She sheds a fair amount. Not crazy but a vacuum once a week or more, depending on the season. I try to squeeze in three 30-minute walks: morning at the dog park , lunch, and pre-dinner. Weekends I make sure to hike her to a beach where she can swim and get a good two hour exercise in each day. So pretty a time and requires a lot of mental stimulation. I play hide n seek with treats at least once a day.
Does she shed a lot? How long do you exercise with her per day? ✨ Thank you
She sheds a fair amount. Not crazy but a vacuum once a week or more, depending on the season. I try to squeeze in three 30-minute walks: morning at the dog park , lunch, and pre-dinner. Weekends I make sure to hike her to a beach where she can swim and get a good two hour exercise in each day. So pretty a time and requires a lot of mental stimulation. I play hide n seek with treats at least once a day.
so cute 🥰
I too have a 2 year old Toller in a breeding program … where are you located?
Vancouver. You?
watching 🥰
Thanks so much!