I checked two bags and they were checked through to the final destination. As for strictness with weight, I can’t say from personal experience . Both my bags were just under the limit.
How much they pay this guy? I got a shit stained sit and was let to sit in it for 30min during boarding until they came to remove and replace it without any apology. Disgusting and health risj
Amazing trip report! You got some cool night views over France, Italy, and Greece. Doha seems so cool! 🏜️ 🌵✈️
Yeah I was wishing for daylight views, but really the night views were great too. 👍🏻
I transited through Boston Logan international airport
Great video.
Does this have Q suites or the herringbone 1-2-1?
Thanks! This plane had the 1-2-1 herringbone.
Try Indian Airlines like Air India, Indigo and Akasa Air when you come to India
I'll have them on my list!
@wing-thing also try spicejet star air and Fly91 specially their Goa lakswadeep service
Were they strict with the check in weight Did they automatically transferred your bags for you.Did you check in a bag?
I checked two bags and they were checked through to the final destination. As for strictness with weight, I can’t say from personal experience . Both my bags were just under the limit.
How much they pay this guy? I got a shit stained sit and was let to sit in it for 30min during boarding until they came to remove and replace it without any apology. Disgusting and health risj