This is why you have the best fitness channel. You give real information that can help us benefit in the gym. None of these full day of eating, or lifestyle videos.
KarmahDude There's already enough videos out that show what people can eat if they follow flexible dieting. I still can't believe that people will spend 20-30+ minutes of their day to watch a video of someone eating daily meals.
Thanks bruh. Do you think this could be a big reason why I can't really front squat? Bad shoulder rotation? I just feel like in a lot of pain and can barley have mobility to get my arms under the bar even with two fingers
I just stretched my shoulders a bit... threw and extra 90 lbs on my 1rm and squatted that shit like nothin boiyee. what up. you only live one life yo lol.
but seriously I love all this posture and mobility stuff you're putting out there for us. a lot of people don't prioritize it much, but when I started taking this type of thing seriously I didn't have much knowledge, so this is all really helpful.
This was on point man! Grip width is huge in this, so many people just extend to get under the bar and think there back is tight then wonder why they snap in half under load
I've noticed a reduction in butt wink when I applied the shoulder mobility work from Alan Thrall (when he was a guest on this channel). That video is gold.
+nonikita foam roll your erectors and hip flexors. strengthen your abs and hammies and glutes. Do do lunges, leg curls, and RDL, and crunches. give it time brah
+NIGGAS Watch out for your hip flexors when crunching so that they don't thighten up even more. You might want to use other abs strengthening excercise.
Tvoja Mamina good point. I find that the way around this is to do hanging leg raise variations, and to posterially tilt your pelvis before you begin a rep. Squeeze your glutes, and bring your legs up. You should feel it all in your abs
I love all the annotations you use throughout your videos. Not only is it usefull added info, but it makes sure I keep paying attention and don't glance while half-listening, get distracted and shit.
Pro Tip: Work your transverse abdominis with dynamic exercises. You can increase external rotation in your shoulders for days but if you can't keep tension in your trunk through the squat movement you'll default to lumbar extension every time and then butt wink. Working the core is going to make all your lifts stronger! Reset the system and retrain the form. Your numbers may go down at first, but they will go up in the long road because you'll be maximizing your muscle recruitment
Ay +Omarlsuf I love that you talk about mobility! A lot of TH-camrs dont talk about it and its a huuuuuge part of the iron game, and as someone who is also trying to fix their Squat I have learned that mobility is the key! Keep it up man, and who knows maybe one day I will get a chance to collab with you!
It kills me that Guzman gets 300,000 views for dumping his misses (Schoolboy error) and this unbelievable content only has 50k.... Omar is the Champ, So is Abdullah. :) Great vid omar.
This is fantastic. Great content, I hadn't thought to check my shoulder mobility in some time. My elbow pain/shoulder pain in low bar has increased, and after checking because of this video I know why. Thank you.
This makes so much sense to me. Every time I squat it hurts my shoulders and kills my wrist so obviously I have bad rotation along with a really tight back. Thank you for the video and for the pointers to work on
Hey Omar great video as always! I just passed my NASM CPT about a week ago and would never have started it 6 months ago if I never watched your videos so thank you for helping me change my life :)
I believe most issues are from shoulder mobility from squats and ohp for most people, if you're foam rolling ur back at least once a week or post back/leg day and doing pullups daily as a little warm up and getting deep stretches, really open out your back and delts, gives u insane mobility, also that barbell stretch is similar to the leaning into the barbell and working triceps, just lean fully down, get the external rotation and get tricep gains.
You ain't lying when you say that there's a lot of good info in this video. I had to watch it a couple of times and pause it many times so I could take it all in. Now I just have to go to the gym and apply it. Thanks for the video. I'm sure it will help me with my shoulder mobility and buttwink.
Great vid! I have awful stiff shoulder joints. They have given me trouble ever since I had adhesive capsulitis in one shoulder and then when that was starting to get better (after around 10 months!) the other one got homesick and joined in the fun. Consequently doing back barbell squats was an exercise I dreaded because of the massive discomfort and resorted to doing goblet squats but since discovering the joys of rotator cuff exercises (using the light weight) and various rotation exercises, it is the ONLY time I can go into the squat rack and actually enjoy doing the squats without such pain. Oh joy!
Omar, thank you so much for this video man. Came at the perfect time. I'm recovering from a low back tweak from squatting and I think you hit the nail on the head at about 5:00 when you talk about excessive cuing. I'm a weightlifter and squat very upright so I tend to get into trouble when I over-cue myself to initiate the squat by sending my hips back, creating unnatural lumbar extension. 99% sure that, combined with tight hamstrings from the previous days workout, was the reason I got hurt. Keep it up man!
Thanks for putting up this video. You tackler 3 areas I need to fix: wink, opening/strengthening shoulder mobility, and making it part of my daily routine. Thanks to @Elgintensity @ExerciseInFutility for pointing out your channel.
good video omar. I used to lift a lot for power, then when I went to india to become a yoga teacher, I came back and this problem was solved for probably the exact reasons you listed. in fact, my form while lifting has been perfected in almost all ways as a result, and it is mostly just from flexibility of the shoulders hips and ankles.
Seriously this is a great video, tired of the same BS floating around the fitness community. It all started from videos that revolved around HELPING people in the gym, not vlogging your day a chipotle. All I'm trying to say is Omar I really appreciate that you take so much time and put effort into creating unique content. Very informative.
This is really interesting. I actually suspected something like this myself, after noticing that my back stayed perfectly neutral if I had my arms in front of me, but started to round more if they were behind me. I'm definitely going to start working more on shoulder mobility.
Nice video Omar , great job but i have a question .On 11:58 when you squat your knees pass the toes , isn't gonna hurt my knee (meniscus) or this is the correct form ? Ty in advance.
Good work on your video, I show lifters and athletes how shoulder mobility affects hip mobility and vice versa, think if you got hip problems go to the shoulders and vice Versa I tend to cue patients/ clients to pre-stress the shoulder girdle slightly by cueing "take the weight of the bar through the palms" which takes the pressure of the barbell off the shoulder blade/spine prestressing the lats and glutes properly . but like you said there is other issues not mentioned but difficult to explain without being hands on with every single case
Great video! I don't have a problem with butt wink on the low bar squat, but poor shoulder mobility has been holding me back; now I know what to work on.
I'm a med student and trust me, this is on point! You just earned yourself some respect and a subscriber. Another variation to the exercise could be done using a resistance band instead of dumb-bells.
Omar, this is a bit confusing. At 1:00 you say if you lack shoulder external rotation you make up for it having extra thoracic EXTENSION, leading to butt wink. Now look at 3:35. The middle picture shows low bar and the earliest butt wink. BUT the thoracic spine is in FLEXION. Are you sure you don't mean when we lack external rotation we compensate by FLEXING our thoracic spine, leading to earlier butt wink?
+Trevor Meyers If you lack external rotation, generally people compensate with LUMBAR extension, not thoracic. Often, anyone that lacks external rotation in the shoulder also lacks thoracic extension. The butt wink really isn't a big deal, and one point Omar doesn't discuss is poor core activation.. people lose the tension and default into lumbar extension, which in excess, can lead to a butt wink. Also the soft tissue (myofascial release) work and strengthening don't mean shit if you don't re-train the proper patterns.
I'm disagreeing, you don't compensate for lack of external rotation with thoracic flexion. However, if you're stuck in thoracic flexion (as most people are) you will compensate with lumbar extension.. and when you over extend at the lumbar spine you would theoretically butt-wink earlier. Omar is wrong in that you do want thoracic extension to happen, but that's not the compensation that generally occurs as a result of lack of ext. rotation. 90% of the time people that have poor ext. rot also have poor thoracic extension. More thoracic flexion would require more external rotation, which they don't have.
if you throw straps on when you use the bar or use a hook grip you can get those wrists in there too. great video Omar. my shoulder has been bugging me back squatting and benching I'm gonna do some of these exercises everyday so I can build up better ROM in my shoulder and some for my elbow.
its not just external rotation, but tspine mobility. the 2 are linked but not the exact same. i can externally rotate very far but still have poor extension in my tspine .But you are sooo right about a LOT of butt wink coming from the top, and everybody just wants to blame the hams. I superset long hold face pulls with long stretch pullovers! perfect combo! And while u have that broomstick out you should do shoulder dislocations. Also ankle mobility can be a factor..i see u got the wedges on, that really helps. Also also depending on your relative femur length u may need to work on hip mobility so you can spread ur stance to keep a bit more vertical and also reduce wink..thats me, ape limbs! LOVE YOUR VIDS MAN, YOU EXPLAIN THINGS SO WELL AND STILL QUICKLY!
This is very interesting...i have had some real bad irritation in my lower back which has stopped me deadlifting because as DLing makes it a lot worse. Maybe this is part of the problem. I will try high bar
I had a lot of trouble with my intercostals when I started squatting. Even now my left side gets locked up and my shoulder floats forward, and I am only able to release it by intensively massaging intercostal areas underneath my left pec
Butt wink IS about hamstring flexibility, and is made worse by poor thoracic spine mobility and stability. What you are doing by strengthening the shoulders is really working on using the lat muscles and serratus posterior which assist with good squating posture. You can also do squats near a wall, toes facing the wall, with your shoulders at 100% flexion above your head to work on this. As you go down it will force you to keep your chest up. For the hamstring tightness, which is a large factor for the butt wink, I would suggest using good mornings to increase functional RoM for anterior pelvic tilt
Hey Omar, For the past few weeks I've been able to squat (high bar) 3 plates for my 3-rep max and have hit a plateau. I've noticed that power lifters have more ankle dorsiflexion than I do. Today I tried squatting with more dorsiflexion and it felt so much better. With the increased ankle dorsiflexion I was able to feel more fibers of my quads firing up, rather than just my hamstring. However, I wasn't able to squat as much weight as I usually do. I was hungry at the time and I was doing a "dance" rehearsal with friends about an hour before I did this workout. Could it be that I was hungry that decreased the weight that I was able to carry, or the fact that the slight change in my ankle dorsiflexion affected my whole body - like, since it was a "new" movement, my body was just trying to adjust to it?
+AlReezy95 It sounds like you shifted your weight forward and relied on quads, this is why you felt the burn there and why you weren't as strong. Unless you're specifically trying to target the quads, you'll always be stronger when activating your glutes/hips more than your quads, and your knees will thank you for it as well. Search for FMS Ankle dorsiflexion test, if you have ~20 degrees you're fine. It sounds like you may need to find a middle between your new and old positions.
+The NYC Couple Thanks for the advice! My old form (depended more on hips and glutes) definitely felt a lot more comfortable for me; possibly because of my morphology.. I'll try going back to it
Hey Omar, I have a question regarding individuals with a longer femur and shorter torso. Usually, when a person has a longer femur they are unable to keep their back straight up so they compensate by leaning forward. How are those people suppose to prevent butt wink or by leaning forward are they automatically creating butt wink? Thanks!!
+On The Fly Work on transverse abdominis, dynamic situations - work on keeping core tight (compressed) while moving arms and legs, best way to start in on your back to decrease neuromuscular demands. Also, work on different squat positions, you may need to go with a wider stance and rotate feet out. If you're able to reach the optimal squat position (no butt wink) while on your back then it isn't a mobility issue, it's motor control.
@omarisuf Do u have any studies showing any evidence of the correlation between shoulder mobility and the butt wink, or perhaps a biomechanical explanation?
Thank you Omar for the great vid. Always dropping knowledge up on this platform. I have a question, I just tried doing the shoulder mobility test you've shown (90 degree external rotation) and I can painlessly do them and pass, but, I feel and hear some cracking and popping sounds in my shoulder. Should I be concerned that this might be a sign that I am prone to have shoulder impingement? It sounds like popping a joint but is continuous and doesn't feel like it's just due to Nitrogen build-up in the joint. Thank you again and sorry for the long post...
Thank you soo much sir! Sometimes I can barely get the bar into position due to the lack of shoulder mobility, it's very frustrating as the weight is fine. And now this seems to explain the rounding too.
I have the exact same issue. When I put my hands in front of me I squat with good form (without back rounding at the bottom) but when I put my hands behind my back (on my neck or when I put a barbel for high bar squat) my back collapses on itself at the bottom of the squat. I feel that I lack the mobility but I am not sure where. My low back, my shoulder, or my thoracic spine. Can this issue come from the front or should I focus on my posterior mobility ??
How is the first exercise he shows external rotation? He’s using internal rotation to push against gravity and just letting he weight fall to the floor for the external portion.
Just stumbled upon this and I think this is my problem. Been playing around with a lower bar position and noticed increased wrist soreness and some butt wink symptoms in my lower back. Going to try moving the bar up a bit and trying these shoulder mobility things!
Man this has just blessed me soo much!!! my shoulder mobility is shit even after I warm up. It affects my wrists heavily. :( Can't wait to try these mobility exercises! Btw do I have to practice squatting low bar? or can I just stick to high bar?
I tried the lie on back and touch the floor with hand thing, it was easy as pie. Still got a butt wink tho, and it does cause me quite a bit of trouble (pain/injury). I high bar squat, but maybe the issue still lies with me extending my low back on the descent...
hi omar let me ask u something, i'm very tall around 1.90m when i squat heavy the last part of the lift almost turn into a good morning should i put my feet wider or should i keep it like this? my feet are around shoulder width and i never had lower back pain but sometimes my lats hurts... what do u think about it?
I struggle with the high bar squat cuz I lack mobility. Then again I don't have squat shoes which seems like it would help with my lack of ankle mobility but defo need a ton of work on my shoulders.
Awesome video! Very informative and well explained. Love the face pull exercise, been adding it to my workouts since I watched your rehab shoulder vid. What do you think of resistance bands for prep and to open up shoulder rotation?
Omarlsuf... Need training on squats to get them right .. I live in Florida.. Do you have classes or a camp..? If you have a chance please get back to me
Why do I feel tension and stiffness below my shoulder in the direction of the biceps/triceps when I try to work on my rotator cuff. Is it normal ? I feel strong burn in my scapula (which is where the rotator cuff muscles are) and soreness the day after I exercise the rotator cuff, which is where it should be felt I presume. Are those two things (the rotator cuff and the stifness below my shoulder) connected or do I lack mobility in another area too.
DAMN this explains why ive been doing frontsquats with kettlebells and doing bulgarian split squats, loading the weight in the front because of my shoulders rendering me enable to do the squat without feeling like im doing it wrong
On 7:18 you are NOT strenghtening your external rotators but your INTERNAL rotators. On the way to the floor it's an excentric portion of the movement and on the way up the concentric. The standing up version was correct but you rly aren't working with gravity that well. A bit of a lean forward would make this excersise better. I'd say that the option 3 is the best since it's the one most people are capable of and can focus entirely on the movement. Face pulls can be tricky if people don't know how to engage the external rotators and they start shrugging or not doing the full range of motion for the sake of weight / reps. I am definitely not hating on the video but the part on 7:18 definitely should be corrected. Edit: grammar
This is an interesting an idea, and for sure there are going to be plenty of cases where this is exemplified. However, for myself I actually have horrible shoulder external rotation but have no butt-wink in my squat.
Lack of shoulder mobility is annoying. My right shoulder influences my high bar position that my right elbow tends to shoot up. Need to address it between every reps.
Right I know that position in general can be multiple things, I just have wrist pain often with pretty basic things. pushups ect. I was just wondering about wrist health in general.
Bruh, couldn't have asked for a better time for this video. Also, an idea for a future video would be to how to optimize your abilities as a personal trainer. Would love this topic.
You can also reduce butt wink by skipping leg day
This is why you have the best fitness channel. You give real information that can help us benefit in the gym. None of these full day of eating, or lifestyle videos.
+Jared Sheldon this WAS a full day of eating video....didn't you see me log my Chipotle macros into MyFitnessPal?!
+Jared Sheldon those videos are super useful too bro
+KarmahDude For sure, i'm incapable of looking up foods and tracking my macros so I just watch full day of eating videos to copy them.
Jared Sheldon you can get an idea of which foods to eat.
KarmahDude There's already enough videos out that show what people can eat if they follow flexible dieting. I still can't believe that people will spend 20-30+ minutes of their day to watch a video of someone eating daily meals.
File this video under "shit I wish I knew when I first started lifting so I didn't snap my shit up"
+OmarIsuf same
Thanks bruh. Do you think this could be a big reason why I can't really front squat? Bad shoulder rotation? I just feel like in a lot of pain and can barley have mobility to get my arms under the bar even with two fingers
Prolly one of the best damn videos you've made man. Good shit my man!
I just stretched my shoulders a bit... threw and extra 90 lbs on my 1rm and squatted that shit like nothin boiyee. what up. you only live one life yo lol.
but seriously I love all this posture and mobility stuff you're putting out there for us. a lot of people don't prioritize it much, but when I started taking this type of thing seriously I didn't have much knowledge, so this is all really helpful.
This was on point man! Grip width is huge in this, so many people just extend to get under the bar and think there back is tight then wonder why they snap in half under load
I've noticed a reduction in butt wink when I applied the shoulder mobility work from Alan Thrall (when he was a guest on this channel). That video is gold.
I’m sure you have seen it but Alan has great low bar videos as well
So what you're saying is I'm broken everywhere?
+Rodrigo Manzo Yeah....sorry dude! Get some acupuncture :)
another great video from Omar.
Knowledge is endless. His video teaches something new every time.
Can you do a video on lordosis/anterior pelvic tilt Omar? Stretches, exercises, what to do, what not to do, etc? Peace
+nonikita foam roll your erectors and hip flexors. strengthen your abs and hammies and glutes. Do do lunges, leg curls, and RDL, and crunches. give it time brah
+NIGGAS Watch out for your hip flexors when crunching so that they don't thighten up even more. You might want to use other abs strengthening excercise.
Naudi Aguilar from functional patterns will help you with that
Tvoja Mamina good point. I find that the way around this is to do hanging leg raise variations, and to posterially tilt your pelvis before you begin a rep. Squeeze your glutes, and bring your legs up. You should feel it all in your abs
I love all the annotations you use throughout your videos. Not only is it usefull added info, but it makes sure I keep paying attention and don't glance while half-listening, get distracted and shit.
Pro Tip: Work your transverse abdominis with dynamic exercises. You can increase external rotation in your shoulders for days but if you can't keep tension in your trunk through the squat movement you'll default to lumbar extension every time and then butt wink. Working the core is going to make all your lifts stronger! Reset the system and retrain the form. Your numbers may go down at first, but they will go up in the long road because you'll be maximizing your muscle recruitment
do a video on tendonitis
No one else is making these kinds of videos!! And at such high quality content. You're killing it bro!! Thanks for dropping some more knowledge
your channel really had a major positive impact and given me the tools and inspiration to continue to move toward my goals.
this is actually amazing, it's the answer i've been searching for, for years now
Ay +Omarlsuf I love that you talk about mobility! A lot of TH-camrs dont talk about it and its a huuuuuge part of the iron game, and as someone who is also trying to fix their Squat I have learned that mobility is the key! Keep it up man, and who knows maybe one day I will get a chance to collab with you!
Omar, I watched your curl video on Facebook with Couch, and I gotta say this cut is making you look amazing. Didn't think you'd look this good.
So helpful. Fixing this for my clients has made such a difference.
It kills me that Guzman gets 300,000 views for dumping his misses (Schoolboy error) and this unbelievable content only has 50k....
Omar is the Champ, So is Abdullah. :) Great vid omar.
+Simon Kealy The true problem with youtube.
+Simon Kealy this aint dram so people care less, drama is king in society
+Simon Kealy Thank you for pointing that out. Guzman is reality tv and he doesn't know SHIT about training.
+Simon Kealy who the f is abdullah ur muslim god?
+Simon Kealy and th reason he got only 50k is cus hes hair and eyebrow and face looks so dirty and hes skinnyfat who wanna look at that no asthetic
This is fantastic. Great content, I hadn't thought to check my shoulder mobility in some time. My elbow pain/shoulder pain in low bar has increased, and after checking because of this video I know why. Thank you.
This makes so much sense to me. Every time I squat it hurts my shoulders and kills my wrist so obviously I have bad rotation along with a really tight back. Thank you for the video and for the pointers to work on
Hey Omar great video as always! I just passed my NASM CPT about a week ago and would never have started it 6 months ago if I never watched your videos so thank you for helping me change my life :)
These are the best videos you make IMO. Two thumbs up Omar
I believe most issues are from shoulder mobility from squats and ohp for most people, if you're foam rolling ur back at least once a week or post back/leg day and doing pullups daily as a little warm up and getting deep stretches, really open out your back and delts, gives u insane mobility, also that barbell stretch is similar to the leaning into the barbell and working triceps, just lean fully down, get the external rotation and get tricep gains.
You ain't lying when you say that there's a lot of good info in this video. I had to watch it a couple of times and pause it many times so I could take it all in. Now I just have to go to the gym and apply it. Thanks for the video. I'm sure it will help me with my shoulder mobility and buttwink.
This has cured, or is definitely keeping my recurring elbow/ tricep tendonosis at bay! Thanks Omar!
Very informative, Omar !
Sick shirt btw ! Reminds me of an old cartoon I used to watch (And can't remember it's name).
Best Video Made so far!!!! They are all good but this one is my favorite by far!!!
Professional toner becoming more professional each day! Keep making this kind of videos. It helps A LOT. Thanks Omar!
Great vid!
I have awful stiff shoulder joints. They have given me trouble ever since I had adhesive capsulitis in one shoulder and then when that was starting to get better (after around 10 months!) the other one got homesick and joined in the fun. Consequently doing back barbell squats was an exercise I dreaded because of the massive discomfort and resorted to doing goblet squats but since discovering the joys of rotator cuff exercises (using the light weight) and various rotation exercises, it is the ONLY time I can go into the squat rack and actually enjoy doing the squats without such pain. Oh joy!
man, I learn just as much from your lectures in your videos as I do from watching the extras in the background.
Omar, thank you so much for this video man. Came at the perfect time. I'm recovering from a low back tweak from squatting and I think you hit the nail on the head at about 5:00 when you talk about excessive cuing. I'm a weightlifter and squat very upright so I tend to get into trouble when I over-cue myself to initiate the squat by sending my hips back, creating unnatural lumbar extension. 99% sure that, combined with tight hamstrings from the previous days workout, was the reason I got hurt. Keep it up man!
Thanks for putting up this video. You tackler 3 areas I need to fix: wink, opening/strengthening shoulder mobility, and making it part of my daily routine. Thanks to @Elgintensity @ExerciseInFutility for pointing out your channel.
good video omar. I used to lift a lot for power, then when I went to india to become a yoga teacher, I came back and this problem was solved for probably the exact reasons you listed. in fact, my form while lifting has been perfected in almost all ways as a result, and it is mostly just from flexibility of the shoulders hips and ankles.
So far my favorite video. Explains in detail how to do it and what to look for. Awesome
My sacrum dislocated 6 weeks ago. Been squatting again for 2 weeks now. Very light, gradually deepening the squat. Feels good man.
Omarlsuf, this video was fantastic. I am finding EXCRUICIATING pain in my biceps due to poor external rotation. Thank you.
Seriously this is a great video, tired of the same BS floating around the fitness community. It all started from videos that revolved around HELPING people in the gym, not vlogging your day a chipotle. All I'm trying to say is Omar I really appreciate that you take so much time and put effort into creating unique content. Very informative.
yes, I am prime example. Infraspanatus tear pain limits the rotation of my shoulder. It always hurts so bad after squats...highly prevalent buttwink.
Really helpful video. I've been powerlifting for over a decade and I've never heard this before. Thank you.
This is really interesting. I actually suspected something like this myself, after noticing that my back stayed perfectly neutral if I had my arms in front of me, but started to round more if they were behind me. I'm definitely going to start working more on shoulder mobility.
God bless you, Omar. This allowed me to finally squat without my lower back killing me.
Nice video Omar , great job but i have a question .On 11:58 when you squat your knees pass the toes , isn't gonna hurt my knee (meniscus) or this is the correct form ? Ty in advance.
Great info. Seeing the difference when he did the goblet squat helped alot.
Good work on your video, I show lifters and athletes how shoulder mobility affects hip mobility and vice versa, think if you got hip problems go to the shoulders and vice Versa I tend to cue patients/ clients to pre-stress the shoulder girdle slightly by cueing "take the weight of the bar through the palms" which takes the pressure of the barbell off the shoulder blade/spine prestressing the lats and glutes properly . but like you said there is other issues not mentioned but difficult to explain without being hands on with every single case
Magnificent Mobility! Great video! I remember when Eric Cressy and Mike Robertson collaborated on this over a decade ago.
Great video! I don't have a problem with butt wink on the low bar squat, but poor shoulder mobility has been holding me back; now I know what to work on.
Listened to a podcast where Kelly Starrett talks about the common miscue of overextending. Awesome video, couldn't agree more!
I'm a med student and trust me, this is on point!
You just earned yourself some respect and a subscriber.
Another variation to the exercise could be done using a resistance band instead of dumb-bells.
Omar, this is a bit confusing.
At 1:00 you say if you lack shoulder external rotation you make up for it having extra thoracic EXTENSION, leading to butt wink.
Now look at 3:35. The middle picture shows low bar and the earliest butt wink. BUT the thoracic spine is in FLEXION.
Are you sure you don't mean when we lack external rotation we compensate by FLEXING our thoracic spine, leading to earlier butt wink?
+Trevor Meyers If you lack external rotation, generally people compensate with LUMBAR
extension, not thoracic. Often, anyone that lacks external rotation in the shoulder also lacks thoracic extension. The butt wink really isn't a big deal, and one point Omar doesn't discuss is poor core activation.. people lose the tension and default into lumbar extension, which in excess, can lead to a butt wink. Also the soft tissue (myofascial release) work and strengthening don't mean shit if you don't re-train the proper patterns.
The NYC Couple So are you agreeing with me or disagreeing?
I'm disagreeing, you don't compensate for lack of external rotation with thoracic flexion. However, if you're stuck in thoracic flexion (as most people are) you will compensate with lumbar extension.. and when you over extend at the lumbar spine you would theoretically butt-wink earlier. Omar is wrong in that you do want thoracic extension to happen, but that's not the compensation that generally occurs as a result of lack of ext. rotation. 90% of the time people that have poor ext. rot also have poor thoracic extension. More thoracic flexion would require more external rotation, which they don't have.
if you throw straps on when you use the bar or use a hook grip you can get those wrists in there too. great video Omar. my shoulder has been bugging me back squatting and benching I'm gonna do some of these exercises everyday so I can build up better ROM in my shoulder and some for my elbow.
Good mobility for low bar and healthy wrist involve a thumbless grip, at 2:40 replace the image in the middle for one with thumbless grip.
its not just external rotation, but tspine mobility. the 2 are linked but not the exact same. i can externally rotate very far but still have poor extension in my tspine .But you are sooo right about a LOT of butt wink coming from the top, and everybody just wants to blame the hams. I superset long hold face pulls with long stretch pullovers! perfect combo! And while u have that broomstick out you should do shoulder dislocations. Also ankle mobility can be a factor..i see u got the wedges on, that really helps. Also also depending on your relative femur length u may need to work on hip mobility so you can spread ur stance to keep a bit more vertical and also reduce wink..thats me, ape limbs! LOVE YOUR VIDS MAN, YOU EXPLAIN THINGS SO WELL AND STILL QUICKLY!
Really good information! I'm trying to strengthen up my arm to gain velocity in baseball.
Love this new content! keep up with this mobility and stretching series
This is very interesting...i have had some real bad irritation in my lower back which has stopped me deadlifting because as DLing makes it a lot worse. Maybe this is part of the problem. I will try high bar
great vid but you need to look at shoulder retraction and thoracic mobility as well
I had a lot of trouble with my intercostals when I started squatting. Even now my left side gets locked up and my shoulder floats forward, and I am only able to release it by intensively massaging intercostal areas underneath my left pec
Butt wink IS about hamstring flexibility, and is made worse by poor thoracic spine mobility and stability. What you are doing by strengthening the shoulders is really working on using the lat muscles and serratus posterior which assist with good squating posture. You can also do squats near a wall, toes facing the wall, with your shoulders at 100% flexion above your head to work on this. As you go down it will force you to keep your chest up.
For the hamstring tightness, which is a large factor for the butt wink, I would suggest using good mornings to increase functional RoM for anterior pelvic tilt
I've been avoiding squats purely because I can't seem to get the buttwink under control! Been doing lots of mobility for weeks and nope :( Maybe this
Omar, who would you recommend to follow for functional training and mobility e.g. Eric Cressey and...?
alan thrall and omar lol
Hey Omar,
For the past few weeks I've been able to squat (high bar) 3 plates for my 3-rep max and have hit a plateau. I've noticed that power lifters have more ankle dorsiflexion than I do. Today I tried squatting with more dorsiflexion and it felt so much better. With the increased ankle dorsiflexion I was able to feel more fibers of my quads firing up, rather than just my hamstring. However, I wasn't able to squat as much weight as I usually do. I was hungry at the time and I was doing a "dance" rehearsal with friends about an hour before I did this workout.
Could it be that I was hungry that decreased the weight that I was able to carry, or the fact that the slight change in my ankle dorsiflexion affected my whole body - like, since it was a "new" movement, my body was just trying to adjust to it?
+AlReezy95 It sounds like you shifted your weight forward and relied on quads, this is why you felt the burn there and why you weren't as strong. Unless you're specifically trying to target the quads, you'll always be stronger when activating your glutes/hips more than your quads, and your knees will thank you for it as well. Search for FMS Ankle dorsiflexion test, if you have ~20 degrees you're fine. It sounds like you may need to find a middle between your new and old positions.
+The NYC Couple Thanks for the advice! My old form (depended more on hips and glutes) definitely felt a lot more comfortable for me; possibly because of my morphology.. I'll try going back to it
Maybe you're also gay because you did a dance rehearsal with friends before working out
I completely under estimated how intense that barbell shoulder stretch would be. Dayum
Hey Omar, I have a question regarding individuals with a longer femur and shorter torso. Usually, when a person has a longer femur they are unable to keep their back straight up so they compensate by leaning forward. How are those people suppose to prevent butt wink or by leaning forward are they automatically creating butt wink?
+On The Fly Work on transverse abdominis, dynamic situations - work on keeping core tight (compressed) while moving arms and legs, best way to start in on your back to decrease neuromuscular demands. Also, work on different squat positions, you may need to go with a wider stance and rotate feet out. If you're able to reach the optimal squat position (no butt wink) while on your back then it isn't a mobility issue, it's motor control.
@omarisuf Do u have any studies showing any evidence of the correlation between shoulder mobility and the butt wink, or perhaps a biomechanical explanation?
Thank you Omar for the great vid. Always dropping knowledge up on this platform. I have a question, I just tried doing the shoulder mobility test you've shown (90 degree external rotation) and I can painlessly do them and pass, but, I feel and hear some cracking and popping sounds in my shoulder. Should I be concerned that this might be a sign that I am prone to have shoulder impingement? It sounds like popping a joint but is continuous and doesn't feel like it's just due to Nitrogen build-up in the joint. Thank you again and sorry for the long post...
stretching the subscalp is fantastic
Thank you soo much sir!
Sometimes I can barely get the bar into position due to the lack of shoulder mobility, it's very frustrating as the weight is fine. And now this seems to explain the rounding too.
Great vid Omar, looking forward to testing this out
I have the exact same issue. When I put my hands in front of me I squat with good form (without back rounding at the bottom) but when I put my hands behind my back (on my neck or when I put a barbel for high bar squat) my back collapses on itself at the bottom of the squat. I feel that I lack the mobility but I am not sure where. My low back, my shoulder, or my thoracic spine. Can this issue come from the front or should I focus on my posterior mobility ??
How is the first exercise he shows external rotation? He’s using internal rotation to push against gravity and just letting he weight fall to the floor for the external portion.
Did these mobility movements help solve your si problems, because I am suffering
i also tend to keep my hands really close when squatting, creates extra tightness and shows if u have good mobility and helps move more weight.
Just stumbled upon this and I think this is my problem. Been playing around with a lower bar position and noticed increased wrist soreness and some butt wink symptoms in my lower back. Going to try moving the bar up a bit and trying these shoulder mobility things!
Fantastic content. Very informative and presented well. Thank you
Man this has just blessed me soo much!!! my shoulder mobility is shit even after I warm up. It affects my wrists heavily. :( Can't wait to try these mobility exercises! Btw do I have to practice squatting low bar? or can I just stick to high bar?
I tried the lie on back and touch the floor with hand thing, it was easy as pie. Still got a butt wink tho, and it does cause me quite a bit of trouble (pain/injury). I high bar squat, but maybe the issue still lies with me extending my low back on the descent...
comprehensive as FUCK
very very insightful. my rotator cuffs /squats /DL thank you.
hi omar let me ask u something, i'm very tall around 1.90m when i squat heavy the last part of the lift almost turn into a good morning should i put my feet wider or should i keep it like this? my feet are around shoulder width and i never had lower back pain but sometimes my lats hurts... what do u think about it?
Suffering from major 'butt wink" and my lower back/SI is faaacked, thanks Omar! will put this to practice.
I struggle with the high bar squat cuz I lack mobility. Then again I don't have squat shoes which seems like it would help with my lack of ankle mobility but defo need a ton of work on my shoulders.
Awesome video! Very informative and well explained. Love the face pull exercise, been adding it to my workouts since I watched your rehab shoulder vid. What do you think of resistance bands for prep and to open up shoulder rotation?
Omarlsuf... Need training on squats to get them right .. I live in Florida.. Do you have classes or a camp..? If you have a chance please get back to me
Why do I feel tension and stiffness below my shoulder in the direction of the biceps/triceps when I try to work on my rotator cuff. Is it normal ? I feel strong burn in my scapula (which is where the rotator cuff muscles are) and soreness the day after I exercise the rotator cuff, which is where it should be felt I presume. Are those two things (the rotator cuff and the stifness below my shoulder) connected or do I lack mobility in another area too.
DAMN this explains why ive been doing frontsquats with kettlebells and doing bulgarian split squats, loading the weight in the front because of my shoulders rendering me enable to do the squat without feeling like im doing it wrong
Very good insight. I never even thought that shoulder mobility had anything to do with it. Great explanation though!
Bromar bringing on the quality content. Very well done video.
Omar, I basically only front squat now with a cross grip because holding the bar on a back squat irritates my tricep
got anything?
On 7:18 you are NOT strenghtening your external rotators but your INTERNAL rotators. On the way to the floor it's an excentric portion of the movement and on the way up the concentric. The standing up version was correct but you rly aren't working with gravity that well. A bit of a lean forward would make this excersise better. I'd say that the option 3 is the best since it's the one most people are capable of and can focus entirely on the movement. Face pulls can be tricky if people don't know how to engage the external rotators and they start shrugging or not doing the full range of motion for the sake of weight / reps. I am definitely not hating on the video but the part on 7:18 definitely should be corrected.
Edit: grammar
so... During the low bar squat don't rotate the elbows up to create a "shelf"? Good to know.
This is an interesting an idea, and for sure there are going to be plenty of cases where this is exemplified. However, for myself I actually have horrible shoulder external rotation but have no butt-wink in my squat.
Will definitely be linking this video to my clients Omar. Top notch shit bro.
Am I the only one who wants to see more stuff like the for deadlifts and bench? Maybe like a series or something?
Omar back with the some quality content 🙌🏼
Lack of shoulder mobility is annoying. My right shoulder influences my high bar position that my right elbow tends to shoot up. Need to address it between every reps.
Excellent video Omar, thanks for all the knowledge shared.
anything to help wrist pain? ex. wrist pain when attempting proper front rack position.
Right I know that position in general can be multiple things, I just have wrist pain often with pretty basic things. pushups ect. I was just wondering about wrist health in general.
when ur squatting at the end around 12:15, it looks like a buttwink to me but is it not? should i be concerned bout that slight tuck under like that?
Bruh, couldn't have asked for a better time for this video. Also, an idea for a future video would be to how to optimize your abilities as a personal trainer. Would love this topic.