Rummu, Soviet time prison camp transformed into epic beach and dive site!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.พ. 2025
- This is Rummu, an abandoned Soviet prison and forced labor open mine located in Estonia. Underground waters flooded the quarry and the place went from being a horrible punishment facility to becoming one of the most exotic and strange beaches ever seen.
WARNING: Don´t let this video encourage you to take risks you can´t handle or try stunts above your ability! Several severe accidents have been reported!
© Sven-Olof Englund, XL-Studios (svenne@xl-studios.com9
Location: Rummu Karjäär, Estonia
Pilot/DoP: Sven-Olof Englund, XL-Studios
Music: Röyksopp forever
Wow, was für eine Super Drohne . Kompliment das ist 100 % Top Qualität. Danke
Water is crystal clear. Not polluted. Also i went fishing there. Lots of fish there. And I live close by in laitse.
Do you still live there? Tell us more about that place.
Thanks from Great Britain.
(Wed 07 July 2021 21h46)
I've been there for so many times, but this video still amazes me, amazing aerial shots. A very, very good job!
Beautyful nature, people!
Good picture, sound!
This is Estonia!
Tervist! Suur aitäh viideo eest, nüüd ma tean, kuhu veel saaks sõita jalgrattaga :) Tõesti kena koht ja suurepärane atmosfäär!
Круто ! Спасибо за видео ! Дааа ...во были времена !
This is the most beautiful drone footage i have erer seen!!!
Amazing place and superbly filmed and edited.
the last minute bird's eye view shots are the best!
Fantastic camera work and music selection!
Thank you for adding video!
Sunday were been there, awesome place to visit, after visiting this place, watching video again and again :)
Before video, haven't known about this place at neighbours.
Hello from Riga :)
Very professional video! Both thumbs up!
Очень красиво снято большое спасибо!
This what is above water is nice but real fun is under the water.
Hopefully you will make soon underwater flight as well ;)
It's such a great video thank you for this :)
Music editing is perfect !👍
I have been there, swom there end may this year. Bit cold but a very awesome place. Estonia lover!!!
Brilliant shots!
I would like to thank the Reddit community for bringing me here today. I would also like to thank our dear leader, Kaptain Kek, for always providing us with an endless fount of inspiration in these dark times. My cup runneth over with thy visage, Kaptain. Finally, I would like to say that I came to this video from Reddit explicitly for the sole purpose of saying: This.
So much this. This so hard #redditjokes #upfingerforreddit
Nick Beard Welcome. You'll find many subreddits over the years that you'll kick yourself for not knowing. I recommend checking out the all tab often, you see some good stories there and discover new reddits.
I'm just gonna drop r/gonewild here and walk away....
Nice flying.
Awesome ! Awesome 2 the max !
Jaja.. får väl pausa Seelennacht en stund dårå . . .
Du vet att dom har 220V på tågen så jag funderar på en resa till Borås med bordet och talarna . . typ överraska Marianne Äremann ?
Peter Lanner eller kasnke inte ta med bordet, bara mixer & speakers.
Grym rulle det här va ?
Snyggt filmat visst men är det du som gjort den? Jag fattar lite långsamt ibland och måndagar är bland dom . . JO!
Peter Lanner Pilot/DoP: Sven-Olof Englund, XL-Studios
- Песчаный карьер - два человека!!!
- Огласите весь, список - пожалуйста...
The perfect video and a suitable music
Absolutey beautiful!!
Went there this summer. Such a beautiful place, especially while looking down the hill, but the water was pretty cold.
This is very pretty and all, but the hills behind the lake are mine tailings, which tend to be highly toxic. I wouldn't want to be wandering around them or swimming in the runoff. Great video work!
The quarry was there to mine limestone.
The estonian goverment allows people to swim there everything is safe, or else it would be blocked off.
I just want to tell you, that I live in Rummu 22 years :P Everyday I swim there :) (In summer). BEAUTIFUL PLACE! If you come there, dont forget to make a shot !
Never thought my home country has such beautiful places!
Same here lol
Very nice made!!!
"Всех люблю на свете Я.
Это - Родина моя!" (с)
In Soviet Russia you take a vacation in prison
...but not as fast as in your "democratic" US....
Yeah! Or Polonium
even tho this is in Estonia
@@vladislavsafronov245 who u addres ?
@@vladislavsafronov245 do u know about usa elections or life?
This is so cool!
It was a lot of fun over their nice beach rate 10/10
Mystisch.... echt cool.
great video!
Ma pole Rummus veel kunagi olnud, kuna see asub Kiili vallast liiga kaugel. Ise olen käinud kõige rohkem seega Kiili valla looduses ning järgmisena Männiku ja Tammemäe karjääri alal, kus on 3 järve. Nende järvede juurde olen sõitnud jalgrattaga ning seda eriti suviti ning öösiti ja varahommikuti, kuna päikesetõusu aeg ning sellele eelnev ning järgnev on omamoodi elamus veekogude ääres. Õhtud on tunduvalt tavalisemad, kui hilisööd ja varahommikud. Minu kanalis on omajagu videoid ka nendest käimistest, kuid palju muid videoid samuti - näiteks ilmast.
Varahommikud on kõige paremad.
The most unique beach I've ever seen. But climbing on the decrepit crumbling masonry of that building seems way risky.
i guess you aren't xxxxtream enough to handle it brah
Says the hipster in the fedora. Bra
***** The leaning concrete pillars would scare me the most. But you see people swimming right in the crash zone. But still pretty awesome.
After this video became famous, the authorities did warn of the risks - that the bottom of the lake may contain pieces of concrete and loose wires made of stiff metal. The big building standing in the water has at least one side with an Estonian-language warning in capital letters that the construction is in danger of collapse ('Varisemisohtlik').
I was there in May, it's so fascinating and it was cold. There was also this one weird guard with his dog
Wow ! amazing place and amazing video ! how did you film this ? a Drone with camera?
very nicely done and very good place for filming!
what a helicopter is a film made? what kind of camera? gimbal of course, three-engine? I have dji F550 (beginner:)
Thanks :-)
It´s filmed with a Phantom 2 vision+
Hope you get good footage with your F550
Fr / - EN.: Images vidéo impressionnantes (_filmées depuis un drone, certainement_) / - Impressive video (_filmed from a drone, certainly_)
Тюрьма вероятно была всё таки рядом, судя по забору и огороженной территории, а то что рядом - это затопленный песчаный карьер.
Это Гулаг, т.е. рабочая тюрьма, заключенные работали на песчанном карьере.
Wow.. ei teadnutki, et Eestis nii ilusaid kohti leidub :)
i am from Estonia an this is best swimming place
It isn't too far from Latvia, I shall go there this summer
This seems a good spot for parkour
here was the music video faded filmed right? :)
Yep. :-)
AMAX HDGamer yes its ESTONIA
OMG, I want to visit this place sooooooooooooooooo much!
Ash ASMR Experiments now this place is closed unfortunately
Yes I know! I'm planning to visit it )))
Ash ASMR Experiments well come to my home place estonia then
Awesome video! What is the name of the music used in it and the artist, love the music!
The musik is Röyksopp forever, with Röysopp.
Im living here😍
really nice location but the water look like cold
Wow. Do people use this beach?
looks dangerous
Ilus koht looduses, keegi võiks selle koha korda teha ja lagunemisohtliku maja asemele samasugune korralik hüppemaja teha.
Tegemist on nüüd täiesti puhta ja enam-vähem puutumata loodusega, IMO, ning ma olen nii aru saanud, et rannaäärne on vaid jalgsi ligipääsetav.
Vanad hooned lisavad oma osaliselt lagunenud olemusega miljööle väärtust, ning uus hüppemaja rikuks fiilingu ära. Lisaks oleks see liiga kallis.
Äärmisel juhul võiks vees asuvat hoonet ehk vaid minimaalselt kohendada, et see nii lagunemisohtlik äkki ei oleks, kuid igasugune ehitustöö oleks juba liigne inimtegevus. Lisaks mitte väikestele kulutustele tõmbaks see ligi ebatervet kommertshuvi; nii et ma loodan, et inimestel on piisavalt tervet mõistust, et kohta võimalikult ürgse ja puutumatuna hoida.
Õige lähenemine. Kui ujumiskoht on puhas ja ohutu siis kõik korras.
Ega tõenäoliselt einne ei juhtu nende vanade asjadega midagi kui keegi pole varingu alla jäänud.
Sinna saab muideks ka suure tehnikaga ligi. Maanteelt on ainult paneelidega asi tõkestatud.
RUMMUROCKi ajal oli lava sealsamas vee ääres.
See trektor mis rahandusministeeriumit lammutas saab vabalt hakkama.
Innova fora ma olen seal löönud 2 korda
Lääts oleks parem võind olla tundub (ei ole asjatundja),
video tundus ka olevat madala freimreidiga 30 võiks ikka olla sujuva pildi jaoks..
Oli quad või hexa ?
"Veemaailm" - tulevikuvisioon!
здорово...каким аппаратом снимал??????
poole video pealt hakkab samu kohti jälle näitama veidike teise külje alt :d muidu okei enne seda kui kõik hakkab korduma.
Reminds me of warkworth cement works before the anti-fun brigade made it 'safe'
How hell became heaven with love
rexracer861 Haters gonna hate and I choose love, it's all good :)
rexracer861 what is fedora?
***** a fertility symbol
I came here cuz of Faded
а интересно,туберкулёзный палочки сколько лет могут быть живыми
It very dangerous i was there yesterday and there were lots of metal at the bottom and lots of people died there
Mis ajast Rummus nii palju rahvast käib? 2 aastat tagasi oli vaevu 1-2 autotäit seal.
Populaarseks kohaks muutunud ehk. Paljud pole sellest vast enne teadlikud olnud, et midagi sellist eestis leida võib.
Jah, Rummu kaunis ajalugu on hävinemas. Eriti rõvedad on need, kes seal klaastaarat vastu hooneid puruks peksavad.
i went there very beautiful place. wasnt that cold tho
This is Estonia!!!
место моих молодых воспоминаний ...
I want to go there... i take a boat to estonia...
Euroshopper Style it’s a 25min drive from center of Tallinn.
Колоритное местечко...
Who did the sound track? What is its title? Where can it be found?
Josain Zsun Röyksopp. Song Röyksopp forever. Can be found in iTunes etc.
Can anyone tell, what music is used?
Röyksopp - Röyksopp Forever
Millega lennati? Phanthom?
estrom111 lol.
What the equipement did you used ???
Avdryz Beprikolu
Phantom 2 vision plus, 720p, 60fps, Final Cut Pro X
Kena, vaga ilus +1
video is cool
When stalin looks down, he like what happened to my poor gulage, why are there sweaty americans climbing on my presiouse work of art
What copter is used?
DJI Phantom 2 vision +
Is this the type of lime you use on dead bodies to have them disintegrate ??? I see people on the beach...they aren't affected by the lime...????
What camera?
in my opinion, männiku lakes is too the beautiful area. an estonian youtuber have been there several times, especially on early mornings. his youtube username is "eestiloodus". [comment continues..]
type "raku järve poolsaarel varahommikul", männiku järve poolsaarel varahommikul or "tammemäe järve poolsaarel varahommikul/hilisöösel" in the search box to find his videos.
minuarust on männiku karjääri järved ka kenad. 1 eesti youtuber on seal väga palju käinud ja eriti varahommikuti. youtube kasutajanimi on "eestiloodus". pange otsingusse "raku järve poolsaarel varahommikul" või "tammemäe järve poolsaarel varahommikul/hilisöösel".
vabandust mu halva inglise keele pärast, olen eestist.
sorry for my bad english - i'm from estonia.
That water looks polluted the fuck out! I'd be wary to bathe in it, without losing a testicle, that is.
u look like a dumb person so let me help u out ! this is Estonia, in here all waters are tested by local coverments and if the water is polluted it would be cut off for public access and totally isolated but its not because all is fine there, right now the problem is divers and old buildings in the water.
Tanel Murd Estonia, another corrupt place runned by crooks. Oh, yeah, politicians don't ever lie. Tool.
polluted you say? I think not! you haven´t seen the clarity of this place, probably the clearest water you would find in any swimming place out here. If you could lose you testicle here, you wouldn´t have much problem finding it, depending on the size of it ofc.
Ryuuken24 lol wat?u fucking soft society moron,maybe if u had less makeup u wouldnt look or sound so stupid.why would they lie about the quality of water there?on what purpose?
i live in estonia :) ma elan eestis thats the same sentence in estonian
theantiscorpion oi kui lahe :-P
Kui juba kirjas, et Dive Site, siis oleks ka võinud veealuseid pilte olla
Lahe igatahes.
The Estonians should build a giant statute of Putin here. Something in the Stalinist style would be nice, dont you think?
Ilus koht.
Why Soviet prison?
Murru prison was founded in 1920 for adult prisoners....
The structures visible in the film was created during Soviet era and to my understanding was not a part of the Muru prison until the two prisons were merged in the 90s
Mis muusika see on?
esitaja vms
We are planning to go here in a few months. Any tips about the area. We subbed pop over and check out some of our Explores.
norm... ex juu...
Я там был много раз
нашёл на карте :),+Rummu,+Harjumaa,+%D0%AD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F/@59.2265363,24.1952813,705m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x4692b01e050136dd:0xbe428f10ed14462e?hl=ru
Great video,feel free to insert your video on the map
1989 1991 служил румма
На канале Эстония в красках есть видео Румму итд.
На JuliusRou канале есть видеосы : Палдиски, Турба , Кейла , остров Хийумаа , Ласнамяэ, Кяру , Ноароотси, Саку , Рапла , Пылва , Кехра , Нымме итд.
Tõesti ilus paik