show of hands, how many of you were legitimately pissed off and wanted revenge on mother brain when he killed our little baby friend who saved us in the end?
Stan if you beat the one on Gameboy, Samus spares the baby metroid because it hatches and thinks she is its morher. The whole game basically sends you on a wild goose chase to rescue it, which is why it pissed so many people off when Mother Brain killed it.
Saving the animals does make a difference. After the planet explodes and the yellow ship is flying away, there is a small white dot moving from the planet off the right side of the screen. This only appears of you save the animals. Nintendo says that is their ship.
You know whats insane about this fact? I bought Metroid when it first came out, I was just a child. I've actually physically owned the cartridge and beaten this game hundreds of times, and it took until the advent of the internet for me to find out this fact. It was like an Easter Egg had traveled through time to surprise and delight me once again with this game If you blink you miss it, but saving the animals totally makes a difference!!
Oh god, I just realized that after it tires to eat Samus and realizes who she is and starts floating above her, it's making the same chirping noises it does when you first hatch it in Metroid II...
@@HlghV0Itag3 Yes... yes it was. That's how the metroids feed. They latch on and drain energy until their target is lifeless. That's how they have worked in every single metroid game ever. It stops feeding right before it kills you because it remembers that you're the "mother" it imprinted on when you hatched it and fed it to help you escape at the end of Metroid 2. That's why it starts making the same chirping noises it did back then, and why it later protects you when Mother Brain is trying to kill you. Please turn off the insulting language, it just makes you look like a bored child who's about to get in trouble on Zoom.
@@HlghV0Itag3 It feeds on her before you reach Mother Brain, in the tunnel with all the dusted corpses before the energy refill station. Actually, 1 room before the energy refill, since she leaves you at 1 HP. She then comes to rescue after you have fought Mother Brain and gives you back that energy and whatever else she consumed from the other monsters she ate, and then you absorb the rest after Mother Brain kills her and the corpse falls onto you. That first time, when she remembers who you are and stops feeding when you're at 1HP, is the event I was talking about.
yeah, but if you dont save them in this one, they still come in the next. if there was a remake with the one addition of porting saves, then that'd be cool, cuz then metroid fusion would have the good ending, or the bad one, wheer samus crashes into the station
This was honestly one of the greatest vg moments back in the day from when you see the boss statue's eye gems shattering to Mother Brain's death. So many epic moments: your Metroid realizing it's you and not killing you, the glass shattering effect on Mother Brain's tank, you realizing it's not over yet, that satisfying yet terrifyingly unavoidable beam attack she has, your Metroid's help and sacrifice and finally it giving you the epic laser to blast that ugly bitch to hell. Not many games I know to string events like this.
exactly what I thought when I was a kid playing this, I was like "Is there some way I can avoid that move"? It's not fair! I was honestly about to reset the game ESPECIALLY when I couldn't move after the last attack mother brain did.
That Metroid cry, though. That's fucking emotional. I read at some point a fanfic someone did of this battle. It was pretty dark, described some of the damage that Samus went through with Mother Brain's hyper beam: disintegrating part of her arm and destroying her arm cannon, amongst other things. The Metroid healing her, while calling her 'mother' (as that's what the Metroid thought she was). It made the next part a little emotional.
Kind of sad that most people are all like "what is that weird metroid doing, is it helping?" Metroid II was a great game worth being played and everyone who would have finished the game would know who that metroid was and maybe even be a little bit saddened that it died while giving you back your health, despite being attacked.
Even without playing Metroid II, everyone who play Metroid III from the start should know that since it is explained at the beginning of this game, it is literally said that the metroid think of Samus as his mother.
Hontoni Arigato I guess the creator (guess Miyamoto san) was hugely inspired by the mythology of the Alien movie. That's the reason why Ripley and Samus are my absolute all time favorite fictional figures. Strong women who fight all alone agains aliens.
ash hw Nope, it was Gunpei Yokoi (director of the team, he did not create itself), another great Nintendo staff, creator of Game&Watch, Game Boy and D-Pad. But yes, Metroid franchise is initially an Alien tribute : one of most important boss, Ridley, is named like Ridley Scott, obviously.
Hontoni Arigato I don't count Prometheus, because it makes Alien v. Predator 1 and 2 not happen. Those two movies are way better so Prometheus gets the boot.
“1994 Nintendo”. I can’t explain why, but I always get chills around that part. Samus is capping off the end of an era in such a glorious fashion that she departs into the dark unknown ready for whatever the future holds in store for her.
The reason why that giant metroid didnt kill you was because He's the little baby metroid that samus brought at the start of the game in the story, so he thought that sammus was his mommy.
@@nathanael06lewis10 No, it attacked because it didn't recognize Samus at first. Then it stopped before she was dead because it realized, and that's why it made the sad noise and ran away.
i just love the little touches like how mother brain goes back in fear after the metroids death. perfectly captures how powerful samus is with the hyper beam!
When I played this for the first time and the self destruct started counting do I was like "holy shit, RUNNN".....anyone else have that kind of reaction?
They're quite frankly the best graphics I have ever seen for SNES. Including Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean. Super Metroid is so detailed, bright, colorful, and vivid, and the lighting effects blew me away. I never knew the Super Nintendo was capable of switching palettes like that.
@@joshua.alvane It's pretty normal lightning effects for 16 bit consoles. Even the Mega Drive can do that with Shadow & Highlight. That being said, many of the environments were absolutely amazing in how they were shown. Super Metroid was just overall an impressive game for 1994 on the SNES, being one of the first (ever?) games that had 24 Megabits on the cartridge. Perhaps what I love most with the memory upgrade are the detailed and varied backgrounds throughout the game. Not a single area of the game looked bland.
They make you think, oh just like the original Metroid, this is seriously the final boss?! Woah, wait what? HOLY MOTHER OF! Ok, I got this... my attacks do literally nothing. PANIC NOW, OH GOD, THAT BEAM!!! I CAN'T MOVE!!!! This is it, I'm done for and... BOOM! The Metroid Larva!? Wait a second, it was you from the beginning! YEAH, KILL THAT DUDE! Wait no, don't kill me! Oh, healing ok. Umm the guy is getting back up. *laser* ... no, you, you... *cries* YOU WILL PAY! Simply the shot of your beam has energy equivalent to the center of the sun. TAKE THAT A**HOLE! Killed you, see ya in hell and TIME BOMB!!! 3 minutes! RUN LIKE YOU'RE ESCAPING A CONCENTRATION CAMP. 1 Minute left!!! I made it! Wooh! *Planet explodes* And that is how Samus makes an exit
What other game brings out so many emotions and feelings in just its last 10 minutes? Skepticism, confusion, excitement, fear, sadness equivalent to an old classic book with a dog in it, heart racing, and finally, relief.
This ending video is, BY FAR, the BEST ending video EVER. The way the player plays is very perfect. Just take a look at 4:40 during the tense moment when the ''Hostile incoming'' were playing in the backgroud, Samus just gets ready to fight with the lil' monster just before it was attacked, later when the Metroid comes up to attack the monster, Samus 's reaction is just awesome, she gets shock and jumps, and then, when Metroid kills the monster, Samus realizes she would be the next one and she starts shooting it. The player just plays like he was there, even knowing that he either couldn't kill it or get killed. Another great part is at 8:57, the missiles runs out exactly the moment when Mother brain attacks Samus with no mercy. In my opinion, Mother brain's attack wouldn't have the same effect if Samus weren't with all the energy complete, like the more is complete, the more the scene is longer and poweful. Saving the animals just ends this final in the best way possible. I hope this video never gets deleted or the channel, because I always come back here to watch this masterpiece specially to see the parts I mentioned.
For that selfless act of "Saving the creatures has no effect but..' line, as long as this vid exists, you have a place in my utube lists. Heres, evermore, to nerdy good deeds.
Loved that you saved the little alien guys at the end, I always did this as well. If you also notice after the planet blows up and Samus' ships comes towards the camera you will see a little spec of light coming from the explosion going towards the right, letting you know they made it safe 😊😊😊
Along with the Baby Metroid dying bringing me sadness, the joy I feel frying Mother Brain with the hyper beam is glorious. You can really FEEL the power hitting her as it thrusts her head back.
It's a tragic ending. Sure, Samus defeated Mother Brain and the Space Pirates, but at what cost? The whole of Planet Zebes was lost (minus the animals that Samus canonically saved), and your mission - the eponymous "Super" Metroid - lost his life saving hers. 😢
Un final que me aterrorizó, me dio desesperación, me dio tristeza, me dio rabia, me dio ansiedad, me dio satisfacción, y en general, muchos sentimientos encontrados, la primera vez que lo jugué, literalmente me temblaban las manos, sudaba, y hasta me dio taquicardia de ver que gastaba toda la munición y esa aterradora, espeluznante y chillona criatura llamada Mother Brain como si nada, cuando Samus no se levantaba ante Mother Brain y ésta atacaba a Samus, quien tenía los tanques de energía al mínimo y el sonido de la alarma al borde de la muerte, oprimía todos los botones como un desquiciado al borde de la desesperación (pensando únicamente en que algún otro tipo de arma mas potente que el rayo de plasma y los súper misiles me había faltado por encontrar), cuando ví al "bebe" metroid morir me dio rabia, tristeza e impotencia profunda, cuando le disparaba a Mother Brain con el hiperrayo, lo hacía con mucha represalia, rabia y satisfacción, y ni que decir cuando ví el temporizador de cuando Zebes iba a explotar, otra caída de ansiedad y desesperación... En general, todo un exquisito éxtasis de emociones!! Luego que Zebes explotaba, cuando salían los créditos y sonaba el soundtrack característico de la franquicia, recuerdo que mi corazón palpitaba fuertemente, y hasta admito que me saco un par de lágrimas (literalmente) de tantas emociones, no me importó en lo mas mínimo el ranking y el porcentaje obtenido, no sabia si estaba feliz o triste, satisfecho o insatisfecho, solo recuerdo que solté el control como quien quiere más, y a la vez como quien ya había tenido demasiadas emociones en un instante, jamas, pero JAMÁS me hubiera esperado un final así, y mucho menos en un juego de plataforma en 2D. Fue un final que me había dejado en shock, y por supuesto, uno de los mejores finales jamás vistos en un videjuego!! (que un videojuego logre generar tantas emociones juntas, no puede ser descrito mejor sino como toda una obra de arte). En conclusión, SUPER METROID es un JUEGAZO, es toda una experiencia, una obra maestra hecha videojuego, una joya de las que muy pocas veces uno puede hallar, fue el juego que me introdujo a interesarme en ésta infravalorada y maravillosa franquicia (pese a la ironía de que, en la historia dentro del videojuego, Samus falló la misión, pues el objetivo de rescatar al bebé metroid, que era el fundamento y la única razón por la que ella estaba en Zebes, no se logró, por eso creo que es un gran final, porque es mas realista, no el perfecto final feliz, pero tampoco fue de lo mas fatídico, no fue blanco o negro, mas bien fue gris, deja satisfacción y a su vez, un cierto sinsabor, fue espectacular!!).
12:45 In this room you can power jump to save yourself time. Run along the floor at the bottom...the powerjump against the right wall. You'll be able to pass through the flooring and exit the room. It's
Seeing the name of a dead man at the end credits is really surreal. Especially when that name was all over various games back in the day. Gumpei Yokoi who died in a car crash shortly after the Virtual Boy's failure
It's truly unfortunate that such an epic franchise with so much potential is currently in the hands of clueless, stubborn imbeciles that don't know how (or care) to handle it. Instead we get some watered down, cheapass chibi-fied multiplayer budget handheld title that holds literally NOTHING alike to what defines Metroid in the first place. I play games like Ori and the Blind Forest and can't help but dream of such a Metroid. I'm skeptical Nintendo could even produce such a game today. The best possible hope we can hold out for the future of this series is that it somehow finds itself into the hands of people that actually know what they're doing. Because as it stands right now, Nintendo is not even close to being the same company that created this masterpiece so many years ago. And that's a downright shame. How the mighty have fallen.
+RadicalMongoose Maybe. Though they sure have every clue on how to put out more Marios, Mario Karts, and Smash Bros. Probably because those things sell. Believe me, if Metroid sold a metric fuckton of copies, they'd pay it heed and have every idea where to go. I suspect there's a traditional Metroid in the works that we'll see revealed in the next year or so. They have to know (especially after the E3 backlash) how frustrated the fans are. As much as I think Nintendo is a bumbling idiot a large majority of the time in many respects, they simply can't be that obtuse. Metroid established an entire genre. It is a legendary franchise. Nintendo needs to accord their history its due respect.
it's sad how nowadays they just leech off of old franchises watering them down making them seem like they we never good. it's sad that they ruined metroid and countless other classics.
+Wesly Thomason your comment is so true. indeed, that they leech off the classics and make crappy versions when instead they should be making just as good, different material or a reboot that captures the essence or is better than the original.
My brothers and I used to sneak up when everyone was asleep just to continue playing this game. So much good memories haha. This is my all time favorite game! :)
I was too young to play this game when it came out, and thus do not suffer from the nostalgia factor, but this is still one of the best games of all time
If you save the creatures, when the planet explodes, and your ship is spinning towards the screen, their ship flies from the planet on the right. It's a little dot.
+Wesly Thomason If you watch the ending closely when Samus' ship is escaping you can see another ship also escaping from the planet. That's the animals you saved. That little ship isn't in the ending if you don't save the animals. That's them.
+Sam Diamond Ethecon & Dachora. They saved Samus life when the BSA got overwhelmed by the X parasite. They microbes found them too "Inferior" to be used as host at left then alone. They fled to Samus ship but had to move when the Omega Moetroid appeared but come back to save her in the nick of time. How did they learnt to operate ships? That's a mystery.
Epic, just epic! One of the best games I ever played in my entire life :D Btw I also saved those poor creatures I will also feel really guilty if I didnt.. but no sense the planet still exploded T.T Wish Samus brought them too to her ship :/
If you look closely at 15:56 you can see a tiny light beam escape the planet, being the Ostrich creature doing the shinespark jump. I'm assuming the three other creatures tagged along as well.
The music, sound effects, and visuals in this game were incredible back in the day, and it may just be nostalgia talking but I think it all still holds up now. I felt my shoulders tensing up just watching this video, like I was 11 years old again playing it myself. Memories!
I'm moving how the metroid remembers Samus when He was a baby and cry lime one, for Him She was like a mother, and then gives his life to save Her!!! I will love this game forever, it's very special for me.
I really want Nintendo to remake this game in a first person perspective (like prime) with HD graphics. How awesome would it be to fight Mother Brain in first person? It would also be kinda creepy too, especially in the beginning when you see the dead scientists and etc.
MLG kid I don't know, they had to change the level layout in prime to account for the new perspective, so I don't know how well a 2d game with a 1st person perspective would work out.
show of hands, how many of you were legitimately pissed off and wanted revenge on mother brain when he killed our little baby friend who saved us in the end?
*raises hand*
It thought you were its mother. Just like she explained in the beginning.
Stan if you beat the one on Gameboy, Samus spares the baby metroid because it hatches and thinks she is its morher. The whole game basically sends you on a wild goose chase to rescue it, which is why it pissed so many people off when Mother Brain killed it.
Heh, you called mother brain a he.
Saving the animals does make a difference.
After the planet explodes and the yellow ship is flying away, there is a small white dot moving from the planet off the right side of the screen.
This only appears of you save the animals. Nintendo says that is their ship.
Icarus this is totally true, at 15:56
But the turtle (Tatori) with the babies died at Maridia... :c
Plus, they return the favor in Metroid fusion
The only other ship on the planet. Phantoon's haunted wreck. You restored power to it.
You know whats insane about this fact? I bought Metroid when it first came out, I was just a child. I've actually physically owned the cartridge and beaten this game hundreds of times, and it took until the advent of the internet for me to find out this fact.
It was like an Easter Egg had traveled through time to surprise and delight me once again with this game
If you blink you miss it, but saving the animals totally makes a difference!!
Oh god, I just realized that after it tires to eat Samus and realizes who she is and starts floating above her, it's making the same chirping noises it does when you first hatch it in Metroid II...
I don't understand but it wasn't eating her dumbass
@@HlghV0Itag3 Yes... yes it was. That's how the metroids feed. They latch on and drain energy until their target is lifeless. That's how they have worked in every single metroid game ever.
It stops feeding right before it kills you because it remembers that you're the "mother" it imprinted on when you hatched it and fed it to help you escape at the end of Metroid 2. That's why it starts making the same chirping noises it did back then, and why it later protects you when Mother Brain is trying to kill you.
Please turn off the insulting language, it just makes you look like a bored child who's about to get in trouble on Zoom.
@@slavkei it wasn't feeding on her it was giving her energy
@@slavkei and no I cuz as much as I want
@@HlghV0Itag3 It feeds on her before you reach Mother Brain, in the tunnel with all the dusted corpses before the energy refill station. Actually, 1 room before the energy refill, since she leaves you at 1 HP.
She then comes to rescue after you have fought Mother Brain and gives you back that energy and whatever else she consumed from the other monsters she ate, and then you absorb the rest after Mother Brain kills her and the corpse falls onto you.
That first time, when she remembers who you are and stops feeding when you're at 1HP, is the event I was talking about.
saving the creatures actually matters. In Metroid Fusion the creatures help you in the end and save Samus's life.
yeah, but if you dont save them in this one, they still come in the next. if there was a remake with the one addition of porting saves, then that'd be cool, cuz then metroid fusion would have the good ending, or the bad one, wheer samus crashes into the station
That would be cool
Which means that saving the animals is canon to the story.
This was honestly one of the greatest vg moments back in the day from when you see the boss statue's eye gems shattering to Mother Brain's death. So many epic moments: your Metroid realizing it's you and not killing you, the glass shattering effect on Mother Brain's tank, you realizing it's not over yet, that satisfying yet terrifyingly unavoidable beam attack she has, your Metroid's help and sacrifice and finally it giving you the epic laser to blast that ugly bitch to hell. Not many games I know to string events like this.
lmao..yes..its so intensely good.
***** all with no cut scenes or words.
exactly what I thought when I was a kid playing this, I was like "Is there some way I can avoid that move"? It's not fair! I was honestly about to reset the game ESPECIALLY when I couldn't move after the last attack mother brain did.
15:56 ... you can see the tiny sprite to the right indicating the animals made it out too.
@@Donkey_Lips Same as in Fusion when they boarded Samus's ship after she opened the door to their habitat.
taste the rainbow.
Lmao wtf does that have to do with anthing?
Raul Tejada the hyper beam
oh lol i get it.
At this time the rainbows were a symbol of power and destruction, now I feel ashamed
I hope that im not the only one who cried when the super metroid dies :'(
+Allan Ambriz Valdez I called him Metry since "Metroid II" D':
Not at all. The Metroid died saving Samus after she killed all its family. That was sad.
all of us did
1:Same species and family are two different things.
2:The metroids tried to kill her,duh.
betoen Those metroids were clones.
The baby....
It thought Samus was its mother.
I cried so much as a kid😢😭😢😭
... is kil.
The music is suitably terrifying.
Its same ol metroid tone
It is creepy
@@phillipicus7446 maybe
Let's be honest...
Your heart broke and you teared up the first time you watched this moment.
GreyWolfLeaderTW 😢😢😢
i hate how mother brain watches it fall
Yeah but the music that starts playing at 11:36 I always get the chills from.
Am I evil because I didnt
@@kingkrool1935 Mann.. favorite moment right there . You get that vibe that she is very pissed lol
That Metroid cry, though. That's fucking emotional.
I read at some point a fanfic someone did of this battle. It was pretty dark, described some of the damage that Samus went through with Mother Brain's hyper beam: disintegrating part of her arm and destroying her arm cannon, amongst other things. The Metroid healing her, while calling her 'mother' (as that's what the Metroid thought she was). It made the next part a little emotional.
Any link to it?
Kind of sad that most people are all like "what is that weird metroid doing, is it helping?"
Metroid II was a great game worth being played and everyone who would have finished the game would know who that metroid was and maybe even be a little bit saddened that it died while giving you back your health, despite being attacked.
Little One will be missed.
From the future here, just wanna say the game got a remake!
I’m sorry, little one.
Even without playing Metroid II, everyone who play Metroid III from the start should know that since it is explained at the beginning of this game, it is literally said that the metroid think of Samus as his mother.
@@Unlimi-PT ur not from the future.. i am!
I would just crawl into this video and hug the baby metroid
Ysrael RJ Flores Why can't Metroid crawl?
And then he'll drain your blood. Great.
I’ll give my regards to your next of kin.
more reason to save this animals = metroid fusion xD "Today for you, tomorrow for me"
One of the darkest Nintendo games, I love it!!!
If they remade it, it would be a horror game
Yeah I would love that. Metroid Prime was kinda creepy as well.
Play AM2R, the fan remake for Metroid II. Damn Metroids, jumpscare me all the time in this game.
M_Dutch97 I LOVE the Metroid series and all but... But what about Mother 3?
This game pays more tribute and connection to the Alien Movies than Prometheus
No shit? Given that aliens came out back around 1990, and Prometheus came out only a few years ago?
Hontoni Arigato I guess the creator (guess Miyamoto san) was hugely inspired by the mythology of the Alien movie. That's the reason why Ripley and Samus are my absolute all time favorite fictional figures. Strong women who fight all alone agains aliens.
Hiroji Kiyotake was the creator of Samus if the wiki site is correct.
ash hw Nope, it was Gunpei Yokoi (director of the team, he did not create itself), another great Nintendo staff, creator of Game&Watch, Game Boy and D-Pad.
But yes, Metroid franchise is initially an Alien tribute : one of most important boss, Ridley, is named like Ridley Scott, obviously.
Hontoni Arigato I don't count Prometheus, because it makes Alien v. Predator 1 and 2 not happen. Those two movies are way better so Prometheus gets the boot.
“1994 Nintendo”.
I can’t explain why, but I always get chills around that part. Samus is capping off the end of an era in such a glorious fashion that she departs into the dark unknown ready for whatever the future holds in store for her.
The sound effects and eerie music are incredible in this game
Texas Rangers it makes the game cooler like that
Texas Rangers Sony did a great job with the sound chip of the snes, thanks of that the console have games with an awesome tracks and fx
The reason why that giant metroid didnt kill you was because He's the little baby metroid that samus brought at the start of the game in the story, so he thought that sammus was his mommy.
What he said ^^
DAVID4GAMER spared it from her genocidal wrath in 2.
@Aloo Gaming maybe baby knew samus would just need a backup or energy
@@nathanael06lewis10 No, it attacked because it didn't recognize Samus at first. Then it stopped before she was dead because it realized, and that's why it made the sad noise and ran away.
I feel sorry for the giant metroid. It attacked Mother Brain to give Samus time to get back on her feet. And it give restored Samus heath.
It thought it was her mother.
Pls stop, the feels
Stan The baby Metroid saved its mother. It’s sad it had to die when it finally saw her after she looked everywhere for it
I remember I cried when the boss killed the metroid jellyfish :'(
we all did
That metroid jellyfish didn't died for nothing and thats for sure!
Nikola Milicevic Saved her ass in this game. Then in fusion... RIP Baby.
loved that little guy like it was my own he will never be forgotten.
The Metroid was a baby, Samus adopted it so the metroid saved her life and sacraficed itself.
I will always love the end "hurry the f**k up" music
One of the best video game endings ever, definitely memorable even after 20 years.
The music in this game is fucking amazing!
THAT'S how you end a fucking video game, man
gunpei a SUPER videogame
Nothing beats Metroidvania style games
Damn...22 years ago when I bought and beat this. Time flies.
i just love the little touches like how mother brain goes back in fear after the metroids death. perfectly captures how powerful samus is with the hyper beam!
2 and a half decades later and this still holds up as one of the most powerful moments in gaming history
When I played this for the first time and the self destruct started counting do I was like "holy shit, RUNNN".....anyone else have that kind of reaction?
KEYSERSOZE1965 I not got there but that will definitely be my reaction
KEYSERSOZE1965 every time...
KEYSERSOZE1965 In my had I think "She's gonna blow!" And run for it 😄😄😄
Mother Brain terrified me when I was younger.
"Sometimes im ugly, some times scary"
-Mother brain 2088
The final boss and whole ending sequence was amazing.
Does anyone else praise this game's graphics?
They're quite frankly the best graphics I have ever seen for SNES. Including Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean. Super Metroid is so detailed, bright, colorful, and vivid, and the lighting effects blew me away. I never knew the Super Nintendo was capable of switching palettes like that.
theyre good but fusions is better
@@likeanuuk6612 this were graphics for the snes
@@likeanuuk6612 nah
@@joshua.alvane It's pretty normal lightning effects for 16 bit consoles. Even the Mega Drive can do that with Shadow & Highlight.
That being said, many of the environments were absolutely amazing in how they were shown. Super Metroid was just overall an impressive game for 1994 on the SNES, being one of the first (ever?) games that had 24 Megabits on the cartridge. Perhaps what I love most with the memory upgrade are the detailed and varied backgrounds throughout the game. Not a single area of the game looked bland.
I love how ashamed the super Metroid feels after it realizes what it's done.
The baby metroid's death scream breaks my heart...
metroid: saves u and dies
samus: *shoots new weapon "sweet!"
mother brain: *gets whiplash
samus: "u shall feel my pain"
Admit it...
Your heart broke the first time you saw this moment.
GreyWolfLeaderTW Yes.. The moment when the man cries
Heart broke, and we all went into a fit of parental murder rage along with Samus.
I don't think any final boss/ending of any video game could ever top this masterpiece.
They make you think, oh just like the original Metroid, this is seriously the final boss?! Woah, wait what? HOLY MOTHER OF! Ok, I got this... my attacks do literally nothing. PANIC NOW, OH GOD, THAT BEAM!!! I CAN'T MOVE!!!! This is it, I'm done for and... BOOM! The Metroid Larva!? Wait a second, it was you from the beginning! YEAH, KILL THAT DUDE! Wait no, don't kill me! Oh, healing ok. Umm the guy is getting back up. *laser* ... no, you, you... *cries* YOU WILL PAY! Simply the shot of your beam has energy equivalent to the center of the sun. TAKE THAT A**HOLE! Killed you, see ya in hell and TIME BOMB!!! 3 minutes! RUN LIKE YOU'RE ESCAPING A CONCENTRATION CAMP. 1 Minute left!!! I made it! Wooh! *Planet explodes* And that is how Samus makes an exit
What other game brings out so many emotions and feelings in just its last 10 minutes? Skepticism, confusion, excitement, fear, sadness equivalent to an old classic book with a dog in it, heart racing, and finally, relief.
Looks like your replying to your self
indeed....this boss battle was so well me the chills
Afroswine Hoggintons Look at the Okami finale.
I have seen the final boss of this game so many times I can't even count them all.
This is one of my favorite boss fights of all time. So much story happens here.
what a perfect game
A masterpiece.
14:45 I don't blame you for wanting to save them. I'd have done the same thing
Same here
I probably would have never known they were there.
You monster
This ending video is, BY FAR, the BEST ending video EVER. The way the player plays is very perfect. Just take a look at 4:40 during the tense moment when the ''Hostile incoming'' were playing in the backgroud, Samus just gets ready to fight with the lil' monster just before it was attacked, later when the Metroid comes up to attack the monster, Samus 's reaction is just awesome, she gets shock and jumps, and then, when Metroid kills the monster, Samus realizes she would be the next one and she starts shooting it. The player just plays like he was there, even knowing that he either couldn't kill it or get killed. Another great part is at 8:57, the missiles runs out exactly the moment when Mother brain attacks Samus with no mercy. In my opinion, Mother brain's attack wouldn't have the same effect if Samus weren't with all the energy complete, like the more is complete, the more the scene is longer and poweful. Saving the animals just ends this final in the best way possible. I hope this video never gets deleted or the channel, because I always come back here to watch this masterpiece specially to see the parts I mentioned.
The greatest video game I've ever played.
The loss of the baby contributed to the events of, and Samus' portrayal in Metroid Other M.
I renember watching this as a child. Mother Brain terrified me, specially it's theme. The ending was satisfactory and the subtitles funny
For that selfless act of "Saving the creatures has no effect but..' line, as long as this vid exists, you have a place in my utube lists. Heres, evermore, to nerdy good deeds.
Loved that you saved the little alien guys at the end, I always did this as well.
If you also notice after the planet blows up and Samus' ships comes towards the camera you will see a little spec of light coming from the explosion going towards the right, letting you know they made it safe 😊😊😊
Best boss fight ever.
Along with the Baby Metroid dying bringing me sadness, the joy I feel frying Mother Brain with the hyper beam is glorious. You can really FEEL the power hitting her as it thrusts her head back.
It's a tragic ending. Sure, Samus defeated Mother Brain and the Space Pirates, but at what cost? The whole of Planet Zebes was lost (minus the animals that Samus canonically saved), and your mission - the eponymous "Super" Metroid - lost his life saving hers. 😢
Back in the day, getting the Hyper Beam and going full Mama-Bear mode on Mother Brain was so, so satisfying.
those creatures do appear later in fusion.
If you didnt save the animals at the end, youre a monster.
Hey, take it easy! A lot of us didn't even know about that option, it wasn't well publicized back in the day.
Un final que me aterrorizó, me dio desesperación, me dio tristeza, me dio rabia, me dio ansiedad, me dio satisfacción, y en general, muchos sentimientos encontrados, la primera vez que lo jugué, literalmente me temblaban las manos, sudaba, y hasta me dio taquicardia de ver que gastaba toda la munición y esa aterradora, espeluznante y chillona criatura llamada Mother Brain como si nada, cuando Samus no se levantaba ante Mother Brain y ésta atacaba a Samus, quien tenía los tanques de energía al mínimo y el sonido de la alarma al borde de la muerte, oprimía todos los botones como un desquiciado al borde de la desesperación (pensando únicamente en que algún otro tipo de arma mas potente que el rayo de plasma y los súper misiles me había faltado por encontrar), cuando ví al "bebe" metroid morir me dio rabia, tristeza e impotencia profunda, cuando le disparaba a Mother Brain con el hiperrayo, lo hacía con mucha represalia, rabia y satisfacción, y ni que decir cuando ví el temporizador de cuando Zebes iba a explotar, otra caída de ansiedad y desesperación... En general, todo un exquisito éxtasis de emociones!! Luego que Zebes explotaba, cuando salían los créditos y sonaba el soundtrack característico de la franquicia, recuerdo que mi corazón palpitaba fuertemente, y hasta admito que me saco un par de lágrimas (literalmente) de tantas emociones, no me importó en lo mas mínimo el ranking y el porcentaje obtenido, no sabia si estaba feliz o triste, satisfecho o insatisfecho, solo recuerdo que solté el control como quien quiere más, y a la vez como quien ya había tenido demasiadas emociones en un instante, jamas, pero JAMÁS me hubiera esperado un final así, y mucho menos en un juego de plataforma en 2D. Fue un final que me había dejado en shock, y por supuesto, uno de los mejores finales jamás vistos en un videjuego!! (que un videojuego logre generar tantas emociones juntas, no puede ser descrito mejor sino como toda una obra de arte). En conclusión, SUPER METROID es un JUEGAZO, es toda una experiencia, una obra maestra hecha videojuego, una joya de las que muy pocas veces uno puede hallar, fue el juego que me introdujo a interesarme en ésta infravalorada y maravillosa franquicia (pese a la ironía de que, en la historia dentro del videojuego, Samus falló la misión, pues el objetivo de rescatar al bebé metroid, que era el fundamento y la única razón por la que ella estaba en Zebes, no se logró, por eso creo que es un gran final, porque es mas realista, no el perfecto final feliz, pero tampoco fue de lo mas fatídico, no fue blanco o negro, mas bien fue gris, deja satisfacción y a su vez, un cierto sinsabor, fue espectacular!!).
12:45 In this room you can power jump to save yourself time. Run along the floor at the bottom...the powerjump against the right wall. You'll be able to pass through the flooring and exit the room. It's
Seeing the name of a dead man at the end credits is really surreal. Especially when that name was all over various games back in the day. Gumpei Yokoi who died in a car crash shortly after the Virtual Boy's failure
It's truly unfortunate that such an epic franchise with so much potential is currently in the hands of clueless, stubborn imbeciles that don't know how (or care) to handle it. Instead we get some watered down, cheapass chibi-fied multiplayer budget handheld title that holds literally NOTHING alike to what defines Metroid in the first place.
I play games like Ori and the Blind Forest and can't help but dream of such a Metroid. I'm skeptical Nintendo could even produce such a game today. The best possible hope we can hold out for the future of this series is that it somehow finds itself into the hands of people that actually know what they're doing. Because as it stands right now, Nintendo is not even close to being the same company that created this masterpiece so many years ago.
And that's a downright shame. How the mighty have fallen.
Yeah no, they haven't changed much. The people who made metroid just left. It's not about being stubborn it more about not knowing what to do.
+RadicalMongoose Maybe. Though they sure have every clue on how to put out more Marios, Mario Karts, and Smash Bros. Probably because those things sell.
Believe me, if Metroid sold a metric fuckton of copies, they'd pay it heed and have every idea where to go. I suspect there's a traditional Metroid in the works that we'll see revealed in the next year or so. They have to know (especially after the E3 backlash) how frustrated the fans are. As much as I think Nintendo is a bumbling idiot a large majority of the time in many respects, they simply can't be that obtuse.
Metroid established an entire genre. It is a legendary franchise. Nintendo needs to accord their history its due respect.
it's sad how nowadays they just leech off of old franchises watering them down making them seem like they we never good. it's sad that they ruined metroid and countless other classics.
+Kale P There's only for 4 smash games calm down.
+Wesly Thomason your comment is so true. indeed, that they leech off the classics and make crappy versions when instead they should be making just as good, different material or a reboot that captures the essence or is better than the original.
This gameplay brings back good old memories! I remember playing this when I was 8-9 yrs old when it first came out!
me to
My brothers and I used to sneak up when everyone was asleep just to continue playing this game. So much good memories haha. This is my all time favorite game! :)
does this technically mean that samus now has metroid DNA aswell as human dna and chozo dna?
Yup. Well, not from super metroid. She gets injected with some metroid DNA in metroid fushion.
Ryanlf999 i played it
Well if it isn't Mr. Wright
15theoren THAT IS MR WR1GHR 4 U M8
Phoenix Wright
Best Metroid game by far. I think the boss battle at the end (with the story) is perfect too. The music goes so well with it too
Crazy how this video is up after all these years
A great title in a great series from great decade for gaming.
gotta love the subtitles
Well, it is done. Wish I had a mother brain that would protect me like that.
Goddamn even watching someone else escape before time runs out is nerve racking as hell.
I was too young to play this game when it came out, and thus do not suffer from the nostalgia factor, but this is still one of the best games of all time
Congrats, Kunzile.
This video Is officially a decade old.
11:34 the pure revenge.
For the little baby
Mother Brain confirmed as an Assist Trophy for SSB4!
And Ultimate
If you save the creatures, when the planet explodes, and your ship is spinning towards the screen, their ship flies from the planet on the right. It's a little dot.
Now that's what I'm talking about the real fucking game. Awsome!!
real is what we want modding it CAN be fun, but that game kills it without mods!
Oh my god...I just realized.
This means Samus has mother brain DNA in her too...Transmitted from the metroid.
There's something so visceral about a monster with an exposed brain being attacked from above by a monster that sucks from below itself.
one of the best games of its time, if you had prizes it would have won all of them in all categories.
8:03 that shriek is the stuff of nightmares
Still till this day one of my favorite videos to watch!!
The Best game i ever played thanks Nintendo - 1994 , old times and the best!
I cried when Metroid died after saving Samus. I love this game to death.
at near 15:55 he shows the animals capsule fleeing from the explosion
All metroid game after the final boss : haha self destruct go ber
I wouldn't say you "saved" the creatures, just postponed there deaths by 1 minute. they exploded.
+Wesly Thomason
If you watch the ending closely when Samus' ship is escaping you can see another ship also escaping from the planet. That's the animals you saved. That little ship isn't in the ending if you don't save the animals. That's them.
+Sam Diamond my bad then
+Sam Diamond Ethecon & Dachora. They saved Samus life when the BSA got overwhelmed by the X parasite. They microbes found them too "Inferior" to be used as host at left then alone. They fled to Samus ship but had to move when the Omega Moetroid appeared but come back to save her in the nick of time. How did they learnt to operate ships? That's a mystery.
Dude if you beat this game you are a true gamer, i've done it but it was Damn hard you need to be a PRO.
Winning the game isn't that hard. Doing it in 2 hours while getting 100% items, on the other hand....
Anybody Saw That Sprite That Flew Away As Zebes Exploded?
It Is What This Man Had Freed.
Smart Animals, He Saved.
Epic, just epic! One of the best games I ever played in my entire life :D Btw I also saved those poor creatures I will also feel really guilty if I didnt.. but no sense the planet still exploded T.T Wish Samus brought them too to her ship :/
Don't worry, they are save, in metroid fusion they appear, and in this time they save you, you JUST need to play metroid fusion is EPIC
Thank God they're safe! :)
You can simply download snes emulator on the internet then download this Super Metroid rom for snes, I have done that too :)
If you look closely at 15:56 you can see a tiny light beam escape the planet, being the Ostrich creature doing the shinespark jump. I'm assuming the three other creatures tagged along as well.
Wow thats amazing i didnt noticed that! Thanks for sharing! :D
7:57 And thus shit goes down
The music, sound effects, and visuals in this game were incredible back in the day, and it may just be nostalgia talking but I think it all still holds up now. I felt my shoulders tensing up just watching this video, like I was 11 years old again playing it myself. Memories!
Best game ever!!!
At 15:57 did anyone notice the other ship escaping the planet on the right?
It's the creatures he saved
vinny carpentino *she
I'm moving how the metroid remembers Samus when He was a baby and cry lime one, for Him She was like a mother, and then gives his life to save Her!!! I will love this game forever, it's very special for me.
I really want Nintendo to remake this game in a first person perspective (like prime) with HD graphics. How awesome would it be to fight Mother Brain in first person? It would also be kinda creepy too, especially in the beginning when you see the dead scientists and etc.
+Sebastian Strong they did and fucked it up on the DS like they did with all of them
On nx is perfect
MLG kid I don't know, they had to change the level layout in prime to account for the new perspective, so I don't know how well a 2d game with a 1st person perspective would work out.
i want a remake in SR style.
Samus; Missile
its not very efective
its super efective
HYPER BEAM is an actual Pokemon move
I remember playing this game, thank you so much for putting this up here.
I remember those creatures there from metroid fusion
I got this game for $30 on ebay no regrets.
TheJJPlace With the box?
no cart only
Still good,I'm from Argentina and the few Super Metroid carts I saw were owned.So i play on VC.
You are awesome kunzile!
VSnake84 Hey, thanks!
You are welcome, i'm enjoying your videos. Do you stopped uploading?
12:26 juuuuhu ein Deutscher Text in einem Englischen Video!!!!11111elf
Jup hab ich auch vor ner sekunde geschrieben ^^