Whoever reads this please pray for me. That I would be able to give up my TV and video games and spend more time praying reading the bible and seeking God's face. It's important to me. Thank you in advance. God bless.
I will be praying!!! He’s faithful when we come to him and are honest about the place that we’re in! I know he can help you and give more true understanding of his word!
@@sarahvegoa7855 Hello 👋 I will be praying for you to be strong 💪. I learned this not to long ago. God gives us hard times to Go to HIM FIRST!! Before anything else you do PUT GOD FIRST Always remember to say THANK-YOU! to him too. 😉🙏👍🏻
We must value each and every thing GOD JESUS CHRIST has given us FIRST HE HIMSELF , BEST SPIRITUAL LIFE, then GOOD job, GOOD HEALTH, GOOD clothes, FREE BREATH, OUR BREAD, GOOD family and the list goes on...THANKS TO ONLY MY LORD JESUS CHRIST
@@simpraisern3469 last month I was watching a movie about Jesus and they had him naked in a lake. I was so offended they would paint our Savior in that light. Sexual God is not okay! I turned it off and prayed. Told God I’m so sorry people keep playing with him but I will not be one of them.
This is incredible! How sweet the ending is! Dear God, please bless the team behind this movie and everybody else who has watched and will be watching this. Thank you so much!
I watch this and it brings to mind how God blessed me when I was at the lowest point in my life. My husband left our relationship less than a year after our marriage. I was so lonely and hurt. God allowed me to find a new place with loving neighbors. We never started a family but God sent me a dog and later a cat. The cat is so faithful and loving to me. Then, he provided a little girl who needed a home. God has remade me. He picked up all those broken pieces of my life and made something beautiful out of those pieces. When, like Dior, you put your faith in God, He will certainly answer your prayers 🙏🙏🙏
@Paradise child It is my sincere prayer that God has continued to strengthen you encourage you and to guide you. Please continue to seek him and all things that you do in your life God bless you
You shall seek more of God's blessing you could consider baptism that is if you are ready and you shall receive salvation and the righteousness from God for more information watch FAITH 341 dstv or search for crefflo dollie ministries and he would help you because I am always addicted to those things but I will try not to
I was Muslim and converted to being a follower of our lLord Jesus Christ..I prayed to God one time with all my heart and asked him to show me if he’s real then Jesus came into my life. The holly spirit is guiding me and I will start preaching in God’s name one day to bring this gift of true love and happiness to less fortunate and lost souls. Amen 🙏🙏
اذا كان الخالق يلد فهو لا يختلف عن خلقه، بل هو الواحد الأحد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولو يكن له كفوا احد، أيها الجاهل المرتد عن الدين الحق، ألم تر كم مسيحي قرأ القرأن الكريم بعقله فدخل الاسلام وكان أكثر التزاما به، لأنه كلام الله لا يأتيه الباطل من بين يديه ولا من خلفه تنزيل من حكيم خبير، انها لا تعمى الأبصار ولكن تعمى القلوب التي في الصدور. الله ثبت قلوبنا على توحيدك وحسن عبادتك با ربنا، ونسألك حسن الخاتمة.
The moment she explained that sometimes she just wrote God to thank him for everything he’s provided really touched me. What an eye opening reminder to be grateful for every blessing.
If we don't give God Praise, Honor and Glory for All He has done the rocks will cry out His PRAISES.... I don't want that in my life, I know I serve a Mighty Loving God 🙏💖
Ya this is right. I also wright letter to God i have wish box i right and put inside. And lot of time we all ready get a lot we just need to thanks god
Bible is changed it's not all written by Jesus look to this rule 👇 ((Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another he commits adultery against her))!!!!
@@marysmith4948 le Dieu tout puissant crée l'univers et il.attend de nous qu'on le reconnaisse quand machiah viendra les nations reconnaîtront Dieu tout puissant et les nations se tourneront vers Jérusalem capitale d'israel
No violence, no nudity and clean entertainment that sends a wonderful message showing us that God does love us and will grant us justice. I really wish they'd make more movies with this message.
Moved into a new country..got here and didn't get a job i was promised..been going interviews worh no luck..been in a foreign country for 4 months now..but im still grateful for God and his mercies upon my life..I have a apartment im renting with the money that my parents keep sending..I was angry at God for such along time..but i realized that he never forsaken me..he is with me..he makes sure that i have roof over my head, food, great genuine people that i have met and i still have my life..i am thankful for that..and i know that je has a better plan for my life..i am not giving up..he will give me that job soon...I wish you all greatest blessongs for the bew year. Xoxo.
الله واحد أحد ما اتخذ صاحبةً ولا ولد المسيح عيسى عبد من عبيد الله ليس ولد الله ولا ينبغي لله الذي خلق ورزقك أن يجعل له شريك في الملك محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبي الله وهو عبد من عبيد الله عيسى عليه السلام نبي الله وهو عبد من عبيد الله 👇🏻 God is one nobody He did not take a friend or a boy Christ Jesus is a servant of God’s servants God is not born God, who created and sustains you, should not make him a partner in the king Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the Prophet of God, and he is one of the servants of God Jesus, peace be upon him, is the Prophet of God, and he is a slave of God’s servants
إن الخالق سبحانه وتعالى هو وحده دون سواه المستحق للعبادة، وإن الدين الذي يرضاه ويسميه باسمه هذا الخالق العظيم هو الدين الحق، وكل ما عداه باطل. وفي ذلك يقول الخالق سبحانه وتعالى في القرآن: إِنَّ الدِّيْنَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الْإِسْلَامُ.. (19) آل عمران. وبهذه الكمات الخمس، التي تعادل عدد أركان الإسلام، يتقرّر أنَّ الإسلام هو دين الله الحق، وهو الدين الذي يجب على كل إنسان أن يدين به تحقيقًا للغَرَض الذي خلقه الله من أجله، حيث يقول سبحانه وتعالى في ذلك: { وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُوْنِ } (56) الذاريات. 👇🏻 The Creator, glory be to Him, is the only one deserving of worship, and the religion that He accepts and calls by His name this great Creator is the true religion, and everything else is false. In this, the Creator, may He be glorified and exalted, says in the Qur’an: The debt with God is Islam .. (19) *Al Imran*. With these five words, which are equivalent to the number of the pillars of Islam, it is established that Islam is the true religion of God, and it is the religion that every person must owe in order to achieve the purpose for which God created it. Where the Almighty says in this: {I did not create jinn and mankind except for them to worship} (56) *Al-Dhariyat.*
فأعظم ذنب أن نجعل مع الله إله آخر والحق أنه : *لا إله إلا الله* ترجمة معنى الآية من التفسير : لقد كفر الذين قالوا إن الله ثالث ثلاثة ..... 👇🏻 The greatest sin is to make another god with God The truth is: * There is no god but Allah * Translating the meaning of the verse from the tafsir: Those who said that God is the third of three have disbelieved .....
Dior is one of the smartest girls I’ve ever seen in a movie… wow. She lost her mother in the hospital, her father was placed in jail for something he didn’t do, and she still made a way to survive. She ran away to her fathers storage unit from the motel as the foster care lady tried to find her and outta the storage made it into a home, found a dog, found food, earn money by selling at the pawnshop and she was able to live off of it. And the money the lady gave her since she was on her own. She praised God and smiled regardless of the situation. She prayed, wrote to God what she wanted, and he blessed her continually. Then soon her father was taken out of jail he was released because he was accused of stealing, she found her dog that ran away, things begin working in her favor, and she never gave up. She had faith and she was grateful. This goes to show that no matter what issue is in your life GOD WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU and he’ll supply all of our needs and wants. Amen amen!
Whoever sees this,please pray for me.❤️ I am having a difficult time dwelling on the past. I want to talk to my family about it,but it's hard. I just want peace.God bless you all!❤️
If God is for you who can be against you mate. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, Commit thy way unto the Lord, set Him before you, do not fear. You are precious in His sight mate.
Landed on this just when I needed some inspiration on my spirituality. In fact I prayed for it just today. Thx for uploading. May whoever watches it be blessed.
Hi Zack I m waiting for my daughter and son who are away from me to come back..Its been 8 long years I haven't seen them...May god show some mercy on me..
Loved the movie also. May God bless. I cry about all humanity and pray everyday. Prayers do help. My late husband was a wonderful man and father and just waiting to meet him on the other side someday.
Yeah I AGREE with you, thoroughly enjoyed it. I watched another film, last week, same sort of Genre and 3 of the same cast. It was called. KINDNESS MATTERS, You might enjoy it 👍😪
I literally broke down because of those kids who live in the streets I was lucky to have both my parents work hard to raise me and am grateful for that I hope one day I will be able to raise such kids for the glory of God!
@@JBANDZZZZZZZZ If u need to I am there for u always ❤️We can connect on ig if u wish to talk . Looking at the world around ..nothing bad ..bt all good will come to u ..I am so proud of u ...And please I must ask u to support ur mom ...She really needs it ..Love her so much that she will forget the pain ..and also take utmost care of urself ...u deserve love and u will surely get it ❤️
I really felt lonely and frustrated these past few days and no one I can turn to, to share my burdens and heartaches inside my heart. I just prayed to God to lead me the way. I tried to find some inspirational movies and here it goes a very heartwarming and inspiring one that really uplift my spirit and made my faith more even stronger. I will never give up because God answers all our prayers in the way that is best for us..in his time...Amen!🙏
That is where I am right now. But I must trust in our Lord and Savior for I have tasted His goodness in my life many times over. Unfortunately, at times, I have tended to forget how good and merciful and faithful He has been to me. I had a pity party the other day because someone whom I've given so much for has done something awful to me; something I never thought they would, but they did. Then my prayer partner reminded me of what we did to Jesus on that Cross, and yet, look how much He still loved us!
I'm so glad I watched this movie. GOD will take care of me, He hears my silent prayers and He is faithful. I thank You GOD for all you have done for me. Thank you so much for uploading this inspiring movie and may GOD bless the makers.
Uchenna, GOD truly is GREAT and GOD is GOOD. He does answer prayers making them my miracle answered prayers. The first one, I prayed faithfully for over 20+ years so my grandmother can get out of Communist China. My mom waited 32+ years to see her mom. It took President Nixon going to China and Communism ended. Grandma arrived in San Francisco in 1976. The second answered miracle prayer...I lost my Precious husband and I lost my Precious cat. I knew in my heart she was stolen. I kept praying and walking around my neighborhood. I told GOD, please let her come back to me because I know she doesn’t go far. I can’t lose my husband and now Baby Kat. I prayed for six weeks then one day my neighbor called me and says someone dropped off my Baby Kat at her house. The third one... I was loosing weight but still wored my husband’s wedding ring. One day I felled and noticed it’s no longer on my finger. I was talking to GOD and my husband telling them “you know who has it” please somehow someway let it show up. My friend was working on my car and I noticed he had a wedding ring like my husband’s. He told me he dropped his wrench and as he was picking it up there’s the ring. I jumped for joy telling him GOD answered my prayer. He says NO it probably got stuck on the bumper. Told him NO because I’ve been driving my car the last three weeks at speeds of 65+ and not only that I didn’t fall in my driveway. I felled 10 miles away and many people were helping me to find it to no avail. I just kept praying having faith. I thank my Lord Jesus and my husband in Heaven. There are many more but I don’t want people getting upset with me. Also, the first time I heard about GOD ( I was about 10 or 11) I already believed in him and I still do. I’m now 69 years young. GOD BLESS YOU🙏
I was so moved by the faith of Dior. Wholesome movie, decent, clean, morale booster. Above all, the story conveys a strong and steadfast faith in God who answers prayers. I thank the producer and the director, scriptwriter and everybody who created this movie, the best I have ever watched.
@@Southamericangirl42 you now right please 🥺 you now right please let you know what you think you now right please Ianm missing all friends of this is christinakato
Dior is a prayerful girl. She believed in God 💯... I'm blessed with the movie of faith... Yes, whatever issues we faced, God has a control of them. Prayer changes everything. Her prayer list to God and puts up the ceiling and gone in the morning showed that God accepted her prayer of thanks each and everyday. It is a good example, that we must thank God in everything even bad things happened everyday. Thank you Lord for this movie. I really love it.
It’s good to write things down when you read them later in life you realize how god has his hand in every part of our life the good and bad all to make are faith and believing to trust in him true everything 🙏❤️💯
@@sharongallegos2859 just pray god is a understanding and a on time God,if it doesnt change as yet, just know god is dealing with it and remember the fruit of the spirit, so patience is a must!!!.
She said" dear God.... I don't question you..." That's most people do in times of trials... Questioning God why this bad situations happen... Everytime these challenges come, we should treat it as an obstacle that we have to overcome with the help of prayers... This is a spiritual growth
This is a typical example of how important it is to inculcate good values and beliefs in children and to be good role models as parents. Beautiful, inspiring movie. Thank you.
Two lessons: Trust the lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he’ll show you the way… Give us today our daily bread
I hope you guys can pull it together. Look up making New Orleans style red beans and rice, you cook down until soft and you can mush into gravy with pablanos pepper, celery and onion, then other spices. Use any kind of bean it's still good, a loaf of cornbread, beef sausage or vegan sausage cooked in, unh hunh. Also look up Jambalaya. Still pepper, onion, celery, green onion tops, etc. Left over chicken, sausage or whatever you like. Oh black pepper and salt. And everything's better the day after where let it set out covered overnight. Then pack in Ziploc and freeze in meal portions. Rice is cheap and beans are generally. Cornbreads cheap too if you have an oven. Just mentioning it as tasty food can help morale and save money. Like fried chicken stands have sales which sometimes is cheaper than buying and cooking at home. Eat what you like, then cut the rest up for the meal.
Sister angel I'm also a Christian and I have slowly in my faith dropped off rap music and curse movies and watching more faith based Christian movie's amen ✝️☦️🙏🙏🌅✝️
This movie is beautiful. I came online searching for a movie on faith and this is the best one ever. Thank You God for the gift of You. I love You. I believe in You. I know all things work together for my good. Amen.
Dear God, I thankyou for all I have been through and yet you always be with me, taking care of me in some others serious situation that I face right now. Wife left mi without reason why I don't know what am I done to her. I have fate that you will bring her back to me. My heart has broken and iam in tears everyday. Thankyou once again that you let mi faced this situation. With you God I have trust. Amen.
God is so good that when i realize that i've been a sinner everyday of my life. It made me cry how i hurt him. And this movie is a very good movie to watch for people to realize that all we need is faith in God.
Ooh God this is a touching movie and I cried remembering what i went throu years back. God make a way always... I myself i lived hiding on a certain situation in my house nobody new i was around and going out bumping with the person i was hiding för but they never recognise me till it was over. God give us what we want in any sacumstances and he gives peace. Be of couragous
i did same thing after watching this movie. 8 months later, a light showed up in my bedroom, close to where i dropped my letters. And 3months later i met my soul mate. Indeed, hes a faithful God. God bless the crews
God, I believe that you're always around to hear our prayers. Thank you for the inspirational movie. I cried now that I realized how you answer every prayer. Thank you, Lord, for being a Father of mercy. You have blessed us beyond what we deserve.
“The lord does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 you have authority when you gave your life to Jesus! Rebuke those fears in Jesus’s mighty name and trust him. Amen thank you God
This is such a spiritual movie at what could be considered the hardest of times. With God's grace we find peace. We should always pray and know faith. Most of all to be thankful.
All things work together for good for those who love God and call according to His Purpose 💓💓💓💓 Thank You Lord! This movie taught me to be more grateful for what I am and What I have today. All Glory to God! 💓💓💓
This movie is so powerful iam going to have my daughters watch this movie and have them watch letters daily to god just a thank you note 📝 is enough for him cause you re acknowledge him
What an amazing movie. I saw myself in Dior. Child-like faith will ALWAYS be rewarded by God. Hard times may come but joy comes in the morning. God is in control and God takes care of those who trust in Him, God makes them wise as a serpent. God bless the cast and God bless Savanah McMahon! She did a great job in this movie. I'm so touched and inspired. I'm glad I watched this.
Faith is easy when everything is going well, but when the lows are low and nothing is working out the way you want it to or its supposed to..faith is hard. But I have learnt to # keep the faith in good&bad times #aboveallgratitude/thankful always in good,bad and worst seasons of life. God I thank You, may you give us all strength and courage to sail through life. Blessings y'all. Nice film good lessons. Inspiring.
Thank you for sharing. I like how you put that. I have found it hard to give praise even through the bad times. My faith was not strong enough and had to learn some hard lessons because of it. I finally found God in my heart to praise Him during hard times. Praise always and blessings to all from our wonderful Creator!
Thankyou for sharing that Daisy. Yes tough times comes that chalkenge our faith. 2018 i was hit by high speed lorry. While in hospital got robbed by two people thinking i was still in a coma. When i asked what are you doing one said helping you as you're dying. The othee tried killing me. It didnt end there. I escaped from hospital Gloucester Royal. Got home to police threatening to kick my door down to take me back. I called for reinforcements. Soon after both my dogs died. Three friends died. Then my Mother died and 11 days after my wife died. Sure my faith was questioned. Found myself asking God ' where were you' . Inleft UK as i didnt feel safe there anymore. I now live in Portugal in the mountains with a litte village of beautiful siimple souls just down the hill. God is good. But we have to do the groundwork. :) Emannuelle. :)
This is one of the best movie I’ve seen. He’s the almighty lord. He always gave what I asked. He’s always been there for me since the war 1975. I was just 6-7 years old then. But I always felt someone watching me and keep me safe during the dark hours of civil war in my country. Then in 2020 I was in car accident God saved me again. He’s the best heavenly farther for me. I gave him all the glory. He’s my one and only god who never leave me. Thank you lord. 🙏🙏❤️
@@theworld2340 going to name a few I have watched. Once you click on them, other suggestions will pop up and so far have not been disappointed. The movies have been very touching and learn something from them. 1. I am Gabriel 2. Faith in a Box 3. Elizabeth's Gift 4. Kindness Matters Hope you enjoy as much as I did. God bless you 🙏 ❤
@@orthorad60 Naming a few I have watched, once you click on them more suggestions will pop up. Very touching movies. 1. Faith in a Box 2. I am Gabriel 3. Elizabeth's Gift 4. Kindness Matters Hope you enjoy as much as I did. God bless you 🙏 ❤
I'm overwhelmed by the entire scene of this movie. I love it from the depth of my soul. The end was apex of euphoria. Besides,her intellectual is just another level. I love how she handled the girl squatting with her. I must admit my eyes water up how she was able to synchronized the lady to her father. She's undeniably an angel.
Thank you Lord for everything. We once like a beggar staying from different homes to another just to eat and go to school. But you Oh Lord never forgot us. Now we live a better life. Thank you Lord. All the glory and the highest praise to you alone.😊❤
Awe I’m crying. What a good ending! How she was so positive about losing her mother makes me feel so blessed to have had a great God fearing mother while I did. Until I get to heaven. 🥰 Dior is such an inspirational person. This movie truly blessed me and my spirit.
A beautiful movie full of faith. What a beautiful girl Dior is, never giving up and standing strong in her faith. Staying positive in the challenge she's going through and still giving back to people on her way. Miss Ward touched my heart with her passion for her work an towards Dior as she said "its not just a job - it's a child's life". Thank you for loading this movie God bless everyone who watches this and to the cast and producers. 🙏❤
This is one of the best films. Having faith in God & accepting all that we undergo as his plan is the best way to live. God will never let us down. This is the message the film says. Thank you God for enabling me to watch this film.
Well that was interesting how the girl remains in one single cloth throughout the movie, that showed we can still live with the least we have. God gave her talents to earn money n get necessities. Her life with God helped her to face problems. Thankyou so much for the movie! I'm motivated and there are millions who are going to.
Me too I'm all alone my husband past away last year sudenly no warning in his sleep, then this year the covid and lockdown made me feel so sad this film made me cry because it has a happy ending, brilliant film, I came across it looking for a comedy film to make me laugh but decided to watch this one xxx
been crying the whole time thank you so much for this movie and yes if you trust and believe in God with him all things are possible cause he is is able 😭🙌
Came across this movie while i was looking for the war room. Very inspirational. Truly, God sees, hears and answers our letters and prayers. He is working in our lives. We just need a box of faith! I really needed to be reminded by this 😊 Thank you for the movie. God bless everyone!
God is amazing . The way she got back the bag she had lost 😭❤️. "Miracles can happen" 😭😭😭 best thing i have heard . I needed this movie . It has spoken into my situation and strengthened my faith.For a minute there i thought her money had been stolen 🤭
Dear God, Thank you for giving me an opportunity to watch this movie. It really knock my system, that I am your warrior. Your great warrior and in this new experience that I will face this year, I will learn from it. Love, Dolly
Faith alone without work is like a body without breath. She has great faith greater than i can imaging. She didnt just sit down and engage in self pity. She prayed and work. i love this movie, its good for any family. I strongly recommend it to people that love inspirational movies and to those looking for reasons to trust God. I'm giving it a five star. Love you all for coming up with such a beautiful story. Looking forward to seeing more of this.
Yeah I like watching any movie that is worth watching and the money that Dior got is really good. Because selling stuff at the pawnshop and receiving money is a good reward for sure.
I love this movie,it has been coming in my recommendations severally and i have been ignoring but today i decided to watch it and it is very inspirational and beautiful. Thank you for the upload.
Wow! What a coincidence! The same thing happened to me and I'm incredibly blessed watching the movie. May we learn how to have more faith in God in order to please Him more and more. !
Now that I watched this movie. The Christian movie is the best, more than anything else❤. Thank you for all the people who make this kind of movie, and to God thank you for making it work. God bless us all. Again thank you God for everyday🙏. We Love you.
Awww beautiful movie. Futt is the duplicate of my Toby who passed away February of this year. Wow! How the Lord keeps allowing me to see him in many ways. GOD bless you all! ❤🙏👏👏👏
I have trusted God with my life And he has never disappointed me till date Even when there's no hope all I see is Jesus Christ So I can relate with what Dior is going through Thank you script writer Thanks to all the actor's for this great movie
This is my second time watching this move and always makes me feel moved. Saying thanks to God is even enough sometimes, He knows our needs better than we do.
Very gd movie! I can only watch gd clean pure movies to protect my mind.and ths was a gd clean movie to protect my mind.we need more clean strong faith based movies out their..thank u Jesus!
Agreed especially now that I know hollywood worships satan and pretty much all of them are peds. All I watch now are Christian movies Praise the Lord! Btw War room was excellent if you havent seen that yet!
This is a PERFECT MOVIE! Praise Jesus Christ! 😍😍😍The whole movie is a gift from God. This woman really touched my heart. She is like an angel from Jesus. She went through the same difficult situation. She cares for people and understands what they are going through. I love such people. It makes me cry because we rarely see total strangers behaving with care and love towards us. She didn't give up on this girl. It was not just a job. It was a human being that needed help. Wow... She was so gentle, loving, caring and understanding.... Honestly, I have dreamt of having such people in my life, at least one of them. Now I have been going through a season when I truly need help. I need only God. I depend only on Jesus. And yes, He sent me His people who traveled from another part of the city with packages full of food for me, checked on my health, and were concerned about my circumstances. I praise God! I praise the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I am more than grateful. Jesus is the Way! God is the Provider! He is Love. Amen.
I just wish they spoke the name of Jesus.
@@lucidarose613 amen!
Whoever reads this please pray for me. That I would be able to give up my TV and video games and spend more time praying reading the bible and seeking God's face. It's important to me. Thank you in advance. God bless.
I will be praying!!! He’s faithful when we come to him and are honest about the place that we’re in! I know he can help you and give more true understanding of his word!
I am also Acts 2:38 all the way!!!
May you be chained by LOVE
Praying for you God bless you for your commitment to him.
@@sarahvegoa7855 Hello 👋 I will be praying for you to be strong 💪. I learned this not to long ago. God gives us hard times to Go to HIM FIRST!! Before anything else you do PUT GOD FIRST Always remember to say THANK-YOU! to him too. 😉🙏👍🏻
I now understand that everything happens for a reason. We just have to trust God's Process. He will never let us drown...❤️
Hello🙂,have you watched"WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?"it's a movie,just like this one..
When she thanked God for a home i felt ashamed...Oh Lord thank you for my home
Yes just am also grateful to have a home 😊
We must value each and every thing GOD JESUS CHRIST has given us FIRST HE HIMSELF , BEST SPIRITUAL LIFE, then GOOD job, GOOD HEALTH, GOOD clothes, FREE BREATH, OUR BREAD, GOOD family and the list goes on...THANKS TO ONLY MY LORD JESUS CHRIST
I pray that all Christian's can have faith as Dior's 😊😊
No violence, no nudity, no slang words, just pure things bout faith with pure acting, just love this movie💖
Thank you for this comment was wondering if I should give it a try
Just what we need for our Christian eyes! A lot of so called- Christian movies end up defiling our spirit! BUT NOT THIS ONE. I'm revived by it.
@@simpraisern3469 last month I was watching a movie about Jesus and they had him naked in a lake. I was so offended they would paint our Savior in that light. Sexual God is not okay! I turned it off and prayed. Told God I’m so sorry people keep playing with him but I will not be one of them.
@@simpraisern3469 MEANT for the comment up above
Who's here 2024, love this movie ❤
Me ❤❤❤❤
Me ❤❤
This is incredible! How sweet the ending is! Dear God, please bless the team behind this movie and everybody else who has watched and will be watching this. Thank you so much!
Amen,i urgently need financial break through, please pray with me,all the way from Zambia.Thank you in advance nd may God bless you nd your family
God Bless you too🙏🏽
Same blessing for you
Amen 🙏🙏
God, i pray for you to assist your daughter to have more time with you than anything else in her life 🙏🙏🔥
I watch this and it brings to mind how God blessed me when I was at the lowest point in my life. My husband left our relationship less than a year after our marriage. I was so lonely and hurt. God allowed me to find a new place with loving neighbors. We never started a family but God sent me a dog and later a cat. The cat is so faithful and loving to me. Then, he provided a little girl who needed a home. God has remade me. He picked up all those broken pieces of my life and made something beautiful out of those pieces. When, like Dior, you put your faith in God, He will certainly answer your prayers 🙏🙏🙏
🕊️ God Bless You 🕊️
Amen 🙏
@Paradise child
It is my sincere prayer that God has continued to strengthen you encourage you and to guide you. Please continue to seek him and all things that you do in your life God bless you
God works in mysterious way , always trust in him ,patience is the key , good things comes to those who waits
Yes, Amen!!!
You shall seek more of God's blessing you could consider baptism that is if you are ready and you shall receive salvation and the righteousness from God for more information watch FAITH 341 dstv or search for crefflo dollie ministries and he would help you because I am always addicted to those things but I will try not to
Thanks for advice, god enlighten me, shine me ,guide me to the straight path,Amen ,
I receive grace to be patient because am tried of everything
I was Muslim and converted to being a follower of our lLord Jesus Christ..I prayed to God one time with all my heart and asked him to show me if he’s real then Jesus came into my life. The holly spirit is guiding me and I will start preaching in God’s name one day to bring this gift of true love and happiness to less fortunate and lost souls. Amen 🙏🙏
If you don’t mind me asking, Why did you decide to convert?
What made you believe in Christianity and disbelieve in Islam?
اذا كان الخالق يلد فهو لا يختلف عن خلقه، بل هو الواحد الأحد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولو يكن له كفوا احد، أيها الجاهل المرتد عن الدين الحق، ألم تر كم مسيحي قرأ القرأن الكريم بعقله فدخل الاسلام وكان أكثر التزاما به، لأنه كلام الله لا يأتيه الباطل من بين يديه ولا من خلفه تنزيل من حكيم خبير، انها لا تعمى الأبصار ولكن تعمى القلوب التي في الصدور. الله ثبت قلوبنا على توحيدك وحسن عبادتك با ربنا، ونسألك حسن الخاتمة.
You were not really a Muslim, Islam says that Jesus, peace be upon him, is a prophet who has a place in Islam and his mother is like that.
May the Lord Jesus Christ guide you always. 🙏🏻❤️Jesus said
..love one another.❤🙏🏻
Amen amen,,,,God bless you dear
Praise God for good wholesome Christian movies
The moment she explained that sometimes she just wrote God to thank him for everything he’s provided really touched me. What an eye opening reminder to be grateful for every blessing.
If we don't give God Praise, Honor and Glory for All He has done the rocks will cry out His PRAISES.... I don't want that in my life, I know I serve a Mighty Loving God 🙏💖
Ya this is right. I also wright letter to God i have wish box i right and put inside. And lot of time we all ready get a lot we just need to thanks god
Bible is changed it's not all written by Jesus look to this rule 👇
((Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another he commits adultery against her))!!!!
C'est juste le contenu des cours du Rav Ifrah youtube
@@marysmith4948 le Dieu tout puissant crée l'univers et il.attend de nous qu'on le reconnaisse quand machiah viendra les nations reconnaîtront Dieu tout puissant et les nations se tourneront vers Jérusalem capitale d'israel
Everything will work out if we truly believe in him, God love us 💝🙏😊 God bless you all ❤️
No violence, no nudity and clean entertainment that sends a wonderful message showing us that God does love us and will grant us justice. I really wish they'd make more movies with this message.
Totally agree💗💕💗
Kids with cancer
I don't know, we parting to Saint clause or to God. Stupid
Violence I can understand, but no nudity??? So remiscent of the religious based body guilt factor responsible for many of the problems today.
My husband passed away this year I enjoy watching these films they are helping me
God bless you. I pray you are coming along beautifully
Sorry for your loss , lost my bf of 20 years to cancer , may 2019 , still miss him 😢.
Watch The Tide with Michael Bhien or Loving Leah.
I pray you heal from pain of losing your husband.
Moved into a new country..got here and didn't get a job i was promised..been going interviews worh no luck..been in a foreign country for 4 months now..but im still grateful for God and his mercies upon my life..I have a apartment im renting with the money that my parents keep sending..I was angry at God for such along time..but i realized that he never forsaken me..he is with me..he makes sure that i have roof over my head, food, great genuine people that i have met and i still have my life..i am thankful for that..and i know that je has a better plan for my life..i am not giving up..he will give me that job soon...I wish you all greatest blessongs for the bew year. Xoxo.
God bless you...please know, I will be praying for you.
Never ever get angry at God! He’s your Father If you are born again. Get mad at the enemy never get mad at God ok? 😌
الله واحد أحد
ما اتخذ صاحبةً ولا ولد
المسيح عيسى عبد من عبيد الله
ليس ولد الله
ولا ينبغي لله الذي خلق ورزقك أن يجعل له شريك في الملك
محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبي الله وهو عبد من عبيد الله
عيسى عليه السلام نبي الله وهو عبد من عبيد الله
God is one nobody
He did not take a friend or a boy
Christ Jesus is a servant of God’s servants
God is not born
God, who created and sustains you, should not make him a partner in the king
Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the Prophet of God, and he is one of the servants of God
Jesus, peace be upon him, is the Prophet of God, and he is a slave of God’s servants
إن الخالق سبحانه وتعالى هو وحده دون سواه المستحق للعبادة، وإن الدين الذي يرضاه ويسميه باسمه هذا الخالق العظيم هو الدين الحق، وكل ما عداه باطل. وفي ذلك يقول الخالق سبحانه وتعالى في القرآن: إِنَّ الدِّيْنَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الْإِسْلَامُ.. (19) آل عمران. وبهذه الكمات الخمس، التي تعادل عدد أركان الإسلام، يتقرّر أنَّ الإسلام هو دين الله الحق، وهو الدين الذي يجب على كل إنسان أن يدين به تحقيقًا للغَرَض الذي خلقه الله من أجله، حيث يقول سبحانه وتعالى في ذلك: { وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُوْنِ } (56) الذاريات.
The Creator, glory be to Him, is the only one deserving of worship, and the religion that He accepts and calls by His name this great Creator is the true religion, and everything else is false. In this, the Creator, may He be glorified and exalted, says in the Qur’an: The debt with God is Islam .. (19) *Al Imran*. With these five words, which are equivalent to the number of the pillars of Islam, it is established that Islam is the true religion of God, and it is the religion that every person must owe in order to achieve the purpose for which God created it.
Where the Almighty says in this: {I did not create jinn and mankind except for them to worship} (56) *Al-Dhariyat.*
فأعظم ذنب أن نجعل مع الله إله آخر
والحق أنه : *لا إله إلا الله*
ترجمة معنى الآية من التفسير :
لقد كفر الذين قالوا إن الله ثالث ثلاثة .....
The greatest sin is to make another god with God
The truth is: * There is no god but Allah *
Translating the meaning of the verse from the tafsir:
Those who said that God is the third of three have disbelieved .....
Thanks for this movie I really learned that God is good and He never leave me alone.
Dior is one of the smartest girls I’ve ever seen in a movie… wow. She lost her mother in the hospital, her father was placed in jail for something he didn’t do, and she still made a way to survive. She ran away to her fathers storage unit from the motel as the foster care lady tried to find her and outta the storage made it into a home, found a dog, found food, earn money by selling at the pawnshop and she was able to live off of it. And the money the lady gave her since she was on her own. She praised God and smiled regardless of the situation. She prayed, wrote to God what she wanted, and he blessed her continually. Then soon her father was taken out of jail he was released because he was accused of stealing, she found her dog that ran away, things begin working in her favor, and she never gave up. She had faith and she was grateful. This goes to show that no matter what issue is in your life GOD WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU and he’ll supply all of our needs and wants. Amen amen!
@@marija_beloved 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾yes!!
God is our savior!
Yes 🙌 Amen 🙏
@@MiriamH-l6d 👏🏾🙂
I love the way she thank God instead of asking for anything despite her struggle. What a great movie 🙏
Whoever sees this,please pray for me.❤️ I am having a difficult time dwelling on the past. I want to talk to my family about it,but it's hard. I just want peace.God bless you all!❤️
If God is for you who can be against you mate. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, Commit thy way unto the Lord, set Him before you, do not fear. You are precious in His sight mate.
@@1984isHereNow Thanks!😍
With God's help, you can do anything, even if it's hard to do. Talk to your family because God will be with you when you do. I will pray for you.
You're in my prayers.
@@gusuave007 Thanks!
Landed on this just when I needed some inspiration on my spirituality. In fact I prayed for it just today. Thx for uploading. May whoever watches it be blessed.
Hi Zack I m waiting for my daughter and son who are away from me to come back..Its been 8 long years I haven't seen them...May god show some mercy on me..
Amen 🙏🏾
Love the movie I’m a 72-year-old man and the ending made me cry it’s a sensitivity the God gave me because I never could cry about anything, thank you
God bless you 🙏 ❤️
Loved the movie also. May God bless. I cry about all humanity and pray everyday. Prayers do help. My late husband was a wonderful man and father and just waiting to meet him on the other side someday.
@@barbarabeucher9269 I wish you much peace, happiness and love until that day you’re reunited.❤️❤️
Pense sempre em Deus e nunca se esqueça de Deus 🙏🏾
I love the way she thanks God instead of asking for anything despite her struggles. What a great movie! 🙏
Yeah I AGREE with you, thoroughly enjoyed it. I watched another film, last week, same sort of Genre and 3 of the same cast. It was called. KINDNESS MATTERS, You might enjoy it 👍😪
I literally broke down because of those kids who live in the streets I was lucky to have both my parents work hard to raise me and am grateful for that I hope one day I will be able to raise such kids for the glory of God!
My dad left me
@@JBANDZZZZZZZZ If u need to I am there for u always ❤️We can connect on ig if u wish to talk .
Looking at the world around ..nothing bad ..bt all good will come to u ..I am so proud of u ...And please I must ask u to support ur mom ...She really needs it ..Love her so much that she will forget the pain ..and also take utmost care of urself ...u deserve love and u will surely get it ❤️
@@JBANDZZZZZZZZ your dad left you. But you FATHER in heaven never left. He loves you unconditionally. I will pray fo you!❤️❤️
I am grateful also and on top of that God saved me at a very young age so I have 3 parents. I love God❤️😊
@@nyambsdeborah8954 thanks
I really felt lonely and frustrated these past few days and no one I can turn to, to share my burdens and heartaches inside my heart. I just prayed to God to lead me the way. I tried to find some inspirational movies and here it goes a very heartwarming and inspiring one that really uplift my spirit and made my faith more even stronger. I will never give up because God answers all our prayers in the way that is best for us..in his time...Amen!🙏
God is a on time God
Don't ever stop trusting Him!
god bless you dear 💕🤞☺
@@rishabhrathore477 Thank you bro❤ likewise
Even if you're left with nothing and no one, God will always be there for you
That is where I am right now. But I must trust in our Lord and Savior for I have tasted His goodness in my life many times over. Unfortunately, at times, I have tended to forget how good and merciful and faithful He has been to me. I had a pity party the other day because someone whom I've given so much for has done something awful to me; something I never thought they would, but they did. Then my prayer partner reminded me of what we did to Jesus on that Cross, and yet, look how much He still loved us!
Plz pray for me i have been worrying and doubting and stressing out and pray that i keep putting my trust in God and not on my problems
I am so heartbroken 😢I’m moving in circles,my depression is taking over my life,
@@MaryGakunyi-ns7uk oh no i am sorry Just remember my friend God loves you and i hope gets better for u soon my friend
Yes!!!! Always and Forever. He's an Awesome God!
One of the greatest lesson learnt from this movie is that God has come through for you before you ask for it 🙏
Thank you Jesus for caring about me
So true, Amen to that!🙏✨
Thank you Lord.
Thank you God🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💕💗💕
I'm so glad I watched this movie. GOD will take care of me, He hears my silent prayers and He is faithful. I thank You GOD for all you have done for me.
Thank you so much for uploading this inspiring movie and may GOD bless the makers.
Uchenna, GOD truly is GREAT and GOD is GOOD. He does answer prayers making them my miracle answered prayers. The first one, I prayed faithfully for over 20+ years so my grandmother can get out of Communist China. My mom waited 32+ years to see her mom. It took President Nixon going to China and Communism ended. Grandma arrived in San Francisco in 1976. The second answered miracle prayer...I lost my Precious husband and I lost my Precious cat. I knew in my heart she was stolen. I kept praying and walking around my neighborhood. I told GOD, please let her come back to me because I know she doesn’t go far. I can’t lose my husband and now Baby Kat. I prayed for six weeks then one day my neighbor called me and says someone dropped off my Baby Kat at her house. The third one... I was loosing weight but still wored my husband’s wedding ring. One day I felled and noticed it’s no longer on my finger. I was talking to GOD and my husband telling them “you know who has it” please somehow someway let it show up. My friend was working on my car and I noticed he had a wedding ring like my husband’s. He told me he dropped his wrench and as he was picking it up there’s the ring. I jumped for joy telling him GOD answered my prayer. He says NO it probably got stuck on the bumper. Told him NO because I’ve been driving my car the last three weeks at speeds of 65+ and not only that I didn’t fall in my driveway. I felled 10 miles away and many people were helping me to find it to no avail. I just kept praying having faith. I thank my Lord Jesus and my husband in Heaven. There are many more but I don’t want people getting upset with me. Also, the first time I heard about GOD ( I was about 10 or 11) I already believed in him and I still do. I’m now 69 years young. GOD BLESS YOU🙏
I was so moved by the faith of Dior. Wholesome movie, decent, clean, morale booster. Above all, the story conveys a strong and steadfast faith in God who answers prayers. I thank the producer and the director, scriptwriter and everybody who created this movie, the best I have ever watched.
Strong and steadfast yes!
Such a delightful movie!
@@Southamericangirl42 you now right please 🥺 you now right please let you know what you think you now right please Ianm missing all friends of this is christinakato
Dior is a prayerful girl. She believed in God 💯... I'm blessed with the movie of faith... Yes, whatever issues we faced, God has a control of them. Prayer changes everything.
Her prayer list to God and puts up the ceiling and gone in the morning showed that God accepted her prayer of thanks each and everyday. It is a good example, that we must thank God in everything even bad things happened everyday. Thank you Lord for this movie. I really love it.
Thank thank you gratitudes always nose na every thing in life hapy go meditations do continue its balesed gives control every thing 😅😅😂
It’s good to write things down when you read them later in life you realize how god has his hand in every part of our life the good and bad all to make are faith and believing to trust in him true everything 🙏❤️💯
God is able to do just what he said he will do he'll comfort us through hard times... Never give up guys God bless y'all
Yes we should hold on to him!
Praise His Name!!! The perfect Father. Always there. Bless everyone who is in need in this world today. In Jesus name.
thanks, I'm really going thru hard times now...
@@sharongallegos2859 just pray god is a understanding and a on time God,if it doesnt change as yet, just know god is dealing with it and remember the fruit of the spirit, so patience is a must!!!.
Bless you too 💕
She said" dear God.... I don't question you..." That's most people do in times of trials... Questioning God why this bad situations happen... Everytime these challenges come, we should treat it as an obstacle that we have to overcome with the help of prayers... This is a spiritual growth
I love the way she prays to God. thanks for the nice movie
This is a typical example of how important it is to inculcate good values and beliefs in children and to be good role models as parents. Beautiful, inspiring movie. Thank you.
And no. 1 is to show trust in God at all times, especially the dark times 👏🙌❤️
I love this story.
Instill good values😮 promote them also
As we watch our nation die before our eyes, there is a deep need for anything encouraging & uplifting. Thank you for this film. John.
I love it when people turn to God in every kind of situation they are in.
Two lessons:
Trust the lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he’ll show you the way…
Give us today our daily bread
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Thank you for this movie. Please Give this 58 year old man the Faith of Dior. Amen.
Me and fiancé are going through a hard time financially. And this gave me so much hope. God is good and works in the most misterious way. ❤️❤️❤️
I hope you guys can pull it together. Look up making New Orleans style red beans and rice, you cook down until soft and you can mush into gravy with pablanos pepper, celery and onion, then other spices. Use any kind of bean it's still good, a loaf of cornbread, beef sausage or vegan sausage cooked in, unh hunh. Also look up Jambalaya. Still pepper, onion, celery, green onion tops, etc. Left over chicken, sausage or whatever you like. Oh black pepper and salt. And everything's better the day after where let it set out covered overnight. Then pack in Ziploc and freeze in meal portions. Rice is cheap and beans are generally. Cornbreads cheap too if you have an oven. Just mentioning it as tasty food can help morale and save money. Like fried chicken stands have sales which sometimes is cheaper than buying and cooking at home. Eat what you like, then cut the rest up for the meal.
bless you believe in abundence and you wil receive what you need,you are what you believe.
God bless you
I thank you Lord for making me come across this movie.... In Every situation.. We should give God thanks.
I love this film. It made me understand the power of the faith in our Lord. God bless the authors of this amazing movie.
Sister angel I'm also a Christian and I have slowly in my faith dropped off rap music and curse movies and watching more faith based Christian movie's amen ✝️☦️🙏🙏🌅✝️
This movie proves what faith in God can do ,thank you for providing such an encouraging movie ,may the Lord bless you
So self determination and the will to live and survive etc has nothing at all to do with it ?? 😏
This movie is beautiful. I came online searching for a movie on faith and this is the best one ever. Thank You God for the gift of You. I love You. I believe in You. I know all things work together for my good. Amen.
Dear God, I thankyou for all I have been through and yet you always be with me, taking care of me in some others serious situation that I face right now. Wife left mi without reason why I don't know what am I done to her. I have fate that you will bring her back to me. My heart has broken and iam in tears everyday. Thankyou once again that you let mi faced this situation.
With you God I have trust. Amen.
You are a child of God. Praying for blessings from Jesus and God because they love you.
This is not only for Christian This is for every human being
Very good effort
God bless you all
OMG! I had been avoiding this movies for many months. I am glads I watched this. So inspirational to all young Americans.
God is so good that when i realize that i've been a sinner everyday of my life. It made me cry how i hurt him. And this movie is a very good movie to watch for people to realize that all we need is faith in God.
Ooh God this is a touching movie and I cried remembering what i went throu years back.
God make a way always... I myself i lived hiding on a certain situation in my house nobody new i was around and going out bumping with the person i was hiding för but they never recognise me till it was over.
God give us what we want in any sacumstances and he gives peace.
Be of couragous
i did same thing after watching this movie. 8 months later, a light showed up in my bedroom, close to where i dropped my letters. And 3months later i met my soul mate. Indeed, hes a faithful God. God bless the crews
Thats amazing! Thank you for sharing your testimony
Hi , I'm just curious. Did you put the letters in a safe box and kept them or you threw them away?
I receive my own miracle soon in the name of Jesus Christ 🙏🏼
God, I believe that you're always around to hear our prayers. Thank you for the inspirational movie. I cried now that I realized how you answer every prayer. Thank you, Lord, for being a Father of mercy. You have blessed us beyond what we deserve.
i like to i joy it so good
i cried a lot by just watching this movie...God is alive....just have faith...Thanks God for everythinh🥰😍
Amen regine anosa
Indeed! Just have faith always💗💕💗💕
I too...Love God...God is great...
This movie is about faith and with faith God will help me to pay my school fees in Jesus name amen
Please pray for me not to be afraid anymore because am always afraid thanks and may God be with us all Amen
Do not be afraid is written 365 times in the bible. It is the most said sentence in the bible. I will pray for you, God bless.
Praying for you dear friend
“The lord does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 you have authority when you gave your life to Jesus! Rebuke those fears in Jesus’s mighty name and trust him. Amen thank you God
This is such a spiritual movie at what could be considered the hardest of times. With God's grace we find peace. We should always pray and know faith. Most of all to be thankful.
This movie was so amazing. Her letters to God and her faith in God was mind blowing. Loved this movie to life.!!!
Look at all these comments. Nobody screaming Jesus Christ. How beautiful.
I too loved this movie...and her faith in herself and God...reallt nice movie.
that is super-true
Jesus is good nothing can compare to his awesome love for us thanks Jesus
All things work together for good for those who love God and call according to His Purpose 💓💓💓💓
Thank You Lord!
This movie taught me to be more grateful for what I am and What I have today. All Glory to God! 💓💓💓
@@brendahutcherson42 nice
Amen and Amen
This was a wonderful movie I love the way God used simple things in life to prove faith in him will never return void🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Lord is way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, reckless lover......... No one can comfort or love us like he does...... Amen 🙌
God is not reckless
@@mightyobserver12 I totally agree
This movie is so powerful iam going to have my daughters watch this movie and have them watch letters daily to god just a thank you note 📝 is enough for him cause you re acknowledge him
What an amazing movie. I saw myself in Dior. Child-like faith will ALWAYS be rewarded by God. Hard times may come but joy comes in the morning. God is in control and God takes care of those who trust in Him, God makes them wise as a serpent. God bless the cast and God bless Savanah McMahon! She did a great job in this movie. I'm so touched and inspired. I'm glad I watched this.
This was such a light, meaningful and an inspirational family movie. God is Good, Thank you. Amen.
Faith is easy when everything is going well, but when the lows are low and nothing is working out the way you want it to or its supposed to..faith is hard. But I have learnt to # keep the faith in good&bad times #aboveallgratitude/thankful always in good,bad and worst seasons of life. God I thank You, may you give us all strength and courage to sail through life. Blessings y'all. Nice film good lessons. Inspiring.
Nice movie worth watching
Thank you for sharing. I like how you put that. I have found it hard to give praise even through the bad times. My faith was not strong enough and had to learn some hard lessons because of it. I finally found God in my heart to praise Him during hard times. Praise always and blessings to all from our wonderful Creator!
Thank you for sharing your encouraging message God bless you!
Thankyou for sharing that Daisy. Yes tough times comes that chalkenge our faith. 2018 i was hit by high speed lorry. While in hospital got robbed by two people thinking i was still in a coma. When i asked what are you doing one said helping you as you're dying. The othee tried killing me. It didnt end there. I escaped from hospital Gloucester Royal. Got home to police threatening to kick my door down to take me back. I called for reinforcements. Soon after both my dogs died. Three friends died. Then my Mother died and 11 days after my wife died. Sure my faith was questioned. Found myself asking God ' where were you' . Inleft UK as i didnt feel safe there anymore. I now live in Portugal in the mountains with a litte village of beautiful siimple souls just down the hill. God is good. But we have to do the groundwork. :) Emannuelle. :)
This is one of the best movie I’ve seen. He’s the almighty lord. He always gave what I asked. He’s always been there for me since the war 1975. I was just 6-7 years old then. But I always felt someone watching me and keep me safe during the dark hours of civil war in my country. Then in 2020 I was in car accident God saved me again. He’s the best heavenly farther for me. I gave him all the glory. He’s my one and only god who never leave me. Thank you lord. 🙏🙏❤️
Good movie , But sound needs be louder hard to hear in low speaking , We can always turn it down on our end
I can’t control tears in my eyes, It’s really happened when you truly believed him the one in heaven, It will answered your prayer.
Amen because he loves you as his child
Verily! Verily! Verily!✝️
@Xicor th-cam.com/channels/wBDOKOQOKApuZQXvHapx4g.html
I😀t just came back to me again today after a few years. Faith, Belief, and Patience really work out. Amazing Story!!!
This is the best movie I've watched in a long time. God is Good all the time!
❤ I feel the same.
And all the time god is good
Wow ! I love the ending! God is so good indeed! Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the lord delivers him out of them all. (Ps 34:19 )🙏🏽
The Lord is incredibly loyal to his people.
I've come across these Christian movies, have watched 3 so far and saved several others. I absolutely love them 😍❤😍. They have been so very touching.
Can you please name them ?
Yes, please share as I'm searching for any movies I can watch w my family. Thx.
@@theworld2340 going to name a few I have watched. Once you click on them, other suggestions will pop up and so far have not been disappointed. The movies have been very touching and learn something from them.
1. I am Gabriel
2. Faith in a Box
3. Elizabeth's Gift
4. Kindness Matters
Hope you enjoy as much as I did.
God bless you 🙏 ❤
@@orthorad60 Naming a few I have watched, once you click on them more suggestions will pop up.
Very touching movies.
1. Faith in a Box
2. I am Gabriel
3. Elizabeth's Gift
4. Kindness Matters
Hope you enjoy as much as I did.
God bless you 🙏 ❤
@@theworld2340 Overcomer
Remember the goal
The perfect race
Never quit.
Try seeing those Christians movies.
I'm overwhelmed by the entire scene of this movie. I love it from the depth of my soul. The end was apex of euphoria. Besides,her intellectual is just another level. I love how she handled the girl squatting with her. I must admit my eyes water up how she was able to synchronized the lady to her father. She's undeniably an angel.
Thank you Lord for everything. We once like a beggar staying from different homes to another just to eat and go to school. But you Oh Lord never forgot us. Now we live a better life. Thank you Lord. All the glory and the highest praise to you alone.😊❤
Awe I’m crying. What a good ending! How she was so positive about losing her mother makes me feel so blessed to have had a great God fearing mother while I did. Until I get to heaven. 🥰 Dior is such an inspirational person. This movie truly blessed me and my spirit.
A beautiful movie full of faith. What a beautiful girl Dior is, never giving up and standing strong in her faith. Staying positive in the challenge she's going through and still giving back to people on her way. Miss Ward touched my heart with her passion for her work an towards Dior as she said "its not just a job - it's a child's life". Thank you for loading this movie God bless everyone who watches this and to the cast and producers. 🙏❤
🤗 God JESUS Adonai bless you too Sister.😇✝✝✝
This movie is truly a blessing always stand on your faith no matter what you go through.💚
This is one of the best films. Having faith in God & accepting all that we undergo as his plan is the best way to live. God will never let us down. This is the message the film says. Thank you God for enabling me to watch this film.
Well that was interesting how the girl remains in one single cloth throughout the movie, that showed we can still live with the least we have. God gave her talents to earn money n get necessities. Her life with God helped her to face problems.
Thankyou so much for the movie! I'm motivated and there are millions who are going to.
@@doraemon9196 nice
I just watched this because I couldn't sleep, and this movie just made my cry my eyes out. The faith in Dior is so inspiring.
Same for me I couldn't sleep and then I got so emotional
Me too I'm all alone my husband past away last year sudenly no warning in his sleep, then this year the covid and lockdown made me feel so sad this film made me cry because it has a happy ending, brilliant film, I came across it looking for a comedy film to make me laugh but decided to watch this one xxx
@@annieharling9191 sorry for your lost, i pray God will comfort you and give you grace to move on.
God protects us and answer our prayer at the most perfect time.🙏🙏🙏
been crying the whole time thank you so much for this movie and yes if you trust and believe in God with him all things are possible cause he is is able 😭🙌
Came across this movie while i was looking for the war room. Very inspirational. Truly, God sees, hears and answers our letters and prayers. He is working in our lives. We just need a box of faith! I really needed to be reminded by this 😊 Thank you for the movie. God bless everyone!
God is amazing . The way she got back the bag she had lost 😭❤️.
"Miracles can happen" 😭😭😭 best thing i have heard . I needed this movie . It has spoken into my situation and strengthened my faith.For a minute there i thought her money had been stolen 🤭
Dear God, Thank you for giving me an opportunity to watch this movie. It really knock my system, that I am your warrior. Your great warrior and in this new experience that I will face this year, I will learn from it. Love, Dolly
What an awesome movie .
Me and my daughter are blessed having watched it tonight 💙
Faith alone without work is like a body without breath. She has great faith greater than i can imaging. She didnt just sit down and engage in self pity. She prayed and work. i love this movie, its good for any family. I strongly recommend it to people that love inspirational movies and to those looking for reasons to trust God. I'm giving it a five star. Love you all for coming up with such a beautiful story. Looking forward to seeing more of this.
I recomanded u Faith song so beautifull
Yeah I like watching any movie that is worth watching and the money that Dior got is really good. Because selling stuff at the pawnshop and receiving money is a good reward for sure.
I love this movie,it has been coming in my recommendations severally and i have been ignoring but today i decided to watch it and it is very inspirational and beautiful. Thank you for the upload.
Same here it been a month just saved it (watch later) then here I am
Me tooo
Same here.... Just watching it now
Same! Watching it.🌻🌺🌸🌼💗💕
Wow! What a coincidence! The same thing happened to me and I'm incredibly blessed watching the movie. May we learn how to have more faith in God in order to please Him more and more. !
Now that I watched this movie. The Christian movie is the best, more than anything else❤. Thank you for all the people who make this kind of movie, and to God thank you for making it work. God bless us all. Again thank you God for everyday🙏. We Love you.
so touching, whoever watch this movie it will sure open our hearts and know that God is always there for us. Keep that faith...
One of the best movies that I've seen very uplifting God is Great. 🙏
Awww beautiful movie. Futt is the duplicate of my Toby who passed away February of this year. Wow! How the Lord keeps allowing me to see him in many ways. GOD bless you all! ❤🙏👏👏👏
I have trusted God with my life
And he has never disappointed me till date
Even when there's no hope all I see is Jesus Christ
So I can relate with what Dior is going through
Thank you script writer
Thanks to all the actor's for this great movie
This is my second time watching this move and always makes me feel moved. Saying thanks to God is even enough sometimes, He knows our needs better than we do.
Beautiful story of a young girl who had principles and faith to overcome severe hardship good ending. Thank
I have no reason to complain but every reason to be thankful.
Hallelujah 🙌🙌🙌God always hear our prayers and answered, we don't have to complain but thank him in all situations, He is always with us🙌🙌
Very gd movie! I can only watch gd clean pure movies to protect my mind.and ths was a gd clean movie to protect my mind.we need more clean strong faith based movies out their..thank u Jesus!
Agreed especially now that I know hollywood worships satan and pretty much all of them are peds. All I watch now are Christian movies Praise the Lord! Btw War room was excellent if you havent seen that yet!
@@narrowgate3906 Agree
My comet was the same🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Amen same here
I was just smiling smiling and smiling at end... FAITH is the way to reach god.
That is white
This is a PERFECT MOVIE! Praise Jesus Christ! 😍😍😍The whole movie is a gift from God. This woman really touched my heart. She is like an angel from Jesus. She went through the same difficult situation. She cares for people and understands what they are going through. I love such people. It makes me cry because we rarely see total strangers behaving with care and love towards us. She didn't give up on this girl. It was not just a job. It was a human being that needed help. Wow... She was so gentle, loving, caring and understanding.... Honestly, I have dreamt of having such people in my life, at least one of them. Now I have been going through a season when I truly need help. I need only God. I depend only on Jesus. And yes, He sent me His people who traveled from another part of the city with packages full of food for me, checked on my health, and were concerned about my circumstances. I praise God! I praise the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I am more than grateful. Jesus is the Way! God is the Provider! He is Love. Amen.
Really comforted me with this movie this allot , A true Faith is natural not made up, not artificial..