for the cat to enter. Before taping the lid on take hay and fill it. I also us a towel with spray adhesive and glue it to the inside walls of the tub. Then tape the lid on. You want the tub to be upside down because it gives the cat a bigger floor space. Then you take a thick trash bag and cut it the size of the entrance hole and tape it at just the top of the entrance to keep any cold air from coming in. It is amazing how quick it warms up once they are inside it and their body heat warms it up. With such a small space. It's just an idea if your concernd. You could put it in the bushes of the yard at your old place. I would put a t-shirt that smells like you in it. Maybe even something of the boys and your other cats. Then you can go back and see if you might find him there.
Tricia! I thought I was doing my best for the feral/homeless cats that was possible but you have accomplished so much more!! To have them spayed and neutered - such a great step. And - I cannot believe that I haven't been smart enough to think of your little warm huts. Usually I'm pretty good at thinking of alternate uses to meet needs but I've got this one now. I also know that a a scent piece of an owner helps but I strongly suspect that neiyh e r Brenda nor the boy would (or possibly legally could) want to return to their former home given the situation. So sad but as I said to Brenda I believe that Heathen has moved away to help someone else that was now in need of his care. It is an explanation that makes 'the most sense' of his absence. Yes?
I also would like to think that.I love cats and I, also go around my neighborhood feeding ferals. I, unfortunately, get negative feedback from neighbors near a particular colony of cats, so I sneak around to feed them. Take care and I admire your efforts on their behalf.
Suzanne Revero I'm so glad to hear you feed homeless cats as well. I've had problems with people getting mad about me feeding but it is ridiculous. I don't leave a mess and I make sure they get spayed and neutered so they don't reproduce. Honestly I think it is just mean hearted to get mad that someone feeds an animal that is in need.
One of your guy viewers here, Brenda. I've wanted/needed to downsize and organize and "just happened" to click on your channel out of curiosity not long ago, just before this sudden change in your life and I was encouraged by your ongoing story. I'm so thankful that you, your son and the cats have shelter and that your medical situation is improving. I've been involved just recently with casework for a disabled family member (Medicaid, Medicare, food assistance, lease renewal, maintenance issues) and you and your son are what might be called do-it-yourself caseworkers and I'm not only encouraged by your cleaning but I respect and admire you both as you deal with huge, unexpected and I imagine even frightening circumstances. I expect you've had tons of information about social services but just in case you haven't heard this one I'd like to mention that if there's a local Area Agency on Aging where you live they may be able to provide some assistance even though you are not elderly. My family has had help from that started at age 52 or so. Maybe you could meet with a caseworker or adviser and possibly you are eligible for home-delivered meals. It looks like things are coming in to place for a new and better season of life for you, your son---and the cats too! Prayers for you and blessings to you.
Oh honey, you are definitely making lemonade out of lemons. So happy everyone chipped in and made the move so fast with little notice. You have made a sweet home in your room. Something goid will come along. I just KNOW it. Oceans of love. Paula
I just finished watching and have tears of joy and sadness both. You might be able to tell I'm a feline-friend, so I'm hoping Heathen is safe and warm and taken care of! I'm just so sorry you're having to go through all of this upheaval. I wish I could help somehow. Hope you and The Boy take care!! FYI, my cat's favorite toy right now is a bent Qtip. Go figure!!
Aaaawww Your boy looks so nice. I am so pleased you all have somewhere to stay, you dont deserve any of this. I am really happy that you got to live with your gorgeous cats. Hugs xx
Brenda you are so courageous. I appreciate your honesty. You really are making the best of a otherwise challenging situation. Be well and I believe you will find a more permanent place to call home.
Im so sorry to hear about all the chaos! But im so happy your temporary solution is working and that youre safe and comfortable! Thank you for sharing your life with us ms brenda!
I would just like The Boy to know... how a man treats his Mother is a crystal clear window into his character. I read about the fact that when your Mom was at a real low you read comments to her. That combined with all of the things we know you've done I can honestly say you are one hell of a young man. You have done more for your Mother than most guys and I can see it's out of love and respect you have for her. You are a handsome, brilliant young man who is going to make someone very lucky one day. Your Mother may have raised you right but, so have many other Moms and they don't have what she has in you. She is lucky as I'm sure you feel lucky too. You keep being you, "The Boy". ❤️ *Edited for my horrible spelling.*
I'm glad you and your kitties and "the boy" are doing well. I've missed your cleaning vids. Praying that you find affordable housing. But in the meantime it seems you have a pretty good setup where your at. Keep us posted hun.
Its unbelievable everything you have gone through! My heart breaks for your lost fur baby but I like to think he's warm, safe and happy somewhere. I have three cats and a little boy too ❤
So glad you posted, it feels like catching up with an old friend. Sorry to hear about all the hardships you've been through in the last few months. You've been strong and handled things like a true lady. I know you probably don't think you've been all that strong but you've come through all of this with your sense of humour in tact, that tells me you are one tough cookie. I hope you manage to find a nice place to live soon. Looking forward to your next video already :)
You are so nice to say this. Thank you! And I'd have to say the strong is not a word I'd have used to describe myself. lol But kind words like yours give me the boost I need!!
Thank you for the update! While I’m relieved to know you and your family, fur kids included, are safe and warm, the thought of someone who has worked so many years ends up homeless due to what looks like major health issues hurts my heart as an American. Not getting political, just feel bad there wasn’t a safety net. Your positivity displays great strength. Again, thank you for sharing, glad the hotel people are treating you right. Good luck, and good health to you. ✨🐈✨💕
Very sorry to hear that about Heathen. I'm so happy to hear and see you four are doing well. This is really "Your New You." Your choices determine your own happiness, a fresh new start to your new life. I have high hopes for you all. Never give up! You Can Do It!
I'm so glad to hear that you have a place to stay with the cats in the middle of all of the madness. Sending you strength and courage to face these challenges, and hoping your search for a long-term place to live and your recovery from surgery both goes smoothly. Best of wishes from a rainy Malmö, Sweden // ziggi
You are still doing so well. And you have raised such a good boy! There is nothing wrong with living in a motel. I am so glad you were able to make a video. I have missed u and the cats. (O, and "the boy" is so handsome.)
Hi Brenda! I’m so happy you posted a new video and let us know how you are all doing! I’m also happy that you are all safe and warm...You’re in my prayers and real soon you find a new place that’s just right for you all! Sending love and big hugs from really are an inspiration and I thank you for letting us into your life, your boy is a good son and handsome! Take care and God bless you always! 💝💖💝💖💝😊🙂
Columbus Day.. really ??? How convenient for them. !!! One word Brenda..KARMA. 😉. Better things are on the way for you .. hot water for one. This landlord did you a favour, it may not seem like it yet but better thing are coming, and you are a stronger person for it. ❤️
so very glad you are in a safe place, with your cats! hopefully the 3rd cat is also in a safe place as well! you seem to have jumped over so many hurdles and overcome so many surprises in the last several weeks! will continue to pray for your successful house hunt and health recovery. as other's have stated - it seems every time there is curve ball thrown at you, you manage to find a way to get done what needs doing and then you are in a better situation altogether!
What a strong, brave lady you are. You remind me a lot of a friend that I very recently lost. Life threw literally everything at her, but she kept going, where others would have just given up. Keep going, and stay strong xx
Hi, I discovered your channel just yesterday. I watched all your cleaning videos while cleaning my own flat (because I am in the same situation as you where at that time) and I really adore your way of sharing your journey with us. Your videos are amazingly real and you helped me so much yesterday. And, I love the cats. I think everyone does, right?! So, I watched this update now and just wanted to say: Keep going, don't let yourself down. You are managing so well. I am really looking forward to seeing more videos from you. Alright. I am going to finish my own cleaning now, while listening to the rest of your videos. A big hug and greetings from germany!
I'm so happy to hear you're on your own journey to take you life back!! Yayy!!! Thank you for the words of encouragement all the way from Germany! They really do help. I think I need to text my son saying it's from Germany!!
Hi Brenda, here comes a BIG HUG and greetings from Austria, which is neighbour country to Germany. Your videos have helped me soooo much to clean up. I'm a really messy person, with one cat and a rat, and currently a young pigeon (- they all get along fine)and also my boyfriend- all of us living in a tiny flat, size of a hotel room. You can bet, it's always packed in here. But with your help (the videos) I manage to go through all the stuff, and declutter and declutter and declutter...- slowly it's gettig better, and my goal is to have it done before Chrismas! And You started me! Thank you! Wishing you all the best, and Heathen stays in my prayers! Love, Tasha - from Vienna /Austria
I am so proud of you!! I know you can do it, Tasha!! I'm sending you all the positive vibes I can and I know they'll make it all the way to Austria!! Thank you for your kind words!!
Brenda thank you and your wonderful son. You find hope and humor in so many difficult transitions in you're in your life. :) You're taking each challenge one bit at a time which makes the whole lot more manageable. What a great lesson you're teaching us. 👍 As always with great hope and prayers that you're health continue to improve and the right home come soon. You've many angels in your life disguised as people and pets, l see. :) ♡♡♡
Just had to spend a week in a hotel with two pit bulls and a cat 😆 we sold our home in FL and had to close a week before we were able to close on our new home in GA... You truly realize how little you "need" when hotel living 😂😂😂. While we still miss the big continental breakfast cooked for us with no clean up...we are happy to once again be in a home... I'm impressed with your tidying and upkeep with such a small space
That's what has amazed us!! There are no additional expenses at all, I have one load of laundry a week because they wash all the bedding and towels. And I can usually get two meals from the breakfast they serve. lol Plus, with the fridge and microwave, I can still buy food and eat reasonably inexpensively. Thanks!!
well armed wife I agree. We're from Australia and 2 years ago did a 3 month road trip through America visiting family and friends. We're a family of 4 and only took 40lbs each 1 suitcase each plus a carry on.
You are an amazingly strong woman. God bless you! I am hoping to get something to you soon. Please stay encouraged and know that the Wills Family is praying for you and things WILL get better.
Despite your recent struggles, this update is full of wonderful things....your loving son, your good health news, and your attitude of gratitude for the warm, comfortable interim place you are in run by understanding people. Good luck and keep us posted.
My goal for this winter is to go through all the boxes in my basement and garage, so I would be very interested in watching your process of going through your boxes, or whatever from storage. I'm so overwhelmed! Your videos help though.
Im glad your warm ,safe , and comfortable. You sure have been through a lot. Your son has been absolutely wonderful as usual. Im so proud of you both. Special shout out to your sons friend for helping with the move and the place where your staying having a heart. I hope your healing well and wish you all the best with finding your new home. Many hugs to your furbabies too! Tfs & take care 🌹
So sorry to hear about not finding heathen. :( Glad you were able to get yourselves together to move so quickly. Praying for you that you find a new place. ~Lisa
You’ve had a tough time that’s for sure but u have an amazing son for support and I’m hopeful it will all turn good in the end . . Best of luck Brenda and the boy . X
Something better than the place before will come up soon, I'm sure of it! I'm so sorry about Heathen :( One of my kitties ran away and then I had to move a couple of months later, so I know how you feel. I feel for you! Best of luck with everything! xx
I've watched your videos for months now and I love them so much!! They inspire me to clean up my own house, and it feels so nice to hear someone talking with or to me while I clean! xoxo Thank you so much for these videos! xxxx
I've been working my way from the beginning, of your videos. You are such an inspiration Brenda. And you clearly have done an excellent job of raising your Boy as he is really doin' right by his Mama. I hope everything gets figured out with your living situation real soon. My heart goes out to you. Stay strong.
Hi Brenda. I sitting binge watching and catching up with where you are. I thought I'd let you know that you have become an inspiration to me in my own efforts to clear up my house. Thank you Brenda. Xx
I have started the journey of getting rid of things I've held onto after my divorce that I just couldn't deal with. Over 10 years later I'm finally ready to deal with that mess and watching videos online to get inspiration and organization. I found yours. Let me say watching from the beginning I could hear the difference in your voice as you started to accomplish your goals. Keep it up and don't let the circumstances let you down. You can do this.
Hi brenda... TY so much for the update... I'm glad that things are well... you are in a safe place and feeling better... I will continue to keep you in my thoughts (along with the boy and kitties)... TAKE GOOD CARE! xo lala
Hello Brenda! It's wonderful to finally get introduced to "the boy"! He's a handsome young man, and it's obvious he loves you and the purring ones. What a month you've had!! You'll be in my prayers. Sending love and hugs.
I could watch you all day. I really hope you guys have a very merry holiday season. I hope you find a place soon. I wish you, the boy, and the cats the best.
So glad to hear you aren’t stopping your channel. I look forward to your videos, I pray that you find a perfect home for you, your son and the kitties ❤️❤️
Hello Brenda, I just want to say that you have been so motivating to me! I don't have so much a cleaning issue as I do fitness, but your videos have helped me start to really try and build up my health. My kitties and I are sending you and your fur babies love. Take care x
You are such a strong , brave , kind woman! You inspire me. You're son is such a handsome angel... I wish you only goodness from here on out...I hope you keep us posted... Love to you all
Dear Ms. Brenda, While surfing TH-cam earlier today I stumbled upon your videos. I’ve spent several hours watching ‘your life’. You are one amazing person and if it were possible I would give you a big hug. You, the kitties and of course The Boy are in my prayers. Lots of love from Illinois
Best video yet! You are so relatable, I'm sitting here trying to to be in tears for all the heartache and then how you are pulling through! A side note, I bet It helps a lot having a smaller space to have to deal with rather than a big house. I am so so glad the kitties are with you!!! I am watching in order from the beginning--no spoilers please!
I am so enjoying watching all your video’s. Right from the first one. I put your cloudy chats on and sit back and shut my eyes and listen to your lovely soothing voice. Good on you and the way you are coping with life. Your son looks so nice and a caring son is very special. X
You’re houseless not homeless.ive been homeless lived in my car and you don’t want to go there.stay focused on finding and keeping a new home because you are at a crux right now,and things could go very bad.ill pray for you
cmonster6 I'm so glad I could pass it on. Lazy helped me so much and now, through her story, she's still helping people. ❤ I really believe animals are the Angels on Earth. We're fortunate to be able to have such amazing companions. Thanks for letting me know it helps you. 💋
Dear MY NEW ME, I have lost my business, and because of that the house and the car. Lucky for me with my son's help, we ended up in a garden home about one third the size. I had to say goodbye to most of the furniture and slept on the floor the first 2 years. Today, the main thing missing is a couch to sit on. Things have begun to normalize although it irks me to have so little space, especially when we are 5 people (I have 4 children). My sn had to quit college though, so I feel pretty guilty about that. My point is, after every storm, no matter how bad it is, the sun comes out. You seem to have kept your sense of humor, and of course your cats. And your son is absolutely remarkable. You sure did something right with how you raised him. It seems there is little for you to clean and organize now, but hopefully you will have time now to plan your next life's chapter. May I suggest writing books? It seems right up your alley.
It is so good to see you again. Such a lot of stuff you accomplished in such a short time. Bless you, both and all those that helped you get out of the old and on the way to the new. Hang in there my friend!
My New Me wow!!! You have been through so much… That video had me feeling all kinds of emotions… Wanted to cry laughing up proud of you and the boy for coming through all this the way you have… Proud of the boy for coming to clean and take care of his mama and play with the cats… A little sad when you were describing how you were walking around in the driveway and have and then Zaidi attack… It reminded me of some of my own anxiety attacks… Wow… I have to go wipe my eyes and blow my nose now… Because now I actually am
Hi, Brenda! It seems I have missed a few videos of yours. I had no idea about the change in your living situation! I hope all is going well for you now. I am so sorry about your missing cat. I hope he’s at least found a new home or someone who feeds him. Anyway, I just want to let you know how inspiring your channel has been for me. I’ve been battling depression, hoarding, and anxiety for a long time. Your videos help me see the light in darker situations and also inspire me to keep cleaning and purging things I no longer need. Bless you and your son! I hope 2018 treats you well.
So happy to see this update and to see that you are faring pretty well. I can only imagine how stressful this has been for you. Your strength of spirit is inspiring. And I know how much pets help when the world seems to be putting so many roadblocks in the way of your peace of mind. My own pets have been such a comfort to me after losing my dear boyfriend in 2016. Please stay well and keep your chin up. We are all praying for you and wishing for the best for you, the Boy and your sweet kitties. Until next time!
They really do help us, don't they? I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Atty can give me a smile and a laugh no matter what's happening. I guess this part of my journey is all about learning to deal with the bad as well as the good. Thanks so much for your kind words!!
subscribed to ur channel. I even watched the ads to show support. U r such an inspiration to me. My kitties say" Hi" to Atty. I turned 65 this year and decided on a TH-cam adventure ( work in progress). No time to be shy as I'm not getting any younger. Any tips and advices would be appreciated. Thanks and keep those videos coming .
Hi Brenda boy and kitties trust me I've been there we moved from Florida to Colorado 10 yrs ago with big dreams of a beautiful place to live but of course it fell thru so we were living on the streets of Denver for 2 months but all came out to a good thing so keep your head up lots of love merry Christmas and happy new year lots of love
Out of all of my subscriptions that posted videos this morning, I had to click on your video first! I've been worried about you and the boy and the cats. I have been homeless, and I know what a blessing a hotel room can be! While I would miss my house, the room was so much easier to keep clean. I was not able to take my pets with me (family cared for them), and that about killed me and I'm so glad that you have the cats with you and the boy checking in on you! I'm glad the procedure is done, and you are on your way to better health. Keep us posted, and know I am sending lots of love, hugs and prayers!
You are such an inspiration, Brenda. You really do make lemonade from lemons. I pray your life settles down very soon and you can honestly smile more and more each day. All my love to you and the Boy. God Bless xxxxx Lynette
Oh Brenda, I was wondering about you! As, I haven't seen any new video notifications. First I was shocked, then heartbroken, and finally, a little sad but, optimistic for your future. "The Boy" is a good looking young man. God bless you, him and the fur kids.
Oh and Brenda, I'm sorry things went the way they did but I hope you find yourself in a better position in the end. The both of you. I'm glad to hear you will continue your channel. You have a lot to offer and I enjoy hearing your thoughts and little wisdoms along the way.
I am so glad to see you are doing better. Haven't been getting notifications for some reason and have been wondering how everything had ended up going for you. You are definitely going to continue to be in my prayers. Your videos are wonderful and I love watching those kitties play lol
So glad you are warm and safe. You have a positive attitude and things will improve. It's hard to be patient when you just want to get on with things but you will soon be there.
Your son is sooo handsome! And so resilient. I hope he's happy where he is until you can find a new place to call home.
aza wu I know right?? I've often wondered if he's single haha!
Your boy has such a tender heart for the cats. So sweet. ❤️
I S L A N D B A B Y he'll be a good patient dad some day I'd say 😊😊
Aww! The boy with cats! 😍 Brenda you are incredible, if I was put in that position I'd shut myself in a cupboard and cry. What an inspiration you are! Xxx
Trust me, I felt like it many times! When I was all medicated up and couldn't see straight, the boy would read comments to me. They really did help. Thank you so much!!
I wanted to curl up in a ball and ignore the world just listening to that madness!
oh i am so sorry. I have been there in the past. you dont know me but my door and home is open for you all in Kentucky. Hope things get better soon for you. Love your channel. Been watching since day one.
I agree. While listening to the part where she explained how she'd have to move around a lot I was saddened. I kept thinking - wish she & her family were closer to me. I have room for them (+a big hot water tank - LOL).
Nick Allen me too, she could live with me and her son could live with my son and his age kids lol of course Brenda and I would have to hide the cats from my landlord...which could be a barrel of laughs!
A few years back, my beloved Pearl went missing. We did everything, like you do, and no luck. Vanished.
Then, a month later, there Pearl was meowing at the back door to come inside! It was an answered prayer!
The next week, there were signs on phone poles around the neighborhood with Pearl's picture on them. It was a message asking information for "Princess'.
Seems the little old lady across the back alley had thought Pearl was adorable (she had a little mustache, so cute). So, she took her inside. Gave Pearl real tuna, and got her new toys. And didn't let Pearl out of her house.
The first chance Pearl got, she flew out the back door and came back home. And Pearl never, ever, EVER went more than 3 feet from our back door again. LOL
Sharing this story with you because hopefully it will be encouraging. Maybe right now, your baby is like my Pearl -- laying on a new cushion eating like royalty, and being pampered. It's possible!
I am so very very sorry about Heathen. It breaks my heart as well, hopefully he has found a home somewhere. So proud of you and how you have handled everything. Praying for your new home, and hopefully your new better health :))) nice to see the boy, tell him he is handsome :))) And he is so sweet with the cats, too. Though I only donate a tiny amount to you, I know it adds up and I am grateful that others are helping you as well. Thank you for the update, hopefully you will be in a home for Christmas, but it is okay if you are not because it needs to be the right place and sometimes it takes time to find that. Blessings to you Brenda, Tally, Atty, The Boy and for Heathen too. May God guide him back to,your loving home and keep him safe and healthy in the meantime. In case don't communicate before then lovely lady, Merry Christmas, wherever you are :))
I really hope he did. He's such a lovable cat.
My New Me I have a feeling he is feeling and healthy, sometimes folks don’t know a cat has a home and brings them in, I had it happen to me...imagine the surprise to find my cat living the life 2 blocks away, with a neighbor who didn’t want to give him back...
Oh wow!! I really hope that's the case with my little man. Thank you!!
Your son with the cats. My heart.
I’m so glad that you’re safe and feeling better. Wonderful that you’ve encountered such good people who’ve been so helpful. That includes your son. As a mom of two boys myself, I can only hope that mine grow up to be as caring and kind.
Sending love and hugs to you, your boy and cats from Australia. What an amazing son you have raised Brenda! Good luck and we all look forward to your next update.
Thank you!! He did turn out pretty good, didn't he? I think I'll keep him around. lol
Everyone should have a home.
Your son is wonderful, awesome! Thank you for sharing your videos!!!
I so admire you and your ability to look adversity in the face and not back down! You just make a new plan. I pray for you and your son and wish I lived in a place big enough to have you come and live with me.
Love your video... I would like to make a SUGGESTION, go and apply for housing allowance in your town, it supplements your income, you won't have to pay so much for rent, also, go and apply for social security supplemental income..SSI that will have pay rent, buy food etc..You can get SSI for anything really even depression. Get paper work from your dr.and take it to the Social security office..and apply for it.. You have nothing to lose, everything to gain..
Bless the hotel staff! There really are good people in this world. And speaking of good people, you have raised a magnificent young man. So glad you, the boy and your cats are safe. Much love to you.
You sound great Brenda! Watched all the video very easily...every new twist and turn in your story was both sad at some points and inspiring and uplifting at others. Girl, you've GOT this! It will all come together for you... so happy to know you are continuing your channel and will keep us updated! Oh, and so nice to put a "face" to the name ("The Boy") Quite a man you have raised there. :) Your fan in NW Illinois, Suzanne
I am so glad you have a safe place to stay, along with the kitties. It sounds like the motel staff love you! I hope you continue to recover from your procedure and find a place of your own soon. You are doing amazingly well in the face of so much change and stress. Best of luck to you!
Thank you very much!! The staff here is sooo nice!! And there's a lot to be said for feeling safe and secure, surrounded by nice people.
Hi Brenda , so good to see you ( and the boy ) . I know things have been difficult for you and I'm so sorry. It's not easy moving let alone being forced to move on someone else's timeline. Sucks. I'm glad to see you in a place with your cats and semi happy. Once you find a place with the boy and the cats, you will be much happier. It's gonna happen and your gonna be ok and you already know it. I will keep praying for you and keeping you and your family in my prayers. Take good care. Be well and be safe !
Wow, that is a really big update! You are amazing and I am super duper impressed! You go girrl!
Oh wow! Thank you! I feel like I was floundering through all of it. lol
It didn't sound like floundering at all to me.
You are a natural story teller, a stunning gift to have. Have you ever written a novel or short story? I believe you would be picked up and published in a nano second! Please consider it....... I am glad your health is improving, but sad Heathen still has not been found. I wager he is shacked up with a new mistress and is enjoying all the spoils. I wish you lived closer (I am in Australia), I would open up my home to both you and boy...and your precious babies and you would be welcomed to stay until you got stronger and more independent. For now please accept the blessings I send to both you and that lovely lovely boy/son. What a treasure he is......god bless you....
I am highly allergic to cats, but I just love them! So, thanks for all the cat footage! I really enjoy seeing your fur babies!
This one goes to the boy: God is watching all your love for your mother. Much better times are coming🙏 To you -dearest youtube lady: Im in owe of your hopeful and positive outlook. Praying for you!
Brenda so good to see your video update, you have been so busy. Wishing you, the boy and your gorgeous cats a happy thanksgiving from Ireland x
Thank you so much!! And hello back to Ireland!!
The boy is awesome! You should be proud! Way to go dude! Love the cats!
Brenda, I can't tell you how good it is to see your doing well. I have been praying for yall and I've been praying for Heathen to return. I just said another prayer for him since learning that he is still not back. I care for cat colonies. I go out and feed them daily, well I used to but I found a group that took them on with me. Meaning they have trapped and spayed/neutered all of them and released them back to the same area and we now take turns feeding them. So I feed 3-4 days a week. I have another colony as well. Both colonies have about 10 cats a piece. Maybe more. My point is I've always worried about them in the cold and I make little houses I insulate that cost next to nothing to build. The cats sometimes use them but they are very resourceful in finding warm, safe places to sleep. Also the cats in my colony take turns, at least it seems, scaring me by going missing for days sometimes weeks, one once went missing for a month or so. My family and me also had a cat when I was growing up that would go on adventures for weeks at a time. It used to scare us so much. She was spayed so it was not that. Normally it's the males that go for longer periods. I believe she must have had another family she would go visit with. Or a friend she would go and play with. Your son could take a Rubbermaid tub and tape the lid on. Then turn it upside down and cut a hole in it for an entrance, just big enough for the cat to enter. Before taping the lid on take hay and fill it. I also us a towel with spray adhesive and glue it to the inside walls of the tub. Then tape the lid on. You want the tub to be upside down because it gives the cat a bigger floor space. Then you take a thick trash bag and cut it the size of the entrance hole and tape it at just the top of the entrance to keep any cold air from coming in. It is amazing how quick it warms up once they are inside it and their body heat warms it up. With such a small space. It's just an idea if your concernd. You could put it in the bushes of the yard at your old place. I would put a t-shirt that smells like you in it. Maybe even something of the boys and your other cats. Then you can go back and see if you might find him there.
I wish I lived closer so I could help with things like that.
Trisha, you are an amazing, loving and wonderful person. Thank you for helping the homeless cats in your area. God bless you and yours.
Tricia! I thought I was doing my best for the feral/homeless cats that was possible but you have accomplished so much more!! To have them spayed and neutered - such a great step. And - I cannot believe that I haven't been smart enough to think of your little warm huts. Usually I'm pretty good at thinking of alternate uses to meet needs but I've got this one now. I also know that a a scent piece of an owner helps but I strongly suspect that neiyh e r Brenda nor the boy would (or possibly legally could) want to return to their former home given the situation. So sad but as I said to Brenda I believe that Heathen has moved away to help someone else that was now in need of his care. It is an explanation that makes 'the most sense' of his absence. Yes?
I also would like to think that.I love cats and I, also go around my neighborhood feeding ferals. I, unfortunately, get negative feedback from neighbors near a particular colony of cats, so I sneak around to feed them. Take care and I admire your efforts on their behalf.
Suzanne Revero I'm so glad to hear you feed homeless cats as well. I've had problems with people getting mad about me feeding but it is ridiculous. I don't leave a mess and I make sure they get spayed and neutered so they don't reproduce. Honestly I think it is just mean hearted to get mad that someone feeds an animal that is in need.
One of your guy viewers here, Brenda. I've wanted/needed to downsize and organize and "just happened" to click on your channel out of curiosity not long ago, just before this sudden change in your life and I was encouraged by your ongoing story. I'm so thankful that you, your son and the cats have shelter and that your medical situation is improving. I've been involved just recently with casework for a disabled family member (Medicaid, Medicare, food assistance, lease renewal, maintenance issues) and you and your son are what might be called do-it-yourself caseworkers and I'm not only encouraged by your cleaning but I respect and admire you both as you deal with huge, unexpected and I imagine even frightening circumstances. I expect you've had tons of information about social services but just in case you haven't heard this one I'd like to mention that if there's a local Area Agency on Aging where you live they may be able to provide some assistance even though you are not elderly. My family has had help from that started at age 52 or so. Maybe you could meet with a caseworker or adviser and possibly you are eligible for home-delivered meals. It looks like things are coming in to place for a new and better season of life for you, your son---and the cats too! Prayers for you and blessings to you.
Hopefully you can now take a calm break, without any chaos. Good luck from Canada 🇨🇦 to you, the boy, and your fur babies 🐾 on your new adventure.
That's how I'm feeling now. Finally a chance to stop reacting and start acting towards our future. Thank you!!
I love her so much. She inspires me and gives me hope. I've already started on some a little bit at a time
Oh honey, you are definitely making lemonade out of lemons. So happy everyone chipped in and made the move so fast with little notice.
You have made a sweet home in your room. Something goid will come along. I just KNOW it. Oceans of love. Paula
I just finished watching and have tears of joy and sadness both. You might be able to tell I'm a feline-friend, so I'm hoping Heathen is safe and warm and taken care of! I'm just so sorry you're having to go through all of this upheaval. I wish I could help somehow. Hope you and The Boy take care!! FYI, my cat's favorite toy right now is a bent Qtip. Go figure!!
There are a few q-tips scattered around this room from Atty. lol You kindness and caring brought a huge smile to my face. Thank you so so much!!
Aaaawww Your boy looks so nice. I am so pleased you all have somewhere to stay, you dont deserve any of this. I am really happy that you got to live with your gorgeous cats. Hugs xx
Wow I’m so amazed at your perseverance. You have done an awesome job. You will be in my prayers.
Brenda you are so courageous. I appreciate your honesty. You really are making the best of a otherwise challenging situation. Be well and I believe you will find a more permanent place to call home.
Im so sorry to hear about all the chaos! But im so happy your temporary solution is working and that youre safe and comfortable! Thank you for sharing your life with us ms brenda!
Great catch up. So good you have The Boy and the Cats with you. Hope you keep well and find somewhere to call 'home' again soon.
Thank you so much!! They keep me smiling.
I would just like The Boy to know... how a man treats his Mother is a crystal clear window into his character. I read about the fact that when your Mom was at a real low you read comments to her. That combined with all of the things we know you've done I can honestly say you are one hell of a young man.
You have done more for your Mother than most guys and I can see it's out of love and respect you have for her. You are a handsome, brilliant young man who is going to make someone very lucky one day. Your Mother may have raised you right but, so have many other Moms and they don't have what she has in you. She is lucky as I'm sure you feel lucky too. You keep being you, "The Boy". ❤️
*Edited for my horrible spelling.*
I'm glad you and your kitties and "the boy" are doing well. I've missed your cleaning vids. Praying that you find affordable housing. But in the meantime it seems you have a pretty good setup where your at. Keep us posted hun.
Thank you! It is working out so much better than it could have. Mainly because of how kind the motel people are.
Its unbelievable everything you have gone through! My heart breaks for your lost fur baby but I like to think he's warm, safe and happy somewhere. I have three cats and a little boy too ❤
I like to think that, too. Thank you for your very kind words!!
So glad you posted, it feels like catching up with an old friend.
Sorry to hear about all the hardships you've been through in the last few months. You've been strong and handled things like a true lady. I know you probably don't think you've been all that strong but you've come through all of this with your sense of humour in tact, that tells me you are one tough cookie.
I hope you manage to find a nice place to live soon. Looking forward to your next video already :)
You are so nice to say this. Thank you! And I'd have to say the strong is not a word I'd have used to describe myself. lol But kind words like yours give me the boost I need!!
Thank you for the update! While I’m relieved to know you and your family, fur kids included, are safe and warm, the thought of someone who has worked so many years ends up homeless due to what looks like major health issues hurts my heart as an American. Not getting political, just feel bad there wasn’t a safety net.
Your positivity displays great strength. Again, thank you for sharing, glad the hotel people are treating you right. Good luck, and good health to you. ✨🐈✨💕
Oh my gosh, we finally get to see The Boy! Takes care of his Mom, loves cats, has tattoos, AND is handsome.. I think I'm developing a crush!
Haha!! on your crush!! That made me smile. He's a pretty nice guy......and brings me cheesecake!! Thank you so much!!
I'm so glad your health is good,,
It was a relief that they could fix something finally. lol Thanks!
I have missed you, glad that you posted. Hugs to ya
Very sorry to hear that about Heathen.
I'm so happy to hear and see you four are doing well. This is really "Your New You."
Your choices determine your own happiness, a fresh new start to your new life.
I have high hopes for you all.
Never give up!
You Can Do It!
I'm so glad to hear that you have a place to stay with the cats in the middle of all of the madness. Sending you strength and courage to face these challenges, and hoping your search for a long-term place to live and your recovery from surgery both goes smoothly. Best of wishes from a rainy Malmö, Sweden // ziggi
Malmo, #ZiggiWillpower ! I fell in love with Malmo while watching "The Bridge" filmed there.
You are still doing so well. And you have raised such a good boy! There is nothing wrong with living in a motel. I am so glad you were able to make a video. I have missed u and the cats. (O, and "the boy" is so handsome.)
It's actually so much more comfortable here than I thought it'd be. And I'll tell him you said that. lol Thank you!!
Hi Brenda! I’m so happy you posted a new video and let us know how you are all doing! I’m also happy that you are all safe and warm...You’re in my prayers and real soon you find a new place that’s just right for you all! Sending love and big hugs from really are an inspiration and I thank you for letting us into your life, your boy is a good son and handsome! Take care and God bless you always! 💝💖💝💖💝😊🙂
Thank you!! I'll tell him you said he's handsome......he doesn't think so. lol And thank you for such a nice comment!
Columbus Day.. really ??? How convenient for them. !!! One word Brenda..KARMA. 😉. Better things are on the way for you .. hot water for one. This landlord did you a favour, it may not seem like it yet but better thing are coming, and you are a stronger person for it. ❤️
so very glad you are in a safe place, with your cats! hopefully the 3rd cat is also in a safe place as well! you seem to have jumped over so many hurdles and overcome so many surprises in the last several weeks! will continue to pray for your successful house hunt and health recovery. as other's have stated - it seems every time there is curve ball thrown at you, you manage to find a way to get done what needs doing and then you are in a better situation altogether!
Bless your heart brenda. Such a strong woman. Thanks for the update an i wish you all well.
I really don't feel very strong. lol Thank you for caring!!
What a strong, brave lady you are. You remind me a lot of a friend that I very recently lost. Life threw literally everything at her, but she kept going, where others would have just given up. Keep going, and stay strong xx
I'm so happy that you, the boy and the cats are safe and look forward to seeing how things go for you all. Big Hugs
Thank you, Debbie!! I'm looking forward to seeing how they go, too. lol
Hi, I discovered your channel just yesterday. I watched all your cleaning videos while cleaning my own flat (because I am in the same situation as you where at that time) and I really adore your way of sharing your journey with us. Your videos are amazingly real and you helped me so much yesterday. And, I love the cats. I think everyone does, right?!
So, I watched this update now and just wanted to say: Keep going, don't let yourself down. You are managing so well. I am really looking forward to seeing more videos from you.
Alright. I am going to finish my own cleaning now, while listening to the rest of your videos. A big hug and greetings from germany!
I'm so happy to hear you're on your own journey to take you life back!! Yayy!!! Thank you for the words of encouragement all the way from Germany! They really do help. I think I need to text my son saying it's from Germany!!
Hi Brenda, here comes a BIG HUG and greetings from Austria, which is neighbour country to Germany.
Your videos have helped me soooo much to clean up. I'm a really messy person, with one cat and a rat, and currently a young pigeon (- they all get along fine)and also my boyfriend- all of us living in a tiny flat, size of a hotel room.
You can bet, it's always packed in here. But with your help (the videos) I manage to go through all the stuff, and declutter and declutter and declutter...- slowly it's gettig better, and my goal is to have it done before Chrismas!
And You started me! Thank you! Wishing you all the best, and Heathen stays in my prayers!
Love, Tasha - from Vienna /Austria
Isn't she amazing? I know her story will help many. I wish you all good things as you walk your own life journey. With Love from BanDana Gramma!
I am so proud of you!! I know you can do it, Tasha!! I'm sending you all the positive vibes I can and I know they'll make it all the way to Austria!! Thank you for your kind words!!
Brenda thank you and your wonderful son. You find hope and humor in so many difficult transitions in you're in your life. :) You're taking each challenge one bit at a time which makes the whole lot more manageable. What a great lesson you're teaching us. 👍
As always with great hope and prayers that you're health continue to improve and the right home come soon. You've many angels in your life disguised as people and pets, l see. :) ♡♡♡
I hope things get better for you
You are so amazing. I am so sorry for your loss. You are such a strong strong lady and I can't wait to see you grow.
Just had to spend a week in a hotel with two pit bulls and a cat 😆 we sold our home in FL and had to close a week before we were able to close on our new home in GA... You truly realize how little you "need" when hotel living 😂😂😂. While we still miss the big continental breakfast cooked for us with no clean up...we are happy to once again be in a home... I'm impressed with your tidying and upkeep with such a small space
That's what has amazed us!! There are no additional expenses at all, I have one load of laundry a week because they wash all the bedding and towels. And I can usually get two meals from the breakfast they serve. lol Plus, with the fridge and microwave, I can still buy food and eat reasonably inexpensively. Thanks!!
well armed wife I agree. We're from Australia and 2 years ago did a 3 month road trip through America visiting family and friends. We're a family of 4 and only took 40lbs each 1 suitcase each plus a carry on.
You are an amazingly strong woman. God bless you! I am hoping to get something to you soon. Please stay encouraged and know that the Wills Family is praying for you and things WILL get better.
Thank you so very much!! You really are wonderful. I've missed you!!!
Despite your recent struggles, this update is full of wonderful things....your loving son, your good health news, and your attitude of gratitude for the warm, comfortable interim place you are in run by understanding people. Good luck and keep us posted.
My goal for this winter is to go through all the boxes in my basement and garage, so I would be very interested in watching your process of going through your boxes, or whatever from storage. I'm so overwhelmed! Your videos help though.
Im glad your warm ,safe , and comfortable.
You sure have been through a lot. Your son has been absolutely wonderful as usual. Im so proud of you both.
Special shout out to your sons friend for helping with the move and the place where your staying having a heart.
I hope your healing well and wish you all the best with finding your new home.
Many hugs to your furbabies too!
Tfs & take care 🌹
Thank you!! My son's friend made it all possible!! He's definitely being adopted. lol
So sorry to hear about not finding heathen. :( Glad you were able to get yourselves together to move so quickly. Praying for you that you find a new place. ~Lisa
You’ve had a tough time that’s for sure but u have an amazing son for support and I’m hopeful it will all turn good in the end . . Best of luck Brenda and the boy . X
I agree that he's pretty amazing......but don't tell him I said that. lol Thanks so much for your nice comment!
Something better than the place before will come up soon, I'm sure of it! I'm so sorry about Heathen :( One of my kitties ran away and then I had to move a couple of months later, so I know how you feel. I feel for you! Best of luck with everything! xx
It's so hard just not knowing if they're safe or not, isn't it? Thank you for your very nice words!!
I've watched your videos for months now and I love them so much!! They inspire me to clean up my own house, and it feels so nice to hear someone talking with or to me while I clean! xoxo Thank you so much for these videos! xxxx
I've been working my way from the beginning, of your videos. You are such an inspiration Brenda. And you clearly have done an excellent job of raising your Boy as he is really doin' right by his Mama. I hope everything gets figured out with your living situation real soon. My heart goes out to you. Stay strong.
Hi Brenda. I sitting binge watching and catching up with where you are. I thought I'd let you know that you have become an inspiration to me in my own efforts to clear up my house. Thank you Brenda. Xx
I have started the journey of getting rid of things I've held onto after my divorce that I just couldn't deal with. Over 10 years later I'm finally ready to deal with that mess and watching videos online to get inspiration and organization. I found yours. Let me say watching from the beginning I could hear the difference in your voice as you started to accomplish your goals. Keep it up and don't let the circumstances let you down. You can do this.
Hi brenda... TY so much for the update... I'm glad that things are well... you are in a safe place and feeling better... I will continue to keep you in my thoughts (along with the boy and kitties)... TAKE GOOD CARE! xo lala
Hello Brenda! It's wonderful to finally get introduced to "the boy"! He's a handsome young man, and it's obvious he loves you and the purring ones. What a month you've had!! You'll be in my prayers. Sending love and hugs.
I could watch you all day. I really hope you guys have a very merry holiday season. I hope you find a place soon. I wish you, the boy, and the cats the best.
So glad to hear you aren’t stopping your channel. I look forward to your videos, I pray that you find a perfect home for you, your son and the kitties ❤️❤️
Hello Brenda,
I just want to say that you have been so motivating to me! I don't have so much a cleaning issue as I do fitness, but your videos have helped me start to really try and build up my health. My kitties and I are sending you and your fur babies love. Take care x
You are such a strong , brave , kind woman! You inspire me. You're son is such a handsome angel... I wish you only goodness from here on out...I hope you keep us posted... Love to you all
Dear Ms. Brenda,
While surfing TH-cam earlier today I stumbled upon your videos. I’ve spent several hours watching ‘your life’. You are one amazing person and if it were possible I would give you a big hug. You, the kitties and of course The Boy are in my prayers.
Lots of love from Illinois
Best video yet! You are so relatable, I'm sitting here trying to to be in tears for all the heartache and then how you are pulling through! A side note, I bet It helps a lot having a smaller space to have to deal with rather than a big house. I am so so glad the kitties are with you!!! I am watching in order from the beginning--no spoilers please!
I wish you all the best for the future. Such a lovely family & you have been through a lot. Hope all works out for you xxx
Thank you so much!!
I am so enjoying watching all your video’s. Right from the first one. I put your cloudy chats on and sit back and shut my eyes and listen to your lovely soothing voice. Good on you and the way you are coping with life. Your son looks so nice and a caring son is very special. X
I feel so awful that Heathen took off. I know it takes a LONG time to get over that. Bless you.
You’re houseless not homeless.ive been homeless lived in my car and you don’t want to go there.stay focused on finding and keeping a new home because you are at a crux right now,and things could go very bad.ill pray for you
cmonster6 I'm so glad I could pass it on. Lazy helped me so much and now, through her story, she's still helping people. ❤
I really believe animals are the Angels on Earth. We're fortunate to be able to have such amazing companions.
Thanks for letting me know it helps you. 💋
PS, i did not think it was that wordy. everyone needs to vent or we would explode. :) its a good emotional release.
Not at all boring! May God bless and keep you always.
Dear MY NEW ME, I have lost my business, and because of that the house and the car. Lucky for me with my son's help, we ended up in a garden home about one third the size. I had to say goodbye to most of the furniture and slept on the floor the first 2 years. Today, the main thing missing is a couch to sit on. Things have begun to normalize although it irks me to have so little space, especially when we are 5 people (I have 4 children). My sn had to quit college though, so I feel pretty guilty about that. My point is, after every storm, no matter how bad it is, the sun comes out. You seem to have kept your sense of humor, and of course your cats. And your son is absolutely remarkable. You sure did something right with how you raised him. It seems there is little for you to clean and organize now, but hopefully you will have time now to plan your next life's chapter. May I suggest writing books? It seems right up your alley.
It is so good to see you again. Such a lot of stuff you accomplished in such a short time. Bless you, both and all those that helped you get out of the old and on the way to the new. Hang in there my friend!
Yay!!! I cannot wait to finish watching this… Love you
Love you, too!! I know you've been waiting for it!! lol
My New Me wow!!! You have been through so much… That video had me feeling all kinds of emotions… Wanted to cry laughing up proud of you and the boy for coming through all this the way you have… Proud of the boy for coming to clean and take care of his mama and play with the cats… A little sad when you were describing how you were walking around in the driveway and have and then Zaidi attack… It reminded me of some of my own anxiety attacks… Wow… I have to go wipe my eyes and blow my nose now… Because now I actually am
You are so sweet!!! It's working out for the better. Thank you so much for caring so much!!
Hi, Brenda! It seems I have missed a few videos of yours. I had no idea about the change in your living situation! I hope all is going well for you now. I am so sorry about your missing cat. I hope he’s at least found a new home or someone who feeds him. Anyway, I just want to let you know how inspiring your channel has been for me. I’ve been battling depression, hoarding, and anxiety for a long time. Your videos help me see the light in darker situations and also inspire me to keep cleaning and purging things I no longer need. Bless you and your son! I hope 2018 treats you well.
So happy to see this update and to see that you are faring pretty well. I can only imagine how stressful this has been for you. Your strength of spirit is inspiring. And I know how much pets help when the world seems to be putting so many roadblocks in the way of your peace of mind. My own pets have been such a comfort to me after losing my dear boyfriend in 2016. Please stay well and keep your chin up. We are all praying for you and wishing for the best for you, the Boy and your sweet kitties. Until next time!
They really do help us, don't they? I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Atty can give me a smile and a laugh no matter what's happening. I guess this part of my journey is all about learning to deal with the bad as well as the good. Thanks so much for your kind words!!
subscribed to ur channel. I even watched the ads to show support. U r such an inspiration to me. My kitties say" Hi" to Atty. I turned 65 this year and decided on a TH-cam adventure ( work in progress). No time to be shy as I'm not getting any younger. Any tips and advices would be appreciated. Thanks and keep those videos coming .
Hi Brenda boy and kitties trust me I've been there we moved from Florida to Colorado 10 yrs ago with big dreams of a beautiful place to live but of course it fell thru so we were living on the streets of Denver for 2 months but all came out to a good thing so keep your head up lots of love merry Christmas and happy new year lots of love
Out of all of my subscriptions that posted videos this morning, I had to click on your video first! I've been worried about you and the boy and the cats. I have been homeless, and I know what a blessing a hotel room can be! While I would miss my house, the room was so much easier to keep clean. I was not able to take my pets with me (family cared for them), and that about killed me and I'm so glad that you have the cats with you and the boy checking in on you! I'm glad the procedure is done, and you are on your way to better health. Keep us posted, and know I am sending lots of love, hugs and prayers!
You are such an inspiration, Brenda. You really do make lemonade from lemons. I pray your life settles down very soon and you can honestly smile more and more each day. All my love to you and the Boy. God Bless xxxxx Lynette
Oh Brenda, I was wondering about you! As, I haven't seen any new video notifications. First I was shocked, then heartbroken, and finally, a little sad but, optimistic for your future. "The Boy" is a good looking young man. God bless you, him and the fur kids.
I'm glad everything is now working out.
Also, the boy is super cute!
Oh and Brenda, I'm sorry things went the way they did but I hope you find yourself in a better position in the end. The both of you. I'm glad to hear you will continue your channel. You have a lot to offer and I enjoy hearing your thoughts and little wisdoms along the way.
wow! you're an inspiration. I'm sorry about Heathen though. Keep fighting the good fight and keep us updated!
I am so glad to see you are doing better. Haven't been getting notifications for some reason and have been wondering how everything had ended up going for you. You are definitely going to continue to be in my prayers. Your videos are wonderful and I love watching those kitties play lol
So glad you are warm and safe. You have a positive attitude and things will improve. It's hard to be patient when you just want to get on with things but you will soon be there.
It sounds like you guys have been through a very hard time. I hope things improve in the new year.
Thank you! They're better than they were, which is the right direction. Right? lol
The boy, so cute!
So glad you are doing better, and hoping your situation improves soon.
I'm so sorry that has happened to you. Prayers for you, your son, and ALL your cats!
great video ! your son is such a blessing ! he really helps you do much . sweet to see
Just joined your Patreon! I just love your family and your spirit! Wishing nothing but the best for you.
Thank you for sharing :)
Thanks so much for stopping by and watching!! I really appreciate it!!