As christian priest I have respect for modern Druids ,I know the Celtic church had been influence by the ancient druids.You have my respect and support
I knew a Druid who loved smoking weed, he was very kind, he was non commercial stood up for animal rights, did energy healing work and could transform into a turtle, he was American, Native American
Such a pleasure to see the ceremonies in action; thanks for posting. I practice Celtic Druidisim as a solitaire, but I wiah I live near others w/like interests. The "pagans" I've met appear to be into it to be different, trendy, or they practice an eclectic paganisim & don't seem to appreciate the religious aspect of it. Great vid.
The Roman's said the people of Carthage sacrificed children, while evidence points to a ritual where children who died (which was common during this time) were cremated and then a living child was carried around by a priest who worshiped Tanit to remind people not to be sad, life was all around them. Druid's sacrificing people was mostly just Roman propaganda, it was probably a form of state execution as much as it was a religious sacrifice, if it even happened at all. Yet the Roman's own "coliseum" was far more cruel then anything the Druids did.
I have put much research into this topic as well. I feel that some of what you are saying has much validation. Also, remember, in an age of horse and walking, and very poor means of communication locations like the the British isles would seem very far away. the edge of frontier really. both the Romans and many indoEuropean peoples would probably both find each other to be pretty strange. Plus lets be honest, it's the unusual stuff that really gets written or talked about. No body really wants to hear about the Druid or Catholic priest who came home from a hard days work and sat around the fire (or Television set in our day and age) picking his nose. That's really boring:-)
If you did any research into ADF, you would find that it is an orthopraxic religion, rather than orthodoxic. We do not keep members 'under... control' - people are free to join, leave, and practice as they wish. By definition, this is not a cult. Many of us have Celtic backgrounds, however that is not what is important nor is it required. We are neo-Druids and have a legitimate, recognized religion. And as for what your ancestors did, the Druids passed on their knowledge orally. Nothing was written down. The only documents available are those that were written by the Romans and by the early Christians, both of which had agendas in regards to the Druids. So, unless you have access to some scholarly information that the rest of us don't have, I'm not sure how you know what your ancestors actually did.
Read, The Druidic Order of the Pendragon by Colin Robertson, available from Thoth Publications...within the modern fantasy it is the most insightful of all and because its so demanding nobody has the stomach for it, which will keep it safe, no matter how many people read it, (which is very few)...Read it and be prepared to be overwhelmed...
@Duc de Richleau oh well, plenty of British groups that have done the same. Kettle calling the pot...... Also. They were and are OUR ancestors as well as we are the European descendants in America. These people are doing fine work. Much more than you see here in this video. So think before you exclaim
@Duc de Richleau Having once been married to a clinical sociopath, I have a pretty good handle on the symptoms so I think I can say with some certainty that I am not a sociopath. Also, I am a member of ADF but not in any position of authority. Yes, there is a hierarchy but it is completely democratic and we are, in fact, coming up on our annual elections. Even the Archdruid is elected. So, my dear Duc, I pray for you, as I do every day for everyone around me, that you be filled with light and love and may you find peace rather than judgment in your heart.
as a hindu myself, i do like druidism for its certain similarities with hinduism when it comes to worship of mother earth(we call "bhoomi matha".namasthe.
saber kolm You will be very happy to know that bro druids are our brothers. Do you know that there was a tribe called druhyus who inhabited punjab during the Rig-Vedic times,who were driven out of India? They were the Druids! That is why hinduism and druidism is so similar. Because druidism is also a type of hinduism!
@@BmoreAbe83 Because "white people" are the ones that are mostly attracted to this line of spirituality based on ancestry. If a person of color wanted to join, my guess is they'd have no problem with it. However, it's entirely possible that people of color are, for the most part, uninterested. So, do you think we should have sort of a "affirmative action" for these types of groups so we can inject some "color" into them. Let them be. They aren't waving Nazi flags or telling other people what they should think or do. Why do need to find something wrong with a group that you know little to nothing about?
This was genuinely so beautiful and getting to watch the rituals made me extremely emotional honestly, I would give anything to be able to participate in something like this. I'm also really happy I found this video because I'm currently deep into my religious/spiritual path as an eclectic witch and a pagan and this introduced me to neo-pagan druidism, which I'm now super excited to learn more about as I continue my studies :)
You folks should see what Michael Tsarion says about the Druids and how they seeded Egypt in his Irish Origins DVD series. It's 12 hours and presents a lot of evidence for this and will totally blow your mind and drop your jaw! lol
Academically, this would be called Neo-Druidism, but people don't go about calling themselves, Neo-this or Neo-that. Another academic term could be Traditionalist Reconstructionism.
Only thing that concerns me about this video is the human sacrifice bit (can see that druids used it like capital punishment, but not often), and that they sorta diss the five elements idea- while still using the pentagram and such.
I can understand that because of reasons primarily of time and money (lack of it), and NOT because of lack of interest and lack of experience, no woman has yet to rise to the position of Arch-Druid. That said, if EVER there is an updated version of this film, it behooves the makers to PLEASE interview the WOMEN of ADF, esp. its many female priests, about the role of women (maybe talking 'bout ADF's commitment to NON-discrimination, among other topics)? Side note: In the installation of Kirk Thomas, it would have been good (to say the least!) of explaining WHY there was a (ceremonial, I know!) sickle at his throat? For with all the constant references that modern Druids DON'T commit human sacrifice, that video image sent mixed signals, to an UNknowledgable viewer?
Some Druids commit Animal sacrifice still, and do mock sacrifice of either effigies, or dont go as far as death (be hanged, burned, and then drowned without dying) or just as simple as blood sacrifice. ADF is just one of many different druidic groups. Just because the adf doesnt do these things doesnt mean that all modern druids dont.
Iron Horseman Actually, there's a wide consensus that Druids, and the Celts in general, did perform human sacrifices: "The archaeological evidence for human sacrifice is rare and its interpretation difficult; the few references in Insular Celtic literature are centuries removed, filtered through Christian attitudes, and probably influenced by international folk-tale motifs. However, there is little doubt that human sacrifice was practised by Continental and Insular Celts alike." (The Celts, p. 688, edited by John T. Koch and Antone Minard)
that's too bad. I have some really annoying neighbors that party too loud at all hours of the night. We could sacrifice them to the porcilain god, since that seems to be the one that they most worship. :-D
From the little reading I've done on this topic, the question is STILL open as to whether most sacrifices were of criminals, mostly... and only those who went willingly to their death, if no criminal was available?
What are your funeral practices? Do you believe in an afterlife? Do you bury your dead or prefer cremation? How do you feel about modern, funeral home, embalming practices?
You did such an amazing rendition, and I had captured it from the video i shot of Craig and Jessies hand fasting that I felt compelled to use it. It fit wonderfully. Thank you. /|\
I enjoyed watching, not a big fan of ADF ritual, but there good people .. Give me Neo-Pagan Revival Druidry any day over ADF, but as fellow Druids I respect there past. But one thing i dislike about ADF your find many of there member often feel there Druidry is some How the only True Druidry, but as a whole there good people..
I am a new druid im still learning. I also am Christian as well my belief is we come from the Earth so she is our mother. I believe we are one with. Nature the trees and grass the plants are our brothers and sisters. I am descended of ancient druids and seek to carry on their ways.
Jason Thornton, I am glad you have found a religion that works for you. Having found one that works for me (ADF), I know how meaningful and powerful that can be.
I suppose modern Druidism, is simply an interpretation of the rituals and ways of our ancestors. I am drawn to the philosophy of all ground being holy ground. That the earth beneath me is what grounds me. We will never truly know how the ancients precticed their spirituality or more specifically what they truly believed. The main stumbling block being it was an oral tradition and our written records are from non Celtic people and/or druids themselves. The bulk of what we have as 'reliable' commentary is from the standpoint of Caesar and Cicero. That said, Caesar was in his way quite complimentary of Druids. I too tend to stay clear of beating a bongo and getting in touch with my chakra. Still, what do I know.
I'm a practitioner of traditional magic with influences by some Western British, Celtic, and Norse magick. Any time I hear someone talk about their"vibrations" or their "shakra", "crystals", "astrological sign", I get quite annoyed. If you stop and think about it, these people living in ancient times didn't have a clue about any of that. They looked at the moon and the stars. They saw the cycles of the Sun and growing things and rocks, mountains, rivers and oceans. Those were their experiences. They didn't deal with "vibrations" or 'Shakras"(sp).
the flight and call of the birds imbues us with the future. our past comes from a well. the present lives in a river. and our elders are gone in crumbling Stone.if the bough of a oak tree is as wide as 3 men all boundaries can be broken and our souls will pass on. unnamed poem. - Fred l noakes.
Yep and before that, the sacrifice of animals to the old testament God of Israel. Let's not be naive here. The Judeo-Christian faith is a blend of many different pagan beliefs before the written scriptures were ever imagined.
The man with the white long hair and the mustache has made love to all the Druid ladies twice. Sorry I’m here because I hated my Pottermore result on my wand now I’m thinking making a more magical wand, so really I’m just getting sucked in a information hole which will ultimately lead me nowhere nearer to my original goal. There very active and what they do is pretty magical. Sounds like a good time.
the woods are a kaleidoscope of green brown and white with Peaks and valleys of acorns and flowers scattered about the forest floor. animals trample Softly. the next day they're only concern. the Lycans rule with a symbiotic relationship. bard Druid Frederick l Noakes
It is all very fascinating but I think that my problem is that there are people who follow druidism not because they genuinely like the teachings but because they wish to stand out from the herd and say "look at me I am of this religion". Personally I am an atheist but I don't go around boasting my atheism. I also find it fascinating how a lot of people are quick to get offended and mention how the Romans misrepresented the Celts (which is in no doubt true) but when you mention groups like the Maya, Aztec or Inca people say that what the Spanish said about those groups is all true.
I as a Ordained Druic Priest do defy some of the recreationiat torditioms. Wich is why I define my self as a Warlock . I am more inclined to accept the teachings of such eblightend men as Crawley and Anton Lavey . I think Modern Druidry is toning things down to much in order to gain acceptance amongst the genral public . I am not saying this is a bad thing . But some important aspects of the craft are being left out and there by changing the relgion its self
There are certain markings on bog bodies that indicate 3 fold strikes dedicated to 3 particular gods...I dunno it seems that human sacrifice has been a part of human religion for time out of mind. i don't know why that would change with the european pagans.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded. For I am the Lord(YHVH) and there is NO other. Yahshua Ha Mashiach is the Truth the way and the life...doubt it not!
Excellent video, loving it! One video critique - Too much talk about the human sacrifice - Its distracting from the point. Druids arent known for human sacrifice, even if they did it. It seems defensive, and therefore suspect - even though we all know its an antiquated practice.
I think it’s a little harsh to have such a negative look on sacrifice. It’s a shame that us westerners are so out of touch with nature that killing your own food is seen as barbaric. (How exactly offering the life to the gods when you were going to butcher the animal and scarf it down anyway is seen as bad is a mystery to me.)
I would love to be part of your rituals, but am scared you wont accept me for practicing the ancient cult to the roman gods (Jupiter, June, Mercury, etc) :(
What's wrong with a little Human sacrifice once in a while? There's an ample supply. Maybe if Humans actually made REAL sacrifices to the gods nature wouldn't be trying to destroy us. Just thinking out loud.
This is a real interesting group, but Druidism in Ireland is very different. It is local and Henoistic in nature. They don't claim an Irish form of druidism (this seems to come from the British 18/17th century strain), i read (or got the impression ) on there site if you are culturally Irish that you are a racist or cultural bigot for not accepting there doctrine, druidism does not have priests nor Reverend as titles
You know, I do appreciate earth and all its givings to us as we all are part of the cycle and we finally give back when we go back to earth when we pass from this life. I really wish I could believe in druidism I really do it's so appealing but I find it hard to believe there are tree spirits, or gods of the earth and so on. I mean how can one know what is there inside the earth or the sun etc do they claim they had any apparicion or a vision?...In my opinion these druids they find comfort in these rituals as they bring likewise people around them and build a good ambiance and a community but I don't think they actually believe there are spirits or gods of the forests or actual magic. I'm not trying to hate or troll just my opinion. I would be called a mad person in my country if ever I tried something in a woods or they might sent a priest!
As christian priest I have respect for modern Druids ,I know the Celtic church had been influence by the ancient druids.You have my respect and support
"Christian" hilarious 🤣
@@sosospiritual417 I know, right? i thought the same thing.
@@sosospiritual417 isn’t Christian doctrine about being loving? ‘Love your enemy’
@@bertiesaurus Can u imagine all the love they gave out during the crusades😍
@@1wild_injun I think the pope actually ordered one of the crusades
This fire sacrifice ceremony is bit similar Hindu yagna ritual, which is performed in order to make peace for nature and God.
Because they ARE HINDUS!
Druids are called druhyus in the vedas,who were driven out by purus out of India!
@@adityanawani8134 we are all equal, many cultures share the same centered ideia but with different characteristics
@@adityanawani8134 drui-dair. Gaelic language for "Knower of oak" it has nothing to do with hinduism at all.
I knew a Druid who loved smoking weed, he was very kind, he was non commercial stood up for animal rights, did energy healing work and could transform into a turtle, he was American, Native American
One of the REAL Americans.
Such a pleasure to see the ceremonies in action; thanks for posting. I practice Celtic Druidisim as a solitaire, but I wiah I live near others w/like interests. The "pagans" I've met appear to be into it to be different, trendy, or they practice an eclectic paganisim & don't seem to appreciate the religious aspect of it. Great vid.
looks better then Christianity
it is
Most druids are Christians
its really not :/
stove one actually, that depends on which order someone belongs to, however I would say that “most” is very much overstating the matter
@@dancingdruid7932 I wouldn't.
I just love Ian Corrigan.. he has such a great way of speaking and explaining things.
My left ear is having a good time
The Roman's said the people of Carthage sacrificed children, while evidence points to a ritual where children who died (which was common during this time) were cremated and then a living child was carried around by a priest who worshiped Tanit to remind people not to be sad, life was all around them. Druid's sacrificing people was mostly just Roman propaganda, it was probably a form of state execution as much as it was a religious sacrifice, if it even happened at all. Yet the Roman's own "coliseum" was far more cruel then anything the Druids did.
Have read that it was the Romans who said the Druids used human sacrifice; that there was nothing in Druid records of the time that said they did.
Well put, Jasmine.
Thank you so much!
+jasmine elaya Agreed.
I have put much research into this topic as well. I feel that some of what you are saying has much validation. Also, remember, in an age of horse and walking, and very poor means of communication locations like the the British isles would seem very far away. the edge of frontier really. both the Romans and many indoEuropean peoples would probably both find each other to be pretty strange.
Plus lets be honest, it's the unusual stuff that really gets written or talked about. No body really wants to hear about the Druid or Catholic priest who came home from a hard days work and sat around the fire (or Television set in our day and age) picking his nose. That's really boring:-)
Great video, ADF seems like an awesome group, very dedicated, bare-faced and forthcoming about what they're about. /|\
The "Kindreds" refer to the Gods & Goddesses , The ancestors (the Mighty Dead), and the spirits of the land (the noble ones and nature spirits)
these people seem harmless to me. let them be.
cherese platt They are just Larping 😂
If you did any research into ADF, you would find that it is an orthopraxic religion, rather than orthodoxic. We do not keep members 'under... control' - people are free to join, leave, and practice as they wish. By definition, this is not a cult. Many of us have Celtic backgrounds, however that is not what is important nor is it required. We are neo-Druids and have a legitimate, recognized religion. And as for what your ancestors did, the Druids passed on their knowledge orally. Nothing was written down. The only documents available are those that were written by the Romans and by the early Christians, both of which had agendas in regards to the Druids. So, unless you have access to some scholarly information that the rest of us don't have, I'm not sure how you know what your ancestors actually did.
Read, The Druidic Order of the Pendragon by Colin Robertson, available from Thoth Publications...within the modern fantasy it is the most insightful of all and because its so demanding nobody has the stomach for it, which will keep it safe, no matter how many people read it, (which is very few)...Read it and be prepared to be overwhelmed...
@Duc de Richleau oh well, plenty of British groups that have done the same. Kettle calling the pot...... Also. They were and are OUR ancestors as well as we are the European descendants in America. These people are doing fine work. Much more than you see here in this video. So think before you exclaim
@Duc de Richleau Having once been married to a clinical sociopath, I have a pretty good handle on the symptoms so I think I can say with some certainty that I am not a sociopath. Also, I am a member of ADF but not in any position of authority. Yes, there is a hierarchy but it is completely democratic and we are, in fact, coming up on our annual elections. Even the Archdruid is elected. So, my dear Duc, I pray for you, as I do every day for everyone around me, that you be filled with light and love and may you find peace rather than judgment in your heart.
I love it! Can not wait to get a copy to use at Pagan Pride Days and workshops!
Druids don't tolerate racism we love all cultures and we study them all not just 1!
as a hindu myself, i do like druidism for its certain similarities with hinduism when it comes to worship of mother earth(we call "bhoomi matha".namasthe.
saber kolm
You will be very happy to know that bro druids are our brothers.
Do you know that there was a tribe called druhyus who inhabited punjab during the Rig-Vedic times,who were driven out of India?
They were the Druids!
That is why hinduism and druidism is so similar.
Because druidism is also a type of hinduism!
why did I ONLY see White people of no pigment lol? Then?
Brian Abrahamsen get out if you’re going to be ignorant.
@@BmoreAbe83 Because "white people" are the ones that are mostly attracted to this line of spirituality based on ancestry. If a person of color wanted to join, my guess is they'd have no problem with it. However, it's entirely possible that people of color are, for the most part, uninterested. So, do you think we should have sort of a "affirmative action" for these types of groups so we can inject some "color" into them. Let them be. They aren't waving Nazi flags or telling other people what they should think or do. Why do need to find something wrong with a group that you know little to nothing about?
This is very well done. It gave me a better understanding of ADF and the Druid religion. Can't wait to get more involved.
this is a very good video and i loved it, as a novice druid myself, im proud and happy :)
blessed be and may awen guide you /I\
Beautiful people!
Wonderful! I just started working on my Dedicant's Path with the ADF. Thanks for this!
RavynStar how did it go? Looking into joining prairie sky grove here.
This was genuinely so beautiful and getting to watch the rituals made me extremely emotional honestly, I would give anything to be able to participate in something like this. I'm also really happy I found this video because I'm currently deep into my religious/spiritual path as an eclectic witch and a pagan and this introduced me to neo-pagan druidism, which I'm now super excited to learn more about as I continue my studies :)
This looks more like a religion that is in tune with my beliefs, although I take different parts of different religions because I'm a spiritualist.
@Jonathan Soko amen
Me too
Greetings from a lad in Asatru
TrygveBlackTiger Media
You folks should see what Michael Tsarion says about the Druids and how they seeded Egypt in his Irish Origins DVD series. It's 12 hours and presents a lot of evidence for this and will totally blow your mind and drop your jaw! lol
I was a bit surprised to see myself doing the cosmology song in this. Pleasantly, though.
Academically, this would be called Neo-Druidism, but people don't go about calling themselves, Neo-this or Neo-that. Another academic term could be Traditionalist Reconstructionism.
Many of us use the term neo-Druidry. And Celtic reconstructionism is not the same as neo-Druidry or neo-paganism.
Beautiful :)
What's the most popular spec these days? Resto?
Always go feral.
Karmas law - enforced by nature *respected by druids*
Only thing that concerns me about this video is the human sacrifice bit (can see that druids used it like capital punishment, but not often), and that they sorta diss the five elements idea- while still using the pentagram and such.
Druidic practicioner here. Bless
I call the circle! be at peace brothers and sisters
Thank you. Peace to you too. BTW, Druids do not cast circles.
I can understand that because of reasons primarily of time and money (lack of it), and NOT because of lack of interest and lack of experience, no woman has yet to rise to the position of Arch-Druid. That said, if EVER there is an updated version of this film, it behooves the makers to PLEASE interview the WOMEN of ADF, esp. its many female priests, about the role of women (maybe talking 'bout ADF's commitment to NON-discrimination, among other topics)?
Side note: In the installation of Kirk Thomas, it would have been good (to say the least!) of explaining WHY there was a (ceremonial, I know!) sickle at his throat? For with all the constant references that modern Druids DON'T commit human sacrifice, that video image sent mixed signals, to an UNknowledgable viewer?
Some Druids commit Animal sacrifice still, and do mock sacrifice of either effigies, or dont go as far as death (be hanged, burned, and then drowned without dying) or just as simple as blood sacrifice. ADF is just one of many different druidic groups. Just because the adf doesnt do these things doesnt mean that all modern druids dont.
Stonecreed Grove is a wonderful group. I celebrated with THIS group, then had to move. Miss them
When I watch this video I see two things, virgin males and female cat owners...
There is no proof the Druids committed sacrifice of humans...
Iron Horseman Actually, there's a wide consensus that Druids, and the Celts in general, did perform human sacrifices:
"The archaeological evidence for human sacrifice is rare and its interpretation difficult; the few references in Insular Celtic literature are centuries removed, filtered through Christian attitudes, and probably influenced by international folk-tale motifs. However, there is little doubt that human sacrifice was practised by Continental and Insular Celts alike." (The Celts, p. 688, edited by John T. Koch and Antone Minard)
***** Did you just ignore the citation from a scholarly book I gave you?
So what if they did. Modern Druids don't have to.
that's too bad. I have some really annoying neighbors that party too loud at all hours of the night. We could sacrifice them to the porcilain god, since that seems to be the one that they most worship. :-D
From the little reading I've done on this topic, the question is STILL open as to whether most sacrifices were of criminals, mostly... and only those who went willingly to their death, if no criminal was available?
What are your funeral practices? Do you believe in an afterlife? Do you bury your dead or prefer cremation? How do you feel about modern, funeral home, embalming practices?
Understand something okay not everyone can be a Druid. Druids did three things Law, Doctoring and Story telling.
You did such an amazing rendition, and I had captured it from the video i shot of Craig and Jessies hand fasting that I felt compelled to use it. It fit wonderfully. Thank you. /|\
I enjoyed watching, not a big fan of ADF ritual, but there good people .. Give me Neo-Pagan Revival Druidry any day over ADF, but as fellow Druids I respect there past. But one thing i dislike about ADF your find many of there member often feel there Druidry is some How the only True Druidry, but as a whole there good people..
even as an asian man watching th is. i'll convert instantly. lol
No reason why people of all races and cultures can't be a Druid.
*honoring the celestial Kundalini and it's processes, currently working at the Third Eye*
Splendid. Keep creating outward expression! Folks should be aware, make a new choice in defining Sacred!
I am a new druid im still learning. I also am Christian as well my belief is we come from the Earth so she is our mother. I believe we are one with. Nature the trees and grass the plants are our brothers and sisters. I am descended of ancient druids and seek to carry on their ways.
The two things are not congruent. Don't pretend they are.
@@chuckfriebe843 i believe how i believe u believe how u believe sir. I am a Christian Druid and that is who i am proud to be :)
Read Acts 29. The true Druids fled Egypt fleeing captivity Apostle Paul spoke with them and realised they were akin of the 12 Tribes.
@@kristinakyle2462 sure you are
@@deborahsharona5721 whatever. Total made up bullshit.
Isaiah 43:11 English Standard Version (ESV) 11 I, I am the Lord,
and besides me there is no savior.
Jason Thornton, I am glad you have found a religion that works for you. Having found one that works for me (ADF), I know how meaningful and powerful that can be.
And Voldemort is he who shall.not be named,has the same amount of meaning in my life,so why come on here and spout your belief
And I am Chuck and besides me no one gives a fuck what you're saying. There, how's that?
A much needed injection of Truth. 🙏🏼
I am a Druid, very old religion
I think this is so cool and would like to join one day !
I suppose modern Druidism, is simply an interpretation of the rituals and ways of our ancestors.
I am drawn to the philosophy of all ground being holy ground. That the earth beneath me is what grounds me. We will never truly know how the ancients precticed their spirituality or more specifically what they truly believed. The main stumbling block being it was an oral tradition and our written records are from non Celtic people and/or druids themselves. The bulk of what we have as 'reliable' commentary is from the standpoint of Caesar and Cicero. That said, Caesar was in his way quite complimentary of Druids.
I too tend to stay clear of beating a bongo and getting in touch with my chakra. Still, what do I know.
I'm a practitioner of traditional magic with influences by some Western British, Celtic, and Norse magick. Any time I hear someone talk about their"vibrations" or their "shakra", "crystals", "astrological sign", I get quite annoyed. If you stop and think about it, these people living in ancient times didn't have a clue about any of that. They looked at the moon and the stars. They saw the cycles of the Sun and growing things and rocks, mountains, rivers and oceans. Those were their experiences. They didn't deal with "vibrations" or 'Shakras"(sp).
Theses are Druids long live
the flight and call of the birds imbues us with the future. our past comes from a well. the present lives in a river. and our elders are gone in crumbling Stone.if the bough of a oak tree is as wide as 3 men all boundaries can be broken and our souls will pass on. unnamed poem. - Fred l noakes.
Very Awesome!
It is interesting, the comments about human sacrifices... doesn't the salvation of all Christians rest on belief in a human sacrifice? 🤔
And, particularly in the Catholic Church, so is taking communion. Blood and body of Christ.
The Lord Jesus Christ dying on the cross is not the same as humans being sacrificed to demons who masquerade as God.
@@greenhead96 but did "God" not "sacrifice his only son"?,it says so in your book,so you celebrate sacrifice
@@andruid5054 good point.
Yep and before that, the sacrifice of animals to the old testament God of Israel. Let's not be naive here. The Judeo-Christian faith is a blend of many different pagan beliefs before the written scriptures were ever imagined.
If Christina dont want bring back burning witches, then they dont want bring back human sacrifice!
It is so beautiful this religion, just like the religio romana, the religion I follow.
Very interesting.
Fallen fallen fallen
The man with the white long hair and the mustache has made love to all the Druid ladies twice.
Sorry I’m here because I hated my Pottermore result on my wand now I’m thinking making a more magical wand, so really I’m just getting sucked in a information hole which will ultimately lead me nowhere nearer to my original goal.
There very active and what they do is pretty magical. Sounds like a good time.
@@chuckfriebe843 actually it’s ‘they’re.’ 😉
the woods are a kaleidoscope of green brown and white with Peaks and valleys of acorns and flowers scattered about the forest floor. animals trample Softly. the next day they're only concern. the Lycans rule with a symbiotic relationship. bard Druid Frederick l Noakes
Can druids take up arms to defend their beliefs ?
wudangboy Druids are not pacifists. Within ADF we have a Warriors Guild.
I respect Pagans more than followers of Abrahamic religions.
The Druids didnt commit human sacrifice but the ancient Jews and Christians did for hundreds of years.
Correction: Christians have never and would never practice human sacrifice!
By your accent, I got a feeling your gods aren't there.
What do you mean by this statement?
A lot of dress up and LARP. There is nothing pagan about wearing strange clothes and new age nonsense
It is all very fascinating but I think that my problem is that there are people who follow druidism not because they genuinely like the teachings but because they wish to stand out from the herd and say "look at me I am of this religion". Personally I am an atheist but I don't go around boasting my atheism. I also find it fascinating how a lot of people are quick to get offended and mention how the Romans misrepresented the Celts (which is in no doubt true) but when you mention groups like the Maya, Aztec or Inca people say that what the Spanish said about those groups is all true.
That's true, we often went logger heads with the Church over the doctrine of free will
I'm not sure that having your religion become a "world religion" is a good thing.
Oh boy... If Ben mcbrady could only see this, he would shit himself...
I as a Ordained Druic Priest do defy some of the recreationiat torditioms. Wich is why I define my self as a Warlock . I am more inclined to accept the teachings of such eblightend men as Crawley and Anton Lavey . I think Modern Druidry is toning things down to much in order to gain acceptance amongst the genral public . I am not saying this is a bad thing . But some important aspects of the craft are being left out and there by changing the relgion its self
‘Phantom legion’
@@bertiesaurus Yes I am Legion
@@phantomlegion4522 aye and I’m part of the super secret spy service
Is the music that starts around 16:10 available anywhere? It's so beautiful!
Why do they always look kookie
Druids should be keen to take a stance against speciesism, yes?
witches and warlocks
Now days it's just witches. No one really makes that distinction any longer.
That’s exactly what they are.
There are certain markings on bog bodies that indicate 3 fold strikes dedicated to 3 particular gods...I dunno it seems that human sacrifice has been a part of human religion for time out of mind. i don't know why that would change with the european pagans.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded. For I am the Lord(YHVH) and there is NO other. Yahshua Ha Mashiach is the Truth the way and the life...doubt it not!
Doubt it so.
GhostPandemic don't you have a d&d tournament to attend?
elecktrikmoon Just got back from it, Lol.
I came here cos I called my gf a druid and didn't know what it was lol
I think OBOD is bigger and has more members worldwide than the these
Andruid 50 I think they’re on par with each other as far as overall membership. But without a doubt in the United States ADF is the largest
BuccaneerPictures72 I can imagine it is lol,I'm in none of the orders so I should not of commented lol
I would say North America, not just the US.
Superb. Peace and understanding to you. Crecoeden. /|\
Concrete is the enemy.
1:14 the song they’re singing name plz! I’m new
come we now as a people. yes it’s one of the processional songs as you enter the nemeton(holy place)
@@BuccaneerPictures72 do you know where i can find a full version?
The Beards and Hair. Sign me up.
Excellent video, loving it!
One video critique - Too much talk about the human sacrifice - Its distracting from the point. Druids arent known for human sacrifice, even if they did it. It seems defensive, and therefore suspect - even though we all know its an antiquated practice.
I think it’s a little harsh to have such a negative look on sacrifice. It’s a shame that us westerners are so out of touch with nature that killing your own food is seen as barbaric. (How exactly offering the life to the gods when you were going to butcher the animal and scarf it down anyway is seen as bad is a mystery to me.)
hmm. i dont know
Lost chapter of acts 29 says Paul went to Spain and britian and met isrealite druids ...
Çok güzel.
I would love to be part of your rituals, but am scared you wont accept me for practicing the ancient cult to the roman gods (Jupiter, June, Mercury, etc) :(
i love mystery
What's wrong with a little Human sacrifice once in a while? There's an ample supply.
Maybe if Humans actually made REAL sacrifices to the gods nature wouldn't be trying to destroy us.
Just thinking out loud.
Anahata Chakra Awakening
We will never know such evil in those days was the norm,
What's evil about worshipping nature?
Cool. :)
You can get a degree in magic?
You can also get a degree in gender studies
Just a question, when they say "the kindreds" what / who exactly do they refer to ?
Spirits of the ancestors and the spirits of all things on mother Earth.
Very good video, but has it actually been proven that the Ancient Druids performed human sacrifice?
peaceful UKULELE ATLANTA HOLLY positive energy
And I'm in the MOCC
Peace Den
This is a real interesting group, but Druidism in Ireland is very different. It is local and Henoistic in nature. They don't claim an Irish form of druidism (this seems to come from the British 18/17th century strain), i read (or got the impression ) on there site if you are culturally Irish that you are a racist or cultural bigot for not accepting there doctrine, druidism does not have priests nor Reverend as titles
I'm from Ireland looking for Irish druidry, very hard to find
I am from the land of the druids..
+Yggdrasil Smog And i'm not talking about Ireland...
lol. youre talking about wales huh? thats ok.
Davey Jones616
I come from a land down under
Where women glow and men plunder- Colin Haye(Men At Work)
The sad part is these lost people seem like penetcostals. It's probably the same demons.
A demon is one who is sure and confident not weary or solemn. Know thyself and Christian religion to be the actual demon fuckface
Only in your weak mind.
Holly wood, comes from them
You know, I do appreciate earth and all its givings to us as we all are part of the cycle and we finally give back when we go back to earth when we pass from this life. I really wish I could believe in druidism I really do it's so appealing but I find it hard to believe there are tree spirits, or gods of the earth and so on. I mean how can one know what is there inside the earth or the sun etc do they claim they had any apparicion or a vision?...In my opinion these druids they find comfort in these rituals as they bring likewise people around them and build a good ambiance and a community but I don't think they actually believe there are spirits or gods of the forests or actual magic. I'm not trying to hate or troll just my opinion. I would be called a mad person in my country if ever I tried something in a woods or they might sent a priest!