None. Your video kinda sucks rarran. Like I usually like all the other content you post but this one was really bad. Like you have to understand that back in the day with grand tournament and goblin vs gnomes these were litterly the only cards that exited in hearthstone and they are all solid cards . People played them, yes even warbot. Are you talking constructed ranked? Sure you got some of them correct like the 7 mana 6/8 demon didn’t see play in constructed but was a solid good minion in arena. Back in the day spells was super hard to draft so if you have a big stated minion on board it might just carry you to victory if they have no spells. There was no discover and minimal randomness so you played the cards you had and tried to make some value trades and hold on to your spells and that was it. Pretty basic and fun. My point is that almost all the cards you brought up here are all cards that are pretty solid in arena. Even in constructed they say somewhat of play. I started playing in blackrock mountain and I remember every single card you showed in this video
doesen’t seem like you played during the early days rarran so don’t cover hearthstone topics that you don’t know about if you didn’t start playing at that time. At least ask some early hearthstone content creators and the community about what cards did and didn’t see play because it feelt like you just picked random cards that sounded bad to you and made a video about it.
Non of them, if you played hearthstone from the very beginning and opened a lot od packs you will surely remember those crapy cards you disenchanted so often
Wicked Witch Doctor actually saw a ton of play at high legend during ONIK alongside Primal Fusion/Totemic Might. It was one of the most common decks at top 100 because it was one of the few decks that could blow out midrange shaman with a nut draw. Xixo, Strifecro, and Rosty all hit like top 10 with it multiple times and it saw play for basically the entire expansion.
As an arena player, I Remember every single card :D Also I personally played the shit out of Wicked Witchdoctor, I Also crafted them Golden, I played this totem-based deck with the 1-cost spell that gave +1/+1 for every totem you had on the board, alongside with windfury
Was about to say the same. When Kripp was still doing arena content, I learned about all these cards because he sometimes had to take the crappy pack filler cards. And had those experiences reinforced when I would also play arena. And I liked Fools Bane. Great risk/reward design for control.
That's why arena is superior game mode on paper: you get to play with all toys and not just the best ones. Sadly arena doesn't get enough attention from devs.
I never played arena but I played Hearthstone from Blackrock up until Wild was introduced. These cards were basically my life in a collection of a total investment cost of basically 5 dollars. Only ever played Single player adventures after that until now
Have you played during these expansions? Fool Bane saw play in control warrior, Witch Doctor saw play in totem shaman with the inspire guy that buffs your totems etc. They might suck now but they were good in their metas
Personally I remembered all these cards but I also started around gvg so some of those early cards I ended up playing with a lot because they were some of the only ones I had. Since then I just evolved to making complete meme decks that used a lot of these. Although some of the ones I know I always forget are the odd and even cards they introduced with Baku and Genn because some of them were so bad they weren't even worth running over much better cards.
Cool video, I especially like its structure of breaking it down into expansions (even though given that, I think actual chronological order would have made sense, e.g. GvG is presented before Naxx here). I have some minor gripes with the card selection, especially that it only considers constructed play. A particular example is Fool's Bane which was one of the best common Warrior Arena card printed ever, it single-handedly made the class pretty decent in the format. Sightless Ranger while not a powerhouse was also a card that you had to think about going into turn 5 in Arena. Another thing I would have enjoyed seeing were the meme attempts for some of the cards, e.g. Bladed Gauntlet+Noggenfogger OTK. I know it's not applicable for most of the cards listed here, but just a thought, maybe for another video. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Funnily enough, I recognise all of these. Tavern Brawl and Arena really lets you play around with a bunch of cards you wouldn't otherwise. Especially 'bad' cards.
As a wild player that only plays highlander decks, I remember all of those cards as I tried some of them, the random card generations as well as the discover mechanism.
It’s funny because as someone who plays a ton of evolve shaman whenever it’s good in standard, a lot of these are familiar. Usually because they were disappointing to get lol and I think Wailing Soul is coming in a little to counter freeze shaman
as someone who hasn't played hearthstone in years I did actually remember every single card except 1 (master of ceremonies). I did quit right before doomsday project or whatever it was called, so I couldn't possibly remember the two last batches as I never saw them in the first place :P
Deathaxe Punisher was actually played in some niche decks (Corpsetaker forced lifesteal into decks, so why not?) Crazed Chemist was a card in aggro rogue occasionally
Troggzor was the first card I remember people thinking was going to be nuts but then no one played it. Helps give me perspective when this or that card in an expansion is declared broken or OP before the card is released.
The only reason I remember Fool’s Bane is because DisguisedToast made a deck with Mayor Noggenfogger where you could supercharge the weapon then gamble on Noggenfogger making your attack go to the opponent
I get annoyed at titles like this whenever they dont live up to their promise, so to get it out of my system, heres what i remembered at the top of my head. Im guessing you dont/didnt play arena. Stonesplinter Trogg was good in arena. Goblin Sapper was played in competitive. Scarlet Purifier was a part of a lot of decks when deathrattles ran rampant. Master of Ceremonies was a pick in arena (since epics are so random often). Magnataur Alpha was good in arena. Fearsome Doomguard was good in arena. Wailing Soul was a part of a specific deck which i think was ran in comp for a short while. Fools bane was sick in arena. Blubber Baron was a part of a good deck (the 1 mana/battlecry deck). Lotus Illusionist was good in arena. Vryghoul was good in arena. Hoarding Dragon was good in arena. Totem Cruncher was a pick in arena. Sightless Ranger was siiick in arena.
Ancient Shade? Forgotten? It was a great card for aggro! 4 hp isn't good, but it's still a good thing. Same for warbot - with all magnetic stuff it could be a good base unit. 2/4 rush for 2 with bonus attack while damaged makes a good minion.
Hey Rarran, just passing by to say that I personally love the new content. The speedrun idea is just genius, I want to see competition of this (they did that with the Heist). I had kinda gave up when you switched to mercenaries, but now you’re bringing back unique content and I’m glad you found your new path! Bell ticked
As someone who plays a lot of Solo Adventures, I actually see some of these quite frequently. Not all of them though, definitely saw some cards I genuinely had never seen before here.
Love the new content! Good job, Rarran! I started playing Hearthstone in Witchwood and sometimes have seen in some videos one card randomly generated that I didn't knew existed. And people never hovered their mouse over it so I had no idea what that was for quite a long time. Then in some video I've seen how a player hovers over it for like one frame so I tried to catch it for few minutes, and after that I was finally calm about my Hearthstone knowledge. The card is Mogor's champion from The Grand Tournament. It still feels like some custom creation for me.
Fearsome Doomguard is a reference to the Jarraxxus Meme, the warlock guy who summons him (who also gets a card in the set) actually wanted to summon the Fearsome Doomguard instead.
light sorrow was the first card you put in the video that i did not know existed, every other card i used, and exxperienced with and had good experiences
When a minute had gone in the video I was like «oh im gonna know all of these» *wee spellstopper appears* «oh» I did know most of them but wow Even I forgot some hahaha
The era of Naxx and GvG had a lot of small deathrattle minions. If I had the room, I would sometimes slot a one-of of Scarlet Purifier at the time and it had value
warbot wasn't weak, dire mole with mech tag and more. It was just a problem that a) warrior lacked the deck for it (hunter or mage could have loved it) and b)the 'two drop' space was always highly contested in the curve stone era, the stat distribution made no sense until more 1/1's appeared later.
I remember a few of these because of the Solo Adventures. Warrior has the Warbot stock standard in the Kobolds and Catacombs Dungeon Run if I remember right.
Also Fool's Bane saw some play in Control Warrior decks and Deathaxe Punisher was used specifically to buff High Priestess Jek'lik in Discard Quest Warlock so each discarded copy would be a 5/6.
I actually remember all of them, mostly because of the single player adventures :D There are cards I completely forgot, they're just from newer sets with the different single player format. ^^
I used wicked witchdoctor back in the day. Not like I'm a legend or even high tier player or anything, but it was great in evolve shaman. It was a great combo card for multiple reasons, and obviously had a shitload of RNG involved. But I always had a good time with it.
Interesting video! Pretty cool you added Blubber Baron to the list of curious cards. I loved that card back in the day. I remember running it in a Paladin handbuff build with almost strictly battlecries. It was hilarious to overpower druid jade golem decks by dropping this as a 20/20 menace before they could get going. ^^
Fearsome Doomguard, despite being released in the Grand Tournament, -you win or you die- was the card of the year in year 2016. Why? Because of his Battlecry, or, if be more precise, his voicelines. «DOOOM FOR EVERYONE», he screms in Harry Oldman's style when enters the play, which is then followed by «DOOOM FOR YOUU» and «DOOOM... for me :c».
Even if Argent Watchman is a 4 mana 2/4, that's not accurate because it won't stay that way without constant investment, so hero powering again and again, consuming 2 mana each. It also still doesn't get to attack right away so the first turn you play it, if you would hero power either way, the effect is completely useless.
Pretty sure the only cards in that GvG lineup that didn't really see play were Wee Spellstopper and Goblin Sapper. I think you're making the mistake of looking at these cards from a modern persprective, rather than from the perspective of the meta at the time. For example, back then, a 3 drop with 7 stat points was actually quite rare, so having a conditional battle cry on such a card was completely fine. Deathrattle decks were extremely stong at the time because it was shortly after Naxx, and most decks ran some deathrattle cards like Piloted Shredder or Harvest Golem. Similar thing with Warbot. Simply being a 1/3 for 1 mana made a card playable, especially when it's a mech in a mech based expansion. The effect was just a bonus.
Arena players remember all these cards. Good players remember all these cards. Anyone who played consistently remembers all these cards. Everyone remembers these cards.
Ah yes of course everyone forgot about Warbot, the minion that EVERY warrior ever in the GvG era played because it was a goddamn 1 mana 1/3 with a good upside. And then Scarlet Purifier, the 3 mana 4/3 that dealt damage to most of the stronger tempo minions in the era, surely nobody ever played that one either. Also Rarran apparently forgot Arena existed too
I tried to make the Al'akir battlecry card work and it didn't happen a lot but was cool when it did. A lot of these were like I kinda remember that and others were just wait thats a card? Good stuff
I have reached Legend with Wicked Witchdoctor totem shaman. It was deck carried by Bloodlust, Tuskarr Totemic and Thunderbluff Valiant. On ofc Spirit Claws
I cannot agree with most arguments here, I have seen Warbot several times as a Wild player and Anime Golem I have actually gotten beaten by a few times back in the day.
Hey good content, watching the new type of videos. I don't played hs back in the day, just from kobolds but remember most of the cards from the video, because of arena
Which card did you forget?
High Lord Jo Muhmuh
None. Your video kinda sucks rarran. Like I usually like all the other content you post but this one was really bad. Like you have to understand that back in the day with grand tournament and goblin vs gnomes these were litterly the only cards that exited in hearthstone and they are all solid cards . People played them, yes even warbot. Are you talking constructed ranked? Sure you got some of them correct like the 7 mana 6/8 demon didn’t see play in constructed but was a solid good minion in arena. Back in the day spells was super hard to draft so if you have a big stated minion on board it might just carry you to victory if they have no spells. There was no discover and minimal randomness so you played the cards you had and tried to make some value trades and hold on to your spells and that was it. Pretty basic and fun. My point is that almost all the cards you brought up here are all cards that are pretty solid in arena. Even in constructed they say somewhat of play. I started playing in blackrock mountain and I remember every single card you showed in this video
doesen’t seem like you played during the early days rarran so don’t cover hearthstone topics that you don’t know about if you didn’t start playing at that time. At least ask some early hearthstone content creators and the community about what cards did and didn’t see play because it feelt like you just picked random cards that sounded bad to you and made a video about it.
Non of them, if you played hearthstone from the very beginning and opened a lot od packs you will surely remember those crapy cards you disenchanted so often
Knew every single one. Have you never played arena rarran? I’ve seen every single one of these cards played, and have probably played tons of them
Wicked Witch Doctor actually saw a ton of play at high legend during ONIK alongside Primal Fusion/Totemic Might. It was one of the most common decks at top 100 because it was one of the few decks that could blow out midrange shaman with a nut draw. Xixo, Strifecro, and Rosty all hit like top 10 with it multiple times and it saw play for basically the entire expansion.
Yes i knew i saw it somewhere :D
yeah i remember this
Also saw play in Even Shaman for a while in Wild before better options like Axe got printed.
No it didn't
As an arena player, I Remember every single card :D
Also I personally played the shit out of Wicked Witchdoctor, I Also crafted them Golden, I played this totem-based deck with the 1-cost spell that gave +1/+1 for every totem you had on the board, alongside with windfury
Was about to say the same. When Kripp was still doing arena content, I learned about all these cards because he sometimes had to take the crappy pack filler cards. And had those experiences reinforced when I would also play arena. And I liked Fools Bane. Great risk/reward design for control.
I was about to say the same most of the cards are very good at arena 😅
SAME, and ironically some of these were legit good lol
Arena players remember all these cards. I was so surprised that these are forgotten cards, but I do understand it for non arena players.
That's why arena is superior game mode on paper: you get to play with all toys and not just the best ones. Sadly arena doesn't get enough attention from devs.
This list is made by someone who hasn’t play arena. Cards like Hoarding Dragon were actually pretty good
Was gonna say, all of these see arena play
I never played arena but I played Hearthstone from Blackrock up until Wild was introduced.
These cards were basically my life in a collection of a total investment cost of basically 5 dollars.
Only ever played Single player adventures after that until now
Have you played during these expansions? Fool Bane saw play in control warrior, Witch Doctor saw play in totem shaman with the inspire guy that buffs your totems etc. They might suck now but they were good in their metas
no he hasen’t I think he started like after gadgezan or something. He has no idea what he is talking about
My first Witchwood legendary, that i opened, was Duskfallen Aviana. I opened it from the 1st pack, it was an emotianal rollercoaster...
perks of being an arena player - you'll see every card in the game lmao
I started playing on kobold and katacombs and I am proud to say that I made a windshear stormcaller work at least once
Personally I remembered all these cards but I also started around gvg so some of those early cards I ended up playing with a lot because they were some of the only ones I had. Since then I just evolved to making complete meme decks that used a lot of these. Although some of the ones I know I always forget are the odd and even cards they introduced with Baku and Genn because some of them were so bad they weren't even worth running over much better cards.
Sea reaver is supposed to synergize with rage and "whenever this takes damage" effects.
No wild player has forgotten about Fool's Bane, since Questline Warrior gets it a lot
It also sees play in Duels - Demon Seed Diablo.
He's finally getting removed.
And he use that to wreck you taunt and win the game
DaneHS has a video with the 9 drop legendary that randomizes all the attacks and he kills people will fools bane and 2x heroic strikes
Cool video, I especially like its structure of breaking it down into expansions (even though given that, I think actual chronological order would have made sense, e.g. GvG is presented before Naxx here). I have some minor gripes with the card selection, especially that it only considers constructed play. A particular example is Fool's Bane which was one of the best common Warrior Arena card printed ever, it single-handedly made the class pretty decent in the format. Sightless Ranger while not a powerhouse was also a card that you had to think about going into turn 5 in Arena. Another thing I would have enjoyed seeing were the meme attempts for some of the cards, e.g. Bladed Gauntlet+Noggenfogger OTK. I know it's not applicable for most of the cards listed here, but just a thought, maybe for another video.
Thank you and have a wonderful day.
I was going to comment something like it, some of those cards were actually pretty good in arena.
But great video overall, loving your new content!
Funnily enough, I recognise all of these. Tavern Brawl and Arena really lets you play around with a bunch of cards you wouldn't otherwise. Especially 'bad' cards.
I think Fel Cannon was the weirdest GVG card. I remember trying to build a deck around it.
Did the same thing. I remember dominating at the time with that 5 mana 8/8 mech with mage good times.
As a wild player that only plays highlander decks, I remember all of those cards as I tried some of them, the random card generations as well as the discover mechanism.
0:48 why does Goblin Sapper have a legendary border lol
sightless ranger is actually a really good arena card
Rarran: You probably don’t remember this card
Me: I remember that card!
It’s funny because as someone who plays a ton of evolve shaman whenever it’s good in standard, a lot of these are familiar. Usually because they were disappointing to get lol and I think Wailing Soul is coming in a little to counter freeze shaman
I play wild, so I knew all of these. Mostly from discover and random summons, but some of them do still see play.
as someone who hasn't played hearthstone in years I did actually remember every single card except 1 (master of ceremonies). I did quit right before doomsday project or whatever it was called, so I couldn't possibly remember the two last batches as I never saw them in the first place :P
as a sidenote, I did actually remember the artwork of master of ceremonies, just not the stats or what it did.
Deathaxe Punisher was actually played in some niche decks (Corpsetaker forced lifesteal into decks, so why not?)
Crazed Chemist was a card in aggro rogue occasionally
Yea I rached legend with it and spirit of the shark (another card that rarran called very weak)
Troggzor was the first card I remember people thinking was going to be nuts but then no one played it. Helps give me perspective when this or that card in an expansion is declared broken or OP before the card is released.
The only reason I remember Fool’s Bane is because DisguisedToast made a deck with Mayor Noggenfogger where you could supercharge the weapon then gamble on Noggenfogger making your attack go to the opponent
I get annoyed at titles like this whenever they dont live up to their promise, so to get it out of my system, heres what i remembered at the top of my head. Im guessing you dont/didnt play arena.
Stonesplinter Trogg was good in arena. Goblin Sapper was played in competitive. Scarlet Purifier was a part of a lot of decks when deathrattles ran rampant. Master of Ceremonies was a pick in arena (since epics are so random often). Magnataur Alpha was good in arena. Fearsome Doomguard was good in arena. Wailing Soul was a part of a specific deck which i think was ran in comp for a short while. Fools bane was sick in arena. Blubber Baron was a part of a good deck (the 1 mana/battlecry deck). Lotus Illusionist was good in arena. Vryghoul was good in arena. Hoarding Dragon was good in arena. Totem Cruncher was a pick in arena. Sightless Ranger was siiick in arena.
Ancient Shade? Forgotten? It was a great card for aggro! 4 hp isn't good, but it's still a good thing. Same for warbot - with all magnetic stuff it could be a good base unit. 2/4 rush for 2 with bonus attack while damaged makes a good minion.
Hey Rarran, just passing by to say that I personally love the new content. The speedrun idea is just genius, I want to see competition of this (they did that with the Heist). I had kinda gave up when you switched to mercenaries, but now you’re bringing back unique content and I’m glad you found your new path! Bell ticked
thanks so much for the kind words! hope you keep enjoying
As someone who plays a lot of Solo Adventures, I actually see some of these quite frequently. Not all of them though, definitely saw some cards I genuinely had never seen before here.
Love the new content! Good job, Rarran!
I started playing Hearthstone in Witchwood and sometimes have seen in some videos one card randomly generated that I didn't knew existed. And people never hovered their mouse over it so I had no idea what that was for quite a long time. Then in some video I've seen how a player hovers over it for like one frame so I tried to catch it for few minutes, and after that I was finally calm about my Hearthstone knowledge. The card is Mogor's champion from The Grand Tournament. It still feels like some custom creation for me.
wait wait wait, if I remember correctly Stonesplinter Trogg saw a ton of play during early Aggro Shaman phase and dominated for a season
Fearsome Doomguard is a reference to the Jarraxxus Meme, the warlock guy who summons him (who also gets a card in the set) actually wanted to summon the Fearsome Doomguard instead.
Wailing soul is memories for me, I remember trying to make silence priest work somehow with all the Can't attack minions xD
Master of Ceremonies saw play in Spell Damage shaman in wild and Wicked Witchdoctor was actually pretty common in Totem Shaman in Wild at some point.
You’re killing it with these historic retrospective videos.
I’ve seen a decent amount of these including bladed gauntlet because a warrior got it off of juggernaut
light sorrow was the first card you put in the video that i did not know existed, every other card i used, and exxperienced with and had good experiences
Ranrran: You probably don´t remember these cards
*starts listing arena playables*
Me: Huh
When a minute had gone in the video I was like «oh im gonna know all of these» *wee spellstopper appears* «oh» I did know most of them but wow Even I forgot some hahaha
Since I haven't played for few years and have no intention of returning, I remember all of them
Playing lots of arena and dungeon run I actually remembered all of these lol
The era of Naxx and GvG had a lot of small deathrattle minions. If I had the room, I would sometimes slot a one-of of Scarlet Purifier at the time and it had value
When ever he says barely saw any play, I feel personally attacked.
As some one who has played a shit ton of dungeon run and evolve shaman, I know all of these cards.
Sightless ranger is very strong in arena though... But yeah gurubashi offering i only remember because of how bad it is
I was going to say "Hey, I remember those GvG cards from dungeon runs!" Then Scarlet Purifier came up and I went "....Yeah, I got nothing."
hoarding dragon is kinda good in Arena actually
This is the content I've been looking for. 😄
That witch from Karazhan saw some play. Also pilfred power saw some play. 😉
I've been watching all your videos for the past few weeks on lunch breaks. All of the history content is awesome.
The first one is something I'll never forget because I played it a lot in solo quest
Almost all of them were used a lot in adventures, some of them are used in arena. There were like 2-3 cards that I really didn't know existed
warbot wasn't weak, dire mole with mech tag and more. It was just a problem that a) warrior lacked the deck for it (hunter or mage could have loved it) and b)the 'two drop' space was always highly contested in the curve stone era, the stat distribution made no sense until more 1/1's appeared later.
Tell me you don't play arena without telling me you don't play arena xd
I knew all of these cards. I used to play a lot of arena. Can’t count how many times I had to pick one of these cards
I remember a few of these because of the Solo Adventures. Warrior has the Warbot stock standard in the Kobolds and Catacombs Dungeon Run if I remember right.
4:55 people who play dueld know this card all time.
diablo with warlock quest otk thanks hit enemy minions 4 time in turn xD
Also Fool's Bane saw some play in Control Warrior decks and Deathaxe Punisher was used specifically to buff High Priestess Jek'lik in Discard Quest Warlock so each discarded copy would be a 5/6.
RIP mr troggzor the burninator. You'll never be forgotten by the villagers
I actually remember all of them, mostly because of the single player adventures :D There are cards I completely forgot, they're just from newer sets with the different single player format. ^^
I used wicked witchdoctor back in the day. Not like I'm a legend or even high tier player or anything, but it was great in evolve shaman. It was a great combo card for multiple reasons, and obviously had a shitload of RNG involved. But I always had a good time with it.
Interesting video! Pretty cool you added Blubber Baron to the list of curious cards. I loved that card back in the day. I remember running it in a Paladin handbuff build with almost strictly battlecries. It was hilarious to overpower druid jade golem decks by dropping this as a 20/20 menace before they could get going. ^^
Well, i remember all of them. As someone who is used to play singleplayer content of HS, i met most of these cards quite regurarly.
wicked soul sees play in wild in order to counter freeze shamans 🥶
Fearsome Doomguard, despite being released in the Grand Tournament, -you win or you die- was the card of the year in year 2016. Why? Because of his Battlecry, or, if be more precise, his voicelines. «DOOOM FOR EVERYONE», he screms in Harry Oldman's style when enters the play, which is then followed by «DOOOM FOR YOUU» and «DOOOM... for me :c».
Even if Argent Watchman is a 4 mana 2/4, that's not accurate because it won't stay that way without constant investment, so hero powering again and again, consuming 2 mana each. It also still doesn't get to attack right away so the first turn you play it, if you would hero power either way, the effect is completely useless.
Pretty sure the only cards in that GvG lineup that didn't really see play were Wee Spellstopper and Goblin Sapper.
I think you're making the mistake of looking at these cards from a modern persprective, rather than from the perspective of the meta at the time.
For example, back then, a 3 drop with 7 stat points was actually quite rare, so having a conditional battle cry on such a card was completely fine. Deathrattle decks were extremely stong at the time because it was shortly after Naxx, and most decks ran some deathrattle cards like Piloted Shredder or Harvest Golem.
Similar thing with Warbot. Simply being a 1/3 for 1 mana made a card playable, especially when it's a mech in a mech based expansion. The effect was just a bonus.
Loving these new videos!
I play tons of solo adventures so I see all these niche cards here and there.
I've actually actively played every single one of those cards, specially the 5 mana kobold that summons al'akir (use it in my wild deck every day)
helped me remember that i have no desire to remember them still
i love these videos, but it is funny to see that you're not an Arena player bc all of these are in my silly brain forever. keep up the amazing videos
Warbot was a card in starting deck in this dungeon run in cobolds adventure
I played almost every single mentioned card, as f2player with unluckiest packs. Probably a part of the reason why I don't play HS anymore.
I love that just because i have played a ton, and i mean a ton of single player dungeon runs, i have played every card here 😂😂
gah, corridor creeper and bonemare have a special place in my heart
Me a hearthstone veteran having played every single one of those cards 😌
that weird 8 mana fossil dino from league of explorers is worth a mention. so forgettable i couldnt forget it 😂😂
Arena players remember all these cards. Good players remember all these cards. Anyone who played consistently remembers all these cards. Everyone remembers these cards.
I remember literally all of these.
I saw a video today in which Wailing Soul was played lol. How random!
Ah yes of course everyone forgot about Warbot, the minion that EVERY warrior ever in the GvG era played because it was a goddamn 1 mana 1/3 with a good upside. And then Scarlet Purifier, the 3 mana 4/3 that dealt damage to most of the stronger tempo minions in the era, surely nobody ever played that one either. Also Rarran apparently forgot Arena existed too
I tried to make the Al'akir battlecry card work and it didn't happen a lot but was cool when it did. A lot of these were like I kinda remember that and others were just wait thats a card? Good stuff
The only one of these that I have absolutely zero memory of is Pilfered Power. It doesn't even look real lmao
The Only Cards I Didn't Remember/Didn't Knew Exist...
Light's Sorrow And Deathaxe Punisher.
Most Cards I Knew And Actually I've Played A Lot With.
what a quality of content good job!
Much appreciated!
I actually see a lot of these cards since I almost exclusively play Arena rn
Warbot saw quite a lot of play.
I remember Totem Cruncher entirely because I tried to make Even Totem Shaman work for a long time
I remembered every single one of them... The worst part is, I actually thought some of them were really good.
Some of this where legit arena picks so i find it a strange list, props for not using vainilla monsters
I have reached Legend with Wicked Witchdoctor totem shaman. It was deck carried by Bloodlust, Tuskarr Totemic and Thunderbluff Valiant. On ofc Spirit Claws
I cannot agree with most arguments here, I have seen Warbot several times as a Wild player and Anime Golem I have actually gotten beaten by a few times back in the day.
Hey good content, watching the new type of videos. I don't played hs back in the day, just from kobolds but remember most of the cards from the video, because of arena
wait, Totem Cruncher came out in Witchwood? I was convinced it was a Grand Tournament card LOL
wait a sec im pretty sure scarlet purifier saw at least some play, i played control pally and i rammed that bad boy in there
Only card I legitimately forgot existed was Master of Ceremonies.
I forgot 3 of all in the list. Some had good play in Arena mode as fillers )
One word for ya, Rarran: Arena.
5:56 that would be pretty good in agro
I think bladed gauntlet popped on some non-odd control warriors during that time, it wasn't that bad of a card...