Did Paul abolish the Law?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.พ. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 130

  • @aaroncarrillo7259
    @aaroncarrillo7259 7 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    It's really simple: John 3:4 for sin is the transgression of the law.

    • @aaroncarrillo7259
      @aaroncarrillo7259 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Jeff david I'm sorry but by no means are you a scholar... 1 John 1:8. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.. the law is spiritual my friend...Romans 7:14. For you to walk in the spirit you must keep the law!... 8:4. The word Righteousness is defined : as for one who keeps the law!

    • @Goonabasec7
      @Goonabasec7 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Rabbi Carillo call no man rabbi

    • @Goonabasec7
      @Goonabasec7 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      unfortunately you cant use logic on them. It is a heart issue. They are blinded by their doctrine and love sin. We need to show them the truth by living it and have them ask us why we do what we do. Not force it down their throats. not saying you did this but its so easy to do as I have. The law still exists as its part of the renewed covenant as stated in Jeremiah 31. Remember this isnt a matter of Logic unfortunately, if it truly was, Christians would repent the second they heard the truth.

    • @viadei
      @viadei 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @goonabasec It's as hard to convert an atheist as to make a "christian" understand the law is not done away with! Maybe even harder...

    • @willsr.9154
      @willsr.9154 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Goonabasec7 good one

  • @israelomotayo8488
    @israelomotayo8488 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The Torah was kept in the 'Old' & 'New Testerment' times, it is being kept today & will be kept in the coming kingdom. Shabbath shalom.

  • @louwkemp2400
    @louwkemp2400 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Point nr 1 is not true - the covenant a believer is grafted into is the one and only covenant that God intended.. The Torah is what shows sin and besses and curses.. Paul as he calls him said that the Gentiles are to learn from Moses in the Synagouges after telling them first to get out of paganism temple worship vibes ACTS 15:21
    You believe in Yeshua - you are saved - you obey the Law/Torah out of love and obedience - Rom 10;4 Christ is the end of the Law - the word "end" means (the goal of the Law) Christ brings it to fulfillment to give us His Spirit so we can walk in it by His Priestly order.. repentance and obedience.. grace in instruction has to go hand in hand... under the law means that you are under the jurisdiction of the Law, meaning you suffer the penalty instructed by the Law, being under grace means that we can repent and be forgiven..
    The context in Galatians is all about wanting to keep the Law for salvation - circumcision was a mark but the circumcision is of the heart..

    • @starlinmorel3498
      @starlinmorel3498 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      louw kemp so are we to sacrifice bulls and lamb daily and on the sabbath for our sins. And do the 621 or so commands of the Torah? How come Christ did not stone the adulterous women. How come crippled and disabled people were clean in Christ eyes but were not allowed before the altar at the Torah? How come a million other things. What about circumcission food. Christ said to love is better than sacrifice. And also, 1 Peter 4:8 says love covers a multitude of sins. In this example, Torah was not used but love instead. The new covenant of Christ is to love one another and believe God died and resurrected for our sins.

  • @kaishiden4586
    @kaishiden4586 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Paul never abolished the LAW of God. Acts 24:14 - But this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect, so I worship the Elohim of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets.
    Romans 3:31 - Do we then make void the Law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the Law.
    Romans 7:22 - For I delight in the Law of Yahweh according to the inward man.
    this man is a false prophet - misleading believers away from God. Deut 13
    the LAW OF GOD is the EVIDENCE OF YOUR FAITH not working for salvation.

    • @zamiel3
      @zamiel3 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      What do you think was a contradiction there?

  • @georgefreeman7270
    @georgefreeman7270 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yeshua himself said that he came not to abolish the law nor to discredit the profits, but to fulfill it.

  • @transformationofthebride2295
    @transformationofthebride2295 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Matthew 22:36-40 King James Version (KJV)
    36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
    37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
    38 This is the first and great commandment.
    39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
    40 On these two commandments hang ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS.

    • @gy5240
      @gy5240 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes, Jesus gave a good summary of the Law, to answer the question “ teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law”? but please don’t forget Matt 5: 17-19 ! Context matters.

  • @barbarza
    @barbarza 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Dr Brown did not elaborate that there are different laws rabbi Shaul (aka apostle Paul) meant, and pro-Vatican translators only used one word for all of them "nomos" :(( ----- so here we go:
    - Torah
    - midrashic interpretations
    - targum
    - haggadah
    Which one Sh'aul meant? One must see from the context!!

    • @codyalexander3290
      @codyalexander3290 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      How do I know this is true? I’m trying to learn.

    • @barbarza
      @barbarza 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@codyalexander3290 simply type these different names of Jewish laws and you will learn.

  • @rickbecker3277
    @rickbecker3277 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I know Mr Brown means well, while he hits on some points, he misses on others.
    Rom 3:21 it a key to understanding. Shaul (Paul is a catholic name) is speaking from experience. Not only was a a Pharisee, but one who met Yeshua and had his eyes opened.
    Where the Greek lacks and the English distorts, the Hebraic comes through.
    Shaul is speaking of two laws. One the Law of Yahuah Elohim, the other the law of the Pharisees, also known as Takanot. Those who know Jewish history already know what this is. For those who dont, it is the rules and regulations placed down upon the Jewish people by the scribes and Pharisees.
    Thus, a proper translation would be -
    But now apart from the Takanot the righteousness of Yahuah Elohim has been manifested, being witnessed by the Torah and the Prophets.
    Yes, the Torah and the Prophets are a witness against the Takanot, the law of the pharisees and the scribes.
    Read Matthew 23. Yeshua speaks against, not Yehuah's Torah, but against the burdens the scribes and pharisees ha e placed upon the people.
    Woe to you scribes and pharisees.
    Over and over. Woe to the scribes and pharisees.
    Yeshua Himself said He didnt come to abolish the Torah but to fulfill it. To fulfill does NOT mean its completed, but to carry out, follow, obey.
    What many miss, even Mr Brown, is each day, we wake to a new day, a new chance to obey Yahuah's Torah. To carry out His commandments, to fulfill Torah. EVERY DAY.
    Yesturday you did not lie, does that cover you today? Cover you tomorrow?
    Our DUTY is to fulfill Torah every new day. A new opportunity to live as Yahuah Elohim wants, to be righteous before Him.
    Torah is NOT abolished except by men who refuse to know Yahuah is KING of the Universe. His Son Yeshua is the Kohen Gadol over Israel, and the World.
    No one goes to the Father Yahuah but though Yeshua, His Son.
    So, with this proper understanding of Rom 3:21, Mr Brown needs correction. In this light, when Shaul is positive in his comments about the Law, he is speaking of Torah. When he is negative about the law, he is speaking of Takanot, the "law" of the scribes and the pharisees.
    Rom 3:21 and Matthew 23 are in perfect harmony. Torah stands. And both are in harmony with Torah.

    • @rickbecker3277
      @rickbecker3277 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Melvin Carter - Dr Brown obviously has been given awards and a title from men, being called "Dr" means he has pieces of paper hanging on his walls. In turn, i have no papers, i am not uplifted by men parroting what they have taught. Rights? i have no right to anything other than what Yahuah Elohim has given me.
      Dr Brown has gone to men for enlightenment. Knowing my limitations, i asked for knowledge from the Highest authority in the universe. In Roman 2 it says God is truth and men are found to be liars. Therefore i couldnt trust any man, woman or child on earth to teach me Scripture unless sent by God Himself. Wanting no less than God's Truth, i ask to be given a teacher or send me to one that God trusts. i was given such a teacher.
      No living man, woman or child could teach me yet Yahuah Elohim sent one, one i could trust to teach me Scripture from God's point of view as opposed to man's. That teacher was Solomon. Through his writing of the Book of Proverbs, i was taught knowledge and understanding. In turn i was equiped to find wisdom. Not the wisdom of men, the Wisdom of God through Scripture. No degrees, no papers from men, no lauding of titles - just pure Truth from God's point of view.
      i give credit to Dr Brown for searching. Mixing men's wisdom with God's Wisdom only muddies the waters.
      Romans 3:21 tells of two laws, one of God's, Torah, and one of men's - the Tokanote of the scribes and the Pharisees. Which is in perfect agreement with Yeshua's words in Matthew 23.
      Yeshua said heaven and earth will pass away first before one jot or tittle of Torah is removed. Heaven and Earth is still here. The new heavens and new earth do not come until the end of the book of Revelation - or do you dispute Scripture?
      i have no other credential than the knowlegde Solomon has written in Proverbs. i asked for understanding of Scripture from Elohim's view point, and He gave me Proverbs from which to learn - the Only teacher i could trust because God Almighty sent me to him.
      Yell at me, dismiss me, cast me to the dung heap - i dont care.
      God has shown me Truth and i Will use Scripture to educate and correct those who teach falsely.
      Do one thing before replying - Ask God!
      Pray for an answer from Him.

    • @rickbecker3277
      @rickbecker3277 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Melvin Carter Yes, Mr Brown.
      Are we to exault men because they wear their tzitzits so lonh they drag on the ground?
      Didnt Yeshua ask about given prefered seating because of titles?
      Read Yeshua's words, then pray to God our Father for truth.

    • @rickbecker3277
      @rickbecker3277 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Melvin Carter - calling someone "great" is praise - or has the dictionary been rewritten?
      i have listened to him for twenty years and he has yet to ask God of His point of view, only parroting the views of men from which he has gotten pieces of paper to hang on his wall and have others address him as "Dr".
      Again, prey and ask God for His wisdom on this matter.

    • @rickbecker3277
      @rickbecker3277 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Melvin Carter - yes Solomon did turn his back on God in his old age but you may have overlooked his youth. When he recieved knowledge, understanding and wisdom when young, from whom did he get it? God and Yeshua of course. Then he wrote down Proverbs, an instruction manual to gain understanding. Why did Yeshua speak in parables? Because if more read or listened to Scripture, they would know to use Proverbs to understand Yeshua's parables. Its simple, Proverbs is the Wisdom of Yeshua. As for Mr Brown, we are to council with men, yes, but seek understanding and wisdom from God. People who engage with titles seeks the aproval of men, not God.

    • @rickbecker3277
      @rickbecker3277 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Melvin Carter - I didnt say the Catholic church was in Shaul's day, I said they changed his name to Paul. Removing Shaul's jewishness by using the Greek Paul puts authority behind the Catholic church. This was intentional by Constintine as evidenced in his letter to the council of Nicea when he asked if they should do as the detestable Jews do or keep their own traditions. History then shows the Catholic church didnt keep the Holy Days of God but kept pagan holidays like easter and christmas.

  • @divinelyautistic
    @divinelyautistic 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The problem is, how do people think a mere man can abolish that which came from God.

  • @shellyblanchard5788
    @shellyblanchard5788 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Paul told us to that one is a Jew inward not outward in keeping the law.

  • @DennisMaher-v4i
    @DennisMaher-v4i 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Almost ALL pastors get this gravley WRONG

  • @36cmbr
    @36cmbr 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I got a question for any of you guys or girls who can answer it. “Is the Torah the whole of the law or is the law contained in portions of the Torah”?

    • @willsr.9154
      @willsr.9154 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Law is spread out throughout the Tanakh ..
      Before Moshe's tablets it was written in their hearts..
      Example: Genesis 26:5
      Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

    • @willsr.9154
      @willsr.9154 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Torah is only the first five books of the Old Testament

    • @zamiel3
      @zamiel3 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The law is spread out through the Torah. The first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible/OT.

  • @janiceallen7949
    @janiceallen7949 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Did not require them to 1st become ciricumcized, they were to obstain from the 4 items, so they could have tabel fellowship with Jewish believers on Shabbat where'd they learn more of the Covenant; if you want the benefits of the Kingdom; you'd live the commands of the Kingdon.

  • @Mrbertbert10
    @Mrbertbert10 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jesus said, "Luke 16:17 - And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail." Matthew 5:18 - "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." .....It is fulfilled when we learn to walk in the light as he is in the light. Jesus was guided by the light and obeyed the Voice of God within. This is the higher law which fulfill the law and the prophets. When we are not guided, by the light, then we obey the law....except for dietary statutes. They were meant to show man, what not to do. Each animal, fish .....had behaviors that God did not wish man to emulate. With Peter, in his vision God took away the statutes concerning animals. Again the law stands until the voice of God says different because Jesus is not only the master of the Sabbath, Jesus is the Master of the Law, that he gave us came from his Father. His testament is that we live by faith so we can be taught what is Good and evil from the point of view of GOD. When we rely on our own knowledge of Good and evil....our works are filthy before the Lord. If Jesus says in your heart concerning a forbidden work on the Sabbath to do it......then we do it and our transgressions of the written law is justified and covered by the blood of Christ. In this case alone we do not fall back into the Gospel of Repentance. When we break the Sabbath law to do good against the will of God we are unrighteous and unprofitable servants even end up working against God. The Gospel of the Grace of God mentioned in the Acts is also called the way of Perfection, and those who are guided by the light of God walk in the knowledge of good and evil of God instead of our own knowledge of good and evil. When not at work for God we are to keep the Sabbath day Holy. It means no washing of our cars, cutting the grass, whashing, shopping, buying and selling on that day etc. We are to rest from the labors of this world. All Spiritual works are allowed on that day. For the Father still works on that day, and since it is for our Good, the lower laws are fulfill in this higher law.

    • @zamiel3
      @zamiel3 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is irrelevant to the discussion of Saul saying we are not to follow the laws and statutes of the Torah.

  • @theneverending9319
    @theneverending9319 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Scripture says Christians died to the law. Also it said Paul lived according to the Torah to win Jews, it shows that clearly in scripture. He lived as a Jew to win Jews, to a gentile he lived as a gentile.

    • @gy5240
      @gy5240 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      In Acts Paul denies teaches against the law. What you say he did would be deceiving behaviour. If scripture says that please reference it.

    • @zamiel3
      @zamiel3 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gy5240 What did he teach that was against the law?

    • @gy5240
      @gy5240 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@zamiel3 he didn't. That's what I was saying.

  • @mrclay50
    @mrclay50 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There is one law for all... Gentile are grafted into Israel...we are one new man in Yeshuah, that is we are Israel. Acts 15 tells gentiles to learn the Torah on Shabbat. Dr. Brown is saying that there is a law for Gentiles and a different law for Jews. I disagree with the good Dr.

  • @DH-kl3ob
    @DH-kl3ob 7 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Dr. Brown once again has no concept of what the Torah is. To say that G-d with give the Torah just to show us humans how wicket we are is preposterous. Dr. Brown has yet to articulate why he trusts what Paul says. This in contrast to David’s words in Psalm 119 about how he delights in every aspect of the Torah.

    • @Jamie-Russell-CME
      @Jamie-Russell-CME 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Danny Harper and so should we "in light of the New Covenant" as he said.

    • @berylackermann8240
      @berylackermann8240 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The Law was given to reveal sin. Any country has its own Laws. Traffic, crime, etc. When one break these Laws, the Law convicts you. Finds you guilty for breaking it (sins or to transgress). If one obeyed the rules of the Law. There is no "conviction". The Law has no hold on you. If there was NO LAW, how can one say you broke it. If there was NO LAW to say "Do not steal" and one goes and "steals". One can say, but there is NO LAW to say I cannot 'steal". The Law is there to reveal what is " right" thing to do. It will reveal your disobedience to it. Steal, murder, adultry etc. (Sin). So the Law is there for the "Sinner". If you follow the Law, it cannot touch you. The Law of Yahweh teaches us what is "morally right" or "morally wrong). According to God, we have ALL, broken his Law. Therefore one is found "guilty" of breaking the Law. Then you are sentenced to physical/spiritual death. Only when we place OUR FAITH" in Yeshua, who who died in 'Our place", took the "penalty of death" for breaking Yahweh's (Gods) Law, we are set 'Free' from its "conviction" it penalty for breaking it. Yet in saying this. What Yeshua has done for us, and Yahwehs Grace , does NOT mean, that we have a license to continue to "willfully sin", be disobedient to (break) the LAW.

    • @shellyblanchard5788
      @shellyblanchard5788 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@berylackermann8240 The laws that we are not under anymore are the ones for sacrifices and tithing and keeping of feasts days. Paul was trying to explain that.
      That is why Paul said Jesus abolished the law in his flesh.
      The law was for the righteousness of flesh because the Jesus hadn't come yet died for sins.
      The sacrifices was all they had to atone for sin at the times. It was part of the covenant of God to keep in relationship with the people. He was an husband to them.
      Now we have a different relationship other than the sacrifices of animals and feast days. We have the substance and not the shadows. 🙄

    • @shellyblanchard5788
      @shellyblanchard5788 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@berylackermann8240 We don't have to worry about the unclean meats either. Jesus told us they don't make is unclean.

    • @snuggleb100
      @snuggleb100 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Shelly Blanchard Jesus never said the unclean meats can be eaten. They are unclean for a reason n they serve a particular purpose to clean up the garbage, feces n brush from the ground n ocean. Pig in particular is extremely toxic even after cooking at a high temperature is still contaminated n they are loaded with parasites they eat their own feces n dead bodies. They are gross. See “Pig Science “ by 119 ministries. In Acts were peter sees the vision it’s a metephor for what is common I have made clean, it was regarding the gentile Cornelius no Jew would eat with gentiles . Not unclean food. Has to be read in context. God bless

  • @tahirbashir7344
    @tahirbashir7344 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Through Yashua we come under Law of grace where we find our forgiveness all the time.this is called Amazing Grace.

    • @zamiel3
      @zamiel3 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jesus, or God said no such thing.

    • @scottandchels6813
      @scottandchels6813 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@zamiel3 the torah is a law of grace, both old and new testament. Just that people do not see it that way. The consequence of sin is death as told in the Torah (and if we live in sin we are under the law, the law of sin and death), but also in torah is the work around, a way out. The sacrificial system didn't take away the sin it covered it or hid it. Just as Yeshua's sacrifice covers our sin. Torah being fulfilled (brought to the full) through our savior.

    • @zamiel3
      @zamiel3 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@scottandchels6813 The Torah said nothing, of a human sacrifice to "cover, or hide sin". Forgivness of sin, without sacrifice, was offered (promised) to the house of Israel and Judah. The idea, that Jesus "had to die", for anyone to be forgiven for sin, is not Tanakh.
      My original comment still stands. As you have shown neither God, nor Jesus, to support the OP.

    • @scottandchels6813
      @scottandchels6813 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@zamiel3 thanks for your reply. I don't have time to reply in full at present except to say that there was a mixed multitude at the giving of the 10 commandments and that is one of the reasons why I love Yhwh torah today, I am grafted in.

    • @scottandchels6813
      @scottandchels6813 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@zamiel3 Do you believe Yeshua to be the messiah? Can I use the new testament for references or just the tanakh?
      Isa53:12Therefore I give Him a portion among the great, and He divides the spoil with the strong, because He poured out His being unto death, and He was counted with the transgressors, and He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

  • @romeorozeta4998
    @romeorozeta4998 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Acts 15
    5 But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
    10 Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?'....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
    24 Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment:
    Acts 13
    39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
    40 Beware therefore, lest that come upon you, which is spoken of in the prophets;
    41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.

  • @ikenwankwo6702
    @ikenwankwo6702 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There has been much said about what Matthew 5:17 means but with open mind it’s simple by the grace of God.
    Jesus came to fulfill all that is written about him in the books of the law, the prophets and the psalms. This is made simple by Jesus reference to Luke 24:44. The book of Hebrews made it clear that believers are to live under one covenant, the new covenant, the better covenant. The first covenant was
    taken away so as to establish the second covenant. Not a combination of the two. The first covenant was faulty in that it could not make anyone perfect Hebrews 10:9 and 8:7. Besides, the first covenant, called the law is a package, you can not add nor remove from it Deuteronomy 12:22. So for a new mediator , high priest and sacrifice
    we have the new and a better covenant.
    The explanation of the scriptures is not
    for doctors but for the Holy Spirit. Take
    it or keep questioning.

    • @arzuziegler8395
      @arzuziegler8395 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Ike Nwankwo Jesus hasn't fulfilled everything yet. When he's coming back the new covenant will be fully "operational". Read Jeremiah31:31-34
      Are we still teaching about God? Is the Torah written on everyone's heart yet? Don't think so.
      Can't wait for Him to return!

  • @shellyblanchard5788
    @shellyblanchard5788 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Even Jesus taught that certain things when he was under the old covenant that he said was ok to break of Sabbath day. The thing is we are not under the old covenant to keep these things anymore anyway.

  • @ernieclark
    @ernieclark 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jesus said that "Not one jot or tittle shall pass from the law until all be fulfilled." All was fulfilled with the destruction of the temple in AD 70. Hebrews 8:13 "In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away." All scholars and theologians believe that Hebrews was written after AD 50. So, twenty years after Jesus ascension the Old Covenant was still ongoing, until AD 70 when the temple was destroyed. As the Roman forces were catapulting stones over the temple wall onto the Jews, they were shouting "The Son cometh!" This was Jesus' coming on clouds. This was also fulfillment of John's prophecy of the hailstones falling from the skies in the "latter days" that weighed a talent, 75-100 lbs. Get a copy of my book, For Such A Time As This: Let My People Go, You End-Times Doomsday Sayers! I promise, it will enlighten. It is based only on scripture, the original language, and historical documented facts, and not the opinions of any man. Hear out the whole matter before you mock and criticize.

  • @scottw112358
    @scottw112358 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Paul used double speak.
    And now you double think.

  • @BrotherBryan7
    @BrotherBryan7 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Paul did not teach against Torah the word law is used in many ways throughout the new testament therefore it looks to someone without understanding that he is saying that however he is not saying the Torah is abolished Remember Paul (Saul) was against this new thing kind of like this until something happened. Realize that Jesus was YAH and don’t try to make it add up to go against Torah as it seems lots of people do instead try to see that it adds up to 1

  • @SharonBalloch
    @SharonBalloch 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    well its hard to not notice the woman brought before him to be stoned as in Jewish Law.. but he did not stone her.. he did not uphold that law.. so was it Gods law or mans law.. but then he came to fulfill the law.. Gods Law.. Thou Shalt Not Kill..Jesus upheld that law..

    • @carolyncruz6881
      @carolyncruz6881 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      The law says that the man and the woman have to be present. The man was not there. That's why Jesus says he who is without sin cast the first stone. All of the people involved had sinned because they wanted to stone the woman, but were breaking the law because the proper procedure had not been followed. He most likely wrote the law in the sand. Then He tells her he does not condemn her because He could not condemn her according to the law. The law is specific and has to be followed correctly. Jesus would have sinned if He had condemned that woman to death. He did exactly what He should have done.

  • @RosannaMiller
    @RosannaMiller 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @shellyblanchard5788
    @shellyblanchard5788 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It wasn't Paul who abolished the law it was Jesus who did. When a person dies it frees them that covenant. So was Christ. He brought in the new covenant.
    They didn't accept Jesus as the Messiah that is why they still kept certain things of the law.

  • @thenopasslook
    @thenopasslook 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Michael Brown!!

  • @reymundoalvarez7743
    @reymundoalvarez7743 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Well said Michael Brown

  • @gideonopyotuadebo2304
    @gideonopyotuadebo2304 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Deuteronomy 12:29-32 ASV
    When Jehovah thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest in to dispossess them, and thou dispossessest them, and dwellest in their land; [30] take heed to thyself that thou be not ensnared to follow them, after that they are destroyed from before thee; and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, How do these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. [31] Thou shalt not do so unto Jehovah thy God: for every abomination to Jehovah, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters do they burn in the fire to their gods. [32] What thing soever I command you, that shall ye observe to do: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.

  • @jeffrop.koaltrain5406
    @jeffrop.koaltrain5406 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Paul can’t and didn’t abolish, supersede, Torah nor did he teach Torah was fulfilled so that it isn’t needed anymore. Grace, faith, nor the Holy Spirit replaced Torah so the sacrifice of Yeshua Messiah can’t abolish it because sin is the reason He had to come (1Jn.3:4) and is still the reason His blood is perpetually given and needed sin is transgression of Torah. So if it’s Lawlessness to disobey the Law then it’s Lawfulness to obey it. Grace, faith and the Spirit of God wasn’t only given in the New Testament nor were the older testament saints saved by Torah or works. Once Yeshua completed His first coming prophecies still everyone had to put their faith in God (just like in the Older Testament) but it was in the sacrifice of God in the flesh the Creator of the universe and of Torah.

  • @AhrayahIsrael
    @AhrayahIsrael 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Galatians 2:16 Paul teachings that no one is justified by doing the law.😅
    Psalm 119:160 says the torah is eternally forever.
    If that is not a contradiction, then i don't know what is.

  • @Revelation13-8
    @Revelation13-8 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you guys know Jesus CAME TO ABOLISH THE LAW and give us GRACE? , yet the KJV translated the word TORAH in to LAW, removing Grace totaly , and making claims he did NOT come to abolish the law... when he was not even talking about the law in this verse, but the TORAH covenant, and that he came to fulfill the TORAH and he re-newed the covenant by abolishing the laws.
    (Yahshua's NEW laws - that are not burdensome are as follows)
    Carry one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the Law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
    The entire Law is fulfilled in a single decree: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:14
    Ps. there is nothing called the OLD or NEW testament, its called the COVENANT and RE-NEWED COVENANT, Just because the Covenant was re-newed by Yahshua , does not mean the TORAH (the covenant) became OLD or abolished for us, but the laws are through Christ.

    • @shellyblanchard5788
      @shellyblanchard5788 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      That covenant was not renewed God said it would be a different one. Just like insurance companies has different policies. It would be a better one. We do not follow the same commandment s like making a burnt a offering.

    • @shellyblanchard5788
      @shellyblanchard5788 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      It was a new covenant. Not like the one he gave to their fathers. Jeremiah 31. He didn't give the old law of sacrifice. He said he didn't even care the sacrifices anymore. Amos 5.

    • @shellyblanchard5788
      @shellyblanchard5788 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you know he was going to make israel a light to the Gentiles so they would be saved? Isaiah 49:6-7. Jesus is fulfilled the law to draw in the Gentiles so they would have a chance.

    • @shellyblanchard5788
      @shellyblanchard5788 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      One thing he couldn't renew a covenant with Israel while he lived because Israel would be unclean. In the law God could not take if there been a divorce because in the law it was forbidden. Deut 24: 1-5 Jesus had to died to the law to bring forth New covenant. That is what he did.

    • @shellyblanchard5788
      @shellyblanchard5788 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      The gentiles are the ones who weren't under the original covenant of sacrifices

  • @janiceallen7949
    @janiceallen7949 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sin John 3:4 is the trangression of the law, the Covenant as given through Moses; this is steady and not changing, while how many christian denominations have the same definition of sin? why is dancing a sin? who said? why do Northern Baptist Pastors smoke after church, but Southern Baptist pastors say smoking sends you to hell. All Christian churches are daughters of Rome/Vatican. Is a mixture of many pagan religious practices, cultures.

  • @shellyblanchard5788
    @shellyblanchard5788 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Paul didn't abolish it Jesus did.

    • @highwic
      @highwic 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      rubbish, Yahshua did not abolish the law
      Matthew 5
      17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
      18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
      19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

    • @shellyblanchard5788
      @shellyblanchard5788 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ok what did Jesus fulfill? Didn't he fulfill what was written of him? What did he say on the cross? It is finished or not all is fulfilled yet? When he said whoever teaches one to break one of these lest commandments shall be called the lest. Thing about it is people thinks keeping the law will save them, but what Jesus did on the cross is saves a person We are under New covenant , not the law of Moses. He didn't destroy the law no the he fulfllled it. What law did he say will make you lest in in the kingdom if you break it? He didn't say. What was the lest commandment? We are slow to believe he said. We still think the law makes us righteous? No What makes us righteous? It is the atonement of blood. Luke 24 say he fulfilled what was required of him. Jesus was the warranty of our salvation. His doesn't expire. His priesthood is forever.

    • @Goonabasec7
      @Goonabasec7 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Shelly Blanchard did he fulfill everything im the law and prophets? Daniel Ezekiel? No not even what Moses wrote is fulfilled. Moses wrote about the scattering of Israel and that God would bring them back. Hasnt happened yet. Look at the splitting of the kingdom. South kingdom is back but not the northern with 10 tribes missing. Moses said God would bring them back in the Torah. Still not fulfilled

    • @Goonabasec7
      @Goonabasec7 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Shelly you are stating that Jesus is a False Messiah who deserves a blasphemous death by stoning. Your statement forces Jews to reject him. God said anyone who comes and does miracles and prophecies and they come true but take you out of the way i command you. Stone him deut 13

    • @katebrandnew
      @katebrandnew 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Shelly Blanchard Jesus showed us how to fulfil it by laying our lives down and not sinning