فال عنه شيخ الإسلام -رحمه الله-: "ولما كانت مملكة محمود بن سبكتكين من أحسن ممالك بني جنسه؛ كان الإسلام والسنة في مملكته أعز؛ فإنه غزا المشركين من أهل الهند، ونشر مِن العدل ما لم ينشره مثله، فكانت السنة في أيامهظاهرة، والبدع في أيامه مقموعة". وقال عنه ابن كثير -رحمه الله-: "يمين الدولة، وأمين الملة، وصاحب بلاد غزنة وما والاها، سار فيهم وفي سائر رعاياه سيرة عادلة، وقام في نصر الإسلام قيامًا تامًا، وفتح فتوحات كثيرة في بلاد الهند وغيرها، وعظُم شأنه، واتسعت مملكته وامتدت رعاياها، وطالت أيامه؛ لعدله وجهاده وما أعطاه الله إياه". وقال عنه الذهبي -رحمه الله- في السير: "خافته الملوك، واستولى على إقليم خراسان، ونَفَّذ إليه القادر بالله خلع السلطنة، ففرض على نفسه كل سنة غزو الهند، فافتتح بلادًا شاسعة، وكسر الصنم "سومنات" الذي كان يعتقد كفرة الهند أنه يحيي ويميت ويحجونه ويقربون له النفائس". وقال السبكي -رحمه الله- في طبقات الشافعية:"أحد أئمة العدل ومن دانت له البلاد والعباد وظهرت محاسن آثاره، كان إمامًا عادلاً شجاعًا مفرطـًا، فقيهًا فهمًا، سمحًا جوادًا، وهو أحد أربعة لا خامس لهم في العدل بعد عمر بن عبد العزيز، ونور الدين محمود زنكي، وصلاح الدين، ونظام الملك. Salahuddin been Ashari doesn’t have any weight then does it 😆- A ‘Karrami’ honoured Islam and victory to it according to major scholars 😆 and was after Umar bin Abdul Aziz and Salahuddin according to Subki. This must burn 🔥. Shouldn’t Mahmud Ghaznvi be classified as a anthropomorphist by Subki 😆
I am a sunni Turk, born and raised in Turkiye. We are taught about Ghaznavids and Seljuks who are our ancestors but never about things related to our religion and creed. They were mujahedeen and we are never taught about it in schools unfortunately.
Imam Ja’far as Sadiq (RA) said:” he who claims that Allah is on anything or in anything or from anything commits shirk. Because, had He been on anything, He would have been carried, had He been in anything, He would have been contained, and had He been from anything, He would have been a creation” narrated by Imam al Qushayriyy in his book ar- Risalah al- Qushayriyyah.
1. That statement is falsely attributed to Imam Ja'far As Saddiq RA. 2. That statement has no Isnaad and Abu Qassim Al Qushayri got this statement from a shia book kitaab At Tawhiid by Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Babawayh Al Qummi (shaykh sadooq) and funny thing is that they lived at the same time. 3. The same statement that is found in the shia book, it's isnaad is disconnected. In short that narration is weak
@thecalligraphyman4076 2. Is a claim for which you have zero substance. The Shia were near non existent in Qushayris Sphere. As for being in shape, body, form, in a direction. All of that is nonsense as per Imam Tahawi. God is free from the six directions and bodyparts and limbs for they are the attributes of created beings. Why? Secondly, because they concern Allah, they are matters of mutashabihaat. Anything that mentions anything after that point is accepting the word, whilst denying the literal due to tashbeeh and the true meaning is assigned to God. That is the way of the Atharis, and they practised tafweed. The mujassimah accepted literally. Allah ta'ala protect all of us. Ameen
@abyrahman6610 Remember that this statement that is falsely attributed to Imam Ja'far As Saddiq RA and also is found in Al Qushayri's book, it has no Isnaad and Remember that Abdullah Ibn Mubarak RA Said: ''Isnaad is from the religion, without it, people would say (about islam) however they wished'' Isnaad is really important. So as you can see in this statement that is falsely attributed to Imam Ja'far As Saddiq RA and also found in Al Qushayri's book, it has no isnaad, but in the shia book, the narration has an isnaad and the isnaad is disconnected and it also weak.
I agree, the real athari aqeeda is accept the word, deny the literal due to tashbeeh and leave the real meaning to God. Yet here you have the mujassimah trying to enforce idolatry on people.
OK read the works of the nearly hanabila, kitab as sunnah abdullah ibn ahmad, kitab as sunnah harb al kirmani and tell me if you agree with it or is it tajsim 😭
@Lebronibnabdi ibn Jawzi was critical of the mujassimah, ibn Qudama engaged in tafweed, and so did ibn Aqeel. Interestingly, Ibn Jawzi was the teacher of ibn Qudamah so they were on a similar line. They were true Athari. Also, Abu Ya'la wasn't bad either, but his son was a full on mujassim.
al-muhaallab? not al-mulahhab. He also fought against the Khawaarij. His daughter was married to al Hajjaj but she outwitted him, disgraced him and ended up marrying the king, Abdul Malik ibn Marwan There's narrations that it was the Karramiyyah poisoned him. Taajud Deen as-Subki Also there's a difference between Athari and Salafi. With regards to Tugrul Beg, these are misattributions which his own followers were denying! Tugrul Begs own sons were Asharis, setting up Ashari Madrassas. Tugrul Beg's misunderstandig doesn't mean anything. the Ashari creed spread way before ibn tumurt. Abu Zarr al harawi, one of the narrators of Bukhari and student of Baqilani was reponsible for spreading the Ashari school. (see his bio in Siyar). Abu zarr harawi saw his teacher, the famous Muhaddith Dar qutni, praising Baqillai. So he studied from him and spread his teachings. ibn tumurt forced his own misguided beliefs, such as he is masoom and mahdi, onto the people. dr Hamza Ma'lawi (Morocco) has research on this.
Brothers are confused: 1. Damascus was conquered by the Sahaba Radi Allah Anu. 2. Jerusalem was liberated by Sahaba Radi Allah anu. 3. Constantinople was opened up by Sahaba Radi Allah Anu.
Can we have a video on how the achari creed took over the umma and became the official creed on many Muslim states ? And the fact that they persecuted the atharis
In Christianity, dominion in both heaven and the earth will be established through sonship. God is ONE BEING that is a Father to a Son, a Son to a Father, all sustained by the eternal life of the Spirit. Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 says "let US make man in OUR image" A man that believes in the Word of God can be ONE BEING that is a father to a son, a son to a father, all sustained by the eternal life of the Holy Spirit. The message of the Trinity in the Bible is foundational because salvation and sonship are inseparable concepts according to the Bible. Those who believe in the living Word of God, Jesus Christ, become sons and daughters of God. If there was no mention of a pre-existing eternal sonship in the Bible, there would be no logical notion of salvation and eternal unity with God being available through sonship. The divine Sonship of Christ is not metaphorical, and neither is the salvation and sonship offered to the sons and daughters of Adam through Christ. Read Proverbs chapter 30 verse 4 to see the divine Son mentioned in one of many places in the old testament. Feel free to ask any questions...
The Trinity is the message of THREE Persons and ONE Being, so how is that possible? Through sonship, and no other way. God is ONE BEING that is an eternal Father to an eternal Son, an eternal Son to an eternal Father, all sustained through UNCREATED eternal life that is Spirit. Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 says "let US make man in OUR image" One man can be ONE BEING that is a created father to a created son, a created son to a created father, all sustained through CREATED life designed by the Godhead to operate in a sonship patterned after the uncreated Sonship of God. Is a father a person? Yes. Is a son a person? Yes. Is a spirit a person? Yes. The tri-unity of God is literally the easiest part of Christianity to understand.
@@shainn2237 The Father, Son, and Spirit are ONE in eternal and UNCREATED life. The equality and unity among the Father, Son, and Spirit is life based...1×1×1=1... God, a triune being is a Father to a Son, a Son to a Father, all united by an eternal Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 says "let US make man in OUR image" A man who believes in Christ can be a father to a son, a son to a father, and have an eternal Spirit, the Holy Spirit, inside of Himself and still be ONE being. The Trinity is literally the easiest part of the Bible to understand.
@@shainn2237 Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 says "be fruitful and MULTIPLY"... Sonship according to the Bible is multiplication (equal) of life through the addition (separate) of persons. Class dismissed, sport.
All these obsession about athari , Salafi thing is very sickening. If you are so called athari then you should believe that the earth is flat and that rain comes from the heaven and that the sky is a roof without openings because that is how the salaf took them to be . You should also believe God is in the sky above your head and the moon is in the first heaven - so are the numerous satellites we have now !!!. Athari creed cannot stand the scrutiny of scholarship, it was an understanding but later the scholars of Islam extended it just like we have to understand the world in light of new knowledge,
You know lying is haram right. We have audioclips from a "salafi" uthaymeen who said that the earth is round. Like liars are really filthy especially when they lie about their own religion.
Question🫡 Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya claims that Arabs are superior to other races in lineage and descent, which is the view of most scholars, including Imam Ahmad. Doesn’t that contradict the statement of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) that no Arab is superior to non-Arab except in Taqwa? This deeply disturbs me because Ibn Taymiyya and Imam Ahmad are two scholars I respect, and I hate that they have such an opinion. Can you kindly clarify if that makes sense?
Islam teaches that if your Islam is deficient, your Arab will not save you. Thus no superiority. Also, from my understanding, Imam Ahmad and Ibn Taimiyah argued that the Arabs were favoured with the final Prophet coming from them. Favoured, not superior.
Can you give their statements? Also you should follow what Mohammed SAWS said because he said no white man is better than a black man and no black man is better than a white man. And no Arab is better than a non Arab and no non-Arab is better than an Arab expect in Piety. So IF Ibn Taymiyya and Imam Ahmad (may Allah be pleased with them) said that what you just claimed than they are wrong because it contradicts the hadith.
فال عنه شيخ الإسلام -رحمه الله-: "ولما كانت مملكة محمود بن سبكتكين من أحسن ممالك بني جنسه؛ كان الإسلام والسنة في مملكته أعز؛ فإنه غزا المشركين من أهل الهند، ونشر مِن العدل ما لم ينشره مثله، فكانت السنة في أيامهظاهرة، والبدع في أيامه مقموعة".
وقال عنه ابن كثير -رحمه الله-: "يمين الدولة، وأمين الملة، وصاحب بلاد غزنة وما والاها، سار فيهم وفي سائر رعاياه سيرة عادلة، وقام في نصر الإسلام قيامًا تامًا، وفتح فتوحات كثيرة في بلاد الهند وغيرها، وعظُم شأنه، واتسعت مملكته وامتدت رعاياها، وطالت أيامه؛ لعدله وجهاده وما
أعطاه الله إياه".
وقال عنه الذهبي -رحمه الله- في السير: "خافته الملوك، واستولى على إقليم خراسان، ونَفَّذ إليه القادر بالله خلع السلطنة، ففرض على نفسه كل سنة غزو الهند، فافتتح بلادًا شاسعة، وكسر الصنم "سومنات" الذي كان يعتقد كفرة الهند أنه يحيي ويميت ويحجونه ويقربون له النفائس".
وقال السبكي -رحمه الله- في طبقات الشافعية:"أحد أئمة العدل ومن دانت له البلاد والعباد وظهرت محاسن آثاره، كان إمامًا عادلاً شجاعًا مفرطـًا، فقيهًا فهمًا، سمحًا جوادًا، وهو أحد أربعة لا خامس لهم في العدل بعد عمر بن عبد العزيز، ونور الدين محمود زنكي، وصلاح الدين، ونظام الملك.
Salahuddin been Ashari doesn’t have any weight then does it 😆- A ‘Karrami’ honoured Islam and victory to it according to major scholars 😆 and was after Umar bin Abdul Aziz and Salahuddin according to Subki.
This must burn 🔥. Shouldn’t Mahmud Ghaznvi be classified as a anthropomorphist by Subki 😆
2:33 great take, when the ummah land is occupied, the sect that liberates the land doesn’t matter. Thank you for talking about this!❤
I am a sunni Turk, born and raised in Turkiye. We are taught about Ghaznavids and Seljuks who are our ancestors but never about things related to our religion and creed. They were mujahedeen and we are never taught about it in schools unfortunately.
No ashari/maturidi will say anything bad about the real athari aqeedah
Imam Ja’far as Sadiq (RA) said:” he who claims that Allah is on anything or in anything or from anything commits shirk. Because, had He been on anything, He would have been carried, had He been in anything, He would have been contained, and had He been from anything, He would have been a creation” narrated by Imam al Qushayriyy in his book ar- Risalah al- Qushayriyyah.
1. That statement is falsely attributed to Imam Ja'far As Saddiq RA.
2. That statement has no Isnaad and Abu Qassim Al Qushayri got this statement from a shia book kitaab At Tawhiid by Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Babawayh Al Qummi (shaykh sadooq) and funny thing is that they lived at the same time.
3. The same statement that is found in the shia book, it's isnaad is disconnected. In short that narration is weak
@thecalligraphyman4076 so, is Qushayri reliable?
@thecalligraphyman4076 2. Is a claim for which you have zero substance. The Shia were near non existent in Qushayris Sphere.
As for being in shape, body, form, in a direction. All of that is nonsense as per Imam Tahawi. God is free from the six directions and bodyparts and limbs for they are the attributes of created beings. Why? Secondly, because they concern Allah, they are matters of mutashabihaat. Anything that mentions anything after that point is accepting the word, whilst denying the literal due to tashbeeh and the true meaning is assigned to God. That is the way of the Atharis, and they practised tafweed. The mujassimah accepted literally.
Allah ta'ala protect all of us. Ameen
@abyrahman6610 Remember that this statement that is falsely attributed to Imam Ja'far As Saddiq RA and also is found in Al Qushayri's book, it has no Isnaad and Remember that Abdullah Ibn Mubarak RA Said:
''Isnaad is from the religion, without it, people would say (about islam) however they wished''
Isnaad is really important. So as you can see in this statement that is falsely attributed to Imam Ja'far As Saddiq RA and also found in Al Qushayri's book, it has no isnaad, but in the shia book, the narration has an isnaad and the isnaad is disconnected and it also weak.
@@thecalligraphyman4076So, are you for or against Qushayri?
The way of the hanabila is different to the taymiyyan version
There is a big difference between real athari aqeedah and the aqeedah of the mujasima.
I agree, the real athari aqeeda is accept the word, deny the literal due to tashbeeh and leave the real meaning to God. Yet here you have the mujassimah trying to enforce idolatry on people.
OK read the works of the nearly hanabila, kitab as sunnah abdullah ibn ahmad, kitab as sunnah harb al kirmani and tell me if you agree with it or is it tajsim 😭
@ next time come with a authentic book 👍
@@ibi1453quoted by Ibn hajar, lalaka'i, Ibn abi ya'la, Ibn al Jawzi and ibn Taymiyyah don't talk without knowledge 😭😭🙏
@Lebronibnabdi ibn Jawzi was critical of the mujassimah, ibn Qudama engaged in tafweed, and so did ibn Aqeel. Interestingly, Ibn Jawzi was the teacher of ibn Qudamah so they were on a similar line. They were true Athari. Also, Abu Ya'la wasn't bad either, but his son was a full on mujassim.
not al-mulahhab.
He also fought against the Khawaarij.
His daughter was married to al Hajjaj but she outwitted him, disgraced him and ended up marrying the king, Abdul Malik ibn Marwan
There's narrations that it was the Karramiyyah poisoned him.
Taajud Deen as-Subki
Also there's a difference between Athari and Salafi.
With regards to Tugrul Beg, these are misattributions which his own followers were denying!
Tugrul Begs own sons were Asharis, setting up Ashari Madrassas. Tugrul Beg's misunderstandig doesn't mean anything.
the Ashari creed spread way before ibn tumurt. Abu Zarr al harawi, one of the narrators of Bukhari and student of Baqilani was reponsible for spreading the Ashari school. (see his bio in Siyar). Abu zarr harawi saw his teacher, the famous Muhaddith Dar qutni, praising Baqillai. So he studied from him and spread his teachings.
ibn tumurt forced his own misguided beliefs, such as he is masoom and mahdi, onto the people.
dr Hamza Ma'lawi (Morocco) has research on this.
Syrian victory is very for all Sunnis, it was for ahl us Sunnah wal Jamaa
Mostly Salafi fighters tho
= aswj
Brothers are confused:
1. Damascus was conquered by the Sahaba Radi Allah Anu.
2. Jerusalem was liberated by Sahaba Radi Allah anu.
3. Constantinople was opened up by Sahaba Radi Allah Anu.
So the Crusader occupation of Bayt Al Maqdis never took place? 🙄
Can we have a video on how the achari creed took over the umma and became the official creed on many Muslim states ? And the fact that they persecuted the atharis
Please make a series on Hanafi Athari Scholars.
can you make a video on the aqeeda of alp arslan
Bro hajji love from Somalia make duaa for us I have become ashari
The name of this nasheeda?
Nasheed name?
In Christianity, dominion in both heaven and the earth will be established through sonship. God is ONE BEING that is a Father to a Son, a Son to a Father, all sustained by the eternal life of the Spirit.
Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 says "let US make man in OUR image"
A man that believes in the Word of God can be ONE BEING that is a father to a son, a son to a father, all sustained by the eternal life of the Holy Spirit.
The message of the Trinity in the Bible is foundational because salvation and sonship are inseparable concepts according to the Bible. Those who believe in the living Word of God, Jesus Christ, become sons and daughters of God. If there was no mention of a pre-existing eternal sonship in the Bible, there would be no logical notion of salvation and eternal unity with God being available through sonship. The divine Sonship of Christ is not metaphorical, and neither is the salvation and sonship offered to the sons and daughters of Adam through Christ. Read Proverbs chapter 30 verse 4 to see the divine Son mentioned in one of many places in the old testament. Feel free to ask any questions...
The Trinity is the message of THREE Persons and ONE Being, so how is that possible? Through sonship, and no other way. God is ONE BEING that is an eternal Father to an eternal Son, an eternal Son to an eternal Father, all sustained through UNCREATED eternal life that is Spirit.
Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 says "let US make man in OUR image"
One man can be ONE BEING that is a created father to a created son, a created son to a created father, all sustained through CREATED life designed by the Godhead to operate in a sonship patterned after the uncreated Sonship of God.
Is a father a person? Yes.
Is a son a person? Yes.
Is a spirit a person? Yes.
The tri-unity of God is literally the easiest part of Christianity to understand.
1+1+1 = 1 😂 christians need to go back to school
@@shainn2237 The Father, Son, and Spirit are ONE in eternal and UNCREATED life. The equality and unity among the Father, Son, and Spirit is life based...1×1×1=1...
God, a triune being is a Father to a Son, a Son to a Father, all united by an eternal Spirit, the Holy Spirit.
Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 says "let US make man in OUR image"
A man who believes in Christ can be a father to a son, a son to a father, and have an eternal Spirit, the Holy Spirit, inside of Himself and still be ONE being. The Trinity is literally the easiest part of the Bible to understand.
@@shainn2237 Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 says "be fruitful and MULTIPLY"...
Sonship according to the Bible is multiplication (equal) of life through the addition (separate) of persons. Class dismissed, sport.
@@jeremycrawford4004 😂😂😂
I heard ghaznawids were karramites
All these obsession about athari , Salafi thing is very sickening. If you are so called athari then you should believe that the earth is flat and that rain comes from the heaven and that the sky is a roof without openings because that is how the salaf took them to be . You should also believe God is in the sky above your head and the moon is in the first heaven - so are the numerous satellites we have now !!!. Athari creed cannot stand the scrutiny of scholarship, it was an understanding but later the scholars of Islam extended it just like we have to understand the world in light of new knowledge,
You know lying is haram right. We have audioclips from a "salafi" uthaymeen who said that the earth is round. Like liars are really filthy especially when they lie about their own religion.
What are you talking about the word sama' also refers to skies, not just heavens.
Wow you're really black and white in your thinking
As far as I know the first heaven refers to this whole universe
Don't lie about Atharis. On the contrary Brelvis (Maturidis) believe that the earth is Flat and Static lol.
Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya claims that Arabs are superior to other races in lineage and descent, which is the view of most scholars, including Imam Ahmad.
Doesn’t that contradict the statement of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) that no Arab is superior to non-Arab except in Taqwa? This deeply disturbs me because Ibn Taymiyya and Imam Ahmad are two scholars I respect, and I hate that they have such an opinion. Can you kindly clarify if that makes sense?
they refer to the lineage in general, not individually
@@fulan03 isn't that worse???
Islam teaches that if your Islam is deficient, your Arab will not save you. Thus no superiority. Also, from my understanding, Imam Ahmad and Ibn Taimiyah argued that the Arabs were favoured with the final Prophet coming from them. Favoured, not superior.
@@rosenbaumquartz how?
Can you give their statements? Also you should follow what Mohammed SAWS said because he said no white man is better than a black man and no black man is better than a white man. And no Arab is better than a non Arab and no non-Arab is better than an Arab expect in Piety.
So IF Ibn Taymiyya and Imam Ahmad (may Allah be pleased with them) said that what you just claimed than they are wrong because it contradicts the hadith.