DISCORD: discord.gg/ez5nKYke SUPPORT: www.patreon.com/Jeem www.buymeacoffee.com/jeemapol... WRITTEN ARTICLES: jeemapologetics.substack.com/ SKYPE: japologetics1996@gmail.com (Inquire for one-on-one sessions with me to discuss theology, clear doubts, and examine Scripture to prove the majesty and power of the Christian religion) DEBATE INFO: Write a comment under any video or send me an invite on Skype or email to set up a debate time.
But Jeem Galatians 5 says we are freed from the Law and it is said that those who follow the circumcision are obliged to follow the whole law and is severed from christ
@@houbertcanitio2199 Paul's referring to the pharisees which at the time was teaching circumcision and keeping the law first was required for salvation. Saying that those who are circumcised are obliged to keep the whole law isn't literal here. He's demonstrating how pointless it is to put faith in the pharisees' traditions instead of Jesus Christ.
I think a lot of the misunderstanding could be solved by simply reading the scriptures. I recently read through the book of acts and it is clearly shown in Paul’s actions during his missionary journeys that he never abandoned the Jewish people and never tried to abolish the law. The Jews are trying to imprison or kill him and again and again he continues to preach to them and try to change their minds about Jesus Christ.
@@tiretalkstoomuch8781 that’s about as far from the truth as one can get. The point of the letter to the Romans is that Paul is trying to reconcile the Jewish Christians and the Gentile Christians in Rome and trust one another despite differing practices following a brief split. It’s not that Paul doesn’t care about Jews, it’s that modern readers of Paul don’t understand Paul.
Wow some very good and insightful concepts I had not considered. Great explanations and argumentations, distinguishing biblical truths from traditions that violate those same eternal truths. 👍
Regarding the history of dietary laws: . From Adam to Noah, no meats . From Noah to Moses, all meats . From Moses to Christ, clean meats only . From Christ to His return, all meats plus prescribed fasting According to the Epistle of Barnabas, the Mosaic dietary restrictions were directed at the CONDUCT of the "unclean" animal, but not the meat itself.
@@HesusEleison The eating of animals was instituted with Noah after the flood; but who knows if anyone did before? The name escapes me of a Catholic theologian from the 18th(?) century who speculated that plants became nutritionally interior after the earth was inundated with the salt water of the flood, so God permitted eating the nutrient dense animals instead.
They have no reason to, given what I presented here. The "evil scheming Paul who got rid of the law" does not exist, so the Islamic obsession with him is nonsense and not even loyal to early Islamic theology, and the Rabbinic hatred of Paul is laughable since it proves they misread their own book (again)
Christ defeated death indeed and I accept him as Lord and personal savior. Im coming from a protestant background but thank you for informing me on this.
Only the East understands how dialectics, first, severs, second, reinvents the severed parts, then, third, pits one (each) against the other (each other). Well composed and presented. Ready made to forward to thelp non-Orthodox on anyone's list.
It's a pretty informational video. The Apostle Paul is the most underrated person in history - he has contributed a lot for the Christian faith but somehow became the most hated person in especial modern-day. One of the first big moments in contradicting the Apostle Paul is when Martin Luther really wanted to remove the Book of James because it contradicted Luther's own man-made doctrine called "sole fide" (faith alone). The next Protestant people that followed Martin Luther (such as John Calvin) invented more extreme doctrines such as "eternal security", "double predestinatio", etc. Virtually no Christian in the first 1500 years of Christianity have believed in these nonsense. Personally, I am fascinated to hear in one of your videos about the Ghassanid-Byzantine meeting, when the Chalcedonian Byzantine officials said they will not eat donkey and camel, the Miaphysite Ghassanid officials said, "See, since you corrupted the faith of God, we will disobey the moral guide from God". Pretty funny story. Jesus declared all foods clean in Mark 7:18-19. I say that additional particular verse for evidence that we are not justified by the law alone. We are justified by the grace of God; however, we are not justified by faith alone. When James said faith alone DOES NOT justify us and works accompany with faith, James said we can't do bad stuff; James implies we have to do our best to follow the 10 commandments, consistent with Jesus's teaching on Matthew 5:19. James never taught that the Mosaic Law justifies us before God.
@azerj3407, You can't separate Matt 5 v 19 from vv 17 - in which Christ states that He is the fulfilment of the law - from v 20, in which He (effectively) proclaims Himself more righteous than the scribes and Pharisees, challenging us, to abide in Him, who is 'THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS' (Jeremiah 23 (v 5 and) v 6). He becomes OUR righteousness (1 Corinthians 1 vv 29 - 3), by faith in His atonement (spirirual), as opposed to by keeping the blood ordinances of the Mosaic law, which in Hebrews 9 v 13, is expressly limited to 'the purifying of the flesh', and compared in the next verse (14) to the blood of Christ being able to purge our consciences [from such dead 'works'] in order that we serve (worship) the living God. Hebrews 12 vv 22 - 24. So, by faith in the lethal effect of the death of Christ to crush the satan's head, and faith in His blood that was shed for sin (to put our sin(s) away), and in His resurrection in which we are then / now raised to walk in His (eternal) life, our keeping of the laws of God under the new covenant are explained by God's promise to give believers a new heart (Ezekiel 36 vv 26, 27) in which His law is already inscribed (Hebrews 8 vv (7, 8, 9) 10 - 12, 13) The battle that remains is against the propensity of the flesh to sin. But Paul says we can put to death those urges with the help / power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8 esp v 13. Regarding the law of Moses and its religious keeping by Jews, Paul says, Romans 10 (KJV) ³ For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. ⁴ For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believes.' (Romans 3 vv 20 - 26) This is why the word 'if' appears so many times in the New Tesament. There is an implicit expectation of actual victory over sin in our personal lives, which makes sense of John's explanations in his first epistle, 1 vv 5 - 10 (esp v 7), 2 vv 1 - 6.
But wait, shouldn't Peter by that point in Acts with the vision of "common" foods have ALREADY known this? He lived with Christ for 3 years and I'm sure Christ ate "common" foods during those 3 years? How do we explain this?
1st Century and successive Churches all understood that Paul taught contrary to Torah. Now that Christians understand Torah cannot be done away with, but must maintain the doctrine of an infallible cannon, Paul is pro Torah? Despite the plain examples? Primarily Rom14:14 and 1Cor8?
Greetings beloved brother, Paul I believe was clear.....Christ and Christ crucified....otherwise there is no Gospel of the Kingdom because there is no establishment of the new covenant.... The new covenant addresses the problem of eternal salvation.....righteousness before God....our justified state before a Holy God. I believe Paul clearly demonstrates by His life that you cannot separate Torah from God....how do you separate the Word from the Spirit.... However, Paul now understands the mystery of salvation by grace through faith in Christ... The work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of every believer (2 Cor 4:5-6) will glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and bring honor to the Father... Paul never departed from righteousness (which is the law...Rom 7:12)....he simply had it revealed to him that it (righteousness) is accomplished by grace through faith....believing in the work of Christ which then works in you.... Acts 24:10-16...Paul's commitment and dedication to all that God has spoken.... Acts 20:22-24 NKJV - “And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, “except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me. “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. May the Lord bless you and keep you my beloved and thankyou for making room for my dialogue... May the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ be eternally within you... In Jesus Name 🕊🙏❤🫂❤🙏🕊
Jeem what is meant by the least in the Kingdom of heaven? Because the fathers like st John Chrysostom and Augustine say that the least are not in the Kingdom at all.
You can be Orthodox and follow the Law for guidance, not salvificly. Noahidism is nonsense, the foreigner in Israel had to follow the entire Law, and Acts 15:21 says they will learn all of Moses, not just a few commands. Thanks for the comment
Yes, we can. We are no longer under the Sinaiatic covenant, ergo the Law of Moses does not merit eternal salvation. Christ is the fulfillment of the law, and we are under a new Covenant.
Greetings brother, Please endulge me....I can rattle in a bit....🙏 New to your channel (debunking Adam Green) - he has a desire to see unrighteousness squashed so pray for him....once he understands that Jesus iscthe covenant of peace and that Hechas made all things new, he will cease resisting the Holy Spirit and like Peter will cease having his mind on the things of men.... I Live in Melb Australia.... Anyway the primary purpose of my comment is to offer the suggestion for ongoing application of the following words in your videos Israel Judaism Jew Only two are actually biblically transliterated words.... Jew which first appears in 2 Kings 25 is a product of the exiled Northern Kingdom so now the language pertaining to God's people shifts to the remnant of Israel which is the house of Judah...therefore the transliterated words even in Hebrew would be Judaites.... Now all this to draw the direct link between Judah and the remnant of Israel so that we would not conflate the giving of the Torah with the preservation of God's people to ensure the root of Jesse would be fulfilled. See when we hold to the truth of the biblical narrative, that God (Father) gave His Torah (instructions) to His firstborn (Israel...Ex 4:22) it eliminates much of the confusion about who the Torah is for.... Matthew 3:17 NKJV - And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 17:5 NKJV - While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” John 1:14 NKJV - And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John 3:16 NKJV - “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 1 John 4:9 NKJV - In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. All this to make the point that Israel is Gods first born, the one upon who He put His Name....pointing ultimately to the true Israel, His only begotten who is Jesus.... Romans 9:6-8 NKJV - But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.” That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed. Without Gods instruction we would be in utter darkness....His Torah is the light which shines into the darkness of our hearts (2 Cor 4:5-6) So in closing, without aiming to seem anti-semetic, when we conflate Torah and Jew, I believe we create muddy waters and confuse... The Torah is eternal as it is God's Word and Israel was not literally born, He was named by God Himself.... check out Gen 28 thru 35...I think you will find a study of the 12th son an amazing picture.... Clue....11 sons born to Jacob....1 Son born to Israel.... May the Lord bless you and preserve you in His love and grace.... Love, Joy and Peace....eternal riches forever more found only in Him In Jesus Name be sanctified. 🕊🙏❤🫂❤🙏🕊
We are under the New Covenant, but the Old taught useful moral precepts through primitive laws and statutes... You referenced Leviticus 19: 19 _"You shall not let your cattle breed with another kind: you shall not sow your field with mixed seed: neither shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you."_ That could be understood as: Do not marry with unbelievers. Do not mix truth with heresy in the field of your heart. Do not seek to be clothed in both the Holy Spirit and the spirit of the age.
Deuteronomy 22:11 advises against wearing clothing made of a mixture of wool and linen. I’m not sure where you’re located ,but most folks in the United States don't even wear wool and linen, but if you don’t just don’t mix them I’m trying to be obedient as possible I see people in the comments trying to find loopholes which is ridiculous, you’re either obedient or not it’s that simple. Grace and peace be upon you.
Circumcision was used by the Hebrews (beginning with Abraham,) as a distinguishing mark from among the other surrounding nations -- a hidden seal. Our invisible seal today is baptism.
A lot of the Hebrew movement or Torah observers will say the same things you said . What makes you different from them ? You say in Acts 15:21 they were suppose to learn all the law of Moses not only the 4 things they were warned to abstain from ? How come in the letter written you can’t find any hint of gentiles following all the law of Moses apart from those 4!
Because it was a decree not an account. The council told them what to do. Not give an account of what they were doing. Besides, I don't think there's any contradiction in your question. The council says they don't want to burden the gentiles with the law because it was a tough thing for themselves and their fathers. Not that they're throwing it out. Watch jeems first video on orthodoxy and the law of Moses.
@@RajVeesa listen to what you just said . They said it was a tough thing for themselves and fathers and didn’t want to burden the gentiles right? Yet , you’re trying to argue they burden them with the whole law anyway? When you look at the letter that was sent out , there’s 0 mention of gentiles having to keep the whole law . You think they wouldn’t have put that in there is that was their intention? You can’t take acts 15:21 and use that to make the point that gentiles are suppose to keep the law of Moses . Even your church fathers didn’t subscribe to this view
No, but understand, that ruminant animals are safer. They don't spread illnesses, that swine might have. Trichinosis for example. Our God does not want us to suffer, thus the rules. I'm sure there are other reasons, as Gods reasons are inexhaustible.
@@reubendawe292 @kazb6526 no. Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. - Colossian 2:16 Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. - Romans 14:3
Another so called apologist doing everything to justify his religion...He never really touched what the actual tanach say on salvation he only continued attacks the rabbis and judiasm..
DISCORD: discord.gg/ez5nKYke
(Inquire for one-on-one sessions with me to discuss theology, clear doubts, and examine Scripture to prove the majesty and power of the Christian religion)
DEBATE INFO: Write a comment under any video or send me an invite on Skype or email to set up a debate time.
But Jeem Galatians 5 says we are freed from the Law and it is said that those who follow the circumcision are obliged to follow the whole law and is severed from christ
@@houbertcanitio2199 Paul's referring to the pharisees which at the time was teaching circumcision and keeping the law first was required for salvation. Saying that those who are circumcised are obliged to keep the whole law isn't literal here. He's demonstrating how pointless it is to put faith in the pharisees' traditions instead of Jesus Christ.
holy smokes it's jeem apologetics, just on time
I think a lot of the misunderstanding could be solved by simply reading the scriptures. I recently read through the book of acts and it is clearly shown in Paul’s actions during his missionary journeys that he never abandoned the Jewish people and never tried to abolish the law.
The Jews are trying to imprison or kill him and again and again he continues to preach to them and try to change their minds about Jesus Christ.
If the book of acts is not historical, all we have to go on are his authentic letters. Thus painting a very problematic picture.
@@tiretalkstoomuch8781 that’s about as far from the truth as one can get. The point of the letter to the Romans is that Paul is trying to reconcile the Jewish Christians and the Gentile Christians in Rome and trust one another despite differing practices following a brief split. It’s not that Paul doesn’t care about Jews, it’s that modern readers of Paul don’t understand Paul.
I love these videos. Important topic!!!
Me too
Wow some very good and insightful concepts I had not considered. Great explanations and argumentations, distinguishing biblical truths from traditions that violate those same eternal truths. 👍
Glad you enjoyed it!
Regarding the history of dietary laws:
. From Adam to Noah, no meats
. From Noah to Moses, all meats
. From Moses to Christ, clean meats only
. From Christ to His return, all meats plus prescribed fasting
According to the Epistle of Barnabas, the Mosaic dietary restrictions were directed at the CONDUCT of the "unclean" animal, but not the meat itself.
Very interesting actually
Meats weren't allowed since Adam to Noah?
@@HesusEleison The eating of animals was instituted with Noah after the flood; but who knows if anyone did before? The name escapes me of a Catholic theologian from the 18th(?) century who speculated that plants became nutritionally interior after the earth was inundated with the salt water of the flood, so God permitted eating the nutrient dense animals instead.
Some of these people think paul is the anti christ
They have no reason to, given what I presented here. The "evil scheming Paul who got rid of the law" does not exist, so the Islamic obsession with him is nonsense and not even loyal to early Islamic theology, and the Rabbinic hatred of Paul is laughable since it proves they misread their own book (again)
The koinos vs akathartos is great to see
I've watched a few of your videos and this one earned my sub. Keep up the good work brother!
Christ defeated death indeed and I accept him as Lord and personal savior.
Im coming from a protestant background but thank you for informing me on this.
The law shows us why we need a savior, instead of being our savior.
Only the East understands how dialectics, first, severs, second, reinvents the severed parts, then, third, pits one (each) against the other (each other). Well composed and presented. Ready made to forward to thelp non-Orthodox on anyone's list.
Jeem, what are your thoughts on how Orthodox Christians should react to whats happening in Palestine? I want the opinion of an Arab Christian
I made a video on this topic 2 weeks ago actually. I'll be doing another on what we should think of it
Perfect explanation. Good job. Keep it up.
It's a pretty informational video. The Apostle Paul is the most underrated person in history - he has contributed a lot for the Christian faith but somehow became the most hated person in especial modern-day. One of the first big moments in contradicting the Apostle Paul is when Martin Luther really wanted to remove the Book of James because it contradicted Luther's own man-made doctrine called "sole fide" (faith alone). The next Protestant people that followed Martin Luther (such as John Calvin) invented more extreme doctrines such as "eternal security", "double predestinatio", etc. Virtually no Christian in the first 1500 years of Christianity have believed in these nonsense.
Personally, I am fascinated to hear in one of your videos about the Ghassanid-Byzantine meeting, when the Chalcedonian Byzantine officials said they will not eat donkey and camel, the Miaphysite Ghassanid officials said, "See, since you corrupted the faith of God, we will disobey the moral guide from God". Pretty funny story.
Jesus declared all foods clean in Mark 7:18-19. I say that additional particular verse for evidence that we are not justified by the law alone. We are justified by the grace of God; however, we are not justified by faith alone. When James said faith alone DOES NOT justify us and works accompany with faith, James said we can't do bad stuff; James implies we have to do our best to follow the 10 commandments, consistent with Jesus's teaching on Matthew 5:19. James never taught that the Mosaic Law justifies us before God.
@azerj3407, You can't separate Matt 5 v 19 from vv 17 - in which Christ states that He is the fulfilment of the law - from v 20, in which He (effectively) proclaims Himself more righteous than the scribes and Pharisees, challenging us, to abide in Him, who is 'THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS' (Jeremiah 23 (v 5 and) v 6). He becomes OUR righteousness (1 Corinthians 1 vv 29 - 3), by faith in His atonement (spirirual), as opposed to by keeping the blood ordinances of the Mosaic law, which in Hebrews 9 v 13, is expressly limited to 'the purifying of the flesh', and compared in the next verse (14) to the blood of Christ being able to purge our consciences [from such dead 'works'] in order that we serve (worship) the living God. Hebrews 12 vv 22 - 24.
So, by faith in the lethal effect of the death of Christ to crush the satan's head, and faith in His blood that was shed for sin (to put our sin(s) away), and in His resurrection in which we are then / now raised to walk in His (eternal) life, our keeping of the laws of God under the new covenant are explained by God's promise to give believers a new heart (Ezekiel 36 vv 26, 27) in which His law is already inscribed (Hebrews 8 vv (7, 8, 9) 10 - 12, 13)
The battle that remains is against the propensity of the flesh to sin. But Paul says we can put to death those urges with the help / power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8 esp v 13. Regarding the law of Moses and its religious keeping by Jews, Paul says, Romans 10 (KJV) ³ For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. ⁴ For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believes.' (Romans 3 vv 20 - 26)
This is why the word 'if' appears so many times in the New Tesament. There is an implicit expectation of actual victory over sin in our personal lives, which makes sense of John's explanations in his first epistle, 1 vv 5 - 10 (esp v 7), 2 vv 1 - 6.
But wait, shouldn't Peter by that point in Acts with the vision of "common" foods have ALREADY known this?
He lived with Christ for 3 years and I'm sure Christ ate "common" foods during those 3 years?
How do we explain this?
1st Century and successive Churches all understood that Paul taught contrary to Torah. Now that Christians understand Torah cannot be done away with, but must maintain the doctrine of an infallible cannon, Paul is pro Torah? Despite the plain examples? Primarily Rom14:14 and 1Cor8?
Greetings beloved brother,
Paul I believe was clear.....Christ and Christ crucified....otherwise there is no Gospel of the Kingdom because there is no establishment of the new covenant....
The new covenant addresses the problem of eternal salvation.....righteousness before God....our justified state before a Holy God.
I believe Paul clearly demonstrates by His life that you cannot separate Torah from God....how do you separate the Word from the Spirit....
However, Paul now understands the mystery of salvation by grace through faith in Christ...
The work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of every believer (2 Cor 4:5-6) will glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and bring honor to the Father...
Paul never departed from righteousness (which is the law...Rom 7:12)....he simply had it revealed to him that it (righteousness) is accomplished by grace through faith....believing in the work of Christ which then works in you....
Acts 24:10-16...Paul's commitment and dedication to all that God has spoken....
Acts 20:22-24 NKJV - “And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, “except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me. “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
May the Lord bless you and keep you my beloved and thankyou for making room for my dialogue...
May the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ be eternally within you...
In Jesus Name
Excellent video brother 💪
Do you observe the sabat ? As a christian today ?
We do, we go to Church and celebrate the Lords resurrection.
I observe the Sabbath in due way
Isnt it kinda weird that there is such a polemic on St Paul?
He totally makes sense.
Jeem what is meant by the least in the Kingdom of heaven? Because the fathers like st John Chrysostom and Augustine say that the least are not in the Kingdom at all.
If you study the noahide laws you can see what law was given to whom.
Im considering orthodoxy but this is the thing that holds me back
You can be Orthodox and follow the Law for guidance, not salvificly. Noahidism is nonsense, the foreigner in Israel had to follow the entire Law, and Acts 15:21 says they will learn all of Moses, not just a few commands. Thanks for the comment
@@Jeem196 I’ll further study to confirm this, thanks
@@Jeem196 acts 15:21 never says we will learn on the laws of Moses . You’re reading into it
@@Jeem196 again I challenge you to show me anywhere in the letter written in acts 15 where gentiles are encouraged to learn all the laws of Moses .
Literally acts 15:21.
Could you please explain why Jesus said that he allow divorce and remarriage because of the hardness of their hearts? God Bless☦☦
On Pentecost day it was said,. " This is that spoken by Joel the prophet".
See : 02. Joel Shepherds Student 😁.
You can't justify a leavened Non-quartodecimin Pascha or Sunday Sabbatarianism, or rejection of kashrut.
Yes, we can. We are no longer under the Sinaiatic covenant, ergo the Law of Moses does not merit eternal salvation. Christ is the fulfillment of the law, and we are under a new Covenant.
Great vid
Greetings brother,
Please endulge me....I can rattle in a bit....🙏
New to your channel (debunking Adam Green) - he has a desire to see unrighteousness squashed so pray for him....once he understands that Jesus iscthe covenant of peace and that Hechas made all things new, he will cease resisting the Holy Spirit and like Peter will cease having his mind on the things of men....
I Live in Melb Australia....
Anyway the primary purpose of my comment is to offer the suggestion for ongoing application of the following words in your videos
Only two are actually biblically transliterated words....
Jew which first appears in 2 Kings 25 is a product of the exiled Northern Kingdom so now the language pertaining to God's people shifts to the remnant of Israel which is the house of Judah...therefore the transliterated words even in Hebrew would be Judaites....
Now all this to draw the direct link between Judah and the remnant of Israel so that we would not conflate the giving of the Torah with the preservation of God's people to ensure the root of Jesse would be fulfilled.
See when we hold to the truth of the biblical narrative, that God (Father) gave His Torah (instructions) to His firstborn (Israel...Ex 4:22) it eliminates much of the confusion about who the Torah is for....
Matthew 3:17 NKJV - And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
Matthew 17:5 NKJV - While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and suddenly a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!”
John 1:14 NKJV - And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 3:16 NKJV - “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
1 John 4:9 NKJV - In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.
All this to make the point that Israel is Gods first born, the one upon who He put His Name....pointing ultimately to the true Israel, His only begotten who is Jesus....
Romans 9:6-8 NKJV - But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.” That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.
Without Gods instruction we would be in utter darkness....His Torah is the light which shines into the darkness of our hearts (2 Cor 4:5-6)
So in closing, without aiming to seem anti-semetic, when we conflate Torah and Jew, I believe we create muddy waters and confuse...
The Torah is eternal as it is God's Word and Israel was not literally born, He was named by God Himself....
check out Gen 28 thru 35...I think you will find a study of the 12th son an amazing picture....
Clue....11 sons born to Jacob....1 Son born to Israel....
May the Lord bless you and preserve you in His love and grace....
Love, Joy and Peace....eternal riches forever more found only in Him
In Jesus Name be sanctified.
Should we also wear clothes of one fiber or is that not the Law of Moses?
We are under the New Covenant, but the Old taught useful moral precepts through primitive laws and statutes...
You referenced Leviticus 19: 19 _"You shall not let your cattle breed with another kind: you shall not sow your field with mixed seed: neither shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you."_
That could be understood as: Do not marry with unbelievers. Do not mix truth with heresy in the field of your heart. Do not seek to be clothed in both the Holy Spirit and the spirit of the age.
Deuteronomy 22:11 advises against wearing clothing made of a mixture of wool and linen. I’m not sure where you’re located ,but most folks in the United States don't even wear wool and linen, but if you don’t just don’t mix them I’m trying to be obedient as possible I see people in the comments trying to find loopholes which is ridiculous, you’re either obedient or not it’s that simple. Grace and peace be upon you.
Does this mean circumcision grants extra rewards in heaven
if you are saved already sure but it's not going to help if you're not saved
You can't know if you're saved.
Circumcision was used by the Hebrews (beginning with Abraham,) as a distinguishing mark from among the other surrounding nations -- a hidden seal. Our invisible seal today is baptism.
@@Troy-Moses ok but baptism is still a jewish rite so what's your point?
A lot of the Hebrew movement or Torah observers will say the same things you said . What makes you different from them ? You say in Acts 15:21 they were suppose to learn all the law of Moses not only the 4 things they were warned to abstain from ? How come in the letter written you can’t find any hint of gentiles following all the law of Moses apart from those 4!
I love your channel and I’ve learned a lot , but this new stuff you’re saying alarms me
Because it was a decree not an account. The council told them what to do. Not give an account of what they were doing. Besides, I don't think there's any contradiction in your question. The council says they don't want to burden the gentiles with the law because it was a tough thing for themselves and their fathers. Not that they're throwing it out. Watch jeems first video on orthodoxy and the law of Moses.
@@RajVeesa listen to what you just said . They said it was a tough thing for themselves and fathers and didn’t want to burden the gentiles right? Yet , you’re trying to argue they burden them with the whole law anyway? When you look at the letter that was sent out , there’s 0 mention of gentiles having to keep the whole law . You think they wouldn’t have put that in there is that was their intention? You can’t take acts 15:21 and use that to make the point that gentiles are suppose to keep the law of Moses . Even your church fathers didn’t subscribe to this view
So, is it a sin to eat pork????
No, but understand, that ruminant animals are safer. They don't spread illnesses, that swine might have. Trichinosis for example. Our God does not want us to suffer, thus the rules. I'm sure there are other reasons, as Gods reasons are inexhaustible.
@@reubendawe292 @kazb6526 no.
Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. - Colossian 2:16
Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. - Romans 14:3
@@reubendawe292 - lol.....NO!
Another so called apologist doing everything to justify his religion...He
never really touched what the actual tanach say on salvation he only continued attacks the rabbis and judiasm..