Corvettes are the unsung heroes of the rebellion fleet. Able to deal with swarms of tie fighters and able to flee from larger imperial sized ships for hit and run attacks. Perfect sized ships for the rebels.
@BazingusBoi to be fair, she couldn't flee at that point. She was trying to get the death star plans to where they could be put to use to stop the death star. If she hadn't been trying to desperately get to tattonie and give obi Wan the plans, she probably could have gotten away. She more just chose not to. Hoping she could leverage being a senator to save her life and accomplish her mission.
2:11 When that hammerhead hit the star destroyer and pushed it into the other you could hear people in the audience in the theater shouting “Knights of the Old Republic!”
Me too when i first saw it, brought a tear in my eye to see a Old Republic themed ship dealing with Modern Ships like that. Old Republic technology was not outdated at all it seems. 🥳 It felt like the Endar Spire kicking a Imperial StarDestroyer's butt.
She's like Anakin was during the attack on the Malevolence, except she doesn't have a padawan to tell her "not everyone's as good a pilot as you dipshit"
Rebels space battles were awful. We needed to see the rebels actually take down some ISD, using fighter swarms, with Corvettes and frigates providing fire support.
@@tsiefhtes There was apparently at one time in the past an entire conflict called the Toyota War. Where one combatant was mostly armed with modified Toyota pickups
Snake! Ooh, it's a snake. (Can you believe the original artist uploaded a twentieth anniversary edition recently? Like, it's been twenty years already?)
@@MichaelRainey ,ever since 2020 rolled past,everything I knew turned out to be quite old and a lot more entertaining then most of the mainstream bull crap we get. Thanks to the internet,we'll never forget them.
The advantage that was easily countered in "legends" by Carracks. They would hunt CR90's without remorse or too much a problem. In new "Rebels" version of Star Wars they don't apparently exist so, CR90 can work safety.
@@xSoulhunterDKx Yeah, Legends Imperial Navy had answers for most things. "Rebel Wars" limited it from multitasked navy in to three ships boys-to-hit navy.
@@Galvars Yeah, they lean on those Arquitens-class light cruisers a lot now (and scaled elsewhere to be about 225-236 metres, in Rebels - the 326 metre scale was only a rough estimate, by Wookieepedia)
@@randallbesch2424 Space warfare is traditionally just called Naval Warfare. It probably should be called Astral or Astronaval, but what can we say, humans love the water (a lie, I fear the ocean and what it holds)
Someone needs to have a look at the BLACKSWAN class "sloop" from WW2 - U-boats and E-boats hated them, even before the US got involved! e.g. HMS Starling - 11 U-boats killed!
I don't know, i just hate the fact that these corvettes lack "torpedoes" the CR90 for example just screams to carry a pair of large shipkiller torpedoes that as its charging down on a target 2 large torpedo tubes open and fire out massive 2m or 6' diamitor torps that streak towards the enemy ship exploding against the hull. and while on their own 2 are unlikely to do a ton unless they hit something important.. when you have 4-6 of theses going up against a star destroyer and 12 of these things slam into the side of the star destroyer, causing fires, venting atmosphere, rending several of the large turrets on one side inopperable, a few secondary explosions as the wounded ship rolls trying to give the corvettes a fresh side venting smoke and fire... It would carry such a ww2 feel to it and at the same time such eye candy.
Yeah , it's intentionally dumb on disneys part , like a CR90 corvette or large variant , with a Hanger with a squadron 12 of Starfighters , full Anti star fighter laser turrets build and a possible fuck ton of proton torpedoes , would be enough for any kind of operation
it's Legends now, but look up the Farstar CR90. Holds a mix of X-Wings and REC Defenders in an enlarged hangar bay. Was part of a tabletop rpg so there's actually a ton of lore info on it like blueprints and deck layout and other stuff @sumukhvmrsat6347
@@moblinmajorgeneralthat’s actually because of berthing space needed for sailors at the oldest navy yards and the quirk of the navy requiring teaching of sail use until the 1930s(also why the USS Constellation is preserved)
I think you covered it before, it if the empire had halved the number of ISD’s, and dumped that money and resources into arquitens class then they would of had a much better time fighting the rebels
The empire was full of hubris. The higher the rank marked more hubris. leaders like Thrawn were the exception. Their view was to build big and impressive weapons to defeat their enemy. They never thought of smaller effective units.
If the empire had cancelled the death star and dumped those resources into a fleet of Gozanti 'cruisers', they could have had a squadron in orbit of every Imperial world and enough spares to cover those 'down for maintenance'. Thus providing the everpresent threat of force that the Imperial doctrine called for to back up the overwelming power of the ISDs, and the rebels would have had a much harder time 'acquiring' those corvettes in the first place...
@@Izzboticus It is not so obvious how expensive the Death Star in resources was until Return of the Jedi and the novels in the Legends books. In A New Hope we did not have enough information on how the Empire mentality worked.
I just find it frustrating that what everyone keeps showing as a CR90 Corellian Corvette, is what I originally learned as being the CR80. (With the CR80 no longer having references for it.) The CR90 was very similar in appearance, except that it could be easily identified by its block of 12 engines compared to the CR80's 11. Sure, now what I'm used to calling a CR80 is the CR90, but I keep finding myself screaming inside every time.
Corvettes are my favorite class, perfect for civilian and military use and even though they don’t have the shields or armor to duke it out with a ISD they can carry enough Concussion missiles and proton torpedoes to gut a ISD or Cruiser.
Ion torpedoes would be more useful than proton torpedoes. Don't have to fight it. Just have to get away before their systems come back online. Before they recaptured Mon Calamari for their shipyards to build cruisers, the Frigates and Corvettes wouldn't have had enough firepower to duke it out with ISDs, even with the use of Ion Torpedoes. Their weapons simply were too weak, and the ISD's armor too strong. The ISD's Tie Fighter complement of 72 would be more than enough to dissuade a frontal assault anyway. The Rebellion would have to commit too many Corvettes and A-Wings to the fight to justify an attack. It would also call too much attention to a particular system. Think of it like Mel Gibson's character from "The Patriot." The militia weren't strong, trained, or experienced enough to take on the British in traditional combat, so they took to guerilla tactics to play to their strengths. Why fight a bear face to face when you can avoid the fight altogether?
So what Alan is trying to tell us is that the rebellion basically pulled a Stephen He and destroyed the empire with "Emotional Damage" caused by their use of corvettes.😂
A corvette can mount more than enough firepower to engsge most pirate and smuggling groups so it's ideal for any systems defense force. Sure, you can use frigates and cruisers too, but a local force must be extremely codt effective as it depends on tax income by the local government.
One of the reason the death star was built because planetary defense with defense shield could keep the empire from storming their system. Senate was not dissolved until the death star became operational allowing a degree of autonomy on the part of major star system. Which became the back bone of the rebel fleet.
Palps wouldn't destroy a manufacturing base for fleet expansion. When the Vong came calling, he didn't want to handicap himself and deny himself fighter and capital ship production.
The good ol blockade runner! I like all the designs for the Corelliean Corvettes. The scene in Rogue One with the Hammerhead ramming the Star Destroyer just shows how tough those smaller ships were.
Makes you wonder if the rebels had any Terminus-class destroyers since Sith Imperial warships were built different when compared to Galactic Imperial warships, meaning that the warships of the Old Republic era like the Terminus-class destroyer could take a greater beating than an ISD.
Mass doesn’t matter in hyperspace, you can pilot one of those taxi ships from rebels and ram it into an ISD through hyperspace and get the same results. That’s why it’s a stupid concept
@adamallen7070 that little maneuver right there is what broke me; why invest in turbolasers (or any offensive weapon, for that matter) when you can simply field hyperspace drives onto stripped down frames as an unguided missle that will one-shot any ship. If the nubian J-type can carry a hyper drive, they can't be that big. Can't be too expensive either, if Jawas and scrapyards of tattooine have them. So why use anything else?
It should have just been that the (insanely expensive and complex) hyperspace tracker was partially situated in hyperspace and the ship Holdo was flying crashed into its mass shadow.
Interestingly, the Corvette class (ie. Rodger Young) was the favored warship of the Mobile Infantry in Heinlein's Starship Troopers. Small, nimble, versatile, hard hitting relative to it's size. Operating in packs or task groups they can be quite formidable.
No mention of the Charger C70, such a tragic omission. There are a lot of out-of-universe reasons we don't see them after the Clone Wars, but realistically I would expect quite a few of these would have been "lost" when the Empire scrapped the Republic-era naval assets. I could also see them being retrofitted into large, long-distance haulers once you take out the salon pod and strip down the belly of the ship
At 0:19 Mustang.... I prefer the lesser known Boss 351. You get the same weight, more power....more rare though, to the point that some people don't even know it exists. Only a couple hundred or so were made....
The CR-90 Corellian corvettes were good blockade runners, great gunboats to fight off tie variants, and were perfect for hit and run tactics for the rebellion.
little naval tangent: corvettes roles did change over the course of the centurys, the started out as coastal defence but their role changed several times (like any other ship class rly)
The wonderful 'Big enough to be a problem, fast enough to get away, small enough to hide and finally: Unbigious enough that you need to ask yourself every time you see one if its a rebel or just the local trafic cops..'
Too bad the Empire never developed a ship that could counter the hit and run tactic used by corvettes. Something that could prevent from jumping to hyperspace would work. But the Empire was very low on resources and could only afford Star Destroyers, if only they had something that was the perfect solution.
Well they could have, but, they crippled themselves by not putting hyper-drives into their TIE fighters. That's what screwed them over. The rebels had hyper-drives by default in their star fighters. This means that they could mix and match any combination of frigates, corvettes, fighters etc. to suit the mission.
@@Paladin327 well the issue is that Interdiction Cruisers are poorly armed - so you need a guard ship for them at least - likely a VSD (Victory Star destroyer) I don't know that those ships where well suited to long term missions - arrestor cruisers - same problem as Andor showed... The problem is the empires Doctrine affects the ships they have which in turn effects their response
In legends they actually did have several such ships, a good example of one that had a great track record at countering rebel corvettes being the Carrack-class cruiser. The Empire also has their own specific variant of the CR-90 called the assassin-class Corvette.
Boasts about speed in realspace all seem to be contradicted onscreen. Vader's ISD I was able to chase down Leia's CR90 quite easily. The same was even true of the "fastest ship in the galaxy", the Millennium Falcon, which could only try to evade, not outrun, ISDs in realspace. So, not really clear why having so many engines on a CR90 did much besides present a larger target to enemies.
@@God__Emperor_ - Hence my specific reference to realspace. Just look at TIE fighters. Blazingly fast, yet their ion engines are so small they look like tiny pinpoints of light. It never did make sense to me, even as a kid, why other ships needed such enormous exhaust. Especially the CR90 with all those sticks of dynamite. Although, thanks to Ahsoka, we now got to see a ship that makes the Falcon look like a slug even in hyperspace.
My headcanon for corvettes is, that they rose into real significance in the thousand year of peace (or post ruusan era) were most security forces basically adopted a policing duty. For anti piracy, escorting (not against proper millitary threads ofc), patroling and such they are basically perfect. That's why there were so many around, which in turn allowed the rebels to aquire a sizable amount.
I remember in _TIE Fighter_ , the Rebels added two more engines and improved shields, creating the Advanced Corvette, which was capable of ramming straight through Star Destroyers' bridges. Thrawn, then a Vice Admiral, was supervising the TIE Advanced program, which added shields a hyperdrive to modified TIE/IN Fighters. Vader's TIE Advanced x1 was one step in that program.
Bringing up the mustang makes me remember the one i missed because I didn't call quick enough. 900 and it ran but needed a new quarter panel and floorpans installed and they were in the trunk...😢
Something that just came to mind, why do smaller ships move faster at sub light speeds in starwars? Larger vessels have larger/more numerous engines and the weight of the ships doesn't matter in the vacuum of space, unless you are close enough to a celestial body that you have to actively fight it's gravitational pull, which I understand is supposed to be resisted by forces other than from the engines in starwars. Maneuverability may make som sense still, meaning speed of turning, but why would the larger ships be slower?
Mass matters even in space. Acceleration is force divided by mass. A large mass means it takes a whole lot more force from the engines for the same level of acceleration. Meanwhile a TIE fighter which is two powerful ion engines with a small cockpit strapped between them and a couple wings is going have crazy acceleration.
Corvettes are indeed an ideal asset for what the rebel alliance does. Corellia's corvette design is my go to for a fast multirole, durable and modular vessel.
As in World War 2 when my father served aboard a "corvette" before going to cruisers, the corvette/mine-sweepers were always the unsung heroes - first in, clear the mines, get out and let the big ships do what they do, go back in AFTER, assess, SAR if needed...... "Big men in small ships!" - my Dad was one! His ship escaped Singapore (with a "liberated" and fully-functional Dutch 40mm AA gun fitted to the deck), Java and Sunda Strait - got pay-back and then some at Leyte and Lingayen Gulf Actions!.... Way back when, in another galaxy far, far away - the mere threat of their presence at Yavin made a huge difference to the amount of interceptors launched against the Rebels..... Their raids kept a lot of Imperial assets away from the search for the Rebels and the Battle of Hoth....... They made a hell of a mess of the Imperial flanks at Endor - too small and agile for the Death Star to target yet too much firepower to completely ignore!
in Legends, a few Corvette's were custom refitted to be pocket carrier's by Zsing. Initially only capable of carrying four Tie Fighter's, after some very.... inventive cutting of bulkheaeds and such when Wraith Squadron captured one with a single Gammorean wielding an X-wing's laser cannon as a mini-gun (not joking) they were able to fit an entire squadron of X-wings into the ship, as well as two captured Tie's and later on two more stolen to continue their facade.. Essentially turning it into a pocket carrier.
My favorite CR-90 is Night Caller. Originally captained my an ex-imperial officer on Zinge's navy, it was captured by rebel operatives in the most bonkers way, and captured so fast its crew weren't able to send out a distress signal or even wipe the computers. The Wraiths then impersonated the captain and crew, modifying it to carry both x-wings and TIEs. With the element of surprise, a diversionary mission to occupy Admiral Trigget's flight wing, and an oversized tractor beam and nearby moons dusty surface, Night Caller and the Wraiths took down Triggets Star Destroyer in one of the coolest battles ever in Star Wars IMO.
ISDs lore accurate vs cr90(%variant) is like pitting a mouse against a maus(except the maus has mg's all over it's hull and 8 barrels divided between the left and right top sides)
I use to not like these ships till I did my research and saw how each rebel leader modified and used their ships for their sector. Now I fully respect them 😊
the Corellian Corvette was also popular with the Empire to use, especially for Imperial personages that rated a capital ship, but not a Star Destroyer.
This ship wasn't just used by the rebels. The empire, along with other factions, made use of this Corvette and it would be very difficult to determine whether the Corvette in question was with the rebels or someone else. So it would lead to a lot of misunderstandings when the Empire is to pull these Corvettes in for inspection. These things can be used as passenger ships, Hospital ships, cargo ships, warships, surveillance ships, and more depending on the situation and how they were designed.
Corvettes in the Star Wars universe are really unsung heroes. When it comes to Star Wars Empire at War, and like the mod Fall of the Republic, I can’t build a fleet with out these corvettes to be basically anti-fighter point defense for my massive fleet. Without em, the enemy fighters would rip apart my heavy capital ships. These ships are amazing and I cannot stress the idea of not including them in your fleet composition.
Woulda thought if collectively the Imp Navy actually HATED anything the Rebels had it woulda been their rather impressive fleet an collection of Snub Fighters... since for most of the time if something was REALLY giving them problems it was a bunch of Rebel fighters swarming their asses like a bunch of space bees swarming
somehow I figured the Star Wars frigates to be bigger. Never expected them to be in the similar size as the Normandy SR-1 from Mass Effect or the Railjack from Warframe. But while ships that size in ME are a frigate, they do fill a similar role as the corvette does in Star Wars.
Have you done a video on the VCX-100 light freighter, particularly the Ghost, used by Hera Syndulla? If not, could you? I'd be interested in seeing that.
Can you do a break down of ship armaments? Heavy bolster, turbo lasers, what is the size or power of these things what analog do we hav e in our current known armaments to compare.
My roommate is Asian and his parents came over unannounced, they were nice to me but you could see my roommate slowly being drained of life energy, bro went to bed immediately after they left
The key difference between a transport and warship of the same size class is the scope and scale of core features. Any warship worth its salt for example would have a citadel of some sort, its basically an armored box within a box, and some times another on one inside. If the front of the corelian corvette gets blasted off, theres probably a secondary or even tertiary hull protecting the bridge in case of emergency. Bulkheads, doors capable of stabilizing compartment pressure between sections, would also be more prevalent on such a vessel as depresurization is as bad as flooding in a sea going vessel. Combat vessels often have a much more robust auxiliary and back up systems as equipment failure is merely a certainty in that line of work. At best, your typical freighter would have a backup power supply that could keep the engines and life support online, if only barely. While a warship would not only have a power supply that can provide power to shields and weapons but sometimes have a back up shield generator as well. A freighter can never have all those components packed in and still be able to carry anywhere near as much cargo. The bulkheads, by design, restricts entry points for large cargo sections to move in and out of and the same can be said for a citadel aswell. At best they can have better shield abd auxiliary systems but again those eat up cargo space in a way that it probably make moving freight harder. These design choices always come at a cost and something has to pay.
"Ah the CR-90 Corvette, also known as the Rebel Ass-Hauler." My OC, Explorer Captain Mitth'shra'nuruodo - Shran of the Empire of the Hand. "Rebel ass-hauler?" -- his best friend, Jagged Fel "Because when the Rebels want to haul ass, they use those things. Dad found them annoying as kriff."
Modifying civilian freighters could be improved by developing standardised upgrade packages that had had the bugs worked out. A good concept is fine-tuned, with various smuggler ships, ect, being the inspiration. The new components, however, are chosen to integrate together with the end results in mind so that power systems and so on are reliable and don't have compatibility issues. So it's a mature retrofit pattern, not a jury rigged hodgepodge with new modifications added over time. Even more extensive work could be done with the donor ship being stripped down to have its frame reinforced, if required. That would add time and effort, so therefore, expense. But if the limitation for the operator is lack of off the shelf warships and not time in a hidden shipyard, then it may be worth it to do so. Having a sound aftermarket production line that hotted up a common and easily available freighter model could provide a useful supply of combat freighters and at a reduced cost to making bespoke individual "hero ships." And as an added bonus, they could have a specific upgrade package be made as _Q-ships,_ able to hide their modifications to a casual viewer, along with systems to hide its identity and provide false identities instead (such as on Luthen Rael's Fondor Haulcraft). Thus, it is able to blend in with regular traffic until it's time to fight, perfect for ambushes and raids. And even doing low profile missions. You can't send a proper combat Corvette warship (or an upgunned freighter with _obvious_ heavy turrets) to an Imperial monitored planet without a good excuse as to why you have it in your possession.
Corvettes are the unsung heroes of the rebellion fleet. Able to deal with swarms of tie fighters and able to flee from larger imperial sized ships for hit and run attacks. Perfect sized ships for the rebels.
Able to flee most of the time. Didn't really help Leia
@BazingusBoi to be fair, she couldn't flee at that point. She was trying to get the death star plans to where they could be put to use to stop the death star. If she hadn't been trying to desperately get to tattonie and give obi Wan the plans, she probably could have gotten away. She more just chose not to. Hoping she could leverage being a senator to save her life and accomplish her mission.
@@zogar8526 true
I think it was damaged already , that's why it was docked in the Profundity mc75 cruiser ,
It's just a nice ship. For what it's worth, the price of the ship, I would pay for it.
2:11 When that hammerhead hit the star destroyer and pushed it into the other you could hear people in the audience in the theater shouting “Knights of the Old Republic!”
That scene was so hype
@@sethb3090 when Vader showed up in the hallway everyone was so quiet I thought I was alone for a moment. 😆
Rogue One in the theaters was AMAZING!
Me too when i first saw it, brought a tear in my eye to see a Old Republic themed ship dealing with Modern Ships like that. Old Republic technology was not outdated at all it seems. 🥳
It felt like the Endar Spire kicking a Imperial StarDestroyer's butt.
@@FordLancer lights out and then you see the red saber, A perfect badass entry for Vader.
Hera Syndulla: "We're gonna fly straight through the blockade!"
Imperial Navy: *shoots down every Rebel Alliance ship coming straight at them*
Hera Syndulla: *surprised Pikachu face*
She's like Anakin was during the attack on the Malevolence, except she doesn't have a padawan to tell her "not everyone's as good a pilot as you dipshit"
Yeah... almost like that was a BAD idea an worse tactic...
She was so desperate to get through the blockade, that hera didn't think her plan through.
What did you expect from dumb writers and directors running the shows?
Rebels space battles were awful. We needed to see the rebels actually take down some ISD, using fighter swarms, with Corvettes and frigates providing fire support.
"Cash-strapped but interested in violence" had me laughing out loud.
Like Toyotas
@@tsiefhtes There was apparently at one time in the past an entire conflict called the Toyota War. Where one combatant was mostly armed with modified Toyota pickups
@@filanfyretracker Yup! It was waged by Chad, against the Libyan army which had jets and tanks, Chad won
Fun thing: Star Wars Corvette sizes correspond pretty well to real world frigates and destroyers. Both are around 150m long.
Why do they hate it?
*Badger Badger Badger Badger intensifies.*
Snake! Ooh, it's a snake.
(Can you believe the original artist uploaded a twentieth anniversary edition recently? Like, it's been twenty years already?)
Honey badger don't give a kriff.
@@MichaelRainey ,ever since 2020 rolled past,everything I knew turned out to be quite old and a lot more entertaining then most of the mainstream bull crap we get.
Thanks to the internet,we'll never forget them.
Badger badger
(Roger Roger)
The advantage that was easily countered in "legends" by Carracks. They would hunt CR90's without remorse or too much a problem. In new "Rebels" version of Star Wars they don't apparently exist so, CR90 can work safety.
pretty much the same with the lancer against starfighters
@@xSoulhunterDKx Yeah, Legends Imperial Navy had answers for most things. "Rebel Wars" limited it from multitasked navy in to three ships boys-to-hit navy.
@@Galvars Yeah, they lean on those Arquitens-class light cruisers a lot now
(and scaled elsewhere to be about 225-236 metres, in Rebels - the 326 metre scale was only a rough estimate, by Wookieepedia)
They existed, just not in the numbers necessary. We've seen the Carrack in canon now, a welcome addition.
Those looked ridiculous tho, They had a 50m tall bridge window. They were probably a shuttle model that got oversized.
They're fast, lite, and efficient while packing a decent punch. Just what you need for asymmetrical naval warfare.
Space warfare.
@@randallbesch2424 Space warfare is traditionally just called Naval Warfare. It probably should be called Astral or Astronaval, but what can we say, humans love the water (a lie, I fear the ocean and what it holds)
"...and one step above the broke-ass Sloop-of-War." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Someone needs to have a look at the BLACKSWAN class "sloop" from WW2 - U-boats and E-boats hated them, even before the US got involved! e.g. HMS Starling - 11 U-boats killed!
That 1969 Boss 302 would be my pick. It’s probably my favorite car ever.
if you can't outgun the empire you may as well outrun them.
add some decent turbolasers you get a corvette.
"Soft target like a Burger King"? 😆
They knew they'd need more firepower for something like a waffleshouse.
I don't know, i just hate the fact that these corvettes lack "torpedoes" the CR90 for example just screams to carry a pair of large shipkiller torpedoes that as its charging down on a target 2 large torpedo tubes open and fire out massive 2m or 6' diamitor torps that streak towards the enemy ship exploding against the hull.
and while on their own 2 are unlikely to do a ton unless they hit something important.. when you have 4-6 of theses going up against a star destroyer and 12 of these things slam into the side of the star destroyer, causing fires, venting atmosphere, rending several of the large turrets on one side inopperable, a few secondary explosions as the wounded ship rolls trying to give the corvettes a fresh side venting smoke and fire...
It would carry such a ww2 feel to it and at the same time such eye candy.
The good news is that the Rebels applied that principle at least in part with the DP20 Corellian Gunship.
@@dagdamor1 except its anti fighter missiles, not anti ship
Yeah , it's intentionally dumb on disneys part , like a CR90 corvette or large variant , with a Hanger with a squadron 12 of Starfighters , full Anti star fighter laser turrets build and a possible fuck ton of proton torpedoes , would be enough for any kind of operation
it's Legends now, but look up the Farstar CR90. Holds a mix of X-Wings and REC Defenders in an enlarged hangar bay. Was part of a tabletop rpg so there's actually a ton of lore info on it like blueprints and deck layout and other stuff @sumukhvmrsat6347
they can't afford them
In early 19th century The US Navy had most powerful frigates, they had large cannons instead of the European navy frigates
Would probably explain why the USS Constitution has been preserved for over 200 years.
@@moblinmajorgeneralthat’s actually because of berthing space needed for sailors at the oldest navy yards and the quirk of the navy requiring teaching of sail use until the 1930s(also why the USS Constellation is preserved)
@@moblinmajorgeneral200 years 😮🤣
I think you covered it before, it if the empire had halved the number of ISD’s, and dumped that money and resources into arquitens class then they would of had a much better time fighting the rebels
The empire was full of hubris. The higher the rank marked more hubris. leaders like Thrawn were the exception. Their view was to build big and impressive weapons to defeat their enemy. They never thought of smaller effective units.
If the empire had cancelled the death star and dumped those resources into a fleet of Gozanti 'cruisers', they could have had a squadron in orbit of every Imperial world and enough spares to cover those 'down for maintenance'. Thus providing the everpresent threat of force that the Imperial doctrine called for to back up the overwelming power of the ISDs, and the rebels would have had a much harder time 'acquiring' those corvettes in the first place...
@@angelrivera2339 It's almost like this was a plot point of the first movie. XD
@@Izzboticus It is not so obvious how expensive the Death Star in resources was until Return of the Jedi and the novels in the Legends books. In A New Hope we did not have enough information on how the Empire mentality worked.
A larger cr90 class ,with a hanger of squadron,a anti fighter build weapons ,proton torpedoes for anti capital ship ,extra shiled and engines
The Charger C70 retrofit is honestly my favorite ship of its general era. The design is just great.
"Or burger king" you got me with that one 10:26
To Generation Tech, your idea of first pick cars, the dream ones. That exact stingray is the argueably the most gorgeous car ever made. Period.
I’m re-reading x-wing wraith squadron. Can we get a breakdown of the “Night Caller”? It’s my favourite ship from my favourite book.
"Can I keep it?" -Piggy
100%. Do this.
I just find it frustrating that what everyone keeps showing as a CR90 Corellian Corvette, is what I originally learned as being the CR80. (With the CR80 no longer having references for it.) The CR90 was very similar in appearance, except that it could be easily identified by its block of 12 engines compared to the CR80's 11. Sure, now what I'm used to calling a CR80 is the CR90, but I keep finding myself screaming inside every time.
Corvettes are my favorite class, perfect for civilian and military use and even though they don’t have the shields or armor to duke it out with a ISD they can carry enough Concussion missiles and proton torpedoes to gut a ISD or Cruiser.
Ion torpedoes would be more useful than proton torpedoes. Don't have to fight it. Just have to get away before their systems come back online. Before they recaptured Mon Calamari for their shipyards to build cruisers, the Frigates and Corvettes wouldn't have had enough firepower to duke it out with ISDs, even with the use of Ion Torpedoes. Their weapons simply were too weak, and the ISD's armor too strong. The ISD's Tie Fighter complement of 72 would be more than enough to dissuade a frontal assault anyway. The Rebellion would have to commit too many Corvettes and A-Wings to the fight to justify an attack. It would also call too much attention to a particular system.
Think of it like Mel Gibson's character from "The Patriot." The militia weren't strong, trained, or experienced enough to take on the British in traditional combat, so they took to guerilla tactics to play to their strengths. Why fight a bear face to face when you can avoid the fight altogether?
Great choice of dream cars. For me the Stingray was the peak of Corvette models.
Agreed. '78 being my year of choice, that being my own vintage.
@@ninjaswordtothehead That's a good one!
So what Alan is trying to tell us is that the rebellion basically pulled a Stephen He and destroyed the empire with "Emotional Damage" caused by their use of corvettes.😂
A corvette can mount more than enough firepower to engsge most pirate and smuggling groups so it's ideal for any systems defense force. Sure, you can use frigates and cruisers too, but a local force must be extremely codt effective as it depends on tax income by the local government.
No one bats an eye when a Burger King is attacked. 10:25
There can be only one giant-head, heavy-breathing, with a cape being to worry about. The galaxy had to choose their nightmare.
One of the reason the death star was built because planetary defense with defense shield could keep the empire from storming their system. Senate was not dissolved until the death star became operational allowing a degree of autonomy on the part of major star system. Which became the back bone of the rebel fleet.
I fell in love with the '68 Corvette. Certainly a worthy choice for the short list.
3:03 Filming during a supernova be-like:
Corellia would have been a better death star target. Mon calamari as well.
Alderan was a statement, and wasn't Corellia also important to the Empire?
Yeah, due to its spice mines @@Cryo-15
Tarkin stupid
@@virmirfan ... are you thinking of Kessel?
Palps wouldn't destroy a manufacturing base for fleet expansion. When the Vong came calling, he didn't want to handicap himself and deny himself fighter and capital ship production.
Every Generation tech video is like a dose of sanity/serenity.
Your videos are great...!!! ... I've been enjoying so much watching them... Thanks.
The good ol blockade runner!
I like all the designs for the Corelliean Corvettes. The scene in Rogue One with the Hammerhead ramming the Star Destroyer just shows how tough those smaller ships were.
Corvette class ships fitted with droids using the hyperspace ramming manuever (since thats now a dumbass thing), could "duke it out" with an ISD.
Makes you wonder if the rebels had any Terminus-class destroyers since Sith Imperial warships were built different when compared to Galactic Imperial warships, meaning that the warships of the Old Republic era like the Terminus-class destroyer could take a greater beating than an ISD.
Mass doesn’t matter in hyperspace, you can pilot one of those taxi ships from rebels and ram it into an ISD through hyperspace and get the same results. That’s why it’s a stupid concept
@adamallen7070 that little maneuver right there is what broke me; why invest in turbolasers (or any offensive weapon, for that matter) when you can simply field hyperspace drives onto stripped down frames as an unguided missle that will one-shot any ship. If the nubian J-type can carry a hyper drive, they can't be that big. Can't be too expensive either, if Jawas and scrapyards of tattooine have them. So why use anything else?
It's so bad that Episode 9 had to take a moment to say that was dumb luck and never should have worked
It should have just been that the (insanely expensive and complex) hyperspace tracker was partially situated in hyperspace and the ship Holdo was flying crashed into its mass shadow.
Excellent taste in Corvette, Sir. Exquisite, even.
Interestingly, the Corvette class (ie. Rodger Young) was the favored warship of the Mobile Infantry in Heinlein's Starship Troopers. Small, nimble, versatile, hard hitting relative to it's size.
Operating in packs or task groups they can be quite formidable.
No mention of the Charger C70, such a tragic omission. There are a lot of out-of-universe reasons we don't see them after the Clone Wars, but realistically I would expect quite a few of these would have been "lost" when the Empire scrapped the Republic-era naval assets. I could also see them being retrofitted into large, long-distance haulers once you take out the salon pod and strip down the belly of the ship
I hereby nominate allen for the office of Supreme chancellor
I second that.
"Cash-strapped, but interested in violence."
Wow, you basically called me out by name 😂
At 0:19
I prefer the lesser known Boss 351. You get the same weight, more power....more rare though, to the point that some people don't even know it exists. Only a couple hundred or so were made....
The CR-90 Corellian corvettes were good blockade runners, great gunboats to fight off tie variants, and were perfect for hit and run tactics for the rebellion.
I appreciate the break down of the class of naval vessels. It’s not always clear which is which and what does what.
0:15 wow this is advanced technology even force, Star Wars, beautiful truly 😊
10:30 please tell more about the imperial burger kings
little naval tangent: corvettes roles did change over the course of the centurys, the started out as coastal defence but their role changed several times (like any other ship class rly)
Youve summed up the 69 mustang perfectly. Hello from Australia.
The first spaceship I built from Legos!
One of the best ✅ Good week to Alan & his editor 🍵🥪
What burger king nooo, that kings more important than an Emperor.
The wonderful 'Big enough to be a problem, fast enough to get away, small enough to hide and finally: Unbigious enough that you need to ask yourself every time you see one if its a rebel or just the local trafic cops..'
Love to see a series of videos regarding the fauna and flora of the galaxy.
Specifically, the big-block 1969 Corvette ZL-1, which was a budget doubler, only three were made. It had an aluminum engine.
All Corvettes! Engage your plot armor drive!
Too bad the Empire never developed a ship that could counter the hit and run tactic used by corvettes. Something that could prevent from jumping to hyperspace would work. But the Empire was very low on resources and could only afford Star Destroyers, if only they had something that was the perfect solution.
Like the Interdictor Cruiser?
Well they could have, but, they crippled themselves by not putting hyper-drives into their TIE fighters. That's what screwed them over. The rebels had hyper-drives by default in their star fighters. This means that they could mix and match any combination of frigates, corvettes, fighters etc. to suit the mission.
@@Paladin327 I guess, but if the Empire had something like that they would've used it right? I mean they aren't stupid....right...
@@Paladin327 well the issue is that Interdiction Cruisers are poorly armed - so you need a guard ship for them at least - likely a VSD (Victory Star destroyer) I don't know that those ships where well suited to long term missions - arrestor cruisers - same problem as Andor showed...
The problem is the empires Doctrine affects the ships they have which in turn effects their response
In legends they actually did have several such ships, a good example of one that had a great track record at countering rebel corvettes being the Carrack-class cruiser. The Empire also has their own specific variant of the CR-90 called the assassin-class Corvette.
One episode shows an X Wing deployed from a corvette, which led me to note that their may have been 2 size options for the corvette.
Boasts about speed in realspace all seem to be contradicted onscreen. Vader's ISD I was able to chase down Leia's CR90 quite easily. The same was even true of the "fastest ship in the galaxy", the Millennium Falcon, which could only try to evade, not outrun, ISDs in realspace. So, not really clear why having so many engines on a CR90 did much besides present a larger target to enemies.
but it really looks cool
The millennium falcons speed was in hyper space.
@@God__Emperor_ - Hence my specific reference to realspace. Just look at TIE fighters. Blazingly fast, yet their ion engines are so small they look like tiny pinpoints of light. It never did make sense to me, even as a kid, why other ships needed such enormous exhaust. Especially the CR90 with all those sticks of dynamite.
Although, thanks to Ahsoka, we now got to see a ship that makes the Falcon look like a slug even in hyperspace.
My headcanon for corvettes is, that they rose into real significance in the thousand year of peace (or post ruusan era) were most security forces basically adopted a policing duty. For anti piracy, escorting (not against proper millitary threads ofc), patroling and such they are basically perfect. That's why there were so many around, which in turn allowed the rebels to aquire a sizable amount.
I remember in _TIE Fighter_ , the Rebels added two more engines and improved shields, creating the Advanced Corvette, which was capable of ramming straight through Star Destroyers' bridges. Thrawn, then a Vice Admiral, was supervising the TIE Advanced program, which added shields a hyperdrive to modified TIE/IN Fighters. Vader's TIE Advanced x1 was one step in that program.
Bringing up the mustang makes me remember the one i missed because I didn't call quick enough. 900 and it ran but needed a new quarter panel and floorpans installed and they were in the trunk...😢
CR90's have been my absolute favorite ship since I played with it in the Empire at War game for PC.
Something that just came to mind, why do smaller ships move faster at sub light speeds in starwars? Larger vessels have larger/more numerous engines and the weight of the ships doesn't matter in the vacuum of space, unless you are close enough to a celestial body that you have to actively fight it's gravitational pull, which I understand is supposed to be resisted by forces other than from the engines in starwars. Maneuverability may make som sense still, meaning speed of turning, but why would the larger ships be slower?
Mass matters even in space. Acceleration is force divided by mass. A large mass means it takes a whole lot more force from the engines for the same level of acceleration. Meanwhile a TIE fighter which is two powerful ion engines with a small cockpit strapped between them and a couple wings is going have crazy acceleration.
Corvettes are indeed an ideal asset for what the rebel alliance does. Corellia's corvette design is my go to for a fast multirole, durable and modular vessel.
Those imperial burger kings were pretty well fortified, I’d imagine the rebels used something a little more than hit and run tactics for those
1:40 bro was talking from experience
I wanted a Corvette but wound up with a beat up old truck instead. Life is tough in the outer regions.
As in World War 2 when my father served aboard a "corvette" before going to cruisers, the corvette/mine-sweepers were always the unsung heroes - first in, clear the mines, get out and let the big ships do what they do, go back in AFTER, assess, SAR if needed...... "Big men in small ships!" - my Dad was one! His ship escaped Singapore (with a "liberated" and fully-functional Dutch 40mm AA gun fitted to the deck), Java and Sunda Strait - got pay-back and then some at Leyte and Lingayen Gulf Actions!.... Way back when, in another galaxy far, far away - the mere threat of their presence at Yavin made a huge difference to the amount of interceptors launched against the Rebels..... Their raids kept a lot of Imperial assets away from the search for the Rebels and the Battle of Hoth....... They made a hell of a mess of the Imperial flanks at Endor - too small and agile for the Death Star to target yet too much firepower to completely ignore!
in Legends, a few Corvette's were custom refitted to be pocket carrier's by Zsing. Initially only capable of carrying four Tie Fighter's, after some very.... inventive cutting of bulkheaeds and such when Wraith Squadron captured one with a single Gammorean wielding an X-wing's laser cannon as a mini-gun (not joking) they were able to fit an entire squadron of X-wings into the ship, as well as two captured Tie's and later on two more stolen to continue their facade.. Essentially turning it into a pocket carrier.
CR90 corvettes seem to be the Star Wars equivalent of the B25 Mitchell.
0:33 the corvette-class light frigate?
Ah yes, the Expanse
Except they weren't called "corvette-class," but instead, "Thranta-class" and "Hammerhead-class" respectively.
@@doomsdaySephiroth 😂😂😂
@@appo9357 That's literally the ship classes. I'm not making it up.
@@doomsdaySephiroth you clearly missed the joke. Ask Micah-y3n to explain.
My favorite CR-90 is Night Caller. Originally captained my an ex-imperial officer on Zinge's navy, it was captured by rebel operatives in the most bonkers way, and captured so fast its crew weren't able to send out a distress signal or even wipe the computers.
The Wraiths then impersonated the captain and crew, modifying it to carry both x-wings and TIEs.
With the element of surprise, a diversionary mission to occupy Admiral Trigget's flight wing, and an oversized tractor beam and nearby moons dusty surface, Night Caller and the Wraiths took down Triggets Star Destroyer in one of the coolest battles ever in Star Wars IMO.
Alan, great vid on the little workhorse.
Opportunity missed to include a clip from Corvette Summer with Mark Hamill and Anne Potts which came out the year after Star Wars.
ISDs lore accurate vs cr90(%variant) is like pitting a mouse against a maus(except the maus has mg's all over it's hull and 8 barrels divided between the left and right top sides)
A man of taste I see.
I use to not like these ships till I did my research and saw how each rebel leader modified and used their ships for their sector. Now I fully respect them 😊
the Corellian Corvette was also popular with the Empire to use, especially for Imperial personages that rated a capital ship, but not a Star Destroyer.
That was also one of the reasons i liked the mandalorian they really did the arquitens light cruiser justice
This ship wasn't just used by the rebels. The empire, along with other factions, made use of this Corvette and it would be very difficult to determine whether the Corvette in question was with the rebels or someone else. So it would lead to a lot of misunderstandings when the Empire is to pull these Corvettes in for inspection. These things can be used as passenger ships, Hospital ships, cargo ships, warships, surveillance ships, and more depending on the situation and how they were designed.
How is this channel so good? 👍
Corvettes in the Star Wars universe are really unsung heroes. When it comes to Star Wars Empire at War, and like the mod Fall of the Republic, I can’t build a fleet with out these corvettes to be basically anti-fighter point defense for my massive fleet. Without em, the enemy fighters would rip apart my heavy capital ships. These ships are amazing and I cannot stress the idea of not including them in your fleet composition.
Woulda thought if collectively the Imp Navy actually HATED anything the Rebels had it woulda been their rather impressive fleet an collection of Snub Fighters... since for most of the time if something was REALLY giving them problems it was a bunch of Rebel fighters swarming their asses like a bunch of space bees swarming
somehow I figured the Star Wars frigates to be bigger. Never expected them to be in the similar size as the Normandy SR-1 from Mass Effect or the Railjack from Warframe.
But while ships that size in ME are a frigate, they do fill a similar role as the corvette does in Star Wars.
Great stuff 👍
Have you made a video about how shields work?
‘69 Boss 302 Mustang has been my dream since 1980 😊
By far the most uber armed freighte was the Lucrehulk-class Battleship. I don't even think that an ISD could take one out one-on-one.
You should do videos of the organization and rank structure of all 3 braches of the Imperial military and the ISB.
10:28 we're hating on BK today?
Have you done a video on the VCX-100 light freighter, particularly the Ghost, used by Hera Syndulla? If not, could you? I'd be interested in seeing that.
10:29 "....or Burger King..."
The view from your window is gobsmacking!
Can you do a break down of ship armaments? Heavy bolster, turbo lasers, what is the size or power of these things what analog do we hav e in our current known armaments to compare.
Now that's some real good taste in cars
Please make a video on 200 FO Stormtroopers vs 200 Clone Troopers
Chinese mother, no greater enemy of childhood happiness than that. /s
My roommate is Asian and his parents came over unannounced, they were nice to me but you could see my roommate slowly being drained of life energy, bro went to bed immediately after they left
What about Korean mothers? I heard they are just as bad.
@@LeafBoye You should have hugged him, and wispered in his ear, the worst is past us.
Eh, I don’t know. Jewish mothers are right up there.
None of you have met a Baptist mom.
The key difference between a transport and warship of the same size class is the scope and scale of core features. Any warship worth its salt for example would have a citadel of some sort, its basically an armored box within a box, and some times another on one inside. If the front of the corelian corvette gets blasted off, theres probably a secondary or even tertiary hull protecting the bridge in case of emergency.
Bulkheads, doors capable of stabilizing compartment pressure between sections, would also be more prevalent on such a vessel as depresurization is as bad as flooding in a sea going vessel.
Combat vessels often have a much more robust auxiliary and back up systems as equipment failure is merely a certainty in that line of work. At best, your typical freighter would have a backup power supply that could keep the engines and life support online, if only barely. While a warship would not only have a power supply that can provide power to shields and weapons but sometimes have a back up shield generator as well.
A freighter can never have all those components packed in and still be able to carry anywhere near as much cargo. The bulkheads, by design, restricts entry points for large cargo sections to move in and out of and the same can be said for a citadel aswell. At best they can have better shield abd auxiliary systems but again those eat up cargo space in a way that it probably make moving freight harder. These design choices always come at a cost and something has to pay.
"Ah the CR-90 Corvette, also known as the Rebel Ass-Hauler." My OC, Explorer Captain Mitth'shra'nuruodo - Shran of the Empire of the Hand.
"Rebel ass-hauler?" -- his best friend, Jagged Fel
"Because when the Rebels want to haul ass, they use those things. Dad found them annoying as kriff."
Good follow up video... 🙂
The corvette class in Homeworld is also really good if you use them right.
Nooo that wasn't a stingray, that was a shelby modded one. That was a rare mako.
Modifying civilian freighters could be improved by developing standardised upgrade packages that had had the bugs worked out.
A good concept is fine-tuned, with various smuggler ships, ect, being the inspiration.
The new components, however, are chosen to integrate together with the end results in mind so that power systems and so on are reliable and don't have compatibility issues.
So it's a mature retrofit pattern, not a jury rigged hodgepodge with new modifications added over time.
Even more extensive work could be done with the donor ship being stripped down to have its frame reinforced, if required. That would add time and effort, so therefore, expense. But if the limitation for the operator is lack of off the shelf warships and not time in a hidden shipyard, then it may be worth it to do so.
Having a sound aftermarket production line that hotted up a common and easily available freighter model could provide a useful supply of combat freighters and at a reduced cost to making bespoke individual "hero ships."
And as an added bonus, they could have a specific upgrade package be made as _Q-ships,_ able to hide their modifications to a casual viewer, along with systems to hide its identity and provide false identities instead (such as on Luthen Rael's Fondor Haulcraft).
Thus, it is able to blend in with regular traffic until it's time to fight, perfect for ambushes and raids.
And even doing low profile missions.
You can't send a proper combat Corvette warship (or an upgunned freighter with _obvious_ heavy turrets) to an Imperial monitored planet without a good excuse as to why you have it in your possession.